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Design of RCC Structure: Department of Civil Engineering Diploma Section 3 YEAR - 5 Semester 2020 - 2021

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2020 – 2021
Balanced Section – Singly-Reinforced:
In a balanced cross-section both fcbc and fst
reach their respective permissible values of σcbc
and σst at the same time as shown in the Figure.
 The depth of neutral axis is xb = kbd.
 From the stress distribution of the Figure, we
have σst /m = σcbc (1-kb) / kb
 An expression of kb is obtained by substituting
the expression of m as m = 280 / 3σcbc and
This gives kb = 93.33 / (σst + 93.33).

■ The value of kb for balanced section depends only on σst . It is independent of σcbc.
■ The lever arm, jb*d = (1- kb/3)*d
■ The expressions of total compressive and tensile forces, C and T are:
C = (1/2)*σcbc*b*xb = (1/2)*σcbc*b*kb*d
T = Ast*σst
The total compressive force is acting at a depth of xb/3 from the top fibre of the section.
The moment of resistance of the
balanced cross-section, Mb is obtained
by taking moment of the total
compressive force C about the centroid of
steel or moment of the tensile force T
about the line of action of the total
compressive force C.

■ Mb = C*jb*d = (½)*σcbc*kb*jb*b*d^2
Mb = T*jb*d = σst*Ast*jb*d = (Pt,bal/100)*σst*jb*b*d^2
[Ast = (Pt,bal/100)*b*d], where pt,bal = balanced percentage of steel

Mb = Rb*b*d^2; where Rb = (½)*σcbc*kb*jb = (Pt,bal/100)*σst*jb

And jb= (1- kb/3)
(½)*σcbc*kb*jb*b*d^2 = σst*Ast*jb*d
=> (½)*σcbc*kb*b*d = σst*Ast => (Pt,bal/100)*b*d*σst = (½)*σcbc*kb*b*d

=> Pt,bal = 50*kb*(σcbc/σst)

PROBLEM 1: (a) Determine the balanced moment of resistance of the
rectangular beam of the Figure, having b = 350 mm, d = 600 mm, D = 650
mm, Ast = 804 mm2 (4- 16T), σcbc = 7 N/mm2 and σst = 230 N/mm2.
(b) Determine the balanced area of tension steel.

(a) Determine the balanced moment of resistance:

Given data are:
b = 350 mm, d = 600 mm, Ast = 804 mm2 , σcbc = 7 N/mm2 and σst = 230
N/mm2 .
We have: pt (%) = (Ast x100)/(bxd) = 80400 / (350) (600) = 0.383%
m = 280/3σcbc = 93.33/7 = 13.33.
kb = 93.33 /(σst + 93.33) = 93.33/(230+93.33) = 0.289
jb = 1- kb /3 = 1- 0.289/3 = 0.904
Mb = C*jb*d = (½)*σcbc*kb*jb*b*d^2
= (1/2)x7x0.289x0.904x350x600^2 = 115.214x10^6 N-mm
= 115.214 KN-m
(b) Determine the balanced area of tension steel:
(½)*σcbc*kb*jb*b*d^2 = σst*Ast*jb*d
 (½)*σcbc*kb*b*d = σst*Ast
 (Pt,bal/100)*b*d*σst = (½)*σcbc*kb*b*d
 Pt,bal = 50*kb*(σcbc/σst)
 Pt,bal = 50x0.289x(7/230) = 0.439%
 Ast,bal = (0.439/100)x350x600 mm^2 = 923.54 mm^2
No. of Reinforcing steel (Dia of bar = 16ф) = 923.54/((π/4)x16^2) = 4.59

Area of reinforcing steel required for Balanced section (Ast,bal) = 923.54 mm^2

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