and Letter-Writing
(An Indispensable Book for Undergraduate Students)
Dr. B.B. Jain
M.A., Ph.D.
(Retd.) Professor and Head
Department of English Studies and Research,
Agra College, Agra.
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Adding a new book on English Grammar and Usage to the existing flood of books
on the subject sounds rather audacious. But strangely enough, it is this flood of books,
some of which are spurious and others too technical and abstruse to be followed by the
learner, that has prompted the present author to write a new book on Applied
Grammar, Usage and Comprehension which could well serve as a practical handbook
and guide to the learning of English Language both by the primary as well as
advanced learners.
English is indeed a difficult language to learn, and the rules of Formal and Applied
Grammar and Usage which govern it are equally difficult for the learner to understand
and apply correctly. This is more so because there are many exceptions to most of the
rules. The learner would therefore need not only an explication of the rules but also a
large number of illustrative examples and exercises for practice. This point has been
kept in mind all through the course of writing of this book. The book has, therefore,
turned out to be not only a complete Textbook of Grammar, but also a comprehensive
Desk-book for practice.
The book is designed to be all-comprehensive in its range and scope. It has 45
Chapters which, as the contents would show, cover practically all aspects of Applied
Grammar, Usage, Word-Formation, Comprehension, and Composition. It represents a
synthesis of the traditional and structural methods to teach the learner how to read,
write, and speak English correctly, idiomatically and fluently. While dealing with the
grammatical and structural problems under various chapters, special attention has been
paid to the intricate and ticklish problems which even the advanced students have to
face. These problems relate particularly to the correct use of Syntax, Articles,
Prepositions, Auxiliaries, Non-Finite Verbs, Position of Adverbs, Tense and Time
sense, and Phrasal expressions. Due attention has also been paid to the special
requirements of the candidates appearing at various competitive examinations at the
State and Central levels.
It is confidently hoped that the book would serve as a complete and practical
textbook and manual of English Grammar, Usage and Comprehension to the
candidates preparing for the various University and competitive examinations
throughout the country.
—B.B. Jain
Chapters Pages
1. Some Basic Concepts 3–4
Letters, Syllables, Phrases and Sentences ……………………………………………… 3
Kinds of Sentences ……………………………………………………………………… 3
Parts of Speech ………………………………………………………..………………… 4
2. Syntax 5–19
Agreement of the Verb with the Subject ………………………………………………… 5
Some Exceptions ………………………………………………………………………… 7
Collective Noun and the Verb …………………………………………..……………… 10
Some Typical Nouns and the Verb ……………………………………………………… 10
Relative Pronoun and the Verb ………………………………………….……………… 11
Numeral Expressions and the Verb ……………………………………………………… 13
Quantitative Expressions and the Verb …………………………………..……………… 13
Verb 'to be' and the Complement………………………………………………………… 15
Nouns, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives……………………………..……………… 17
3. Articles 20–30
Kinds of Articles ………………………………………………………………………… 20
Forms of Indefinite Article : 'a' or 'an'…………………………………………………… 20
Uses of Indefinite Article………………………………………………………………… 21
Uses of Definite Article …………………………………………………………………. 23
Omission of Articles……………………………………………………………………… 26
Position of Articles ……………………………………………………………………… 28
4. Nouns 31–41
Formation of Genders …………………………………………………………………… 31
Conversion of Numbers ………………………………………………………………… 32
Formation of Possessive Case …………………………………………………………… 33
Correct Use of Nouns : Rules …………………………………………………………… 35
5. Pronouns 42–54
Forms of Pronouns ……………………………………………………………………… 42
Correct Use of Pronouns : Personal Pronouns …………..……………………………… 42
Pronoun 'It'/'This'………………………………………………………………………… 46
Relative Pronouns ……………………………………………………………………… 47
Compound Relative Pronouns…………………………………………………………… 49
Omission of Relative Pronouns ………………………….……………………………… 50
Reflexive Pronouns ……………………………………………………………………… 51
Interrogative Pronouns …………………………………..……………………………… 52
6. Adjectives 55–72
Kinds of Adjectives ……………………………………………………………………… 55
Position of Adjectives …………………………………………………………………… 57
Degrees of Adjectives …………………………………………………………………… 58
Correct Use of Adjectives : Positive Degree Adjectives………………………………… 60
Comparative Degree Adjectives ………………………………………………………… 61
Superlative Degree Adjectives ………………………..………………………………… 65
Some Other Typical Adjectives ……………………….………………………………… 67
7. Adverbs 73–85
Kinds of Adverbs………………………………………………………………………… 73
Degrees of Adverbs ……………………………………………………………………… 73
( vi )
Position of Adverbs……………………………………………………………………… 74
Some Typical Adverbs…………………………………………...……………………… 77
Some Common Rules …………………………………………………………………… 83
8. Prepositions 86–112
Forms of Preposition …………………………………………….……………………… 86
Functional Types of Prepositions ………………………………..……………………… 86
Use of Prepositions : Their Place ………………………………..……………………… 87
Omission of Preposition ………………………………………………………………… 88
Wrong Use of Prepositions ……………………………………………………………… 89
Some Typical Prepositions ……………………………………………………………… 89
Preposition Gerund ……………………………………………………………………… 91
The Same Words followed by Different Prepositions…………………………………… 93
Different Forms of Words followed by Different Prepositions ….……………………… 94
List of Appropriate Prepositions
(a) Nouns followed by Prepositions ………………………….……………………… 96
(b) Adjectives and Participles followed by Prepositions ……..……………………… 101
(c) Verbs followed by Prepositions …………………………..……………………… 105
9. Conjunctions 113–122
Correlative Conjunctions ………………………………………...……………………… 113
Uses of Conjunctions …………………………………………….……………………… 114
Functional Conjunctions ………………………………………………………………… 119
10. Verbs 123–144
Kinds of Verbs…………………………………………………………………………… 123
Auxiliary/Modal Verbs : Their Functions ……………………….……………………… 125
Verbs 'To be' : Am, Is, Are, Was, Were ………………………………………………… 125
Have/Has/Had …………………………………………………………………………… 127
May/Might …………………………………………………………….………………… 132
Can/Could …………………………………………………………….………………… 133
Shall/Should, Will/Would ……………………………………………..………………… 135
Must/Ought…………………………………………………………….………………… 138
Need/Needn't ………………………………………………………….………………… 138
Dare/Daren't……………………………………………………………………………… 139
Used to…………………………………………………………………………………… 140
Two Auxiliaries and Principal Verb ………………………………….………………… 141
Position of Subject, Verb, Object and Complement …………………..………………… 141
Question–Tags/Tail Questions …………………………………….......………………… 143
11. Non-Finite Verbs 145–153
Kinds of Non-Finite Verbs…………………………………………….………………… 145
The Infinitive…………………………………………………………..………………… 145
(a) Infinitive with or without ‘to’ …………………………………………………… 145
(b) Noun—Infinitives …………………………………………….………………… 146
(c) Gerundial Infinitives ………………………………………….………………… 147
(d) Other Uses of Infinitives………………………………………………………… 147
The Gerund ……………………………………………………………………………… 148
(a) Functions of Gerund ………………………………………….………………… 149
(b) Uses of Gerund ……………………………………………….………………… 149
The Participle ………………………………………………………….………………… 150
(a) Kinds of Participles……………………………………………………………… 150
(b) Uses of Participles…………………………………………….………………… 150
(c) Rules of Use of Participles ……………………………………………………… 151
( vii )
(ii) Special attention needs to be paid to verbs Note— It should be remembered that in English I
‘to be’. Am, is, are, was, were are called verbs ‘to and you are used as if they are in Plural
be’. Their forms change according to their Person Number. Therefore, with I and you the
in the Singular Number only, but in the Plural verb is always used in Plural Number.
Number they remain the same with all Persons. However, I takes am in the Present tense
As— and was in the Past tense.
(c) If the subject is in Third Person, Singular
Singular Plural
or Plural Number, the verb will be accordingly in
First Person I am/was We are/were Third Person, Singular or Plural Number. As—
Second Person You are/were You are/were
1. He is poor.
Third Person He is/was They are/were
It is/was 2. They are poor.
(iii) The following are the Singular and 3. He reads a book.
Plural forms of Verbs ‘to be’ and h a s and 4. They read books.
have— 5. He has a new house.
Singular Plural 6. They have a new house.
is are Exercise
am are
(A) Correct the following Sentences :
was were
1. Birds flies.
are are
has have 2. Dogs is barking.
have have 3. The child weep.
(iv) will, shall, would, should always take 4. Darkness prevail.
have after them; they never take has, whether the 5. Flowers is blooming.
subject is Singular or Plural. As—
6. The sun rise in the east.
1. I shall have a new ball.
2 We shall have new balls. 7. The father and son works in the field.
3. He will have a new ball. 8. All the students is present today.
4. They will have new balls. 9. He love his friend.
Thus, according to Rule 1 above— 10. You and I goes to school.
(a) If the subject is in First Person, Singular
11. I reads a novel.
Number or Plural Number, the verb will be
accordingly in the First Person, Singular Number 12. You has a new pen.
or Plural Number. As— Hints— 1. fly; 2. are; 3. weeps; 4. prevails;
1. I am late. 5. are; 6. rises; 7. work; 8. are; 9. loves;
2. We are late 10. go; 11. read; 12. have.
3. I love children (B) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
4. We love children. with the correct verb from those given in
brackets :
(b) If the subject is in Second Person, Singu-
lar Number or Plural Number, the verb will be 1. His teeth ............. dirty. (are, is)
accordingly in the Second Person, Singular Num- 2. Where .............. all these men going ?
ber or Plural Number. As— (are, is)
1. You are a scholar. 3. Whose books .......... these ? (is, are)
(‘you’ Singular Number) 4. All his sheep ........... grazing in the field.
2. You are all afraid. (‘you’ Plural Number) (are, is)
3. You go there. (Singular Number) 5. Do you know who this gentleman ......... ?
4. You go there. (Plural Number) (is, are)
Note— It should be kept in mind that when two 1. Each boy and girl has to go.
Nouns point to only one person or thing, 2. Every man, woman and child was glad.
the article is used only once with the first 3. Each day and each hour is important.
noun. If the article is used before both the
4. Every boat and every sailor was lost in
Nouns separately, they would mean to
the storm.
point to two persons or things, and in that
case Plural Verb would be used. As— Rule 6—If two or more Singular Subjects are
joined by or, nor, either… or, or neither
The Chief Engineer and the Manager of the
… nor, they take a Singular Verb. As—
factory have agreed.
1. Either Ram or Shyam is coming today.
2. Neither he nor I was there.
Correct the following sentences :
3. Neither food nor water was available
1. Hari and Ram is close friends. there.
2. A man and his wife is standing at the
door. 4. No boy or girl was present on the field.
3. Your house and mine has been damaged. Rule 7—If two or more Subjects are joined by or,
4. The father and son was here yesterday. nor, either … or, or neither … nor, and
5. Mohan and his friend was travelling if they are of different Numbers, the
together. Plural Subject is placed near the verb
6. A car and a scooter has collided. and the verb is used in the Plural Num-
7. I and my friend was injured. ber. As—
8. The great orator and scholar have been 1. Neither the teacher nor his students were
honoured. present there.
9. The noted actor and musician are giving a 2. Either Ram or his friends have broken
demonstration. the glass.
10. My guide and guardian are here today. 3. Ram or his brothers a r e expected to
11. The Chairman and Director are going to come.
preside over the meeting.
4. Mohan nor his friends were invited.
12. The Governor and Chancellor of the
University have passed this ordinance. Rule 8—If two or more Subjects are joined by or,
Hints—1. are; 2. are; 3. have; 4. were; 5. were; nor, either … or, or neither … nor, and
6. have; 7. were; 8. has; 9. is; 10. is; 11. is; if they are of different Persons, the verb
12 has. is used according to the subject nearest
to it. As—
Rule 4—If two Subjects taken together mean one 1. You or Ram is responsible for it.
thing only, they take the verb in the
Singular Number. As— 2. Either you or I am correct.
1. Bread and butter makes a good break- 3. Neither he nor you are to blame.
fast. 4. Either she or you have to do it.
(Taken together) Rule 9—If two or more Subjects are joined by
2. The horse and carriage stands at the and, and if they are of different Num-
door. bers and different Persons, the verb is
3. Slow and steady wins the race. always used in the Plural Number.
4. Early to bed and early to rise Also, if the subjects have any First
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Person, the verb will be in First Person
Rule 5—If two or more Subjects have each or Plural, but if there is no First Person,
every before them, they take the verb in but there is a Second Person, the verb is
the Singular Number. Remember that used in the Second Person Plural Num-
each and every are used before Singular ber. As—
Nouns only. As— 1. He and I are going.
Hints—1. has; 2. is; 3. was; 4. was; 5. is; 6. were; Some Typical Nouns and the Verb
7. are; 8. have; 9. were; 10. are; 11. is; 12.
are; 13. has; 14. have; 15. have; 16. are; Rule 11—Some Nouns appear to be Plural in
17. are; 18. are; 19. have; 20. have. form, but actually singular in meaning .
These nouns take the verb in the singu-
Collective Noun and the Verb lar number.
Rule 10—With collective Nouns verbs can be The important Nouns of this type are
used either in the Singular or the Plural News, Wages, Physics, Politics, Mathematics,
Number according to sense. If a Economics, Innings (both Singular and Plural),
Collective Noun represents a whole Gallows.
group or a body (institution), it takes a
Singular Verb. But if the Collective
Noun represents a part or parts or 1. Politics is not an easy game.
division of a body, it takes a Plural 2. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
Verb. 3. The wages of sin is death.
4. The news is correct.
The important Collective Nouns are these :
5. Their first innings was disappointing.
Government, Parliament, Assembly, Coun-
cil, committee, army, crew, staff, jury, fleet, Rule 12—Some Nouns appear to be Singular in
crowd, majority, mob. form, but they are actually Plural in
meaning and sense. These nouns take a
As— Plural Verb. The more important of
1. The committee has agreed on this issue. them are—Dozen, score, million,
hundred, thousand, people, cattle. As—
(The verb is Singular because there is no
division in the committee.) 1. A dozen were injured.
2. The committee are divided on this issue. 2. A million were affected by the drought.
(Here the verb is Plural because the 3. A score were saved.
committee is divided.) 4. The cattle are grazing.
5. The people are satisfied.
3. The crew is well trained.
(Here the verb is Singular because the Rule 13—If a Subject has such words or phrases
“crew” represents one undivided group.) as with, together with, along with, in
addition to, as well as connected with
4. The crew were taken prisoners. it, these connected words or phrases do
(Here the verb is Plural because the not affect the verb in any way (because
members of the crew have to be taken they are parenthetical words or phrases)
prisoners separately.) and the verb is used according to the
In the same way— real Subject. As—
5. The Parliament has elected its Speaker. 1. The commander, with all his soldiers,
6. The military were deployed over the was killed.
troubled area. 2. The chief cashier, together with all his
7. The fleet has touched the shore. men, has been dismissed.
8. The Government have decided to intro- 3. He, as well as his friends, has failed.
duce the Bill. 4. Ram, like Mohan and Sohan, is fond of
9. The Assembly is in session
10. The mob has dispersed.
11. The mob have started throwing stones. Such other words and phrases are—like,
12. The jury has come to a unanimous ver- and not, in addition to, no less than, rather
dict. than, more than, unlike, besides, including,
13. The jury are divided in opinion.
Rule 16—There are certain things which are made 17. That he is your brother now stand confir-
of two major parts. Such things are med.
supposed to be in Plural Number and a
18. Late rising make him late every day.
Plural Verb is used with them. (Such
common things are—Trousers, Scis- Hints—1. are; 2. are; 3. do; 4. have; 5. is; 6. is; 7.
sors, spectacles, shears, tongs, etc.) have; 8. is; 9. is; 10. has; 11. is; 12.
As— shows; 13. is; 14. is; 15 is; 16. is; 17.
1. Your trousers are dirty. stands; 18. makes.
2. Your scissors are blunt. Rule 18—There are certain Adjectives which,
3. The tongs are missing. when joined with the Article the,
4. Where are your spectacles ? become Plural Nouns. They take the
Note—These things can also be referred to as A verb in the Plural Number. (The more
pair of ……. In that case only a Singular common of these adjectives are—Poor,
Verb will be used. As— rich, humble, blind, honest, dumb, etc.)
1. A pair of trousers is ready for you. As—
2. A pair of scissors is on the table. 1. The poor are honest.
Rule 17—If the Subject of a sentence is some (“The poor” means “poor men”
infinitive/ gerund / phrase / clause, only 2. The rich are not used to physical labour.
a Singular Verb will be used. As— (“The rich” means “rich men”.)
1. Walking is a good exercise. 3. The dumb do not speak.
2. To work hard is his lot. 4. The virtuous are respected.
3. How to reach there is the problem.
Rule 19—If in a certain sentence the Subject
4. That he is honest is known to all carries its Apposition with it, the verb
Exercise will be used according to the actual
Subject, not according to its Apposition.
Correct the following sentences :
1. Your trousers is ready.
1. I , the Manager o f t h e M i l l, am not
2. Where is the scissors ?
happy with your work.
3. Your scissors does not cut well.
2. You, my servant, are not loyal to me.
4. My spectacles has been broken.
3. He, your teacher, was here yesterday.
5. Here are a pair of trousers for you.
4. We, your students, are playing a match
6. This pair of scissors are very sharp.
7. His tongs has been lost.
Note—Apposition is the word or phrase used to
8. Telling lies are a bad habit.
explain or identify the Subject. In the
9. Sun-bathing are good in cold countries. above sentence ‘the Manager of the Mill’
10. Cheating your friends have become your is the Apposition of the subject I. Simi-
habit. larly, my servant, your teacher, your
11. To fish in deep waters are his hobby. students are Appositions.
12. To insult the poor show lack of culture. Rule 20—When Adjectives of Quantity (much,
13. What to do in this case are my problem. more, little, less) are used as subjects,
14. How to help this poor woman are our first they take a Singular Verb. As—
consideration. 1. Much has already been done.
15. That he will be suspended are the 2. Little has been done so far.
foregone conclusion. 3. Much more is still needed.
16. That he will win are certain. 4. Much less was expected.
9. The number of visitors has/have consi- There are some expressions in which Plural
derably increased. Nouns are used after Singular Collective Nouns
10. The number of members in the Parlia- joined with of, as a group of boys, a team of
ment does/do not increase every time. players, a band of singers. In these expressions
11. Much of time has/have been wasted. the Subjects are group, team, band, and not boys,
players, singers (they being Objects of the
12. A lot of energy has/have gone waste. Preposition of.) Moreover, they are joined into
13. A great deal of patience was/were shown one unit by a Singular Collective Noun. All these
by him. will take Singular Verb. As—
14. A lot of labour is/are needed to complete 1. A team of players is staying here.
this task.
2. A garland of flowers is ready.
15. A great amount of suffering was/were
involved in it. 3. A batch of students is studying here.
16. Some of the milk has/have been set 4. A bunch of grapes has fallen from the
apart. creeper.
17. Some of the people has/have already Some other singular collective nouns are
gone back. these—
18. Plenty of time has/have been spent. a chain of, a garland of, a class of, a bunch
19. Plenty of men has/have already turned of, a series of, a herd of, a flock of, a band of,
up. a set of, a bouquet of, a galaxy of, a fleet of, a
20. None of my friends has/have arrived. pair of, a gang of, etc.
6. The public ......... requested not to cross Rule 1—First Person Pronoun
the Railway track. (a) First Person Pronoun Singular Number I
7. The popular leader with his followers takes me, my, mine, myself.
......... been arrested. (b) First Person Plural W e, takes our, us,
8. Not one of you ......... capable of doing ours, ourselves. As—
this. 1. I shall do it myself.
9. No news ........... good news. 2. I shall have my chance.
10. One or the other of those boys ......... 3. We shall do it ourselves.
stolen my watch. 4. We shall have our chance.
11. Neither of the guests ......... known to me. Rule 2—Second Person Pronoun
12. Two-thirds of the city ............. in ruins. Second Person Pronoun you remains the same
both in Singular and Plural Numbers. It takes
13. Neither pleasure nor profit ........... my
your, yours, yourself, yourselves. As—
14. Milton was one of the greatest poets that 1. You can do it yourself.
......... ever lived. 2. You should do your work.
15. The cost of all these articles .......... risen. Rule 3—Third Person Pronoun : Masculine/
Feminine, Singular/ Plural Number.
Test Exercise III (i) Third Person, Singular Number, Masculine
Explain why the following sentences are Gender takes he, him, his, himself.
correct or incorrect : (ii) Third Person, Singular Number, Feminine
1. Much of time has been wasted. Gender takes she, her, hers, herself.
2. Every one of them were present. (iii) Nouns of Neuter Gender and most of the
3. Mohan, with all his friends, have missed animals in the Singular Number take It, Its,
the train. Itself.
4. Three parts of the work still remains to be (iv) Third Person Plural Number, both in Mas-
completed. culine and Feminine genders, all neuter
5. Three-fourths of the books has been eaten nouns and all animals in Plural Number take
by white-ants. They, them, their, theirs, themselves. As—
6. Either he or I has to go. 1. He will do his work himself.
2. She will do her work herself.
7. One of the most serious accidents has
occurred. 3. Those boys will do their work them-
8. Many a passenger have missed the train.
4. Those girls will do their work them-
9. The Parliament have been debating on the selves.
Bill since the morning.
5. This book is mine. I lent it to you some
10. She and I was playing in the garden. time back.
11. Mystery within mystery was revealed 6. Those books are mine. I lent them to you
before me. some time back.
12. A chain of accidents have occurred. 7. Every student has completed his work.
Rule 4—Common Gender
Concord of Nouns, Pronouns and Some Nouns are of Common Gender, i.e.,
Possessive Adjectives they can be used both in the Masculine and
We have explained above the rules of agree- Feminine Genders. With such nouns Masculine
ment of Subject and Verb. In addition to these, Pronoun is mostly used. These Nouns of Com-
there are also some rules of agreement between mon Gender are :
Noun, Pronoun and Possessive Adjectives. We Person, student, pupil, candidate, member,
give below these rules. scholar, reader, etc. As—
18 | L.W.C.E.
1. A candidate should know his strong and On the basis of the rules explained above the
weak points. following two Tables can be made for the correct
2. A student should do his home work use of Pronouns—
regularly. Table I : Third Person Pronoun
3. Readers are advised to keep their
belongings outside. Noun Corresponding
But if in a definite context the suggestion is Pronoun
clearly for a girl or a woman, Feminine Pronoun man, boy, everyone, he, him, his, himself
can be used. As— everybody, every
1. A student of the Women’s College person
should be regular in her work. woman, girl, every she, her, hers, herself
2. Every member of our club should pay woman, every girl
her fee in time. a thing, an animal it, its, itself
Rule 5—Baby, child, one one, one’s, oneself
The words Baby and child connote no sense men, women, people, they, them, their,
of Gender. Therefore, for them we generally use animals, things theirs,
It. As— themselves.
1. The small child was crying for its mother. Table II : All Forms of Personal Pronouns
2. The baby fell down from its cradle.
Rule 6—Animals Personal
Neuter Gender (It) is generally used for
animals. As— Nomi- Accus- Posses Posses- Reflexive
native ative -sive sive Pronoun
1. The cow is not in its shed.
Adjec- Pro-
2. The dog has hurt its leg. tive noun
Note—For pet domestic animals He / his or She / I me my mine myself
her are used.
you you your yours yourself
Rule 7—Possessives : His, Her, Its he him his his himself
The Gender of a Possessive Pronoun / Adjec- she her her hers herself'
tive is determined by the gender of the noun that
it it its its itself
comes before it, and not by the one that comes
after it. As— one one one’s one’s oneself
1. A son must obey his mother. (not her we us our ours ourselves
mother) you you your yours yourselves
2. A girl can learn many things from her they them their theirs themselves
father. (not his father)
3. The purse has been returned to its owner. Exercise
(not his owner) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
Note—The difference between a Possessive with correct pronouns or possessive adjectives :
Pronoun and a Possessive Adjective is 1. You must write .......... essays more care-
that— fully.
(a) Possessive Adjective takes a Noun after 2. The dog is very faithful to .......... master.
it— 3. The children have gone on a picnic with
My book, your house, his pen, their ......... parents.
college. 4. Sheela has misplaced ........... books some-
(b) Possessive Pronoun has no Noun after it. where.
This book is mine. This house is yours. 5. Could you please lend.........your dictio-
This pen is his. This college is theirs. nary for a day ?
6. She speaks so softly that we cannot hear 5. The pet dog is playing with.......... master.
............ . 6. The street dog has hidden ............. behind
7. We offered to their difficulty. the wall.
8. They will go there ............ .
7. She received a beautiful present from
9. My sister and ............. friends have come. .......... husband.
10. She cannot go against the wishes of .........
father. 8. One should honour .............. word.
11. The baby is in .......... mother’s arms. 9. Visitors are requested to put............
12. The train is running on .......... track. signatures in the register.
Hints— 1. your; 2. its; 3. their; 4. her; 5. me; 6. 10. This pen is ........... . Where is ......... ?
her; 7. them; 8. themselves. 9. her. 10. 11. They should not have spent that money,
her; 11. its; 12. its. as it was not ........ .
Test Exercise 12. We should be very careful in spending
Insert suitable pronouns or possessive ......... money.
adjectives in the blank spaces in the following 13. Do you remember........and.........address ?
sentences : 14. ........... house is bigger than .......... .
1. The baby was crying because .......... was
15. The principal asked the students to meet
......... in ....... office.
2. Neeru is two years older than ........
brother. 16. A reader has on the table.
3. These children are waiting for ......... Hints—1. it; 2. her; 3. their; 4. their; 5. his; 6.
father to return. itself; 7. her; 8. one’s; 9. their; 10. mine,
4. He and his two sons have gone to visit yours; 11. theirs; 12. our; 13. her, her; 14.
.......... grandfather. her, his; 15. him, his; 16. his.
3 Articles
Kinds of Articles (i) Article A is used before Nouns of which
the spellings begin with a consonant. As—
There are two kinds of Articles—
(i) Indefinite Article—A or An A boy, a table, a house, a book.
(ii) Definite Article—The (ii) Article A is also used before words which
begin with a vowel but are pronounced as with a
Indefinite Article (A/An) shows indefinite- consonant. As—
ness and Definite Article (The) shows definite-
ness. A European, a unique chance, a one-rupee
note, a usual sight, a universal truth.
Articles (A, An, The) are used before Nouns
under some rules. When a Singular Countable Such other words are—University, utensil,
Noun is used for the first time, Article A or An is uniform, union, unity, unit, united, unitarian, use-
used before it. But when a Countable Noun, ful, one.
whether Singular or Plural, is used for a definite Note—You will see that all these words begin
thing, or refers to a thing or person that has with the sound of y or w (which are con-
already been referred to earlier, Article The is sonants) and not with the sound of any
used before it. Thus when a Singular Countable vowel.
Noun is used for the first time, Article a or an is
used before it, but when the same noun is repeated (iii) Article An is used before those words
in the same sentence or in the subsequent sen- which begin with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u). As—
tences, Article The is used before it because then An enemy, an ox, an inkpot, an ass.
it becomes a definite thing already referred to (iv) Article An is also used before those words
earlier. As— which begin with silent / mute h. As—
1. I have a book. The book is very informa- an hour, an honourable man, an honest per-
tive. son.
2. I have a book, though the book is not
very informative. Such other words are—heir, heiress, heir-
3. There was a house. The house was very loom, honest, honesty, honorarium, honorary,
large. honour, honourable, hour, hourly.
4. There was a house and the house was Note—Earlier humble, humility, hotel, hostel,
very large. hospital were also supposed to begin with
Singular Indefinite Noun A or An silent h, and article a n was used before
them. But now these words are pronounced
Singular/Plural Definite Noun The with the consonant sound of h , and
Forms of Indefinite Article therefore article a is used before them.
Indefinite Article has two forms—A and An. (v) Some Abbreviations are there which are
Which one of these two forms will be used before pronounced with a Vowel sound and therefore
a certain Noun depends upon the spellings, sound article an is used before them. As—
or pronunciation of the Noun under reference. The an M. A.; an M. P.; an M. L. A.; an F. I. R;
following are its rules— an S. D. O.; an H. M. T.; an R. T. O. etc.
Note—If the above noted Abbreviations are used 1. A cow has horns. (i.e., All cows have
in their full form, they take article a. As— horns.)
A Member of Parliament (an M. P.) 2. An eagle flies very high. (i.e., All eagles
A Master of Arts (an M. A.) fly very high.)
Exercise 3. A dog is a faithful animal.
4. A rose smells very sweet.
Fill in the blanks with a/an in the following
sentences : Rule 3—Article A or An is used before a Noun
Complement. As—
1. He is .............. University Professor.
1. He is a lawyer.
2. The workers have formed .......... union.
2. He became a great sportsman.
3. Here is ............. egg.
3. She is an expert in this field.
4. He is ............. M. A. in English.
4. You are a good companion.
5. I want to purchase .......... H. M. T. watch.
Rule 4—a/an + Adjective/Adverb + Noun
6. He gave the beggar ............. one-rupee
If an Adjective /Adverb comes before a Noun,
Article A or A n is used before the Adjective /
7. This is ................ usual sight. Adverb, and its form is determined by the nearest
8. This is ........... useful medicine. word. As—
9. We shall stay in .......... hotel. 1. She is a beautiful girl.
10. There is .......... hospital in our colony. 2. He is an honest man.
11. He reached there ......... hour late. 3. He is a very honest man.
12. I have to make .......... humble proposal. 4. This is an old rare book.
13. This is .......... honorary job. Rule 5—a/an + more than one Noun
14. My brother is ......... M. P. (a) When more than one Noun or Adjective
15. He is strong like .......... ox. points to one Person or Thing only,
Article A or An is used before the first
16. ......... boy is waiting for you. word only, and its form is also deter-
17. He wrote ......... article for the paper. mined by the same first word.
18. There is .......... inkpot on the table. (b) But if they point to different Persons or
Hints—(1) a; (2) a; (3) an; (4) an; (5) an; (6) a; (7) Things, Article A or A n is used before
a; (8) a; (9) a; (10) a; (11) an; (12) a; (13) each word, and its form is determined by
an; (14) an; (15) an; (16) A; (17) an; (18) each word separately. As—
an. 1. He gave me a red and blue pencil. (Only
(i) Use of Indefinite Article—‘A’/ ‘An’ one pencil)
The following are the rules of correct use of 2. He gave me a red and a blue pencil.
Indefinite Article A or An :— (Two pencils)
Rule 1—Singular Countable Noun 3. Here is an ugly and foolish man. (One
When a Singular Countable Noun is used
for the first time, Article A or An is used before it. 4. Here is an ugly and a foolish man. (Two
As— persons)
1. I have a book. Exercise
2. He is a boy. Correct the following sentences :
3. There is an eagle. 1. She has beautiful toy.
4. Delhi is a city. 2. I take egg every morning with breakfast.
Rule 2—When a Singular Countable Noun re- 3. I saw large a lion in the zoo.
presents a whole class, Article A, or An 4. Elephant has a long trunk.
is used before it. As— 5. Hungry lion would attack.
22 | L.W.C.E.
9. Harder you work, better success you will 14. What is .......... best solution of the pro-
get. blem ?
10. I have lost a pen I purchased yesterday. 15. ......... sky is quite clear today.
11. Don’t make noise. 16. ......... Punjab is ........ prosperous state.
12. Here is the English and the Hindi version 17. Mahatma Gandhi was hailed as........
of the Gita. father of ......... country.
13. Sweet are the uses of the adversity. 18. Read ........ sixth chapter carefully.
14. He is the proprietor and the manager of 19. I have ......... liking for this kind of dress.
the firm. 20. He is in ......... hurry to go.
15. I am the father and the guardian of this
girl. Exercise : Revision 4
16. The audience attentively listened to the Insert appropriate articles where neces-
scholarly and the interesting speech of sary :
the president. 1. Set your watch again; it is hour late.
17. The honesty is the best policy. 2. Moon will shine all night today.
18. What cold day is this ! 3. He is honourable man.
19. I have never seen a so exciting game. 4. It is very old book.
20. It was a such shocking news. 5. He went to sea to collect pebbles from
Exercise : Revision 3
6. How beautiful scene is this !
Fill in the blanks with suitable articles ‘a’,
7. He started late in afternoon.
‘an’, or ‘the’ in the following sentences :
8. Buy for me best book on Grammar.
1. French is ............ difficult language.
9. Would you go for walk with me.
2. ............ Indian is ......... good host.
10. That was proudest moment of my life.
3. You are .......... honourable person.
11. Rose is my favourite flower.
4. .......... French are more fashionable than
........... Germans. 12. They never fail who fall in noble cause.
5. Bombay is .......... very expensive city. 13. I had pleasure of his company for last
four days.
6. I bought ........ pen, ......... inkpot, and
.......... penstand from this shop. 14. Time is best healer.
7. I first saw ......... Taj ........ year ago. 15. He has caught cold.
8. Your watch is ........... hour late. 16. He has headache since morning.
9. It is ............ honour to be his follower. 17. They made fire to keep off wild animals.
10. Draw ......... map of India. 18. I go for walk every morning.
11. The guide knows ......... way to the caves. 19. He spends ten rupees day.
12. Let us consider ........... whole matter 20. This is H. M. T. watch.
from .......... beginning. 21. He is M. P.
13. ......... Bible is .......... holy book. 22. Proud go down in end.
4 Nouns
The correct use of Noun is not a difficult task. Hunter Huntress Tiger Tigress
We have already explained some of the rules of Instructor Instructress Traitor Traitress
Noun in the Second Chapter on Syntax. The main Negro Negress Waitor Waitress
difficulty in the use of Noun arises in the correct
Abbot Abbess Master Mistress
use of Gender, Number and Possessive case.
Therefore, before taking up the Rules of Noun, it Duke Duchess Murderer Murdress
is essential to understand the rules regarding the Emperor Empress Sorcerer Sorceress
formation of Gender, Number and Possessive Marquis Marchioness
case. The following are their Rules—
(c) By adding -ine, -trix, -a—
Formation of Gender Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
The following are the three Rules of forma- Hero Heroine Czar Czarina
tion of Feminine Gender from the Masculine Administra- Administra- Sultan Sultana
Gender— tor trix
1. By adding-ess,- ine,- trix, -a to the word in Executor Executrix Signor Signora
the Masculine Gender. The addition of-ess is most Testator Testatrix Fox Vixen
popular. As— 2. By adding an entirely new word before or
(a) after the Masculine word. As—
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Author Authoress Mayor Mayoress Bull-calf Cow-calf Grandfather Grandmo
Baron Baroness Patron Patroness -ther
Count Countess Peer Peeress Cock- Hen- Great-uncle Great-
sparrow sparrow aunt
Giant Giantess Poet Poetess
Heir Heiress Priest Priestess He-goat She-goat Landlord Landlady
Host Hostess Prophet Prophetess He-bear She-bear Milkman Milkmaid
Jew Jewess Shepherd Shepherdess Jack-ass Jenny-ass Peacock Peahen
Lion Lioness Steward Stewardess Man-servant Maid- Washerman Washer-
servant woman
Manager Manageress Viscount Viscountess
3. The Feminines of the following Masculines
(b) By removing the last Vowel in the Mas- are quite different from their originals. As—
culine word before adding–ess in the following
words— Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Bachelor Maid/spinster Hart Roe
Masculine Feminine Masculine Feminine
Boy Girl Horse Mare
Actor Actress Preceptor Preceptress Brother Sister Husband Wife
Benefactor Benefactress Prince Princess Buck Doe King Queen
Conductor Conductress Songster Songstress Bull/ox Cow Lord Lady
Enchanter Enchantress Temptor Temptress Bullock Heifer Man Woman
Founder Foundress Seamaster Seamistress Cock Hen Monk/Friar Nun
32 | L.W.C.E.
Colt Filly Nephew Niece 4. But in words ending in -oo, -io, -eo or -yo
Dog Bitch Papa Mamma only -s is added. As—
Drake Duck Sir Madam Singular Plural Singular Plural
Drone Bee Ram Ewe
Bamboo Bamboos Portfolio Portfolios
Earl Countess Stay Hind
Cuckoo Cuckoos Embryo Embryos
Father Mother Son Daughter
Curio Curios Ratio Ratios
Gander Goose Uncle Aunt
Gentleman Lady Wizard Witch Cameo Cameos Stereo Stereos
(1) In most cases by adding -s to the Singular Baby Babies City Cities
Number. As— Army Armies Pony Ponies
Singular Plural Singular Plural Lady Ladies Duty Duties
Boy Boys Question Questions Story Stories Fly Flies
Girl Girls Problem Problems But if there is a Vowel before -y, (as -ay, -ey,
Pen Pens Book Books -oy) only -s is added. As—
Table Tables House Houses
Singular Plural Singular Plural
2. By adding -es to the Singular Number in
words ending in -s, -sh, -ch, or -x. As— Day Days Boy Boys
Play Plays Toy Toys
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Key Keys Monkey Monkeys
Class Classes Match Matches
Kiss Kisses Watch Watches 6. In words ending in -f or -fe in the Singular
Lass Lasses Branch Branches Number, -f or -fe are replaced by -ves. As—
Dish Dishes Tax Taxes
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Brush Brushes Box Boxes
Knife Knives Leaf Leaves
3. In words ending in -o generally -es is
added. As— Life Lives Myself Ourselves
Singular Plural Singular Plural Wife Wives Sheaf Sheaves
Buffalo Buffaloes Mango Mangoes Calf Calves Shelf Shelves
Potato Potatoes Cargo Cargoes Elf Elves Thief Thieves
Negro Negroes Volcano Volcanoes Half Halves Wolf Wolves
Hero Heroes Motto Mottoes Loaf Loaves
Echo Echoes Mosquito Mosquitoes
Zero Zeroes Exceptions—
Exceptions : Singular Plural Singular Plural
Singular Plural Belief Beliefs Proof Proofs
Canto Cantos Chief Chiefs Roof Roofs
Piano Pianos Cliff Cliffs Safe Safes
Dynamo Dynamos
Dwarf Dwarfs Scarf Scarfs
Solo Solos
Grief Griefs Strife Strifes
Memento Mementos
Photo Photos Gulf Gulfs Turf Turfs
Ratio Ratios Hoof Hoofs Wharf Wharfs
Quarto Quartos Brief Briefs Serf Serfs
NOUNS | 33
7. In the following eight Nouns changes are 12. Sometimes Surnames can be used in the
made in the Vowels used withen them. They are— Plural Number, as—
Singular Plural Singular Plural Miss Smith—the Miss Smiths or the Misses
Man Men Mouse Mice Smith.
Woman Women Louse Lice Mr. Ray—the Rays.
Foot Feet Goose Geese 13. We give below the Plurals of some popular
Tooth Teeth Dormouse Dormices foreign words (Greek, Latin, etc.)
8. In the following four Nouns -en or -ne are Singular Plural Singular Plural
added. They are— Agendum Agenda Medium Media
Alumnus Alumni Memorandum Memoranda
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Appendix Appendices Radius Radii
Child Children Cow Kine Axis Axes Analysis Analyses
(but also cows) Datum Data Basis Bases
Ox Oxen Brother Brethren Dictum Dicta Crisis Crises
(but also brothers) Erratum Errata Criterion Criteria
Formula Formulae Oasis Oases
9. Some Nouns remain the same both in the
(also Phenomenon Phenomena
Singular and Plural forms. As— formulas)
Public, police, innings, gross, yoke, brace, Fungus Fungi Thesis Theses
sheep, deer, fish, swine, hair, dozen, score, hun- Genius Genii Cherub Cherubim
dred, thousand, pound, kilogram, series, species, Index Indices Seraph Seraphim
10. The Plurals of Compound Nouns are Note—In English Agenda is used as a Singular
formed by adding -s to the Principal word in the Number only.
compound form. As—
Formation of Possessive
Singular Plural Singular Plural (or Genitive) Case
Commander- Commanders- Maid- Maid-
servant servants
Rules of Formation of Possessive (or Geni-
-in-chief -in-chief tive) Case—
Son-in-law Sons-in-law Passer- Passers- (1) By adding Apostrophe ’s
by by
(a) By adding ’s to the Singular Nouns stand-
Daughter-in- Daughters-in- Looker- Lookers-
law law on on ing for Persons. As—
Brother-in- Brothers-in- Man-of- Men-of- Ram’s book, the teacher’s desk, the doctor’s
law law war war clinic, the lawyer’s office.
Father-in- Fathers-in- Step-son Step- (b) Apostrophe ’s is also used with bigger ani-
law law sons mals and those very familiar. As—
Elephant’s trunk, horse’s colour, lion’s share,
11. For forming the Plurals of Letters /
tiger’s den, bull’s horns, dog’s tail.
Alphabet, Figures, Abbreviations and Symbols,
Apostrophe -’ s is added. As— Note—Apostrophe ’s is not used with small ani-
mals and insects.
a’s, b’s, r’s, 5’s, 3’s,
(c) Apostrophe ’s is also used with personi-
5 M. A.’s, 3 M. L.A.’s, 2 B. A.’s; Dot your i’s fied objects. As—
and cut your t’s.
Nature’s laws, Fortune’s favour, Death’s
Your b’s are not clear. His R’s are peculiar. sting.
Your 5’s look like 3’s (d) Apostrophe ’s is also used with Neuter
Note—The Plural of p (page) is pp and of l (line) Gender Nouns showing time, place, distance,
is ll. weight or value.
34 | L.W.C.E.
One day’s leave, at week’s end, at a stone’s 4. If the Noun is in Plural Number but
throw, by month’s end, at a pound’s cost, a without s at its end, full Apostrophe (’s) is used.
minute’s rest, at a yard’s distance. As—
(e) With some special phrases. As— Men’s club; Children’s books.
at arm’s length, at fingers’tips, for heaven’s 5. If a Noun or a title is made of several
sake, for goodness’ sake words, Apostrophe ’s is used only with the last
(f) Double Apostrophe ’s should not be used. word. As—
As— The Rana of Mewar’s palace,
This is Ram’s father’s house. The Government of India’s orders.
The above sentence has double Apostrophe 6. If two or more Nouns are inseparably
–’s which is wrong. It should be written thus— joined together, Apostrophe ’s is used only with
the last word. As—
This is the house of Ram’s father.
Here one Possessive has been formed by Legouis and Cazamian’s History of English
using -’s and the other by the use of connective of. Literature.
This is the correct way. Rowe and Webb’s Book of Grammar.
7. If two or more Nouns have their own
The father of Ram’s friend has come. (Not
separate possessives, Apostrophe ’s is used each
Ram’s friend’s father...)
time. As—
(g) Some words are there which are left out Marlowe’s and Shakespeare’s Plays,
after Apostrophe ’s, because their sense is implied
Ram’s and Mohan’s houses.
in the sentence itself. As—church, cathedral,
school, shop, house, etc. 8. Possessive case by ‘of’
1. I bought this book from Mac Millan’s. (a) Possessives of inanimate things are made
(shop is understood) by using of, not by Apostrophe ’s. As—
2. I am a student of St. John’s. (School or Leg of the table (not, table’s leg)
College is understood) Lock of the door (not, door’s lock)
3. I have my dinner today at my friend’s. Pages of the book (not, book’s pages)
(house is understood) Nib of the pen (not, pen’s nib)
Exercise (b) For small animals and insects also of is
1. Correct the Possessive Case in the used (not ’s) for their possessives. As—
following sentences : wings of a butterfly, sting of a scorpion,
1. Ram’s friend’s father is a Professor. legs of a stag, etc.
2. Mohan’s father’s contacts are very wide. (c) If a Possessive Noun is qualified by a
3. He got share of lion in the distribution of phrase or a clause, Possessive is made by the use
the property. of of. As—
4. I am on a day leave. These are the toys of the children who are
5. Let us have a few minutes rest. sleeping.
6. I have the points at the tips of my fingers. The milk of the cow which is black.
2. If there are several hissing sounds (sound 9. Double Genitives—Sometimes Double
of s or sh) at the end of a word, only the mark of Genitives are also used. In such cases Apostrophe
Apostrophe (’) is used without s after it. As— ’s is used with the noun coming after o f, or
For conscience’ sake; for justice’ sake; Moses’ Possessive Pronoun (mine, yours, theirs, hers) is
laws. used without any further possessive mark or word.
Note— Keats’s poetry or Keats’ poetry, or As—
Collins’s poetry or Collins’ poetry are 1. This is a book of mine.
both correct. 2. Ram is a friend of Mohan’s.
3. If a Plural Noun has s at the end, only the
3. Tempest is a play of Shakespeare’s.
mark of Apostrophe’ is used without s after it.
As— Note—With such structures it is important to note
Girls’ hostel; boys’ school, horses’tails. that they give the suggestion of one of the
NOUNS | 35
many. Thus, the sentence : This is a book postage, knowledge, breakage, jewellery,
of mine means this is one of my many information, furniture, money, wastage. As—
books. Therefore, this structure should not 1. Kashmir is famous for its colourful
be used where the reference is to one scenery. (not sceneries)
thing or one person only. As such, the 2. It is an anthology of poetry. (not poet-
following sentence is wrong— ries)
He is a father of mine. 3. He has imported all his machinery from
She is a mother of mine. Germany. (not machineries)
These sentences would mean that ‘he is one 4. I have no information from him. (not
of my many fathers’ or ‘she is one of my many informations)
mothers.’ This would be just absurd. These Note—If it is necessary to indicate the Singular
sentences should be written thus— or the Plural number of these nouns, the
He is my father. method is this : (a) for Singular Number,
we say a piece of, an item of, an article
She is my mother.
of, and (b) for Plural Number we use
Rules of Nouns pieces of, items of, articles of, kinds of,
The following are the Rules of Nouns— etc. These phrases are placed before these
Rule 1—Nouns always Plural Nouns, but the Noun is retained in the
Singular number. As—
The under noted Nouns are always used in the
(a) (i) I have a piece of information for
Plural Number. They always take Plural
verbs. They cannot be used as Singular Nouns
by removing s. They are— (ii) This item of your furniture is really
Alms, thanks, riches, caves, species, scis- (iii) I don’t like this article of jewellery.
sors, trousers, pants, clippers, tongs, bellows, (b) (i) All kinds of furniture are available
gallows, fangs, measels, eyeglasses, goggles, here.
amends, annals, archives, ashes, arrears, (ii) I want only a few articles of statio-
athletics, auspices, belongings, breeches, nery.
bowels, braces, binoculars, billiards, customs, (iii) All pieces of information given by
congratulations, dregs, earnings, entrails, him are wrong.
embers, fetters, fireworks, lodgings, lees,
mumps, odds, outskirts, particulars, proceeds, Rule 3—Nouns Plural in Form but Singular in
proceedings, regards, remains, savings, sham- Use
bles, shears, spectacles, surroundings, tidings, There are some Nouns which are Plural in
troops, tactics, vegetables, valuables, wages, form but Singular in usage. They always take
works, innings. a Singular verb. They are—News, Innings,
Physics, Politics, Mathematics, Mechanics,
These Nouns are always used as Plural Nouns Ethics, Economics, etc. As—
with Plural verbs. As— 1. Mathematics is a difficult subject.
1. He gave him alms. 2. Ethics makes the basis of good life.
(‘He gave him an alm’ is wrong) 3. Politics has lost its moral character.
2. His trousers are dirty. 4. Economics is an optional subject.
(‘His trouser is dirty’ is wrong) 5. The news is good.
3. He lives on the outskirts of the town. Exercise
4. What are your monthly earnings ? Correct the following sentences :
Rule 2—Nouns always Singular 1. We should not be miserly in giving alm
Some Nouns are always used in the Singular to the beggars.
Number. They are—Poetry, scenery, machi- 2. I send herewith my hearty thank for your
nery, stationery, crockery, luggage, baggage, timely help.
36 | L.W.C.E.
3. I have sent my trouser to the laundry. 1. The cattle are grazing in the field.
4. He has built a house on the outskirt of the 2. The peasantry are very happy.
city. 3. Our cavalry are very strong.
5. The cottage was thrown into shamble by Note—(1) Since these Nouns are used only in
the earthquake. Plural Number (though singular in form),
6. He immersed the remain of his father into they should not be made Plural by adding
the Ganges. -s or -es. For example, the following sen-
7. He has lost all his valuable. tences are wrong—
8. Please accept my congratulation for your The gentries have come.
success. Our poultries are healthy.
9. He sucked the liquor to the last dreg. (2) The following Nouns remain the same in
10. The prisoner was kept in fetter. both Singular and Plural numbers and they can be
11. I have no liking for pastoral poetries. used both as Singular and Plural in the same form.
12. I have to purchase all kinds of statione- They should not be made Plural by adding -s or
ries for the school. -es. They are—Swine, vermin, mankind, police,
13. She is very fond of sparkling jewelleries. public, etc. As—
14. I don’t travel with heavy luggages. 1. The police has been informed.
15. I receive all necessary informations from or
him. The police have taken action.
16. Please show me all items of crockeries. 2. The swine are dirty animals.
17. The letter is short of postages. or
18. Can you not reduce your wastages ? You are a dirty swine.
19. No news are good news. (3) ‘People’ in the sense of group of persons
20. The mechanics of this instrument are is always used in the Plural number. But when the
very complicated. word ‘People’ is used in the sense of a Nation, it
can be used both as Singular (a people) and Plural
21. Their performance in the first inning was
as—‘The Peoples of India and China are on
very poor.
friendly terms.’
22. He is very weak in Physic. Rule 5—Noun with Numeral Adjective
23. Politics are the game of fortune hunters. Some Nouns coming after Definite Numeral
24. What are the latest newses ? Adjectives are always used in the Singular
25. He is a man of low ethic. Number. They are—Pair, dozen, score, gross,
Hints—(1) alms; (2) thanks; (3) trousers; (4) stone, hundred, thousand, million, billion, etc.
outskirts; (5) shambles; (6) remains; (7) As—
valuables; (8) congratulations; (9) dregs; Two pair of shoes (not two pairs of shoes);
(10) fetters; (11) poetry; (12) stationery; four dozen pencils; three score and ten; five
(13) jewellery; (14) luggage; (15) infor- thousand rupees, ten million people, etc.
mation; (16) crockery; (17) postage; (18) But if the Numeral Adjective is Indefinite, all
wastage; (19) is; (20) is; (21) innings; (22) the Nouns given above will be used in the
Physics; (23) is; (24) is, news; (25) ethics. Plural Number. As—
Rule 4—Nouns Singular in Form but Plural in Dozens of people; thousands of workers;
Use millions of pounds; scores of houses; many
pairs of shoes; in millions, etc.
There are some Nouns which are Singular in
form but Plural in meaning. They always take Rule 6—Numeral Adjective + Hyphen + Noun
a Plural verb. They are—Cattle, gentry, If a compound word is formed by joining a
clergy, cavalry, infantry, nobility, poultry, Definite Numeral Adjective and a Noun (by a
peasantry, children, admiralty, yeomantry, etc. hyphen), the Noun so used will always be in
Family is used both in the Singular and Plural the Singular Number. As—
numbers according to sense. As— 1. Here is a five-rupee note.
NOUNS | 37
Here you will see that a Definite Numeral Rule 7—Noun + Preposition + the same Noun
Adjective (five) is joined with a Noun (rupee) repeated
by a hyphen, and the Noun (rupee) is in If the same Noun is repeated before and after
Singular Number. It will be wrong to say a Preposition, the Noun is used in the Singular
five-rupees note. Number each time. In such cases the verb is
Similarly the following sentences are cor- also used in the Singular Number. As—
Ship after ship arrived at the port. Here
1. Please lend me a ten-rupee note. ships after ships will be wrong. Similarly the
2. He gave me a hundred-rupee note. following sentences are correct—
3. This is included in our five-year plan.
1. Mistake after mistake was committed.
4. He fell down from a ten-foot high wall.
2. Chance after chance was lost.
5. A three-man enquiry committee has
been set up. 3. He begged from door to door.
6. There was a twenty-foot deep ditch. 4. Wave upon wave rose in the sea.
7. A five-judge bench will hear this case. 5. We can read meaning within meaning
in this poem.
Rule 8—Article + several Adjectives + Noun
Choose the correct alternative from those
given within the brackets in the following If two or more than two Adjectives are
sentences : connected with and and the Article has been
used only before the first Adjective, the Noun
1. The Indian (peasantry/peasantries) are used after them will be in the Plural Number.
still backward. But if the Article is used before each
2. Our cavalry (is/are) highly trained. Adjective, the Noun will be in the Singular
3. The (gentry / gentries) have already Number. As—
arrived. 1. Shakespeare was very popular in the six-
4. There is a large herd of (swine/swines). teenth and seventeenth centuries.
5. All the (people/peoples) were happy. 2. Shakespeare was very popular in the six-
6. I have several (pair/pairs) of shoes. teenth and the seventeenth century.
7. There are three (thousand / thousands) 3. Very heavy wigs were worn in the Eliza-
workers in this factory. bethan and Jacobean Ages.
8. (Thousand / thousands) of workers are 4. Very heavy wigs were worn in the Eliza-
working in this factory. bethan and the Jacobean Age.
9. I have four (pair/pairs) of shoes.
10. He is now three (scores/score) and ten. Exercise
11. (Scores / score) of houses have been Correct the following sentences :
gutted in fire. 1. He made attempt after attempts but
12. He is rolling in (million/millions). failed.
13. A (five-man/five-men) commission has 2. There is no difference from men to men.
been set up.
3. He knocked from doors to doors for help.
14. He jumped into a (forty-foot/forty-feet )
deep well. 4. There are circles within circles in this
15. This is our eighth (five-year/five-years)
plan. 5. I can read meanings within meaning in
Hints—(1) peasantry; (2) are; (3) gentry; (4) what you say.
swine; (5) people. (6) pairs; (7) thousand; 6. There is no absentee in the Fifth and the
(8) thousands; (9) pair; (10) score; (11) Sixth classes.
scores; (12) millions; (13) five-man; (14) 7. There is no post-office in the first and
forty-foot; (15) five-year. second lane.
38 | L.W.C.E.
8. Many great scientists were born in the 2. The amount will grow two and a half
eighteenth and nineteenth century. times.
9. There is no mistake in the fourth and the In such cases One time and a half or two
fifth pages. times and a half are wrong.
10. No berth is available in the first and last Rule 10—Adjectives used as Plural Nouns
coach. Some Adjectives preceded by the are used as
Hints—(1) attempt after attempt; (2) man to man; Plural Nouns. As—The poor; the rich; the
(3) door to door; (4) circle within circle; sick; the down-trodden; the meak, etc.
(5) meaning within meaning; (6) class; (7) As—
lanes; (8) centuries; (9) page; (10) coaches. 1. We should help the poor.
Rule 9—Numeral Adjective + Noun + Fraction 2. The rich should not be proud.
If a Numeral Adjective and a fraction (a half, 3. The meak are blessed.
a quarter, three quarters, etc.) are to be 4. The sick should be carefully looked
used with a Noun, the structure of the sen- after.
tence will be as follows—
It is wrong to try to make these Adjectives
1. The train is late by one hour and a half. Plural by adding -s or -es to them. They are
2. The train is late by two hours and a half. already Plural in their sense. As—the poors,
The following structure will be wrong— the riches, the meaks, or the sicks. All these
1. The train is late by one and a half hour. are wrong expressions.
2. The train is late by two and a half Rule 11—Nouns/Pronouns of Common Gender
hours. (Dual Gender)
Under this Rule the correct structure is this— (a) The following Nouns are of Common
Noun is used after the Numeral Adjective, and Gender, i.e., they can be used both as Mas-
the Number of the Noun is Singular or Plural culine or Feminine Genders. Thus, they are of
according to the Numeral Adjective (i. e. the Dual Gender. They are—
Noun is Singular with a / an / one, and Plural
Child, baby, friend, student, teacher,
with two, three, etc.) And after the Noun the
lecturer, professor, pupil, artist, author, reader,
Fractions (and a half, and a quarter, and
servant, worker, poet, speaker, writer, typist,
three quarters, etc.) should be used. The
engineer, lawyer, advocate, client, clerk,
following are some more examples—
conductor, musician, politician, minister,
1. I have one rupee and a half. leader, dealer, secretary, enemy, parent,
2. I have read five chapters and a half. relation, cousin, orphan, neighbour, person,
3. I have been waiting for five hours and a president, monarch, statesman, publicman,
quarter. chairman, sportsman, spokesman, spokes-
4. The distance is four kilometres and person, chairperson.
three quarters. As—
5. Its weight is a kilo and a half. 1. She is my friend.
Expressions such as One and a half rupee; 2. He is my friend.
five and a half chapters; five and a quarter
3. My teacher is Miss Bose.
hours; four and three quarters kilometres;
one and a half kilo are wrong. 4. My teacher is Mr. Bose.
Note—If a Numeral Adjective and a fraction are 5. He is our Finance Minister.
joined by and and they are used in the 6. She is our Finance Minister.
sense of multiplication, the Noun is placed Note—(1) Some Grammarians hold that Nouns of
after them, and the Noun is always used in Common Gender which have–man joined
the Plural Number. As— with them should not be used with Femi-
1. The amount will grow one and a half nine Gender Nouns. Such a use would
times. appear odd. As—
NOUNS | 39
7. Sheep blindly (follow/follows) the leader. 22. My father’s friend’s son is coming today.
8. The jury (has/have) not come to a unani- 23. He is a father of mine.
mous verdict. 24. A kite’s wings are large.
9. Measels (is/are) a bad disease. 25. I have sent him my congratulation for his
10. No cattle (is/are) allowed to graze here. success.
11. My family (is/are) early risers. 26. The mechanics of this instrument are not
12. Three dozen pencils (has/have) been difficult to understand.
distributed. 27. There was a fifty-feet deep valley.
13. The government (is/are) determined to 28. Trucks after trucks crossed the prohibited
implement the plan. line.
14. The majority of workers (has/have) come 29. There is no light in the fifth and sixth
on duty. house.
15. The rich (is/are) not always happy. 30. The police has already taken search of
the fourth and the fifth rooms.
Hints—(1) are; (2) have; (3) is; (4) are; (5) has;
(6) has; (7) follow; (8) have; (9) are; (10) 31. His score was one and a half centuries.
are; (11) are; (12) have; (13) are; (14) 32. Houses after houses were looted by the
have; (15) are. dacoits.
33. I can run for two mile and a half.
Revision Exercise 3 34. His profits have grown one and a half
Correct the following sentences : time.
1. I have bought a new spectacle. 35. Mrs. Jacob is my lady-teacher.
2. Have you installed new machineries ? 36. This student has spoilt her paper.
3. Please pay my regard to your father. 37. Indian force is strong enough to face the
4. These paultry is mine. challenge.
5. You can select from these three pairs of 38. Gandhi has left his foot-marks on the
shoes. sand of time.
6. So many pair of shoes are here before 39. Both his daughter-in-laws are beautiful.
you. 40. There are 5 M. A. among the applicants.
7. I have all these points at the ends of my Hints—(1) pair of spectacles; (2) machinery; (3)
fingers. regards; (4) are; (5) pair; (6) pairs; (7) at
8. He gets a monthly allowance of two my finger-ends; (8) thousand; (9) hair has
thousands rupees. turned; (10) advice; (11) furniture; (12) is;
9. His hairs have turned grey. (13) King George the Fifth’s; (14) is;
10. You must follow my advices. (15) earnings are; (16) my uncle, the
11. I have not yet brought my furnitures. engineer’s, (17) the colour of my pen; (18)
12. The news are not authentic. Women’s College; (19) Women’s Hostel;
13. He attended King George’s the Fifth (20) three-man; (21) information is; (22)
coronation ceremony.
the son of my father’s friend; (23) my
14. The wages of sin are death.
father; (24) the wings of a kite; (25) con-
15. His weekly earning is very poor.
gratulations; (26) is; (27) fifty-foot deep;
16. This is my uncle’s, the engineer, office.
17. My pen’s colour is black. (28) truck after truck; (29) houses; (30)
18. This is a Ladies’College. room; (31) one century and a half; (32)
19. No man can enter the Women’s Hostel. house after house; (33) two miles and a
20. A three-men enquiry committee will look half; (34) one and a half times; (35) tea-
into the matter. cher; (36) his; (37) forces are; (38) sands;
21. No more informations are available. (39) daughters-in-law; (40) 5 M. A.’s.
5 Pronouns
Forms of Pronouns (iv) Forms of Relative and Interrogative Pro-
Personal Pronouns Relative Pronouns and Interrogative Pronouns
There are three Persons of Personal Pro- have the same forms—
Singular and Singular and
(i) First Person Plural Plural
(ii) Second Person Case
Masculine and
(iii) Third Person Feminine Neuter
All these three Persons have different forms Nominative Who Which
in different cases (Nominative, Objective and Objective Whom Which
Possessive). Every student must know these diffe- (Accusative)
rent forms very clearly, because without this
Genitive Whose Whose, of which
knowledge they cannot be used correctly. The
different forms are these— (Possessive)
(i) Forms of First Person (Both Masculine and Note—Relative Pronoun ‘That’ has the same form
Feminine) in Singular and Plural Numbers and also
Case Singular Plural in the Nominative and Accusative cases. It
has no Genitive case.
Nominative I We
Objective (Accusative) Me Us (v) Forms of Reflexive and Emphatic Pro-
Possessive (Genitive) My, Mine Our, Ours nouns
(ii) Forms of Second Person (Both Masculine Pronoun Reflexive and Emphatic Form
and Feminine) I Myself
Case Singular Plural
Nominative You, thou You, ye
Yourself (in Singular)
Yourselves (in Plural)
Objective (Accusative) You, thee You
He Himself
Possessive (Genitive) Your, yours Your, yours
She Herself
Thy, thine
It Itself
Note—Thou, thee, thy, thine and ye are no longer
in popular use. We Ourselves
(iii) Forms of Third Person (in different Gen- They Themselves
ders) Rules of Pronoun
Singular Plural
Case The following are the Rules of correct use of
Mas- Femi- Neuter All Pronouns—
culine nine genders
Nominative He She It They Personal Pronoun
Objective Him He r It Them Rule 1—Number, Person and Gender
(Accusative) The first and basic rule of the use of Pronoun
Possessive His Her, Its Their, is that it must have the same Number, Per-
(Genitive) Hers Theirs son, and Gender as the Number, Person and
Gender of the Noun for which it has been Rule 5—Pronouns of Different Persons
used. As— If Pronouns of different Persons are to be
1. He has done his work. used with the same Verb, they must be used
2. She has done her work. in the following order—
3. You have done your work. A. In Singular Number, Y ou (Second
Person) should come first, H e (Third
4. I have done my work. Person) should come next, and I (First
5. We have done our work. Person) should come last. This order is
6. They have done their work. indicative of refined culture and good
behaviour. In brief—
Rule 2—Nominative Pronoun
You + He + I, i.e., 2 + 3 + 1
Nominative Pronouns are used as the Subject
of a Verb. B. In Plural Number—
We + You + They, i.e., 1 + 2 + 3
(He, She, I, You, We, They are in the Nomi-
native Form). As— C. But if the sentence has a bad sense, or is
expressive of some error or fault, the
1. He is a good boy. order should be thus—
2. She is going there. I/We + You + He/They, i.e., 1 + 2 + 3
3. They are coming. As—
4. You can go. (A) You and he and I are good friends.
Rule 3—Complement of the Verb ‘to be’ We and you and they can live together.
If a Verb ‘to be’ has a Pronoun for its com- You and he were class-mates.
plement, the Pronoun must be used in the Ram and I lived in the same house.
Nominative form. As— You and I can travel together.
1. It is I (not me) who came yesterday. (B) We and you and they can work together.
2. It is he (not him) who will help you. We and they were in the same class.
3. If I were she (not her), I wouldn’t do it. (C) I and you and he have to accept our
4. It is they (not them) who saved us. You and he will be punished.
Note—It should be remembered that in Excla-
matory and Predicative use, Personal Exercise
Pronoun can be used in the Objective (A) Correct the following sentences :
form. As— 1. Ram has lost their books.
It is me ! It wasn’t him ! 2. She loves his husband.
Rule 4—Objective Form 3. He has sent her sister to school.
If a Personal Pronoun is the Object of a Verb 4. They have passed his examination.
or a Preposition, it must be used in the 5. Us are students of this school.
Objective form. (Me, Us, Him, Them, Her, 6. Your can do your work.
You are in the Objective Form). As—
7. It is me who have to go.
1. I know him (not he) well. 8. It is him who is to blame.
2. She comes to me (not I) for help. 9. Please ask he to bring his book.
3. Our teacher has asked us (not we) to 10. It is for he to take the responsibility.
remain in the class. 11. I have told they to reach in time.
4. I have told them (not they) to go away 12. He depends upon they to help him.
from here. 13. If I were him, I wouldn’t accept the terms.
5. He depends upon me (not I) 14. He did not accept she proposals.
6. I go to them (not they) for guidance. 15. Them are dependable people.
44 | L.W.C.E.
Hints—(1) his; (2) her; (3) his; (4) their; (5) We; Exercise
(6) You; (7) I; (8) he; (9) him; (10) him; Correct the following sentences—
(11) them; (12) them; (13) he; (14) her;
(15) they. 1. The jury delivered their verdict unani-
(B) Arrange the personal pronouns in the mously.
following sentences in their proper order : 2. The committee is one in their opinion in
1. I, you and he have been selected for this matter.
scholarship. 3. The Government is not divided in their
2. You, I and he will go together to the fair. view in this matter.
3. You, they and we should remain united. 4. The jury gave a majority decision after its
4. All those boys, all of you and all of us last meeting.
can make a good team. 5. The crew tried to save itself by their life-
5. He, you and I have been found guilty. boats.
6. I, he and you must tender an apology for 6. Ram and Shyam lost his way in the
the mistake. wood.
Hints—(1) You, he and I; (2) You, he and I; (3)
7. All the students and their teacher neglec-
We, you and they; (4) All of us, all of you
ted his work.
and all those boys; (5) I, you and he; (6) I,
you and he. 8. Each boy and each man received their
Rule 6—Pronoun for a Collective Noun share in time.
With a Collective Noun the Pronoun used is 9. Each of Ram, Mohan and Shyam has
Singular or Plural according to the sense. In done their duty.
the Singular Number we use It/Its and in Plural 10. Each of the girls will sing a song of their
They /Them. As— choice.
1. The fleet has sailed away on
its voyage.
11. Mohan and Sohan has each decided to go
to their village.
Singular 2. The jury has given its verdict. 12. Every one of them has to sit in their own
3. The crew is ready. It is board- seat.
ing the ship within minutes. Hints—(1) its; (2) its; (3) its; (4) their; (5) them-
4. The jury are divided in their selves; (6) their; (7) their; (8) his; (9) his;
opinion. (10) her; (11) his; (12) his.
5. The Government are ready to Rule 9—Each, Either, Neither
revise their proposals. They always take Singular Verb and Singu-
Rule 7—Pronoun for more than two Nouns lar Possessive. As—
When two or more Nouns are joined by and, 1. Each of them is sure to get his chance.
the Pronoun used for them is always Plural. 2. Either of them is free to bring his book.
As— 3. Neither of the workers has brought his
1. Ram and Mohan are friends. They go to tools.
their school together.
2. Hari and his friends have completed Rule 10—Either and Neither
their work. Either and Neither are used for Two things
Rule 8—Pronoun for Each or Every + Noun only, not for more than two. As—
When two or more Nouns are joined by and, 1. You can choose either of these two (not
and before each Noun there comes each or more than two) pens.
every, the Pronoun used is always Singular. 2. Neither of the two brothers was selected.
1. Each worker and each mason has come Rule 11—Anyone and None
on his work. When more than two things are referred to,
2. Each clerk and each typist has left his we use anyone in place of either and none in
seat. place of neither. As—
1. Anyone of these four boys can go with 9. These two friends will surely help one
me. another.
2. None of these ten applicants is quali- 10. All these ten workers can consult each
fied. other.
Rule 12—Each other/One another 11. Both of the three brothers has taken his
They are called Reciprocal Pronouns. Each share.
other is used for two things or persons, and 12. All of the two cows are black.
one another for more than two. As— Hints—(1) has, his; (2) was, his; (3) has, his; (4)
1. The two brothers help each other. is, her; (5) two, is; (6) two; (7) either; (8)
Neither, his; (9) each other; (10) one
2. All the five brothers help one another. another; (11) two, have, their; (12) four or
3. The two wheels rub against each other. All of the cows.
Note—In the modern usage there is believed to be Rule 14—Pronoun for ‘or’, ‘either ...... or’ /
little difference between Each other and ‘neither ...... nor’ + Noun
One another. Now, sometimes, Each When two or more than two Nouns are joined
other is used for more than two, and One with or, either … or, neither … nor, the
another for only two. As— Pronoun used for them is always Singular.
1. These three sisters really love each 1. Ram or Hari has lost his book.
other. 2. Either the lawyer or his clerk will be in
2. Let us all help each other. his office.
Rule 13—Both and All 3. Neither Mohan nor Sohan has done his
Both is used for two, and All for more than work.
two. As— Rule 15—Pronoun for or/nor + Singular and
1. Both the pens are good. (i.e., only two Plural Nouns
pens) When a Singular Noun and a Plural Noun are
2. Both the men (i.e., two men) are idle. joined by or / nor, the Pronoun used for them
is always Plural. As—
3. All the pens (i.e., more than two) are
1. Either the Principal or the teachers had
neglected their duty.
4. All the men (more than two) are idle. 2. Neither the father nor his sons had kept
Exercise their promise.
Correct the following sentences : Rule 16—Pronouns for different Persons
1. Each of the workers have to bring their When more than one Pronoun are of different
own tools. Persons, and only one Pronoun is later to be
2. Every one of them were given their uni- used for them, there should be First Plural
form. for First + Third, again First Plural for First
+ Second, and Second Person for Second +
3. Either of the brothers have a right to Third. As—
check their father’s account.
1. You and I have done our duty.
4. Neither of the sisters are like their mother.
2. You and Hari have done your duty.
5. Either of these five books are good
enough to serve your purpose. Exercise
6. Neither of these four horses can win the Correct the following sentences :
prize. 1. Either Ram or Mohan has left their bag.
7. Anyone of these two applicants can be 2. Neither Sita nor Geeta has attended their
appointed. class.
8. None of these two students can pass their 3. Either the supervisor or his workers have
qualifying test. left his store-room unlocked.
46 | L.W.C.E.
4. It must be a foolish man who has 10. There is this college where I studied.
been cheated twice by the same man. 11. That is only a wise man who can give
5. It is this kind of behaviour that you such an advice.
annoys everybody. 12. This rains and thunders every evening.
(g) For an imaginary o r uncertain Nomi- 13. This is a very hot day.
native of an impersonal verb. As—
14. This is 7 O’clock.
It rains. It thunders.
15. It is All India Radio giving you the news.
It snows. It blows.
16. It is my house.
(h) For referring to weather or time. As—
17. It is my offer to you.
1. It is a fine weather.
18. It is to certify that he is in my class.
2. It is 9 O’Clock.
Hints—(1) its; (2) it; (3) its; (4) its; (5) it; (6) It;
3. It is winter. (7) It; (8) It; (9) It; (10) It; (11) It; (12) It;
4. It is half past two. (13) It; (14) It; (15) This; (16) This; (17)
Rule 19—Pronoun ‘This’ or ‘It’ This; (18) This.
A difficulty often arises with regard to the use Relative Pronouns
of This or It in a sentence. It has been made The more popular Relative Pronouns are—
amply clear above that I t is only an Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That, What.
imaginary Nominative, while This is a real
Nominative, or gives some definite reference The following are the Rules of their correct
or information about the real Nominative. use—
This is used to give the name, introduction Rule 20—Who
or any other information about some one. It Who is used in the Nominative case only for
is used only for weather, season, time or Persons, both in the Singular and Plural
some impersonal subject. This refers to a Numbers. Who is not used for inanimate
person, thing, any specific information or things. For animals also who is not generally
quality, or nearness / closeness. As— used. Who is also used for People and Those.
1. This is my brother. As—
2. This is a cow. 1. I know the man who came here yesterday.
3. This is All India Radio. 2. He is the thief who was caught red-
4. This is my point of view. handed.
5. This is 351557. (Telephone Number) 3. All the people who came here were
Exercise 4. I know all those who were invited.
Correct the following sentences : Rule 21—Whom
1. Take the cow to her shed. Whom is used only for Persons in the
2. My pen is a new one, yet this is not Objective / Accusative case both in Singular
smooth. and Plural Numbers. As—
3. The dog has hurt his leg. 1. The man w h o m I met yesterday has
4. The child is crying in his cradle. come.
5. He has broken his promise, as he knows 2. The boy w h o m I gave the books has
this. secured first division.
6. This is not difficult to know the real facts. Rule 22—Which
7. This is improbable that he should tell a Which is used for animals and inanimate
lie. things. As—
8. This is easy to win him over. 1. The pen which I purchased yesterday has
9. This was he who first broke the news. been lost.
48 | L.W.C.E.
2. The cow which stands there is very (B) In the following cases the use of that is
gentle. preferred to that of who or which. As—
3. The house which has a high gate is mine. (i) After the Superlative Degree—
Note—In Prepositional Cases the Preposition is 1. Gandhi was the greatest man that
always used before which. As— modern India produced.
1. The post for which I applied is tempo- 2. He is the best speaker that I have ever
rary. heard.
2. I don’t remember the date on which he
(ii) After these words—all, same, any, none,
was born.
nothing, only, anything, anybody, no-
3. This is the book about which I told you. body, little, somebody, no one—
4. This is the last chance o n which I
1. This is all the statement that he gave.
5. The book of which the cover is torn is 2. He is the same boy that came yesterday.
not mine. 3. It is only the fools that talk that way.
Rule 23—Whose 4. It is not for nothing that I have been
Whose is used in Possessive Case both for labouring so hard.
Persons and Animals. As— 5. There was not any that could be heard.
1. The boy whose father is the Principal is 6. There was none that was not moved to
my friend. tears.
2. The girl whose eyes are blue is very
sweet. (iii) After Interrogative Pronoun who/what—
3. Mohan whose brother came yesterday 1. What is it that troubles you so much ?
has gone home. 2. What is there that I cannot do ?
Note—Sometimes whose is used for inanimate 3. Who am I that you should care for ?
things also. As—
(iv) After two Antecedents, one of which
The sun whose rays give us light also give
stands for a Person and the other for an
us life.
animal or a thing. As—
Rule 24—That
1. The rider and his horse that tried to
(A) That is used both for animate and inani- cross the river were drowned.
mate things both in Singular and Plural
Numbers. 2. The driver and his bus that crossed the
lane struck against a tree.
That has no Possessive / Genitive Case
and therefore no Preposition can be used Rule 25—What
before it. If it is very necessary to use a Relative Pronoun What is used for things
Preposition, it can be placed at the end of only. It is used without an Antecedent, and it
the sentence. In such a case the sentence means that which. As—
can be completed without ‘That’ also.
1. What cannot be cured must be endured.
1. I know the house that he lives in. 2. What I told you is correct.
or 3. I know what you want to say.
I know the house λ he lives in. It would be wrong to use an Antecedent
2. I catch the point that you are hinting at. before what. As—
or The story what I read was good.
I catch the point λ you are hinting at. This sentence is wrong because Antece-
3. I have not yet read the book that you dent ‘story’ has been used before ‘what’.
suggested to me. Its correct form would be—
4. I have lost the pen that you gave me. The story that I read was good.
Rule 26—‘But’ as a Relative Pronoun 20. What is your opinion about the work
Sometimes But is used as a Relative Pro- which I am doing ?
noun, in which case it means who not/which 21. That is the house which in I live.
not. As— 22. You are my only friend I can depend.
1. There is none but admires you. 23. I know the book you are looking.
(but admires = who does not admire) 24. This is the only attempt in that I have
2. There is no problem but can be solved. failed.
(but can be solved = which cannot be 25. This is the same question which was
solved) asked last year.
3. There is none but loves his country. 26. There was not any who could be trusted.
(but loves = who does not love) 27. Who are you who can scold me like this ?
28. I know which you want from me.
29. That what is true is always true.
Correct the following sentences :
30. There is none but who trusts me.
1. The boy whom was lazy has failed.
Hints—(1) who; (2) which; (3) who; (4) who; (5)
2. The flowers who grow in our garden are
your in place of my; (6) who; (7) which;
very beautiful.
(8) who; (9) who; (10) which in place of
3. Those whose live in glass houses should of which; (11) that; (12) that; (13) that;
not throw stones.
(14) that; (15) that; (16) that; (17) that;
4. The men which have assembled in the (18) that came; (19) that; (20) that; (21) in
lawn are our partymen. which in place of which in; (22) depend
5. I who am my benefactor must help you in upon; (23) looking for; (24) that I have
time. failed in in place of in that I have failed;
6. You are the person which are responsible (25) that; (26) that; (27) that can scold ....;
for this deed. (28) what; (29) what in place of that
7. The hen who laid a golden egg was killed what; (30) but in place of but who.
by the greedy man.
Compound Relative Pronouns
8. The people which do not love their coun-
try are not respected. Rule 27—Compound Relative Pronouns are—
9. Only those boys should be promoted Whoever, whoso, whosoever, whom-
whom are intelligent. soever, whichever, whatever, what-
10. The cycle of which I purchased is very soever.
heavy. All these Compound Pronouns are used with-
11. I always buy the book which is the best in out Antecedents, because the Antecedents are
the market. contained within them. They are supposed to
12. Our sweetest songs are those which tell of be complete in themselves. As—
saddest thought. 1. You can do whatever (i.e., anything
13. All which he said was correct. which) you like.
14. Nothing which is not true can impress me. 2. You can take whichever (i.e., anything
15. Only the ink which is blue is allowed. which) you like.
16. None who are poor can afford it. 3. Whoever/whosoever/whoso ( i . e., any
17. What was the answer which he gave ? person w h o) comes here is most wel-
18. Who was the man who came to see me ? come.
19. What is the utility of the book which has 4. I shall employ whomsoever (i.e., any
been damaged by white-ants ? person whom) you recommend.
50 | L.W.C.E.
Agreement of the Relative Pronoun (i) The Relative Pronoun ‘that’ can be
with its Antecedent omitted in the Objective Case. The
sentence is correct in both cases, with or
Rule 28—As we know, a Relative Pronoun agrees
without ‘that’. As—
with its Antecedent in Number a n d
Person. Therefore, it is supposed to 1. The picture that I saw yesterday was
have the same Number and Person as good.
its Antecedent. The verb is also used or
according to the same Number and The picture λ I saw yesterday was good.
Person. As— 2. The man that you interviewed yesterday
1. A boy who is good is loved by all. has come again.
2. Boys who are good are loved by all. or
3. You who are my friend must help me. The man λ you interviewed yesterday has
come again.
4. Those who are loyal are also honest.
(ii) The Relative Pronoun can be omitted in
5. We who are colleagues must help each Prepositional Cases also. The sentence
other. is correct in both forms. As—
6. Those who act like this can never be 1. That is the house that I lived in.
7. The flowers which grow in spring are That is the house λ I lived in.
very beautiful.
2. That is the man that I talked to.
8. I who am your brother must warn you.
Exercise That is the man λ I talked to.
Correct the following sentences : Note—In the above sentences λ shows the place
1. You can go wherever place you like. from where a Relative Pronoun has been
2. Whosoever man wishes to come can
come. Some other Pronouns and their uses
3. You can choose whichever thing you Rule 30—Such/As
prefer. As is always used after such, the same or as.
4. I shall go with whomsoever person you As—
suggest. 1. His behaviour was such as was well
5. I who is your pupil must obey you. expected.
6. You who is my pupil must obey me. 2. His problem was such as could not be
7. He who are your pupil must obey you. easily solved.
8. The books which is old are useless. 3. My difficulty is the same as yours.
9. Those who believes in God are trust- 4. This is as good as that.
worthy. Rule 31—Who and Which as connectives
10. We who has lost our chance have to Sometimes who and which can be used as
suffer. connectives only. As—
Hints—(1) place not required; (2) man not 1. I met my friend, w h o gave me this
required; (3) thing not required; (4) advice.
person not required; (5) who am; (6) who (i.e., I met my friend and he gave me this
are; (7) who is; (8) which are; (9) who advice.)
believe; (10) who have. 2. I have bought a dictionary, which helps
Omission of Relative Pronoun me a lot.
Rule 29—The Relative Pronoun is omitted in the (i.e., I have bought a dictionary and it
following cases— helps me a lot).
Himself, herself, yourself, yourselves, Hints—(1) drop house; (2) drop book; (3) My;
themselves, myself, ourselves, itself. (4) Your; (5) their; (6) one’s; (7) one’s; (8)
(i) They cannot be used independently. The One in place of he; (9) myself; (10) I
related Noun or Pronoun must be used myself; (11) He himself is ....; (12) They
with them. As— themselves; (13) avail himself; (14)
revenge myself; (15) absented himself.
1. I can do it myself.
or Interrogative Pronoun
I myself can do it. Rule 38—Interrogative Pronouns are these—Who,
It is wrong to use it thus—Myself can do it. w h o m , whose, which, w h a t . The
2. He himself came to the office following are the Rules of their use—
3. You can see it yourself. (i) What is used for inanimate things. As—
4. We discovered the facts ourselves. What is that ? What was there ?
5. They themselves were there on the What happened ? What had appeared
scene. there ?
6. No machine can move by itself. (ii) What is used for Persons also when the
(ii) There are some Transitive verbs which question is about their Position or
take some Reflexive Pronoun for their Profession. As—
object if there is no other object to 1. What is your father ?
complete them. These verbs are—avail,
i.e., What is the post or profession of
absent, revenge, enjoy. As—
your father ?
1. I availed myself of this opportunity.
2. What is he ?
2. I revenged myself upon him.
3. What are you ?
3. He absented himself from the class.
(iii) Who, whose, whom are used for Per-
4. You must have enjoyed yourself during sons. Who is used in the Nominative
the vacation. case, whom in the Objective case, and
Exercise whose in Possessive case. As—
Correct the following sentences : 1. Who are you ?
1. This house is mine house. 2. Who comes there ?
2. That book is yours book. 3. Whose book is this ?
3. Mine office is there. 4. Whom do you want to meet ?
4. Yours father came yesterday. Since whom is a little inconvenient to
5. All theirs cows have returned from the use, who has come to be used in place of
wood. whom in the objective case. As—
6. One cannot bear his insult like this. 1. Who have you invited ?
7. One should take care of his own interests. 2. Who do you want to meet ?
8. One will never repent if he is honest. 3. Who are you speaking to ?
9. I meself can do it. 4. Who did you find there ?
10. Myself never knew the facts. (iv) Which is used for Persons and things in
11. Himself is strong enough to defend him- restricted choice. As—
self. 1. Which is your father ?
12. Themselves were absent. 2. Which pen is yours ?
13. He could not avail of the great opportu- 3. Which book do you like most ?
nity. (v) Sometimes it becomes essential to use
14. I must revenge upon my opponent. some Preposition with which or what. In
15. He has again absented from duty. such a situation the Preposition is placed
at the end of the sentence, not at the 10. It is not (we/us) who are to blame.
beginning. As— 11. He is older than (me/I).
1. What is this table made of ? 12. Let you and (she/her) be friends again.
2. Which house do you live in ? 13. You are as good as (him/he).
3. What place are you going to ? 14. There is enough room for you and (me/I).
4. Which book are you looking for ? 15. Nobody but (he/him) was present.
Exercise 16. I know that it was (she/her).
Correct the following sentences : 17. You and (me/I) can do this work together.
1. Whom is your father ? 18. Each of the students gave (his/their) own
2. Whose are you ? version of the incident.
3. Whom comes there ? 19. I am not one of those who cannot keep
4. Whom house is that ? (my/their) word.
5. Whose have you invited to tea ? 20. Every day and every night has (its/their)
6. Of what is this toy made ? own importance.
7. For whom are you waiting ? Hints—(1) I, him; (2) ours; (3) theirs; (4) his; (5)
they; (6) me; (7) him; (8) yours; (9) your;
8. In which street do you have your house ?
hers; (10) we; (11) I; (12) she; (13) he;
9. What car is yours ? (14) me; (15) he; (16) she; (17) I; (18) his;
10. At what are you aiming ? (19) their; (20) its.
Hints—(1) What; Revision Exercise : 2
(2) Who;
Fill in the blanks with appropriate interro-
(3) Who; gative pronoun :
(4) Whose; 1. ........... are you doing ?
(5) Who, Whom; 2. ........... is yours, the pen or pencil ?
(6) Preposition of to be placed at the end 3. ........... of them is your sister ?
.... made of;
4. This is my book; .......... is that ?
(7) Who/Whom ...... waiting for ?
5. ......... did you send to hospital ?
(8) Which street ........ your house in ? 6. .......... is the chain made of ?
(9) Which; (10) What are ...... aiming at ? 7. ........... is this letter from ?
Revision Exercise : 1 8. .............. is she writing to ?
Choose the appropriate form of the Pro- 9. ........... is he talking about ?
noun from those given in brackets : 10. ........... do you prefer, milk or tea ?
1. (I/me) shall go with (himself/him). 11. ........... is this coat, mine or yours ?
2. (Our/ours) is a long and sad tale. 12. .......... is better, this one or that ?
3. My house is larger than (their/theirs). Hints—(1) What; (2) What; (3) Which; (4)
4. I met a brother of (him/his) in the market. whose; (5) Who/Whom; (6) What; (7)
Where; (8) Who; (9) What; (10) What;
5. It is (they/them) who have done it. (11) Whose; (12) Which.
6. This is a secret between you and (I/me).
7. They praised his brother and (he/him). Revision Exercise : 3
8. He has no pencil; can you lend him Correct the following sentences :
(your/yours) ? 1. Man is the only animal who can talk.
9. Are these (your/you) books ? No, they are 2. Neither of the three brothers have done
(her/hers). their work.
54 | L.W.C.E.
3. They that are healthy have no need of a 16. They enjoyed during the holidays.
doctor. 17. Myself saw the robber.
4. Let you and I do this work. 18. There are my books. I am giving the same
5. One should always remain loyal to his to you.
country. 19. You are stronger than him.
6. The candidate, who is a graduate, he is 20. He and myself are great friends.
eligible for the post. 21. This is the best which we can do.
7. He is one of those people who can sacri- 22. It was me that gave you the information.
fice his all for the nation. 23. The boy whom you spoke to in the market
8. My sister and myself are happy to accept is my cousin.
your invitation. 24. They can do it themself.
9. He is as clever as her. 25. These pencils are for you and I.
10. He is a friend of our. Hints—(1) that; (2) None; (3) Those who; (4) me;
11. I have nothing which would suit you. (5) one’s; (6) drop he; (7) their; (8) I; (9)
she; (10) ours; (11) that; (12) My friend
12. I and my friend will go together.
and I; (13) who; (14) Which; (15) each
13. Show me the man whom did it. other; (16) themselves; (17) I myself; (18)
them in place of the same; (19) he; (20) I;
14. Who is your father, this gentleman or that ? (21) that; (22) I; (23) who; (24) them-
15. The two friends like one another. selves; (25) me.
6 Adjectives
Kinds of Adjectives definite Numbers (as one / two / three. etc. or I,
II, III etc.) are called Definite Numeral Adjec-
There are Ten kinds of Adjectives— tives, and those which refer to Indefinite Number
1. Proper Adjectives—The Adjectives for- (as many, several, few, etc.) are called Indefinite
med from Proper Nouns are called Proper Adjec- Numeral Adjectives. As—
tives. As— 1. He has four books.
Indian coast, French wine, American cul- 2. He has one house.
ture, English language, Shakespearean plays. 3. He has many books.
2. Descriptive or Qualitative Adjectives— 4. He has several houses.
The Adjectives which describe the merits or
demerits, shape and size, colour and form, good 5. Five workers are there.
qualities or bad ones, of a person or a thing are 6. There are no workers.
called Qualitative Adjectives. As— 7. All workers have gone.
A great man, a beautiful girl, a brave boy, a Note—The examples given above under
small toy, a white cow, cold water. Rules No. 3 and 4 above will show that some
3. Quantitative Adjectives—The Adjectives Adjectives are both Adjective of Quantity and
which express the quantity (not number) of a Adjective of Number. They are—all, some,
thing are called Quantitative Adjectives. enough, no, none, more, any, plenty of, etc.
They are common to both. They become
These Adjectives are always applied to un- Adjective of Quantity or Adjective of Number
countable Nouns in the Singular Number. The (Numeral Adjective) according to their use. If
Nouns which they qualify can never be in the they show quantity, they become Quantitative,
Plural Number. and if they show Number, they become Numeral
These Adjectives are—Much, little, n o , Adjectives. As—
none, some, any, enough, sufficient, all, whole, Quantitative Numeral
half, less, a good deal of, a lot of, plenty of, a
kilo/pound/ton/quintal, a litre/metre. As— 1. He has drunk all 1. He has read all the
the milk books.
1. This is all the milk in the cup.
2. He has drunk some 2. He has read some
2. There is enough sugar for the evening tea. milk. books.
3. There is no bread in the cupboard. 3. He has no milk. 3. He has no books.
4. There is one litre milk in the jug. 4. He hasn’t drunk 4. He hasn’t read any
4. Numeral or Numerical Adjectives— any milk. book.
These Adjectives show Number. They are— 5. He has a lot/plenty 5. He has a lot/plenty
One/two/three, etc.; first/second/third, etc.; a, of milk. of books.
an, many, few, some, several, a few, all, any, a
number of, a lot of, a heap of, plenty of. 6. He has enough 6. He has enough
milk. books.
These Adjectives are always applied to
Countable things in both Singular and Plural 7. He has spoilt most 7. He has read most of
Numbers. Amongst these, those which refer to of the milk. the books.
56 | L.W.C.E.
5. Demonstrative Adjectives—The Adjec- Your, thy, his, her, its, their. In Attributive
tives which point to some Person or thing are form they are used before the Nouns they qualify.
called Demonstrative Adjectives. They are of As—My book/ books, Your book/ books, Our
two types—Definite Demonstratives and Inde- house/ houses, its wings.
finite Demonstratives. The more common Defi- But the Possessive Adjectives can be
nite Demonstratives are these— Possessive Pronouns also. In that case they are
This, that (with Singular Noun) used Predicatively, i.e. after the Nouns they
These, those (with Plural Noun) qualify. As—
Any, Such, Some (with both Numbers This is my book. (Possessive Adjective)
according to sense) This book is mine (Possessive Pronoun)
Indefinite Demonstratives are these—Any, In the same way mine, ours, yours, theirs,
some, such, other, any other, a certain, etc. hers are also Possessive Pronouns (not Posses-
Here it should be remembered that a Singular sive Adjectives).
Demonstrative should go with a Singular Noun, 9. Emphasizing Adjectives—These Adjec-
and a Plural Demonstrative with a Plural Noun. tives are used to lay emphasis on the Noun. They
Therefore, we cannot write this boys or these are—own, very. As—
boy. 1. I saw it with my own eyes.
The Demonstratives which are common in 2. This happened before my very eyes.
both Singular and Plural Numbers are these— 3. His own book was lost.
a certain book, certain books 4. He came this very day.
the other book, the other books 10. Exclamatory Adjectives—What can be
such a boy, such boys used as Exclamatory Adjective also. As—
any man, any men What joke that was !
the same boy, the same boys What nonsense this is !
6. Distributive Adjectives—Distributive What a beautiful house you have !
Adjectives are those that point to Persons or
Things Singly or Collectively. They are—each,
every, either, neither. As— Correct the following sentences :
1. Each boy will show his work. 1. There is none bread on the counter.
2. Every man had gone in time. 2. We shall need 5 litres milk for the party.
3. You can take either road, this or that. 3. Whole students are present on the field.
4. A good deal of passengers are waiting for
4. Neither road is safe at this hour.
the train.
5. You have to take this medicine every 5. All the fourth books are in our course.
four hours (i.e., every period of four
hours). 6. All fourth student will come forward.
7. I have no liking for this kinds of games.
6. Every four teams will give a demons-
tration turn by turn (i.e., in groups of four 8. None of these two alternatives is accept-
teams). able to me.
7. Interrogative Adjectives—Interrogative 9. All the sides of the coin are rusty.
Adjectives are those that ask Questions. As— 10. He can read with none of his eyes.
What, which, whose, etc. As— 11. He has injured all his hands.
1. Which book do you want ? 12. Each and every books has been damaged.
2. What book was that ? 13. Each of this book is difficult for me.
3. Whose book was that ? 14. We are all yours students.
8. Possessive Adjectives—Possessive Adjec- 15. This is mine house. Which is your ?
tives show relationships. They are—My, Our, 16. He likes very this type of pen.
Things eternal are more precious than 10. This custom has been coming down from
things temporal. immemorial time.
(j) If several Adjectives qualify the same 11. The eldest prince is the apparent heir to
Noun, they should be arranged in such a the throne.
way that the Adjectives suggesting the 12. He is among the three first position
basic qualities of the Noun concerned holders.
should come nearest to it serially. As— 13. The five last candidates could not be
1. A dirty, ugly old man. (Not old, dirty interviewed today.
ugly man) 14. Our all friends are very sincere.
2. A weak, hungry, green parrot. 15. His all books have been stolen.
(k) Determiners/Determinatives—They are 16. The both friends have come.
the Adjectives that point to the Number 17. The all books are equally good.
or Quantity of a Noun, or limit the 18. A young, well-dressed and smart man is
range of a thing by making a definite waiting for you.
suggestion towards it (as—this, that, 19. I bought tickets five for Bombay.
these, those, my, your, etc.) These deter-
20. I always choose best the everything.
miners are always placed before the
Noun. As— Hints—(1) a very beautiful; (2) two sets of
colourful; (3) felt ashamed; (4) live alone;
1. There are five horses (Not horses five)
(5) family awake; (6) nothing interesting;
2. Here is a cup. (7) anything new; (8) Akbar the Great; (9)
3. This is my cup. God incarnate (drop ‘an’); (10) time
4. I like this/that cup. immemorial; (11) heir apparent; (12) first
three; (13) last five; (14) All our; (15) All
5. I don’t like these/those boys. his; (16) Both the; (17) All the; (18) well-
(l) If an Article (a, an, or the) and an dressed and smart young man; (19) five
Adjective are both to be used for a Noun, tickets; (20) everything the best.
the Adjective is placed after the Article.
As— Degrees of Adjectives
1. He is a good boy. (Not good a boy) There are three Degrees of Adjectives—
1. Positive Degree
2. This is the best book. (Not best the
book) 2. Comparative Degree
3. Superlative Degree
Exercise In the Positive Degree some special quality of
Correct the following sentences : a thing is pointed out, not the Degree of the
1. This is very beautiful a scene. special quality. As—
2. I bought colourful two sets of curtains. Ram is a brave boy.
3. He ashamed felt at his discourteous In the Comparative Degree the second lower
behaviour. or higher degree of the quality is suggested, and
in it there is a sense of comparison of the same
4. I alone live in such a big house.
quality in two things. As—
5. I found the whole awake family at mid- Ram is braver than Shyam.
In the Superlative Degree the third and
6. We found interesting nothing there. highest Degree of the quality is suggested, and in
7. Have you new anything to tell me about it there is the sense of the highest Degree of the
this case ? same quality amongst at least three or more
8. The Great Akbar was the Emperor of things. As—
India. 1. Ram is the bravest of these five boys.
9. Lord Krishna was an incarnate God. 2. Ram is the bravest of all.
(i) By using Gerund. as— Hints—(1) as tall as; (2) as useful as; (3) so
1. Writing is as easy as reading. merciful; or as merciful; (4) as my
brother; (5) quite so; (6) quite so tall; (7)
2. Walking is as difficult as running.
not all that; (8) not all that; (9) driving;
(ii) By using Infinitive. as— (10) as dancing; (11) to drive; (12) pay;
1. It is not as easy to write as read. (13) sooner; (14) as soon die; (15) vacate,
2. It is as difficult to walk as run. go.
In this construction it should be remembered (B) Comparative Degree
that the first Infinitive is used with to, and the
second without to. Rule 5—Comparison between two
(iii) By using had better/had rather/had Comparative Degree Adjective is used for
sooner, as comparison between two Persons, Things or
Qualities, not for more than two. As—
1. I had rather go than wait.
2. You had rather read than write. 1. Ram is nobler than Mohan.
3. You had better work than sit idle. 2. Which is the better between these two
pens ? (not better among these five
4. We had better sit there than stand
5. They had sooner die than surren- Rule 6—Use of than
der. The connective ‘than’ is used to show com-
6. They would sooner die than surren- parison for all Adjectives except those
der. Adjectives shown below under Rule 7. As—
7. They would as soon die as surren- 1. Ram is taller than Shyam.
der. 2. This house is better than that.
In this construction Infinitive is used twice, 3. Sita is more beautiful than Geeta.
and each time without to. This is the correct Rule 7—Use of to—
For all Adjectives of Latin origin, comparison
Exercise is shown by ‘to’ (not by ‘than’). T h e more
Correct the following sentences : common Adjectives o f L a t i n origin are—
1. Sita is as taller as her sister. Superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior,
2. This book is useful as the other one. anterior, posterior. It may be remembered
that generally these Adjectives end with - or.
3. Ram is not more merciful as Shyam. By this sign they can be recognised. It may be
4. I was not so tired than my brother. remembered that ‘to’ is used after Prefer /
5. He is not very so industrious as your Preferable also, though they are not of Latin
servant. origin. As—
6. You are not highly so tall as your friend. 1. He is junior/senior to me. (not than me)
7. He is not that all trustworthy. 2. This is superior/inferior to that. (not
8. His achievement was not all so great. than that)
9. To drive is as difficult as swimming. 3. His turn comes prior to mine. (not than
10. Public speaking requires as much cour- mine)
age as to dance. 4. Milk is preferable to tea. (not than)
11. It is as difficult to ride as driving.
Rule 8—Originally Comparative Degree
12. They had better paid the penalty.
The above noted Adjectives of Latin origin
13. We would soon pay the money than (Superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior,
suffer this insult. anterior, posterior) are already of Compara-
14. I would as soon as die as beg like you. tive Degree. Therefore no attempt should be
15. You had better vacated the house than made to make their comparative degree by
gone for litigation. adding more / less or any other comparative
62 | L.W.C.E.
word. Therefore, it is wrong to use such My horse is better than Ram’s. (i.e., Ram’s
expressions as ‘more superior’ or ‘less supe- horse)
rior’, ‘more preferable’ or ‘less preferable’ Similarly—
and so on. Also, as has been explained above,
‘to’ is used with them, not ‘than’. As— 1. The climate of Punjab is better than that
of Bihar. (Not than Bihar)
1. He is junior to me. (Not more junior
than) 2. The markets of Delhi are larger than
those of (or than the markets of) Agra.
2. She is senior to her. (Not more senior (Not than Agra)
3. Milk is preferable to tea. (Not better Exercise
preferable) Correct the following sentences :
Rule 9—Double Comparatives 1. This T.V. set is less inferior to your set.
Double comparatives should not be used. 2. His performance was superior than mine.
Therefore, the following expressions are 3. This cloth is much more superior to the
wrong—more cleverer; more better; more other one.
stronger; less braver; greater higher, etc. 4. His turn comes priorer to yours.
The correct expressions would be—
5. Ram is more cleverer than Mohan.
1. He is cleverer (not more cleverer) than
you. 6. You can do still more better work.
2. An elephant is stronger (not more 7. No man could have done it in less shorter
stronger) than a horse. time.
8. Ram is more industrious than more
Rule 10—When two qualities
of the same person or thing are to be com-
9. He is stronger than cleverer.
pared, the Comparative Degree formed by -
er should not be used. In their place compara- 10. His writing is better than you.
tive degree should be made by adding more 11. The scenery of Kashmir is more beautiful
or less to the Adjective concerned. As— than Bihar.
1. He is more brave than strong. (Not 12. The cows of Haryana are better than
braver than stronger) Panjab.
2. Mohan is more good than wise (Not 13. Calcutta is larger than that of Bombay.
better than wise) 14. His house is bigger than her.
3. He is more industrious than intelligent. 15. My school is nearer than their.
(Not more industrious than more inte- Hints—(1) drop ‘less’; (2) t o mine; (3) drop
lligent) ‘more’; ( 4 ) prior; (5) drop‘more’; (6)
Rule 11—Correct Comparisons drop ‘more’; (7) drop ‘less’; (8) drop
When two persons, things or qualities are to ‘more’ before ‘intelligent’; (9) ‘ m o r e
be compared, care should be taken to see that strong than clever’; (10) yours; (11) that
comparison is made between correct persons of Bihar; (12) those of Panjab; (13) drop
or things. No wrong comparison should be ‘that of’; (14) hers; (15) theirs.
made. As— Rule 12—Proper Comparisons
My horse is better than Ram. There may be another error in correct com-
This sentence is wrong because in this parison which should be avoided. When a
sentence the comparison is wrong. The person or thing is to be compared with
sentence as it is would mean as if comparison another person or thing of the same class or
is made between ‘my horse’ and ‘Ram’. The category, and if the comparison is to be
correct comparison would be between ‘my shown by a comparative Adjective followed
horse’ and ‘Rams’s horse’ (not Ram by ‘than’, the person or thing coming after
himself). Therefore, the correct form of the ‘than’ should have ‘any other’ / ‘all others’
above sentence would be— or ‘else’ before it, otherwise the comparison
would be wrong and the sentence will have no 4. I love you more than any boy in the class.
meaning. For example, look at the following 5. He is dearer to me than anyone in the
sentence— family.
Ram is more intelligent than any other 6. He was in time while everyone was late.
student in the class. 7. I cannot accept you, though I can accept
This sentence is correct. But if we delete the anybody.
word other from the sentence and write it as 8. I cannot believe in your promises, though
follows— I can believe in anybody else.
Ram is more intelligent than any student in Hints—(1) any other; (2) any other; (3) any other;
the class. (4) any other; (5) anyone else; (6) ever-
The sentence becomes wrong on account of yone else; (7) anybody else; (8) else’s.
wrong comparison. This sentence would mean Rule 13—Comparison of Number/Quantity
as if Ram is not a student (may be a peon) and Another error is often committed in the com-
he is being compared with the students of the parisons of Number and Quantity. It should
class. But when we say any other student, the be remembered that fewer is used for Num-
meaning becomes clear that Ram is himself a ber, and less for Quantity. Fewer is always
student and he is being compared with other followed by Countable Plural Noun and less
students of the class. by uncountable Singular Noun. But more
Similarly the following sentences are correct— can be used both for Number and Quantity.
1. This book is better than any other book As—
in the stock. 1. I have fewer pens than pencils.
2. An elephant is stronger than all other 2. She gave me fewer books than maga-
animals in the wood. zines.
3. I respect you more than any one else in 3. He eats less butter than sugar.
the college. 4. She bought less gold than silver.
If we write these sentences as follows 5. There are more cows than goats.
(after removing any other/all other/anyone
6. There is more sugar than salt.
else), they will all be wrong.
Never use fewer in place of less, or less
1. This book is better than any book in the
in place of fewer. For example, the following
sentences are wrong—
2. An elephant is stronger than all animals
1. She bought fewer gold than silver.
in the wood.
2. I have less pens than pencils.
3. I respect you more than anyone in the
college. Rule 14—Comparatively + Positive Degree
Note—It may further be remembered in this If an Adjective (or an Adverb) has Compa-
context that other is used with a Noun and ratively before it, the Adjective (or Adverb)
else with a Pronoun. As—any other tea- should be used in the Positive Degree, not in
cher, any other pen, any other doctor; the Comparative Degree. As—
anyother else, anyone else, everybody 1. This is comparatively easy (not easier).
else, etc. 2. He is now comparatively well (not
Exercise better).
Correct the following sentences : 3. This is comparatively difficult (not
more difficult).
1. Dara Singh was stronger than any man in
his youth. Exercise
2. He works harder than any student in his Correct the following sentences :
class. 1. There are less rooms in his house than in
3. He is more learned than any teacher in the mine.
college. 2. He has read less books than I .
64 | L.W.C.E.
3. Only a few milk would be sufficient. In the above noted sentences if as is used
4. Take this medicine with a few tea. only once with the Positive Degree
Adjective, they would be wrong. For
5. Very less guests have come yet. example, the following sentences are
6. I will have a little fewer sugar in my tea. wrong—
7. He is now comparatively better off. 1. He runs as fast, if not faster than you.
8. Today he came comparatively earlier. 2. She is as good, if not better than her
9. Your problem is comparatively easier. mother.
10. He is comparatively a better man. 3. This hall is as large, if not larger than
Hints—(1) fewer; (2) fewer; (3) little; (4) little; that.
(5) few; (6) less; (7) well off; (8) early; (9) Rule 17—Emphatic Comparatives
easy; (10) good. Emphatic Comparatives can be used in the
Rule 15—Parallel/ Gradual Increase or Decr- following three ways—
ease (a) By using much / far / by far / still before
(a) Some sentences are so constructed that its the Comparative Degree (but not by using
Comparative Degree Adjective is split up very). As—
and used in the two Parts of the sentence as a 1. This house is much larger than that.
balance. In such sentences, Comparative
Degree should be used in both the parts, not 2. This is far better than that.
comparative in one part and Positive or 3. This is by far more important than the
Superlative in the other. As— other.
1. The higher a man rises, the humbler he 4. This book is still better.
grows. or,
We should not say— This book is better still.
The higher a man rises, the humble or (b) By using rather.
humblest he grows.) As—
2. The nobler a man is, the more respect 1. This book is rather cheaper.
he gets.
2. This hall is rather better.
(b) In some sentences the same Comparative
Adjective is repeated one after the other. (c) By using all the.
The form of such sentences is as follows— As—
1. He is getting weaker and weaker. 1. This is all the better.
2. He is working harder and harder. 2. That was all the worse.
3. The price-index is rising higher and 3. That was all the more disappointing.
Rule 16—Positive Degree+Comparative Degree
Correct the following sentences :
There are also some sentences in which both
the Comparative and Positive Degree Adjec- 1. The harder a man labours, the best returns
tives are used. In such sentences, the Positive he gets.
Degree Adjective should be used with as 2. The more contented a man is, the happy
……as (not with one as only) and Com- he feels.
parative Degree Adjective with than. As— 3. The more you amass, the greediest you
1. He runs as fast as, if not faster than you. grow.
2. She is as good as, if not better than her 4. The most you conceal, the more you
mother. expose yourself.
3. This hall is as large as, if not larger 5. The valley goes deep and deeper from
than that. here.
6. The mountain peaks rise high and high Rule 20—Superlative + of/ in
from this terrain. Preposition of or in is used to show compari-
7. He is sinking deeper and deepest into son amongst three or more persons or
debts. things. As—
8. He is as intelligent, if not more intelligent 1. He is the richest of all men here.
than his father.
2. This is the cheapest of all books.
9. His position is as bad as, if not worst than
3. This is the best building in the town.
10. He is very better now. 4. He is the most intelligent boy in the
11. This is all the good for me.
Remember that of is used with most of
12. This cloth is very inferior. the Superlative Adjectives, but with the
Hints—(1) better; (2) happier; (3) greedier; (4) Superlatives showing place we use i n
more you conceal; (5) deeper and deeper; instead of of. As—in the town or in the
(6) higher and higher; (7) deeper and class in the above noted sentences.
deeper; (8) as intelligent as; (9) worse; Rule 21—Superlative + one of/among
(10) much better; (11) better; (12) much
inferior. When one of or a m o n g is used with a
Superlative, the noun coming after it must be
(C) Superlative Degree of Plural Number. As—
Rule 18—The + Superlative 1. Ram is one of the best boys in the class.
Article The must be used before a Superlative 2. This is one of the cheapest books
Degree Adjective. As— available in the market.
1. He is the best student of the class. 3. He is the best among these boys.
2. This is the highest peak. 4. This is the cheapest among these books.
3. He is the most powerful man. Rule 22—Superlative and other
The following sentences are wrong because We don’t use other with a Superlative Degree
Article a (not the) or no article has been used
Adjective. (It may be remembered that with a
before the Superlative Adjective. As—
Comparative Degree Adjective other is used
He is a best student.
when the comparison is within the same class
or or category, but it is not so with a Superlative
He is best student. Adjective.) As—
Note—But if some Possessive Adjective (my, 1. He is the strongest of all boys. (Not of all
our, your, his, her, their) or Possessive other boys)
Case (Noun + ’ s) has come before the
Superlative, we don’t use the Article the. 2. This is the best of all buildings. (Not of
As— all other buildings)
1. He is my best friend. Rule 23—One of………if not/Superlative
2. He is our dearest child. In some sentences Superlative is used twice
3. He is Ram’s best friend. once with one of the and again with if not
Rule 19—Three or more Nouns the. In such sentences Plural Noun comes
Superlative Adjective is used for comparison after one of the + Superlative, and Singular
amongst at least three or more things or Noun after if not the + Superlative. As—
persons. As— This is one of the best books, if not the best
1. She i s the best of the three sisters. (Not book on Indian philosophy.
best of the two sisters) The following are some more sentences—
2. This is the cheapest of all . 1. He is one of the greatest historians, if not
(Not cheapest of both) the greatest (historian) alive today.
66 | L.W.C.E.
2. This is one of the highest peaks, if not 1. He is the most brightest student.
the highest (peak) of these mountains. (Only brightest student should be
3. This is one of the largest halls, if not the there.)
largest (hall) in the town. 2. He is the most richest man.
Note—In such sentences the Singular Noun 3. This is the most worst job.
coming after if not the + Superlative is
Rule 25—Emphatic Superlative
often concealed.
In order to give additional emphasis to a
Exercise Superlative Adjective, we can use by far the /
Correct the following sentences : much the / the very / out and out the. As—
1. He is noblest man I have ever met. 1. Bangalore is by far the most beautiful
2. This is longest chapter in my book. city.
3. This is my the most favourite dish. 2. This is much the best school.
4. This is Mohan’s the highest ambition. 3. This is the very best school.
5. She is the tallest of the two sisters. 4. This is out and out the best school.
6. The best of the two will be given the Rule 26—Adjectives of the same degree
prize. If the same Noun is qualified by two or more
7. The best of both will be given a chance. than two Adjectives , all these Adjectives
must be of the same Degree. As—
8. This is the most fashionable market of
the town. 1. She is the best and most talented girl.
(We can’t say best and talented or good
9. He is the most scholarly of all other and most talented)
2. This is the deepest and longest valley.
10. He is the ablest of any other candidates.
3. I have the best and cheapest book.
11. He is one of the greatest scientists if not
the great of this century. Rule 27—Non-gradable Adjectives
12. Ram is one of the most mischievous The undernoted Adjectives are already of the
boys, if not the more mischievous in the Superlative Degree. They cannot be used as
class. Comparative Degree Adjectives, nor can the
emphasising expressions such as very /
13. You can choose the best of either of these extremely / highly / much can be used with
pens. them. These Adjectives are—
14. I will live in the bigger of all these Unique, perfect, matchless, excellent, ideal,
houses. absolute, universal, impossible, entire,
15. He reached the earliest of both. whole, full, complete, round, extreme,
Hints—(1) the noblest; (2) the longest; (3) drop eternal, chief. Now see their use—
‘the’; (4) drop ‘the’; (5) of the three (or 1. He is an ideal leader.
more); (6) Three or more/all; (7) of all; (8) (We can’t say more ideal or most ideal)
in the town; (9) drop ‘other’; (10) ‘all’ in 2. This is a unique chance. (not, more uni-
place of ‘any other’ (11) the greatest; (12) que or most unique)
‘most mischievous’ in place of ‘m o r e 3. This plan is perfect.
mischievous. (13) ‘all’ in place of ‘eit-
4. I have full sympathy with him.
her’; (14) the biggest; (15) ‘all’ in place of
‘both’. Note—However, these days full and perfect are
being used in Comparative and Super-
Rule 24—Double Superlative lative Degrees also. Now we can use full,
Double Superlatives should not be used. The fuller, and fullest, or perfect, more per-
following sentences are w r o n g because fect or most perfect. This use is coming
double superlatives have been used in them. into vogue. As—
1. I have the fullest sympathy with you. 3. The humble are blessed.
2. This is the more perfect/ most perfect 4. The wicked always come to grief.
plan. (b) As a Singular Noun representing some
3. Please give me a fuller account of the abstract quality.
incident. As—
Rule 28—Like best/like most 1. Keats was a poet of the beautiful.
Both these uses are correct. 2. The future is bright.
1. Which of these books do you like most ? (c) Adjectives actually becoming Nouns.
2. Which of these books do you like best ? (i) Proper Nouns—Canadians, Africans,
Some Other Typical Adjectives Asians, Italians.
(ii) Denoting Persons—Juniors, seniors,
Rule 29—Kind and sort
elders, nobles, inferiors, superiors,
Kind and sort are of Singular Number. There- criminals, savages, betters.
fore, this or that should be used with them,
(iii) In Plural Number only—sweets,
not these or those.
valuables, eatables.
1. I don’t like this/that kind of men.
(d) In some phrases
for good, at best, black and white,
I don’t like men of this/that kind. through thick and thin, for better/for
2. I don’t like this/that sort of men. worse/worst, before long, in short,
or from bad to worse, the long and short.
I don’t like men of this/that sort. 1. He has left India for good.
Note—These / those sort or these / those kind 2. At best, we shall get marginal profit.
are wrong expressions, though some 3. The agreement was made in black
authors have started using them. and white.
Rule 30—Adjective/Adverb 4. We shall remain friends through
Sometimes Adjectives are used with verbs thick and thin.
also, but in that case the Adjectives qualify 5. We shall not part company for better
the subject of the verb. If, however, they or for worse.
qualify the action (verb), they should be used
Adverbially. As— 6. Nothing better can come.
1. The flowers smell sweet (not sweetly) 7. Nothing worse can happen.
2. He looked angry (not angrily) 8. I am prepared for the worst.
3. The ship appeared suddenly (not sudden) 9. I shall start a new business before
4. He looked coldly at us. (not cold) long.
Rule 31—Adjective used as Nouns 10. In short, I have lost the chance.
Sometimes Adjectives are used as Nouns in 11. His condition is getting from bad to
the following cases— worse.
(a) Represent a class of people 12. The long and short of the whole
matter is that the match had to be
Sometimes a particular class of people in
the Plural Number can be represented by
an Adjective preceded by the definite Exercise
Article The. As—
(a) Correct the following sentences :
1. The rich should not be proud. (i.e.
rich people) 1. He is the most richest man in the town.
2. The poor should not be derided. (i.e. 2. He is the least slowest worker.
poor people) 3. He has committed the most worst crime.
68 | L.W.C.E.
4. He is the noblest man by far in our 1. Ram came later than Hari.
family. 2. This event is of a later date.
5. This is the much best book on the subject. 3. Ram and Shyam are brothers but the
6. She is the out and out most fashionable latter is more cultured than the former.
lady. Former and Latter
7. This is the best and easy of all exercises.
When there is reference to only two persons
8. She is the sweetest and noble girl. or things, we use former for the first and latter
9. We live in the richest and fertile valley. for the second. But when the reference is for three
10. He is the most ideal teacher. or more persons or things, we use first for the
11. You will never get a very unique chance first and last for the last. As—
like this. 1. Ram and Shyam are brothers but the
12. That was a most excellent opportunity. former is very rich and the latter very
13. He found it most impossible to swim poor.
across the flooded river.
2. In a list of fifty candidates Ram’s name is
14. He has left the work more incomplete. at the first place and Mohan’s at the last.
15. It is difficult to deal with this kinds of
First and Foremost
16. These kind of books are not available First is first merely in serial order without
here. any suggestion of more or less in importance,
17. These sort of men are dangerous. while foremost means most important without
any reference to serial order. As—
18. She appears very sweetly in her red frock.
19. I found her smilingly at the door. 1. He was the first man to reach here.
20. She looked coldly and indifferently. 2. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru was the foremost
statesman of his time.
Hints—(1) drop ‘most’; (2) drop ‘least’; (3) drop Last and Latest
‘most’; (4) by far the noblest man; (5) Last is the antonym of first, while latest is
much the best book; (6) out and out the the antonym of earliest. Therefore, last has the
most fashionable; (7) easiest; (8) noblest; sense of place in serial order, while latest has the
(9) most fertile; (10) drop ‘most’; (11) sense of Time. As—
drop ‘very’; (12) ‘an’ in place of ‘a most’;
(13) drop ‘most’; (14) drop ‘more’; (15) 1. The last person in the queue is my friend.
these; (16) kinds; (17) sorts; (18) sweet; 2. What is the latest news about his condi-
(19) smiling; (20) cold and indifferent. tion ?
(b) Use the following Adjectives or Adjectival Nearest and Next
phrases as Nouns— Nearest means nearest in distance, while next
Rich, poor, beautiful, junior, senior, elder, means after this / that in serial order. As—
sweet, valuable, good, better, best, long and short, 1. Which is the nearest railway station
bad, worse, worst, black and white, thick and thin, from here ?
short, from bad to worse.
2. My seat was next from the door.
We give below some typical Adjectives in the Farther and Further
use of which there is always some doubt and a
Farther means away in distance, while
mistake is often committed. See their correct use
further means ‘in addition to’. But further is
also used sometimes for distance. As—
Later and Latter
1. Lucknow is farther from Agra than
Later is the Comparative Degree of late, Kanpur.
while latter is antonym of former. Later gives
the sense of time, while latter expresses place or 2. There is nothing further to say.
position. As— 3. Further he said that he was ill.
Fewer, Less and Lesser (b) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
Fewer is used for number, less for quantity, with ‘former’ or ‘latter’ or ‘first’, or ‘fore-
and lesser for less in importance. As— most’, or ‘last’ :
1. Fewer visitors came to see the Taj this 1. Ram and Shyam are both good students
year. but the………is more cultured than the….
2. Fewer candidates have applied for the 2. Johnson is our ………manager.
post this time. 3. Ramu is so weak that he stands………in
3. There is less milk in the jar. the list.
4. He has now less time. 4. Homer was the……great Greek poet..
5. Many lesser speakers also spoke from the 5. Wordsworth was the……romantic poet.
platform. Hints—(1) former, latter; (2) former; (3) last;
6. I have not read the lesser poets of the (4) first; (5) foremost.
Elizabethan Age. (c) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
Note—If in a certain sentence there is a Definite with ‘last’ or ‘latest’, ‘next’ or ‘nearest’,
Numeral Adjective, followed by a Plural ‘farther’ or ‘further’, ‘fewer’ or ‘less’ :
Noun, we use less in place of fewer. As— 1. The man who came ……could not get a
1. I have ten rupees less at the moment. seat.
2. There are two members less in the team. 2. The……and concluding chapter is the
most important one.
Elder and Eldest : Older and Oldest
3. The……news from the war front is very
Elder and Eldest are used for members of the disappointing.
same family. Elder means senior in age and
4. This is the……issue of the magazine.
eldest means senior-most in age. Older and oldest
are used for other people or things, in the same 5. Bahadur Shah was the……King of the
sense of age. As— Mugal dynasty.
1. He is my elder brother. 6. Bombay Central is the……station from
our locality.
2. My eldest brother is like my father.
7. Roorki is ……from here than Delhi.
3. I am older than my friend. 8. The……hospital from here is five kilo-
4. He is the oldest man in the village. metres away.
5. This is the oldest Church. 9. Turn to the left from the……crossing.
Note— It may be remembered that older is 10. I shall give you a good book……time.
followed by than, while elder is followed 11. He could not speak any…….
by to. As— 12. He could not go any …….
I am elder to my sister, while she is older 13. Ram’s house is……to mine.
than her friend. 14. No……argument is needed.
Exercise 15. Please come without any …… delay.
(a) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences 16. Don’t go any……into the wood.
with ‘later’ or ‘latter’ : 17. He has……friends than you.
1. ……on he said that he could not help me. 18. This market is ……crowded.
2. The majority accepted the ……proposal. 19. His chances are……than mine.
3. The ………half of the century produced 20. There is……risk in this business.
no great poet.
Hints—(1) last; (2) last; (3) latest; (4) latest; (5)
4. I can come at some ……date. last; (6) nearest; (7) farther; (8) nearest;
5. At a ……date, he was also promoted as (9) next; (10) next; (11) further; (12)
the chief engineer. farther; (13) next; (14) further; (15) fur-
Hints—(1) Later; (2) latter; (3) latter; (4) later; ther; (16) farther; (17) fewer; (18) less;
(5) later. (19) fewer; (20) less.
70 | L.W.C.E.
(d) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences (c) The little means not much but all that is
with ‘elder’ or ‘eldest’, ‘older’ or ‘oldest’ : there.
1. My friend is …………than me. 1. He has wasted the little money he had.
2. My ………… brother is coming today. (i.e. not much, but all that he had.)
3. Our ………… were highly respectable. 2. Make the best use of the little time you
4. I have no ………… sister. have.
5. This is the ………… edition of this book. Few, a few, the few
6. This is our ……… house. (a) ‘Few’ means ‘almost nil’. It has a negative
7. My ……… sister has two sons. sense.
8. This is the ………… temple in the town. 1. He has few chances of success.
Hints—(1) older; (2) elder or eldest; (3) elders; (i.e. almost no chances of success.)
(4) elder; (5) oldest; (6) oldest; (7) elder 2. He has few enemies.
or eldest; (8) oldest. (b) A few means ‘small in number’.
Some and Any 1. I can give you a few books.
Some is used in Affirmative and Interro- 2. I have only a few friends.
gative sentences for request or invitation. (c) ‘The few’ means ‘small in number’, but all
Any is used in Negative and Interrogative that are there.
sentences. As— 1. I have lost the few books I had.
1. I have some letters for you. (i.e. very few in number, but all those
(Since it is an affirmative sentence, we that I had.)
cannot say ‘any letters for you’) 2. Carefully read the few books you have.
2. I do not have any letters for you.
(Since it is a negative sentence, we Exercise
cannot say ‘some letters for you’.) (a) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
3. I want to read some more books. with some or any; little, a little, or the little :
4. I don’t want to read any more books. 1. I don’t have ……… money in my pocket.
5. Do you have some friends with you ? 2. Can you lend me ……… money ?
6. Do you not have any friend with you ? 3. He could not lend me …… money.
7. Will you please have some tea ? 4. I have not invited ……… of my friends.
8. No, I will not have any. 5. Do you want to invite ……… of your
or friends ?
Yes, I will have some. 6. Do you have ……… time to help me ?
Little, a little, the little 7. No, I don’t have ……… time.
(a) Little means almost nil / nothing. It has a 8. There is ……… hope of his recovery.
negative sense. As— 9. There is ……… milk left in the pot.
1. There is little hope of his success. 10. ……… milk he had has turned sour.
(i.e. There is almost no hope of his 11. A poor man has ……… money to waste.
12. There is ……… work left to complete.
2. I have little time to waste.
13. ……… work left yesterday has been
(b) A little means small in quantity. completed.
1. There is a little money left. 14. There is ……… time now left.
(i.e. small amount) Hints—(1) any; (2) some; (3) any; (4) any; (5)
2. I have only a little sugar left. some; (6) some; (7) any; (8) little; (9) a
3. We had only a little time to complete the little; (10) The little; (11) little; (12) a
work. little; (13) The little; (14) little.
(b) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences 1. Owing to his illness, he could not appear
with few, a few, or the few : at the examination.
1. There are ………… friends who remain 2. Owing to heavy rain, the programme
faithful in hard times. was badly disturbed.
2. He has only …… …… friends. Many a
3. ……… friends he has are really faithful It is used like a Singular Numeral Adjective,
to him. though it is Plural in sense. It takes a Singular
4. A good man has …… …… enemies. N o u n and a Singular Verb after it. It means
5. ………… passengers were injured in the many (one by one). As—
accident. 1. Many a young man has laid down his
6. …… …… passengers injured in the life for the country.
accident have been given first-aid. 2. Many a great occasion has come in my
7. ……… books would serve my purpose. life.
8. …… …… books I had have all gone out Verbal and Oral
of course. Verbal means of or in words. It is opposite
Hints—(1) few; (2) a few; (3) The few; (4) few; of ‘written’. As—
(5) A few; (6) The few; (7) A few; (8) The
1. There is no verbal difference between the
two documents.
Each and Every
2. There is a striking verbal similarity
Each is used for two or more than two. between the two poems.
Every is used for at least three or more. ‘Oral’ means by ‘mouth’, not in writing.
Every should not be used for two. As—
1. There will be an oral test.
1. Each of you must reach in time.
2. He has failed in the oral examination.
2. Each of the two brothers is highly
cultured. (not ‘every one of the two’) Note—Nowadays ‘Verbal’ is also used in the
3. Every one of them was ready to go. sense of ‘Oral’ (by mouth).
4. I know every street of Calcutta. 1. We have received a verbal message.
Either and Neither ‘Common’ and ‘Mutual’
Either means ‘one of the two’; Neither ‘Common’ means belonging to two or more
means ‘neither this nor that of the two.’ Neither persons or things.
is antonym of either. Neither / Either are not 1. There is nothing common between them.
used for more than two. As— 2. This is our common property.
1. You can take either side. ‘Mutual’ means ‘between two’, ‘for each
2. Either of the two brothers can come. other’.
1. There was mutual exchange of views
3. You should take neither side.
between them.
4. Neither of the two brothers is likely to
2. There was little mutual understanding
between them.
‘Due to’ and ‘owing to’
‘Due to’ means ‘caused by’. It is related with
the action of a verb. As— (a) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
1. His demotion was due to his negligence with appropriate adjectives :
of duty. 1. ……… one of the villagers had to vacate
2. He has risen so high due to his hard his house.
labour. 2. ……… of Ram, Shyam and Mohan was
‘Owing to’ is only a Prepositional phrase. It fined for coming late.
only governs a Noun or a Nominal. It is generally 3. …… of the two friends is answerable for
placed at the beginning of the sentence. it.
72 | L.W.C.E.
4. ………… of them is a hard worker. 10. He rose very high in his latter days.
5. ………… of the two candidates can be 11. The later half of this book is better.
selected. 12. This is the best and late discovery.
6. ………… of the two candidates is fit for 13. My friend is elder to me.
14. He is the most ideal student.
7. You may join ………… party.
15. My watch is more costly than you.
8. He found ………… party acceptable.
16. The population of Kanpur is more than
9. The roof collapsed ………… heavy load. Agra.
10. ………… heavy load the roof collapsed. 17. She is the gentlest and beautiful girl.
11. ………… patriot has laid down his life. 18. He has wasted the few money he had.
12. ………… good student has failed this 19. The flowers smell so sweetly.
20. These kind of persons should be avoided.
13. He did not come for his ………… test.
21. Is he wiser than any man ?
14. I cannot accept your ………… assurance.
22. He is the wisest of all other men present
15. We live in a ………… house. here.
16. This is a ………… Community Hall. 23. He made the most unkindest remark.
17. This will serve our ………… interests. 24. He has done a most unique work.
18. Let there be ………… give and take bet- 25. I have no farther demand.
ween friends.
26. The three first chapters of this book are in
19. We can share a ………… room. our course.
20. We have no ………… friend. 27. Ram is our mutual friend.
Hints—(1) Every; (2) Each; (3) Each; (4) Every 28. He has the little hope of recovering his
one; (5) Either; (6) Neither; (7) either; (8) money.
neither; (9) due to; (10) Owing to; (11)
29. He hasn’t done nothing.
Many a; (12) Many a; (13) oral; (14)
verbal; (15) common; (16) common; (17) 30. This sorts of houses do not meet our
mutual; (18) mutual; (19) common; (20) requirements.
common. 31. A dog is more faithful than any animal.
Revision Exercise 32. She is as beautiful if not more than her
Correct the following sentences :
33. This is one of the good, if not the best
1. Very little students are present in the class house available on rent here.
34. Who is the richest between the two
2. There is few milk in the pot. brothers ?
3. He is junior than I. 35. He hasn’t some room to spare for my
4. This scheme is more preferable than the studies.
old one. 36. I have any books you need for your
5. This is the most saddest news. studies.
6. Of these four persons he is more 37. He has brought some sweet from the
intelligent. market.
7. Between these two books this is the best. 38. We must all respect our elder.
8. Read the chapter farther. 39. Tell the whole story in briefly.
9. Do you have any farther scheme ? 40. I have lost all money I had.
7 Adverbs
Kinds of Adverbs 6. Adverb of Reason or Cause (showing
‘reason’/‘cause’)—The following are the more
There are 9 kinds of Adverbs— common Adverbs of Reason or cause—
1. Adverb of Time (showing ‘time’)—The
following are the more common Adverbs of Owing to, due to, consequently, hence,
Time— therefore.
Now, then, before, after, since, ago, soon, 7. Adverb of Affirmation or Negation
late, early, presently, instantly, immediately, (showing ‘yes’ or ‘no’)—The following are the
already, afterwards, never, when, whenever, more common Adverbs of Affirmation or Nega-
today, tomorrow, yesterday, ever. tion—
2. Adverb of Place (showing ‘place’/ yes, no, not, certainly, certainly not, yea,
‘Where’)—The following are the more common may, by all means.
Adverbs of Place—
8. Interrogative Adverb (for asking ques-
Here, there, where, hence, thence, hither, tions)—The following are the more common
thither, in, out, within, without, above, Interrogative Adverbs—
below, inside, outside, far, near, everywhere,
away, forward, backward. Why, when, what, where, how, how many,
how long, how far, whence, whither, what,
3. Adverb of Number (showing ‘how often’/ wherefore.
‘frequency’)—The following are the more
common Adverbs of Number— 9. Relative Adverb (showing ‘relationship’)
—These Adverbs show ‘relationship’. In form
How often, once, twice, thrice, often, they are like Interrogative Adverbs. Like Relative
seldom, frequently, rarely, again, always, Adjcetives, they must have an Antecedent, and
firstly, secondly, thirdly, sometimes. the Adverb must refer to this Antecedent. If there
4. Adverb of Quantity/Degree (showing is no Antecedent before it, it would become
‘how much’) — The following are the more Interrogative Adverb, and not Relative Adverb.
The more common Relative Adverbs are these—
common Adverbs of Quantity or Degree—
What, when, where, why, how,whence,
Too, almost, fully, very, enough, so,
whither, whatever, wherever.
altogether, no better, pretty well, any, quite,
rather, partly, wholly,
Degrees of Comparison in
5. Adverb of Manner (showing ‘how’ or ‘in Adverbs
what manner’)—The following are the more
common Adverbs of Manner— Some Adverbs, specially Adverbs of Man-
ner, Degree and Time have three Degrees of
Cheerfully, unwillingly, clearly, soundly, comparison like Adjectives. The three Degrees
strongly, bravely, hard, thus, so, cowardly, are—
slowly, quickly, actively, fast, nobly, Positive Degree, Comparative Degree and
proudly, lovingly. Superlative Degree.
74 | L.W.C.E.
(c) If after the verb or its object two or more 4. “Do you travel by plane ?”
than two Adverbs are to be used, they should be “Yes, I sometimes do.” (short form
placed in this order—adverb of manner, adverb answer)
of place, adverb of time. As—
(g) The Adverb is placed before the Auxi-
1. He spoke impressively at the function liaries have to / used to. As—
1. I often have to go by bus.
2. She wept bitterly at the playground last
evening. 2. He always used to be kind to me.
3. He comes regularly at the stadium 3. He never has to go alone.
every morning. (h) The Adverb is placed before the Adjec-
4. You should reach home by this evening. tive or another adverb which it modifies. As—
(d) Adverbs of frequency (e.g. always, 1. His lecture was very interesting.
never, often, rarely, usually, generally, almost, 2. He is very highly qualified.
already, hardly, nearly, just, quite) They are 3. Do you drive so fast ?
used between the Subject and Verb if the verb is
of one word only (as, goes, runs, play, etc.), but 4. He is wonderfully intelligent.
if the verb has more than one word (as, is going, (i) Adverb enough is always placed after the
has been working), the Adverb is placed after word it modifies. As—
the first word of the verb. As— 1. He was good enough to help me.
1. I just saw him at the gate. 2. This house is large enough for our
2. He has already finished his work. purpose.
3. He has rarely been coming to me. 3. He is brave enough to face the situation.
4. He has frequently been absenting himself (j) Adverb only is placed just before the word
from the class. it modifies. As—
5. We usually go there. 1. He worked only for two hours yesterday.
(e) All the Adverbs listed above (under d) are 2. I attempted only twice to climb to the
placed after the Auxiliary Verbs (i.e. is, are, am, top.
was, were), but before other verbs. As—
1. I am always ready. Note—But in spoken English only can be used
before the Verb. As—
2. He is often late.
1. He only worked for two hours yesterday.
3. We were never happy there.
4. He seldom comes here. 2. I only attempted twice to climb to the
5. He generally travels by bus.
(k) Negative Adverb ‘not’ is always placed
6. I frequently meet him in the market.
between the Auxiliary Verb and the Principal
(f) If some stress is to be laid on a verb, or if Verb. As—
a reply is to be given in a short form, all the
1. He did not reach in time.
Adverbs (listed above under d) should be placed
before the Auxiliary Verbs or single verb be. 2. I shall not meet him.
As— 3. He has not spoken a word.
1. “He has again forgotten to bring his
books.” Exercise I
“Yes, he always does forget to bring his Correct the position o f the Adverb i n the
books.” following sentences :
2. “Are you free this evening ?” 1. He only died a month ago.
“Yes, I usually am free in the evenings.” 2. He soon will finish his work.
3. “When does he go to Bombay ?” 3. He is enough rich to set up a new factory.
“He already has gone to Bombay.” 4. I almost have finished my course.
76 | L.W.C.E.
5. The rain began to fall suddenly. the auditorium tomorrow morning; (7)
6. I have met often that man. just saw; (8) standing at the gate a little
while ago; (9) usually go; (10) rarely
7. He explained clearly his point of view. angry; (11) me in the park this evening;
8. I go seldom after sunset. (12) often invites me; (13) has just
9. He merely came to return my book. landed; (14) regularly go; (15) shall
frequently be meeting.
10. He bore his losses patiently.
Rule 2— If an Adverb modifies (a) the whole
11. Ram is a lazy boy rather.
sentence or (b) if it is meant to give very
12. I never am late for school. great stress, it is placed at the very
13. He does carefully all his work. beginning of the sentence. As—
14. The mother heartily loves her daughter. 1. Unfortunately a very serious accident
15. He has spoken not a word. occurred.
2. Luckily no one was killed.
Hints—(1) only a month; (2) will soon; (3) rich
enough; (4) have almost finished; (5) 3. Out came the lion from the den and
suddenly began to fall; (6) have often stood before us.
met; (7) clearly explained; (8) seldom go; Rule 3—Double Negative
(9) came merely to return; (10) patiently Double Negatives should not be used in a
bore; (11) rather a lazy; (12) never late; sentence. Double Negatives give either Affir-
(13) all his work carefully; (14) daughter mative meaning or no meaning at all. Their
heartily; (15) has not spoken. use is, therefore, wrong.
Exercise II 1. I cannot walk no further now.
Insert the given Adverbs (or Adverb (There should be ‘any further’ is place
Phrases) in their right position in the following of ‘no further’.)
sentences : 2. Nothing never happened.
1. This is not bright (enough). (There should be ‘ever’ in place of
2. You should behave like this (never). ‘never’.)
3. Will he be found (there, still) ? 3. I don’t want nothing.
4. He goes to the market (seldom). (There should be ‘anything’ in place of
5. I am late for the office (never).
4. He was not honest neither.
6. He is lecturing (tomorrow morning, at the
(There should be ‘either’ in place of
7. I saw him going out (just). 5. I forbid you not to go there.
8. He was standing (at the gate, a little (‘not’ should be removed from here
while ago). because ‘forbid’ is already negative.)
9. I go to school on foot (usually).
10. He is angry with me (rarely). Exercise III
11. Please meet me (this evening, in the Correct the following sentences :
park). 1. A great tragedy luckily has been averted.
12. He invites me to tea (often). 2. All the passengers were unfortunately
13. The plane has landed (just). killed.
14. We go to Church (regularly). 3. We cannot bear it no longer.
15. I shall be meeting you (frequently). 4. We could not find him nowhere.
Hints—(1) bright enough; (2) should never 5. I don’t see no sense in it.
behave; (3) found still there; (4) seldom 6. Scarcely no one would believe in your
goes; (5) am never late; (6) lecturing at story.
Note—Under the above rule very much can also 7. I was very surprised to see him in this
be used (in place of much) in the Com- condition.
parative Degree, but not in the Positive 8. The scene of accident was much
Degree. shocking.
5. Very and Much 9. She was much pleased to see her son’s
Very and Much can both be used in the result card.
Superlative Degree also but the rule is that Very 10. He felt much tired after the day’s hard
is used after the Article the, and much before the. labour.
As— 11. This book is very better than the other
1. He is much the best boy of the class. one.
2. Rakesh is much the richest man of the 12. He appears to be much ambitious.
town. 13. His achievement is really much credit-
3. Cow is the very gentlest animal. able.
4. This is the very best book available here. 14. This is the much biggest house available
6. Much and Very Much here.
Very much can be used with the Verb in 15. This is very the best I could do for you.
Affirmative sentences only, but in the Negative 16. We have given you the much largest
sentences only much can be used. As— share of the profit.
1. I love him very much. 17. You have now very the first chance of
2. I don’t love him much. purchasing this house.
(Wrong to say—“I don’t love him very 18. I could not appreciate his efforts very
much”) much.
7. Very much, Too much, Much too 19. This could not give me very much satis-
and only too faction.
All these four phrases have different mean- 20. This medicine has given me too much
ings. ‘Very much’ means ‘completely’, ‘too relief.
much’ and ‘much too’ mean ‘more than neces- Hints—(1) ‘much’ in place of ‘too much’; (2)
sary or desirable’, only too means ‘much’. As— very faithful; (3) ‘gracious enough’ in
1. I am very much obliged to you. place of ‘too gracious’; (4) ‘kind enough’
in place of ‘too kind’; (5) ‘very gene-
2. His performance is very much disap-
rous’; (6) ‘much shocked’; (7) ‘much
surprised’; (8) ‘very shocking’; (9) ‘very
3. It gives me too much pain. pleased’; (10) ‘very tired’; (11) ‘much
4. It is much too painful. better’; (12) ‘very ambitious’; (13) ‘very
5. I am only too glad to be here. creditable’; (14) ‘much the biggest’; (15)
‘the very best’; (16) ‘much the largest’;
Exercise IV (17) ‘the very first’; (18) ‘much’ in place
of ‘very much’; (19) ‘much’ in place of
Correct the use of Adverbs in the follow-
‘very much’; (20) ‘much’ in place of ‘too
ing sentences :
1. She loves her only son too much.
2. My old servant is too faithful to me. 8. Too and Even
3. He is too gracious to help me. The difference between too and even is that
too is used only for empha-sis, while even is used
4. He is too kind to forgive me. in the sense of ‘against or contrary to hope or
5. My father is too generous to his servants. expectation.’ For example, a brother is normally
6. She was very shocked to see the scene of expected to help a brother, but if a brother does
accident. not help, we shall say—
‘Even my brother did not help me.’ 7. There is still …… hope of his survival.
Similarly— (little, a little)
1. He helped me and my friend too. 8. There is …… hope of his survival. (little,
a little)
2. He is intelligent and industrious too.
9. There is …… I can do to help you. (little,
3. Even my father did not support me. a little)
4. I could not even recognize him. 10. I came to Kanpur five years ago but I
9. Little and A Little have not been to my home-town …… .
(since, ever since)
Little and a little as Adverbs have the same 11. I came to Kanpur five years ago but I
meaning as Adjectives. Little is negative in sense have been to my home-town only once
meaning ‘almost nothing’ while a little means …… . (since, ever since)
‘not much’. As—
12. I had injured my knee four years ago but
1. I little expected that he would pass. I have been feeling pain in it …… (since,
(i.e. There was almost no hope.) ever since)
2. I was a little disappointed. Hints—(1) too; (2) even; (3) too; (4) Even; (5) a
(i.e. The disappointment was not much.) little; (6) little; (7) a little; (8) little; (9)
little; (10) ever since; (11) since; (12) ever
10. Since and Ever Since since.
They are both Abverbs of time. Since means 11. Else …… but
from a certain point of time in the Past, while
Else is followed by but, not than.
ever since means from a certain point of time to
the Present. They are used with the Present 1. None else but the Prime Minister will
Perfect Tense, but in the Indirect Narration they inaugurate the Seminar.
are used with Past Perfect Tense. As— 2. I met none else but your father.
1. I met him five years ago and have 3. It is nothing else but arrogance.
remembered him ever since. 12. Seldom or never/Seldom if ever
2. We were together in school days but we The correct expressions are seldom or never
have met only twice since. (not ever) and seldom if ever (not never).
3. He assured me that he had never done so 1. He seldom or never misbehaves with
since. anybody.
4. We lived in Kashmir several years ago 2. He seldom if ever drinks.
but we have remembered those happy
days ever since. 13. Before and Ago
Exercise Both these are Adverbs of Time. Before is
used with Simple Past Tense or Present Perfect
Fill in the blanks with correct alternatives Tense, while Ago is used with Simple Past Tense
from those given in the brackets: only (not with Present Perfect Tense). As—
1. I bought a pen and an inkpot …… (too, 1. I never before met such a rude man.
2. I have seen Jaipur before also.
2. He lost …… his security. (too, even)
3. I met him a month ago.
3. My brother came and with him his friend
…… . (too, even) 4. His father died a month ago.
4. …… the best doctors failed to diagnose Note—Ago suggests Past Tense, therefore it
his disease. (Too, Even) should not be used with any form of the
Present Tense. Therefore the following
5. He is …… displeased with me. (little, a
sentences are wrong—
6. I …… doubted his sincerity. (little, a 1. I have arrived here only a little ago.
little) 2. I have completed my work an hour ago.
80 | L.W.C.E.
14. Yet and Still 9. He has started a new business some time
Yet means ‘till now’ and still means ‘even ago.
now’. Generally yet is used at the e n d of a 10. He has left office only a minute ago.
sentence, and still after an auxiliary or before 11. I have not seen him for a long time but he
single verbs. is yet my friend.
1. He is still in service. 12. He has not still gone on duty.
2. You are still a student. 13. I have yet given your share to you.
3. I still love you. 14. The child has yet gone to sleep.
4. He still needs my help. 15. He has not already reserved his berth.
5. He has not come yet. 16. She has not already shifted to her new
6. He is sleeping yet. house.
15. Yet and Already Hints—(1) ‘but’ in place of ‘except’; (2) ‘but’ in
place of ‘than’; (3) ‘but’ in place of
Already is used in Affirmative sentences ‘except’; (4) seldom or never; (5) if ever;
and it means before this point of time. Yet is (6) ‘before’ in place of ‘ago’; (7) ‘before’
used in Negative or Interrogative sentences, and in place of ‘ago’; (8) ‘before’ in place of
it means even now or not till now. As— ‘ago’. (9) ‘before’ in place of ‘ago’; (10)
1. I have already finished my work. ‘before’ in place of ‘ago’; (11) ‘still’ in
2. He has left for office already. place of ‘yet’; (12) ‘yet’ in place of ‘still’;
3. I have not yet finished my work. (13) ‘already’ in place of ‘ y e t ’; (14)
‘already’ in place of ‘yet’; (15) ‘yet’ in
4. He has not yet left for office. place of ‘already’; (16) ‘yet’ in place of
5. Are you not yet ready ? ‘already’.
16. Yet/Already/So far/uptil now 17. Just
All these are generally used with Present (a) Just means right now / not long before.
Perfect Tense. As— Normally it is used with Present Perfect Tense.
1. He has not yet come. As—
2. I have already met him. 1. He has just arrived.
3. He has not met me so far. 2. I have just finished my story.
4. He has not met me uptil now. (b) Just can be used with simple past tense
also, and there it means only / barely. As—
Exercise 1. He just caught the train.
Correct the use of adverbs in the following 2. He just managed to escape.
sentences :
(c) Just has one more meaning suggesting
1. None else except I will come to your help
in the end. the sense of at this very moment / exactly. As—
2. None else than my father appeared at the 1. The clock has just struck two.
scene. 2. He has just gone out.
3. It is nothing else except your pride that 3. This is just what I wanted.
spoilt the game. 18. Fairly/Rather
4. He seldom or ever is true to his word.
Both these are Adverbs of Quantity. The
5. He seldom if never comes to the alehouse. difference between them is that fairly has the
6. I have met him two years ago. sense of liking / appreciation, while rather has
7. I have been to Bombay several times ago the sense of disliking / disapproval. Therefore,
also. care should be taken not to use expressions in
8. I played tennis ago. which there may be mingling of liking and
disliking. For example, the following expressions 1. Not a tree or bush was there.
are wrong— 2. There was not a man in the hall.
(a) Fairly dull, fairly ugly, fairly bad, fairly (c) We should use no (not not) before good
slow, fairly cunning or different. As—
(b) rather intelligent, rather beautiful, rather 1. This is no good abusing him.
good, rather quick, rather honest, rather 2. This is no different from that.
In the expressions given above fairly should (d) We should use none before too + Adjec-
be used in place of rather, and rather in place of tive / Adverb or the + Comparative Adjective/
fairly. Adverb used in a sentence. As—
1. The weather is fairly pleasant. (Not 1. His behaviour towards us was none too
rather pleasant) good.
2. The day is rather hot. (Not fairly hot) 2. He is none the better in spite of my help.
3. The house is fairly comfortable. Exercise
4. The house is rather uncomfortable.
Insert correct alternatives from those given
19. No/Not in the brackets :
(a) ‘No’ is used like an Adjective before a 1. The train has ……started. (just, lately)
Noun— 2. The bell has……been rung.
1. I have no pen. (immediately, just)
2. There is no boy in the class. 3. It is …… a good day. (fairly, rather)
(b) Not is used after an auxiliary— 4. His condition is …… worse today.
1. He does not read. (fairly, rather)
2. He is not there. 5. She can speak English …… well.
(c) After the under-noted verbs Not is used in (fairly, rather)
place of a Noun Clause. By this use the sentence 6. He is a …… intelligent boy.
becomes short also. (fairly, rather)
Hope, believe, think, expect, suppose, be 7. It was …… foolish on his part to say so.
afraid (fairly, rather)
1. Can you go there ? I am afraid not. 8. She is …… a silly kind of girl.
2. Will he pass ? I expect not. (fairly, rather)
3. Is he fair ? I suppose not. 9. This bread is …… dry. (fairly, rather)
(d) Not is also used before an Infinitive or a 10. There is …… sound coming from the
gerund. room. (no, not)
1. I request you not to disturb me. 11. This book is …… better than the other
2. You are wrong in not inviting him. one. (no, not)
20. No/Not/None 12. Can you think of……better plan ?
(no, not)
(a) N o is also used before a Positive or
Comparative Degree Adjective or a Compara- 13. …… a star was to be seen in the sky.
tive Degree Adverb. (no, not)
1. This is no good pen. 14. The show was …… very impressive.
2. There is no better pen. (no, not)
3. You can travel no faster by any means. 15. …… a word was spoken by anybody.
(no, not)
(b) We should use not in place of no if the
Article a or an has been used before the Noun or 16. This is …… too good for you.
Adjective. As— (no, none, nothing)
82 | L.W.C.E.
17. His health is …… too good for his age. 23. Most/Mostly
(no, none, nothing) Most as Adverb means ‘maximum’/ ‘grea-
18. There is …… a cleverer girl than Rita. test’. As—
(not, none, nothing) 1. The man whom I like most is John.
19. There is …… the slightest truth in this 2. The man who talks most is often hollow.
story. (no, none, not) Mostly means ‘largely’. As—
20. There is …… like that in this shop.
1. The audience consisted mostly of
(no, none, nothing) students.
Hints—(1) just; (2) just; (3) fairly; (4) rather; (5) 2. The students were mostly inattentive.
fairly; (6) fairly; (7) rather; (8) rather; (9)
rather; (10) no; (11) no; (12) no; (13) Not; 3. His stock consists mostly of outdated
(14) not; (15) Not; (16) none; (17) none; things.
(18) not; (19) not; (20) nothing. Exercise
21. Hard/Hardly Fill in the blanks with the correct alter-
natives given in the brackets—
Normally Hard is an Adjective, but it can
also be used as an Adverb. As an Adverb it 1. She has eaten …… anything today.
means hard labour. It is used after the Verb. (hard, hardly)
As— 2. He tried very …… but did not succeed.
1. He worked hard (not hardly) for the (hard, hardly)
3. They have been working …… all day.
2. He tried hard (not hardly) to win the
(hard, hardly)
4. He had …… alighted from the bus when
Hardly is an Adverb of Degree. It means he was caught by the police.
‘very little’ / scarcely. It is used before a Single
(hard, hardly)
verb or after the First auxiliary in a Compound
Verb. As— 5. We …… ever meet now. (hard, hardly)
1. I have seen him only once and therefore I 6. His marriage takes place…… in October.
hardly know what type of man he is. (late, lately)
2. He was so changed that I could hardly 7. Have you received any letter from your
recognize him. son …… ? (late, lately)
3. It is a new medicine; it has hardly been 8. I have not been to my village …… .
tried yet. (late, lately)
Note—For emphasis ‘Hardly’ can be used at the 9. I study till …… in the night. (late, lately)
beginning of a sentence also. As— 10. The train is running an hour …… .
Hardly had the train stopped when he (late, lately)
jumped out. 11. The books in his library are …… novels.
22. Late/Lately (most, mostly)
Late as Adverb means late in time. As— 12. He helped me …… to get over my diffi-
1. He comes late every day. culties. (most, mostly)
2. The theft was committed late at night. 13. The greatest scholars have been ……
3. He married late in life. men. (most, mostly)
Lately means ‘recently’. As— 14. The candidates are …… inexperienced.
1. He has lately started a new business. (most, mostly)
2. He has lately shifted to a new house. 15. She loves her …… . (most, mostly)
Hints—(1) hardly; (2) hard; (3) hard; (4) hardly. 2. There is a man in the room.
(5) hardly; (6) late; (7) lately; (8) lately; 3. There came a tiger from the wood.
(9) late; (10) late; (11) mostly; (12) most;
4. There is a function tomorrow.
(13) mostly; (14) mostly; (15) most.
Some Common Rules 27. Adverb and Preposition
(a) Normally no Preposition is used before
24. The Split Infinitive an Adverb. Therefore no Preposition should be
An Infinitive, as we know, consists of to + used before such Adverbs as—Respectfully,
verb. Therefore no adverb should be placed humbly, politely, kindly, slowly, etc. Therefore
between to and the Verb. If we do so, we shall be the following sentences are wrong.
splitting the Infinitive. In Grammar it is called
split infinitive fault. For example, look at this 1. With respectfully I beg to submit.
sentence— 2. With humbly I state.
“I request you to kindly grant me leave.” In 3. With politely I reply as under.
this sentence kindly has been placed between to With should be removed from all these
and grant. This is a grammatical fault. The correct sentences.
form of this sentence would be—‘I request you
kindly to grant me leave.’ (b) Sometimes some time-showing words,
such as morning, evening, day, night, month,
Accordingly, the following sentences are year, etc. have such qualifying words before them
correct— as this, that, next, last, all, etc. In that case no
1. I advise you to read the book carefully. Preposition is used before them. As—
2. I instruct you to call the doctor imme-
diately. 1. He came last evening.
3. I direct you to reach the office punc- 2. He left the next morning.
tually every day. 3. He worked all day.
25. Present Perfect and Adverb 4. He is coming this evening.
In a sentence in the Present Tense, no 5. He did not go that day.
Adverb or Adverbial phrase suggestive of Past
Tense should be used. As such the following (c) But if the time - showing words are used
sentences are wrong— without the qualifying words (this, that, next,
last, etc.), proper Preposition should be used
1. I have arrived here yesterday. before them. As—
2. I have joined my duties last month.
1. I shall meet you in the evening.
3. I have passed M. A. last year.
2. I don’t sleep in the day.
The above noted sentences are in the Present
Perfect Tense, while the adverbs connected with 3. I shall come on sunday.
them are suggestive of Past Tense. Therefore, they 4. Don’t come in the night.
are all wrong. The correct form of these sente-
nces would be as follows— (d) Home is normally a Noun. But it is also
used as an Adverb of Place. In that case, neither a
1. I arrived here yesterday.
Preposition nor a relative Adjective should be
2. I joined my duties last month. used before it. As—
3. I passed M. A. last year. “I am going home.”
26. Introductory ‘There’ This sentence is correct. But we cannot say—
Some sentences begin with There. In these I am going to home. or I am going my home.
sentences There, has no significance, nor is it an The following sentences are correct—
Adverb of Place. In these sentences after There
comes an Intransitive verb or verb to be, and 1. Now we should return home.
after that comes the Subject. As— 2. When do you go home ?
1. There is a book on the table. 3. I go home by bus.
84 | L.W.C.E.
(8) Prepositions of contrast / Concession (2) Also when the object is some under-
In spite of, notwithstanding, nevertheless stood (hidden) Relative Pronoun, the Preposition
(9) Prepositions of Separation is placed at the end of the sentence. As—
From, of, off 1. That is the house λ I lived in.
(10) Prepositions of Relationship (In this sentence Relative Pronoun ‘that’
With, together with, in company with, along or ‘which’ is understood at the point
with marked λ)
(11) Prepositions of support / Opposition 2. That is the man (whom) I was speaking
For, against
(12) Prepositions of Exception 3. There is the book (that) you were
looking for.
But, except, barring
(3) When the object is an Interrogative Pro-
(13) Prepositions of Motive/ Inference/ Source/
noun (who/whom/what/which), the Preposition
is placed at the end of the sentence. As—
From, of
1. What are you looking at ?
(14) Prepositions of Direction
2. What are you thinking of ?
To, towards, into, up, down, above, on
3. Which of these houses do you live in ?
Note—From the above classification it would
appear that no Preposition has a definite or 4. Whom are you going with ?
fixed sense of relationship. The same Pre- (4) Sometimes for the sake of emphasis the
position may express different ideas or object is placed at the beginning of the sentence.
relationships. This depends upon their use In that case also the Preposition is placed at the
in different situations. end of the sentence. As—
Use of Preposition 1. Him I depend on.
Generally Prepositions are used before their 2. This I insist on.
objects. 3. That you must speak out.
1. The book is on the table. (5) In the Passive Voice also the Preposition
2. He is in his office. is placed at the end of the sentence.
3. He is fond of tea. 1. He can be relied upon.
4. She comes from Delhi. 2. Was the proposal agreed to ?
In the above sentences on, in, of, from are
Prepositions and they have all been used before Exercise
their objects (table, office, tea, Delhi). A Pre- Correct the following sentences :
position may have two or more than two objects. 1. This is the point on that I insist.
The Preposition will be used before the first of all 2. This is the post that for I have applied.
these objects. As—
3. That is the goal after that he is running.
1. The cattle graze in valleys and pastures.
4. Of who are you thinking ?
2. She is very fond of grapes, apples and
oranges. 5. On which chair did you sit ?
But in the following conditions Preposition is 6. That is the thief after the police was
used after the Object— running.
(1) When the object is Relative Pronoun 7. In which house do you live ?
‘that’, the Preposition is placed at the end of the 8. Against whom are you complaining ?
sentence. As— 9. Of that I am really proud.
1. This is the book that you asked for. 10. Of what do you accuse him ?
2. That is the car that you travelled by. Hints—(1) that I insist on; (2) that I have applied
3. I know the man that you were talking to. for; (3) that he is running after; (4) Who
88 | L.W.C.E.
are you thinking of ? (5) did you sit on ? 1. Please come tomorrow. (not ‘on tomor-
(6) the police was running after; (7) do row’)
you live in; (8) Whom are you complain- 2. He is returning today. (not ‘on today’)
ing against? (9) that I am really proud of;
(10) do you accuse him of. 3. He came yesterday also. (not ‘on yester-
Omission of Preposition (5) No Preposition is used before H o m e.
In some situations the Preposition is not As—
used. There either it is not required, or it is omit- 1. I am going home. (not ‘to home’)
2. I go home every Sunday. (not ‘to home’)
(1) No Preposition is required before the
object of a Transitive verb. As— Note—But if there is a Possessive Adjective
before Home, or if Home is used in the
1. I shall meet you again. sense of House, we use appropriate Pre-
(‘meet with you’ is wrong.) position before it.
2. They caught the thief. (6) If two Verbs are to be used in a sentence,
(‘caught to the thief’ is wrong.) and both the verbs have to take different Pre-
3. I read a book. positions, we must use appropriate Preposition
(‘read of a book’ is wrong.) for each verb separately. As—
4. We have done our work. 1. I have been thinking about and waiting
(‘have done of our work’ is wrong.) for you since the morning.
(2) Before expressions of Place and Time no 2. He has been looking for and enquiring
Preposition (for, from, in, on) is used. As— after you for a long time.
1. I came here last week. Exercise
(Not, ‘in last week’) Correct the following sentences—
2. I am going abroad.
1. I met to him yesterday.
(Not, ‘for abroad’)
2. I reached at the station a little late.
3. Please wait a minute.
3. I can never forget to you.
(Not, ‘wait for a minute’)
4. He ran me.
4. She is waiting outside.
5. Now I shall never speak him.
(Not, ‘waiting on outside’)
6. I met him in last month.
(3) When some expressions of Time (as
morning, evening, day, night, month, year, etc.) 7. It was very cold in this morning.
have some qualifying words as this, that, next, 8. I cannot wait for any longer.
every, last, all used before them, no Preposition 9. He cannot go for a step further.
is needed before them. As—
10. Please return my book on tomorrow.
1. He went this morning. 11. He was absent on yesterday.
2. He met me last evening. 12. I go on a walk the morning.
3. He is coming again next Sunday. 13. I don’t read the night.
Note—But if these expressions of Time have no 14. Now I must go back to home.
qualifying words before them, they take
necessary Prepositions before them. As— 15. He is not home.
1. He went in the morning. Hints—(1) no ‘to’; (2) no ‘at’. (3) no ‘to’; (4) ‘to
me’ / ‘after me’; (5) ‘speak to him’; (6)
2. He met me in the evening.
no ‘in’; (7) no ‘in’; (8) no ‘for’; (9) no
3. He is coming again on Sunday. ‘for’; (10) no ‘on’; (11) no ‘on’; (12) in
(4) No Preposition is required before yester- the morning; (13) in the night; (14) no
day, today, tomorrow. As— ‘to’; (15) not at home.
18. He travelled ten miles …… two hours. Hints—(1) with me for nothing; (2) with; (3)
19. He started …… seven …… the morning. with; (4) to; (5) in; (6) to; (7) to; (8) on;
(9) of; (10) on; (11) to ; (12) to; (13) of;
20. He was born …… a small village …… (14) in; (15) to; (16) on; (17) in; (18) to;
Rajasthan. (19) in; (20) of; (21) of; (22) for; (23) to;
Hints—(1) under; (2) in; (3) of; (4) for; (5) by; (6) (24) of; (25) with.
to; (7) since; (8) for; (9) of; (10) of; (11)
with; (12) for; (13) by; (14) over; (15) Revision Exercise III
against; (16) by the hunter with the sword; Fill in the blanks in the following sentences
(17) before; (18) in; (19) at seven in the with appropriate prepositions :
morning; (20) at a small village in Rajas- 1. Our path is beset …… difficulties.
than. 2. Morning walk is beneficial …… health.
3. He is not eligible …… the post.
Revision Exercise II
4. Foreigners are debarred …… appearing
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences at this test.
with appropriate prepositions : 5. This rule is not applicable …… the pre-
1. He quarrelled …… me …… nothing. sent case.
2. He readily complied …… my request. 6. Parents should not connive …… their
3. He supplies the poor …… food. children’s follies.
7. Public men should not be sensitive ……
4. He is always true …… me. criticism.
5. He is involved …… many difficulties. 8. He is addicted …… drinking.
6. I prefer milk …… tea. 9. Why are you so angry …… me ?
7. I find no exception …… this rule. 10. His plans are adverse …… my career.
8. One has to rely …… one’s own efforts. 11. They scoffed …… my suggestion.
9. I inquired …… the servant whether the 12. He has been reverted …… his former
office was closed. post.
13. I shall restore the property …… its right-
10. He insisted …… complaining against
ful owner.
14. He will impart the secret of his trade only
11. You have to conform …… the rules of …… his son.
the hostel.
15. He could not prevail …… me to revise
12. Smoking is injurious …… health. my plans.
13. He is innocent …… of the crime. 16. Do not confide your secrets …… anyone.
14. Do not indulge …… strong drinks. 17. He is absolutely ignorant …… the whole
15. I am very grateful …… you. affair.
16. He is dependent …… his uncle. 18. He is weak …… Chemistry.
17. He is deficient …… calculations. 19. He was rewarded for rescuing a child
…… danger.
18. He is indifferent even …… his children. 20. Reward is the most important incentive
19. He is very proficient …… grammar. …… hard labour.
20. Are you not ashamed …… your conduct? 21. Industry and sincerity are indispensable
21. He is completely devoid …… the sense …… success.
of mercy. 22. He is too miserly to part …… his money.
22. He has a passion …… natural beauty. 23. I am sick …… the whole development.
24. The battle resulted …… the victory for
23. I can never prove false …… you. India.
24. He comes …… a rich family. 25. One should be sure …… what one plans
25. Your views don’t accord …… mine. to do.
96 | L.W.C.E.
Hints—(1) with; (2) to; (3) for; (4) from; (5) to; Words Followed By Appropriate
(6) at; (7) to; (8) to; (9) with; (10) to; (11) Prepositions
at; (12) to; (13) to; (14) to; (15) upon; (16) We give below a list of some Nouns, Adjec-
to; (17) of; (18) in; (19) from; (20) to; (21) tives, Participles and Verbs which are followed
to; (22) with; (23) of; (24) in; (25) of. by some appropriate Prepositions. The use of
Revision Exercise IV wrong prepositions after certain words is a very
common error with English writers and speakers.
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences The student is advised to commit the given list to
with appropriate prepositions :
memory and to consult it in case of any doubt or
1. I shall act …… your advice. difficulty. The list is adapted from J.C. Nesfield’s
2. My grandmother is equally affectionate “English Grammar” (Macmillan).
…… all.
(a) Nouns Followed By Prepositions
3. He has great ambition …… fame.
Abhorrence of ingratitude.
4. He is highly ambitious …… fame.
Ability for or in some work.
5. He is not capable …… doing this work. Abstinence from wine.
6. I have no confidence …… you. Abundance of food.
7. He is fully confident …… his success. Access to a person or place.
8. He rose equal …… the occasion. Accession to the throne.
9. I take exception …… your language. (In) accordance with rule.
Accusation of theft.
10. Every child is fond …… sweets.
Acquaintance with a person or a thing. But make
11. He has no liking …… any sport. the acquaintance of a person.
12. Don’t be neglectful …… your dress. Adherence to a plan or cause.
13. I always find him negligent …… his Admission to a society of persons or class or
studies. things.
14. I am prepared …… the worst. Admission into or to a place.
15. Have trust …… God and do your best. Advance (progress) of learning.
16. He is wanting …… common sense Advance (of a person) in knowledge.
(To take) advantage of some one’s mistake.
17. I shall call …… you tomorrow.
(To gain) an advantage over someone.
18. I called …… your office yesterday. (To have) the advantage of anyone.
19. I always count …… your advice. Affection for a person.
20. He deals …… stationery. Allegiance to a person.
21. His appeal for help met …… little Alliance with a person or state.
success. Allusion to something.
22. He is averse …… my advice. Ambition for distinction.
23. He has a knack …… good painting. Amends for some fault.
24. I refrained him …… acting in haste. Antidote to some poison.
25. He is intent …… going to hill station. Antidote against infection.
Anxiety for anyone’s safety.
Hints—(1) according to; (2) to; (3) for; (4) of;
(5) of; (6) in; (7) of; (8) to; (9) to; (10) Apology for some fault.
of; (11) for; (12) of; (13) in; (14) for; Appetite for food.
(15) in; (16) in; (17) on; (18) at; (19) Application to books.
upon; (20) in; (21) with; (22) to; (23) of; Application for employment.
(24) from; (25) on. Apprehension of danger.
(At) variance with a person. Annoyed with a person for saying or doing some-
(A) victim to oppression. thing.
(The) victim of oppression. Answerable to a person.
Victory over his passions. Answerable for his conduct.
Want of money. Anxious for his safety.
Warrant for his arrest. Anxious about the result.
Witness of or to an event. Applicable to a case.
Wonder at his rudeness. Appropriate to an occasion.
yearning for his home. Ashamed of his dullness.
Zeal for a cause. Associated with a person.
Zest for enjoyment. Associated in some business
Assured of the truth.
(b) Adjectives and Participles followed
Astonished at his rudeness.
by Prepositions
Averse to hard work.
Abandoned to his fate. Aware of his intentions.
Abounding in or with fish. Backward in mathematics.
Absorbed in study. Based on sound principles.
Acceptable to a person. Bent on doing something.
Accomplished in an art. Beset with difficulties.
Accountable to a person. Betrayed to the enemy.
Accountable for a thing. Betrayed into the enemy's hands.
Accurate in his statistics. Blessed with good health.
Accused of a crime. Blessed in his children.
Accustomed to riding. Blind to his own faults.
Acquainted with a person or thing. Blind in one eye.
Acquitted of a charge. Boastful of his wealth.
Adapted to his tastes. Born of rich parents.
Adapted for an occupation. Born in England.
Addicted to bad habits. Bought of a person.
Adequate to his wants. Bound in honour.
Affectionate to a person. Bound by a contract.
Afflicted with rheumatism. (Ship) bound for England.
Afraid of death. Busy with or at his lessons.
Agreeable to his wishes. Capable of improvement.
Alarmed at a rumour. Careful of his money.
Alien to his character. Careful about his dress.
Alienated from a friend. Cautious of giving advice.
Alive to the consequences. Certain of success.
Allied to a thing. Characterised by a thing.
Allied with a person or country. Characteristic of a person.
Amazed at anything. Charged to his account.
Ambitious of distinction. Charged (loaded) with a bullet.
Angry at a thing. Charged with (accused of) a crime.
Angry with a person. Clear of blame.
Annoyed at a thing. Close to a person or thing.
102 | L.W.C.E.
Care for (value, love, or attend upon) a person or Conform with one's views.
thing. Confront a person with his accusers.
Caution a person against danger. Congratulate a person on his success.
Cease from quarrelling. Connive at other men's misdeeds.
Challenge a person to combat. Consent to some proposal.
Charge a person with a crime. Consign to destruction.
Charge payment to a person. Consist of materials.
Charge a person for goods supplied. Consist in (be comprising in), e.g., ‘Virtue con-
Charge goods to a person's account. sists in being uncomfortable.’
Cheat a person of his due. Consult with a person on or about some matter.
Clamour for higher wages. Contend with or against a person.
Clash with another (of colours). Contend for or about a thing.
Clear a person of blame. Contribute to a fund.
Cling to a person or thing. Converge to a point.
Close with (accept) an offer. Converse with a person about a thing.
Combat with difficulties. Convict a person of a crime.
Come across (accidentally meet) anyone. Convince a person of a fact.
Come into fashion. Cope with a person or task.
Come by (obtain) a thing. Correspond with a person (write).
Come of (result from) something. Correspond to something (agree).
Come to (amount to) forty. Count on a person or thing (rely on) e.g., I count
Commence with a thing. on you to see this done.
Comment on a matter. Crave for or after happiness.
Communicate something to a person. Crow over a defeated rival.
Communicate with a person on a subject. Cure a man of a disease.
Compare similars with similars—as one fruit with Cut a thing in or into pieces
another. Cut a thing in half.
Compare things dissimilar, by way of illustration Dabble in politics.
— as genius to a lightning flash. Dash against anything.
Compensate a person for his loss. Dash over anything.
Compete with a person for a prize. Dawn on a person.
Complain of some annoyance to a person. Deal well or ill by a person
Complain against a person. Deal in (trade in) cloth, tea, spices, etc.
Comply with one's wishes. Deal with a person (have dealings in trade etc.).
Conceal facts from anyone. Deal with a subject (write or speak about it).
Concur with a person. Debar from doing anything.
Concur in an opinion. Debit with a sum of money.
Condemn a person to death for murder. Decide on something.
Condole with a person. Decide against something.
Conduce to happiness. Declare for something.
Confer (Trans.) a thing on anyone. Declare against something.
Confer (Intrans.) with a person about something. Defend a person from harm.
Confide (Trans.) a secret to anyone. Defraud a person of his due.
Confide (Intrans.) in a person. Deliberate on a matter.
Conform to (follow) a rule. Delight in music.
108 | L.W.C.E.
2. He neither knows English nor French. 15. Although he labours very hard but he fails
3. He can write both in Hindi and English. every time.
4. He is though old yet he is very active. 16. Though he is not my friend but even then
5. I do not know he will whether help or I can trust him.
harm you. Hints—(1) or I shall fail; (2) when he was called
6. He is my friend not only but also my away; (3) than I set out; (4) you should
benefactor. miss the train; (5) but also a fool; (6) nor
return my goods; (7) or not; (8) when I
7. He drove very fast lest should miss the saw him …… ; (9) when he wept aloud;
train. (10) than the train started; (11) but also
8. No sooner did I enter the room than saw I deceived; (12) nor industrious; (13) or
a thief jumping out. pay their cost; (14) and a scoundrel; (15)
9. I had hardly opened my eyes when did he yet he fails …… ; (16) yet I can trust
break the news to me. him.
10. He is as much honest as is he industrious. Uses of Conjunctions
Hints—(1) is either a fool or …… ; (2) neither Rule 3—Either…… or / Neither …… nor
English nor French: (3) write in both
Hindi and English; (4) though old yet Either …… or and neither …… nor can be
very active; (5) whether he will help or used as Conjunctions and also as Pronouns
harm you; (6) not only my friend but also and Adjectives. As Pronouns and Adjectives
…… ; (7) lest he should miss …… ; (8) they are used only for two persons or things,
than I saw a thief …… ; (9) when he but as Conjunctions they can be used for two
broke the news …… ; (10) as much or more than two. In other words, as Corre-
honest as industrious. lative Conjunctions they can be used for
two or more than two persons or things.As—
Exercise 1. Neither Ram nor his father, nor even his
Correct the following sentences : friend could be of any help to me.
1. Either you help me otherwise I shall fail. 2. Neither power nor wealth, nor position
2. He had scarcely finished his work then he can hold back the march of law.
was called away. 3. Either my father or my brother or my
3. No sooner did I hear the bell when I set uncle will help me in my hour of need.
out. 4. Either Kanpur or Lucknow or Agra will
be good enough to settle down after
4. Start at once lest you may miss the train.
5. He is not only a coward but even a fool. Rule 4—Not either …… or
6. Neither you pay or return my goods. After Not either we should use ‘or’ (not
7. You must come whether I write to you but ‘nor’).
not. 1. Your friend is not either reasonable or
8. I had hardly opened my eyes then I saw fair. (‘nor fair’ is wrong.)
him standing before me. 2. This book is not either exhaustive or
9. He had hardly heard the news then he up-to-date. (‘nor up-to-date’ is wrong.)
wept aloud. Rule 5—No / Not / Never …… or
10. No sooner had he reached the station
when the train started. If in a sentence there comes no / not / never,
and after them a full clause, the clause would
11. He was not only insulted and also decei- be connected by the conjunction or, not nor.
ved. As—
12. He is neither honest or industrious. 1. He has no relation or friend who can
13. Either you return my books neither pay support him. (not ‘nor’)
their cost. 2. He has not a relation or a friend who can
14. He is both a knave but a scoundrel. support him. (not ‘nor’)
(ii) Sometimes by mistake some people use 10. He would not accept any amount less to
as to before whether. This is a mistake. this.
For example, the use of as to in the 11. He lives in a house much bigger to yours.
following sentences is wrong—
12. He is more careful above you in all his
1. I doubt as to whether he will help me or actions.
13. I am not sure whether he will come but
2. I do not know as to whether he is honest not.
or not.
14. You decide finally whether you accept
Rule 9—The reason is / the reason why my offer nor not.
Some sentences begin with ‘The reason is’ or 15. I am still undecided if I should accept
‘The reason why’. In such sentences the this offer whether not.
clause coming after them should be connected
with the conjunction ‘that’, not with because, 16. You should not doubt whether I am your
due to or owing to. As— well-wisher.
1. The reason why he failed is that he 17. Do you doubt whether I am your well-
did not study seriously. wisher ?
(Not ‘because he did not study’ or 18. I have no idea as to whether he is coming
due to / owing to he did not study’) or not.
2. The reason is that he did not study 19. The reason why he often comes late is
seriously. (Not, because, due to / because there is no regular bus service
owing to’) from his colony.
Rule 10—Before 20. The reason of his failure is since he was
When ‘Before’ is used as a Conjunction, it not serious about his studies.
points to some future event or statement, but 21. The train cannot arrive before we will
future tense is not used with it, even if its reach.
Principal clause is in the future tense. As— 22. He will not vacate the house before a
1. The sun will set before you reach. (Not month will have passed.
‘before you will reach’) Hints—(1) than beg; (2) than surrender; (3) than
2. He will retire before a month has passed. endure; (4) than the Chairman himself; (5)
(Not, ‘will pass’ or ‘will have passed’) than your father; (6) none other than the
Exercise Prime Minister; (7) no other than the
Commandant; (8) much faster than
Correct the following sentences : Mohan; (9) other than this; (10) less than
1. He would rather starve to beg. this; (11) much bigger than yours; (12)
2. I would rather die then surrender before more careful than; (13) come or not; (14)
you. or not; (15) accept this offer or not; (16)
3. He should rather resign to enduring such that I am your well-wisher; (17) that I
humiliation. am your well-wisher; (18) whether he is
coming or not; no ‘as to’ ; (19) that there
4. The seminar is going to be inaugurated is no regular bus service ; (20) that he
by no other to the Chairman himself. was not serious ; (21) before we reach ;
5. There I saw no other except your father. (22) before a month has passed.
6. The agitators met none other to the Prime Rule 11—As if / As though
Minister himself. Both these are imaginary or conditional ex-
7. He was rescued by no other over the pressions.We should, therefore, use Past
Commandant himself. Conditional Tense after them, not Present or
8. He runs much faster to Mohan. Future Tense. As—
9. He would not accept anything other to 1. He behaved as if (or as though) he were
this. the king.
(b) Simple Past Tense collected; (7) I would have flown; (8) I
1. If he built two houses, he would give would have been a hero; (9) I would have
you one. got; (10) I would have learnt.
2. If I secured first position, he would Revision Exercise I
give me a golden watch. Correct the following sentences :
3. If you discovered the treasure, you 1. Though he was angry but he listened to
would get your share. me patiently.
Note— 2. He stole for he badly needed money.
(i) In these sentences Past Tense shows 3. I did it since I was angry.
Present or Future Tense.
4. He both has time and money to spare.
(c) Past Perfect Tense
5. Both it was cold and wet.
1. If I had built two houses, I would
have given you one. 6. We either can have milk or tea.
2. If I had secured first position, he 7. He didn’t go and she didn’t go neither.
would have given me a golden watch. 8. I didn’t go and either did she.
3. If you had discovered the treasure, 9. While I left the house I locked it care-
you would have got your share. fully.
Note—These sentences can also begin with ‘Had’ 10. When the sun rose the fog dispersed.
in place of ‘If’. As— 11. Since it grew darker it became colder.
Had I discovered the treasure, I would have 12. Tired he was he carried my luggage on
got my share. his head.
Exercise 13. Some people waste food when others
Correct the following sentences : haven’t enough to eat.
1. If your conduct will be good, you will be 14. Either you help me otherwise I shall fail.
forgiven. 15. Work very hard lest you may fail.
2. If you will be careless about your duties, 16. You must come whether I write to you
you will come to grief. but not.
3. If you will be loyal to me, I shall stand 17. When he came then I was in the bath-
by you. room.
4. If I won a lottery, I will give half the 18. Don’t come until you don’t hear from
money to you. me.
5. If I built a market-complex, I will give 19. If you do your work honestly then
you a shop free of cost. everyone will trust you.
6. If you had dived to the bottom of the 20. Don’t count your chickens until they are
ocean, you had collected many pearls. not hatched.
7. Had I the wings of a dove, I will fly to Hints—(1) yet he listened ……; (2) because he
you. badly needed ……; (3) because I was
8. Had I crossed the British Channel, I had angry; (4) both time and money; (5) both
been a hero. cold and wet; (6) either milk or tea; (7)
9. Had I been a graduate, I had got a good didn’t go either; (8) neither did she; (9)
job. when I left ……; (10) As the sun rose ;
(11) As it grew darker; (12) Tired as he
10. If I had known him before, I could have was / Tired though he was; (13) while
learnt much from him. others haven’t; (14) drop ‘either’; (15) lest
Hints—(1) If your conduct is good; (2) If you are you should fail; (16) or not; (17) drop
careless; (3) If you are loyal; (4) I would ‘then’; (18) until you hear from me; (19)
give; (5) I would give; (6) you would have drop ‘then’; (20) until they are hatched.
122 | L.W.C.E.
Transitive Use Intransitive Use 4. All his friends laughed at (i.e derided)
1. He speaks the truth. 1. He speaks softly. him.
2. I feel a severe pain in 2. How does he feel 5. I ask for (i.e. request) your kind favour.
my backbone. now ? 6. There is none to look after (i.e. take
3. He can drive any car. 3. He drives very cauti- care of) him.
Note—Somethimes an Intransitive verb becomes
4. Please ring the bell. 4. The bell rings. Transitive with the addition of a Preposi-
5. He stopped the bus. 5. The bus stopped. tion before it. As :
6. They fought the 6. They fought bravely.
enemy back.
1. He will overcome all his difficulties.
7. I read a book. 7. I read slowly. 2. The river is overflowing its banks.
8. They drink country 8. They never drink. 3. He is bold enough to withstand the attack.
9. Change your clothes. 9. They will never Exercise
change. Use the following Intransitive Verbs as
10. He invited you. 10. I was not invited. Transitive Verbs :
Exercise (i) Drown, sank, fell, dry, grow, burn, return,
Use the following Verbs both Transitively
Use the following Intransitive Verbs as
and Intransitively :
Transitive Verbs by adding prepositions before
Eat, drink, read, write, play, drop, hear, start, or after them—
break, drive, stop, love, hate, fight, smell, taste.
(ii) come, cry, go, turn, run, look, stand,
Rule 2. Intransitive Verbs used as Transitive draw, flow, laugh.
Rule 3. Transitive Verbs used Intransitively
(i) When an Intransitive Verb is used in the
Some Transitive Verbs can be used as
Causal / Causative sense ( i.e. in getting
Intransitive verbs under the following condi-
or causing an action done), it becomes a
tions :
Transitive verb. As :
(i) When a verb is used in such a wide sense
Transitive Intransitive
that the need of using its object is not
1. A bird flies. 1. He flies a kite. (i.e. causes felt. As—
a kite to fly.)
1. Men eat to keep alive.
2. He drives very 2. He drives the cattle away
cautiously. from the field. (i.e. causes 2. On the battlefield soldiers have to kill.
the cattle to run away.) (ii) When the Reflexive Pronoun of the verb
3. The sportsmen 3. The captain marched the is kept concealed. As—
marched in a line. sportsmen in a line. (i.e. 1. He turned (himself) to the door and
caused them to march in a bolted it.
2. Please keep (yourself) quiet.
4. The boat floated. 4. I floated the boat. (i.e.
caused the boat to float.) 3. He drew (himself) near her.
4. The bubble burst (itself).
(ii) Some Intransitive Verbs become Trans-
itive with the addition of a Preposition (iii) Some Transitive Verbs can be used as
with them. In that case the Preposition Intransitive verbs also. As—
becomes a part of the verb and cannot be Transitive Intransitive
separated from it. As : 1. He broke the glass. 1. The glass broke.
1. I have carefully gone through (i.e. read) 2. He closes the shop at 2. The market closes at
your representation. 8 p.m. 8 p.m.
2. Please look into (i.e. investigate) the 3. He burns the dry 3. Dry leaves burn.
matter carefully. leaves.
3. He runs after (i.e. pursues) money at all 4. He opens the office 4. The office opens at
costs. at 10 a.m. 10 a.m.
VERBS | 125
4. The weather is fine. (Complement ‘Adjec- certain work was to have been completed in
tive’) the past, but this could not be done.
5. He was there. (Complement ‘Adverb’) 1. They were to have left yesterday but had
6. He is inside. (Complement ‘Adverb’) to postpone their departure for a week.
7. They were happy. (Complement ‘Adjec- 2. He was to have been promoted only last
tive’) year but that could not be done.
Rule 4. Subject + Verb ‘to be’ + Infinitive Rule 9. Making of Interrogative sentences
The structure of some sentences is as Some Interrogative sentences are also made
follows— with the help of Verbs to be. An Interrogative
sentence begins with a Verb to be and then
Subject + is / am / was / were / are + Infi- comes its Subject. As—
nitive (Present or Perfect) As :
1. Is he a good man ?
1. He is to come tomorrow.
2. I am to leave tomorrow. 2. Are you going ?
3. They are to assemble here. 3. Was he absent ?
4. They were to play a match here. 4. Am I a fool ?
5. You are to see me tomorrow. 5. Were they invited ?
6. He was to have come only yesterday. Rule 10. Were for supposition or impossible
Rule 5. It + is / was + adjective / infinitive / desire
gerund / clause Some sentences begin with “were”. These
Some sentences have the structure as noted sentences express just imaginary or impossi-
above. As— ble wishes. These sentences have the follow-
ing structure.
1. It is easy to reach there.
2. It was to happen. Were + Subject + Complement / Predicate
3. It is foolish talking like this. As :
4. It is good that he reached in time. 1. Were I a king !
Rule 6. Subject + Verb to be + Principal Verb + 2. Were I a bird !
‘ing’ 3. Were she young !
The continuous form of every tense is made 4. Were I there !
with the help of verb to be. As— Note— Such sentences are also correct in the
1. He is reading. following structure :
2. He was reading. If + Subject + Were + Complement /
3. He will be reading. Predicate
4. They are going. As :
5. They were going. 1. If I were a king !
6. I am going. 2. If I were a bird !
Rule 7. Passive Voice is also made with the help 3. If she were young !
of Verb to be. As—
4. If I were there !
1. The servant was called.
2. The servant is being called. Exercise
3. He was invited. Make ten sentences on the pattern of each
of the following sentences :
4. They were invited.
5. I am invited. 1. He is a teacher.
Rule 8. Subject + was / were + Perfect infinitive 2. This house is mine.
Some sentences have the above structure. 3. He is to attend the meeting.
These sentences express the sense that a 4. It is foolish waiting for him.
VERBS | 127
5. He was required to explain the case. Note—It should be remembered in this connection
6. He was to have attended the meeting that ‘have’ is used with I, you, We and
yesterday. Third Person Plural in the Present
Tense, ‘has’ with Third Person Singular
7. He was to have been nominated a member in the Present Tense, and ‘had’ with all
of the Commission last year. Persons (First, Second, and Third) in the
8. Were I the President of India ! Past Tense in both Singular and Plural
9. If I were on the moon ! Numbers.
10. Is he well attended ? Rule 2. Present Perfect + Expressions of Time
Exercise Care should be taken not to use any phrase or
expression suggestive of Past Tense while
Choose the correct alternative : writing a sentence in the Present Perfect
1. Has / have he already gone ? Tense.
2. Are / am we fools ? Some popular phrases expressive of Past
3. The day was / were extremely hot. Tense are these :
4. They are / were to attend the meeting in Yesterday, last evening, / night / week /
the afternoon. month / year / summer / winter, the other
5. He was / were to have met me here. day, a little while ago, a moment / minute
6. It is / were good that he called on you. ago, a few moments / minutes / days /
7. He be / was turned back. months / years / ago, etc.
8. He is / was to have left India only last The use of such phrases / expressions with the
month. Present Perfect Tense would make a funny
mingling of the Present and Past Tenses,
9. I am / was to leave for home just now.
which must be avoided. The only expression
10. If I was / were a great scientist ! that can be used with the Present Perfect
11. Was / were she an Indian citizen ! Tense is ‘just now.’
12. Ram or Shyam was / were expected to Therefore never make sentences such as
help you. these :
13. Let him be /is permitted to bring his goods. 1. I have come yesterday.
14. That were / was to be ! 2. I have passed M.A. last year.
Hints—(1) Has; (2) Are; (3) was; (4) are; (5) 3. He has left a few minutes ago.
was; (6) is; (7) was; (8) was; (9) am; 4. He has met me last winter.
(10) were; (11) were; (12) was; (13) be;
(14) was. The use of ‘expressions of time’ in all these
sentences is wrong. If these expressions have
Have = have / has / had to be used, the verb should be used in the
Rule 1. Formation of Perfect Tenses Simple Past Tense. As :
The Perfect forms of all the Tenses (Present, 1. I came yesterday.
Past and Future) are made with the help of 2. I passed M.A. last year.
has / have / had. These sentences have the 3. He left a few minutes ago.
following structure :
4. He met me last winter.
Subject + have / has / had + Past Participle
The use of ‘just now’ is correct. As :
As :
1. I have come just now.
1. I have finished my work.
2. He has left just now.
2. He has gone.
Rule 3. Present Perfect + Adverbial/ Prepositio-
3. They have finished their work. nal phrase
4. He had gone to Kanpur by that time. Some sentences of the Present Perfect Tense
5. You had already taken your book. are so constructed that with the help of an
128 | L.W.C.E.
Adverbial or a Prepositional phrase the Past Tense, and the other part in the Past of the
is connected with the Present. In other words, Past Tense. That is, these sentences indicate
they show an action that started in the Past the occurrence of two actions at two points
and continues to the Present moment. Some of time in the Past. In these sentences one
popular Adverbial or Prepositional phrases action takes place in the near Past and the
that show this continuity are these : other in the distant Past. The action that
Since, for, yet, just, already, ever, never, occurs in the near Past is written in Simple
often, several times, today, lately, recently, so Past Tense and that occurring in distant past
far, until now, upto the present, this day / is written in Past Perfect Tense. These two
week / month, etc. parts of the sentence are joined with one of
the following Conjunctions—When, before,
Their structure is like this : after.
Subject + have / has + Past Participle + As :
Adverbial / Prepositional phrase
The train had left before I reached the
As : station.
1. I have not seen him since July. In this sentence the action of the ‘train leaving
2. I have lived in Canada for many years. the station’ is earlier in point of time and
3. He has not yet come. therefore written in the Past Perfect Tense,
4. He has recently built a new house. and the action of ‘my reaching the station’ is
Note—The following Adverbs of Time are always later in point of time and therefore written in
used with the Present Perfect Tense, not Simple Past Tense.
with the Simple Past Tense : Similarly :
Already, yet, since, uptil now, so far 1. The patient had died before the doctor
As : reached.
1. He has already gone home. 2. He had left Kanpur before I reached
( Not, ‘already went home’)
2. You have not done any work so far. 3. The fire had engulfed the house before
the fire-brigade arrived there.
(Not, ‘did not do any work so far’)
Note— Some sentences in the Past Perfect Tense
Rule 4. Perfect continuous Tense
can also be constructed thus :
The Perfect continuous form of every Tense
1. He had already spent the whole money.
is also formed with the help of have / has /
had. Their structure is as follows : 2. He had given the message much earlier.
Subject + have / has / had / will have / shall Exercise
have + been + Present Participle + Time Correct the following sentences :
1. I already finished my work.
As :
2. He gone to Kanpur.
1. I have been living in this house since
1990. 3. I have met my friend yesterday.
2. He has been living in this house for many 4. I have resigned from my post about a
years. month ago.
3. He had been living in this house for many 5. He not written to me for several months.
years before he built his own house. 6. I served as a teacher for many years.
4. He will have been living in this house for 7. Ram already completed his work.
five years by now. 8. He has been working in this factory from
Rule 5. Past Perfect Tense 1990.
The sentences written in Past Perfect Tense 9. He has been writing a novel since many
have two parts—one part written in the Past months.
VERBS | 129
10. They have not been living together from Rule 7. Causative use of ‘Have’ : Subject +
July last. have + Object + Past Participle
11. The police has arrested the militant before In some sentences the subject does not act
the crowd gathered there. himself : he gets the work done by others.
12. The crowd dispersed before the police had Such sentences are constructed as below with
reached there. the help of have / has / had used causatively :
13. I had reached the station after the train left. Subject + have / has / had + Object + Past
14. The match finished before the rain started.
As :
15. The clock had struck twelve after I reached 1. I had him punished for his fault.
2. He has a house built.
Hints—(1) have already finished; (2) has gone; 3. I have my essay corrected.
(3) met; (4) resigned; (5) has not written;
4. I shall have my letter typed.
(6) have served; (7) has already comp-
5. They can have their furniture repaired.
leted; (8) since 1990; (9) for many
months; (10) since July; (11) had arrested; Note—In the above construction get / got can also
be used in place of have, has, had. As :
(12) had dispersed…reached; (13) reached
the station…train had left; (14) had finis- 1. I got him punished.
hed… started; (15) struck twelve…had 2. I shall get my essay corrected.
reached. 3. He gets his furniture repaired every
Rule 6. Subject + have / has / had + Infinitive
4. I am getting my house whitewashed.
Rule 8. ‘Have’ showing possession
Subject + have/has/had got + Infinitive
Have / has / had are also used to show
Some sentences are constructed as above. ‘Possession’ in the following form :
These sentences express the idea of necessity, Subject + have / has / had + Noun
compulsion or obligation. Subject + have / has / had got + Noun
As : As :
1. He has to obey me. He has got to obey 1. I have a book.
me. 2. He has a pen.
2. He has to borrow money. He has got to 3. They have a big house.
borrow money. 4. I had a good friend.
3. He had to borrow money. 5. I will have a house very soon.
4. They will have to follow me. 6. I have got a new book.
Note—The Negative of the above sentences is 7. They had got many good chances.
formed thus : Note—(i) The use of got before have / has / had
(i) Subject + have/has/had + not + Infini- increases emphasis.
tive (ii) Such sentences also show relationship.
or As :
1. A chair has four legs.
(ii) Subject + do / does / did + not have +
Infinitive 2. I have two brothers.
3. A cow has two horns.
As :
(iii) They also express the idea of take /
1. He has not to obey me. give / enjoy / experience.
2. He does not have to borrow money. 1. I have my breakfast at 8 a.m.
3. They do not have to follow me. 2. He had his bath very early in the
4. I do not have to follow you. morning.
130 | L.W.C.E.
Hints—(1) to meet; (2) to get; (3) to start; (4) to Might + Subject + Verb + Object / Other
have found; (5) to have won; (6) have had; words
(7) had had; (8) will have had; (9) Had I As :
secured; (10) Had he; (11) has been; (12) 1. Might I use your pen, please ?
have been; (13) is gone; (14) was lost.
2. Might I borrow your pen for an hour ?
May / Might 3. Might I go now ?
Rule 1. May Note—Might can be used to show more courtesy
May expresses two ideas : in giving permission also.
As :
1. To give or take permission
You might go now.
2. To express Possibility / Probability or
Doubt Exercise
For taking permission : May + Subject + Correct the following sentences :
Verb in the Present Tense 1. May we played here, uncle ?
As : 2. Yes, you may be played.
1. May I come in, sir ? 3. He may be come by the next train.
2. May I sit on this chair ? 4. You may win the prize, though the
For giving Permission/expressing Possibility chances are very few.
or Doubt. 5. Might I sat by your side ?
Subject + may + Verb in the Present Tense 6. Might I be stay with you for a night ?
1. You may come in. (Permission) 7. Yes, you might stayed.
2. You may sit on this chair. (Permission) 8. He will may change his route.
3. It may rain. (Possibility) Hints—(1) play; (2) may play; (3) may come; (4)
4. He may be late. (Doubt) might win; (5) Might I sit; (6) Might I
Note—We can also use can in place of May for stay; (7) stay; (8) drop ‘will’.
giving or taking permission. Rule 4. May for Purposem or Wish
Rule 2. Might May is used to express purpose or wish also:
Might is the Past Tense of May. It is used to As :
express very little possibility or much 1. May you live long ! (Wish)
doubt. In May there is normal possibility or 2. May God help you ! (Wish)
doubt, but in Might the possibility is very 3. I came so early that I may find you at
little or doubt very much. Its structure is : home. (Purpose)
Subject + might + Verb in the Present 4. Workhard so that you may pass.
Tense (Purpose)
As : Rule 5. May + Perfect Infinitive
1. It might rain. (very little possibility) In some sentences May is used with Perfect
2. He might come today. Infinitive or Past Participle. These sentences
express the idea that there was much possi-
3. He might pass.
bility of an action being completed in the
4. He might change his mind. past, but whether the action was really
Rule 3. Might in Interrogative Sentences completed or not is not known. The structure
Might shows more courtesy than May. This of such sentences is this :
courtesy goes to the extent of doubt and Subject + may + Perfect Infinitive (‘to’ of
hesitation. Such sentences are always written the Infinitive remaining concealed)
in Interrogative form and begin with Might. or
Their structure is : Subject + may + have + Past Participle
VERBS | 133
Rule 4. Can’t expresses the sense of negation Subject + can have + Past Participle
(no) : As :
1. You can’t meet her. 1. He can have reached by now.
2. You cannot / can’t enter the premises. (“He may have reached by now” has
Rule 5. Can / Could for forming Interrogative also the same meaning.)
sentences 2. He can have heard the news.
Can/Could are also used for making Interro- 3. He can have sold the horse.
gative sentences. Their structure is :
Can /Could + Subject + Verb in the Present Rule 8. Could + have + Past Participle / Perfect
Tense Infinitive
1. Can you help me ? Sentences of this structure show that someone
or something had the power or ability to do a
2. Can a horse swim ?
certain work, but still he could not do it. As :
3. Can he speak French ?
1. He could have passed the examination.
Could is used for extreme courtesy.
(But he could not.)
1. Could you lend me your pen ?
2. You could have reached in time.
2. Could you give me a lift by your car ?
(But could not.)
Rule 6. Can / Could in Indirect speech
3. He could have avoided the accident.
Can becomes Could in Indirect Narration
when the Reporting Verb is in Past Tense. Rule 9. Can in the Negative sense
As : Can is used in Negative (as cannot) or Inter-
1. He asked me, “Can you help me ? (Direct) rogative sentences, but May is used in Affir-
mative sentences only.
He asked me if I could help him. (Indirect)
1. Can he come ? (‘May he come ?’ is
2. He said, “I cannot go there.” (Direct) wrong.)
He said that he could not go there. (Indirect) 2. No, he cannot come. (‘may not come’ is
Exercise wrong.)
Choose the correct alternative from the 3. He may come.
bold letters : 4. Can this happen ?
1. Can you read ? No, I couldn’t / can’t. 5. No, this cannot happen.
2. Can this happen ? Yes / no, it can. Exercise
3. Can this happen ? No, it can / can’t. Correct the following sentences :
4. Can you lift / lifted this box ? 1. He can have leave the office by now.
5. Could you lift / lifted this box ? 2. He can have reach Kanpur this morning.
6. He said that he can / could carry the 3. He could be passed the test easily.
4. His life have been saved.
7. He said, “I cannot / could not reach in
time.” 5. He may not solve this problem.
Hints—(1) Can’t; (2) Yes; (3) can’t; (4) lift; (5) 6. May he cross the river ?
lift; (6) could; (7) cannot. 7. May you challenge a tiger ?
Rule 7. Can have + Past Participle 8. No, he may not cross the river.
This structure expresses the idea of possibi- Hints—(1) left; (2) reached; (3) could have
lity or uncertainty about an action to have passed; (4) could have been saved; (5)
been done in the Past. Can have has the same cannot; (6) Can he cross; (7) Can you
sense as may have. Its structure is : challenge; (8) cannot cross.
VERBS | 135
Rule 6. Will have + Past Participle Rule 13. Should have + Past Participle
Will have + Past Participle express possibi- Should have + Past Participle express
lity or likelihood of an action having taken the sense that some person or thing
place in the Past. As : could not complete its allotted task in the
1. The train will have crossed Allahabad. Past. As :
2. He will have left the office by now. 1. They should have built their own
Rule 7. Would have + Past Participle
2. He should have completed his work
Would have + Past Participle express the before going home.
idea of a work that could not be completed in 3. The tree should have borne fruit by
the Past. As : now.
1. If he had worked a little harder, he would Rule 14. Should sometimes expresses the sense of
have secured first division. ‘If’. As :
2. Had he come a few days earlier, he would 1. Should you come in time, I would
have seen his mother. give you a prize.
Rule 8. ‘Would’ also expresses the idea that a 2. Should I seek his help, he would
certain action occurred occasionally in certainly help me.
the Past. As :
1. He would often spend his evenings in the Exercise
club. Choose the correct alternative :
2. He would often go for swimming. 1. The match will / would have been over
Rule 9. Would rather / Would sooner by now.
These phrases express Preference. 2. The match will / would have been over
by now if it had not rained.
1. I would rather remain at home.
3. He will / would have been the manager
2. I would rather break than bend. of the factory if he had not offended the
3. I would sooner give up my claim. chairman.
Rule 10. ‘Should’ expresses the sense of Duty, 4. He will / would often be found sitting all
goodwill, and desirability or propriety alone on the sea-shore.
of some thought or action. As : 5. I will / would rather resign than bear this
1. We should be kind to the animals. insult.
2. You should serve your parents. 6. I will / would sooner vacate this house
3. You should not come late. than quarrel with the landlord.
4. He should be more reasonable. 7. We would / should be more considerate
to the poor and needy.
Rule 11. ‘Should’ also expresses the sense of
8. She should / would be major next year.
Advice or Opinion. As :
9. Would / should you apply next time, I
1. You should regularly go for the morning would consider your claim.
10. He would / should have taken more
2. You should not read in dim light. interest in his business.
Rule 12. Will / Would / Should Hints—(1) will; (2) would; (3) would; (4) would;
They express the sense of guess, assumption (5) would; (6) would; (7) should; (8)
or probability. As : should; (9) Should; (10) should.
1. She should be in class IV. Rule 15. Shall/Will changed into should / would
2. She would be around sixteen years of in Indirect Narration
age. While converting a sentence from Direct to
3. I see a boy coming. He will / would / Indirect Narration, ‘shall’ becomes ‘should’
should be my class-mate. and ‘will’ becomes ‘would’.
VERBS | 137
Rule 3. ‘Dare’ in Interrogative Sentences 11. We daren’t / not dare act against his
In Interrogative sentences beginning with will.
Dare, we use dare (not dares) even with 12. Did he dare to neglect / neglect you ?
Third Person, Singular in the P r e s e n t Hints—(1) dares; (2) dare; (3) dare; (4) dare; (5)
Tense. Also, the Infinitive coming after it is speak; (6) disobey; (7) speak; (8) Dare;
used without ‘to’. As : (9) to wrestle; (10) daren’t; (11) daren’t;
1. Dare he speak before you ? (12) to neglect.
2. Dare he repeat the mistake ? Used to
Rule 4. ‘Dare’ in ‘Do’ Interrogatives Rule 1. Used to carries the sense that an action
In Interrogative sentences beginning with was done either continually or habitu-
Do / Does / Did, the Infinitive is used with ally.
‘to’. As : 1. He used to work on daily wages.
1. Does he dare to challenge you ? 2. He used to quarrel with his neighbour.
2. Did he dare to argue with you ? 3. He used to play football in his school
3. Do I dare to stand before him ? days.
Rule 5. Daren’t Rule 2. Negative and Interrogative of ‘Used to’
In Negative sentences both with Singular Negative and Interrogative sentences with
and Plural subjects we use daren’t (not used to are formed as given below :
daresn’t). As : 1. He used not to live in this house.
1. He daren’t come before me. 2. Used he to live in this house ?
2. I daren’t go there alone. Rule 3. Subject + Verb ‘to be’ + used to +
Rule 6. Daren’t have + Past Participle Noun / Gerund
This construction means that an action com- These sentences express the idea of being
pleted in the Past was either not necessary or habituated to a certain matter or action. As :
not proper. As : 1. He is used to hard life.
1. He daren’t have gone alone in the deep 2. I am used to reading till late in the night.
wood. 3. They are used to travelling in crowded
2. You daren’t have challenged him like buses.
this. Rule 4. Do + use to
Exercise In colloquial and spoken English we make
Choose the correct alternative : Negative or Interrogative sentences with do
/ does / did followed by use to (not used to).
1. He dare / dares me to swim across the As :
1. He did not use to live in this house.
2. I dare / dares you to swim across the
river with me. 2. Did he use to live in this house ?
3. He dare / dares not accept my challenge. Exercise
4. She dare / dares not speak before me. Correct the following sentences :
5. He dare hardly speak / to speak before 1. We use / used to work here together.
me. 2. He use / used to be so kind to me.
6. I dare not disobey / to disobey him. 3. He used not / did not used to wear white
7. Dare he speak / to speak before me ? khadi.
8. Dare / dares he wrestle with me ? 4. He used to sit / sit on the last bench.
9. Does he dare wrestle / to wrestle with 5. I used / am used to an easy-going life.
me ? 6. He is used to read / to reading till late in
10. He daren’t / daresn’t challenge me. the night.
VERBS | 141
with which we may use ‘to’ or ‘for’ within Rule 3. Subject + Tr. Verb + Object + Comple-
the sentence would be Indirect Object, and ment
that with which ‘to’ or ‘for’ may not be used Remember that complement is used after the
is Direct Object. As : object. As :
1. He has given his car a new look. I nominate you member of the committee.
2. We have given your village a new appro- Here you is object and member is comple-
ach road. ment.
In the first of these two sentences we can use Rule 4. Causative Verbs (make / get / have)
‘to’ before the object his car, but we cannot
use ‘to’ or ‘f o r’ before the second object Causative Verbs are those in which the Sub-
look. In the same way, we can use ‘to’ before ject itself does not act, but causes something
village in the second sentence, but not before or someone else to act on its behalf. The
road. Therefore in these two sentences car structure of these sentences is as follows :
and village are Indirect objects, and look and Subject + Make / get / have + Object +
road are Direct objects. remaining part
Now the question is whether Direct object 1. He made him run away.
should be used first or the Indirect one in such 2. I got him dismissed.
cases. The general rule, as we have said 3. He had the orders passed.
above, is that Indirect object comes first and
the Direct object later. But over and above Rule 5. Verb + Preposition / Adverb + Noun
this rule two more points should be kept in There are some sentences in which the Verb
mind : is used along with some Preposition / Adverb
(1) The object to which we want to give more (up / on / off / in / down / out / away). At the
importance should be used first. With the same time the Verb also has a Noun or a
change of emphasis, the sense of the whole Pronoun for its object. Now the question is
sentence also changes a little. Look at the whether the Preposition / Adverb is to be used
following sentence : earlier or the object. For this the general rule
is that if the object is small (of one word
‘He gave me a book.’ only), it should be used before the Preposition
In this sentence the emphasis has been laid on / Adverb, but if the object contains more
me because it has been used as the first words, it should be used after the Preposition
object. The sentence, therefore, means that he / Adverb. As :
gave the book to me alone and to none else. 1. Turn him out.
But if we write the same sentence thus : (Object before the Preposition)
‘He gave a book to me.’ 2. Bring him in.
Now the emphasis has been changed from me (Object before the Preposition)
to book. The sentence now means that he
3. I’ll see you off.
gave me only a book and nothing else.
(Object before the Preposition)
(2) Another point to be kept in mind is that be-
tween the two objects, the one which is 4. Take your coat off.
smaller (in fewer words) is used first, and (Object before the Preposition)
the bigger one (in more words) is used later. 5. Put your shirt on.
As : (Object before the Preposition)
‘He gave sweets to every member of the 6. Turn out the dirty beggarly man.
family.’ (Object after the Preposition)
Here ‘sweets’ is the smaller object and there- 7. Bring in my very dear friend.
fore used first, and every member of the (Object after the Preposition)
family, being the bigger object (in number of
words), is used later (although it is Indirect 8. Put on your blue sport shirt.
object). (Object after the Preposition)
VERBS | 143
Question-Tags / Tail Questions (c) When the subject of the statement is All
of you / some of you / none of you / one
Question–tags or Tail Questions are often of you / most of you, the subject of the
used in conversational or Colloquial language. Question–tag would be ‘you.’ As :
Question–tags are often placed after some state-
ment, request, proposal or command. They are 1. All of you can do it, can’t you ?
always in Question form. As : 2. None of you can do it, can you ?
1. You love me, don’t you ? (d) When the subject of the statement is All
2. Let us now play, shall we ? of them / some of them / none of them /
3. You don’t love me, do you ? one of them / most of them, the subject
4. Don’t go there, will you ? of the question–tag would be, ‘they’. As :
1. All of them were present, weren’t
The following are the rules for framing
they ?
Question-tags :
2. None of them were present, were
Rule 1. With Positive statement / request we add they ?
Negative Question-tag and with Negative
(e) When the subject of the statement is
statement or request we add Positive
Nothing / something / everything /
anything, the subject of the Question–tag
Positive → Negative would be ‘It’. As :
Negative → Positive 1. Everything is lost, isn’t it ?
As : 2. Nothing is lost, is it ?
1. He is a good man, isn’t he ? (f) If the subject of the statement is I am,
2. He is not a good man, is he ? and the statement is affirmative, the
3. He doesn’t work hard, does he ? subject of the Question–tag would be
4. He works hard, doesn’t he ? aren’t I (not, ‘am not I’), but if the
Note—Semi-negative words As : few, little, statement is Negative, we use ‘am I ?’
hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, etc. are As :
also believed to be Negative and therefore 1. I am only a student, aren’t I ?
we use Positive Question–tags after them. 2. I am not a student, am I ?
As : (g) When the statement has this pattern :
1. He rarely comes here, does he ? There + Auxiliary Verb + Subject, the
2. Few people are interested in this Question–tag would have ‘Verb + there’
scheme, are they ? (not Verb + Pronoun). As :
Rule 2. The subject of a Question–tag is always 1. There is no good college, is there ?
a Pronoun (not a Noun). ( Not, Is it there ?)
The rules for this are : 2. There is a good college, is not there ?
(a) When the subject of the statement is ( Not, Is it not there ?)
None / anyone / someone / every one / (h) When the statement has need / needs, the
everybody / anybody / nobody, the Question–tag would have d o n ’ t /
subject of the Question–tag would be ‘he doesn’t, and with used to, we use didn’t.
/ they.’ As : As :
1. No one will come, will he / will they ? 1. I need a book, don’t I ?
2. Any one can come, can’t he / can’t 2. He needs a book, doesn’t he ?
they? 3. He used to live here, didn’t he ?
(b) When the subject of the Statement is All (i) For positive request / command, we use
of us / some of us / none of us / one of will you / won’t you ? in the Question–
us / most of us, the subject of the tag, but for negative request / command,
question–tag would be ‘we.’ As : we use only will you ? As :
1. All of us will go, shall we not ? 1. Ring the bell, will you ? Or won’t you ?
2. None of us has done it, have we ? 2. Don’t ring the bell, will you ?
144 | L.W.C.E.
(j) If the statement begins with Let, it may 13. Does he dare offend you ?
have two meanings, and with them two 14. He never smiles nor ever will.
different types of Question–tags are 15. He has never been true nor will ever be true
added : to me.
(i) If the statement suggests Proposal 16. He has not and never can dismiss my case.
or Suggestion, the Question–tag
17. He will often talk of his school days.
will have Shall we ?
18. I wish he will come for my rescue.
1. Let us now go for dinner, shall we ?
19. He said that he will not wait any longer.
2. Let us form a society, shall we ?
20. Little did I know that he will deceive me.
(ii) If the statement suggests Permis-
sion, the Question–tag will have will Revision Exercise —2
you ? As : Choose the correct alternative :
1. Let them read here, will you ? 1. I believe I (should, can, may) be able to go.
2. Let her take the book, will you ? 2. He (shall, will, dare) not return your book
Exercise until he is compelled.
Add Question-tags to the following state- 3. You (should, would, ought) to be punctual.
ments : 4. I wish you (will, would, should) be
1. They love and admire you. successful.
2. I have not seen Calcutta. 5. (Shall, will, would) you please help me ?
3. He does not know English. 6. (Shall, will, may) I help you ?
4. He can speak French. 7. You (should, ought, must) return my book
5. Few people know him. at once.
6. No one will like your attitude. 8. He (need, dare, would) not ask for any
7. Every one is most welcome here. promotion.
8. All of us should play a game. 9. (Shall, might, could) you show me the way
9. Nothing could be saved. to the station ?
10. I am a soldier. 10. I (would, used, ought) to be a teacher but
11. There is no Railway station here. now I have taken to business.
12. Call the peon. 11. I (will, shall, am) to address a meeting in
the afternoon.
Revision Exercise —1
12. I wish he (should, would, may) not betray
Correct the following sentences : me.
1. I think it shall rain tonight. 13. He (is, was, has) to carry out my orders.
2. Will I buy a television ? 14. (Doesn’t, oughtn’t, hasn’t) he served you
3. Shall you be able to visit us tomorrow ? so faithfully ?
4. I shouldn’t have done this if I was you ? 15. I am your true follower, (amn’t, aren’t,
5. If I was the President of India, I would isn’t) I ?
make English a compulsory subject. 16. There is no news, but he (may, would,
6. He needs not have shouted at me. should) come.
7. He dares not go against the wishes of his 17. (Should, would, may) you have one more
master. cup ?
8. He needs not to pay the next instalment. 18. He said that he (is, was, will) in great
9. The earth moves round the sun, isn’t it ? trouble.
10. You will be going home in the summer, 19. (May, might, would) I borrow your pen for
will you ? a minute ?
11. Why you are so sad ? 20. You (needn’t, couldn’t, haven’t) wait for
12. Take your old shoes off ? her any longer.
11 Non-Finite Verbs
Kind of Non-Finite Verbs pleted. But there are some Verbs after which
Infinitives are used without ‘to’.
Non-Finite Verbs are of three kinds :
Infinitive without ‘to’ : The following are
1. The Infinitive
the rules of the use of Infinitives without ‘to’ :
2. The Gerund
Rule 1—The Infinitive is used without ‘to’ after
3. The Participle these Verbs—hear, see, feel, make, let,
All these Non-Finite Verbs are Independent bid, watch, behold, know, notice,
verbs. They are called independent because they observe, need not, dare not. As—
are not governed by the Number and Person of 1. He bade me go.
the Subject like other verbs. They are indepen- 2. We shall watch him dance.
dent of the subject.
3. Let him sing.
Let us consider the rules governing the Non-
4. Make him work.
Finite Verbs one by one.
5. Behold / see / observe him play.
(1) The Infinitive Note—
Kinds of Infinitive—Infinitives are of two (i) If ‘dare’ and ‘need’ sentences have do/
kinds : does/did used within them, the Infinitive
1. T h e Noun-Infinitive—Noun-Infinitive is is used with ‘to’. Also affirmative sente-
also called Simple Infinitive. It is used like a nces with ‘need’ and ‘dare’ take the Infi-
Noun. Therefore it is also called Verb–Noun. It nitive with ‘to’, As—
performs all the Functions of a Noun. 1. Does he dare to challenge you ?
2. The Gerundial Infinitive—Gerundial 2. Does he need to challenge you ?
Infinitive is also called Qualifying Infinitive. It
performs the Functions of an Adjective or an 3. He dares me to cross the river.
Adverb. 4. He needs to go at once.
Tense-Forms of the Infinitive—The Infini- (ii) If the verbs listed above under Rule 1 are
tive has the following Forms according to Tense used Passively, they will take the Infini-
or Time : tive with ‘to’. As—
Tense/Time Form Active Voice Passive Voice
Present Simple To do To be done
Continuous To be doing
Past Perfect To have done To have been done
Perfect Continuous To have been doing
There is no Future form of the Infinitive. 1. He was made to do it.
Infinitive with or without ‘To’ 2. He was known to have hidden the trea-
Most of the Infinitives have ‘to’ before them. sure.
This is the sign to recognize them, as—to go, to 3. He was bidden to go.
eat, to drink, to be loved, to have been com- 4. He was seen to be crossing the river.
146 | L.W.C.E.
Rule 2—The Infinitives coming after these verbs 7.I would sooner to yield before my father
also do not take ‘to’ before them—shall, than to oppose him.
will, should, would, do, did, may, 8. He would rather to give up his claim.
might, must, can, could. As—
9. He can do nothing but to abuse
1. He could do it. shamelessly.
2. We shall try. 10. She is better able to sing than to dance.
3. You would laugh. 11. I would have you to keep your promise.
4. He can play. 12. You had better to apologize to your
Rule 3—Infinitives do not take ‘to’ after these
expressions a l s o —had better, had Hints—(1) drop “to”; (2) drop “to”; (3) to refuse;
rather, would sooner, would rather, (4) to swim; (5) drop “to”; (6) to keep; (7)
sooner than, rather than, had sooner. drop “to” before “yield” and “oppose”;
As— (8) drop “to”; (9) drop “to”; (10) drop
1. He had better resign. “to” before dance; (11) drop “to”; (12)
2. He would rather withdraw. drop “to” before “apologize.”
3. I would sooner resign than serve in Uses of Noun-Infinitives
these conditions. Noun-Infinitives have the following uses :
4. I would study rather than waste my 1. As the Subject of a Verb
To err is human.
Rule 4—‘To’ is not used with the Infinitive after To find fault is easy.
the conjunction ‘than’. As—
To earn is not so difficult as to spend (is
He is better able to write than speak. difficult)
Rule 5—‘To’ is not used with the Infinitive after To live honourably is not easy.
the Preposition ‘but’, provided that but
2. As the Object of a Verb.
has ‘do’ Verb before it. As—
He loves to read novels.
1. She can do nothing but weep.
I want to go.
2. We did nothing but play.
He likes to play chess.
Rule 6—If Have / has / had have a Noun or a
He desires to settle down here.
Pronoun after them, the Infinitive com-
ing thereafter will not have ‘to’ with it. 3. As the Object of a Preposition
As— He has no choice but to go.
1. I will have you remember me. The show is about to start.
2. He had him know his fault. The enemy is about to surrender.
3. He will have me forget my insult. I want nothing but to be free.
Exercise 4. As the Complement of a Verb
Correct the following sentences : My only ambition is to be a doctor.
1. You need not to pity him. His habit is to sleep in the afternoon.
2. Behold him to dance on the stage. The old custom was to sacrifice a goat.
3. Do you dare refuse me ? His dream is to have a huge factory.
4. He dares me swim against the flow of the 5. As an Objective Complement
river. I saw him dance.
5. I watched him to cross the road. I bid you go.
6. He was bidden keep quiet. I will have you accept your fault.
Feel, mind, avoid, consider, enjoy, excuse, 3. You cannot force me withdrawing my
finish, miss, can’t help, look forward, to claim.
give up, go on, it is n o good, it is no use. 4. There is risk of the train’s being late.
5. There is likelihood of a storm’s coming in
1. I avoid going there. (not “avoid to go”) the evening.
2. I can’t help rejecting your application. 6. We look forward to meet you again soon.
(not “can’t help to reject”)
7. It is no use to cry over your loss now.
3. We just missed catching the train. (not
8. Don’t give up to try again.
“missed to catch”)
9. The writing this book was not easy.
4. Would you mind leaving me alone. (not
“mind to leave”) 10. Coming of the storm was forecast.
Rule 3—Compound Nouns as Gerunds Hints—(1) my failing; (2) your deceiving; (3) my
The following compound Nouns have Verb + withdrawing; (4) train being; (5) storm
ing as one part of their form. This Verb + ing coming; (6) to meeting; (7) crying; (8)
part is called its Gerund. As— trying; (9) the writing of ; (10) the coming
Walking-stick, writing-table, frying-pan, of.
hunting-whip, sitting-room, inking-pad, (3) The Participle
etc. Definition—“A participle is that form of the
This is because the ‘ing’ part is not separable verb which partakes of the nature both of a verb
from the complete word, and therefore it can- and of an adjective.” (Wren and Martin)
not be a qualifying Adjective.
Thus a Participle performs the functions both
Rule 4—Compound Gerunds
of the Verb and the Adjective. Therefore it is also
Sometimes Gerunds can be formed by using called Verbal Adjective.
Past Participle form of the Verb after Having
or Being. They are called Compoud Ger- Kinds of Participle—
unds. As— Participles are of three kinds—
1. He is fond of being praised. 1. Present Participle (Verb × ‘ing’)
2. He is afraid of being punished. e.g. running, dancing, singing, crying, etc.
3. We hear of his having won a reward. 2. Past Participle (third form of the verb
4. He is guilty of having deceived a friend. usually ending in—ed, –d, –t, –en, –n)
Rule 5—Gerunds as Ordinary Nouns e.g. tired, learned, burnt, broken, hurt, etc.
Sometimes Gerunds can be used as pure 3. Perfect Participle (having + Past Parti-
ordinary Nouns. They have ‘The before ciple)
them and ‘of’ after them. e.g. having done, having completed,
1. Now there remains only the signing of having seen, etc.
the treaty. Forms of Participles—Participles have the
2. From here we can watch the setting of following forms—
the sun. Active Voice Passive Voice
3. Let us now begin the singing of the Present : loving Present : being loved
Perfect : having loved Past : loved
4. This is no time for the playing of cards.
Perfect : having been
Exercise loved
Correct the following sentences : Uses of the Participle
1. I am sorry for me failing in my duty. Since the Participle performs the same func-
2. I can never pardon you for you deceiving tions as the Adjective, it can be used in three
me. ways like the Adjective—
While Ram was going to school, a dog bit 9. Tired of the day-long labour, no more
him. work could be done.
Take another sentence : 10. Driving my car, the way was lost.
Jumping from behind the bush, Ram was Hints—(1) It being a fine day; (2) It being
attacked by a tiger. Sunday; (3) he made no further attempt;
In this sentence, Ram (the subject of the main (4) we could not know the history of the
part) becomes the common subject of the Taj; (5) he was hit by a thief on the head;
Participle part also. That would mean as if (6) I saw a snake under my table; (7) he
Ram jumped from behind the bush and was found some old coins; (8) I lost my cycle;
attacked by a tiger. This error can be corrected (9) I could do no more work; (10) I lost
by changing the main part from Passive to my way.
Active Voice. The sentence would then be : Rule 3—Past Participles used as pure Adjec-
Jumping from behind the bush, a tiger tives
attacked Ram. There are some Past Participles which are
The sentence is now corrrect. used as pure Adjectives, not as the Past
Participle form of Verbs. They are—Drun-
Similarly see the following sentences which ken, molten, bounden, c l o v e n , graven,
are all correct— stricken, shrunken, sunken, shorn.
1. Walking along the footpath, he was hit They can qualify only a Noun, as—a drunken
with a stone. driver, molten lava, bounden duty, cloven
2. Being tired of night-long journey, he foot, graven image, stricken heart, shrunken
could do no work. face, sunken ship, shorn sheep.
3. Insulted by his demotion, he resigned The normal Past Participle forms of the above
from service. noted Past Participles are these :
4. Having finished my work, I returned Drunk, melted, bound, clove, graved,
home early. struck, shrunk, sunk, sheared.
5. Having been injured, he stopped fighting. Rule 4—Past Participle and Passive Voice
Both the parts of the above noted sentences Most Past Participles are used in Passive
have a common subject. Voice. Therefore they are used after the Noun.
Exercise As—
Correct the following sentences : 1. Remember the lessons taught by him.
1. Being a fine day, we went on a picnic 2. I live in the house built by you.
party. 3. Where is the book written by you ?
2. Being Sunday, I am not going to office 4. I shall never forget the favour shown to
today. me.
3. Having failed in the first attempt, no Note—But there are some Past Participles which
further attempt was made by him. can be used both as Verbs and Adjec-
4. Having no guide with us, the history of tives. They are—Torn, written, born, bro-
the Taj could not be known. ken, fallen, given, spoken, stolen. As—
5. Sleeping in his room, a thief hit him on 1. Here is the broken window.
the head. 2. Where is the window broken by the
6. Reading in my room, a snake was seen
under my table. 3. I want a written statement.
7. Ploughing his field, some old coins were 4. This is the letter written by me.
found. Rule 5—Present Participle and Active Voice
8. Returning from the market, my cycle was Present Participles are mostly used in Active
lost. Voice before the Noun. As—
He will not have been living in Delhi Rule 5—In Interrogative Negative sentences we
since 1980. use not before have in the structure under
You will not have been waiting for him Rule 4 above. [See (iv)]
for two hours. Structure :
(iii) Interrogative Sentences : Affirma-
Shall / Will + Subject + not + have been + V1x
Shall I have been reading for four hours?
Will he have been living in Delhi since Uses of the Tenses
1980 ?
Why will he have been waking for four (i) Simple Present Tense
hours ? The Simple Present Tense is used in the
(iv) Interrogative Sentences : Negative— following situations—
Shall I not have been reading for four 1. To express some universal Truth or Prin-
hours ? ciple. These sentences carry the sense of Past,
Will he not have been living in Delhi Present and Future Time. As—
since 1980 ? 1. The sun rises in the east.
Why will he not have been waiting for
2. The earth moves round the sun.
us since morning ?
3. The moon appears in the night.
4. The rose smells sweet.
Rule 1—These sentences always use some phrase
5. Water freezes at – 4°C.
of Time. For a definite starting point of
time we use since, and for an indefinite 2. To express some Permanent Activity or
starting point we use for. Nature. They indicate Past, Present and Future
Rule 2—In Affirmative sentences I / We take Time. As—
shall have been, and You / He / They / 1. Birds lay their eggs in their nests.
any Noun take will have been, followed 2. Fish live in water.
by Verb in the First Form x ‘ing’. 3. She is always cheerful.
[See (i)]
4. I regularly go for a walk.
Structure :
3. To express some habitual action or some
I / We + shall have been + V1x ‘ing’ repeated action. As—
You / He / They / any Noun + will have been 1. I love children.
+ V1x ‘ing’. 2. She uses heavy cosmetics.
Rule 3—In Negative sentences not is used after 3. He reads till late in the night.
shall / will. [See (ii)] 4. He does not talk much.
Structure : 4. To express some Programme, Function or
Subject + shall not have been / will not have Decision fixed for Future. It indicates Future
been + V1 + ‘ing’ Time. As—
1. Our examinations begin tomorrow.
Rule 4—Interrogative sentences begin with shall
/ will, or with Interrogative Adverb, if 2. We play a friendly match next Sunday.
required, even before shall / will. 3. I go to Bombay tomorrow morning.
[See (iii)] 4. Deepawali falls next month.
Structure : 5. To express some historical truth, vivid
description, live commentary or broadcasting.
Shall / Will + Subject + have been + V1x ‘ing’
Interrogative Adverb + shall / will + Subject +
1. Now Shivaji escapes from the Fort of
have been + V1x ‘ing’
1. It had been raining for two hours. 1. We shall be playing the match at this
2. He had been teaching at this school for time.
ten years. 2. I shall be staying with my brother.
3. He had been playing cricket in England 3. We shall be travelling by train.
for five years. 2. These sentences also convey the sense of
4. I had been practising law for a number future planning or intention. As—
of years. 1. I shall be meeting the Prime Minister on
(ix) Simple Future Tense
2. We shall be attending a conference at
Simple Future Tense is used to convey the Delhi next week.
following sense—
1. To indicate an action scheduled to take (xi) Future Perfect Tense
place in future. As— 1. Future Perfect Tense is used to convey
1. I shall go to office tomorrow. the sense of completion of an action by a certain
2. We shall have holiday tomorrow. point of time in future. As—
1. I shall have reached Calcutta by this
3. He will come on Monday.
time tomorrow.
4. You will get your chance next time. 2. We shall have completed our project by
Note—To express strong will, determination, the end of the next month.
warning or order / command, I / We take The Future Perfect Tense also conveys the
will + Verb, and You / He / They take sense of likelihood or probability. It refers to an
shall + Verb. As— action in the past. As—
1. I will not act against my conscience. 1. You will have met my brother at
2. We will not accept our defeat. Calcutta.
3. You shall not be late. 2. You will have seen the Taj.
4. He shall not be allowed to go. 3. He will have been at your residence.
2. Some Interrogative sentences begin with (xii) Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Shall I / Shall we, which convey the sense of
advice / suggestion / request / proposal, and they The Future Perfect Continuous Tense indi-
express Present time. As— cates the continuance of some action for a long
1. Shall I draw the curtain ? time in future. As—
1. He will have been building his house.
2. Shall we now go ?
2. I shall have been preparing for my
3. Shall I prepare tea for you ? examination.
4. Shall we start the match now ?
Exercise 1
3. Sometimes Simple Future Tense is used to
convey universal truth or habit. These sentences Correct the following sentences :
express all the three times—Past, Present and 1. I had been married in 1990.
Future. As— 2. She finished her work when I met her.
1. Sin will be sin. 3. They had gone to Calcutta last night.
2. Roses will bloom in spring. 4. Who had invented the gramophone ?
3. A drunkard will drink. 5. The fair had been over ten days ago.
6. He had come to my room while I was
(x) Future Continuous Tense reading.
Future Continuous Tense is used to convey 7. I saw her when I had been passing yester-
the following ideas : day.
1. To convey the sense that a certain activity 8. He was ill for a week when the doctor was
will continue for some time in future. As— sent for.
168 | L.W.C.E.
7. She had . . . . . . . all through the winter. (7) has been reading; (8) knew; (9) had
(work) met; (10) work hard; (11) am writing; (12)
8. I wish I . . . . . . . him. (know) began the work; (13) stops; (14) is living;
(15) go; (16) has been teaching; (17) has
9. If only I . . . . . . . her. (know) his breakfast; (18) passed; (19) has already
10. I . . . . . . . him a week ago. (see) done; (20) discovered.
11. He . . . . . . . here for more than five years. Tenses and Time
12. Take your raincoat in case it . . . . . . . . Normally Present Tense, Past Tense and
(rain) Future Tense indicate Present Time Past Time,
and Future Time. But in some typical sentences
13. I . . . . . . . to my office tomorrow. (go) and their implied sense some Tenses express more
14. He often . . . . . . . late. (reach) dimensions of Time than the main time for which
15. My sister . . . . . . . twenty on the they stand. We have already discussed in detail
Deepawali day. (will be) the relationship between Time and Tense in the
Hints—(1) saw; (2) has not met; (3) tore up; (4) earlier part of this chapter. Now we give
was bitten; (5) have been chosen; (6) was hereunder a brief chart of the relationship between
stuck; (7) had been working; (8) knew; (9) Time and Tense.
knew; (10) saw; (11) has worked; (12) 1. Simple Present Tense
rains; (13) go; (14) reaches; (15) would be.
Simple Present Tense expressses the follow-
Exercise 5 ing dimensions of Time—
Correct the following sentences : (i) All Inclusive Time—Past, Present and
Future Time. As—
1. It is high time you resolve your differences.
(a) Sentences of Eternal Truth
2. He retired to bed before we reached there.
1. The sun shines during the day.
3. I know him for many years.
2. Birds fly.
4. I am having a car.
3. Cows are animals.
5. He left for America next week.
4. A week has seven days.
6. I will return as soon as he came.
(b) Sentences of Permanent Nature
7. She is reading since the morning.
1. Men wear clothes.
8. I wish I know him.
2. She never comes late.
9. I met him before he came to the town.
3. Sugar is sweet.
10. You won’t pass until you will work hard.
4. Trees are useful.
11. I write an essay this time.
(c) Sentences Showing Long Habits
12. It is time we will begin the work.
1. He knows swimming.
13. Don’t get down the bus until it will stop.
2. She loves her children.
14. He lives in Calcutta now.
3. I read in the morning.
15. I am going to office every day by bus.
4. He is always merciful.
16. He is teaching at this school since 1985.
17. He is having his breakfast at 8 a. m. (ii) Future Time
18. He has passed M. A. last year. (a) Sentences of Programme and Planning
19. He already does his work. 1. I go to Calcutta tomorrow.
20. Who has discovered the force of gravita- 2. My brother returns from America next
tion? week.
Hints—(1) resolved; (2) had retired; (3) have 3. The marriage takes place on Monday next.
known; (4) have; (5) leaves; (6) he comes; 4. So we meet tomorrow.
170 | L.W.C.E.
Passive : A letter was being written by Note—In Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect
Ram. Continuous and Future Continuous and
Active : Hari was reading a book. Future Perfect Continuous Tense there can
be no conversion from the Active to the
Passive : A book was being read by Hari. Passive Voice.
Active : Ram was helping me. Rule 6—In sentences in which auxiliary Verbs
Passive : I was being helped by Ram. can / could / may / might / should /
The Structure of the Verb in this Tense is : would are used with Finite Verbs, the
auxiliaries are retained as they are, and
Was/ were + being + III form of the Verb.
they are followed by be + Third Form
(iii) Past Perfect : of the Verb. Structure of the Verb in the
Active : Ram had written a letter. Passive Voice is :
Passive : A letter had been written by Auxiliary Verb (unchanged) + be + V3 As—
Ram. Active : They can help you.
Active : Ram had read many books. Passive : You can be helped by them.
Passive : Many books had been read by Active : She should help Sita.
Ram. Passive : Sita should be helped by her.
Active : Ram had helped me. Rule 7—In some sentences Verb ‘to be’ (am, is,
Passive : I had been helped by Ram. are, was, were) is followed by has /
The Structure of the Verb in this Tense is : have / had, which are followed by an
Infinitive (to + Verb). While converting,
Had + been + III form of the Verb. such sentences into the Passive Voice,
C. Future Tense Verb ‘to be’ and has / have / had are
retained in the form appropriate to the
(i) Future Indefinite : subject, after which are used to be +
Active : Ram will write a letter. Verb in the Third Form.
Passive : A letter will be written by Ram. The Structure of the Verb would be :
Active : Ram will read books. Verb ‘to be + to be + V3
Passive : Books will be read by Ram. Has / have or had + to be + V3 As—
Active : Ram will help me. Active : I am to help him.
Passive : I shall be helped by Ram. Passive : He is to be helped by me.
The Structure of the Verb in this Tense is : Active : She has to help me.
Will/ shall + be + III form of the Verb. Passive : I have to be helped by her.
(ii) Future Perfect Tense : Active : He was to bring you here.
Passive : You were to be brought here by
Active : Ram will have written a letter.
Passive : A letter will have been written
Rule 8—Sometimes an Intransitive Verb joined
by Ram.
with a Preposition does the work of a
Active : Ram will have read many Transitive Verb. Sentences using this
books. type of Verb are converted into the
Passive : Many books will have been read Passive Voice according to the normals
by Ram. Rules, keeping in mind that the Pre-
Active : Ram will have helped me. position must be retained with the Verb.
Passive : I shall have been helped by As—
Ram. Active : She looks after him.
The Structure of the Verb in this Tense is : Passive : He is looked after by her.
Will/ shall + have been + III form of the Active : They laughed at him.
Verb. Passive : He was laughed at by them.
174 | L.W.C.E.
Rule 9—Some sentences have two objects— Active : Show the papers.
(i) Direct (or Inanimate) object, (ii) Indirect Passive : Let the papers be shown.
(or Animate) object. As— Rule 12—If the Imperative sentence carries the
‘She teaches me grammar.’ sense of request or advice, should be
Here ‘grammar’ is Direct Object and ‘me’ is must be used before the Third Form of
Indirect Object. the Verb. These sentences do not begin
with Let. As—
While converting such sentences into the
Passive Voice, the Indirect (or animate) Active : Help the poor.
object should be used as the Subject. Passive : The poor should be helped.
As— Active : Feed the child.
Active : She teaches me Hindi. Passive : The child should be fed.
Passive : I am taught Hindi by her. Active : Love your country.
Active : They gave you a prize. Passive : Your country should be loved.
Passive : You were given a prize by them. Note—In Passive Voice expressions such as
Active : I shall give you necessary help. Please, Kindly, etc. are left out.
Passive : You will be given necessary Rule 13—If the Imperative sentence is Negative,
help by me. the Passive Voice should have Let not in
place of Do not. Also, after the Subject
Note—Sometimes, however, Direct (or Inani- be + Third Form of the Verb should be
mate) Object can also be used as the Sub- used. As—
ject in the Passive Voice. As—
Active : Do not read a bad novel.
Active : He teaches me Hindi.
Passive : Let not a bad novel be read by
Passive : I am taught Hindi by him. you.
Or Active : Do not beat the child.
Hindi is taught to me by him. Passive : Let not the child be beaten.
Rule 10— Some sentences containing double Active : Do not defend the thief.
objects begin with Let in the Active Passive : Let not the thief be defended.
Voice. In Passive Voice also these
sentences begin with Let, and the Direct Rule 14—Conversion of Negative Sentences
(Inanimate) object is used as the Subject. into Passive Voice
Also, be should be used before the Third Negative Sentences are converted into the
Form of the Verb. As— Passive Voice just like the Affirmative sen-
Active : Let him bring a glass of water. tences. Not is retained at its normal position,
i.e. after the first auxiliary Verb. As—
Passive : Let a glass of water be brought
by him. Active : The boy did not kill the cat.
Passive : The cat was not killed by the
Conversion of Imperative Sentences boy.
into Passive Voice Active : The baby was not hitting a toy.
Rule 11—If the Imperative sentence carries the Passive : A toy was not being hit by the
sense of order or command, its Passive baby.
Voice should begin with Let, and be Active : This boy cannot lift the box.
should be used before the Third Form Passive : The box cannot be lifted by this
of the Verb. As— boy.
Active : Bring the pen. Rule 15—Conversion o f Interrogative Senten-
Passive : Let the pen be brought. ces into Passive Voice
Active : Shut the door. If the Interrogative sentence begins with a
Passive : Let the door be shut. Helping Verb (do, does, did, is, was, were,
are, am, has, have, had), the Passive Voice Rule 17—Some sentences begin with ‘There’,
also begins with the Helping Verb, but the followed by Verb + Subject + Infini-
form of the helping Verb changes according tive. No change is made in such sente-
to the new Subject in the Passive Voice. nces in the Passive voice except that the
Note—(i) Has, have, had take been before the Simple Present Infinitive is changed into
Third Form of the Verb. the Past Infinitive (to be + Past Parti-
(ii) Interrogative sentences beginning with ciple). The rest of the sentence remains
an Interrogative Pronoun / Adverb unchanged. As—
(Who, What, Whom, etc.) begin in the Active : There is no milk to waste.
Passive Voice with by whom or By / Passive : There is no milk to be wasted.
with what. As—
Active : Does he help Ram ? Active : There is no time to waste.
Passive : Is Ram helped by him ? Passive : There is no time to be wasted.
Active : Has he killed the dog ? Rule 18—In some sentences Infinitive without
‘to’ is used. As—
Passive : Has the dog been killed by him ?
Active : I made him run away.
Active : Who has deceived you ?
Passive : By whom have you been decei- Passive : He was made to run away.
ved ? In sentences of this pattern normal Rules are
Active : What pleased you so much ? applied for conversion into the Passive Voice,
Passive : With what were you pleased so with one more provision that Infinitive with
much ? ‘to’ is used in place of Infinitive without
Some Other Structures ‘to’. The structure of the main Verb would
Rule 16—Usually by is used before the Object in be—
the Passive Voice. But there are some to ‘be’ + Past Participle
Verbs on account of which some other Here are some more sentences of this pat-
Prepositions are used before the Object tern—
in place of by. As— Active : We saw him jump the ditch.
(i) ‘at’ is used after : Surprised, astonished,
Passive : He was seen to jump the ditch.
shocked, alarmed, disappointed, displea-
sed, distressed Active : He let me go.
(ii) ‘to’ is used after : Known and obliged Passive : I was let go.
(iii) ‘With’ is used after : Pleased, satisfied, Note—It may be noted here that ‘to’ is not used
disgusted, impressed after ‘let’ even in the Passive Voice.
(iv) ‘in’ is used after : Interested, consisted, Rule 19— In some sentences that + a N o u n
contained clause is used after the Principal clause,
Active : Her behaviour disappointed me. and this Noun clause is the Object of the
Passive : I was disappointed at her behavi- Transitive Verb in the Principal clause.
our. Some special care has to be taken in
Active : His condition alarmed me. converting such sentences into the Pas-
Passive : I was alarmed at his condition. sive Voice. In such sentences no Passive
Active : I know his sister. Voice is made of the Principal clause,
only its sense is expressed in some way.
Passive : His sister is known to me.
Then the Noun clause is changed into the
Active : Your honesty has pleased me. Passive Voice according to normal Rules.
Passive : I have been pleased with your In such sentences we don’t usually use
honesty. by + object. As—
Active : This job interests me. Active : We know that he is a great scho-
Passive : I am interested in this job. lar.
Active : Your talk displeases me. Passive : He is known to be a great scho-
Passive : I am displeased at your talk. lar.
176 | L.W.C.E.
(b) If the Interrogative sentence begins with an Reported speech. For example, in place
Auxiliary Verb, the connective whether or of say or said, we can use tell or told, or
if is used to join it (not, that whether or that we can use replied, remarked, asked,
if). observed, declared, etc. according to the
Direct : He said, “Is he a doctor ?” sense. But in no case there should be a
change in the Tense of the Reporting
Indirect : He asked whether (or if) he was Verb.
a doctor.
Rule 2—If the Reporting Verb is in the Present
(Not, that whether (or if) he was or Future Tense, no change is made in
a doctor) the Tense of the Reported Verb. But, of
Direct : I said, “Do you smoke ?” course, the form of the Auxiliary Verb
Indirect : I asked whether (or if) you smo- will change according to the change in
ked. Person of the Subject in the Indirect
Narration form. For example, am can be
(Not, that whether (or if) you
changed into is or are; or do and have
can be changed into does or has, but no
(3) Imperative Sentences—If the Reported change can be made in the Tense in the
speech is in the form of an Imperative sentence process of this change. As—
(indicating command or request), no connective Direct : He says, “I am not feeling well
is needed but the main Verb of the Imperative today.”
sentence is converted into an Infinitive. As—
Indirect : He says that he is not feeling
Direct : He said, “Please give me a glass well today.
of water.”
Direct : He will say to me, “You are not
Indirect : He requested to give him a glass kind to me.”
of water. Indirect : He will tell me that I am not
Direct : He said to the servant, “Close kind to him.
the door.”
Solved Examples
Indirect : He asked the servant to close the
door. Direct : I often say to my friends, “You
are all very dear to me.”
(4) Exclamatory Sentences—If the Reported
sentence is in the form of an Exclamatory sen- Indirect : I often tell my friends that they
tence (indicating surprise, fear, contempt or are all very dear to me.
wish), it is changed into an Assertive sentence in Direct : You say to your father, “My tea-
the Indirect Narration form, and connective ‘that’ cher is very kind and sympathe-
is used to join it with the Reporting sentence. tic.”
As— Indirect : You tell your father that your
Direct : He said, “May you live long ! ” teacher is very kind and sympa-
Indirect : He wished that you may live thetic.
long. Direct : I will go and say to my father, “I
am not satisfied with the job that
Direct : He said, “What a horrible scene
you have found for me.”
Indirect : I will go and tell my father that I
Indirect : He observed that it was a horri- am not satisfied with the job that
ble scene. he has found for me.
Rules for Change of Tenses Direct : Mohan will go to Delhi to tell
Rule 1—It should first be remembered that no his uncle, “Are you not finding
change is ever made in the Tense of the some job for me ? ”
Reporting Verb. But, of course, without Indirect : Mohan will go to Delhi to ask
changing the Tense, the verb can be his uncle whether he is not
changed according to the sense of the finding some job for him.
Direct : I shall say to my father, “Please Direct : Ram said, “He visited Delhi last
let me participate in the marri- year.”
age of my friend.” Indirect : Ram said that he visited Delhi
Indirect : I shall request my father to let last year.
me participate in the marriage of Direct : He said, “The horse died last
my friend. night.”
Direct : I say to my father whenever I Indirect : He said that the horse had died
meet him, “I do not want to last night.
marry at such an early age.”
(b) Past Continuous is changed into Past
Indirect : I tell my father whenever I meet Perfect Continuous Tense.
him that I do not want to marry
at such an early age. As—
Direct : Mohan will say to his servant, Direct : He said, “My brother was work-
“You are the greatest dunce that ing in this factory.”
I have ever seen in my life.” Indirect : He said that his brother had
Indirect : Mohan will tell his servant that been working in that factory.
he is the greatest dunce that he (c) No change is made in Past Perfect and
has ever seen in his life. Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Rule 3—If the Reporting Verb is in the Past As—
Tense, the Tense of the Reported Verb Direct : He said, “I had finished my
is changed according to the following work long ago.”
Indirect : He said that he had finished his
(I) (a) Present Indefinite is changed into Past work long ago.
Indefinite Tense. As—
Direct : Ram said, “I had been doing that
Direct : He said, “I am unwell.” work for several years.”
Indirect : He said that he was unwell. Indirect : Ram said that he had been doing
(b) Present Continuous is changed into Past that work for several years.
Continuous Tense. As—
Rule 4—Will and shall of the Future Tense are
Direct : He said, “My father is reading changed into Would and Should. As—
his book.”
Direct : He said, “I shall definitely do
Indirect : He said that his father was read- this work.”
ing his book.
Indirect : He said that he would definitely
(c) Present Perfect is changed into Past do that work.
Perfect Tense. As—
Direct : He said, “Ram will go to the
Direct : He said, “I have passed the exa- market.”
Indirect : He said that Ram would go to
Indirect : He said that he had passed the the market.
(d) Present Perfect Continuous is changed Rule 5—May is changed into might and can into
into Past Perfect Continuous Tense. As— could. As—
Direct : Mohan said, “I have been work- Direct : He said, “I can do this work.”
ing hard since July.” Indirect : He said that he could do that
Indirect : Mohan said that he had been work.
working hard since July. Direct : The teacher said, “He may be
(II) (a) Ordinarily no change is made in the Past allowed to go.”
Indefinite Tense, but sometimes it is Indirect : The teacher said that he might
changed into Past Perfect Tense. As— be allowed to go.
180 | L.W.C.E.
Indirect : He said that his servant had Direct : He said, “I am doing my work.”
been working in the field since Indirect : He said that he was doing his
that morning. work.
Direct : Mohan said, “I reached the stat- Direct : You said, “I am going to Delhi
ion before the arrival of the to meet my uncle.”
Indirect : You said that You were going to
Indirect : Mohan said that he had reached Delhi to meet your uncle.
the station before the arrival of
Direct : I said, “I am reading my book.”
the train.
Indirect : I said that I was reading my
Direct : She said in the court, “My hus-
band had been leading an immo-
ral life for several years before I Rule 2—Every Second Person Pronoun in the
was married to him.” Reported speech is changed according to
the Object / Predicate of the Reporting
Indirect : She said in the court that her
husband had been leading an
immoral life for several years Direct : Ramesh said to him, “You are
before she was married to him. not doing your work seriously.”
Direct : He said, “The students were Indirect : Ramesh told him that he was
learning their lessons in the not doing his work seriously.
class.” Direct : Mohan said to you, “You are not
Indirect : He said that the students had doing your work seriously.”
been learning their lessons in the Indirect : Mohan told you that you were
class. not doing your work seriously.
Direct : “One of the servants had stolen Direct : Ramesh said to me, “You are
my watch,” said Sohan. not doing your work seriously.”
Indirect : Sohan said that one of the ser- Indirect : Ramesh told me that I was not
vants had stolen his watch. doing my work seriously.
Direct : He said, “I had made all arrange- Rule 3—Third Person Pronoun remains unchan-
ments for the reception of the ged.
President before his arrival at Formula
All First Persons Changed according to the
Indirect : He said that he had made all Subject of the Reporting
arrangements for the reception Verb
of the President before his arri-
val at Agra. All Second Persons Changed according to the
Object or Predicate of the
Direct : Mohan said, “I was doing my Reporting Verb
work when Ram came to me.”
Third Persons No Change
Indirect : Mohan said that he had been
doing his work when Ram came Solved Examples
to him. Direct : He said, “I have completed my
Rules for Change in Persons work with my own hard labour.”
All Pronouns (I, we, you, he, she, they) used Indirect : He said that he had completed
in the Reported speech are changed according to his work with his own hard
the following Rules— labour.
Rule 1—Every First Person Pronoun used in the Direct : You said to your friend, “I am
Reported speech is changed according to going to Delhi today.”
the Person of the Subject of the Report- Indirect : You told your friend that you
ing speech. were going to Delhi that day.
182 | L.W.C.E.
12. Ramesh said, “I am not taking the examina- needed to join it with the Reporting
tion because I am not very confident about speech. This is a very important Rule and
my studies.” must be very carefully observed.
13. My friend will say to you, “I have never Rule 5—The Interrogative sentence is changed
seen a more intelligent person than into an Assertive sentence in the Indirect
Ramesh.” Narration. In order to change an Interro-
14. The teacher said, “The earth moves round gative sentence into an Assertive one, the
the sun.” Subject is used before the Verb, and the
Mark of Interrogation should be remo-
15. Lord Christ said, “Man is mortal.” ved.
16. He said, “I am so confident of myself that I Rule 6—The Auxiliary do or does of the Repor-
can take the work independently.” ted speech is removed, and in their place
17. Ram said, “The matter shall be decided the Past Indefinite Tense of the main
here and now.” Verb is used. As—
18. Mohan says, “I shall go tomorrow.” Direct : He said to Ram, “Do you know
19. My friend says, “My father is not at home his name ?”
and therefore I cannot go out.” Indirect : He asked Ram whether he knew
20. His letter says, “I herewith offer you the his name.
appointment.” Direct : Ram said to him, “Does Suresh
go to school ?”
(2) Interrogative Sentences Indirect : Ram asked him whether Suresh
Interrogative Sentences can begin in two went to school.
ways— Rule 7—The Auxiliary did of the Reported
(i) With Auxiliary or Helping Verb such as— speech is removed and the Past Perfect
Is, are, am, was, were, has, have, had, will, form of the main Verb is used. As—
shall, do, did, does, can, could. Direct : I said to him, “Did you go to
school yesterday ?”
(ii) With Interrogative Adjective/Pronoun or
Interrogative Adverb such as— Indirect : I asked him whether he had gone
to school the previous day.
Who, whom, whose, which, what, when,
Rule 8—If the Reported speech has do not or
where, why, how.
does not, in the Indirect Narration, it will
Rules have did not + First Form of the Verb.
Rule 1—We can make a change in the Reporting As—
Verb according to the sense, but without Direct : He said to Ram, “Do you not
making any change in its Tense. For know me ?”
example, in place of said, we can use Indirect : He asked Ram whether he did
asked, enquired, demanded, etc. not know him.
Rule 2—Connective ‘that’ is not used to join any Direct : Mohan said, “Does not Ramesh
kind of Interrogative sentence. tell a lie ?”
Rule 3—If the Interrogative sentence begins with Indirect : Mohan asked whether Ramesh
an Auxiliary or Helping Verb in t h e did not tell a lie.
Direct Narration, i t begins with If or Rule 9—If the Reported speech has did not, in
Whether in the Indirect Narration. the Direct Narration, it will have had
Rule 4—If the Interrogative sentence begins with not + Past Perfect Form of the Verb in
an Interrogative Adverb / Adjective / the Indirect Narration. As—
Pronoun in the Direct Narration, it will Direct : I said to him, “Did you not pro-
begin with the same Interrogative mise to come ?”
Adverb / Adjective Pronoun in the Indirect : I asked him whether he had not
Indirect Narration also. No connective is promised to come.
184 | L.W.C.E.
Rule 10—The Rules for change in Pronouns are Direct : The teacher said to the student,
the same as applicable in Assertive sente- “How can you prove that the
nces. earth is round ?”
Solved Examples Indirect : The teacher asked the student
Direct : He said, “What is your name ?” how he could prove that the
earth is round.
Indirect : He asked (him) what his name
was. Exercise
Direct : Ram said to Mohan, “Where do Change the following sentences from Direct
you live ?” into Indirect Narration :
Indirect : Ram asked Mohan where he 1. Ram said, “Are these mangoes sweet ?”
lived. 2. He said, “Were you present at the scene of
Direct : Keshav said to his wife, “Which accident ?”
of these sarees do you like 3. He said to me, “Why do you want to go
most?” home ?”
Indirect : Keshav asked his wife which of 4. Ramesh said to him, “How do you do ?”
those sarees she liked most. 5. He said, “Am I responsible for your fail-
Direct : The teacher said, “Who is the ure?”
author of this book ?” 6. Ram said, “Who does not know that he is a
Indirect : The teacher asked (the boys) thief ?”
who the author of that book was. 7. He said, “How can I help you in these
Direct : He said, “Are you going to circumstances ?”
Delhi?” 8. My father said to me, “What have you done
Indirect : He asked (him) whether (if) he with all the money I gave you ?”
was going to Delhi. 9. The teacher said, “Who has prepared this
Direct : Mohan said to his friend, “Can chapter thoroughly ?”
you help me in unloading my 10. My friend said to the Station Master,
cart ?” “When does the Punjab Mail reach Agra ?”
Indirect : Mohan asked his friend if he 11. He said, “Why did you enter my house
could help him in unloading his without taking my permission ?”
cart. 12. He said, “Can I be of any service to you ?”
Direct : Ramesh said to the Station 13. Ram said, “Could I get another chance to
Master, “Has the train left ?” try my luck ?”
Indirect : Ramesh asked the Station 14. Ram said, “Had I not warned you long ago
Master whether (if) the train had that the work is difficult ?”
left. 15. Mohan said, “What have you been search-
Direct : Mohan said to his friend, “Are ing for all these hours ?”
you in a position to help me
now?” (3) Imperative Sentences
Indirect : Mohan asked his friend whether The sentences which carry the sense of order,
he was in a position to help him request, wish, advice, etc. are called Imperative
then. sentences. These sentences often begin with
Direct : My father said to me, “Why are Finite Verb. As—
you so eager to go to picture Go away; Work hard; Bring a glass of water,
today ?” etc.
Indirect : My father asked me why I was Sometimes these sentences also begin with—
so eager to go to picture that Let, Please, Kindly and such other polite expres-
day. sions. As—
Please help me; Kindly leave the seat; Let Direct : The captain said to the soldier,
him come. “Go to the batallion office and
Rules come back within half an hour.”
Rule 1—The Reporting Verb can appropriately Indirect : The captain ordered the soldier
be changed according to the sense, but to go to the batallion office and
without making any change in its Tense. (to) come back within half an
For example, in place of ‘said’, we can hour.
use requested, asked, ordered, advised, Direct : The doctor said to the patient,
suggested, proposed, forbade, etc. “Do not smoke so long as you
Rule 2—The Reported Verb is changed into an are under my treatment.”
Infinitive (to + Verb). No other change Indirect : The doctor instructed the patient
is made in the Verb. As— not to smoke so long as he was
Direct : The teacher said to the students, under his treatment.
“Work very hard.” Direct : The teacher said to Mohan, “Im-
Indirect : The teacher advised the students prove your handwriting if you
to work very hard. want to pass.”
Direct : Ram said to his servant, “Bring a Indirect : The teacher advised Mohan to
glass of water.” improve his handwriting if he
wanted to pass.
Indirect : Ram ordered his servant to bring
a glass of water. Direct : He said, “Save me from this
Rule 3—If the Reported speech begins with Do
not, we remove Do, and the main Verb is Indirect : He appealed (to them) to save
changed into an Infinitive. As— him from that calamity.
Direct : My father said to me, “Don’t go Direct : Ram said, “Please come with
there.” me.”
Indirect : My father advised me not to go Indirect : Ram requested (him) to go with
there. him.
Rule 4—The Rules for change in Tense and Pro- Direct : The teacher said, “Always speak
nouns are the same as discussed under the truth.”
Assertive sentences. Indirect : The teacher advised (the stu-
Rule 5—Some Imperative sentences carry the dents) always to speak thetruth.
sense of prohibition. In such sentences Direct : He said to his friends, “Let us
forbid or forbade can be used. As— go on a picnic.”
Direct : My father said, “Don’t play in Indirect : He proposed to his friends to go
the sun.” on a picnic.
Indirect : My fahter forbade me to play in Direct : I said to my father, “Please let
the sun. me go to Delhi.”
Solved Examples Indirect : I requested my father to let me
Direct : Ram’s father said to him, “Do go to Delhi.
not be impatient about the result Exercise
of your examination.”
Change the following sentences from
Indirect : Ram’s father advised him not to Direct into Indirect Narration :
be impatient about the result of
his examination. 1. Ram said to him, “Please be quiet.”
Direct : He said, “Please do not enter my 2. The teacher said to the student, “Do not talk
room without my permission.” nonsense.”
Indirect : He requested (them) not to enter 3. My father said to me, “Work very hard lest
his room without his permission. you should lose your division.”
186 | L.W.C.E.
4. Mohan said to the servant, “Bring a hot cup Direct : He said, “O, what a chance !”
of tea.” Indirect : He exclaimed that it was a fine
5. Ram said to me, “Welcome home.” chance.
6. He said, “Let the sweets be distributed Direct : His mother said, “May you live
among the children.” long !”
7. He said to me, “Please lend me your foun- Indirect : His mother wished (prayed) that
tain-pen.” he might live long.
8. My fahter said to me, “Speak the truth and Direct : He said, “What a piece of work
be noble.” is man !”
9. He said, “Let us go for the morning walk.” Indirect : He exclaimed that man is a
10. He said, “Please do not disturb me in my strange piece of work.
studies.” Exercise
( 4) Exclamatory Sentences Change the following sentences from Direct
The sentences which carry the sense of sudden into Indirect Narration :
joy, sorrow, wonder, disappointment are called 1. Ram said, “Alas ! I am ruined.”
Exclamatory sentences. These sentences generally 2. Mohan said, “Alas ! My friend has drow-
begin with such exclamatory words as—Alas, Oh, ned.”
Hurrah, Bravo, How, What a, etc. 3. Mohan said, “Bravo! We have got the
Rules shield.”
4. He said, “How happy I am !”
Rule 1—In place of the Reporting Verb ‘said’
some other Verbs as exclaimed, wished, 5. My mother said, “May Heaven bless you !”
prayed are used according to the sense. 6. The poor man said, “May Heaven hear my
Rule 2—Connective ‘that’ is used. prayers !”
Rule 3—After the Reporting Verb, we use such 7. Ram said, “Good Heavens ! What a sight it
expressions as joyfully, sorrowfully, was !”
with sorrow, with joy, in astonishment, 8. Mohan said, “O ! You have come !”
etc. according to the sense. 9. He said, “Could I see my mother at this
Rule 4—Exclamatory sentence is changed into hour !”
Assertive sentence. 10. Ram said, “O, could I help him !”
Rule 5—The Rules for change of Tense and
Pronoun are the same as used in Asser- (5) Question-Tags
tive sentences. Question-Tags can be added to two types of
Rule 6—If the Exclamatory sentence in the Direct sentences—Interrogative sentences and Imperative
Narration is incomplete, it is made a sentences. We shall consider them separately.
complete sentence in the Indirect (I) Interrogative Question-Tags
Narration by adding appropriate Subject
and Verb. The following Rules apply in changing the
Question–Tags connected with the Reported
Solved Examples
speech from Direct into Indirect Narration—
Direct : He said, “Alas ! I am ruined.”
Rule 1— While changing into Indirect Narration,
Indirect : He cried with grief that he was the Assertive sentence is left out.
Rule 2— The Question-Tag is changed into Indi-
Direct : The Captain said, “Bravo ! We rect Narration under normal Rules, but
have won the match.” the Question–Tag (which is generally an
Indirect : The Captain exclaimed with joy incomplete sentence) is made a complete
that they had won the match. sentence. As—
Direct : He said, “Hurrah ! We have won Direct : The teacher said, “Where are
the match.” you going, Ramesh ?”
Indirect : He exclaimed joyfully that they Indirect : Calling Ramesh the teacher
had won the match. asked him where he was going.
Direct : He said, “Alas ! he is dead.” Direct : The policeman said, “I will put
Indirect : He mournfully exclaimed that he you behind the bars, you
was dead. wicked.”
(3) The sense of Oh, Alas, Hurrah, Bravo, Indirect : Calling him wicked the police-
etc. used in Exclamatory sentences is expressed by man said to him that he would
such expressions as the following— put him behind the bars.
He said sorrowfully or joyfully or cheerfully Direct : He said, “Give unto me the light
or surprisingly or mournfully etc. of truth, Reverend Father.”
(4) When words like Sir, your Honour, your Indirect : Calling him Reverend Father he
Majesty, Please, Kindly, etc. are used in the implored him to give unto him
Reported speech, their sense is expressed by using the light of truth.
the following expressions with the Reporting
(8) When ‘May’ is used in the sense of
Verb, and these words are dropped—
request or prayer in the Reported speech, it is
He said respectfully or politely or humbly or shifted from there and its sense is expressed by
gently or reverently etc. As— such words as ‘He prayed ……’ along with the
Direct : The student said to the teacher, Reporting Verb. As—
“Sir, mark me present.” Direct : He said, “May you live long !”
Indirect : The student respectfully reques- Indirect : He prayed for a long life to him.
ted the teacher to mark him pre-
sent. (9) The student can exercise his own
discretion too and use certain words from his own
(5) In the same way, the sense of G o o d
side in order to make the sense clear in the
Morning, Good Evening, etc. is expressed by
Indirect Narration.
such expressions as ‘He greeted him’.
(6) When words like Yes, No, Certainly, Not Solved Examples
at all, Never, etc. are used in the Reported speech, (I) Direct : A fawn one day said to his
their sense is expressed by such expressions as— mother, “Mother, you are
“He replied in the affirmative or negative.” bigger than a dog and swifter
and better-minded, and you
Direct : Ram asked him, “Will you go to
have horns to defend yourself:
Delhi ?” He replied, “No”.
how is it that you are so afraid
Indirect : Ram asked him whether he of the hounds ?” She smiled
would go to Delhi. He replied in and said, “All this, my child, I
the negative. know fully well. But no soo-
(7) When some person or thing is addressed ner do I hear a dog bark than
to in the Reported speech, or when some special somehow or other my heels
Adjective is used for a thing or person, those take me off as fast as they can
words of address or admiration are shifted from carry me.”
there and expressed with the Reporting Verb. Indirect : A fawn one day said to her
As— mother that she was bigger
Direct : The speaker said, “Ladies and than a dog, and swifter and
Gentlemen, it is my proud privi- better-minded, and she had
lege to talk to you this after- horns to defend herself : how
noon.” was it, then, he asked, that she
Indirect : Addressing the audience he said was so afraid of the hounds.
that it was his proud privilege to At that she smiled and ans-
talk to them that afternoon. wered to her child that she
knew all that fully well; but (VI) Direct : Pt. Nehru said, “Ladies and
no sooner did she hear a dog gentlemen, the whole society
bark than somehow or other, is responsible for the preva-
her heels took her off as fast lence of corruption in the
as they could carry her. country.”
(II) Direct : But the sea-god cried, “Do not Indirect : Addressing the audience Pt.
be afraid, noble prince; I have Nehru said that the whole
taken pity on you and will society was responsible for
help you.” the prevalence of corruption
Indirect : But the sea-god told the noble in the country.
prince not to be afraid, and (VII) Direct : He said, “Please daddy, let me
assured him that he had taken attend the marriage party of
pity on him (the prince) and my friend.”
would help him.
Indirect : He requested his daddy to per-
(III) Direct : “Curse it !” exclaimed the dri- mit him to attend the marriage
ver, “Who could have fore- party of his friend.
seen such ill-luck ? But for
the accident we should have (VIII) Direct : He said to me, “Are you not
caught the train easily.” going to school today?” I said,
Indirect : The driver exclaimed with a
curse that nobody could have Indirect : He asked me whether (if) I
foreseen such ill-luck, and was not going to school that
said that but for that accident day. I answered that I was not.
they would have caught the (IX) Direct : He said, “I am not going to
train easily. help you, you fool.”
(IV) Direct : Once a rich man said to his Indirect : Calling him a fool he said that
poor brother, “Why do you he was not going to help him.
not enter the service of the
(X) Direct : “Let us see him today”, said
king, so that you may relieve
yourself from the baseness of
labour ?” Indirect : Ram suggested (proposed) that
Indirect : Once a rich man asked his they should see him that day.
poor brother why he did not
enter the service of the king,
Revision Exercise 1
so that he might relieve him- Change the following sentences into Indirect
self from the baseness of Narration :
labour. 1. Ram said to Mohan, “I can tell you what
(V) Direct : Finding no remedy she said to strikes me as the most useful medicine in
herself, “It is better to die than the world.” “Can you, Ram ? I should like
to live in such misery as I am to hear of it ? What is it used for ?” asked
compelled to suffer from a Mohan.
husband who treats me and 2. “This beautiful girl, ”said he,“ is one whom
has always treated me so un- I have decided to marry.”
Indirect : Finding no remedy she said to 3. “Can you tell me the address of Mr.
herself that it was better to die Somprakash ?” said the stranger to me, “I
than to live in such misery as have to see him in connection with some
she was compelled to suffer important business.”
from a husband who treated 4. He said to me, “Is it the suit you put on last
her and had always treated her night ?” “No”, I said, “that was a different
so unkindly. one.”
190 | L.W.C.E.
5. “Can you tell me the name of your father ?” 19. All her maidens watching said, “She must
said the teacher to the boy, “I want to see weep, or she will die.”
him before Sunday.” 20. “I am sorry indeed”, replied the king, “that
6. Mohan said, “It is a pleasant time when the my vessel is already chosen; and I cannot
sun is setting and the birds are returning to therefore sail with the son of the man who
their nests. I want to go for a walk.” served my father.”
7. He said, “Father ! take pity. The purse has 21. “The person who caused me this injury was
been stolen by the servant and not by me.” wearing a black suit,” said the injured
8. The lawyer said, “My profession is one that person returning to consciousness, “I can
needs strenuous work and serious study.” recognise him if he is brought before me.”
9. “And you are the most naughty boy of the 22. He said, “Let him do whatever he can; I am
class,” said the teacher, “I shall turn you not afraid of him.”
out of the class.” 23. Mohan said to his brother, “Do not go to
10. The doctor said, “Do not take butter while the river today. It is in flood and you may
you are under my treatment, otherwise the drown.”
disease is likely to be aggravated.” 24. “And the game was excellently played by
11. Churchill said, “Believe in conciliatory them,” said Sohan : “they lost only 4
politics but keep the powder dry.” wickets for 150 runs.”
12. The violent man said, “What violence have 25. The lawyer said, “What could I do if the
I done ? What anger have I been guilty of Magistrate himself was a fool ? But why
?” Then the other laughed and to said to should you worry about his judgment. Let
him, “Why should we speak ? You have us prefer an appeal to the High Court.”
given us sufficient proof of your violent 26. My friend said, “M/s Pannalal Manikchand
temper.” are a very honest firm. You can safely deal
13. “Your drawing room is excellently decora- with them.”
ted,” said the visitor : “Where did you find 27. The teacher said entering the classroom,
the artist who painted these pictures ?” “Why? What is the matter ? The attendance
14. The sailor said, “We were all frightened is so thin.” The boys replied, “Sir, most of
when the ship started tilting towards the our friends have gone to visit the exhibi-
right. After a few seconds the engine- tion.”
chamber was flooded and the ship ultima-
tely sank to the bottom.” 28. The money-lender said, “Why should I wait
for a week ? Didn’t you promise to pay me
15. The old woman said, “I have surprised today ? I cannot budge an inch without
many people by saying that I am seventy- realising the whole amount from you.”
five years old, because I do not look so old
on account of my good health.” 29. He said, “I will help you whenever you
need my help but you will have to work at
16. “I shall persuade my friend to give up the same time.”
smoking, ” said Ramesh to the doctor. “He
should recover otherwise his family will 30. The holyman said, “Do not be impatient
starve.” about the result. Leave it to God. You have
done your duty, that’s all.”
17. He cried to them in agony, “Row back at
any risk ! I cannot bear to leave her behind 31. He said, “My father was groaning with pain
to be drowned.” when the doctor came. But his medicine
was so effective that pain disappeared in
18. And he said, “I will arise and go to my
five minutes.”
father, and will say unto him : Father, I
have sinned against heaven and before thee 32. He said to me, “Your brother has secured
and am no more worthy to be called thy first class in B.A. What have you thought
son. Make me as one of thy hired servants.” about his further studies ?”
33. My neighbour said, “Last night the dacoits 3. Kali, the youngest of them began to sob and
raided my house. They searched the entire moan. “What shall I do ?” she cried, “So
house and took away the ornaments with young to die ! I have not yet seen life.”
them. Didn’t you hear the gun-shots ?” “Peace, child, ” said Sita, the eldest among
them. “wailing will not help us. Let us seek
34. The servant said, “Sir, somebody has come aid from the gods, they will surely hear us.”
to meet you. He is waiting outside.”
4. The teacher said to Hari, “Bring your book
35. He said, “It was raining heavily when I left and stand near me.” Hari was a little
my house. But I was saved by my over- nervous and replied. “Sir, I bring my book
coat.” to school everyday but I have forgotten to
36. When the water started boiling, the lid of bring it today.” At this the teacher was
the kettle was flung aside by the force of angry and said, “Why are you not looking
steam, and James Watt said, “Oh ! Steam is into the book of your friend, then ? Are you
very powerful. I can work wonders with its not ashamed of yourself ?”
help.” 5. “I saw your father and he was looking very
Revision Exercise (Advanced) 2 ill,” I said. “Yes”, Sita replied, “that is just
what worries me.” “But why worry”, I said,
Change the following sentences from Direct “why not consult a physician ?” She kept
into Indirect Nar-ration : quiet for a while and then said, “Alas ! We
1. “Why did you not come to school yesterday are too poor for that.”
?” asked the teacher. “My mother is very 6. Ram : “Please come and tell me some-
ill, sir, and my father has gone to Calcutta”, thing.”
replied Govind. “Is there no one else to Shyam : “What do you want me to tell
look after your mother”, enquired the you?”
teacher. Govind said there was none and Ram : “There is not anything special, for I
prayed, “Please excuse me for being absent only want to know how many children were
yesterday and grant me leave for today and born in Calcutta yesterday ?”
tomorrow.” 7. “What are you doing here ?” said the Tiger
2. The master said to the servant, “What have to the Hare. “I am looking at my grand-
you done with the money I gave you yester- father’s going,” replied the Hare. “Where is
day ?” “I have spent it all, sir, but I will not it ?” asked the Tiger. The Hare said, “It is
ask for any today,” replied the servant. “Is there under the tree. Have a good look at it,
that the way to talk to your boss?” enquired but please don’t kill me.”
the master. The servant was sorry and said 8. “Pardon me, dear master,” said Ariel, “I
with folded hands, “Please, forgive my will obey your commands.” “Do so,” said
rudeness.” his master, “and I will set you free.”
15 Analysis
Some General Observation Principal, Co-ordinate and Subordinate clauses
and pointing out their mutual grammatical rela-
Some Basic Concepts tionships.
Clause— How to break up a sentence into its Clauses—
“A group of words that forms part of a While breaking up a complex / compound
sentence, and has a Subject and a Predicate of its sentence into its clauses, it should be remembered
own, is called a Clause.” (Wren) that it will have as many clauses as it has Finite
Clauses are of Three kinds : Verbs. It should be kept in mind that only the
1. Principal Clause Finite Verbs, and not Gerunds, Infinitives, or
2. Subordinate Clause Participles make the clauses.
3. Co-ordinate Cluase How to find the Principal Clause—
Principal Clause—Principal Clause is the The first step in clause Analysis is to find out
main clause of the whole sentence. the Principal Clause. The question is how to
Subordinate Clause—“A Subordinate distinguish a Principal clause from its co-ordinate
Clause is a component part of some other clause, or Subordinate clauses. In this connection it
in which it does the work (without possessing the should be remembered that a sub-ordinate clause
form) of a Noun, Adjective or Adverb”. (Nesfield) always begins with a subordinating conjunction.
Likewise, a Co-ordinate clause begins with a co-
Co-ordinate Clause—“A Co-ordinate clause ordinating conjunction. Therefore a clause which
is not a component part of any other clause but begins neither with a subordinating nor a co-
forms a complete grammatical whole by itself.” ordinating conjunction is the Principal Clause.
(Nesfield) The following are the Subordinating conjunctions
Simple Sentence—A simple sentence is one with which a subordinate clause may begin—
which has only one Finite Verb, and may have a
Subject and a Predicate. When, where, which, what, how, who,
Or whom, whose, whether, if, provided, provided
that, notwithstanding, as, as if, as though, as
“A Simple Sentence is one which has only
much as, as far as, as soon as, as long as, so
one Finite verb.” (Wren)
long as, according as, after, before, because,
Complex Sentence—A complex sentence is since, until, unless, for, in that, than that, now
one that contains one Main Clause (Principal that, though, so that, in order that, so much so
clause) and one or more Subordinate clauses.” that.
Compound Sentence—“A Compound Sent- A Principal clause will not begin with any of
ence is one made up of two or more Co-ordinate the above listed conjunctions—
clauses.” For example—
It may or may not have a subordinate clause. I met the man who came yesterday.
Clause Analysis In this sentence there are two clauses :
Clause Analysis means analysing or breaking One, ‘I met the man’, and the second, ‘who
up of a complex or compound sentence into its came yesterday’. Now, this second clause begins
with the Subordinating conjunction who; therefore (III) Noun Clause as the Object of a Preposi-
this is the Subordinate Clause. The first clause tion—
does not begin with any Subordinating conjunc- (a) Give full attention to what I say.
tion and is, therefore, the Principal Clause.
“what I say” is the object of the Pre-
Analysis of Complex Sentences position ‘to’.
As we have stated above, a complex sentence (b) My success in future depends upon how
has a Principal clause and one or more Subordi- you help me in this case.
nate clauses.
“how you help me in this case” is the
Subordinate Clauses are of three kinds— object of the Preposition ‘upon’.
1. Subordinate Noun Clause (c) This book will sell for what it is worth.
2. Subordinate Adjective Clause
(d) I can find no meaning in what you have
3. Subordinate Adverb Clause said.
(I) Subordinate Noun Clause (e) I have no complaint except that I have
Subordinate Noun Clause does the work of a a headache.
Noun— (IV) Noun Clause as a Complement to a
A Noun Clause has the following Five func- Verb—
tions— (a) This is what I told you.
(i) The Subject of a verb “what I told you” is the complement to
(ii) The Object of a Transitive verb the Verb ‘is’.
(iii) The Object of a Preposition (b) My great fear is that he may drown.
(iv) The Complement to a verb of incomp- “that he may drown” is the comple-
lete predication. ment to the Verb ‘is’.
(v) Case in apposition to a noun. (c) Life is how we live it.
(I) Noun Clause as the Subject of a verb— (d) My question was whether you could do
(a) Where he lives is not known to me. this work.
“Where he lives” is the subject of the (e) This is where I lived last year.
Verb ‘is’. (V) Noun Clause as Case in Apposition to a
(b) That you should tell a lie surprises me. Noun—
“That you should tell a lie” is the subject (a) The rumour that he committed the
of the Verb ‘surprises’. murder has come true.
In the same way :
“that he committed the murder” is case
(c) How he reached there is a mystery. in apposition to the noun ‘rumour’.
(d) When I shall return is uncertain.
(b) The report that the enemy is coming is
(e) Whether he will help you is not sure. wrong.
(II) Noun Clause as the Object of a Transitive “that the enemy is coming” is case in
verb— apposition to the noun ‘report’.
(a) He told me that he was going to Calcutta. (c) Your suspicion that the servant has
“that he was going to Calcutta” is the stolen the watch is baseless.
object of the Verb ‘told’. (d) His hope that he would be selected for
(b) I do not know where he lives. the post has been belied.
“where he lives” is the object of the Verb (e) His ambition that he may become the
‘know’. President of India is illfounded.
(c) I spend what I earn. How to recognize a Noun Clause—
(d) I do not know which book you want. Noun Clause often begins with the following
(e) He replied that he did not go there. three connectives—
194 | L.W.C.E.
(c) Do you know the place where he lives ? beginning with ‘than’ is an Adjective
(d) Tell me the reason why you have dismis- clause.
sed me. (b) It was a blow than which no crueler
(e) He is the man whom I admire most. could be struck.
(f) This is the serpent that is most poison- In this sentence ‘than which’ means ‘in
ous. comparison to which’, therefore the
clause begining with ‘than’ is an Adjec-
(g) He is the man whose house caught fire tive clause.
last night.
(2) Sometimes the Relative Pronoun or the
Relative Adverb with which the Adjective clause Pick out the Adjective clauses in the follow-
begins, remains understood. In such a case, the ing sentences and point out the Noun or Pronoun
Relative Pronoun / Adverb should be mentally which they qualify—
added from your side before attempting the 1. The ring I lost was very costly.
analysis. As— 2. Tell me the time when you want me to go
(a) He is the man λ I know very well. there.
In this sentence ‘whom’ is understood at 3. Do you know the spot where gold is
the point marked thus λ . Therefore ‘I hidden ?
know very well’ is an Adjective clause. 4. He who reads without understanding is
(b) Return the book λ I gave you. sure to fail.
‘that’ is understood. 5. He does best who begins best.
6. All that glitters is not gold.
(c) Here is the servant λ I engaged yesterday.
7. He that is poor need fear no theft.
In this sentence ‘whom’ is understood.
8. We are such stuff as dreams are made of.
(d) He is the man λ I called here yesterday.
9. There was not a soldier in the squad but
‘whom’ is understood. could hit the target.
(3) Sometimes ‘but’ is used as a Relative 10. All the milk we use comes from villages.
Pronoun, which is negative in meaning. In such a
11. God helps those who help themselves.
case the clause beginning with ‘but’ is an
Adjective clause. As— 12. The hour I chose to meet my friend was
(a) There was not a soldier but fought
bravely to the end. 13. The time when the sun sets is very plea-
In this sentence ‘but’ means ‘who did
not’, and therefore but ‘fought bravely’ is 14. He is the boy who stole my pen.
an Adjective clause. 15. There is not a man in India but adores
(b) There is no man but loves his country. Mahatma Gandhi.
Here ‘but’ means “who does not.” 16. The woman I married turned unfaithful.
(c) There is no crime but can be detected. 17. The gods we adore write their names on
our faces.
Here ‘but’ means ‘that cannot be’.
18. I have seen the place where Mahatma
(4) Sometimes ‘than’ is used as a Preposi- Gandhi was born.
tion before a Relative Pronoun. In such a case, the
clause beginning with ‘than’ is a Relative Pro- 19. Those whom God loves die young.
noun. As— 20. Those who live in glass houses should not
throw stones at others.
(a) We are all followers of the principles of
Mahatma Gandhi than whom India has (III) Subordinate Adverb Clause
produced no nobler saint. “An Adverb Clause is one which does the
In this sentence ‘than whom’ means ‘in work of an adverb to some Verb, Adjective, or
whose comparison’, therefore the clause Adverb in some other clause.” (Nesfield)
196 | L.W.C.E.
Like an Adverb it qualifies some verb, Adjec- (III) Adverb Clause of Purpose—points to
tive or Adverb in another clause. The following some purpose and begins with that, so that, lest,
are its Adverbial functions— etc.
(i) Adverb Clause of Time (a) He worked very hard that he may pass.
(ii) Adverb Clause of Place “that he may pass” is Adverb Clause of
Purpose because it shows purpose.
(iii) Adverb Clause of Purpose (b) Go quickly lest you should miss the
(iv) Adverb Clause of Cause or Reason train.
(v) Adverb Clause of Condition (c) Forgive so that you may be forgiven.
(vi) Adverb Clause of Result (IV) Adverb Clause of Cause or Reason—
(vii) Adverb Clause of Comparison points to c a u s e or reason and begins with
because, since, as, for, that, etc.
(viii) Adverb Clause of Supposition.
(a) I must take rest because I am tired.
(I) Adverb Clause of Time—Adverb Clause “because I am tired” is Adverb Clause of
of Time shows time and begins with Adverbs of Reason.
time like ‘When’, ‘Whenever’, ‘While’, ‘After’, (b) Since you are so clever, I cannot trust
‘Before’, ‘Since’, ‘As’, etc. you.
(a) I shall go with you when you return (c) As I am indisposed, I cannot attend the
from Kanpur. college today.
“when you return from Kanpur” is (d) I am glad that you have come in time.
Adverb Clause of Time because it shows (V) Adverb Clause of Condition—shows
time. condition and begins with If, Whether, Unless,
(b) I shall come whenever you need my Provided, On condition, etc. As—
help. (i) (a) I shall go if you come in time.
(c) Do not disturb while the patient is sleep- “if you come in time” is Adverb Clause of
ing. Condition.
(b) I shall not help you unless you promise
(d) He reached here after the clock had to work very hard.
struck ten.
(c) You must go whether you receive my
(e) Take rest before you are tired. reply or not.
(f) I have not been well since I returned (d) I can forgive you on condition that you
from America. do not repeat the crime.
(g) Apply the brakes as I give you the (ii) Sometimes Adverb Clause of condition has
signal. the connective ‘If’ understood. As—
(a) Had I not seen it with my own eys, I
(h) No sooner did I enter the room than the would not have believed it.
thief bolted away. Here “Had I not” means “If I had not”
(II) Adverb Clause of Place—Adverb Clause (b) Were he more honest, he would have
of Place points to place and begins with Adverbs been happier.
of place like ‘Where’, ‘Wherever’, ‘Whence’, Here “Were he” means “If he were”.
‘Whither’, etc. (iii) If the Relative Pronoun or the Relative
(a) You should stand where you are. Adverb does not have its Antecedent before
it, the clause beginning with it can be an
“where you are” is Adverb Clause of Adverb Clause of Condition. As—
Place because it points to place.
(a) I shall go whatever happens.
(b) I shall purchase the book wherever it (b) We cannot reach before sunset which-
may be found. ever train we catch.
(c) Return at once whence you came. (c) However you try, you cannot deceive
(d) The wind bloweth whither it listeth. me.
(VI) Adverb Clause of Result points to some (VIII) Adverb Clause o f Supposition—It
result and often begins with ‘that’, preceded by points to some supposition and often begins with
‘so’ or ‘such’. It can also begin with ‘therefore’. the Subordinating conjunction ‘Though’,
As— ‘Although’ or ‘Even if’. As—
(a) He worked so hard that he secured first (a) Although he was tired, he finished the
division. work before sunset.
“that he secured first divison” is Adverb “Although he was tired” is Adverb
Clause of Result. Clause of Supposition.
(b) He is so saintly that everybody respects (b) Though he is poor, he is honest.
him. (c) Do not be depressed, even if you fail.
(c) He worked hard so he passed. Exercise
(d) He worked i n such a defective manner
Pick out the Adverb clause in each of the
that he failed to get success.
following sentences and tell which kind of Adverb
(e) I worked hard, therefore I passed. clause it is and which word in the Principal it
(ii) Sometimes the connective ‘that’ may be modifies—
understood also. 1. He is honest, though he is poor.
He is so tired, λ he cannot stand. In this 2. Do in Rome as the Romans do.
sentence ‘that’ is understood. 3. The doctor was as kind as I thought.
(VII) Adverb Clause of Comparison— 4. Your handwritting is so beautiful that
There are two kinds of Adverb Clause of compari- everyone should admire it.
son. 5. A glutton lives that he may eat.
(i) Adverb Clause of Comparison of Degree. 6. The thief was caught on the road as he was
(ii) Adverb Clause of Comparison of Manner. running away with the purse.
(1) Adverb Clause o f Comparison of De- 7. I reached the station after the train had
gree—It shows comparison of state or situation steamed off.
and often begins with the Subordinating con- 8. I will keep awake while you sleep.
junction ‘than’ or Relative Adverb ‘as’. As— 9. Wash your hands before you take your
(a) He is not so foolish as his father thinks. meals.
“as his father thinks” is Adverb Clause 10. I have been ill since I left Simla.
of Comparison of degree. 11. He failed as I could not help him.
(b) Her heart is as pure as her face is beauti- 12. I will give you money whenever you need.
13. I must meet my friend wherever I may
(c) Your health is better than it was before. find him.
(ii) In Adverb Clause of Comparison the Verb 14. The wind bloweth whither it listeth.
often remains understood.
15. It is better to reign in hell than to serve in
As— heaven.
(a) I am a better swimmer than you (are). 16. If you do not strike while the iron is hot,
Here Verb ‘are’ is understood. you cannot mould it.
(b) You have visited a larger number of 17. He promised to pay Rs. 100/-in cash, lest
foreign countries than I (have). he should lose the bargain.
(2) Adverb Clause of Comparison of Man- 18. He ran very fast that he might catch the
ner—It shows comparison of manner, and often train.
begins with the Relative Adverb ‘as’.
19. Women are more sentimental than they are
(a) As you earn so you must spend. wise.
“as you earn” is Adverb Clause of 20. Since the man was very cruel, his wife
Comparison of manner. refused to go with him.
(b) He did as he pleased. 21. I am glad that you have come in time.
198 | L.W.C.E.
22. Some people talk as though they were very (d) I put several questions to him but he
honest. failed to answer any of them.
23. Enmity with a wise man is better than (II) Sometimes co-ordinating connective re-
friendship with a fool. mains understood. In that case the comma (,) or
24. He is stronger than he looks. Semi-Colon (;) does the work of connective con-
25. Have you gone mad that you stare at me in junction. Sometimes even the Verb also remains
such a manner ? understood. As—
26. The thief, while he was passing through (a) His life is simple; his thoughts sublime.
the gallery, was seen by the servant of the (b) Action is life, idleness death.
house. (c) Beauty is truth, truth beauty.
27. Strike the iron while it is hot. (d) Prosperity finds friends, adversity tries
28. The cuckoo comes when the winter is
over. (III) Sometimes a co-ordinate clause may
begin with a subordinating connective. As—
29. I love you as much as your father.
(a) I shall meet you tomorrow, when we
30. The moon is cool though it shines.
shall finalise the plan.
31. The farmer works all day that he may earn
In this sentence ‘when’ means ‘and then’.
his bread.
Therefore the clause beginn-ing with
32. He looks quite healthy considering that he when is a co-ordinate clause.
is above seventy.
(b) We went to the aerodrome, where we
33. Men fear death as children fear to go in the bade him adieu.
dark. Here “where” means “and there”.
34. Had there been no sun, it would have been (c) I found a purse, which I brought home.
dark all over the world. Here “which” means “and which”.
35. As soon as you get the clue, give the (IV) Sometimes Compound sentences are
signal to me. written in their contracted form, and only one
36. If my uncle comes today, I shall leave for Verb is used for both the Verbs. As—
Calcutta with him.
(a) He is rich but unhappy.
37. He is so weak, he can hardly speak.
In the above sentence ‘but unhappy’ is the
38. I know more about my brother than you
contracted form of “but he is unhappy”.
know about him.
Therefore this is a co-ordinate clause.
39. The souls of holy men go to heaven
whence they do not return. (b) Either you must pay or your father.
40. I do it because I cannot help doing so. Here “or your father” means “or your
father must pay”.
Analysis of Compound Sentences (c) Neither my father nor I can help you.
A Compound Sentence is one which has one This sentence would mean “Neither my
Principal Clause and one or more Co-ordinate father can help you nor can I help you”.
Clauses to the Principal Clause. It may or may not (d) All the soldiers as well as the comman-
have Subordinate Clauses. der were killed on the battle-field.
(I) Co-ordinate Clause often begins with This sentence means “All the soldiers
Conjunction ‘And’ or ‘But’ As— were killed on the battle-field as well as
(a) I went to the market and purchased a the commander was killed on the battle-
book. field”.
“and purchased a book” is Co-ordinate (V) Sometimes a co-ordinate clause may
Clause. begin with some Subordinating conjunctions like
(b) He went to Delhi yesterday and met the either……or; neither……nor; else, otherwise,
President there. etc. As—
(c) I offered to help him but he declined. (a) Either work hard or give up your studies.
(b) Neither you nor your father will get any (a) Breathes there the man with soul so dead
help. ……… (Principal Clause)
(c) Act according to my advice otherwise (b) Who never to himself hath said ………
you will repent. (Adjective Clause, Subordinate to Clause
(d) Behave properly, else I shall report A, qualifying ‘man’ in Clause A.)
against you. (c) “This is my own my native land” ………
Solved Examples (Noun Clause, Subordinate to Clause B,
Object to the Verb ‘hath said’.)
Analyse the following sentences :
The whole sentence is complex.
1. I have a generous friend, who gave me more 5. He that holds fast the golden mean,
monetary help than his financial condition
would have allowed. And lives contentedly between
The little and the great,
(a) I have a generous friend ………………
(Principal Clause) Feels not the wants that pinch the poor,
Nor plagues that haunt the rich man’s door,
(b) Who gave me more monetary help ……
(Subordinate Adjective Clause, qualify- Embittering all his state.
ing “friend” in Clause A.) (a) He ……… feels not the wants. (Principal
(c) Than his financial condition would have Clause)
allowed ………… (Subordinate Adverb (b) that holds fast the golden mean ……
Clause of Comparison) (Adjective Clause, qualifying ‘he’ in
The whole sentence is complex. Clause A.)
2. We, who are fortunate enough to live in this (c) and lives contentedly between the little
enlightened century, hardly realise how our and the great. (Co-ordinate to Clause B.)
ancestors suffered from their belief in the (d) that pinch the poor ……… (Adjective
existence of mysterious and molevolent Clause, qualifying ‘wants’ in Clause A.)
(e) Nor (feels) plauges ……… (Co-ordinae
(a) We … hardly realise. (Principal Clause)
Clause to A.)
(b) Who are fortunate enough to live in this
enlightened century, ……… (Subordinate (f) that haunts the rich man’s doors, embit-
Adjective Clause, qualifying “We” in tering all his state…… (Adjective Clause,
Clause A.) Subordinate to Clause E, qualifying
(c) How our ancestors suffered from their “Plagues” in Clause E.)
belief in the existence of mysterious and The whole sentence is compound.
malevolent beings ……… (Noun Clause, Exercise (General)
Object to the Verb ‘realise’ in Clause A.)
Analyse the following sentences :
The whole sentence is complex.
1. My heart leaps up when I behold the
3.A mere scholar who knows nothing but
rainbow in the sky.
books, must be ignorant even of them.
2. He is the greastest literary artist the world
(a) A mere scholar ……… must be ignorant
has ever produced.
even of them. (Principal Clause)
3. It is a common plea of the coward that
(b) Who knows nothing but books ……… success depends mainly upon luck.
(Adjective Clause, Subordinate to Clause
4. If the human arteries do not work properly,
A, qualifying “scholar” in Clause A.)
the body gets sick and a doctor has to be
The whole sentence is complex. called in.
4. Breathes there the man with soul so dead who 5. When the old man had gone, God called
never to himself hath said, “This is my own, Abraham and asked him where the stranger
my native land !” was.
200 | L.W.C.E.
6. That Ahimsa is the highest duty of man is called the slaves of the person who bought
the teaching of Jainism. them.
7. A man who wants to control his animal 20. The history of mankind is a long story of
passions can easily do so if he controls his bloody wars and its most prominent figures
palate. are those who conquered other countries or
8. Milton said that he did not educate his defended their own against foreign
daughters because one tongue was enough invasions.
for a woman. 21. It is this line of argument that was extended
9. If we could only get a detached view of the to us when we were called upon to maim
continued efforts of mankind, we would be and kill, to wound and destroy people
amazed and profoundly moved. against whom we have no ill-will.
10. Indian culture has lived and flourished and 22. Those who want to perform national
will continue to do so because of the service or to have gleam of real religious
mighty creation of Vyas. life must lead a celebate life renouncing all
the pleasures of the world.
11. When I am ill, I am far more interested in
what the doctor hears through the 23. The man who can play most heartily when
stethoscope in the flutterings of my heart. he has the chance of playing, is generally
the man who can work most heartily when
12. I hope it will give comfort to great numbers
he must work.
who are passing through the world of
obscurity, when I inform them how easily 24. Should you be so unfortunate as to suppose
distinction may be obtained. that you are a genius and that things will
come to you, it would be well to undeceive
13. All who have meant good work with their
yourself as soon as it is possible.
whole heart, have done good work,
although they may die before they have the 25. We have seen how the government is
time to sign it. taking care of our railways, roads and ships
so that they can act as better carriers for the
14. Whatever luxuries a bachelor may be nation and add to the economic prosperity
surrounded with, he will always find his of the people.
happiness incomplete unless he has a wife
26. We cannot have peace until all the nations
and children who may share and enhance
deal with each other in a spirit of equality
his pleasure.
and friendliness until we develop a new
15. History says that Socrates, when he was conception of integrated social life.
given the cup of hemlock, continued to talk 27. Even in ordinary affairs we know that
to the friends who were standing around people do not know who rules or why and
him, as he drank it. how he rules; and yet they know that there
16. If you put the end of an iron in the fire and is a power that certainly rules.
hold it there, you do something more than 28. A gentleman who was fashionably dressed
heat that end, for you heat the whole of it was strolling, with a goldheaded cane in his
up to the end that you hold in your hand. hand, when he was hailed by a miserable
17. The valley, which is called the Vale of looking lame man who was apparently in
Kashmir, is so charming that it has a world- needy circumstances.
wide fame. 29. If we recollect that we live among men
18. The rich man was much pleased that on who are imperfect by nature, we should not
account of the honesty of the owner of the be in such a fear when we find our friend’s
hut, he got back his bag which contained a failings.
hundred coins of gold. 30. Each generation is inclined to think that it
19. In olden times the cruel custom was in is wiser than all those that have gone
vogue that men, women and even children before, and in some respects the claim can
were sold as sheep and goats and they were be made good.
16 Synthesis
Synthesis of Sentences— Separate : Turn to the left. You will
“Synthesis is the opposite of Analysis and reach the hospital.
means the combination of a number of simple Combined : Turning to the left you will
sentences into one new sentence—Simple, Com- reach the hospital.
pound or Complex.” (Wren) Separate : He sat on the sofa. He took
Synthesis has mainly three forms— his pen. He wrote a letter.
1. Combining of two or more Simple sente- Combined : Sitting on the sofa and taking
nces into a single Simple Sentence. his pen, he wrote a letter.
2. Combining of two or more simple sente- Exercise
nces into a single Complex Sentence.
Combine the following groups of sentences
3. Combining of two or more simple sente- into a new Simple Sentence by using Partici-
nces into a single Compound Sentence. ples :
Combining of Two or More Simple 1. He drew his sword. He wounded his
Sentences into a Single enemy.
Simple Sentence 2. He took off his clothes. He plunged into the
The following are the six ways of combining river.
two or more Simple sentences into a single Simple 3. He opened his purse. He produced a five
Sentence— rupee-note. He purchased the ticket.
1. By using a Participle. 4. He drew his revolver. He loaded it quickly.
2. By using a Noun or a Phrase in Apposi- He fired at the dacoit.
tion 5. I saw two pretty girls. They were playing
3. By using a Preposition with a Noun or with a ball.
Gerund 6. I was returning home. I saw a milk-man.
4. By using a Nominative Absolute He was milking his cow.
5. By using an Infinitive 7. The thief saw the policeman. He made
6. By using an Adverb or Adverbial Phrase. good his escape.
We give below the details of each way— 8. He decided to pass the examination. He
(1) By using a Participle— studied day and night.
Separate : He saw a lion. He fled away. (2) By using a Noun or a Phrase in Apposi-
Combined : Seeing a lion he fled away. tion—
Separate : He jumped up. He ran away. Separate : Shakespeare died in 1616. He
Combined : Jumping up he ran away. was the greatest English poet
Separate : He was tired of reading. He and dramatist.
retired to bed. Combined : Shakespeare, the greatest
Combined : Tired (Being tired) of reading English poet and dramatist,
he retired to bed. died in 1616.
202 | L.W.C.E.
Separate : Agra was once the capital of Combined : The train had left before our
the Mughal Empire. It is now reaching the station.
a very backward city. Or
Combined : Agra, once the capital of the Before our reaching the
Mughal Empire, is now a very station, the train had left.
backward city.
Separate : The Magistrate examined the
Separate : Subhashchandra Bose was statement. He found it full of
killed in a plane-crash. He gross errors.
was one of the greatest Combined : On examining the statement,
fighters for India’s freedom. the Magistrate found it full of
Combined : Subhashchandra Bose, one of gross errors.
the greatest fighters for Separate : The servant swept the room.
India’s freedom, was killed in He found a rupee. The rupee
a plane-crash. was lying in the corner.
Separate : I love Mohan very much. He Combined : While sweeping the room, the
is my friend. servant found a rupee lying in
Combined : I love my friend Mohan very the corner.
much. Separate : He saw an advertisement in
Separate : I saw the famous wrestler. His the paper. He applied for the
name was Dara Singh. post. It was the post of an
Combined : I saw the famous wrestler, Accountant.
Dara Singh. Combined : On seeing an advertisement
for the post of an Accountant,
Exercise he applied for it.
Combine the following sentences into a Separate : He has failed many times. He
Simple Sentence by using a Noun or a Noun still hopes to get success at
phrase— last.
1. His father died. He was a man of eighty. Combined : In spite of many failures he
2. Columbus discovered America. He was a still hopes to get success at
famous sailor. last.
3. Everyone knows Dr. Radhakrishanan. He Separate : He failed at the examination.
was a great philosopher. He heard the news. He disap-
4. Gama died at Lahore at the age of eighty.
He was a world champion. Combined : On hearing the news of his
failure at the examination, he
5. London is one of the biggest cities in the disappeared.
world. It is the capital of Great Britain.
Great Britain is a great country. Exercise
6. Nalanda was once the biggest centre of Combine the following sentences into a
learning. It is now a heap of ruins. Simple Sentence by using a Noun or a Gerund
7. Twice I have been to Delhi. It is the capital with a Preposition—
of India. 1. I made a thorough enquiry. I found him
8. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru was a famous guilty.
lawyer. He studied at Agra College. Agra 2. I reached the house of my friend. He had
College is the oldest institution. gone to the market before that time.
(3) By using a Noun or a Gerund with a Pre- 3. He ran very fast. He could not catch the
position— thief.
Separate : We reached the station. The 4. I requested the teacher. He pardoned the
train had left by that time. boy.
5. My brother was beaten with canes. I was 7. My brother received a serious injury. I took
present. him to the hospital.
6. His behaviour was strange. I was taken 8. The level of water had gone low. The crow
aback. started dropping pebbles in the jar.
7. He has died. I am sure. 9. The king was killed. His army ran away.
8. Your behaviour is very good. I am highly 10. My friend had lost his way. He was looted
pleased. by a robber.
(4) By using a Nominative Absolute— (5) By using Infinitives—
Separate : The house caught fire. All the Separate : I am going to Delhi. I have to
furniture was burnt to ashes. purchase a car.
Combined : The house having caught fire, Combined : I am going to Delhi to pur-
all the furniture was burnt to 0chase a car.
ashes. Separate : He is very much tired. He
Separate : The deer was caught in the cannot work.
net. He struggled hard for Combined : He is too tired to work.
escape. Separate : He is very weak. He cannot
Combined : Having been caught in the net, pass this year.
the deer struggled hard for Combined : He is too weak to pass this
escape. year.
Separate : The thieves were caught by Separate : There are still three questions
the police. They surrendered left. I have to solve them.
the stolen property.
Combined : I have still three more ques-
Combined : Having been caught by the tions to solve.
police, the thieves surrendered
the stolen property. Separate : There are three prisoners in
the jail. They are to be tried.
Separate : Rains have been plentiful this
year. The crop of sugarcane Combined : There are three prisoners in
has been rich. the jail to be tried.
Combined : Rains having been plentiful Separate : I have only one servant. He
this year, the crop of sugar- cooks my food. He washes the
cane has been rich. utensils.
Combined : I have only one servant to
Exercise cook my food and wash the
Combine the following sentences into a utensils.
Simple Sentence by using Nominative Abso-
lute— Exercise
1. The day was very hot. I did not go to the Combine the following sentences into a
office. Simple Sentence by using Infinitives—
2. My father was angry. He did not give me a 1. My father has gone to market. He has to
single rupee. purchase a watch.
3. The sun set. The birds started flying 2. I am writing a book. It will be published.
towards their nests. 3. He is a great liar. He cannot be believed.
4. My sister has run into debt. I have to 4. I cannot leave him behind. He will lose his
support her. way.
5. The arrow pierced the deer’s neck. It fell 5. He went to the library. He wanted to read
down. the newspaper.
6. The train left before my arrival. I looked for 6. He went to his teacher’s house. He wanted
a bus. to study Milton.
204 | L.W.C.E.
14. He is a fool. This was my apprehension. It 6. My brother has gone somewhere. I do not
is wrong. know the place.
15. The new dam has cracked. I want to know 7. Here is a book. I purchased it yesterday.
the cause of the same. 8. The murder was committed last night. The
(2) By using an Adjective Clause murderer has been caught.
We can make an Adjective Clause beginning 9. You seem to be very happy these days. Can
with a Relative Pronoun or a Relative Adverb— you tell me the reason ?
Separate : I met an old man. He was 10. The sailor helped me cross the river. He
very poor. should be rewarded.
Combined : I met an old man who was 11. I went there yesterday. The time was odd.
very poor. 12. I met him yesterday. I do not remember the
Separate : I saw a fountain-pen. It was place.
black in colour. 13. London is one of the largest cities of the
Combined : I saw a fountain-pen which world. It is the capital of Great Britain.
was black in colour.
14. I met a man in the street. I could not
Separate : I met your friend. His box was recognise him.
stolen in the train.
15. I heard the charming music. A girl was
Combined : I met your friend whose box singing it.
was stolen in the train.
Separate : I have seen the park. The (3) By using an Adverb Clause—
murder was committed there. We have explained above in the chapter on
Combined : I have seen the park where Clause Analysis that an Adverb Clause may point
the murder was committed. to Time, Place, Reason, Condition, Compari-
Separate : You went there yesterday. son, Contrast, Manner, or Result. A complex
Tell me the hour. sentence can be made by using an Adverbial
clause showing any one of these functions. As—
Combined : Tell me the hour when you
went there yesterday. Separate : I could not come. I was tired.
Separate : I have purchased a house. It Combined : I could not come because I
has a big hall. The hall is well was tired.
furnished. Separate : He committed the theft. He
Combined : The house that I have pur- has been caught by the police.
chased has a big hall which is Combined : He committed the theft, so he
well furnished. has been caught by the police.
Exercise Separate : He is poor. He is honest at the
Combine the following sentences into a same time.
Complex Sentence by using an Adjective Combined : Though he is poor, he is
Clause— honest.
1. I met the father of my friend. I had never Separate : Tell me the truth. I shall par-
seen him before. don you.
2. This is a chest. I have kept my valuables in Combined : I shall pardon you if you tell
it. me the truth.
3. My father will come from Bombay. Do you Separate : America is a powerful coun-
know the time ? try. Russia is not so powerful.
4. Somebody has stolen my watch. Do you Combined : Russia is not so powerful as
know him ? America (is).
5. I gave you a book last week. Please return Separate : He is intelligent. His brother
it. is equally intelligent.
9. The pan is too hot to be touched. 3. In case we are divided in opinion, we will
10. She is too beautiful to be appreciated in refer the matter to a third person.
words. 4. Had you started your business, you would
11. The girl was too timid to go alone. have made enormous profit by this time.
12. He is too idle to work hard. 5. Provided the weather is good, the school
will open tomorrow.
2. Conditional Sentences—
6. I will not buy the machine unless you give
Conditional Sentences have several forms. A guarantee for its durability.
given sentence can be transformed into any one of
those forms. As— 7. I cannot part with the horse except on
payment of the price in advance.
If you speak the truth, I shall pardon you.
8. Had you been more careful, you would
The above sentence can be transformed into have done the work better.
any one of the following forms—
9. Take care of your digestion and you will
Rule 1—By adding—Conjunction ‘Unless’ remain healthy.
Unless you speak the truth, I shall not 10. But for my help, he would not have passed.
pardon you.
11. Supposing he does not turn up in time, we
Rule 2—By keeping ‘If’ understood or concea- shall make Mohan our opening batsman.
12. If you are poor, you need not have fear of
(i) Should you speak the truth, I shall par- thieves.
don you.
13. Were you more frank in telling me the true
(ii) Had you spoken the truth, I should have story, I would have given you a better
pardoned you. advice.
(iii) Were you to speak the truth, I should 14. You cannot succeed in business unless you
have pardoned you. are honest.
In the last two examples the Tense changes. 15. You can accomplish this task provided you
Rule 3—By using a Conjunctional Phrase are persistent and firm.
In case you speak the truth, I shall par- 3. Sentences showing Concession or Con-
don you. trast—
Rule 4—By using a Participle Phrase These sentences also can have many forms,
(i) I shall pardon you provided you speak and they can be transformed into any of them.
the truth. Though he is poor, he is honest.
(ii) Supposing you speak the truth, I shall Rule 1—By using “Notwithstanding”
pardon you. He is honest notwithstanding that he is
Rule 5—By using the Imperative Mood poor.
Speak the truth, and I shall pardon you. Rule 2—By using “However”
However poor he is, he is honest.
Rule 6—By using a Prepositional Phraseu
Rule 3—By using the Conjunction “As”
But for your speaking the truth, I shall Poor as he is, he is honest.
not pardon you.
Rule 4—By using the Phrase “all the same”
Exercise He is poor; all the same he is honest.
Transform the following sentences in as Rule 5—By using a “Participle”
many forms as possible : Admitting that he is poor, he is honest.
1. If you control your palate, you can control Rule 6—By using the Phrase “At the same
your other animal passions easily. time”
2. Had you been wise, you would not have He is poor; at the same time he is
done it. honest.
Rule 7—By using the Phrase “for all that” 2. Some metals are at least as heavy as iron.
He is poor; for all that he is honest. (Positive degree)
Rule 8—By using the Adverb ‘indeed’ followed (i) Iron is not heavier than some other
by the conjunction ‘but’. metals. (Comparative degree)
He is poor indeed but he is honest. (ii) Some metals are not less heavy than
iron. (Comparative degree)
(iii) Iron is not the heaviest of all metals.
Transform the following sentences in as many (Superlative degree)
forms as possible :
1. He is wrong; all the same he is bold. Exercise
2. He is uneducated indeed but he is a man of Transform the following sentences by
high eminence. changing the Degree of Adjective :
3. Admitting that he is not poor, he yet wears 1. The son is wiser than his father.
tattered clothes. 2. Running is the best exercise.
4. You should not doubt his competence not- 3. Kapil Deo is the best of cricket players.
withstanding that he is weak in Grammar. 4. Few countries are as cold as England.
5. Though he is obedient, his father does not 5. Gold is not heavier than Platinum.
love him.
6. A deer can run faster than a dog.
6. Admitting that you were hungry, you might
yet have waited till my arrival. 7. Malt is the best of foods.
7. There is hardly any hope of compromise; 8. I know his character better than you.
all the same I will do my best to effect one. 9. Honesty is the best policy.
8. Poor as I am, I will not serve a villain. 10. The Americans are the richest people in the
9. He still loves you, though you were insin- world.
cere to him. 5. By interchanging Active and Passive
10. Though he was put to great physical tor- Voices—
ture, he did not confess his crime. 1. Active : The policeman has caught the
11. Howsoever good you may be in swimming, thief.
you cannot cross the Atlantic. Passive : The thief has been caught by the
12. Though he is poor, he is a man of character. policeman.
13. Cow’s milk is better than other kinds of 2. Passive : My pen has been stolen by this
milk, though it has a lower percentage of boy.
fat. Active : This boy has stolen my pen.
14. Ugly though she is, her husband loves her 3. Active : Your honesty has impressed me
deeply. much.
15. Honesty makes a man admirable though it Passive : I have been much impressed with
does not make him rich. your honesty.
4. By changing Degrees of Adjectives— 4. Active : It is now time to test your know-
1. No other king in the history of India is as ledge.
great as Ashok. (Positive degree of Adjective) Passive : It is now time for your knowledge
In the above sentence the Adjective ‘great’ is to be tested.
in Positive Degree. This can be changed into 5. Active : Observe the rules of the road
Comparative or Superlative Degree. As— while you walk.
(i) No other king in the history of India is Passive : The rules of the road must be
greater than Ashok. observed while you walk.
(ii) Ashok is the greatest king in the history 6. Active : Some people rely on medicine for
of India. keeping their health.
214 | L.W.C.E.
7. Negative : None but a lawyer can ans- 7. By interchanging Exclamatory and Asser-
wer this question. tive sentences—
Affirmative : A lawyer alone can answer 1. Exclamatory : Oh, what a horrible sight it
this question. was !
8. Negative : No sooner did I enter the Simple : It was a very horrible sight.
room than he started rebuking 2. Exclamatory : O, for a beaker of vintage !
Simple : I wish I had a beaker of
Affirmative : As soon as I entered the
room, he started rebuking
me. 3. Exclamatory : May you live long !
Exercise Simple : I wish you a long life.
(a) Transform the following sentences by Or
changing them from Negative to Affirmative : I wish you may live long.
1. Learned men are not always wise. 4. Exclamatory : O, that I had the wings of a
2. No one can doubt that your son did his best. dove !
3. It is not difficult to run half a mile at a time. Simple : I wish I had the wings of a
4. Great men belong to no one nation, nor to dove.
one particular class. 5. Exclamatory : What sweet delights a quiet
5. Never again will I see my friend. life gives !
6. As long as the teacher was in the class, not Simple : A quiet life gives very sweet
a boy broke silence. delights.
7. The tragedies of Shakespeare are not likely Exercise
to be forgotten. Change the following sentences from Excla-
8. His wishes cannot be disregarded. matory to Simple sentences :
9. It was not long after his departure that I 1. O, what a fall was there, my countrymen !
came to know of the disappearance of the
ring. 2. What a delicious flavour these mangoes
have !
10. He left no scheme untried.
3. O, for a glass of cool water !
(b) Transform the following sentences from
Affirmative to Negative : 4. That you should dare to abuse me !
1. You are as foolish as your brother. 5. What would I not do to see you happy !
2. We all expect him to succeed in the long 6. How nicely he handles the bat !
run. 7. O, that I were young again !
3. Your son is a boy of uncommon intelli- 8. Alas, that fortune should be so short-lived !
gence. 9. That we should meet here !
4. This book can only be understood by one 10. Shame on you to kick the poor beggar !
who knows English.
8. Interchange of One Part of Speech for
5. Your daughter is beautiful. another—
6. The happening of such an event is possible (i) Your work does not satisfy me.
in future.
In this sentence the Verb ‘satisfy’ can be
7. He is greater than I.
changed into a Noun. As—
8. As soon as the lion came out of the cave, I
ran away. Your work does not give me satisfaction.
9. She is too beautiful to be admired in ordi- (ii) Do your work carefully.
nary words. In this sentence the Adverb ‘Carefully’ can be
10. My father was doubtful whether I would changed into a Noun. As—
pass. Do your work with care.
216 | L.W.C.E.
(iii) He has successfully finished the work. 4. The meaning of the word ‘useful’ is not the
In this sentence the Adverb ‘successfully’ can same as that of ‘valuable’.
be changed into a Verb. As— 5. No one can gain admission without prior
He has succeeded in finishing the work. permission.
6. He has no intention of leaving the town in
(iv) He is a disgrace to the family.
near future.
In this sentence the Noun ‘disgrace’ can be 7. I have a disinclination for work today.
changed into a Verb. As—
8. He refused to give his consent to my going.
He has disgraced the family.
(v) Mohan is more intelligent than his elder Exercise
brother. Rewrite the following sentences, changing the
In this sentence the Adjective ‘intelligent’ can Adverbs in bold letters into Verbs—
be changed into a Noun. As— 1. I have completed my work successfully.
Mohan has more intelligence than his elder 2. London is admittedly the largest city in the
brother. world.
(vi) He was dismissed on the charge of negli- 3. The scene was surprisingly beautiful.
gence. 4. They welcomed the news most joyfully.
In this sentence the Noun ‘negligence’ can be 5. The silver dishes should be used sparingly.
changed into an Adjective. As—
He was dismissed because he was negligent.
Rewrite the following sentences, changing the
(vii) The two events occurred differently in Verbs and Adjectives in bold letters into Nouns—
point of time.
1. The younger brother is more diligent than
In this sentence the Adverb ‘differently’ can the elder one.
be changed into an Adjective. As— 2. He is active and industrious and is admi-
The time of the occurrence of the two events red by everybody.
was different. 3. You must sign a receipt before I pay you
Or what is due to you.
The two events occurred at different times. 4. The best way to be healthy is to abstain
(viii) His dress was poor and shabby. from the use of harmful things.
5. The fact that you admit your fault will not
In this sentence the Adjectives ‘poor’ and
impair your prestige.
‘shabby’ can be changed into Adverbs. As—
He was poorly and shabbily dressed. Exercise
Rewrite the following sentences, changing
(ix) He broke the rule without any intention
Nouns and Adverbs in bold letters into Adjec-
of doing so.
In this sentence the Noun ‘intention’ can be 1. In all certainty he will get success.
changed into a Gerund. As—
2. He was dismissed for negligence rather
He broke the rule without intending to do so. than incompetence.
Exercise 3. Her beauty was remarkable.
Rewrite the following sentences, changing the 4. He was certainly clever but evidently he
Nouns in bold letters into Verbs— lacked diligence.
1. He did not fulfil his promise. 5. There can be no dispute on this point.
2. Gold gains stiffness if copper is mixed with Exercise
it. Rewrite the following sentences, changing the
3. He made a compromise of his claims with Nouns and Adjectives in bold letters into
the other party. Adverbs—
5. Make haste or else you will miss the train. 6. Simple : His silence proves his guilt.
6. He worked hard, but he failed. Complex : The fact that he is silent
7. He must have killed the lion for he is a proves his guilt.
good marksman. (Noun Clause)
8. His wife died and it added to his misfor- 7. Simple : He owed his success to my
tunes. help.
9. He practised daily and so he became an Complex : It was owing to my help that
expert player. he succeeded.
10. The peasants had not completed their work (Noun Clause)
and the sun set. 8. Simple : The house was thoroughly
11. He was found guilty of murder and hanged. searched.
12. He is a good and regular worker; only he is Complex : The house was searched as
rather slow. completely as it was possi-
ble. (Adverb Clause)
13. Your mother is very old and you must take
9. Simple : A man’s smartness is in
care of her.
inverse proportion to his bulk.
14. He is a learned man but in matters of Complex : The more bulky a man is the
business he is a fool. less smart he is.
15. Though he is poor, he is honest. (Adverb Clause)
10. (A) By converting Simple sentences into 10. Simple : Wise men do not talk too
Complex sentences— much.
1. Simple : He admitted his fault. Complex : The men who are wise do not
Complex : He admitted that he was at talk too much.
fault. (Noun Clause) (Adjective Clause)
2. Simple : The king took shelter in the 11. Simple : His ambition is to become a
hermit’s hut. doctor.
Complex : The king took shelter in the Complex : His ambition is that he may
hut which belonged to the become a doctor.
hermit. (Adjective Clause)
(Noun Clause)
3. Simple : This bill is likely to be intro-
duced in the parliament at the 12. Simple : My son worked on my advice.
commencement of the winter Complex : My son worked as I advised
session. him. (Adverb Clause)
Complex : This bill is likely to be intro- 13. Simple : He is strong for a child of ten.
duced in the Parliament when
Complex : He is very strong although he
the winter session comme-
is a child of ten.
nces. (Adverb Clause)
4. Simple : Non-vegetarians are not admi- (Adverb Clause)
tted. 14. Simple : Intelligent boys never fail.
Complex : If you are not a vegetarian, Complex : The boys who are intelligent
you cannot be admitted. never fail.
(Adverb Clause) (Adjective Clause)
5. Simple : It was the cruelest blow. 15. Simple : We are sure of winning the
Complex : It was a blow than which no match.
crueler could have been. Complex : We are sure that we shall win
(Adjective Clause) the match. (Noun Clause)
3. Complex : Success comes automatically to 13. Complex : You can eat as much as you
a man who is diligent and like. (Adverb Clause)
patient. Simple : You can eat to your full satis-
(Adjective Clause) faction.
Simple : Success comes automatically to 14. Complex : I want a locality where I may
a diligent and patient man. be away from the noise and
4. Complex : Everyone admires a man if the bustle of the town.
man is honest. (Adjective Clause)
(Adverb Clause) Simple : I want a locality away from the
Simple : Everyone admires an honest noise and bustle of the town.
man. 15. Complex : When the cat is away, the
5. Complex : As you sow so you will reap. mice will play.
(Adverb Clause) (Adverb Clause)
Simple : You will reap the fruits of your Simple : The mice will play in the
own sowing. absence of the cat.
6. Complex : Youth i s the time when seeds 16. Complex : What he wrote was illegible.
of character are sown. (Noun Clause)
(Adverb Clause) Simple : His writing was illegible.
Simple : Youth is the time for the forma- 17. Complex : We get up when it is six
tion of character. O’clock.
7. Complex : He said that he was not guilty. (Adverb Clause)
(Noun Clause) Simple : We get up at six O’clock.
Simple : He pleaded innocence. 18. Complex : He speaks as if he were a boy
8. Complex : He was so weak that he could of ten.
not walk. (Adverb Clause)
(Adverb Clause) Simple : He speaks like a boy of ten.
Simple : He was too weak to walk. Exercise
9. Complex : Ashoka who was one of the
greatest of Indian Kings, em- Convert the following Complex sentences
braced Buddhism. into Simple sentences by removing the Noun
(Adjective Clause)
1. I doubt that you are honest.
Simple : Ashoka, one of the greatest of 2. I was astonished to know how old the saint
Indian Kings, embraced Buddh- was.
3. I want to know how much you earn every
10. Complex : I want to know where your month.
father lives. (Noun Clause) 4. We hope that you will pass.
Simple : I want to know the address of 5. The king ordered that the traitors should be
your father. punished.
11. Complex : No one knows whence the oil 6. The news that the enemy had landed spread
comes. (Noun Clause) like wild fire.
Simple : No one knows the origin of oil. 7. It cannot be said when he will return.
12. Complex : He died at the village where he 8. I am not sure whether I shall succeed this
was born. time.
(Adjective Clause) 9. Whoever is honest is respected.
Simple : He died at his native village. 10. Do not ask why I love you.
16. Her complexion was fair but her face was 7. I shall not cross the river because the flood
ugly. has not yet receded.
17. The thief ran away or he would have been 8. I do not think he will come.
caught. 9. If you do not quit the room, you will be
18. It seems too good to be true; nevertheless it thrown out.
is a fact. 10. I should go there as it is my duty.
19. The Rajputs were few, but they were brave. 11. Though they were few, they were brave.
20. His starting was good and so he won the 12. His bark is worse than his bite.
race. 13. If you wrap yourself in a blanket, you will
11. (B) By converting Complex sentences into be safe from cold.
Compound sentences— 14. Because he committed theft, he was
1. Complex : I know that you are a swin- punished.
dler. 15. I would have come, had I not fallen ill.
Compound : You are a swindler and I 16. Take down his words, lest you should
know this. forget them.
2. Complex : If you search his pocket, 17. However clever you may be, you cannot
you will find the watch. succeed without hard labour.
Compound : Search his pocket and you 18. If I put a civil question, I expect a civil
will find the watch. reply.
3. Complex : He ate more than ten cakes 19. As the question was difficult, no one could
which he could not digest. answer it.
Compound : He ate more than ten cakes, 20. They bear witness to the fact that Bhagat
and he could not digest them. Singh was a great patriot.
4. Complex : If I get some help from my 12. By interchanging Principal and Subordi-
father, I shall succeed in nate Clauses—
setting up my business. (i) I suggested for you a bride who was
Compound : I may get some help from my very beautiful.
father and in that case I The bride I suggested for you was very
shall succeed in setting up beautiful.
my business. (ii) I did not reach the station until the train
5. Complex : A glutton lives that he may had left.
eat. The train had left before I reached the
Compound : A glutton wants to eat and station.
therefore he lives. (iii) No sooner did I threaten him than he
Exercise confessed the guilt.
Convert the following Complex sentences He confessed the guilt as soon as I
into Compound sentences— threatened him.
1. As the man was absent from his house, I (iv) I met your father when he was going to
could not meet him. the office.
2. I loved a beautiful girl, though I could not Your father was going to the office
marry her. when I met him.
3. Unless you tell your name and address Exercise
correctly, you will be put behind the bars. Transform the following sentences b y con-
4. Had you not reached there in time, he verting the Principal Clause into Subordinate
would have put an end to his life. Clause and vice versa :
5. We eat that we may live. 1. He screamed as soon as he saw the lion.
6. The evil that men do, lives after them. 2. Many days shall pass before I return.
3. No sooner did he appear than all were 11. The day-before-yesterday I was able to
silent. play. (Negative and Interrogative)
4. The sun did not set until the farmers finis- 12. Rich people have four meals a day.
hed their work. (Negative and Interrogative)
5. I never make a promise which I cannot ful- 13. I have had some tea. (Negative)
fil. 14. Tell everybody that I shall go to Delhi.
6. Abhimanyu learnt all the tactics of the (Negative)
battle before he was fourteen. 15. I know something about it. (Negative)
7. That is the most hazardous step that you 16. They both must go. (Negative)
have taken. 17. The man in the corner is my friend.
8. No sooner did he earn fifty pounds than he (Complex Sentence)
squandered them. 18. They thought him to be a clever man and
9. As soon as he saw the policeman, he took called him master magician.
to his heels. (Passive form)
10. You are wiser than I thought. 19. When the sun set the birds stopped singing.
11. I cannot give my opinion until I see the (Simple Sentence)
pros and cons of the case. 20. Govind is brighter than any other boy in the
12. He is more kind and courteous than he class. (Superlative form)
appeared to be. 21. The man ate some fruits and the woman
Revision Exercise drank a little water. (Into Negative form)
Change the following sentences according 22. Mohan did not work hard and so he did not
to the instructions given in brackets : pass.
1. The old lady who is standing on the river- (Into positive conditional form using ‘If’)
bank is Sita’s grandmother. 23. Each of the books his father gave him costs
(Change into Simple Sentence) a lot. (Into Interrogative form)
2. Satish did not come to my house yesterday, 24. They say that another world war will dest-
and Harish did not come either. roy all life on earth. (Into Passive form)
(Simple Sentence) Revision Exercise
3. I met a man this morning. He had a long Transform the following sentences accord-
beard. (Simple Sentence) ing to the instructions given in brackets—
4. Last year Mr. Sharma went to England. His 1. She is too beautiful to be admired.
brother went with him. (Remove “too”)
(Simple Sentence) 2. My father is so weak that he cannot walk.
5. He works hard from morning till night. (Use “too”)
(Present perfect continuous) 3. His brother is too foolish to become a law-
6. The man ate and drank as much as he yer. (Remove “too”)
could. (Interrogative) 4. That merchant is so dishonest that we
7. You did not ask him where he lived. cannot trust him. (Use “too”)
(Interrogative) 5. Can the sun ever set in the east ?
8. The boy meets his friend and gives him all (Assertive)
he has. (Plural)
6. This picture is beautiful. (Negative)
9. Nobody would like to be called a fool.
7. He is not courageous. (Assertive)
10. Who is fitter than he for the job ? 8. Happiness is not abiding. (Assertive)
(Negative) 9. When can their glory fade ? (Negative)
224 | L.W.C.E.
10. Everest is the highest peak in the world. 31. We hope for the betterment of our financial
(Interrogative) conditon. (Complex)
11. Brahmaputra is longer than any other river 32. It is unjust to discriminate among people on
in India. (Positive degree Adjective) racial grounds. (Complex)
12. Steel is not the heaviest metal. 33. He is more intelligent than his elder bro-
ther. (Positive degree)
(Positive degree Adjective)
34. Provided you work hard, your success is
13. My house is not as big as yours. sure. (Use ‘If’)
(Comparative degree Adjective) 35. His wife is beautiful, but her health is poor.
14. He has broken the rule unintentionally. (Complex)
(‘unintentionally’ to be changed into Noun) 36. Loading his gun he fired at the lion.
15. The company has gone into liquidation. (Compound)
(‘liquidation’ to be changed into Verb) 37. Your adversary is too strong to be defeated
16. It is beyond my expectation. by you. (Active voice)
38. European history has been thoroughly
(‘expectation’ into Verb)
studied by me. (Active voice)
17. His lecture was very scholarly.
39. He is so brave that no one can defeat him.
(Complex sentence)
(Passive voice)
18. He opened the chest and pulled out a
40. Do not miss the golden opportunity.
bundle of bank notes. (Simple)
(Passive voice)
19. Though heavy, your ring is not made of
pure gold. (Complex and Compound) 41. As a rule, the English Parliament should be
called at least once a year. (Complex)
20. How can I believe a man who has deceived
me thrice ? (Assertive) 42. It is abundantly clear from his behaviour
that he is not inclined to help us. (Simple)
21. The management of the company is likely
43. When the cat is away, the mice must play.
to change. (Complex)
22. Do not cross the railway line, or you may
be killed by the running train. (Complex) 44. Their friendship is not permanent.
23. He has committed the crime, but he is an (Assertive)
object of compassion. (Complex) 45. He admitted his fault. (Complex)
24. O, How can I discharge your obligation ! 46. The name of the American President is not
(Assertive) known to me. (Active voice)
25. Deep rivers flow in silent majesty. 47. The broth is spoilt by too many cooks.
(Complex) (Active voice)
26. He has been released without any condi- 48. We are confident of our success.
tion. (Complex)
49. We must work, otherwise we cannot live.
(‘condition’ to be change into Adverb)
27. Rice is not the most nutritious of grains.
50. Your work does not satisfy me.
(Positive and Comparative degree Adjec-
tive) (‘Satisfy’ change into Adjective)
28. A burnt child dreads the fire. (Complex) 51. Sita is the eldest member of the family and
of her four daughters Urmila is the pret-
29. Barking dogs seldom bite. (Complex) tiest. (Comparative degree Adjective)
30. Peacock is the most beautiful of birds. 52. The difficulty was solved by means of spe-
(Comparative and Positive degree Adjec- cial service devised for the occasion
tive) (‘Service’ be made Subject)
53. You are already as well acquainted with my 60. I am very desirous to meet you once more.
friends as I am. (Use ‘Known’) (Exclamatory)
54. There was hardly a man who did not res- 61. He is so clever that I cannot keep pace with
pond to his call. (Simple Assertive) him. (‘too’ to be used)
55. When the commander informed the king
that his troops had won a great victory, he 62. He was more worthy of praise than any one
ordered national rejoicing. (Passive voice) else. (Negative)
56. Our expenditure goes up with our income. 63. Every man within India can claim the pro-
(Complex) tection of law.
57. When the war broke out, prices went up (Negative and Interrogative)
rapidly. (Simple) 64. Work hard and you will succeed at last.
58. You can imagine my horror at the news of
dacoity in my house. (Complex) (Complex)
59. It is most probable that he will come back 65. But for prompt medical help, he would
today. have succumbed to his injuries.
(‘Probable’ to be changed into Adverb) (Complex)
18 Formation of Words
Every Language of the world is a kind of – ery, – ry : slavery, drudgery, machinery.
well-knit and progressive huge family. Every – ful : mouthful, handful, spoonful.
word of that language is a member of that family.
(ii) Common Noun to Abstract Noun
Therefore the development of the whole language
depends upon the development of each word in it. – hood : womanhood, boyhood, priest-
Further, each word has its own family too, and its hood, knighthood.
family also grows and develops by slow degrees. – dom : officialdom, martyrdom, wis-
Every word has its origin in some Primary or dom.
Base Word. Many words are formed from each – ship : kingship, friendship, member-
Primary word through a number of linguistic ship, fellowship.
processes. Many new words are formed by the
addition of Prefixes and Suffixes to the Primary (iii) Adjective to Noun (Abstract)
words and their Derivatives, and these new words – ness : Happiness, kindness, gentleness,
belong to different Parts of Speech and are of greatness.
different Numbers and Genders. Thus, for – ity : seniority, diversity, activity,
example, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, etc. can be superiority.
formed from Nouns, and so on. The Vocabulary of (iv) Other words to Noun (Abstract)
a student can develop immensely by under-
standing and making use of these linguistic pro- – t, th (With frequent changes in Vowels) :
cesses. Therefore, we give below a comprehensive high-height, thief-theft, dead-death, hot-heat.
list of Suffixes and Prefixes and the words formed (v) Verb to Noun
by them. – er, or : driver, waiter, writer, actor, dic-
Prefixes are used before and Suffixes after tator.
the Primary words or their Derivatives to form – ant : consultant, informant, inhabi-
new words. tant, determinant.
Let us first take the Suffixes. These Suffixes – ee : payee, employee, nominee.
are called Conversion Suffixes because they – action : dictation, citation, starvation,
convert the Primary words into different Parts of exploitation.
Speech and their kinds—
– ment : judgement, postponement, pay-
Suffixes ment, government.
(1) Noun Suffixes – al : arrival, dismissal, disposal, pro-
(i) Noun to Noun
– ing : painting, drawing, gardening,
– an : Republican, Indian, Russian. drinking.
– ese : Chinese, Japanese. – age : cartage, postage, usage, carriage.
– ist : Florist, socialist, royalist. (vi) Nouns made by change of Vowel or Con-
– ism : idealism, absenteeism, Buddh- sonant in the Verb
ism. breathe-breath; lose-loss; lend-loan; feed-
– eer : engineer, profiteer. food; think-thought.
Sweet : bitter or sour Urban : (of the city) rural (of the
Sympathy : (kind attitude) antipathy village)
(unkind attitude) Urbane : rude or uncultured
Tall : short Vacant : occupied
Temporal : (physical) spiritual or eternal Vague : clear or definite
(of the spirit / soul) Variable : (changing) constant (fixed)
Tense : relaxed Vanguard : (front portion) rearguard
Terrestrial : (of the earth) celestial (back portion)
(of heaven) Vertical : (standing,
Thesis : antithesis perpendicular) horizontal (flat)
Thick : thin Victory : defeat
Tight : loose or slack Virtue : vice
Top : bottom Voluntary : (optional, free) compulsory
Tranquil : (quiet) Disturbed or (obligatory)
agitated (unquiet) Wake : sleep
Transparent : opaque Wax : (grow) wane (reduce)
Triumph : defeat Wealth : poverty
Trivial : important Wide : narrow
True : false Win : lose
Unite : separate Wise : foolish
Upper : lower Zenith : (highest point) nadir
Upright : dishonest (lowest point)
20 Synonyms
Synonyms are the words which have the 5. Ill—(not in health)
same meaning. They are the opposite of Anto- He is ill these days.
nyms. Antonyms are the words which are opposite
to each other in meaning, while Synonyms are the Sick—(under the effect of some disease)
words which are similar to each other in mean- A sick man must take his medicine regu-
ing. But a close study would reveal that though larly.
the synonyms are similar in meaning, there is 6. Mistake—(misunderstanding or miscalcula-
always a shade of difference in their intention and tion)
application. Therefore, a student must understand
They mistake him for a gentleman.
the minute distinction between their meanings to
be able to use them carrectly. We give below a list Don’t commit such a mistake again.
of popular Synonyms explaining the delicate Blunder—(serious or gross mistake)
difference in their meanings and their use in
sentences. You would be committing a blunder if
1. Home—(dwelling place with all its happy you don’t report the matter to the police.
associations such as furnishings, family, love, Error—(departure from established rules or
etc.) practice).
He is returning home after many years. Avoid grammatical errors.
House—(dwelling place, building only) 7. Oral—(in the spoken form)
He has built a big house. The teacher took an oral test.
2. Hear—(in the ordinary sense) Verbal—(in words only as against in writing)
We could hear them talking. Let me have your statement in writing; I
Listen—(implies careful attention) shall not accept your verbal assurance.
The whole class will listen to you. 8. Presume—(to believe what we think to be
3. Infectious—(refers to a disease that spreads true)
through air or water) I presume he is an honest man.
Cholera is an infectious disease. Assume—(in matters that ought to be true)
Contagious—(a disease that spreads by phy- I assume my father will send me money
sical contact) in time.
Small-pox is a contagious disease. 9. Possible—(not contrary to natural conditions
4. Idle—(inactive or without work through or reason)
circumstances) If we drive a little faster, it is possible we
He has been sitting idle for several may reach before sunset.
months now. Probable—(what may happen)
Lazy—(inactive by habit or temperament) It is probable that the examination may
He is too lazy to finish his work in time. be postponed.
10. Praise—(refers to one’s actions) ● The post of the accountant has fallen
● We must praise his efforts. vacant.
Admire—(refers to one’s qualities or posses- Empty—(where there is nothing)
sions) ● The room is empty.
● We must admire his courage. 18. Assent—(relates to matters of judgment)
11. Prohibit—(legal or official restriction) ● The President has given his assent to the
● Drinking is prohibited here. bill.
Forbid—(in personal or private matters) Consent—(relates to matters of conduct)
● My father forbids me to leave today. ● My father has given his consent to my
12. Recollect—(call to mind through some efforts)
19. Allow—(denotes a negative action and means
● Can you recollect what he said ? abstain from refusal)
Remember—(call to mind with very little or ● I can’t allow you to go there
no efforts)
Permit—(denotes a positive action and means
● I remember we met last month. to give a decided assent)
13. Regret—(unhappiness over what one has ● My parents have permitted me to join the
done or left undone) Navy.
● To my great regret, I have suspended him. 20. Abstain—(from a thing)
Sorrow—(refers to some loss or evil) ● You must abstain from hard drinks.
● His wife’s death has plunged him into Refrain—(from an action)
deep sorrow. ● You are refrained from taking any further
14. Say—(to assert; to declare) action.
● I say I have not done it. 21. Avenge—(just punishment on evil-doers)
Speak—(to express in the ordinary way) ● I shall avenge my father’s death upon the
● He speaks very fast. murderer.
Tell—(to inform; to narrate) Revenge—(to inflict pain or injury out of
resentment or grudge)
● He will tell you the whole story.
● I will certainly revenge myself on him for
15. See—(without any effort) this insult.
● We see greenery all around us. 22. Admit—(to acknowledge or accept)
Look—(with effort or intention) ● I admit my fault.
● Please look at me. Confess—(to acknowledge responsibility or
Watch—(to observe closely) guilt)
● You must watch his movements care- ● He confessed his involvement in the
fully. crime.
16. Scenery—(landscape) 23. Anger—(sudden feeling of displeasure)
● Every visitor admires the scenery of ● He showed much anger at his irresponsi-
Kashmir. ble behaviour.
Scene—(Place or spot of some action or Resentment—(a lasting feeling of displea-
occurrence) sure)
● He was present at the scene of accident. ● He bears resentment against me for a
cause not known to me.
17. Vacant—(refers to a thing or situation which
is at present free or unoccupied but which was 24. Answer—(a question is answered)
previously filled) ● Answer any five questions.
238 | L.W.C.E.
Sufficient—(relates to the use that is to be 55. Grateful—(one who remains indebted for the
made of anything) kindness of a benefactor)
● There is sufficient milk for four cups of ● I am grateful to my uncle for many favo-
tea. urs.
50. Event—(an important happening) Thankful—(one who cherishes the memory
● Marriage is an important event in the life of the favours shown by one’s benefactor)
of every person. ● I shall always remain thankful to all my
Incident—(an ordinary happening) friends for their encouragement.
● We forget many small incidents of life. 56. Hope—(is used when what we anticipate is
very likely to happen)
Accident—(an unexpected serious occur-
rence) ● He has every hope of passing in the first
● Several persons were killed in the acci-
dent. Expect—(is use when what we anticipate is
good but not very certain. It refers to future)
51. Excuse—(is used with reference to trifling
● He expects to get some timely help from
his uncle.
● His illness is just an excuse for doing no
57. Watch—(to observe closely)
● You must watch his conduct very closely.
Forgive—(is used with reference to offences)
● Please forgive me for this mistake. Witness—(is used of persons or events as
Pardon—(is used with reference to simpler
● My friend is an eye-witness of the whole
● I beg your pardon for not bringing your
58. Sight—(faculty of vision ; anything seen)
book today.
● It was indeed a horrible sight.
52. Famous—(is used in a good sense)
Scenery—(the view of landscape)
● The Taj is a famous monument.
● The scenery of Kashmir is highly colour-
Notorious—(is used in a bad sense) ful.
● A notorious dacoit has been killed. Scene—(landscape, a place where an event or
Renowned—(is used for a high and dignified accident takes place)
kind of reputation) ● That is the scene where the battle was
● Dr. Tagore was a renowned poet. fought.
53. Freedom—(implies absence of restraint at 59. Trade—(it is business on either small or
the present moment) large scale)
● Everybody wants freedom. ● The trade of cotton cloth is on the dec-
Liberty—(implies freedom from previous line.
restraint; undue freedom) Commerce—(it is always on a large scale,
specially between countries)
1. The convict was set at liberty.
● India’s commerce with African countries
2. Too much liberty is bad.
is steadily increasing.
54. Falsehood—(something said or done with or 60. Libel—(unfavourable or dishonourable obser-
without the idea of deceiving a man) vations or defamation in written or printed
● He was guilty of falsehood when he said form)
that he had completed all his work. ● I am suing this newspaper for libel against
Lie—(speaking untrue words with the inten- me.
tion of deceiving others) Slander—(spreading defamation orally)
● He was certainly telling a lie when he ● He has been slandering me for no reason
said that he was the owner of the factory. or rhyme.
27. Canvas—(a kind of rough cloth) 34. Chord—(a string of a musical instrument)
● The tent is made of white canvas. ● Tight the chords of your guitar.
Canvass—(to solicit votes) Cord—(a thin rope)
● I shall not canvass for any political party. ● Hang the shirt on the cord.
28. Casual—(accidental or occasional) 35. Career—(profession)
● I had a casual meeting with him. ● He has made remarkable progress in his
Causal—(relating to cause) career.
● There is no causal connection between Carrier—(one that carries)
one’s poverty and level of intelligence. ● Place the bedding on the carrier.
29. Cast—(as a verbs to throw) 36. Course—(way, line of action)
● I shall cast away my old pair of shoes. ● I shall follow this course of action.
Caste—(community) Coarse—(rough)
● Character does not depend upon caste. ● Poor men wear coarse clothes.
30. Censer—(a vessel in which incense is burnt 37. Collision—(clashing; dashing together, acci-
in a temple) dent)
● A censer was placed on the altar. ● There was a serious collision between a
Censor—(an official examiner of plays, films car and a scooter.
etc) Collusion—(secret agreement for an evil
● Every film has to be passed by the cen- purpose)
sor. ● He is working in collusion with the
Censure—(disapprove ; criticise adversely) smugglers.
● The court censured him for his bad cha- 38. Corpse—(dead body)
racter. ● The corpse has been sent for postmortem.
31. Cite—(quote) Corps—(pronounced as ‘kore’, a body of
● I can cite a parallel stanza. troops)
Site—(local position) ● He belongs to the Gorkha corps.
● This is an ideal site for building a house. 39. Coma—(state of senselessness)
Sight—(view ; scene) ● He is lying in coma.
● It was a horrible sight. Comma—(a mark of punctuation)
32. Cession—(noun from the verb ‘cede’ which ● Put a comma after the first clause.
means ‘to yield’) 40. Complacent—(pleased, self-satisfied)
● India cannot make cession of even an ● He is complacent by nature.
inch of land of Kashmir to Pakistan.
Complaisant—(polite ; obliging)
Session—(the time when a court or a public
● She is a gentle girl of complaisant nature.
body sits)
● Hearing of the case will continue in the 41. Complement—(that which completes)
evening session. ● This verb must take a complement after
33. Check—(prevent, test) it.
● Please check my bill. Compliment—(salute ; regards)
Cheque—(a written order for money to a ● I offer my sincere compliments to you.
bank) 42. Conscious—(aware)
● I shall pay you by cheque. ● I am fully conscious of my responsibility.
41. Funeral—(a burial procession or ceremony) 50. Historic—(Famous or likely to become fam-
● His funeral was held at Shanti Ghat. ous in history)
Funereal—(solemn or sad, dismal, gloomy) ● January 26 is a historic day.
● Why do you keep a funereal face ? Historical—(pertaining to history)
42. Fatal—(deadly) ● Red Fort is a historical building.
● Cancer is a fatal disease. 51. Imaginary—(fancied, unreal)
Fatalist—(one who believes in fate) ● He lives in an imaginary world.
● A fatalist depends upon God’s will. Imaginative—(given to imagining, contemp-
Fateful—(important ; producing important
results) ● A poet is an imaginative person.
● It was the most fateful day of my life. 52. Industrious—(diligent, laborious)
43. Fastal—(pertaining to a feast or a holiday) ● An industrious person must get success.
● Let us enjoy in fastal mood today. Industrial—(relating to industry or com-
Festive—(joyous, gay, mirthful)
● Kanpur is an industrial city.
● He is festive by nature.
53. Intelligent—(wise, sensible)
44. Forceful—(possessing force)
● She is quite intelligent.
● This was his most forceful argument.
Intelligible—(clear and understandable)
Forcible—(done by force or compulsion)
● His lecture was not intelligible to an
● Good work cannot be done under forcible
average student.
54. Judicial—(pertaining to legal justice, or to a
45. Godly—(pious)
● My grandmother is a very godly lady.
● We should not interfere with judicial
God-like—(resembling God)
● Many sages have God-like lustre in their
Judicious—(prudent; wise)
46. Graceful—(handsome, refined) ● His advice is very judicious.
● Her manners are very graceful. 55. Luxuriant—(used to express richness in
Gracious—(merciful) growth)
● He is a very gracious old gentleman. ● She has a luxuriant growth of hair.
47. Human—(belonging to mankind) Luxurious—(implies luxury or fashion)
● It is only a human weakness. ● He lives in a very luxurious way.
Humane—(kind ; merciful) 56. Lovable—(worthy of love)
● He is always humane in his dealings with ● All her habits and manners are lovable.
his workers. Lovely—(exciting love, charming)
48. Healthy—(means enjoying good health) ● She is a lovely girl.
● He is quite healthy at this age.
57. Limit—(boundary, last degree)
Healthful—(means preserving or promoting
health) ● Don’t try me to the limit of my patience.
● Regularity is a very healthful habit. Limitation—(restriction or inability)
49. Honorary—(holding office without any re- ● I have my own limitations.
muneration or pay) 58. Momentous—(very important)
● He is working in an honorary capacity. ● I have taken a momentous decision.
Honourable—(worthy of honour) Momentary—(lasting only for a moment,
● Many saints are really honourable per- short-lived)
sons. ● His anger is only momentary.
254 | L.W.C.E.
Count— Daily—
Noun—Please keep count of the runs. Noun—‘The Hindustan Times’ is an impor-
Verb—He is counting the runs. tant daily.
Cold— Adjective—This is a part of his daily progra-
Noun—I am suffering from cold. mme.
Adjective—The morning is very cold. Empty—
Court— Adjective—The box is empty.
Noun—The courts are closed today. Verb—Please empty the drum.
Verb—They are courting arrest. Earth—
Call— Noun—The earth moves round the sun.
Noun—There is a call for you. Verb—Let us earth our hostility for ever.
Verb—He will call upon you. Elder—
Cut— Noun—You must respect your elders.
Noun—He received a deep cut in the arm. Adjective—He is my elder brother.
Verb—Don’t cut your programme. Fast—
Catch— Noun—I am observing a fast today.
Noun—It was a beautiful catch. Adjective—He is my fast friend.
Verb—You cannot catch me. Verb—He has been fasting for a week.
Cane— Adverb—He ran very fast.
Noun—Here is a beautiful cane. Final—
Verb—He was caned publicly. Noun—Our team is playing in the finals.
Chair— Adjective—This chance is final.
Noun—Please bring a chair. Free—
Verb—The speaker chaired the session. Adjective—We are citizens of a free country.
Cover— Verb—Let us free ourselves from the age-old
Noun—Please put the cover upon the jar. customs.
Verb—Please cover your head properly in Fill—
this cold weather. Noun—We have eaten to our fill.
Deep— Verb—Please fill the jar with water.
Noun—They are fishing in the deep. Fix—
Adjective—It is a very deep river. Noun—He is in a fix.
Adverb—They have gone deep into the water.
Verb—Please fix up your programme at an
Drive— early date.
Noun—I am going out for a drive.
Verb—He drives the car very fast.
Date— Noun—Turn your face to the left.
Noun—What is the date of your birth ? Verb—He faced the situation boldly.
Verb—The Christian era dates with the birth Fool—
of Christ. Noun—He is a great fool.
Desire— Verb—You cannot fool me like this.
Noun—He has a great desire to be a doctor. Floor—
Verb—He desires to pass in the first division. Noun—They sat on the floor before my
Doubt— office.
Noun—I have no doubt about his honesty. Verb—Dara Singh floored down his oppo-
Verb—He doubts my sincerity. nent in two minutes.
258 | L.W.C.E.
Fish— Little—
Noun—They have caught a large fish. Noun—I shall be satisfied with a little.
Verb—You cannot fish in this part of the Adjective—Here is a little gift for you.
river. Adverb—The river is a little deeper here.
Fell— Like—
Adjective—Cancer is really a fell disease. Noun—I shall never find the like of him
Verb—He fell into the well. again.
Gun— Adjective—They are all men of like interests.
Noun—This is my gun. Verb—I would like to have a cup of tea.
Verb—The police gunned down the abscon- Light—
der. Noun—There is sufficient light in the room.
Help— Adjective—I don’t appreciate his light talks.
Noun—He gave me a very timely help. Verb—Please light the candle.
Verb—Will you not help me out ? Love—
Hand— Noun—I have great love for my country.
Noun—He raised his hand. Adjective—This is a love poem.
Verb—Please hand over the book to the tea- Verb—Every mother loves her child.
cher. Laugh—
Humble— Noun—We had a hearty laugh at him.
Noun—We should help the humble and poor. Verb—Don’t laugh at the poor.
Adjective—He is a very humble pupil. Mud—
Verb—He is out to humble me in public. Noun—There is so much of mud here in the
Head— rains.
Noun—He wears a white cap on his head. Adjective—He lives in a mud house.
Verb—He heads the list of the successful More—
candidates. Noun—I don’t want any more.
Ill— Adjective—They will have many more
Noun—I have done you no ill.
Adverb—He is more intelligent.
Adjective—She is ill.
Idle— Noun—He is a brave man.
Adjective—He is an idle fellow. Verb—The ship is manned by trained sailors.
Verb—Don’t idle away your time like this. Master—
Know— Noun—He is the master of the ship.
Noun—I am in the know of everything. Adjective—We are drawing a master plan.
Verb—Do you know him ? Verb—I have mastered the whole lesson.
Kind— Move—
Adjective—He is a kind man. Noun—The army is on the move.
Noun—Here is another kind of the rose. Verb—Let us now move to the next room.
Less— Make—
Noun—He cannot be satisfied with less. Noun—What is the make of your watch ?
Adjective—He pays less attention to his Verb—Don’t make a noise here.
studies than to games. Need—
Adverb—This plot of land is less fertile than Noun—Your need is greater than mine.
the next one. Verb—He needs a pen immediately.
Nurse— Sound—
Noun—She is a trained nurse. Noun—I hear a sound outside.
Verb—Please nurse the baby carefully. Adjective—He gave very sound arguments in
Number— his defence.
Noun—Please mark the number on the par- Verb—Please sound the horn.
cel. Spring—
Verb—Please number the articles serially. Noun—Flowers grow in abundance in spring.
Open— Adjective—They are bathing in the spring
Adjective—I have received an open letter. water.
Verb—Please open the door. Verb—The monkey springs from roof to
Poor— roof.
Noun—We must help the poor. Stone—
Adjective—She is a poor woman. Noun—Don’t roll down the heavy stone.
Past— Adjective—He broke through the stone walls.
Noun—We know very little of his past. Verb—The witch was stoned to death.
Adjective—He is a past master in all these Stand—
matters. Noun—I cannot change my stand.
Adverb—He is now past working age. Verb—Stand in a line, please.
Pocket— Stay—
Noun—My pocket is empty. Noun—I shall have a long stay in the country
Verb—He cannot pocket this insult. now.
Right— Verb—Will you stay here tonight ?
Noun—This is my own right. Adjective—The court has passed stay orders.
Adjective—He is the right man. Second—
Verb—Can you now right the wrong done to Adjective—He is my second son.
me ?
Verb—Will anyone second my proposal ?
Adverb—He drove the car right against me.
Adverb—He came second in the race.
Noun—The Principal is on a round. School—
Adjective—He dug a round hole. Noun—This is a public school.
Verb—The police has rounded up all the Verb—He has been very properly schooled.
pick-pockets. Adjective—We are school fellows.
Adverb—I could not bring him round to
agree with me.
Preposition—The train goes round the city. Adjective—I shall follow my set programme.
Reach— Verb—The sun sets in the west.
Noun—This is beyond my reach. Spear—
Verb—I will reach home before sunset. Noun—I have a long spear.
Run— Verb—The hunter speared down the boar.
Noun—He made fifty runs. Spoil—
Verb—He will run the 5000 meter race. Noun—The thieves have divided up the
Slow— spoils.
Adjective—He is a slow writer. Verb—Don’t spoil your child like this.
Verb—The train slowed down at the outer Skin—
signal. Noun—Her skin is oily.
Adverb—He works very slow. Verb—The child could not skin the banana.
260 | L.W.C.E.
Silence— Water—
Noun—There was perfect silence in the class. Noun—Please bring me a glass of water.
Verb—Nobody can silence me. Verb—The gardner is watering the plants.
Table— Adjective—Lotus is a water plant.
Noun—This is our dining table. Work—
Verb—The draft resolution has been tabled Noun—I have no work today.
for discussion. Verb—He doesn’t work here.
Noun—Even a touch has a memory.
Noun—They lay in wait for the victim.
Verb—You cannot touch me.
Verb—I waited for you yesterday.
Noun—Take a turn to the left at the next Walk—
crossing. Noun—I go to the park every morning for a
Verb—I hope he will turn up in time. walk.
Well— Verb—Let us walk down to the station.
Noun—There is no water in the well. Want—
Adjective—He is quite well now. Noun—There is no want of water in the
Adverb—It was well done. town.
Wrong— Verb—I want to purchase a car.
Noun—I have done you no wrong. Weekly—
Adjective—He is following a wrong policy. Noun—“Sunday Times” is a good weekly.
Verb—He has certainly wronged me. Adjective—They are working on weekly
Watch— wages.
Noun—I always keep a watch in my pocket. Wear—
Keep a watch on the children. Noun—We have a large stock of winter
Adjective—Where is the watch-dog ? wears.
Verb—He is watching for an opportunity. Verb—He wears a blue coat.
24 One-Word Substitution
There are many words in English which have a very comprehensive meaning. A single word can
convey the sense of many words. The use of such words is considered to be good from the stylistic
point of view. These words add to the depth, brevity, clarity, aptness and effectiveness of the language.
For example, if we say, “This is a book published after the death of its author”, or “This is a child born
after the death of his father”, we can express this complete idea by the word “Posthumous”. We give
below a list of popular words of this kind.
1. A person who believes in the total abolition of war. Pacifist
2. A person who is fond of fighting. Bellicose
3. A person who believes in the existence of God. Theist
4. A person who does not believe in the existence of God. Atheist
5. A person who renounces the world and devotes himself to a strictly devout
life, torturing the body for the good of the soul. Ascetic
6. A person with whom money or gain is the most important consideration. Materialist
7. A person who is very fond of sensuous enjoyments. Epicure
8. A person who is indifferent to pleasure and pain. Stoic
9. A man who is womanish in his habits. Effeminate
10. A man who amuses himself by love-making. Philanderer
11. One who is very selective in one’s taste and choice. Fastidious
12. One who does not know reading and writing. Illiterate
13. One who is very simple and who easily believes whatever is told. Credulous
14. One with long experience in any field. Veteran
15. Consent of all. Unanimous
16. A book or a work of art whose author is not known. Anonymous
17. One who entirely depends on another. Parasite
18. One who takes up arms against the government. Rebel
19. Goods sent from one country to another for trade. Export
20. Goods received by one country from another for trade. Import
21. To import goods illegally without payment of customs duty. Smuggle
22. Murder of one’s own self. Suicide
23. Murder or murderer of man. Homicide
24. Murder or murderer of a king. Regicide
25. Murder or murderer of an infant. Infanticide
26. Murder or murderer of one’s own mother. Matricide
27. Murder or murderer of one’s own father. Patricide
262 | L.W.C.E.
24. To bury the hatchet—To end old enmity 37. Between the devil and the deep sea—To fall
● Let us now bury the hatchet for ever and between two great difficulties
live like friends. ● I have fallen between the devil and the
25. By leaps and bounds—Very rapidly deep sea; if I go to office, I lose the
examination; if I don’t, my employer feels
● India is progressing by leaps and bounds. annoyed.
26. To be in bad books of—Out of favour 38. To blow one’s own trumpet—To praise
● He is in bad books of his teachers. one’s ownself
27. To be in good books of—To be in kind fav- ● I hate those persons who blow their own
our trumpet.
● He is in good books of his teachers. 39. Bone of contention—The cause of quarrel
28. To be in bad odour of—To be out of favour ● Kashmir is the bone of contention bet-
● A dishonest servant is always in bad ween India and Pakistan.
odour of his master. 40. By fits and starts—Something done irregu-
29. To be in good odour of—To be in good larly
favour ● You can never finish the work in time if
● An honest servant is always in good odour you proceed by fits and starts.
of his master. 41. Black sheep—An undesirable person
30. Bolt from the blue—A sudden calamity ● Many police officers proved black sheep
● The news of his father’s death came as a in the Movement of 1942.
bolt from the blue. 42. By hook or by crook—By any means fair or
31. Bad blood—Enmity foul
● These two brothers have bad blood ● Some people are very clever in achieving
between them. their goal by hook or by crook.
32. Blue blood—To belong to an aristocratic 43. To be hand and glove with—Intimate
family friends
● Lord Byron, the famous poet, was very ● Ramesh and Mohan are hand and glove
proud of his blue blood. with each other.
33. To be born with a silver spoon in one’s 44. Child’s play—A very easy task
mouth—To be born in a rich family ● It is not a child’s play to get first division.
● Jawaharlal Nehru was born with a silver 45. To count chickens before they are hatched
spoon in his mouth. —To anticipate profit before hand
34. To burn the candle at both ends—To waste ● Do not make your plans so ambitious
one’s money or energy racklessly because it is no use counting chickens
● If you go on burning the candle at both before they are hatched.
ends, you will soon come to repentance. 46. To cut the Gordian knot—To solve a very
difficult problem
35. Birds of the same feather—Persons of the
same nature and taste ● The national leaders cut the Gordian knot
● All the employees of this office are birds by abolishing the native states.
of the same feather. 47. Cock and bull story—A fantastic story
36. Between Scylla and Charybdis—Between ● The tale of his adventures is nothing but a
two great dangers cock and bull story.
● I am between Scylla and Charybdis; if I 48. Cat and dog life—Quarrelsome life
tell the truth my friend goes to the jail; if I ● Mohan and his wife live a cat and dog
do not, I betray my employer. life.
IDIOMS | 269
49. To call a spade a spade—To talk bluntly ● When Gandhiji appeared in his first case,
● Dr. Johnson never hesitated in calling a he cut a sorry figure in the court.
spade a spade. 63. To curry favour—To win favour by flattery
50. Cry for the moon—An unattainable ambi- ● He has risen so high by currying favour of
tion the Chairman of the factory.
● His hope of getting the Nobel Prize is a 64. To cast a slur—To bring disgrace
cry for the moon. ● Your actions will cast a slur on the good
51. Cry over spilt milk—To repent in vain after name of your family.
loss 65. A bull in a china shop—Heedless destroyer
● Be comforted, my friend, it is no use Nadir Shah proved a bull in a china shop.
crying over spilt milk.
66. To put the cart before the horse—To do
52. A close shave—A narrow escape something in a wrong way
● I had a close shave in a car accident. ● Instead of calling the mechanic to the
53. Crocodile tears—False show of grief work-shop, he took the whole machine to
● He shed crocodile tears on the death of his him. It was like putting the cart before the
step-mother. horse.
54. Cold reception—No hearty welcome 67. To die in harness—To die while on duty
● The English cricket team was given a cold ● Slaves die in harness.
reception in India. 68. Drop in the ocean—Very insignificant
55. To be caught red-handed—To be caught amount
while committing a crime ● All your knowledge of science is only a
● The thief was caught red-handed. drop in the ocean.
56. Capital punishment—Death penalty 69. A dark horse—A person suddenly coming
into prominence
● Capital punishment has been revived in
● Mohan came out as a dark horse after the
many countries.
57. Corporal punishment—Bodily punishment
70. Drawn battle or Drawn match—A battle or
● Corporal punishment should not be given match in which no party wins
to young children. ● The drawn cricket match was replayed in
58. To carry coals to New Castle—Unnecessary Calcutta yesterday.
and useless work 71. Double dealing—Deceitful actions
● To export silk to China is like carrying ● His double dealings are now exposed to
coals to New Castle. the public.
59. To call names—To abuse 72. To give the devil his due—Even the wicked
Calling names is a bad habit. should be given the praise due to him
60. To cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth ● In spite of all his wickedness, he has
—To live within one’s own means helped you; the devil should be given his
● It is always wise to cut one’s coat accord- due.
ing to one’s cloth. 73. Dog in the manger—A selfish person
61. Chip of the old block—The son resembling ● He would rather keep his books locked
the father than give them to you, because he is more
● Ram is a drunkard like his father. He is a or less a dog in the manger.
chip of the old block. 74. Sword of Damocles—An imminent danger
62. To cut a sorry figure—To make a poor ● The aggressive policy of China is a sword
impression of Damocles hanging over India.
270 | L.W.C.E.
75. To dance attendance upon—To flatter 87. To eat one’s word—To break one’s promise
Officers in the present day want their Whatever may happen, I shall not eat my
subordinates to dance attendance upon word.
them. 88. To see eye to eye—To agree
76. On the horns of a dilemma—To face a I do not see eye to eye with him on this
difficult situation between two problems. issue.
The new import policy has put many 89. To take an exception to—To object to some-
industries on the horns of a dilemma; they thing
can neither run these industries nor close
I take serious exception to this type of
them down.
77. To play ducks and drakes—To waste
money 90. Enough and to spare—Plentiful
He is a rackless fellow playing ducks and Even the poorest man in America has
drakes with his ancestral property. enough and to spare.
78. A double-edged sword—Capable of causing 91. To make both ends meet—To live within
harm to the other as to one’s ownself one’s income with difficulty
He has cheated many people by the help A school teacher hardly makes both ends
of his son, but this may prove a double- meet.
edged sword one day. 92. Elixir of life—Nectar of life
79. A dog’s life—Very miserable life Contentment is the elixir of life.
People dwelling in the slums of great 93. Foul play—Treachery
cities live a dog’s life. I suspect foul play in the dealings of this
80. A blessing in disguise—Something intrinsi- clever man.
cally good but having a bad appearance 94. Fool’s paradise—Foolish ambition
His last year’s failure was a blessing in I pity the man; he is living in a fool’s
disguise, because this year he has secured paradise.
first division.
95. Fair weather friend—Selfish friends of
81. To end in smoke—To end in nothing prosperous days
The Summit Conference has ended in As he was a fair-weather friend, he deser-
smoke. ted me in my hard days.
82. Eye wash—Ineffective remedy 96. From hand to mouth—Bare existence
The revised pay-scale of the teachers is a The labouring class people in India live
mere eye wash. from hand to mouth.
83. Every inch—Completely 97. Fair play—Just dealing
Mohan is every inch a gentleman. I expect nothing but fair play from you.
84. Over head and ears—Beyond one’s capacity 98. Fall flat—To produce no effect
He is over head and ears in debt. The repeated warnings of the Government
85. Easy money—Bribe have fallen flat on the militants.
No officer who accepts easy money can 99. Follow suit—To follow the example
sleep in peace. Gandhiji laid his life in the service of the
86. Hush-money—Bribe given for concealing poor; let us also follow suit.
secrets 100. To fish in troubled waters—To take advant-
He has given hush-money to the publisher age of the difficulties of others
of the daily newspaper for withholding the During epidemics many doctors fish in
publication of this scandal. troubled waters.
IDIOMS | 271
101. To fan the flame—To aggravate The teacher gave a piece of his mind to
By writing this letter you will only be the mischievous boy.
fanning the flame. 115. To face the music—To face opposition
102. To show white feather—To betray cawar- Every new teacher has to face the music
dice on the first day in the class.
Maharana Pratap never showed the white 116. To give up the ghost—To die
feather. The poor beggar gave up the ghost last
103. To fight to the finish—To fight to the end night.
The Rajputs were pledged to fight to the 117. To get rid of—To escape from
I am trying my best to get rid of my quar-
104. To fly into a passion—To be enraged
rel some neighbour at the earliest.
Weak men easily fly into a passion.
118. To get the better of—To overcome
105. To make a fortune—To grow rich
He made a fortune in America. At last he got the better of his adversary.
106. To wear a long face—To look gloomy 119. To go to the dogs—To be ruined
Do not wear a long face on this happy This factory is gradually going to the dogs
occasion. under the new management.
107. Fair and square—Honest 120. To gird up the loins—To be well prepared
One must be fair and square in one’s deal- for some trying task
ings. Let us all gird up the loins to eradicate the
108. To kill the fatted calf for—To arrange a evil of untouchability from India.
lavish reception for some body 121. To grease the palm—To tip or bribe a per-
Queen Elizabeth killed the fatted calf for son
the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ You will find easy access to the Governor
if you grease the palm of his peon.
109. To play the fool—To act foolishly
122. A snake in the grass—Some hidden enemy
He played the fool in the hands of his
clever friends. I could never expect that he would prove a
snake in the grass.
110. From pillar to post—From one extreme to
another 123. For good—For ever
Every young man has to run from pillar to He has left Calcutta for good.
post in search of a job. 124. To hold one’s ground—To stand firm
111. From the bottom of one’s heart—Very The Rajputs held their ground to the end.
sincerely 125. A golden opportunity—Very favourable
The beggar thanked me from the bottom opportunity or chance
of his heart. You should not miss this golden opportu-
112. To throw down the gauntlet—To give nity.
challenge 126. To give vent to—To express one’s thoughts
Mohan has thrown down the gauntlet to or feelings
Ramesh. Every individual is freely allowed to give
113. Gift of the gab—The skill of oratory vent to his feelings.
Dr. Radhakrishnan possessed a divine gift 127. An hair-breadth escape—Very narrow
of the gab. escape
114. To give a piece of one’s mind—To scold a I had an hair-breadth escape last evening
person from a car accident.
272 | L.W.C.E.
128. Harp on the same string—To keep on 142. To take to one’s heels—To run away
talking on the same topic ● As soon as the thief saw the police, he
● Why do you unnecessarily harp on the took to his heels.
same string ? 143. To pick holes in—To find fault with
129. Hang over one’s head—Under danger ● It is a bad habit always to try to pick holes
● Ever since the death of her husband, in others.
troubles have been hanging over her head. 144. To bring home—To explain
130. To hang in balance—To remain undecided ● Gandhiji brought home the fact that the
● I am hanging in balance whether I should heart of India lay in her villages.
accept this offer or not. 145. Hot water—Troubles
131. To hang by a thread—Critical condition ● You will fall in hot water if you displease
● The life of a cancer patient hangs by a him.
thread. 146. Hue and cry—Noise and confusion
132. Heart and soul—In all sincerity ● When fire broke out in the village, there
● He is devoted to his studies heart and was much hue and cry.
147. To break the ice—To break silence by
133. Hard and fast—Definite speaking first
● There is no hard and fast rule for getting ● The President broke the ice in the condo-
happiness in life. lence meeting with a short speech.
134. To hit below the belt—To take advantage 148. Ill blood—Enmity
by unfair means
● There is no ill blood between Ram and
● A Rajput warrior never hits below the Mohan.
149. A man of iron—A strong man
135. To hit the nail on the head—To act in the
right way ● Sardar Ballabh Bhai Patel was a man of
● A good lawyer always hits the nail on the iron.
head in his arguments. 150. In cold blood—Very cruelly
136. Hard nut to crack—A difficult problem to ● The dacoits killed the old man in cold
solve blood.
● The problem of unemployment is a hard
151. In black and white—In writing
nut to crack.
137. Hold water—To prove sound ● The agreement must be made in black and
● Your argument does not hold water in this
case. 152. In the teeth of—Against strong opposition
138. Hold good—Valid ; applicable ● The Finance Bill was passed in the teeth
● The rule no longer holds good. of strong opposition.
139. A Himalayan blunder—A serious mistake 153. In full swing—In full glory
● We committed a Himalayan blunder in ● The Kumbh Fair is in full swing these
trusting the assurances of America. days.
140. To make head or tail of—To understand 154. In the twinkling of an eye—In a moment, in
● The audience could make no head or tail no time
of his learned lecture on mysticism. ● The flash of lightning disappears in the
141. Heart to heart—Very frankly twinkling of an eye.
● Let us have a heart to heart talk on this 155. In a nut shell—In brief
complicated issue. ● Please report the whole case in a nut shell.
IDIOMS | 273
156. In one’s teens—Before attaining the age of 171. Kith and kin—Close relations
twenty ● Who will not help his kith and kin ?
● My eldest son is still in his teens. 172. To knock against—To collide with
157. In a fix—In a difficult mental state ● The truck knocked against the running
● I am in a fix; I do not know what to do in train.
this situation. 173. To keep up appearances—To keep one’s
158. In the nick of time—Just in time prestige
● I reached the station in the nick of time. ● He is somehow keeping up appearances in
159. In embryo—Immature, in the making his old age.
● My scheme of setting up a silk factory is 174. To keep an eye—To watch
still in embryo. ● The police keeps an eye on the vaga-
160. Intents and purposes—For all practical bonds.
purposes 175. To keep at bay—To keep the enemy at a
● He is the manging Director for all intents distance
and purposes. ● It is not easy to keep the rebels at bay.
161. Inns and outs—All details and secrets 176. To keep the wolf from the door—To avoid
● I know all the inns and outs of this starvation
business. ● He has to work day and night to keep the
162. In vogue—Popular wolf from the door.
● Animal sacrifice is no longer in vogue in 177. To keep an open table—To entertain all
India. comers
163. In the same boat—In the same condition ● He is very generous and always keeps an
open table.
● Both these friends are sailing in the same
boat. 178. The knock down price—Auction-price
164. In no time—In a very short time ● You will have to pay one fourth of the
● I can solve his question in no time. knock down price just now.
179. To laugh in one’s sleeves—To laugh secre-
165. Jack of all trades—A person knowing a
little of many things
● The lawyers laughed in their sleeves at the
● Ramesh is a Jack of all trades.
ignorance of the judge.
166. Juda’s kiss—False show of love
180. To win laurels—To win honours
● Who knows that his love is merely Juda’s
● Our athletes won laurels in the Olympic
kiss ?
167. To hold one’s jaw—To stop talking
181. To lose the day—To be defeated
● Kindly hold your jaw; it is enough.
● Our team lost the day.
168. In the jaws of—In the grip of
182. To lick the dust—To accept defeat
● The patient is in the jaws of death.
● Be sure, you will have to lick the dust in
169. To kill two birds with one stone—To serve
the end.
two purposes at one time
● If you hold the meeting at Nainital in 183. Leap in the dark—Uncertainty about out-
summer, you will be killing two birds
with one stone. ● Marriage is a leap in the dark.
170. To kiss the dust—To be humiliated 184. To lay hands on—To seize
● In the wrestling bouts the boastful ● How can the government lay hands on my
wrestler had to kiss the dust. private property ?
274 | L.W.C.E.
185. Lapped in luxury—Brought up in luxury 200. To leave one in the lurch—To leave one in
● The princes are lapped in luxury. difficulties
186. To lead by the nose—To wield undue influ- ● My faithful friend, Mohan, will never
ence leave me in the lurch.
● She leads her husband by the nose. 201. Long and short—Brief substance
187. To lie in wait—To keep waiting for the ● Let me know the long and short of his
victim speech.
● The robbers were lying in wait for the 202. To leave no stone unturned—To make all
belated travellers. possible efforts
188. To turn over a new leaf—To start a new ● I shall leave no stone unturned to help
way of life you.
● He has turned a new leaf at sixty. 203. To let by-gones be by-gones—To forget old
189. To throw light on—To explain
● Let us start anew and let by-gones be by-
● The President threw light on the terms of gones.
204. Man of parts—Talented man
190. To wash dirty linen in public—To expose
private affairs in public ● I can certify that he is a man of parts.
● There is no wisdom in washing dirty linen 205. Mare’s nest—Illusory discovery
in public. ● The report of the discovery of gold-mines
proved to be a mare’s nest.
191. A man of letters—A learned man
206. Move heaven and earth—To make every
● Dr. Radhakrishnan was a man of letters. possible effort
192. A red letter day—A historic day ● He moved heaven and earth to find a job
● The 15th of August 1947 is a red letter but it was all in vain.
day in the history of India. 207. To make a clean breast of—To confess
193. A white lie—Clear falsehood ● The dacoits made a clean breast of their
● He is telling a white lie. crimes before Vinoba Bhave.
194. To look down upon—To hate a person 208. To make a mountain of a mole-hill—To
● The rich should not look down upon the exaggerate small things
poor. ● You are unnecessarily making a moun-
195. On one’s last legs—At the last stage of life tain of a mole-hill and quarrelling.
● The patient is on his last legs. 209. To make after—To pursue or chase
● The police made after the thief and caught
196. To lead to the altar—To marry
● I took the vow of life-long sincerity when
210. By fair or foul means—By any means
I led her to the altar. possible right or wrong
197. Loaves and fishes—Material gains ● He is very tactful and will succeed by fair
● Do not fall from your ideals for loaves or foul means.
and fishes. 211. To make up one’s mind—To determine
198. To pull one’s leg—To befool a person ● He has made up his mind to appear at the
● Prevent them from pulling the leg of the examination this year.
old man. 212. To make much ado about nothing— T o
199. Lion’s share—The biggest share make much of little things
● The leader of the gang got the lion’s share ● You will only complicate the matter if
of the booty. you make much ado about nothing.
IDIOMS | 275
240. Pros and cons—Points for and against/good 253. Pin prick—Small troubles
or bad ● You should not lose your patience at such
● Let us consider all the pros and cons of pin pricks.
the whole affair before we advance fur- 254. To play a second fiddle—To take a sub-
ther. ordinate position
241. To poke one’s nose into—To interfere with ● It is strange that your Principal plays the
the affairs of others
second fiddle to the Manager.
● It is not wise to poke one’s nose into the
255. To play a double game—To act dubiously
affairs of others.
● Take care, he is playing a double game
242. To pour oil on troubled waters—To pacify
with you.
the anger of others
● He poured oil on troubled waters by his 256. To play fast and loose—To be unfaithful
gentle and honest replies. ● You can never prosper if you play fast and
243. Pandora’s Box—A source of evil powers loose with your own men.
● Greed opens Pandora’s box. 257. To play truant—To run away from the class
244. To play one’s cards well—To play an inte- ● He is in the habit of playing truant from
lligent role the class.
● A good statesman always plays his cards 258. To play one false—To deceive
well. ● You should not have played me false.
245. To poison one’s ears against—To set a 259. Past master—An expert
person against another ● He is past master in acting on the stage.
● He has poisoned the ears of my employer 260. To put a spoke in one’s wheel—To stand in
against me. the way of one’s progress
246. To set price on one’s head—To offer ● My own brother is putting a spoke in my
reward for killing or helping in the arrest of a wheel.
261. Pell mell—In confusion
● The government have set a price of
50,000/- on the head of the rebel leader. ● People ran pell mell at the first tremor of
the earthquake.
247. Part and parcel—An essential part
262. To pull the wire—To exercise secret influ-
● A good laboratory is the part and parcel of ence
the equipment of a scientist.
● America is pulling the wire behind
248. To pester with—To be troubled with Pakistan’s activities.
● We are pestered with mosquitoes here. 263. Point blank—Clearly
249. To take pains—To work hard ● He has refused point blank to help me.
● Nothing can be gained without taking 264. Petticoat-Government—The undue influ-
pains. ence of women
250. To put up with—To tolerate ● There is petticoat government in most
● I cannot put up with this insult. social organizations in France.
251. To pull to pieces—To criticise adversely 265. To put to the sword—To kill
● He has pulled my proposal to pieces. ● Nadirshah put even children to the sword.
252. To put pen to paper—To begin writing 266. Rank and file—Lower middle class people
● I put my pen to paper at the first stroke of ● The learned speeches of the great orator
the bell. cannot be appreciated by the rank and file.
IDIOMS | 277
267. To rain cats and dogs—To rain heavily 281. Slip of the pen—A small unintentional mis-
● It is raining cats and dogs. take in writing
268. To rise to the occasion—To come to help at ● Please excuse me for this slip of the pen.
the hour of need 282. Slip of the tongue—A slight mistake in
● My brother is there to rise to the occasion speaking
to help me. ● Do not give so much importance to his
269. To run short—Not proving sufficient, short- slip of the tongue.
age of something 283. Square meal—Full meal
● I am running short of money these days. ● Many people can hardly arrange even a
square meal.
270. A rolling stone—A man not sticking to his
job 284. To save one’s skin—To escape safely
● I have somehow saved my skin from the
● He will not prosper because he is a rolling
285. To roll up one’s sleeves—To be prepared
271. Right-hand man—A very helpful person
for contest
● My manager is my right-hand man.
● When Mohan gave him the challenge, he
272. To read between the lines—To discover rolled up his sleeves.
secret meaning
286. To give the cold shoulder—To discourage a
● It is a simple statement; why do you read person
between the lines ? ● I went to him for help, but he gave me the
273. A broken reed—An unreliable person cold shoulder.
● Every body knows that he is a broken 287. At a stone’s throw—At a little distance
reed; don’t depend on him. ● My house is at a stone’s throw from here.
274. Without rhyme or reason—Without any 288. To stand on one’s own legs—To become
justification independent
● He has been criticising me without rhyme ● Now you are old enough to stand on your
or reason. own legs.
275. To go to rack and ruin—To be completely 289. Summer friends—Friends of prosperity
● All my summer friends have deserted me
● His business has gone to rack and ruin. in my adverse days.
276. To rub shoulders with—To come in close 290. To screw up one’s courage—To gather
contact with courage
● I have rubbed shoulders with great scho-
● Do not be so disheartened; screw up your
277. To hold the scales even—To be impartial
291. To see the light—To be born
● A judge must hold the scales even.
● His father died before he saw the light.
278. To scratch one’s head—To be perplexed
● When I saw the Mathematics paper, I just 292. Seal of love—Kiss
scratched my head. ● The mother bade him farewell by
279. Storm in a tea-cup—Much hue and cry over imprinting a seal of love on his forehead.
a little matter 293. The sheet of anchor—The place of protec-
● You have unnecessarily raised storm in a tion or shelter
tea-cup over this little matter. ● Her employer proved to be the sheet of
280. Stand in good-stead—To be of great service anchor to her.
● Your upright character will always stand 294. A thick-skinned person—Insensitive person
in good stead. ● He is a very thick-skinned person.
278 | L.W.C.E.
295. Through thick and thin—Through all diffi- 310. White elephant—A very expensive thing
culties ● A European wife is a white elephant for
● She faithfully stood with her husband an Indian.
through thick and thin. 311. Wolf in sheep’s clothing—A deceitful man
296. To take into one’s head—To think or to ● I don’t trust him; he is a wolf in sheep’s
believe clothing.
● Somehow he has taken into his head that 312. Wash one’s hands of—To be free from
he is the most intelligent boy. ● I have washed my hands of her affairs.
297. A tool in the hands of—Under the authority 313. Much cry and little wool—Disappointing
of another result
● Pakistan is merely a tool in the hands of ● After five years of studies abroad, he got a
America. small post. It was much cry and little
298. To take the bull by the horns—To face wool.
danger with courage 314. To bring to book—To punish
● Be bold and take the bull by the horns. ● The offender should be brought to book.
299. To take time by the forelock—To do one’s 315. To show a clean pair of heels—To run away
work in time
● The thief showed a clean pair of heels to
● You will never fail if you take time by the the police.
316. To add a new feather in one’s cap— T o
300. True to one’s salt—To be faithful to one’s acquire a new honour or distinction
blood or character
● His election to the Parliament has added a
● The Rajputs were always true to their salt. new feather in his cap.
301. To turn the tables—To change the situation 317. To take a leaf out of another man’s book—
completely To imitate another person
● In the last few minutes our captain turned ● He has no originality of thought; he is
the tables in our favour. only taking a leaf out of another man’s
302. Tooth and nail—Contending with all force book.
● We shall oppose this move tooth and nail. 318. Maiden speech—First speech
303. To turn a deaf ear—To pay no attention ● His maiden speech was quite a success.
● My friend turned a deaf ear to my advice. 319. Nine days’ wonder—A short-lived glory
304. Tall talk—Boasting ● The glory of Hitler was a nine days’ won-
● He always indulges in tall talks. der.
305. To turn one’s coat—To change one’s party 320. To sow wild oats—Indulgence in youthful
● He is an opportunist and has so often
● It is the duty of the warden to see that his
turned his coat.
students do not sow wild oats.
306. Under a cloud—Under suspicious condition
321. To pocket an insult—To bear insult
● He is working under a cloud.
● The nationalists had to pocket much in-
307. Under the rose—Secretly sult during their fight for independence.
● He is making love with her under the rose. 322. A red rag to a bull—Something that irritates
308. Under one’s nose—In the presence of ● The fiery slogans against the police proved
● He accepted bribe under the nose of his to be a red rag to a bull.
senior officer. 323. Under the thumb of—Under the authority
309. Wild goose chase—Useless efforts of someone
● His efforts to marry the princess have ● The manager is under the thumb of the
proved a wild goose chase. proprietor.
IDIOMS | 279
324. To get wind of—To know the secret 335. To make up—To make up the loss
● Somehow the police got the wind of the ● I shall make up your loss.
conspiracy. 336. Run down—Reduced in health
325. To go a wool gathering—To grow lunatic
● He is very much run down these days.
● His wits have gone a wool gathering.
326. Over head and ears—Very deeply 337. A tower of strength—Chief support
● He is in debt over head and ears. ● Pt. Nehru was the tower of strength of the
327. In the air—Spread as a rumour Congress Party.
● This news is very much in the air. 338. Hold the fort—To stand firm on one’s posi-
328. Out of the wood—Out of difficulties tion
● At last he came out of the wood. ● He held the fort against all odds.
329. A royal road—An easy and popular way 339. To go back on—To withdraw
● There is no royal road to success. ● You should not go back on your word.
330. To think lightly—Not to be serious about a
340. Behind the scene—Secretly
● Please don’t think lightly of my scheme. ● He is the governing power behind the
331. To fight shy of—To be hesitant
● Face the problem boldly and don’t fight 341. Once for all—Finally
shy of the situation. ● My reply is final once for all.
332. In the melting pot—In a confused state 342. On and on—To continue
● The whole affair is in the melting pot. ● He went on and on with his scheme.
333. By and large—On the whole
343. Come true—To prove true
● He is by and large a gentleman.
● His warning has come true.
334. Come across—Meet by chance
● Please give him my message if you come 344. Put an end to—To finish
across him. ● He has put an end to his foolish schemes.
26 Idiomatic Phrases
Idiomatic Phrases ● He writes articles for the newspapers as a
free lance.
(Noun Phrases) 13. Iron will—(A man of strong will)
1. Cold war—(Intense ideological or tactical ● A good statesman should be a man of iron
struggle) will.
● There should be no cold war between 14. Fair sex—(Woman)
neighbouring countries. ● This is the privilege of the fair sex.
2. Dutch courage—(Temporary boldness 15. A big gun—(An important person)
roused under the effect of liquor) ● He is a big gun.
● His dutch courage will soon pass off.
Adjective Phrases
3. Fair play—(Honest dealings)
● There is no fraud; it is a fair play. 16. With open arms—(Warm welcome)
● My friend received me with open arms.
4. A fancy price—(Very high price)
● His painting will fetch a fancy price. 17. Without reserve—(Freely)
● We accept your terms without reserve.
5. A gala day—(A day of rejoicings)
● His birthday is a gala day for him. 18. Beside himself—(Highly disturbed)
● His heavy loss in business has thrown him
6. The ins and outs—(Complete knowledge)
beside himself.
● Nobody can know the ins and outs of their
19. On the alert—(Cautious)
secret service.
● The border areas should always be kept
7. Red tapism—(Official formalities)
on the alert.
● Many projects are long held up on
20. Out of date—(Out of use or fashion)
account of red tapism.
● Tight trousers have now become out of
8. Sharp practice—(Cunning practice at law)
● No lawyer can get success by resorting to
21. Up-to-date—(Latest; to the present day)
sharp practice.
● He is up-to-date in his knowledge of poli-
9. A wet blanket—(A discouraging person or tical developments.
22. In high spirits—(Very happy)
● Too much seriousness acts as a wet
● He is in high spirits today because of his
blanket to cheerfulness.
grand success.
10. Hand and glove—(Very intimate)
23. Out of spirits—(Sad and dejected)
● I am hand and glove with my friend.
● He is out of spirits today because of his
11. Forty winks—(A short nap in day–time) failure in the examination.
● I have forty winks every day after lunch. 24. Like wild fire—(Rapidly)
12. A free lance—(An independent journalist or ● The news of his murder spread like wild
politician) fire.
25. Out of gear—(In bad condition) 42. Under the wing—(Under someone’s protec-
● His business has gone out of gear these tion)
days. ● This port is under the wing of America.
26. At sea—(Confused) 43. In hot water—(In a difficult situation)
● I am at sea these days on account of all ● The journalist has fallen in hot water due
these problems coming together. to his wrong reporting of Parliamentary
27. To the letter—(Fully and exactly) proceedings.
● I have carried out his orders to the letter. Adverb Phrases
28. In the dark—(Ignorant, out of knowledge) 44. By degrees—(Slowly)
● Don’t keep your father in the dark. ● He is recovering from his heavy debts by
29. At the first flush—(At the first sight) degrees.
● You cannot appreciate this painting at the 45. At times—(Sometimes)
first flush. ● At times he behaves like a fool.
30. In the ascendant—(Rising state) 46. Once for all—(Finally)
● His stars are in the ascendant these days. ● You must take a decision once for all.
31. In hand—(under control) 47. At random—(Without any system)
● Now the law and order situation is in ● He gave me some suggestions at random
hand. which I could not accept.
32. In the air—(Spread all around) 48. Of late—(Recently)
● The fear of an attack is in the air. ● Of late he has not seen me.
33. Out of the question—(Impossible) 49. At best—(At the most)
● His success in business is out of the ● At best I can introduce you to him.
50. Out and out—(Fully)
34. At a pinch—(In a hard situation)
● He is out and out a gentleman.
● No friend of yours will come to your help
at a pinch. 51. Off and on—(Occasionally)
35. Ill at ease—(Worried) ● Off and on he comes and stays with me.
● He is ill at ease on account of his father’s 52. Now and then—(Sometimes)
illness. ● Now and then he comes here.
36. On his last legs—(At the last stage) 53. Far and wide—(Over a large area)
● His grandfather is on his last legs.
● His fame has spread far and wide.
37. Head or tail—(Any meaning or Sense)
54. Before long—(Very soon)
● We could make no head or tail of his long
● We are shifting to our new house before
38. With one voice—(Unanimously)
55. At a stretch—(Continuously)
● His proposal was accepted with one voice.
● I can drive my car for six hours at a
39. For good—(For ever) stretch.
● He has left Delhi for good. 56. At the outset—(In the beginning)
40. On the cards—(Going to occur very soon) ● You must work very hard at the outset of
● Now the elections are on the cards. your career.
41. All the rage—(Very popular) 57. At large—(Run away)
● Pop music is all the rage these days. ● The convict is still at large.
282 | L.W.C.E.
156. To play false—(To cheat) ● There should be a separate fund for the
● One should not play false with friends. wear and tear of machinery.
157. To hold good—(To be applicable) 171. All in all—(Most important)
● This rule does not hold good any longer. ● My uncle is all in all in my family.
158. To come to grief—(To suffer/To be sad) 172. Black and white—(In writing)
● If you don’t mend yourself, you will come ● Let us make an agreement in black and
to grief. white.
159. To make a mark—(To get recognition) 173. Hard and fast—(Definite)
● He has made a mark in the field of pain- ● There can be no hard and fast rule for
ting. good conduct.
174. Slow and steady—(Slow but regular)
Idiomatic Phrases in Pairs
● The slow and steady wins the race.
160. Fits and starts—(Irregularly) 175. Null and void—(out of force)
● He does his work by fits and starts. ● This provision has been declared null and
161. Heart and soul—(Very sincerely) void by the court.
● I am devoted to my work heart and soul. 176. Head and shoulders—(To a high degree/
much above)
162. Intents and purposes—(In every sense / In
reality) ● He is head and shoulders above his
friends in intelligence.
● He is to all intents and purposes my real
boss. 177. Bread and butter—(Daily food)
● There is no provision even for bread and
163. Kith and kin—(Close relations)
butter in his family.
● I am really grateful to my kith and kin.
178. Fair and square—(Fair and honest)
164. Leaps and bounds—(Very rapidly) ● I believe in fair and square dealings.
● His business is developing by leaps and
179. Rhyme and reason—(Some reason/ground)
● He is hostile to me without any rhyme or
165. Odds and ends—(All kinds of trivial things) reason.
● He filled his bag with odds and ends and 180. Cats and dogs—(Heavy rain)
ran away.
● It is raining cats and dogs.
166. Part and parcel—(Inseparable part)
181. Rank and file—(Common people)
● Kashmir is part and parcel of India.
● You can never win against the wishes of
167. Rack and ruin—(Complete destruction) rank and file.
● His family has gone to rack and ruin 182. Root and branch—(Completely)
owing to his rackless habits. ● Let us do away with this evil custom root
168. Time and tide—(Time and opportunity) and branch.
● Don’t miss this chance, for time and tide 183. Long and short—(Substance)
wait for nobody. ● Let me know the long and short of the
169. Tooth and nail—(With full force) whole episode.
● Let us fight casteism tooth and nail. 184. Then and there—(Promptly)
170. Wear and tear—(Depreciation) ● He made the payment then and there.
Distinction between
27 Similar Expressions
Distinction between Similar 11. Shoot a man—(to kill a man by a gun–shot)
Expressions Shoot at a man—(to fire a gun–shot towards
Some Idiomatic Expressions look alike, but
they are actually not so. There is a great difference 12. To search somebody—(to take search of
in their meanings. We give below a list of such
To search for somebody—(to be in search of
similar expressions that are in common use :
some person)
1. At no time—(never) 13. Believe a man—(to have faith in what one
In no time—(promptly) says)
2. In an hour—(by the end of one hour) Believe in a man—(to have faith in the
honesty of some person)
Within an hour—(before the end of one
hour) 14. Meet a man—(to meet someones in the nor-
mal course)
3. Work in hand—(the work in which one is
Meet with a man—(to meet someone by
Work on hand—(the remaining part of the
15. The Chairman and Director—(Only one
man who is both the Chairman and Director)
4. Go to sea—(to go to sea in search of a job)
The Chairman and the Director—(Two
Go to the sea—(to go on a [sea] voyage) men–One Chairman, the other Director)
5. Go to school—(to go to school for study) 16. English—(English Language)
Go to the school—(to go to a school for some The English—(English People)
work—not for study) 17. Who is he ?—(Who is that man ?, i.e. What is
6. Go to market—(to go to market to purchase his name ?)
something) What is he ?—(What is he by profession)
Go to the market—(to go to market for plea-
Which is he ?—(Which one is he amongst
sure or some other work)
them ?)
7. Go to office—(to go to office to work there)
18. The eldest son—(the first born)
Go to the office—(to go to office for some
other work) The oldest son—(the eldest of the living
8. Work hard—(to work industriously) sons)
Work hardly—(to work very little) 19. Well—(in good health)
9. Come late—(late in reaching) Well off—(financially sound)
Come lately—(come only a little while ago) 20. Reach by Sunday—(reach upto Sunday)
10. Go direct—(go straight) Reach before Sunday—(reach before Sun-
Go directly—(go just now) day comes)
25. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 41. Christmas comes once a year.
● (There is no gain weeping over a lost ● (Every day is not a festival.)
opportunity.) 42. Half a loaf is better than no bread.
26. Many hands make the burden light. ● (A little gain is better than no gain.)
● (Collective efforts make a task easy.) 43. All covet, all lose.
27. All that glitters is not gold. ● (Too much greed gains nothing.)
● (All things that are good in appearance 44. All’s well that ends well.
are not always really good.) ● (Final result is the most important thing.)
28. Coming events cast their shadows before. 45. God’s mill grinds slow but sure.
● (Present conditions point to future ● (Moral justice prevails in the end.)
events.) 46. From a bad paymaster get what you can.
29. A good face needs no paint. ● (Accept whatever is offered in a bad
● (Good things/deeds cannot be concealed.) bargain.)
30. Care kills the cat. 47. Birds of the same feather flock together.
● (Worry and tension are highly injurious.) ● (Men of like nature come together.)
31. At length the fox turns monk. 48. Better a tooth out than always aching.
● (Do away with a painful thing, however
● (One trying to look innocent after a long
career of crimes.)
49. Even walls have ears.
32. Cut your coat according to your cloth.
● (There are listeners all around.)
● (Limit your expenditure within your
50. Death’s day is doom’s day.
● (Nothing remains after death.)
33. Do good and forget.
51. Diamond cuts diamond.
● (Forget the favour you have done to
● (A conflict between two equal oppo-
34. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.
52. Every sable cloud has a silver lining.
● (Collective responsibility is nobody’s res-
● (There is a ray of hope amidst all despon-
35. An empty mind is a devil’s workshop. 53. Deep rivers move in silent majesty, shallow
● (Evil thoughts dwell in a vacant mind.) brooks are noisy.
36. Everything looks pale to the jaundiced eye. ● (Shallow men are boastful ; men of depth
are sober.)
● (To see everything with a prejudiced
54. Haste makes waste.
● (Haste spoils a good thing.)
37. Barking dogs seldom bite.
55. Act in haste, repent at leisure.
● (A boastful person rarely acts.) ● (A hasty action leads to long repentance.)
38. A rolling stone gathers no mass. 56. Kindness is lost upon an ungrateful man.
● (An unsettled life gains nothing.) ● (An ungrateful man does not respond to
39. “Errors like straws over the surface flow, goodness.)
One who is in search of truth must dive 57. Pride goes before a fall.
below.” ● (A proud man always falls.)
● (Errors are easy to detect, while truth is 58. Prevention is better than cure.
difficult to find.) ● (It is better to take preventive measures
40. An empty vessel makes much noise. than to seek remedy when the disease has
● (A shallow man is usually very boastful.) come.)
290 | L.W.C.E.
59. Little grief is loud, great griefs are silent. 75. A nod to the wise and a rod to the foolish.
● (Shallow grief is vocal ; deeper grief is ● (A little suggestion is enough for an inte-
silent.) lligent person, but a fool takes no hint.)
60. To have an old head on young shoulders. 76. A low-born man feels proud of his honours.
● (One more precocious than one’s age.) ● (A man of low–breeding would go off his
61. Those who live in glass houses should not head if he is placed in high position.)
throw stones. 77. Prosperity finds friends; adversity tries them.
● (Those who have their own weakness ● (Many friends come in days of prosperity,
should not blame others.) but the sincerity of friendship is tested
62. To swallow the whole ox and be choked with only in days of adversity.)
the tail. 78. An unhappy man’s cart is sure to tumble.
● (A great sinner pretending to be afraid of ● (Problems multiply in days of adversity.)
small sins.) 79. Adversity is the touchstone of friendship.
63. He gives thrice who gives in a trice. ● (Sincerity of friendship can be tested only
● (Immediate action is the best action.) in days of adversity.)
64. Money makes the mare go. 80. Fortune favours the brave.
● (Money dictates all terms.) ● (He who acts with courage gets success.)
65. Necessity knows no law. 81. The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.
● (All values break down in critical mo- ● (Only the sufferer knows how painful is
ments.) the suffering.)
66. The nearer the church the farther from God. 82. Give an inch and he will take an ell.
● (Just being near the church does not make ● (If you give one a little, he would demand
one holy.) more.)
67. It takes two to make a quarrel. 83. A good name is better than riches.
● (One–sided action serves no purpose.) ● (Reputation is more precious than riches/
68. There is no rose without a thorn. wealth.)
● (Every good thing has some kind of draw- 84. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
back in it.) ● (Too many advisers harm the cause.)
69. Out of the frying pan into the fire. 85. Welcome or not, I am still your guest.
● (Going from a smaller danger to a bigger ● (One cannot be a forced guest.)
86. You cannot sell the cow and have the milk
70. A lie has no legs. too.
● (Falsehood cannot stand long.) ● (One can not take double advantage.)
71. Hunger is the best sauce. 87. Heads I win, tails you lose.
● (A hungry man finds everything deli-
● (A clever man would like to gain from
both sides.)
72. All your geese are swans.
88. Time is a great healer.
● (One likes one’s own things better than
those of others.) ● (All griefs heal up in course of time.)
73. Charity begins at home. 89. It is no use casting pearls before swine.
● (Service must begin from home, and then ● (An underserving man cannot appreciate
extended to others.) good things.)
74. See which way the wind blows. 90. A blind man is no judge of colours.
● (Let us wait and watch what turn the ● (A fool cannot appreciate anything, how-
events take.) ever good it may be.)
91. An open door will tempt a saint. 101. An ass is an ass though laiden with gold.
● (It is difficult to resist an easy tempta- ● (A fool remains a fool, however you may
tion.) favour him.)
92. Hope lasts with life. 102. As the crow is, so the eggs shall be.
● (Man lives by hope to the last moment.) ● (As the father, so the children.)
93. I talk of chaff; he hears of cheese. 103. Close sits my shirt, but closer my skin.
● (A confused man has no understanding.) ● (One’s own men are always more helpful
94. Practice makes a man perfect. than strangers.)
● (Practice adds to the efficiency of man.) 104. The cowl does not make a monk.
95. First deserve, then desire. ● (Outer appearance is no test of a man’s
real character.)
● (An undeserving man should not expect
105. His bread is buttered on both sides.
96. There are men and men. ● (He has all the advantages.)
● (All men are not equal.) 106. Necessity is the mother of invention.
97. Handsome is that handsome does. ● (Necessity finds a way out.)
● (A man is good if his work is good.) 107. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
98. Blood is thicker than water. ● (A sincere friend is one that comes to
● (Family bonds are very strong.) help in times of need.)
108. Face is not the index of the heart.
99. Ill got ill spent.
● (Faces are deceptive.)
● (Money earned by unfair means goes
waste.) 109. Excess of everything is bad.
100. A wise foe is better than a foolish friend. ● (Nothing should be carried to an excess.)
● (A foolish man is more dangerous even if 110. Time and tide wait for nobody.
he is a friend.) ● (Favourable times do not wait long.)
Expansion :
29 Paragraph-Writing
There are many Maxims, Sayings, Proverbs, easy but their practical application in the conduct
and Quotations in the English language, which of life is very difficult. Anybody can preach, but
appear to be very small but are really packed full very few can practise what they preach. A mere
of meaning. They carry very deep meaning. Each theoretical preaching makes no real impact on the
one of them can be expanded into a full essay or a people. This is why great saints and sages first
long paragraph. They are highly epigrammatic and practised in their own life and conduct what they
aphoristic. They can be explained and expanded to sought to preach. Their life and conduct were
the length of a paragraph. This type of exercise is practical lessons in the highest values of life. Lord
called Expansion or Paragraph writing. This Christ was a living example of human love and
type of exercise gives a very useful training compassion. Mahatma Gandhi was an apostle of
towards the art of composition. truth and non-violence. Thus one practical
We give below a few examples of Expansion example is better than a hundred theoretical pre-
or Paragraph writing. cepts.
(1) Honesty Is The Best Policy (3) Virtue is its own Reward
Virtue is not a commercial commodity which
Honesty is indeed the best policy, provided
can be sold or purchased. Virtue is complete in
we understand and interpret the terms ‘policy’ and
itself; it has no ulterior or external object to gain;
‘honesty’ correctly. Policy here does not mean a
it is its own reward. The practitioner of virtue
certain kind of tact or strategy : it here means
feels a sense of gratification, a kind of happiness
conduct of life. Similary, honesty here does not
and bliss which far transcends the pleasure that
mean merely honest dealings in money matters or
one can derive from material possessions or
business. Honesty is to be interpreted in its widest
practical success in life. The practitioner of virtue
sense, honesty in word, thought and action. Here
does not enjoy prosperity; he may even fail to
honesty is equivalent to truth in its widest and
achieve much success in life, but for all that he
fullest sense. Therefore, the proverb prescribes
does not feel depressed or frustrated. He follows
truthful, noble and conscientious conduct of life in
the principle of selfless and detached ‘Karma’ as
all spheres, private and public. One must follow
preached by Lord Krishna in the Gita. He would
the path of truth, virtue and nobility in all
constantly keep in his mind the doctrine of
situations of life. One should conduct oneself in
disinterested doing of duty : Do thy duty, reward
life in such a way that one may not fight shy in
is not thy concern. Virtue is its own reward.
facing God in the other world. A noble and
virtuous man is God’s best creation, God’s own (4) Handsome is that Handsome Does
Ordinarily a person is considered to be
(2) Example is better than Precept
handsome if he has physical beauty and grace. But
Even a devil can quote scriptures, but only an this is a very superficial and deceptive concept of
angel can follow them. It is easy to preach but beauty. Physical beauty is a very short-lived and
difficult to practise. Theoretical preaching is very transitory phenomenon. No physical thing can
ever last against the ravages of time. So says the sword or the military force are short-lived,
Shakespeare : while those of the pen or the intellect are
Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor permanent and universal. The empires conquered
boundless sea, by Alexander, Caesar, Genghiskhan, Tamerlane,
Napoleon have all crumbled into dust and wiped
But sad mortality o’ersways their power, off, but the intellectual and ideological empires
How with this rage shall beauty hold its plea built by great thinkers and writers like Manu,
Whose action is no stronger than a flower ? Plato, Socrates, Shakespeare, Tulsi, Goethe, Karl
Wherein lies, then, permanent human beauty? Marx, Gandhi are permanent possessions and
It lies in one’s good and noble deeds. We live in rocks of shelter and succour to all mankind. The
deeds, not in years. We can immortalize ourselves great truths of life that poets, thinkers, philoso-
by doing good deeds. Physical charm is momen- phers and mystics reveal to mankind inspire,
tary, but the fragrance of good deeds is permanent. animate, elevate and sustain mankind for all time
We shall be admired, honoured and remembered if to come, while the conquests of the sword hardly
we are morally handsome, and not if we are only outlive the conqueror’s short lifespan. The pen is,
physically handsome. It is our good deeds that add therefore, certainly mightier than the sword.
to our personality, that enhance our grace and (7) The World is too much with us
charm, that ennoble us and make us really hand-
some. Wordsworth rightly says that “the world is
too much with us” and “getting and spending we
(5) Knowledge is Power lay waste our lives.” Indeed, man has become too
At the source and root of all power there is materialistic. He is so much engrossed in the
knowledge. Even physical and military power is materialistic pursuits that he has completely
lame without knowledge. It is knowledge that forgotten the higher moral, spiritual and emotional
rules the world. A man of knowledge possesses values. He has become deaf to the “still small
immense power. Behind all modern armaments voice of conscience.” He deceives, cheats, betrays,
and military manoeuvres there is scientific and falls to any low level for the sake of material
knowledge. Nature is an inexhaustible source of gains. He has lost all peace of mind and remains
power. Nature reveals all her sources of power to in constant strain and stress. He has become
a man of knowledge. It is the scientist, the man of morally bankrupt and spiritually degenerated.
knowledge, who can harness the mighty forces of There is no joy in his life, no contentment in his
nature and press them to human service. Also, no heart. If man wants to save himself, he must draw
man can be a good statesman without knowledge. a balance between his material gains and moral
A good statesman should have full knowledge not values.
only of his own country but also of the whole (8) Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly
world, of all international problems and develop- to be wise
ments. And, finally, the highest form of knowle-
dge is the knowledge of the self. Know thyself : The forbidden fruit of knowledge sometimes
this is the key of all spiritual and mystical becomes the cause of great distress and anguish.
experiences. He who has known himself has There are many situations in which lack of
known the universe. Who can, then, be more knowledge or ignorance is a great blessing. It
powerful than a man of knowledge ? Indeed, would be a great folly to probe deep and acquire
knowledge is power. knowledge into such situations. There are many
things and many situations which are beyond the
(6) The Pen is Mightier than the Sword control of man. Any attempt to acquire knowledge
The ‘pen’ in this proverbial sentence sym- about such things and situations would only bring
bolises intellectual power and the ‘sword’ stands sorrow. The future is unknown to us. It is
for physical power. The proposition, then, is shrouded in a thick veil of mystery. But if we
which is superior and stronger between intellect- could know the future, this knowledge would only
ual power and physical power ? Obviously, add to our misery. Children are so happy because
intellectual power is far more potent and lasting they have blessed ignorance : they don’t run after
than physical power. The conquests and gains of knowledge. Solomon says, “He that increaseth
294 | L.W.C.E.
knowledge increaseth sorrow.” Surely then, where (11) Sweet are the uses of adversity
ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise.
Normally adversity is a dreaded thing. No-
(9) Peace hath her victories no less body wants to fall in the grip of adversity.
renowned than war Everybody wants to live in joy, peace, plenty and
prosperity. But a closer analysis would reveal that
Ordinarily heroes of war are universally adversity has its own advantages. In the first
praised and honoured. War is recognized as the place, it is a test of man’s courage, patience,
greatest heroic exploit and victory in war as a endurance and valour. It is a test of his faith,
mark of national honour and triumph. But truly confidence and will-power. It is equally a test of
speaking, it is not always so, at least not in the loyalty and sincerity of friends, colleagues,
modern warfare. Wars involve incalculable human and members of the family. It is rightly said :
prosperity finds friends, adversity tries them. One
suffering and destruction. And even then, the
can truly understand and evaluate himself as well
achievements of war are very short lived. One war as others only in periods of adversity. He who can
leads to another war. We fight war to prepare for pass through adversity with a cool and balanced
another war. This vicious series goes on. The only mind will ultimately be successful in the world.
antidote for war is peace. The achievements of He who has not known adversity has not known
peace are far more lasting and renowned than the world.
those of war. Art, culture, philosophy, literature,
trade, commerce and such other beneficial things (12) Man is the architect of his own
flourish only during peace time. The promoters of destiny
peace such as Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Ashok, It is often believed that man is a toy in the
Gandhi are the real benefactors and saviours of hands of destiny. Our destiny is marked out for us
mankind. They are far more renowned than the at the time of our birth. Man has no role to play in
heroes of war. the determination of his fate or destiny. This is a
very fatalistic and pessimistic approach to life. It
(10) A thing of beauty is a joy for ever persuades man to be passive and inactive and
leave everything in the hands of the powers above.
An object of beauty is a source of perennial This approach is very wrong. The truth is that man
joy. It may be any object of beauty from a tiny is himself the architect of his own destiny. He is
flower to the music of spheres, but it gives joy to the maker of his own fate. It is man’s own efforts,
every human heart. The pretty face of a maiden, his own deeds that determine the course of his life.
the sweet smile of a child, the prismatic colours of A bold man, a man of faith, a man of determina-
the rainbow, the blossoms of spring, the songs of tion, a man of hope and vision would never accept
this philosophy of life. He would certainly mark
birds, the murmuring music of rivers and the
out and determine his own destiny. Napoleon used
sportive glee of the fountain have the power to to say that he carved out his destiny with his
charm every human heart. Equally powerful is the sword.
appeal of a work of art, be it a painting, a work of
sculpture or architecture, a song, a dance perfor- (13) Coming events cast their shadows
mance, or a musical concert. Great works of before
literature—the plays of Shakespeare or Kalidas, Future is always shrouded in a thick veil of
the epics of Homer, Milton or Tulsi, the poetry of mystery. Man cannot know what is going to
Spenser, Keats or Tagore, the stories and novels of happen in future. Yet if we closely understand and
Maupassant, Dickens or Prem Chand are perennial analyse the present, we can form some ideas as to
sources of aesthetic pleasure. Therefore Keats what the future is going to be. There is a logical
rightly says : link between the present and the future. There is
always a kind of background for all future events.
“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever :
We can judge the character and personality of a
Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into man by analysing his childhood. Clouds begin
nothingness.” togather in the sky before it rains. Situations of
distrust, tension and animosity begin to develop He works in a detached spirit without any near or
before a war breaks out. We can anticipate a distant aim in view. He overcomes all temptations,
man’s future success or failure by assessing his desires and weaknesses that flesh is heir to. But
present. This is so because coming events cast there is one thing that the greatest and noblest of
their shadows before. men have not been able to overcome, and that is
the desire to fame. Even the greatest and noblest
(14) Every sable cloud has a silver of men have this weakness. They desire to be
lining recognized for their services and be remembered
Every situation of life has a blending of good for long. History bears testimony to the fact that
and evil. There is nothing absolutely bad as there even the greatest martyrs desired to have fame in
is nothing absolutely good. Even the worst and their life-time and after. It is only the supermen
darkest situation of life has some element of like Christ, Buddha, Mahavira, Gandhi who can
goodness in it. Our sorrows and sufferings purify overcome this temptation.
our soul. Adversity makes us bold, couragious and (17) Discretion is the better part of
adventurous. Our failures pave the way for our valour
success. Fever purges our entire physical system.
And death holds out a promise for a new life. Courage and bravery are admirable qualities.
There is indeed a silver lining behind every sable One who dares nothing, gains nothing. A coward
cloud. What we need to have is a deep insight and can do nothing; he can achieve nothing. But
clear vision to see everything rightly. We should courage and bravery should be exercised with
not be disheartened when adverse situations come. discretion and wisdom. Thoughtless and indiscreet
We should go by faith, by hope, by vision, and display of bravery may do more harm than good.
then we shall find a silver lining behind every There are certain situations in which patience and
sable cloud. forbearance would do better than valour.
Sometimes it may be advisable to keep away from
(15) It is never too late to mend the path of danger or challenge. If a huge flood
Human life is a tale of errors and follies. wave comes rising against you, or if you find
Nobody is infallible. We all commit errors and yourself in the midst of flames, or if you are
mistakes out of ignorance or inexperience. Man confronted unarmed with a wounded tiger, or if
learns by experience, and in the process of you are ambushed by a gang of communal
acquiring experience man often stumbles and falls fanatics, your discretion should prompt you to run
down. An intelligent and aspiring man would away from the spot and save yourself. Discretion
learn from his mistakes and failings. Every should be the watchword of the brave. We should
mistake is a lesson, a living sermon. All errors and remember Milton’s words : “Fools rush in where
mistakes should be corrected. No mistake should angels fear to tread.”
be repeated a second time. It is never too late to (18) The child is father of the man
mend. This is the surest way of getting success
and happiness in life. If we just keep on brooding The personality and character of a man is not
over our mistakes without trying to mend them, a freak of nature. There is always a regular pattern
we shall make our life miserable. No stage is too and consistent growth in the formation of man’s
late to rectify one’s mistakes and come to the right character. The seed of one’s character and
path. personality is laid in one’s infancy. There is then a
consistent growth from infancy to childhood, from
(16) Fame is the last infirmity of the childhood to youth, and from youth to age. As the
noble mind child is today, the man would be tomorrow. What
Milton says in his famous elegy Lycidas : a man is going to be can be well guessed from his
childhood. The child is the man himself on a
“Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth
miniature scale, having all the potentialities of
future growth. History bears testimony to the fact
That last infirmity of the noble mind.” that all great men showed signs of their greatness
A noble man does his duty and serves man- in their formative years in childhood. The growth
kind without any expectation of reward or gain. and evolution of their personality could well be
296 | L.W.C.E.
discerned from the very beginning of their lives. (21) To travel hopefully is better
Therefore utmost attention should be paid to a than to arrive
child in his formative years. It is this great truth
that Wordsworth enshrines in the famous line : Man lives by hope. Hope is the sustaining
“The child is father of the man.” force. Human life is a long journey from hope to
hope. When one hope breaks, the next hope
(19) If Winter comes, can Spring allures man and prompts him to keep on the
be far behind ? journey. Thus from hope to hope man travels until
There is always a regular cyclic order in the end of the journey comes in death. Further, life
nature. Sunrise and sunset, day and night, winter is a prolonged struggle, a persistent endeavour to
and summer, autumn and spring, growth and achieve some ideal, some cherished goal. The
decay regularly follow each other. So is there a efforts made towards achieving this goal are more
regular cyclic order in human life and fortunes. pleasure-giving than the goal itself. As soon as the
Joy and sorrow, rise and fall, success and failure, goal is achieved, its charm vanishes. The journey
fortune and misfortune, birth and death successi- towards the moon was more thrilling than the
vely follow each other. There cannot be a perma- landing on the moon. As soon as man put his foot
nent winter, as there cannot be a permanent on the surface of the moon, he found it a barren
spring; so in life there cannot be a permanent land of rocks and dust. Immediately the charm
period of misfortunes as there cannot be a perma- was broken. Surely, then, to travel hopefully is
nent period of fortune. So man should have faith better than to arrive.
in the moral order of God. No period of depres- (22) The old order changeth yielding
sion and misfortune, of failure and frustration, of place to the new
sorrow and suffering can ever be a permanent
phase of life. This embodies a philosophy of Change is the law of nature. Everything dead
sterling faith, hope and optimism. This is the or alive, animate or inanimate is changing
message of Shelley, the revolutionary idealist, in continuously. Even the stars, the planets, the earth,
this famous line quoted from his “Ode to the West the oceans and mountains and the uncontrollable
Wind.” forces of nature are constantly changing. In the
living world of men, animals and plants things
(20) Politics is the last refuge of the change even more fast and perceptibly. The old
scoundrel order must change and give place to the new. This
The word “politics” has today become is the process of evolution and progress. Old
synonymous with “treachery” or “opportunism”. It cultures and civilizations, old customs and man-
has degenerated into a foul profession. It has been ners, old systems and institutions, old thoughts
grossly commercialized. Everything is fair in and beliefs have changed and gone and given
politics. Changing the party, crossing the floor, place to the new ones. Ancient kingdoms and
changing the colour of the cap, politicizing the empires have gone. Ancient palaces and monu-
national problems and calamities, raising the ments, forts and castles, temples and churches
governments today and pulling them down
have all gone. The old generation is gradually
tomorrow have become commonplace things in
political life today. The result is that honest and dying out and new generation is coming up. The
noble people try to keep away from politics. The new generation must replace the old one. This is
scoundrels often use politics as an umbrella to the natural process of change, evolution and
protect themselves from the arm of law. But it progress.
would be equally wrong to suggest that all (23) More things are wrought by
politicians are scoundrels. There are many who prayer than the world dreams of
are honest, noble, selfless, honourable and really
dedicated to the service of the motherland. But a When all human efforts fail, man takes to
big majority of them are really bad and they have prayer. And very often prayers bring miraculous
brought infamy to the whole class. results. But the condition is that the prayer should
Rule 7—If a Suffix is to be added to words Note—But these are correct—Efficient, ancient,
ending in y preceded by a consonant, y is sufficient.
changed into i. But if the suffix ing is to Neither, either, their, height.
be added, y is not changed into i. As—
Note—Remember that the Rule regarding the use
Happy — happily of ei or ie is applicable only in the words
Beauty — beautiful pronounced as bee (with e stressed), and
Mercy — merciful not other words as listed under the Note
Duty — dutiful
But : Exercise
Marry — marrying (a) Add ei or ie to the following—
Carry — carrying Conc . . t ; hyg . . ne ; glac . . r ; ach . . ve
; ch . . f ; rel . . f ; perc . . ve ; gr . . ve ;
Try — trying rec . . pt ; retr . . ve ; pr . . st ; s . . ze ;
Ply — plying bel . . f ; dec . . ve ; conc . . t ; n . . gh ;
Note— y . . ld ; br . . f ; n . . ce ; forf . . t ; l . .
ge ; surf . . t ; f . . gn.
(1) If there is a Vowel before the last y in the
base word, the y is not changed. As— (b) Add full to the following—
Pray — prayed Duty, beauty, skill, change, bounty, plenty,
awe, care, grace.
Play — played
(c) Add ed or ing to the following—
(2) The following are the exceptions to this
rule : Commit, put, get, sit, pin, sin, hit, give,
live, move, prove, remove, run, spin, pit,
Beauteous, piteous, bounteous, plenteous, dig, split, can, ride, fly, try, cry, deny, spy.
shyly, shyness, dryness, slyly, slyness.
Ans :
Rule 8—If the Suffix full is to be added to the
words ending in ll, one l both from the (a) Conceit; hygiene; glacier; achieve; chief;
base word and the suffix is dropped. relief; perceive; grieve; receipt; retrieve;
As— priest; seize; belief; deceive; conceit;
neigh; yield; brief; niece; forfeit; liege;
Skill + full = skilful surfeit; feign.
Will + full = wilful (b) Dutiful; beautiful; skilful; changeful;
Notice—Full + fill = fulfil is also correct. bountiful; plentiful; awful; careful;
Rule 9—In case of doubt whether ei or ie will be
correct in the spellings of a word, (c) Committed; putting; getting; sitting; pin-
remember that after c is used ei, and after ned; sinned; hitting; giving; living; mov-
other letters is used ie. As— ing; proving; removing; running; spinn-
ing; pitted; digging; splitting; canned;
Conceive, receive, perceive, deceive. riding; flying; trying; crying; denying;
Thief, belief, relief. spying.
31 Punctuation and Capitals
Punctuation Marks have a great importance in Note—
every language. Punctuation mark make the mean- (a) Full Stop marks may not be used after
ing and sense of the writer clear and precise. every letter in very popular abbrevia-
Wrong punctuation marks can distort the meaning tions. As—
and cause confusion in the mind of the reader. UNESCO, UNO, WHO
Sometimes they can completely change the entire (b) Full Stop marks are not used after Mr &
meaning. Therefore we give below all the impor- Mrs also.
tant punctuation marks and explain how and
(c) 1st, 2nd, 3 rd, 4th, etc. also don’t take
where they are to be used.
Full Stop marks after them.
The following are the important punctuation
marks used in the English Language— (2) Comma ( , )
(1) Full Stop ( . ) It is the smallest pause, and is used in the
(2) Comma ( , ) following conditions—
(3) Colon ( : ) Rule 1—To separate a series of words of the same
part of speech from each other. But the
(4) Semicolon ( ; )
number of such words in the same series
(5) Mark of Interrogation ( ? ) should not be less than three. Before the
(6) Mark of Exclamation ( ! ) last word in the series conjunction ‘and’
(7) Dash ( — ) is added, and before the ‘and’ a comma
may or may not be used. As—
(8) Parentheses brackets ( )
(i) I have seen Bombay, Calcutta, Madras
(9) Inverted commas or Quotation Marks “ ”
and Bangalore.
(10) Hyphen ( - )
(a comma can also be used before ‘and’)
(11) Apostrophe ( ’ )
(ii) There are in this zoo all kinds of birds,
(1) Full Stop ( . ) animals, reptiles, and monkeys.
Rule 1—It is used at the end of every complete (The comma before and can be removed
Assertive or Imperative sentence. It is also.)
not used at the end of Interrogative or Rule 2—To separate pairs of words used in the
Exclamatory sentences. (After these same series. As—
sentences Interrogative or Exclamatory
marks are used.) (i) They sell here books and magazines,
note-books and diaries, greeting cards
Rule 2—A Full Stop is also used after every letter and picture-books.
of an Abbreviation. As—
(ii) High and low, rich and poor, proud and
M.L.A. ; M.P. ; D.S.O. ; S.T. Kukreja humble, all assemble here.
Full stops are also used in such shortened Rule 3—To separate two or more than two
expressions as—etc., e.g., i.e., Ibid., op. Adverb or Adjective phrases coming
cit. after each other. As—
(i) Then, after waiting for more than an (iii) Let us not, I pray you, part like this.
hour, we saw him coming out. (iv) Your behaviour, in my opinion, is not
(ii) Thereupon, at last, he broke down. courteous.
Rule 4—To separate small co-ordinate clauses in Rule 10—In place of a word left out in a sentence,
a compound sentence. As— specially a verb (left out as understood).
(i) He came, he saw, he conquered. As—
(ii) The weather was pleasant, the wind was (i) He received a medal; I, a prize.
calm, the hills all round were green.
(ii) You went to Calcutta; he, to Bombay.
(iii) Storms may blow and clouds may burst,
but I must go. (iii) He secured first division; you, second.
(No Comma is used when two co–ordi- Rule 11—To separate an Adverbial clause from
nate clauses are connected with a co– the Principal clause. But if the Adverbial
ordinate conjunction) clause comes after the Principal clause,
Rule 5—To mark a Nominative of Address or no comma is used. As—
Vocative Subject. As— (i) If you go to office, please submit my
(i) Ram, what are you doing ? application.
(ii) Milton, thou should’st be living at this (ii) When I was at Kanpur, I met your father.
hour ! (iii) Inform me when you come back.
(iii) What will you do now, my friend ? Rule 12—A comma is placed between the name
Rule 6—To separate a Nominative Absolute. of a person and his Degrees or Titles. If
As— there are several Degrees, a comma is
(i) This done, we shall proceed further. placed after each Degree. As—
(ii) The weather being pleasant, we proposed B.K. Acharya, M.A., Ph.D., D. Litt.
to go on a picnic. Mrs. Sarojini Naidu, Governor of Uttar
(iii) Having reached there, he addressed a Pradesh.
public meeting. Rule 13—A comma is also used between a long
Rule 7—To separate a Noun and its Phrase in Subject and its Verb. As—
Apposition. A comma is placed on both
the sides of such Nouns or Phrases. As— (i) All that he said before he set sail, was
long remembered by all.
(i) Nelson, the great wrestler, has won.
(ii) Milton, the great poet, was blind. (ii) Whatever he spoke from the pulpit on the
Christmas day, turned out to be true.
(iii) Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the
Nation, is worshipped as an apostle. Rule 14—To separate a Noun Clause from the
Rule 8—On both the sides of a phrase that can be Verb of the principal clause, if the Noun
developed into a sentence, and which is clause comes immediately before the
not merely a qualifying phrase. As— Principal Verb. As—
(i) Gandhi, having acquired the degree of (i) Whatever is, is right.
Bar-at-Law, returned to India. (ii) Whoever comes, is welcome.
(ii) Our team, having won the series, retur-
(iii) That he is a rogue, no one could believe.
ned last month.
Rule 9—On both the sides of some typical words, Rule 15—To separate a Direct quotation from
phrases or clauses used within a sentence. the rest of the sentence. As—
As— (i) He said, “I am a sailor.”
(i) He, however, did not return before sun- (ii) “What will you do”, he asked, “if I with-
set. draw my help ?”
(ii) He is, after all, your brother and you (iii) “Go home”, said my father, “and help
must help him. your brother.”
302 | L.W.C.E.
(3) Colon ( : or :— ) (ii) The bell rang; the students assembled for
prayer; the Principal addressed them; the
After Full Stop the next complete pause is day’s work was resumed.
expressed by colon. The colon is written as (: ) or
(:–). It is used in the following cases : (5) Mark of Interrogation ( ? )
Rule 1—Before writing a Quotation. As— Mark of Interrogation is used at the end of an
Bacon says : “Reading maketh a full Interrogative sentence in the Direct Interrogative
man, writing an exact man, speaking a form. As—
ready man.” (i) Are you going home ?
Rule 2—Before drawing a list of some articles or (ii) Do you know him ?
giving examples. As—
(iii) Why do you want to meet him ?
(i) The principal cities of India are : Delhi,
Bombay, Madras, Calcutta, Bangalore, But in Indirect Narration the Interrogative
etc. sentence is converted into an Assertive sentence,
(ii) Pencils, pens, rubbers, paper, ink : these and therefore a Full Stop is used in place of Mark
are the articles sold here. of Interrogation.
Rule 3—Before gramatically independent but (i) He asked me whether I was going home.
closely connected sentences. As— (ii) He asked me why I wanted to meet him.
He can never deceive anyone : he is an
absolutely honest man. (6) Mark of Exclamation ( ! )
Mark of Exclamation is used at the end of an
(4) Semicolon ( ; )
Exclamatory sentence, or after an Interjection or
Semicolon is used in the following cases— any word or phrase suggestive of some sudden
Rule 1—Between the clauses of a compound sen- feeling.
tence when these clauses can be conver- (i) Alas ! he is ruined.
ted into complete independent sentences.
(ii) What a terrible sight it was !
(i) He is the strongest candidate; even his
rivals admit this fact. (iii) May you live long !
(ii) This is the best book available here; all (7) Dash ( — )
good students read this book. Dash is used in the following cases—
Rule 2—To separate Co–ordinate clauses in a Rule 1—In case of sudden stoppage or change of
compound sentence when they are con- thought or feeling—
nected by a conjunction, and when
If I were born in those exciting times—
commas have also been used in them.
but what is the use of such broodings ?
Rule 2—To collect scattered or stray thoughts—
(i) He was a brave, respectable person; and
he was loved and admired by all. Houses, cottages, farm-houses, cattle-
sheds, grain-stocks—all were damaged in
(ii) The event was thrilling, exciting and the floods.
momentous; and everyone watched it
with bated breath. (8) Parentheses (brackets)
Rule 3—A Semicolon is also used between the Parenthetic words, phrases and clauses are
co–ordinate clauses of a compound written within brackets. They keep the Paren-
sentence, which are not joined by any
theses separate from the main sentence. The
conjunction and which have their sepa-
rate subjects. As— Parentheses have no grammatical connection with
the main sentence. As—
(i) The train halted; the passengers rushed
forward; the vendors and hawkers had He gained from Heaven (it was all he wished)
their good sale. a friend. (Gray)
7. Some are born great some achieve great- struggle for tell me now do you sincerely
ness and some have greatness thrust upon desire to be rid of this golden touch
them. (2) On december 13 1939 three british ships
8. Even a fool before he speaks appears wise. ajax exeter and achilles under comman-
9. The student finding his notebooks gutted in der henry harwood fought the german
fire cried I am ruined. battleship admiral graf spee in the atlantic
two of the british ships had 6 inch guns
10. He therefore came down and talked to the
and one had 8 inch guns while the enemy
ship had six 11 inch guns.
11. When you come next time please bring my
book. (3) emotion is a state of the mind many
ordinary words like anger fear happiness
12. Alas he has drowned sorrow etc describe different kinds of
13. Who is there let me know who will help emotions one can study human emotions
you in several ways for instance one can
14. The teacher stood in the class and said group different emotions according to
Iwill teach you Milton today. their characteristics most emotions may
15. What a horrible accident it was be grouped into two major groups those
16. I believe moreover that he will not come that produce a feeling of pleasantness in
for I know him so well. the individual and others that produce the
feeling of unpleasantness.
17. The following is the list of books I need
18. He came he stayed with me he dined with (4) Love describes a variety of behaviour like
me and yet he did not appear to be friendly. experience of parent child affection
protective reaction friendship attachment
19. Japan the land of the rising sun is highly between men and women or attachment
industrialized. to places or things or events in other
20. This is Rams house though he does not live words love is an impulse or an instinct
here. and is not learnt through experience
21. The President said My countrymen let us (5) At one end of the road there was a small
celebrate our Republic Day with all gaiety. market from where our maid servant
22. I have visited many countries England brought us a basketful of mangoes
America Canada Japan and China. cashews and of course fish which was the
23. In fact there was nothing for me to do and main diet of the people there at the other
so I sat idle. end there was a factory which used not
manual labour but all kinds of machinery
24. My friends however having finished their
to roast and pack cashews in air tight tins
work came to visit me in the night.
so came an industry in the village.
25. He is a cruel thoughtless and haughty man.
Solution of the Above Passages
(1) “You are wiser now than you were then,
(2) Punctuate the following passages, using King Midas !” said the stranger looking
capital letters where necessary— seriously at him. “Your own heart, I per-
(1) You are wiser now than you were then ceive, has not been entirely changed from
king midas said the stranger looking the flesh to gold. Were it so, your case
seriously at him your heart i perceive has would, indeed, be desperate. But you
not been entirely changed from the flesh appear to be still capable of understanding
to gold were it so your case would indeed that the commonest things such as lie
be desperate but you appear to be still within everybody’s grasp are more valu-
capable of understanding that the com- able than the riches which so many
monest things such as lie within every- mortals sigh and struggle for. Tell me
bodys grasp are more valuable than the now, do you sincerely desire to be rid of
riches which so many mortals sigh and this Golden Touch ?”
(2) On December 13, 1939, three British (4) Love describes a variety of behaviour
ships—‘Ajax’, ‘Exeter’ and ‘Achilles’— like experience of parent-child affection,
under Commander Henry Harwood fought protective reaction, friendship, attachment
the German battleship ‘Admiral Graf between men and women, or attachment
Spee’ in the Atlantic. Two of the British to places or things or events. In other
ships had 6-inch guns and one had 8-inch
words, love is an impulse or an instinct,
guns, while the enemy ship had six 11-
inch guns. and is not learnt through experience.
(3) Emotion is a state of the mind. Many (5) At one end of the road there was a small
ordinary words like anger, fear, happi- market from where our maid-servant
ness, sorrow, etc., describe different kinds brought us a basketful of mangoes,
of emotions. One can study human cashews and, of course, fish which was
emotions in several ways. For instance, the main diet of the people there. At the
one can group different emotions accord-
other end, there was a factory which used
ing to their characteristics. Most emotions
may be grouped into two major groups— not manual labour, but all kinds of
those that produce a feeling of pleasant- machinery to roast and pack cashews in
ness in the individual, and others that air-tight tins. So came an industry in the
produce the feeling of unpleasantness. village !
32 Figures of Speech
Figures of Speech Or
“A figure of speech is a departure from the “A Metaphor is a condensed form of Simile in
ordinary form of expression, or the ordinary which comparison between two different objects
course of ideas, in order to produce a greater is shown without the use of such words as like, as
effect.” (Wren) or so.”
In other words, Figures of Speech make the In other words, Simile and Metaphor are
use of words typically suggestive and artistic, and Figures of the same category. Metaphor is only a
make the style strikingly effective, beautiful and condensed form of Simile. Metaphor does not
ornamental. The Figures of Speech are an essen- need the use of such comparative words as like,
tial part of the poetic style of writing. For poetry as, s o. Therefore, a metaphor can be expanded
they are indispensable. They impart a peculiar into a Simile, and a Simile can be condensed into
brilliance and charm to poetry. The following are a metaphor. As—
the main Figures of Speech used in English. 1. Camel is the ship of the desert.
1. Simile : 2. Gandhiji was the guiding star of the des-
tiny of India.
“In a Simile a comparison is made between
two objects of different kinds which have, how- 3. Shivaji was the lion of the Peshwa dyna-
ever, at least one point in common.” sty.
In this figure two different objects, possessing 4. Life is a tale told by an idiot,
at least one common point between them, are Full of sound and fury ……
brought to comparison. Two similar objects are
not compared under this Figure.
5. Her only son is the lamp of her life.
It should also be remembered that the point of
similarity in Simile is expressed by the words like, 3. Personification :
so, as. For example :
“In Personification inanimate objects and
1. She is as lovely as a rose. abstract notions are spoken of as having life and
2. Rana Pratap was brave like a lion. intelligence.” (Wren)
3. O my love’s like a red, red rose, Under this Figure, inanimate objects are
That’s newly sprung in June. bestowed with human feelings and sensitivities.
(Ben Jonson) As—
4. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; 1. There Honour comes a pilgrim grey.
Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like
the sea. (Wordsworth) 2. Death lays his icy hand on kings.
2. Metaphor: 3. A lie has no legs.
“A Metaphor is an implied (or condensed) 4. Opportunity knocks at the door but once.
Simile.” (Wren) 5. Nature bemoaned the death of the bride.
1. Is life worth living ? That depends upon Under this Figure, two opposite or contra-
the liver. dictory ideas are expressed in the same sentence.
2. An ambassador is a man who lies abroad This is meant to give emphasis. As—
for the good of his country. 1. To err is human, to forgive divine.
11. Metonymy : 2. Man proposes, God disposes.
3. God made the country, man made the
“In Metonymy an object is designated by the
name of something which is generally associated
with it.” (Wren) 4. Many are called, but few are chosen.
‘Metonymy’ is a Greek word made of two 14. Transferred Epithet :
words—Meta + Onoma. ‘Meta’ means ‘after’, “In this figure an epithet is transferred from
and ‘Onoma’ means ‘name’. Under this Figure, a its proper word to another that is closely
thing is not called by its own name, but by some associated with it in the sentence.” (Wren)
quality or attribute associated with it. For instance,
‘sword’ may be used for the ‘soldier’, or ‘pen’ Under this Figure, an adjective or an epithet is
for the ‘writer’. As— transferred and applied to an associated object in
place of the object proper. As—
1. The pen (author) is mightier than the
sword (the soldier). 1. He passed a sleepless night.
2. Sceptre and crown (i.e. kings). 2. The ploughman homeward plods his weary
way. (Gray)
Must tumble down ;
3. He received a mortal wound.
And in the dust be equal made
4. I cannot live on dishonourable bread.
With the poor crooked scythe and spade.
(i.e. peasants). Exercise
3. The bar (lawyers) and the bench (judges) Name the Figures of Speech used in the
are complementary to each other. following sentences :
4. He won the laurels (i.e. reward). 1. Life is a dream.
5. Please address the chair (i.e. chairman). 2. Revenge is a kind of wild justice.
12. Synecdoche : 3. The righteous shall flourish as the palm
“In Synecdoche a part is used to designate the
4. Ye are the salt of the earth.
whole or the whole to designate a part.” (Wren)
5. Suspicions among thoughts are like bats
In other words, a part is used for the whole,
among birds; they fly best by night.
and the whole is used for the part. As—
6. O World ! O Life ! O Time ! On whose last
1. Give us this day our daily bread (i.e.
steps I climb.
7. O Wind ! If winter comes, can spring be far
2. I have many mouths (i.e. persons) to feed.
behind ?
3. England (i.e. the team of England) have
won. 8. The press is the fourth estate.
4. A fleet of twenty sails (i.e. ships) passed 9. Words are like leaves; and where they most
by our coast. abound,
5. The best brains (i.e. scholars) have Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.
assembled here. 10. Life is as tedious as a twice-told tale.
13. Antithesis : 11. Why, man, if the river were dry, I am able
to fill it with tears.
“In Antithesis a striking opposition or con-
trast of words or sentiments is made in the same 12. I loved Ophelia; forty thousand brothers
sentence. It is employed to secure emphasis.” Could not with all their quantity of love
(Wren) Make up the sum.
(a) My dear Mohan—For very intimate (3) For persons distantly related, or only
friends. officially concerned we should write Dear Sir (for
(b) Dear Mohan—For slightly less intimate men) and Dear Madam (for women).
than under (a) friends. (4) Teachers and officers should be addressed
(c) Dear Mr. Mohan—For very little inti- as Sir or Dear Sir.
mate friends. (5) In pure English culture expressions like
It is not proper to show too much intimacy Honoured Sir or Respected Sir are not correct
with persons senior or superior to you. Therefore addresses. They are only Indianisms that should
they should always be addressed as Dear Mr / be avoided. Respected Father or Respected
Shri. Mother are also Indianisms.
36 Dates and Time
There is a lot of confusion regarding the Let us now consider how to speak out these
writing and speaking of Dates, Years, and Time dates—
in English. We give below the correct method of Written Spoken
writing and telling them. 25 October the twenty-fifth of October
Dates—Dates can be written in the following October 25 October twenty-five or twenty-fifth
four ways : October 25th October the twenty-fifth
(1) 25 October, 25. 10. 93 Twenty-five, ten, ninety-three.
(2) October 25, Years—There is no difference in the method
(3) October 25th, of writing the years, but there is a difference in
speaking them out. In this connection the follow-
(4) 25. 10. 93 . ing points should be kept in mind—
(a) All these four methods are correct, but pre- (1) The whole centuries upto 1900 should be read/
ference should be given to the First method. spoken as follows :
(b) For dates below ten (i.e., 1 to 9) the second 1600 = Sixteen hundred (not one thousand
method should be avoided as far as possible. six hundred)
1700 = Seventeen hundred (not one thou-
(c) The third method is good for all dates, but it
sand seven hundred)
should be given second preference after the
First method. Similarly, Eighteen hundred, Nineteen hun-
dred, etc.
(d) There can be much confusion in the use (2) But years 2000 or above should be spoken in
of the Fourth method, therefore it should not thousands. As—
be used very frequently. There is a great
2000 = Two thousand (not twenty hundred)
difference in the English system and the
American system in the use of the Fourth 2500 = Two thousand five hundred (not
twenty-five hundred)
method. In the English system the three
numerical figures serially stand for day– (3) If figures from 1 to 9 are to be added after
month–year, and in the American system for hundreds, the word hundred must be read /
month–day–year. This difference in the spoken. As—
English and American systems can lead to 1705 = Seventeen hundred and five (not
serious error in the interpretation of the date, seventeen five)
month, and year. For example, 8. 10. 1995 in 1809 = Eighteen hundred and nine (not
the English system would mean 8 October, eighteen nine)
1995, but in the American system it would 1903 = Nineteen hundred and three (not
mean 10 August, 1995. Thus the same date nineteen three)
would have two connotations. This kind of (4) If figures from 10 and above are to be added
confusion should be avoided by avoiding the after hundreds, the word hundred is not
fourth method of writing the dates. read / spoken
318 | L.W.C.E.
1735 = Seventeen thirty-five (not seventeen (3) Minutes up to thirty are referred to as
hundred thirty-five) ‘past that hour’, and minutes thirty
1853 = Eighteen fifty-three (not eighteen onwards are referred to as ‘to the next
hundred fifty-three) hour’.
1914 = Nineteen fourteen (not nineteen Thus :
hundred and fourteen) 2·15 = Quarter past two
Time—Time is written/spoken in two ways : 3·30 = Half past three
(1) By figures, as—
3·45 = Quarter to four (next hour)
8.35; 9.25; 11.40
(4) With complete hour we use O’clock ; but
This method is popularly used in T i m e–
if the reference is to hours and minutes,
tables and official notices. In this method,
we do not use O’clock. For example, 9
the numerical figure before the Full–stop
O’clock, 4 O’clock, five O’clock, ten
denotes Hours, and the figure after the Full–
O’clock, etc. are correct. But 4.25 O’clock
Stop denotes Minutes. They are read/spoken
or three twenty O’clock are wrong.
as—Eight thirty–five ; Nine twenty–five ;
Eleven forty, etc. (5) The period from 12 O’clock at mid–night
(2) In conversational form : to 12 O’clock at noon is called ‘a.m.’,
while the period from 12 O’clock at noon
(1) In conversational form words past and to to 12 O’clock at mid–night is called ‘p.m.’
are popularly used. ‘Past’ means ‘so
many minutes after a certain hour’, and In conversation, however, a.m. and p.m.
‘to’ means ‘so many minutes before the are not often used. In their place we often
next hour’. In both these expressions use morning, noon, after noon, evening,
minutes are placed before Past or to, and night, etc. For example, we say ten
hour after them. Further, in this method O’clock in the morning, 4·30 in the after
the minutes up to thirty are expressed in noon, six thirty (or half past six) in the
relation to the preceding hour (as so evening, ten forty at night, etc. Twelve at
many minutes p a s t that hour), and midnight is called 12 O’clock at night,
minutes thirty onwards are expressed in and twelve O’clock in the day is called 12
relation to the next hour (as so many at noon.
minutes to that hour, i.e. short of the next Keeping all the above–noted points in mind,
hour). Thus ‘Twelve past one’ means we give below a Table showing : How to write
‘twelve minutes over one O’clock’. In the Time in figures, How to read the Time–figures,
same way, ‘fourteen minutes past eleven’ and how to speak them in conversation :
means ‘fourteen minutes over eleven
O’clock’. Against it, ‘seven minutes to Time in Conversational
How to read
three’ means ‘seven minutes short of three figures Form
O’clock.’ Also, if before ‘past’ or ‘to’ 10·00 Ten O’clock Ten O’clock
five, ten, twenty, or twenty–five minutes 11·05 Eleven five Five minutes past
are to be used, the word ‘minute’ remains eleven
silent or understood ( i.e. it is not
spoken), but with other numbers the word 11·15 Eleven fifteen Quarter past eleven
‘minute’ is read or spoken out. Thus, we 12·30 Twelve thirty Half past twelve
shall say ‘ten past five’ or ‘ten to five’, 2·20 Two twenty Twenty past two
but ‘twelve minutes past five’ or ‘twelve
5·45 Five forty-five Quarter to six
minutes to five’.
(2) ‘Fifteen minutes past’ is called ‘Quarter 10·58 Ten fifty-eight Two minutes to
past’ and ‘Fifteen minutes to’ is called eleven
‘Quarter to’. In the same way, ‘thirty 11·45 Eleven forty-five Quarter to twelve
minutes past’ is called ‘Half past’, and 12·00 Twelve O’clock Twelve O’clock
‘Forty–five minutes to’ is called ‘Quarter (at noon / at night
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. time, the beginning of a new journey which will
Q. 2. Give the central idea of the above test the toughness of your mental and moral
fibre, the efficiency of your university training.
The new experiences, the new problems and the
Q. 3. Why is youth called the golden period of new situation will demand from you the exercise
one’s life ? of qualities for whose fostering the university
Q. 4. Explain the words and phrases i n bold functions. The future will give the powers and
letters in the above passage. responsibilities to you. The historic role of large
Q. 5. Make verbs from the following words : educated classes, in the building up of a new India
cannot be over-estimated. If a leader is one who
Sympathy; human; infection; deep;
knows where he is going, who has a firm grasp of
the insights and intuitions which have made our
Answers civilization so enduring, and who can harness
Ans. 1. The proper title to the passage would them to every aspect of life, it is only the
be : “Glory of Youth.” universities that can train men for leadership. The
universities are more than institutions for higher
Ans. 2. Dr. Jayakar says that youth is the learning and professional training; they are called
formative period in one’s life. A man remains upon to educate the younger generation, form its
untouched by social, religious and political biases character and create a new type of intellectual
and prejudices during the period of youth. He can leader. —Dr. Radhakrishnan.
establish better contacts with the people of other
countries and nationalities. Thus while age Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
divides, youth unites. Youth promates goodwill, Q. 2. Give the central idea of the above
sympathy and cooperation. passage
Ans. 3. Youth is the formative period of one’s Q. 3. What is the role of young students in the
life. It is the period of hopes, enthusiasm and national life ?
energy. One’s career is formed in youth. Therefore Q. 4. Explain the words and phrases i n bold
it is called the golden period. letters in the above passage.
Ans. 4. Formative period …… life—the Q. 5. Use the following words both a s nouns
period in which one’s character and career are and verbs :
formed. End; sense; demand; exercise; grasp;
Are not yet set—are not yet formed or fixed. term; harness.
They encompass all—they include all. Answers
Casual examination—a passing scrutiny or Ans. 1. A suitable title to the above passage
review. would be : “Role of Universities.”
Untouched b y……prejudices—not tainted Ans. 2. Dr. Radhakrishnan says that univer-
or coloured by any kind of prejudice, dislike or ill- sities play a very vital role in the life of the
will. individual and national life. Universities supply a
Ans. 5. Formation of verbs— regular stream of educated and responsible gene-
Sympathy — sympathise ration of young men. The future of India has to be
shaped by such young men. Our universities must
Human — humanise rise and come up to meet this national demand.
Infection — infect Ans. 3. As soon as a student comes out of the
Deep — deepen university he is called upon to play his role in the
Pure — purify national life. He has to play the role of a highly
enlightened, responsible and conscientious citizen.
3. (Solved) Young students must rise to meet the call of the
Graduation is only a milestone in life’s nation.
journey. It does not mark the end of the education Ans. 4. Only a milestone—only one stage in
road. In a very real sense, it is the commencement the journey of life.
Commencement time : beginning. down the smaller. For we know enough of science
Toughness ……fibre : intellectual and moral to realize that there is no such thing as perfect rest
power. or repose in this visible universe of ours. If,
therefore, material progress does not clash with
For whose fostering : for whose growth. moral progress, it must necessarily advance the
Historic role : important duty. latter. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Insights and intuitions : deep understanding and Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
moral spirit. Q. 2. Write the summary of the above passage
Who can harness : who can control. in about one-third of its length.
Ans. 5. Q. 3. What is the relationship between real and
End : Noun—This is the end of the economic progress ?
problem. Q. 4. Explain the words and phrases in bold
Verb—The problem ends here. letters in the above passage.
Sense : Noun—There is no sense in Answers
what you say. Ans. 1. Title : “Economic Vs. Real P r o-
Verb—I sense a foul play. gress”.
Demand : Noun—The demand of food- Ans. 2. Gandhiji refers to the relationship
grains is rising. between economic progres and real progress.
Verb—I demand no help from Economic progress means material advancement.
you. Real progress is moral and spiritual progress.
These two are opposed to each other. This
Exercise : Noun—This is a difficult exer-
problem has a wider application and must be
studied in its wider perspectives.
Verb—He should exercise all
Ans. 3. Gandhiji says that economic progress
his powers.
does not promote real progress. On the contrary
Grasp : Noun—The situation is under economic progress hinders real progress.
my grasp.
Ans. 4. Clash with—opposed to, run counter
Verb—Grasp the opportunity to,
when it comes.
Permanent element is us—our moral and
Train : Noun—The train is late. spiritual faculty.
Verb—The universities must Wider proposition—wider meaning.
train the youth to grow into
This visible universe—the material world
good citizens.
before us.
Harness : Noun—He died in harness.
Verb—We must harness our
natural resources. Our constitution is named democracy,
because it is in the hands not of the few but of the
4. (Solved) many. But our laws secure equal justice for all in
Does economic progress clash with real their private disputes and our public opinion
progress ? By economic progress, I take it, we welcomes and honours talents in every branch
mean material advancement without limit, and by of achievement. And as we give free play to all
real progress we mean moral progress, which in our public life, so we carry the same spirit into
again is the same thing as progress of the our daily relation with one another. We have no
permanent element in us. The subject may black looks or angry words for our neighbour if
therefore be stated thus : Does not moral progress he enjoys himself in his own way and we abstain
increase in the same proportion as material from the little acts of churlishness which, though
progress ? I know that this is a wider proposition they leave no mark, yet cause annoyance to those
than the one before us. But I venture to think that who note them. Open and friendly in our private
we always mean the wider one even when we lay intercourse, in our public acts we keep strictly
324 | L.W.C.E.
within the control of law. We acknowledge the Q. 2. What, according to the author, is the test
restraint of reverence, we are obedient to whom- of a man’s university education in life ?
so-ever is set in authority, and to the laws, more Q. 3. What are the duties and responsibilities of
specially to those which offer protection to the young graduates ?
oppressed and to those unwritten ordinances
whose transgression brings admitted shame. Q. 4. What i s the advice of the author to the
young graduates ?
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage.
Q. 5. Explain the portions in bold letters.
Q. 2. Give the summary of the above passage.
Q. 3. Explain the portions in bold letters in the
above passage. Idea—A convocation address. Appeal to the
graduates to realize their duties and responsibi-
Q. 4. “Our laws secure equal justice for all.” lities. A vast field of action lies before them. They
This is a social virtue. Find out from the should carry out their duties sincerely and
passage some other social virtues which devotedly.
democracy produces.
The first milestone—the first important
Hints stage.
Idea—Principles of democratic way of life. Arduous journey—hard courbe of life.
The citizen of democracy is free in his personal Making ……… patience—demanding much
and private life, but he is bound by laws in public sacrifice and patience from man.
life. He respects law and authority. Less showy……work—social service which
Secure equal justice—guarantee equality does not have much pomp and show but which is
and justice to all; Tal-ents……achievement— very valuable.
honour the talented man in every field of life and Rule of enlightened conscience—rule of
career; Black ………words—discouragement and upright moral conduct and spiritual values.
jealousy; Little …… churlishness—little acts of Loyalty………convictions—faith in religion
anger and jealousy; Unwritten Ordinances— and other social systems and human values
moral laws; Transgression—disobedience. inherited from the past.
6. 7.
To you who have received your degrees this The basic faith of those who believe in
afternoon will go forth the congratulations and democracy is that the common man has enough
good wishes of every one of us. Do not, however, goodwill and common-sense to govern well, that
forget the significance of this function. Today you given freedom and power, men will educate one
have reached the first milestone of your long and another, will introduce better ways of life and
arduous journey in life, not always pleasant and habits of friendly co-operation, and will in the
very often making large demands upon human long run create a new society which will give the
patience. The responsibilities of public life, poli- best possible opportunity of good life to all. A
tical contests, social injustice and inequities and believer in democracy has faith in human nature,
economic conflicts between competing interests in the goodwill and political ability of the
will claim the attention of some of you. To others common man.
may fall the less showy but more beneficent But uneducated people with no experience of
work of social service. Whatever the sphere of life self-government are quite incapable of suddenly
you may be called upon to play your part in, the making a success of democracy. All history shows
eyes of your university will always be upon you. that stable democracy is a slow growth, that the
You can add to her pride or put her to shame by people must have a long experience of self-
your conduct and action. In the end, in the midst government and responsibility in many walks of
of the conflicts that you will have to face, let the life, only then can they learn those qualities of
rule of enlightened conscience and loyalty to tolerance, of common-sense, of co-operation and
your convictions guide your path. of judgement which are essential in the citizens of
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. a democracy.
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. Q. 2. Give the substance of the above passage
Q. 2. Explain the portions in bold letters in the in one-third of its original length.
above passage. Q. 3. What impression do you form about the
character of Pt. Nehru from the above
Q. 3. Answer briefly the following questions in passage ?
your own words—
Q . 4. Explain the phrases and sentences in
(I) What is the basic faith of those who bold letters above.
believe in democracy ?
(II) What qualities are essential for the
citizen of a democracy? Idea—Pt. Nehru’s wife Kamla had fallen
seriously ill when he was in prison. Authorities
Hints sent proposals to him that he could be released
Idea—Democracy is built on the faith of from jail if he promised not to take part in politics.
goodness and proficiency in the common man, the Pt. Nehru gave no such assurance. He knew that
common citizen of a democracy must be cons- Kamla herself would not feel happy if he did any
cious of his civic rights and duties. Uneducated such thing.
citizens with no experience of civic life cannot Intermediaries—agents of the authorities
make democracy a success. Informal—verbal.
Basic faith—primary conception, faith at the Pledges—oaths of serving the country.
starting point. Cause—relating to independence.
Self-government—democratic form of gove- Conceit—vanity.
rnment. Predicament—embarrassing position.
Stable democracy—strong and lasting demo- Dilemma—difficult situation
cracy. Undertaking—promise, assurance.
8. 9.
Suggestion came to me through various Freedom has assuredly given us a new status
intermediaries that if I could give an assurance, and new opportunities. But it is also implied that
even an informal assurance, to keep away from we should discard selfishness, laziness and all
politics for the rest of my term, I would be narrowness of outlook. Our freedom suggests
released to attend on Kamla. Politics was far toil and the creation of new values for old ones.
enough from my thoughts just then, and the We should so discipline ourselves as to be able to
politics I had seen during my eleven days outside discharge our new responsibilities satisfactorily. If
had disgusted me, but to give an assurance and there is any one thing that needs to be stressed
to be disloyal t o m y pledges, to the cause, t o more than any other in the new set-up, it is that we
colleagues, t o my self, it was an impossible should put into action our full capacity, each one
condition whatever happened. To do so meant of us, in productive effort—each one of us in his
inflicting a moral injury on the roots of my own sphere, however humble work, unceasing
being, on almost everything I held sacred. I was work, should now be our watch word. Work is
told that Kamla’s condition was becoming worse wealth and service is happiness. Nothing else is.
and worse, and my presence by her side might The greatest crime in India today is idleness. If we
make all the difference between life and death. root out idleness, all our difficulties including
Was my personal conceit and pride greater than even conflicts will gradually disappear. Whether a
my desire to give her this chance ? It might have constable or a high official of the State, whether as
been a terrible predicament for me, but fortunately businessman or industrialist, artisan or farmer or
that dilemma did not face me in that way at least. peasant, each one of us should discharge his
Knowing that Kamla herself would strongly obligation to the state and make a contribution to
disapprove of my giving any undertaking and if the welfare of the country. Honest work is the
I did anything of the kind, it would shock her and sheet-anchor to which we should cling if we want
harm her, I felt morally enlightened. to be saved from danger or difficulty. It is the
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. fundamental law of progress.
326 | L.W.C.E.
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. Q. 3. Explain the portions in bold letters.
Q. 2. Summarise the above passage in about Q. 4. Expand the idea contained in “Hate the
sixty-five words. sin and not the sinner.”
Q. 3. What duties and responsibilities have Hints
been bestowed on us by freedom ? Idea—Here is an explanation of the true spirit
Q. 4. Explain the portions in bold letters. of Ahimsa. Ahimsa prescribes love and respect for
Hints every human being irrespective of his actions. We
should hate the sin but not the sinner. To hate any
Idea—Freedom has bestowed new duties and individual would be to hate the divine spark which
responsibilities on us. We have to work hard with dwells within everyone of us.
all our capacity for the preservation of our
freedom. Work is the basic condition for securing Approbation—approval, admiration.
progress, prosperity and security. Disapprobation—disapproval, condemnation.
New status—new position of trust and res- Precept—moral principle
ponsibility. Tantamount to—equal to
Discard—give up, do away with. Tarred with the same brush—The charac-
Unceasing work—regular habit of working ters of all human beings are painted by the same
hard. brush of God, and hence there is no difference
Root out—eliminate, drive out. between one individual and the other.
Artisan—One engaged in some kind of To slight—to hate and condemn.
handicraft. Those d i v i n e powers—moral and spiritual
Sheet-anchor—sheltering place. powers within every individual.
Cling—attached to. Comprehension (contd)
10. Poetry Passages
Man and his deeds are two distinct things.
Whereas a good deed should call forth appro- 11. (Solved)
bation and a wicked deed, disapprobation, the The world is too much with us; late and soon,
doer of the deet whether good or wicked, always
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers :
deserves respect or pity as the case may be. ‘Hate
the sin and not the sinner’ is a precept which, Little do we see in nature that is ours;
though easy enough to understand, is rarely We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon !
practised, and that is why the poison of hatred This sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
spreads in the world.
The winds that will be howling at all hours
This form of Ahimsa is the basis of search for
And are up-gather’d now like sleeping flowers;
truth. I am realising every day that the search is
vain unless it is founded on Ahimsa as the basis. It For this, for everything, we are out of tune :
is quite proper to resist and attack a system but It moves us not—Great God ! I’d rather be
to resist and attack its author is tantamount to A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn :
resisting and attacking oneself. For we are all
tarred with the same brush, and the children of So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
one and the same creator and as such the divine Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
powers within us are infinite. To slight a single Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
human being is to slight those divine powers and Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.
thus to harm not only that being but with him the
whole world. —W. Wordsworth
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above passage. Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above poem.
Q. 2. Summarise Mahatma Gandhi’s views on Q. 2. Write the substance of the above poem.
Ahimsa as given in the above passage. Q. 3. Why are we drifting away from Nature ?
Q. 4. Explain the expressions in bold letters in But O for the touch of a vanish’d hand,
the above poem. And the sound of a voice that is still !
Answers Break, break, break,
Ans. 1. The title of the poem is : “The World At the foot of thy crags, O sea !
Is Too Much with Us.” But the tender grace of a day that is dead
Ans. 2. The poet criticises the material civili- Will never come back to me.
zation of the industrial age. Man is so engrossed in
economic activities that he can hardly find time to —Lord Tennyson
perceive the beauty of Nature. He sees no beauty Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above poem.
in the sea heaving in moon-lit night or in the soft Q. 2. Write the substance of the above poem.
fragrant breezes blowing in the morning. The poet Q. 3 . How d o the fisherman’s boy a n d t h e
wants to love and worship Nature as the abode of sailor’s lad express their joy ?
gods and goddesses and for that he is prepared
even to renounce Christanity and become a Q. 4. Explain the expressions in bold letters in
Heathen devotee. the above poem.
Ans. 3. We are drifting away from nature Answers
because we have no time to see her beauty. We are Ans. 1. The suitable title is “Break, Break,
so engrossed in earning and spending money that Break”.
we can hardly find time to appreciate how Ans. 2. Tennyson mourns the death of his
beautiful the different forms of nature are. Our dear friend Hallam. The waves of the ocean
love for material possessions has dried up our love dashing against the shores resemble the beatings
for nature. of the poet’s heart. He cannot, however, express
Ans. 4. The world……us—We are so badly his sad feelings adequately, even as the fisher boy
engrossed in economic and material pursuits. or the sailor lad could express their glee. The ships
A sordid boon—material gains at the cost of go and return but his dear departed friend will
enjoyment of the beauty of nature make a bad never return to him.
bargain. Ans. 3. The fisherman’s boy can freely
Howling at all hours—blowing hard all express his joy by playing with his sister and
through day and might. shouting with glee. The sailor’s lad expresses his
Suckled in a creed outworn—turning in joy by singing freely from his boat. .
devotion to a lost and archaic religious creed now Ans. 4. Thy cold grey stones—The cold and
called Heathenism. grey stony shore of the sea.
Make me less forlorn—having the sense of Their haven……hill—the safe projection of
being less lonely in the company of Heathen gods the hill over the bay under which the ships are
and goddesses in different forms of Nature. anchored;
12. (Solved) A voice that is still—the voice of a dear
friend that has been silenced for ever by death.
Break, break, break,
The touch……hand—The tender touch of
On thy cold gray stones, O Sea !
the hand of a dear friend whom death has snatched
And I would that my tongue could utter away.
The thoughts that arise in me. The tender grace of a day—The tender-
O well for the fisherman’s boy, hearted and graceful friend who has gone for ever.
That he shouts with his sister at play ! 13. (Solved)
O well for the sailor lad, Happy the man, whose wish and care
That he sings in his boat on the bay ! A few paternal acres bound,
And the stately ships go on Content to breathe his native air
To their haven under the hill; In his own ground.
328 | L.W.C.E.
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with Hours……away—who lives peacefully and
bread, contentedly from hour to hour, day to day, and
Whose flocks supply him with attire ; year to year.
Whose trees in summer yield him shade, unlamented……die—Let there be no mour-
ners to mourn his death.
In winter fire.
Blest, who can unconcernedly find 14.
Hours, days, and years slide soft away I lay in sorrow, deep distressed :
In health of body, peace of mind, My grief a proud man heard,
His looks were cold, he gave me gold
Quiet by day,
But not a kindly word.
Sound sleep by night; study and ease
My sorrow passed,—I paid him back
Together mix’d; sweet recreation,
The gold he gave to me.
And innocence, which most does please Then stood erect and spoke my thanks,
With meditation. And blessed his charity.
Thus let me live unseen, unknown; I lay in want, in grief and pain,
Thus unlamented let me die; A poor man passed my way.
Steal from the world, and not a stone He bound my head, he gave me bread,
Tell where I lie. —A Pope He watched me night and day.
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above poem. How shall I pay him back again,
Q. 2. Give the central idea of the above poem. For all he did to me ?
Q. 3. What is the last wish of the poet ? Oh, gold is great but greater far
Q. 4. Who, according to the poet, is a happy Is heavenly sympathy.
man ? Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above poem.
Q. 5. Explain the portions in bold letters in the Q. 2. Give the central idea of the above poem.
above poem. Q. 3. What is more precious than gold and
Answers why ?
Ans. 1. Title “The Quiet Life.” Q. 4. What do you learn from the poem ?
Ans. 2. The poet admires the blessings of Hints
quiet and contented life. Happy is the man who Idea—A word of sympathy is more precious
contentedly lives in his small paternal house, than Gold. Gold can be paid back, but there can be
reaping his fields, milking his cattle and fleecing no compensation for an act or word of real
his sheep. He enjoys peace of mind, purity of sympathy. Human sympathy is priceless.
feelings and joy of life. This is the poet’s ideal of
happy life from which he does not want to deviate Deep distressed—in great pain.
even after death. Stood erect—without any obligation because
Ans. 3. The peot’s last wish is that he should gold had been paid back.
be buried after his death as quietly and uncere- Watched me—nursed and helped me.
moniously as he lived in his life. Heavenly sympathy—human sympathy
Ans. 4. The man who is simple, innocent and which is a heavenly blessing.
contented is happy. Such a man enjoys peace of
mind, good health and sound sleep.
Gird on thy sword, O man, thy strength
Ans. 5. A few……bound—who contentedly
lives on the small farm left to him by his ances-
tors. In fair desire thy earth-born joy renew.
Flocks supply…………attire—whose sheep Live thou thy life beneath the making sun,
supply enough wool for their warm clothes. Till Beauty, Truth, and Love in thee are one.
Through thousand ages hath thy childhood Young men and women must gather courage and
run ! hope and fight on their way through all problems
On timeless ruin hath thy glory been; and difficulties. They should never feel depressed
or dejected. One should also cultivate the higher
From the forgotten night of loves foredone,
values of life. One should embody in his life the
Thou risest in the dawn of hopes unseen. highest ideals of Truth, Beauty and Love.
Higher and higher shall thy thoughts aspire, gird on thy sword—keep yourself in readi-
Unto the stars of heaven, and pass away, ness to fight the battle of life with courage and
And earth renew the buds of the desire boldness.
In fleeting blooms of everlasting day. Strength endue—collect all your strength.
Thy work with beauty crown, thy life with The making sun—the fostering sun; every-
love; thing matures and ripens in the sun.
Thy mind with truth uplift to God above !
Timeless ruin—ruins coming down from
For whom all is, from whom was all begun, times immemorial.
In whom all Beauty, Truth, and Love are
Dawn of hope—new beginning of hopes and
one. —Robert Bridges
Q. 1. Give a suitable title to the above poem.
Buds of the desire—flowers of desires and
Q. 2. Give the central idea of the above poem.
Q. 3. What is the poet’s message in the above
poem ? Fleeting blooms—fast vanishing desires and
Q. 4. Explain the expressions in bold letters in
the above poem. Crown—decorate with.
Hints Uplift—raise.
Idea—The poet appeals to the people From whom……begun—everything ensued
always to keep ready for more and more work. from God.
38 Precis-Writing
Importance of Precis—Precis is important “Be faithful to the original in presenting
not merely for understanding a certain language ideas, as well as the tone or the mood of the
and writing in it. It is equally important in day-to- passage. The aim (of precis-writing) is to absorb
day activities and duties in personal life and mentally the gist of the original passage, and then
official obligations. Today the important states- to re-express the meaning in one’s own way. Then
men, businessmen, and officers are so busy that the passage must, as it were, be distilled in the
they do not have time to study and comprehend alembic of the mind. It is this process which
long write-ups, notings, representations and distinguishes a good precis from one which is
speeches. Therefore their Personal Secretaries poor and mechanical. It involves concentration,
place before them the precis of all such docu- judgment, retention of ideas, wide vocabulary and
ments, which they can easily understand and originality of expression.”
dispose of. Therefore there is always a question on Length of the Precis—The Precis should be
Precis-writing in English in every important about one–third of the given passage. In most
competitive examination. A student must, there- Question–Papers the number of words in the
fore, have good practice in Precis-writing. passage is given at the end, and therefore the
What is Precis ? Precis should contain approximately one–third of
the words in the passage. A margin of ten percent
Precis (pronounced as ‘presee’) is a French more or less is permissible, but for every word
word. Its nearest equivalent in English is Precise, above or below this limit marks are deducted. This
which means ‘to shorten’. In other words, Precis is why in higher competitive examinations a
means to express the central thought of a given graph–paper is provided for writing the Precis, so
passage / document as briefly as possible. There is that the examiner can know the number of words
a difference also between Precis and Summary or used in the Precis at a glance. Therefore this rule
Central Idea. In Summary every remark, observa- regarding the length of the Precis should be
tion or thought has to be summarized irrespective carefully observed.
of whether it is important or not. Even repititions
have to be summarized over again. It is not Title of the Precis—The title of the Precis
obligatory in a Summary even to arrange the must be given, even if it is not asked. The hint for
thoughts systematically. But in Precis thoughts the title can be found in the central idea of the
have to be arranged logically and systematically. passage. In fact, the title is the central idea of the
A Summary can be loose, jerky, repetitive or central idea—the Precis of the Precis. It should
formless, but these short-comings are unpardon- also be remembered that every word of the title
able in a Precis. The Central Idea is also different (except Articles, Prepositions and Conjunctions)
from a Precis in as much as it is very short. should begin with a capital letter.
Precis as a work of art—Precis is a more Use of Third Person—Precis should always
logical, consistent, complete, and artistically be written in the Third Person, even if the
finished work of art. But the Precis–writer has no Original passage is in the First Person or Dialogue
right to express his own view, point or opinion in form.
the Precis. In point of thought he has to stick Things to b e avoided in the Precis—The
faithfully to the original Passage. Therefore a following things should be avoided in writing the
Precis–writer is exhorted thus : Precis :
(a) Your own views and opinions should not It is also necessary that the sentences in the
come in the Precis. Precis should not be disconnected or disjointed.
For this it is necessary that the sentences be
(b) Repititions should not be allowed to connected by proper and appropriate connective
come. words and phrases. The more popular connectives
(c) As far as possible, examples and illustra- are these :
tions should not be used. Thus; therefore; consequently; accordingly;
(d) Quotations and anecdotes should also be thereupon; as a result; because of this; besides;
avoided. moreover; apart from; in addition to; in the end;
finally; under these circumstances; on the con-
(e) The use of Similes, Metaphors and other trary, etc.
literary artifices should be avoided.
With all these aids, the final draft should be
(f) Nothing irrelevant or out–of–context drawn and written out in the Answer-book or on
matter should be allowed to come in. the graph–paper provided for this purpose.
Language—The language of the Precis Finally the Title of the Precis must be given.
should be simple, straight forward, accurate and We give below ten passages for Precis–
precise. This is very necessary because every writing. The first five of them have been solved as
word in the Precis is counted. Every inaccurate, models. Below the remaining five passages their
superfluous or wrong word in the Precis is pena- central ideas and meanings of difficult words have
lised. been given for the help of the student. It should be
remembered that the central idea has been given
How to Write a Precis for help—it is not the Precis of the Passage.
Precis–writing is not an easy task. It requires
long and sustained practice. To begin with, the
given passage should slowly and carefully be read
Model Precis Exercises
over at least two times. It is natural that a student 1. (Solved)
will not be able to understand the meaning of
Make a Precis of the following passage in
every word or phrase in the passage. But this
about one-third of its length and give a suitable
should not discourage him. First of all, the main
title to it :—
topic with which the passage deals should be
located. The main topics can be, for example— Democracy is the most difficult of all forms
Education, Literature, Society, Politics, History, of government and yet it is one to which most
Civic or Social Life, Patriotism, some Scientific nations now aspire. This is because it seems to
Discovery or Invention, etc. Having located the most people to be the form of government which
main topic, attempt should be made to find out the provides the best hope of making a world in which
specific aspect of the main topic with which the privileges, good fortune or the accidents of history
passage deals. Having done so, the passage should will no longer determine the spheres of oppor-
be read over a third time, and this time the main tunity. In this the human spirit will develop best.
ideas in the passage should be underlined. The A successful democratic system requires a number
meanings of difficult words and phrases should be of pre-conditions, most of them difficult in them-
guessed in the light of the specific topic and the selves to establish. It requires the active coopera-
context by common sense. The portions under- tion of the community for the common good. It
lined as above should then be logically arranged requires institutions which can ensure that those
and a rough draft of the Precis should be prepared. who obey the law will not become the victims of
This draft should be revised, corrected and those who do not. It requires a mutual respect and
polished and the number of words in the draft shared pride in the objectives and traditions of the
should be increased or decreased as per the community as a whole. It requires the absence
number of words in the given passage. Repeti- of any form of discrimination based on race,
tions, vague or obscure words, examples and illus- sex, belief or opinion. It requires especially from
trations, use of literary artifices should judiciously those who have power and influence, restraint
be avoided. and patience. (170 Words)
332 | L.W.C.E.
depression blinds us to the clear intimations of our suffices that he understands you, and even his
reason that in the course of a few generations quite listening gives strength and renewed cour-
every little country town could become an Athens, age.
every human being could be gentle in breeding Blessed is the man or woman into whose life
and healthy in body and mind, the whole solid has come the beauty and power of such a
earth man’s mine and its uttermost regions his friendship. Prize it well. Do all in your power to
playground. (244 Words) keep such a friendship unbroken. Avoid the break,
Aids for when it comes it cannot be mended and the
Central Idea—World unity will bring many jarring note mars the harmony. It is not alone a
great advantages. Life will become happier and question of forgiveness that may be full and
more secure on account of the elimination of fear complete. It is the hurt in the heart that will not
of war and mental tension. With the introduction readily heal and the confidence that will not fully
of machinery man will be relieved of the drudgery come back. (241 Words)
of monotonous and hard physical labour. The Aids
constant pressure of depression and discontent Central Idea—True friendship is a precious
will be lifted and the whole world will become thing but very rare. Friendship is not the same
man’s own home. thing as a casual acquaintance or a chancemeeting.
Vocabulary : A true friend is one who fully understands and
Speculation : vision; dream. appreciates your strong as well as weak points and
who stands by you through all phases of life
Pulse : zest for life.
whether dark or bright. True friendship should
Invalidism : ailment, disease. never be hurt or broken for thereafter it can never
Squalor : drudgery. be restored to its normal glamour.
Elimination : withdrawal, ending. Vocabulary :
Race of slave : machines will serve as a new China : utensils made of China clay.
generation of slaves. Designated : called; termed.
Contentions : conflicts. Temptations : weaknesses.
Cease : stop.
Suffices : is sufficient.
Instincts : natural inclination.
Prize : value, place high.
Breeding : upbringing.
Mended : repaired.
(8) Jarring : unpleasant.
Make a Precis of the following passage and
give it a suitable title :— (9)
Broken friendship, like china, may be re- Make a Precis of the following passage and
paired, but the break will always show. Friendship suggest a suitable title for it :—
is a precious thing—too precious a treasure to be For better or for worse, we are living in a
carelessy broken or thrown away. The world society which is based physically on Western
handles the word “friend” lightly; its real, true, science and technology. This has inescapable
deeper meaning is forgotten, and the acquaintance consequences for the scientist. Initially he was an
of an hour or the chancecomer is designated by accidental force in the unfolding of human
the term which in itself bears a wealth of meaning. destiny. This he can no longer be. As Neils Bohr
Your friend is the one who appreciates your faults has said, scientists must become conscious of the
as well as your virtues; who understands and fact that they are not merely observers, but also
sympathises with your defeats and victories, your actors on the stage of life. The everyday world is
aims and ideas, your joys and temptations, your crowding upon us; science is only a means to an
hopes and disappointments, as no one else does or end, and not an end in itself. Science is not
can. It is your friend to whom you turn for enough. Chemistry is not enough. Scientists must
counsel, for comfort, for praise; he may not be as live and even chemists must eat. Modern societies
learned as some or as wise as others, but it are preoccupied with efforts to improve their
336 | L.W.C.E.
material conditions and they are doing this under friends on the ground that you are virtuous and
such intense competition that the less efficient will want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true
either fall behind or go to the wall. The means friendship than if you choose them for commercial
which are used depend on the application of reasons. Besides, who are you that you should be
scientific knowledge. Only scientists have the setting a price upon your friendship ? It is enough
necessary training for establishing and using the for any man that he has the divine power of
technologies required to exploit recent major making friends, and he must leave it to that power
discoveries and those likely to arise in the future. to determine who his friends shall be. For, though
It is clear that they will be brought more and more you may choose the virtuous to be your friends,
into technology, and thus into industry, the vehicle they may not choose you; indeed, friendship
by which mankind exploits science for his own cannot grow where there is any calculated choice.
ends. It is certain that modern society will be It comes like sleep, when you are not thinking
forced to deploy its scientists in a manner about it; and you should be grateful, without any
conducive to fulfilling its objectives.Moreover, misgiving, when it comes.
since the scientist is a part of society, he will be So no man who knows what friendship is ever
impelled to respond to the needs of the times and gave up a friend because he turns out to be
assume a wider role. (258 Words) disreputable. His only reason for giving up a
Aids friend is that he has ceased to care for him; and,
Central Idea—Scientists have to play a vital when that happens he should reproach himself for
role in society. They cannot shake off their this moral poverty of affection, not the friend for
obligations and responsibility to mankind. They having proved unworthy. For it is inhuman
cannot remain passive spectators. The scientific presumption to say of any woman, when you have
discoveries and inventions must be applied to the fallen out of love with her, that she is unworthy of
promotion of human welfare. your love. In friendship and in love we are always
humble, because we see that a free gift has been
Vocabulary : given to us : and to lose that humility because we
Inescapable : from which escape is not possi- have lost friendship or love is to take a pride in
ble. what should shame us. (308 Words)
Initially : in the beginning. Aids
Unfolding : opening.
Central Idea—True friendship is not gover-
Crowding : collectively depending.
ned by any personal gain on either side. Friend-
Preoccupied : engaged. ship grows unconsciously and automatically. A
Go to the wall : lost, forgotten. virtuous man seeking to make friendship with
Vehicle : means. another virtuous man is wrong logic. Friendship
Exploits : uses. cannot grow on such calculations. Friendship is a
Ends : objective, purpose. divine gift and it must be accepted as such. It is as
Deploy : use. natural and divine as love.
Conducive : useful, beneficial. Vocabulary :
(10) Commercial
reasons : material gains.
Make a Precis of the following passage and
give it a suitable title :— Divine power : heavenly boon.
Friendship is above reason, for, though you Calculated
find virtues in a friend, he was your friend before choice : choosing a friend through such
you found them. It is a gift that we offer because logic.
we must; to give it as the reward of virtue would Misgiving : doubt or fear.
be to set a price upon it and those who do that Disreputable : dishonourable.
have no friendship to give. If you choose your Reproach : blame.
39 Paraphrasing
What is Paraphrasing ? agreement or disagreement with the thought of the
The word ‘Paraphrase’ is made of two Greek given passage.
words—Para, which means ‘alongside of’ or In a way, therefore, paraphrase is a kind of
‘parallel to’, and Phrasis, which means ‘wording’ translation, but it is not a translation from one
or ‘stating’. Therefore ‘Paraphrasing’ means exp- language to another, but from one style and dic-
ressing the full meaning of a given poem or a tion to another style and diction in the same
prose passage in simple language parallel to the language.
language of the given extract. Some Hints for Paraphrasing
According to J. C. Nesfield, “Paraphrasing is No definite rules can be framed for paraphras-
rendering of a given extract from one form of ing, but some practical suggestions can, of course,
wording to another.” be given. The following are these suggestions :
Wren and Martin similarly hold that “Para- (1) Read the given poem or prose extract
phrase is restatement of the sense of the passage in slowly and carefully at least two times
other words. It is the reproduction in one’s own and try to understand its central idea.
natural idiom or style of the full sense of a passage (2) Thus, keeping the central idea in mind,
written in another idiom or style.” read the given poem once or twice again
It would be clear from the above noted defi- and try to grasp the meaning line by line.
nitions that in paraphrasing there should be no Also, try to guess the meanings of
change in the idea or thought-content of the given difficult words and phrases in the light of
extract. The change should be only in the langu- the central idea and the context.
age, diction and style. (3) Thereafter, underline the archaic or diffi-
Difference between Paraphrase and cult words and expressions, as well as the
similes, metaphors and other Figures of
Precis Speech, if any. Also underline the literary
Paraphrase and Precis are two different or mythological references and allusions.
exercises. In Precis one is required to give the All these have to be stated in easy and
central thought and main points systematically simple language in the paraphrase.
arranged in about one-third of the given passage. (4) The construction of sentences in poetry is
In paraphrase there is no condition of length nor is different from that in prose. Therefore all
one required to rearrange the thoughts of the poetical constructions and inversions
original extract. One is required only to restate the should be changed into simple normal
thoughts in simple language line by line or prose-order. For example, see the follow-
sentence by sentence in the same order. The ing line written in verse :
paraphrase is, therefore, almost of the same length
“A man severe he was, and stern to view;
as the original passage. Sometimes the paraphrase
I knew him well.” (Goldsmith)
is even longer because the difficult or obscure
words, references or allusions occurring in the Its prose-order would be :
original extract have to be briefly explained and “I knew him well that he was a severe
stated in the paraphrase. But it should be kept in man, with a stern expression.”
mind that there should be no change in the idea or (5) As has been said above, the difficult and
thought-content in the paraphrase. Also, you are archaic words and phrases should be
not allowed to express your own opinion or your changed into simple ones. This does not,
338 | L.W.C.E.
however, mean that every difficult word Life ! we’ve been long together
must necessarily be changed. The inten- Through pleasant and through cloudy
tion of paraphrasing is to simplify and weather.
clarify the meaning and not essentially to ’Tis hard to part when friends are dear
change the words.
Perhaps it will cost a sigh, a tear;
(6) The given poem or passage should be
paraphrased line to line or sentence to Then steal away, give little warning,
sentence. Therefore the paraphrase is Choose thine own time :
almost of the same length as the original. Say not good night ;
Sometimes the paraphrase may even be a but in some brighter clime,
little longer than the given extract, Bid me good morning. (Barbauld)
because difficult words or references
have to be briefly explained in it. Paraphrase
(7) Paraphrase can be done either in the I do not know what life is, but one thing that I
direct or indirect form of speech accord- know for certain is that one day we shall have to
ing to the given extract. part company with each other. I must admit that it
is still a mystery to me as to when and in what
(8) In a poem articles, prepositions, conjunc-
way and at what place, I came to have life. I am
tions, etc. are often left out. They should
fully conscious of the fact that life and I have been
be suitably added in the paraphrase. The
good companions for a long time and remained
Rhetorical, Exclamatory or Interrogative
constant through all favourable and unfavourable
sentences occurring in the poem should
situations. It is very painful to part company with
be converted into simple sentences.
life, specially when there are many dear friends
(9) Neither take away nor add any idea or around. Parting from life would certainly draw a
opinion of your own in the paraphrase. sigh of grief from the heart and a tear from the
Examples eye. Life would certainly part at its own time. Let
(1) life part quietly without a warning, but I only
Lives of great men all remind us earnestly wish that life should not say a permanent
We can make our lives sublime, good night to me, but it should rather greet me
with a good morning in heaven where the departed
And, departing, leave behind us
souls meet.
Foot-prints on the sands of time.
Foot-prints that perhaps another (3)
Sailing o’er life’s solemn main, Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, Who never to himself hath said,
Seeing, shall take heart again. “This is my own, may native land ?”
(H.W. Longfellow) Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d.
Paraphrase As home his foot steps he hath turn’d
The lives of all great men remind us that we From wandering on a foreign strand ?
can also make our lives noble and sublime. Before If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
leaving this world on death, we can also leave For him no minstrel raptures swell;
some deep impressions of our noble deeds on the High though his titles, proud his name,
shore of time which may encourage and inspire an
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim :
unfortunate fellow traveller who may have failed
in the journey of life and felt forsaken and Despite those titles, power and pelf,
deserted by all in his despair and loneliness. The wretch, concentrated all in self,
(2) Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
Life ! I know not what thou art. And doubly dying, shall go down
But know that, thou and I must part. To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
And when, or how, or where we met Unwept, unhonoured, and unsung.
I own to me’s a secret yet. (Sir Walter Scott)
and proposals for aid are coming from many six and twelve years at the confluence of the
countries of the world, including India. Ganga, Yamuna and the invisible river Saraswati.
This earthquake is believed to be the worst Preparations on a very large scale were made for
and most devastating one that has occurred in the maintenance of law and order and for provi-
Japan in this century. It has also disproved Japan’s ding basic amenities to the pilgrims estimated at
claim that it has developed the technology of more than 25 lakhs. The whole Mela area was
building earthquake–proof houses in the country. divided into three broad sectors. The most
No scientific or technical advancement can ever important of them was the proper Mela area. The
stand against the indomitable forces of nature. other two sectors included the city of Allahabad
2. In your capacity as the Governor of Jammu and the Railway Station. Police and security
and Kashmir write a Report to the Home forces in large numbers were mobilized from all
Minister on the damage done to life and over the State and stationed at Allahabad. In
property by the cold wave, fierce snowfall addition to the normal civil and traffic police,
and landslides in the State. sixty-five P.A.C. companies were posted there.
They included Women Police Force, comman-
Report does, dog squads and secret police contingents.
The Home Minister, The first holy bath festivity was held on the
Govt. of India, New Delhi. Makar Sankranti Day (14 January). More than 10
The State of Jammu and Kashmir is facing an lakh pilgrims were expected to take the holy dip
unprecedented rage of cold wave, snowfall and on this day, but contrary to expectations only
landslides. The State is in the grip of incessant about three lakh pilgrims turned up on that day.
rains, hail storms and flood. Practically all the The second holy dip day fell on 30 January, Moni
rivers, lakes and water-falls have frozen into solid Amavasya. On this day also, contrary to expecta-
ice. At many places the temperature has sunk tions, only about four lakh pilgrims took the holy
down to –60° celcius. It is feared to be the worst bath. The third holy bath day fell on Basant
natural calamity of its type of this century. Panchmi, 4 Feb, 1995. On this day about 20 lakh
According to official records about 250 persons pilgrims assembled to take the holy bath. It was
have been killed and 400 stranded or buried in the the day of trial for the administration and the
snow. About 600 vehicles, including 37 buses and police. However the day passed off peacefully. No
39 motorcycles have been half buried and untoward incident of any kind occurred. This
stranded in the snow. The 2·8 kilometer long speaks highly of the foresightedness and compe-
Jawahar Tunnel has been blocked with heavy tence of our administration and the police.
walls of snow at both ends and about 240 people Exercise
have been stranded within it. Rescue operations
have been started. About 133 bodies have been Write short reports in about 150 words
taken out so far. After four days’ ceaseless efforts each on the following topics :
against all indomitable forces of nature all the 240 1. The outbreak of plague in Gujarat.
persons engulfed in the tunnel have been rescued. 2. The recent earthquake that occurred in Maha-
In all about 2600 persons have so far been rescued rashtra.
and saved by our forces. Food material, food 3. An assessment of Literacy Campaign in your
packets and medicines are being air-dropped in District.
the worst affectd areas. 4. The law and order situation in Kashmir.
Central aid is urgently needed. A high-power 5. The law and order situation in your District.
committee to assess the extent of damage and aid 6. Any international game or sports meet that
to the state is most urgently solicited. you have seen.
(Sd. Govrnor) 7. The repeated occurrences of floods in your
3. Prepare a short write-up (report) on Ardh District.
Kumbh Mela held at Allahabad. 8. Assembly elections in your State.
The last Ardh Kumbh Mela of the present 9. Parliamentary elections in your constituency.
century at Allahabad began from 14 January, 10. The Flag Hoisting ceremony on the Republic
1995. This great holy gala festival is held every Day in your University.
41 Messages
It often happens that you go to meet a person at his residence or in his office but he is not available
there. Or, sometimes you want to talk to a person on the telephone, but he is not available on the phone.
What is to be done in that case ? In that case you can write down the purpose of your visit, mentioning
some important points in brief, on a piece of paper or memo-slip and hand it over to some responsible
person available there, to be delivered to the person you wanted to meet or talk to. This brief written
statement is called a ‘Message’. In case of a telephonic call, you can verbally give your message to the
person available on the phone.
Writing a message briefly and effectively is in itself an art. There are certain rules or practices
which should be followed to make the message effectively brief, beautiful and purposeful. They are the
following :
(1) It is not necessary to write the full address of the writer or the receiver of the Message.
(2) Only the name of the writer and the receiver should be written.
(3) The name of the receiver of the Message should be written at the top, and that of the writer at
the end of the Message.
(4) The date and time of writing the Message must be written at the top.
(5) A brief salutation must be written before writing the Message.
(6) The Message must be brief, but no important point should be left out.
(7) The Message can be written in the Present, Past or the Future tense as the Message may
(8) No matter should be added from your side or any opinion given in the Message.
(9) In order to make the Message brief, short forms of words, phrases and abbreviations can be
used, as haven’t (for have not), U.N. (for the United Nations), U.S. (for United States of
America), Tel. (for Telephone).
(10) If the sense is not distorted, half sentenses can be used, such as ‘no help yet’, ‘returning soon’,
‘money urgently needed,’ ‘not well’.
Format of the Message
Though there is no prescribed format for the Messages, the following format can be used :
Receiver’s Name
Model 1
Based on a Telephonic Talk
There is a telephonic talk between Rahul and Nandini. Nandini is just leaving for Delhi, and will
not be able to meet Santosh that day. Therefore she leaves a message for Santosh on the basis of the
following conversation between her and Rahul. Write the message.
Nandini : Hello !
Rahul : Could I speak to Mr. Santosh. I am Rahul at this end.
Nandini : I am sorry, Mr. Rahul. Mr. Santosh is not in the office at the moment.
Rahul : Oh, I have a very urgent message to give to him.
Nandini : Please, Mr. Rahul, give the message to me. I will write a note and leave it on his table
for his immediate attention. Is there anything serious ?
Rahul : Yes, his father has a severe heart-attack. He has been admitted into the I.C.U. unit
Number 2, Safdarganj Hospital, New Delhi. His condition is very serious. Santosh must
immediately reach the Hospital. He must have some money with him. His mother is
already there, but she is all alone.
Nandini : I am just writing a note and leave it on his table. I’ll also try to get him on the phone.
Rahul : Thanks, Miss Nandini.
Very Urgent
Friday, 23rd Dec., 2011
11:30 a.m.
Dear Mr. Santosh,
Your friend Rahul telephoned to inform you that your father has got a severe heart-stroke. He has
been admitted to Safdarganj Hospital, I.C.U. No. 2. You must immediately reach the Hospital. Your
mother is alone there. Arrange to take some money with you.
Model 2
Again Based on a Telephonic Talk
There is a telephonic talk between Sharad and Kamini. Kamini is just ready to go to the Head
Office and is not likely to return before 5 p.m. There is a telephonic call for his colleague Devendra, but
he has not yet come to the office. Kamini receives the call and notes down the message to be conveyed
to Devendra as soon as possible. Therefore she leaves a message to this effect on Devendra’s table for
his immediate attention when he reaches the office.
Kamini : Hello !
Sharad : I am Sharad, wanting to speak to Devendra, please.
Kamini : I am Kamini, his colleague, speaking, Devendra has not yet come to the office. If there
is any message for him, please let me know it. I’ll arrange to pass on the message to him
as soon as possible.
Sharad : Yes, there is an emergency. Devendra’s parents have met with a serious accident. They
were going by their bike to attend some function. Their bike jumped off at a speed-
breaker and they fell down. Both of them have sustained serious fractures. Both of them
have been rushed to the Emergency ward at S.N. Hospital, Agra. He must reach there
immediately. He must inform his brothers also and ask them too to reach there.
Kamini : Yes, Mr. Sharad, I have noted your message. I’ll accordingly write a note to him which
he will receive as soon as he reaches here. Thanks for the care you have taken.
Sharad : Thank you, Madam.
For Immediate Attention
Monday, 25 Dec., 2011
10:15 a.m.
Dear Devendra,
There is an emergency call for you. Your friend Sharad has conveyed an emergency message for
you through the phone. Your parents, while going by their bike, have met with an accident. Both of
them have sustained fractures, and they have been rushed to the Emergency Ward, at S. N. Hospital.
You must reach there immediately and inform your brothers too.
Model 3
Based on a Telephonic Talk
Bharat and Bhushan are colleagues in the sales Department of a Company. Bharat is getting ready
to go to the field. Bhushan is likely to come to the office in the afternoon. But before Bharat leaves the
office, he receives a telephonic call for Bhushan. Bharat notes down the contents of the call and
accordingly leaves a written message on Bhushan’s table for his immediate attention.
Bharat : Hello !
Bhushan’s Mother : I believe you are Bharat, speaking from the office. Where is Bhushan ? I am
his mother at this end.
Bharat : Mother, Bhushan will reach here by the afternoon. I am also leaving the office
within fifteen minutes. If there is any message for Bhushan, please let me
know. I’ll leave the message on his table for his immediate attention.
Mother : Yes, Bharat, convey the message to him that his sister with her two children is
reaching New Delhi Station from Bangalore by Shatabdi Express. The train
reaches New Delhi at 6 O’clock in the evening. He must receive her at the
station at platform No. 2. She is in first class A.C. Coach, No. P-6. He should
confirm that the train is running on time. His sister has a heavy luggage and her
two children.
Bharat : Yes, Mother, don’t worry. I’ll leave an urgent message for him at his table. He
will receive it as soon as he reaches here.
Mother : So good of you, Bharat. My blessings !
Urgent Message
Tuesday, 3rd Jan., 2012
11:30 a.m.
Dear Bhushan,
Your mother telephoned to me at 11:30 a.m. She has directed you to receive your sister and her two
children at New Delhi Railway Station at 6 O’clock in the evening at platform No. 2. She is travelling
by Shatabdi Express from Bengaluru. She has boarded first-class A.C. Coach No. P–6. She has heavy
luggage in addition to her two children. You must confirm the arrival time of the train and reach in
Model 4
Based on a Personal Visit
You are Rohitash. You go to meet your uncle to discuss with him your future course of studies. But
your uncle is out of station and will be back by tomorrow morning. Therefore, you leave a message
with your aunt regarding the purpose of your visit. Write your message in detail.
348 | L.W.C.E.
Friday, 4 Dec., 2011
11:30 a.m.
Respected Uncle,
I came to discuss with you my further course of studies. You know, uncle, that I have passed 10 + 2
exam. of the C.B.S.E. Board with Science and Maths and secured 80% marks. Now I have three options
before me to pursue my studies further. First, I can try for my admission to Engineering and
Technological Course. Secondly, I can try for my admission to computer course leading to M.C.A.
Thirdly, I can go in for B.B.A. leading to M.B.A. I am unable to decide. Kindly consider my three
options carefully and give me your valuable advice. I’ll meet you again next week.
Model 5
Based on a Personal Visit
You are Rashmi. Your marriage comes off next month. You want to make some purchases for that
purpose. For this you want to go to market with your friend named Namita. You go to Namita’s house,
but she is not at home. She has gone to her college. Namita’s mother asks you to leave a message for
Namita, which she would deliver to her when she comes back from the college. Write your message.
Friday, 15 Nov., 2011
1:30 p.m.
Dear Namita,
I came to meet you at your house but you had gone to college. I wanted to meet you with a purpose.
You know that my marriage comes off next month. Therefore, I want to make some purchases with
you. I know you have a very refined and sophisticated taste. Your choice is excellent. I want to
purchase a few saries, a few suits and, of course, some latest items of cosmetics. Your advice and
choices would be of immense value to me. I’ll come on Sunday. Please keep yourself free in the
afternoon on Sunday.
Exercises for Practice
1. Read the following telephonic conversation and write the relevant Message based on it :
Rajiv Mehrotra : Hello !
Sandeep Mahajan : I am Sandeep Mahajan, representing Messrs Mahajan and Sons. I
wanted to talk to your Managing Director.
Rajiv Mehrotra : Our Managing Director, Mr. Pradeep Kohli, is out of station. Could I be
of any service to you ? I am Rajiv Mehrotra, his Secretary.
Sandeep Mahajan : Thanks a lot. We are wholesale dealers in all brands of Refrigerators.
But we have had no trade dealings with your company. I wanted to talk
to your M.D. in this connection.
Rajeev Mehrotra : Our M.D. will be back tonight and will remain in the office tomorrow all
the time. You can come any time.
Sandeep Mahajan : Kindly fix up my meeting at 2 O’clock tomorrow.
Rajeev Mehrotra : By chance I am also going out today. I shall not be able to meet the
M.D. However, I’ll leave a message for him and you can come
tomorrow at 2 O’clock.
Sandeep Mahajan : Thank you so much for this favour.
2. Read the following telephonic conversation between Ramendra and Ashoka. Write a
message based on this conversations.
Ramendra Hello !
Ashoka Yes, Ashoka on this side. Can I know who I am talking to ?
Ramendra I am Ramendra, Mr. Bajpai’s nephew. I want to talk to uncle Bajpai.
Ashoka Mr. Bajpai is not in the office at this moment. He is expected to come back
within an hour.
Ramendra : I wanted to tell him that his younger son has developed high temperature. His
wife is getting very nervous. She wants that uncle should reach home
immediately. A doctor has to be called and the child cannot be left alone.
Ashoka : By chance, I have to leave office just now. Therefore I cannot meet Mr. Bajpai.
But I will leave a message to this effect on his table. He will reach home as soon
as he reads the message.
Ramendra : Yes, please do so. Thanks a lot.
3. Read the following telephonic conversation between Sita and Geeta. They plan to go to see
a book-fair. They also want to take Seema with them. Write a relevant message to Seema
to this effect.
Sita : Hello !
Geeta : Yes, Sita. I can recognize you by your voice.
Sita : Do you know, Geeta, a very great Book-Fair is being held these days at the Pragati
Maidan ?
Geeta : Yes, I know. Let us go to see it tomorrow.
Sita : Yes, certainly. It would be fine if Pramila also goes with us.
Geeta : But how can we inform her ? I tried her phone, but it is out of order.
Sita : We can manage to inform her by sending a message to her through our peon.
Geeta : Yes, it is a good idea. Write to her that she should reach your home at 10 in the
morning. I shall also reach your home at the same hour.
Sita : This is agreed.
4. Ramendra has received two appointment letters—One from the Birla Rayons situated in
Arunachal Pradesh, and the other from Volkart Brothers at Mumbai. The Birlas have offered
higher salary but Arunachal Pradesh is risky. The Volkart Brothers offer a slightly lower salary,
but Mumbai is a much better place to live in. Ramendra is in a fix, unable to decide which one
to join. He goes to seek the advice of his uncle, but the uncle is out of station for two days.
Ramendra decides to leave a message to his uncle, stating the causes of his dilemma and
seeking his advice. Draft the message on behalf of Ramendra.
5. You are Mahendra. Your friend Surendra has invited you to join his birth-day party in a nearby
town. You have already sent your acceptance. But at the last moment some unexpected
developments have prevented you from going there. You decide to send him your message,
stating the causes that have held you back and wishing him a very happy birthday and long life.
Draft the Message.
6. You are Mohini. You have already booked a ticket to fly from Delhi to England by Air India. At
the last minute the Air India flight is cancelled owing to some fault in its engine. All the
passengers of Air India are transferred to the British Airways. Therefore, you decide to send a
message to your father regarding this through your driver so that your father may not worry
about you. Draft the Message.
42 Notices
The writing of Notices effectively and beautifully is an art in itself. The publication, propagation
and circulation of these Notices is an indispensable part of this art. These Notices are circulated for the
information and benefit of individuals, general public, commercial and industrial houses, educational
Institutions, and different Government offices and their staff, and teachers and students. Authentic
information relating to Government notifications, functions, incidents and events, opening ceremonies,
holidays, and games and sports is publicised through them. New commercial and industrial develop-
ments are also brought to public notice through them. Therefore, Notices play a very important role in
our day-to-day life. The Notices are either pasted on the Notice-Boards or published in the Newspapers.
Descriptive Heading
Designation of the Issuing officer & date
5. The Notice should be written thereafter. The notice should have all necessary details such as the
purpose of the Notice, important dates, duration of period, timings, venue and other conditions,
if any.
6. In the end, the name of the officer and his designation should be written. The Notice should then
be signed by the issuing officer with date.
Some important points that must be included in some typical types of Notices are give below :
Meetings Events
● Date ● Name/type of Event
● Time ● Date
● Venue ● Time
● Agenda ● Venue
● Members ● Eligibility
● Contact Numbers ● Contact Numbers
● Specific Instructions (if any) ● Specific Instructions (if any)
Model 1
R. S. T. College, Raigarh
Staff Meeting
An important meeting of the staff of the college will be held on December 17, 2011 in the college
Auditorium at 2 p.m. All the members of the Teaching Faculty are requested to attend the meeting. The
following is the agenda of the meeting :
(i) To pass the minutes of the previous meeting.
352 | L.W.C.E.
(ii) To discuss and finalise the detailed programme of the Annual Sports of the college going to be
held in the first week of January, 2012.
(iii) Any other item with the permission of the chair.
R. S. Gaur
Staff Secretary
Model 2
Birla Spinning and Weaving Mills Ltd., Kanpur
Grand Farewell to the Retiring Managing Director
As has already been decided by the Executive Committee of the Officers’ Club, a grand farewell
function to give a befitting Send-off to our Managing Director. Hon. R. S. Sodhi, is going to be held on
November 1, 2011 at the Club Premises at 2 p.m. All the members of the Officers’ Club are most
cordially invited to attend and grace the function. The members who want to speak on the occasion are
requested to give their names to the undersigned by the 26th instt. The members are also expected to
bring their own garlands and bouquets to honour the Hon. Guest.
D. C. Pandit
General Manager
Model 3
Modern Public School, New Delhi
School Tour to Mumbai
As has already been decided, the School is arranging a tour from Delhi to Mumbai. Tentatively the
Tour will start in the first week of October, 2011. The exact date depends upon the date of Reservation
(both sides) available in the Frontier Mail. The members of the staff and students who are interested in
joining the tour should give their names to the undersigned by the 10th instt. The tour would take about
five to six days and the estimated expenditure would come to about 2500/- per head. This would
include train fare and boarding and lodging in a good hotel. It would be an excellent educational tour to
the financial Capital of the Country. The tourists are advised to take light warm clothes with them. For
any other information the intrested persons can contact the undersigned personally or on his Mobile No.
R. K. Mehrotra
Model 4
Messrs Ramlal & Sons, Kanpur
Handbag Lost. Reward to the Finder
While going from Sari Bazar to Lohamandi by my scooter between 4 and 5 in the evening of
January 4, 2012, I dropped my handbag somewhere on the way. It was a medium-size bag, gray in
colour, and closed with a chain. The bag contained many of my important letters, some account papers
and a bunch of keys. All these articles are of no use to anyone, but they are very important for me.
Anyone who may have found this bag is requested to inform me on my Mobile Number 9897357205.
The finder will be given a cash-reward of 1,000/-.
Shyam Manohar
Proprietor of the Firm
Model 5
Rajni Agrawal, Indira Nagar, Allahabad
Change of Name
Until now my name was Rajni Agrawal, daughter of Shri Padam Chand Agrawal, A-27, Indira
Nagar, Allahabad. But last month I was married into a Jain family. My husband’s name is Mr.
Prabhakar Jain. Hence, according to Hindu Code of conduct and convention, my name has been
changed as Rajni Jain. Accordingly I am getting my name changed in all my educational certificates
and Degrees and also in my Bank Accounts.
This is for general notification so that no one may have any objection or inconvenience on account
of this change in my name.
Rajni Agrawal
Model 6
Workers’ Union
Ahmedabad Spinning and Weaving Mills,
Notice for Indefinite Strike
This one month’s notice is hereby given to the Management of Ahmedabad Spinning and Weaving
Mills, Ahmedabad by the Workers’ Union that all the workers of class three and class four will go on an
indefinite strike with effect from the morning of February, 15, 2012, if their long pending grievances
are not removed to their entire satisfaction.
The workers have brought to the notice of the Management their grievances several times over the
period of the last two years, but the Management have taken no steps to remove their grievances. The
main demands of the workers are revision in their wages structure, payment of Annual Bonus, and
better provisions for their safety and welfare.
The Workers’ Union have been compelled to take this extreme step on account of the callous
indifference of the Management towards their genuine demands over such a long period.
Shiv Ram
President of the Workers’ Union
354 | L.W.C.E.
1. A Book-Fair is being held at the Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Your College has decided to
visit the Fair in a group of interested teachers and students. In your capacity as the Principal of
D.A.V. College, Meerut, draft a Notice inviting the names of the teachers and students who are
willing to go to visit the Book-Fair.
2. You are Principal of the Science College, Allahabad. The students and teachers of the Botany
Department propose to go on an expedition to the Himalayas to collect rare plants and herbs.
Draft a Notice inviting the teachers and students who would like to join the expedition.
3. You are General Manager of a large limited Company. The Workers of the Company have
given a notice to go on an indefinite strike to pressurise the Management to accept their
demands. Draft a Notice inviting the senior officers of the Company to a meeting to consider
how to deal with the situation.
4. As the Registrar of a University, draft a Notice inviting Heads of all Departments to decide the
date for the commencement of the examinations and to draw the detailed schedule of dates and
examination centres.
5. The Paediatric doctors of Agra have decided to organize a Free Camp to check up all children
upto the age of ten. All kinds of clinical and pathological tests will be done by experts free of
charge. As the Secretary of the Paediatricians Association, draft a public Notice giving full
details of date, venue, timings and other connected information to make the camp a great
6. Your original name is Ghure Lal. This name is very unaesthetic and has a nauseating
connotation. Therefore, you want to change your name, keeping in mind that your initials
should not change. Draft a public Notice for publication in the Newspapers to announce this
change in your name.
7. You are R. K. Mehrotra. By chance you left your suit-case on the bus-stand and returned home
by an auto-rickshaw. On reaching home, you realized the loss of the suit-case. Now draft a
Notice to be published in the Newspapers, detailing the colour, size and the type of the suit-
case and the main contents in it. Announce that any one who returned your suit-case, or
informed you about it on your telephone would be awarded 5000/- in cash.
8. You are D. C. Rawat. Your small puppy has been missing for the last two days. Draft a Notice
to be published in the Newspapers, giving the details of its colour, breed, pet name, and any
other marks of its identification. Announce a reward of 2000/- to any one who brought back
your puppy or informed you about it on your telephone.
43 Diary-Writing
Diary-Writing is entirely a personal short Suddenly I woke up with a jerk and came to know
artistic piece of writing. It is not meant to be read that the engine of the bus had suddenly failed. It
by any one else. In the diary-entries the writer was a lonely place with bushes and thorny trees all
records some of his important and unforgettable around. I came down from the bus and was
experiences, events, incidents, unexpected happy terribly frightened and shivering with cold. All the
or sad situations, or his experiences of success or passengers went away by different means or on
failure. They are recorded in one’s diary the same foot. I was left all alone on that pitch dark night.
day in a short and precise form. Since such impor- Suddenly I saw a man coming towards me on his
tant and unforgettable situations or incidents do bicycle. I froze with fear. The man came and got
not happen in our life every day, diary-entries are down from his bicycle by my side. He politely
also not made every day. In course of time, these addressed me as ‘sister’ and said that the place
entries take the form of the author’s autobiography where I was standing was very dangerous. He
to a certain extent. said, “Sister, if you could trust me, I would take
you to my home about two kilometers from there
Some Common Rules of Diary-Entries by my bicycle, and in the morning I would get you
Since Diary-Writing is entirely a personal a bus to Agra.” He appeared to be a cultured,
matter, there are no definite rules or any prescri- polite and refined person. I had no option but to
bed format for writing the same. However, there accept his offer. He took me to his home. It was a
are certain points which every diary-writer must one-room mud - house. After offering me a cup of
keep in mind. These points are the following : tea, he made me sleep in his only room, and
(1) First of all, Day and Date should be written. himself slept in the open verandah outside. At
(2) Below that the time of entry should be day-break, he came to my bed with a cup of tea
written. and woke me up. I saw in his eyes light of
brotherly love and sympathy. He offered me light
(3) Thereafter some meaningful and artistic head-
breakfast very affectionately, and then accom-
ing for the incident or experience should be
panied me to the nearly bus-stop to get a bus to
Agra, I was so overwhelmed by his affection and
(4) Then the incident or experience should be kindness that I could not ask even his name or
recorded briefly but artistically and effecti- address. To me he was an Angel of a Man.
Preeti Dube.
(5) In the end the writer should put his signature.
Model 2
Model 1 Diary-Entry
Diary-Entry Sunday, 20 Jan., 2012
Wednesday, 15 Jan., 2012 9:00 a.m.
8:30 p.m.
Knocking at the Door at Midnight
Angel of a Man Today I was all alone at home because my
I am a young girl of 19, a student of Rajasthan parents had gone out to attend a marriage. I
University, Jaipur. I was travelling by night-bus studied till 10 O’clock in the night and then bolted
from Jaipur to Agra. I was on a sleeper-berth. all the doors and windows very carefully, and
356 | L.W.C.E.
retired to bed. It was my first chance to sleep all outside. This was the secret of the knocking at the
alone in my home. I felt frightened, but I slept. door. I laughed at my folly.
Around midnight I heard a knocking at the door. I Rashmi Agrawal.
wondered who could have knocked at the door at
that hour of the night. I did not move. Again there Exercises
was a knocking. I could not have the courage to Make Diary-Entries on the following topics—
ask who was knocking. He may be a robber or a
decoit wanting to enter into the house. I thought of 1. How I miss my mother !
calling the police, but I did not have the telephone 2. Faith in God’s justice.
number of the police-station. I also thought of 3. How I escaped being drowned !
calling some relation or friend by the phone, but I
had become so nervous that I forgot all telephone 4. My first day in the College.
numbers. I lay awoke, frozen with fear. The 5. When I topped in the I.A.S. examination.
knocking at the door continued the whole night. I
6. The day I retired from my service.
counted minute by minute until it was morning.
When I heard people walking on the road in front 7. My encounter with a robber.
of my door, I collected all my courage and opened 8. How I was cheated by a friend !
the door. Then I discovered that I had hung a bent
iron bar on the hook of the door, and this bar was 9. When I won a Gold in the Olympics.
beating against the door by the breeze blowing 10. How my luck favoured me !
44 Telegram
Telegram is a Government means of sending messages from one place to another speedily. In this
system messages are sent from one telegraph office to another telegraph office in a code language. The
receiving telegraph office deciphers the code language into normal language and sends the message to
the addressee through the postman. Since the telegraph office is a Government Department, it has a
prescribed form on which the telegram is sent. The rate of charges is also fixed by the Government. In
the telegram there is a fixed charge for every word in the message as well as in the address of the
addressee. Therefore, messages are sent through the telegram in as few words as possible. In the modern
age mobile phones, S.M.S., Fax, E.mail, etc. have become so popular that telegrams have become
largely outdated. Still thousands of telegrams are sent everyday. Very urgent messages such as Interview
letters, Appointment letters, Intimations of serious ailments, births and deaths are sent by the telegram.
Message :
Senders’ Name :
Sender’s Name and Address
(Not to be telegraphed)
(6) If there are small squares drawn on the form, only one word should be written in one square.
(7) In the last column the full name and address of the sender should be written. This is not to be
telegraphed, and therefore there are no charges for it.
Model 1
You are Rajni Kant. You are posted as a lecturer in Bombay University, Mumbai. Your parents live
at Varanasi. Your mother has a serious heart-stroke. Her condition is serious. She has been admitted to
Gandhi Memorial Hospital. Your father sends you a telegram to come immediately. Draft the telegram
in the following form supplied by the Post and Telegraph Department.
Name and Address Name : RAJNIKANT
of the Addressee Address : ENGLISH LECTURER
Message :
Model 2
You are Rama Shankar, Resident of 2/41, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai. Your brother, Hari Shankar, is
studying in Indira Gandhi University, Pune. He is a student of M.B.A. Final Semester. An interview
letter has come for him. He is required to attend the interview for the post of Marketing Executive by
the Tata Industries, Tata Nagar, Bihar. Draft a telegram, directing your brother to attend the interview
on January 15, 2012 at 11 a.m. in the office of the Managing Director.
Name and Address Name : HARI SHANKAR
of the Addressee Address : MBA FINAL
Message :
1. Draft a telegram to be sent by a father to his son that he has qualified in the written examination
for I.A.S. He should come home immediately and prepare for the Interview to be held early next
2. Draft a telegram to be sent by a father to his son, informing him that he has been appointed as
an Engineer in Birla Cotton Mills, Pilani. He has to join within a week. He must come home
3. Draft a telegram to be sent by a Junior Engineer to the Chief Engineer, P.W.D., Allahabad,
requesting him to extend his leave by four days because his father is still seriously ill.
4. Draft a telegram to be sent by Prem Shankar Agrawal to his brother Radhey Shyam Agrawal
informing him that their grandmother has expired. He must come by the earliest train available.
5. You are Pramod Mahajan, General Manager, Paliwal Industries Ltd. Gorakhpur. Your Sales
Executive Rahul Jain has gone to Lucknow. Send a telegram to him to attend an urgent meeting
at Kanpur on 15th January, 2012 before returning to the Head Quarters.
6. You are Tara Chand Maheshwari. Your brother Chandra Bhan has been promoted as Marketing
Executive, Tata Industries, Jamshedpur. He is required to report there immediately. Send a
telegram to your brother asking him to proceed to Jamshedpur immediately instead of returning
7. You are Prem Rajdhan, Manager, Human Resources and Recruitment, Reliance Petro Chemi-
cals, Mumbai. You have to call Rajesh Dixit telegraphically for interview on 10th January, 2012
at 10 a.m. in your office for the post of Sales Executive. Draft a telegram for the same.
8. You are Sanjaya Khurana, Managing Director, Hindustan Lamps Limited, Ludhiana. Your
Marketing Executive, Mr. Harish Kumar, is on a tour over Rajasthan. You have called a very
urgent meeting of all the Marketing Executives on the 15th Jaunary, 2012 at 11:30 in your
office. Draft a telegram asking Mr. Harish Kumar to cut short his tour and return to attend the
45 Letter-Writing
Letter-Writing is an art. Therefore as in the cultivation of any other art, the letter-writer has also to
employ all his intellectual and emotional faculties to get perfection in the art of letter-writing. Letters
are the most important means for developing, promoting and strengthening family ties, social
relationships and cordial contacts in industrial, trading and business circles. Letters also reveat the
writer’s cultural level, refinement and command over the language. Therefore it is essential to learn,
practise and acquire perfection in the art of writing letters to be successful in any field of life.
Keeping all these points in view, we are giving below the accepted formats of all kinds of letters
along with some models of all types. There are three main types of letters :
(i) Informal Letters or Personal Letters
(ii) Formal Letters or Official Letters
(iii) Business Letters
The above noted Informat or Personal letters include letters amongst family-members, friends
and relations and letters of personal greetings, good-wishes, congratulations, invitations, sympathies
and condolences, etc.
The Formal letters include administrative, official, and Government letters and applications.
Letters of social importance published in the Newspapers are also formal letters.
The Business letters include all types of letters relating to industry, trade, business, imports,
exports, etc.
All these different types of letters have a set Format and also use some accepted or formal words,
phrases or even sentences. Therefore it is necessary to know the formats and formalities of all types of
letters. This will keep you in the front line of personal and social culture.
(v) Subscription :
At the end of the letter, on the right-hand side, subscription is written above the signature of the
writer of the letter. This is also an important part of the letter. Different types of subscriptions are
written for different persons to whom letters are written. The more common forms of subscription are
these :
● In letter to Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters and other elderly family members—
Yours affectionately,
Affectionately yours,
Your affectionate son / daughter / nephew / niece, etc.
(But remember, we cannot write ‘your affectionately’ or ‘affectionately your’. Also we should not
add apostrophes (’s) in ‘Yours’)
● In letters from Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters and other elderly members of the family to their
children or younger ones—
Yours affectionately,
Affectionately Yours,
Your affectionate father / mother / uncle / aunt, etc.
● In letters between Brothers and Sisters—
Your loving brother,
Your loving sister.
● In letters between friends—
Yours sincerely,
Sincerely yours,
Yours very sincerely,
Your loving friend.
● In letters to senior Colleagues, Officers, Businessmen and Professionals—
Yours faithfully,
(vi) Signature :
Below the Subscription the writer should put his signature. The signature should be full and clear.
If the letter is typed, signature must be put below the typed name. If some photocopies of the letter are
to be sent, they should be properly signed.
(vii) Enclosures :
If some Enclosures such as cheques, drafts, certificates, etc. are to be sent with the letter, they
should be properly enclosed, and their list should be given on the left-hand side below the ‘Enclosures’.
(viii) Address of the Recipient :
The name and address of the recipient of the letter should also be written on the left-hand side.
(ix) P. S. :
Sometimes some important point is left out from the main body of the letter. This can be written
very briefly under P.S. (Postscript) on the left-hand side of the letter and signed. But it is not a good
practice and should be avoided as far as possible.
(2) Format of Official Letters
Official letters have eleven main parts :
(i) The Address of the Sender :
If the letter is written on the printed letter-pad, it is not necessary to write the address again.
(ii) The Date :
Below the address, date of the letter should be written in the manner given under Personal letters.
(iii) Designation and Address of the recipient :
The writer must write the Reference Number of his letter, such as—Ref. No. 253/Misc/2011-12.
364 | L.W.C.E.
(v) Subject
(vi) The Salutation
(vii) The Matter of the Letter (divided into Paragraphs)
(v) Subject :
It is a very important part of the Business Letter. It states in the minimum possible words the topic,
subject or reference under which the letter is being written. Some such common topics are these :
● Non-payment of outstanding bills.
● Second reminder for immediate payment of pending bills.
● Non-execution/Non-compliance of our order No. 3512/Stab.2012, dated 10.6.2012.
● Your letter of Enquiry, dated 14.3.2012.
● Complaint regarding manufacturing defect in the T.V. supplied by you.
● Settlement of Accounts.
● Non-payment of Quarterly interest.
(vi) Salutation :
Salutation is written on the left-hand side of the letter. The wordings of salutation in Business
letters are fixed. They are :
● For some officer of the Firm
Dear Sir
● For the firm
Dear Sirs
(vii) Body of the Letter :
This is the main part of the letter. It can have several paragraphs. The first sentence written in the
letter has great importance. Some common and popular sentences with which such letters can begin are
these :
● We draw your kind attention to our letter No.……, dated ……, and write to state that ………
● Kindly refer to your letter No………, and dated …………
● This is in response to your circular letter No ………, Dated …………
● This refers to your letter No ………, dated ………
● This is to bring to your kind notice that ………
● We write to invite your attention to …………
(viii) The Subscription :
The subscription is written on the right-hand side above the signature of the sender. In these letters
subscription can be written in one of the following ways :
Yours faithfully,
Yours truly,
Faithfully yours,
(ix) The Signature :
The letter should be properly and legibly signed. The designation of the signing authority and the
stamp of the Firm must be affixed.
(x) Enclosures :
Enclosures, if any, such as cheques, drafts, R.R. etc. should be properly enclosed with the letter,
and their list must be given under Enclosures on the left-hand side.
(xi) Copy :
If the Copies of the letter are to be sent to some other authorities, they must be listed on the left-
hand side as follows :
Copy to :
(i) The General Manager for his information and necessary action.
(ii) The Secretary for his kind information.
Our classes are going on in full swing these days. I am trying my best to finish my course in all
subjects well before the examinations. I go to consult my teachers as and when I need their help
and guidance. All my teachers are very kind and considerate to me. On the basis of my preparations
I feel confident that I would get a first class. The rest depends on my luck and your blessings.
Papa, I am running short of money these days. I have to settle the account of the Hostel. I have
also to buy a few books which I need very urgently. Would you be kind enough to send me rupees
five hundred more to meet these extra expenses ?
I very much remember Mummy and youndger brother and sister. Kindly convery my regards
to Mummy and love to Preeti and Rajat.
With regards to you,
Yours affectionately,
(Sd.) Ramendra
Shri P. K. Dubey
3/25, Patel Nagar,
(2) Letter from the father to the son in reply to the above letter.
3/25, Patel Nagar,
January 14, 2012
My dear Ramendra / My dear Son,
Received your letter only yesterday. We are all very glad to learn that you have done so well at
the Practical examinations. Our best wishes and blessings are ever with you. Hard and sincere
labour never goes waste. Luck also favours those who work hard. Keep on working in the same
spirit. You will certainly get a first class.
Your Mummy and Preeti and Rajat also remember you very much, but we didn’t write to your
because we didn’t want to disturb you in your studies. We are all eagerly looking forward to your
coming home after the exams.
As desired, I am enclosing herewith a Bank Draft for rupees five hundred. Don’t hesitate to
write if you need more money.
Your Mummy sends you her blessings, and Preeti and Rajat say ‘Hello’ to you.
With love and blessings,
Yours affectionately,
(Sd.) R. K. Dubey
Shri Ramendra Dubey,
Room No. 41,
A. N. Jha Hostel,
Allahabad University,
Shir Deepander Roy,
2/46, Sarkar Enclave,
(4) Reply to the above letter of greetings
2/46, Sarkar Enclave,
5th January, 2012
My dear Lalit,
I am really very grateful to you for your New Year Greetings. I highly value your sentiments
expressed for me and reciprocate the same to you most sincerely and earnestly. I pray to God to
bless you with every boon and blessing man can ever aspire for. May you and your family progress
and prosper and enjoy the best of health and happiness every day and all days of the New Year !
Kindly remember me to your parents and convey my best regards to them.
Wishing you all the best once again,
Yours affectionately,
(Sd.) Deepander Roy
Shri Lalit Kumar Saxena
25, Saket,
I was extremely delighted to find your Roll Number and name in the list of successful
candidates selected for admission to M. B.B.S. course in Uttar Pradesh. The result was published in
‘The Hindustan Times’ yeserday. I convey to you my heartiest congratulations and blessings for
your brilliant success.
I know your success is well deserved. This success has not come by chance. You laboured
very hard for it. Your sincere and hard labour have been justly rewarded. I just repeat what I have
told you so often that hard labour and sincere efforts never go waste. Remember this for yet more
brilliant success in the career of your life.
Now you have a long and brilliant career before you. Make all efforts sincerely and earnestly
in the pursuit of your studies and even thereafter to shine out with extra-brilliance in the medical
My best wishes are ever with you.
Yours affectionately,
(Sd.) R. K. Dewan
Shri Rajesh Kumar Dewan,
25, Kacheri Road,
(6) Reply to the above letter
25, Kacheri Road,
10th June, 2012
My dear brother,
I was so glad to receive your affectionate congratulatory letter. My success is largely due to
your encouragement and help. If you had not given me full financial support so liberally, I would
not have been able to devote myself to my studies without any kind of worry or botheration. I
assure you I shall pursue my studies with the same zeal and zest.
I shall spare no pains to maintain my academic record and to imrpove it further. I shall never
betray your trust and confidence you have reposed in me.
Kindly convey my warmest regards to Bhabhiji and love to Raju and Lovely.
With my warm personal regards,
Yours affectionately,
(Sd.) Rajesh Kumar Dewan
Shri R. K. Dewan
18, Civil Lines,
for an active person like you. I express my heart-felt sympathies for you and I pray to God for your
early recovery. My parents join with me in sending their sympathies to you and wishing your a
very speedy recovery.
My dear friend, have courage and patience to put up with this situation with fortitude. Also
pray to God and have full faith in His justice and mercy, for anything could have happened in a
train accident like this. We must all be thankful to the Almighty for His mercy.
Kindly convery my regards to your parents.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely,
Shri Ravi Shanker Mathur,
37, Swaroop Nagar
(8) Reply to the above
37, Swaroop Nagar,
June 27, 2012
My dear friend Ramendra,
I heartily thank you for your kind and affectionate letter. Letters of sympathy and good wishes
from my dear friends like you give so much of support and moral courage. By God’s mercy and
good wishes of my friends, my fracture is simple. Doctors hope that I shall recover completely in
about three months.
However, confined to bed as I am, I feel very lonely and helpless. Time seems to creep very
slowly. Whenever you happen to come to this side, please do come to me and stay with me for a
day or two. Your company would give me much consolation and moral support.
Please convey my regards to your parents.
Thanking you once again,
Yours sincerely,
Shri Ramendra Singh Chauhan,
2/42, Civil Lines,
you my beart-felt condolences and pray to God to give you strength enough to bear this great
family tragedy with courage and faith in God. I also pray to God to grant peace to the departed
soul. My parents join with me in sending their condolences to you and your family.
Sharing your grief,
Yours sincerely,
Shri Rakesh Kumar Jain
35, Ashok Nagar,
(10) Reply to the above
35, Ashok Nagar,
Nov. 27, 2011
My dear Trimohan,
I received your letter of condolences yesterday. My father’s death was a terrible blow to the
whole family, but there was no way out against God’s will. However, your letter gave me much
comfort and consolation. I must express my gratitude to you and your parents for the same.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Shri Trimohan Verma
3/9, H. A. L. Colony,
(Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Shyam Lal Ashish)
(Son of Mr. & Mrs. Shyam Bihari Nagore)
On the 15 th of December, 2011 at Hotel Avadh, Lucknow, as per programme given below.
Your gracious presence would add immensely to the gaiety and grandeur of the ceremony.
R.S.V.P. With best compliments from :
Kundan Rajvir Ashish, Pranav Ashish,
Preeti & Praphulla Divya Ashish
2/37, Ashok Marg. &
Lucknow The whole Ashish family
Monday, December 15, 2011
Reception of Barat …………………… 7 p. m.
Dinner …………………… 8 p. m.
Wedding …………………… 10 p. m.
Hotel Avadh, Lucknow
(2) Another Model of Wedding Invitation
(Granddaughter of Mr. & Mrs. S. K. Kohli
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kohli)
(Grandson of Mr. & Mrs. P. K. Dhawan
Son of Mr. & Mrs. R. K. Dhawan)
Hotel Clarkes, AGRA
(3) Traditional Model of Wedding Invitation
( OM (
Dated …………
Dear ……………,
We feel immensely glad to write to you that by the grace of God and blessings and good
wishes of our near and dear ones like you, the marriage of our son, Sushant, has been fixed for the
24th of April, 2012 with Kumari Sukanta, daughter of Shrimati and Shriman Jagdambika Prasad of
Jaipur. You are most cordially and earnestly invited and requested to grace this happy and
auspicious occason with your gracious presence along with your family and shower your blessings
on the newly wedded couple. We earnestly feet that your presence would add immensely to the
glamour and gaiety of the cerenmony. We request you most emphatically to make it convenient to
join with us in our joy and happiness.
The detailed programme is given below.
R.S.V.P. Sincerely yours,
Dr. Naresh Pareek Ram Naresh Pareek
Dr. Brijesh Pareek (Mrs.) Shushma Pareek
Mrs. Sudha Pareek
Mrs. Chandra Pareek
2/25, Prashant Nagar,
M. G. Road, AJMER
Tel : 352798
376 | L.W.C.E.
Tuesday, 24th April, 2012
Departure of Barat : by bus at 6 a. m. from our residence
Reception of Barat : at 8 p. m. at the Bride’s residence,
25, Subhash Nagar, Ajmer
Wednesday, 25th April, 2012
Vida : …………………………………… 6 a. m.
Thursday, 26 th April, 2012
Dinner : at our residence—5 p. m. onwards
(4) Matrimonial Advertisements : Models
1. Alliance invited for a ver attractive, fair-complexioned, Post-graduate, 25/158 cms. Agrawal girl of
high status family from a well-settled, vegetarian, teetotaller, professional boy from high status
family. Early and decent marriage. Please reply with full bio-data to Box 3587, Hindustan Times,
New Delhi.
2. Compatible match well-settled in Civil/Professional services from highly educated and respectable
family for a very beautiful, fair-complexioned, highly cultured, convent educated, M. A., M.B.A.
girl, 26 / 156 cms., of high status Jain family. Early decent marriage. Please reply to Box 3926.
Times of India, New Delhi.
3. Wanted suitable match from industrialist, business family of high status with decent living for a
slim, sharp-featured, fair-complexioned, charming, convent-educated, 23/164 cms. girl. Only
daughter of an industrialist, status Khatri family. Please correspond to Box 3468-CD. Hindustan
Times, New Delhi.
4. Correspondence invited from U. S. A.-based professional for beautiful, attractive, vegetarian,
computer consultant, U. S. citizen, 25/162 cms. Panjabi girl. Please send full bio-data to Box 3652
CF, Nav Bharat Times, New Delhi.
5. Matrimonial correspondene invited from USA-based professional for a divorcee Khatri girl,
34/158, looking much younger, charming, convent-educated, MS, American citizenship. Early
marriage. Box 1538, Times of India, New Delhi.
6. Alliance invited for beautiful, fair, smart, 30/160 cms. Panjabi girl working in USA on H1 Visa as
an expert in Oriental Fashion Designing, $ 60,000 plus perks, from highly educated and very well
placed boy in U. S. Caste no bar. Early marriage. Box 3518 CA Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
7. Alliance invited from charming, extermely beautiful, slim, smart, positive-thinking girl for well-
settled Punjabi widower, 35/75, handsome, fair-complexioned, having his own multinational
industrial establishment, income in millions. No demands, no bars. Issueless widows, divorcees
also acceptale. Respond to Box 3568 OS, Times of India, New Delhi.
8. Reputed affluent Kayastha family seeks alliance for their only son, handsome, fair complexion, tall,
teetotaller, non-smoker. Girl should be very beautiful, cultured and refined. Girl’s merits only
consideration. No demands. Write to Box 5039 HT, Nav Bharat Times, New Delhi.
9. Renowned industrialist family, Bombay-based, invites correspondence for matrimonial alliance for
their only son, handsome, smart, dashing spirit, own income in seven figures, 30/176 cms. Parents
of equal status of a girl, smart, beautiful, convent-educated may correspond to Box 9735 HP,
Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
10. Beautiful, fair, slim, Doctor, Engineer, M. C. A., M. B. A. match for a Brahmin boy. 28/180, M.
Tech., employed in multinational firm, drawing salary in six figures. No demands. Girl’s merits
only consideration. Write to Box 7389 CA Hindustan Times, New Delhi.
Business Letters
(1) Letter of Enquiry about some Goods
The Principal, Dated
Agra College, Agra, th
30 Sept., 2011
No. 357/Games/2011
M/s Davico,
Sports Goods Suppliers,
M. G. Road, AGRA
Dear Sirs,
I shall be thankful to you if you could kindly let me know within a fortnight whether you can
supply the following items of games and sports from your ready stock. If so, kindly quote your
rates along with the brands available with you for immediate supply.
1. Cricket Bats, 2 dozen
2. Cricket balls, 6 dozen
3. Hockey sticks, 4 dozen
4. Foot-balls, 2 dozen
5. Volley-balls, 2 dozen
6. Badminton cocks, 6 dozen
If your quotations reach me within a fortnight and if they are approved by our Sports
Committee, I shall place an order with you for immediate supply of the goods.
Yours faithfully,
Sd. X Y Z
(2) Placing an order for Goods
The Registrar, Dated
Agra University, Agra March 20, 2012
No. 615/Misc/Lib-2012
M/s Doaba Book House,
Ansari Road, New Delhi
Dear Sir,
A large consignment of many items of school furniture was booked by us from Haldwani by
Northern Railway. When the consignment reached here and we went to take delivery of the same,
we found a large number of chairs and tables completely broken or damaged. This damage was
evidently caused by mishandling of the same by the coolies while loading and unloading the items.
The responsibility of damages rests squarely with the Railway staff. Their carelessness and
mishandling have damaged furniture worth 15,000.
Therefore I lodge herewith my claim for damages worth 15,000. We request you to make an
early enquiry into the matter and pass our claim for 15000 for early payment.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sd. X Y Z
Raj Furniture Pvt. Ltd.
Applications for a post can be written in two forms—
(1) Running or narrative form
(2) Tabular form or on the prescribed proforma.
We give below an example of each form :
(1) Application for the Post of a Lecturer
The Principal,
St. Lawrence College,
With reference to your advertisement No. 3F/Lec/12, dated 5.2.2012, published in The Times
of India for the post of a lecturer in English for your College, I beg to offer my candidature for the
With regard to my educational qualifications, I beg to submit that I passed M. A. in English
from Calcutta University in 1999 and obtained First division. Subsequently I obtained the Degree
of Ph. D. in English in 2002. The topic of my research was ‘Shakespeare’s Historical Plays’. My
examiners spoke highly of my thesis. In my earlier educational career also, I obtained First division
in all examinations from High School to B. A.
Regarding my teaching experience, I would submit that I have been working as a Lecturer in
English in Allahabad University since September 2002 on a temporary basis. Thus I have an
experience of teaching Degree classes for nearly two sessions in a reputed university. It is natural
that I should seek an appointment on a permanent basis as advertised for your College.
I would assure you that if an opportunity is given to me to serve in your College, I would
discharge my duties to my utmost ability and sincerity and spare no efforts to give entire satis-
faction to you and to my students.
Thanking you, Sir,
Dated : 10.5.2012 Yours faithfully,
R. D. Pirohit
2/41, M. G. Road
1. Photo Copies of all certificates Degrees and Marksheets
2. Copy of experience certifcate
3. Copy of High School certificate for verification of age.
382 | L.W.C.E.
The Principal,
St. Lawrence College,
With reference to your advertisement for the post of a lecturer in English, I beg to apply for the
same. I give hereunder the details of my bio-data for favour of your consideration.
1. Name of the Applicant : R. D. Pirohit
2. Father’s Name : Shir S. K. Pirohit
3. Postal Address : 2/41, M. G. Road, Patna
4. Date of Birth : 30. 8. 1982
5. Educational Qualifications—
Address : …………………………………………………
Dated : ……………
Dear Sir,
With reference to your application for the post of Junior Engineer, you are required to appear
for an interview before the Interview Board in the Chief Engineer’s Office on Monday, the 12th of
July, 2012 at 10 a. m. Please bring all your certificates and other relevant documents in the original
for verification.
Please note that no T. A. or D. A. will be paid to you for appearing at the interview.
Yours faithfully,
R. C. Dwivedi
The Chief Engineer
P. W. D. Kanpur
To Dated : 28 . 7. 2012
The Principal,
D. A. V. College,
With reference to your letter of appointment No. Eng/II-2012, dated 25.7.2012, I have the
honour to submit that I have joined my duties as Lecturer in English at your College with effect
from the forenoon of 28.7.2012. This may kindly be entered in the records of the College.
Thanking you, Sir,
Yours faithfully,
R. K. Nigam,
3/5 (1), Nehru Nagar
384 | L.W.C.E.
1. Noun
Name for a person, animal, thing, place, idea, activity.
John, cat, box, desert, liberty, golf
2. Pronoun
Alternate name for a noun.
he, she, it Amazingly, only eight
parts of speech are
3. Adjective used to classify
Modifies a noun or pronoun. hundreds of thousands
big, good, full of words. The
challenge is that many
4. Verb words can be used for
more than one part of
Expresses action or existence. speech.
went, purred, is
Select yes on the
5. Adverb ballot. (noun)
Modifies a verb, adverb, or adjective. Cast a yes vote.
quickly, loudly, here (adjective)
That’s my Pa!
N PA VAC PI To memorize the 8 parts
Noun-Pronoun-Adjective of speech, imagine that
Verb-Adverb-Conjunction N N’s PA VACuums PIe!
Compound Noun: Made of two or more words: ice water, notebook, brother-in-law
Appositive: Noun or noun phrase that identifies a nearby noun or pronoun. My son Bill is happy.
2. Pronoun = Pro-Name
Professional or alternate names used by nouns to enhance their careers.
One of my One of my One of my
pro-names is pro-names is pro-names is
he. she. it.
liberty “for.”
he she it means
“for a noun.”
Types of Pronouns
Personal: I, me, mine, my / you, your / he, him, his / she, her / we, our, us / they, them, their / it...
Indefinite (not specific): all, any, anyone, both, each, either, everyone, few, many...
When used to
Interrogative (ask questions): what?, which?, who?, whom?, whose?... show
Demonstrative (point out): this, that, these, those...
Reflexive (reflect back): myself, yourself, himself, herself, themselves... behave like
adjectives and
Relative (link dependent clauses): that, which, who, whoever, whom, whose... are called
Antecedent: The noun or noun phrase a pronoun refers to. John made his bed. their car.
Ante means “before.” Cede means “to go.” An antecedent in a sense “goes before” or existed
before the pronoun, although it can occur afterwards in a sentence. It was John’s bed.
In addition to
relative pronouns,
and or liberty
adverbial conjunctives,
aare and prepositions are
called connectives.
John and cat or liberty
Coordinating (equal rank items): for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so fanboys
Subordinating (dependent clauses): after, although, as, as if, because, before, if,
once, since, so that, than, that, unless, until, when, where, while
Correlative (item pairs): both-and, either-or, neither-nor
7. Preposition Positions
Precedes a phrase that acts as a modifier or noun by indicating
a position in time, location, or manner.
Let’s run.
Purr! It’s about time!
phrases can
liberty be used as
Big John went quickly full liberty is here or adverbs.
good cat purred loudly
with his friend for several minutes The noun or
at last
pronoun at
Time: before/after, during, past, until the end of the
phrase is the
Location: above/below, across, along, around, behind, beside, between, object of the
in/out, into, near/far, on/off, over/under, through, up/down, within preposition.
Multipurpose: about, against, as, at, by, of, for, from, to, with, without
8. Interjection Ignites!
Ignites the message with an exclamation of emotion! Interjections
Yes! can stand
Oops! Super! alone or be
part of a
Yes! It’s me.
Oh, is it?
Expletives are interjectory words or expressions. There is no one here! Darn it!
Some words are easy to classify: “Is it a person, place, or thing?” (noun); “Does it modify
a noun?” (adjective), etc. But many words are less obvious and can be different parts of
speech depending on how they are used.
What part of
When in doubt, the best option is to consult a speech is the
dictionary, which lists the various parts of speech word “when”?
for a word in the order of most common usage when
along with definitions and examples.
But even a dictionary may not make classifying easy when a word’s
shades of meaning and usage are nearly identical.
For example, looking up “when” in the Random House Webster’s College Dictionary
© 1996 yielded four parts of speech and ten alternate definitions. Here’s a sampling:
The following table lists a dozen words (in alphabetical order) that can be difficult to classify. The parts
of speech are ranked (1, 2, 3...) in the order they are listed in Webster’s dictionary.
Int Pron Verb Adj Adj Conj Adj Noun Adv Prep Adj Noun
Wow! He kicked the red and white ball high into the air.
Finally! They had been waiting forever for good food and drink.
What! Why did you not ask when the kids who went into that house returned?
Why? How was I to know more about where they were then than I do now?
[ Answers follow ]
Int Verb Pro Verb Pro Verb Verb Adj Noun Prep Adj Noun
Hey! Do you think we can get some service at this restaurant?
s Int Pro Verb Verb Verb Adv Prep Adj Noun Conj Noun
Finally! They had been waiting forever for good food and drink.
Int Adv Verb Pron Adv Verb Conj Adj Noun Pron Verb Prep Adj Noun Verb
What! Why did you not ask when the kids who went into that house returned?
Int Adv Verb PronPrep Verb Adv Prep Adv Pron Verb Adv Conj PronVerb Adv
Why? How was I to know more about where they were then than I do now?
act up behave or function I think I need to take my car to the mechanic bear up withstand I didn't think he would bear up so well
improperly because it's acting up again. in that situation.
add * up + calculate a sum I added up the receipts and it totaled $135.46. bear up under + withstand How did he bear up under such
extreme pressure.
add up to + equal an amount The total expenses added up to $325.00.
bear with + be patient Please bear with me while I fill out the
add up make sense Her story doesn't add up. I think she is lying. paperwork.
ask * out + invite on a date I can't believe that Joe finally asked me out on a blow in visit unexpectedly (inf.) My cousin blew in unexpectedly with
date! his entire family.
ask * over + invite to one's home Why don't we ask the Johnsons over for dinner? blow over pass without creating a All this negative publicity will blow
problem over in a couple of weeks.
blow * up + make explode;destroy using The terrorists blew the bridge up.
back down stop defending your opinion Jane never backs down. She always
in a debate wins arguments.
blow up suddenly become very angry When Joan heard the news, she blew
back out of + not keep (a promise, Sam backed out of the agreement at
up and rushed out of the room.
agreement, deal) the last second.
break down stop working properly The truck broke down in the desert.
back up move backwards, reverse Could you back up a little so I can
open this drawer.
break down become mentally ill She broke down after her husband
bawl * out criticize, reprimand (inf.) She bawled him out for arriving late.
break * in + wear or use something new I need to break these shoes in before I
bear down on + bite The soldier had to bear down on the
until it is comfortable go hiking.
leather strap while the doctor removed
a bullet from the soldier's arm.
break in interrupt While we were discussing the
situation, Terri broke in to give her
bear down on + take strong measures against The U.S.A. is bearing down on drug
break in enter a place unlawfully The burglar broke in between experience) difficult, but I brought a new
midnight and 3 AM. appreciation for life away from the
break in on + interrupt (a conversation) Jane broke in on the conversation and
told us to get back to work. bring * off + succeed at something difficult You robbed the bank! I can't believe
or unexpected you brought that off.
break into + enter a house unlawfully The burglar broke into the house
between midnight and 3 AM. bring * on + cause something I can't believe she got so angry. What
brought that on?
break into + interrupt (a conversation) Jane broke into the conversation and
told us what she knew. bring * out + highlight, stress Your new shirt brings out the color of
your eyes.
break * off + end something Sally broke her engagement to John
off. bring * over + bring to someone's house When you visit me, why don't you
bring over your son.
break out appear violently Violent protests broke out in response
to the military coup. bring * to revive consciousness We used smelling salts to bring her to
after she fainted.
break out + use something extravagant for He broke out the champagne to
celebration celebrate his promotion. bring * up + mention I didn't want to bring up the fact that
she was unemployed.
break out of + escape The murderer broke out of the prison.
bring * up + raise ( a child) Sam was brought up in South
break * up + break into pieces I broke the cracker up into pieces and
put it in the soup.
brush * off + ignore something or someone Mary brushed her ex-boyfriend off at
(inf.) the party.
break * up + disperse (a crowd), stop (a The police broke the demonstration up
fight) before it got out of control.
burn * down + destroy by setting fire to The children burned the house down
while playing with matches.
break up end a relationship Sam and Diane broke up again. What
a rocky relationship.
burn down burn until completely gone Two buildings burnt down in the fire.
bring * about + cause to happen Democracy brought about great
change in the lives of the people.
burn up be hot I am burning up in here - open the
bring * along + bring with When we go to the forest, bring your
wildlife guide along.
burn up consume by fire The papers were burned up in the fire.
bring * around change someone's mind, She doesn't want to go, but we'll
convince someone eventually bring her around. burn * up + destroy by fire He burnt up the files.
bring * away learn or gain (from an My trip across the Sahara was buy * out + buy the shares of a company Pacific Inc. was bought out by a
or the shares the other person company from Oregon. carry * out + complete and/or accomplish The secret agent carried out his
owns of a business something orders exactly as planned.
buy * up + purchase the entire supply of We bought up all the beer in the store. carry * over + continue on a subsequent day, The meeting carried over into
something page, etc. lunch time.
catch on slowly start to understand He caught on after a few minutes.
call for + require (as in a recipe) This recipe calls for milk, not (inf.)
catch up make up for lost time I will never catch up. I am too
call * off + cancel something They called the picnic off because behind in my work.
of the rain.
catch up with + speed up to be at the same I had to run to catch up with the
call * off + order to stop (an invasion, He called off the dogs when he place as a person or thing in others.
guard dogs) saw it was his neighbor. front of you
call on + visit Mark called on Naomi while he catch up on + become up-to-date I need to catch up on world
was in town. events. I haven't seen the news in
call on + invite someone to speak in a Professor Tanzer called on Tim to
meeting or a classroom answer the question. check back return to see if everything is We will check back tomorrow to
OK make sure the project is finished.
call * up + telephone I called Sam up to see if he wanted
to go to the movies. check by + go to a place to see if We need to check by the office to
everything is OK see if the documents are ready.
calm * down + make someone relax You can calm the baby down by
rocking her gently. check for + try to find They checked for termites before
they bought the house.
care for + nurse someone or something He cared for the bird until its
wing healed. check in enter a hospital, hotel etc. They need to check in before
care for + like someone or something I don't care for sour cream on my
potato. check into + enter a hospital, hotel etc. They checked into the hotel at
11:00 AM.
carry on + continue (a conversation, a Please, carry on. I didn't mean to
game) interrupt you. check into + investigate, look for (often We are checking into discount
through a service) flights to London.
carry on about + continue in an annoying way He kept carrying on about how
much money he makes. check * off + make a mark next to (an item Check each name off the list.
on a list)
carry on with + continue I want you to carry on with the
project while I am out of town. check on + make sure something is OK Let's check on the baby again
before we go to sleep.
check * out + investigate, take a look at He checked out the new close * down + close a place permanently The corner market closed down
restaurant down the street. because they didn't have many
check out leave a hotel, hospital It's already eleven. We need to
check out. close down close permanently The bar was closed down because
they served alcohol to minors.
check out of + leave a hotel, hospital We checked out of the hotel before
ten. close in on + approach and threaten The rebels were closing in on the
capital, so the government called
in the army.
check * over + closely examine the condition He checked over the old car to see
of something if it was worth buying.
close * up + close temporarily They are closing the ski resort up
for the summer.
check up on + investigate someone or The police are checking up on the
something bomb threats.
close up close temporarily The ski resort is closing up for the
check * through send luggage through (to a Your luggage will be checked
destination) through to Paris.
come about occur / happen How did you idea for the book
come about.
check with + ask a person for confirmation He needs to check with his
parents before he goes.
come across + discover by accident They came across some lost
Mayan ruins in the jungle.
cheer * up make someone feel cheerful The party really cheered me up.
come across + initially seem or have the He comes across as rather rude,
cheer up become cheerful Cheer up. Everything will be all
appearance but he isn't.
come along accompany someone If you want, you can come along.
chew * up + chew into small pieces The dog chewed up my shoe.
come along with + progress How are you coming along with
clean * up + tidy Susan cleaned the mess up before
the research paper.
she left.
come away leave a place with a particular I came away from the meeting
clear out leave ( inf.) Everybody clear out! We're closed.
feeling or impression feeling like the presentation was a
clear * up + tidy Susan cleared up the mess before
she left.
come back return What time are you coming back?
come by + get, receive How did you come by that new count * in + include Did you count expenses in?
count on + depend/rely on You can really count on Sarah.
come by visit a person at their house I'll come by later this afternoon.
count * out + exclude You can count James out. He hates
come down with + become sick with He came down with the flu. playing poker.
come into + inherit He came into a large sum of count * up + add Count the change up and see how
money when his aunt died. much we have.
come off + fall off, break off The handle came off the suitcase cross * out + draw a line through something, Why did you cross my name out
when I picked it up. eliminate on the list?
come out appear I didn't see the car at first. It came cut down decrease the amount of You eat too much fat. You need to
out of nowhere. cut down.
come out reveal you are homosexual Sam finally came out last month. cut down on + decrease the amount of You need to cut down on your fat
come out turn out, end up The pictures came out great.
cut in interrupt She suddenly cut in and delivered
the news
come out with + produce and distribute a Microsoft is coming out with a
product new video game system next
month. cut in on + interrupt She cut in on the conversation and
delivered the news.
come over visit someone at their house Why don't you come over after
work for dinner. cut * off interrupt someone while they She cut him off before he said
were speaking something he would regret later.
come to regain consciousness Don't worry! She faints all the
time. She always comes to after a cut * off + sever ( with a knife) His finger was accidentally cut off
few minutes. in an industrial accident.
come through do what is needed or expected Terry really came through for us cut * out + remove He cut the bone out of the steak.
in the end.
cut * out stop an action Cut it out! You're bothering me.
come up to + approach; to equal The job offer didn't come up to her
cut * up + Cut into small pieces He cut the beef up and put the
pieces in the soup.
come up with + produce or create (an idea, a She came up with a great proposal
plan) for the new advertising campaign. D
die off/out become extinct Whales are in danger of dying off. drop over visit someone casually Drop over any time you feel like
disagree with + cause to feel sick due to food Spicy food disagrees with me. E
or drink
eat away gradually destroy, erode The heavy rains ate away at the sandstone cliffs.
do away with abolish Some Americans want to do away with
+ the death penalty. eat * up + devour Ken ate the cookies up.
do * over + repeat You made many mistakes, so I want eat in eat inside the home We usually eat in instead of going out for dinner.
you to do the report over.
eat out eat outside the home They eat out once a week.
do without + manage without something I couldn't do without a car in
one wants or needs California. F
dress * down reprimand severely The mother dressed her son down for fall back on + be able to use in case of Yuki can fall back on her degree in biology
skipping school. emergency if she doesn't succeed in her acting career.
dress down dress casually I am dressing down because we're fall behind go slower than scheduled, Hurry up or you will fall behind!
going to a barbecue by the beach. lag
dress * up + decorate You could dress this house up with fall behind in + go slower than scheduled, Cheryl has missed several days of school
some bright colors lag and now she is falling behind in her
dress up wear elegant clothes She always dresses up at work.
fall off decrease Interest in the project fell off when they
drive * back + repulse The invaders were driven back by the realized it wouldn't be profitable.
fall out with + have an argument with I had a falling out with my sister last
drop in visit someone unexpectedly Meg dropped in yesterday after dinner. month and we haven't talked to each other
figure on + expect Where do you figure on living when you get along have a good relationship Do you and your sister get along?
move to the the U.S.A.?
get along with + have a good relationship Giovanna doesn't get along with
figure * out + solve something, I finally figured the joke out. Now I her two brothers.
understand understand why everybody was laughing.
get around + avoid someone or something Some people get around paying
figure * up + calculate I need to figure my expenses up before I taxes by hiring a good
give you an estimate. accountant.
fill * in + complete Don't forget to fill in all the blanks on the get around go many places It's easy to get around town with
application. public transportation.
fill in substitute Who is going to fill in while you're gone? get away escape The bank robbers got away.
fill in for + substitute for Miguel filled in for me at the meeting get away with + do something against the rules My sister gets away with
yesterday because I was sick. or illegal and not get caught or everything!
fill * out + complete (an application) I filled out an application to rent the
apartment last week. get by survive without having the I lost my job, so I am having a
things you need or want hard time getting by this year.
fill out mature, get breasts Now that you're filling out honey, we need
to get you a bra. get by on + survive with minimal It's nearly impossible to get by on
resources making minimum wage.
fill * up + fill to the top Fill the car up with unleaded gas, please.
get by with + manage with You don't need a computer. You
can get by with the typewriter.
find out + discover You will never find out all my secrets!
get down to + get serious about a topic Enough small talk. Let's get
find out discover Vicky's parents are going to be so mad
down to business.
when they find out she got a tattoo.
get in + enter ( a car, a small boat) Get in the front seat. You will
fix * up + repair, renovate, remodel My neighbors are fixing their house up.
have more leg room.
get off + leave (a bus, plane, train, boat) We need to get off the bus at the get through (with) + finish Have you gotten through with
next stop. your homework yet?
get off Leave It's dangerous to sit on the roof. get through to + make contact It's hard to get through to Janet
Get off! because her telephone line is
always busy.
get off idiomatic phrase - How does Where does he get off saying
he justify saying that?! that?! get * up cause someone to rise (from a Ahmed got Abdul up at 5:30 in
sitting position or a lying the morning by turning the music
position) up really loud.
get * on put on (clothes) You should get your jacket on
because it's going to be cold.
get up rise (from sitting position or a What time did you get up this
bed) morning?
get on enter (a bus, train), mount (a The train is leaving. Quick, get
horse, a bike) on!
give * away + give something without Why did Nancy give all of her
asking for anything in furniture away?
get on + enter (a bus, train), mount ( a Get on my bike and I will give
horse, a bike) you a ride home.
get out of + exit (a small boat, car, an I fell into the water when I tried
give off + release (a smell, light) That white flower gives off a
enclosed area) to get out of the canoe.
beautiful smell.
get over + recover (a cold, a disease, an Jennifer still hasn't gotten over
give * out + distribute I earn extra money by giving out
ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend) her breakup with Peter.
brochures on the street.
go for idiomatic phrase - I am I could go for pepperoni pizza. go through + examine in detail, study I need to have my lawyer go
craving pepperoni pizza. carefully through this contract before I
sign it.
go in for + participate ( inf.) Are you going to go in for soccer
this year at school? go through + endure; experience challenges, She has gone through so much in
difficulties or traumas her life.
go into + discuss in detail I really don't want to go into that
now. go through with + continue or proceed despite I have decided to go through
difficulties or fears with the operation.
go off explode The bomb could go off at any
moment. go with + match (clothing) That shirt doesn't go with those
go off begin, start (used with signals, The alarm clock went off at 6:00
alarms, warning sounds) AM. go with + accompany a person I am going with Alejandro to the
go off stop (said of a machine) The DVD player goes off
automatically if you are not using go with + have a boyfriend/girlfriend I am going with Yuri.
go without + abstain from something you A person can go without water
go off become angry Maria went off last night after I want or need for three days.
told her about losing her bike.
grow under go out of business The restaurant went under after
it lost its liquor license. have * over invite guests to your Why don't we have Mr. and Mrs. Jones over
home for dinner tonight.
grow up Mature Your brother needs to grow up
and start thinking about his hear from + receive news from (a Have you heard from Steve lately?
future. letter, an e-mail)
hear of + know about Have you heard of chocolate covered ants?
hand * back + return Is the teacher going to hand back our tests something or
today? somebody
hand * down + pronounce formally The president is going to hand his decision hit on + find on accident I hit on the idea while watching the
down on health care tonight. Simpsons show.
hand * down + give as an inheritance When my clothes got too small for me as a hit on + flirt with Jay's friend Marc was trying to hit on my
child, I handed them down to my sister. sister last night.
hand * in + submit I have to hand in an offer by March 12. hold * back + restrain The police held the demonstrators back
while the politicians entered the building.
hand * out + distribute We should hand the concert fliers out at
school. hold back not allow to advance The teacher held Frank back a year, so he
in school couldn't enter fifth grade.
hand * over + relinquish control of Hand your car keys over. You're too drunk
to drive. hold * off + restrain Mr. Johnson held the dog off while we
crossed the yard.
hang around + stay in a place for fun Maria and Salvador usually hang around
( inf.) the beach after school. hold off on + delay We should hold off on making dinner until
your parents arrive.
hang around stay in a place for fun Those guys just hang around all day.
hold on grasp tightly Hold on tight! The roller coaster is about to
take off.
hang * up + suspend (clothes on a You can hang your jacket up in the front
hanger) closet.
hold on tell someone to wait Hold on a minute. I'll get Carol.
on the telephone
hang up put down the Don't hang up. I'm going to change phones.
telephone receiver
hold on to + grasp tightly Make sure you hold on to the hand rail as
you walk down the stairs.
hang out + stay in a place for fun Let's go hang out at the mall tonight.
hold out not give in, continue Stop holding out and tell us where you
to resist found all of these old records.
hang out stay in a place for fun What are you doing? - - I'm just hanging
hold out against + not give in, resist They held out against enemy attack.
have * on + wear Do you have your hiking boots on?
hold * up + delay (a flight, traffic); The accident held traffic up for an hour. climbing on to something
hold * up + rob (a bank, a person) Five men held the bank up yesterday. keep on continue He kept on talking after everybody
with a weapon asked him to stop.
keep * out prevent from entering Keep the dog out of the garden; he
iron * eliminate We need to have a meeting this week in order to iron out the keeps digging up the flowers.
out distribution problems.
keep * over cover something with, put I keep a tarp over my bicycle at night
something above to prevent it from getting wet.
jack up + to raise We need to jack up the car before we
change the tire. keep to + continue, persist in (an Everybody said she would never
activity) finish the puzzle, but she kept to it
joke to be humorous Mike is always joking around at work. until it was done.
keep up stay on the required schedule You have to keep up if you want to
jump in enter a conversation Feel free to jump in at any moment while work here.
we are talking.
keep * up + continue You are doing a great job! Keep it up.
jump to + make a quick, poorly thought You shouldn't jump to conclusions.
out decision keep up with + stay on schedule with (a I have so much reading that I can't
K person, the workload, keep up with the writing exercises.
Keep * around have handy, have accessible I always keep a dictionary around to
translate new words.
lay away + save for the future Why don't you lay away your
keep at + not give up (an activity), to You should keep at your studies. wedding outfit?
lay down + establish (laws, rules) Lori lays down the law in her class.
keep * away prevent access to, hold back Keep the kids away from the cookies. English only!
keep * back maintain a safe distance, cause Keep back! The burning building is lay in on + scold or criticize severely My mom really laid in on me when I
to maintain a safe distance about to collapse. got home at 4:00 in the morning last
keep * down not vomit, not throw up, keep If I ate that, I down know if I could
in one's stomach keep it down. lay into + scold or criticize severely I saw Reto's mom lay into him when
he came home late last night.
keep * off prevent from stepping or Keep the cat off the couch. lay * out + arrange Why don't we lay the pieces of the
table out before we put it together.
leave * out + not include, omit Why did your parents leave you out look after + take care of (a child, a house, a When my sister goes on vacation, I
of their vacation plans? pet) look after her dog.
let * down disappoint I felt let down when I didn't receive look back on + to remember nostalgically When I look back on my childhood,
a birthday card from my sister. I often feel angry.
let * down lengthen (pants in sewing) My uncle is a tailor, so he can let look down on + see as inferior She's so conceited. She looks down
your pants down. on everybody else.
let * out release I am happy my brother was let out look for + to seek or search for I'm looking for my keys. Have you
of prison early. seen them?
let * out make bigger (in sewing) I need to let out this skirt because I look forward to + anticipate with pleasure I am looking forward to traveling to
have gained weight. New York next year.
let up weaken in intensity I told her NO a thousand times, but look into + investigate The police are looking into the
she won't let up. murder.
lie down rest, recline I need to lie down before we go out look on observe as a spectator Everybody just looked on as the two
tonight. men fought.
lie down on + rest, recline ( on a couch, bed) I'm going to lie down on the sofa for look out be careful, pay attention, heed Look out, there's a black widow
a while. a certain danger spider on the wall.
lie with + be decided by Whether or not you can go to the look * over + examine, review When I'm camping, I look my shoes
party lies with your father. over before I put them on.
light * up + illuminate Let's get some candles to light this look * up + search for (in a dictionary) I takes time to look up new
room up. vocabulary words.
light up + to smoke Do you have to light up another look * up + locate and visit If you ever travel to California, you
cigarette? I thought you were trying should look me up.
to cut down.
look up to + respect, admire someone He looks up to his father.
live * down + live in a way that a shameful Jose will never live down singing
or embarrassing event is that song at the karaoke bar. M
make * out decipher I can't make out your handwriting. What
does this say?
live on + survive from I could live on bread and cheese.
make * out + write a check or other Who should I make this check out to?
live up to + keep a standard It would be hard to live up to her document
parent's expectations. They are so
make out succeed He really made out in the stock market last nose around + sneak around I hate it when my mother noses around
year. my room.
make out progress How is your son making out in his new job?
occur to + pop into one's mind, It didn't occur to us that we had left the iron
come to one's mind on.
make out kiss passionately I saw Benno and Isabelle making out in the
movie theater last night!
open up share feelings I'm glad that John feels comfortable enough
around me to open up.
make out with + kiss someone Did you make out with Sally?
out to + verb try to She is out to get revenge now that her
husband left her for another woman.
make * over do again The teacher made me do my homework over.
make * up + invent ( a story) Don't believe anything she says. She always
pan out be successful, turn out well The trip to Vegas didn't pan out.
makes things up.
pass out become unconscious He passed out because the room was
too hot.
name * after + name a child using another I was named after my grandfather.
family member's name
pass * up + not take advantage (of an I can't believe she passed up the
opportunity) opportunity to study in Rome.
nod off fall asleep The movie was so boring that I nodded
off before it was finished.
pay * back + repay If I loan you money, will you pay me
pay * off + complete payment on a debt It took me ten years to pay off my pull in park (a vehicle) Mark pulled in too quickly and
credit card debt. crashed into the wall.
pay * off + to bribe Don't try to pay the police officer off if pull out depart (a vehicle) Our train pulls out at 8:00, so don't be
you get pulled over for speeding. late.
pick on + to tease, bully She keeps picking on me! Make her pull through barely survive I didn't think she was going to make
stop. it, but she pulled through in the end.
pick * out + choose Diane picked out a lovely dress for the put * across + communicate (an idea or I thought Ms. Smith put her ideas
dance. suggestion) clearly so that it is across rather clearly in the meeting.
pick * up + to lift an object with the hands Keep your back straight when you lift
the TV up. put * away + return to the proper place of I told you kids to put your toys away.
pick * up + come and get someone in a car What time are you going to pick me
up. put * down + insult, say bad things about She always puts down people who
don't share her opinions.
pick * up + learn something without effort It's possible to pick up enough English
in two weeks to get by on your trip to put in + officially submit a request (in He put in for a transfer to the division
Los Angeles. the armed forces or public in Los Angeles.
pick * up + try to initiate a relationship with Some weird guy tried to pick Patricia
someone (often in a bar) up at the bar. put * off + postpone Don't put off your work - do it now!
pick up grow, increase (inf.) Business is really picking up this put * on + wear Make sure you put on a sweater
quarter. before you go outside.
play * down make less important (inf.) The President played down his affair put * on + deceive I didn't believe a thing he said. I think
+ with the intern. he was putting me on.
play * up highlight something (inf.) She played up her part in the new put * out + extinguish (a fire) Don't use water to put out a grease
movie, but it was actually a very small fire.
put * out + inconvenience someone I don't want to put you out, but could
play up to + flatter someone for your She has been playing up to the boss you pick me up at the airport.
personal advantage because she wants a promotion.
put out + spend (usually used with I can't put out that much money each
point * out + indicate I'd like to point out that figures in unreasonably large sums of month.
column two might be outdated. money)
pull down earn He pulls down about $300,000 a year. put * up have a guest stay in your house Can you put me up while I'm in town.
for a short time
put up with tolerate Sandy will not put up with smoking in run into + meet unexpectedly I ran into my English teacher at the
+ her house. movies last night. She's so nice!
run * off + make leave The new government is trying to run
quiet * down + be quiet, or cause The neighbors told us to quiet down last night or the drug traffickers off.
to be quiet they would call the police.
R run * off reproduce (photocopies) Would you mind running off 10 copies
of this document for me?
read up on + research a topic for a reason I need to read up on the company
before I go on the job interview.
run off leave quickly Why did you run off after the party?
ring * up telephone Jack rung me up last night at 3:00 in the run off waste water You shouldn't swim where the sewage
runs off into the ocean.
run against + compete in an election Gore ran against Bush in the 2000
see about + arrange or consider something My dad said he was going to see
elections in the U.S.A.
about buying me a car.
run away leave home permanently The child ran away because her parents
see * off say good-bye to someone at the Did you see your sister off at the
before you are a legal adult beat her.
beginning of their trip (at the train station?
airport, train station)
run away from + escape from The child ran away from its parents.
see to + make sure something happens, I'll see to it that Mr. Ramirez gets
run * down trace Have you run down those phone arrange your message.
numbers I asked for last week?
see * through finish something despite Are you going to be able to see your
run * down criticize My boss runs everyone down. difficulties studies through now that you have a
run * down hit with a car My dog was run down by a bus.
sell * out tell on someone My partner in crime sold me out for
a reduced jail sentence.
run down loose power, be very tired You need to wind your watch so it
doesn't run down.
set * up arrange a relationship My mom set me up with her friend's
run for + campaign for a government Gore is running for president of the
position U.S.A.
set * up falsely incriminate a person I don't think he killed those men.
Somebody set him up.
set up + arrange (an appointment, a I set up an appointment with my stand for + represent SCUBA stands for "self contained
meeting,etc.) doctor at 3:30 this afternoon. underwater breathing apparatus."
settle on + make a decision after a period of I settled on the job at the oil stand for + tolerate I won't stand for people criticizing
time company. me.
settle up pay one's debts We need to settle up before you stand out be very noticeable Soledad is so beautiful! She really
move. stands out in a crowd.
show * off + show to everybody with a lot of He always shows off his new things. stand * up not arrive to a date or an I arranged to meet Joe at the library
pride appointment (inf.) at 8:00, but he stood me up. I hope
he has a good excuse.
show off boast, draw attention to oneself Young boys show off in order to
impress girls. stand up for + defend (something one believes Every individual must stand up for
in) what they believe in.
show * up make someone seem inferior He's always trying to show up his
co-workers in order to get ahead. stand up to + defend oneself against someone I think you should stand up to your
or something older brother and tell him to stop
pushing you around.
show up arrive without previous notice I hadn't seen my cousin for years,
and all of a sudden, he showed up at
my workplace yesterday! stay over spend the night at a person's It takes you so long to take the bus
house home, so why don't you just stay
shut * off stop from functioning If you don't pay your electric bill,
your power is going to get shut off.
stick it to + severely criticize a person (inf.) My boss really stuck it to me when I
arrived late to work for the third
shut * up make quiet Would someone shut him up! He's
time this week.
talking so loudly that we're going to
get in trouble.
stick to + persevere, keep trying Even though English is a hard
language to master, you must stick
slow * down + make move more slowly Because Mary's level in English is
to it!
lower than the rest of the students,
she slows the class down.
stick up for + defend oneself or opinions Joseph joined the army because he
believes he must stick up for his
slow * up + make move more slowly Because Mary's level in English is
lower than the rest of the students,
she slows the class up. T
take after + resemble a parent or relative I take after my father. Who do you
spell * out + to explain something in a He's so stupid that you have to spell
take after?
detailed way so that the meaning everything our for him.
is clearly understood
take * away + remove, seize or capture The soldiers took the captives away.
stand by wait I need you to stand by and answer
the phone when my broker calls. take * back + retract something you said I demand that you take back what
you said. Vice-president will take over.
take * back + return an item to a store The dress my grandmother bought take * out + accompany a person on a I can't meet you tonight because I am
for me didn't fit, so I took it back and date (for dinner, the movies) taking Fernanda out to dinner.
exchanged it for a pair of pants.
take * up + begin a new hobby Have you taken up any new hobbies
take * down + write down what is said Would you mind taking down my since you moved here?
messages while I am on vacation?
take * up + discuss (at a later date) We should take this issue up in the
take * down + remove (from a high place) The city government made the shop meeting tomorrow.
take down their bright, neon sign.
take * up + shorten a garment when This dress is too long, I am going to
take * for consider, view as Do you take me for an idiot? sewing take it up.
take * in + learning Are you taking in all of these phrasal take up + occupy space This couch takes up too much space
verbs? in the living room.
take * in + deceive a person He was taken in by the con artist. talk back respond in an impolite way Don't talk back!
to an adult
take * in + make smaller when sewing I lost weight, so I need to take some
of my skirts to the tailor to have them talk back to + respond in an impolite way Children should not talk back to their
taken in. to an adult parents.
take * off when a plane or rocket My stomach felt funny when the talk * over + discuss I hope my parents talk their
leaves the ground plane took off. relationship problems over before
they get divorced.
take * off + remove In many cultures, it is appropriate to
take off your shoes when entering a tear * down + destroy The county decided to tear down the
house. dilapidated school and build a new
take * off + leave work or school for a I was sick last week, so I took a few
period of time days off of work. tear * up + tear or rip into small pieces I always tear up my personal papers
before I throw them out.
take off leave We took off after dinner.
tell * off + criticize a person severely, Carolina told me off when she found
reprimand (inf.) out I was gossiping about her date
take on + accept (responsibilities, She has taken on too much
with Martin.
work) responsibility in this project.
tell on + report a crime to the police Every time I did something wrong
take * over + take control of Who is going to take over the family
or bad behavior to a parent when I was a child, my sister would
business when Aretha's father dies?
tell on me.
turn * over give to authorities (said of They turned the wallet over to the watch out for + be careful of Watch out for snakes while you are
evidence or stolen / lost police. hiking in the desert.
wear off disappear after a period of time The affects of the medicine will wear
turn * up + increase the volume or Turn up the TV. I can't hear what off after a few hours.
intensity of a TV, radio, or they're saying.
other machine
wear * out use until something is not If you wear the same shoes everyday,
useable anymore you'll wear them out.
turn up find unexpectedly My keys turned up in the bedroom.
U wear * out cause to be very tired Her three kids wore me out.
use * up use all of something I used up all of the soap, so we need to buy some more.
wind up + finish (inf.) If he doesn't get his act together, he is
V going to wind up in jail.
veer away stay away from, I veer away from the same old summer
wind * up + tighten the spring of a watch or He wound up the toy dog and set it
from + avoid blockbuster films.
similar machine on the floor.
wind * up + cause an animal or a child to The kids always get wound up when
wait on + serve, service (a table) Each waitress waits on three different behave wildly Uncle Henry comes over.
tables in the restaurant.
wipe * out + massacre or destroy The tidal wave wiped out the small
wait up not sleep because you are Don't wait up. fishing village.
waiting for something or
wipe * out cause to be very tired After surfing all day, I was
completely wiped out.
wait up for + not sleep because you are Let's wait up for Mary to see how her
waiting for someone or date went.
something work * out + solve I hope you two can work out your