maps in the scale of 1:2000 may be prepared to indicate the NW, NE,
appropriate standard base maps projected upon spheroidal quadrangles of Clarke's SE and SW section of the standard cadastral maps and shall be numbered, respectively
spheroid of 1866. as follows:
Section 350 - The standard base maps of the Philippines shall be classified into cadastral
maps, barangay boundary and index maps, municipal boundary and index maps, NW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 1
municipal, provincial, and regional base maps.
NE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 2
SE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 3
SW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 4
Section 351- The cadastral maps shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangle of
one minute of arc in latitude and one minute of arc in longitude and shall be drawn in the
Philippine Plane Coordinates System (PPCS)-PRS 92 to the standard scale of 1:4000 on Sectional cadastral maps in the scale of 1:1000 may be prepared to indicate NW, NE, SE
drafting material of stable base of uniform size of approximately 54 x 54 centimeters. and SW quadrant sections of the sectional cadastral maps of scale 1:2000 and shall be
Sectional cadastral maps shall be drawn on larger scales on the same material and of the numbered, respectively, as follows:
same size as the standard cadastral maps to show tracts of land which otherwise will
appear too small on the standard scale of 1:4000.
NW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54'E sec. 1-A
The sectional cadastral maps shall be in the scale of 1:2,000; 1:1,000; 1:500; 1:250 and
shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangles of thirty seconds, fifteen seconds, NE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54'E sec. 1-B
seven and one half seconds or three and three-fourths seconds of arc, respectively. SE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54'E sec. 1-C
SW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54'E sec. 1-D
Section 352 - The extreme west and east meridians and the extreme south and north Sectional cadastral maps in the scale 1:500 may be prepared to indicate NW, NE, SE and
parallels of cadastral map in the scale of 1:4000 shall be full minute meridians and SW quadrant sections of the sectional cadastral map of scale 1:1000 and shall be
parallels, respectively. numbered, respectively, as follows:
Section 353 - The latitude and longitude of the point of intersection of the extreme west NW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 1-A-NW
meridian and extreme south parallel of each spheroidal quadrangle shall be used to
NE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 1-A-NE
designate the corresponding map number of the quadrangle. If the latitude and longitude
of the point of intersection of the extreme west meridian and extreme south parallel of SE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 1-A-SE
the map are 14 deg. 49 min. N and 120 deg. 54 min. E, respectively, the map shall be SW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec. 1-A-SW
numbered as follows:
CM 14°49'N - 120°54' E
Sectional cadastral maps in the scale of 1:250 may be prepared to indicate the NW, NE, BARANGAY BOUNDARY AND INDEX MAPS AND MUNICIPAL BOUNDARY AND
SE and SW sections of the sectional cadastral map of scale 1:500 and shall be numbered, INDEX MAPS
respectively, as follows:
Section 356 - Barangay Boundary and Index Maps (BBIM) and Municipal Boundary and
NW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec.1-A-NW-1 Index Maps (MBIM) shall be prepared and drawn in the grid system on drafting material
NE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec.1-A-NW-2 of stable base and of uniform size of 54 x 54 centimeters, using a scale based on the
maximum differences in northings or in eastings, whichever is bigger, tabulated as follows:
SE Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec.1-A-NW-3
SW Quadrant CM 14°49' N - 120°54' E sec.1-A-NW-4
Scale to be Used
0 to 2400 1: 8000
Other sectional cadastral maps on larger scale may be likewise prepared. The general rule
in numbering sectional cadastral map is as follows: 2400 to 3600 1:12000
3600 to 4800 1:16000
The first sectional cadastral map number shall be assigned to the top-left (NW) 4800 to 6000 1:20000
quadrant; the second, to the top-right (NE) quadrant; the third, to the bottom- 6000 to 9000 1:30000
right (SE) quadrant and the last, to the bottom-left (SW) quadrant.
9000 to 12000 1:40000
Section 354- Contiguous cadastral maps (CCM), consisting of four or sixteen sheets, shall 12000 to 18000 1:60000
be drawn on a single sheet of the same material and size as the standard cadastral map 18000 to 24000 1:80000
in the scale of 1:8,000 or 1:16,000, respectively, to show parcels which would be too big
24000 to 30000 1:100000
on the standard scale of 1:4,000. The cadastral map number of the extreme southwestern
cadastral map shall be used to designate the contiguous cadastral map number. If the 30000 to 36000 1:120000
extreme southwestern cadastral map number is CM14°24' N-120°36'E, the contiguous 36000 to 45000 1:150000
cadastral map number is CCM14°24'N - 120°36'E, scale 1:8,000 or CCM14°24'N -
120°36'E, scale 1:16,000. 45000 to 60000 1:200000
Section 355 - The map numbers of adjacent cadastral maps, whether standard, sectional 60000 to 75000 1:250000
or contiguous, shall be indicated on the left side of the quadrangle below the lower 75000 to 90000 1: 300000
marginal line of each cadastral map.
Section 357 – Municipal base maps shall be prepared and kept up-to-date for each city, Section 363 - Provisional cadastral maps, also known as projection maps, shall comprise
municipality or municipal districts. They shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangle areas within spheroidal quadrangles of one minute of arc in latitude and one minute of arc
of 15 minutes of arc in latitude and 10 minutes of arc in longitude. This shall be drawn in in longitude and shall be prepared in a scale of 1:4000 by using the length of minutes and
the Philippine Plane Coordinate System/PRS 92 to a standard scale of 1:60,000 on drafting seconds of arc of parallel and meridian passing through the BLLM No. 1 of the municipality
materials of stable base and of uniform size of approximately 54 x 54 centimeters. or locality which is established as the point of reference for all surveys therein.
Section 364 - The extreme west and east meridians and the extreme south and north
parallels of each standard projection map shall be full minute of arc.
Section 358 - All information derived from approved surveys shall be plotted on the
municipal base map/s of each municipality, Boundaries of Barangays and other Section 365 - The latitude and longitude of the point of intersection of the extreme west
municipalities/municipal district and cities as well as other relevant information that may meridian and the extreme south parallel of each spheroidal quadrangle shall be used to
be available from other sources shall be plotted thereon. designate the corresponding number of the projection map. If the latitude is 13°51'N and
the longitude is 120°51'E corresponding to the said point of intersection, the projection
map shall be numbered as follows:
Section 359 - Provincial Base Map’s shall be prepared and kept up-to-date for each
province. They shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangles of one degree and thirty PM 13°51'N - 120°51'E
minutes of arc in latitude and one degree of arc in longitude. This shall be drawn in the
Philippine Plane Coordinate System/PRS 92 to a standard scale of 1:400,000 on drafting Section 366- All isolated land surveys shall be plotted in pencil on the projection maps
materials of stable base and of uniform size of approximately 54 x 54 centimeters. prior to its approval by the Regional Technical Director of Land. In the case of cadastrally
Section 360 - All information derived from approved survey projects shall be plotted in surveyed municipalities, the cadastral maps shall be used as the projection maps.
the provincial base map/s of each province. Boundaries of municipalities and of the Section 367- When a municipality is surveyed as a cadastral project, its projection maps
province as well as other relevant information that may be available from other sources shall be used as reference in the preparation of the cadastral maps.
shall also be plotted thereon.
Section 368 - For map control purposes, the map assignments per agency and the scales
and sizes at which the maps are to be produced are as listed: (DAO 72 series of 1990)
Section 361- Regional Base Map's shall be prepared and kept up-to-date for each region.
Agency Maps/Plans Maps Size Scale Remarks
They shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangles of six degrees in latitude and four
degrees in longitude. This shall be drawn in the Traverse Mercator projection to a standard a. Lands Cadastral 54x54 cm. 1:4000 Presently being
scale of 1:800, 000 on drafting material of stable base and of uniform size approximately Services Maps adopted
104 x 104 centimeters. 1:2000 Sectoral map
Section 362 - All relevant information derived from approved survey projects shall be being adopted
plotted in the Regional base map/s of each region. Boundaries of provinces and of the 1:1000 -do-
region as well as other relevant information that may be available from other sources shall
1:500 -do-
also be plotted thereon.
1:250 -do-
Barangay 54x54 cm. 1:4000 being adopted 3.Marine -do- -do- -do-
Municipal Reserve Map
and its
Index Maps derivatives 4.Game -do- -do- -do-
Refuge and
Isolated 42x54 cm. 1:100 and For titling Sanctuary
Survey Map
Plan 5. Municipal/ 21x33 cm. 1:500 -do-
derivatives Boundary
b. Mines Geologic Map 75x55 cm. 1:50000 Presently being Tree Park
Service adopted
Mineral Land 54x54 cm. 1:25000 -do-
Survey Map
Phil. Mineral 60x75 cm. 1:25000 -do-
Rights Master
c. Forestry Integrated 54x54 cm. 1:4000 -do-
Service except standard
Forestry size
Forest 54x54 cm. 1:1000 -do-
License Maps and its
d. NAMRIA Land Variable 1:25000 Presently being
(previously on
scale 1:20000)
e. Parks & 1. National Variable 1:50000 Presently adopted
Wildlife Park
2.Marine Park -do- -do- -do-