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Time-Management - Sample Research

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The key takeaways are that the study aims to determine the level of time management of grade 12 academic students at Gil Montilla National High School in the Philippines. Proper time management is important for student success.

The study is about determining the level of time management of grade 12 academic students at Gil Montilla National High School. It discusses how time management affects students' academic performance.

The research problem being investigated is what is the level of time management of grade 12 students at Gil Montilla National High School.

Time Management of Senior High School Academic Students of

Gil Montilla National High School

A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School
Gil Montilla National High School

In Partial fulfillment for the requirements in

InquiresInquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Please revise, alphabetical order

First name first
November 2018

Background of the study

In the modern world time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. It
helps to infuse the concept of time through the instruction. All the material and human possessed
by organizations can be enhanced in the course of time or be transformed as time goes on; yet
only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. A famous saying goes:
"Time is gold", Itit is a very important resource and factor that helps run our lives. It is the
director of our lives that tells us what we should and shouldn't do and when to do it. When you
are in a hurry timehurry time flies too fast. When you are waiting. It is agonizingly slow. It is
easy to loose track of time when one is juggling between home school and other activities.
In order for a student to efficiently allocate his/her time he/she has to manage his/her time
properly. According to Macan Shahani Dipboye and Philips(2000)."The secret to achieving
success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and paying
sufficient emphasis to planning."
To effectively play out one's role as a member of the family as a student as a member of
any social group or association one must be able to distribute one's time and manage it properly.
Forsyth(Forsyth (2010) says that "proper management of time includes planning scheduling and
organizing the time in order to achieve a goal and objective. "Time management is important for
students to get high marks. Students' success in studies depends much on managing time
efficiently. The focus of learning time management skills is just to develop the habits of
spending time wisely.
Time management is the act or process if exercising conscious control over the amount of
the time spent on specific activities especially to increase efficiency/productivity (Stephen R.
Covey 1994).There are many studies that connects time management to student's academic
performance. For example proper time management is linked to a better over alloverall academic
performance (Sevan and Kandy 2011; Adebayo 2015; Kearns and Gardiner 2007; Kausher
2013). K. Vijayaraghan(2011) also indicated that the major cause for poor time management is
drift and procrastination. Although according to Roe et al.(. (2005) time cannot be managed
because it is an inaccessible factor.
The objectives of this study is to know the level of time management of the respondents
namely the Grade 12 Academic student'sstudents of Gil Montilla National High School.
SOPStatement of the Problem
What is the level of time management of grade 12 students of Gil Montilla National High
To determine the level of time management of grade 12 Academic Students of Gil
Montilla National High School.

Research QuestionSpecifically this study will answer the following:

1. 1. What is the profile of the respondents when grouped according to:
a. a. strand
b. age
b. c. sex
2. 2. What is the extent of time management of grade 12 academic students when
grouped according to:to?
a. a. strand
b. age
b. c. sex
3. Is there a significant difference to the extent of time management of Grade 12 Academic
Students when grouped according to strand?


There is no significant difference to the extent of time management of Grade 12

Academic Students when grouped according to strand

Conceptual Framework of the Study (Please Revise accordingly… any theory cited?.. how
did you came up with the concept)
Conceptual Framework

Time Management Variables





Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:
Respondents. - Tthis study will be beneficial to the respondents of this study for they will be
able to know if they manage their time properly.
Students. - Tthis study will be beneficial to all students for this may serve as a guide on how to
manage one's time properly.
Parents. - thisThis study will be beneficial to parents for this may inform them, on average, of
how their children, as students, manage their time.

There is no significant difference on the level of time management of grade 12 Academic

Scope and Delimitations (Revise clearly and completely)

This study focuses on the level of time management of the respondents. The respondents
of this study are only the grade 12 Academic students of Gil Montilla National High School,
school year 2018-2019, of whom, 24 are Accountancy and Business Management students, 37
are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics students, and 30 are Humanities and
Social Sciences students. This study primarily used the adopted questionnaire to gather the
information. The questions pertain to how the students manage their time.
The researchers omitted ten questions from the original questionnaire in order to meet the
15-questions limit alloted.

Definition oOf Terms (Please cite the conceptual definition, clearly state the operational
The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:
Time Management. - Is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time
between specific activities the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the
effectiveness of an individual's effort.

School. l- An institution that provides istruction. In this study "school" refers to the research
locale Gil Montilla National High School.

Academic Students. 's-Sstudents who are intellectuals and opt for a higher degree of education.
In this study "Academic Student's" pertains to the Grade 12 Students in Gil Montilla
National High School enrolled in either the Humanities And Social Sciences(HUMSS)
Accountancy Business And Management(ABM) and Science Technology Engineering
Mathematics(STEM) strand.
Review of Related Literature
In the modern world time is seen as an indefinitely divisible and usable commodity. It
helps to infuse the concept of time through the instruction. All the material and human possessed
by organizations can be enhanced in the course of time or be transformed as time goes on; yet
only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. A famous saying goes:
"Time is gold". It is a very important resource and factor that helps run our lives. It is the director
of our lives that tells us what we should and shouldn't do and when to do it. When you are in a
hurry time flies too fast. When you are waiting. It is agonizingly slow. It is easy to loose track of
time when one is juggling between home school and other activities.

In order for a student to efficiently allocate his/her time he/she has to manage his/her time
properly. According to Macan Shahani Dipboye and Philips(2000)."The secret to achieving
success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and paying
sufficient emphasis to planning."

To effectively play out one's role as a member of the family as a student as a member of
any social group or association one must be able to distribute one's time and manage it properly.
Forsyth (20110) says that "proper management of time includes planning scheduling and
organizing the time in order to achieve a goal and objective. "Time management is important for
students to get high marks. Students' success in studies depends much on managing time
efficiently. The focus of learning time management skills is just to develop the habits of
spending time wisely.

Time management is the act or process if exercising conscious control over the amount of
the time spent on specific activities especially to increase efficiency/productivity (Stephen R.
Covey 1994).There are many studies that connects time management to student's academic
performance. For example proper time management is linked to a better over all academic
performance(Sevan and Kandy 2011; Adebayo 2015; Kearns and Gardiner 2007; Kausher 2013)

Please add more…


Conceptual Framework

Time Management Variables





Research Design (Discuss based on your objectives)

This study utilized the descriptive research design which mainly employed the survey
research questionnaire. This study aims to determine the level of time management of the grade
12 Academic students of Gil Montilla National High School.

Research Locale
-This study will be conducted in Gil Montilla National High School Brgy. Gil Montilla
Sipalay City.

Respondents of the Study (Discuss your respondents and sampling method)

The respondents of the study was determined through Stratified Sampling and solved using
Slovins Formula. Out of the 91 respondents 30 are HUMSS students 37 are STEM students and
24 are ABM students.

Research Instrument (Discuss your questionnaire, is it adopted, modified, cite the author,
the parts of the questionnaire)

Validity and Reliability of the Research InstrumentTime Frame

-This study will be conducted between December to February 2018.

Ethical Consideration
-Before during and after conducting this study the researchers will observe utmost
confidentiality. We will respect our respondents privacy. We will not bribe our respondents just
to receive the desired outcomes.

Data Collection
1. The researchers submitted a letter to the principal asking for permission to conduct the
2. The researchers made a letter to the respondents asking for permission to conduct the
study and promising sensitivity and confidentiality.
3. The researchers organized a venue on where to conduct the study. The respondents
were given individual questionnaires to be answered.
4. 24 out of the 91 respondents are ABM 37 out of 91 are STEM students and 30 out of
91 are HUMSS students.
5. The collected data was analyzed later for the research purpose.
Statistical Analysis

Ethical Consideration (Discuss the informed consent, confidentiality, and anonymity in

relation to your study)
Before during and after conducting this study the researchers will observe utmost
confidentiality. We will respect our respondents’ privacy. We will not bribe our respondents just
to receive the desired outcomes.

-The respondents of the study was determined through Stratified Sampling and solved
using Slovins Formula. Out of the 91 respondents 30 are HUMSS students 37 are STEM students
and 24 are ABM students.
References (Write Reference in APA 6th Ed. format)

Please format your questionnaire is this likert scale …. Please revise.


1. I do things in order of priority

2. I accomplish what needs to be done during the day.
3. I always get assignments done on time.
4. I spend enough time planning.
5. I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list.
6. I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency.
7. I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last minute.
8. I spend enough time on academic matters.
9. I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly schedule.
10. I try to do the most important tasks during my most energetic periods of the day.
11. I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish during the coming semester.
12. I feel use of my time effectively.
13. I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework assignments.
14. I have discounted any wasteful or unprofitable activities or routines.
15. I am satisfied with the way I use my time.

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