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Jing Luo Autumn Winter 2020

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Out of fear and
into the future

Simple strategies to keep business
moving amidst the global pandemic
Accounting firm Kelly+Partners’ tips on
safeguarding your business
through the pandemic


Korean Acupuncture Needles
8 21


EXCLUSIVE OCEANIA Alix Nicholson: As we move through the current
DISTRIBUTOR global crisis, we need to shine a spotlight on
what’s ahead


10T Rebecca White 10
1000 PER BOX
1000 PER BOX & 1 TUBE PER POUCH Accounting firm Kelly+Partners’ tips on
10 NEEDLES safeguarding your business through
& 1 TUBE PER POUCH the pandemic


Jeff Shearer: Simple strategies to keep business
moving amidst the global pandemic
Greg Williams


Eddie (Eduardo) Teijeiro shares the struggles
he has faced getting research off the ground


Brigitte Linder explores the challenges for new
graduates and the importance of connecting 36
with a mentor


Raf Nathan: After years of experience, Raf
Nathan shares his insights

1000 PER BOX
Waveny Holland

1000 PER BOX Dr Jimmy Le
• Spring handle 20 NEEDLES Find us on:
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• Easy peel blister (10T Blister) Michael Brown For all editorial or advertising enquiries,
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• Gamma ray sterilised Upper Mount Gravatt, QLD 4122
or in a book, seminar or other reviews do not necessarily
reflect the views of AACMA. All advertisements and
• Recyclable packaging reports are published in good faith. The publisher,
P: 07 3457 1800 AACMA, makes no warranty or representation that the
E: products or services advertised in or with this magazine
are accurate, true or fit for their purpose and persons
W: must make their own enquiries. AACMA OFFICIAL MEMBER MAGAZINE 3

Shipping Australia Wide • Free Needle Samples • Always In Stock • Sourced By Practitioners
accept to support any of the Chinese are unable to meet their CPD requirements or as a registered health profession, we are
medicine herbal formulas that have been First Aid renewal due to the social distancing primary health care providers and thus an
reported to have been used for the treatment regulations and that consideration be given essential service.

From the of COVID-19 patients in China.

A submission on behalf of Chinese medicine

was made to the Office of Health Protection.
to lower registration fees for this year.

The CMBA has said that while they

would like practitioners to do their best at
maintaining their CPD for the year, there will
This would also have been beneficial in the
ongoing lobbying of health funds to pay
rebates at an allied health level rather than a
natural therapy.

president's This department within the Federal

Department of Health is responsible for the
distribution of Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE) through their Stock Pile
Operations arm.
be no penalty if all points weren’t achieved.

Lockdown measures have also impacted on

the ability to renew First Aid.
Unfortunately, despite being the regulator of
our profession, the CMBA just talked around
the definition of allied health at the meeting
without any commitment to upholding

desk The submission stated that while AACMA

understood that priority be given to frontline
practitioners treating or testing COVID-19
patients, we requested that preference also
CEO Paul Stadhams and I attended a
meeting with the CMBA, AHPRA and the
other Associations and it was advised at that
meeting, that practitioners are required to
renew their First Aid as soon as the training
the Federal Government and National
Regulation and Accreditation Scheme’s
classification of Chinese medicine as
allied health.

be given to Chinese medicine practitioners as providers are able to recommence courses. AACMA will continue to work at achieving
allied health practitioners who were involved full recognition of Chinese medicine as an
in delivering care at the primary health level. We were also informed at that meeting allied health profession and not just as a
that all the Boards of the National Health classification on the National Regulation and
Approaches have also been made to Professions Are to meet in April to discuss Accreditation Scheme webpage.
manufacturers of hand sanitiser to try registration fees.
to establish a supply chain for AACMA With more practitioners providing a health
members who are still in practice. The private health funds have also been service using telehealth/virtual
approached regarding first aid renewal and health consultations,
Through the eNews members have received CPD, as these are part of their requirements
information sheets on infection control and to maintain provider status. AACMA is preparing a submission to Private
safe practice providing ways to minimise Healthcare Australia (PHA), the peak body
any risk of spreading Coronavirus while The funds that come under the ARHG have for Australian Private Health Insurance
maintaining practice, summary of financial given a 3month extension for practitioners requesting that these consultations attract a
support packages and useful web links and a who are unable to renew their first aid. We health fund rebate.
guide to providing a telehealth service. are waiting on responses from the
other funds. The AACMA website has a dedicated
Hello Fellow Members, Though coincidental, it walking. Exercise is permissible with another need for financial support for self-employed, As the Chinese medicine representative COVID-19 page that is regularly updated
is interesting that the Chinese New Year of the person as long as you know they are well. sole traders. on the Professions Reference Group which AACMA had also asked the CMBA to clarify and added to so that our members can find
Metal Rat has accompanied You can reach out to the staff at the AACMA is made up of representatives from all the the classification of Chinese Medicine information specifically tailored to
Government directives have seen the closure registered health professions and conducted their needs.
a plague that affects office who will be able to connect you with as an allied health profession. With this
of many businesses to stop the spread of by AHPRA and also to the CMBA, I requested
the Lungs. someone who can help you. endorsement, it was hoped that the public
the Coronavirus. All of the health directives that leniency be shown to practitioners who and other agencies would understand that
implemented by the Government are made
Physically, it affects the Lungs but COVID-19 Lifeline and Beyond Blue also offer help from information supplied by the CMO and
has also had a massive impact on our daily through their counselling services. Chief Health Officers in each State
lives and livelihoods and while there is and Territory.
speculation - 3-6months, we really don’t 水满则溢。(Shuǐmǎn zé yì. 'water full but
know an end date that will see us return fully overflows') — Water flows in only to flow out. Because of his ability to inform Government,
Nature’s proof that you can flourish calmly through self-isolation and social distancing.
to our new normal. a letter was written to Prof Brendan Murphy
Similar to "what comes up must come down", CMO reiterating the part that Chinese
I know many of our members are struggling. this proverb points out that: things reverse medicine can play during this time, especially
The fear of practicing in case you have an when they reach their extremes. It's from the in the management of chronic pain. Also
infected patient, the decrease in patients, 18th century novel "A Dream of taking some of the strain off the already
harassment for some who are legitimately Red Mansions". burdened general practitioners, we put
earning their living while helping others and forward the case that Chinese medicine
financial uncertainty are just some of the The latest statistics seem to bear this out. practitioners, as a qualified, registered and
issues we are all dealing with. The Government initiatives have helped to valuable health resource should remain open
lessen the anxiety with money available for for practice.
Experiencing grief due to loss of life as we self-employed, sole traders and also some
knew it, is natural and we know grief is the protection from the threat of eviction due to Certainly, it is up to the individual
emotion associated with the Lungs and the inability to pay rent. practitioner to continue to practice if
weakens Lung Qi then adding in autumn, they choose.
which we also know is the season that The Board and AACMA Office have also
can lead to feelings of sadness, it makes been busy trying to support members in any This letter also advised the CMO of the
it very important to look after yourself way that is necessary. integrated approach used in China to treat
mentally, emotionally and physically. Try people infected with Coronavirus. AACMA
keeping yourself busy perhaps by furthering offered to supply any necessary information
your knowledge or skill in something Supporting Members regarding the use of acupuncture and
that interests you, maintaining and even Chinese herbal medicines in the treatment
increasing connections with family, friends through COVID -19 given to the population of Wuhan. Many
and colleagues through social media or studies are currently underway but as none
calling and actually speaking with them. Many letters have been sent including to the are complete, we have no scientific evidence
Being outdoors in your garden, exercising or Treasurer Josh Frydenberg emphasising the that the Federal Health Department will


Silver lining….. Technology enables the delivery of telehealth Australian Gin and Rum makers are
providing us as practitioners a new option in producing ethanol, a raw material for the
the way we can practice. manufacture of hand sanitisers that is in
塞翁失马,焉知非福。(Sài Wēng shī great demand.
mǎ, yān zhī fēi fú. 'Sai Weng [legendary
The earth is healing, with dolphins seen
old man's name] lost horse, how know not
swimming in Sardinia’s port of Cagliari, fish All this provides us with hope and the hope
blessing'.) — Blessings come in disguise.
visible in the now-clear water of Venice’s is that the kindness and community spirit
canals, and blue skies over China. The continues when the world returns to its
According to the book "Huainanzi — Lessons pictures from space show a reduction in new normal.
of the Human World", an old man living in a global air pollution. This improved air quality
border region lost his horse and people came will have a beneficial impact on our health. “Treat those who are good with goodness,
to comfort him. But he said, "This may be a
and also treat those who are not good with
blessing in disguise, who knows?" Indeed, the
The pictures from space show a reduction in goodness. Thus goodness is attained. Be
horse later returned to the man and brought
global air pollution. This improved air quality honest to those who are honest, and be also
him a better horse.
will have a beneficial impact on our health. honest to those who are not honest. Thus
honesty is attained” – Lao Zi
COVID-19 has brought with it extraordinary
The drastic reductions in CO2 emissions
changes that have altered the way we have
with factories shut down, fewer cars on the “善待善良的人,并善待善良的人。
been living and working.
roads and planes in the sky show what can be 由此获得良善。对诚实的人诚实,对
achieved in keeping our planet and air clean. 不诚实的人诚实。这样就可以做到
It has generated a community spirit in a lot 诚” –老子
of people across the world and has seen
Hopefully industries and governments can
kindness spreading where it has been lost.
work together to implement a cleaner, “Shàndài shànliáng de rén, bìng shàndài
Small acts of kindness generate a flow on
greener and more cost and energy efficient shànliáng de rén. Yóu cǐ huòdé liáng shàn.
effect as feelings of gratitude inspire further
way to operate while maintaining the health Duì chéngshí de rén chéngshí, duì bù
acts of kindness.
of our planet and her people. chéngshí de rén chéngshí. Zhèyàng jiù kěyǐ
zuò dào chéngsh” –Lǎozi
Parties across balconies in Italy and Spain,
The scientific community has been working
checking on our elderly and doing their
together on treatments and potential cure Please stay safe, look after yourselves and
shopping, free deliveries from local bakeries
and also to produce a vaccine. others and be well,
as bread shelves in supermarkets lay empty,
free online entertainment and concerts from
When the world and life settles and returns Zhen Zheng, and Qing Huang, a visiting accepted knowledge that is supported by superstars all help to lift spirits and show Countries have been coming together Kindly,
to the new normal, AACMA has already Chinese professor who presented in 2017 research where possible that if we band together and think of others to provide help with Russia delivering
devised a strategy to raise public awareness
of AACMA members and the benefits of
for providing their knowledge free for our
members to achieve their CPD. • contribute to improving competence and
rather than just ourselves, we shall prevail. ventilators to New York for the sick and
from China, personal protective equipment Waveny Holland
Chinese medicine. staying up to date especially masks for the frontline health PRESIDENT
Social media, which has been the cause of a
The AACMA office currently, is organising workers who are at personal risk every day.
• build on existing knowledge lot of pain with scamming and bullying and
We have a filmed another community service either a live stream or Zoom event with fraud, is now enabling people to connect like
announcement that informs the public on the Greg Bantick leading a self-care session • include five hours of interactive CPD never before especially while in isolation.
drug free benefits of pain management for practitioners including meditation and activities, and
using acupuncture. therapeutic discussion. Please check your
emails for advice on attending the free event. • Include four hours of CPD related to
The projected release date is September, professional issues.
but can be brought forward if government 1 December 2019 saw a change in the CPD
restrictions are eased to enable the public to requirements with a mandatory 5CPD points Chinese medicine practitioners can be
move about more freely and without fear. to be gained from practitioner interaction. registered in one or more of three divisions.
The Board therefore requires CPD relevant
to each of the divisions in which practitioners
This is in addition to the 4CPD points for are registered”.
CPD professional issues.

With the need to cancel AACMAC due to Practitioners are now required to identify
government directives prohibiting public
gatherings and social distancing measures,
their learning goals, how they have achieved Government Lobbying
them with the CPD they have chosen to
we have been working on providing quality,
easily accessed and inexpensive CPD
undertake through the year and reflect on
how they will improve their practice based on
for members. what they have learned. This is in a holding pattern. With the Minister
for Health and the Chief Medical Officer
Partnering with Healthy Seminars and China • This should be documented and saved in (CMO) completely tied up formulating
Books, AACMA has been able to secure a a folio that could be presented if audited and implementing the necessary response
large library of online learning for members by AHPRA. to avert the spread of the Coronavirus
at discounted rates. throughout Australia, our lobbying for the
Medicare Chronic Disease Management
This is information directly from the (CDM) has come to a halt for the time being.
Recordings of presentations from AACMAC CMBA website
Melbourne 2019 and previous AACMACs will
also be available for members’ on “The revised standard requires 20 hours of The lobbying will recommence as soon
going education. CPD activities per year that: as practicable.

Our grateful thanks are extended to • seek to improve patient outcomes

presenters- Charles Buck, Steven Clavey, and experiences
Louis Gordon, John McDonald
• draw on best available evidence and


As we move through the current
global crisis, we need to shine
Beyond COVID-19:
a spotlight on what’s ahead Out of fear and into the future

T he words ‘coronavirus’ and Australian Bureau of Statistics, around 1.6 declining mental health, and increased
‘COVID-19’ have dominated million Australians had lost their income by domestic violence to name but a few – a time
the end of the first week of tough lockdown will come when we will be able to welcome in
the headlines for several laws in early April, and it’s a figure that a new kind of normal in a
months now and, in many ways, could still rise. post-COVID19 world.
we’re slowly becoming accustomed
to this new – albeit highly There is no denying it’s been an incredibly For those within the Chinese Medicine
restrictive – way of life. challenging time, so it may seem somewhat industry, there are already signs of what’s
flippant to recall the old adage ‘there’s light to come when we finally win the fight
at the end of the tunnel’. But in spite of the against this disease – and the news is good.
For some, social distancing and staying
horrors we’re faced with every day as a result “I don’t think it’s going to be long lasting
home has been little more than an
of the virus – from rising global death rates because once people feel secure again,
inconvenience; but for many, the changes
and infection statistics to unemployment, they will come back,” says Waveny Holland,
have been devastating. According to the


president of the Australian Acupuncture the ‘Find a Practitioner’ service on the back on track as quickly as possible when
and Chinese Medicine Association. “They association’s website, as well as anecdotal physical distancing restrictions begin
might potentially keep their distance for a evidence from many members about an to ease.
little while, but as the numbers of infections increase in interest in their services.
start dropping, people will come back to the Rather than simply letting them know
therapies they know work for them.” The planned release of the CSA is just one you’re open for business, she adds, it will be
In the meantime, AACMA is already way AACMA will help breathe new life into essential to talk patients through the specific
looking to the future, with plans to release the Chinese medicine industry in Australia safety measures you have in place to ensure
a community service announcement (CSA) when the novel coronavirus comes under both their health and yours. “Because it’s
to help raise awareness of Chinese medicine control. In the meantime, Waveny has been not just about protecting and making sure
in the public forum when life starts to urging members to “hang in there”, noting the public’s safe,” Waveny adds. “We have
regain some sense of normalcy. “It was that AACMA is here to support you to protect ourselves, too.”
The planned release of the CSA is initially going to be released in February,”
Waveny tells, “but now we’ve held it over for
through this.
The strategies needed as we move into the
just one way AACMA will help breathe September or October so that, when people
are eventually coming out of this isolation, It will be essential post-pandemic world will look very similar to
those currently being put in place by those
new life into the Chinese medicine there’s a whole campaign to promote
Chinese medicine and raise the industry to talk patients that have been in a position to continue
practicing. “AACMA members are qualified,
industry in Australia when the novel profile in the public so that they know that
they’re safe.” through the specific they’re trained, they know their stuff. If we
continue to practice according to every one
coronavirus comes under control The 2020 CSA, Waveny adds, has been safety measures of the guidelines, we – and our patients – will
be safe,” Waveny insists, sharing a sound
a work in progress since before the global
pandemic hit – but while it doesn’t focus you have in place reminder that hand washing is the best
defence against not only COVID-19, but
on the worldwide health crisis, its message other strains of influenza that crop up during
will be just as relevant, if not more so, when “When these lockdown restrictions cold and flu season. “Washing your hands
it goes live. The campaign is set to remind start being relaxed a bit, my advice to is even more effective than using alcohol-
the public of the efficacy of acupuncture as practitioners is to get online and get in based hand sanitisers. The coronavirus is an
a pain relief treatment, and if the results of touch with your patients. Let them know, envelope virus and that envelope is breached
last year’s successful campaign are anything ‘I’ve reopened for practice and these are by soap and water.”
to go by, it will provide a major boost to the the things I’ve put in place to make sure
industry in the aftermath of the COVID-19 that you continue to be safe,’” she suggests, Basic hygiene is, of course, paramount
crisis. Following the release of 2019’s CSA, explaining that keeping these lines of regardless of the current health crisis – but
starring Nick Bennett, AACMA noted a communication open will be key to getting again, being transparent about the exact
substantial increase in people visiting


upcoming AACMA CSA
steps you are taking to keep patients safe
now and in the future can go a long way
Of course, not everyone is continuing to
perform treatments, with many taking
consult, and then have the herbs delivered
directly to them,” she explains, adding that
Get up-to-date information &
to comfort wary clients, who may need
encouragement to return to treatment. “I’ll
have the table scrubbed and the face holes
the heartbreaking step of shutting their
doors while we ride out the storm. Whether
closing up is a decision made for the health
she’s sourced a reputable herb supplier in
the area to ensure her virtual patients are
still receiving a top-quality product.
industry advice for your practice
scrubbed, and I have a different cover for and wellbeing of patients, or a necessary
the face hole for every single patient, so move due to reduced client numbers in the “From an acupuncture point of view, of
the risk of transferring anything to anybody wake of the government’s requirements to course, we can’t stick needles in them, but
else is really minimal,” says Waveny of the ‘stay home’, the resulting lack of income – we can tell them which points to massage,
strategies employed in her own practice. “If coupled with a deep loss of sense of identity any foods to start eating, whether they need Follow AACMA on
our practitioners are doing their triaging that some are also experiencing – is just to apply warmth to an area, or even offer qi
as devastating. gong exercises or yoga postures to relieve
specific aches and pains.” The AACMA
We will be like a One viable option to maintain practice website has all the information practitioners
while still practicing physical distancing is need regarding which platforms to use,
pheonix rising telehealth. Businesses around the world Waveny adds, to ensure client confidentiality
have tapped into Zoom, Google Hangouts, is maintained and payment methods are
from the ashes Microsoft Meetings and more to conduct secure.
everything from daily meetings to personal
training sessions – and while it is obviously It’s been a trying few months, to say the
before potentially unwell patients come in impossible to perform virtual acupuncture, least. But from where Waveny is sitting, the
and they find that there are no symptoms an online consultation is not only a means future looks bright, as the Chinese medicine
and has been no known risk of them being in by which to continue offering relief to industry prepares to get back on its feet.
contact with someone who’s infected, they patients during the pandemic, but an “People will come back,” she says, “because
can still treat these people.” exciting way to continue working into they know that they get good treatment,
the future. they know they get relief, and they know they
“We just need to continue practicing really will be listened to.”
safely, and practitioners need to remember It’s an approach Waveny had already been
that they’ve trained well enough to deliver using prior to the global health crisis to treat “We will be like a phoenix rising from
the practice. Above all, practitioners need to patients in England. “Telehealth is really the ashes.”
feel confident in their own abilities.” good – in particular for herbs, because we
can see them, look at their tongue and do a


Do you know a practitioner looking What now? How to make the
to become an AACMA member?
most of your time in lockdown


"When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed

of two characters - one represents danger, and the other
represents opportunity." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

A Understand and access

s the weeks tick by and Your utility providers, such as Telstra, are
also offering hibernation periods for your
living with COVID-19 has government assistance, bills; and discounted consultancy to help
become the new normal,
all Australians are adjusting and creditor relief your business survive and grow.
You can earn a $150 credit on your to life with restrictions and Both State and Federal governments have See
account if you introduce a new constraints unimagined. announced multiple stimulus and subsidy
packages, to support small business during
business for a comprehensive overview of
member to AACMA by 30 June 2020. For small businesses, this can be a time of the official pandemic, and for a reasonable what may-be available to you; and https://
added stress as our clients, for all the right time after. From ensuring commercial
reasons, stay home, protecting themselves tenancies continue, to pauses in utility business-covid-19 for an example of what is
To take advantage of this offer, simply direct the applicant to the and their community. What can we do to payments, to helping you keep staff on your being offered.
payroll; it is in your best interest to keep up
AACMA website to join. Once they become a member, we will make the most of this time, and come out of
the pandemic with a thriving, to date with the ongoing announcements.
credit $150 into your AACMA account for you to spend which way
you choose. Whether it be on AACMA badged products or off sustainable business?
your membership fees. For more information about the process
and the application form, visit


Take the time to do the Don’t forget, that as a regulated health or responses you anticipated from your
service, you still must abide by AHPRA campaigns? It’s a good chance to conduct
jobs you don’t have the guidelines and any advertising or public some on-line or over the phone customer
time to do claims remain subject to the National research, to better understand how you can
Law. For further information see https:// improve your business and better meet
A comprehensive review of your business their needs.
and marketing plan can be a time- Codes-Guidelines/Advertising-a-regulated-
consuming, off-putting job. Time spent health-service.aspx, and in relation to For those with the ambition to really take
away from your client can feel like time social media, please see https://www. the next step with their business, it’s a
wasted, but it’s a great opportunity to get
your business in order, especially on-line. Guidelines/Social-media-guidance.aspx.
perfect opportunity to research and prepare
your submissions for grants. The SMEA is
an example of a not for profit group, who
First things, first – make sure your on-line
basics and profiling are up to date. Have For Covid-19 specific information see offer members grants for strategy, finance,
you had to adjust your opening hours, your digital and planning best practice. https://
contact information, your services or your COVID-19/COVID-19-queries.aspx, and
pricing since lockdown? Have you adjusted feel free to use the self-assessment tool,
any advertising or on-line placement plans, which helps review claims, pricing and
to suit your current circumstances? Make promotion Over to you
sure your ‘business as usual’ costs are under Publications/Advertising-resources/Check-
It’s an unprecedented and scary time for
control and paused if need be. and-correct/Self-assessment-tool.aspx.
many. And it is also an opportunity to
support your clients and community, to
Investigate and pursue on-line Can you be a community out-reach anchor, strengthen your business and enhance your
consultations, webinars, and ‘Facebook by connecting not only your clients to skills. Aiming to be more relevant, more
Live’ sessions where you can answer each other, but perhaps more isolated adaptable and more connected during the
questions or concerns your clients may have. neighbours? Could you host a virtual coffee COVID-19 pandemic, is a positive step to
These are a great way to stay in touch, morning, Friday night drinks or a Sunday ensuring your business survives, thrives and
diversify your services and build customer sing-a-long, with the aim to improve succeeds once the doors open again.
relationships. Think about on-line friendly communication, happiness and
complementary therapies to acupuncture, mental health?
such as guided meditation, to enhance
the customer experience. Preparing, and Audit your marketing efforts – have you
sharing assets, visuals, videos and materials been building your brand consistently
with your clients, is another great way to and effectively across all relevant touch-
stay in touch. points? Are you achieving the awareness

for full details of what's on offer
7) Review all current debts and negotiate 10) Understand which initiatives are
with banks to refinance or stop repayments available at a state level, as each state has
where applicable. Once you are in a secure taken a different approach. Please see the
position, you can make the additional Kelly+Partners website for details, as we
repayments back to the bank if possible. have summarised each state separately.

8) Touch base with your landlord and try to 11) Create a marketing plan for the next six *The information contained in this document
negotiate a rent-free period or a reduced- months and execute. While the 10 points is general information only. It does not
take into account your objectives, financial
rent period. Ensure the landlord is aware above are all related to how to protect situation or circumstances and cannot be
the government is supporting the banks in yourself through this period, this last point is relied on as a substitute of specific advice or
Accounting firm Kelly+Partners’ freezing loans so they can contact the bank
and freeze the loan for a period, so they are
about sales and marketing. While everyone
in the Chinese medicine industry is on the
in making financial or investment decisions.
The information is only current at the time of
preparation and may be subject to change
tips on safeguarding your business not feeling the pain also. The Australian
Government has released a mandatory
defence, you need to get on the offence and
try to win market share during this difficult
without notice. No warranty or representation
is given by Kelly+Partners or its related entities
as to the completeness, accuracy, currency of
code of conduct for small-to-medium sized time. Get creative and find cheap ways to
through the pandemic business eligible for the JobKeeper payment. reach new customers. Use the lockdown
time to create content and build a personal
the information. To the extent permissible by
law, Kelly+Partners and its associated entities
and each of their officers, employees or
9) Understand the other government and business brand. Write a book, film a agents shall not be held liable for any errors,
initiatives that have come from the video, do something you would ordinarily be omissions, defects or misrepresentations in
too busy to do. the information contained in this document,
federal stimulus package. These won’t or any direct or consequential loss or damage,
impact as many businesses, but for those however caused, suffered or incurred by
that do get the benefit, it should make a 12) Where your GST turnover has reduced persons who rely on information in this
significant difference. The government by 30% of a comparable period of the prior document for any purpose. Each office of
Kelly+Partners is a separate legal entity and
is increasing the instant asset write-off year, apply for the JobKeeper payment services are delivered independently by
threshold from $30,000 to $150,000 and from the ATO. Eligible employers will be each office.
expanding access to include businesses with reimbursed a fixed amount of $1500 per
aggregated annual turnover of less than fortnight for each eligible employee. This This document is subject to copyright. No
$500 million (up from $50 million) until is a complex area of the stimulus measures part of it should be reproduced, adapted or
June 30, 2020. announced by the government and we communicated without the written consent of

Your business checklist:

Kelly+Partners. Liability limited by a scheme
recommend you contact us to determine approved under professional
your eligibility. standards legislation.

Coming out stronger

T here are going to be a few payroll is not structured correctly, you will concessions for businesses directly impacted
miss out on this, so speak with our team by COVD-19. These concessions are:
years of pain on the back before completing your March BAS.
of this health crisis. It is a. Deferring by up to six months the
important you act quickly and 5) Apply for the $250,000 loans payment date of amounts due through
decisively here. announced by the government as part of the the business activity statement
stimulus package. Even if you don’t need the (including PAYG instalments), income
money just yet, apply and put it to the side tax assessments, fringe benefits tax
You need to be a leader and be deliberate
in case you do need it in the coming months. assessments and excise duty.
in your decision making over the coming
The criteria to qualify for the loan hasn’t
months. The below are all essential steps
been specified and will likely be treated b. Allowing businesses on a quarterly
you should take ASAP.
differently by the different banks. What we reporting cycle to opt into monthly GST
do know is that the government is trying reporting in order to get faster access
1) Build a cashflow forecast for the next 12 to remove the red tape to make it as easy to GST refunds they may be entitled to.
months and keep updating every month as as possible. The government will provide You will need to stay on this method for
you get more data. eligible lenders with a guarantee for loans 12 months.
with the following terms:
2) Remove all excess expenses from your
c. Allowing businesses to vary Pay As You
business. Most businesses have a lot of fat a. Maximum total size of loans of Go (PAYG) instalment amounts to zero
in them and now is the time to cut it all. $250,000 per borrower. for the March 2020 quarter. Businesses
that vary their PAYG instalment to
3) Make sure your Australian Taxation b. The loans will be up to three years, with zero can also claim a refund for any
Office (ATO) lodgements and an initial six-month repayment holiday. instalments made for the September
superannuation payments are up to date. 2019 and December 2019 quarters
If you can’t meet your superannuation
c. The loans will be in the form of
obligations, you need ensure you are
unsecured finance, meaning that d. Remitting any interest and penalties,
lodging super guarantee charge (SGC)
borrowers will not have to provide an incurred on or after 23 January 2020,
statements with the ATO.
asset as security for the loan. that have been applied to tax liabilities.
4) Review your wage structure and ensure
6) Manage ATO payments through the e. Allowing affected businesses to enter
you are maximising the $100,000 cash
announced series of payment deferral low-interest payment plans for their existing
relief from the stimulus package. If your
and ongoing tax liabilities.


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managing the massive shift in break. Then came the reality of managing my practice can come out of this. The
client numbers many have faced. finances, the government stimulus and, of motivation just hasn’t been there. The ideas
course, the natural anxiety that comes with have, but taking the time to enact them
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A 10 stems
root treatment

A lmost 20 years ago, the Needling a combination of stems, the root in life’s cycles. In my book, Awaken Qi
treatment follows a patient’s constitutional Within, I also translate ‘mutual-control’ as
10 stem root treatment pattern through the terrain of their the struggle relationship (Supplementary
was taught to me by the heart-mind-body form. Much like a First Material A). Marriage is thus a mixture of
Arai brothers in Kanpo Hari I Nations tracker-hunter, we follow signs love and struggle.
and symptoms, from the blindingly obvious
Kai, translating as Traditional to the almost invisibly subtle, to diagnose の柔、大言すれば陰と陽、少言すれ
Chinese Acupuncture Medical reactive channels and hollows. By reactive, ば夫と婦
Association. it is meant that the channel-hollow feels
alive to Qi-touch and yields a favourable 其の微陽を捨て、其の微陰の気を吸
Deriving techniques mainly from The pulse change. After diagnosis leads to an う、其の意金を楽しむ、
Canon of Difficulties (Nan Jing), we use imbalance, either upright Qi emptiness or
complexities in the wrist pulse, body and pathogenic Qi fullness, we employ the life
(birthing) and mutual-control cycles to yin- *That lesser yang is abandoned, that lesser
abdominal palpation, triple heater, yin- yin Qi is drawn in, that meaning is to enjoy
yang 5 elements, and 8 extraordinaries to yang rebalance the 12 channels.
metal, Geng7th’s flexibility, macrocosmically
formulate a root treatment. Even though I speaking this is yin & yang, microcosmically Spiralling around the lifecycle, the 10 stems are as follows:
do employ other systems from other classical Just as humans seek balance in family speaking this is husband & wife,
acupuncture and Qigong sources, such relations outside, so too do our organ-
as Chinese Clock, this Nan Jing-derived channels seek this same balance inside. 1st stem of yang-wood Jiǎ1st (GB) 2nd stem of yin-wood Yǐ2nd (Lv)
Whereas the life cycle balances birth 丙 の柔、大言すれば陰と陽、少言す &
yin-yang 5 elemental root is the core of my れば夫と婦。
treatments and teachings. relations, primarily from mother to daughter
to child, the mutual-control cycle balances 3rd stem of yang-fire Bǐng3rd (SI) & 4th stem of yin-fire Dīng4th (Ht)
relations between husband and wife. That 其微陰を捨て婚して火に就く、其の
Whilst the 12 branches can be independently 意火を楽しむ。 5th stem of yang-earth Wù5th (St) & 6th stem of yin-earth Jǐ6th (Sp)
needled in Chinese Clock treatments (ZǐWǔ is, daughter leaves her elemental house
– Chinese; ShiGo – Japanese) to treat acute to marry a yang channel in the mutual-
and postural symptoms, the 10 stems of yin- control relationship around the pentagram. Bing3rd’s flexible, macrocosmically speaking 7th stem of yang-metal Gēng7th (LI) & 8th stem of yin-metal Xīn8th (Lu)
yang 5 elements (2×5=10) combine with the ‘Control’ by itself implies the yang masculine this is yin & yang, microcosmically speaking
12 channel-branches to formulate a yin-yang channel controls the yin feminine, whilst this is husband & wife. Abandons the 9th stem of yang-water Rén9th (Bl) & 10th stem of yin-water Guǐ10th (Ki).
5-elemental 12-channel root treatment. Ten ‘mutual-control’ informs us that husband lesser yin and marries to attach to fire, that
heavenly stems shining down through 12 and wife mutually relate. Difficulty 33 calls meaning is to enjoy fire.
earthly branches manifest the human form this the firm-flexible, hard-soft (Gojū) 1st yang-wood & 2nd yin wood stems are brother and sister, as GB Jiǎ1st & liver Yǐ2nd.
of heart mind body. relationship. Whilst the yang masculine (English translation by author of Honma 3rd yang-fire & 4th yin-fire are brother and sister, as SI Bǐng3rd & heart Dīng4th…
contributes firmness to the relationship, the Shohaku and Inoue Keiri’s Japanese translation
yin feminine contributes flexibility, as they of Difficulty 33 Research of the Canon of
flow through the struggles encountered Difficulties.)

Difficulty 33 tells us that whilst the yang- for both yin and yang. However, yin wells the circle; begun to balance a patient’s The text also explains how yin metal Xīn8th
brother and yin-sister relationship maintains begin flow at wood and end at sea hollows, struggles within their life. Whereas outer (Lu) marries yang fire Bǐng3rd (SI). Being
the purity of each element, the mutual- whilst yang wells begin at metal and end worldly struggles manifest as problems, a yin autumnal cool female, lung Xīn8th
control marriages inter-mix elements. at earth. This elemental difference along inner struggles manifest as symptoms. By attracts to SI Bǐng3rd’s bright, warm fire. In
Gallbladder Jiǎ1st & liver Yǐ2nd unseparated channel flow enables a practitioner to treating the root cause, both problems and mutual-control, he warms and brightens her
are one pure wood element. Large intestine formulate a simple to intricate root and symptoms begin to clear. cold melancholy when yang-empty, whilst
Gēng7th & lung Xīn8th unseparated are one branch, treating simple and she cools his burning excitement, leading
pure metal element. complicated disease. After treating the life and mutual-control to anxiety. The other three marriages
cycles, it is time to harmonise them within work much the same way. Yin fire heart
Macrocosmically speaking, the pure wood Returning to our example, we discover that their triple heater system. Following the attracts to yang bladder’s cool water; yin
of lesser yang balances with the pure metal Lv 1 wood-well mutually responds with LI patient’s pattern, we check the same water kidney attracts to yang stomach’s
of lesser yin; and the pure water of full yin 1 metal-well, in a well marriage. Imagine elemental wood and same transporting nourishing earth; and yin earth spleen
balances with the pure fire of full yang. a wood bride and a metal groom, joining well hollows – TH 3 wood-stream and TH 1 attracts to yang GB’s strong flowing wood/
Centring middle-earth, the 5 elements form around a water well. After Difficulty 33, metal-well. If either react, needle it! If not, wind Qi. One of these marriages becomes
a cruciform between Heaven and Earth. liver Yǐ2nd abandons her wood elemental then I check Luo-Connecting, Xi-Cleft, a patient’s pattern in their root treatment,
Whilst water and fire orient towards Earth house to seduce and marry LI Gēng7th of Yuan-Source and Lower He-Sea. In my Qi except for heart and bladder, as a heart
and Heaven on the vertical axis, wood the metal house. LI Gēng7th, feeling this Arts theory, this means that the patient’s pattern is said to be too weak to live.
and metal adjust this orientation on the subtle feminine attraction, advances in to heart-mind-body needs special help, beyond
horizontal, pivoting around middle-earth. enter her. In mutual-attraction, liver Yǐ2nd the capacity of the yin-yang 5 elements. Once this foundational 5-hollow
Like spring Qi, wood is lesser yang relative receives his metallic yang and LI Gēng7th This theory is also beyond the scope of combination has balanced the patient’s
to full yang of summer. Like autumn Qi, receives her woody yin. In mutual-control, this article. constitutional pattern, we follow this root
metal is lesser yin relative to the full yin his metal cuts her excessive wood, when she into a branch treatment, as naturally as tree
of winter. urgently/angrily overreacts. Being of lesser Once the empty leaks have been patched branches grow from deep roots in Earth.
yin’s autumn nature, large intestine is a and excessive blockages cleared, it is time to By cultivating deep Yangsheng roots in
cool, calm and relaxed man. In return, she fill this yin-yang 5 elemental form-container our ancient Chinese medical classics, we
grounds his light yang metal weiqi into yin. with Source Qi and essence (Jing). After can branch out across our communities,
By treating the Difficulty 27, the extraordinaries are a wondrously treating disease in this
extremely volatile age.
root cause, both With just this initial three hollow
combination, we have balanced the
deep reservoir, holding Source Qi and Jing.
By needling the reactive hollow on the
problems & symptoms mutual-control relationship within the Conception Ren channel, we fill up
life cycle; balanced the pentagram within with Jing.
begin to clear

Microcosmically speaking, wood separates

into yin-sister liver and yang-brother GB.
Sister liver marries the yang masculine LI
channel in the metal elemental house, whilst
brother GB marries the yin feminine spleen
in the earth element. These are two of the
five yin-yang inter-elemental marriages,
which hold the phenomenal world, i.e We discover that Lv 1 wood-well reacts wood and yang-metal, join as one couple,
human affairs, in balance. The micro-world as the live hollow. As this is a hollow on to balance a patient’s constitutional pattern
of human affairs balances within the macro- a yin channel, it can be the first channel- in the microcosmic world of human affairs.
universe of Heaven and Earth. hollow on our root treatment. After lightly
needling it, we then needle Ki 1 wood- Returning to our example, from Lv 1 wood-
Whilst macrocosmic balance between well on the same side of the body. After well as the root’s 1st channel-hollow, we
Heaven and Earth primarily concerns Difficulty 69, an empty child drains their palpate both the wood hollow (LI 3) and
life-cultivation (YangSheng) practices, mother. Therefore, by nourishing the kidney well hollow (LI 1) on the left and right large
inter-elemental microcosmic balance is very Guǐ10thstem mother, she is able to assist intestine channels. If LI 3 wood-stream
much about Chinese medicine. Fortunately, her child, liver Yǐ2nd. This reconnection of reacts, then liver Yǐ2nd needs wood Qi.
practicing both, we are able to stabilise daughter with mother grounds the yin-yang However, if LI 1 metal-well reacts, then she
the micro of TCM within the macro of 5-elemental life cycle back through its may need metal Qi. Like the sour flavour,
YangSheng! matriarchal generations, as a profound wood Qi constricts, bringing down liver’s Greg Williams Having begun studies of
grounding into Mother Earth. The Book of rebellious anger and urgency. Yang wells Taiji in Nanjing China and acupuncture in
Change (I Ching) calls the deity of Mother being metal, like the pungent flavour, move Tokyo Japan 20-yrs ago, Greg now practices
Let’s look at an example of how the 10 Earth Kun. The author believes that Kun
stems inter-relate as mother and daughter sluggish Qi. Moreover, well hollows, being & teaches a form of Qigong acupuncture,
disconnection is the fundamental cause of in the thin superficial skin of finger and toe which combines YangSheng life-cultivation
in the lifecycle, to formulate the first two all problems facing the human
hollows in the root treatment. A patient tips, activate the yang protective Qi (weiqi). & treatments. Last year he published his
race nowadays. third book, ‘Awaken Qi Within’, which
presents with a ribcage pain around Lv 14,
liver’s organ Mu. With one hand on the As you may have noticed, the elements on combines his own classical translations,
wrist pulse, the other hand palpates down After treating the life cycle, it is time to yin and yang channels are different! The poetic-prose interpretations and colourful
this reactive liver channel to diagnose the find her husband in the mutual-control elemental sequence through transporting illustrations. After working in Brisbane for
reactive hollow. The very instant our fingers relationship around the pentagram! hollows, from shallow wells, springs, a decade & a half, he now plans to move to
Qi-touch the live hollow, the pulse reacts. It Difficulty 33 begins by saying that liver streams, rivers to deep seas in elbows and the Sunshine Coast hinterlands, where he
softens if too hard, firms if too soft; sinks if Yǐ2nd abandons her lesser yang wood knees, are different. Like micro-catchments will reopen his Qi Arts clinic and training
too superficial, lifts if too deep; slows if too elemental house to subtly seduce and marry high atop mountain peaks, wells begin flow centre. Please contact me at Qi Arts, qiart.
fast or hastens if too slow. This is the yin- LI Gēng7th of the lesser yin metal house. By for both yin and yang channels. Like deep (soon to be opened), FB Qi Arts,
yang pulse explained in the Nan Jing. marrying up, liver Yǐ2nd and LI Gēng7th, yin- pools, seas collect flow at end of channels 0427199606, if interested.

In contrast to the branch treatment where fine steel needles are physically inserted into flesh, the root treatment is more akin to Qigong. Using the teishin (Japanese)/shizhen (Chinese)
mentioned in Spiritual Axis 1 as one of the nine needles, we needle Qi in the auric aspect of the body.





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‘My Odyssey into Research
with Acupuncture
& Diabetes’

M y reasons for writing this

article are as follows:

1. After 20 years of arduous effort in trying

to conduct research into acupuncture’s
beneficial effect in alleviating the burden
of living with diabetes, I have not been endocrinologists at the Diabetes and help me convince the ethics committee. RMIT
able to make one inch of progress in Endocrinology Department, Professor Since the Mater Hospital had pulled out,
getting this research trial up and running David McIntyre. My enthusiasm impressed Dr Shaw was not willing to allow any of her The year before I had completed that
in Australia. I hope that someone out him and he agreed to help me set up a patients to take part in any acupuncture Masters course, I paid a visit to Dr Tony
there reading this article might offer me clinical trial using acupuncture to treat pilot study. Zhang, the Program Manager for the
an avenue of progress. Because right diabetes. His initial area of interest was in Chinese Medicine programs in the School of
now, I’ve hit the wall! helping treat diabetic patients with insulin Health Sciences at RMIT, Bundoora. After
resistance. However, he was not convinced GAMSAT seven months of communication based on
2. To highlight the seeming apathy that that I had sufficient knowledge of research trying to find an appropriate PhD supervisor
In 1999 I sat the Graduate Medical School and finalising my PhD application, I
the Australian world of acupuncture methodology. Through his connections, I
Admissions Test (GAMSAT) and achieved received the following bad news: “Due to
has towards the conducting of enrolled in a Master of Philosophy at The
sufficient grades to be offered an interview resources implication, conducting trials are
acupuncture research. With China and University of Queensland, Brisbane. My
at the University of Sydney School of not always possible in the chosen topics.”
the US producing most of the world’s principal supervisor was Dr Joanne Shaw,
Medicine. I declined the offer because I
acupuncture research, not much seems with Professor McIntyre as my assistant
really wanted to continue with
to be happening in Australia! supervisor. In 2000, after completing He recommended that I change to a topic
acupuncture research.
Introduction to Biostatistics and Methods for which his PhD supervisors had the
3. Despite a few endocrinologists appropriate expertise.
being interested in seeing whether The Guangxi University of
or not acupuncture could help their
diabetic patients, the conventional
We as an industry are Chinese Medicine Deakin University and the
medical industry, through their “ethics not even discussing China seemed to be my only hope of Barwon Health University
committees”, have not allowed me to completing a pilot study, or any other
conduct a research trial, the results of the poor state of research into acupuncture and diabetes.
Hospital, Geelong
which might work against their
vested interests. acupuncture research I returned to the Guangxi University of Since I had already spent so much time and
Chinese Medicine in Nanning, China, where effort trying to research acupuncture’s effect
in this country. I had completed a six-week internship as on diabetes, I did not want to change my
My story part of my bachelor’s degree. research topic! I sent of a series of “fishing”
emails to members of The University of
I have suffered type 1 diabetic for 54 years Firstly, I worked as an English teacher in
Melbourne, Monash University and Deakin
now. My primary reason for studying order to save money for my future studies.
Eduardo ‘Eddie’ Teijeiro shares the of Epidemiologic Research, I again University schools of medicine.
acupuncture was to learn as much as I could Then I studied Mandarin Chinese for three
approached Professor McIntyre in order to years in order to pass the HSK Level 5
about the TCM management of diabetes, finalise the research protocol. He gave me I only received one response and in January
struggles he has faced getting and thereby better maintain my health. the bad news that the Mater Hospital ethics
committee would not give approval for my
Chinese language test. After passing this
exam, I was finally permitted to enrol in 2016 I was granted an interview with
Professor Ken Walder, Chair of Metabolic
the Acupuncture and Tuina Masters by
research off the ground The Mater Hospital and the
research trial to go ahead because there
was not sufficient evidence, in their opinion,
Research program. Diseases in the School of Medicine at
Deakin University. He seemed impressed
that acupuncture would not be detrimental with the research I had done in China,
University of Queensland to subjects’ health.
Three years later, I had completed this
and introduced me to Professor Mark
course, as well as the pilot study, with quite
In 1999, the year after completing my Kotowicz, Director of the Department of
promising results. A report of my studies
BHSc (Acupuncture), I was at the Mater Endocrinology and Diabetes at University
Professor McIntyre suggested that I go off can be found in the Australian Journal of
Hospital for my annual diabetic check-up. Hospital Geelong.
and do a pilot study, which might hopefully Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, 2018,
I presented myself to one of the leading Vol 12, Issue 1.


After three monthly meetings working on on my original protocol of acupuncture’s
a protocol measuring the effectiveness of effect in lowering HbA1c levels and
acupuncture in assisting type 2 diabetic improving quality of life for type 2 diabetes
patients lower HbA1c levels and improving patients. Unfortunately, I was unsuccessful.
quality of life, Professor Walder decided
that, without a protocol measuring a
biochemical mechanism, I would not be
eligible to enrol in the PhD program Conducting research in my
at Deakin. own clinic
Professor Kotowicz was still interested in I next had the idea of sourcing diabetic
conducting a trial based on acupuncture’s patients myself. I would get them to sign a
efficacy rather than mechanism, and so we consent form, ask them to produce as many
continued having monthly meetings for 12 previous HbA1c results as they have access
months, in which we discussed potential to, give them free treatments, then measure
protocols, finance, power calculations, any changes in their levels and write a
statistical analysis, patients’ acceptance report as a series of case studies based on
of acupuncture treatment and patients’ changes to HbA1c levels.
compliance to receive three months of
treatment in order to effectively measure As Southport-based acupuncturist Dr John
changes in HbA1c levels. McDonald (PhD) warned me, however,
without first getting approval from an ethics
Finally, Professor Kotowicz decided to committee, I would be breaking some of the
discontinue the meetings, because: guidelines of the Nuremberg Code and the
consequences could be very problematic
1. There was no financial backing; for me.

2. He doubted that enough patients would

comply with three months of treatment; Conclusion
3. He doubted that the University In this day and age, with most Australian
Hospital Geelong ethics committee acupuncturists up in arms against the
would approve any research based on Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
acupuncture treatment. Agency (AHPRA) advertising restrictions, it
seems incongruous that we as an industry
are not even discussing the poor state of
acupuncture research in this country.
Western Sydney University
In November 2017, I flew to Sydney to
meet with Professor Caroline Smith at her
Campbelltown office. My wish was to get
her help in contacting Professor Kotowicz
and to help me perform the research at
University Hospital Geelong as a Western
University PhD candidate. She was non-
committal, but encouraged me to begin the
PhD application before anything could
be decided.
As part of the application process, I needed
to submit a research protocol. I phoned
Caroline and she decided that the research
would have to be conducted in Sydney, and
was only interested in treating female type 2
Eduardo (Eddie) Teijeiro In 1998, Eddie
diabetic patients.
graduated with a Bachelor of Health
Unfortunately, after so many years living Science (Acupuncture). He was part of
with type 1 diabetes, I have developed the first graduating class of the Bachelor
a diabetic complication called charcot degree of the Australian College of Natural
neuroarthropathy. This made moving to Medicine (Brisbane), now the Endeavour
Sydney impossible, so I did not continue Colleges of Natural Health.
with the application process. Also, a quick
Google search shows that it is widely In 2015, he completed a Master of Medicine
reported that more men than women have (Acupuncture & Tuina) at the Guangxi
type 2 diabetes. University of TCM, Nanning, China. As part
of his Masters, he completed a Pilot Study
into Acupuncture’s Effect into Lowering
The Diabetes Australia HbA1c Levels in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
Research Program
He is now working at Wholistic Healing
In 1999, I applied for a grant from the Acupuncture in Geelong VIC.
Diabetes Australia Research Program based


Recording informed consent A form should only be signed after the is any change in the treatment being
conversation with the practitioner has provided, or if the patient has returned
Obtaining It’s imperative that practitioners make a
note in the clinical record regarding the
been had and the patient understands following a period of absence, informed
what it is they’re consenting to. Patients consent needs to be revisited. A
informed patient providing their informed consent.
This needs to be more than ‘IC given’.
are occasionally asked to sign consent general ‘consent to all treatment’ for
forms at reception before they’ve seen the life of the therapeutic relationship is
The record needs to show what treatment
consent options and risks were discussed as well
the practitioner. As there has been not appropriate.
no assessment or discussion about
as any questions asked by the patient.
from patients The record should also show what the
treatment at this stage, this can’t be Informed financial consent
considered informed consent as the As well as consenting to assessment and
patient consented to as well as what they
patient hasn’t been informed. treatment, patients should also give their
didn’t consent to where relevant.
Some practices combine new patient informed financial consent. This means
The informed consent form forms with the consent form. This isn’t they need to be provided with information
ideal as the two forms serve different about the expected cost of treatment
One area which leads to some confusion
purposes. Also, having them on the before this treatment commences.
about informed consent is how to use
an informed consent form. Having a one form encourages patients to sign
the consent form at reception before
In summary…
patient sign a form is seen as a quick
and simplified way of having a patient they’ve seen the practitioner. Therefore, There is no one right way to undertake
provide their informed consent and they should be divided into two an informed consent conversation and
keeping a record of that. However, separate forms. process. Practitioners must adapt what’s
they are unfortunately too often discussed for the patient they’re treating
used inappropriately. Informed consent is not a one- and that patient’s unique circumstances.
off event However, what must occur in all cases
Signed forms aren’t a requirement.
Practitioners regularly ask how often is that the patient is informed of and
While recording consent is required, this
their patients need to give informed understands the proposed treatment,
doesn’t need to be done using a form.
All health practitioners would be well Informed consent and insurance The conversation must: consent. There is no set time frame for alternate treatment options and the
Notes in the clinical record are sufficient.
aware of their requirements to obtain claims when informed consent conversations risks involved. Only with this information
> Detail the recommended assessment However, signed forms do provide
informed consent from their patients or signed forms need to be repeated. can they give their informed consent.
Informed consent can feature in insurance and treatment as well as alternate additional evidence if there is an allegation
before assessment or treatment takes The requirement is that when a patient is The practitioner must also be sure to
claims against practitioners in a couple treatment options. that informed consent wasn’t given.
place. However, Guild Insurance’s receiving any assessment or treatment, make a record of this informed consent
of ways. > Include the expected benefits of that discussion in the clinical record.
vast experience in managing claims Forms can’t be used to replace the they need to have given their informed
made against health practitioners has It’s not uncommon when a patient is treatment. informed consent conversation. A patient consent to this. Therefore, informed
highlighted that many practitioners unhappy following treatment for them to > Provide information about the risks of cannot read a form and gain the same consent should be an ongoing process;
don’t meet all their informed consent allege they weren’t made aware of the the treatment. level of understanding as they would from it’s a continual conversation with patients
requirements. risks when they consented to treatment. a conversation with the practitioner. Nor during consultations. And when there
> Allow time for the patient to ask can they ask questions of the form.
Quite often they will allege the treatment
What is informed consent? was negligent and has resulted in harm
or suffering. They then add that had they > Be held in language which can be
There is an explanation about informed
been informed of the possible risks, they understood by the patient which
consent in the Code of Conduct for each
wouldn’t have consented. means practitioners should avoid
of the professions regulated by AHPRA.
technical clinical language.
In this document, informed consent In other cases, patients may not make
is defined as ‘a person’s voluntary any allegation about consent, their > Take place in a private area where
decision about healthcare that is made complaint might solely focus on the the patient will feel comfortable being
with knowledge and understanding of clinical outcome, yet when their claim open and honest about their health
the benefits and risks involved’. This is being managed it’s found that they situation.
statement highlights the difference didn’t give their informed consent prior > Be tailored to that individual patient
between consent and informed consent. to treatment being provided. When this and their unique clinical needs.
If a patient hasn’t been made aware occurs, it makes it challenging for Guild
of the benefits and risks, their consent to prove that the practitioner has treated
isn’t informed. appropriately and met their requirements.
Informed consent isn’t just required for
The informed consent conversation
treatment. Depending on the nature of
the healthcare being provided, informed Informed consent requires a conversation
1800 810 213
consent should also be obtained between the treating practitioner and the
for assessment. patient. This conversation needs to occur
prior to assessment and treatment. Better through experience.

Better through experience.

Guild Insurance Limited ABN 55 004 538 863, AFS Licence No. 233 791. This article contains information of a general nature only, and is not intended to constitute the provision of legal advice.
Guild Insurance supports your Association through the payment of referral fees for certain products or services you take out with them. RHQ19276 Informed Consent 01/2019


Making the most
of trying times

Brigitte Linder explores the challenges for new graduates

and the importance of connecting with a mentor

L What can help?

eaving university with a students tell me that during their courses
at university, they are being told that the
brand-new degree and a Chinese medicine profession is not one from Embracing this unprecedented situation is
coffer full of new tools is which to make a living. It deeply shocks me very scary to all of us. But we don’t have a
an exciting moment for a new to hear those statements and at the same choice and are all sitting in that same exact
time, I remember my first weeks and months boat. Even as seasoned practitioners, we
Chinese medicine graduate. as a new practitioner and the factors I had can feel out of our depth when it comes to
to face, manage and resolve all by myself. how to manage this situation. Do I keep my
But it’s equally daunting as we realise that It was certainly difficult. It wasn’t just
the time has come to stand on our own two doors open? What are the risks? How can
integrating all the technical skills, the client I navigate those risks? What are my moral
feet. It can be overwhelming (to say the management and marketing; now it was
least, in times of pandemics) and that’s one obligations? How am I going to make a
also planning and running my own business. living? How will I survive?
major reason finding a mentor at this time
is important.
We must find our own patients, our own Right now might not be the best time to
rhythm, support ourselves financially and establish your clinic unless you are 100 per
emotionally, and come up with new ideas
What’s the situation? when things are not working out. Imagine:
cent certain that you can manage all that
comes with it. But what you can do now The uncertainty is difficult for many. And • Make a list of suppliers that you would
It’s hard to transition from being a student
you have just spent four or five years at is work on your future situation. Even a yet, we wake up every morning facing a like to work with For new graduates,
university and worked hard for your degree; pandemic will eventually resolve, new life day with lots of opportunities, even when
to a practitioner in normal situations,
but to start a business in unprecedented
and on the eve of your new venture, you’re will begin and life will return to a isolated. Consider it a retreat where you • Create a list of things that you will now is the best time
hit with a global crisis? How unlucky. Or, to order frequently
circumstances on the back of a pandemic say it in a positive way, what a challenge!
different normal. establish your own sanctuary. When the to connect with
seems an incredible challenge. Our industry business of toing and froing is taken out,
is known for high attrition rates. Some we can settle, relax, think, reflect and plan. • Consider how you are going to structure
your sessions (ie. time management and
potential mentors
During this transition into our post-viral
existence, let us gain immense clarity what types of treatment)
on what we want as Chinese medicine • Make a draft of a treatment plan that question. It might involve a couple of
practitioners. Some things you can do you could give to a patient at the end of individuals, one for their unique practice
during this time are: their consultation style and someone else for their special
interest areas.
• Plan the space that you are going to • Consider questions like: How do you
be working out from (home, someone’s follow up with your patients? What do When I questioned established practitioners
clinic, your own clinic or else?) you do if they report adverse effects to a few years back, all my well-established
you? Will you treat children? and seasoned colleagues recommended
• Make sure you are up to date with that I have a mentor – someone who has
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia • Design any forms and templates been there, who has done it all before.
(CMBA) guidelines (including referrals to and from other One way to establish contact with a
practitioners) that you might want potential mentor is to reach out to them
• Have a provider number for private to use
health claims directly and ask; or go to
au/membership/mentoring-program/ to
• Professional association membership connect with individuals. You must be an
Finding a mentor AACMA member to access this service.
• Insurance
For new graduates, now is the best time to Mentorship is well established in the
• Think about your branding (colours, connect with potential mentors. Someone Western faculty, where junior practitioners
symbols, font) who you feel can help you make decisions work in the hospital, but because we, as
• Start establishing some ways to or plan the next steps; someone who is Chinese medicine practitioners, work
communicate with your patients (email, there for you when you have an idea or a in private practice, we don’t have this
SMS, blog and more) framework available.


A study that surveyed final year Chinese • The expected outcomes of mentorship out that you are looking for someone
medicine students in Australia about their are confidence, personal growth, clinical to assist you in your next phase. This is
perceptions of preparedness for clinical practice and experience. essential to establish yourself as not only
practice concluded that Chinese medicine a skilled practitioner but also an excellent
students perceived themselves to be
"somewhat adequately" or "adequately"
prepared for various aspects of clinical
• Even division between expectations
OF formal training of mentors AND
provision of guidelines, code of ethics
communicator and business owner.

Start the conversation now, so you are

practice (Moore et al., 2010). and standards of practice as well as equipped when our lives return to ‘normal.’
expectations about mentor and mentee Right now, make excellent use of the time to
A follow-up survey of graduates within roles. prepare for your future.
the first 12 months of clinical practice
found that there is greater desire for
clinical experience, the need for support in
establishing and maintaining business and
interpersonal skills, as well as interest in
• Level of experience of mentors, their
length of time in practice and their
communication skills were important
to participants. Overall, at least five
mentoring (Moore A, O’Brien K, 2012).

In her article on the current state of

mentoring in our field, Mentoring in •
years’ experience in the profession were

Shorter programs (three months)

28-30 May 2021
Chinese Medicine, Australian Chinese with high flexibility and individual
medicine educator Glenys Savage considers adjustments were preferred.
mentoring vital to the progression and Surfers Paradise Marriott Resort & Spa
maturation of our industry. • Continued access to mentors’ support
needs to be considered in the design and
158 Ferny Ave, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
A survey on mentoring conducted by implementation of programs (Moore,
AACMA in 2008 also revealed that 2011).
mentoring is desired by members and 07 3457 1800
was viewed potentially beneficial for A comprehensive national survey of Chinese
practitioners as well as the wider Chinese medicine practitioners in Australia also
medicine community (Moore, 2011). Some identified mentoring as something that is
of the survey outcomes were: desirable within the profession (Moore et
al. 2016). Brigitte Linder is a Chinese medicine
• There are a variety of ways to
understand mentorship: formal, semi- practitioner, author and mentor. She's
Don’t let yourself be isolated and cut off an advocate for change and supports
formal, informal, group mentoring and from colleagues, friends, suppliers and
e-mentoring. practitioners to thrive.
mentors. It’s a great time to pick up the
phone, send an email or put the word


Lorne Brown (Canada),
Debra Betts (New Zealand)
Poney Chiang (Canada)

• Panel discussion focusing on business development

• Award dinner to recognise individuals & celebrate the advancement of the profession
• Abundant networking & exchange opportunities for businesses & practitioners.


Xing Lin Quan 10
Form: Part 2

These techniques follow on

from those explored in the
last issue of Jing-Luo

A n old idiom linked to the order to improve their therapeutic outcome. 7. Dragon Crashes into 8. Monk Ties the Sash ii) Stop when you are viewing your forearms shortness of breath) and also assist in
and drop the elbows down as you bend your calming the mind for anyone that suffers
Ocean 龍入東海
Without further delay, let us explore the
martial arts is: “A tooth last five techniques in the Xing Lin Quan 10 knees back into a horse stance. (Fig 28.2) from high levels of stress, depression or
from the tiger’s mouth” Form. anxiety.
– which, in short, means that i) Continuing directly from the end of the i) Remain in a horse stance and move your iii) Make a circular motion with both hands
anything worthwhile tends to last technique, make a claw with both hands hands down to the waist. (Fig 27.1) (like hugging someone); sink further into This concludes the Xing Lin Quan 10 Form.
6. Dragon Ascends to the and slash downwards, stopping in front of your horse stance. Perform three times. I hope that sharing this form with you will
be difficult.
Heavens 飛龍昇天 the waist. Hands should be positioned left ii) Make a circular rotation with the hands (Fig 28.3-28.4) help you in your clinical practice and also
help your patients to recover faster.
on top of right, resting on wrist. Bend your around the waist (left to left, right to right)
A variation on this is: “You can’t catch a knees slightly as your hands reach waist from the level of the Dan Tian towards the Therapeutic benefit: This technique may
tiger cub without entering the tiger’s den.” i) From a horse stance, slowly straighten the level. (Fig 26) lower back (Ming Men area) and bring the assist with the movement of Qi throughout Illustrations used with the permission of artist
The reason I bring this up is that it is never knees as you rotate your waist, abdomen hands back to the front. the body, elbow pain, and increasing the Lucy wang.
easy to learn a new skill, but martial arts is and chest left, right, then left, area by area range of movement of the upper limb. It
a worthwhile one for a traditional Chinese Therapeutic benefit: Performing this
(visualise the energy moving upwards in technique can assist with activating the can be performed slowly throughout (yin)
medicine practitioner, especially any system iii) When the hands are at your back, make
a spiral), as you push your arms upwards. channels in the upper limbs. It may assist or may be performed slowly going upwards
that works with Nei Gong contact with your lower back using the
(Fig 25.1) with issues relating to wrist, elbow and (yin) and with vigorous force (yang) when
(internal building). palms of your hands. (Fig 27.2-27.4) When
shoulder injury. This technique can either the hands are at the front, imagine you are coming back down.
ii) Have your palms facing the heavens and be done slowly (yin) or with speed and force holding two cords and pull them to either
Though it maximises the therapeutic benefit hold the stretch for a few seconds.
10. Closing 收勢
(yang). side at waist level as if tightening a sash
to perform all 10 movements of the form (Fig 25.2-25.3) on a robe. (Fig 27.5) Repeat the technique
being taught, it is still viable to practice three times.
any particular technique that helps you Important Note: Repeat the technique three
Therapeutic benefit: This technique can times, alternating with Dragon Rises to the i) Remain in horse stance, take a breath
feel better either physically or mentally. assist with resolving Liver Qi stagnation via
Studying a particular technique until you Heavens. Therapeutic benefit: Using this technique in as you raise your arms slowly to chest
the rotational movements of the abdomen can assist with lower back pain that height. Use the same thought process as the
have a thorough understanding of it will and chest; this may also assist with digestive
make it easier to prescribe to patients in presents as a dull throbbing and is worse opening of the form: strings attached to the
issues. This technique is done slowly (yin). in colder weather; it may also help with wrist with no weight in your arms. (Fig 29.1)
arthritis in the lower spine with symptoms Dr Jimmy Le (TCM) is a Chinese Medicine
relating to poor range of movement. This is ii) When the lungs are full, breathe out and Practitioner and Martial Artist with a decade
a yin technique and should be done slowly. lower your arms accordingly to rest at your of clinical experience as the former and over
side when all the air has left your body. two decades experience with the latter. He
(Fig 29.2) is currently the owner and head practitioner
9. Climb the Tian Shan of the Chinese Health Institute (Xing Lin Ju)
Mountains 登天山 iii) Bring your left foot into your right using
located in Sydney where he treats patients
and teaches students always adhering to his
a semi-circle step and the form is complete. personal philosophy:
(Fig 29.3-29.4)
i) Remain in a horse stance, slowly
straighten the knees as you bring your arms Balance the Body, Educate the Mind,
to your midline and raise upwards, palm Therapeutic benefit: As all things must Nourish the Spirit.
facing your body. (Fig 28.1) come full circle, we close the form the same
as we began it. Performing this technique
can assist with lung function (particularly 平衡身心,淨化心靈,昇華精神。


manual. Over the years it was updated with
actions and indications added in. Of course,
well-known reference books like “A Manual
of Acupuncture” were on hand, but I kept
going back to my manual as it was simple
and quick to use with images, locations and
words on the same page, no flicking back
and forth.

Then one day I decided to make a real book

Finding the Point out of it. It would have photos of people

with the points marked in position to keep it
real. It took almost three years to get from
there to a finished book, called MAP - Main
Acupuncture Points.

By RAF NATHAN What are acupuncture channels? No-one, it

seems, can give a definitive Western-based
interpretation of this. An established theory
on the channels is that they simply are, or
run parallel to, the nerves. Others state that
After years of experience, Raf Nathan shares his insights channels are a flow of Qi or energy, whilst
another theory is that there are separate
spaces like hollow pipes between the skin,
tissue and muscles.

My belief is that the acupuncture channels

are electrical circuits, but it is a different

A fter all the introductory

Chinese medicine
lessons, finally starting
acupuncture class at college
was, for me and most of my
type of current to household electricity;
more a micro current. As such, it makes
sense that it can be affected by placing a
metal object – a needle in our case – into it.

Current channel research also notes,

classmates, very exciting. and my own observation agrees, that the
acupuncture channel takes around 20
minutes to circulate fully. However, there
At last, after all the theoretical subjects are a number of studies I have read from
and practice needling on oranges, we were China and Russia that have timed the Qi
finally getting into the real thing. Of course, flow at 28 minutes and 34 seconds to make
there was the reality of actually putting a complete circuit. Therefore, for optimal
needles into people’s bodies. I admit, treatment results, we probably should aim
needling myself at LI 4 for the first time was for that amount of needle retention.
scary, painful and highly stressful. research has shown acupoints are areas
of reduced electrical resistance, it fits that
Finding the acupuncture point does not the skin could retract slightly at that point.
My study buddy and I – both being tough necessarily mean strictly adhering to Finding a point, then, is both a science and
youngish men – weren’t scared at all. Or the anatomical and written description, an art. Science in that we need to follow the
were we? In fact, that first needling class because points can and do move slightly. correct point location description, and art
was all about pain, screams and more pain. I was taught that there is always a slight because a fine touch is needed to find the
I remember my buddy clenching his teeth depression at the point. If we remember that exact point. Gently running your finger over
and saying “just do it”, but then yelling to the area will, with practice, enable you to
me to pull it out, the pain was too much. Of feel the depression where the point is.
course, he was more pained when I pointed
out that he should open his eyes and see
that I had not even touched him. The needle For particularly large patients, it can be
was still paused in my hand six inches above problematic to precisely locate points.
his leg! Pressing deeply helps, as does using
anatomical landmarks combined with
I would say to all students the quickest way
to learn is to practice on yourself. If you
can't needle yourself, how can you needle I always assumed that every other
a patient? practitioner knew much more than me
and had a far better knowledge of theory, Raf Nathan graduated from the Australian
diagnosis and point location. In fact, I College of Natural Medicine in 2005 and
As part of our class training, our lecturer at have found that we all have knowledge undertook further study in China at Nanning
the time, Dr Debra Godson, made us create gaps. Writing a book has obviously filled and Chongzhou. He has also worked at the
our own acupuncture point location book. many of my gaps and helped to increase Mae Tao Clinic in Thailand. Currently he has a
Drawings of bodies were photocopied or my skill and confidence. Certainly for the small private practice and works at community
drawn and the meridians penciled in. In student, I recommend compiling your own clinics in Brisbane, Australia. His interests also
my case, this ‘book’ was developed to the point location book as a study aid and – as extend to fine woodwork.
point where I used it in clinic as my reference mentioned – practicing on yourself as much
as possible. MAP - Main Acupuncture Points is available at



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Zhang Jingue on T his is the first chapter of illuminate each other, how could there be
any error [in identification]? Therefore, 1
Lǐ 理 principle is rather difficult to translate without sacri-
Jingyue’s self-titled work, the as a physician in clinic, by my one core, ficing much of its meaning. From the cultural context, the Lǐ
Complete Compendium of 理 here is most likely defined by the interpretation of 程朱
it must be expected of me to see through 理學 Chéng-Zhū School of Rational Idealism, which was
Jingyue. In this work, he discusses the one root [cause] of the disease. By my the mainstream belief system at its time. Under the teaching

“Clarifying the Principle”

one [core], identify the one [root cause]. of Chéng Yí 程頤 (1033-1107 CE), Lǐ 理 is defined as “the
many facets of the medicine. Once one discovers the truth of the one inner nature.” Zhū Xī 朱熹 (1130-1200 CE) further re-de-
fines Lǐ 理 as the “universal law,” much like the ultimate
[root cause], all ten thousand doubts are reality where all phenomena operate from and abide by.
He discusses yin-yang, the eight principles and resolved. Is this not so simple? Zhū Xī proposes that for humans, their inherent inner na-
established the ten questions. However, before ture is engendered by the heavenly universal law; thus, there
discussing these, he feels that is incredibly is an imprint of Lǐ 理 within the human’s inner nature; yet,
This one [core], it is simply the principle.
important to establish the principle of the it is sheathed and covered by the mundane qì, emotions,
By MICHAEL BROWN physician. Jingyue feels that if one cannot know and desires. By cultivation, the human mind can be purified,
Suppose that the principle is clear in my and this inherent inner nature can manifest and bring one
this principle, or a reasoning process, then it close to the universal law, which is the Heavenly Lǐ 天理.
will be extremely difficult for the physician to mind, then the yīn [patterns] are simply yīn, Therefore, the best translation of Lǐ 理 may be “rational
progress in the medicine, both in the clinic and the yáng [patterns] are simply yáng. How universal law/principle,” as Zhū Xī believes such universal
improving their knowledge. could they be mixed up in confusion? After law can be perceived from a rationalist approach, namely,
there is a clarity in the yīn and yáng, there by 格物致知 investigating things to acquire knowledge.
Nevertheless, for the sake of an easier reading experience,
are the counterparts of exterior and interior,
All ten thousand things cannot be detached as this term is used frequently throughout this writing, we
vacuity and repletion, and cold and heat. are regretfully bastardizing the term and shortening it to
from the principle; and for a physician,
When one clarifies these six transmutations simply “principle.”
the principle is absolutely crucial. When
and the yīn-yáng, then all the diseases
it unfolds, the principle becomes the ten 2
一心 lit. one core, one heart, or one mind. Here, “one
under heavens undoubtedly cannot be
thousand manifestations of nature; and core” is selected as it is more fitting to the context of being
outside of these eight! the central core amidst of all swirling
when it converges, the principle returns
manifestations around.
to the one core. The physician is this
one [very] core, and the diseases are the Dr. Allen Tsaur, DOM, L.Ac., has been
ten thousand manifestations of nature. licensed since 2017. He is currently a DAOM
By enumerating the multitude of the ten faculty at ACCHS in Oakland, CA. He has
thousand diseases, indeed, the way of collaborated with Michael Brown in the
medicine is difficult; yet, for each of the ten translation of Explanations of Channels and
thousand [manifestations] of disease, it is Points, published in 2019. He again teams up
just the contraction of one single disease. with Michael for the translation of the first three
volumes of Jingyue Quanshu 景岳全書 by
Zhang Jingyue, and plans to publish this work
In an analogy, the north star is [like]
in August 2020 by Purple Cloud Press. This
the one core of a physician, and the ten
work includes discourses on yin-yang, the eight
thousand stars are [like] the ten thousand
principles, the ten questions and philosophical
manifestations of disease. If one wishes to
discussions of treatments and methods.
identify all ten thousand stars [at once]
by the north star, then it would simply
overwhelm one during their [attempt to]
identify [them all]; however, if one uses
the north star to identify only one star,
then there will be immediately a direct
link [between the two]. As the two [stars]





The Queensland State interaction between practitioners it will
While skin-deep western medicine merely dabs at the surface, ThisHerb Eczema Free Committee welcomed in become an annual event for the Qld
State Committee.
goes direct to the root cause to remove metabolic wastes and toxins caused by liver qi the Chinese New Year with
stagnation. Wholly natural active ingredients also promote bile flow, clear damp heat, an interactive session for All other events planned for the year have
free bowel movement and lessen abdominal bloating. All of which is reflected in a fresh, practitioners and a Chinese been put on hold due to government
banquet lunch. restrictions on public gatherings except
clear, moisturized complexion. In the treatment of eczema, it’s a better way. for a live stream or Zoom event for all
A variety of case studies were discussed in practitioners around Australia with Greg
groups with members offering insight into Bantick presenting on practitioner self
Anti-Meno Sunny Pills diagnoses, treatment principles and point care, meditation, and
Capsules for Capsules for or herb prescriptions for the 5 relaxation techniques.
the relief of the relief of different cases.
menopause stress & anxiety Stay safe, well and connected with your
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive colleagues through these
and as this event also delivered the 5 extraordinary times.
CPD points that is now mandatory for
THISHERB Health. Suite 12 /1 Ricketts Road Mount Waverley, Victoria 3149. PHONE: 1300 000 118 EMAIL:


July 2019: A two- part seminar with Heidi
Yuen and Serg Mezhov.

Heidi Yuen shared her experiences whilst

in China with: Acupuncture, Moxibustion,
November 2019: Antahkarana Meditation
– A Foundational self - development
practice from Esoteric Acupuncture by
Steven Booth. This was an interesting and
enjoyable seminar with practical exercises.
AACMA Upcoming Events
cupping and Gua-sha in modern China. It was a great way to finish off the year.
This was followed by Serg Mezhov:
Acupuncture Controversy – True or False. Chinese New Year 2020: the Victoria
State Committee held its annual lunch for
At this event, the State Committee held a members at the Matthew Flinders Hotel in
book buy-swap-sell prior to the seminar. Chadstone. This was a fun gathering with
This gave members the opportunity to raffle prizes generously donated from our
bring along textbooks to swap or sell, or TCM suppliers, drawn during the lunch.
alternatively, to purchase one at a Thanks to all who attended on the day.
The Victoria State Committee great price.
would like to extend its best February 2020: The Qi and your Body by
September 2019: Useful Distal points Ying Mei Hua, was our first seminar of the
wishes to all of our members at year. This was an interactive seminar that
for Neck, Back and Sciatic pain by
this time. Joe Azuolos. This was a practical and included practical demonstrations and
engaging workshop. Thanks to the audience participation.
Below is a snapshot of our activities from support of Helio, San, Acuneeds and
June 2019 to February 2020. China Books - we had both gifts for The Victoria State Committee plans to
participants and representation from resume our seminar schedule for the rest
Sending a big thank-you to our members, suppliers on the day. of the year, as soon as
speakers and TCM suppliers – for their circumstances allow.
continued support of our events. October 2019: Bone Deficiency in Musculo
skeletal conditions. TCM Diagnosis and We look forward to connecting with you
June 2019: After convening a meeting Treatment Approaches by Khoi Luong. all again in person, very soon.
to elect officer roles, the committee This seminar included part lecture/
continued to plan our CPD events for practical demonstration and a discussion
the year. of a case study from Khoi’s clinic.

Western Australia
A ll public AACMA These measures include but not limit to: We strongly recommend all members to
ensure they like and follow the AACMA
The year 2019 was a good year how to use automation and how to calendar. I look forward to working with related offline meetings, Facebook page @AACMA as well as
• Fortnightly Facebook Live Q&A with
for the WA State Committee as set up MailChimp from scratch. This them in this challenging year, and wish a conferences or public the AACMA CEO and President register to receive the fortnightly AACMA
seminar was valued at 4 professional safe 2020 to all practitioners! meetings scheduled to occur Newsletter to be kept up-to-date on all of
we were able to offer various CPD points. • Regular Facebook Live Statements the above online opportunities.
workshops with quality speakers. over the period March to from the AACMA CEO
With the help of the AACMA we were also October 2020 have been Should you have any question or need
The second half of 2019 comprised of two • FREE recordings of previous any assistance, please do not hesitate to
able to invite inter-state presenters who postponed or cancelled to AACMACs and state committee contact us on 07 3457 1800 or email
main events: weres fascinating. We hope to offer even adhere with the advice of local, events to the membership
more interesting events for the
1. A two-day workshop given by David coming year. state and national governments • Livestream event opportunities for
Hartman about Acupuncture Point and to prioritise the health and members to fulfill interactive CPD
Combination on the 22nd and 23rd Sadly, one committee member, Liz safety of our members and the requirement in the new guidelines
of June. This seminar was worth 12 Langton who was our treasurer, had to
CPD points and gave us more in-depth local community. • Online course opportunities with
move interstate and thus resigned from   providers such as China Books and
information about new combinations her position in the WA State Committee.
of acupuncture points and their Healthy Seminars to provide free or
We would like to thank Liz for her steady discounted training to
multitude of functions. To ensure ongoing CPD opportunities for
attendance and dedication in the AACMA members
our members AACMA has developed a
past years.
2. On the 18th of August, Marie Hopkins range of online options that are designed
gave a Marketing seminar regarding to connect, educate and inform our
I would also like to thank my committee members and community through
MailChimp automation for the TCM members for their help, creativity and
practice. We learned how to save time this challenge time.
enthusiasm. We had a meeting in January
with multiple marketing strategies, and more new events were added to our


and acupuncture qualifications and clinical experience. Please email info@
VIC Flemington current registration. Contact Sharlane with
BalancedHealthcare Flemington, Room for more information , send resume to contact details to arrange an interview.

Classifieds rental opportunity. Looking to start your

new practice or wanting to move an SA Goolwah
existing business. We have two gorgeous VIC Ferntree Gully Our multi-disciplinary clinic is seeking a
rooms fully furnished and with heating/ BLHC Ferntree Gully, a multi-modality qualified, experienced acupuncturist. The
cooling waiting for you. Full or half days clinic, is looking for a locum for April position can be either subcontractor or
with or without a receptionist. Establish 2019; 2 days per week. Ongoing associate employment. The successful candidate will
practice for 13 years. Contact Amanda – work for the right candidate. Must have have a Bachelors in Health Science (ACU)
amandaboydbalancedhealthcare@gmail. Balance or Tan (or similar) training. and their own insurance and memberships.
com Herbal qualifications & Gynaecology Must be English speaking. Contact Karen
a bonus. New graduates welcome. on 0484 860 208 for more information.
Mentor / training can be provided. Email: WA Goolwah
Locums / Positions Vacant
I am an experienced UK practitioner, now
VIC Lower Plenty based in Perth and recently registered with
VIC Carnegie TCM practitioner wanted. Clinic AHPRA, available for locum work. I’m
Melbourne Integrative Oncology Group located Lower Plenty, VIC. Please happy to travel anywhere within the metro
is seeking a P/T Acupuncturist with email for full details. daniel@ area and perhaps regionally and happy
experience in treating Cancer patients to sign a form saying I won’t see your
during chemotherapy/radiotherapy/ patients again afterwards. Email Jessica@
surgery. Must be a degree qualified, VIC Moonee Ponds
compassionate and focused individual Interested in talking with a practitioner
who stays abreast of latest Integrative who wants to work 2-3 days a week NSW Sydney
Oncology research. Interested individuals in our established clinic. Not suitable Digestive Health Clinics – Colon Care
please contact if you are working in your own clinic Centre is looking for 4th-year students to
with a resume and cover letter, or call or another clinic. Enquiries to: http:// work in Surry Hills, Bondi, Randwick and
03-9571-7498 Kogarah. Contact Reception: 9211 1174

VIC Bentleigh QLD Chermside NSW Woy Woy

access, bathroom and kitchen facilities VIC Melbourne Experienced acupuncturist(s) required QLD / Chermside / Brisbane North: Start Opportunity available: Qualified
Clinic Rooms available. Free parking. Day rates Room for Rent C. B. D Melbourne Monday afternoon/evening, Tuesday, ASAP, seeking vibrant acupuncturist acupuncturist at Well Established
available. Must have all relevant Beautiful natural light with city views. Friday, Saturday afternoon for busy, contractor in 2 room clinic. Opportunity Central Coast Clinic. Our busy clinic
registrations, qualifications and insurance. Central to public transport. Rooms have vibrant, well established clinic. 2 rooms to earn double! We pay for marketing your is well established, treating our loyal
QLD Grange Happy to have other modalities apply if hand basins and storage. Other facilities with foot operated sinks, great room rates. services. Clinic uses Cliniko, convenient clients on the Central Coast for over 19
Looking for Brisbane clinic space due to you know someone who needs a room. include kitchen, showers and bike room. Need to be able to work independently online bookings, HICAPS. Must have own years with acupuncture and remedial
COVID-19 downturn? Vibe Natural Health Contact Savitiri Wiednya on 0449 601 Suit allied health professionals. Very with good computer skills. Please call insurance and memberships. 3-5 days / massage. Must have a caring nature,
at the Grange, inner north Brisbane is 894 or email reasonable rates. Contact Sally Wilson: Gillian Newton 0414 999 604 for more week. Newly qualified graduates welcome. great communication skills, be reliable
offering help and clinic space to health information or send bio to gillian_ Forward applications to acu.adele@gmail. and hardworking. Immediate start. Email:
practitioners whose clinic circumstances NSW Warriewood com
have been affected by COVID-19. If
Clinic rooms to rent at Rocklily Natural VIC Ringwood
government regulations still allow you VIC Yarrawonga
Healthcare located on Sydney’s Northern Professional Consulting Rooms for Rent QLD Strathpine
to safely practice but you need to move
Beaches. We are seeking an experienced Looking for a friendly Chinese medicine ADVERTISE WITH US
clinics due to rent pressures or building – Short, Medium and Extended - Busy Northside TCM practice requires
Acupuncturist or Massage Therapist to practitioner who is able to work a clinical assistant on a paid part-time To advertise in the AACMA
closures, please contact us. We offer a No lease, No outgoings, All Inclusive of classified section, please fill out
join our friendly team. Please give us a call electricity, reception use, internet, kitchen, independently in Yarrawonga. Well basis. Basic massage skills essential.
fully serviced reception and dispensary, the classified booking form on
on 02 9999 2211 for further details. facilities and onsite parking, Close established practice and client base. Involves Saturday morning work and AM
weekly case conferencing and a fantastic
proximity to Eastland Shopping, Centre Must be able to take bookings and do and PM shifts as required a few days per
allied & complementary health team to
NSW Northern Rivers Operated 6 Days per Week- Tuesday – daily office jobs. Flexible hours available, week. Ideal for a TCM student to gain
work alongside. Terms are negotiable at
Saturday, Work your own hours have your everything supplied. Must have herbs
the moment as we’re all in this together Clinic for sale – Northern Rivers NSW.
and want to support our community and Inviting you to take over a very profitable, own booking system (extra $20 a month
have a thriving allied health industry on popular, long-standing and spacious to use existing booking system and Eftpos
the other side of this situation. Contact TCM clinic in the centre of town. 30 machine), Existing database for marketing minutes from Gold Coast airport, 20 purposes, No receptionist available,
minutes from beaches. Huge scope for Great for someone:
extended hours and online marketing. Starting out on their own, Or with an
QLD Brendale existing business, wanting to expand or
Additional acupuncturists or other allied
Consulting Rooms for lease. Brisbane perhaps relocate. Run your own business
practitioners. Owner currently working
Inner northwest suburbs. Established in our supportive and collaborative
by choice 3 days per week. Excellent
neighbourhood shopping village. Everton environment. Can be included in the
year-round regular patients for over 30
Hills Camelia Avenue Shopping Village. clinic’s marketing material.
years and large existing client base, TCM
45 m2 total with 1 waiting room, 2 Options:If you choose to rent on a long-
herbal stock, books and texts included.
consult rooms and 1 staff tea room. $330 term basis you will have your own room,
Long lease available in a secure building
per week (includes outgoings). Email: come and go as you please. Alternatively
with a great landlord. Clear and concise you can share the room with another
financials off a significant stable turnover.
WI/WO. Handover period available. All practitioner Contact Maria Ganis maria.
QLD Labrador reasonable offers considered. Owner
Clinic room to rent in pleasant 44 room transitioning to retirement for extended
clinic at central business area of Chirn overseas travel. Contact Judy on 0417 724
Park on the Gold Coast. Wheelchair 739 or email




Welcome to our new AACMA members

Maya Amhaz Claire Kamienowski Kathryn Smith
Winnie Au-Yeung Hyonna Kang Karina Smith
Jessica Bowkett Sarah Kelly Huu Hiep Ta
Brooke Bowman Aaron Khor Danielle Taranto
Ann Burns-Hutchison Bonte Lam Voula Tep Kin
Lauren Burston Vicky Lee Naomi Tew
Bing Cai Priscilla Lee Frances Tobeck
Shirley Chien Ricky Qi Li Catherine Tyndall
Erin Choi Andrew Ly Hong-Tai Nguyen Van
Sheang Feong Chong William Ly Sharon van Doorn
Giulia Crema Lorelei McMahon David Vo
Ryan Crowhurst Andrew Merefield Rebecca Vomackova
Dimity Davis Kelly-Anne Miller Kylie Wall
Lucas Dell Lara Montague Nicholas Watson
Sara Do Adeel Munshi Alice Whitehouse
Philippa Dunstan Ivanka Narai Rachel Wise
Caitlin Ennis Robert Navacchi Davin Sie Kuong Wong
Matthew Ford Allison Parkinson Meow Wong
Mackenzie Fox Lauren Pegoli Holly Wright
Jackie Gagalovska Jonathan Pittock Amanda Wright
Lu Gao Guan Qin Matthew Young
Jarrod Geraghty Caroline Ralph Alfred Ching-Bong Young
Jodie Gillam Diane Richardson Susie Zhang
Tae Hwan Han Chloe Roberts
Lisa Hart Kevin Ryan
Angel Ho Lisa Schaeffer
Emily Jamieson Helen Smale
Liping Jiang
Wei Jiao
Angela Jillard
Lihua Jin
Xiujie Johnson


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1800 026 161 | 02 9698 5555
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Quality to depend on
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so you deliver the
best healthcare to patients

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