for rectangular sections from the stress-strain relationship case, P=0. The moment M corresponding to the assumed
using equation no.(2) and equation no.(3) respectively. ᵋcm is then calculated. The corresponding curvature can
now be obtained. By carrying out the calculation for a
Area under stress-strain curve = range of ᵋcm values, the moment-curvature characteristics
can be plotted.
c d c= cm …………..(2)
Modified Kent and Park (KP) Model by Park et al.
(1982). Park et al. (1982) modified the original model by
making an allowance for the enhancement in the concrete
Therefore, ….………..(3)
strength and the peak strain due to confinement. The
increase in concrete strength was assumed to be equal to
The first moment of area about origin of area under pt fyh, where pt is the volumetric ratio of tie steel, and fyh
stress-strain curve . is the yield strength of tie steel.
n = number of reinforcement bars
Region CD: cm 20,c
fsi = Stress in ith bar
Asi = Area of ith bar
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