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Thirty-Fourth Session Bangkok, Thailand, 8 - 13 October 2001

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Agenda Item 14 CX/FH 01/14

July 2001



Thirty-fourth Session
Bangkok, Thailand, 8 - 13 October 2001



Prepared by the United States of America with the assistance of Australia,

Canada, France, and the International Dairy Federation


1. The Recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene

(CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3 (1997)) (GPFH) calls for the control and prevention of all likely
hazards. In many cases the GPFH elaborates on how to evaluate common types of hazards through
specific recommendations that take into account such things as good primary production practices,
facility construction and processing controls. In the case of objectionable matter, however, the
GPFH does not provide guidance on how to determine if a type of objectionable matter could
present a hazard either directly (e.g., glass fragments) or indirectly (e.g., flies carrying foodborne
hazards, mites causing allergies). Additionally, the HACCP Annex of the GPFH calls for
identifying hazards without elaborating on how to distinguish between hazardous and non-
hazardous types of objectionable matter or between disease-carrying pests and other pests.

2. To strengthen the GPFH in the area of objectionable matter, practical, science-based

guidelines are needed to differentiate between the types of objectionable matter and related
unhygienic conditions that are potentially hazardous and those that are not. The science relating to
these hazards has developed to the point that it is now possible to develop a set of guidelines for
determining if there is a reasonably likely hazard associated with a given type of objectionable
matter (see Annex II).

3. Guidelines on objectionable matter can be helpful for a number of practical reasons.

• It is difficult to tell if objectionable matter is a hazard or not. This is illustrated by the

example of physical hazards from foreign objects, such as pieces of metal or glass, in food.
The factors that must be evaluated may include size, sharpness, special risk groups (e.g.,
infants, elderly), intended use of the product, likely sources of contamination, and feasibility
of detection and control. Hazard evaluation must also consider natural components, such as
bones in whole fish, which may resemble a hazardous foreign object. The level of
complexity requires supplemental guidance.

• It is difficult to evaluate hazards associated with pests of food. Certain species of flies,
cockroaches and rodents are contributing factors to the spread of food-borne illness
because they are natural vectors of pathogens such as Shigella, Salmonella Enteritidis,
Escherichia coli O157:H7, Campylobacter jejuni and the parasite Cryptosporidium
parvum. Only a small number of pest species carry these pathogens and transmit them
to humans or human food; further, these same species do not transmit disease all the
time but only under certain circumstances. Telling the difference between a disease
vector and a pest that is not a vector is difficult but very important. There is additional
difficulty in identifying the conditions under which vectors transmit pathogen hazards to
consumers. Supplemental guidance is needed to identify and evaluate the conditions
under which pests are reasonably likely to represent a contributing factor to a microbial

• Allergenic mites are a discrete food safety issue. Recent studies in Asia, Europe and
North America report life-threatening allergic reactions due to the consumption of food
contaminated with allergenic mites (see Annex 2 - Summary of the Science Basis).
Preventing hazards from mite allergens is more difficult than preventing hazards from
allergenic food ingredients because the etiologies of the two types of allergens are
different. Mite allergens are a result of environmental contamination while inadvertent
ingredient allergens are the result of unintentionally adding an ingredient to a food
during production. Separate guidance is required because the controls for preventing
injury from ingredient allergens are not effective in preventing environmental
contamination by food-infesting allergenic mites.

4. The purposes of the proposed guidelines are several. The proposed guidelines will:

• Assist in explaining how to implement the provisions of the GPFH with respect to
hazards from objectionable matter and pest exclusion.

• Serve as a supplemental compendium of guidelines for evaluating hazards related to

objectionable material for use in developing HACCP and prerequisite sanitation

• Assist pest control operators in forming accurate evaluations of the health significance
of pest activity and thus helping to reduce indiscriminate or unnecessary use of

5. Additionally, the proposed guidelines will:

• Establish uniform international criteria for evaluating hazards associated with

objectionable matter where no criteria currently exists.

• Provide a scientific basis for the food hygiene provisions of the Codex Alimentarius that
relate to objectionable matter.

6. The terms objectionable matter, foreign matter, foreign object and extraneous matter are
often used interchangeably. The GPFH defines contaminant as “any biological or chemical agent,
foreign matter, or other substances not intentionally added to a food which may compromise food
safety or suitability. For purpose of this document, objectionable matter is included in this
definition as “foreign matter not intentionally added to a food that may compromise its safety”.
Foreign matter, foreign objects and extraneous matter, in the context of this document, are
broader terms which include objectionable matter but which also include matter that poses no
hazard to health such as aesthetic defects.


7. The design of the proposed guidelines is based on scientific principles whose validity is
recognized by the international community of public health scientists (see Annex 2). The
guidelines are designed to be flexible in that they may be applied to objectionable matter in food as
well as to potentially hazardous conditions, such as exposed glass light bulbs (potential physical
hazard) or rodent infestations (potential contributing factor to microbiological hazards). This
flexibility is necessary in order to interface with HACCP systems and other food safety systems.

8. The key elements of the guidelines are:

• Section 1: Introductory material including background and rationale.

• Section 2: Statement of the scope of the guidelines, with limitations that exclude
quantitative acceptance levels and aesthetic defects.

• Section 3: Definitions of terms not defined in other basic texts.

• Section 4: Procedural guidelines for distinguishing between hazardous and non-hazardous

types of objectionable matter or conditions and for determining when a situation is aesthetic
in nature and therefore not subject to the guidelines.

• Section 5: Technical guidelines for evaluating whether a specific type of objectionable

matter or objectionable condition does or does not represent a reasonably likely hazard.

• Section 6: Advisory guidance for HACCP hazard analysis; examples of hazardous

objectionable matter; examples of types of injury caused and illustrative decision trees.

9. It is proposed that Guidelines for Evaluating Objectionable Material in Food be developed

as an annex to the Recommended International Code of Practice: General Principles of Food
Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3 (1997). An outline of the proposed guidelines and associated
examples is given in Annex 1.


10. The Committee is invited to consider recommending to the Codex Alimentarius

Commission the establishment of new work for the development of Proposed Draft Guidelines for
Evaluating Objectionable Material in Food as an Annex to the Recommended International Code
of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev. 3 (1997)).
Annex 1




1. Introduction
2. Scope
3. Definitions of Terms
4. Procedural Guidance for Categorizing Objectionable Matter as Hazardous or Non-hazardous
4.1 Category 1: Physical Hazards from foreign objects
4.2 Category 2: Allergen Hazards from Food-Infesting Pests
4.3 Category 3: Vectors of Microbiological Hazards
4.4 Non-hazardous Extraneous Matter
5. Technical Guidance for Evaluating Hazards
5.1 Evaluation of Physical Hazards from Foreign Objects (Category 1)
5.2 Evaluation of Allergen Hazards from Food-Infesting Pests (Category 2)
5.3 Evaluation of Vectors of Microbial Hazards (Category 3)
5.3.1 Disease-Carrying Pests
5.3.2 Vector Activity
6. HACCP Hazards and Controls Guide
6.1 Control of Operation
6.1.1 Physical Hazards (Category 1)
6.1.2 Allergen Hazards (Category 2)
6.1.3 Vectors of Microbial Hazards (Category 3)
6.2 Decision Trees
6.2.1 Evaluating Hazards Associated with Objectionable Matter in Food
6.2.2 Evaluating Vectors as Contributing Factors to Microbial Hazards

Example 1:

4. Procedural Guidance for Categorizing Objectionable Matter as Hazardous or Non-hazardous

4.1 Category 1: Physical Hazards from Foreign Objects

In order for a contaminant to be categorized as a physical hazard, the contaminant must

meet all of the following criteria:

- There must be scientific evidence of physical injury from ingestion of

contaminants of that type and size.

- Subsequent processing or intended use of the product does not eliminate or

neutralize the hazard

- The object is not a normal constituent that a consumer would expect to find
in the product (e.g., fish bones in whole fish).

4.2 Category 2: Allergen Hazards from Food-Infesting Pests

In order for pest contamination to be categorized as an allergen hazard, the pest

contaminant must meet all of the following criteria:

- There must be scientific evidence of IgE-mediated allergic injury from

ingestion of the contaminant in contaminated food.

- Subsequent processing or intended use of the product does not eliminate or

neutralize the allergen hazard

- The contaminant is not a recognized food ingredient or approved food

additive that is properly declared on a product's label (e.g., carmine food
coloring derived from cochineal insects)

Example 2:

5. Evaluation Guidelines

5.1 Evaluation of Physical Hazards (Category 1)

5.1.1 Trauma Hazard from Sharp Foreign Objects

- Corrective action is indicated upon finding sharp foreign objects

that meet the criteria of section 4.1 and that are of sufficient
length to represent a potential physical hazard. Special
consideration may need to be given to special risk groups (e.g.,
infants, the elderly) for such characteristics as size and shape of
foreign objects.

5.1.2 Choking Hazard from Foreign Objects

- Corrective action is indicated upon finding foreign objects that

meet the criteria of section 4.1 and that are of sufficient
dimensions (length and
width) to represent a potential choking hazard.

- [additional criteria may be inserted here.]

5.1.3 Dental Hazard from Hard Foreign Objects

- Criteria may be inserted here.

5.2 Evaluation of Allergen Hazards from Food-Infesting Pests (Category 2)

5.2.1 Allergenic Mites

- Corrective action is indicated upon finding a live infestation, in

finished product or raw materials, of a pest that meets the criteria
of section 4.2.

- If valid dose/response data is available for ingestive allergenicity

of a particular mite allergen, corrective action is indicated if the
levels of contamination in a food exceed the thresholds indicated
by the dose/response data.

- In the absence of suitable ingestive dose/response data for a

particular mite allergen, a general safety level may be
recommended based on other scientific studies that are
appropriately related, e.g., no more than 75 allergenic mites per
100 grams of product is indicated, based on scientific studies
conducted on airborne allergens from allergenic mites.
Example 3:

6. HACCP Hazards and Control Guide for Objectionable Matter

6.1 Control of Operation

6.1.1 Physical Hazards (Category 1)

Foreign objects can cause injury to the consumer. Likely sources include raw
materials, processing machinery with parts that can break loose, worn equipment,
poor facility maintenance and personal items that employees may bring into the
processing facility. Preventive measures can include in-line detectors, inspection of
incoming raw materials, good manufacturing practices [other examples may be
inserted]. Examples of Physical Hazards from nonmetallic objects.

Nonmetallic Object Potential Hazard Possible Source(s)

Bone (sliver/chip) Trauma Processing (e.g., hard/sharp bone pieces separated from flesh)

Wood splinter Trauma Raw materials (e.g., crate)

Processing (e.g., table, tool handle)


Glass Trauma Processing (e.g., glass container)

Facility (e.g. unshielded light fixture)

Hard plastic Trauma Processing (e.g., tote bin, plastic tools)

Personal effects (e.g., false fingernail)

Soft Plastic Choking Processing (e.g. packaging)

Insulation Trauma Facility (e.g., asbestos fiber)

Burr Trauma/ Dental Raw materials

Thorn Trauma/ Dental Raw materials

Button Dental Personal effects

Stone Dental Raw materials Examples of Physical Hazards from Metallic Objects (to be developed).

Example 4:

6.2 Decision Trees

6.2.1 Evaluating Hazards Associated with Objectionable Matter in Food

Is a contaminant found?

No action is indicated

Is the contaminant a hazard or an

indicator of a reasonably likely
hazard? (See section 4)


Is there an effective processing

control in place to eliminate or
neutralize the hazard? Immediate corrective
NO action is indicated
(see section 5)

Is the contaminant an indicator

of insanitation?
(see section 4)

This evaluation guideline
YES does not apply

SSOP or other sanitation

corrective action is indicated


Physical Hazards. Evaluations by medical experts of physical hazards in food were recently
summarized in the scientific literature (1). As a result, it is now possible to characterize the
potential hazards from hard or sharp foreign objects in terms of the sizes of objects that cause injury
when eaten in a contaminated food. The data available for evaluating these and other physical
hazards consist of compilations of reports of injuries from foreign objects in food; government and
industry standards for foreign matter in food; and statistical analyses of the demographics of
injuries from accidentally ingesting objects of different sizes and shapes.

Allergens. Recent studies in Asia, Europe and North America report life-threatening allergic
reactions due to the consumption of food contaminated with allergenic mites (2). The ingestion of
small numbers of mites in a food may induce IgE-mediated systemic allergic reactions, including
anaphylaxis, in sensitized individuals (3). Mite allergens are not denatured by normal cooking or
by freezing. The allergenic mites involved in these incidents are all food-contaminating species
that thrive under insanitary conditions (4). Other food-contaminating pests, such as cockroaches,
are emerging as significant causes of allergy illness (5). Although there is no dose/response
database for ingesting allergenic mites, the literature contains ample dose/response data for contact
and inhalant exposure to the same mite species that cause ingestive allergy illness (6,7,8).

Disease-Carrying Pests. Flies, cockroaches, birds and rodents are natural reservoirs and mechanical
vectors of foodborne pathogens (9,10,11,12). Recent findings implicate flies as potential vectors
for E. coli O157:H7 in beef or fruit products (13, 14, 15) and Salmonella Enteritidis in eggs (16).
Scientific reports also implicate flies as reservoirs and vectors of enterohemorrhagic E. coli
O157:H7 (EHEC-O157). These include epidemiological studies of the role of flies as vectors and
reservoirs of EHEC-O157 in Obihiro City and Saga Prefecture, Japan, both sites of recent outbreaks
of EHEC-O157. In the latter case, flies were found to harbor and proliferate EHEC-O157 (17,18).
The DNA pattern and vero-toxin were identical in the EHEC-O157 isolated from both patients and
flies. Exclusion of flies from exposed food and utensils halted the Saga outbreak even though the
excluded flies continued to test positive for EHEC-O157. Databases relating to the disease-carrying
capabilities of these pests include:

Epidemiological case control studies of risk factors for failures to exclude pests from food.

Vector control studies that report statistically significant positive correlations between the
suppression of pest populations and the reduction of disease.

Studies of the pest behaviors that are conducive to the transmission of pathogens to food.

Ecological studies that report the prevalence of pathogens in wild populations of a pest species.

Laboratory studies of the abilities of a pest species to transmit pathogens.

Additional databases may include: studies on evaluating the danger from disease-carrying pests
(19); government criteria for evaluating disease-carrying pests (20); World Health Organization
manuals (21) and guidelines;1 and published questionnaire surveys that reveal tolerance attitudes of
the average consumer toward these pests (22).

W HO/V BC/86.937

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19. Mihalyi, F. (1967). Separating the rural and urban synanthropic flies. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum
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