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GoPal 5.5 Manual

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Software manual

GoPal Navigator Version 5.5

GoPal Navigator Version 5.5

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................. 1
Greeting.................................................................................................................................................. 1

Contents of CD/DVD ............................................................................................................................. 1

System requirements............................................................................................................................ 3

Conventions in this manual ................................................................................................................. 3

Tips and warnings................................................................................................................................. 4

Important information........................................................................................................................... 4

Trademarks............................................................................................................................................ 5

Copyright and Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 2: BASICS OF OPERATION ................................................................... 6

Operation in the menu view ................................................................................................................. 6

Operation in the map view ................................................................................................................... 8


Selecting the operating mode.............................................................................................................. 9
Simple mode ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Advanced mode ................................................................................................................................10

Operating the navigation software....................................................................................................11

Navigation menu...............................................................................................................................11
Footer in the menu view ...................................................................................................................12

Manually entering the address ..........................................................................................................13

Entering the country..........................................................................................................................13
Entering the postcode or place name...............................................................................................14
Entering the street name ..................................................................................................................14
Entering the house number ..............................................................................................................15

Entering other destinations ...............................................................................................................16

Last locations ....................................................................................................................................16
Points of interest ...............................................................................................................................16
Favourites .........................................................................................................................................17
Destination from map (only advanced mode)...................................................................................19
Coordinates (only advanced mode)..................................................................................................20

Route calculation using detailed information ..................................................................................20

Calculation of alternative routes in advanced mode........................................................................21

Starting and displaying navigation ...................................................................................................22

Software manual

Route manager (only advanced mode).............................................................................................24

Route planning..................................................................................................................................24
Route information .............................................................................................................................27
Avoid route........................................................................................................................................29
Route simulation ...............................................................................................................................29

Other views..........................................................................................................................................29
Compass display ..............................................................................................................................30
Arrow view ........................................................................................................................................31
Trip info .............................................................................................................................................31


The voice command function in practice .........................................................................................34

Voice command function in the navigation menu...........................................................................36

Destination entry using the voice command function .......................................................................36
Selecting other destinations using the voice command function......................................................37

Voice command function in the route manager ..............................................................................38

Route planning using the voice command function ..........................................................................38
Call up route information using the voice command function...........................................................38
Avoiding a route using the voice command function ........................................................................39
Starting route simulation using the voice command function ...........................................................39

Calling up Extras using the voice command function ....................................................................39

Adjusting the settings ........................................................................................................................39

Route options....................................................................................................................................40
Language settings ............................................................................................................................40
Device settings..................................................................................................................................41
Display ..............................................................................................................................................41
Program settings...............................................................................................................................41
Configure special functions...............................................................................................................42
Settings assistant..............................................................................................................................42

Voice command in the map view.......................................................................................................42

CHAPTER 5: ADJUSTING THESETTINGS ............................................................ 44

Specific settings for the navigation ..................................................................................................44
Adjusting the route options ...............................................................................................................45
Adjusting the Display ........................................................................................................................47
Adjusting the language settings........................................................................................................51
Adjusting the Program settings.........................................................................................................52
Adjusting the device settings ............................................................................................................54
Adjusting the special functions .........................................................................................................57
Settings assistant..............................................................................................................................58

Adjusting the Quick menu settings...................................................................................................58

CHAPTER 6: MANUAL INSTALLATION AND START-UP .................................... 60

Initial operation ...................................................................................................................................60

Reinstallation and updating the software.........................................................................................61

Transferring the map material and the POI data to the memory card ...........................................62

Software manual

Transferring data to the internal memory of the navigation device ..............................................63


ASSISTANT............................................................................................................. 65
Installing the GoPal® Assistant software..........................................................................................65
User interface of the GoPal® Assistant .............................................................................................66
Setting the user language.................................................................................................................68
Manual actions for data exchange....................................................................................................68
Actions using the Content Import Wizard .........................................................................................70
Management of GPS Tracks ............................................................................................................71

Functions for device management....................................................................................................72

Changing the device name ...............................................................................................................72
Formatting the external memory card...............................................................................................73

Shopping in the GoPal shop portal...................................................................................................73

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome and thank you for choosing our mobile navigation system. While the instructions in-
cluded with the device outline the basic operation of your navigation device and additional applica-
tions (Travel Guide, Picture Viewer etc.), this manual will cover the following topics:
• Operating the navigation software
• Adjusting the settings
• Installing the software and map material
• Operation using the voice command function (if available for your device)

Also, your navigation system’s help function contains information about important operating steps
and functions.

Your navigation device software is constantly undergoing development and can be kept current us-
ing updates that are either free or have an associated charge. The information contained in this
manual refers exclusively to the scope of functions at the time your navigation system was deliv-
ered. In the event the software and/or hardware was subsequently changed and/or updated, the
information printed here may vary from actual operating steps. In this case, please consult the sup-
port section of the Medion website ( for the current version of this ma-
nual, which will document any changes in operation. Please note that the manufacturer can accept
no responsibility for loss or damage as a result of information or potentially incorrect information
contained in this manual.

Contents of CD/DVD
The CD/DVD included contains all of the software packs necessary to operate your navigation sys-
tem as well as installation files for additional applications which must either be installed on the
memory of your navigation device or on your Windows PC. As soon as you insert the CD/DVD into
the drive on your PC, a Setup Assistant automatically appears to help you with installation: Simply
follow the instructions on the screen to automatically install the selected data.

If the installation assistant on the CD/DVD does not start automatically, you can also install the ne-
cessary data manually. The following information indicates which components are contained on
the CD/DVD and which directory on the external memory card or on the flash memory of your na-
vigation device to save them to in order to ensure smooth operation.


Element Description Target folder

Adobe This folder contains the installation data for This program must be installed to the Pro-
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader®. This software gram Files directory on your PC (manually
enables you to open the digital PDF ver- or using the Setup Assistant).
sion of this manual on a Windows PC.
APD This folder contains data for the GoPal® This data is required only when installing
Assistant. the GoPal® Assistant on your PC and does
not have to be manually copied.
Assistant This folder contains the installation data for This data is required only when installing
the GoPal® Assistant. the GoPal® Assistant on your PC and does
not have to be manually copied.
Installation This folder contains the installation data for These files must be installed (manually or
your navigation software. using the GoPal ®Assistant) in the directory
My Flash Disk on the external memory
card or in the My Flash Disk > INSTALL
folder of your navigation system.
License This folder contains the license information These files do not have to be copied.
Agreements for using various services.
Manuals This folder contains the PDF versions of These files can be installed on your PC
this manual in the respective language. (manually or using the Setup Assistant) to
the directory Programs>Medion GoPal
Map This folder contains the map data your These files must be installed (manually or
Regions navigation system needs for planning rou- using the GoPal® Assistant) to the MapRe-
tes. gions directory on the external memory
card or in the folderMy Flash Disk of your
navigation device.
AUTORUN This setup information/application ensures This file does not need to be copied.
that the Setup Assistant, which helps you
when installing the software components,
is automatically started once the CD/DVD
has been inserted.
readme.txt This text file contains important information This file does not need to be copied.
about the contents of this CD/DVD and
about the installation of various applica-
tions on the CD/DVD in the relevant lan-
Setup Once the CD/DVD has been inserted, this This file does not need to be copied.
Assistant application will start automatically and will
help you install the software components.

Depending on the version and features of your navigation system, it is possible that some of the
folders and files mentioned above are not contained on this CD/DVD or that the CD/DVD contains
extra data. For more information about the data saved on the CD/DVD included, see the readme fi-
le on the CD/DVD.

At the time of delivery various components, including the operating system and the navigation
software, have already been pre-installed on your navigation device and/or the memory card in-
cluded: That means that you can use your navigation system straightaway, without having to install
anything else.

We do, however, recommend that you install additional applications like GoPal® Assistant or Ado-
be® Acrobat® Reader® to be able to take advantage of the corresponding functions. In addition, it
may be necessary, due to a malfunction, for you to reinstall various software components for your


navigation system after the fact. This procedure is described in Chapter 6: Manual installation and
start-up and Chapter 7: Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant.

System requirements
Your mobile navigation system can be connected to a conventional Windows personal computer to
install (after the fact) application data such as the navigation software, additional map material etc.
. Your PC must meet the following system requirements for smooth communication.
• Supported operating systems Windows® 2000 ab SP4, Windows® XP, Vista® & Windows® 7
• Hardware specifications of the current computer generation, minimum 128 RAM, min. one avai-
lable USB 1.1 port
• Card-Reader for SD/MMC media recommended
• Necessary additional software: Microsoft ActiveSync® (only Windows® 2000/XP) for operation
as mobile device with your PC, GoPal® Assistant for automatic data transfer between navigation
device and PC (as needed)

If you are working with the Microsoft Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 operat-
ing system, you do not need the ActiveSync® communication software. The
system files required for the data transfer are already integrated into your
Vista®/Windows® 7 operating system. Please connect your device to your PC
using the USB cable supplied: Once your navigation device has been de-
tected as a new device, the required drivers will be installed automatically.
After it has been installed successfully, your new device is shown under Re-
movable Devices on the Windows Explorer screen. If you have saved addi-
tional data to your navigation device, ensure that there is sufficient capacity
available when transferring the data. If there is not enough space, remove
unneeded files.

If your PC meets these requirements, you can connect your navigation device to an available USB
port on your PC using the USB cable supplied to exchange data.

Conventions in this manual

The operation of your navigation system is directly based on the user guide in application software
for a PC. That means that entries in the software can be visually displayed on the screen and exe-
cuted from there. The operation itself is different: While functions on your PC are performed by cli-
cking the mouse, you can operate your navigation device either by using the stylus supplied or by
direct manual entry on the touch-sensitive screen of your navigation device. So, the following ap-
plies for the following descriptions:
• For entries that you perform with the mouse on your PC, we use the term "click"

• For entries using the stylus or a finger on the touchscreen of your navigation device, we use the
term "type/tap".

At various points in this manual we refer to entries within a software application or to a path on
your PC/memory card. In the following descriptions, these references are indicated as follows:
• Entries taken from the software (like buttons, menu items or labels for check boxes) are in bold.
• Specific functions and programs of your navigation system (e. g. Travel Guide etc.) or PC (e. g.
Windows Explorer etc.) are italicised.
• Information about directories and paths (on the external SD card or on the flash memory of your
navigation device) are italicised.


The information in this manual documents the operation of the navigation software, explains the
graphic display on the screen of your navigation device and lists the available selection options for
individual functions. So, the following applies for the following descriptions:
• Descriptions pertaining to executing a function are listed numerically, thus defining the order of
the individual steps.
• Descriptions referring to various elements in a software window or similar, are also listed nu-
merically, but in colour.
• Descriptions listing various equivalent options (as in this case), are indicated with bullet points.

Tips and warnings

At various places in this manual we give you practical tips or refer to circumstances which could
disrupt the smooth running of your navigation system. These sections are indicated as follows in
the following descriptions.

This symbol draws your attention to functions and features that speed up your
work flow and facilitate the operation of your navigation system.

This symbol indicates functions and features that are essential to the opera-
tion of your navigation system. Please obey all information to avoid malfunc-
tions through operating error or incorrect entries.

Important information
The following contains important information regarding the operation of your navigation system.
This information is repeated in the form of comments and tips at appropriate places in this manual.
• For safety reasons, entries may not be made by the driver whilst driving: Please make the nec-
essary entries before beginning the journey.
• If you need to change your entries during the journey, stop your vehicle at a suitable point (park-
ing spot etc.).
• Vehicle windscreens made of Thermoglas or metalised windscreens considerably limit the GPS
reception. There is usually a special opening in this metallic coating, behind which the naviga-
tion device can be placed. If that is not the case, a commercially-available GPS antenna must
be mounted outside the passenger cabin (e. g. on the roof of the vehicle).
• The instructions for the navigation system are recommendations only: Always pay attention to
road traffic regulations.
• Please note that your navigation device must receive a valid GPS signal in order to calculate the
route from the current position.
• Please note that your navigation device must be set to the local time zone to be able to calcu-
late the correct time of arrival for future route calculations.
• You can also follow your current position on the map without entering a destination. If available,
the name of the street you are currently on will be displayed
• Note that temporary local changes and/or restrictions to road traffic regulations (e. g. permitted
maximum speed) cannot be accounted for in the route planning: Always obey signage and/or
local traffic routing.


• Please note that the map material is current as of the time of delivery. However, the manufac-
turer cannot guarantee the information to be completely binding or that it corresponds to the
road layout and/or signage.

All trademarks appearing in this manual and any brands or trademarks protected by third parties
are subject without restriction to the conditions of the applicable trademark law and the right of ow-
nership of the respective registered owners. All trademarks, trade names or company names used
here are or can be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. All rights not
expressly granted here are reserved.

The absence of an explicit name of the trademarks used in this manual does not mean that a na-
me is free and clear of third party rights.
• Windows®, Windows® XP, Windows® 2000, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7 and ActiveSync® are
trademarks of the Microsoft® Corporation.
• Acrobat® and Acrobat® Reader® are trademarks of Adobe® Systems Incorporated.

Copyright and Warranty

Copyright © 2010

Version 5.5

All rights reserved.

Any information in this manual may be changed without notice and in no way represents any obli-
gation on the side of the manufacturer. The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for loss or da-
mage as a result of information or potentially incorrect information contained in this manual.

We are grateful for any information regarding errors and for suggestions for improvement in order
to offer you even more efficient products in the future.

This manual may not be reproduced, in whole or in part for any purpose and it may not be stored
to an electronic medium or reproduced in any other form including electrically, optically, chemi-
cally, by photocopy or audio recording without the express, written consent of the manufacturer.

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 2: Basics of operation

Your navigation device is ready to operate immediately: The navigation software and the map ma-
terial included have been pre-installed on your device. However, in order to enter your own naviga-
tion destinations and user-specific settings, you must be familiar with the basic operating concept
of your navigation system, which will be presented to you on the following pages. If you are al-
ready familiar with the operating concept, please go directly to Chapter 3: Operating the GoPal®
navigation software.

Your navigation system features two operating modes: "menu view" and "map view".

Operation in the menu view

Figure: Advanced mode

All of the software functions are organised in hierarchical menus which are called up by pressing
the buttons on the touchscreen of your navigation device. Each button opens up the level under-
neath, which then provides access to other options relevant to this menu or function. If a button
has not been assigned to another menu level, the function is performed directly.

For example:
Using the button... you acces to the sub-menus/buttons...

Within the menu levels you can use the available buttons to open up or exit other sub-menus to
reach the appropriate main menu. Navigation within the menus is as follows:
• To open the desired menu and display the sub-menus contained within, tap the appropriate but-
• To close the sub-menu which is currently open and go to the appropriate main menu, tap the
button .
• To go to another page within a menu level, tap the relevant button .

Various screens require you to select from the available options in a list.
• To show hidden entries in the list, you can move the display area up or down using the or
button. The current position in the list is displayed on the information bar between these buttons.

Basics of operation

On various screens you can lower or raise a pre-set value.

• To lower or raise the currently displayed value, press the buttons or . The current value is
displayed on the value scale between the two buttons.

On various screens you must choose whether a function or step is to be performed or cancelled.
• To perform a function or step, tap the button.
• To cancel a function or step, tap the button.

Basics of operation

Operation in the map view

Buttons and status are displayed in map view.

Buttons Status displays

This button opens the settings window Vol- The distance to the next manoeuvre is dis-
ume: here you can set the volume for the played here.
voice output (Navigation), the key click and The street you are currently on is displayed
the integrated MP3 player. here.
The TMC reception quality is displayed here
This button is only available if your navigation
(TMC or Premium TMC ).
system is equipped with a Bluetooth hands-
free device (see device manual). The charge status is displayed here.

In split-screen mode (only in the 480 x 272 The GPS reception quality is displayed here.
pixel), you may choose whether the arrow view
is displayed or points of interest are available
for direct selection. A description of the modes
The average speed is displayed here.
can be found in the section "Adjusting the Dis-
This button takes you from the map view back
The current speed is displayed here.
to the navigation menu.
This button switches the map view between The estimated time of arrival at the destination
the options 2D map and 3D map. is displayed here.
Your current position within the map section is
These buttons enlarge or make the displayed displayed here.
map sections smaller. If you tap one of the The remaining travel time to the destination is
zoom buttons, you can use the button at displayed here.
any time to switch to Autozoom mode. The distance to the destination is displayed
This button opens the Quick menu described
The current scale on the map section is dis-
in the Adjusting the Quick menu settings sec-
played here.

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 3: Operating the GoPal®

navigation software
This section covers the basic set-up and operation of your navigation software.

Selecting the operating mode

When you use your navigation device for the first time, you have to select the mode in which you
would like to operate it. Choose from the following options:

Simple mode
The simple mode includes all key functions for navigation only, but does not feature the possibility
of planning routes and finding alternative routes, as well as the advanced configuration possibilities
of the navigation software. For a better understanding of its operation, your navigation system dis-
plays help messages to explain the possible function steps.

The basic settings for navigation are selected in the settings assistant, which can be selected us-
ing the Settings assistant button: the assistant then calls up the selected settings options for con-
figuration of the output volume of the device, route planning and display in map view. Every option
already has a default setting, which you can change if necessary. All the other settings for your
navigation software are set to default values and cannot be directly changed. However, you can
access the advanced functions of the GoPal software using the Quick menu in map view as well
as via route options under route planning. These can also be operated in the simple mode if re-

Due to its simple user guide and limited range of functions, the simple mode is recommended for
first-time and occasional users who use primarily the basic functionality of their navigation device.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Advanced mode
In the advanced mode, you can enjoy unlimited access to all the functions of the device and the
navigation software. Amongst others, it is possible to plan your desired route in detail, calculate al-
ternative route plans with altered route options, create routes with multiple destinations, or simu-
late these and save them for future navigation. When required, the navigation software provides in-
formation about current or planned routes, allows you to avoid selected sections of route, and dis-
plays the route or intermediate destinations along the route in the map view. You can also define a
destination using its coordinates or directly on the map.

Based on the simple mode, in advanced mode the settings assistant gives you advanced options
to adjust the default settings for the navigation according to your personal requirements. You can
however reconfigure the navigation software at anytime using the extended sub-menu in the Set-
tings menu: you can also call up the settings assistant again at any time.

Whether you are using the simple mode or the advanced mode, you can
switch between the two using the Extras menu in the menu view footer. You
do not have to restart the navigation software for this.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Operating the navigation software

After you have chosen an operating mode, you can start operating your navigation software imme-
diately. On the following pages, we describe the basic functions of your navigation software. Func-
tions which are not directly accessible in simple mode are marked accordingly.

This manual only describes the operation of your navigation software. Infor-
mation about the settings and operation of other functions in the Extras menu
of your navigation system can be found in the device manual.

If you have adjusted certain navigation settings to meet your personal needs, the following descrip-
tion may differ from the content displayed on your system.

Navigation menu
Using the buttons in the navigation menu, you can always access the following menus and func-
tions to select and calculate your desired route(s).

Enter a new destination here.

Here you can select the destination from the last towns entered,
point of interest categories or your favourites. You can also define
a destination using its coordinates or directly on the map (only
advanced mode).

Simple mode
The following buttons are also available in simple mode.
Here you can call up the settings assistant at any time in order to
change basic settings for the navigation software and to reset it for
future operation.

Advanced mode
In advanced mode, the following buttons are also available:

Here you can display and edit various information about the cur-
rent route; plan, save and load a new route, avoid route sections
and simulate a planned route on the device.

Whenever the navigation is active, you can end it using this but-

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

If you have already entered one or more destinations into your navigation
device, two buttons with the last entered destinations appear in the area abo-
ve the menu keys. Using these buttons you can start the navigation to this
destination directly.

Footer in the menu view

In the menu view, you can use the buttons in the footer to directly access the following function ar-
eas of your navigation device.

Use this button to go to the map view.

Use this button, also available in the map view, to go to the navigation me-

Use this button to open the Extras menu, from which you can switch be-
tween the simple and advanced modes as well as call up instructions for
various topics. Here you can also select additional applications for your
navigation device, such as the Travel Guide and others. You can find fur-
ther information for the additional applications in the device manual.

The following buttons are also available in advanced mode.

Use this button to start the settings menu to adjust the basic settings of your
navigation system. The available setting options are described in Chapter 5:
Adjusting the Settings.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Manually entering the address

After starting the navigation device, you can enter a destination to calculate a route from your cur-
rent location to the desired position. With the basic settings, the route is calculated based on the
default settings for the route options (see Adjusting the route options).

To enter destination information manually, tap the Enter address button in the navigation menu.
The following screen then appears:

In simple mode, a preselection destination is displayed in the area between
the name field on the upper edge and the keyboard. A help message explain-
ing the current functions will also be displayed here.

Entering the country

In this menu, the preset country always corresponds to the language selected during installation. If
you are planning on navigating to a foreign country, however, you can also select a different coun-
try. The only prerequisite is that the relevant map material is installed on your navigation system.

Proceed as follows to select another country:

1. Tap the flag symbol in the upper-left corner of the screen or tap the Change country button
in the footer of the screen. A menu list of all of the countries whose map material is installed
on the navigation system then opens.
2. Tap on the desired country entry: The selection is accepted and the location entry screen
appears again.

With the help of the GoPal® Assistant you can select which map material is
saved on your navigation device. If necessary, you can install more map ma-
terial on the external memory card or to the flash memory of your navigation
device at any time. For further information, see Manual actions for data ex-

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Entering the postcode or place name

The destination can be selected either by entering the postcode or the place name: The entry of
the postcode is automatically transferred to the place and vice versa.

Proceed as follows to enter the destination using its name or its postcode:
• Enter the desired name using the onscreen alphanumerical keys.
• Tap on the button to show the numerical keys and enter the postcode.

When entering the town or the postcode, the keyboard is automatically adapted and only the but-
tons permitted for entering the next character are available: All buttons that are not permitted are
greyed out and cannot be tapped. You can undo any number or character entry with the button.

After entering the first character, three buttons appear in the area between the name field on the
upper edge and the keyboard:
• The first two buttons provide possible destinations for selection in accordance with the entries
made so far. This preselection is readjusted after each entry. As soon as one of the preselec-
tions corresponds to your desired destination, you can select it directly by tapping the relevant
• You can use the third button More hits to open a list of all of the available preselection destina-
tions in a separate window. For better orientation, you are shown the available preselection des-
tinations on an overview map. Using the Hide map button, the map display closes. You can
open it again with the Show map button. Using the button , open the current hits in the map
view, where you can access the zoom buttons as well as the map orientation button using the
compass symbol. Tap the button to close the map view .
Browse through the list using the and buttons and tap the desired entry: The selection is
If you do not want to make a selection or if you want to refine your entry, return to the character
entry screen using the button.

After selecting the destination, the screen to enter the street name automatically pops up.

Entering the street name

On this screen you can either enter a specific street name, have the navigation go to the town cen-
tre or select a specific point of interest.

Proceed as follows to enter the street name:

1. Type the first character on the screen keyboard: The keyboard is automatically adjusted and
displays only those buttons/ characters with which a street name in the selected destination
begins. All other buttons with which no street name begins in this place are greyed out and
cannot be used.
2. Continue entering until the desired street name has been entered. As soon as the desired
street name appears on one of the two buttons for preselection, tap it to select the street di-
rectly. Alternatively, you can use the third button, All hits, to open a list of all available pre-
selection destinations in a separate window. Browse through the list using the and
buttons and tap the desired entry: The selection is accepted. If you do not want to make a
selection, return to the character entry screen with the button.

After selecting the street, the screen to enter the house number automatically pops up.
• As an alternative to entering the street name manually, use To centre "destination" button, to
start navigation to the destination defined in the map data as the mid-point for this place. This
town centre point is displayed on an overview map on the Detailed information screen. The fol-
lowing pages contain more information on this subject.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

• In advanced mode, the Points of interest button also offers you the option of opening a list
which allows you to select a point of interest at the destination selected. For further information,
see Points of interest.

Entering the house number

The screen to enter the house number opens automatically after you have selected the street na-
me at the destination using one of the buttons for preselection or the list view (More hits). The fol-
lowing options are now available on this screen:
• Enter the house number manually: as soon as the desired house number appears on one of the
two buttons for preselection, select it directly. Alternatively, you can use the third button All hits
to open a list of all of the available house numbers in a separate window. Browse through the
list using the and buttons and tap the desired entry: The selection is accepted. If you do
not want to make a selection, return to the character entry screen with the button.
• The Middle of the road button guides the navigation to the destination defined in the map ma-
terial as the mid-point for this street.
• Only advanced mode: The Crossroads button allows you to enter the name of a side street
that intersects the street originally entered: The destination is then assigned to these cross-
roads. Type the name of the side street on the keyboard: As soon as the desired street name
appears on one of the two buttons for preselection, tap it to select the street directly. Alterna-
tively, you can use the third button All hits to open a list of all of the available house numbers in
a separate window. For better orientation, you are shown the available preselection destinations
on an overview map. Using the Hide map button, the map display closes. You can open it again
with the Show map button. Using the button , open the current hits in the map view, where
you can access the zoom buttons as well as the map orientation button using the compass
symbol. Tap the button to close the map view .
Browse the list using the buttons and and tap the desired entry: The selection is accepted
and the selection list closes. If you do not want to make a selection, return to the character entry
screen with the button.

After you have made your selection, destination input is complete: The destination is displayed on
the Detailed information screen on an overview map and indicated as an address. The following
pages contain more information on this subject.

As long as the optional phone book function is available on your navigation
device and the telephone number for the entered destination is saved on the
device, the button Call now will also be displayed.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Entering other destinations

As an alternative to entering the town/street/house number manually, you can also enter or select
your destination using other criteria. Tap the Search for other destination button in the naviga-
tion menu to do so.

Last locations
Your navigation device saves the last destinations entered in the Last locations list, which is ac-
cessed by the button of the same name. This lets you re-select these destinations without having
to enter the destination information. Browse through the respective list using the and buttons
and tap the desired entry: the destination is displayed on an overview map on the Detailed infor-
mation screen. The following pages contain more information on this subject.

If you have not yet entered any destinations, or if the device has been reset to
the factory settings, there will be no destinations to choose from.
Destinations that are no longer required can be deleted from the list using the
relevant button . If you want to delete all previous locations, tap the Delete
all button on the lower edge of the screen.

Points of interest
The Points of interest button lets you use special points of interest, the POI data (points of inter-
est) saved to the map material, for destination calculation. Using Other options in this menu, you
can then determine in which category the desired point of interest should be searched for.

The inclusion of POI data in delivery depends on the type of device as well as
on the version of your navigation system: For this reason there may only be
selected categories available in your navigation system.

Selecting Points of interest

The following options are available in the selection list for points of interest:

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

• The Display all points of interest button in the footer of the screen opens a window for you to
select all available points of interest.
• Alternatively, you can select a particular point of interest category via the list (e. g.
TRANSPORT). After selecting the category onscreen, the navigation software opens an addi-
tional list within this category that lets you narrow your initial selection (e. g. TRANSPORT > air-
ports, harbours, train stations, car rental, etc.).
o Browse through the list using the and buttons and tap the desired entry: The selec-
tion is accepted.
o Using the button Display all 'points of interest' in the footer of the screen, you can dis-
play all the available points of interest in this category in a list.

Regardless of your selection, your navigation system subsequently displays the screen Where do
you want to search?. Use the buttons to choose from the following options:
o Tap on the At a certain place button, to enter a new destination. This process is de-
scribed in the Manually entering the address section.
o Tap the button Nearby to select a POI near your current position. On the following screen
you can either enter the name using the alphanumeric keyboard or use the button Dis-
play all 'points of interest' to show all the points of interest in this category in the sur-
rounding area in a selection list.
o Tap the button Along the Route to search for points of interest in direct proximity to the
continued course of the current route. On the following screen you can either enter the
name using the alphanumeric keyboard or use the button Display all 'points of interest'
to show all the points of interest in this category along the route in a selection list.
o Tap the button At destination to select a POI at the currently selected destination. On the
following screen you can either enter the name using the alphanumeric keyboard or use
the button Display all 'points of interest' to show all the points of interest in this category
at the destination in a selection list.

The desired special destination is now displayed on the Detailed information screen on an over-
view map together with the complete address and telephone number (if stored). The following pa-
ges contain more information on this subject.

In the advanced mode, you can also directly select points of interest when
entering a new destination. In this case, the point of interest selection refers
only to the destination entered.

You can save frequent destinations to the memory of your navigation device using the Favourites
button. Later on, you can call up these favourites directly, so manually entering this destination is
no longer necessary.

Creating a favourite
When you use your navigation device for the first time (or after initialisation) there are no favourites
saved to the device. Proceed as follows to create a new favourite:
1. Tap the Favourites button in the Search for other destination menu. The Favourites menu
screen appears.
2. Touch the New favourite button on the lower edge of the screen: The New favourite screen is
then opened, where you can select from the following options:

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

o If you have already entered several destinations, you can select the last destination en-
tered directly via the button at the top. If other recent destinations are available for selec-
tion, open a list of these destinations using the Last locations button. If you tap on one of
the destinations, the selected destination is shown on the Detailed information screen.
Close the entry on the Detailed information screen using the button.
o Tap the Enter address button to enter the destination/favourite manually using the input
menus for Country, Town/Postcode, Street and House Number. This process is described
in the Manually entering the address section.
o Tap the button Points of interest to select a destination/favourite from amongst the de-
sired point of interest category. This process is described in the Points of interest section.
o Tap the buttons More > Current position to store your current location as a favourite.
o Tap the buttons More > Coordinates to enter the coordinates of the destination/favourite.
This process is described in the section Coordinates (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Destination from map to manually enter the destina-
tion/favourite in the map display. This process is described in the section Destination from
map (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Phone book (if available for your device) to select the destina-
tion/favourite from the data in the phone book.
3. After selection/entry the screen for naming favourites appears.
4. Enter the name for the favourites using the onscreen keyboard and close the input field with
the button.

Calling up a favourite
After you have created one or more favourites, you can call it/them up directly from the Favourites
menu. Proceed as follows:
1. Tap the button Favourites. A selection list of the favourites you have created appears.
2. Browse through the respective list using the and buttons and tap the desired entry: the
destination is displayed on an overview map on the Detailed information screen.
3. Close the input field using the button: Route calculation then starts for this destination.

Deleting all favourites

If you want to delete all favourites currently saved on your navigation device, tap the Delete all
button on the lower edge of the screen: all entries in the favourites list are then deleted.

If you reset the navigation device to the factory settings, all your saved fa-
vourites will also be deleted.

Editing favourites
You can edit individual favourites in the list in the Favourites menu as needed. Rename the favour-
ite, assign it a symbol, save it as the home address or delete the entry.

To edit a favourite, tap on the respective button in the list view. The Edit favourites screen then

Proceed as follows to rename a selected favourite:

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

1. Tap the button Name. The screen to enter names for the favourites appears again.

2. Delete the current name as needed using the button.

3. Enter the name for the favourites using the onscreen keyboard and close the input field with
the button.

The changed favourite name is now accepted for display in the Edit favourite screen and the fa-
vourites list.

Proceed as follows to assign the selected favourite a new symbol:

1. Tap the button Symbol. The Select symbol screen then appears.
2. Browse the list using the buttons and and tap the desired entry: The selection is ac-
cepted and the selection list closes.

The changed symbol is now accepted for display in the Edit favourites screen, the favourites list
and the map display.

Using the As home address button on the lower edge, you can save the selected favourite as
“home address”: in future you can directly select the home address as the destination via the first
preselection button in the navigation menu. This way, you can select an often-used destination
(such as your home or work address) directly without having to enter another destination.
• Tap on the As home address button on the lower edge of the screen. The entry is then as-
signed the symbol.
• This entry is now used as the first preselection button in the navigation menu and is available as
the first option in the Favourites menu.

If defined, the home address is always available via the first preselection but-
ton in the navigation menu, so it is not available in the Last locations selection
The home address is always assigned to your favourites and is therefore al-
ways the first option in the Favourites menu. If you touch the Delete all button
in the Favourites menu, the home address is also deleted and will have to be
re-entered if necessary.
Please be aware: When setting new favourites, you cannot save these under
the same name as the home address.

In addition, the Edit favourites menu gives you the option of deleting the selected favourite. Tap on
the Delete button on the lower edge of the screen. The entry is deleted from the list.

Please note: Deleted favourites cannot be restored. Only use the delete func-
tion when you no longer need the favourites. Otherwise you will have to enter
the favourites again.

Destination from map (only advanced mode)

Using the button Destination from map, open the map view of the navigation software to manu-
ally enter a destination in the map. This way, you define the destination directly without the desti-
nation entry described in the previous chapters.

Proceed as follows to enter the destination in the map view:

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

1. Tap on the desired position within the map section displayed. If required, you can first change
the map view using the compass symbol and zoom to the desired scale on the map section.

2. The position you tapped is indicated on the map with this symbol . On the upper edge of the
screen, the navigation system suggests a destination that corresponds with this position.
o If an unambiguous destination (e. g. a point of interest) can be determined, the address is
displayed in the header.
o If multiple unambiguous destinations can be determined, the number of suggested desti-
nations is displayed as is the position of the displayed destination among these options
(for example: 3/12 means destination 3 out of 12 available destinations). Browse through
the list containing the available destinations using the and buttons on the lo-
wer edge of the screen.
o If no unambiguous destination can be determined, the coordinates are displayed in the
3. Tap on the button Detailed information to display the current destination on the Detailed in-
formation screen on an overview map: If address data are available for this destination they
are displayed. Tap on the button on the lower edge of the screen to start route calculation
for this destination.

You can find further information about the Detailed information screen in section Route calculation
using Detailed information.

Coordinates (only advanced mode)

You can enter the destination using its longitude and latitude coordinates in the appropriate sub-

Proceed as follows to enter the coordinates manually:

1. Using the numerical keyboard, enter the desired latitude in degrees using decimals: to divide
the numbers enter a comma (for example: 49,36 is interpreted as a latitude of 49° 21’ 36“).
Close the input field using the button: The next screen will ask you to enter the longitude
including decimals.

The degree notation button on the lower edge of the screen allows you to
alternatively enter the coordinates in degrees: On the appropriate screen,
enter the desired position in corresponding fields for degrees, arc minutes
and arc seconds. You can also use the N<>S (for latitude) or E<>W (for longi-
tude) button in the upper left corner of the screen to toggle between an equa-
tor or prime meridian point of reference.

2. Use the numbers on the keyboard to enter the desired longitude: Depending on what you
choose when entering the latitude, it can also be written either in decimals or degrees. Close
the input field using the button:

Coordinate input is now complete: The destination is displayed on the Detailed information screen
on an overview map along with the latitude and longitude.

Route calculation using detailed information

After entering and selecting the destination, the Detailed information screen will appear. Using the
button in the footer, you start the calculation for navigation. The following options are also offe-
red here:

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

• The selected destination is displayed on an overview map for quick orientation. The map view
will open if you tap the overview map or the button . Using the Zoom buttons, you can zoom
in/out on your map section as needed. Use the button to return to the detailed information.
• The address entered will be displayed next to the overview map. If you have defined the desti-
nation using coordinates, these will appear.
• If a telephone number was saved to this destination and the telephone feature is available on
your navigation device, you can call the destination using the Call now button.
• If required, you can redirect the navigation to a public parking place near the destination using
the button Park nearby. After the functions have been activated, the navigation software dis-
plays a list with all relevant POI entries in the category Car and Traffic > Parking: browse
through the relevant list using the buttons and and tap the desired entry to accept the
chosen destination entry for the Detailed information screen.
• Using the Location as favourite button, you can save the destination as a personal favourite to
the memory of your navigation device. This process is described in the Favourites section.

The following options are only available in advanced mode:

• Using the Other destination button, you can extend navigation to include one or more addi-
tional destinations. This process is described in the Editing the entries in the route list section.
• Using the Route options button, you can adjust various parameters for navigation. This proc-
ess is described in the Adjusting the route options section.

Calculation of alternative routes in advanced mode

In advanced mode, you can calculate two alternative navigations in addition to the standard route
in order to plan your route more accurately. Activate the Calculate alternatives button which is
displayed in the screen footer following calculation of the standard route.

With the buttons 1 and 2 you can get direct information about the distance as well as the estimated
travel time. Using the i button, you can show the details for the respective route.

If needed, you can change the route options for the standard and both alternative routes. Proceed
as follows:
1. Tap the i button for the desired route (standard, alternative 1 or 2).
2. Tap the Route options button in the footer of the screen.
3. Change the route options for the selected route as needed (see the Specific settings for the
navigation software section).
4. Tap the button to return to the route details.
5. Tap the button again.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Route distance and travel time information will be updated and can thus be compared with the in-
formation of the other two routes.

Using the Destination information button in the footer of the screen, you can show the selected
destination in the Destination information window: the address entered will be displayed next to the
overview map. Using the Location as favourite button, you can save the destination as a per-
sonal favourite to the memory of your navigation device. This process is described in the Favour-
ites section. Tap the button to leave the destination information.

Starting and displaying navigation

Once navigation has been started, your navigation system switches to the map view. The calcu-
lated route is displayed there and compared to your current position in real time.

In split-screen mode the planned route is displayed as follows in the map view:
• The route is displayed in a map section oriented to the north. You can switch the map display
from 2D to a 3D view using the button if needed. The following display modes are available:
o The map is displayed in a two-dimensional view. If you have set map view to Map in di-
rection of travel in the Settings > Display > 2D map orientation menu, the map is always
oriented to the direction of travel.
o If you have set the map view to North up in the Settings > Display > 2D map orientation
menu, the map is always oriented to the north.
o If you have selected the Optimized option, the map is oriented to the north for low levels
of zoom and in the direction of travel for higher levels of zoom (see also Adjusting the dis-
o In the mode 3D map, the map is tilted and three-dimensional. The three-dimensional dis-
play is always oriented to the direction of travel.

If required, you can manually move the current map section by tapping a po-
sition within the map, holding it down and moving it in the desired direction:
The map section is automatically adjusted.
In order to centre the map section back onto your current location, activate
the button (Activate auto-zoom).

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

• The map section is displayed on the right side of the screen. Two options in split-screen are
available on the left side:
o If the Point of interest button is active, you can select the two closest points of interest di-
rectly using the two buttons located above. You can determine which point of interest ca-
tegories should be displayed with the menu Settings > Display > Points of interest > Split-
o If the arrow key is active, navigation is enhanced with the arrow view in addition to the
map: When there is an upcoming manoeuvre, arrow orientation indicates how you will be
directed during the manoeuvre. The distance to the next manoeuvre is shown on the ap-
proach indicator located next to the arrow.
• Within the map section, the planned route is shown in blue. In case of a manual or automatic
traffic jam avoidance, the alternative route is shown in red.
• The street on which you are currently located is shown on the upper edge of the screen. Prior to
a manoeuvre, the direction of navigation is shown in the arrow view, as is the distance to ma-
noeuvre. A-roads and motorways are distinguished by colour and their number.
• Your current position is displayed on the map using the symbol.
• Information regarding the current and average speed (only in the 480 x 272 pixel), the distance
to the destination, remaining travel and arrival time is shown on the information bar on the lower
edge of the map display (see also Operation in the map view ).
• You can adjust the desired map zoom in the menu Settings > Display > Auto-zoom (see the
Adjusting the display section). You can adjust the zoom of the map section manually using the
and buttons as needed. The current scale is displayed on the map.
• POIs such as petrol stations, rest areas etc. are displayed as symbols in the map display. You
can determine which point of interest categories should be displayed with the menu Settings >
Display > Points of interest > Map.

In addition to the visual navigation, all manœuvres are also announced using voice commands. If
you have activated the corresponding options in the menu Settings > Language settings > Voice
announcements, there will also be voice announcements for street names, directions and/or traffic
news. You can adjust the voice output during navigation as follows:
• Tap the button in the upper left area of the screen. The Volume settings menu is then ope-
ned, where you can individually set the volume for the navigation as well as the key click. The
volume set here applies equally to playback via the internal speakers and via the earphone
connection on your navigation device.
o The buttons and allow you to individually lower or raise the volume for the respec-
tive signal output in seven steps. Output for the respective signal is muted at the lowest

The volume setting is saved and the stored value will be used the next time
you start-up your navigation system.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Route manager (only advanced mode)

Using the Route manager button in the Navigation menu, you have the option to plan and simu-
late routes in advance, request current route information or redirect navigation by manually block-
ing route sections.

Route planning
Using the Route planning you can plan your route in advance or change and/or optimise a route
already planned. In addition, this menu allows you to save frequently used tours and load them at
a later time.

Entering the starting position and adding more destinations

There are no places saved on your navigation device when it comes from the factory that can be
used as a start position for a new route. Proceed as follows to create a starting point for the route:
1. Tap the Add destination button in the screen footer. The New destination menu will then be
2. Here, the following options are available:
o If you have already entered a home address, you can choose this directly using the left-
hand button above the menu keys.
o If recent destinations are available for selection, open a list of these destinations using the
right-hand button Last locations above the menu keys. If you tap on one of the destina-
tions, the selected destination is shown on the Detailed information screen.
o Tap the button Enter address. The section Manually entering the address describes how
to enter a destination.
o Tap the button Points of interest. The section Selecting points of interest describes how
to select a point of interest.
o Tap the button Favourites. The section Creating a favourite describes how to enter a fa-
o Tap the buttons More > Current position: your current position will be used as the new
starting point for the planned route.
o Tap the buttons More > Coordinates: entering coordinates is described in the section
Coordinates (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Destination from map: entering a destination in the map display
is described in the section Destination from map (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Phone book (if available for your device): operation of the phone
book is described in the device manual.

The destination entered is now accepted and displayed as the top entry in the list in the Route
planning menu.

To enter more destinations, tap again on the button Add destination: you can enter an additional
destination in exactly the same way (see above). Once it is entered, the new destination is dis-
played as the next destination in the list in the Route planning menu. Repeat this process to enter
more destinations which will then be inserted into the list in the order they are entered. If you have
created more than three destinations, you can browse through the list using the and buttons.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

When you tap a destination in the list, it is displayed on the Detailed information screen on an
overview map along with the stored address data. Use the button to return to the Route plan-
ning menu.

Editing the entries in the route list

You can delete the entries in the route list at any time as required or change the order of the en-
tries in the list to alter the course of the route.

Proceed as follows to delete an entry from the list:

• Tap the button for the respective destination: The entry is deleted from the list. Unless the en-
try was the final destination on the route, all subsequent destinations move one position for-

Deleted destination entries cannot be restored. If required, you must enter the
destination again.

Proceed as follows to edit the order of the entries in the list and thus also the tour order:
• Tap the button or for the respective destination: The entry in the list is moved one position
up or down and the resulting route is diverted accordingly.

Optimising the route

The Optimise route button allows you to check the current route and adjust the navigation to be
as efficient as possible: this adjusts the order of the destinations in order to calculate the shortest
possible route.

Note that optimisation only takes place if the route comprises more than two
destinations, not including the starting/end point. In addition, your navigation
system assumes a direct connection as the crow flies for optimisation. The
actual optimal routing may deviate from this theoretically optimised navigation
and is only a suggestion.

Saving and loading a tour

If you frequently need the navigation for a given route, you can save this route on your navigation
system and load it at a later point in time. Proceed as follows to save the current route planning:
1. Tap the Load/Save button. The Load and save route screen then opens.
2. Tap the Save current route button in the footer of the screen. The screen to enter route na-
mes then appears.
3. Enter the name using the onscreen keyboard and close the input field with the button.

After it has been entered, the entry for this route is displayed in the list on the Load and save route
screen. Proceed as follows to load an entry from the list at any point in time:
1. Tap the Load/Save button. The Load and save route screen then opens.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

2. Tap an entry in the list: A screen with a map display as well as information about this route
planning then appears.
3. To start navigation for this route planning, tap the button. If you do not want to make a se-
lection, return to the Load and save route screen with the button.

If you no longer need a saved route plan, tap the appropriate button and the entry is deleted
from the list.

Changing a planned route

If needed, you can also change the route at a later date. Proceed as follows:
1. Tap the Load/Save button. The Load and save route screen then opens.
2. Tap an entry in the list: A screen with a map display as well as information about this route
planning then appears.
3. Use the buttons to choose from the following options:
o The button takes you back to the Load and save routescreen without any changes.
o The Edit button opens the Route planning screen again: All of the functions described
previously are available to you at this point (Add destination, Change order, Delete desti-
nations etc.).
o The Rename button opens up the screen for name input again: Change the name and
confirm the entry with the button. The changed name appears in the list on the Load
and save route screen.
o The Delete button removes this route from your navigation system. This process cannot
be undone.

Use the button to close the changes to the planned route.

Starting a planned route

After entering the planned route calculation using the button , the navigation software opens a
screen asking you which position the planned route should be calculated from: your current posi-
tion may not correspond to the saved starting point, in which case the route planning must be ad-
justed. Here, the following options are available:
• Enter your current position as the starting point for the planned route using the Current GPS
position button. This updates the standard route calculation: if required, you can use the button
Calculate alternatives to calculate two alternative route plans to the planned route. Use the
button Destination information to display the selected destination in the Destination informa-
tion window. To start navigation for the selected route planning, tap the button.
• Use the button Enter new starting point to enter a new starting point for the route. Here, the
following options are available:
o If you have already entered one destination (or the home address), you can choose it di-
rectly using the left-hand button above the menu keys. If other recent destinations are
available for selection, open a list of these destinations using the Last locations button
on the right. How to select a destination from this list is described in the Last locations
o Tap the button Enter address. The section Manually entering the address describes how
to enter a destination.
o Tap the button Points of interest. The section Selecting points of interest describes how
to select a point of interest.
o Tap the button Favourites. The section Calling up a favourite describes how to enter a

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

o Tap the buttons More > Current position: your current position will be used as the new
starting point for the planned route.
o Tap the buttons More > Coordinates: entering coordinates is described in the section
Coordinates (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Destination from map: entering a destination in the map display
is described in the section Destination from map (only advanced mode).
o Tap the buttons More > Phone book (if available for your device): operation of the phone
book is described in the device manual.
• Use the button First destination of route planning to start calculation of the planned route:
o If your current position corresponds to the starting position, the calculation is performed
o If your current position does not correspond to the starting position, the navigation soft-
ware first calculates navigation from the planned start position and then starts navigating
the planned route.

Use the button to start navigation for this route.

Route information
Use the button Route information to open the planned route in an overview map. Use the button
on the left-hand side to adjust the map view as follows:

• Use this button to show the calculated route from the starting point to the destination. The
starting position is identified here with the symbol , the current position with the symbol ,
the destination(s) with the symbol : if you have planned several destinations, they are num-
bered. The calculated route between the location/starting point and the destination(s) is shown
in blue.
• Use this button to show the destination on the map view. The planned route is displayed in
blue and goes into the current map section.
• Use this button to show the starting point of the route on the map view. The planned route is
displayed in blue and leads out of the current map section.
• Use this button to show your current location on the map view.

Regardless of the selected display option, you can use the relevant buttons to zoom anywhere on
the screen and manually move the map section.
In addition, the following options appear on the buttons in the footer of the screen:

Using the Directions button open the screen of the same name, where all the information on the
current or planned route is displayed in a list. The directions tell you which roads to use to reach
your destination. All route information, along with the distance, is shown in a list, serving as a pre-
view of the planned manoeuvre. If the planned route cannot be displayed on a single screen, you
can browse through the list using the and buttons.

Border crossings into other countries are marked for better orientation.

When you wish to exit the directions screen, use the button to return to the selection menu for
route information.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Traffic conditions
This function enables you to display current traffic information received by your navigation system
in a list and call up specific pieces of information. Proceed as follows to configure reception of traf-
fic information:
1. Tap the button Traffic information. The Traffic situation screen then appears.
2. Tap on the Settings button in the lower portion of the screen: The menu TMC settings is then
opened in the Program settings of your navigation system.
3. Adjust the reception of the TMC services as needed: This process is described in the
Adjusting the Program settings section.

The TMC reception status is displayed using the indicator in the map
view as well as on the Traffic situation screen. If reception is disrupted, your
navigation system is unable to receive traffic reports.

After configuring the TMC station settings, you can take advantage of the available traffic informa-
tion services. Proceed as follows to show current information about traffic conditions:
1. Tap the button Traffic information. The Traffic situation screen then appears. The appropriate
list then displays the traffic reports affecting your route: These entries are labelled with red traf-
fic signs (e. g. ). The order of the entries depends on the distance from your location. The
lower part of the list also displays results not on your route: These entries are labelled with
grey symbols (e. g. ) and are in alphabetical order.
You can browse through the list of traffic reports using the and buttons.
2. Tap the desired entry in the list to display the traffic report in the detailed view: The route, the
route section, the type and length of the traffic disruption are described in the text of the traffic
report. If the traffic disruption will influence your travel time, (traffic jam, stagnant traffic), the
estimated loss of travel time is also displayed

3. Tap the button to display the position of the traffic disturbance on the map view: You can
zoom in on the section as needed. If you would like to leave the map view, tap the button:
4. If the traffic problem is located on your current route, you can use the Show alternative route
button to calculate a detour around the traffic problem. Otherwise the alternate route is calcu-
lated automatically and navigation is diverted accordingly.
If no alternate route can be calculated, the warning symbol on the map disappears but you can
select the traffic disruption relevant to your route from the list view once again and then have
an alternate route calculated in the traffic warning view.

When you wish to exit the Traffic situation screen, use the button to return to the selection me-
nu for route information.

Route options
Using the Route options button, you can adjust various parameters for navigation. This process is
described in the Adjusting the route options section. The following options can be adapted:
• Type of vehicle
• Route type
• By pass
• Ferries
• Motorways

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

• Toll Roads

When you wish to exit the route options, use the button to return to the selection menu for route

Avoid route
Under certain circumstances, traffic disturbances may occur on the planned routes which were un-
known at the time the route was planned and thus were not taken into account during calculation.
In this case, you can manually block off a section of the route to come after your current position in
order to calculate an alternate route for the selected distance and to avoid the traffic disturbance in
this way. Proceed as follows to avoid a section of the route:
1. Tap the Avoid route button: The Length of avoided route screen then opens.
2. Select the desired distance from the list: If the desired distance is not available in the current
section of list, you can browse through the list using the and buttons. Choose from the
following options: 100/500 m, 1/2/5/10/15/25 km.
3. Once the distance has been selected, the Start of avoided route screen opens. Here you can
choose at what distance (from your current position) the route should be avoided. In addition
to the current position (entry: Immediately) the following options are available: 100/500 m,
1/2/5/10/15 km

Once the length has been selected, your navigation system calculates an alternative route and
switches automatically to the map view. Navigation is updated and rerouted. The symbol in the
map view marks the point from which the route is to be avoided. The diverted route is marked red
on the map view. At the end of the detour your navigation system switches back to the planned
route and continues navigation.

Proceed as follows to remove the blocks on sections of roads:

1. Tap the Avoid route button: The Avoid route screen then opens.
2. Tap the button: The current blocks are removed.

When you wish to exit the route avoidance screen, use the button to return to the selection
menu for the Route manager.

Route simulation
You can simulate a planned route if needed: When you do this, navigation is displayed in the map
view and it runs through all of the manoeuvres: Navigation takes place in real time based on one of
the speed limits specified for the respective map section. The manœuvres are documented visu-
ally on the screen as well as via your navigation system’s voice. The following possibilities are
available during simulation:
• You can stop the simulation at any time using the Stop simulation button. The map display
with your current position is displayed on the screen once again.
• Within the simulation you can use the Next manoeuvre button to skip to the next manœuvre, to
shorten real time navigation. The time specifications regarding trip duration are adjusted accor-

In addition, all of the functions of your navigation system are available during simulation.

Other views
Along with the menu and map view, the navigation software also provides further display options,
both in simple and advanced mode, which can be accessed using the Quick menu in the map
view. The Quick menu settings are described in the Adjusting the Quick menu settings section.

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Compass display

In compass display, your current position is shown in relation to the four cardinal points, North be-
ing labelled in colour for better orientation. In addition, your current position is stated with longitude
and latitude in degrees, arc minutes and arc seconds. The compass orientation as well as the lon-
gitude and latitude display is continuously updated to enable precise orientation. As a rule, how-
ever, the accuracy of the measurement and the display depend on the quality of the GPS recep-
tion signal: For this reason, the GPS reception quality is also indicated as a value in the HDOP
field. In addition, the number of satellites currently receiving the signal is displayed next to the

The information bar in the lower portion of the window shows all of the other information about the
current route (such as speed, distance, calculated travel time etc.).

Your navigation system uses the signals from several satellites to determine
the position. There may be overlap between the section areas of these satel-
lite signals which reduces measuring accuracy. The HDOP value indicated in
the compass describes the measuring accuracy within the horizontal 2D map:
For values in the range to 6, a high to satisfactory measuring accuracy is gua-
ranteed, for values over 6 deviation is increasingly common.

Any speed limits entered for the current route section are displayed in the left
corner using the symbol. A spoken warning only occurs if the Speed limit
warning option in the Settings > Configure special functions menu and the
Traffic advice in the Settings > Language settings > Voice announcements
menu have been activated and the speed has been exceeded by this value.
In addition, the navigation system displays so-called ADAS warnings, which
are indicated in the map data and draw your attention to hazardous areas of
the current route (such as lane restrictions, steep gradient/incline etc.).

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

Arrow view

In the arrow view, which is also available in the split-screen mode of the map view, you are di-
rected by a guidance system based on arrows, independent of a map. The arrow view provides the
following information:
• The current direction of travel is described using the arrow. When there is an upcoming
manœuvre, the orientation of the arrow indicates in what direction you will be led during the ma-
noeuvre. Depending on the manœuvre, side streets may also be displayed, but the main route
is always clearly marked.
• The distance to the next manoeuvre is shown on the approach indicator located next to the ar-
row: the closer the next manœuvre comes, the higher the column rises within the indicator. This
allows you to readily estimate the actual distance from the manœuvre based on your speed.
• The street on which you are currently located is shown on the upper edge of the screen, as is
the route that you must travel on this street to the next manoeuvre. A-roads and motorways are
distinguished by colour and their number.
• If manoeuvre is imminent, the display is switched: Now the distance to the manœuvre is shown
as well as the street/direction in which you will be guided after the manoeuvre.

The information bar in the lower portion of the window shows all of the other information about the
current route (such as speed, distance, calculated travel time etc.).

Trip info
In the Trip info view, configured and accessed using the Quick menu in the map display (see
Adjusting the Quick menu settings), the following information on the current navigation is dis-
• Maximum speed
• Average speed
• Route travelled
• Travel time

This information refers to all of the routes travelled since the last time the Trip info was reset (see
below). To measure information about a specific route, you must reset the trip info at the start of
navigation. To do this, activate the button: All values are reset to 0 and the measurement is re-

Operating the GoPal® navigation software

The values in the Trip infos are automatically reset to 0 if your navigation de-
vice has received no valid GPS data packet in two hours.

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 4: Operation using the voice

command function
In addition to manual operation via the touchscreen, your navigation system offers you the option
of entering or controlling functions using voice commands. You also have the option of calling up
lists of entries via a series of list numbers or browsing up or down the list view.

Please be aware that this function is only available on certain types of device.

Please note that the voice command function is currently only available for
selected languages. If you do not operate your navigation system in one of
the following languages, you can skip the next sections.

The following languages are currently supported:

• German
• Danish
• English
• French
• Italian
• Dutch
• Spanish

While manual operation of your navigation system is possible at all times, the voice command
function must be activated separately: this ensures that your navigation device only reacts to cer-
tain voice commands and does not accidentally misinterpret other parts of the conversation. Pro-
ceed as follows to start the voice command function for your navigation system:
• Touch any point on the screen for around two seconds. A tone then sounds (a rising tone se-
quence): The voice command function is now activated on your navigation device.
• Alternatively, if your navigation device has a so-called Push-to-Talk-button (PTT), you can press
this for around 2 seconds. A tone then sounds (a rising tone sequence): The voice command
function is now activated on your navigation device.

If your navigation system prompts you for input via a voice message, no addi-
tional tone is emitted.

During normal operation, the voice command function is ended once route planning has been en-
tered successfully or the navigation system has not received a voice command for a certain period
of time. If necessary, however, you can also stop the voice command function before this. Proceed
as follows to stop the voice command function for your navigation system:

Operation using the voice command function

• To deactivate voice command, say Cancel (alternatively: Cancel dialogue, Abort, End). A tone
then sounds (a descending tone sequence): The voice command function on your navigation
device is now deactivated.
• Alternatively, if your navigation device has a so-called Push-to-Talk-button (PTT), you can press
this for around 2 seconds. A tone then sounds (a descending tone sequence): The voice com-
mand function on your navigation device is now deactivated.

The allocation of the PTT function button differs from device to device. Infor-
mation regarding which button carries out the PTT function on your device
can be found in the device manual.

The voice command or voice recognition function is based in principle on the language set when
your navigation device is installed. If, for example, you have selected "German" as the language
for your navigation system, the voice command function will also be in German. The following
points must be observed when using the voice command function:
• Try to speak naturally!
• Strong dialects, speaking too clearly or too loudly may interfere with the voice command func-
• When using the voice command function, avoid loud background noise such as the radio or ven-
• For safety reasons, entries may not be made by the driver whilst driving: Please make the nec-
essary entries before beginning the journey.

There are special terms for destinations entered for journeys abroad: While
entries for functional control (such as the destination entry itself) are made in
the pre-set language (e. g. German), the destination and street names must
be entered in the language of the destination country: for planning a route to
a destination in France, the destination information must be entered in
French. This can, however, lead to voice recognition being affected by foreign

The voice command function in practice

In the menus there are selected functions which can be controlled using the voice command func-
tion. The following section describes which functions can be controlled using the voice command
function and which commands must be given to do so. As a rule, there is a choice of several inter-
changeable commands meaning the same thing for each function.

Along with the specific commands in each menu, there are commands for basic control and navi-
gation. The following commands are identical in all menus:

Operation using the voice command function

Function command Voice com- Alternative voice commands

Reject term/suggestion/command No
Accept term/suggestion/command Yes OK
Go back a step Back
Cancel dialog Cancel Abort
Open help Help
Repeat entry Repeat Repeat entry, please repeat, repeat,

The selection of an option from a list is also identical for all menus:

Function command Voice com- Alternative voice commands

Select first option One
Select second option Two
Select third option Three
Select fourth option Four
Go to next page Scroll down downwards, more, next page
Go to previous page Scroll up upwards, up, previous page

The following instructions apply to entering numbers:

Entering the... Note

house number Please say the house number as a whole number (e.g.: 46
must be said forty-six).
Postcode Please say the postcode as a series of individual numbers
(e.g.: 91058 must be said nine one zero five eight).

You can also carry out individual commands manually at any time whilst us-
ing the voice command function: The voice command function can then be
continued as normal with the next step.

The following assumes that you have already activated voice command mode. If the navigation
device cannot interpret a voice command, you will hear the message "Excuse me?" Repeat your
voice command. If the command can be interpreted it will be carried out immediately, or, if there is
a choice of more than one option, a list will appear.

If you do not issue a voice command after the tone or entry prompt, you will also hear "Excuse
me?". If there is still no voice command, a help message will be announced and the dialog will ul-
timately be cancelled.

Operation using the voice command function

The voice command function features a help function, which you can access
by saying Help. The help announcement can be cancelled at any time by
pressing the PTT button or by pressing again on the touchscreen for longer.
The entire user guide is designed to make the voice command function as
easy as possible. In case of doubt, you can repeat entries and an announce-
ment informs you of the currrently available options.

Voice command function in the navigation menu

Here you can say:

Voice command Action

Enter address Opens the menu for entering an address
Route manager Opens the route manager
Search for other destination Opens the menu Search for Other Destination
Stop route^n^guidance Ends the current navigation
(Show) map Switches to the map view
Options Opens the menu Settings
Extras/Other applications Opens the menu Extras
Last locations Opens the selection list Last Locations

Destination entry using the voice command function

You can use the Enter address command to enter your destination using the voice command func-
tion. Proceed as follows:
1. Name the desired town when prompted. If more than one destination can be assigned to the
place name, these destinations are displayed in a list. Alternatively you can say Change coun-
try or Enter postcode in order to change the destination county or enter the postcode of the
destination via voice command.
2. After entering the destination, you will be asked to say the street name: If the street name said
is not recognised clearly, the names interpreted will be shown in a list. Say the number of the
desired entry on the list (e. g. 3). Alternatively you can say Change town, City centre or Points
of interest to change the destination entry.

Operation using the voice command function

3. After entering the street name, you will be asked to say the house number: If the house num-
ber is not recognised clearly, the entries interpreted will be shown in a list. Say the number of
the desired entry on the list (e. g. 3).
Alternatively you can say Change street, Middle of street or Crossroads to change the destina-
tion entry.

The destination entered is shown on the Detail information screen. Your navigation system will
now ask if you would like to start navigation. Say Yes (or OK), to start route calculation.

Here you can also save the destination as a favourite using the voice commands of the same na-
me (command: Place as favourite), enter another destination (command: Other destination), redi-
rect the navigation to a parking place near the destination (command: Park nearby) or call up the
route options (command: Route options).

Selecting other destinations using the voice command function

You can use the Search for other destination command to select your destination from other desti-
nations using the voice command function. Proceed as follows:
1. In the navigation menu, say Search for other destination: the Search for other destination se-
lection menu then opens.
2. Say the desired entry in this menu. You have the following options:
o Last locations
If you have already entered destinations, you can select the desired entry using the rele-
vant number in the selection list: Say the number of the desired entry in the list (e. g. 1).
You also have the option of resetting the selection list by saying Delete all.
o Points of interest
Here you can select the desired point of interest category using the relevant entry. De-
pending on the category you have selected, you can select the desired point of interest
entry by name. Alternatively, you can say Display all POIs .
You then have to refine your search: Say At a certain place or Nearby. If you have already
entered a route, you can also select the options Along the route or At destination.
o Phone book (if available for your device)
Say Phone book to access the data saved in your phone book. You can find further infor-
mation about the phone book in the relevant documentation.
o Favourites
If you have already entered favourites, you can select the desired entry using the relevant
number in the selection list: Say the number of the desired entry in the list (e. g. 1). You
also have the option of resetting the selection list by saying Delete all.
To create a new favourite, say New favourite: In the New favourite menu, you can now
say Enter new destination and Points of interest.
By saying More, you can also go to another menu page: you can use the voice com-
mands Current position , Coordinates, Destination from map and (if available for your de-
vice) Phone book here.
Alternatively, you can select the favourite using the options at the upper edge of the
screen by saying the relevant number.
o Destination from map
Say Destination from map to enter the destination in the map view. Any additional entries
are made manually.
o Coordinates
Say Coordinates to enter the destination using its coordinates. Any additional entries are
made manually.

Operation using the voice command function

Voice command function in the route manager

Here you can say:

Voice command Action

Route planning Opens the menu Route planning
Route information Opens the menu Route information
Avoid route Opens the menu Avoid route
Route simulation Starts the simulation of a planned route
Back Switches to the navigation menu

Route planning using the voice command function

Proceed as follows to select the Route planning menu using the voice command function:
1. Say Route planning. The selection menu for Route planning is opened.
2. Select the desired option. Choose from the following:
o Destination entry in the list
If the list already contains destinations, say the number for the desired entry in the list (e.
g. 3).
o Add destination
Use this command to open the destination entry (see previous chapter).
o Optimise route
Use this command to optimise the current planned route.
o Load/Save
Use this command to open the Load/Save Route menu. If you want to save the current
route, say Save current route: you then have to enter the name manually.
If you want to load a planned route, say the number of the desired entry in the list (e. g.
2). The route is then loaded.

Other options in this menu must be selected manually.

Call up route information using the voice command function

Proceed as follows to select the Route information menu using the voice command function:
1. Change to the Route manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Say Route information. The selection menu for this is opened.
3. Here you can select from the following options:
o If you have already entered a destination and/or navigation is active, you can say the option
Directions: all route information, along with the distance, is given in a list on the Directions
screen and therefore acts as a preview for the planned manoeuvre. Say Back to leave this
o If you have already entered a destination and/or navigation is active, you can say the option
Traffic situation (alternatively: traffic information): All traffic information, along with the dis-
tance, is shown in a list on the Traffic situation screen. Say Back to leave this screen.
o If you have already entered a destination and/or navigation is active, you can say the option
Current position, Starting point, Overview or Destination area: The current selection is dis-
played on the screen in the map view.

Operation using the voice command function

o If you have already entered a destination and/or the navigation is active, you can say the
option Route options: further operation is described in the section "Route options" on the
next page.If you change the route options, the route will be adjusted immediately.

In the map view you also have the following options for adjusting the display:
• By saying Zoom in, you can increase the map’s size and the current zoom level.
• By saying Zoom out, you can reduce the map’s size and the current zoom level.
• By saying Centre (alternatively: centre map), you can adjust the map section depending on the
menu selection Route manager > Route information (see section Route information):

o Your current position will be displayed in the centre of the map.

o The route starting point will be displayed in the centre of the map.
o The target destination will be displayed in the centre of the map.

o An overview of the route will be displayed in the centre of the map.

Avoiding a route using the voice command function

Proceed as follows to operate the Avoid route menu using the voice command function:
1. Change to the Route manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Say Avoid route. The relevant selection menu is opened and you are prompted to enter the
length of the route to be avoided. Say the desired option (100/500 m, 1/2/5/10/15/25 km).
3. Once the distance has been selected, you are prompted to enter how far away (based on your
current position) you wish to avoid the route. Say the desired option (Immediately, 100/500 m,
1/2/5/10/15 km).
4. Once the distance has been selected, the route is updated automatically and your navigation
device switches back to map view.

Starting route simulation using the voice command function

Proceed as follows to start the simulation of an existing route:
1. Change to the Route manager, if you have not already done so.
2. Say Route simulation.

Your navigation system starts simulating the navigation automatically.

Calling up Extras using the voice command function

Proceed as follows to select the Extras selection menu using the voice command function:
• Say Extras (or applications, additional applications ), while in the navigation menu or Settings
menu. The Extras menu is then opened: Here you can access other programs such as the MP3
Player, Picture Viewer, the phone book and others.

Adjusting the settings

If required, you can select various settings for your navigation system using the voice command
function and adjust them as described below. To do this, call up the Settings selection menu: If you
have opened the menu manually, you now have to activate the PTT button on the device or touch
any point on the screen for around two seconds.

Operation using the voice command function

Route options
Say Route options. The selection menu for route options is opened and you are asked to select
the desired route. Say one of the following options:
o Active route
o Standard
o Alternative 1
o Alternative 2

After you have selected the desired route, you can call up the following options:
• Type of vehicle
After selection, you can say the option Car, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Motorcycle or Slow vehicle.
• Route type
After selection, you can say the option Short, Clever Routes (depending on the version), Fast
and Economical.
• Traffic jam avoidance
After selection, you can say the option None, Manual or Automatic.
• Ferries
After selection, you can say the option Use, Avoid or Exclude.
• Motorways
After selection, you can say the option Use, Avoid or Exclude.
• Toll roads
After selection, you can say the option Use, Avoid or Exclude.

After the desired route option is selected, the corresponding sub-menu is closed.

Language settings
Say Language settings to open the relevant settings menu. Say one of the following options:
• Language
After selection you can change the current language by saying the entry for the respective lan-
guage. Please note that the device has to be restarted before the selected language is acti-
• Keyboard (layout)
After selection you can switch the current layout for the onscreen keyboard by saying the de-
sired entry (ABC, QWERTZ, QWERTY, AZERTY, Cyrillic, Greek or Icelandic).
• Voice announcements
o Street names
After selection, you can say the option Use or Avoid.
o Traffic advice
After selection, you can say the option Use or Avoid.
o Directions
After selection, you can say the option Use or Avoid.

Operation using the voice command function

Device settings
Say Device settings to open the relevant settings menu. Further operation of this menu is carried
out manually.

Say Display to open the relevant settings menu. Say one of the following options:
o Map view
After selection, you can say the option Map only, Arrow view, Map off, Splitscreen, Map
and arrow or Map and splitscreen.
o Day/night design
After selection, you can say the option Automatic, Day design or Night design .
o 2D map orientation
After selection, you can say the option North up, In direction of travel or Optimised .
o 3D elements (if available for your device)
After selection, you can say the option No, Buildings, height relief or With buildings and
height relief .
o Points of interest
After selection you can say the option Map, Points of interest, Map or Preferred petrol sta-
tions. Further operation of this menu is carried out manually.
o Time format
The status of the function switches between 24 h and 12 h by voice command.
o Auto-zoom
After selection, you can say the option Nearby, Middle or Far .
o Automatic dimming
The status of the function switches between Intelligent and Standard by voice command.
o Map elements
After selection you can say the option Hide, Display or Transparent.
o Junction view
The status of the function switches between Activated and Deactivated by voice com-

Program settings
Say Program settings to open the relevant settings menu. Say one of the following options:
o TMC settings
After selection you can say the option Station search: the status of the function is swit-
ched between Manual and Automatic by voice command.
o If the station search is set to Manual, you can say the option TMC provider. The status
of the function is switched between All und Premium TMC by voice command.
o If the station search is set to Automatic, further operation of this menu is carried out
o Time zone
After selection, you can say one of the following options (e. g. Athens, Istanbul, Minsk).
o Security mode
When you say the menu option, the current setting is switched immediately. You can now
say a different menu option in order to change it.

Operation using the voice command function

o Active map
After selection, you can say one of the following options (depending on device).
o Plot GPS track
When you say the menu option, the current setting is switched immediately. You can now
say a different menu option in order to change it.
o Unit
When you say the menu option, the current setting is switched immediately. You can now
say a different menu option in order to change it.

Configure special functions

Say Configure special functions to open the relevant settings menu. Say the following option:
• Warning signs
After selection, you can say the option Use or Avoid.
• Speed limit warning
After selection you can say one of the options (do not warn, display only or at 5/10/15/20/25/30
kilometres per hour).

Settings assistant
Say Settings Assistant to open the relevant settings menu.

Voice command in the map view

Using the voice command function you can switch between the menu and map view, if required, by
saying Map (alternatively: Show map, Map view).
• If you are in the menu view, use the voice command Map (alternatively: Show map, Map view)
to go to the map view.
• If you are in the map view, switch to menu view by using the voice command Menu (alterna-
tively: Navigation menu).

In the map view you have the following options for adjusting the display:
• By saying Zoom in, you can increase the map’s size and the current zoom level.
• By saying Zoom out, you can reduce the map’s size and the current zoom level.
• Using the voice command Centre (alternatively: centre map), adjust the map section so that your
current position is displayed in the centre.

If required, you can change the display mode of the map in the following ways:
• By saying Display compass (alternatively: Compass view, Compass) you can open the compass
• Using the voice commands Split-screen, Map only, Map with arrow, Map off and Arrow view,
switch between the respective display options.
• By saying 3D (alternatively: 3D display, 3D view) you activate the three dimensional map dis-
• By saying North (alternatively: 2D north, North view, Display north, North map, Northern view),
you activate the two-dimensional, north-oriented map display.
• By saying 2D (alternatively: Display 2D, Show 2D, 2D view, 2D map, 2D perspective) you acti-
vate the normal two-dimensional map display.
• You can activate the map orientation to the direction of travel using the voice command Map in
direction of travel (alternatively: Direction of travel).

Operation using the voice command function

If required, you can also call up the following functions:

• Using the voice command Quick menu, you can open the menu view Quick menu: here you can
say one of the available options. Say Back to leave this screen.
• When the navigation is active, you can say Avoid route, otherwise this voice command is not ac-
tive. Further operation is described in the section Avoiding a route using the voice command
• When the navigation is active, you can say Directions, otherwise this voice command is not ac-
tive. Further operation is described in the section Call up route information using the voice com-
mand function.
• When the navigation is active, you can say Traffic conditions, otherwise this voice command is
not active. Further operation is described in the section Call up route information using the voice
command function.
• Say Route options. Further operation is described in the section Route options.

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 5: Adjusting theSettings

Specific settings for the navigation
After you have selected an operating mode, you can call up the settings assistant in the Settings
menu, and it guides you through all the most important settings step-by-step. In simple mode, the
assistant only offers certain settings which can be adjusted and sets all remaining settings to de-
fault values. In advanced mode, the settings can be adjusted at any time in the assistants and at a
later date in the Settings menu to meet your personal needs. Open the menu Settings using the
button , available in the advanced mode at the lower edge of the screen in the Navigation

In simple mode, you have no direct access to all setting options for the navi-
gation software. It is possible to adjust the Quick menu in the map display to
operate selected settings menus (see Adjusting the Quick menu settings), but
this is not recommended.

Choose from the following setting menus:

• Route options

• Display

• Language settings

• Program settings

• Device settings

• Configure special functions

• Settings assistant

The following describes the available setting menus as well as the setting options available there.
In advanced mode, the chosen settings can be changed again at any time.

Adjusting the settings

Adjusting the route options

This sub-menu allows you to adapt the route calculation and navigation to your current personal
needs. Note that the route options can affect each other: Depending on the selection of route type,
other route options will be automatically deactivated.

After you have called up the Route options menu, you first have to select the route for which the
options are to be adjusted. You can choose from the following routes:
o Active route
Here, you can change the route options of the current calculated and active route.
o Standard
Here, you can change the route options that will be used in future to calculate the stan-
dard route.
o Alternative 1/Alternative 2
Here, you can change the route options that will be used in future to calculate alternative

Using the buttons in the Route options menu, you can select the desired route to adjust the re-
spective route options. The following options are generally available for selection:
• Type of vehicle

o Cars
Route calculation has been optimised for cars. Road traffic regulations are in effect for
this setting: This means that all roads may generally be used; however one-way streets
may only be driven on in the proper direction of travel. As a rule, pedestrian zones are not
directly accessible and a corresponding message is emitted.

o Slow vehicle
The route calculation is provided for all vehicles which are limited to a certain maximum
speed due to their design (such as heavy goods vehicles and coaches). With the excep-
tion of the adjusted speed profile, the same instructions apply here as for the car option
(see above).

o Pedestrians
Route calculation has been optimised for Pedestrians (possible in a radius of up to 50 km
from the current position): Footpaths and cycling paths have also been taken into account
when calculating the route; one-way streets can be used in both directions of travel and
pedestrian zones are directly accessible. The shortest route is always calculated and the
traffic jam detour function is generally not active. The use of motorways and toll roads is
excluded; the corresponding route options are automatically deactivated (see later sec-

o Bicycle
Route calculation has been optimised for Bicycle (possible in a radius of up to 50 km
from the current position): Cycling paths have also been taken into account when calculat-
ing the route, pedestrian zones are directly accessible. The shortest route is always calcu-
lated and the traffic jam detour function is generally not active. The use of motorways and
toll roads is excluded; the corresponding route options are automatically deactivated (see
later section).

o Motorcycle
Route calculation has been optimised for motorcyclists. Road traffic regulations are in ef-
fect for this setting: This means that all roads may generally be used; however one-way
streets may only be driven on in the proper direction of travel. As a rule, pedestrian zones
are not directly accessible and a corresponding message is emitted. Motorways are avoi-
ded when calculating the route.

Adjusting the settings

• Route type

o Short
Route calculation optimised with respect to distance: The shortest possible route is calcu-

o Clever Routes (depending on the version)

With the Clever Routes option, the fastest possible routes are also identified. However, in
doing so the navigation device accesses specific information on traffic density which is in-
dicated in the map material: junctions for which there is the risk of a traffic jam at the time
of the route calculation, are avoided. Instead, an alternative route to the junctions is calcu-
lated, with optimised traffic flow.

o Fast
Route calculation optimised with respect to travel time: The fastest possible route is calcu-

o Economic
The route calculation represents a combination of the quickest and shortest route: This is
the economic route.
• By pass

o None
The traffic jam avoidance function is not active: Current traffic information (TMC) not ta-
ken into account during navigation.

o Manual
When the manual traffic jam avoidance function is active, a warning symbol on the map
view indicates the next traffic disruption on your route that will affect your travel time.

o Automatic
When the automatic traffic jam avoidance function is active, the navigation software au-
tomatically uses available traffic information to calculate detours around traffic disruptions
in your way that would affect your travel time. If taking the calculated alternative route
would lead to a greater loss of travel time than remaining on the current route, the system
displays the corresponding information.
• Ferries

o Use
The use of ferries is taken into account for the purposes of route calculation.

o Avoid
If the route can also be calculated without the use of ferries, ferry connections are avoided
in the route calculation.

o Exclude
The use of ferries is excluded from route calculation. If the route cannot be calculated in
this case, you will be asked to check the route options.
• Motorways

o Use
In addition to rural roads, B-roads and A-roads, motorways are also considered during
route calculations.

Adjusting the settings

o Avoid
If the route can also be calculated without the use of motorways, only rural roads, B-roads
and A-roads are accounted for during route calculations.

o Exclude
The use of motorways is excluded from route calculation: in any case, only rural roads, B-
roads and A-roads are considered during route calculation.
• Toll Roads

o Use
Toll roads are considered for route calculation.

o Avoid
If the route can also be calculated without the use of toll roads, toll roads are avoided in
the route calculation.

o Exclude
The use of toll roads is excluded from route calculation. If the route cannot be calculated
in this case, you will be asked to check the route options.

Although the map material is up-to-date at the time the device was delivered,
there is no guarantee that all of the toll roads are indicated.

Adjusting the Display

In this sub-menu you can adjust the appearance of the touchscreen on your navigation system to
meet your personal needs. Choose from the following options:
• Map view

o Map only
In the Map only mode, the map is still shown during a manoeuvre. A smaller version of
the manoeuvre arrow pops up in the map.

o Arrow view
In the arrow view mode, navigation is shown only by a manoeuvre arrow; no map view is
shown. You can also use the Quick menu to activate the arrow view.

o Map off
In the Map off mode, no information is shown on the touchscreen: navigation is via voice
commands only.

o Split screen
In the Split screen mode, the display is divided. While the map is shown on the right side
of the screen, you can choose between points of interest and the arrow view on the left
side. In the points of interest view, the closest points of interest are available for direct se-
lection; in arrow view, manoeuvre arrows show the navigation.

o Map and arrow

In the Map and arrow mode, the display changes dynamically from map view to arrow
view during a manoeuvre. After the manoeuvre, the display switches back to map view.

Adjusting the settings

o Map and Splitscreen

In the Map and Splitscreen mode, the display changes dynamically from map view to
split-screen view during a manoeuvre. After the manoeuvre, the display switches back to
map view.
• Day/night design

o Automatic
Map design adjusts automatically to daylight or darkness depending on the current time.

o Day design
The map is displayed in a design optimised for daylight viewing.

o Night design
The map is displayed in a design optimised for night time viewing.

In advanced mode, you can adjust the settings for daytime and night time
viewing as needed in the menu Settings > Device settings > Screen settings
> Set brightness (see section Screen settings).

• Points of interest

o Map
You can select the points of interest categories to be displayed in map view in this selec-
tion list. Browse list using the buttons and and tap the button or next to the
points of interest category: the display status is switched accordingly and the selection is
transferred to the map.

o Splitscreen
In this selection list, you can select which points of interest categories are shown in the
split-screen and are available for selection (points of interest category selection mode).
Browse list using the buttons and and tap the button or next to the points of
interest category: the display status is switched accordingly and the selection is trans-
ferred to the selection keys in the split-screen.

o Preferred petrol stations

In this selection list you select which petrol station brand(s) should be shown on the map
and in the split-screen. Browse the list using the buttons and and tap the button
or next to the petrol station brand to switch the display status.

Using the button Deactivate all or Activate all, available in the footer of the
screen, you can switch the status of all available entries globally.

• 2D map orientation

o North up
In the North up mode the map is alway shown in the direction of north: in real terms, this
means that direction you are travelling in may differ from or even be the complete oppo-
site of the map orientation.

Adjusting the settings

o Map in direction of travel

In the Map in direction of travel mode the map is always shown in the direction you are
currently travelling in: depending on the level of zoom, it may be that the region or land
you are currently driving in is shown on its side or upside down on the screen.

o Optimised
In the Optimised mode the map is oriented to the north or the direction of travel, depend-
ing on the map scale. In real terms this means that
o At high zoom levels (extreme enlargement of the map section), the map is displayed
in the direction of travel, thus making orientation based on the surroundings easier.
o At low zoom levels (minimal enlargement of the map section), the map is automati-
cally rotated so that it always faces north: This mode improves clarity and prevents
countries or regions from being displayed upside down.

Switching between the 2D and tilted 3D map view is only possible using the
onscreen compass symbol.

• 3D elements
If 3D map display has been activated using the compass symbol in the map view, the following
display options are available. In this mode, the display is always in the direction of travel.

o None
In the None mode, the map is only shown tilted, but contains no information on topogra-
phy in the environment.

o With Buildings
In the With Buildings mode, selected POIs along the route are shown three-
dimensionally, to provide improved orientation.

o With Height Relief

In the With Height Relief mode, the environment along the route is shown in height relief.

o With Buildings and Height Relief

In the With Buildings and Height Relief mode, selected POIs are shown with a height re-
lief view.

For the following settings use the button More settings to go to the next page in the menu Dis-
• Time format

o 24 h
All time information within the navigation software is displayed using the 24-hour clock.

o 12 h
All time information within the navigation software is displayed using the 12-hour format
• Automatic dimming
This option is only relevant for the battery mode of your navigation device. It decreases the
amount of energy used by your device in order to increase operational performance.

Adjusting the settings

o Standard
In Standard mode screen brightness will automatically be dimmed (day mode: Brightness
night; night mode: Reduced brightness night), if the device is not used for 30 seconds and
there is no manoeuvre pending.
If the device is used or a manouevre is pending (car/motorbike: in 5 kilometers; bicycle in
750m) screen brightness will automatically reset to Brightness day as defined by the de-
vice settings (see Screen settings) and subsequently be dimmed again.

o Intelligent
In Intelligentmode screen brightness in night mode is graduated more precisely: depend-
ing on the distance to the next manouevre, screen brightness will automatically switch be-
tween minimal brightness (distance to next manouevre: >5 kilometres), a reduced Bright-
ness night (distance to next manouevre: 2.5 - 5 kilometres) and Brightness night as de-
fined in the device settings, (distance to next manouevre: <2.5 kilometres or device is be-
ing operated). Screen brightness will subsequently be dimmed again automatically.
• Auto-zoom

o Nearby
The current map section is magnified to a high zoom level.

o Medium
When the autozoom function is active, the current map section is enlarged to a medium
zoom level if a manoeuvre is to be performed soon.

o Far
The current map section is reduced to a low zoom level.
• Map elements
With this option, you can adapt the display of the map elements (compass, zoom, volume and, if
available for your device, Bluetooth keys ) to the map view.

o Hide
When this option is active, all map elements are hidden automatically when the display is
not used for more than 20 seconds. When you tap the screen again, the map elements
reappear straight away. To use the map elements, you must, however, tap again on the
respective map element.

o Show
When this option is active, all map elements are permanently visible on the screen. If you
tap one of the buttons, the corresponding function is called up immediately.

o Transparent
When this option is active, all map elements are displayed transparently when the display
is not used for more than 20 seconds. When you tap the screen again, the map elements
immediately appear again as opaque: if you tap the transparent buttons, the correspond-
ing function is called up immediately.
• Junction view
With this option you can change the map view prior to manoeuvres. Depending on the distance
to the manoeuvre, an enlarged display of the next junction can be shown instead of the map, al-
lowing detailed turn-off info to be shown on the display.

o Activated
When this option is active, the junction is shown as a full-screen display regardless of the
distance to the next manoeuvre and the navigation for this junction is marked. With active
junction view, the map elements for zoom, compass and hands-free cannot be used. Fol-
lowing the manoeuvre, the screen changes to the previously set display.

Adjusting the settings

o Deactivated
When this option is active, the navigation is shown in the active map display. All map
elements can still be used during the manoeuvre.

Adjusting the language settings

In this sub-menu you can adjust language-specific parameters.
• Language
The menu language of the navigation software is pre-set by selecting the country-specific instal-
lation file or by selecting the language during installation.

If several languages have been pre-installed on your navigation device, you can select another
language by tapping the desired entry in the selection list displayed here.

Subsequent installation of other languages is possible by selecting country-
specific installation files in the GoPal® Assistant (see Actions using the Con-
tent Import Wizard).

• Keyboard selection

Entries are made alphanumerically (e. g. country, place and street names) on a keyboard
with an alphabetically organised standard keyboard layout.
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the QWERTZ keyboard layout developed for
typewriters and computer keyboards, intended for German-speaking areas as well as Po-
land and the Czech Republic.
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the QWERTY keyboard layout developed for
typewriters and computer keyboards, intended for English-speaking areas, Scandinavia,
Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal and the Netherlands.
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the AZERTY keyboard layout developed for
typewriters and computer keyboards, intended for French-speaking countries.
o Cyrillic
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the keyboard layout developed for the Rus-
sian Cyrillic alphabet.
o Greek
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the keyboard layout developed for the Greek
Cyrillic alphabet.
o Icelandic
The arrangement of the keys is switched to the keyboard layout developed for the Ice-
landic alphabet.

• Voice announcements

o Street names
If this option is active, the street name is announced for the next manoeuvre.

Adjusting the settings

o Traffic advice
If this option is active, traffic advice is given.

o Directions
If this option is active, the direction is announced for the next manoeuvre.

Adjusting the Program settings

In this sub-menu you can adjust program-specific parameters.

• TMC settings
This sub-menu allows you to adjust the reception of TMC, TMCpro, V-Trafic and Trafficmaster
traffic news, as long as these services are available in this version of your navigation software.

TMC is a digital radio data service which transmits information about traffic
congestion via the Radio Data System (RDS) and can be interpreted by your
navigation device. TMC uses data supplied by the police, traffic jam reports,
automobile associations or other available sources.
If your navigation device is equipped with Premium TMC, more precise TMC
information will be available to you. Such information is gained from different
providers depending on the country and is usually subject to an associated
charge. Your Medion GoPal uses this information without incurring further
charges. In Germany this means TMCpro, in France the V-Trafic traffic ser-
vice and Trafficmaster in Great Britain.
In contrast to standard TMC, TMCpro accesses information recorded by au-
tomatic data sensors on motorway bridges, sensors integrated into the car-
riageway and vehicles with "Floating Car Data" (FCD) technology.
The reception quality of the traffic service signal is indicated via the status
indicator on the upper edge of the map view.

• Station search

o Automatic
Your navigation device automatically searches for a station. With this option, the buttons
and have no function for frequency selection. If reception quality deteriorates, the
device immediately starts searching for a new station.

o Manual
Using the manual station search, you can permanently set a TMC station using the
and buttons. If reception quality deteriorates, the device does not search for a new sta-
• TMC Provider

o All
Your navigation device receives TMC and Premium TMC news at the same time: TMCpro
traffic information is indicated separately in the list display.

o Premium TCM
Your navigation device receives only Premium TMC news, TMCpro, V-Trafic or Traf-
ficmaster (if available for your device).

Adjusting the settings

• Time zone

o The navigation software time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time. This setting cor-
responds to the time zone in Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.

o The time zone of the navigation software is preset to GMT+1:00 (Greenwich Mean
Time plus 1 hour). This setting corresponds to the time zone in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome.

o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 2 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Athens, Istanbul, Minsk.

o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 2 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Helsinki, Kiev, Riga, Sofia.

o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 3 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Volgograd.
o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 4 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Samara.
o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 5 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Ekaterinburg.
o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 6 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Omsk.
o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 7 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Krasnoyarsk.

o The time zone is set to Greenwich Mean Time plus 8 hours. This setting corresponds
to the time zone in Irkutstk.
• Security mode

o Activated
With this option you can activate the security mode: The security mode disables touch-
screen operation of the device while driving to prevent distracting you from the traffic.

o Deactivated
With this option you can deactivate the security mode: Touchscreen operation of the de-
vice is possible while driving.
• Active map

o The selection for the currently active map material is displayed here. If you have in-
stalled additional map material on your navigation system, you can select alternative
maps here.
• Plot GPS track

o Deactivated
The route already driven or completed is not plotted and saved as a GPS track on your
navigation device.

o Activated
If you select this option, current route plotting begins immediately. Plotting is stopped if
you reset the information in theTrip info view (see the Trip info section) or select the Plot
GPS track: Deactivated option.

Adjusting the settings

• Unit

o Kilometres
All information on routes is provided in metric form. Announcements and information of
distance on the screen are based on kilometres/metres.

o Miles
All information on routes is provided in an Angloamerican form. Announcements and in-
formation of distance on the screen are based on miles/yards.
• Version information
This button displays the manufacturer and version information for the currently installed
map material. In addition, version information for the software version currently installed on
your device is shown in the footer.

Adjusting the device settings

Choose from the following setting menus:
• Volume
• Screen settings
• Energy options
• Security (depending on device)
• FM transmitter (depending on device)
• Factory settings

Tap one of the buttons to open the corresponding sub-menu. To close the menu again, tap the

In this sub-menu, you can set the volume individually for the voice output, the key click and audio
playback of MP3 files via the additional MP3 player application. The volume set here applies
equally to playback via the internal speakers and via the earphone connection on your navigation

The buttons and allow you to individually lower or raise the volume for the respective signal
output in seven steps. Output for the respective signal is muted at the lowest level.

Screen settings
This sub-menu allows you to individually adjust the brightness settings for daytime/nighttime op-
eration and to calibrate the screen.

• When you tap the Setup brightness button, you can individually lower or raise the Bright-
ness level for hours of operation daytime and nightime in eight steps using the buttons and
. The day/night design in display settings is based on the values entered here (see page 47).
• Tapping the Calibrate display button allows you to recalibrate the touchscreen of your na-
vigation device. This becomes necessary when the entries on the touchscreen no longer corre-
spond to the actions performed: For example, the assignment of keys to appropriate symbols or
commands may deviate from the instructions.
To calibrate the device, follow the instructions on the screen by tapping the target sign. Finally,
accept the new settings by tapping the screen again.

Adjusting the settings

If you format the flash memory of your navigation device in order to, for ex-
ample, update to a newer version of the software, the screen must also be
recalibrated during installation (refer also to the device manual).
The brightness settings will be saved and the stored value will be used the
next time your start-up your navigation system.

• Comfort Light (if available for your device) refers to a LED integrated into your device, which
ensures a pleasant environment and a more relaxed journey, especially at night. You can switch
between the following options using the relevant selection menu.
o On
The Comfort Light LED ist always active regardless of the current time.
o Off
The Comfort Light LED is always inactive regardless of the current time.
o Automatic
The Comfort Light LED is activated or deactivated depending on the day/ night mode

Power management
This sub-menu enables you to adapt the energy options for either battery or mains operation. The
current charge of the battery is displayed on a bar chart on the lower portion of the screen.
• If you tap the selection menu under the entry Charging you can select one of the following op-
tions from the list in the relevant pop-up menu:
o Deactivated
The navigation device is never switched off.
o 15/30/45 minutes/ 1/2 hours
If the navigation device is neither in use nor currently navigating, it is switched to stand-by
mode following a pre-set period of time: When you press the ON/OFF switch, the device
is reactivated and the most recently active screen is displayed.
• If you tap the selection menu under the entry Battery Mode you can select one of the following
options from the list in the relevant pop-up menu:
o Deactivated
The navigation device is only switched off when the capacity of the internal battery has
been exhausted.
o 15/30/45 minutes/ 1/2 hours
If the navigation device is neither in use nor currently navigating, it is switched to stand-by
mode following a pre-set period of time: When you press the ON/OFF switch, the device
is reactivated and the most recently active screen is displayed.
• In the Auto off menu you determine how the device reacts when the power supply plug is pulled
out while charging or while the device is in operation.
o Deactivated
The device remains switched on regardless of the status of the power supply until the in-
ternal voltage has been exhausted. In this case, the settings given for power option Bat-
tery Mode (see above) are valid.
o 1 Minute
When you tap the option 1 Minute in the list, the device is automatically switched off 1 mi-
nute after the plug has been pulled out.

Adjusting the settings

o 2 Minutes
When you tap the option 2 Minutes in the list, the device is automatically switched off 2
minutes after the plug has been pulled out.
o 5 Minutes
When you tap the option 5 Minutes in the list, the device is automatically switched off 2
minutes after the plug has been pulled out.

If you did not select Auto off: Deactivated, your navigation device displays the following screen af-
ter the power supply plug has been pulled out.

• The button returns you to the screen that was active before the plug was pulled out.
• The button switches the device off.
• The button restarts the device.

If you do not make any entry, the device switches to Standby mode after 5 minutes.

Please be aware that this function is only available on certain types of device.

• In the Auto on menu you determine how the device reacts when it is in Standby mode and a
power supply plug is connected.
o Activated
The device leaves the Standby mode automatically after it is connected to the power sup-
o Deactivated
The device remains in Standby mode even after it has been connected to the power sup-

Your navigation system gives you the option of protecting your system from access using a user-
defined password. More information on the security settings can be found in the device manual.

Please be aware that this setting is only available on certain types of device.

Adjusting the settings

FM transmitter
Further information about the FM transmitter settings can be found in the device manual.

Please be aware that this setting is only available on certain types of device.

Factory settings
This button allows you to restore the factory default settings to the device. All personal settings
such as favourites or the last entered destinations are deleted in the process: Accordingly, you
should only perform this function when you no longer need this information.

When you tap the button, a confirmation message pops up on your navigation device. Tap the
button to restore the factory settings: Otherwise you can cancel the process with the button.

After the restart you must then select the language within the software. In addition, you have an-
other opportunity to familiarise yourself with your navigation system by way of a brief introduction
after the navigation software starts: You can also skip this step and start operating your navigation
system immediately, as required.

For the following settings, use the button More settings to go to the next page in the Settings me-

Adjusting the special functions

• Warning signs

o Activated
If this option is activated warning signs notify you of hazardous areas and special traffic
rules while driving.

o Deactivated
If this option is not activated, you are not given visual indications of hazardous areas and
traffic rules.
• Speed limit warning

o Do not warn
The information stored in the map material for each section of route about the permitted
maximum speed limit is not displayed on the screen or documented with an acoustic war-
ning when exceeded.

o Display only
The speed limit for this section of road is displayed on the map but your navigation sys-
tem does not emit an acoustic signal when the limit is exceeded.

o At 5 km/h (alternative settings: 10/15/20/25/30 km/h)

The speed limit for this section of road is displayed on the map. Your navigation system
also emits an acoustic warning signal when you exceed the speed limit by the selected

Adjusting the settings

Depending on the distance format in the Program settings > Units (see
Adjusting the Program settings), exceeding the speed limit is measured and
announced in kilometres per hour (kilometres) or miles per hour (miles). Ho-
wever, the actual measurement for exceeding the speed limit is always based
on the distance format stated in the map material and valid in the respective
country: For example, the measurement for exceeding the speed limit in Eng-
land is made in miles even if you have selected Kilometres for the distance

Settings assistant
Using this button you can start the settings assistant: The settings assistant helps you select ap-
propriate settings for your navigation device: You adjust the settings in steps by navigating be-
tween the setting options using the and keys. The settings assistant can be opened at any
time and closed using the button. The settings made so far overwrite the settings that were
previously valid for your navigation device.

In the operating mode Simple mode, the settings assistant can be accessed
directly using the button of the same name in the navigation menu, allowing
you to adjust the settings for the basic operation of your navigation device.

Adjusting the Quick menu settings

The Quick menu is available by pressing the button located in the lower right corner of the
map view, giving you direct access to functions otherwise only available using the conventional

In the operating mode Simple mode only the Quick menu provides access to
all the advanced functions and settings of your navigation device. The as-
signment of functions to Quick menu buttons is identical for the simple and
advanced modes.

This allows you, for example, to assign the option Avoid route to one of the Quick menu buttons:
when you tap the button, you will in future be taken directly to the Length of avoided route input
field in the Route manager. For example, you could also assign the Travel Guide application from
Extras to another Quick menu button in order to call it up directly. Doing this allows you to config-
ure up to four frequently used functions and call them up quickly using the Quick menu buttons.

Adjusting the settings

Proceed as follows to assign the desired functions to the buttons in the Quick menu:
1. Tap on the button Quick menu settings in the toolbar in the Quick menu. A message then
appears, prompting you to select one of the screen keys to change its function.
2. Tap any button to set up a new function assignment or to change the existing assignment.
3. On the screen Quick menu settings, tap the button for the main group belonging to the desired
function. Choose from the following main groups:
o Destination entry
o Points of interest
o Route information
o Options
o Extras
o Other views
4. Tap the button for the desired function available for selection within the main group. This func-
tion is now assigned to the Quick menu button.

If you wish to leave this screen without making a selection, tap the .

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 6: Manual installation and

The Windows CE operating system has already been installed on your navigation device. In addi-
tion, software components such as the navigation software or map material for various countries
(depending on the version) may already be pre-installed on the device or on the memory card
supplied. If that is not the case, you must first install the navigation software as well as the map
material necessary for route planning before operating your navigation system.

If you are updating or would like to install subsequently purchased navigation software or addi-
tional maps or POI files to your navigation device, you must remove individual or all data installed
on your device before installing the newly purchased software. The following data can be manually
installed by the user:
• GoPal® Navigator navigation software
• Map material in the form of PSF files
• Point of interest data (POI data) in the form of PSF data
• Voice recognition data in the form of TSD data (depending on device)

Even though it is possible to install files manually, we recommend that you
use the GoPal® Assistant supplied with the software to transfer and update
software components on your navigation system. The next chapter describes
the installation and data exchange using the GoPal® Assistant.

The manual transfer of software components from CD/DVD to your mobile navigation device takes
place in Windows Explorer on your PC. Select one of the two following methods to exchange data
between your navigation system and your PC:
• If you have installed the Microsoft ActiveSync® software from a CD/DVD, you can connect your
navigation device directly to the USB port of your PC using the USB cable supplied in order to
synchronise the desired data. In this case, you have direct access to the internal flash memory
of your navigation device.
• If your PC has a card reading device, you can insert the external memory card supplied directly
and manually move the data in the file explorer. In this case, you do not have direct access to
the internal flash memory of your navigation device.

Initial operation
Depending on the version of your navigation system, the software necessary for operation may not
have been pre-installed on your navigation device and can instead be found on the memory card
supplied: an appropriate comment indicating this can be found in the readme file as well as on the
packaging of your navigation device. In this case, you must install the software to operate your na-
vigation system.

Proceed as follows to install:

1. Carefully remove the memory card from its packaging. Take care that the contacts are not tou-
ched or contaminated: Otherwise data transfer may no longer be possible.
2. Insert the memory card into the memory card slot of your navigation device until you hear a
3. Switch on the navigation device by pressing the ON/OFF switch on the device (see device

Manual installation and start-up

The necessary software components will now be installed automatically.

If you switch on your navigation device without inserting the memory card supplied, the following
screen appears.

Insert the memory card into your device and tap the button , to begin automatic installation. On-
ce installation is complete, the start screen of your navigation system appears, giving you access
to the various functions such as the navigation or Travel Guide etc..

Reinstallation and updating the software

If necessary, you can remove all or individual application data such as the navigation software or
map material from the memory of your navigation device (see also device manual). This would be
necessary, for example, to install a current version of the GoPal® Navigator software that you pur-
chased at a later date. The software required for reinstallation/updating is located in the Installation
folder on the CD/DVD and can be transferred to the navigation device using the memory card sup-

Proceed as follows to manually install the navigation software onto the external memory card:
1. If you have not already done so, carefully remove the memory card from its packaging and in-
sert it into the card reading device (internal or external) of your PC: If the card clicks in cor-
rectly the contents of the card will be displayed in a new window in Windows Explorer. If the
contents are not automatically displayed, open the directory manually.
2. Open your PC’s CD/DVD drive and insert the CD/DVD. If the CD/DVD Setup Assistant starts,
close it.
3. Open the directory of your CD/DVD drive using the context-dependent menu obtained by click-
ing the right mouse button and go to the directory Installation.
4. Copy all of the folders and files in this directory.
5. Go to the directory window of the external memory card and insert the copied contents.

To install the software copied onto the memory card on your navigation device, follow the steps
described in the Initial operation section.

You must remove the old software components before you can install the new
software onto your navigation device. For information on how to do this, con-
sult the operating instructions for your navigation device.

Manual installation and start-up

Transferring the map material and the POI data to

the memory card
Regardless of the navigation software, you can also install additional map or POI material onto
your device or replace existing data with current material from a CD/DVD purchased subsequently.
However, your navigation device can only read this data automatically if they have been filed in the
MapRegions directory on the memory card.

Before you buy additional maps or POI material from the GoPal-Shop Portal,
you must ensure that the data packs are compatible with your installed Go-
Pal-software version. Information on compatibility can be found in the Shop in
the product description of the data.

Proceed as follows to transfer map material and POI data to the memory card:
1. Insert the memory card into the card reading device (internal or external) of your PC: The card
clicks in and the contents of the card will be displayed in a new window in Windows Explorer. If
the contents are not automatically displayed, open the directory manually.
2. Open your PC’s CD/DVD drive and insert the CD/DVD. If the CD/DVD Setup Assistant starts,
close it.
3. Open the directory of your CD/DVD drive and go to the MapRegions directory.
4. Copy all of the desired files with the file ending .psf: The file names indicate the region to
which the map data refers.
5. Go to the directory window of the external memory card and create a new folder called
6. Now put all of the copied files into this folder.

Proceed as follows to copy additional POI files from the inserted CD/DVD to the memory card:
1. Open the POI folder in the directory of your CD/DVD drive.
2. Copy the desired files.
3. Go to the directory window MapRegions of the external memory card and insert the copied

To install the map material and/or POI files copied onto the memory card on your navigation de-
vice, follow the steps described in the Initial operation section.

You must remove (some of) the old files before you can install the new map
and/or POI files onto your navigation device. For information on how to do
this, consult the operating instructions for your navigation device.

Note that it is only possible to transfer files to the memory card and/or to the internal memory of
your navigation device (see next section) if there is enough free disk space available. You may ha-
ve to delete unnecessary data to free up disk space.

Manual installation and start-up

Transferring data to the internal memory of the na-

vigation device
Your mobile navigation device has an internal, permanent memory that is located in the My Flash
Disk folder. You can use this memory to transfer and then install the navigation software, map da-
ta, traffic flow data, data for 3D map view*, junction views* and/or voice recognition data (*if avail-
able for your device) to your navigation device. However, you must have previously installed the
software Microsoft ActiveSync® supplied on the CD/DVD onto your PC either manually or using the
Setup Assistant on the CD/DVD. In addition, your navigation device must be connected to the PC
using the USB cable supplied.

As an alternative to transferring data via ActiveSync®, the navigation devices
in the current series also register as USB mass storage devices in Windows:
the Mass Storage mode offers a significantly higher data throughput and is
therefore preferable to transfer via ActiveSync®. Further information about the
Mass Storage Mode (if available for your device) can be found in the device
The following descriptions can generally be operated in Mass Storage mode,
however the folder My Flash Disk is listed as a separate drive in Windows
Explorer and named accordingly.

Proceed as follows to copy the installation files for you navigation software to the internal memory
of your navigation device:
1. Connect the navigation system to your PC using the USB cable.
2. Once the navigation system has been recognised, the dialog box New Partnership pops up on
your PC screen. To transfer the files it is sufficient to connect your navigation device to your
PC as a Guest. So, choose the option No and then click on the button labelled Next.
3. Select Mobile device in your Windows Explorer and go to the My Flash Disk directory.
4. Right click on the directory and select New folder from the context menu: Name the newly cre-
ated folder INSTALL and finish the entry by pressing the enter key.
5. Change to the Installation directory in your CD/DVD drive and copy all files and folders in this
6. Go to the directory Mobile Device > My Flash Disk > INSTALL and put the copied contents

Proceed as follows to also copy map data, traffic flow data and 3D maps (if available for your de-
vice)to the internal memory of your navigation device:
1. Go to the MapRegions directory of your CD/DVD drive and copy all of the desired files ending
in .psf : The file names indicate the region to which the map data refers.
2. Select Mobile device in your Windows Explorer and go to the My Flash Disk directory.
3. Right click on the directory and select New folder from the context menu: Name the newly cre-
ated folder MapRegions and finish the entry by pressing the enter key.

To ensure error-free transfer of the data you must take care to enter the spell-
ing of "MapRegions" exactly as given. Otherwise the data will not be recogni-
sed properly.

Manual installation and start-up

4. Now put all of the copied files into this folder.

5. To transfer additional traffic flow data or 3D maps (if available for your device), go to the direc-
tory TrafficPattern or DTM of your CD/DVD drive and copy all files here.
6. Go to the directory Mobile Device > My Flash Disk > MapRegions and put the copied files the-

Proceed as follows to copy the data for the junction view (if available for your device) to the inter-
nal memory of your navigation device:
1. Go to the directory ExitViews in your CD/DVD drive and copy the far and close files appropri-
ate for the display resolution of your device.
2. Go to the directory Mobile Device > My Flash Disk > MapRegions.
3. Right click on the directory and select New folder from the context menu: Name the newly cre-
ated folder ExitViews and finish the entry by pressing the enter key.
4. Now put all of the copied files into this folder.

If you have added POI files or the ‘voice command’ feature to your navigation software, you must
transfer the appropriate data to the internal memory of your navigation device or onto the memory
card: the respective function is only available following automatic installation of the data.

Proceed as follows to copy POI and/or voice recognition files (depending on device) to the internal
memory of your navigation device:
1. To transfer POI files, go to the POI directory of your CD/DVD drive and copy the desired PSF
files (e. g. TravelRes.psf).
2. Go to the directory Mobile Device > My Flash Disk > MapRegions and put the copied files the-
3. To transfer voice command files (depending on device), go to the TSD directory of your
CD/DVD drive and copy your country-specific folder: The IrelandGreatBritainTSD folder, for
example, contains the voice recognition files for English-speaking countries. Naturally, you can
also copy the voice command files/folder for other countries as needed and install them onto
your navigation device.
4. Go to the directory Mobile Device > My Flash Disk > MapRegions and put the copied files the-

GoPal Navigator 5.5

Chapter 7: Installation and start-up

using the GoPal® Assistant
In addition to manual installation, it is also possible to transfer the necessary data from the
CD/DVD to your mobile device using the GoPal® Assistant software: The GoPal® Assistant is a
special tool which facilitates communication between your navigation device and your PC and
simplifies the transfer of selected files. In addition, it is only with the help of the GoPal® Assistant
that you can transfer GPS track data that you have recorded with your navigation device to the PC
in order to store it there and exchange it with other users. To use GoPal® Assistant, it must first be
installed on your PC.

Although manual installation and transfer of data is possible on your naviga-
tion device, we recommend performing all installations using the GoPal® As-
sistant software.

Installing the GoPal® Assistant software

As soon as you insert the supplied CD/DVD into the drive on your PC, a Setup Assistant opens au-
tomatically to help you with the installation of various software components on your PC.

Proceed as follows to install the GoPal® Assistant on your PC:

1. Open your PC’s CD/DVD drive and insert the supplied CD/DVD. Once the CD/DVD has been
read in, the Setup Assistant starts automatically: Continue to follow the on-screen instructions.
2. In the dialog box Select components, click the Medion GoPal Assistant check box (checked) to
select the GoPal® Assistant for installation: If necessary you can now click on other check bo-
xes to install additional software components (e. g. Medion GoPal Navigator, Microsoft Active-
Sync®, manuals etc.) in this step. After selecting the desired check boxes, click on the Con-
tinue button.

If you are using the current Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 operating system,
the option ActiveSync is automatically greyed out, as this functionality is al-
ready integrated into the operating system and does not need to be installed

3. You must enter the storage path for the installation of the GoPal® Assistant in this dialog win-
dow. Use the template or select an individual path and click Next.
4. This dialog window allows you to rename the folder individually (not recommended): Click In-
stall to accept the default path and install the selected software components on your PC.

The GoPal® Assistant is installed in the program directory on your PC and is available immediately
following installation. If you no longer need the GoPal® Assistant, you can remove it from your sys-
tem either by going to Control panel > Software or by using the Uninstall command located in the
program directory under Start > All Programs > Medion GoPal Assistant.

Microsoft ActiveSync® must be installed on the PC to communicate and transfer data with the Go-
Pal® Assistant: Installation can also be performed using the Setup Assistant on the CD/DVD. In
addition, the navigation device must be connected to the PC via the USB cable.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

ActiveSync® is only necessary when operating Windows® 2000 SP4 or Win-
dows® XP. The software components necessary for data exchange are al-
ready integrated into Windows Vista® and Windows® 7.

User interface of the GoPal® Assistant

Once it has been successfully installed, start the GoPal® Assistant via the item Medion GoPal As-
sistant in the folder Start > All Programs > Medion GoPal Assistant.

The GoPal® Assistant interface is divided as follows:

Menu bar
You can operate all of the basic functions of the software via the menu bar. The menus are struc-
tured as follows:
• File
o Using the option Import GPX Files you can import recorded GPS tracks (e. g. hiking rou-
tes) into your library from an external medium.
o Exit allows you to close the GoPal® Assistant.
• Actions
o Import Content into Library starts the Content Import Wizard, which helps you transfer
new content to the library of your GoPal® Assistant (see Actions using the Content Import
o Using the Check for Software Update entry, you can let the GoPal® Assistant automati-
cally search the Internet for current software for your navigation system.
o Using Check for Content Update, you can let the GoPal® Assistant automatically search
for current content for the information contained in the library.
o Using User Information Entry you can open a window where you can enter your email ad-
dress and a password. This information is required for registration at the GoPal Shop por-

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

• Options
o Using the box Check for updates on startup, lets the GoPal® Assistant automatically
search the Internet for current software for your navigation system. The current setting is
saved and loaded again the next time the program starts.
o Using the box Check for content updates on startup, lets the GoPal® Assistant automati-
cally search the Internet for current content for your navigation system. The current set-
ting is saved and loaded again the next time the program starts.
o You can change the language in the GoPal® Assistant user interface to the desired lan-
guage with the Switch user language button.

Please note that the newly selected user language will only be active once
the GoPal® Assistant has been restarted.

• Help
The entry About opens the dialog box of the same name which contains information about the
current version of the GoPal® Assistant as well as legal licensing information.

Library, Store, Data Selection and Device Information

The central area of the GoPal® Assistant manages the software and content files for your navi-
gation system as well as the connected devices.

• Library
Using the entries in the library you can select specific categories in order to transfer these files
to your navigation device or to import files from the device to your PC. The following categories
are available for selection Maps, GPS Tracks, Points of Interest, Voice recognition, Software
and Other.

• Store
The store gives you direct access to various additional products such as map material, POI data
packs etc., which you can purchase directly from the GoPal shop portal and transfer to your na-
vigation device using the GoPal® Assistant. Under Download status you can also find informa-
tion on the status of data packs already downloaded.

• Devices
This is where you can select a connected navigation device, display specific information and re-
name the device.

• Data selection area

This area is dynamically adapted to the selected option. When you select a category in the li-
brary, the available data is placed here for selection. When you select the Devices option, the
device information is displayed here.

Volume area
In this area you manage the memory of the internal flash memory or the inserted memory card
of the selected navigation device or a memory card inserted into a card reader connected to the
PC. In addition to selecting the target memory for the import/export functions, you can format the
external memory areas (memory card in the navigation or card reading device) as needed.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

The volume area of the GoPal® Assistant also recognises external USB sticks
connected to your PC. Accordingly, you can also select these volumes via the
pop-up menu Selected Volume and format as needed.

Setting the user language

During installation, the GoPal® Assistant user language is set to the language setting of your com-
puter. However, if necessary, you can switch the GoPal® Assistant user language to a setting dif-
ferent to that of the computer.

Proceed as follows to change the user language:

1. Open the GoPal® Assistant by going to the entry of the same name under Start > All Programs
>Medion GoPal Assistant.
2. Open the Options menu and position the mouse pointer over the entry Switch user language:
A pop-up menu is then displayed.
3. In the pop-up menu, the box beside the currently active user language is checked. Click on the
box for the desired user language to select the language. The Options menu then closes.

The new user language has now been selected but is not yet active. To activate the user language
you must first restart the GoPal® Assistant.

Manual actions for data exchange

You can select specific information using the categories in the library and the graphic display in the
data selection area, which can then either be transferred to the internal flash memory of the navi-
gation device or to the inserted memory card or imported to the PC. After selecting a category in
the library, the available options are displayed directly in the data selection area and can then be
selected with the mouse. The following actions can be performed:

Use the category... select...

Maps the available regions on the CD/DVD and transfer them automatically to
your navigation system.
GPS Tracks the available GPS Tracks, to display them in Google MapsTM, to store
them in another location on your computer or delete them from the library.
Points of interest the available points of interest on the CD/DVD and transfer them auto-
matically to your navigation system.
Voice recognition the available voice recognition data on the CD/DVD and transfer them
(depending on devi- automatically to your navigation system. Please be aware that this data is
ce) only available for certain versions.
Software the country-specific installation file on the CD/DVD, to automatically install
the software onto your navigation device.
Other additional map material for the 3D display of POI data, topographic height
reliefs and special data sets on traffic flow, in order to transfer them to
your navigation device. Please be aware that this data is only available for
certain versions.
Download status the additional data packs already purchased in the GoPal shop portal to
transfer them to your navigation device.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

The following description assumes that the GoPal® Assistant and all necessary map and special
destination files have been installed from the CD/DVD onto the internal volume of your PC with the
help of the Setup Assistant. Proceed as follows to manually select and transfer data to your mobile
navigation device:
1. Open the GoPal® Assistant by going to the entry of the same name under Start > All Programs
>Medion GoPal Assistant.
2. Select the desired category in the Library: The display in the data selection area is automati-
cally adapted to the selected category.
3. Select the desired data.
o Maps
Left click on the desired region in the map view displayed: The appropriate pop-up window
displays the region in question and indicates how much memory is required for the map da-
ta. Selected regions are green whereas non-selected regions are yellow. To cancel a selec-
tion, click on the region again. The region is displayed in yellow again and is not selected
for data transfer. If necessary you can reduce the storage requirements on the navigation
device using the button Main Streets: if you press the button, only the so-called Major
Roads of Europe (MRE) are shown and then transferred to the navigation device. The
storage space required is much less with this option, but as a consequence, destination en-
try and navigation are limited to these major routes. The routes to destinations which are
not situated along these main roads cannot be directly computed.

The MRE data is generally installed for all of Europe. However, parallel to this
you can install detailed map data for each desired region: in this case, for
these regions specific navigation to any number of destinations is possible,
whereas in the rest of Europe only major roads can be entered as destina-

o GPS Tracks
Left click on the desired GPX entry in the lower section of the data selection area. In case
your computer can connect to the internet, the Google MapsTM map service is loaded in the
upper part of the data selection area. Using the buttons assigned to the GPX entries you
can optionally delete the data from your library or save it in any directory on your computer.
Via the storage process you can also export the data in the Google-EarthTM compatible
KML format.

o Points of interest
Left click the check box next to the desired POI entry (checked): Information about the pro-
vider, the version number, the number of datasets, memory and, if entered, a description
appears on the appropriate line. To cancel a selection, click on the check box again (un-
checked): The item is no longer selected for data transfer.

o Speech recognition
Left click on the check box next to the entry for the desired voice recognition data (che-
cked): Information about the version number, memory and a description of the file if entered
are displayed on the appropriate line. To cancel a selection, click on the check box again
(unchecked): The item is no longer selected for data transfer.

o Software
Left click on the check box next to the entry for the country-specific installation file (che-
cked): Information about the provider, the version number, memory and a description of the
file are displayed on the appropriate line. To cancel a selection, click on the check box
again (unchecked): The item is no longer selected for data transfer.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

o Other
Click on check box next to the entry for the relevant data pack with the lefthand mouse but-
ton (checked). Content for three-dimensional display of selected points of interest and to-
pography is available for selection: These two options must be installed to activate such
views in the 3D display type menu (see Adjusting the display).
You can also select so-called TrafficPattern data for certain regions. These packs contain
information on traffic flow density at junctions and are required in order to calculate a route
with optimal traffic flow (see Adjusting the route options).
Information about the provider, the version number, memory and a description of the file are
displayed on the appropriate line. To cancel a selection, click on the check box again (un-
checked): The item is no longer selected for data transfer.

4. Select the desired file destination using the Selected Volume pop-up menu in the volume area.
The available and required capacities are displayed in the Memory Status section:
o Available
This amount of space is available on the selected volume and is graphically displayed on
the progress bar. Colour coding indicates which data are saved in the memory. The follow-
ing types of data are recognised: Maps, Music, Points of Interest, Movies, Software and

The memory currently used in the selected drive is marked by the slider on
the memory status bar. If you select a data pack from the library, the memory
status bar shows how much memory would be in use after installation of the
data pack. This way you can check to see if enough memory is available for
the installation.

o Required
This amount of space is required to install the data selected in the library onto the volume.

o Used
This amount of space has been used up on the selected volume.

5. Click on the Synchronize button.

The GoPal® Assistant now performs data synchronisation between the selected items in the Li-
brary and the selected volume: The data sets are then installed onto the selected volume.

Actions using the Content Import Wizard

In addition to manual synchronization, the GoPal® Assistant also offers the opportunity to auto-
matically transfer the data in the library using the Content Import Wizard. Here, too, you can select
specific data packs to have installed on your PC. Proceed as follows to transfer data with the help
of the Content Import Wizard:
1. Select Import Content into Library from the Actions menu in the GoPal® Assistant’s task bar.
The Content Import Wizard dialog box then opens: Click Next.
2. The Content Import Wizard starts searching for new content and displays content automati-
cally in the Found Sources area. If you want to manually specify a certain source directory,
click on the Browse button: In the dialog box indicate the directory in which the data is located
and click Open. The interpretable data now pops up in the Found Sources area.
3. Left click the check box beside the desired data entry (checked): Information about the data
type and name as well as about available or existing versions pops up. To cancel the selec-
tion, click on the check box again (unchecked): The item is no longer selected for data trans-
fer. Click Next.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

4. The data is now being imported and the progress of the current file as well as overall progress
can be seen on the progress bar. Once the data transfer is complete, click Finish to close the
Content Import Wizard.

The selected data is available in the respective category in the library immediately following trans-

Management of GPS Tracks

The GoPal® Assistant allows you to save GPS tracks you have recorded (e. g. most recently trav-
elled route) to the computer using the synchronization process. The GoPal® Assistant can then
display the GPS tracks saved on the computer using the map service Google MapsTM or transfer
them to the Google EarthTM compatible KML format. Proceed as follows to transfer GPS tracks
from your navigation device to the computer and display them using Google MapsTM:
1. If you have not already done so, open the GoPal® Assistant using the entry of the same name
in Start > All Programs > Medion GoPal Assistant.
2. Click on the Synchronize button in the drive area of the GoPal® Assistant. The Synchronize di-
alog box opens.
3. Select Importing recorded GPX tracks and click on the Synchronize button: The GPS tracks
will now be transferred to the computer.

Please note that the GPS tracks on the navigation device will be deleted once
they have been transferred to the computer.

4. Go to the GoPal® Assistant library and select the category GPS Tracks: The GPS tracks
(*.gpx) saved on the computer are now displayed in the bottom section of the data selection
5. Click on the desired GPS track entry to select it: The corresponding GPS track is then dis-
played in the upper section of the data selection area within a Google MapsTM environment.
The display can now be individually adjusted using the functions available for Google MapsTM
(zoom in/out, move section, activate map/satellite/hybrid view).

The GPS tracks can only be displayed using the Google MapsTM map service
when the computer is connected to the Internet.

If necessary, you can delete the GPS tracks saved on the computer, save them somewhere else
or convert them to the Google EarthTM compatible KML format.

Go to the category Library > GPS Tracks to show the GPS tracks saved on the computer. The but-
tons in the lower section of the data selection area provide the following options:
• Click on the Delete file button associated with the desired GPS track entry. This will bring up a
message box in which you either must confirm the command or cancel it. If you choose the op-
tion Yes, the corresponding GPS Track file (*.gpx) is irretrievably deleted from your computer.
• Click on the Save as button: the dialog box Select target folder then opens. Select the desired
location in the Select target foldersection. If necessary, you can create and name a new target
folder using the New directory button. In the entry field File name you can rename the GPS
track. In the Filetype pop-up menu you can also choose between the options Gpx files (*.gpx)
and Kml files (*.kml) :

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

o Choose the GPX file format, to exchange the track data with other users. This GPX file
can now for example be sent by e-mail and be read in with a GoPal® Assistant installed
on another computer.
o Alternatively, choose the KML file format in order to open and display the GPS Track in
the separate application Google EarthTM: KML files can be opened and displayed directly
in Google Earth.
Click OK: The GPS track is saved in the specified folder with the selected name and file format.

Functions for device management

In the Devices area and in the volume area, the GoPal® Assistant provides access to the currently
connected navigation device: It is generally not possible to connect several navigation devices to
your PC at the same time. However, you can connect the navigation devices to the PC one after
the other to, for example, save the GPS track data saved there to the PC. The GoPal® Assistant
saves the IDs of all navigation devices connected to the PC and lists them in Devices. The naviga-
tion device currently connected is identified by a green button.

If you select the connected navigation device in Devices, the following information about the de-
vice appears in the data selection area:
• Name
The current name of the device is displayed here. You can rename the device at any time (see

• Device ID
The identification number of the device hardware is displayed here.

• Installed navigation software

The navigation software currently installed on the device is displayed here.

• Date of last sync

This shows the last time the data from the PC and the navigation device were synchronized.

Changing the device name

When delivered, your navigation device has a standard name derived from the product name. You
can change this name at any time and replace it with a user-defined name which will be used
when registering your PC. Proceed as follows to rename your navigation device:
1. Select the connected navigation device from the Devices entry.
2. Left click on Rename this Device.
3. Enter the desired name into the Rename device dialog box and close with OK.

The changed name takes over and in future it is automatically assigned to the navigation device
every time you log on to the GoPal® Assistant on this PC.

Note that this is a user-defined name and it is not transferred to the device
itself: If you connect the navigation device to another PC, it will be logged on
under the original name.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

Formatting the external memory card

In the volume area, the GoPal® Assistant gives you the option to format an external memory card
located in either the MMC/SD card slot of your navigation device, a card reading device or a USB
stick connected to the PC. It is, however, only possible to format a memory card inserted into the
navigation device if the connected navigation device is recognised as the current device. If you
switch navigation devices while operating the GoPal® Assistant you must first activate the con-
nected device. Proceed as follows:
1. Select the connected device identified by the green button in the Devices area.
2. Left click on Switch to this Device. If this button is not available, the connected device has al-
ready been recognised as active.

Once the navigation device has been recognised as the currently connected device, proceed as
follows to format the inserted memory card:
1. In the volume area, select Current device name/External Storage via the Selected Volume
pop-up menu.
2. Now left click on Format.
3. The Format Volume dialog box appears: Left click on OK to begin formatting the memory card.
To cancel the process, select the Cancel button.
4. The GoPal® Assistant performs the formatting and then displays a message that the formatting
has been completed successfully: Left click on the OK button to close the message.

External memory cards in a card reading device and USB sticks can be se-
lected from the Selected Volume menu and formatted at any time.

The available memory is displayed in the Memory Status area via the entries and the progress bar
once formatting is complete.

Shopping in the GoPal shop portal

With the Store button the GoPal® Assistant provides direct access to the GoPal shop portal: In this
online area you can purchase optionally available data packs such as additional map material or
POI data and transfer these to your navigation device using the GoPal® Assistant.

Please note that your computer must be connected to the Internet in order to
access the products on offer in the GoPal shop portal.

After you have tapped the Store button, the GoPal shop portal is opened. You need to register be-
fore you can use the shop portal: to do so, enter your mail address along with a password of your
choice in the welcome dialogue box. After you have entered this information the store will be acti-
vated for you.

Basic operation of the GoPal shop portal is identical to the navigation in a normal Internet browser.
The following buttons are available for this along the top of the browser window:

• This button takes you to the GoPal shop portal home page.

• This button takes you back to the previous page in the GoPal shop portal.

Installation and start-up using the GoPal® Assistant

• This button opens the next page for your shop visit.

• This button stops the selected shop page from loading.

For further details on the operation and navigation in your GoPal shop portal, please follow the in-
structions in the shop window.

Version 5.5 PE

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