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Rainbow Fleet 8-14-20

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NEWS IN BRIEF journalrecord.

com » THE JOURNAL R ECORD » August 14, 2020 » 5A

Construction continues on
The foundation uses the The scholarship recipients,
funds from Kit-A-Kid to pur- part of the Oklahoma Energy
chase supply sets for $30 each Resources Board Petroleum
that would otherwise retail for Scholar Program, were selected
approximately $100. Each set of through an application process
supplies is intended for one stu-
dent to use for the entire school
year and will include supplies to
support virtual learning.
“Given the hardships many
based on their outstanding
grades and work ethic. They in-
clude freshmen through seniors
majoring in petroleum engi-
neering, geosciences or energy
Gilcrease Expressway
families are currently facing management at the University
due to the ongoing pandemic, of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State
we anticipate the need for this University and the University of
program to be even greater Tulsa. Since 2005, the people
than usual. We appreciate dona- of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas
tions of any amount and 100% have provided nearly $5 million
of contributions are used to in scholarships. The goal of the
provide school supplies within program is to keep these future
the OKCPS district,” said Mary leaders in our state.
Mélon, foundation president “These scholarships are only
and CEO. possible through the voluntary
–Staff report financial support of Oklahoma’s
oil and natural gas producers
and royalty owners,” Mindy
OKLAHOMA CITY Stitt, OERB executive director,
3 said. “Education is a core part
Forum to focus of the OERB’s mission and we
on COVID-19 remain committed to investing
business impact in the future of Oklahoma.”
Students can apply during
The Greater Oklahoma City each year of undergraduate
Chamber’s monthly forum se- work. The scholarship amount
ries continues its programming increases annually, with a
virtually Aug. 19 from 11:45 a.m. $5,000 maximum scholarship
to 1 p.m. for seniors. OERB Petroleum
The forum panel will discuss Scholars also receive exclusive Looking north on S. 57th West Avenue on construction on the Gilcrease Expressway extension near the
how companies in the restau- access to industry networking Arkansas River at W. 21st Street and S. 57th West Avenue in Tulsa. The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority
rant, food suppliers and retail events and educational activi- started work on the $330 million project in October. The project is scheduled for completion in 2022. The
sectors are maneuvering in the ties. The scholarship application 5-mile bridge will connect L.L. Tisdale to Interstate 44 and complete the western loop around the Tulsa
marketplace while faced with period for the 2021-2022 school metro area. The project is expected to help relieve urban traffic congestion during peak periods and will
challenges of the COVID-19 year will be opened on Nov. 1. provide a new and more direct route to city attractions and points of interest in the Tulsa urban core.
Panelists will include Rachel Gilbert from the University of
Cope, founder and CEO, 84 Oklahoma as the recipient of
Hospitality Group; Kirk Purnell, the Tim Munson Fellowship
general manager, Oklahoma Award, which is a $5,000 schol- Referral has received a $400,000 referrals.” tion, marine debris solutions
Division, Ben E. Keith Foods; arship that goes to an outstand- grant from the Inasmuch Set to open in September, and ocean protection.
and Jeannette Smith, general ing graduate student studying Foundation. the center will operate Monday To coincide with one of TV’s
manager, OKC Outlets. geosciences. The grant will be used to through Friday from 7 a.m. to most popular weeks, Shark
–Staff report The OERB is funded by the repurpose part of Horace Mann 6 p.m. and has the capacity Week, Paycom hosted a com-
Oklahoma oil and natural gas Elementary School into the to serve 108 children in seven panywide phishing simulation
industry through a voluntary Rainbow Fleet Early Education classrooms. challenge to increase phishing
OKLAHOMA CITY one-tenth of 1% assessment on Center. –Staff report education and raise the dona-
3 oil and natural gas production. “The need for quality, li- tions for Project Aware.
70 students –Staff report censed child care is more The donations come as part
awarded OERB pressing than ever amid the OOKLAHOMA CITY of Paycom’s ongoing giving
scholarships COVID-19 pandemic,” said Car- 3 Paycom makes campaign, in which employees
OKLAHOMA CITY rie Williams, Rainbow Fleet ex- have the opportunity to donate
Seventy students at state 3 Rainbow Fleet ecutive director. “The Inasmuch donation to to a variety of local and national
universities have been awarded
Foundation is helping us meet Project Aware causes. Additional ways they
$210,500 in Oklahoma Energy this need in a new way, by pro- give back include volunteer
Resources Board scholarships $400,000 grant viding high-quality, early child- Paycom Software donated events and service initiatives
for the 2020-2021 academic hood programming in addition $16,580 to Project Aware to that strengthen families and
year. Rainbow Fleet Resource and to our existing free child care support shark and ray conserva- communities. –Staff report

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provide a broad range of insightful and useful information that will help leaders guide their How to plan for the unexpected. What you need to know
organizations through change and disruption during uncertain times. in case of business disruption.

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