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Comparison of Medium-Size Concentrating Solar Powe

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Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110

68th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI2013

Comparison of medium-size concentrating solar power plants based

on parabolic trough and linear Fresnel collectors
Giorgio Cau, Daniele Cocco*
Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Cagliari, Via Marengo, 2 Cagliari 09123, Italy


This paper compares the performance of medium-size Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants based on an Organic
Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generation unit integrated with parabolic trough and linear Fresnel collectors. The CSP
plants studied herein use thermal oil as heat transfer fluid and as storage medium in a two-tank direct thermal
storage system. The performance of the CSP plants were evaluated on the basis of a 1 MW ORC unit with a
conversion efficiency of about 24% and by considering different values of solar multiple and thermal storage
capacity. The comparative performance analysis of the two CSP solutions was carried out with reference to the
direct solar energy availability of Cagliari, Italy (1720 kWh/m2y) on a yearly basis by means of specifically
developed simulation models.
The results of the performance assessment demonstrate that CSP plants based on linear Fresnel collectors lead
to higher values of electrical energy production per unit area of occupied land. The highest specific energy
production of CSP plants based on linear Fresnel collectors is about 55-60 kWh/y per m2 of occupied land and it is
achieved with solar multiples in the 1.74-2.5 range and storage capacities in the range of 4-12 hours. The highest
specific production of the solutions based on parabolic trough collectors is about 45-50 kWh/y per m2 of occupied
land and is achieved with lower solar multiples (around 1.5-2.3). Owing to their better optical efficiency, the use of
parabolic troughs gives better values of energy production per unit area of solar collector (about 180-190 kWh/m2
vs. 130-140 kWh/m2).

© 2013
© 2013The
Authors. Published
Published by by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd. Ltd.
Selection andpeer-review
peer-review under
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Keywords: CSP plants; Parabolic trough collectors; Linear Fresnel Collector

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-070-7655720; fax: +39-070-6755717.

E-mail address:

1876-6102 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of ATI NAZIONALE
102 Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110


A Area ɀ Azimuth angle

F Focal length Ʉ Efficiency
L Collector length CSP Concentrating Solar Power
m Mass flow DNI Direct Normal Irradiation
R Lines distance IAM Incidence Angle Modifier
Q Thermal power LFC Linear Fresnel Collector
T Temperature ORC Organic Rankine Cycle
W Collector width PTC Parabolic Trough Collector
α Elevation angle SC Storage Capacity
T Incidence angle SM Solar Multiple


Power generation from solar energy is one of the most interesting options in reducing fossil fuel consumption and
related CO2 emissions. Nowadays, one of the most effective solutions for power generation from solar energy is
represented by Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems. The current CSP world generating capacity is around
3000 MW, more than 2000 MW of additional capacity is currently under construction and an installed CSP capacity
of about 10 GW is expected before 2015. Spain is the country with the highest CSP production, thanks to the
operation of more than 40 power plants with an installed capacity of more than 2 GW [1-2].
Different options are available for solar fields (parabolic trough, linear Fresnel, solar tower and solar dish
systems), power block (steam Rankine and organic Rankine cycles, Stirling engines, etc.), heat transfer fluid
(thermal oil, molten salts, steam, etc.) and storage medium (thermal oil, molten salts, solid rocks, etc.). Today, the
construction of large-size CSP plants (over 20-50 MWe) based on Parabolic Trough Collectors (PTC) using thermal
oil as heat transfer fluid, molten salts as storage medium and integrated with steam Rankine cycles is the preferred
choice. The standard configuration of a commercial 50 MWe CSP plant includes a solar field with 500000-700000
m2 of aperture area (600-800 lines with a length of about 150 m), which requires the availability of about 150-250
hectares of land. Thermal oil with a maximum bulk temperature of 390-400 °C is the most used heat transfer fluid
while molten salts are often used in the thermal energy storage section. The power generation section is based on a
steam Rankine cycle with superheated steam produced at about 370-380 °C and 80-100 bar, high-pressure and low-
pressure steam turbines with reheating and 4-6 steam extractions for feed-water heating [3-6].
Large-size CSP plants are today the best tradeoff between capital costs and overall conversion efficiency.
However, in many countries (and in Italy, in particular) the wide extension areas required by large-size CSP plants
are very hard to find. In this case, medium- and small-size CSP plants (around 1 MWe) may be a more suitable
option due to the lower land requirement. Moreover, medium- and small-size power plants are also a very
interesting solution for the diffusion of distributed power generation.
The technology options available for small- and medium-size CSP plants significantly differ from those of
large-size plants. In fact, steam turbines are generally not suitable for power outputs in the range of few MWe and
therefore the power generation section of such CSP plants cannot be based on steam Rankine cycles. The most
interesting alternative is represented by Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC), where steam is substituted by organic fluids
with high molar weight. ORC systems require thermal energy inputs with temperature levels in the range of 250-350
°C and show conversion efficiencies of about 20-25% [7-9]. Moreover, Linear Fresnel Collectors (LFC) may be a
viable alternative to PTC especially if land requirement is an important feature. In comparison to PTC, LFC has a
simpler design, uses less expensive mirrors and tracking systems, shows lower land requirements and lower capital
costs. However, the optical efficiency of LFC is lower than that of PTC [10-13].
This paper reports a comparative performance analysis of CSP plants using parabolic trough and linear Fresnel
collectors, thermal oil as heat transfer fluid and an Organic Rankine Cycle power generation unit. The CSP plants
studied herein also include a two-tank direct thermal storage system based on the use of the same thermal oil as
storage medium. The comparative study was carried out on the basis of a 1 MW ORC plant by considering different
values for both the solar multiple and thermal storage capacity.
Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110 103

1. Configuration of the CSP power plants

Figure 1 shows a simplified diagram of the CSP plant analysed in this paper. The CSP plant includes three main
sections: the solar field, the power block and the thermal energy storage (TES) system.


S1 Hot
G Turbine Tank

Vaporizer THERMAL

Cold Pump

Dry Air Coolers

Fig. 1. Process flow diagram of the CSP power plant.

The solar field is based on several lines of PTC or LFC connected in parallel to achieve the required thermal oil
mass flow and therefore the required thermal power output. Parabolic trough and linear Fresnel collectors are
designed for the same thermal power output and the same input and outlet thermal oil temperatures. However, due to
the different geometrical structure and the different collector efficiency, the collecting area and the number of lines
show a significant variation.
For both PTC and LFC, each collector line includes several collector modules connected in series. In the case of
PTC, each solar collector module is composed of parabolic mirrors mounted on a steel structure supported by
pylons. The evacuated receiver tube is placed in the focal line of the parabolic surface and is connected to the cold
and hot header pipes with flexible joints to allow the rotation of the overall structure and the thermal expansion of
the receiver tube with increasing temperatures. The solar collector lines are aligned along the North-South direction
and are equipped with a single-axis tracking system that allows the PTC to follow the sun path from East to West.
The main geometrical features of PTC are the aperture of the parabola (about 5-6 m), the total length (about 100-150
m) and the focal distance (1.5-2.5 m).
In the case of LFC the solar collector module is composed of several rows of flat mirrors whose slope
continuously changes following the sun’s position. The mirrors are mounted on a fixed steel structure placed near
the ground (about 0.5-1.0 m above the ground) and concentrate solar radiation onto a fixed receiver installed several
meters above the mirror plane. Moreover, the receiver includes a secondary reflector that redirects the incoming
solar rays towards the evacuated receiver tube. Similarly to PTC, the solar collector lines are aligned along the
North-South direction and are equipped with a single-axis tracking system to follow the sun’s path from East to
West. However, in this case the overall steel structure is lighter than that of PTC because only the mirror rows rotate
to follow the sun’s path. The main geometrical features of LFC are the number and width of the mirror rows (7-15
mirror rows 0.5-0.6 m in width), the total length (about 150-200 m) and the receiver height (4.0-8.0 m). Overall,
LFCs are less expensive than PTCs, using flat mirrors (or mirrors with only a very small curvature), a lighter
supporting structure and a simpler tracking system. However, the optical efficiency of LFCs is lower than that of
PTCs. The thermal energy produced by the solar field can be directly used in the power block or stored in the TES
system for deferred use. The power block is based on an ORC unit, where thermal energy is converted to electrical
energy by using an organic fluid (a siliconic oil in this case) that follows a regenerated Rankine cycle. As shown in
104 Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110

Fig. 1, the thermal energy produced by the solar field is used in the ORC unit to heat and vaporize the organic fluid.
The produced organic vapour expands in the turbine, is cooled in the regenerator and condensed. After the
condenser, the organic fluid is compressed by the feeding pump and then preheated in the regenerator. The
condensing heat is removed by dry water coolers.
The excess thermal energy produced by the solar field during periods of high solar availability is stored in the
TES section and used by the ORC unit to produce electrical energy during periods of low or zero solar availability.
As shown in Fig. 1, the CSP plant studied here is based on a two-tank direct system using the same thermal oil as
the storage medium. In particular, the thermal oil from the low-temperature storage tank (the cold tank) flows
through the solar field, where it is heated and then sent to the high-temperature storage tank (the hot tank). From the
hot storage tank the required mass flow of thermal oil is pumped to the ORC unit and then sent back to the cold
storage tank.
The piping system of the CSP plant includes the two circulating thermal oil pumps, the cold and hot header pipe
(one for distributing the cold oil throughout the collector loops and the other for collecting the hot oil), the main
pipes, valves, fittings and pressure, temperature and flow meters.

2. System modelling and assumptions

The performance of the CSP plants were evaluated on a yearly basis by means of a specifically developed
simulation model. In particular, the simulation model evaluates the performance of PTC and LFC as a function of
solar radiation and solar position, for given values of the main geometrical and technical characteristics of solar
collectors, as well as for assigned thermodynamic properties of the heat transfer fluid.
As is known, the solar energy available for a CSP plant is conventionally defined by the product of Direct
Normal Irradiation (DNI) and collecting area AC. For PTC the collecting area is represented by the aperture area of
the collector, while for LFC it is given by the overall area of the mirror rows. Evaluation of the annual energy
production of CSP plants requires the availability of detailed data (at least on an hourly basis) about solar radiation
and solar position.
The present comparative study was carried out by using a data set for a typical meteorological year obtained
from the Meteonorm software [14] for the site of Cagliari (39°13’25’’N, 9°07’20’’E), in the south of Sardinia
(Italy). In particular, the meteorological data set includes DNI, solar azimuth and elevation, ambient temperature,
relative humidity and wind velocity. Table 1 summarizes the most important meteorological data of the site and the
design conditions assumed for the CSP plant.

Table 1. Meteorological data for Cagliari.

Available DNI 1720 kWh/m2y
Average ambient temperature 17.2 °C
Average wind velocity 3.96 m/s
Design DNI 800 W/m2
Design elevation/azimuth angles 74.2 °/0.0 °
Design ambient temperature 32.0 °C

As is known, in the case of linear collectors, the adoption of a single-axis tracking system reduces the usable
DNI since the collector surface can be kept normal to the sun’s rays only with double-axis tracking systems. For
linear collectors, the incidence angle T between solar rays and the normal direction to the collector surface is usually
defined. For a given collector geometry, the incidence angle depends on the solar position, which is completely
defined by the azimuth angle γ (that is, the angle between the projection of the solar rays on the horizontal plane and
the south direction) and the elevation angle α (that is, the angle between solar rays and their projection on the
horizontal plane). Moreover, two different components of the incidence angle T are calculated: the longitudinal
component TL (the angle between the normal direction to the horizontal surface and the projection of the solar rays
on the longitudinal plane of the collector) and the transversal component TT (the angle between solar rays and their
Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110 105

projection on the transversal plane of the collector). These two components can be expressed in function of γ and α
by means of the following equations:

–ƒሺɅ ሻൌ –ƒሺȽሻ (1)

•‹ሺɅ ሻൌ…‘•ሺߛሻ ȉ …‘•ሺߙ ሻ (2)

It should be observed that in the case of PTC, the tracking system allows rotation of the overall collector along
its longitudinal axis such that the normal vector to the collector aperture area is always contained in the same plane
of the solar rays. Therefore, the component TT directly gives the rotation angle of the PTC during the daily sun path.
The simulation model used in this comparative study evaluates the thermal power output and the conversion
efficiency of the overall solar field as a function of solar radiation and solar position. The simulation model is
mainly based on the energy balance of the solar collector, which includes two main components: the solar
concentrator and the receiver tube. The energy balance of the solar concentrator gives:

ܳௌை௅ ൌ ‫ܣ‬஼ ȉ ‫ ܫܰܦ‬ൌ ܳோ஼௏ ൅ ܳை௉் (3)

In eq. (3) QSOL denotes the solar power input (that is, the available direct solar radiation), Q RCV is the thermal
power concentrated onto the receiver tube and QOPT are the optical losses of the solar concentrator. In particular,
thermal power QRCV has been evaluated here by means of the following equation:

ܳோ஼௏ ൌ ‫ܣ‬஼ ȉ ‫ ܫܰܦ‬ȉ ߟை௉்ǡோ ȉ ‫ܯܣܫ‬ሺߠሻ ȉ ߟாே஽ ȉ ߟௌு஽ ȉ ߟ஼௅ே (4)

As shown by eq. 4, the thermal power available for the receiver tube is lower than the solar power input owing
to the presence of different types of optical losses. Reference optical efficiency ηOPT,R depends on mirror reflectivity,
glass tube transmissivity, absorptivity of the selective coating of the receiver tube, imperfections in the collector
mirrors, tracking errors, shading of receiver supports on mirrors, etc. Reference optical efficiency is commonly
evaluated for T=90° because the optical properties on the different materials (mirrors, glass tube, selective coating)
depend on the incidence angle of the incoming solar rays. For this reason, reference optical efficiency is multiplied
by the Incidence Angle Modifier (IAM) to give the effective optical efficiency. The Incidence Angle Modifier
depends on the incidence angle T and is often divided into the longitudinal and transversal IAM components:

‫ܯܣܫ‬ሺߠሻ ൌ ‫ܯܣܫ‬ሺߠ௅ ሻ ȉ ‫ܯܣܫ‬ሺߠ் ሻ (5)

Figure 2 shows the two IAM components considered in this study for linear Fresnel and parabolic trough
collectors in function of the longitudinal and transversal components TL and TT. It should be noted that for PTC the
IAM transversal component can always be assumed equal to 1 because the normal vector to the collector aperture is
always contained in the same plane as the solar rays. With longitudinal components TL lower than 90°, the useful
mirror area of linear collectors is reduced by the geometrical end-losses, which depend on collector length L and
focal length F. Overall, these losses are taken into account by means of the end-loss optical efficiency:

ߟாே஽ ൌ ͳ െ ȉ ‫ߠ ݊ܽݐ‬௅ (6)

Moreover, in eq. 4, the term ηCLN is mirror and glass tube surface cleanliness efficiency and ηSHD is the shadow
efficiency, which gives the energy losses due to the shadow from the different lines of collectors. Shadow efficiency
applies only to solar fields with multiple lines of PTC and is given by the following equation:

ߟௌு஽ ൌ ͳ െ ȉ ‫்ߠ ݊ܽݐ‬ (7)

where R is the distance between the PTC lines and W the collector aperture width.
106 Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110

Thermal power QFLD transferred to the thermal oil is given by the difference of receiver available power QRCV
and thermal losses of solar field QTHR:

ܳி௅஽ ൌ ݉ை ȉ ‫݌ܥ‬ை ȉ ൫ܶைǡ௢௨௧ െ ܶைǡ௜௡ ൯ ൌ ܳோ஼௏ െ ்ܳுோ (8)

Thermal losses were evaluated by the sum of receiver thermal losses and piping thermal losses:

்ܳுோ ൌ ൣ‫ݍ‬௧௨௕௘ ൅ ‫ݍ‬௣௜௣௘ ൧ ȉ ‫ܣ‬஼ ൌ ൣሺܽଵ ȉ οܶ ൅ ܽଶ ȉ οܶ ଶ ሻ ൅ ‫ݍ‬௣௜௣௘ ൧ ȉ ‫ܣ‬஼ (9)

where ∆T is the difference between average oil temperature in the receiver tube and ambient temperature.
Table 2 shows the main geometrical and performance parameters of PTC and LFC used in the following
comparative study. The main power consumption of the solar field is due to the collector tracking system and the oil
circulating pumps. The first term was assumed equal to 0.5 W/m2 of collecting area while the second was evaluated
by imposing a fluid velocity of about 1 m/s and a pump efficiency equal to 75%.

Table 2. Main geometrical and performance parameters of PTC and LFC.

Collector length L 150 m 180 m
Collector width W 5.77 m 16.56 m
Collector area AC 865.5 m2 2054.4 m2
Focal length F 1.71 m 7.40 m
Lines distance R 17.31 m 4.50 m
Reference optical efficiency ηOPT,R 0.75 0.67
Cleanliness efficiency ηCLN 0.98 0.98
Inlet/outlet oil temperature 204/305 °C 204/305 °C
a1 coefficient - 0.056 W/m2K
a2 coefficient 0.00047 W/m2K2 0.000213 W/m2K2
Specific piping losses qpipe 5 W/m2 5 W/m2

The power block considered in this comparative performance analysis is an ORC unit with a power output of 1
MWe integrated with a dry water cooler. Design and off-design performance of the ORC module were evaluated
with reference to data available for commercial units [15]. In particular, Table 3 reports the most important
operating parameters of the ORC unit while Fig. 3 shows its off-design efficiency as a function of thermal load
(cooling water at 25 °C) and air temperature (thermal power input of 4043 kW and 7 °C of temperature difference
between cooling water and air).
Ambient temperature (°C)
IAML and IAMT components

0 10 20 30 40 50
0.8 30
ORC gross efficiency (%)


0.5 20

0.4 LFC-IAML 15
0.3 Ambient temperature
ORC thermal input
0.1 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 20 40 60 80 100
TL and TT components ORC thermal input load (%)

Fig. 2. Longitudinal and transversal IAM components. Fig. 3. Off-design efficiency of the ORC unit.
Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110 107

Table 3. Operating parameters of the ORC unit.

Gross power output 1000 kW
Thermal power input 4043 kW
Oil inlet/outlet temperature 305/204 °C
Condenser power output 3040 kW
Water inlet/outlet temperature 25/35 °C
Gross electrical efficiency 24.7%
ORC internal consumption 36 kW
Dry-coolers electrical consumption 1.5% of cond. power

As already mentioned, the TES system considered here is based on two identical thermal oil tanks. The mass
and volume of thermal oil to be stored was evaluated in function of the required storage capacity (here expressed in
terms of equivalent hours of ORC thermal supply) and thermodynamic properties of thermal oil (for the design of
the two storage tanks, an average specific heat of 2.5 kJ/kgK and a density of 750 kg/m3 at 305 °C were assumed
here). Moreover, the volume of each storage tank was increased by 10% compared to the thermal oil volume.
Finally, a thermal energy loss of 2% of stored energy was considered.

3. Performance of CSP power plants

For a given power output of the ORC unit, the collecting area of the solar field and storage tank volume mainly
depend on two important design parameters: the Solar Multiple (SM) and Storage Capacity (SC) expressed in terms
of equivalent hours of thermal supply of the power block. The solar multiple is the ratio between the thermal power
produced by the solar field at design conditions and the thermal power required by the power block at nominal
conditions and therefore the size of the solar field linearly depends on SM. Table 4 compares the main design
specifications of the two CSP plants based on PTC and LFC for a solar multiple equal to 1. In particular, Table 4
shows the net efficiency of the CSP plant, here defined by the ratio of net power output and solar power input.

Table 4. Main performance parameters of CSP plants based on PTC and LFC.
Solar field collecting area 7515.1 m2 8501.3 m2
Solar field thermal power output 4043 kW 4043 kW
Thermal oil mass flow 16.01 kg/s 16.01 kg/s
Solar field conversion efficiency 67.25 % 59.45 %
ORC thermal power input 4043 kW 4043 kW
ORC gross power output 931.3 kW 931.3 kW
ORC gross efficiency 23.03 % 23.03 %
CSP overall power consumption 102.2 kW 91.4 kW
CSP net power output 840.1 kW 839.9 kW
Required land area/collecting area 3.0 1.30
CSP net conversion efficiency 13.97 % 12.35 %

For a given thermal power output, solar fields based on LFC require a larger collecting area (by about 12-13%)
than PTC due to lower conversion efficiency (59.5% vs. 67.3%). On the contrary, the CSP-LFC solution requires
about 56% less land area than the CSP-PTC plant. It should be noted that gross power output and efficiency of the
ORC unit are lower than the reference values of Table 3 due to the higher air temperature (the ORC unit integrated
with the dry water cooler requires about 18 °C of ambient temperature to give the reference gross efficiency of
Table 3). Overall, at design conditions the net efficiency of the CSP-PTC plant is about 1.6 percentage points higher
than that of the CSP-LFC solution. Obviously, it should be observed that solar field needs a finite number of
collector lines and therefore the actual solar multiple of both PTC and LFC configurations must be higher than 1 to
give the power output required by the ORC unit (the CSP-PTC solution requires at least 9 collector rows while the
CSP-LFC solution requires at least 5 collector rows).
For a given ORC unit, increasing the solar multiple increases the thermal power output of the solar field and
therefore the required collecting and land area. Land area depends on number, width and distance of the collector
lines, the free space around the collectors (10 m in this case) and the area required by the power block and the TES
section (here assumed equal to 2500 m2). Figure 4 shows the land requirement for CSP plants based on PTC and
108 Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110

LFC in function of SM (plot labels also give the corresponding number of collector rows). As shown in Fig. 4, the
PTC land requirement is higher than that of LFC, especially for large SM values. Moreover, the volume of each
storage tank and the mass of thermal oil contained therein depends only on SC because the product of ORC thermal
power input and the equivalent hours of storage capacity directly gives the energy to be stored by the TES section.
Figure 5 shows the oil mass and tank volume in function of SC.
Figure 6 shows the net electrical production on a yearly basis for the two CSP configurations in function of both
solar multiple and equivalent hours of thermal energy storage. As expected, annual energy production increases with
SM and SC. However, the increase in storage capacity improves net energy production only for increasing values of
SM. Moreover, for given values of both SM and SC, the CSP-PTC solution gives higher energy yields in
comparison to the CSP-LFC one (by about 15-25% with SM in the range of 2.0-2.5 and by about 10-15% for SM in
the range of 4.0-4.5) owing to its better solar field efficiency. The importance of a proper trade-off between solar
multiple and storage capacity is pointed out in Figure 7, which shows the effectiveness of the TES section. In fact,
the increase in SM increases the thermal energy produced by the solar field and therefore raises the surplus of
energy that cannot be directly used by the ORC unit. The effective utilization of this surplus energy for power
generation requires a suitable TES capacity. In particular, the TES effectiveness in Figure 7 is defined here as the
ratio of thermal energy actually stored in the TES system and surplus energy produced by the solar field. As shown
in Figure 7, the achievement of high TES effectiveness (in the range of 0.9-1.0) requires energy storage capacity to
increase with the solar multiple. For example, in the case of the CSP-LFC configuration the achievement of a TES
effectiveness higher than 0.9 requires a SM of about 1.5-1.8 for SC=4 and about 2.4-2.8 for SC=12. The same TES
effectiveness for the CSP-PTC solution requires a SM of about 1.2-1.5 for SC=4 and about 2.0-2.5 for SC=12.

15 1600
Tank vol. (m3) oil mass (t)
Land Requirement (ha)

Oil mass
32 1200 Tank volume
10 28
20 18 800
16 16
5 12 14
8 10 400
4 8
0 2 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 4 8 12 16 20
Solar Multiple Storage capacity (h)

Fig. 4. Land requirement for CSP plants in function of SM. Fig. 5. Tank volume and storage oil mass in function of SC.

5 5
Energy production (GWh/y)

CSP-PTC CSP-LFC Energy production (GWh/y)

4 4

3 3
SC=4 h
SC=6 h
2 SC=8 h 2
SC=10 h
SC=12 h
1 1

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5
Solar Multiple Solar Multiple

Fig. 6. Annual energy production of the two CSP power plants in function of solar multiple and energy storage capacity.
Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110 109

1 1

0.8 0.8

TES effectiveness
TES effectiveness

0.6 0.6

SC=4 h
0.4 SC=6 h 0.4
SC=8 h
0.2 SC=10 h 0.2
SC=12 h
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5
Solar Multiple Solar Multiple
Fig. 7. Thermal energy storage effectiveness of the CSP power plants in function of solar multiple and energy storage capacity.

As mentioned, in many countries (and in Italy in particular) the finding of the large areas required by CSP
plants can be difficult and therefore an important performance parameter of such power plants is specific energy
production per unit area of solar field. For this reason, Figure 8 reports the specific annual energy production of the
CSP configurations studied here in function of both SM and SC. In particular, the left side of Figure 8 refers to
energy production per unit area of collector aperture (EPC) while the right side refers to energy production per unit
area of required land (EPL). Figure 8 demonstrates that if land availability is the most limiting factor, CSP-LFC
solutions are very interesting owing to their highest energy production per m2 of occupied land.
The highest specific production of CSP-LFC plants is about 55-60 kWh/y per m2 of occupied land. In the field
of SC considered here (4-12 hours) the latter specific production is achieved with SM values around 1.75-2.5. Figure
8 shows that the highest specific production of CSP-PTC plants is about 45-50 kWh/y per m2 of occupied land and
that it is achieved with lower SM values (around 1.5-2.3). On the other hand, the left side of Figure 8 demonstrates
that the CSP solutions based on PTC give higher values of specific energy production per unit area of collector
aperture (about 180-190 kWh/m2 vs. 130-140 kWh/m2), owing to their better optical efficiency in comparison to the
LFC solutions. Obviously, as annual solar energy available per m2 of collector area is the same for all CSP solutions
(1720 kWh/m2 y for Cagliari), energy production per unit area of collector aperture is proportional to the average
conversion efficiency of the CSP plant. For example, the aforementioned specific energy production of CSP-PTC
plants (about 180-190 kWh/m2) leads to an average conversion efficiency of about 10.5-11.0% while that of the
CSP-LFC plant (130-140 kWh/m2) gives an average efficiency of about 7.6-8.1%. Finally, it should be observed that
the completion of the comparative study between PTC and LFC requires an economic analysis to identify the
solution with the lowest energy production cost.

200 SC=4 h 80
Specific production (kWh/m2)

Specific production (kWh/m2)

175 SC=8 h CSP-PTC 70
SC=10 h
150 SC=12 h 60

125 50

100 40

75 30
Per collector area Per land area
50 20
0 1 2 3 4 50 1 2 3 4 5
Solar Multiple Solar Multiple

Fig. 8. Specific energy production of the two CSP power plants in function of solar multiple and energy storage capacity.
110 Giorgio Cau and Daniele Cocco / Energy Procedia 45 (2014) 101 – 110

4. Conclusions

In this paper a comparative performance analysis of medium-size (1 MWe) Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
plants based on an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power generation unit integrated with parabolic trough and linear
Fresnel collectors is presented. Owing to the lower land requirement, this kind of CSP plant can be a very interesting
option in countries (like Italy), where the areas required by large size CSP plants are very hard to find.
Annual energy production of the two CSP configurations increases with solar multiple and storage capacity.
However, the increase in storage capacity significantly improves annual energy production only for increasing
values of the solar multiple. In the field of storage capacities considered here (4-12 hours), the best performance is
achieved for solar multiples of about 1.75-2.5 for CSP plants based on LFC and 1.5-2.3 for PTC.
The results of the performance assessment demonstrate that if land availability is the most limiting factor, CSP
solutions based on linear Fresnel collectors are the preferred option owing to their higher energy production per m2
of occupied land (about 55-60 kWh/y per m2 of occupied land vs. 45-50 kWh/y produced by solutions based on
PTC). However, owing to their better optical efficiency, the use of parabolic troughs gives better values of energy
production per unit area of solar collector (about 180-190 kWh/m2 vs. 130-140 kWh/m2) and therefore better
conversion efficiencies (about 10.5-11.0% vs. 7.6-8.1%). Finally, it should be observed that the completion of the
comparative study between PTC and LFC requires an economic analysis to identify the solution with the lowest
energy production cost.


This work was carried out as part of a collaboration agreement with the Consortium “Sardegna Ricerche” for the
management, scientific coordination and development of research activities of the Laboratory "Concentrated Solar
Technologies and Hydrogen from RES".


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