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Service Manual
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Quick Reference Guide

General Information 1 j
Periodic Maintenance 2 j
Fuel System 3 j
Engine Top End 4 j
Clutch 5 j
Engine Lubrication System 6 j
Engine Removal/Installation 7 j
Crankshaft / Transmission 8 j
Wheels/Tires 9 j
Final Drive 10 j
Brakes 11 j
Suspension 12 j
Steering 13 j
Electrical System 14 j
Troubleshooting 15 j

This quick reference guide will assist

you in locating a desired topic or pro-
•Bend the pages back to match the
black tab of the desired chapter num-
ber with the black tab on the edge at
each table of contents page.
•Refer to the sectional table of contents
for the exact pages to locate the spe-
cific topic required.

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Service Manual
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of Quality Assurance Division/Consumer Products & Machinery
Company/Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan.
No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions in this publication, although every possible
care has been taken to make it as complete and accurate as possible.
The right is reserved to make changes at any time without prior notice and without incurring an obligation
to make such changes to products manufactured previously. See your Motorcycle dealer for the latest
information on product improvements incorporated after this publication.
All information contained in this publication is based on the latest product information available at the time
of publication. Illustrations and photographs in this publication are intended for reference use only and may
not depict actual model component parts.

© 2001 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 8th Edition (1): May 16, 2008 (K)

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A ampere(s) lb pound(s)
ABDC after bottom dead center m meter(s)
AC alternating current min minute(s)
ATDC after top dead center N newton(s)
BBDC before bottom dead center Pa pascal(s)
BDC bottom dead center PS horsepower
BTDC before top dead center psi pound(s) per square inch
°C degree(s) Celsius r revolution
DC direct current rpm revolution(s) per minute
F farad(s) TDC top dead center
°F degree(s) Fahrenheit TIR total indicator reading
ft foot, feet V volt(s)
g gram(s) W watt(s)
h hour(s) Ω ohm(s)
L liter(s)

Read OWNER’S MANUAL before operating.

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To protect the environment in which we all live, Kawasaki has incorporated crankcase emission
(1) and exhaust emission (2) control systems in compliance with applicable regulations of the
California Air Resources Board.
1. Crankcase Emission Control System
This system eliminates the release of cranckcase vapors into the atmosphere. Instead, the
vapors are routed through an oil separator to the inlet side of the engine. While the engine is
operating, the vapors are drawn into combustion chamber, where they are burned along with the
fuel and air supplied by the carburetor.
2. Exhaust Emission Control System
This system reduces the amount of pollutants discharged into the atmosphere by the exhaust
of this motorcycle. The fuel and ignition systems of this motorcycle have been carefully designed
and constructed to ensure an efficient engine with low exhaust pollutant levels.


California State law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof: (1) the removal or
rendering inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repair, or replace-
ment, of any device or element of design incorporated into any new motorcycle for the purposes
of emission control prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2)
the use of the motorcycle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered
inoperative by any person.
Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts listed below:
Do not tamper with the original emission related parts:
• Carburetor and internal pars
• Spark plug
• Magneto ignition system
• Air cleaner element

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Federal law prohibits the following acts or the causing thereof: (1) The removal or rendering
inoperative by any person other than for purposes of maintenance, repair, or replacement, of any
device or element of design incorporated into any new vehicle for the purpose of noise control
prior to its sale or delivery to the ultimate purchaser or while it is in use, or (2) the use of the
vehicle after such device or element of design has been removed or rendered inoperative by
any person.
Among those acts presumed to constitute tampering are the acts listed below:
• Replacement of the original exhaust system or muffler with a component not in compliance
with Federal regulations.
• Removal of the muffler(s) or any internal portion of the muffler(s).
• Removal of the air box or air box cover.
• Modifications to the muffler(s) or air inlet system by cutting, drilling, or other means if such
modifications result in increased noise levels.

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This manual is designed primarily for use by Guide shows you all of the product’s system
trained mechanics in a properly equipped shop. and assists in locating their chapters. Each
However, it contains enough detail and basic in- chapter in turn has its own comprehensive Ta-
formation to make it useful to the owner who de- ble of Contents.
sires to perform his own basic maintenance and For example, if you want ignition coil informa-
repair work. A basic knowledge of mechanics, tion, use the Quick Reference Guide to locate
the proper use of tools, and workshop proce- the Electrical System chapter. Then, use the
dures must be understood in order to carry out Table of Contents on the first page of the chap-
maintenance and repair satisfactorily. When- ter to find the Ignition Coil section.
ever the owner has insufficient experience or Whenever you see these WARNING and
doubts his ability to do the work, all adjust- CAUTION symbols, heed their instructions!
ments, maintenance, and repair should be car- Always follow safe operating and maintenance
ried out only by qualified mechanics. practices.
In order to perform the work efficiently and
to avoid costly mistakes, read the text, thor-
oughly familiarize yourself with the procedures This warning symbol identifies special
before starting work, and then do the work care- instructions or procedures which, if not
fully in a clean area. Whenever special tools or correctly followed, could result in per-
equipment are specified, do not use makeshift sonal injury or loss of life.
tools or equipment. Precision measurements
can only be made if the proper instruments are CAUTION
used, and the use of substitute tools may ad-
This caution symbol identifies special
versely affect safe operation.
instructions or procedures which, if not
For the duration of the warranty period,
strictly observed, could result in dam-
we recommend that all repairs and scheduled
age to or destruction of equipment.
maintenance be performed in accordance with
this service manual. Any owner maintenance or This manual contains four more symbols (in
repair procedure not performed in accordance addition to WARNING and CAUTION) which will
with this manual may void the warranty. help you distinguish different types of informa-
To get the longest life out of your vehicle: tion.
• Follow the Periodic Maintenance Chart in the
Service Manual. NOTE
• Be alert for problems and non-scheduled ○This note symbol indicates points of par-
maintenance. ticular interest for more efficient and con-
• Use proper tools and genuine Kawasaki Mo- venient operation.
torcycle parts. Special tools, gauges, and
testers that are necessary when servicing • Indicates
a procedural step or work to be
Kawasaki motorcycles are introduced by the
Service Manual. Genuine parts provided as
○Indicates a procedural sub-step or how to do
the work of the procedural step it follows. It
spare parts are listed in the Parts Catalog. also precedes the text of a NOTE.
• Follow the procedures in this manual care-
fully. Don’t take shortcuts.
Indicates a conditional step or what action to
take based on the results of the test or inspec-
• Remember to keep complete records of main-
tenance and repair with dates and any new
tion in the procedural step or sub-step it fol-
parts installed. In most chapters an exploded view illustration
of the system components follows the Table of
How to Use This Manual Contents. In these illustrations you will find the
In this manual, the product is divided into instructions indicating which parts require spec-
its major systems and these systems make up ified tightening torque, oil, grease or a locking
the manual’s chapters. The Quick Reference agent during assembly.

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General Information 1

Table of Contents
Before Servicing ..................................................................................................................... 1-2
Model Identification................................................................................................................. 1-5
General Specifications............................................................................................................ 1-6
Torque and Locking Agent...................................................................................................... 1-8
Special Tools and Sealants .................................................................................................... 1-11
Cable, Wire and Hose Routing ............................................................................................... 1-17
Unit Conversion Table ............................................................................................................ 1-22

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Before Servicing
Before starting to service a motorcycle, careful reading of the applicable section is recommended to
eliminate unnecessary work. Photographs, diagrams, notes, cautions, warnings, and detailed descrip-
tions have been included wherever necessary. Nevertheless, even a detailed account has limitations,
a certain amount of basic knowledge is also required for successful work.
Especially note the following:
(1) Dirt
Before removal and disassembly, clean the motorcycle. Any dirt entering the engine will shorten
the life of the motorcycle. For the same reason, before installing a new part, clean off any dust or
metal filings.
(2) Battery Ground
Disconnect the ground (–) wire from the battery before performing any disassembly operations
on the motorcycle. This prevents the engine from accidentally turning over while work is being
carried out, sparks from being generated while disconnecting the cables from electrical parts, as
well as damage to the electrical parts themselves. For reinstallation, first connect the positive
cable to the positive (+) terminal of the battery
(3) Installation, Assembly
Generally, installation or assembly is the reverse of removal or disassembly. However, if instal-
lation or assembly sequence is given in this Service Manual, follow it. Note parts locations and
cable, wire, and hose routing during removal or disassembly so they can be installed or assem-
bled in the same way. It is preferable to mark and record the locations and routing whenever
(4) Tightening Sequence
When installing bolts, nuts, or screws for which a tightening sequence is given in this Service
Manual, make sure to follow the sequence. When installing a part with several bolts, nuts, or
screws, start them all in their holes and tighten them to a snug fit, thus ensuring that the part has
been installed in its proper location. Then, tighten them to the specified torque in the tightening
sequence and method indicated. If tightening sequence instructions are not given, tighten them
evenly in a cross pattern. Conversely, to remove a part, first loosen all the bolts, nuts, or screws
that are retaining the part a 1/4-turn before removing them.
(5) Torque
When torque values are given in this Service Manual, use them. Either too little or too much
torque may lead to serious damage. Use a good quality, reliable torque wrench.
(6) Force
Common sense should dictate how much force is necessary in assembly and disassembly. If
a part seems especially difficult to remove or install, stop and examine what may be causing the
problem. Whenever tapping is necessary, tap lightly using a wooden or plastic-faced mallet. Use
an impact driver for screws (particularly for the removing screws held by non-permanent locking
agent) in order to avoid damaging the screw heads.
(7) Edges
Watch for sharp edges, as they could cause injury through careless handling, especially during
major engine disassembly and assembly. Use a clean piece of thick cloth when lifting the engine
or turning it over.
(8) High-Flash Point Solvent
A high-flash point solvent is recommended to reduce fire danger. A commercial solvent com-
monly available in North America is standard solvent (generic name). Always follow manufacturer
and container directions regarding the use of any solvent.
(9) Gasket, O-ring
Replace a gasket or an O-ring with a new part when disassembling. Remove any foreign matter
from the mating surface of the gasket or O-ring to ensure a perfectly smooth surface to prevent
oil or compression leaks.
(10)Liquid Gasket, Locking Agent
Clean and prepare surfaces where liquid gasket or non-permanent locking agent will be used.
Apply them sparingly. Excessive amount may block engine oil passages and cause serious dam-

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Before Servicing
(11) Press
When using a press or driver to install a part such as a wheel bearing, apply a small amount of
oil to the area where the two parts come in contact to ensure a smooth fit.
(12)Ball Bearing and Needle Bearing
Do not remove a ball bearing or a needle bearing unless it is absolutely necessary. Replace any
ball or needle bearings that were removed with new ones. Install bearings with the manufacturer
and size marks facing out, applying pressure evenly with a suitable driver. Apply force only to the
end of the race that contacts the press fit portion, and press it evenly over the base component.
(13)Oil Seal and Grease Seal
Replace any oil or grease seals that were removed with new ones, as removal generally dam-
ages seals. Oil or grease seals should be pressed into place using a suitable driver, applying a
force uniformly to the end of seal until the face of the seal is even with the end of the hole, unless
instructed otherwise. When pressing in an oil or grease seal which has manufacturer’s marks,
press it in with the marks facing out.
(14)Circlip, Retaining Ring, and Cotter Pin
When installing circlips and retaining rings, take care to compress or expand them only enough
to install them and no more. Install the circlip with its chamfered side facing load side as well.
Replace any circlips, retaining rings, and cotter pins that were removed with new ones, as re-
moval weakens and deforms them. If old ones are reused, they could become detached while
the motorcycle is driven, leading to a major problem.
Engine wear is generally at its maximum while the engine is warming up and before all the sliding
surfaces have an adequate lubricative film. During assembly, make sure to apply oil to any sliding
surface or bearing that has been cleaned. Old grease or dirty oil could have lost its lubricative
quality and may contain foreign particles that act as abrasives; therefore, make sure to wipe it off
and apply fresh grease or oil. Some oils and greases in particular should be used only in certain
applications and may be harmful if used in an application for which they are not intended.
(16)Direction of Engine Rotation
To rotate the crankshaft manually, make sure to do so in the direction of positive rotation. Pos-
itive rotation is counterclockwise as viewed from the left side of the engine. To carry out proper
adjustment, it is furthermore necessary to rotate the engine in the direction of positive rotation as
(17)Replacement Parts
When there is a replacement instruction, replace these parts with new ones every time they are
Replacement parts will be damaged or lose their original function once they are removed. There-
fore, always replace these parts with new ones every time they are removed. Although the pre-
viously mentioned gasket, O-ring, ball bearing, needle bearing, grease seal, oil seal, circlip, and
cotter pin have not been so designated in their respective text, they are replacement parts.
(18)Electrical Leads
All the electrical leads are either one-color or two-color. A two-color lead is identified first by
the primary color and then the stripe color. For example, a yellow lead with thin red stripes is
referred to as a “yellow/red” lead; it would be a “red/yellow” lead if the colors were reversed.
Unless instructed otherwise, electrical leads must be connected to leads of the same color.
Two-Color Electrical

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Before Servicing
When parts have been disassembled, visually inspect these parts for the following conditions
or other damage. If there is any doubt as to the condition of them, replace them with new ones.
Abrasion Crack Hardening Warp
Bent Dent Scratch Wear
Color change Deterioration Seizure
Specification terms are defined as follows:
“Standards” show dimensions or performances which brand-new parts or systems have.
“Service Limits” indicate the usable limits. If the measurement shows excessive wear or deteri-
orated performance, replace the damaged parts.

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Model Identification
KLX110-A1 Left Side View

KLX110-A1 Right Side View

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General Specifications

Items KLX110-A1 ∼
Overall Length 1 555 mm (61.2 in.)
Overall Width 660 mm (26.0 in.)
Overall Height 955 mm (37.6 in.)
Wheelbase 1 065 mm (41.9 in.)
Road Clearance 190 mm (7.5 in.)
Seat Height 650 mm (25.6 in.)
Dry Mass
KLX110-A1 ∼ A8F 64 kg (628 N, 141 lb)
Curb Mass:
KLX110A9F ∼ 64 kg (628 N, 141 lb)
Front 31 kg (304 N, 68 lb)
Rear 37 kg (363 N, 82 lb)
Fuel Tank Capacity 3.8 L (1.0 US gal)
Minimum Turning Radius 1.6 m (5.2 ft)
Type 4-stroke, SOHC, single cylinder
Cooling System Air-cooled
Bore and Stroke 53.0 × 50.6 mm (2.09 × 1.99 in.)
Displacement 111 cm³ (6.77 cu in.)
Compression Ratio 9.5 : 1
Carburetion System Carburetor, KEIHIN PB18
Starting System Kick
Ignition System Magneto CDI
Ignition Timing From 10° BTDC @1 300 r/min (rpm) to 31°
BTDC @4 000 r/min (rpm)
Spark Plug NGK CR6HSA
Valve Timing:
Open 0° BTDC
Close 80° ABDC
Duration 260°
Open 35° BBDC
Close 45° ATDC
Duration 260°
Lubrication System Forced lubrication (wet sump)
Engine Oil:
Grade API SE, SF or SG
API SH or SJ with JASO MA, MA1 or MA2 (KLX110-A1 ∼ A6F)
API SH, SJ or SL with JASO MA, MA1 or MA2 (KLX110A7F ∼)
Viscosity SAE 10W-40
Capacity 1.1 L (1.2 US gt): (when engine is completely dry)

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General Specifications

Items KLX110-A1 ∼
Drive Train
Primary Reduction System:
Type Gear, centrifugal
Reduction Ratio 3.048 (64/21) (KLX110-A1)
3.409 (75/22) (KLX110-A2 ∼)
Clutch Type Centrifugal & wet, multi disc
Type 3-speed, constant mesh, return shift
Gear Ratios:
1st 3.273 (36/11) (KLX110-A1)
3.000 (36/12) (KLX110-A2 ∼)
2nd 1.938 (31/16)
3rd 1.350 (27/20)
Final Drive System:
Type Chain drive
Reduction Ratio 2.642 (37/14) (KLX110-A1)
2.357 (33/14) (KLX110-A2 ∼)
Overall Drive Ratio 10.873 @Top gear (KLX110-A1)
10.848 @Top gear (KLX110-A2 ∼)
Type Backbone
Caster (Rake Angle) 25.5°
Trail 54 mm (2.1 in.)
Front Tire:
Type C803
Size 2.50 - 14 4PR
2.50 - 14 M/C 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼)
Rear Tire:
Type C803
Size 3.00 - 12 4PR
3.00 - 12 M/C 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼)
Rim Size:
Front 14 × 1.40
Rear 12 × 1.60
Front Suspension:
Type Telescopic fork
Wheel Travel 110 mm (4.3 in.)
Rear Suspension:
Type Swingarm
Wheel Travel 107 mm (4.2 in.)
Brake Type:
Front Drum
Rear Drum

Specifications are subject to change without notice, and may not apply to every country.

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Torque and Locking Agent
The following tables lists the tightening torque for the major fasteners requiring use of a
non-permanent locking agent or liquid gasket.
Letters used in the “Remarks” column mean:
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads.
S: Tighten the fasteners following the specified sequence.

Fastener Remarks
N·m kgf·m ft·lb
Fuel System
Fuel Tap Bolts (KLX110-A3 ∼) 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb
Engine Top End
Rocker Arm Shaft Stopper Screws 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Valve Adjusting Screw Locknuts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb
Camshaft Sprocket Bolt 12 1.2 104 in·lb L
Cylinder Head Nuts 22 2.2 16 S
Cylinder Head Bolts 12 1.2 104 in·lb L,S
Spark Plug 13 1.3 113 in·lb
Chain Tensioner Mounting Bolts 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb L
Tensioner Cap Bolt 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Camshaft Sprocket Cover Bolts 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Camshaft Chain Holder Screws 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Valve Adjusting Cap Bolts 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Spark Arrester Mounting Bolts 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb
Clutch Cover Screws (KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F) 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb S
Clutch Cover Bolts (KLX110A8F ∼) 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb S
Clutch Cover Plate Screws 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb
Clutch Hub Nut (Primary) 72 7.3 53
Clutch Hub Nut (Secondary) 72 7.3 53
Clutch Spring Bolts (KLX110-A1 ∼ A2) 3.4 0.35 30 in·lb
Clutch Spring Bolts (KLX110-A3 ∼) 5.0 0.51 44 in·lb
Clutch Adjusting Screw Locknut 19 1.9 14
Shift Drum Position Plate Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Shift Drum Positioning Lever Pivot Bolt 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb L
Kick Guide Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Return Spring Pin 22 2.2 16
Engine Lubrication System
Oil Pipe Banjo Bolts 15 1.5 11
Oil Pipe Clamp Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Oil Pump Mounting Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Oil Filter Cap Bolts 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Engine Oil Drain Plug 29 3.0 21
Engine Removal/Installation
Engine Mounting Nuts 54 5.5 40
Side Stand Mounting Nut 23 2.3 17

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Torque and Locking Agent

Fastener Remarks
N·m kgf·m ft·lb
Crankcase Screws 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb L(1) S
Bearing Retainer Screw 5 mm 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb
Bearing Retainer Screw 6 mm 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Shift Return Spring Pin 22 2.2 16 L
Shift Drum Allen Bolt 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb L
Magneto Flywheel Nut 10 mm (KLX110-A1) 42 4.3 31
Magneto Flywheel Nut 12 mm (KLX110-A2 ∼) 54 5.5 40
Clutch Hub Nut 72 7.3 53
Spoke Nipples 1.2 0.12 10 in·lb
Front Axle Nut 44 4.5 32
Rear Axle Nut 64 6.5 47
Torque Link Nut 25 2.5 18
Final Drive
Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut 78 8.0 58
Rear Sprocket Nuts 34 3.5 25
Rear Axle Nut 64 6.5 47
Torque Link Nut 25 2.5 18
Front Axle Nut 44 4.5 32
Rear Axle Nut 64 6.5 47
Brake Pedal Bolt 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb
Rear Cam Lever Mounting Bolt 7.0 0.7 60 in·lb
Front Fork Clamp Bolts:
Upper 20 2.0 15
Lower 29 3.0 22
Front Fork Bottom Allen Bolts 20 2.0 15
Torque Link Nuts:
Front 25 2.5 18
Rear 25 2.5 18
Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut 78 8.0 58
Rear Shock Absorber Mounting Nuts:
Upper 39 4.0 29
Lower 39 4.0 29
Front Fork Clamp Bolts:
Upper 20 2.0 15
Lower 29 3.0 22
Steering Stem Head Nut 44 4.5 32
Handlebar Holder Bolts 25 2.5 18
Steering Stem Locknut 4.9 0.5 43 in·lb

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Torque and Locking Agent

Fastener Remarks
N·m kgf·m ft·lb
Electrical System
Gear Position Switch Screw 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb
Spark Plug 13 1.3 113 in·lb
Magneto Flywheel Nut 10 mm (KLX110-A1) 42 4.3 31
Magneto Flywheel Nut 12 mm (KLX110-A2 ∼) 54 5.5 40
Exciter Coil Mounting Screws 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Crankshaft Sensor Mounting Screw 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb
Magneto Cover Screws (KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F) 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb S
Magneto Cover Bolts (KLX110A8F ∼) 8.8 0.9 78 in·lb S
Exciter Coil Plate Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Crankshaft Sensor Plate Screw 5.2 0.53 46 in·lb
Magneto Cover Damper 2.9 0.3 26 in·lb
The table below, relating tightening torque to thread diameter, lists the basic torque for the bolts and
nuts. Use this table for only the bolts and nuts which do not require a specific torque value. All of the
values are for use with dry solvent-cleaned threads.
Basic Torque for General Fasteners
Threads dia. Torque
(mm) N·m kgf·m ft·lb
5 3.4 ∼ 4.9 0.35 ∼ 0.50 30 ∼ 43 in·lb
6 5.9 ∼ 7.8 0.60 ∼ 0.80 52 ∼ 69 in·lb
8 14 ∼ 19 1.4 ∼ 1.9 10.0 ∼ 13.5
10 25 ∼ 34 2.6 ∼ 3.5 19.0 ∼ 25
12 44 ∼ 61 4.5 ∼ 6.2 33 ∼ 45
14 73 ∼ 98 7.4 ∼ 10.0 54 ∼ 72
16 115 ∼ 155 11.5 ∼ 16.0 83 ∼ 115
18 165 ∼ 225 17.0 ∼ 23.0 125 ∼ 165
20 225 ∼ 325 23 ∼ 33 165 ∼ 240

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Special Tools and Sealants
Oil Pressure Gauge, 5 kgf/cm²: Fork Cylinder Holder Handle:
57001-125 57001-183

Steering Stem Bearing Driver: Compression Gauge, 20 kgf/cm²:

57001-137 57001-221

Inside Circlip Pliers: Valve Spring Compressor Assembly:

57001-143 57001-241

Outside Circlip Pliers: Bearing Puller Adapter:

57001-144 57001-317

Bearing Puller: Piston Pin Puller Assembly:

57001-158 57001-910

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Special Tools and Sealants
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter: Crankcase Splitting Tool Assembly:
57001-1011 57001-1098

Fuel Level Gauge: Steering Stem Nut Wrench:

57001-1017 57001-1100

Oil Seal & Bearing Remover: Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 27.5:
57001-1058 57001-1114

Rim Protector: Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 25:

57001-1063 57001-1118

Bead Breaker Assembly: Valve Seat Cutter, 60° - 30:

57001-1072 57001-1123

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Special Tools and Sealants
Valve Seat Cutter Holder Bar: Bearing Puller Stud:
57001-1128 57001-1190

Bearing Driver Set: Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 22:

57001-1129 57001-1205

Valve Spring Compressor Adapter, 20: Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 22:
57001-1154 57001-1206

Crankshaft Jig: Valve Seat Cutter, 67.5° - 22:

57001-1174 57001-1207

Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.25: Rotor Puller, M16/M18/M20/M22 × 1.5:
57001-1182 57001-1216

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Special Tools and Sealants
Valve Adjusting Screw Holder: Bearing Remover Head, 10 × 12:
57001-1217 57001-1266

Front Fork Oil Seal Driver: Fork Oil Level Gauge:

57001-1219 57001-1290

Jack: Flywheel Holder:

57001-1238 57001-1313

Spark Plug Wrench, Hex 16: Compression Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.0:
57001-1262 57001-1317

Bearing Remover Shaft, 9: Valve Seat Cutter Holder, 4.5:

57001-1265 57001-1330

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Special Tools and Sealants
Valve Guide Arbor, 4.5: Clutch Holder 1:
57001-1331 57001-1507

Valve Guide Reamer, 4.5: Clutch Holder 2:

57001-1333 57001-1508

Hand Tester: Oil Pressure Cap:

57001-1394 57001-1651

Peak Voltage Adapter: Pilot Screw Adjuster

57001-1415 57001-1665

Flywheel Puller, M28 × 1.0: Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant):

57001-1471 56019-120

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Special Tools and Sealants
Kawasaki Bond(Liquid Gasket - Black):

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing
Dummy Page

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing
1. Throttle Cable
2. Engine Stop Switch Lead
3. Band
4. Handlebar
5. Frame
6. Carburetor
7. Clamp
8. Air Vent Hose
9. Regulator/Rectifier
10. Igniter
11. Crankcase Breather Hose
12. Magneto Leads
13. Gear Position Switch Leads
14. Main Harness
15. Choke Knob
16. Ignition Coil
17. Ground Lead
18. Brake Cable
19. Bend the clamp as shown.
20. Approx. 15 mm (0.59 in.)
21. Connect the connector of magneto lead inside of the crankcase breather hose.
A: KLX110-A3 ∼

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing

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Cable, Wire and Hose Routing
1. Frame
2. Align the damper center with the frame hole.
3. Apply adhesive to diagonal line portion.
4. Clamp
5. Run the carburetor drain hose into a hole of the engine guard.
6. Ignition Coil Lead
7. Inlet Fuel Hose
8. Crankcase Breather Hose
9. Engine Guard
10. Carburetor Drain Hose
11. Clamp
12. Clutch Cover
13. Cylinder Head
14. Carburetor
15. Choke Cable
16. Throttle Cable
17. Regulator/Rectifier
18. Inlet Fitting

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Unit Conversion Table
Prefixes for Units: Units of Length:
km × 0.6214 = mile
Prefix Symbol Power m × 3.281 = ft
mega M × 1 000 000 mm × 0.03937 = in
kilo k × 1 000
centi c × 0.01
milli m × 0.001 Units of Torque:
micro μ × 0.000001 N·m × 0.1020 = kgf·m
N·m × 0.7376 = ft·lb
N·m × 8.851 = in·lb
Units of Mass: kgf·m × 9.807 = N·m
kg × 2.205 = lb kgf·m × 7.233 = ft·lb
g × 0.03527 = oz kgf·m × 86.80 = in·lb

Units of Volume:
L × 0.2642 =
Units of Pressure:
gal (US)
kPa × 0.01020 = kgf/cm²
L × 0.2200 = gal (imp)
kPa × 0.1450 = psi
L × 1.057 = qt (US)
kPa × 0.7501 = cmHg
L × 0.8799 = qt (imp)
kgf/cm² × 98.07 = kPa
L × 2.113 = pint (US)
kgf/cm² × 14.22 = psi
L × 1.816 = pint (imp)
cmHg × 1.333 = kPa
mL × 0.03381 = oz (US)
mL × 0.02816 = oz (imp)
mL × 0.06102 = cu in
Units of Speed:
km/h × 0.6214 = mph

Units of Force:
N × 0.1020 = kg
Units of Power:
N × 0.2248 = lb
kW × 1.360 = PS
kg × 9.807 = N
kW × 1.341 = HP
kg × 2.205 = lb
PS × 0.7355 = kW
PS × 0.9863 = HP
Units of Temperature:

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Periodic Maintenance
Table of Contents

Periodic Maintenance Chart .............. 2-2 Sprocket Wear Inspection............ 2-16

Specifications .................................... 2-3 Chain Slipper Wear Inspection .... 2-17
Periodic Maintenance Procedures..... 2-5 Brakes............................................. 2-17
Fuel System.................................... 2-5 Brake Lever, Brake Pedal Free
Fuel Hose and Connections Play Inspection.......................... 2-17
Inspection.................................. 2-5 Front Brake Lever Free Play
Fuel Tap Inspection...................... 2-5 Adjustment ................................ 2-18
Fuel Tap Cleaning ........................ 2-5 Brake Pedal Free Play
Throttle Grip Free Play Inspection 2-6 Adjustment ................................ 2-18
Throttle Grip Free Play Brake Lining Wear Inspection ...... 2-18
Adjustment ................................ 2-6 Cam Lever Angle Adjustment ...... 2-20
Idle Speed Inspection .................. 2-7 Brake Panel Lubrication............... 2-20
Idle Speed Adjustment................. 2-7 Suspension ..................................... 2-21
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning and Fork Oil Level Adjustment
Inspection.................................. 2-7 (Simplify) ................................... 2-21
Engine Top End .............................. 2-8 Front Fork Inner Tube Inspection. 2-22
Valve Clearance Inspection ......... 2-8 Rear Shock Absorber Inspection . 2-22
Valve Clearance Adjustment........ 2-9 Swingarm Pivot Inspection........... 2-23
Spark Arrester Cleaning............... 2-9 Swingarm Rubber Bushing
Clutch.............................................. 2-10 Inspection.................................. 2-23
Clutch Adjustment........................ 2-10 Steering .......................................... 2-24
Engine Lubrication System ............. 2-10 Steering Inspection ...................... 2-24
Oil Level Inspection...................... 2-11 Steering Adjustment..................... 2-24
Oil Change ................................... 2-11 Steering Stem Bearing
Oil Filter Element Replacement ... 2-12 Lubrication................................. 2-25
Wheels/Tires................................... 2-12 Side Stand ...................................... 2-25
Wheels Inspection........................ 2-12 Side Stand Inspection .................. 2-25
Spoke Tightness Inspection ......... 2-12 Electrical System ............................ 2-25
Wheel Bearing Inspection ............ 2-13 Spark Plug Gap............................ 2-25
Rim Runout Inspection................. 2-13 Spark Plug Cleaning and
Final Drive....................................... 2-14 Inspection.................................. 2-25
Chain Slack Inspection ................ 2-14 General Lubrication ........................ 2-26
Chain Slack Adjustment............... 2-14 Lubrication ................................... 2-26
Chain Wear Inspection................. 2-15 Nut, Bolt and Fastener Tightness ... 2-27
Chain Lubrication ......................... 2-16 Tightness Inspection .................... 2-27

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Periodic Maintenance Chart
The maintenance must be done in accordance with this chart to keep the motorcycle in good running
FREQUENCY Initial Every
5 hours 50 hours 100 hours See
OPERATION (1 (6 (12 Page
month) months) months)
Engine oil-change • • • 2-11
(e)Spark plug-clean, gap † • • 2-25
Clutch-inspection † • • • 2-10
(e)Valve clearance-inspection † • 2-8
Oil filter element-replace • • 2-12
E (e)Air cleaner element-clean †
• • • 2-7
(e)Idle speed-inspection † Every ride 2-7
(e)Throttle grip play-inspection † • • • 2-6
Fuel tap-clean • • 2-5
Spark arrester-clean • 2-9
Engine sprocket-inspection † • • 2-16
Fuel hose, connections-inspection† • • 2-5
Brake lever/pedal play-inspection † Every ride 2-17
Brake lining wear-inspection † Every ride 2-18
Brake camshaft-grease • • 2-20
Brake cable-inspection † Every year 2-26
Spoke tightness and rim runout-inspection † • • • 2-12
Drive chain slack-inspection† Every ride 2-14
Drive chain-lubricate Every ride 2-16
Drive chain wear-inspection † • • • 2-15
Front fork-inspection † • • 2-22
C Chain slipper-inspection † • • 2-17
Front fork oil-inspection † Every year 2-21
Nuts, bolts, fasteners-inspection† • • • 2-27
Steering play-inspection † • • • 2-24
Steering stem bearing-grease • 2-25
Rear sprocket-inspection † • • 2-16
General lubrication-perform • • • 2-26
Side stand-inspection † • • 2-25
Wheel bearing-inspection † • • 2-13
Swingarm pivots-inspection † • • • 2-23
Rear shock absorber-inspection † • • 2-22
(e): Emission Related
†: Replace, add, adjust or torque if necessary.

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Item Standard Service Limit

Fuel System
Throttle Grip Free Play 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.) – – –
Idle Speed 1 250 ∼ 1 350 r/min (rpm) – – –
Air Cleaner Element Oil High quality foam air filter oil – – –
Engine Top End
Valve Clearance:
Exhaust 0.04 ∼ 0.08 mm (0.0016 ∼ 0.0031 in.) – – –
Inlet 0.04 ∼ 0.08 mm (0.0016 ∼ 0.0031 in.) – – –
Clutch Adjusting Screw 1/4 turn out – – –
Engine Lubrication System
Engine Oil:
Type API SE, SF or SG
API SH or SJ with JASO MA, MA1 or
MA2 (KLX110-A1 ∼ A6F)
API SH, SJ or SL with JASO MA, MA1
or MA2 (KLX110A7F ∼)
Viscosity SAE 10W-40
Capacity 1.1 L (1.2 us qt)
(when engine is completely dry) – – –
1.0 L (1.1 us qt)
(when filter is removed) – – –
0.9 L (1.0 us qt)
(when filter is not removed) – – –
Level Between upper and lower level lines – – –
Rim Runout (with tire installed):
Axial TIR 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) or less TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Radial TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) or less TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Final Drive
Drive Chain Slack 0 ∼ 5 mm (0 ∼ 0.2 in.) – – –
Drive Chain 20-link Length 254.0 ∼ 254.6 mm (10.00 ∼ 10.02 in.) 259 mm (10.20 in.)
Brake Lever Free Play 4 ∼ 5 mm (0.16 ∼ 0.20 in.) – – –
Brake Pedal Free Play 20 ∼ 30 mm (0.79 ∼ 1.18 in.) – – –
Brake Cam Lever Angle:
Front 80° ∼ 90° – – –
Rear 80° ∼ 90° – – –
Fork Oil Viscosity SHOWA SS-8 or equivalent – – –
Fork Oil Level
(Fully Compressed, Without Spring) 89 ±2 mm (3.5 ±0.08 in.) – – –
Electrical System
Standard Plug NGK CR6HSA – – –
Spark Plug Gap 0.6 ∼ 0.7 mm (0.024 ∼ 0.028 in.) – – –

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Special Tools - Valve Adjusting Screw Holder: 57001-1217
Jack: 57001-1238
Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001-1290
Steering Stem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Fuel System
Fuel Hose and Connections Inspection
• Check the fuel hose [A] for the following.
Fuel leakage
Loose or improperly positioned line clamp [B]
Deteriorated or damaged line
Replace the fuel hose if any fraying, cracks or bulges are
• When installing, route the hoses according to Cable,
Wire, and Hose Routing section in the General Informa-
tion chapter.
• When installing the fuel hoses, avoid sharp bending, kink-
ing, flattening or twisting, and route the fuel hoses with a
minimum of bending so that the fuel flow will not be ob-
Replace the hose if it has been sharply bent or kinked.
Fuel Tap Inspection
• Remove the fuel tap (see Fuel System chapter).
• rioration. fuel tap filter screen [A] for any breaks or dete-
Check the

If the fuel tap screen have any breaks or is deteriorated, it

may allow dirt to reach the carburetor, causing poor run-
ning. Replace the fuel tap.
If the fuel tap leaks, or allows fuel to flow when it is at OFF
position, replace the damaged O-ring [B].

Fuel Tap Cleaning

Clean the tap in a well-ventilated area, and take
care that there is no sparks or flame anywhere
near the working area. Because of the danger of
highly flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or
low flash-point solvent to clean the tap.

• Clean
the fuel tap filter screen in a high-flash point sol-

• Pour high-flash point solvent through the tap in all lever

• Dry the tank and tap with compressed air.
• Install the tap in the tank.
Torque - Fuel Tap Bolts: 4.9 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 43 in·lb)
KLX110-A3 ∼
• Install the fuel tank.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Throttle Grip Free Play Inspection
If the throttle grip has excessive free play due to cable
stretch or misadjustment, there will be a delay in throttle re-
sponse. Also, the throttle valve may not open fully at full
throttle. On the other hand, if the throttle grip has no play,
the throttle will be hard to control, and the idle speed will
be erratic. Check the throttle grip play periodically in accor-
dance with the Periodic Maintenance Chart, and adjust the
play if necessary.
The throttle cable routing is shown in Cable, Harness,
Hose Routing section in the General Information chapter.
• Check throttle grip free play [B] by lightly turning the throt-
tle grip [A] back and forth.
If the free play is improper, adjust the throttle cable.
Throttle Grip Free Play
Standard: 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.)

Throttle Grip Free Play Adjustment

• Loosen
the locknut [A] at the upper end of the throttle

• Turn the adjuster [B] until the proper amount of throttle

grip free play is obtained.
• Tighten the locknut.

If the throttle grip free play cannot be adjusted with the

adjuster at the upper end of the throttle cable, use the
cable adjuster [A] at the carburetor.
• Pull the boot off of the carburetor top. Make the necessary
free play adjustment at the lower cable adjuster, tighten
the locknut [B], and install the boot.
• Check if the throttle grip moves smoothly from full open to
close, and the throttle closes quickly and completely in all
steering positions by the return spring. If not, check the
throttle cable routing, grip free play, and cable damage.
Then lubricate the throttle cable.
• With the engine idling, turn the handlebar both ways and
check if handlebar movement changes the idling speed.
If so, the throttle cable may be improperly adjusted or
incorrectly routed, or damaged. Be sure to correct any
of these conditions before riding.
Operation with an improperly adjusted, incorrectly
routed, or damaged cable could result in an unsafe
riding condition.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Idle Speed Inspection
• Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.
• gine. handlebar from side to side while idling the en-
Turn the

If handlebar movement changes the idle speed, the throt-

tle cable may be improperly adjusted or incorrectly routed,
or it may be damaged. Be sure to correct any of these
conditions before riding.
Operation with an improperly adjusted, incorrectly
routed, or damaged cable could result in an unsafe
riding condition.

• Check idle speed using a tachometer.

If the idle speed is out of the specified range, adjust it.
Idle Speed
Standard: 1 250 ∼ 1 350 r/min (rpm)

Idle Speed Adjustment

The pilot screw [A] is set at the factory and should
not be adjusted. But if necessary, set the pilot
screw as follows:

• Turn in the air screw and count the number of turns until
it seats fully but not tightly.
○For United States model; The air screw adjuster (special
tool) may be used.
Special Tool - Pilot Screw Adjuster: 57001-1665
• Back out the same number of turns counted when turned
in. This is to set the screw to its original position.
○A carburetor has different “turns out” of the pilot screw
for each individual unit. When setting the pilot screw,
use the “turns out” determined during disassembly. Use
the specifications in this manual only if the original num-
ber is unknown.

• Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly.

•○Open andidleclose
Turn the adjusting screw [B] until idle speed is correct.
the throttle a few times to make sure that
the idle speed is within the specified range. Readjust if
Air Cleaner Element Cleaning and Inspection
○In dusty areas, the element should be cleaned more
frequently than recommended interval.
○After riding through rain or on muddy roads, the element
should be cleaned immediately.
○Since repeated cleaning opens the pores of the ele-
ment, replace it with a new one. Also, if there is a break
in the element material or any other damage to the ele-
ment, replace the element with a new one.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Clean the element in a well-ventilated area, and take
care that there are no sparks or flame anywhere
near the working area; this includes any appliance
with a pilot light. Because of the danger of highly
flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or a low
flash-point solvent to clean the element.

• Remove
the air cleaner element [A] (see Fuel System

• Clean the element in a bath of a high-flash point solvent

using a soft bristle brush. Squeeze it dry in a clean towel.
Do not wring the element or blow it dry; the element can
be damaged.
• Check all the parts of the element for visible damage.
If any of the parts of the element are damaged, replace
• After cleaning, saturate the element with a high-quality
foam-air-filter oil, squeeze out the excess, then wrap it in
a clean rag and squeeze it as dry as possible. Be careful
not to tear the sponge filter.
• Remove the towel from the carburetor.
• Install the element.

Engine Top End

Valve Clearance Inspection
If valve clearance is left unadjusted, wear will even-
tually cause the valves to remain partly open, which
lowers performance, burns the valves and the valve
seats, and may cause serious engine damage.

○Valve clearance must be checked when the engine is
cold (at room temperature).

Valve Clearance (when engine cold)

Inlet and Exhaust: 0.04 ∼ 0.08 mm
(0.0016 ∼ 0.0031 in.)

• Remove:
Left Shroud
Spark Plug (see Electrical System chapter)
Camshaft Sprocket Cover [A] (see Camshaft Sprocket
Removal in the Engine Top End chapter)
Valve Adjusting Covers [B] (see Rocker Arm Removal in
the Engine Top End chapter)

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Turn the camshaft sprocket plate [A] counterclockwise

and align the line [B] on the camshaft sprocket with the
projection [C] on the mating surface of the cylinder head.

• Measure the clearance of each valve by inserting a thick-

ness gauge [A] between the adjusting screw and the valve
If a valve clearance is incorrect, adjust it.
• Install the other removed parts.

Valve Clearance Adjustment

• Use a valve adjusting screw holder [A] to holding the valve
adjusting screw [B], loosen the adjusting screw locknut [C]
and insert the 0.05 mm thickness gauge between valve
and adjusting screw and turn the adjusting screw until the
adjusting screw stops.
Special Tool - Valve Adjusting Screw Holder: 57001-1217
• Tighten the locknut.
Torque - Adjusting Screw Locknut: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78
• Remove the thickness gauge.
Spark Arrester Cleaning
To avoid burns, be sure the exhaust system is cold
before cleaning the spark arrester. The exhaust
system becomes very hot soon after the engine is

• Remove the muffler cover.

• arrester [B].
Unscrew the mounting bolts [A] and pull out the spark

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Scrape carbon deposits off the spark arrester [A].

• Install the spark arrester and torque the spark arrester

mounting bolts.
Torque - Spark Arrester Mounting Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9
kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
• Install the muffler cover.
Clutch Adjustment
• Loosen the adjusting screw locknut [A].
• comes hard
Turn the adjusting screw [B] counterclockwise until it be-
to turn, and then back it out a quarter turn.

• Tighten
the locknut without changing the adjusting screw

• Start the engine and inspect the conditions of clutch while

shifting the pedal a few times.
Torque - Adjusting Screw Locknut: 19 N·m (1.9 kgf·m, 14

Engine Lubrication System

In order for the transmission and clutch to function prop-
erly, always maintain the engine oil at the proper level and
change the oil periodically.
Motorcycle operation with insufficient, deteri-
orated, or contaminated engine oil will cause
accelerated, wear and may result in transmission
seizure, accident, and injury.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Oil Level Inspection
• To check the oil level, start the engine and run it for sev-
eral minutes at idle speed. This fills the oil filter with oil.
Then stop the engine and wait several minutes until the
oil settles.
• If the motorcycle has just been used, wait several minutes
for all the oil to drain down.
• Situate the motorcycle so that it is perpendicular to the
• Check that the engine oil level is between the upper [A]
and lower [B] levels in the gauge.
The oil level should be between the lines next to the
If the oil level is too high, remove the excess oil, using a
syringe or some other suitable device.
If the oil level is too low, add oil through the oil filler open-
ing. Use the same type and make of oil that is already in
the engine.
○If the oil must be refilled but the type and brand of the
oil already in the engine are unidentified, change the oil
in the engine completely.
Oil Change
• Support the motorcycle perpendicular to the ground.
• any sediment
Warm up the engine thoroughly so that the oil will pick up
and drain easily. Then stop the engine.
• Remove the engine
Place an oil pan beneath the engine.
• ing to drain the oil. oil drain plug [A] and the oil filler open-
○The oil in the oil filter can be drained by removing the filter.

• After the oil has completely drained, install the drain plug
with its gasket.
Replace the drain plug gasket with a new one if it is dam-
• Tighten the drain plug.
Torque - Engine Oil Drain Plug: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 21 ft·lb)
• Pour in the specified type and amount of oil.
Recommended Engine Oil
Type: API SE, SF or SG
API SH or SJ with JASO MA, MA1 or MA2
(KLX110-A1 ∼ A6F)
API SH, SJ or SL with JASO MA, MA1 or
MA2 (KLX110A7F ∼)
Viscosity: SAE 10 W-40
Capacity: 1.1 L (1.2 us qt)
(When engine is completely dry)
1.0 L (1.1 us qt) (When filter is removed)
0.9 L (1.0 us qt)
(When filter is not removed)

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
○Do not add any chemical additive to the oil. Oils fulfilling
the above requirements are fully formulated and provide
adequate lubrication for both the engine and the clutch.
○Although 10W-40 engine oil is the recommended oil
for most conditions, the oil viscosity may need to be
changed to accommodate atmospher ic conditions in
your riding area.

Oil Filter Element Replacement

• Drain the engine oil.
• in the Engine
Remove the engine guard (see Engine Removal section
Removal/Installation chapter).
• Remove the oil filter cap bolts [A] and oil filter cap [B].

• Replace the filter element with a new one.

• Set the spring into the oil filter cap.
○Install the filter element so that the bypass valve [A] side

• Fit a new O-ring onto the oil filter cap.

• Install grease
Apply to the O-ring.
• the oil filter cap.
Torque - Oil Filter Cap Bolts: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)

Wheels Inspection
• Place the jack under the frame so that the front/rear wheel
is raised off the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Spin the wheel lightly, and check for roughness or binding.
• Visually inspect
If roughness or binding is found, replace the hub bearings.
• If axle damagedthe front and rear axles for damage.
• or bent, replace it.
Spoke Tightness Inspection
• Check that all the spokes [A] are tightened evenly.
Standard spoke tightening torque is shown below. Over-
or under-tightening may cause breakage.
Torque - Spokes nipples: 1.2 N·m (0.12 kgf·m, 10 in·lb)
• Check the rim runout.
If any spoke breaks, it should be replaced immedi-
ately. A missing spoke places an additional load on
the other spokes, which will eventually cause other
spokes to break.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Wheel Bearing Inspection
• Raise the front wheel off the ground.
• excessiveend
Turn the of handlebar to left or right fully, feel the
play for front wheel bearing by pushing and
pulling [A] the tire.
• Spin the wheel lightly and check for roughness or binding.
If roughness or biding is found, check the front wheel

• Raise the rear wheel off the ground.

• and pulling
Feel the excessive play for rear wheel bearing by pushing
the tire.
• Spin
[A] the wheel lightly and check for roughness or bind-

If roughness or binding is found, check the rear wheel and

coupling of bearings.

Rim Runout Inspection

• Place the jack under the frame so that the front/rear wheel
is raised off the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Inspect
the rim for small cracks, dents, bending, or warp-

If there is any damage to the rim, it must be replaced.

• Set a dial gauge against the side of the rim, and rotate
the rim to measure axial runout [A]. The difference be-
tween the highest and lowest dial readings is the amount
of runout.
• Set a dial gauge to the outer circumference of the rim,
and rotate the rim to measure radial runout [B]. The dif-
ference between the highest and lowest dial readings is
the amount of runout.
• If rim runout exceeds the service limit, check the hub bear-
ing first. Replace them if they are damaged. If the prob-
lem is not to the bearings, correct the rim warp (runout).
A certain amount of rim warp can be corrected by recen-
tering the rim. Loosen some spokes and tighten others
within the standard torque to change the position of dif-
ferent parts of the rim. If the rim is badly bent, however, it
should be replaced.
Rim Runout (with tire installed)
Axial TIR 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) or less
Radial TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) or less
Service Limit:
Axial TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Radial TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Final Drive
Chain Slack Inspection
• Support the mortorcycle perpendicular to the ground.
○Clean the drive chain if it is dirty, and lubricate it if it
appears dry.

• Rotate the rear wheel to find the position where the chain
is tightest.
• Push up [A] the chain midway between the engine
sprocket and rear sprocket.
• The drive chain slack is that the drive chain [B] protrude
within 0 ∼ 5 mm (0 ∼ 0.2 in.) [C] from the hollow [D] of the
chain guard [E].
If the drive chain slack exceeds the standard, adjust it.
Chain Slack
Standard: 0 ∼ 5 mm (0 ∼ 0.2 in.)

Chain Slack Adjustment

• Remove:
Cotter Pin [A]
• Rear Torque Link Nut [B]

Axle Nut [C]

Brake Adjusting Nut [D]
Right and Left Chain Adjuster Locknuts [E]
If you don’t loosen the torque link nut, it may lead
to the brake parts damage when the adjusters are

• Ifadjusting
the chain is too tight, back out the left and right chain
nuts [A] evenly, and kick the wheel forward until
the chain is too loose.
• Turn both chain adjusting nuts evenly until the drive chain
has the correct amount of slack. To keep the chain and
wheel properly aligned, the notch [B] on the right chain
adjuster [C] should align with the same swingarm mark
[D] that the left chain adjuster notch aligns with.

• Tighten both chain adjuster locknuts.

• Tighten the axle nut.
Torque - Rear Axle Nut: 64 N·m (6.5 kgf·m, 47 ft·lb)

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Insert a new cotter pin [A].

○When inserting the cotter pin, if the slots in the nut do
not align with the cotter pin hole in the axel, tighten the
nut clockwise [B] up to next alignment.
○It should be within 30 degree.
○Loosen once and tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.

• Bend the cotter pin [A] over the nut [B].

• Rotate the wheel, measure the chain slack again at the

tightest position, and readjust if necessary.
• Tighten the rear torque link nut securely.
Torque - Rear Torque Link Nut: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
• Insert a new cotter pin for the rear torque link nut and
spread its ends.
If the axle and torque link nuts are not securely
tightened and the cotter pins are not installed, an
unsafe riding condition may result.

• Check the rear brake play referring to brakes section in

this chapter.
Chain Wear Inspection
• Rotate the rear wheel to inspect the drive chain for dam-
aged rollers, and loose pins and links.
• Also inspect the sprockets for unevenly or excessively
worn teeth, and damaged teeth.
○Sprocket wear is exaggerated for illustration (see
Sprocket Wear Inspection in this chapter).
If there is any irregularity, replace the drive chain and
• If the chain appears dry, lubricate it.
• Remove the chain cover.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Stretch the chain taut by hanging a 98 N (10 kg, 20 lb)

weight [A] on the chain.
• Measure the length of 20 links [B] on the straight part [C]
of the chain from pin center of the 1st pin to pin center
of the 21st pin. Since the chain may wear unevenly, take
measurements at several places.
If any measurements exceeds the service limit, replace
the chain. Also, replace the engine and rear sprockets
when the drive chain is replaced.
If the drive chain wear exceeds the service limit, re-
place the chain or an unsafe riding condition may
result. A chain that breaks or jumps off the sprock-
ets could snag on the engine sprocket or lock the
rear wheel, severely damaging the motorcycle and
causing it to go out of control. For safety, use only
the standard chain.

Drive Chain 20-Link Length

Standard: 254.0 ∼ 254.6 mm (10.00 ∼ 10.02 in.)
Service Limit: 259 mm (10.20 in.)

Chain Lubrication
The chain should be lubricated with a lubricant which will
both prevent its exterior from rusting and also absorb shock
and reduce friction in the interior of the chain. An effective,
good quality lubricant specially formulated for chains is best
for regular chain lubrication. If a special lubricant is not
available, a heavy oil such as SAE 90 is preferred to a lighter
oil because it will stay on the chain longer and provide better
• If the chain appears especially dirty, it should be cleaned
before lubrication.
• Apply oil to the sides of the rollers and between the side
plates of the links so that oil will penetrate to the bushings
and pins where most wear takes place.
• Wipe off any excess oil.
Oil applied area [A]
Sprocket Wear Inspection
• Visually inspect the engine and rear sprocket teeth for
wear and damage.
If they are worn as illustrated or damaged, replace the
sprocket with new ones and inspect the drive chain wear.
Worn Tooth (Engine Sprocket) [A]
Worn Tooth (Rear Sprocket) [B]
Direction of Rotation [C]
○If a sprocket requires replacement, the chain is proba-
bly worn also. When replacing a sprocket, inspect the

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Chain Slipper Wear Inspection
• Visually inspect the chain slipper [A] on the swingarm and
replace it if worn or damaged.

Brake Lever, Brake Pedal Free Play Inspection
• Check the front brake lever free play [A] when the brake
is lightly applied.
Lever Free Play
Standard: 4 ∼ 5 mm (0.16 ∼ 0.20 in.)
If the lever has improper play, adjust it.
• Operate the lever a few times to see that it returns to its
rest position immediately upon release.

• Check the brake pedal free play [A] when the pedal is
pushed down lightly by hand.
Brake Pedal Free Play
Standard: 20 ∼ 30 mm (0.8 ∼ 1.2 in.)

If the pedal has improper play, adjust it.

• Operate the pedal a few times to see that it returns to its
rest position immediately upon release.
• Rotate the rear wheel to check for brake drag.
• Check braking effectiveness.
If there is any doubt as to the conditions of the brake,
check the brake parts for wear or damage.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Front Brake Lever Free Play Adjustment
• Loosen the locknut at the front brake lever, screw the ad-
juster fully in, and tighten the locknut.
• Loose the nuts [A] at the lower end of the brake cable.
• that the brake
Turn the nuts at the lower end of the front brake cable so
lever has the correct amount of play, and
tighten the nuts.
• If sufficient adjustment can not be made with the adjuster
[B], complate the adjustment with the adjuster at the brake
lever, and then tighten the locknut.
• Check for brake drag.
• Check braking effectiveness.
• Slide the dust cover back into place.
○For minor corrections, use the adjuster at the front brake
○If the brake lever adjustment cannot be made with the
adjuster at the brake lever or the brake panel, move the
front brake cam lever to a new position on the brake
Brake Pedal Free Play Adjustment
• Turn the adjusting nut [A] at the brake cam lever so that
the pedal has proper play.

Brake Lining Wear Inspection

• Check the brake lining wear indicator [A] (only rear brake)
points within the USABLE RANGE [B] when the brake is
fully applied.
If does not, the brake shoes must be immediately re-
placed and the other brake parts examined.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Check that the brake cam lever [A] comes to an 80° ∼ 90°
angle [B] with the brake rod or cable [C] when the brake
is fully applied.
If it does not, adjust the brake cam lever angle.
Cam Lever Angle
Standard: 80° ∼ 90°

Since a cam lever angle greater than 90° reduces
braking effectiveness, cam lever angle adjustment
should not be neglected.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Cam Lever Angle Adjustment
Do not depress the brake pedal deeply in order to
separate the brake rod from the brake cam lever
joint, this may extend the brake spring beyond its
allowable spring extension.
Rotate the rear brake panel clockwise as far as it
will go with the brake rod inserted into the brake
cam lever joint, then depress the brake pedal lightly,
the brake rod will be separated from the brake cam
lever joint.

• Remove the wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).

•○Before removing
Remove the bolt [A], and take off the cam lever [B].
the brake cam lever, mark [C] on the cam
lever and camshaft at the same position.
• Mount the cam lever at a new position so that the cam
lever has a proper angle when the brake is fully applied.
Cam Lever Angle
Standard: 80° ∼ 90°

Torque - Rear Cam Lever Mounting Bolt: 7 N·m ( 0.7 kgf·m,

60 in·lb)

When remounting the cam lever, be sure that the
position of the wear indicator on the serrated shaft
is not altered.
A change in cam lever angle is caused by wear of
internal brake parts. Whenever the cam lever angle
is adjusted, also check for drag and proper opera-
tion, taking particular note of the brake lining wear
indicator position.
In case of doubt as to braking effectiveness, disas-
semble and inspect all internal brake parts. Worn
parts shall result in the brake to lock or fail.

• Install the wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).

• Adjust the brake free play.
Brake Panel Lubrication
• Disassemble the rear brake panel (see Brakes chapter).
• Clean all old grease out of the brake parts with a cloth.
• Apply high-temperature grease to the following.
Brake Shoe Anchor Pin [A]
Spring Ends [B]
Cam Surfaces [C]
Cam Shaft Groove [D]

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Fork Oil Level Adjustment (Simplify)
• Using
the jack under the frame, and stabilize the motor-

Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238

• Remove the number plate.
• down the top cap
Remove the from the top of the fork tubes, and push
plug [A] and remove the circlip [B] from each
fork tube.
• Pull out the top plug and spring.

• Place a stand under the engine to raise the front wheel

off the ground.
• Slowly compress the front fork fully by pushing up the
outer tubes [A] using a jack or other suitable means under
the front wheel.
• Place a stand or other suitable support [B] under the front

•○Use the oil level gauge to measure the fork oil level.
With the fork fully compressed, put the oil level gauge [A]
and the stopper [B], and adjust the distance from the top
of the inner tube to oil.
Special Tool - Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001-1290

Front Fork Oil Level (fully compressed, without spring)

Standard: 89 ±2 mm (3.5 ±0.08 in.)
If no oil is drawn out, there is insufficient oil in the fork
tube. Pour in enough oil, then pump out the excess oil.
Recommended Fork Oil: SHOWA SS-8 or equivalent

• Measure the both diameters of the fork spring ends and

insert the fork spring with the small diameter end [A] fac-
ing down.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Check both top plug O-ring [A] for damage and replace
them if necessary.

• Push down the top plug and install the circlip.

• scribed above.
Assemble the other fork tube in the same way as de-

• Install the parts removed.

Front Fork Inner Tube Inspection
• Visually inspect the front fork for oil leakage, damage on
the outer surface of the inner tube [A].
If necessary, repair any damage.
• Nick or rust damage can sometimes be repaired by using
a wet-stone to remove sharp edges or raised areas which
cause seal damage.
If the damage is not repairable, replace the inner tube.
Since the damage to the inner tube damages the oil seal,
replace the oil seal whenever the inner tube is repaired or
• Temporarily assemble the inner and outer tubes, and
pump them back and forth manually to check for smooth
If the inner tube is badly bent or creased, replace
it. Excessive bending, followed by subsequent
straightening, can weaken the inner tube.

Rear Shock Absorber Inspection

Since the rear shock absorber is sealed units which can-
not be disassembled, only external checks of operation are
• With the shock absorber removed, compress it and see
that the compression stroke is smooth and that there is
damping in addition to spring resistance to compression.
When the unit is released, the spring should not suddenly
snap it to full length. It should extend smoothly with no-
table damping. When the shock absorber is operated,
there should be no oil leakage.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Check the rubber bushings [A].

If they are worn, cracked, hardened, or otherwise dam-
aged, replace them.

Swingarm Pivot Inspection

• Check for wear or damage to the shock absorber and the
swing arm mount pivot point while compressing [A] the
rear suspension a few times.

• Use the jack under the frame so that the rear wheel is
raised off the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Move the swingarm [A] side to side to check for worn,
damaged or loose suspension pivot components.
If any play is detected, check for looseness of swingarm
pivot bolt or for damage to the swingarm rubber bushings.

Swingarm Rubber Bushing Inspection

• Visually inspect the rubber bushings [A].
If they are deteriorated or damaged, replace them.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Steering Inspection
• Using the jack, raise the front wheel off the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• With the front wheel pointing straight ahead, alternately
nudge each end of the handlebar. The front wheel should
swing fully left and right from the force of gravity until the
fork hits the stop.
If the steering binds or catches before the stop, check the
routing of the cables, hoses, and harnesses.
If the steering feels tight, adjust or lubricate the steering.
• Feel for steering looseness by pushing and pulling [A] the
If you feel looseness, adjust the steering.
Steering Adjustment
• Remove the number plate.
• Using the jack, raise the front wheel off the ground.
Special Tool - jack: 57001-1238
• Remove the handlebar.
• stem head nut
Loosen the front fork lower clamp bolts [A] and steering

• Turn the steering stem locknut [A] with the steering stem
nut wrench [B] to obtain the proper adjustment.
If the steering is too tight, loosen the stem locknut a frac-
tion of a turn; if the steering is too loose, tighten the lock-
nut a fraction of a turn.
Special Tool - Steering Stem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100

○Turn the locknut 1/8 turn at a time maximum.

• Tighten the following:

Torque - Steering Stem Head Nut: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32
Front Fork Lower Clamp Bolts: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m,
22 ft·lb)

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures

• Mount the handlebar holders [B] so that the arrows [C] on

the holder point at the front [A].
○Align the punch mark [D] on the handlebar to the mating
surface of each clamps of the handlebar.
• Tighten the clamp bolts, front first and then the rear. If
the handlebar clamp is correctly installed, there will be no
gap at the front and a gap [E] at the rear after tightening.
• Torque the handlebar holder bolts.
Torque - Handlebar Holder Bolts: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18

Steering Stem Bearing Lubrication

• Remove the steering stem (see Steering chapter).
• in a high-flash
Wipe the old grease off the races and balls, washing them
point solvent if necessary.
Replace the bearing part if they show wear or damage.
Apply grease liberally to the upper and lower races, and
stick the bearing balls in place with grease. There are 23
steel balls [A] installed in the upper or lower outer races.
Install the steering stem.
Adjust the steering.

Side Stand
Side Stand Inspection
• See
if the side stand [A] moves smoothly and retracts fully

If not, clean and grease the pivot [C].

• Check the side stand spring [D] for damage.
If necessary, replace the spring.

Electrical System
Spark Plug Gap
• Remove the spark plug (see Electrical System chapter).
• If the gaptheis incorrect,
Measure gap with a wire-type thickness gauge.
carefully bend the side electrode
with a suitable tool to obtain the correct gap.
Insulator [A]
Center Electrode [B]
Plug Gap [C]
Side Electrode [D]
Spark Plug Gap
0.6 ∼ 0.7 mm (0.024 ∼ 0.028 in.)

Spark Plug Cleaning and Inspection

• Clean the spark plug, preferably in a sandblasting device,
and then clean off any abrasive particles. The plug may
also be cleaned using a high-flash point solvent and a wire
brush or other suitable tool.
If the spark plug electrodes are corroded or damaged,
or if the insulator is cracked, replace the plug. Use the
standard spark plug.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
General Lubrication
• Before lubricating each part, clean off any rusty spots with
rust remover and wipe off any grease, oil, dirt, or grime.
• Lubricate the points listed below with indicated lubricant.
○Whenever the vehicle has been operated under
wet or rainy conditions, or especially after using a
high-pressure water spray, perform the general lubri-
Pivots: Lubricate with Motor Oil
Brake Pedal
Brake Rod Joint
Drive Chain
Points: Lubricate with Grease [A]
Throttle Cable Upper End
Choke Cable Lower End
Brake Cable Upper End
Side Stand Pivot
Steering Stem Bearing
Brake Lever Pivot
Kick Pedal Pivot

Cables: Lubricate with Rust Inhibitor

Throttle Cable
Choke Cable
Front Brake Cable

• With the cable disconnected at the both ends, the cable

should move freely [A] within the cable housing.
If cable movement is not free after lubricating, if the cable
is frayed [B], or if the cable housing is kinked [C], replace
the cable.

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Periodic Maintenance Procedures
Nut, Bolt and Fastener Tightness
Tightness Inspection
• Check the tightness of bolts and nuts listed here. Also,
check to see that each cotter pin is in place and in good
○For the engine fasteners, check the tightness of them
when the engine is cold (at room temperature).
If there are loose fasteners, retorque them to the spec-
ified torque following the specified tightening sequence.
Refer to the appropriate chapter for torque specifications.
If torque specifications are not in the appropriate chapter,
see the Standard Torque Table. For each fastener, first
loosen it by 1/2 turn, then tighten it.
If cotter pins are damaged, replace them with new ones.
Nut, Bolt and Fastener to be checked
Spoke Nipples
Front Axle Nut Cotter Pin
Front Axle Nut
Rear Axle Nut Cotter Pin
Rear Axle Nut
Final Drive:
Chain Adjuster Locknuts
Rear Sprocket Nuts
Torque Link Nut
Torque Link Nut Cotter Pin
Front Brake Adjuster
Rear Brake Adjusting Nut
Brake Lever Pivot Nut
Brake Pedal Bolt
Brake Rod Joint Cotter Pin
Front Fork Clamp Bolts
Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut
Rear Shock Absorber Mounting Bolts and Nuts
Steering Stem Head Nut
Handlebar Holder Bolts
Engine Mounting Bolts, Nuts
Shift Pedal Bolt
Exhaust Pipe Holder Nuts
Muffler Mounting Bolt and Nut
Side Stand Bolt
Footpeg Mounting Bolts
Front Fender Mounting Bolts

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Fuel System
Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 3-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 3-6
Throttle Grip and Cable .......................................................................................................... 3-7
Free Play Inspection ......................................................................................................... 3-7
Free Play Adjustment........................................................................................................ 3-7
Throttle Cable and Choke Cable Installation .................................................................... 3-7
Cable Lubrication and Inspection...................................................................................... 3-7
Carburetor .............................................................................................................................. 3-8
Idle Speed Inspection ....................................................................................................... 3-8
Idle Speed Adjustment...................................................................................................... 3-8
Fuel Level Inspection ........................................................................................................ 3-8
Fuel Level Adjustment ...................................................................................................... 3-9
Float Removal................................................................................................................... 3-10
Fuel System Cleanliness Inspection ................................................................................. 3-10
Carburetor Removal.......................................................................................................... 3-10
Carburetor Installation....................................................................................................... 3-11
Carburetor Cleaning.......................................................................................................... 3-11
Carburetor Disassembly ................................................................................................... 3-12
Carburetor Assembly ........................................................................................................ 3-13
Carburetor Inspection ....................................................................................................... 3-14
Air Cleaner.............................................................................................................................. 3-16
Air Cleaner Housing Removal........................................................................................... 3-16
Air Cleaner Housing Installation........................................................................................ 3-16
Element Removal.............................................................................................................. 3-16
Element Installation........................................................................................................... 3-17
Element Cleaning and Inspection ..................................................................................... 3-17
Oil Draining ....................................................................................................................... 3-17
Fuel Tank ................................................................................................................................ 3-18
Fuel Tank Removal ........................................................................................................... 3-18
Fuel Tank Installation ........................................................................................................ 3-18
Fuel Tap Removal ............................................................................................................. 3-18
Fuel Tap Installation .......................................................................................................... 3-18
Fuel Tap Inspection........................................................................................................... 3-19
Fuel Tank and Tap Cleaning ............................................................................................. 3-19

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Throttle Cable
2. Throttle Grip
3. Carburetor Cap
4. Spring
5. Retainer
6. Circlip
7. Jet Needle
8. Throttle Valve
9. Choke Cable
10. Idle Adjusting Screw
11. Spring
12. Air Screw
13. Pilot Jet
14. Float Valve Needle
15. Main Jet
16. Float
G: Apply grease.
O: Apply oil.

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Fuel Tank Cap
2. Fuel Tank
3. Fuel Tap
4. Air Cleaner Housing
5. Element
6. Fuel Tank Cover (KLX110A8F ∼, United States and Canada Models)
AD: Apply adhesive.
G: Apply grease.
O: High-quality foam-air filter oil.
T1: 4.9 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 43 in·lb): KLX110-A3 ∼
A: KLX110A8F ∼ (United States and Canada Models)

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Item Standard Service Limit

Throttle Grip and Cable

Throttle Grip Free Play 2 ∼ 3 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.) – – –

Make/Type KEIHIN PB18 – – –
Main Jet #80 – – –
Main Air Jet #180 – – –
Jet Needle NCFA – – –
Throttle Valve Cutaway #3.0 – – –
Pilot Jet #38/38 – – –
Air Screw 1 1/4 turns out – – –
Idle Speed 1 250 ∼ 1 350 r/min (rpm) – – –
Service Fuel Level 3.0 ±1 mm (0.12 ±0.04 in.)
– – –
(below the bottom edge of carburetor body)
Float Height 10.7 ±2 mm (0.42 ±0.08 in.) – – –
Air Cleaner
Air Cleaner Element Oil High-quality foam-air filter oil – – –
Special Tool - Fuel Level Gauge: 57001-1017

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Throttle Grip and Cable
Free Play Inspection
• Refer to the Throttle Grip Free Play Inspection in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Free Play Adjustment
• Refer to the Throttle Grip Free Play Adjustment in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Throttle Cable and Choke Cable Installation
• Install the throttle cable and choke cable in accordance
with the Cable, Wire and Hose Routing section in the Gen-
eral Information chapter.
• After the installation, adjust each cable properly.
Operation with an incorrectly routed or improperly
adjusted cable result in an unsafe riding condition.

Cable Lubrication and Inspection

• Whenever the choke cable or the throttle cable are re-
moved or in accordance with the Periodic Maintenance
Chart, lubricate these cables. Refer to the General Lubri-
cation in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
○Apply a thin coating of grease to the cable upper or lower
○Use a commercially available pressure cable lubricator to
lubricate these cables.
○With the cable disconnected at both ends, the cable
should move freely in the cable housing.

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Idle Speed Inspection
• Refer to the Idle Speed Inspection in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Idle Speed Adjustment
• Refer to the Idle Speed Adjustment in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Fuel Level Inspection
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-
sive under certain conditions. Always stop the en-
gine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is well
-ventilated and from any source of flame or sparks;
this includes any appliance with a pilot light.

• Remove the carburetor, and hold them in true vertical po-

sition on a stand.

• Put the fuel tank on a bench, and connect the fuel tap to
the carburetor using a suitable hose.
• Prepare a rubber hose [A].
• with the rubber
Connect the fuel gauge [B] to the carburetor float bowl
Special Tool - Fuel Level Gauge: 57001-1017
• Hold the gauge vertically against the side of the carburetor
body so that the "middle" line [C] is several millimeters
higher than the bottom edge of the carburetor body.
• Turn the fuel tap to the ON position to feed fuel to the
carburetor, then turn out the carburetor drain plug a few
• Wait until the fuel level [D] in the gauge settles.
• Keeping the gauge vertical, slowly lower the gauge until
the "middle" line is even with the bottom edge [E] of the
carburetor body.
○Do not lower the "middle" line below the bottom edge of
the carburetor body. If the gauge is lowered and then
raised again, the fuel level measure shows somewhat
higher than the actual fuel level. If the gauge is lowered
too far, dump the fuel out of it into suitable container and
start the procedure over again.

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• Read the fuel level in the gauge and compare it to the

Fuel Level
3.0 ±1 mm (0.12 ±0.04 in.) below the bottom edge of
carburetor body

• Screw in the carburetor drain plug.

• level gauge.
Turn the fuel tap to the OFF position and remove the fuel

If the fuel level is incorrect, the float level can not be ad-
justed on this model. Inspect the float, float valve needle,
and the contacting surface between the carburetor body
and its float valve needle. If they are damaged, replace
• Install the carburetor.
Fuel Level Adjustment
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be explo-
sive under certain conditions. Always stop the en-
gine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is well
-ventilated and from any source of flame or sparks;
this includes any appliance with a pilot light.

• Remove
the carburetor, drain the fuel into a suitable con-

• Remove the float bowl [A] taking out the screws [B] with
• Check the float level.
[A] Float
[B] Float Valve Needle Rod (contacted but unloaded).
[C] Float bowl mating surface
[D] Float height
Float Height
10.7 ±2 mm (0.42 ±0.08 in.)
If the float height is incorrect, the float height can not be
adjusted on this model. Inspect the float, float valve nee-

○Float height is the distance from the float bowl mat-
ing surface of the carburetor body (with the gasket re-
moved) to the top of the float.
○Do not push the needle rod in during the float height
measurement. Measure the height with the carburetor
upside down.

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Float Removal
• Remove the carburetor and disassembly the float bowl.
• float valvethe
Drive out pivot pin [A] and remove the float [B] and
as a set.

Fuel System Cleanliness Inspection

Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be ex-
plosive under certain conditions. Always stop the
engine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is
well-ventilated and free from any source of flame
or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot
Make sure the engine is cold before working. Wipe
any fuel off the engine before starting it.

• Using a screwdriver, turn out the drain plug [A] a few turns
and drain the carburetor to a suitable container and check
to see if water or dirt come out.
If any water or dirt appears during the above inspection,
clean the fuel system.
• Tighten the drain plug securely.

Carburetor Removal
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be ex-
plosive under certain conditions. Always stop the
engine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is
well-ventilated and free from any source of flame
or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot

• Turn the fuel tap to the OFF position.

• Remove:
Right Shroud [A]
Tubes (carburetor side) [B]
Choke Cable Lower End [C]
Intake Pipe Bolts [D]
• Loosen the clamp screw [E].
• Remove the carburetor.
• Stuff pieces of lint-free, clean cloths into the carburetor
holder and the air cleaner intake duct to keep the dirt out
of the engine and air cleaner.

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• Unscrew the cap [A] and pull out the throttle cable lower
end with the throttle valve, spring and jet needle as a set.
If dirt or dust allowed to pass through into the car-
buretor, the throttle may become stuck, possibly
causing an accident.

If dirt gets through into the engine, excessive en-
gine wear and possibly engine damage will occur.
If the throttle valve is not removed from the cable,
wrap clean cloths around the throttle valve to avoid
damaging to it.

Carburetor Installation
• Installation is the reverse of removal.
•○Check fuel leakage
After installing the carburetor, perform the following.
from the carburetor.
Fuel spilled from the carburetor is hazardous.
○Adjust the following.
Idle Speed
Throttle Grip Free Play
Carburetor Cleaning
Clean the carburetor in a well-ventilated area, and
take care that there is no spark or flame anywhere
near the working area; this includes any appliance
with a pilot light. Because of the danger of high
flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or low flash
-point solvents to clean the carburetor.

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Do not use compressed air on an assembled carbu-
retor, or the float may be deformed by the pressure.
Remove as many rubber or plastic parts from the
carburetor as possible before cleaning the carbu-
retor with a cleaning solution.
This will prevent damage to or deterioration of the
Do not use a strong carburetor cleaning solution
which could attack the plastic parts; instead, use
a mild high-flash point cleaning solution safe for
plastic parts.
Do not use wire or any other hard instrument to
clean carburetor parts, especially jets, as they may
be damaged.

• Disassemble the carburetor.

• tion.
Immerse all the metal parts in a carburetor cleaning solu-

• Rinse the parts in water.

• Blow through
When the parts are clean, dry them with compressed air.
• air. the air and fuel passages with compressed

• Assemble the carburetor.

Carburetor Disassembly
• Remove the carburetor (see Carburetor Removal).
• Pull the whole of spring [A] to the cap [B] side and hold it.
• Take out the cable lower end [C] from the throttle valve
assembly [D].

• Pull out the retainer [A], and jet needle with circlip [B].

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• Remove the following parts from the carburetor body.

Idle Adjusting Screw [A]
O-ring [B]
Spring [C]
Air Screw [D]
Washer [E]
Spring [F]
O-ring [G]
O-ring [H]

Pilot Jet [A]

Needle Jet [B]
Needle Jet Holder [C]
Main Jet [D]
Float Valve Needle [E]
Float [F]
Pin [G]
O-ring [H]
Float Bowl [I]

Carburetor Assembly
• Clean the disassembly parts before assembling.
• solventtheandfuelcompressed
Clean and air passages with a high-flash-point
• smaller diameter end [B] ofintothethejet carburetor
Install the needle jet [A] so that the
goes in first.

• Carefully screw in the needle jet holder. It will seat against

the needle jet, pushing the end of the jet into the carbu-
retor bore.
Do not force the needle jet holder [A] and main jet
[B] or overtighten them. The needle jet or the car-
buretor body could be damaged requiring replace-

• Turn in the air screw [A] fully but not tightly, and then back
it out 1 1/4 turns.
•○After installing the carburetor, do the following.
Check the fuel leakage.
○Adjust the following items if necessary.
Throttle grip free play.
Idle speed.

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Carburetor Inspection
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be ex-
plosive under certain conditions. Always stop the
engine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is
well-ventilated and free from any source of flame
or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot

• Remove the carburetor (see Carburetor Removal).

• If the fuel level is incorrect,
Before disassembling the carburetor, check the fuel level.
inspect the rest of the carbu-
retor before correcting it.

• Check that the throttle valve [A] moves smoothly and re-
turn back with the spring tension. The surface of the valve
must not be excessively worn.
If the throttle valve does not move smoothly, or if it is very
loose in carburetor body, replace the carburetor.
If the spring tension is weak, replace it.

• Turn the starter cable bracket to check that the starter

butterfly valve [A] move smoothly and return with spring
If the starter butterfly valve do not move smoothly, replace
the carburetor.
○Do not remove the air screw from the carburetor or
change the air screw setting, or you will lose the best

• Disassemble the carburetor.

• Check that the O-rings on the float bowl, drain plug and
Clean the carburetor.
• the intake pipe are in good condition.
If any of the O-rings are not in good condition, replace
• Remove the float valve needle.
• Check the float valve needle [A].
If the needle is worn [B] as shown in the figure, replace
the valve needle.
• Push the rod [C] in the valve needle, and then release it.
If the rod does not spring out, replace the valve needle.

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• Check the main jet [A], needle jet holder [B] and pilot jet
[C] for any damage.
If they are damaged, replace them with new ones.

• Remove the throttle valve [A] and jet needle.

• abnormal wear.
Inspect the outside of the throttle valve for scratches and

If the valve is badly scratched or worn, replace it.

• Inspect the inside of the carburetor body for these same
If it is badly scratched or worn, replace the entire carbu-
[B] Sliding Surface

• Check the jet needle [A] and needle jet holder [B] for wear.
A worn needle jet holder or jet needle should be replaced.

• Check the tapered portion [A] of the pilot screw [B] for
wear or damage.
If the pilot screw is worn or damaged on the tapered por-
tion it will prevent the engine from idling smoothly. Re-
place it.

• Disassemble the carburetor, and clean the fuel, air pas-

sages with a high-flash-point solvent and compressed air.
• Stuff the lint-free, clean cloths into the air cleaner housing
to keep dirt or other foreign material from entering.
If dirt or dust is allowed to pass through into the car-
buretor, the throttle valve may become stuck, pos-
sibly causing an accident.

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Air Cleaner
Air Cleaner Housing Removal
• Remove the left shroud.
• Loosen the air cleaner duct clamp [A].

• Unscrew the air cleaner mounting bolts [A] and remove

the air cleaner housing [B].

Air Cleaner Housing Installation

• Installation is the reverse of the removal.
• Install the intake portion [A] of air cleaner housing into the
frame hole [B].

Element Removal
• Remove the left shroud.
• Unscrew the mounting screws [A] and remove the air
cleaner housing cover [B].

• Pull out the element [A].

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Air Cleaner

• Stuff a clean, lint-free towel into the carburetor so that no

dirt is allowed to enter the carburetor.
• Wipe out the inside of the air cleaner housing [A] and the
wire screen [B] with a clean damp towel.
Check inside of the inlet tract and carburetor for
dirt. If dirt is present, clean the intake tract and car-
buretor thoroughly. You may also need to replace
the element and seal the housing and inlet tract.

Element Installation
• When installing the element, coat the lip of the element
with a thick layer of all purpose grease [A] to assure a
complete seal against the air cleaner element base. Also,
coat the base and wire screen where the lip of the element

Element Cleaning and Inspection

• Refer to the Air Cleaner Element Cleaning and Inspection
in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Oil Draining
• Inspect the transparent plug [A] under the air cleaner
housing [B] to see if any oil has run down from the air
cleaner housing.
If there is any oil in the plug, remove the plug and drain
the oil.

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Fuel Tank
Fuel Tank Removal
Gasoline is extremely flammable and can be ex-
plosive under certain conditions. Always stop the
engine and do not smoke. Make sure the area is
well-ventilated and free from any source of flame
or sparks; this includes any appliance with a pilot

• Remove:
• Turn the fuel tap to the OFF position.
• Pull the fuel hose off the fuel tap.
• Remove the fuel tank mounting bolt [A] and band [B].
• Remove the fuel tank [C].
• Drain the fuel tank.

Fuel Tank Installation

• Check the rubber damper [A] on the frame.
If the damper is damaged or deteriorated, replace it.
• Install the rubber damper [A] noting its installing direction
as shown.
○Align the damper center with the frame hole [B].
○Apply adhesive to diagonal line portion [C].
• Be sure the fuel hose is clamped to the fuel tap to prevent
• Insert the fuel tank breather hose outlet end into the num-
ber plate hole.

Fuel Tap Removal

• Remove the fuel tank and drain it.
• [B]. the mounting bolts [A] and take out the fuel tap

Fuel Tap Installation

• Be sure the O-ring is in good condition to prevent leaks.
• Be sure to clamp the fuel hose to the tap to prevent leaks.

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Fuel Tank
Fuel Tap Inspection
• Refer to the Fuel Tap Inspection in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
Fuel Tank and Tap Cleaning
Clean the tank in a well-ventilated area, and take
care that there is no sparks or flame anywhere near
the working area. Because of the danger of highly
flammable liquids, do not use gasoline or low-flash
-point solvent to clean the tank.

• Remove the fuel tank and drain it.

• shake the tank
Pour some high-flash-point solvent into the fuel tank and
to remove dirt and fuel deposits.
• Remove the fuel tap
Pour the solvent out of the tank.
• Clean the fuel tap filter
from the tank by taking out the bolts.
• vent. screen in a high-flash point sol-

• Pour high-flash point solvent through the tap in all lever

• Dry the tank and tap with compressed air.
• Install the tap in the tank.
Torque - Fuel Tap Bolts: 4.9 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 43 in·lb)
KLX110-A3 ∼
• Install the fuel tank.

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Engine Top End

Table of Contents
Exploded View................................... 4-2 Valve Clearance Inspection ......... 4-21
Specifications .................................... 4-6 Valve Clearance Adjustment........ 4-21 4
Camshaft Chain Tensioner ................ 4-8 Valve Seat Inspection .................. 4-21
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Valve Seat Repair ........................ 4-22
Removal .................................... 4-8 Valve Head Thickness Inspection 4-25
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Valve Stem Bend Inspection ........ 4-25
Installation ................................. 4-9 Valve Stem Diameter Inspection.. 4-25
Replacement Chain Tensioner Valve Guide Inside Diameter
Installation ................................. 4-10 Inspection.................................. 4-25
Camshaft Sprocket ............................ 4-11 Valve to Guide Clearance
Camshaft Sprocket Removal ....... 4-11 Measurement ............................ 4-26
Camshaft Sprocket Installation .... 4-12 Cylinder, Piston.................................. 4-28
Camshaft Chain Removal ............ 4-13 Cylinder Removal......................... 4-28
Camshaft Chain Installation ......... 4-13 Cylinder Installation...................... 4-28
Camshaft Chain Guide Wear ....... 4-13 Piston Removal............................ 4-29
Rocker Arm, Rocker Arm Shaft ......... 4-14 Piston Installation......................... 4-29
Rocker Arm Removal................... 4-14 Cylinder Inside Diameter
Rocker Arm Installation................ 4-14 Measurement ............................ 4-30
Rocker Arm & Arm Shaft Wear .... 4-15 Piston Outside Diameter
Camshaft ........................................... 4-16 Measurement ............................ 4-30
Camshaft Removal ...................... 4-16 Piston/Cylinder Clearance
Camshaft Installation ................... 4-16 Inspection.................................. 4-31
Camshaft Inspection .................... 4-16 Boring, Honing ............................. 4-31
Camshaft Bearing Inspection....... 4-16 Piston Ring End Gap Inspection .. 4-32
Cylinder Head.................................... 4-17 Piston Ring, Piston Ring Groove
Compression Measurement......... 4-17 Inspection.................................. 4-32
Cylinder Head Removal ............... 4-18 Piston, Piston Pin, Connecting
Cylinder Head Installation ............ 4-19 Rod Wear Inspection................. 4-33
Cylinder Head Cleaning ............... 4-19 Piston, Piston Pin, Connecting
Valve/Valve Guide ............................. 4-20 Rod Inspection .......................... 4-33
Valve Removal ............................. 4-20 Muffler................................................ 4-35
Valve Installation .......................... 4-20 Muffler Removal........................... 4-35
Valve Guide Removal .................. 4-20 Muffler Installation........................ 4-35
Valve Guide Installation ............... 4-21 Spark Arrester Cleaning............... 4-35

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Intake Pipe
2. Valve Adjusting Cover
3. Valve Guide
4. Rocker Arm Shaft Stopper
5. Camshaft Sprocket Cover
6. Cylinder Head
7. Rocker Arm
8. Rocker Arm Shaft
9. Valve Adjusting Screw
10. Valve Adjusting Screw Locknut
11. Split Keepers
12. Valve Spring
13. Valve Spring Retainer
14. Stem Oil Seal
15. Spring Seat
16. Valve Stem
17. Camshaft
18. Camshaft Sprocket
19. Chain Guide
20. Camshaft Chain
21. Chain Guide (KLX110-A2∼)
22. Chain Guide (KLX110-A1)
23. Camshaft Chain Holder
T1: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T2: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
T3: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
T4: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
R: Replacement parts
S: Follow the specific tightening sequence.

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Camshaft Chain Tensioner
2. Piston
3. Piston Pin
4. Cylinder
5. Muffler
6. Damper (KLX110-A1)
7. Exhaust Pipe Holder Nuts
T1: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T2: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
EO: Apply engine oil.
L: Apply non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement parts

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Item Standard Service Limit

Cam height:
Exhaust 29.021 mm ∼ 29.201 mm 28.92 mm
(1.1426 ∼ 1.1496 in.) (1.139 in.)
28.984 mm ∼ 29.164 mm 28.88 mm
(1.1411 ∼ 1.1482 in.) (1.137 in.)
Rocker Arms, Shaft:
rocker Arm Inside Diameter 10.000 ∼ 10.015 mm 10.05 mm
(0.3937 ∼ 0.3943 in.) (0.396 in.)
Rocker Arm Shaft 9.980 ∼ 9.995 mm 9.95 mm
Diameter (0.3929 ∼ 0.3935 in.) (0.392 in.)
Cylinder Head:
Cylinder Compression Usable range – – –
865 ∼ 1320 kPa
(8.8 ∼ 13.5 kgf/cm², 125 ∼ 192 psi) @5
Cylinder Head Warp 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Valve Clearance:
Exhaust 0.04 ∼ 0.08 mm (0.0016 ∼ 0.0031 in.) – – –
Inlet 0.04 ∼ 0.08 mm (0.0016 ∼ 0.0031 in.) – – –
Valve Head Thickness:
Exhaust 1.15 ∼ 1.45 mm (0.0453 ∼ 0.0571 in.) 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Inlet 0.85 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0335 ∼ 0.0453 in.) 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Valve Stem Bend TIR 0.01 mm (0.0004 in.) or less TIR 0.05 mm (0.002 in.)
Valve Stem Diameter:
Exhaust 4.462 ∼ 4.472 mm (0.1757 ∼ 0.1761 in.) 4.44 mm (0.175 in.)
Inlet 4.475 ∼ 4.490 mm (0.1762 ∼ 0.1768 in.) 4.46 mm (0.176 in.)
Valve Guide Inside Diameter:
Exhaust 4.500 ∼ 4.512 mm (0.1772 ∼ 0.1776 in.) 4.55 mm (0.179 in.)
Inlet 4.500 ∼ 4.512 mm (0.1772 ∼ 0.1776 in.) 4.55 mm (0.179 in.)
Valve/valve Guide Clearance:
(Wobble Method):
Exhaust 0.06 ∼ 0.11 mm (0.002 ∼ 0.004 in.) 0.19 mm (0.007 in.)
Inlet 0.02 ∼ 0.07 mm (0.0008 ∼ 0.0028 in.) 0.12 mm (0.0047 in.)
Valve Seat Cutting Angle 45°, 32°, 60°, 67.5°
Valve Seat Surface
Exhaust 0.80 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0453 in.) – – –
Inlet 0.80 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0453 in.) – – –
Outside Diameter:
Exhaust 19.9 ∼ 20.1 mm (0.784 ∼ 0.791 in.) – – –
Inlet 22.9 ∼ 23.1 mm (0.902 ∼ 0.909 in.) – – –
Valve Spring Free Length 36.75 mm (1.447 in.) 35.5 mm (1.40 in.)

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Item Standard Service Limit

Cylinder, Piston
Cylinder Inside Diameter 52.997 ∼ 53.009 mm 53.10 mm
(2.0865 ∼ 2.0870 in.) (2.091 in.)
Piston Outside Diameter 52.981 ∼ 52.993 mm 52.83 mm
(2.0859 ∼ 2.0863 in.) (2.080 in.)
Piston/cylinder Clearance 0.010 ∼ 0.022 mm (0.0004 ∼ 0.0009 in.) – – –
Oversize Piston and Rings +0.50 mm (0.0197 in.), – – –
+1.0 mm (0.0394 in.)
Piston Ring/groove Clearance:
Top 0.02 ∼ 0.06 mm (0.0008 ∼ 0.0024 in.) 0.16 mm (0.0063 in.)
Second 0.01 ∼ 0.05 mm (0.0004 ∼ 0.0020 in.) 0.15 mm (0.0059 in.)
Piston Ring Groove Width:
Top 0.81 ∼ 0.83 mm (0.0319 ∼ 0.0327 in.) 0.90 mm (0.035 in.)
Second 0.80 ∼ 0.82 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0323 in.) 0.90 mm (0.035 in.)
Piston Ring Thickness:
Top 0.77 ∼ 0.79 mm (0.0303 ∼ 0.0311 in.) 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)
Second 0.77 ∼ 0.79 mm (0.0303 ∼ 0.0311 in.) 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)
Piston Ring End Gap:
Top 0.15 ∼ 0.30 mm (0.0059 ∼ 0.0118 in.) 0.6 mm (0.024 in.)
Second 0.30 ∼ 0.45 mm (0.0118 ∼ 0.0177 in.) 0.8 mm (0.032 in.)
Oil 0.10 ∼ 0.60 mm (0.0039 ∼ 0.0236 in.) 0.9 mm (0.035 in.)
Piston Pin Diameter 12.995 ∼ 13.000 mm 12.96 mm
(0.5116 ∼ 0.5118 in.) (0.5102 in.)
Piston Pin Hole Inside Diameter 13.001 ∼ 13.007 mm 13.07 mm
(0.5118 ∼ 0.5121 in.) (0.5146 in.)
Connecting Rod Small End 13.003 ∼ 13.014 mm 13.05 mm
Inside Diameter (0.5119 ∼ 0.5124 in.) (0.5138 in.)
Special Tools - Compression Gauge: 57001-221
Valve Spring Compressor Assembly: 57001-241
Piston Pin Puller Assembly: 57001-910
Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 27.5: 57001-1114
Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 25: 57001-1118
Valve Seat Cutter, 60° - 30: 57001-1123
Valve Seat Cutter Holder Bar: 57001-1128
Valve Spring Compressor Adapter, 20: 57001-1154
Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 22: 57001-1206
Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 22: 57001-1205
Valve Seat Cutter, 67.5° - 22: 57001-1207
Valve Adjusting Screw Holder: 57001-1217
Compression Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.0: 57001-1317
Valve Seat Cutter Holder, 4.5: 57001-1330
Valve Guide Arbor, 4.5: 57001-1331
Valve Guide Reamer, 4.5: 57001-1333

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Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Removal
This is a non-return type cam chain tensioner. The
push rod does not return to its original position
once it moves out to take up cam chain slack. Ob-
serve all the rules listed below:
When removing the tensioner, do not take out the
mounting bolts only halfway. Retightening the
mounting bolts from this position could damage
the tensioner and the camshaft chain. Once the
bolts are loosened, the tensioner must be removed
and reset as described in "Chain Tensioner Instal-
lation". Do not turn over the crankshaft while the
tensioner is removed. This could upset the cam
chain timing, and damage the valves.

• Remove the left side cover.

• disassemblycap
Loosen the bolt [A] before tensioner removal for later
• Unscrew the mounting bolts [B] and remove the camshaft
chain tensioner [C].
Do not turn over the crankshaft while the tensioner
is removed. This could upset the cam chain timing,
and damaging the valves.

• Remove the fuel tank mounting bolt and band, and move
the fuel tank [A] backward.
• Remove the camshaft chain tensioner [B] while the push
rod [E] clockwise [D] and compressing [F] it with a suitable
screwdriver [C].

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Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Chain Tensioner Installation
• Remove the tensioner cap bolt and O-ring.
• with a suitable screwdriver
While compressing the push rod [A], turn it clockwise [B]
until the rod protrusion comes
to about 10 mm from the tensioner body.
Do not turn the rod counterclockwise at installation.
This could detach the rod and the tensioner cannot
be reinstalled.

• While holding the rod in position with a suitable push rod

holder plate [A] install the tensioner on the cylinder block.

• Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of

mounting bolts [A] and tighten it the specified torque.
Torque - Chain Tensioner Mounting Bolts: 5.2 N·m (0.53
kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Take out the holder plate.
• Install the O-ring and tighten the cap bolt.
Torque - Tensioner Cap Bolt: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Install the left side cover.

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Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Replacement Chain Tensioner Installation
○A replacement chain tensioner (spare parts) has a push
rod holder plate.
• Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the tensioner mounting bolts.
• Install the tensioner on the cylinder block, and tighten the
mounting bolts.
Torque - Chain Tensioner Mounting Bolts: 5.2 N·m (0.53
kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Remove the plate to release the push rod.
• Install the O-ring and tighten the cap bolt.
Torque - Tensioner Cap Bolt: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)

Do not pull the rod holder plate while the tensioner
is removed. This could detach the rod and the ten-
sioner cannot be installed easily.

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Camshaft Sprocket
Camshaft Sprocket Removal
• Remove:
Left Shroud
Engine Sprocket Cover (see Final Drive chapter)
Magneto Cover (see Electrical System chapter)

• Remove the camshaft sprocket cover bolts [A] and take

off the cover [B].

• Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise until the line adjoin-

ing the line mark on the camshaft sprocket [A] aligns of the
sprocket cover mating surface projection [B].
• Remove the camshaft chain tensioner.

• With a wrench on the magneto flywheel bolt to keep the

crankshaft from turning, remove the camshaft sprocket
bolts [A].
• Remove camshaft sprocket [B].

• Use a screwdriver [A] or wire to keep the chain [B] from

falling down into the cylinder clock.
Always pull the camshaft chain taut while turning
the crankshaft when the camshaft chain is loose.
This avoids kinking the chain on the lower (crank-
shaft) sprocket. A kicked chain could damage both
the chain and the sprocket.

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Camshaft Sprocket
Camshaft Sprocket Installation
• Check crankshaft position to see that the "T" mark [A] on
the magneto flywheel aligns with the index mark [B] on
the crankcase.
• Remember to pull the camshaft chain taut before rotating
the crankshaft.

• Pull the lower side of the chain taut and fit it onto the
sprocket so that the line [A] on the sprocket aligns with
the mark on the sprocket cover mating surface projection

•○Fit the sprocket up into place.

Turn the camshaft so that the cam lobes point downward,
while holding the sprocket steady to align the bolt holes
• Install the sprocket [B].
• Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the camshaft
sprocket bolts.
• Keep the crankshaft from turning by holding a wrench on
the magneto flywheel bolt.
• Tighten the sprocket bolts.
Torque - Camshaft Sprocket Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104
• Install the camshaft chain tensioner.
•○Turn thethecrankshaft
Check camshaft chain timing.
two turns in the counterclockwise, the
crankshaft is at TDC, and re-check the camshaft chain
If the timing mark is aligned, the camshaft chain timing is
Rotation of the crankshaft with improper camshaft
timing could cause the valve to contact each other
or the piston, and bend.
If any resistance is felt when turning the crankshaft,
stop immediately, and check the camshaft chain

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Camshaft Sprocket
Camshaft Chain Removal
• Drain the engine oil.
• Left Shroud

Camshaft Chain Tensioner

Camshaft Sprocket
Cylinder Head
Magneto Cover (see Electrical System chapter)
Magneto Flywheel (see Electrical System chapter)
Woodruff Key (see Electrical System chapter)

• Remove
the camshaft chain holder [A] and chain guides

• Take off the camshaft chain.

Camshaft Chain Installation

• Check to see that the crankshaft position is in TDC and
re-adjust if necessary.
• Install the camshaft chain to the crankshaft and it is pulled
up to the camshaft sprocket pass through camshaft chain
hole in the cylinder.
• Keep the chain.
• Install the upper chain guide and camshaft chain holder.
Torque - Camshaft Chain Guide Bolt: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m,
46 in·lb)
Camshaft Chain Holder Screws: 5.2 N·m (0.53
kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Insert the lower chain guide [A] securely as shown.
• Install the other removed parts.
Camshaft Chain Guide Wear
• Visually inspect the rubber on the guides.
If the rubber is damaged or is missing places, replace the

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Rocker Arm, Rocker Arm Shaft
Rocker Arm Removal
• Remove
Left Shroud
Camshaft Sprocket Cover
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Sprocket Bolts [A]
Camshaft Sprocket [B]

Valve Adjusting Cover Bolts [A]

Valve Adjusting Covers [B]
Rocker Arm Shaft Stopper Screws [C]
Rocker Arm Shaft Stopper [D]

• While holding the rocker arm [A] with hand, pull out the
rocker arm shaft [B] and take off the rocker arms.
○Mark and record the rocker arm locations so that the
rocker arm can be reinstalled in their original positions.

Rocker Arm Installation

• Clean the rocker arms and rocker arm shafts with a high
-flash-point solvent.
• Apply a clean engine oil to the rocker arm shaft outside
and rocker arm cam parts.
• Turn the camshaft so that the cam lobes point downward.
• rocker the
Install each rocker arm shaft, running it through each
• Install the rocker arm shaft stopper [A] so that the each
rocker arm shaft protrusion [B] face to face.
• Tighten the rocker arm shaft stopper screws.
Torque - Rocker Arm Shaft Stopper Screws: 5.2 N·m (0.53
kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
•○Install the camshaft sprocket.
Check and adjust the valve clearance.
When install the valve adjusting covers, be careful
not to drop of protrude the O-rings from the cover
grooves. If the O-ring is installed improperly, oil will

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Rocker Arm, Rocker Arm Shaft
Rocker Arm & Arm Shaft Wear
• Visually
each arm.
inspect where the cam and valve stem wear on

If there is any damage or uneven wear, replace the arm.

○Measure the inside diameter [A] of each rocker arm with
a cylinder gauge.
Rocker Arm Inside Diameter
Standard: 10.000 ∼ 10.015 mm (0.3937 ∼ 0.3943 in.)
Service Limit: 10.05 mm (0.3957 in.)
If it exceeds the service limit, replace the rocker arm.
○Measure the diameter [B] of each rocker arm shaft where
the rocker arm fits.
Rocker Arm Shaft Diameter
Standard: 9.980 ∼ 9.995 mm (0.3929 ∼ 0.3935 in.)
Service Limit: 9.95 mm (0.3917 in.)
If the diameter is less than the service limit, replace the
rocker arm shaft.

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Camshaft Removal
• Remove:
Left Shroud
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Sprocket
Rocker Arms
• Pull out the camshaft [A].

Camshaft Installation
• Clean the camshaft with a high-flash-point solvent.
• Install the camshaft
Apply clean engine oil to all cam parts.
• Install the rocker the cylinder head.
• Install the other removed parts.
•○Check and adjust the valve clearance.
Camshaft Inspection
• Visually inspect the cam for wear or damage.
If there is any damage or wear, replace the camshaft.
• Measure the height [A] of each cam.
Cam Height
Exhaust 29.021 ∼ 29.201 mm (1.1426 ∼ 1.1496 in.)
Inlet 28.984 ∼ 29.164 mm (1.1411 ∼ 1.1482 in.)
Service Limit:
Exhaust 28.92 mm (1.139 in.)
Inlet 28.88 mm (1.137 in.)
If any cam is worn down past service limit, replace the
Camshaft Bearing Inspection
• Visually inspect each camshaft bearing [A].
If there is any damage replace the camshaft.
• Turn the bearing back and forth while checking for rough-
ness or binding.
If roughness or binding is found, replace the camshaft.
If it is noisy, does not spin smoothly, or has any rough
spots, replace the camshaft.

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Cylinder Head
Compression Measurement
• Warm up the engine thoroughly
• Remove engine.
Stop the
• and adapter
the spark plug and attach compression gauge
firmly into the spark plug hole.
Special Tools - Compression Gauge: 57001-221 [A]
Compression Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.0:
57001-1317 [B]
• With the throttle fully open, turn the engine over sharply
with the kick starter several times until the compression
gauge stops rising; the compression is the highest read-
ing obtainable.
Cylinder Compression
Usable Range: 865 ∼ 1320 kPa (8.8 ∼ 13.5 kgf/cm²,
125 ∼ 192 psi) @5 kicks

The following table should be consulted if the obtainable compression reading is not within the us-
able range.
Problem Diagnosis Remedy (Action)
Cylinder compression is Carbon accumulation on piston and Remove the carbon deposits
higher than usable range in combustion chamber possibly and replace damaged parts if
due to damaged valve stem oil seal necessary.
and/or damaged position oil rings
(This may be indicated by white
exhaust smoke).
Incorrect cylinder head gasket, Replace the gasket with a
cylinder base gasket thickness. standard part.
Cylinder compression is Gas leakage around cylinder head. Replace damaged gasket and
lower than usable range check cylinder head warp.
Bad condition of valve seating. Repair if necessary.
Incorrect valve clearance. Adjust the valve clearance.
Incorrect piston/cylinder clearance. Replace the piston and/or
Piston seizure. Inspect the cylinder (and liner)
and replace/repair the cylinder
and/or piston as necessary.
Bad condition of piston ring and/or Replace the piston and/or the
piston ring grooves. piston rings.
• Remove the compression gauge, adapter and install the
spark plug.
Torque - Spark Plug: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 113 in·lb)

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Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head Removal
• Remove the right and left shrouds.
• mounting the
Remove exhaust pipe holder nuts [A], and muffler
bolt [B] and then the muffler with the exhaust
pipe holder.

• Remove the oil pipe banjo bolts [A], screws [B], and take
off the oil pipe [C].
• Remove the spark plug cap [D].

• Unscrew the intake pipe bolts [A].

• Remove:
Camshaft Sprocket Cover
Camshaft Chain Tensioner
Camshaft Sprocket

• Remove the cylinder head bolts [A], nuts [B], and take off
the cylinder head.

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Cylinder Head
Cylinder Head Installation
• Check to see that the two dowel pins [A] are in place on
the cylinder.
• Install a new cylinder head gasket [B].

• Fit the cylinder head onto the cylinder block using a

screwdriver or wire to keep the chain from falling down
into the cylinder block.
• Apply
a non-permanent locking agent to the cylinder head

• Tighten the cylinder head nuts and bolts following the

tightening sequence as shown.
First Cylinder Head Bolts: 5.9 N·m (0.6 kgf·m, 52 in·lb)
Torque - Cylinder Head Nuts: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 113 in·lb)
Final Cylinder Head Bolts: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf·m, 104 in·lb)
Torque - Cylinder Head Nuts: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)
• Install the camshaft sprocket.
• Install the other removed parts.
Cylinder Head Cleaning
• Scrape out any carbon, and wash the head with a high
-flash-point solvent.

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Valve/Valve Guide
Valve Removal
• Remove:
Cylinder Head
Rocker Arm & Rocker Arm Shaft
• Using the valve spring compressor assembly to press
down the valve spring retainer, remove the split keeper.
Special Tools - Valve Spring Compressor Assembly: 57001
-241 [A]
Valve Spring Compressor Adapter, 20:
57001-1154 [B]

• Remove the tool and then remove the spring retainer,

spring, and spring seat.
• Push out the valve.
• Pull off the valve stem oil seal.
Valve Installation
• Replace the valve stem oil seal [A].
• If a new valve
Push a new valve stem oil seal into place.
is to be used, check the valve to guide
If there is too much clearance, install a new valve guide.
•Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the
valve stem [C].
•Check to make sure that the valve and the valve seat are
making proper contact.
•Install spring [D] so that the closed coil end [E] faces the
spring seat [B], painted side faced the spring retainer.
•Install the spring retainer [F] press it down with the valve
spring compressor assembly, and put on the split keepers
•After making sure that the split keepers and valve stem
are all properly fitted, remove the tool.
Rocker Arm & Arm Shaft
Cylinder Head
○Check the valve clearance, and adjust if necessary.
Valve Guide Removal
• Remove:
Cylinder Head
Valve Stem Oil Seal
• Heat the area around the guide to about 120° ∼ 150°C
(250° ∼ 302°F) and hammer lightly on the valve guide
arbor [A] to remove the guide from the top of the head.
Special Tool - Valve Guide Arbor, 4.5: 57001-1331

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Valve/Valve Guide
Valve Guide Installation
○Valve guides are identical.
• Lightly oil the valve guide outer surface.
• about 120°cylinder
Heat the head around the valve guide hole to
∼ 150°C (250° ∼ 302°F).
• Drive the valve guide in from the top of the cylinder head
until the circlip stops the guide from going in too far.
• Allow the cylinder head to cool.
• even if the
Ream valve guide with the valve guide reamer [A]
the old guide is reused.
Special Tool - Valve Guide Reamer 4.5: 57001-1333

Valve Clearance Inspection

• Refer to the Valve Clearance Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Valve Clearance Adjustment
• Refer to the Valve Clearance Adjustment in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Valve Seat Inspection
• Remove the valve.
• and valve seat
Check the valve seat surface [A] between the valve [B]
○Coat valve seat with machinists dye.
○Push the valve into the guide.
○Rotate the valve against the seat with a lapping tool.
○Pull the valve out, and check the seating pattern on the
valve head. It must be the correct width and even all the
way around.
• Measure the outside diameter [D] of the seating pattern
on the valve seat.
If the outside diameter is too large or too small, repair the
seat (see Seat Repair).
Valve Seating Surface Outside Diameter
Exhaust 19.9 ∼ 20.1 mm (0.784 ∼ 0.791 in.)
Inlet 22.9 ∼ 23.1 mm (0.902 ∼ 0.909 in.)

○The valve stem and guide must be in good condition or
this check will not be valid.
If the valve seating pattern is not correct, repair the seat.
• Measure the seat width [E] of the portion where there is
no build-up carbon (white portion) of the valve seat with a
vernier caliper.
Good [F]
If the width is too wide [G], too narrow [H] or uneven [J],
repair the seat (see Seat Repair).
Valve Seat Width
Exhaust 0.80 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0453 in.)
Inlet 0.80 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0453 in.)

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Valve/Valve Guide
Valve Seat Repair
• Repair the valve seat with the valve seat cutters.
Special Tools - Valve Seat Cutter Holder, 4.5: 57001-1330
Valve Seat Cutter Holder Bar: 57001-1128
Special Tools - Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 27.5: 57001-1114
Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 25: 57001-1118
Valve Seat Cutter, 60° - 30: 57001-1123
Special Tools - Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 22: 57001-1206
Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 22: 57001-1205
Valve Seat Cutter, 67.5° - 22: 57001-1207
If the manufacturer’s instructions are not available, use
the following procedure.
Seat Cutter Operating Care
1. This valve seat cutter is developed to grind the valve for
repair. Therefore the cutter must not be used for other
purpose than seat repair.
2. Do not drop or shock the valve seat cutter, or the dia-
mond particles may fall off.
3. Do not fail to apply engine oil to the valve seat cutter
before grinding the seat surface. Also wash off ground
particles sticking to the cutter with washing oil.
○Do not use a wire brush to remove the metal particles
from the cutter. It will take off the diamond particles.
4. Setting the valve seat cutter holder [B] and holder bar
[C] in position, operate the cutter [A] in one hand. Do
not apply too much force to the diamond position.
○Prior to grinding, apply engine oil to the cutter and dur-
ing the operation, wash off any ground particles sticking
to the cutter with washing oil.
5. After use, wash the cutter with washing oil and apply a
thin layer of engine oil before storing.
Marks Stamped on the cutter
The marks stamped on the back of the cutter [A] represent
the following.
60° ........................... Cutter angle [B]
30 .......................... Outer diameter of cutter [C]

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Valve/Valve Guide
Operating Procedures
•Clean the seat area carefully.
•Coat the seat with machinist’s dye.
•Fit a 45° cutter to the holder and slide it into the valve
•Press down lightly on the handle and turn it right or left.
Grind the seating surface only until it is smooth.
Do not grind the seat too much. Overgrinding will
reduce valve clearance by sinking the valve into the
head. If the valve sinks too far into the head, it will
be impossible to adjust the clearance, and the cylin-
der head must be replaced.
[A] Grind the seat at a 45° angle to enlarge the width of
the seating surface.
[B] 32° Cut
[C] 32°
[D] Speeified Seating Surface width
[E] 60° or 67.5° Cut
[F] 60° or 67.5°

• Measure the outside diameter [O. D.] of the seating sur-

face with a vernier calipers.
If the outside diameter of the seating surface is too small,
repeat the 45° grind [A] until the diameter is within the
specified range.
If the outside diameter of the seating surface is too large,
make the 32° grind described below.
Original Seating Surface [B]
○Remove all pittings of flaws from 45° ground surface.
○After grinding with 45 cutter, apply thin coat of machin-
ist’s dye to seating surface. This makes seating surface
distinct and 32° and 60° or 67.5° grinding operation eas-
○When the valve guide is replaced, be sure to grind with
45° cutter for centering and good contact.
If the outside diameter [A] of the seating surface is within
the specified range, measure the seat width as described
• Grind the seat at a 32° angle [B] until the seat O.D. is
within the specified range.

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Valve/Valve Guide

○To make the 32° grind, fit a 32° cutter to the holder, and
slide it into the valve guide.
○Turn the holder one turn at a time while pressing down
very lightly. Check the seat after each turn.
The 32° cutter removes material very quickly.
Check the seat outside diameter frequently to pre-
vent overgrinding.

○After making the 32° grind, return to the seat O.D. mea-
surement step above.
• To measure the seat width, use a vernier calipers to mea-
sure the width of the 45° angle portion of the seat at sev-
eral places around the seat.
If the seat width is too narrow, repeat the 45° grind until
the seat is slightly too width, and then return to the seat
O.D. measurement step above.
If the seat width is too wide, make the 60° or 67.5° [A]
grind described below.
If the seat width is within the specified range, lap the valve
to the seat as described below.
•Grind the seat at a 60° or 67.5° angle until the seat width
is within the specified range.
○To make the 60° or 67.5° grind, fit 60° or 67.5° cutter to
the holder, and slide it into the valve guide.
○Turn the holder, while pressing down lightly.
○After making the 60° or 67.5° grind, return to the seat
width measurement step above.
Correct Width [B]

• Lap the valve to the seat using a lapper, once the seat
width and O.D. are within the ranges specified above.
○Put a little coarse grinding compound on the face of the
valve in a number of places around the valve head.
○Spin the valve against the seat until the grinding com-
pound produces a smooth, matched surface on both the
seat and the valve.
○Repeat the process with fine grinding compound.
Lapper [A]
Valve Seat [B]
Valve [C]
•The seating area should be marked about in the middle
of the valve face.
If the seat area is incorrect place on the valve, be sure
to check the valve is the correct part. If it is, it may have
been refaced too much replace the valve.
•Be sure to remove all grinding compound before assem-
•When the engine is assembled, be sure to adjust the valve
clearance (see Valve Clearance Adjustment in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter).

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Valve/Valve Guide
Valve Head Thickness Inspection
• Measure the thickness of valve head.
Valve Head Thickness [A]
Exhaust valve 1.15 ∼ 1.45 mm (0.0453 ∼ 0.0571 in.)
Inlet valve 0.85 ∼ 1.15 mm (0.0335 ∼ 0.0453 in.)
Service Limit:
Exhaust valve 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Inlet valve 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
If it is under the service limit, replace the valve.
Valve Stem Bend Inspection
• Support the valve at both ends of the straight stem por-
tion, and set a dial gauge against the center of the stem.
• Turn the valve and read the variation in the dial gauge [A].
Valve Stem Bend
Standard: TIR 0.01 (0.0004 in.) mm or less
Service Limit: TIR 0.05 (0.002 in.) mm
If it is bent over the service limit, replace the valve.

Valve Stem Diameter Inspection

• Measure the diameter of the valve stem.
Valve Stem Diameter [A]
Exhaust valve 4.462 ∼ 4.472 mm (0.1757 ∼ 0.1761 in.)
Inlet valve 4.475 ∼ 4.490 mm (0.1762 ∼ 0.1768 in.)
Service Limit:
Exhaust valve 4.44 mm (0.175 in.)
Inlet valve 4.46 mm (0.176 in.)
Replace the valve if the stem is worn to less than the
service limit.
Valve Guide Inside Diameter Inspection
If a small bore gauge and micrometer are available, mea-
sure the valve guide as follows.
• Measure the inside diameter [A] of the valve guide. Since
the guide wears unevenly, measure the diameter at four
place up and down the guide.
Valve Guide Inside Diameter (Inlet and Exhaust)
Standard: 4.500 ∼ 4.512 mm (0.1772 ∼ 0.1776 in.)
Service Limit: 4.55 mm (0.179 in.)
If any measurement exceeds the service limit, replace the
valve guide.

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Valve/Valve Guide
Valve to Guide Clearance Measurement
If a small bore gauge is not available, inspect the valve
guide wear by measuring the valve to valve guide clearance
with the wobble method as indicated below.
• Insert a new valve [A] into the valve guide [B] and set a
dial gauge against the stem perpendicular to it as close
as possible to the cylinder head mating surface.
• Move the stem back and forth [C] to measure valve/valve
guide clearance.
Valve/Valve Guide Clearance (Woble Method)
Exhaust 0.06 ∼ 0.11 mm (0.002 ∼ 0.004 in.)
Inlet 0.02 ∼ 0.07 mm (0.0008 ∼ 0.0028 in.)
Service Limit:
Exhaust 0.19 mm (0.007 in.)
Inlet 0.12 mm (0.0047 in.)

• Repeat
the first.
the measurement in a direction at a right angle to

If the reading exceeds the service limit, replace the guide.

○The reading is not actual valve/valve guide clearance
because the measuring point is above the guide.

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Valve/Valve Guide

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Cylinder, Piston
Cylinder Removal
• Remove the cylinder head.
• guide, andtheremove
Take out cylinder block with lower camshaft chain
the gasket. There are knock pins on
the cylinder base.
• Wrap a clean cloth [A] around the base of the piston so
that no parts or dirt will fall into the crankcase.

Cylinder Installation
○If the cylinder block is replaced with a new one, piston to
cylinder clearance must be checked against the speci-
fied value.

• Install a new cylinder base gasket [A] and be sure that

two knock pins [B] are properly fitted in the crankcase.

• Pull the camshaft chain taut top avoid kicking it and use
a wrench on the crankshaft to set the piston at BTDC.
• Position the piston ring opening as follows.
Top Ring - Front [A]
Second Ring - Rear [B]
Upper Steel Rail - About 30° ∼ 90° of angle to the right
Expander - Rear [D]
Lower Steel Rail - About 30° ∼ 90° of angle to the left [C]
Piston [E]

• Apply engine oil to the piston rings and the cylinder inside
• Pull the camshaft chain up through the cylinder and insert
a screwdriver to keep the chain from falling back into the
• Place the upper camshaft chain guide inside the cylinder
• Fit the bottom of the cylinder over the piston rings, press-
ing in on opposite sides of the rings as necessary. Take
care that the rings do not slip out of their proper positions.
• Insert the lower camshaft chain guide [A] all the way
• Install the cylinder head.

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Cylinder, Piston
Piston Removal
• Remove the cylinder.
• Pliers [A]

Snap Ring [B]

• Remove the piston by pushing its pin pull out the side
that the snap ring was removed. Use the piston pin puller
assembly [A] if the pin is tight.
Special Tool - Piston Pin Puller Assembly: 57001-910

• Remove the piston rings [A]. Carefully spread the ring

opening with your thumbs and then push up on the op-
posite side of the ring to remove it.

Piston Installation
○The oil ring rails have no "top" or "bottom".
• Install the oil ring expander [A] in the bottom piston ring
groove so that the ends [B] but together, never overlap.
• Install the oil ring steel rails, one above the expander and
one below it.
○Spread the rail with your thumbs, but only enough to fit
the rail over the piston.
○Release the rail into the bottom piston ring groove.
• With the marked side facing up, install the second ring [A]
and top ring [B] in that order.

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Cylinder, Piston
○If a new piston is used, check piston to cylinder clear-
ance (see Piston/Cylinder Clearance), and use new pis-
ton rings.

• Install the piston so that the EX mark [A] on the piston

faces to exhaust side.

• Fit a new piston snap ring into the side of the piston so
that the ring opening [A] does not coincide with the slit [B]
of the piston pin hole.
○When installing a piston pin snap ring, compress it only
enough to install it no more.
Do not reuse snap rings, as removal weakens and
deforms them. They could fall out and score the
cylinder wall.

Cylinder Inside Diameter Measurement

• Since there is a difference in cylinder wear in different di-
rections, take a side to side and a front to back measure-
ment at each of the 3 locations (total of 6 measurements)
shown in the figure.
If any of the cylinder inside diameter measurements ex-
ceeds the service limit, the cylinder will have to bored to
oversize and then honed.
Cylinder Inside Diameter
Standard: 52.997 ∼ 53.009 mm (2.0865 ∼ 2.087
in.) and less than 0.01 mm (0.0004
in.) difference between any two
Service Limit: 53.10 mm (2.091 in.) or 0.05 mm
(0.0020 in.) difference between any two
10 mm (0.3937 in.) [A]
60 mm (2.3622 in.) [B]
20 mm (0.7874 in.) [C]
Piston Outside Diameter Measurement
• Measure the outside diameter [A] of the piston 7.8 mm
[B] up from the bottom of the piston at a right angle to the
direction of the piston pin.
Piston Outside Diameter
Standard: 52.981 ∼ 52.993 mm (2.0859 ∼ 2.0863 in.)
Service Limit: 52.83 mm (2.080 in.)

○Abnormal wear such as a marked diagonal pattern
across the piston skirt may mean a bent connecting
rod or crankshaft.

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Cylinder, Piston
Piston/Cylinder Clearance Inspection
The most accurate way to find the piston clearance is
by making separate piston and cylinder diameter measure-
ments and then computing the difference between the two
values. Measure the piston diameter as just described, and
measure the cylinder diameter at the very bottom of the
Piston/Cylinder Clearance
Standard: 0.010 ∼ 0.022 mm (0.0004 ∼ 0.0009 in.)

○Whenever the piston or cylinder has been replaced with
a new one, the motorcycle must be broken in the same
as with a new machine.

Boring, Honing
When boring and honing a cylinder, note the following:
○There are two sizes of oversize pistons available. Over-
size pistons require oversize rings.
Oversize Pistons and Rings
0.5 mm (0.0197 in.) Oversize
1.0 mm (0.0394 in.) Oversize
○Before boring a cylinder, first measure the exact diame-
ter of the service data section, oversize piston, and then,
according to the standard clearance in the determine the
rebore diameter. However, if the amount of boring nec-
essary would make the inside diameter greater than 1.0
mm oversize, the cylinder block must be replaced.
○Cylinder inside diameter must not vary more than 0.01
mm at any point.
○Be wary of measurements taken immediately after boring
since the heat affects cylinder diameter.
○In the case of a rebored cylinder and oversize piston, the
service limit for the cylinder is the diameter that the cylin-
der was bored to plus 0.1 mm and the service limit for
the piston is the oversize piston original diameter minus
0.20 mm. If the exact figure for the rebored diameter is
unknown, it can be roughly determined by measuring the
diameter at the base of the cylinder.

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Cylinder, Piston
Piston Ring End Gap Inspection
• Place the piston ring [A] inside the cylinder, using the pis-
ton to locate the ring squarely in place. Set it close to the
bottom of the cylinder, where cylinder wear is low.
• Measure the gap [B] between the ends of the ring with a
thickness gauge.
Piston Ring End Gap
Top 0.15 ∼ 0.30 mm (0.0059 ∼ 0.0118 in.)
Second 0.30 ∼ 0.45 mm (0.0118 ∼ 0.0177 in.)
Oil 0.10 ∼ 0.60 mm (0.0039 ∼ 0.0236 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.6 mm (0.024 in.)
Second 0.8 mm (0.032 in.)
Oil 0.9 mm (0.035 in.)

Piston Ring, Piston Ring Groove Inspection

• Visually
inspects the piston rings and the piston ring

If the rings are worn unevenly or damaged, they must be

If the piston ring grooves are worn unevenly or damaged,
the piston must be replaced and fitted with new rings.
• Check for uneven groove wear by inspecting the ring seat-
The rings should fit perfectly parallel to the groove sur-
faces. If not, the piston must be replaced.
• With the piston rings in their grooves, make several mea-
surements with a thickness gauge [A] to determine piston
ring groove clearance.
Piston Ring/Groove Clearance
Top 0.02 ∼ 0.06 mm (0.0008 ∼ 0.0024 in.)
Second 0.01 ∼ 0.05 mm (0.0004 ∼ 0.0020 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.16 mm (0.0063 in.)
Second 0.15 mm (0.059 in.)

Piston Ring Thickness

Top 0.77 ∼ 0.79 mm (0.0303 ∼ 0.0311 in.)
Second 0.77 ∼ 0.79 mm (0.0303 ∼ 0.0311 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)
Second 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)

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Cylinder, Piston
Piston Ring Groove Width
Top 0.81 ∼ 0.83 mm (0.0319 ∼ 0.0327 in.)
Second 0.80 ∼ 0.82 mm (0.0315 ∼ 0.0323 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.90 mm (0.035 in.)
Second 0.90 mm (0.035 in.)

If the clearance exceeds the service limit, remove the pis-

ton rings, and measure the thickness of the piston rings
and the width of the ring grooves. If the ring has worn
down to less than the service limit, replace the ring, if the
groove width exceeds the service limit replace the piston.
○These tables apply to oversize pistons and rings as well
as standard and pistons and rings.

Piston, Piston Pin, Connecting Rod Wear Inspection

• Visually inspect the snap rings [A] are fitted in place.
If the ring shows weakness or deformation, replace the
ring. Also if the pin hole groove shows excessive wear,
replace the piston.
• Visually inspect the piston pin hole and connecting rod
small end hole.
If the piston pin hole shows uneven wear, replace the pis-
If the rod small end hole shows uneven wear, replace the
rod, or crankshaft assembly.
• Visually inspect the outer surface of the piston pin [B].
If the pin shows color change or stepped wear, replace
the pin and needle bearing.
Piston, Piston Pin, Connecting Rod Inspection
• Measure the inside diameter of both piston pin holes in
the piston.
Piston Pin Hole Inside Diameter [A]
Standard: 13.001 ∼ 13.007 mm (0.5119 ∼ 0.5121 in.)
Service Limit: 13.07 mm (0.5146 in.)
If either piston pin hole inside diameter exceeds the ser-
vice limit, replace the piston.
• Measure the diameter of the piston pin.
Piston Pin Diameter [B]
Standard: 12.995 ∼ 13.000 mm (0.5116 ∼ 0.5118 in.)
Service Limit: 12.96 mm (0.5102 in.)
If the piston pin diameter is less than the service limit at
any point, replace the piston pin.

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Cylinder, Piston
Measure the inside diameter [A] of the connecting rod
small end.
Connecting Rod Small End Inside Diameter
Standard: 13.003 ∼ 13.014 mm (0.5119 ∼ 0.5124 in.)
Service limit 13.05 mm (0.5138 in.)
If the inside diameter exceeds the service limit, replace
the connecting rod.

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Muffler Removal
• Unscrew the muffler mounting bolt [A].

• Remove the exhaust pipe holder nuts [A].

• Pull out the muffler mounting bolt and remove the muffler
Muffler Installation
• Check the gasket and replace it if damaged.
• oughly warm upthethemounting
After tightening bolt and nuts securely, thor-
engine, wait until the engine cools
down and tighten all mounting bolt and nuts.
Spark Arrester Cleaning
• Refer to the Spark Arrester Cleaning in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.

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Table of Contents
Exploded View (KLX110-A1) .................................................................................................. 5-2
Exploded View (KLX110-A2 ∼ ) .............................................................................................. 5-4
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 5-6
Clutch Cover........................................................................................................................... 5-7
Clutch Cover and Oil Screen Removal ............................................................................. 5-7 5
Clutch Cover and Oil Screen Installation .......................................................................... 5-8
Clutches.................................................................................................................................. 5-9
Clutch Removal................................................................................................................. 5-9
Clutch Installation.............................................................................................................. 5-9
Secondary Clutch Disassembly ........................................................................................ 5-11
Secondary Clutch Assembly ............................................................................................. 5-12
Primary Clutch Housing Wear Inspection ......................................................................... 5-12
Primary Clutch Shoe Lining Wear Inspection ................................................................... 5-13
One-Way Clutch Inspection .............................................................................................. 5-13
Clutch Plate Wear and Damage Inspection ...................................................................... 5-14
Clutch Plate Warp Inspection............................................................................................ 5-14
Secondary Clutch Housing Finger Damage Inspection .................................................... 5-14
Secondary Clutch Hub Spline Damage Inspection ........................................................... 5-15
Secondary Clutch Spring Free Length Measurement....................................................... 5-15
Clutch Adjustment............................................................................................................. 5-15
Kickstarter............................................................................................................................... 5-16
Kickstarter Removal.......................................................................................................... 5-16
Kickstarter Installation....................................................................................................... 5-16
Kickstarter Assembly ........................................................................................................ 5-16
Kickstarter Inspection........................................................................................................ 5-17
External Shift Mechanism....................................................................................................... 5-18
External Shift Mechanism Removal .................................................................................. 5-18
External Shift Mechanism Installation ............................................................................... 5-18

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Exploded View (KLX110-A1)

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Exploded View (KLX110-A1)
1. Clutch Cover
2. Primary Clutch Shoe Linings
3. Outer Race
4. One-way Clutch
5. Primary Clutch Housing
6. Clutch Spring Plate
7. Clutch Spring
8. Secondary Clutch Hub
9. Friction Plate
10. Steel Plate
11. Clutch Wheel
12. Clutch Housing
13. Clutch Adjusting Screw Locknut
14. Release Shaft (Adjusting Screw)
15. Release Plate
16. Release Ball Assembly
17. Release Cam
18. Gear Positioning Lever
19. Gear Positioning Plate
20. Shift Shaft
21. Shift Pedal
22. Shift Drum Cam
23. Shift Drum
24. Kick Pedal
25. Return Spring
26. Kick Shaft
27. Rachet
28. Ball Bearing
29. Shift Pedal Bolt
T1: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26 in·lb)
T2: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T3: 3.4 N·m (0.35 kgf·m, 30 in·lb)
T4: 19 N·m (1.9 kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
T5: 72 N·m (7.3 kgf·m, 53 ft·lb)
T6: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
S: Follow the specific tightening sequence.

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Exploded View (KLX110-A2 ∼ )

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Exploded View (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
1. Clutch Cover
2. Primary Clutch Shoe Linings
3. Race
4. One-way Clutch
5. Primary Clutch Housing
6. Clutch Spring Plate
7. Clutch Spring
8. Secondary Clutch Hub
9. Friction Plate
10. Steel Plate
11. Clutch Wheel
12. Clutch Housing
13. Clutch Adjusting Screw Locknut
14. Release Shaft (Adjusting Screw)
15. Release Plate
16. Release Ball Assembly
17. Release Cam
18. Gear Positioning Lever
19. Gear Positioning Plate
20. Shift Shaft
21. Shift Pedal
22. Shift Drum Cam
23. Shift Drum
24. Kick Pedal
25. Return Spring
26. Kick Shaft
27. Ratchet
28. Oil Seal
29. Shift Pedal Bolt
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
S: Follow the specific tightening sequence.
T1: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26 in·lb)
T2: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T3: 3.4 N·m (0.35 kgf·m, 30 in·lb)
5.0 N·m (0.51 kgf·m, 44 in·lb): KLX110-A3 ∼
T4: 19 N·m (1.9 kgf·m, 14 ft·lb)
T5: 72 N·m (7.3 kgf·m, 53 ft·lb)
T6: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)
T7: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb): KLX110-A2 ∼ A7F
8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb): KLX110A8F ∼

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Item Standard Service Limit

Primary Clutch
Primary Clutch Housing Inside 104.0 ∼ 104.2 mm 104.5 mm (4.114 in.)
Diameter (4.094 ∼ 4.102 in.)
Primary Clutch Shoe Groove Depth 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Secondary Clutch
Friction Plate Thickness 3.1 ∼ 3.3 mm (0.12 ∼ 0.13 in.) 2.9 mm (0.11 in.)
Friction Plate Warp 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) or less 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)
Steel Plate Warp 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) or less 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)
Clutch Spring Free Length 24.00 mm (0.94 in.) 23.00 mm (0.91 in.)
Clutch Spring Free Length 22.04 mm (0.87 in.) 20.35 mm (0.80 in.)
(KLX110-A2 ∼ )
Kick Shaft
Kick Shaft Diameter 15.941 ∼ 15.968 mm
15.92 mm (0.6268 in.)
(0.6276 ∼ 0.6287 in.)
Kick Gear Inside Diameter 16.000 ∼ 16.018 mm
16.04 mm (0.6315 in.)
(0.6299 ∼ 0.6306 in.)
Special Tools - Primary Clutch Holder: 57001-1507
Clutch Holder: 57001-1508

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Clutch Cover
Clutch Cover and Oil Screen Removal
• Drain the engine oil (see Engine Lubrication System).
• Kick Pedal [A]

Footpeg [B]
Engine Guard [C]
Brake Pedal (hanging) [D]

• Remove:
Clutch Cover Screws [A] (KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F)
Clutch Cover Bolts [A] (KLX110A8F ∼)
Clutch Cover [B]

• Unscrew the clutch adjusting screw locknut [A].

• The release plate [B] and the release shaft (adjusting

screw) [C] come out with the cover.

• Pull out the oil screen [A].

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Clutch Cover
Clutch Cover and Oil Screen Installation
• Clean
any metal particles and other dirt out of the oil

• Using compressed air, blow out any particles which may

obstruct the oil passage [A] in the clutch cover.

• Check that the ball bearing is in place. The shield side of

the bearing must be faced to the clutch cover.
• Apply grease to the O-ring and install it.
• but no the
Turn in release plate [A] into the release shaft [B] fully
tightly and then back it out the three turns, and
insert it into the hole [C] of clutch cover securely.
• Tighten the locknut into the release shaft from the oppo-
site side.

• Apply grease to the kick shaft oil seal lips.

• crankcase.
Check that the two dowel pins are in place on the

• Install the clutch cover. Be sure that the release cam [A],
and release ball assembly [B] are not falling down.

KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F
•Tighten the clutch cover screws following the tightening
Torque - Clutch Cover Screws: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46
KLX110A8F ∼
•Tighten the clutch cover bolts following the tightening se-
Torque - Clutch Cover Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
• Adjust the clutch.
• Install the kick pedal [A] to the kick shaft [B], as shown.

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Clutch Removal
• Remove the clutch cover (see this chapter).
• Release Ball Assembly [A]

Release Cam [B]

Ball Bearing [C]
Ball Bearing Holder [D]

• Remove the primary clutch hub nut [A], while holding the
primary clutch steady with the primary clutch holder [B].
Special Tool - Primary Clutch Holder: 57001-1507
• Pull out the primary clutch hub [C].

• Remove the secondary clutch hub nut [A], while holding

the secondary clutch steady with the clutch holder [B].
○Search the positions of three notches on the clutch hub
where the clutch holder is fixed.
○Remove two clutch spring bolts [C] which hinder the set-
ting the clutch holder and enter into two holes of the clutch
holder before setting it.
○Set the clutch holder.
Special Tool - Clutch Holder: 57001-1508

• Remove
the primary clutch [A] and secondary clutch [B]

○Do not remove the one-way clutch from the primary

• Remove the spacer from the drive shaft.

Clutch Installation
• Apply engine oil to the clutch sleeves, drive shaft, and
• Install the spacer [A] to the drive shaft.
•○Be sure to secondary
Insert the clutch.
install the spacer [B] between secondary clutch
housing and clutch wheel. (KLX110-A1)
○Hard to install the secondary clutch, turn the drive shaft
while pushing the clutch.
• Tighten the secondary clutch nut, while holding the sec-
ondary clutch holder.
Torque - Secondary Clutch Hub Nut: 72 N·m (7.3 kgf·m, 53
Special Tool - Clutch Holder: 57001-1508

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• Install:
Needle Bearing [A]
Primary Clutch Housing [B]
Needle Bearing [C]
Primary Clutch Sleeve [D]

KLX110-A2 ∼
If the primary clutch housing disassembled, assemble it
as follows.
○Install the gear [B] to the primary clutch housing [A].
○Install the spring [C] to the holder [D].
○Fit the tooth form of the gears, and press the holder to the
clutch housing.
○Before installing the clutch housing, mark [E] on the tip of
optional tooth (1 place).
○The gear shall be rotated clockwise [F] more than 1 tooth
and less than 2 teeth. (Confirm that making is rotated).
•Install the clutch housing.

If the one-way clutch and race dropped from the primary

clutch housing, install it as follows.
○Put the one-way clutch [A] in the clutch housing halfway
with the rotation mark [B] facing out.
○Fit the race [C] into the one-way clutch and push them
together in the clutch housing.

KLX110-A2 ∼

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• Install the plate with the line mark [A] facing out, noting
the proper position.

• Install the primary clutch shoe linings.

• clutch steady
Tighten the primary clutch nut while holding the primary
with the primary clutch holder.
Special Tool - Primary Clutch Holder: 57001-1507
Torque - Primary Clutch Hub Nut: 72 N·m (7.3 kgf·m, 53
• Install the ball bearing holder [A] and ball bearing [B].

• Apply
grease to the release cam and release ball assem-

• Install the release cam [A] and release ball assembly [B].
• shaft line
Install the release lever [C] to the shift shaft, with shift
[D] aligning to release lever line [E].
• Adjust the clutch
Install the cover.
• clutch.

Secondary Clutch Disassembly

• Remove the secondary clutch (see Clutch Removal).
• plate [B] and
Unscrew the clutch spring bolts [A] and take off the spring
springs [C].

• Remove the clutch hub [A] and clutch wheel [B].

• Remove the secondary clutch plate [C].

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Secondary Clutch Assembly
• Install the friction plates [A] and steel plates [B] on the
secondary clutch hub [C], starting with a friction plate and
alternating them.
○The grooves [D] on the friction plate surfaces are cut tan-
gentially and radially. Install the friction plates so that the
grooves run toward the direction of the clutch housing
rotation (counterclockwise viewed from the engine right
If new dry steel plates and friction plates are in-
stalled, apply engine oil to the surfaces of each
plate to avoid clutch plate seizure.

• Install the clutch wheel on the clutch hub.

• spring the
Install clutch spring plate [A] with the springs and
bolts temporarily and fit the clutch hub and plate
assembly into the clutch housing [B].

• Install the last friction plate [A] fitting the tangs in the
grooves on the housing as shown.
• Tighten the clutch spring bolts.
Torque - Secondary Clutch Spring Bolts:
3.4 N·m (0.35 kgf·m, 30 in·lb)
5.0 N·m (0.51 kgf·m, 44 in·lb) KLX110-A3 ∼

Primary Clutch Housing Wear Inspection

• Measure the inside diameter [A] of the clutch housing slid-
ing surface.
○Use a vernier calipers and measure at several points as
If any measurement is greater than the service limit, re-
place the primary clutch housing.
Primary Clutch Housing Inside Diameterr
Standard: 104.0 ∼ 104.2 mm (4.094 ∼ 4.102 in.)
Service Limit: 104.5 mm (4.114 in.)

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Primary Clutch Shoe Lining Wear Inspection
• Remove the primary clutch hub (see Clutch Removal).
• even wear, discoloration,
Visually inspect the primary clutch shoe linings [A] for un-
missing friction material, cracks
or other damage.
If any of the linings are damaged, replace the primary
clutch hub.

•○Measure the groove depth [A].

Use a depth gauge, and measure at several points as
If any measurement is less than the service limit, replace
the primary clutch hub.
Primary Clutch Shoe Groove Depth
Standard: 1.0 mm (0.04 in.)
Service Limit: 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)

One-Way Clutch Inspection

• Remove the clutch cover (see Clutch Cover Removal).
• Turn the primary clutch housing by hand. When view from
the right side of the engine, the primary clutch housing
should turn counter-clockwise freely [A] but should not
turn clockwise.

If the one-way clutch does not operate as it should or if it

makes noise, go to the next steps.
○Remove the primary clutch.
○Check that the one-way clutch is installed so that the ro-
tation mark faces out.
○Visually inspect the one-way clutch [A] and the outer race
[B] in the primary clutch housing.
If there is any worn or damaged part, replace it.

KL110-A2 ∼

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○Check that the rollers [A] in the one-way clutch is installed

as shown when viewed from the right side of the engine.

Clutch Plate Wear and Damage Inspection

• Visually inspect the friction and steel plates for uneven
wear, discoloration, missing friction material, cracks, or
other damage.
If any plates show signs of damaged, replace the friction
and steel plates as a set.
• Measure the thickness of the friction plates [A] at several
Friction Plate Thickness
Standard: 3.1 ∼ 3.3 mm (0.12 ∼ 0.13 in.)
Service Limit: 2.9 mm (0.11 in.)
If any of the measurement is less than the service limit,
replace the plates as a set.
Clutch Plate Warp Inspection
• Place each friction plate or steel plate [B] on a surface
plate [A] and measure the gap between the surface plate
and each plate with a thickness gauge [C]. The gap is the
amount of friction and steel plate warp.
If any of the clutch plate is warped beyond the service
limit, replace the plate with a new one.
Friction Plate and steel Plate Warp
Standard: 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) or less (Steel Plate)
0.2 mm (0.008 in.) or less (Friction Plate)
Service Limit: 0.3 mm (0.01 in.)

Secondary Clutch Housing Finger Damage Inspection

• Visually inspect the clutch housing finger [A] where the
friction plate tangs [B] hit them.
If they are badly worn or if there are groove cuts where the
tangs hit, replace the housing. Also, replace the friction
plates if their tangs are damaged.

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Secondary Clutch Hub Spline Damage Inspection
• Visually inspect where the teeth on the steel plates wear
against the clutch hub splines.
If there are notches worn into the clutch hub splines [A],
replace the clutch hub. Also, replace the steel plates if
their teeth are damaged.

Secondary Clutch Spring Free Length Measurement

• Measure the spring free length [A].
If measurement is less than the service limit, replace it.
Clutch Spring Free Length
KLX110-A1 24.00 mm (0.94 in.)
KLX110-A2 ∼ 22.04 mm (0.87 in.)
Service Limit:
KLX110-A1 23.00 mm (0.91 in.)
KLX110-A2 ∼ 20.35 mm (0.80 in.)

Clutch Adjustment
• Refer to the Clutch Adjustment in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.

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Kickstarter Removal
• Remove the clutch cover.
• Remove: return spring [A] with pliers.
Remove the
• Spring Guide [B]
• Remove
the kick shaft assembly [C], twisting it counter-

• There is a thrust washer between the kick shaft end and

the crankcase.

Kickstarter Installation
• Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the thrust washer.
• kick shaftthrust
Put the washer [A] on the kick shaft end, and fit the
assembly in the crankcase.
• Fit the return spring end into the kick shaft, turn the spring
clockwise and insert the other end of the spring into the
• Install the plastic spring guide.
• Install the clutch cover.

Kickstarter Assembly
• Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease [A] to
the ratchet teeth and the kick gear inside.
Ratchet [B]
Kick Gear [C]
Kick Shaft [D]
Spring Guide [E]
Return Spring [F]

• Replace the circlips that were removed with new ones.

• on the kickratchet
Align the
punch mark [A] with the punch mark [B]

Misalignment of the ratchet changes the kick
spring preload. Light preload could cause mech-
anism noise and heavy preload could weaken or
break the spring.

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Kickstarter Inspection
• Visually inspect the parts and portion listed below.
Kick shaft return spring [A]
Ratchet gear spring [B]
Ratchet portion [C] of the kick gear [D] and ratchet gear
If there is any kind of damage, replace the damaged part.

• Measure
the kick shaft diameter [A] where the kick gear

If it is under the service limit, replace the shaft.

• Measure the inside diameter [B] of the kick gear.
If it exceeds the service limit, replace the gear.
Kick Shaft, Kick Gear Diameter
15.941 ∼ 15.968 mm (0.6276 ∼ 0.6287
Kick Shaft
16.000 ∼ 16.018 mm (0.6299 ∼ 0.6306
Kick Gear
Service Limit:
Kick Shaft 15.92 mm (0.6268 in.)
Kick Gear 16.04 mm (0.6315 in.)

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External Shift Mechanism
External Shift Mechanism Removal
• Remove:
Clutch Cover (see Clutch Cover Removal)
Primary Clutch (see Clutch Removal)
Secondary Clutch (see Clutch Removal)
Shift Pedal Clamp Bolt [A]
Shift Pedal [B]

• Move the shift mechanism arm out of its position on the

end of the shift drum and pull out the shift shaft [A].

• Remove the screw [A] and pivot bolt [B].

• lever [D] and
Remove the gear positioning plate [C], gear positioning
its spring [E] as a set.

External Shift Mechanism Installation

• Apply
a non-permanent locking agent to the lever pivot

•○Install the gear positioning lever, plate and spring.

Check that the return spring pin [A] is not loose.
○Check that the return spring [B] and shift arm spring [C]
are properly fitted on the mechanism.
Torque - Shift Drum Positioning Lever Pivot Bolt: 5.2 N·m
(0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
Shift Drum Position Plate Screw: 5.2 N·m (0.53
kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Apply high-temperature grease to the oil seal lips.
• Install the shift shaft.
• Install the removed parts.
Torque - Return Spring Pin: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)

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External Shift Mechanism

• Install the shift pedal [A] to the shift shaft so that the pedal
upper surface [B] is level with the footpeg upper surface

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Engine Lubrication System

Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 6-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 6-4
Engine Oil Flow Chart............................................................................................................. 6-5
Engine Oil ............................................................................................................................... 6-6
Oil Level Inspection........................................................................................................... 6-6
Oil Changing ..................................................................................................................... 6-6
Oil Filter Element/Oil Screen .................................................................................................. 6-7 6
Oil Filter Element Replacement ........................................................................................ 6-7
Oil Screen Cleaning .......................................................................................................... 6-7
Engine Oil Pump..................................................................................................................... 6-8
Engine Oil Pump Removal................................................................................................ 6-8
Engine Oil Pump Installation............................................................................................. 6-8
Engine Oil Pump Inspection.............................................................................................. 6-8
Oil Pipe ................................................................................................................................... 6-9
Oil Pipe Removal .............................................................................................................. 6-9
Oil Pipe Installation ........................................................................................................... 6-9
Oil Pressure Measurement..................................................................................................... 6-10
Oil Pressure Measurement ............................................................................................... 6-10

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Oil Pump
2. Oil Screen
3. Oil Pipe
4. Copper Washer
5. Crankcase Breather Tube
6. Oil Filter
7. Drain Plug
T1: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T2: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 ft·lb)
T3: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 21 ft·lb)
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts

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Item Standard Service Limit

Engine Oil
Grade API SE, SF or SG – – –
API SH or SJ with JASO MA, MA1 or
MA2 (KLX110-A1 ∼ A6F)
API SH, SJ or SL with JASO MA, MA1 or
MA2 (KLX110A7F ∼)
Viscosity SAE 10W-40 – – –
When Engine is Completely Dry 1.1 L (1.2 US qt) – – –
When Filter is Removed 1.0 L (1.1 US qt) – – –
When Filter is Not Removed 0.9 L (1.0 US qt) – – –
Level Between upper and lower level lines – – –
Special Tools - Oil Pressure Gauge, 5 kgf/cm²: 57001-125
Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.25: 57001-1182
Oil Pressure Cap: 57001-1651

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Engine Oil Flow Chart

1. Camshaft 11. Oil Passage (Cylinder Head)

2. Oil Pipe 12. Oil Passage (Camshaft)
3. Cylinder Head 13. Oil Passage (Right Engine Cover)
4. Primary Clutch Housing 14. Oil Passage (Crankshaft)
5. Clutch Cover 15. Oil Passage to Cylinder Head
6. Crankshaft 16. Oil Passage to Crankshaft
7. Oil Filter 17. Oil Passage from Oil Filter
8. Bypass Valve 18. Oil Passage to Oil Filter
9. Oil Pump 19. Oil Passage to Oil Pump
10. Oil Screen

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Engine Oil
Oil Level Inspection
• Refer to the Oil Level Inspection in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
Oil Changing
• Refer to the Oil Changing in the Periodic Maintenance

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Oil Filter Element/Oil Screen
Oil Filter Element Replacement
• Refer to the Oil Filter Element Replacement in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Oil Screen Cleaning
• Drain the engine oil.
• Pull out the
Remove the clutch cover (see Clutch chapter).
•○Clean the screen
oil screen [A].
with high-flash-point solvent, and then
dry it.
○Clean the screen thoroughly whenever the engine oil is
○While cleaning the screen, check for any metal particles
that engine indicate internal damage.

Clean the oil screen in a well-ventilated area, and
take care that there are no sparks or flame any-
where near the working area, this includes any ap-
pliance with a pilot light.
Do not use gasoline or a low-flash-point solvent to
clean the oil screen. A fire or explosion could re-
Replace the screen with a new one if it is damaged.
• Install:
Oil Screen
Clutch Cover

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Engine Oil Pump
Engine Oil Pump Removal
• Remove the clutch cover (see Clutch chapter).
• (see Clutchthechapter).
Remove primary and secondary clutch assemblies

• Turn the crankshaft so that the engine oil pump screws

[A] can be removed through the pump gear holes, and
remove the screws and oil pump [B].

Engine Oil Pump Installation

• Replace the O-rings with new ones if they are damaged.
• place. see that the knock pin [A] and O-rings [B] are in
Check to

•○Install the oil pump and screws.

When installing the oil pump, be sure the oil pump gear [A]
and pump drive gear [B] on the crankshaft mesh properly.
Torque - Oil Pump Mounting Screw: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46

Engine Oil Pump Inspection

• Visually inspect the oil pump body [A], outer rotor [B], in-
ner rotor [C] and cover [D].
If there is any damage or uneven wear, replace the rotors
or oil pump assembly.

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Oil Pipe
Oil Pipe Removal
• Remove the banjo bolts [A] and oil pipe clamp screw [B].

Oil Pipe Installation

• Before installation, flush out the pipe with a high-flash
-point solvent.
• Discard the used copper washers and install new washers
on each side of the pipe fittings.
• Lightly tighten the banjo bolts and oil pipe clamp screw to
a snug fit, and tighten them to the specified torque.
Torque - Oil Pipe Banjo Bolts: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 ft·lb)
Oil Pipe Clamp Screw: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46

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Oil Pressure Measurement
Oil Pressure Measurement
• Remove the oil filter cap (see Oil Filter Element Replace-
ment in the Periodic Maintenance chapter), and attach the
oil pressure cap [A], adapter [B] and gauge [C].
Special Tools - Oil Pressure Gauge, 5 kgf/cm²: 57001-125
Oil Pressure Gauge Adapter, M10 × 1.25:
Oil Pressure Cap: 57001-1651

• Start the engine and warm up the engine.

• pressureengine
Run the
at the specified speed, and read the oil

If the oil pressure is much lower than the standard, check

the oil pump and crankshaft bearing insert wear.
If the reading is much higher than the standard, check
the oil pump screen and oil filter first, oil passages for
Oil Pressure
Standard: 88 ∼ 147 kPa (0.9 ∼ 1.5 kgf/cm², 13 ∼ 21 psi)
@4 000 r/min (rpm), oil temperature 50°C

• Stop the engine.

• cap. the oil pressure gauge, adapter and oil pressure

Take care against burns form hot engine oil that
will drain through the oil passage when the gauge
adapter is removed.

• Install the oil filter cap (see Oil Filter Element Replace-
ment in the Periodic Maintenance chapter).

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Engine Removal/Installation
Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 7-2
Engine Removal/Installation ................................................................................................... 7-4
Engine Removal................................................................................................................ 7-4
Engine Installation............................................................................................................. 7-6

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Footpeg Mounting Bolts
G. Apply grease.
T1: 54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m, 40 ft·lb)
T2: 23 N·m (2.3 kgf·m, 17 ft·lb)

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Engine Removal/Installation
Engine Removal
• Drain the engine oil (see Engine Lubrication chapter).
• [A]. the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band

Be sure to hold the front brake when removing the
engine, or the motorcycle may fall over. It could
cause an accident and injury.

• Remove
Shift Pedal [A]
Engine Sprocket Cover [B]

Engine Sprocket [A]

Drive Chain [B]
Breather Tube Lower End [C]
Magneto Lead Connectors [D]
Gear Position Switch Lead Connector [E]

Right and Left Side Cover

Muffler [A]

Intake Pipe Bolts [A]

Spark Plug Cap [B]

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Engine Removal/Installation

• Remove the bolts [A] and the engine guard [B].

• Remove the brake pedal return spring [A].

• Support the rear part of the frame on the jack [A].

• Support the engine with a suitable stand [A].

• Remove the bolts [A] and take off the front footpeg bracket
[B] with side stand.

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Engine Removal/Installation

• Remove the three engine mounting bolts [A] and dis-

mount the engine.

Engine Installation
• Support the engine with a suitable stand and set it at the
correct position.
• Install the lower [A], middle [B] and upper [C] engine
mounting bolts from left side of the engine.
• Tighten the engine mounting nuts.
Torque - Engine Mounting Nuts: 54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m, 40 ft·lb).
• Install the removed parts.
• Adjust the drive chain (see Final Drive chapter).

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Crankshaft / Transmission
Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 8-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 8-4
Crankcase Splitting................................................................................................................. 8-5
Crankcase Splitting ........................................................................................................... 8-5
Crankcase Assembly ........................................................................................................ 8-5
Crankshaft, Connecting Rod .................................................................................................. 8-8
Crankshaft Disassembly and Assembly............................................................................ 8-8
Disassembly...................................................................................................................... 8-8
Assembly .......................................................................................................................... 8-8
Connecting Rod Big End Seizure Inspection .................................................................... 8-9
Connecting Rod Big End Radial Clearance Inspection.....................................................
Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance Inspection........................................................
Crankshaft Runout Inspection........................................................................................... 8-10
Crankshaft Alignment Inspection ...................................................................................... 8-10
Crankshaft Main Bearing Wear Inspection ....................................................................... 8-11
Transmission .......................................................................................................................... 8-12
Transmission and Shift Mechanism Removal ................................................................... 8-12
Transmission Disassembly ............................................................................................... 8-12
Transmission Assembly .................................................................................................... 8-12
Transmission and Shift Mechanism Installation ................................................................ 8-13
Shift Fork Bending Inspection ........................................................................................... 8-14
Shift Fork Ear/Gear Shift Fork Groove Wear Inspection................................................... 8-14
Shift Fork Guide Pin/Shift Drum Groove Wear Inspection ................................................ 8-14
Gear Dog/Gear Dog Hole Damage Inspection ................................................................. 8-15
Ball and Needle Bearing Wear Inspection ........................................................................ 8-15
Oil Seal Inspection ............................................................................................................ 8-15

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Left Crankcase Half
2. Right Crankcase Half
3. Shift Fork
4. Shift Rod
5. Shift Drum Cam
6. Shift Drum
7. Gear Position Switch
8. Drive Shaft
9. Output Shaft
10. Ball-Bearing
11. Bushing (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
12. Woodruff Key (KLX110-A1)
T1: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26 in·lb)
T2: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T3: 15 N·m (1.5 kgf·m, 11 ft·lb)
T4: 22 N·m (2.2 kgf·m, 16 ft·lb)
T5: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)
T6: 42 N·m (4.3 kgf·m, 31 ft·lb): KLX110-A1
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m, 40 ft·lb): KLX110-A2 ∼
T7: 72 N·m (7.3 kgf·m, 53 ft·lb)
EO: Apply engine oil.
G: Apply high-temperature grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket.
R: Replacement Parts.
S: Follow the specific tightening sequence.
A: KLX110-A1
B: KLX110-A2 ∼

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Item Standard Service Limit

Crankshaft, Connecting Rods
Connecting Rod:
Big End Radial Clearance 0.009 ∼ 0.023 mm 0.07 mm (0.0028 in.)
(KLX110-A1) (0.0004 ∼ 0.0009 in.)
Big End Radial Clearance 0.006 ∼ 0.020 mm 0.07 mm (0.0028 in.)
(KLX110-A2 ∼ ) (0.0002 ∼ 0.0008 in.)
Big End Side Clearance 0.1 ∼ 0.2 mm (0.004 ∼ 0.008 in.) 0.4 mm (0.016 in.)
TIR 0.08 mm (0.003
Crankshaft Runout Less than 0.03 mm (0.001 in.) TIR
Shift Fork Ear Thickness 3.9 ∼ 4.0 mm (0.154 ∼ 0.157 in.) 3.8 mm (0.15 in.)
Gear Shift Fork Groove Width 4.05 ∼ 4.15 mm (0.159 ∼ 0.163 in.) 4.3 mm (0.17 in.)
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter 4.9 ∼ 5.0 mm (0.193 ∼ 0.197 in.) 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)
Shift Drum Groove Width 5.05 ∼ 5.20 mm (0.199 ∼ 0.205 in.) 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)
Special Tools - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
Bearing Puller: 57001-158
Crankcase Splitting Tool Assembly: 57001-1098
Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Crankshaft Jig: 57001-1174
Sealant - Kawasaki Bond (Liquid Gasket-Black): 92104-1003

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Crankcase Splitting
Crankcase Splitting
• Remove
the engine (see Engine Removal/Installation

• Set the engine on a clean surface and hold the engine

steady while parts are being removed.
• Remove:
Cylinder Head (see Engine Top End chapter)
Cylinder (see Engine Top End chapter)
Piston (see Engine Top End chapter)
Clutch Cover (see Clutch chapter)
Primary Clutch, Secondary Clutch (see Clutch chapter)
Kick Shaft (see Clutch chapter)
Oil Filter & Oil Pump (see Engine Lubrication System
External Shift Mechanism (see Clutch chapter)
Magneto Cover (see Electrical System chapter)
Magneto Flywheel (see Electrical System chapter)
Gear Position Switch
Crankcase Screws [A]

• Using the crankcase splitting tool assembly [A], split the

Special Tool - Crankcase Splitting Tool Assembly: 57001
• Once the crankcase is split, remove the crankcase split-
ting tool and separate the crankcase halves.
• Remove
the crankshaft from the crankcase half using a

Do not remove the ball, needle bearings and the oil
seals unless it is necessary. Removal may damage

• Press the remaining bearing out of the crankcase half if

the bearing remains on the crankcase half.
Crankcase Assembly
Right and left crankcase halves are machined at the
factory in the assembled state, so the crankcase
halves must be replaced as a set.

• Chip off the old gasket from the mating surfaces of the
crankcase halves.
• Using compressed air, blow out the oil passages [A] in the
crankcase halves and the crankshaft.
• With a high-flash-point solvent, clean off the mating sur-
faces of the crankcase halves and wipe dry.

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Crankcase Splitting
Clean the engine parts in a well-ventilated area, and
take care that there are no sparks or flame any-
where near the working area; this includes any ap-
pliance with a pilot light. Do not use gasoline or a
low-flash-point solvent to clean parts. A fire or ex-
plosion could result.

• Using a press and the bearing driver set, install new bear-
ings until they bottoms out.
○Press the output shaft bearing [B] in the left crankcase
half [A].
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
• Apply high-temperature grease to the lips of the oil seals.
• the sealin surface
Press the oil seals [C] of the left crankcase half so that
is flush with the end of the hole.

• Tighten the shift drum and drive shaft bearing retainer

screws to the right crankcase.
Torque - Shift Drum Bearing Retainer Screws [B]: 2.9 N·m
(0.3 kgf·m, 26 in·lb)
Drive Shaft Bearing Retainer Screw [A]: 5.2 N·m
(0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)

• Insert the crankshaft jig [A] between the crankshaft fly-

wheels opposite the connecting rod big end to protect fly-
wheel alignment. This tool is easily adjustable to fit in any
gap between the flywheel.
Special Tool - Crankshaft Jig: 57001-1174

• Fit the crankshaft into the right crankcase half using a

press [A].

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Crankcase Splitting

• Install:
Shift Drum [A]
Transmission Shaft Assemblies [B]
Shift Forks [C]
• Check that the shift drum is in neutral position.

• Make sure that the mating surfaces of the crankcase

halves are completely free of oil or contamination.
• Apply liquid gasket to the mating surface of the left
crankcase half as shown.
Sealant - Kawasaki Bond (Liquid Gasket-Black): 92104

• Check that two dowel pins [A], O-rings [B] and drive shaft
spacer [C] in place.
• Fit the crankcase halves together hitting with a plastic
hammer on the left crankcase side.

• Tighten the crankcase screws in that order shown.

○Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the No.10
(tightening order) screw.
Tightening Torque -
Crankcase Screws: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
• Remove the crankshaft jig.
○Check to see that the crankshaft, and output shaft all turn
If the crankshaft will not turn, it is probably not centered.
Tap the mount portion of the crankcase with a plastic ham-
mer [A] to reposition it. If it does not free up, split the
crankcase again and find the cause.
Spinning the output shaft, shift the transmission through
all the gears to make certain there is not binding and that
all the gears shift properly.
• Clean the cylinder and oil filter cap of the mating surface
and wipe off the liquid gasket forced out.
• Install the removed parts.

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Crankshaft, Connecting Rod
Crankshaft Disassembly and Assembly
Since assembly of the crankshaft demands exact-
ing tolerance, the disassembly and reassembly
of the crankshaft should only be performed by
experienced mechanics with the necessary tools
and equipment. The crankpin, connecting rod, and
light crankshaft are available separately as spare
parts, however it is recommended that the crank-
shaft assembly be replaced rather than attempting
to replace the components.

• IfRemove
it should be necessary to disassemble the crankshaft.
• using thethe camshaft chain drive sprocket and bearing,
bearing puller if the drive sprocket and bearing
remains on the crankshaft.
• Remove the camshaft chain drive sprocket, oil pump gear
and bearings, using the bearing puller. (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
• Use a press to remove the crankpin.
• Removal of the crankpin separates the flywheels, con-
necting rod, big end needle bearing, and crankpin.
Special Tool - Bearing Puller: 57001-158

• Press the bearing until it bottoms out.
• wheel as shown.
Press the camshaft chain drive sprocket on to the left fly-

Sprocket [A]
Crank Pin [B]
28.4 ±0.3 mm (1.12 ±0.01 in.) [C]

KLX110-A2 ∼
•Press the bearings until it bottoms out.
•Press the camshaft chain sprocket [A] oil pump gear [B]
until it bottoms out on to the left and right flywheels as
•Align bottom of sprocket tooth with opposit direction [C]
of crank pin [D].

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Crankshaft, Connecting Rod

• Apply engine oil to the big end bearing.

• crankpinthedirection
Press crank halves onto the crankpin, noting the
until connecting rod side clearance is
within specification as shown.
Side Clearance [A]: 0.1 ∼ 0.2 mm (0.004 ∼ 0.008 in.)
Crankpin Depth [B]: 0.8 ∼ 1.2 mm (0.032 ∼ 0.047 in.)
• Check the following items after the crankshaft assembly.
Connecting Rod Radial Clearance
Connecting Rod Side Clearance
Crankshaft Runout

Connecting Rod Big End Seizure Inspection

In the case of serious seizure with damaged flywheels,
the crankshaft must be replaced.
In the case of less serious damage, disassemble the
crankshaft and replace the crankpin, needle bearing,
side washers, and connecting rod.
Connecting Rod Big End Radial Clearance Inspection
• Set the crankshaft in flywheel alignment jig or on V blocks,
and place a dial gauge [A] against the big end of the con-
necting rod.
• Push [B] the connecting rod first towards the gauge and
then in the opposite direction. The difference between the
two gauge readings is the radial clearance.
If the radial clearance exceeds the service limit, the crank-
shaft should be either replaced or disassembled and the
crankpin, needle bearing, and connecting rod big end ex-
amined for wear.
Connecting Rod Big End Radial Clearance
KLX110-A1 0.009 ∼ 0.023 mm (0.0004 ∼ 0.0009 in.)
KLX110-A2 ∼ 0.006 ∼ 0.020 mm(0.002 ∼ 0.0008 in.)
Service Limit: 0.07 mm (0.0028 in.)

Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance Inspection

• Measure the side clearance [A] of the connecting rod with
a thickness gauge.
If the clearance exceeds the service limit, replace the
Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance
Standard: 0.1 ∼ 0.2 mm (0.004 ∼ 0.008 in.)
Service Limit: 0.4 mm (0.016 in.)

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Crankshaft, Connecting Rod
Crankshaft Runout Inspection
• Set the crankshaft in a flywheel alignment jig or on V
blocks, and place a dial gauge [A] against the points indi-
• Turn the crankshaft slowly. The maximum difference in
gauge readings is the crankshaft runout.
Measurement Point [B]: 7 mm (0.28 in.)
Crankshaft Runout
Standard: Less than 0.03 mm (0.001 in.) TIR
Service Limit: 0.08 mm (0.003 in.) TIR

KLX110-A2 ∼

Crankshaft Alignment Inspection

If the runout at either point exceeds the service limit, align
the flywheels so that the runout falls within the service
•In the case of horizontal misalignment, which is the most
common, strike the projecting rim of the flywheel with a
plastic, soft lead, or brass hammer as indicated in the
•Recheck the runout with a dial gauge, repeating the
process until the runout falls within the service limit.
○Vertical misalignment is corrected either by driving a
wedge in between the flywheels, or by squeezing the
flywheel rims in a vise, depending on the nature of the

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Crankshaft, Connecting Rod

• Incorrect
the case of both horizontal and vertical misalignment,
the horizontal misalignment first.
• (see Connecting
Recheck big end side clearance after aligning crankshaft
Rod Big End Side Clearance).
○Ifcrankshaft alignment cannot be corrected by the
above method, replace the crankpin or crank halves as
required. Recheck the runout and repeat the process
until the runout is within service limit.

Don’t hammer the flywheel at the point [A].

Crankshaft Main Bearing Wear Inspection

• Wash the bearings in high-flash-point solvent, blow them
dry (DO NOT SPIN THEM), and lubricate them with en-
gine oil.
• Turn [A] each bearing over by hand and see that it makes
no noise, turns smoothly and has no rough spots.
If any of the bearings are defective, replace them.

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Transmission and Shift Mechanism Removal
• Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
• Removethe
Pull out shift rods and take out the shift forks.
• Holding the shift
the drive and output shaft assemblies as a set.
• drum Allen bolt [A].drum with suitable bar, unscrew the shift

• Remove
pin [D].
the cam holder [B], shift drum cam [C] and dowel

• Remove the shift drum [E].

Transmission Disassembly
• Remove the transmission shafts.
• the transmission
Using the circlip pliers to remove the circlip, disassemble
Special Tool - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144

Transmission Assembly
•○Assemble the transmission gears as shown.
Replace the old circlip with a new one if it is removed.
○The drive shaft gears can be identified by size; the small-
est diameter gear is 1st gear, and the largest is 4th (not
working). Be sure that all parts are put back in the correct
sequence, facing the proper direction, and that the circlip
and the washer are properly in place.
2nd Gear [A]
3rd Gear [B]
4th Gear (not working) [C]
1st Gear [D]
Circlip [E]
Shim [F]
Apply Engine Oil [G]
Bushing [H]: KLX110-A2 ∼

○The output shaft gears can be identified by size; the

largest diameter gear is 1st gear, and the smallest is 4th
(not working). Be sure that all parts are put back in the
correct sequence and facing the proper direction, and
that the circlip is properly in place.
2nd Gear [A]
3rd Gear [B]
4th Gear (not working) [C]
1st Gear [D]
Circlip [E]
Spacer [F]

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Apply Engine Oil [G]

○Always install circlips so that the opening is aligned with

a spline groove. To install a circlip without damage, first
fit the circlip onto the shaft expanding it just enough to
install it, and then use a suitable gear to push the circlip
into place.
[A] Opening of Circlip
[B] Groove of Shaft Spline

Transmission and Shift Mechanism Installation

• Fit the shift drum to the right crankcase half.
• dowel the
Install shift drum cam [A] aligning its hole [B] with the
pin [C].
• Install the holder and tighten the Allen bolt.
Torque - Shift Drum Allen Bolt: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46

• Apply a clean engine oil to the transmission gears, bear-

ings, and shaft journal, and fit the output [A] and drive
shaft [B] assemblies as a set into the right crankcase half.
• Set the shift drum in neutral position.

• Apply a clean engine oil to the shift fork fingers, and fit
each shift fork into its gear-groove so that the shift fork
guide pin is in the proper shift drum-groove.
○Fingers of the 1st/3rd shift fork are longer than the fin-
gers of the 2nd/4th shift fork.

• Apply a clean engine oil to the shift rods [A], and insert
each rod running it through each shift fork [B].
• Set the shift drum in neutral position, that is, drive and
output shaft turn freely.
• Assemble the crankcase.

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Shift Fork Bending Inspection
• Visually inspect the shift forks, and replace any fork that is
bent. A bent fork could cause difficulty in shifting, or allow
the transmission to jump out of gear when under power.
[A] 90°

Shift Fork Ear/Gear Shift Fork Groove Wear

• Measure the thickness [A] of the shift fork ears.
If the thickness of a shift fork ear is less than the service
limit, the shift fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork Ear Thickness
Standard: 3.9 ∼ 4.0 mm (0.154 ∼ 0.157 in.)
Service Limit: 3.8 mm (0.15 in.)

• Measure the width [A] of the gear shift fork grooves in the
transmission gears.
If a gear shift fork groove is worn over the service limit,
the gear must be replaced.
Gear Shift Fork Groove Width
Standard: 4.05 ∼ 4.15 mm (0.159 ∼ 0.163 in.)
Service Limit: 4.3 mm (0.17 in.)

Shift Fork Guide Pin/Shift Drum Groove Wear

• Measure the diameter [A] of each shift fork guide pin, and
measure the width [B] of each shift drum groove.
If the guide pin on any shift fork is less than the service
limit, the fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter
Standard: 4.9 ∼ 5.0 mm (0.193 ∼ 0.197 in.)
Service Limit: 4.8 mm (0.19 in.)

If any shift drum groove is worn over the service limit, the
drum must be replaced.
Shift Drum Groove Width
Standard: 5.05 ∼ 5.20 mm (0.199 ∼ 0.205 in.)
Service Limit: 5.3 mm (0.21 in.)

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Gear Dog/Gear Dog Hole Damage Inspection
• Visually inspect the gear dogs [A] and gear dog holes [B].
Replace any damaged gears or gears with excessively
worn dogs or dog holes.

Ball and Needle Bearing Wear Inspection

Do not remove the bearings for inspection. Remove
may damage them.

•○Check the ball bearings.

Since the ball bearings are made to extremely close toler-
ances, the wear must be judged by feel rather than mea-
surement. Clean each bearing in a high-flash-point sol-
vent, dry it (do not spin the bearing while it is dry), and oil
it with engine oil.
○Spin [A] a bearings by hand to check its condition.
If the bearings are noisy, do not spin smoothly, or have
any rough spots, replace them.
•Check the needle bearing.
○The rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring,
inspect the bearing for abrasion, color change, or other
If it is any doubt as to the condition of a needle bearing,
replace it.
Oil Seal Inspection
• Inspect the oil seals.
Replace it if the lips are misshapen, discolored (indicating
that the rubber has deteriorated), hardened or otherwise

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Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 9-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 9-4
Wheels (Rims) ........................................................................................................................ 9-5
Front Wheel Removal ....................................................................................................... 9-5
Front Wheel Installation .................................................................................................... 9-5
Rear Wheel Removal........................................................................................................ 9-5
Rear Wheel Installation..................................................................................................... 9-6
Axle Inspection.................................................................................................................. 9-7
Tires........................................................................................................................................ 9-8
Air Pressure Inspection/Adjustment.................................................................................. 9-8
Tires Inspection................................................................................................................. 9-8
Tire Removal..................................................................................................................... 9-9
Tire Installation.................................................................................................................. 9-10
Hub Bearing............................................................................................................................ 9-11
Hub Bearing Removal....................................................................................................... 9-11
Hub Bearing Installation.................................................................................................... 9-11
Bearing Inspection ............................................................................................................ 9-11
Bearing Lubrication ........................................................................................................... 9-12

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Nipple
2. Spoke
3. Front Tire
4. Rim
5. Front Axle
6. Rear Tire
7. Rear Axle
T1: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32 ft·lb)
T2: 64 N·m (6.5 kgf·m, 47 ft·lb)
T3: 1.2 N·m (0.12 kgf·m, 10 in·lb)
T4: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
G: Apply high-temperature grease.
R: Replacement Parts
WL: Apply soap and water solution or rubber lubricant.

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Item Standard Service Limit

Rim Size:
Front 14 × 1.40 – – –
Rear 12 × 1.60 – – –
Rim Runout (with tire installed):
Axial TIR 0.8 mm (0.03 in.) or less TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Radial TIR 1.0 mm (0.04 in.) or less TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Axle Runout/100 mm (Rear: 110 mm) TIR 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) TIR 2 mm (0.08 in.)
Standard Tire: – – –
Size 2.50-14 4PR – – –
2.50-14 M/C 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
Make CHENG SHIN – – –
Type C803 – – –
Size 3.00-12 4PR – – –
3.00-12 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
Make CHENG SHIN – – –
Type C803 – – –
Tire Air Pressure:
Front 100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm², 14 psi) – – –
Rear 100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm², 14 psi) – – –
Special Tools - Rim Protector: 57001-1063
Bead Breaker Assembly: 57001-1072
Tire Iron Protection of the Bead Bracker Assembly:57001-1072
Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Jack: 57001-1238
Bearing Remover Shaft 9: 57001-1265
Bearing Remover Head 10 × 12: 57001-1266

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Wheels (Rims)
Front Wheel Removal
• Remove:
Cotter Pin [A]
Front Axle Nut [B]
• Using a jack, raise the front wheel off the ground.
• Remove:
Front Brake Cable End [C]
Front Axle [D]
Front Wheel
Front Brake Panel
Front Wheel Installation
• Apply high-temperature grease to the grease seal.
• Install the collar [A] on the right side of the hub.

• Fit the tongue [B] on the fork leg into the groove [A] on the
front brake panel.

• Tighten the front axle nut [A].

Torque - Front Axle Nut: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32 ft·lb)
• Install the cotter pin [B] through the front axle nut to front
axle and spread its ends.
• Install the front brake cable and adjust it.

Rear Wheel Removal

• Using the jack under the frame so that the rear wheel is
raised off the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Remove the clip [A] from the master link using pliers, and
free the drive chain [B] from the rear sprocket.

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Wheels (Rims)

• Remove:
Adjusting Nut [A]
Cotter Pin [B]
Rear Torque Link Nut [C]
Rear Torque Link Bolt [D]
Cotter Pin [E]
Rear Axle Nut [F]
Do not depress the brake pedal deeply with the
brake rod inserted into the brake cam lever joint,
this may elongate the spring beyond its allowable
spring extension.

• To remove the brake rod end from the brake cam lever,
first turn the brake panel clockwise [A] as far as it will go,
then depress the brake pedal lightly, the brake rod [B] will
be separated from the brake cam lever joint [C].
• Pull out the rear axle and remove the rear wheel from the
rear wheel coupling and from the motorcycle.

Rear Wheel Installation

• Apply high-temperature grease to the grease seal.
• Install the
Install collar [A] on the left and right of the rear hub.
• Install the rear
the wheel.
• Adjust the drive chain.
• Turn the brake panel
chain slack (see Final Drive chapter).
• joint goes beyond the clockwise until the brake cam lever
brake rod end then insert the brake
rod end into the joint hole.
Do not insert the brake rod into the cam lever joint
by depressing the brake pedal deeply, this will ex-
tend the brake spring beyond its allowable spring

• Tighten the rear axle nut.

Torque - Rear Axle Nut: 64 N·m (6.5 kgf·m, 47 ft·lb)
• Install the torque link [A] so that its “R” mark [B] faces

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Wheels (Rims)

• Insert a new cotter pin [A].

○When inserting the cotter pin, if the slots in the nut do
not align with the cotter pin hole in the axel, tighten the
nut clockwise [B] up to next alignment.
○It should be within 30 degree.
○Loosen once and tighten again when the slot goes past
the nearest hole.

• Tighten the torque link nuts.

Torque - Torque Link Nut: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)

• Bend the cotter pin [A] over the nut [B].

• Insert the cotter pins [A] through the torque link bolts [B]
and spread its ends.
• Insert the cotter pin through the axle nut to rear axle and
spread its ends.
• Adjust:
Drive Chain Slack (see Final Drive chapter)
Brake Pedal Free Play (see Brakes chapter)

Axle Inspection
• Visually inspect the front and rear axle for damages.
If the axle is damaged or bent, replace it.
• Place the axle in V blocks that are 100 mm (Rear Axle:
110 mm) [A] apart, and set a dial gauge on the axle at a
point halfway between the blocks.
• Turn the axle to measure the runout. The difference be-
tween the highest and lowest dial readings is the amount
of runout.
If runout exceeds the service limit, replace the axle.
Axle Runout/100 mm (4.0 in.) Rear Axle: 110 mm (4.3 in.)
Standard: 0.1 mm (0.004 in.)
Service Limit: 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)

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Air Pressure Inspection/Adjustment
• Remove the valve cap.
• sure whenairthepressure
Using tire gauge [A], measure the tire pres-
tires are cold.
Adjust the tire air pressure to suit track conditions and
rider preference, but do not stray too far from the recom-
mended pressure.
Track Condition Tire Pressure
When the track is wet, muddy, sandy
80 kPa (0.8 kgf/cm²,
or slippery, reduce the tire pressure
11 psi)
to increase the tire tread surface on

the ground.
When the track is pebbly or hard,

increase the tire pressure to prevent
100 kPa (1.0 kgf/cm²,
damage or punctures, through the
14 psi)
tires will skid more easily.

• Tighten the valve cap securely.

Tires Inspection
As the tire tread wears down, the tire becomes more sus-
ceptible the puncture and failure.
• Remove any imbedded stones or other foreign particles
from the tread.
• Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, replacing the
tire in case of bad damage. Swelling or high spots indi-
cate internal damage, requiring tire replacement.
To ensure safe handling and stability, use only the
recommended standard tires for replacement, in-
flated to the standard pressure.

○Check and balance the wheel when a tire is replaced
with a new one.

Standard Tire
Size: 2.50-14 4PR
2.50-14 M/C 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
Type: C803
Size: 3.00-12 4PR
3.00-12 M/C 4PR (KLX110-A2 ∼ )
Type: C803

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Tire Removal
• Remove
the wheel from the motorcycle (see Wheels Re-

• To maintain wheel balance, mark [A] the valve stem posi-

tion on the tire with chalk so that the tire can be reinstalled
in the same position.
•Take out the valve core [B] to let out the air.
•Remove the valve stem nut [C].
○When handling the rim, be careful not to damage the rim
•Remove the bead protector nut.
•Lubricate the tire beads and rim flanges on both sides with
a soap and water solution or rubber lubricant. This helps
the tire beads slip off the rim flanges.
Never lubricate with mineral oil (engine oil) or gaso-
line because they will cause deterioration of the tire.

• Break the beads away from both sides of the rim with the
bead breaker [A].
Special Tool - Bead Breaker Assembly: 57001-1072

• Step on the side of the tire opposite valve stem, pry the
tire off the rim with the tire iron [A] of the bead breaker
protecting the rim with rim protectors [B].
Special Tools - Rim Protector: 57001-1063
Tire Iron Protection of the Bead Breaker As-
sembly: 57001-1072

Take care not to insert the tire irons so deeply that
the tube gets damaged.

• Remove the tube when one side of the tire is pried off.
• Pry the tire off the rim.

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Tire Installation
• Inspect the rim and tire, and replace them if necessary.
• Apply a soap
Install the tube.
• rim flange andandtirewater solution, or rubber lubricant to the
• Position the tire on the rim so that the valve [A] is at the tire
balance mark [B] (the chalk mark made during removal,
or the yellow paint mark on a new tire. see Tire Removal).
• Insert the valve stem into the rim, and screw the nut on
• Fit the rim protectors and use tire irons to install the tire
○To prevent rim damage, be sure to place the rim protec-
tors at any place the tire irons are applied.

• Pry one side of the tire back onto the rim. Fit the bead
protector into the tire.
• Pry the other side of the tire onto the rim, starting at the
side opposite the valve.
○Take care not to insert the tire irons so deeply that the
tube is damaged.
• Install the other side of the tire bead onto the rim in the
same manner.
• Check that the tube is not pinched between the tire and
• Tighten the bead protector nut and valve stem nut.
• Check and adjust the air pressure after installing.
• Install the air valve cap.

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Hub Bearing
Hub Bearing Removal
• Remove the wheel (see Front/Rear Wheel Removal).
• a screwdriver.
To remove the grease seals, pry out the grease seal using

• Using the bearing remover shaft and bearing remover

head, remove the hub bearings [A].
Special Tools - Bearing Remover Shaft, 9: 57001-1265 [B]
Bearing Remover Head, 10 × 12: 57001
-1266 [C]

Hub Bearing Installation

• Before installing the hub bearings, blow any dirt or foreign
particles out the hub with compressed air to prevent con-
tamination of the bearings.
•Replace the bearings with new ones.
•Install the bearings [A] using the bearing driver set [B] so
that the marked or shield sides face out.
○Press in the bearings until they bottom out.
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

○For correct tire alignment, the right bearing must be in-
stalled first rather than left bearing in both front and rear

• Replace the grease seal [A] with new ones.

• Press in the grease sealgrease
Apply high-temperature to the grease seal lips.
• [B] with the end of the hole usingthethesealbearing
so that surface is flush
driver set
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

Bearing Inspection
Since the hub bearings are made to extremely close tol-
erances, the clearance cannot normally be measured.
Do not remove any bearings for inspection. If any
bearings are removed, they will need to be replaced
with new ones.

• Turn each bearing in the hub back and forth [A] while
checking for plays, roughness, or binding. If bearing play,
roughness, or binding is found, replace the bearing.
• Examine the bearing seal [B] for damage or leakage.
If the seal is damaged or is leaking, replace the bearing.

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Hub Bearing
Bearing Lubrication
• Remove
the hub bearings on the front and rear wheel

• Wash the bearings with a high-flash-point solvent, dry

them (do not spin them while they are dry), and oil them.
• Spin each bearings by hand to check its condition.
If it is noisy, does not spin smoothly, or has any rough
spots, it must be replaced.
• If the same bearing is to be used again, re-wash it with a
high-flash-point solvent, and dry it.
• Pack each bearings with good quality bearing grease [A]
before installation. Turn each bearing around by hand
a few times to make sure the grease is distributed uni-
formly inside the bearing, and wipe the old grease out of
the bearing housings on the wheel hub before bearing in-
• Install the bearings.

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Final Drive
Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 10-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 10-4
Drive Chain............................................................................................................................. 10-5
Chain Slack Inspection ..................................................................................................... 10-5
Chain Slack Adjustment.................................................................................................... 10-5
Drive Chain Removal ........................................................................................................ 10-5
Drive Chain Installation ..................................................................................................... 10-5
Chain Wear Inspection...................................................................................................... 10-5
Chain Lubrication .............................................................................................................. 10-5
Sprockets, Coupling ............................................................................................................... 10-6
Engine Sprocket Removal ................................................................................................ 10-6
Engine Sprocket Installation ............................................................................................. 10-6
Rear Sprocket Removal.................................................................................................... 10-7
Rear Sprocket Installation................................................................................................. 10-7
Sprocket Wear Inspection................................................................................................. 10-7
Rear Sprocket Warp Inspection ........................................................................................ 10-7 10
Coupling Bearing Removal ............................................................................................... 10-7
Coupling Bearing Installation ............................................................................................ 10-8
Coupling Bearing Inspection and Lubrication ................................................................... 10-8
Coupling Damper Inspection............................................................................................. 10-8

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Engine Sprocket Cover
2. Engine Sprocket
3. Swingarm
4. Chain Slipper
5. Chain Guide
6. Locknut
7. Adjusting Nut
8. Chain Adjuster
9. Drive Chain
10. Coupling Damper
11. Rear Axle
12. Chain Tension Guide
13. Torque Link
14. Chain Cover
T1: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
T2: 78 N·m (8.0 kgf·m, 58 ft·lb)
T3: 34 N·m (3.5 kgf·m, 25 ft·lb)
T4: 64 N·m (6.5 kgf·m, 47 ft·lb)
G: Apply high-temperature grease.
HO: Apply heavy oil.
R: Replacement parts

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Item Standard Service Limit

Drive Chain
Make/Type – – –
(KLX110-A1) DID 420MBK1
(KLX110-A2 ∼ A4/A6F ∼) DID 420DX
Link (KLX110-A1) 88 links
Link (KLX110-A2 ∼) 86 links
Drive Chain Slack 0 ∼ 5 mm (0 ∼ 0.2 in.) – – –
20 Link Length 254.0 ∼ 254.6 mm (10.00 ∼ 10.02 in.) 259 mm (10.20 in.)
Rear Sprocket Warp Less than 0.4 mm (0.016 in.) 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)
Special Tools - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144
Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

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Drive Chain
Chain Slack Inspection
• Refer to the Chain Slack Inspection in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Chain Slack Adjustment
• Refer to the Chain Slack Adjustment in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Drive Chain Removal
• Remove:
Drive Chain Cover
Engine Sprocket Cover
• Remove the clip from the drive chain master link using
pliers and remove the master link.
• Free the drive chain from the sprockets, being careful that
the chain does not get dirty from contact with the ground.
Drive Chain Installation
• The direction of the master link clip [A] must be as shown.
[B] Direction of Drive Chain Rotation
Incorrect installation of the master link clip can al-
low it to catch on an adjacent part. If the clip dis-
lodges, the chain could come a part, and this could
result in rear wheel lockup and loss of control.

• Adjust the chain slack.

• Put the chain tension guide [A] on the engine sprocket
cover [B], and install the sprocket cover.

Chain Wear Inspection

• Refer to the Chain Wear Inspection in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
Chain Lubrication
• Refer to the Chain Lubrication in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.

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Sprockets, Coupling
Engine Sprocket Removal
• Remove:
Bolts [A]
Engine Sprocket Cover [B]

• Remove the circlip [A] and take off the sprocket [B] with
drive chain [C].
• Pull the collar and O-ring off the output shaft.
Special Tool - Outside Circlip Pliers: 57001-144

Engine Sprocket Installation

• Apply high-temperature grease to the O-ring.
•○Install the O-ring [A] and collar [B] to the output shaft.
The chamfered side [C] of the collar must be faced in.

• Install the engine sprocket [A] and drive chain together.

• Fit the circlip [B] with the round side facing [C] in as shown.
• Adjust the drive chain slack if necessary.

• Put the chain tension guide [A] on the engine sprocket

cover [B], and install the sprocket cover.

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Sprockets, Coupling
Rear Sprocket Removal
• Remove the rear wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).
• sprocket [B].
Unscrew the rear sprocket bolts [A], and remove the rear

Rear Sprocket Installation

• Install the rear sprocket facing the tooth number making
[A] outward.
• Tighten the rear sprocket nuts.
Torque - Rear Sprocket Nut: 34 N·m (3.5 kgf·m, 25 ft·lb)
• Install the rear wheel.

Sprocket Wear Inspection

• Refer to the Sprocket Wear Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Rear Sprocket Warp Inspection
• Raise the rear wheel so that it will turn freely, and set a
dial gauge [A] against the rear sprocket [B] near the teeth
as shown in the figure.
• Rotate [C] the rear wheel, and read the dial gauge. The
difference between the highest and lowest dial gauge
readings is the amount of runout (warp).
If the runout exceeds the service limit, replace the rear
Rear Sprocket Warp
Standard: Less than 0.4 mm (0.016 in.)
Service Limit: 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)

Coupling Bearing Removal

• Pull out the coupling collar from the left.
• Using thethebearing
Remove oil seal.
• tool, remove the bearing
driver set [A] or some other suitable
[B] by tapping from the drum
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

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Sprockets, Coupling
Coupling Bearing Installation
• Inspect the bearing, and replace it if necessary.
• until it is bottomed.
Press in the bearing so that the marked side faces out

• Replace the oil seal with a new one.

• the end of theoilhole.
Press in the seal so that the seal surface is flush with

○Apply high-temperature grease to the oil seal lips.

Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

Coupling Bearing Inspection and Lubrication

Since the coupling bearing is made to extremely close
tolerances, the clearance cannot normally be measured.
• Wash the bearing with a high-flash-point solvent, dry it
(do not spin it while it is dry), and oil it. Spin it by hand to
check its condition.
If it is noisy, doesn’t spin smoothly, or has any rough
sports, it must be replaced.

• If-flash-point
the bearing is to be used again, rewash it with a high
solvent, dry it, and pack it with good quality
bearing grease. Turn the bearing around by hand a few
times to make sure the grease [A] is distributed uniformly
inside the bearing, and wipe the old grease out of the
coupling before bearing installation.

Coupling Damper Inspection

• Remove the rear wheel coupling, and inspect the rubber
dampers [A].
Replace the dampers if they appear damaged or deterio-

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Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 11-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 11-6
Brake Lever, Brake Pedal....................................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Lever, Brake Pedal Free Play Inspection ............................................................... 11-7
Front Brake Free Play Adjustment.................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Pedal Free Play Adjustment ................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Cable Removal ....................................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Cable Installation .................................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Cable Lubrication.................................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Pedal and Rod Removal......................................................................................... 11-7
Brake Pedal and Rod Installation...................................................................................... 11-8
Brake Panel and Drum ........................................................................................................... 11-9
Brake Lining Wear Inspection ........................................................................................... 11-9
Cam Lever Angle Adjustment ........................................................................................... 11-9
Brake Panel Removal ....................................................................................................... 11-9
Brake Panel Installation .................................................................................................... 11-9
Brake Panel Disassembly ................................................................................................. 11-9
Brake Panel Assembly...................................................................................................... 11-10 11
Brake Drum Wear Inspection............................................................................................ 11-10
Brake Shoe Lining Wear Inspection.................................................................................. 11-11
Camshaft Wear Inspection................................................................................................ 11-11
Brake Shoe Springs Inspection......................................................................................... 11-12
Brake Panel Lubrication.................................................................................................... 11-12

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Brake Lever
2. Brake Cable
3. Cam Lever
4. Brake Panel
5. Brake Shoe
6. Camshaft
7. Brake Lever Pivot Nut
8. Front Brake Adjuster
T1: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32 ft·lb)
C: Apply cable lubricant.
G: Apply grease.
Si: Apply silicone grease.

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Brake Pedal
2. Brake Rod
3. Adjusting Nut
4. Brake Shoe
5. Camshaft
6. Cam Lever
T1: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
T2: 64 N·m (6.5 kgf·m, 47 ft·lb)
T3: 7 N·m (0.7 kgf·m, 60 in·lb)
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts.

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Item Standard Service Limit

Brake Lever and Pedal
Brake Lever Free Play 4 ∼ 5 mm (0.16 ∼ 0.20 in.) – – –
Brake Pedal Free Play 20 ∼ 30 mm (0.79 ∼ 1.18 in.) – – –
Brake Drum, Brake Shoes
Shoe Lining Thickness:
Front 2.10 ∼ 3.00 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.) 1.2 mm (0.05 in.)
Rear 3.85 ∼ 4.15 mm (0.152 ∼ 0.163 in.) 2.0 mm (0.08 in.)
Shoe Spring Free Length:
Front 30.8 ∼ 31.2 mm (1.213 ∼ 1.228 in.) 32.6 mm (1.28 in.)
Rear 32.5 mm (1.280 in.) 34.1 mm (1.34 in.)
Drum Inside Diameter:
Front 90.000 ∼ 90.087 mm (3.543 ∼ 3.547 in.) 90.75 mm (3.57 in.)
Rear 110.000 ∼ 110.087 mm (4.331 ∼ 4.334 in.) 110.75 mm (4.36 in.)
Camshaft Diameter:
Front 11.957 ∼ 11.984 mm (0.471 ∼ 0.472 in.) 11.88 mm (0.468 in.)
Rear 14.957 ∼ 14.984 mm (0.589 ∼ 0.590 in.) 14.88 mm (0.586 in.)
Camshaft Hole Inside Diameter:
Front 12.000 ∼ 12.027 mm (0.472 ∼ 0.474 in.) 12.15 mm (0.478 in.)
Rear 15.000 ∼ 15.027 mm (0.591 ∼ 0.592 in.) 15.15 mm (0.596 in.)
Cam Lever Angle 80° ∼ 90° – – –
Special Tool - Inside Circlip Pliers: 57001-143

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Brake Lever, Brake Pedal
Brake Lever, Brake Pedal Free Play Inspection
• Refer to the Brake Lever, Brake Pedal Free Play Inspec-
tion in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Front Brake Free Play Adjustment
• Refer to the Front Brake Lever Free Play Adjustment in
the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Brake Pedal Free Play Adjustment
• Refer to the Brake Pedal Free Play Adjustment in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Brake Cable Removal
• Free the brake cable from the brake lever.
• Front Brake Adjusting Nuts [A]

Brake Cable Lower End [B]

Front Brake Cable Guide Clamp [C]
• Pull the brake cable out of the frame.

Brake Cable Installation

• Run the brake cable according to the Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing Section of the General Information chapter.
• Adjust the brake lever free play.
Brake Cable Lubrication
• Whenever the cable is removed, or in accordance with
the Periodic Maintenance Chart, lubricate the brake ca-
ble. Refer to the General Lubrication in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.
○Apply a thin coating of grease to the cable upper end.
○Use a commercially available pressure cable lubricator to
lubricate the cable.
○With the cable disconnected at both ends, the cable
should move freely in the cable housing.
Brake Pedal and Rod Removal
• Remove:
Rear Brake Adjusting Nut [A]
Brake Rod [B]
Brake Cam Lever Joint [C]
Spring [D]

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Brake Lever, Brake Pedal
Brake Pedal Return Spring [A]
Brake Pedal Mounting Bolt [B]
Brake Pedal [C] with Rod [D]

Cotter Pin and Washer [A]

Rod [B]
O-rings [C]

Brake Pedal and Rod Installation

• Brake pedal and rod installation is the reverse of removal.
• Bend the cotter pin [A] securely on both sides as shown.

• Apply
a multi purpose grease to the pedal pivot and O

• Before installing the brake pedal, set in the return spring

each end to the brake pedal.
○Install the return spring [A] so that its long hook portion
[B] faces downward.
• Tighten the brake pedal mounting bolt.
Torque - Brake Pedal Mounting Bolt: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78
• Adjust the brake pedal free play.

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Brake Panel and Drum
Brake Lining Wear Inspection
• Refer to the Brake Lining Wear Inspection in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Cam Lever Angle Adjustment
• Refer to the Cam Lever Angle Adjustment in the Periodic
Maintenance chapter.
Brake Panel Removal
• Remove
the front or rear wheel (see Wheels/Tires chap-

• Separate the brake panel [A] from the wheel.

Brake Panel Installation

• Installation is the reverse of removal.
• Adjust the brake lever and pedal free play.
Brake Panel Disassembly
Do not depress the brake pedal deeply in order to
separate the brake rod from the brake cam lever
joint, this may extend the brake spring beyond its
allowable spring extension.
Rotate the rear brake panel clockwise as far as it
will go with the brake rod inserted into the brake
cam lever joint, then depress the brake pedal lightly,
the brake rod will be separated from the brake cam
lever joint.

• Mark the position [A] of the cam lever before removal so

that it can be installed later in the same position.
• Remove the brake cam lever.

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11-10 BRAKES
Brake Panel and Drum

• Remove
the wheel and separate the brake panel from the

• Using a clean cloth around the linings to prevent grease

or oil from getting on them, remove and install the brake
shoes [A] by pulling up on the center of the linings.
• Pull the brake camshaft out from the brake panel inside.

Brake Panel Assembly

• Lubricate the brake camshaft.
• the extreme right[A]
Fit the indicator on the serration so that it points to
of the USABLE RANGE [B] (Rear panel

Brake Drum Wear Inspection

If the drum is worn unevenly or if it is scored, turn the
drum down on a brake drum lathe or replace the hub with
a new one. (Do not turn it down to the service limit, and
do not turn it down if any diameter measurement exceeds
the service limit.)
• Measure the inside diameter [A] of the brake drum. Since
uneven drum wear will decrease braking effectiveness,
take measurement at a minimum of two places.
If any diameter measurement exceeds the service limit,
replace the hub with a new one.
Brake Drum Inside Diameter
Front 90.000 ∼ 90.087 mm (3.543 ∼ 3.547 in.)
Rear 110.000 ∼ 110.087 mm (4.331 ∼ 4.334 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 90.75 mm (3.57 in.)
Rear 110.75 mm (4.36 in.)

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BRAKES 11-11
Brake Panel and Drum
Brake Shoe Lining Wear Inspection
• Visually inspect the linings for uneven wear, and file or
sand down any high spots. With a wire brush, remove any
foreign particles imbedded in the lining surface. Wash off
any oil or grease with a high-flash-point solvent. Do not
use one which will leave an oily residue.
If the linings are damaged or the surface cannot be re-
stored by sanding and cleaning, replace the shoes as a
• Measure the thickness of the brake linings, at a few point.
If the thickness [A] at any point is less than the service
limit, replace both shoes as a set.
Brake Shoe Lining Thickness
Front 2.10 ∼ 3.00 mm (0.08 ∼ 0.12 in.)
Rear 3.85 ∼ 4.15 mm (0.152 ∼ 0.163 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 1.2 mm (0.05 in.)
Rear 2.0 mm (0.08 in.)

Camshaft Wear Inspection

• Measure the shaft diameter [A].
If it is worn down to less than the service limit, replace the
• Measure the inside diameter [B] of the camshaft hole.
If it is worn past the service limit, replace the brake panel.
Camshaft Diameter
Front 11.957 ∼ 11.984 mm (0.471 ∼ 0.472 in.)
Rear 14.957 ∼ 14.984 mm (0.589 ∼ 0.590 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 11.88 mm (0.468 in.)
Rear 14.88 mm (0.586 in.)

Camshaft Hole Inside Diameter

Front 12.000 ∼ 12.027 mm (0.472 ∼ 0.474 in.)
Rear 15.000 ∼ 15.027 mm (0.591 ∼ 0.592 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 12.15 mm (0.478 in.)
Rear 15.15 mm (0.596 in.)

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11-12 BRAKES
Brake Panel and Drum
Brake Shoe Springs Inspection
• Visually
inspect the brake shoe springs for breaks or dis-

If the springs are damaged in any way, replace them.

• Measure [A] the free length of the brake shoe springs.
If either is stretched beyond the service limit, replace both
Brake Shoe Springs Inspection
Front 30.8 ∼ 31.2 mm (1.213 ∼ 1.228 in.)
Rear 32.5 mm (1.28 in.)
Service Limit:
Front 32.6 mm (1.28 in.)
Rear 34.1 mm (1.34 in.)

Brake Panel Lubrication

• Refer to the Brake Panel Lubrication in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.

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Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 12-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 12-6
Front Fork ............................................................................................................................... 12-7
Fork Oil Level Check (Simplify)......................................................................................... 12-7
Oil Change/Oil Level Adjustment (each fork leg) .............................................................. 12-7
Front Fork Removal .......................................................................................................... 12-8
Front Fork Installation ....................................................................................................... 12-8
Front Fork Disassembly (each fork )................................................................................. 12-8
Front Fork Assembly (each fork)....................................................................................... 12-10
Front Fork Inner Tube Inspection...................................................................................... 12-10
Dust Seal/Oil Seal Inspection ........................................................................................... 12-11
Spring Tension Inspection................................................................................................. 12-11
Rear Shock Absorber ............................................................................................................. 12-12
Removal ........................................................................................................................... 12-12
Installation......................................................................................................................... 12-12
Rear Shock Absorber Inspection ...................................................................................... 12-12
Rear Shock Absorber Scrapping ...................................................................................... 12-12
Swingarm................................................................................................................................ 12-13
Swingarm Removal........................................................................................................... 12-13
Swingarm Installation........................................................................................................ 12-13 12
Swingarm Rubber Bushing Inspection.............................................................................. 12-13

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Circlip
2. Top Plug
3. O-ring
4. Fork Spring
5. Cylinder Unit
6. Inner Tube
7. Dust Seal
8. Retaining Ring
9. Oil Seal
10. Outer Tube
11. Gasket
12. Allen Bolt
13. Steering Stem Head
14. Steering Stem
T1: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
T2: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)
L: Apply a non-permanent looking agent to the threads.
CA: Canada Model

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Pivot Shaft
2. Swingarm
3. Rear Shock Absober
4. Rubber Bushing
5. Flap: Note the installing direction.
T1: 78 N·m (8.0 kgf·m, 58 ft·lb)
T2: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
T3: 39 N·m (4.0 kgf·m, 29 ft·lb)
G: Apply grease.
R: Replacement Parts
CA: Canada Model

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Item Standard Service Limit

Front Fork
Oil Viscosity SHOWA SS-8 or equivalent – – –
Oil Capacity (Completely Dry) 163 ±2.5 mL (5.51 ±0.08 US oz) – – –
Oil Level – – –
(Fully Compressed, Spring Removed) 89 ±2 mm (3.50 ±0.08 in.) – – –
(from top of inner tube)
Fork Spring Free Length 439.7 mm (17.31 in.) 430.9 mm (16.96 in.)
Special Tools - Fork Cylinder Holder Handle: 57001-183
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter: 57001-1011
Oil Seal & Bearing Remover: 57001-1058
Fork Oil Seal Driver: 57001-1219
Jack: 57001-1238
Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001-1290

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Front Fork
Fork Oil Level Check (Simplify)
• Refer to the Fork Oil Level Adjustment (Simplify) in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Oil Change/Oil Level Adjustment (each fork leg)
• Remove the front fork (see this chapter).
• Top Plugthe following.

Fork Spring
The top plugs are under extreme spring force. Use
care when removing the top plugs. Wear eye and
face protection.

• Hold the fork tube upside down over a clean container

and pump it to drain the oil.

• Fill the front fork to the top with specified oil.

Recommended Oil
SHOWA SS-8 or equivalent
Front Fork Oil Capacity (completely dry)
163 ±2.5 mL (5.51 ±0.08 US oz)

•○Adjust the oil level.

With the fork fully compressed, put the oil level gauge [A]
and the stopper [B], and inspect the distance from the top
of the inner tube to the oil.
Special Tool - Fork Oil Level Gauge: 57001-1290

Oil Level (fully compressed, without spring)

Standard: 89 ±2 mm (3.50 ±0.08 in.)
If no oil is drawn out, there is insufficient oil in the fork
tube. Pour in enough oil, then drawn out the excess oil.
• Install the parts removed (see Front Fork Assembly)

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Front Fork
Front Fork Removal
• Remove the front brake cable clamp [A].
• Remove the
Remove the front brake cable [B].
• front wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).

• Remove the number plate.

• With a twisting
Loosen the upper and lower fork clamp bolts [A].
• motion, work the fork leg down and out.

Front Fork Installation

• IfInstall
the fork leg was disassembled, check the fork oil level.
• with thetheupper
fork, aligning the top end [A] of the inner tube
surface [B] of the steering stem head.
• and Hose Routingandsection
Route the cables hose according to the Cable, Wire
in the General Information
• Install the front wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter).
• Tighten the following:
Torque - Front Fork Clamp Bolts (Upper): 20 N·m (2.0
kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
Front Fork Clamp Bolts (Lower): 29 N·m (3.0
kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)
• Check the front brake operation after installation.
Front Fork Disassembly (each fork )
• Remove the front fork (see Front Fork Removal).
• Remove the
Remove top plug and the fork spring.
• Drain the forkdust
the seal.
• Change) oil with the fork upside down (see Fork Oil

• Hold the outer tube [A] in a vise.

• cylinder
Stop the cylinder [B] from turning by using the front fork
Special Tools - Fork Cylinder Holder Handle: 57001-183 [C]
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter: 57001-1011
Unscrew the Allen bolt [E], then take the bolt and gasket out
of the bottom of the outer tube.

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Front Fork

• Remove the cylinder unit [A] and spring [B] from the fork.

• Separate the inner tube [A] from the outer tube [B] by
pulling them out.

• Take the cylinder base [A] out of the outer tube [B].

• Remove the retaining ring [A] from the outer tube.

• Remove the oil seal [B].
Special Tool - Oil Seal & Bearing Remover: 57001-1058

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Front Fork
Front Fork Assembly (each fork)
• Assembly is the reverse of disassembly.
• Retaining Ring
Replace the following parts removed with a new one.

Oil Seal
Bottom Allen Bolt Washer
•Inspect the following and replace them with new ones if
Inner Tube (see Inner Tube Insspection)
Top Plug O-ring
•Insert the cylinder unit and spring in the inner tube.
•Insert the cylinder base [A] in the cylinder unit [B].
○The cylinder base must be installed with the tapered side
facing upward.
•Insert the inner tube and cylinder unit as a set into the
outer tube.

• Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the bottom Allen

bolt and tighten it to the specified torque, using the front
fork cylinder holder.
Torque - Bottom Allen Bolts: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
Special Tools - Fork Cylinder Holder Handle: 57001-183
Fork Cylinder Holder Adapter: 57001-1011
• Install the oil seal [A] by tapping with the fork oil seal driver
[B] until it stops.
Special Tool - Fork Oil Seal Driver: 57001-1219

• Install the following.

Dust Seal

• Measure the both diameters of the fork spring ends and

insert the fork spring with the small diameter end [A] fac-
ing down.
• Pour the fork oil (see Fork Oil change).
• Install the front fork (see this chapter).

Front Fork Inner Tube Inspection

• Refer to the Inner Tube Inspection in the Periodic Main-
tenance chapter.

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Front Fork
Dust Seal/Oil Seal Inspection
• Inspect
the dust seal [B] for any signs of deterioration or

Replace it if necessary.
• Replace the oil seal [A] with a new one whenever it has
been removed.

Spring Tension Inspection

• Since a spring becomes shorter as it weakens, check its
free length [A] to determine it condition.
If the spring of either fork leg is shorter than the service
limit, it must be replaced. If the length of a replacement
spring and that of the remaining spring vary greatly, the
remaining spring should also be replaced in order to keep
the fork legs balanced fro motorcycle stability.
Fork Spring Free Length
Standard: 439.7 mm (17.31 in.)
Service Limit: 430.9 mm (16.96 in.)

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Rear Shock Absorber
• Using the jack under the frame, raise the rear wheel off
the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Remove the shock absorber mounting bolt [A], nut and
pull off the shock absorber [B].

• To remove the rubber bushings [A], tap out the bushing

with a suitable tool.

• Press in the rubber bushings [A] as shown.
• Install the shock absorber.
• Tighten the shock absorber mounting bolt and nut.
Torque - Rear Shock Absorber Mounting Nut
Upper: 39 N·m (4.0 kgf·m, 29 ft·lb)
Lower: 39 N·m (4.0 kgf·m, 29 ft·lb)

Rear Shock Absorber Inspection

• Refer to the Rear Shock Absorber Inspection in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Rear Shock Absorber Scrapping
Since the rear shock absorber contains nitrogen
gas, do not incinerate the rear shock absorber with-
out first releasing the gas or it may explode.
Before a rear shock absorber is scrapped, drill a
hole at the point [A] shown to release the nitrogen
gas completely. Wear safety glasses when drilling
the hole, as the gas may blow out bits of drilled
metal when the hole opens.

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Swingarm Removal
• Using the jack under the frame, raise the rear wheel off
the ground.
Special Tool - Jack: 57001-1238
• Remove:
Rear Wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter)
Left Side Cover (see Frame chapter)
Drive Chain
Rear Shock Absorber Lower End
• Remove the pivot shaft nut and pull out the pivot shaft [A].
• Pull back the swingarm [B] and take off the swingarm.

• Remove:
Torque Link [A]
Chain Guide [B]
Chain Slipper [C]
Chain Cover [D]
• To remove the rubber bushing [E] at the pivot, tap out the
bushing with a suitable tool.

Swingarm Installation
• Installation is the reverse of removal.
• Tighten the pivot
Press in the rubber bushings [A] as shown.
• absorber. shaft nut after installed the rear shock

Torque - Swingarm Pivot Shaft Nut: 78 N·m (8.0 kgf·m, 58

• Tighten the torque link nut.
Torque - Torque Link Nut: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)

Swingarm Rubber Bushing Inspection

• Refer to the Swingarm Rubber Bushing Inspection in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.

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Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 13-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 13-4
Steering .................................................................................................................................. 13-5
Steering Inspection ........................................................................................................... 13-5
Steering Adjustment.......................................................................................................... 13-5
Steering Stem Removal .................................................................................................... 13-5
Steering Stem Installation ................................................................................................. 13-5
Steering Stem Race Removal........................................................................................... 13-6
Steering Stem Race Installation Notes ............................................................................. 13-7
Steering Stem Bearing Lubrication ................................................................................... 13-7
Steering Stem Bearing Inspection .................................................................................... 13-7
Steering Stem Warp Inspection ........................................................................................ 13-7
Handlebar ............................................................................................................................... 13-8
Handlebar Removal .......................................................................................................... 13-8
Handlebar Installation ....................................................................................................... 13-8


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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Handlebar Holder
2. Handlebar
3. Steering Stem Head Nut
4. Steering Stem Head
5. Stem Locknut
6. Upper Steel Balls
7. Head Pipe
8. Lower Steel Balls
9. Steering Stem
10. Lower Inner Race
11. Lower Outer Race
12. Upper Outer Race
13. Upper Inner Race
14. Stem Cap
15. Front Fender Mounting Bolts
AD: Apply adhesive cement.
AO: Apply 2-stroke oil.
G: Apply grease.
T1: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32 ft·lb)
T2: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
T3: 4.9 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 43 in·lb)
T4: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18 ft·lb)
T5: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)

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Special Tools - Steering Stem Bearing Driver: 57001-137
Steering Stem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100
Jack: 57001-1238
Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129
Bearing Puller: 57001-158
Bearing Puller Stud: 57001-1190
Bearing Puller Adapter: 57001-317

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Steering Inspection
• Refer to the Steering Inspection in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
Steering Adjustment
• Refer to the Steering Adjustment in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.
Steering Stem Removal
• Remove:
Front Wheel (see Wheels/Tires chapter)
Front Brake Cable Clamp
Front Fender
Handlebar (see Handlebar Removal)
Front Fork (see Suspension chapter)

• Remove the steering stem head nut and washer.

• Pushing uptheonsteering
Remove stem head.
• stem locknut [B],the stem base [A], and remove the steering
with the steering stem nut wrench [C],
then remove the steering stem [D] and stem base.
Special Tool - Steering Stem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100

• As the stem is removed, some of the steel balls will drop

out of the lower outer race.
• Remove the remaining ball bearings from the lower bear-
ing outer race. There are 23 steel balls installed in the
lower outer race.

• Remove:
Steering Stem Cap [A]
Upper Inner Race [B]
Upper Steel Balls [C]
○There are 23 steel balls installed in the upper outer race.

Steering Stem Installation

• Apply grease liberally to the upper and lower outer races
in the head pipe so that the steel balls will stick in place
during stem insertion, and install upper and lower steel
• Using the stem nut wrench, temporarilly tighten (hand
tighten) the stem locknut to press the steel balls against
the outer race.

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• Install the stem head and washer, and tighten the stem
head nut lightly.
•○Settle the bearing in place as follows;
Tighten the stem locknut to 39 N·m (4.0 kgf·m, 29 ft·lb)
of torque. (To tighten the steering stem locknut to the
specified torque, hook the wrench [A] on the stem locknut,
and pull the wrench at the hole by 22.2 kg force [B] in the
direction shown).
Special Tool - Steering Stem Nut Wrench: 57001-1100
○Check that there is no play and the steering stem turns
smoothly without rattles. If not, the steering stem bearings
may be damaged.
○Again back out the stem locknut a fraction of a turn until
it turns lightly.
○Turn the stem locknut lightly clockwise until it just be-
comes hard to turn. Do not overtighten, or the steering
will be too tight.
Torque - Steering Stem Locknut: 4.9 N·m (0.5 kgf·m, 43
• Install the front fork (see the Suspension chapter).
○Tighten the fork upper clamp bolts first, next the stem
head nut, last the fork lower clamp bolt.
Torque - Steering Stem Head Nut: 44 N·m (4.5 kgf·m, 32
Front Fork Clamp Bolt:
Upper: 20 N·m (2.0 kgf·m, 15 ft·lb)
Lower: 29 N·m (3.0 kgf·m, 22 ft·lb)
• Install the parts removed (see the appropriate chapter).
Do not impede the handlebar turning by routing the
cables, wires and hoses improperly (see the Gen-
eral Information chapter).

• Check and Adjust:

Front Brake
Throttle Cable
Steering Stem Race Removal
• To remove the outer races [A] pressed into the head pipe,
insert a bar [C] into the head pipe [B], and hammer evenly
around the circumference of the opposite race to drive it

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• Remove the lower inner race on the steering stem with a

bearing puller [A].
Special Tools - Bearing Puller: 57001-158
Bearing Puller Stud: 57001-1190 [B]
Bearing Puller Adapter: 57001-317 [C]

Steering Stem Race Installation Notes

• Apply engine oil to the outer races, and then drive them
into the head pipe using the bearing driver set [A].
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set: 57001-1129

• Drive the lower inner race [A] onto the steering stem using
the stem bearing driver [B].
Special Tool - Steering Stem Bearing Driver: 57001-137

Steering Stem Bearing Lubrication

• Refer to the Steering Stem Bearing Lubrication in the Pe-
riodic Maintenance chapter.
Steering Stem Bearing Inspection
• Using a high-flash-point solvent, wipe the bearings clean
of grease and dirt.
• Check the races and balls.
If the balls or races are worn, or if either race is dented,
replace both races and all the balls for that bearing as a
Steering Stem Warp Inspection
• Whenever the steering stem is removed, or if the steering
cannot be adjusted for smooth action, check the steering
stem for straightness.
If the steering stem shaft [A] is bent, replace the steering

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Handlebar Removal
• Remove:
Engine Stop Switch [A]
Throttle Grip Assembly [B]
Brake Lever Holder [C]
Handlebar Clamps [D]
Handlebar [E]

Handlebar Installation
• Apply adhesive cement to the inside of the left handlebar
grip [A].

• Mount the handlebar holders [B] so that the arrows [C] on

the holder point at the front [A].
○Align the punch mark [D] on the handlebar to the mating
surface of each holders of handlebar.
• Tighten the holder bolts, front first and then the rear. If the
handlebar holder is correctly installed, there will be no gap
at the front and a gap [E] at the rear after tightening.
• Torque the handlebar holder bolts.
Torque - Handlebar Holder Bolts: 25 N·m (2.5 kgf·m, 18

• Apply grease to the throttle cable upper end.

Install lever holder as shown.
brake lever holder so that its vertical parting
line [A] is aligned with punch mark [B] on the handlebar.

•○Install the throttle grip assembly.

Position the throttle housing so that its vertical parting line
[A] is aligned with punch mark [B] on the handlebar.

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•○Install the engine stop switch.

Position the engine stop switch so that its edge [A] is
aligned with the punch mark [B] on the handlebar.

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Electrical System
Table of Contents
Exploded View........................................................................................................................ 14-2
Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 14-4
Wiring Diagram....................................................................................................................... 14-5
Precautions............................................................................................................................. 14-6
Electrical Wiring...................................................................................................................... 14-7
Wiring Inspection .............................................................................................................. 14-7
Magneto Flywheel .................................................................................................................. 14-8
Magneto Cover Removal .................................................................................................. 14-8
Magneto Cover Installation ............................................................................................... 14-8
Magneto Cover Disassembly ............................................................................................ 14-8
Magneto Cover Assembly................................................................................................. 14-9
Magneto Flywheel Removal.............................................................................................. 14-9
Magneto Flywheel Installation........................................................................................... 14-9
Magneto Flywheels Inspection.......................................................................................... 14-10
Regulator/Rectifier Inspection........................................................................................... 14-10
Ignition System ....................................................................................................................... 14-11
Igniter Removal................................................................................................................. 14-11
Exciter Coil Resistance Measurement .............................................................................. 14-11
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance Measurement .................................................................. 14-11
Ignition Coil Removal ........................................................................................................ 14-12
Ignition Coil Installation ..................................................................................................... 14-12
Ignition Coil Inspection...................................................................................................... 14-12
Spark Plug Removal/Installation ....................................................................................... 14-13
Spark Plug Gap................................................................................................................. 14-13 14
Spark Plug Cleaning and Inspection................................................................................. 14-13
Igniter Inspection............................................................................................................... 14-13
Switches ................................................................................................................................. 14-17
Switch Inspection .............................................................................................................. 14-17
Gear Position Switch Removal ......................................................................................... 14-17
Gear Position Switch Installation ...................................................................................... 14-17
Gear Position Switch Inspection: ...................................................................................... 14-18

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Exploded View

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Exploded View
1. Engine Stop Switch
2. Main Harness
3. Regulator/Rectifier
4. Igniter
5. Exciter Coil
6. Crankshaft Sensor
7. Flywheel
8. Magneto Cover
9. Spark Plug
10. Gear Position Switch
11. Ignition Coil
12. Frame
13. Damper (KLX110-A1)
T1: 42 N·m (4.3 kgf·m, 31 ft·lb): KLX110-A1 (M10)
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m, 40 ft·lb): KLX110-A2 ∼ (M12)
T2: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
T3: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 113 in·lb)
T4: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m, 26 in·lb)
T5: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb): KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F
8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb): KLX110A8F ∼
G: Apply grease.
SS: Apply silicone sealant.

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Item Standard Service Limit

Regulator/rectifier Resistance in the text – – –
Ignition System – – –
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance 50 ∼ 200 Ω (Blue/Yellow← →Ground) – – –
Air Gap 0.7 mm (0.028 in.)
Ignition Coil:
Primary Winding Resistance 0.19 ∼ 0.23 Ω – – –
Secondary Winding Resistance 2.5 ∼ 3.7 kΩ – – –
Exciter Coil Resistance 0.2 ∼ 1.0 Ω (White ← →Ground) – – –
0.1 ∼ 0.8 Ω (Yellow ← →Ground) – – –
Spark Plug:
Standard Plug NGK CR6HSA – – –
Gap 0.6 ∼ 0.7 mm (0.024 ∼ 0.028 in.) – – –
Peak Voltage:
Ignition Coil (Primary) 100 V or above – – –
Crankshaft Sensor 4.6 V or above – – –
Exciter Coil 15 V or above – – –
Special Tools - Spark Plug Wrench, Hex 16: 57001-1262
Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Flywheel Puller, M28 × 1.0: 57001-1471
Rotor Puller, M16/M18/M20/M22 × 1.5: 57001-1216
Flywheel Holder: 57001-1313
Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant): 56019-120

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Wiring Diagram

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There are a number of important precautions that need
to follow during servicing electrical systems. Learn and ob-
serve all the rules below.
○The electrical parts should never be struck sharply, as
with a hammer, or allowed to fall on a hard surface. Such
a shock to the parts can damage them.
○Troubles may involve one or in some cases all items.
Never replace a defective part without determining what
CAUSED the failure. If the failure was caused by some
other item or items, they too must be repaired or replaced,
or the new replacement will soon fail again.
○Make sure all connectors in the circuit are clean and tight,
and examine leads for signs of burning, fraying, etc. Poor
leads and bad connections will affect electrical system
○Measure coil and winding resistance when the part is cold
(at room temperature).
○Color Codes:
BK: Black GY: Gray R: Red
BL: Blue LB: Light blue SB: Sky Blue
BR: Brown LG: Light green W: White
CH: Chocolate O: Orange Y: Yellow
DG: Dark green P: Pink
G: Green PU: Purple

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Electrical Wiring
Wiring Inspection
• Visually
inspect the wiring for signs of burning, fraying,

If any wiring is poor, replace the damaged wiring.

•Pull each connector [A] apart and inspect it for corrosion,
dirt, and damage.
If the connector is corroded or dirty, clean it carefully. If it
is damaged, replace it.
•Check the wiring for continuity.
○Use the wiring diagram to find the ends of the lead which
is suspected of being a problem.
○Connect the hand tester between the ends of the leads.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
○Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
If the tester does not read 0 Ω, the lead is defective. Re-
place the lead or the wiring harness [B] if necessary.

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Magneto Flywheel
Magneto Cover Removal
• Drain the engine oil.
• Shift Pedal

Engine Sprocket Cover (see Final Drive chapter)

• Pull off the magneto connector [A].

• Remove:
Magneto Cover Screws [A] (KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F)
Magneto Cover Bolts [A] (KLX110A8F ∼)
Magneto Cover [B]

Magneto Cover Installation

• Check that two dowel pins are in place in the left
crankcase half.
• Replace the gasket.
• wiring grommet.sealant [A] around the circumference of the
Apply silicone

• Install the magneto cover.

Sealant - Kawasaki Bond (Silicone Sealant): 56019-120

KLX110-A1 ∼ A7F
•Tighten the magneto cover screws following the tighten-
ing sequence as shown.
Torque - Magneto Cover Screws: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46
KLX110A8F ∼
•Tighten the magneto cover bolts following the tightening
sequence as shown.
Torque - Magneto Cover Bolts: 8.8 N·m (0.9 kgf·m, 78 in·lb)
• Fill the engine with engine oil (see Engine Lubrication
System chapter).
Magneto Cover Disassembly
• Remove
the magneto cover (see Magneto Cover Re-

• Remove:
Screws [A]
Clamps [B]
Crankshaft Sensor Screws [C]
Exciter Coil Screws [D]
• Pull the wiring grommet.
• Remove the crankshaft sensor and stator as a set.

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Magneto Flywheel
Magneto Cover Assembly
• Run the magneto lead [A] as shown.
• Torque:
Plate Screws [B]: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m, 46 in·lb)
Exciter Coil Mounting Screws [C]: 5.2 N·m (0.53 kgf·m,
46 in·lb)
Crankshaft Sensor Mounting Screws [D]: 2.9 N·m (0.3
kgf·m, 26 in·lb)

Magneto Flywheel Removal

• Remove
the magneto cover (see magneto Cover Re-

• Loosen the front footpeg assembly.

• remove the
Hold the flywheel steady with the flywheel holder [A] and
flywheel nut [B].
Special Tool - Flywheel Holder: 57001-1313

• Thread the flywheel puller [A] and rotor puller [B] onto the
flywheel [C].
• Holding the flywheel puller, turn the rotor puller until the
flywheel is forced off the end of the crankshaft.
• Using the flywheel and rotor pullers, remove the magneto
Special Tools - Rotor Puller, M16/M18/M20/M22 × 1.5: 57001
Flywheel Puller, M28 × 1.0: 57001-1471

If the rotor is difficult to remove, turn the puller shaft
using a wrench while tapping the head of the puller
shaft with a hammer. Do not attempt to strike the
grab bar or the alternator rotor itself. Striking the
bar or the rotor can cause the bar to bend or the
magnets to lose their magnetism.

Magneto Flywheel Installation

• Using a high-flash-point solvent, clean off the any oil or
dirt that may be on the crankshaft tapered portion [A] and
flywheel tapered portion [B].
• Fit the woodruff key [C] securely in the slot of the crank-
shaft before installing the flywheel on the crankshaft.
• Tighten the flywheel nut while holding the flywheel
steadily with the flywheel holder.
Torque - Magneto Flywheel Nut:
42 N·m (4.3 kgf·m, 31 ft·lb): KLX110-A1 (M10)
54 N·m (5.5 kgf·m, 40 ft·lb): KLX110-A2 ∼ (M12)
Special Tool - Flywheel Holder: 57001-1313

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Magneto Flywheel
Magneto Flywheels Inspection
• There are three types of magneto problems: short, open
(wire burned out), or loss in flywheel magnetism. A short
or open in one of the coil wires will result in either a low
output, or no output at all. A loss in flywheel magnetism,
which may be caused by dropping or hitting the flywheel
by leaving it near an electromagnetic field, or just by ag-
ing, will result in low output. Inspect the coils and flywheel
(see Ignition System).
Regulator/Rectifier Inspection
• Remove:
Right Shroud
Regulator/Rectifier [A]
• Disconnect the connector [B] from the regulator/rectifier.
• Set the hand tester (special tool) to the × 1 kΩ range and
make the measurements shown in the table.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the reading is not the specified value, replace the reg-
Regulator/Rectifier Internal Resistance Unit: kΩ
Tester (+) Lead Connection
Terminal L E A B
(–)* L – 10 ∼ 100 ∞ ∞
E 10 ∼ 100 – ∞ ∞
A ∞ ∞ – 5 ∼ 30
B ∞ ∞ ∞ –
(–)*: Tester (–) Lead Connection

Use only Hand Tester 57001-1394 for this test. An
ohmmeter other than the Hand Tester may show
different readings. If a megger or a meter with a
large-capacity battery is used, the regulator will be

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Ignition System
The ignition system produces extremely high volt-
age. Do not touch the spark plug, ignition coil, or
spark plug lead while the engine is running, or you
could receive a severe electrical shock.

Do not disconnect the electrical connections while
the engine is running. This is to prevent igniter
The negative side is grounded. This is to prevent
damage to the diodes and Igniter.

Igniter Removal
• Remove:
Connector [A]
Igniter [B]

Exciter Coil Resistance Measurement

• Remove the left side cover.
• Set the handthetester
Disconnect magneto lead connector [A].
• the leads from the exciter
to the × 10 Ω range, and connect it to
coil to check the resistance.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the reading is not the specified value, replace the stator.
Exciter Coil Resistance Unit: Ω
Tester Connections
Range Tester Lead Another Lead
Ground White Lead 0.2 ∼ 1.0
× 10 Ω
Ground Yellow Lead 0.1 ∼ 0.8

Crankshaft Sensor Resistance Measurement

• Remove the left side cover.
• Set the handthetester
Disconnect magneto lead connector [A].
• to the lead from the crankshaft
to the × 100 Ω range, and connect it
sensor to check the resis-
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the reading is not the specified value, replace the stator.
Crankshaft Sensor Resistance Unit: Ω
Tester Connections
Range Tester Lead Another Lead
× 100 Ω Ground Blue/Yellow Lead 50 ∼ 200

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Ignition System
Ignition Coil Removal
• Remove:
Left Side Cover
Spark Plug Cap
• Disconnect the ignition coil leads [A].
• Unscrew the bolt [B] and remove the ignition coil [C].

Ignition Coil Installation

• Installation is the reverse of removal.
• Turn in the spark
Apply silicone grease to the spark plug lead end [A].
• plug cap [B] securely.

• Install the ignition coil mounting bolt [A] with the ground
terminal [B] as shown (see Cable, Wire and Hose Routing
section in the General Information chapter).

Ignition Coil Inspection

• Remove the ignition coil.
•○Connect the
Measure the primary winding resistance.
hand tester between the coil terminals.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
○Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the meter.
•○Measure the secondary winding resistance.
Pull the spark plug cap off the lead.
○Connect the hand tester between the spark plug lead and
the green terminal (earth).
○Set the tester to the × 1 kΩ range, and read the meter.
If the meter does not read as specified, replace the coil.
Measure primary winding resistance [A]
Measure secondary winding resistance [B]
Ignition Coil Winding Resistance
Primary Windings: 0.19 ∼ 0.23 Ω
Secondary Windings: 2.5 ∼ 3.7 kΩ

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Ignition System
If the hand tester reads as specified, the ignition coil wind-
ings are probably good. However, if the ignition system
still does not perform as it should after all other com-
ponents have been checked, replace the coil with one
known to be good.
• Check the spark plug lead for visible damage.
If the spark plug lead is damaged, replace the coil.
Spark Plug Removal/Installation
• Remove the plug cap.
• wrench [A].or install the spark plug using the spark plug

Special Tool - Spark Plug Wrench, Hex 16: 57001-1262

Torque - Spark Plug: 13 N·m (1.3 kgf·m, 113 in·lb)
•○Installation is the reverse of removal. Noting the following.
Fit the plug cap securely.
○Pull up the spark plug cap lightly to make sure of the in-
stallation of the spark plug cap.
Spark Plug Gap
• Refer to the Spark Plug Gap in the Periodic Maintenance
Spark Plug Cleaning and Inspection
• Refer to the Spark Plug Cleaning and Inspection in the
Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Igniter Inspection
When inspecting the igniter observe the following
to avoid damage to the igniter.
Do not disconnect the igniter while the engine is
This may damage the igniter.

Ignition Coil Primary Peak Voltage Check:

• Remove:
Radiator Shrouds
Side Covers
• Disconnect the spark plug cap from mounting the spark
plug [A].
• Connect the new spark plug [B] to the spark plug cap,
then touch the engine with it.
○Measure the voltage with each lead connected cor-
rectly. The correct value may not be obtained if
○Maintain the correct value of compression pressure for
the cylinder. (Be sure to measure the voltage with the
spark plug install to the cylinder head.)
○The correct value may not be obtained if disconnected.

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Ignition System

• Connect the peak voltage adapter [A] between the termi-

nal of primary lead (black) and ground connection of the
unit with the lead of the ignition coil [B] connected.
Special Tools - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Type: KEK-54-9-B
Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Tester Positive→ Black Lead [C]
Tester Negative→ Black/Yellow Lead (Ground) [D]

• Shift the gear to the neutral position, then free the engine
stop switch.
• Crank the engine by kicking the pedal several times to
measure the peak voltage of the primary ignition coil.
Peak Voltage 100 V or above

Do not touch the metal portion of the probe in case
of measuring the voltage, or you may receive a se-
rious electric shock.
If the voltage is less than the specified value, see the
Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Check:
•To check the peak voltage, do the following procedures.
○Disconnect the magneto lead connector.
○Measure the voltage with each lead connected cor-
rectly. The correct value may not be obtained if
○Maintain the correct value of compression pressure for
the cylinder (Be sure to measure the voltage with the
spark plug installed to the cylinder head).
○The correct value may not be obtained if disconnected.
○Connect the peak voltage adapter [A] of the tester to the
terminals of the magneto lead connector [B].
Special Tools - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Type: KEK-54-9-B
Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Adapter Positive → Blue/Yellow Lead [C]
Adapter Negative → Engine Ground [D]
○Crank the engine by kicking the pedal several times to
measure the peak voltage of the crankshaft sensor.
Peak Voltage 4.6 V or above

Do not touch the metal portion of the probe in case
of measuring the voltage, or you may receive a se-
rious electric shock.
If the voltage is less than the specified, check the crank-
shaft sensor.

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Ignition System
Exciter Coil Peak Voltage Check:
•Disconnect the connector of the main harness from the
•To check the peak voltage, do the following procedures.
○Measure the voltage with each lead connected cor-
rectly. The correct value may not be obtained if
○Maintain the correct value of compression pressure for
the cylinder (Be sure to measure the voltage with the
spark plug installed to the cylinder head).
○The correct value may not be obtained if disconnected.
○Connect the peak voltage adapter [A] of the tester to the
terminals of the magneto lead connector [B].
Special Tools - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Type: KEK-54-9-B
Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Adapter Positive → White Lead [C]
Adapter Negative → Engine Ground [D]
○Crank the engine by kicking the pedal several times to
measure the peak voltage of the exciter coil.
Peak Voltage: DC 15 V or Above
If the voltage is less than the specified, check the exciter

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Ignition System

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Switch Inspection
• Using the hand tester, check to see that only the con-
nections shown in the table have continuity (about zero
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the switch has an open or short, repair it or replace it
with a new one.
Engine Stop Switch Connection

Gear Position Switch Connection

Gear Position Switch Removal

• Remove:
Engine Sprocket Cover (see Final Drive chapter)
Screws [A]
Gear Position Switch [B]
• Disconnect the gear position switch lead connector [C].

• Remove:
O-ring [A]
Gear Position Switch Finger [B]
Spring [C]

Gear Position Switch Installation

• Insert the spring into the hole in the shift drum.
• is toward
Insert the switch finger [A] so that the small diameter [B]
hole side.
• Clean the contact
Apply grease to the O-ring.
• Tighten the gear position
points on the position switch.
• switch screw.
Torque - Gear Position Switch Screw: 2.9 N·m (0.3 kgf·m,
26 in·lb)
• Install the other removed parts.

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Gear Position Switch Inspection:
• Remove the gear position switch head and examine the
contact points for presence of oxidation, oil or dirt, etc.
Clean the contact points, and ensure that the switch finger
is working correctly.
• Establish that the switch finger [A] is grounded properly by
connecting the hand tester [B] across the engine or frame
ground [C] and the switch finger contact points. Check to
see that the connection has continuity (abot zero ohms).
If the reading is ∞, the switch finger earth is faulty or poor.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394

• Establish that the switch head contact point (LG Lead)

[A] is grounded properly by connecting the hand tester
[B] across the engine or frame ground [C] and the switch
head contact point. Check to see that connection has
continuity (about 200 ohms).
If not, check the ground terminal and the igniter ground.

• Establish that the switch head contact point (G/R Lead)

[A] is open by connecting the hand tester [B] across the
engine or frame ground [C] and the switch head contact
point. Check to see that connection has discontinuity (∞).
If the reading is about zero ohms, the circuit is short.

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Table of Contents
Troubleshooting Guide ........................................................................................................... 15-2


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Troubleshooting Guide
NOTE Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
○This is not an exhaustive list, giving every down
possible cause for each problem listed. It Cylinder head warped
is meant simply as a rough guide to assist Spark plug loose
the troubleshooting for some of the more No valve clearance
common difficulties. Valve spring broken or weak
Valve not seating properly (valve bent, worn
Engine Doesn’t Start, Starting Difficulty:
or carbon accumulation on the seating
Engine won’t turn over:
Valve seizure
Poor Running at Low Speed:
Cylinder, piston seizure
Spark weak:
Crankshaft seizure
Spark plug dirty, damaged, or maladjusted
Connecting rod small end seizure
Spark plug cap or high tension wiring dam-
Connecting rod big end seizure
Camshaft seizure
Spark plug cap shorted or not in good con-
Transmission gear or crankcase bearing
Spark plug incorrect
Kickstarter return spring broken
Crankshaft sensor trouble
Kick ratchet gear not engaging
Ignition coil damaged
No fuel flow:
Igniter broken
No fuel in tank
Flywheel magneto damaged
Fuel tap turned off
Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
Tank cap air vent obstructed
Idle adjusting screw maladjusted
Tank cap clogged
Pilot jet, or air passage clogged
Fuel line clogged
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed, or miss-
Float valve clogged
Engine flooded:
Air cleaner duct loose
Fuel level too high
Choke valve closed
Float valve worn or stuck open
Float level too high or too low
Starting technique faulty (When flooded,
Fuel tank air vent obstructed
kick with the throttle fully opened to allow
Carburetor holder loose
more air to reach the engine.)
Compression low:
No spark, spark weak:
Cylinder, piston worn
Engine stop switch turned off
Piston rings bad (worn, weak, broken or
Spark plug dirty, damaged or maladjusted
Spark plug cap or high tension lead dam-
Piston ring/land clearance excessive
Cylinder head gasket damaged
Spark plug cap shorted or not in good con-
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened
Ignition coil damaged
Cylinder head warped
Stator coil damaged
No valve clearance
Igniter broken
Spark plug loose
Flywheel magneto damaged
Valve spring broken or weak
Engine stop switch shorted
Valve not seating properly (Valve bent,
Wiring shorted or open
worn, or carbon accumulation on the
Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
seating surface).
Idle adjusting screw maladjusted
Crankshaft oil seal deteriorated or dam-
Pilot jet, or air passage clogged
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed or miss-
Throttle valve doesn’t slide smoothly
Air cleaner duct loose
Engine oil viscosity too high
Compression Low:
Brake dragging
Cylinder, piston worn
Poor Running or No Power at High Speed:
Piston ring bad (worn, weak, broken, or
Firing incorrect:
Spark plug dirty, damaged, or maladjusted
Piston ring/land clearance excessive
Spark plug cap or high tension lead dam-
Cylinder head gasket damaged

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Troubleshooting Guide
Spark plug cap shorted or not in good con- Igniter trouble
tact Fuel/air mixture incorrect:
Spark plug incorrect Main jet clogged or wrong size
Ignition coil trouble Fuel level too low
Crankshaft sensorl trouble Carburetor holder loose
Stator coil shorted or open Air cleaner clogged
Igniter trouble Air cleaner poorly sealed, or missing
Fuel/air mixture incorrect: Air cleaner duct loose
Main jet clogged or wrong size Compression high:
Jet needle or needle jet worn Carbon built up in combustion chamber
Jet needle clip in wrong position Engine load faulty:
Fuel level too high or too low Clutch slipping
Air jet or air passage clogged Engine oil level too high
Air cleaner clogged, poorly sealed or miss- Engine oil viscosity too high
ing Brakes dragging
Air cleaner duct poorly sealed Lubrication inadequate:
Carburetor holder loose Engine oil level too low
Fuel to carburetor insufficient Engine oil poor quality or incorrect
Water or foreign matter in fuel Clutch Operation Faulty:
Fuel tank air vent obstructed Clutch slipping:
Fuel line clogged No clutch release play
Fuel tap clogged Friction plate worn or warped
Air cleaner duct loose Steel plate worn or warped
Compression low: Clutch spring or weak
Cylinder, piston worn Clutch release maladjusted
Piston rings bad (worn, weak, broken, or Clutch release mechanism trouble
sticking) Clutch hub or housing unevenly worn
Piston ring/land clearance excessive Clutch not disengaging properly:
Cylinder head gasket damaged Clutch release play excessive
Cylinder head not sufficiently tightened Clutch plate warped or too rough
down Clutch spring tension uneven
Cylinder head warped Engine oil deteriorated
No Valve clearance Engine oil level too high
Spark plug loose Engine oil viscosity too high
Valve not seating properly (Valve bent, worn Clutch housing frozen on drive shaft
or carbon accumulation on the seating Clutch release mechanism trouble
surface) Gear Shifting Faulty:
Knocking: Doesn’t go into gear shift pedal doesn’t
Carbon built up in combustion chamber return:
Fuel poor quality or incorrect Clutch not disengaging
Spark plug incorrect Shift fork bent or seized
Miscellaneous: Gear stuck on the shaft
Float level too high too or too low Shift return spring weak or broken
Main jet clogged Shift pawl spring broken
Throttle valve does not fully open Shift return spring pin loose
Air cleaner clogged Gear set level binding on pivot bolt
Water or foreign matter in fuel External shift mechanical arm worn
Brake dragging Shift drum damaged
Clutch slipping Jumps out of gear:
Overheating Shift fork worn
Engine oil level too high Gear groove worn
Engine oil viscosity too high Gear dogs, holes, and/or recesses worn
Crankshaft bearing worn or damaged Shift drum groove worn
Overheating: Shift drum set lever spring weak or broken
Firing incorrect: Shift fork guide pin worn
Spark plug dirty, broken, or maladjusted Shift pawl spring weak or broken
Spark plug incorrect

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Troubleshooting Guide
Drive shaft, output shaft, and/or gear Abnormal Frame Noise:
splines worn Front fork noise:
Overshifts: Oil insufficient or too thin
Shift drum set lever spring weak or broken Spring weak or broken
Shift pawl spring weak or broken Rear shock absorber noise:
Abnormal Engine Noise: Shock absorber damaged
Knocking: Brake noise:
Carbon built up in combustion chamber Brake linings over worn or worn unevenly
Fuel poor quality or incorrect Drum worn unevenly or scored
Overheating Brake spring(s) weak or broken
Spark plug incorrect Foreign matter in hub
Piston slap: Brake not properly adjusted
Cylinder/piston clearance excessive Other noise:
Cylinder, piston worn Bracket, nut, bolt, etc. not properly
Connecting rod bent mounted or tightened
Piston pin, piston holes worn Exhaust Smokes Excessively:
Valve noise: White smoke:
Valve clearance incorrect Piston oil ring worn
Valve spring broken or weak Cylinder worn
Camshaft journals worn Valve stem oil seal damaged
Other noise: Valve guide worn
Connecting rod small end clearance exces- Engine oil level too high
sive Black smoke:
Connecting rod big end clearance exces- Air cleaner clogged
sive Main jet too large or fallen off
Piston ring worn, broken, or stuck Choke valve closed
Piston seizure or damaged Float level too high
Cylinder head gasket leaking Brown smoke:
Exhaust pipe leaking at cylinder head con- Main jet too small
nection Fuel level too low
Crankshaft runout excessive Air cleaner duct loose
Engine mounts loose Air cleaner poorly sealed or missing
Crankshaft bearing worn Handling and/or Stability Unsatisfactory:
Camshaft chain tensioner trouble Handlebar hard to turn:
Camshaft chain, sprocket, guide worn Steering stem locknut too tight
Loose magneto flywheel Steering stem bearing damaged
Abnormal Drive Train Noise: Steering stem bearing race(s) dented or
Clutch noise: worn
Clutch housing or hub damaged Steering stem lubrication inadequate
Clutch housing/friction plate clearance ex- Steering stem bent
cessive Tire air pressure too low
Clutch housing gear/primary gear backlash Handlebar shakes or excessively vibrates:
excessive Tire worn
Transmission noise: Swingarm bushing damaged
Crankcase bearing worn Rim warped
Metal chip jammed in gear teeth Spokes loose
Transmission gears worn or chipped Front, rear axle runout excessive
Engine oil insufficient or too thin Wheel bearing worn
Kick ratchet gear not properly disengaging Handlebar holder bolt loose
from kick gear Steering stem head nut
Kick idle gear worn or chipped Handlebar pulls to one side:
Drive chain noise: Frame bent
Drive chain adjusted improperly Wheel misalignment
Chain worn Swingarm bent or twisted
Rear and/or engine sprocket(s) worn Swingarm pivot shaft runout excessive
Chain lubrication insufficient Steering stem bent
Rear Wheel misaligned Front fork leg bent

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Troubleshooting Guide
Right/left front fork oil level uneven Rear shock absorber oil leaking
Rear shock absorber and/or swingarm bent Tire air pressure too low
Shock absorption unsatisfactory: Brake Doesn’t Hold:
(Too hard) Drum Brake:
Front fork oil excessive
Front fork oil viscosity too high Brake not properly adjusted
Front fork bent Linings overworn or worn unevenly
Tire air pressure too high Drum worn unevenly or scored
(Too soft) Cam, camshaft, shaft hole worn
Front fork oil viscosity too low Oil, grease on lining and drum
Front fork, rear shock absorber spring weak Dirt, water between lining and drum
Front fork oil leaking Overheated

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Year Model Beginning Frame No.
JKALXSA1□2A000001 or
2002 KLX110-A1
JKALXSA1□3DA08133 or
2003 KLX110-A2
2004 KLX110-A3 JKALXSA1□4DA14318
JKALXSA1□5DA21001 or
2005 KLX110-A4
JKALXSA1□6DA31790 or
2006 KLX110A6F
JKALXSA1□7DA44951 or
2007 KLX110A7F
JKALXSA1□8DA56101 or
2008 KLX110A8F
JKALXSA1□9DA66856 or
2009 KLX110A9F

□:This digit in the frame number changes from one machine to another.

Part No.99924-1283-08 Printed in Japan

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