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General Surveying 1 Syllabus

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John Paul II College

of Davao
“Envision to Become a Recognized Provider of World-Class Professionals”
(Graduate Attributes: Inquisitive, Innovative, Inspiring and Ingenious)

Course Syllabus
Course Code:GE 111 Credit Units: 3 Course Title: GENERAL SURVEYING 1
Course Component: Course Description:
This course deals with the use of principal surveying instruments; surveying measurements and error
Lecture: 2 Units prerequisite(s): None
theory; basic plane surveying operations and computational method of position; horizontal and vertical
Laboratory: 1 Unit distance measurements; traverse and areas; basic cartography.
Upon completion of the course, students must be able to:
1. Explain the principles and usage of typical surveying instruments.
2. Discuss field procedures employed in plane surveying.
3. Identify errors associated with common field operations and adjust field data accordingly
Course Outcome:
4. Demonstrate proper fieldwork procedures and mathematical computations in conducting horizontal and vertical distance measurements.
5. Perform field computations of traverse, area and simple subdivision problems.
6. Develop correct survey plans.
7. Understand basic knowledge in cartography

Learning Outcomes
Topic Student Learning Activities Assessment Resources
At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:
Week-1:Class Orientation Interactive Discussion, Oral
1. Explain the principles and usage of typical surveying instruments Oral Recitation rubric LCD Projector, Laptop
• Lab Instrument Use Rules and Regulations recitation
2. Apply the correct steps in surveying fieldwork • Surveying Fieldwork Field work Demonstration Demo rubric Pictures
Introduction to Surveying Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
3. Explain the different types of surveys • Surveying, Uses of Surveys and Types of Surveys LCD Projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Identify the use of each type of surveys • Definition of Basic Surveying Terms Interactive Discussion Written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
5. Understand the basic terms use in surveying field Interactive Discussion Written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
1. Define a map Week-2: Mapping Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
Book, Laptop
Errors and Statistics; Probable Errors recitation written quiz
2. Name parts of map • Measurement vs. Observation Discussion, Gallery walk Moving quiz Pictures, map
3. Identify types of map • Error and Correction, Sources of Errors and Types of Errors Discussion, Gallery walk Moving quiz Pictures, map
4. Sketch maps based on data gathered from surveying Bond paper, triangular scale,
Map making/ Plotting Map making rubric
protractor, technical pens
5. Discuss the meaning of measurement and observation Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
Book, Laptop
recitation written quiz
6. Identify the sources of errors and its effect on measurement taking Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric, Book, Laptop
process recitation written quiz
1. Differentiate accuracy from precision Week-3:Precision vs. Accuracy Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric, Book, Laptop
• Probable Errors, Weighted Observations and recitation written quiz
2. Compute for the probable error(s) in a given measurement Interrelationship of Errors Board work Written quiz marker, calculator
3. Compute for the weighted mean for a set of observation • Horizontal Distance Measurement Board work Written quiz marker, calculator
4. Identify effects of inter-related errors • Spatial and Horizontal Distances Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
Book, Laptop
recitation written quiz
5. Perform proper spatial and horizontal measurement Field work Demonstration Demo rubric Total station, theodolite, tape
Week-4: Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric, Book, Laptop
1. Explain the importance of horizontal measurements
• Methods and Instruments Used to Determine Horizontal recitation written quiz
Distances Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
2. Identify methods on taking horizontal measurements LCD projector, Laptop
•Taping, Types of Measuring Tapes, Taping Accessories and recitation written quiz
3. Operate instruments used in horizontal measurements Operations in Taping Field work Demonstration Demo rubric transit, theodolite, tape
4. Identify different types of measuring tapes Discussion, Gallery walk Moving quiz Pictures, tapes
5. Perform horizontal measurements using tapes Field work Demonstration Demo rubric 30 meter tape
1. Identify different types of correction in taping Week-5: Tape Correction Oral recitation,
Interactive discussion LCD projector, laptop
• Rules in Tape Corrections written quiz
2. Apply the rules in tape correction • Corrections to Tape Exercise problems written quiz Board, marker
3. Solve problems involving tape correction Exercise problems written quiz Board, marker
4. Apply the concept of tape correction in real situations. Field work Demo rubric 30meter or 50meter tape

Learning Outcomes
Topic Student Learning Activities Assessment Resources
At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:
Week-7: Angle and Direction Measurements; Compass Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
1. Identify components of angles and angles in the vertical plane. LCD projector, Laptop
Traverse recitation written quiz
• Components of an Angle and Angles in the Vertical Plane Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
2. Discuss the types of meridians LCD projector, Laptop
• Meridian and Its Types recitation written quiz
• Units for Measuring Angles Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
3. Identify the different units used in measuring angles • Bearing, Azimuth and Other Angles LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Compare azimuths and bearings • Instruments for Angle and Direction Measurements Group discussion/presentation Rubrics, written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
5. Explain instrument use for angle and direction measurements Interactive Discussion, Oral
Oral Recitation rubric LCD Projector, Laptop
1. Discuss magnetic declination Week-8: Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral Recitation
LCD Projector, Laptop
• Magnetic Declination and Its Variations recitation rubric, written quiz
2. Compute a close-compass traverse and apply corrections • Closed-Compass Traverse Sample Computation and Group
Rubric, Written quiz Yellow paper, ball pen
Adjustment computation/presentation
3. Perform a close-compass traverse • Lab Exercise: Pacing and Closed-Compass Traverse Engineer’s transit, theodolite,
Group demonstration Demo rubric
4. Define triangulation and terms used in triangulation Horizontal Position by Triangulation & Trilateration Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
• Triangulation LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
5. Discuss the importance of triangulation system • Trilateration Group discussion/presentation Rubric, Written quiz Board, marker
6. Explain trilateration and terms used in trilateration Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
7. Compare triangulation and trilateration Group discussion/presentation Rubrics, written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
1. Explain the importance of strength of figure Week-9: Strength of Figure Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
2. Compute for the strength of figure of a triangulation system Horizontal Position Computation by Traverse and Sideshots Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Traverse, Purposes of Traverse, General Classes of works papers
3. Classify the type of traverse Traverse and Types of Traverse Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
• Traverse Computation and Adjustment LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Compute traverse and adjustment • Compass Rule and Transit Rule Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
works papers
5. Compute traverse adjustment using compass rule and transit rule Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
works papers
1. Discuss the importance of sideshoots Week-10: Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Sideshots Computation and Adjustment recitation written quiz
2. Calculate Sideshots and coordinates • Coordinates Computation Exercise problems, Board Written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Total Station Demo works papers
3. Explain the functions of a total station Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
Lab Exercise: Handling and Setting-up the Total Station LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Demonstrate proper setting up of total station • Lab Exercise: Closed-Loop Azimuth Traverse Return demonstration Demo rubric Total station
5. Collect sideshot data using close-loop traverse • Lab Exercise: Sideshots Field work demonstration Demo rubric Total station, range pole,
prism, field notes
1. Discuss different area computation techniques Week-11: Area Computation Techniques Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
2. Compare DMD and DPD method Methods of Area Computations for Regular Boundaries Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Area by DMD method recitation written quiz
3. Calculate area using DMD and DPD method • Area by DPD method Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
works papers
4. Work out area computations using Trapezoidal rule Methods of Area Computations for Irregular Boundaries Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Trapezoidal rule works papers
5. Reckon areas by simpson’s one-third rule • Simpson’s one-third rule Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Irregularly spaced offsets works papers
6. Resolve irregular area using irregular spaced offset method Exercise problems, Board written quiz Board, marker, yellow
works papers

Learning Outcomes
Topic Student Learning Activities Assessment Resources
At the end of the lesson, the student must be able to:
Week-13: Omitted Measurements Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
1. Discuss the case of omitted measurements LCD projector, Laptop
• Common Types of Omitted Measurements recitation written quiz
• Sample Computations Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
2. Classify the types of omitted measurements LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
Exercise problems, Board Board, marker, yellow
3. Analyze the methods involved in omitted measurements Written quiz
works papers
Exercise problems, Board Board, marker, yellow
4. Compute for the missing values on omitted measurements Written quiz
works papers
1. Explain simple subdivision Week-14: Simple Subdivision Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Simple Subdivision Sample Computation and Adjustment recitation written quiz
2. Name different types of simple subdivision • Lab Exercise: Area Computation and Simple Subdivision Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
Computation (Officework) recitation written quiz
3. solve simple subdivision sample computation and adjustment problems Exercise problems, Board Board, marker, yellow
Written quiz
works papers
4. perform simple subdivision survey Total station, range pole,
Field work demonstration Demo rubric prism, field notes, area
computation sheet
5. create simple subdivision plan Specialize paper, pencil,
Computation/Plotting Plotting rubric ruler, triangular scale, lot
data sheets
1. Explain vertical distance measurements Week-15: Introduction to Vertical Distance Measurements Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Definition of Basic Leveling Terms recitation written quiz
2. Identify the basic terms used in leveling • Leveling and Significance of Leveling Operations Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Types of Level and Leveling Rod recitation written quiz
3. Explain the importance of leveling works • Leveling Operations Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Identify types of leveling rod Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
5. Classify leveling operations Group Discussion/Presentation rubric, written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
6. Compute leveling data Exercise problems, Board Written quiz Board, marker, yellow
works papers
7. Demonstrate leveling operation Demo rubric Auto-level, self-reading rod,
Field work demonstration
range pole, tape, stakes
1. Discuss cartography and its origin Week-16: Introduction to Cartography; Plotting Guidelines Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
LCD projector, Laptop
• Cartography and Its Development recitation written quiz
2. Create proper plotting guidelines • Map, Map Elements and Types of Maps
3. Identify types of map and its elements • Importance of Maps in Geographic Information Systems Interactive Discussion, Oral Oral recitation rubric,
(GIS) LCD projector, Laptop
recitation written quiz
4. Discuss the importance of map in Geographic Information System. • Analog vs. Digital Maps Group Discussion/Presentation rubric, written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
5. Compare analog and digital maps Group Discussion/Presentation rubric, written quiz LCD Projector, Laptop
1. Calculate map scale to be used in map planning Week-17: Exercise problems, Board Written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Map Scale and Planning works papers
2. Compute coordinates for plotting • Inside a Lot Plan Exercise problems, Board Written quiz Board, marker, yellow
• Plotting by Coordinate Method works papers
3. Fill-in lot data computation form • Lot Data Computation Form Computation rubric pencil, lot data sheets
4. Create map through plotting • Lab Exercise: Plotting Specialize paper, pencil,
Plotting Plotting rubric ruler, triangular scale, lot
data sheets

Juny Pilapil La Putt. Elementary Surveying 3rd Edition. Baguio Research & Publishing Center P.O. Box 228, Baguio City, Philippines
Venancio Besavilla jr. Geodetic Engineering Computerized Licensure Exams (Geodesy and Cartography). VIB Publisher, #2 Saint John Street, Don Bosco Village, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
Venancio Besavilla jr. Theory and Practice in Surveying (1984). VIB Publisher, #2 Saint John Street, Don Bosco Village, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
Charles D. Ghilani & Paul R. Wolf. Elementary Surveying an Introduction to Geomatics 14 th Edition
Charles B. Breed & George I. Hosmer. The Principles and Practice of Surveying Volume 1: Elementary Surveying 8th Edition

1.Orientation of Students on SJPIICD VMG, Graduate Attributes, Classroom Rules, Student Handbook and Grading System (Based 40)
2. Final Subject Requirement: Cartographic map (sketch plan), Lot data computation sheets, Area sheets, Traverse computation sheet

Prepared by: ENGR. ALBERTO V. CARRIEDO JR Checked and Verified by: ENGR. DY S. MEDEL Approved by: DR. ROBERTO T. DIAMANTE
College Instructor Program Head AVP for Academics

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