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3450 NW 114th Ave., Miami, FL 33178
Telephone: (305) 418-4421 | Toll Free: 1-888-292-6282
Fax: (305) 418-5036 | Email: Copyright 2019 Ricoma International Corporation All rights reserved
Installing Chroma on Mac OS.......................................................................................................................... 4 Type on a Path................................................................................................................................................19
Installing Chroma on Windows........................................................................................................................ 4 Name Drops.....................................................................................................................................................19
Bubble Text......................................................................................................................................................19
CHROMA OVERVIEW Envelope Feature............................................................................................................................................20
Interface............................................................................................................................................................ 5 Push and Pull Compensation......................................................................................................................... 20
Opening and Saving Designs........................................................................................................................... 7 Circular Monogram Text Types...................................................................................................................... 21
Design Library................................................................................................................................................... 8 Jagged Type....................................................................................................................................................21
Batch Conversion.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Exporting........................................................................................................................................................... 9 CREATING FILLS
Complex fill......................................................................................................................................................22
LEARNING YOUR TOOLS Cross Stitch fill................................................................................................................................................22
View Tools.......................................................................................................................................................10 Fill effects........................................................................................................................................................22
Editing Tools....................................................................................................................................................10
DIGITIZING Create a gradient.............................................................................................................................................23
Manual Digitizing Tools..................................................................................................................................12 Create blends..................................................................................................................................................23
Auto Digitizing Tools.......................................................................................................................................13
Auto Cross Stitch............................................................................................................................................14 MANIPULATING DESIGN STRUCTURE
Stitch Snapshot..............................................................................................................................................15 Merging designs.............................................................................................................................................24
Splitting designs.............................................................................................................................................24
STITCH TYPES Utility................................................................................................................................................................25
Run Stitch........................................................................................................................................................15 Trim..................................................................................................................................................................26
Steil Stitch.......................................................................................................................................................16
Satin Stitch......................................................................................................................................................16 APPLIQUÉ
Create Appliqué using Text............................................................................................................................ 26
PALETTE CREATOR.............................................................................................................................................16 Create Appliqué using Shapes....................................................................................................................... 27

PATTERN CREATOR.............................................................................................................................................16 SECURING YOUR DESIGN

BASICS OF LETTERING Convert To and Auto Baste............................................................................................................................ 28
Font Editor.......................................................................................................................................................17
True Type Fonts..............................................................................................................................................18
Text Underlay..................................................................................................................................................18
Adjusting the Density.....................................................................................................................................18

2 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 3

1. Choose the link that corresponds to the tier of the package you purchased and your operating Chroma is a professional, digitizing software for both beginners and pros. Chroma is designed to
system. *The program should download automatically. allow both the novice and experienced digitizer to create even the most intricate designs with ease
2. Click on Finder and navigate to your Downloads folder. and speed. For beginners, Chroma can be used to automate the digitizing process, essentially
3. Click on the Chroma Install file to open up the setup window. eliminating the learning curve. For the advanced, the software's built-in styles, customization of
4. Follow the setup instructions. tools and hotkeys speed up the lengthy digitizing process.
5. Choose the hard drive that you would like to download the software onto and click “Install.”
6. After the installation is complete, you can choose to either “Keep” or “Delete” the software file. Interface
*We recommend keeping it in case of reinstallation.
7. Now, navigate to your Chroma app and open it. When you open up the Chroma
8. Complete the Activation form, which requires your name, company name, phone number, software, you will be given the
and email. option to:
9. Select the software you want to activate, and input the serial number provided at the time • Create a new design
of purchase. *Include dashes in between groups of characters. • Open a design
10. Click “Activate” and select “No” when prompted to activate another software. Chroma should • Open a Recently Used Design
open automatically. Figure 1 See Figure 1.


1. Choose the link that corresponds to the tier of the package you purchased and your operating
system. *The program should download automatically.
Figure 2
2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your Downloads folder.
3. Double click on the Chroma Install file to open up the setup window. The horizontal toolbar across the top host functions
4. Now, click “Next” to proceed, and select “Install.” like Auto digitizing and editing tools. See Figure 2. It
5. After the installation is complete, click “Finish” to close the installation wizard. also hosts your File and Print preview functions (see
6. Double click on the Chroma desktop shortcut that was created. figure 2a & 2b), which allow you to open a design or
Figure 2a
7. Complete the Activation form, which requires your name, company name, phone number, workspace in a printer production worksheet. It also
and email. hosts a Zoom view menu (see figure 2c), where you
8. Select the software you want to activate, and input the serial number provided at the time can select the zoom view percentage.
of purchase. *Include dashes in between groups of characters.
9. Click “Activate” and select “No” when prompted to activate another software. Chroma should Toward the center of the top toolbar, you’ll find your
open automatically. Figure 2b alignment and orientation tools (see figure 2d),
which allow you to rotate or align to the left, right or
center. On the right side of the toolbar, you’ll find your
sequence tools (see figure 2e), which allow you to
arrange the sequence of your design.

Figure 2c

4 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 5

Figure 3
Tip: Use the Slow Redraw function When editing artwork, use the top right pane.
Figure 3a
(see figure 2f) to simulate the way the Here you can choose the fill type, add underlay,
machine will embroider. customize your density and more. See Figure 7.
Figure 3b
Figure 2d
The vertical toolbar across the left- The Object Properties Pane allows you to switch
hand side hosts design creation between tabs to customize the design and add
features. different effects. See Figure 8.
See Figure 3. Figure 7
Some features include: The Navigator is located at the bottom right of the
Figure 2e • Selection tool: select objects workspace and is a quick way to move around the
See Figure 3a. program. You will be able to view your design in
• Reshape tool: edit shapes the center of the navigator. See Figure 9.
See Figure 3b.
• Shape tool: create shapes Opening and Saving Designs
See Figure 3c.
Figure 2f
• Text tool: allows you to create Figure 8
customized text along with your Figure 3c 1. Select the Open folder on the top left toolbar.
monogramming tool You can also open a design by clicking File
See Figures 3d and 3e. and selecting the file you’d like to open.
See Figure 10.
Located underneath these keys you’ll 2. Select a design.
Figure 3d
find your digitizing tools, which allow Here, you can also import artwork as an AI or
Figure 4
you to create complex fills, running Figure 3e SVG file, which is a vector file format.
stitches, and more.
• On the bottom right, you will find the Figure 9 SAVE A DESIGN
sequence tab, which displays the Step 1: Click on File.
order of the colors that your design Step 2: Select Save As and choose a file format.
will embroider in. See Figure 4. See Figure 11.
• Star icon: This is your Design
Library. See Figure 5. We recommend saving your design as an RDE
• The key to the right of the Star icon or EMB file first, so that you can return to the
Figure 5
hosts preset effects that allow you editable file and work on it if you need to make
to choose from different types of Figure 10 any changes later on.
outlines and fills.
• The bottom left of the workspace is Note: Ricoma machines read the DST file format.
where you can customize the color
palette you’re using. You can add
or delete colors with the plus and
Figure 6 minus buttons to the bottom right.
See Figure 6.

Figure 11

6 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 7

Design Library Note: Should you create a new folder, it may not
show up immediately in your designs pane. Refresh
Your Chroma software comes with a design your browser and it should appear.
library, where all of your pre-digitized designs
are stored. To access your design library, click Batch Conversion
on the star icon on the pane to the bottom right.
See Figure 12. Batch Conversion allows you to convert multiple
embroidery design files into different formats
It will default to the Chroma folder which is simultaneously.
saved on the hard drive of your computer when
you install the program. There are pre-digitized To access Batch Conversion, click on Tools, then
designs that are organized into different folders Batch Conversion. See Figure 15. This will open a
in the library. If you create any designs, you can Figure 15
new window where you can select files or a folder.
save those to the Chroma folder stored on your Choose the files you wish to convert and select a
computer’s hard drive. destination folder to save them to. Finally, choose
the format you want to convert them to and click
Figure 12 FOLDER (PC)
1. Click File. Exporting
2. Save As, then select computer and click on hard
drive. See Figure 13. To export your design into a format that your
3. Click on Designs folder and then on Chroma. embroidery machine can read, click on File and
Choose to add the design to an existing folder then select the Save As drop down menu. Click on
or create a new folder. the file format you wish to export to and save.
Figure 16
See Figure 16.
Figure 13 FOLDER (MAC) 1. To save design as an image, click on File and
1. Select hard drive. select Save As Image. Here, you can select
2. Click Users, then Shared. whether to save as a PNG or JPG. See Figure 17.
3. Select Designs, click Chroma. Now, you can 2. Once selected, name your file and click Save.
either save a design to an existing folder or Enter your Desired Specs and click OK.
create a new folder. See Figure 14.

Figure 17

Figure 14
Chroma software comes equipped with a variety of tools that make it easy for a beginner or a pro to
make a digitized design. Check out the main tools that you will be using throughout your designing
process below.

8 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 9

View Tools 1. To align your objects, simply select the objects
See Figure 18 you wish to align and click on the corresponding
 alignment key. The alignment key is useful if
View function: Allows you to Refresh your you want to center text to a shape or logo.
workspace browser. 2. To center text in a shape, create a shape using
Slow Redraw Function: Simulates the way the Figure 19 your shape tool. Then use your Type tool to
machine will stitch out. create text, select both objects, and click on the
Zoom tool: Allows you to zoom in and out of the horizontal center alignment key. Finally click on
design on your workspace. the vertical alignment key to align the objects
Pan feature: A hand tool that allows you to move vertically and horizontally.
Figure 18 around the workspace easier. See Figure 20.
Realistic Option: Enables realistic view, which displays a 3D stitch view.
Grid option: Enables or disables the gridlines in the background. LAYERING
Stitches option: Allows you to enable or disable the stitches view, so you can view the outline of the The Layering tool gives you the ability to move an
Figure 20
object that you have selected. object to the front or back without having to use
Stitch Ends function: Allows you to see the points in which each stitch will end and is used to fine the Sequence tab. See Figure 21.
tune edges or view the angle of a stitch. 1. Select the object you wish to move, right-click,
Commands option: Allows you to view any commands that you have set on your embroidered and select the desired position.
design, such as trim in a specific location. The software automatically creates trims but you can 2. Here, you can decide whether you want to bring
manually select certain stitches and apply a trim command to them. the object all the way to the front, all the way to
Artworks view: Allows you to enable or disable the view of any artwork in your workspace so it the back, one stop backward, or one stop forward.
doesn’t get in your way. 3. You can also use the two layering keys in the
Hoop View: Allows you to select what you’d like to view your design in. The Ricoma hoop Figure 21
above toolbar. See Figure 22.
dimensions are preset into the software or you can also create your own hoop boundaries when you
select New. TRANSFORM
S tart and Stop view: Displays the center of your design. You can Transform an object by scaling, rotating
Last Stitch view: Displays where the design will end. left or right, or flipping horizontally or vertically.
Ruler view: Selects the ruler tool for you to measure distances. 1. To rotate, select the object and click on either
Backdrop view: Allows you to hide or show the backdrop; you’ll use the backdrop when you digitize the rotate left or rotate right transform key on
Figure 22
manually. the top toolbar . You can rotate the object
manually by clicking the pink rotate key when
Note: You can access the majority of the View tools across the top panel. your object is selected. See Figure 23.
2. To flip your object, click on either the flip
Editing Tools horizontal or flip vertical key on the top
toolbar .
Your editing tools allow you to manipulate your objects to create the design that you want. 3. To scale your object, while keeping the same
aspect ratio, use the handles in the corners .
ALIGNMENT 4. To stretch your object either horizontally or
Figure 23
vertically, use the handles on the top or bottom
Alignment Tools are across the top toolbar. You may align to the left, right, top, bottom, horizontal or the left or right . See Figure 24.
center, or vertical center. See Figure 19.

10 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 11

GROUPING To create a shape, do the following:
To group separate objects, select the objects you 1. Click on the workspace and drag your cursor
wish to group and right-click and choose Group. until you are happy with the size of the shape.
See Figure 25. 2. Apply your desired stitch type to your shape.
• This will group all of the objects together. So You can do this by choosing Fill from the drop
if you transform your objects, the changes will down in the artwork pane.
occur to all of the grouped objects at once.
Figure 24 • To ungroup, right-click and choose Ungroup. Figure 27 Tip: You can also click on the effects tab at the
bottom and choose from the selection.
To combine objects, select the objects you wish to The Lasso Tool allows you to select a specific
combine and click on the Combine selected paths portion of your design rather than the entire object.
key across the top toolbar . It is located on the top right of the toolbar, on the
• If the objects overlap, this will create negative left-hand side. See Figure 28.
space in those areas. To break apart the Select the lasso tool to point and hover over the
Figure 28
combined objects, right-click and choose Break area of the design you wish to select.
Figure 25 Apart. See Figure 26.
Auto Digitizing
Note: The difference between grouping and
combining is that when you group objects, they’re Chroma includes an Advanced Auto Digitizing
still treated as separate objects. Grouping simply wizard, located on the left hand side of the top
makes it easier to edit the objects simultaneously. toolbar. See Figure 29. This feature allows you to
When you combine objects, you are joining the import an image and auto-digitize it into a cross
objects together into one single object. Figure 29 stitch pattern.

Figure 26 1. Open the auto digitizing wizard, then select

Browse and choose the design you want to use.
Choose the Auto option and click Next. For best
GET STARTED WITH DIGITIZING results upload vectorized files.
2. A new window will appear, which allows you to
One of the key features of the Chroma software is the ability to both manually and automatically select the image size, rotate, or flip the image.
create designs to embroider. With this software, you will be able to create designs on your own and Here, you can enter the desired specs and click
Figure 30
send them straight to your machine. Next. See Figure 30.
3. Next, you will see all of the colors in your design
Manual Digitizing Tools in the Color Reduction screen. Select the colors
you want to digitize. See Figure 31. Note: If your
Your Manual Digitizing tools allow you to physically create the design on your workspace that you image has a white background, the software may
would like to embroider. There are two main tools that are used when you want to digitize your automatically select white as a color. Uncheck it if
designs manually. that is the case.
4. Click Finish and the design will appear on the
The Shape tool allows you to create various shapes like rectangles, ellipses, triangles, and more. Figure 31 screen, auto-digitized.
See Figure 27.

12 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 13

It may be necessary to edit your design in cases Stitch Snapshot
that the edges are bumpy or if certain parts
were not digitized and are missing. Use a high- If you want to convert a standard photo to stitches, you will need to use the Stitch Snapshot feature.
resolution file to prevent this from occurring.
To get started:
If your design elements are separated in any way, 1. Click on the Stitch Snapshots wizard on the top
you need to create an overlap of the elements. Not left toolbar to get started and click Browse to
Figure 32 creating an overlap can affect registration during find a photo that you want to convert to stitches.
the embroidery process. See Figure 36.
5. To create an overlay, select the object and click 2. Once selected, you may edit the width, height,
on the Reshape tool. Points will appear on the the maximum amount of colors, and the color
object that you can drag to create an overlap. mode.
Click the points as you hold Shift and drag them 3. On the adjust portion of the wizard, you can
to the desired position. See Figure 32. Figure 36 change the brightness and contrast to add more
6. Finally, click the sequence menu to see how the depth.
color stops have been arranged. See Figure 33. 4. On the bottom portion of the wizard, you can
Figure 33
The colors will appear in chronological order, choose from the hatching or stippling style of
with the first color stop being at the top and the stitches. Note: Hatching appears like a sketch.
last color stop being at the bottom. Most of the Stippling appears like dots.
time, you’ll want to extend the element of the 5. Once done, select a palette if needed and click
design that will embroider first. OK, for it to display on your workspace.
See Figure 37.
Auto Cross Stitch
Figure 37
The Auto Digitizing wizard allows you to
Figure 34 automatically digitize an image into a cross stitch
pattern. Before getting started, make sure you STITCH TYPES
import a bitmap image, such as a JPG or PNG.
1. First, click on the image and then click on the Chroma includes multiple stitch types that you
Auto Digitizing wizard. See Figure 34. can use to draw shapes with. When creating your
2. Next, choose the cross-stitch option. The next design, you should choose the stitch type that best
page will allow you to set the size of the design. matches your design idea and will give it proper
Once the size is set, click “Next” and choose the structure.
colors of the design that you want to auto digitize. Examples of the stitch types available are:
3. Click Finish when done. The auto digitized Run stitch: select run option on the left toolbar.
cross stitch pattern will now appear in your See Figure 38.
Figure 38
workspace. See Figure 35. • Point and click to form lines that connect to one
4. Finally, delete the original design and export another.
your cross stitch image. • Curving the line: hold CTRL on a PC or Command
Figure 35
on a Mac.

14 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 15

Steil stitch: A satin stitch that acts like a run BASICS OF LETTERING
stitch. See Figure 39.
• The difference between a steil stitch and a satin To begin lettering, select the Text tool and click on
stitch is the way they are drawn. Steil stitches the area of the workspace where you’d like the text
are drawn as a single line. to begin. Type the text you’d like to digitize and
Satin stitch: drawn as a shape. See Figure 40. click Apply.
 hen drawing a satin stitch, you are required to
define a vertical width for every point that is drawn. Note: The software will automatically type in a pre-
Figure 39
digitized Arial font.


The right pane allows you to customize and
choose from the fonts available. See Figure 43.
With the Palette Creator, you can create a custom Fonts with an orange “F” to the left of the name
color palette for your design. are pre-digitized fonts.

Access the Palette Creator by: As you scroll down, you’ll see the Monogram fonts,
1. Clicking on Tools and then Palette Creator. labeled with a green “M” icon. The pre-digitized
2. Click Add and select the colors you wish to add. puff embroidery fonts are labeled with a purple
Figure 40
Once done, you can name the colors based on “P” icon. Below that, are the small lettering fonts,
the thread color that you wish to match them to. Figure 44 vintage fonts, and appliqué fonts.
You can also change the weight and the type of
thread See Figure 41. FONT EDITOR
3. Save the palette to your hard drive in your The Font Editor is featured to the right side of the
Chroma folder once you are done. Now, your workspace and is used to edit pre-digitized fonts.
saved palette will appear when selecting your One aspect of the font that you are able to edit is
palette. the height, which can be done by inputting a new
4. T
 o change your color palette, click the Change number in the height field or by transforming it
Figure 41 Palette icon on the bottom right of your toolbar. manually. See Figure 44.
Select the palette you’d like and click OK.
Figure 45

PATTERN CREATOR You also have multiple features in the Font Editor that can be used to change your design.
• Space Option: You can edit the space between one letter and another.
The Pattern Creator allows you to create your own • Line Spacing Option: You can edit the spacing between two lines, if you were to have another
custom fill patterns for your embroidery designs. line of text.
To do so, you first need to select or create the • Sequence Menu: You can change the order that the lettering embroiders in. See Figure 45.
object you wish to fill. Click on Tools and then
Figure 42
Standard Pattern Creator.

Now, you can add offsets by clicking Add. See Figure 42. Once you’re happy with your pattern, click
Save and name your pattern. Finally, go to the Fill pane to the right and select your pattern in the
standard drop-down.

16 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 17

If you wish to use fonts installed on your computer,
select the True Type (TT) fonts checkbox. Then, Type on a Path
click on the box above the True Type checkbox to
scroll through the font options. See Figure 46. To type along a spiral, a shape, or a path, begin by
clicking on the Type tool and creating the text you
To edit a True Type font, you must convert the font wish to type .
into stitches. Right-click and select Convert To
Figure 46 Figure 49
and then select Manual. Right-click again, select Next, in the editing pane on the right, click on the
Convert To, and select Outlines. Finally, click on the Reshape tool and select the portion of the text type drop-down menu. Here, you can select the
you wish to edit. path you wish for the lettering to follow.

Note: System fonts may not show up as well as pre-digitized fonts and may require some editing. Some of the choices include:
• Spiral
When editing letters, you must also make sure to • Circular
select the right underlay. To do so, click on the
Underlay tab and deselect the Edge Travel option Click Apply to save your changes.
Figure 50
(this is an outline underlay; if your fabric moves See Figure 49.
slightly during the embroidery process, you will
lose registration of your design.) See Figure 47. Name Drops
Figure 47
Tip: A Centerline or Contour underlay is best for The Name Drop tool allows you to create several
avoiding loss of registration. names or numbers with the same attributes. This
tool is especially useful if you are designing team
ADJUSTING THE DENSITY uniforms. See Figure 50.
The density of the stitches in a design is measured
in millimeters and references the distance between 1. Start by typing a name and digitizing it to your
Figure 51
the stitches. You can adjust the density of your preference.
text on the Object Properties Pane to the right. 2. C lick on the name drops tool in the left
See Figure 48. toolbar .
Figure 48 3. The name drops dialog box will appear. Here, you can type in additional names or numbers you
1. Before you begin, make sure that the text is wish to reproduce. To preview your names, click Preview. To save your names, click Save.
2. Then, click on the Fill option, which is the second button to the left. Bubble Text
3. Edit the density. The higher the number in the density field, the less dense your design will
appear, because the stitches are further apart. Chroma software has an exclusive feature that allows you to apply text of your choice to a shape
called Bubble Text. To access the bubble text feature, click on the “T” icon that appears to be inside
Note: To decrease the space between stitches, adjust the density to 0.3mm, which is a standard density of a shape. See Figure 51.
for most designs.

18 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 19

Select the shape you want to use from a large list of options and enter the width and height of the Circular Monogram Text Types
shape. From here, you can enter the desired text in the words field and click Apply when finished.
You can find the Circular Monogram Text Types by
In the font combo drop down menu, you can choose between a block font and a script font. locating the “M” icon on the left toolbar.
• Color scheme: choose the color scheme you desire. See Figure 56.
• Décor combo: select a shape or element to combine with your lettering. When you select the tool, type in the initials you
• Click Apply and your changes will appear on your workspace. wish to create a monogram with. This will open a
Font editor on the right pane. Select the font that
Figure 55
Envelope Feature you’d like and press Apply to separate the spacing
of the lettering using the blue handles .
The Envelope feature allows you to warp text. You
can begin by using the type tool to create your text Note: Once you hit Enter, or click on the selection tool,
and click Apply. See Figure 52. the program will no longer allow you to edit the spacing.

Next, different colored handles will appear on the Jagged Type

textbox. See Figure 53.
Figure 52
• To arch the text, click and drag on the green 1. To create a jagged font, first click on the Text
handle on the top or bottom of the text box . Tool.
• To stretch the text horizontally, click and drag 2. Type in the desired text and select the font you
on the black handles on the corners of your wish to use.
textbox . 3. Next, click on the Column tab in the Object
Figure 56
• To create space between individual letters, use Properties Pane and select the Jagged Type
the blue handles . drop down. See Figure 57.
• To enlarge your text, use the two triangle handles 4. T
 hen, input the millimeter value you would like to
on the bottom right and top left corners of your apply the jagged effect to. The higher the value
Figure 53
textbox . you input, the more jagged the text will be.
• To italicize your letters, use the diamond-shaped
handles . Tip: By selecting “Both” under the Jagged Type drop
down, it allows your design to appear jagged on both
Push and Pull Compensation edges.

Pull compensation is a setting that allows you to

Figure 57
compensate for the inevitable pulling or shrinking
of your lettering or design during embroidery. Click
Figure 54 the Push-Pull tab in the Object Properties Pane
and increase the Value field to make the text bigger. See Figure 54.

Push compensation is a setting that allows you to compensate for when your design appears
thicker after it is embroidered. You can adjust the push compensation in the same object properties
pane. See Figure 55.

20 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 21

CREATING FILLS 3. Next, navigate to the fill pane and select a fill
type from the drop down and click Apply.
Fills are used to fill large shapes in areas of the design. There are two common types of fill that are See Figure 62.
used when digitizing a design: complex fill and cross stitch fill.
Note: When selecting a fill type, you can also
Complex fill: customize the pattern you’d like for this fill.
1. Select complex fill. See Figure 58.
2. To apply your complex fill, use the same point
Figure 62
and click method as you would with any other
3. Close the fill by clicking the selection tool once COLOR BLENDING AND GRADIENTS
you have completed drawing the shape.
4. Next, you can customize the fill type pattern, To add depth and color layering to your design, you can apply either a gradient or blends to your object.
Figure 58
stitch length, and density in the complex fill
pane. Click apply. See Figure 59. Create a gradient
Cross Stitch fill: 1. Click on the blend tab on the Object Properties
1. Select cross stitch. See Figure 60. Pane and click on the gradient drop-down and
2. Use the point and click method until you choose a gradient type:
complete the shape and then click the selection •Linear increasing: fades out towards the top.
tool to close the shape . •Linear decreasing: fades out towards the
3. You can edit the size, overlap, and amount of bottom.
repeats of the cross stitch in the Cross Stitch •Convex: fades out from the center outward.
Figure 59 pane. •Concave: fades out from the outside inward.
Figure 63
2. Your object is already assigned a color, which is
Note: You can alter your fill type at any time in the fill known as the first color layer. Select the Second
pane to the right. See Figure 61. Color Layer box to apply a second color to
create your gradient. See Figure 63.
Fill Effects 3. Click apply, and the program will apply the first
color layer and then the other color layers
There are a few different fill effects that can be on top.
used when digitizing your design.
Figure 60
These effects are: When creating a second color layer, have the
• Stippling program automatically choose a color or you can
• Motif choose an existing color stop. The numbers match
• Vas the colors on your color palette along the bottom.
• Wave Fill Figure 64 See Figure 64. You can also add a third color layer
by checking the appropriate box.
1. First, create a shape with the shape tool.
2. Right click, and select Convert to and choose
any option, i.e. Complex Fill.

Figure 61

22 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 23

Create blends 2. Under the hoop drop-down, select the hoop that
1. First, draw a shape. Right click on the shape, you’re using. You can also change the overlap
select Convert and choose Satin Stitch. and the margins of your design until you’re
2. On the object properties pane, select Blend. happy with the hoop preview.
3. Scroll down to the Satin Stitch section and 3. Next, click on Split Preview to see which part
select the Blend Satin Stitch effect, which will of the design will embroider on one hoop and
create a different colored stitch on top of the which part will embroider on the other.
existing stitch to create a blended effect. See Figure 68.
Figure 65 Figure 67
See Figure 65. 4. When satisfied, click Save to save your design
4. In the Gradient drop down, you may also into two separate files.
customize the gradient type until you’re happy
with the effect. Utility

Utility tools allow you to easily add borders,

MANIPULATING DESIGN STRUCTURE outlines, and more to objects. It is a useful tool
to complete your design and add the stitches
These tools give you the ability to add depth, align your design properly and create stitches to necessary to keep the design secure.
secure your design so that it doesn’t shift during the embroidery process. Figure 68

To access the utility tool, select the shape, right

Merging Designs click, and choose Utility. Then, you can create a
border and outline, nap borders, and more.
Chroma allows you to open separate digitized designs and combine them into one file. This See Figure 69.
is helpful when you want your embroidery machine to run two designs consecutively, without
swapping designs on your machine. 1. C
 reate a border: A Satin stitch border will
automatically be created around your fill stitch.
The first step is to open a design. Next, to merge 2. C
 reate an outline: This allows you to change the
it with another design, click File and then Merge. Figure 69 distance of a line. You can convert to any stitch
Selecting the other design will open the new you’d like by right-clicking and choosing a stitch
design within your workspace and combine it with type.
your current design. See Figure 66. 3. Simplify option: If you have an object with
jagged edges, use this option to smooth out the
Splitting Designs edges.
4. Nap Blocker: This allows you to create a
Figure 66
knockdown stitch that reduces the nap on
If your design is too large to fit into one hoop during embroidery and will require two separate textured fabrics. This allows you to stitch over a
hoopings, you’ll want to make sure that your design is perfectly centered between these two hoops, smooth surface and prevents your stitches from
so that it aligns properly when it is embroidered. Figure 70
sinking into textured fabric, like terry cloth.
See Figure 70.
1. Click on the Split Design menu along the top toolbar. This shows you which part of the design
will land on each hoop. See Figure 67. Tip: Add a low-density fill stitch underneath the element to create a smooth surface for you to
embroider on.

24 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 25

Trim Create Appliqué using Shapes
1. Draw a shape with your Shape tool.
• Right click on the shape -> Convert To -> Choose 2. Right-click and transform your shape into a Run
the stitch type you wish to apply to your shape. stitch.
• Next, click on the Slice tool, and click on one of 3. Right-click again and duplicate your design. The
the edges of the shape and drag the line to the duplicated design will then appear automatically
other edge in the area where you wish to trim on top of the original one.
your shape. See Figure 71. 4. R
 ight-click and convert your new shape into a
• You will need to create two lines to designate the Satin Stitch and click Apply. A run stitch needs
area where the design will be trimmed. to embroider before the satin stitch. You can
Your design will trim between these two lines. Figure 73 confirm this by checking that the run stitch is
• To apply your trim, click on the Selection tool in above the satin stitch in your sequence pane. See
Figure 71 the left toolbar. Figure 74. You can also confirm by selecting your
Slow redraw tool above.

Appliqués are added to pieces of garments to add a 3D effect to it. It is embroidered onto the fabric
and uses a basic stitch for tacking down the fabric to another fabric.

Create Appliqué using Text

1. To convert text into appliqué, click on the Text
Figure 74
tool to type out the word you wish to embroider,
using the appliqué technique.
2. Then, select an appliqué specific font. This will
automatically outline your text with the Satin SECURING YOUR DESIGN
stitch. See Figure 72.
3. Next, create a tack down stitch. A tack down It is crucial to add the appropriate underlay and
stitch connects the appliqué fabric to your stitching to ensure that your design is secure
garment. To do this, duplicate your design by during the embroidery process. Not using the
Figure 72 right-clicking and selecting duplicate. Or copy right underlay for your specific design could cause
and paste. The duplicated design will then registration issues, therefore messing up the
appear automatically on top of the original one. finished embroidered product.
4. Next, right-click and choose Break Up text to convert your text into an object. This will convert
each letter of your text into its own object. Underlay
5. Open your Sequence pane and make sure that your letters are in the correct sequence. See Figure 73.
6. Next, convert the duplicated object into a run stitch. A run stitch is a basic stitch that is used An Underlay is the portion of the design that
for tacking down fabric to other fabric. The basic stitch needs to embroider before your satin embroiders first to marry the fabric to the stabilizer.
stitch so that your fabric is attached to the other fabric, and kept in place, so it doesn’t shift This ensures that the design will not shift and
when the satin stitch is applied. Figure 75 lose registration during embroidery. Using the
7. To ensure that your design will embroider in the correct sequence, select your Slow Redraw correct type of underlay can prevent registration issues, while the wrong type of underlay can cause
tool above. registration issues.

26 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 27

Chroma defaults to an Edge Travel Then, right-click and select Convert To, and choose
underlay, which when embroidered, will the desired stitch. You can repeat this method
follow the edge of your design. This could throughout the entire design.
cause registration issues because the See Figure 77.
underlay may be too close to the edge,
which risks the event of your fabric then You can also use a Basting Stitch (Auto Baste) which
shifting. is intended to help adhere the fabric to the stabilizer
See Figure 75. and come off after you have finished embroidering.
This is useful when embroidering appliqué or in-the-
Instead, use a Centerline or Contour hoop designs.
underlay, which will run near the center of
your shape. To automatically baste the perimeters of your design,
select your design, click on Tools, and select Auto
A Zig Zag and a Full Lattice underlay are Baste. The basting stitch will now appear around the
used for designs that are prone to shifting perimeters of your design.
Figure 76 frequently, like polyester fabrics that tend See Figure 78.
to move as the machine embroiders. See
Figure 76. Figure 78

Convert To and AutoBaste

Before you get through too much of your

design, it is best to convert the file to the
appropriate stitch for proper embroidering.

To Auto Convert, you must first open

a vector file, like an AI or SVG. Once
the vector file is open, you can select
any individual elements of the design.

Figure 77

28 Chroma Start Guide Chroma Start Guide 29

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