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Jett Wins Runoff: Bice Will Take On Kendra Horn in November

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27 A01 50%

Countywide& Sun
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Bice Will Take On Kendra Horn In November
By GLORIA TROTTER tive message resonated. I look forward to Senator Stephanie Bice pulled away in
A contentious race marked by dark forging on towards November.” the end to defeat businesswoman Terry
money mailers, a very public job loss and Jett will face Libertarian Greg Sadler Neese 27,396 to 24,366 — a little over
many weeks of rumors and accusations on the November ballot. YRWHV·GLͿHUHQFHLQWKH2NODKRPD
ended Tuesday when former State Rep. The other hot race that attracted a lot Pottawatomie-Seminole counties that
Shane Jett defeated incumbent Ron Sharp of attention both locally and nationally PDNHXSWKH)LIWK
by almost 1,500 votes for the Dist. 17 State ZDVWKH5HSXEOLFDQUXQRͿIRUWKH)LIWK Bice will now face the incumbent,
Senate seat Republican nomination. District seat in the U.S. Congress. State See Tecumseh Incumbents.........on A3
Jett, who represented Dist. 27 in the
State House of Representatives from
2004-2010 while living in Tecumseh,
now lives in Shawnee and will be able to
serve one term in the Senate. Jett made
waves two weeks ago by announcing that
Citizen Potawatomi Nation Community
Development Corporation because he
spoke out against a mask mandate at a
Shawnee City Commission meeting.
He sued the CPNCDC board and CPN
Chairman John “Rocky” Barrett, charg-
ing that he was dismissed without due
process. Barrett issued a brief statement
ing it was “something else altogether.”
The suit was dismissed in tribal court
and could be headed for federal court.
were mailed to voters attacking Sharp,
a retired Shawnee High School teacher
who has spent the last two years doing
by the state and even sued Sharp at one
point, although that case was dismissed
and Sharp awarded attorneys’ fees and
$500,000 in sanctions.
Jett said Tuesday night that he was :HYH`9HX\LS,Z[OLY(UHHUK:OHUL1L[[JLSLIYH[L[OLY\UVɈ^PU;\LZKH`

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Countywide& Sun

ers. as compliant. ph

Tecumseh Incumbents Win

Continued from A1 build a new elemen- Council seats, the win-
Aug Democrat Kendra Horn, tary school, passed ners were the incum-
27 in November. The race but not by enough. Yes bents — except for
is widely regarded as an votes were 1,477 (57 Ward 3 where there
2020 important one to both percent) and no votes wasn’t one. In Ward 1,
parties. The seat had were 1,087. Proposition Linda Farris defeated
Page been considered a safe 2, $1,200,000 for school Dana Taylor 274-228; in
one for Republicans buses, also failed to Ward 2, Sharon Stewart
A03 XQWLO+RUQSXOOHGRͿDQ get the required ap- defeated Ronelle Baker
Clip upset two years ago and proval rating, with yes 331-175 for an unex-
resized ousted Steve Russell. votes coming to 1,460 pired term; and in Ward
49% Back on the local (56 percent) ad no votes 4, John Collier defeated
From front, Bethel won its at 1,111. Jeffrey Brock 252-230
A01 bond election, Shawnee It was very similar for an unexpired term.
lost its two proposi- to the May 2019 vote In Ward 3, where in-
tions, and the incum- on a $12.5 million bond cumbent Linda Praytor
bents prevailed in the issue which fell 30 votes chose not to seek re-
City of Tecumseh mu- short of the 60 percent. election, a runoff will
nicipal election Tues- The turnout was better be necessary to deter-
day. this time — only 595 of mine a winner. Donald
Bethel Public Schools 13,208 registered vot- Bradley led the three-
patrons gave resound- ers went to the polls in man race with 211, Ryan
ing approval of an 2019 — but it was not Wiginton had 172 and
$18,390,000 bond issue enough. Benjamin Waterman
to fund a new upper In Tecumseh, where had 94. Bradley and
elementary building there were contested :LQJLQWRQZLOOIDFHRͿ
and refurbish the gym. races for four City on the Nov. 3 ballot.
Yes votes were 595 for
67 percent — well over
the 60 percent approval
rating required by law
for bond issues — and
no votes were 285.
“Bethel Public
Schools is so grateful to
our community for the
passage of our school
bond issue,” said Super-
intendent Tod Harrison.
from this validation of
our plan for the future
for our district. This Looking for good quality dog & cat
approval speaks vol-
umes in these times of
food at an economical price?
uncertainty in schools.
Our current situation
will be temporary and Victor - Bil Jac
this vote will prove per-
manent for our schools.
Diamond - Chicken
It is a great day to be a Soup
Bethel Wildcat!” Taste of the Wild
But in Shaw- Caliber - Valu Pak
nee, Proposition 1, Pedigree
$16,925,000 for roof
work, heat and air im- S&S
provements and other FARM CENTER
infrastructure needs 302 S. Beard, Shawnee OK
as well as helping 405-273-6907

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Grove Sun




Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Sep 2020 Page resized
08 A002 51%

The Grove Sun

orig.pdf 1 16-Sep-20 19:41:24

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
The Delaware County Journal




Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.
Sep 2020 Page resized
09 A003 77%

The Delaware County Journal

SCHOOLS ready arrived” accord-

ing to Steele.
Monday, Aug. 31.
Area schools like Kan-
person, and worry that
some could fall behind
Steele said, “Families sas now can compete to doing distance learning.
Yet, in Kansas they that didn’t have older sib- retain their students (and No doubt, students,
have received “no real lings with equipment to the state funds that ac- teachers, staff and
big complaints,” said share, they arranged for company them) through families will continue to
Steele. the young students to get their virtual classrooms get whipsawed as long
Steele explained that the needed technology.” and has helped level the as COVID-19 is active,
students have been pro- Another “side effect” playing field. causing schools to close.
vided with Chromebooks, of COVID is that some Steele said Kansas’ As one teacher com-
and where necessary pro- schools have cancelled teachers are looking mented, “Maybe a
vided internet access. all of their Fall Sports. forward to getting their vaccine will be available
He added that teach- When that happens, students back in the sooner than later, that
ers have trained during Oklahoma Second- classroom, knowing will put an end to doing
the summer for a time ary School Activities students learn better in school this way.”
as this, it just came Association (OSSAA)
sooner than expected, said students are free
but he expects it to go to transfer to another
smoothly. school and participate
Teachers are onsite in sports programs and
and teaching virtually activities there.
and everything has pro- Another challenge has
gressed smoothly. been students drain-
The hiccup has been ing off to other online
in the pre-K and first charter schools.
grade, where “Kansas For instance, Channel
has been waiting on 6 news reported that Epic
equipment that was Charter schools picked
supposed to have al- up 500 new students on

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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