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Execu Ooks: The Likeability Factor

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Some of the main benefits of being likeable mentioned in the book are getting recognized, bringing out the best in others, outperforming, and overcoming life's challenges.

The book mentions that likeable people can get better performance reviews, attention from physicians/teachers, and inspiration from bosses. Likeability also creates a positive feedback loop.

The book suggests recognizing others emotions, listening thoughtfully, experiencing others feelings by imagining their perspective, and responding to demonstrate understanding of their feelings.


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The Likeability Factor

How to Boost Your L-Factor
and Achieve Your Life’s Dreams
By Tim Sanders
Published by Crown, 2005
ISBN 1400080495

Introduction The Benefits of Likeability

Likeability may well be the deciding factor in every Likeability makes things happen. Here are some of
competition you’ll ever enter — even competitions its most important consequences:
you don’t realize you’ve entered. From winning • Likeable people bring out the best in others.
clients to gaining a new job to forging the relation- In a study by the National Service Foundation,
ships that will advance your career and make your more than 4,000 people were asked about their
life more fulfilling, likeability can be critical. perceived levels of service in customer interactions
The reasons are simple. People believe what throughout their lives. They then answered ques-
they like. They also surround themselves with peo- tions whose answers indicated their personality
ple they like — and trust those likeable people more. types. The survey showed that the “likeable and
Likeability is an ability to create positive atti- competent” customer was three times more likely
tudes in other people through the delivery of emo- to have a positive service experience than the un-
tional and physical benefits. Someone who is like- likeable customer. Studies have also shown that
able can give a sense of joy, happiness, relaxation likeable patients gain more attention and time with
or rejuvenation. He or she can bring relief from de- physicians, and likeable teachers often become
pression, anxiety or boredom. By being likeable — positive influences on students.
by generating positive feelings in others — you • Likeable people get recognized. Research
gain as well. shows that your likeability will have a tremendous
Likeability can be rated on an L-factor scale influence on your capacity to win respect and
from one to 10. In general, if your L-factor is three or recognition. Parents favor likeable children, and the
less, you need vast improvement. Four to six is aver- additional attention and affection tends to encour-
age, while seven and above is good. Few people at- age a more relaxed personality in those children,
tain a 10. who become even more likeable, not only to their
Most people’s L-factors aren’t constant. They parents. Consultant Cindy Ventrice, author of Make
vary dramatically at different points in their lives, al- Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works, ob-
though generally not as much as Ebenezer serves that “bosses are emotional people like
Scrooge’s, which soared from one to 10 after a everyone else. A likeable employee that produces
night of ghostly visitations. But you can change positive feelings in others, including their manager,
your L-factor, as that popular story shows. will get better annual reviews and job performance

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The Likeability Factor By Tim Sanders

marks than an unlikeable employee. And more impor-

tantly, the likeable employee gets more feedback
through the year, allowing for continuing improvement.”
• Likeable people outperform. Children who are Can’t Draw a Straight Line?
likeable, optimistic and personable fare well and are
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able to gain the support of others. That leads to re-
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also helps to create a positive feedback loop: the posi- design, illustrate or lay out your publications
tive feelings you invoke in other people are returned to and materials.
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a likeable personality. If you stop to think about the Media That Means Business
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leader. Inspiration is at the core of productivity.
• Likeable people overcome life’s challenges. A Back inside the car, imagine you’re driving down
2001 study by the National Longitudinal Survey of Chil- that road again and arrive at a second light. This one
dren and Youth found that likeable parents can have a stands for relevance. If you can find a way to be rele-
tremendous impact on their children’s success. The vant to someone else, you can get a green light and
survey determined that disadvantaged children of like- drive on. Otherwise the light stays red.
able parents can flourish as well as those with wealthy At a most basic level, someone becomes relevant
but unlikeable parents. to you by walking into your life’s path — by establishing
• Likeable people enjoy better health. Like eating contact. At a deeper level, relevance involves finding
an apple every day, being likeable every day keeps the and sharing mutual interests or, even better, possessing
doctor away. One of the primary reasons is that when a skill that will help somebody else with a need.
we’re likeable, we feel our likeability reciprocated, which Now, in the car again, you hit a third light, repre-
increases our self-esteem. And high self-esteem helps senting empathy. If you’re able to prove that you’re an
overcome physical ailments caused by or associated empathetic person who understands, and in a way ac-
with stress. Dr. Nathaniel Brandon, a Los Angeles-based tually senses, another person’s feelings, you get a
psychotherapist and expert on self-esteem, says it’s “the green light and can keep on driving.
immune system of your mind. A healthy immune system Empathy is the ability to perceive another person’s
doesn’t mean you won’t become ill, but it reduces sus- internal frame of reference with accuracy. It’s different
ceptibility. The same is true psychologically.” from sympathy. If you’re sympathetic to someone, your
heart goes out to him or her and you feel compassion,
The Four Elements of Likeability but those are your feelings. You don’t know what the
To raise your L-Factor, it’s important to understand the other person is feeling. Sympathy is a sweet emotion,
four elements of likeability. To do that, imagine you’re but it’s not a connecting one.
driving along an isolated road and hit a stoplight. That There’s one more stoplight, and this one stands for
first light represents friendliness. If you’re not friendly, realness. Some people, in trying to boost their L-factor,
the light remains red and you can’t go any further. If you seem genuinely friendly, relevant and empathetic. But
are friendly, the light turns green and you can drive on. eventually you discover there’s no one there — it’s all
Friendliness is the most fundamental aspect of an act. Over time you wonder, “Is this person real?” If
likeability. Being friendly means expressing a liking for he or she isn’t, then you’ve reached the end of the line.
people, communicating welcome, or expressing a gen-
erally positive feeling. On the other hand, unfriendliness How to Raise Your L-Factor
is the communication of negative feelings through ver- Each of us possesses some degree of likeability. Your L-
bal and/or nonverbal methods. factor may be three, five or eight. But it could be higher. 2
The Likeability Factor By Tim Sanders

You want to raise it in a sustainable way. The idea Remember that silence can be unfriendly. Avoid an
isn’t to make a good first impression, but to have peo- unfriendly tone of voice and try to add variety and dy-
ple like you over time. You want a high L-factor that namism to your speaking voice.
won’t quit. To raise it, you must improve the four ele-
ments of likeability. 2. Relevance
Raising your relevance factor is a wonderful comple-
1. Friendliness ment to your newfound friendliness.
To be likeable, first and foremost you must be friendly. • Identify your frequent contact circle. List the peo-
As simple as that sounds, friendliness isn’t the norm. ple you have contact with on at least a monthly basis,
The world is filled with unfriendliness. But you can im- with no order or priority. Then rate each on a scale of
prove your friendliness quotient, if you want to try. one to 10 by the frequency of contact and the proximity
• Observe no unfriendliness. Perhaps the best way — whether you see them face to face or not. Those who
to boost your friendliness is to eliminate unfriendliness get eight, nine or 10 are your most frequent, close-prox-
from your behavior. So many people are accustomed to imity contacts. They’re the people who are most likely to
being treated in an unfriendly fashion that the mere ab- respond to your friendliness, empathy and realness.
sence of unfriendliness can be perceived as friendliness. Try to increase the quality of contacts with your fre-
Follow the three steps required to avoid any break- quent contact circle, by meeting face to face more
down: prevention, intervention and repair. Practice pre- often or using the phone, which can also bring warmth
venting unfriendliness by adopting a new perspective into your communications. Look for ways to increase
in which unfriendliness is a weakness and friendliness the number of contacts you have with this circle.
a strength. Intervene to catch yourself before you com- • Connect with others’ interests. When you share
mit unfriendliness. When you have a setback and act an interest with others, you develop a bond. That bond
unfriendly, repair the damage by apologizing. will boost your relevance factor, giving you a higher L-
• Develop a friendly mindset. Develop a way of factor. To start, create an inventory of your passions,
thinking in which friendliness is the default position. assessing your current interests, pastimes and hob-
That starts with liking yourself — finding what it is within bies. People in your life will find you relevant once you
you that others like and that you like about yourself. start talking about your shared interests.
• Communicate friendliness. Armed with friendly If you feel you lack sufficient interests and passions
thoughts, you’re now prepared to boost your friendli- — you’re in a rut or working so hard — rediscover an
ness factor. The trick to being friendlier is to remember old passion or nose around a bookstore or magazine
that there’s no such thing as a friendly person per se, rack to see what captures your imagination.
only someone who is perceived as friendly by others. Be proactive. Stay on the lookout for passions. As
you talk with others, listen for their passions. Find op-
portunities to share in mutual interests.
Looking for Convenient Ways • Connect with others’ wants and needs. The third
to Deliver Knowledge and perhaps most powerful way to boost your rele-
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3. Empathy
Of the four components of likeability, empathetic skills
execuBooks may be the most difficult to improve.
• Show an interest in how others feel. If you’re not
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aware of others’ feelings, you can be perceived as in-
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E-mail: clientcare @ sensitive, either because of something you do (such as
saying something inappropriate) or something you 3
The Likeability Factor By Tim Sanders

don’t do (such as not responding to a call for help). Un- doing what you say you’ll do.
derstanding how other people feel is a result of a • Share your realness. To elevate your realness
process that includes recognizing their emotions, lis- factor, you need to provide memorable experiences of
tening thoughtfully and then demonstrating your under- realness. You need to exceed expectations. Some
standing by responding to their feelings. steps to do that: be present when you’re with others;
• Experience others’ feelings. When you listen to, admit your mistakes; be generous with yourself and
and reflect back on, others’ feelings, you raise your your feelings, sharing them with others.
empathy factor. A deeper level of empathy is achieved
when you actually experience those feelings yourself. Conclusion
The secret to boosting your empathy lies in your It’s up to you to stop unlikeability in its tracks. It’s up to
imagination. Accept other people’s feelings as legiti- you to raise your L-factor — if not for yourself, then for
mate and try on a new perspective — imagine what all the people with whom you come into contact. Your
leads people to believe what they do, and try imagining shining example could inspire a movement of high L-
yourself in their shoes. As well, review and reflect on factor behavior throughout your sphere of influence. e
your own feelings.
• Respond to others’ feelings. Most of the time ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tim Sanders is a leadership coach
empathy only requires the ability to understand how at Yahoo! and author of Love Is The Killer App.
others feel. But if someone expects you to do some-
thing with this understanding, and you’re unresponsive,
he or she may doubt that you really do know what’s Related Reading
going on inside. Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influ-
To boost your empathy, work harder to remember ence Friends, by Tim Sanders, Three Rivers Press,
conversations, make yourself available for follow-up 2003, ISBN 1400046831.
conversations, and share your own feelings when oth-
ers offer you insights into their feelings. The One Thing You Need to Know ... About Great Man-
aging, Great Leading, and Sustained Individual Suc-
4. Realness cess, by Marcus Buckingham, Free Press, 2005, ISBN
People will want to reassure themselves that you’re 0743261658.
real, and if you don’t measure up, your L-factor will
plummet. Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One
• Be true to yourself. The very first step is to know Relationship at a Time, by Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz,
the real you. Think about the last bit of advice you gave Currency, 2005, ISBN 0385512058.
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