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Carriage of Steel Cargoes LP Brief

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Carriage of Steel Cargoes

Contents Introduction
Introduction .....................................................................1
Issues with the carriage of steel ......................................2 From the construction industry to the automotive and the
defence industries, steel is one of the most commonly
Steel types and finishes ...................................................3
used products in the world today. The U.S. Department of
Steel pre-load surveys .....................................................3 Commerce reported that in 2016, over 401 million tonnes
Bills of Lading ..................................................................5 of steel was exported from the top 20 steel exporting
Stowage, securing and carriage ......................................5
Further Information ........................................................10 Top Steel Exporting Countries 2016 (Million Metric Tonnes)

Appendix 1 – Steel cargo survey requirements..............11 China

8.9 7.3 6.1 5.2
9.2 Russia
10 5
12.2 South Korea
13.4 Germany
13.5 Ukraine
15 Italy
16.8 40.4
18.2 31.1
24.8 30.3 France

Source: U.S Department of Commerce

Problems can arise when transporting steel cargoes by

sea. For a carrier, one of the biggest issues lies in its
Disclaimer condition before loading. If the pre-shipment condition of
The purpose of this publication is to provide a source of information which is additional to that the cargo is not properly recorded at the time of loading,
available to the maritime industry from regulatory, advisory, and consultative organisations. Whilst
care is taken to ensure the accuracy of any information made available no warranty of accuracy
this can lead to the cargo owner successfully bringing a
is given and users of that information are to be responsible for satisfying themselves that the claim that his cargo was damaged whilst on board the
information is relevant and suitable for the purposes to which it is applied. In no circumstances
whatsoever shall North be liable to any person whatsoever for any loss or damage whensoever vessel.
or howsoever arising out of or in connection with the supply (including negligent supply) or use of
information. Most problems can be avoided if the carrying vessel’s
Unless the contrary is indicated, all articles are written with reference to English Law. However it crew carefully checks and records the pre-shipment
should be noted that the content of this publication does not constitute legal advice and should
not be construed as such. Members should contact North for specific advice on particular condition of the cargo, and follows best practice on cargo
handling, stowage and securing.

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 1
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
Issues with the carriage of Mechanical damage whilst
Incorrect handling of the cargo whilst it is being loaded
There are many potential issues that can arise when can lead to mechanical damage. Poor slinging, the use of
handling and transporting of steel cargoes. We will look at incorrect lifting gear and rough handling with fork lifts can
some of the more commonly found issues. all lead to serious product damage and result in rejection
of the cargo by the receiver.
Pre-shipment condition
It is the duty of the carrier (usually the shipowner) to
deliver the cargo in the same condition that it was loaded.
If it isn’t, the carrier may face a claim for any damage
noted upon discharge.
It is not uncommon for steel cargoes to be damaged prior
to loading on to the vessel. If the cargo is exposed to
adverse environmental conditions or subject to poor
handling, this can lead to rusting or mechanical damage
before shipment.
It is therefore very important that the Master ascertains
that the condition of the cargo prior to loading and that
the description of the cargo is accurately reflected in the Poor handling can lead to steel damage.
bill of lading.
The vessel’s crew should monitor closely the handling of
If the cargo is found damaged (mechanically damaged or the cargo and record any damage before it is accepted
rusted) before shipment, this damage should be carefully on board.
noted at the time on both the mate’s receipt and the bill of
Wetting damage in the hold
The cargo can be affected by the conditions within the
vessel’s cargo holds. For example, if the vessel’s cargo
hatches are not weathertight, seawater and/or rain water
may enter the holds and come into contact with the
cargo, leading to rusting.
Wetting through ship sweat and cargo sweat whilst on
passage must be avoided. The most effective means is
through proper ventilation of the hold. By monitoring and
recording the dew points of the air within the cargo hold
and the ambient air, correct and effective ventilation can
be maintained.
For more information on ventilation Members can
download North’s loss prevention guide: ‘Cargo
Ventilation’ in the Members’ Area of the North website.

A rusted steel coil pre-shipment

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 2
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
Steel types and finishes
North recognises three main categories of steel cargoes;
finished, semi-finished and unfinished. They are
differentiated by:
• Finished products are wrapped for carriage and will
not undergo any further processing
• Semi-finished products are unwrapped and may be
subject to further processing.
• Unfinished products (usually also unwrapped) will be
subject to further extensive re-processing and may
even be melted again to create finished products in
smelters at the port of discharge.
Rusted cargo of coils in a ships hold Finished or semi-finished products are usually intended for
immediate use in manufacturing. For example, a cold
Mechanical damage on voyage rolled coil intended for a car manufacturing plant can be
unrolled upon arrival at its destination then cut and
Incorrect stowage on board, such as using unsuitable moulded to make car doors.
dunnage or poor standards of cargo stowage and
securing can lead to cargo movement or shifting whilst on The sensitive and often high-value nature of finished and
passage. semi-finished steel cargoes presents an enhanced risk of
damage claims. Therefore, North offers to cover the costs
One of the primary reasons is overloading. A common of a steel pre-load survey for Members prior to carrying
scenario concerns too many tiers of steel coils which lead finished or semi-finished products.
to ovalisation of the lower tiers. As well as potential cargo
damage, there is also a risk of hull damage should a steel Appendix 1 lists some of the more commonly found steel
cargo shift on passage, or of damage to the tank top from cargoes, their finish and pre-load survey requirements.

Steel pre-load surveys

Due to the risks concerning the condition, handling and
carriage of steel cargoes, it is important to ensure that all
reasonable steps are taken to ensure the bill of lading
accurately reflects the condition of the cargo.
To assist Members, North places great importance on the
appointment of a suitably experienced surveyor to
conduct a steel pre-load survey for finished and semi-
finished products.

An example of coil ovalisation

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 3
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
• Checking for wetting and rusting damage and
identifying its source; e.g. testing for the presence of
chlorides to determine it is fresh water or otherwise
• Check the packaging on any finished or semi-
finished products is undamaged and suitable

Hatch testing
To avoid allegations of water damage through ingress into
the hold, and to show evidence of exercising due
diligence to ensure the vessel’s seaworthiness, it is
recommended that the attending surveyor inspects and
tests the cargo hold hatches to ensure they are weather
tight. The two most common methods are hose testing,
or ultrasonic testing.
Cold rolled coils in storage prior to loading.
Ultrasonic testing
Appointing a surveyor
An ultrasound transmitter is placed in the hold while a
The appointment of a suitably experienced surveyor is hand-held detector on the weather deck is moved around
vital in reducing the potential for claims arising from pre- the joint areas of closed openings. The strength of the
shipment damage. received signal, measured in decibels, determines
whether or not the joint is weathertight.
A surveyor can offer valuable assistance to the Master in
conducting a pre-load inspection of the steel product to Advantages:
make sure its condition is suitable for shipment. A suitably
• Can be used at any stage of loading
experienced surveyor will understand the importance of
• Low risk of damaging cargo
finding visible damage and rusting. They will also be able
• Gives an accurate indication of weather tightness and
to advise the Master on the correct clausing to describe
areas where there is a lack of compression
the condition of the cargo on the mate’s receipt and bill of
• Can be used in sub-zero temperatures
• Can be used in wet weather
The surveyor will most likely need a minimum of a full • Only requires one surveyor to carry out the test
working day in which to mobilise and commence the pre-
load condition checks of the cargo in its entirety. Disadvantages:
Therefore, allow ample time to appoint a surveyor. • Equipment may be expensive
It is important that the surveyor is given clear instructions • Proper training of users is required
on their appointment. This includes the requirement to: • Requires periodic calibration

• Check the condition of the steel prior to shipment

• Assist the Master with clausing the mate’s receipt
and bill of lading correctly
• Independently verify the condition and
weathertightness of the ship’s hatch covers
• Issue a full and detailed report after loading and
testing is completed
The surveyor’s checks should include the following:
• The storage facilities that the steel has been kept
• Description on how the steel was transported to the
• Checking for mechanical damage; such as damage
Ultrasonic hatch cover testing
sustained from forklifts or slings.

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 4
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
Hose testing
A high pressure jet of water is directly applied to the joints
Bills of Lading
of closed hatch cover panels from the weather deck. Any As already noted, problems with steel cargoes are often
leakage into the cargo hold is observed. Classification evident prior to shipment. It is important that the Master
society rules specify that the pressure of the water jet understands the importance of clausing the mate’s
should be at least 0.2 N/mm2 and that the hose should receipts and bills of lading to reflect the actual apparent
be no more than 1.5 m from the joint under test. In the condition of the cargo on loading.
case of recessed joints which cannot be jetted directly, it
is recommended that the recess drain holes at the ends The most common issue with steel cargoes is displaying
signs of rusting prior to loading. However, rusting is a long
of transverse guttering’s be temporarily plugged during
and gradual process which may start as soon as a piece
testing to allow a head of water to build up over the joints.
of steel is produced. Simply describing steel cargo as
‘rusty’ when shipped is of little help in any future disputes.
Therefore there are 27 recognised clauses which could
• Inexpensive. be used to describe the degree of rust on steel cargo or
• Can be used in wet weather, its steel packing. These clauses can be found in North’s
• Widely accepted. Loss Prevention Guide: Steel Preshipment Surveys a
Disadvantages: Guide to Good Practice. This also offers guidance on the
clauses to use to describe other forms of steel damage.
• Cannot be used with cargo on board.
• Cannot be used in sub-zero temperatures.
• Two surveyors necessary (one to inspect jetting, one
to observe leakage within the hold),
• Crew assistance required for jetting.
• Difficult to identify exact areas of leakage.
• It can be a potential source of pollution if there is any
oil or pollutant on the deck area.
• Does not provide an indication of hatch seal
Like ultra-sonic testing, hose testing must be conducted
correctly otherwise the results have limited value.
For more information on hatch cover testing please refer
to our Loss Prevention Briefing on the subject. This guide is available for Members on the North website
to download.

Stowage, securing and

In addition to the actual loading of the steel cargo, the
hold preparation, stowage and securing are all important
To assist the Master meet the carrier’s obligations on the
stowage and safe carriage of steel cargoes, North
encourages Members to consider a surveyor’s assistance
to assist with the tally and the stowage of the cargo after
the pre-load survey is complete.
Hose testing of cargo hatch lids.

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 5
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
The Master’s responsibility It is of course possible to deviate from the cargo securing
manual, as the manual itself will only cover certain
Where charterers are responsible for the loading and commonly carried cargoes and not all possible cargo
securing of the cargo in the charter party, specific types.
instructions on what actions are to be taken should not be Therefore the manual will have a section on how to
given by Masters. They must ensure that their supervision calculate the securing requirements for other cargoes by
does not become an intervention, as they may then be both the advanced method and rule of thumb method. If
assuming responsibility for cargo stowage and securing the Master is required to carry a cargo such as steel coils
and liability in the event of an incident. An intervention is outside of the limitations prescribed in the cargo securing
defined as an act by a Master that limits a charterer’s right manual and is considering taking additional measures -
of control of the stowage, which may then transfer the such as applying additional dunnage to spread the load
liability for that stowage from a charterer to an owner. on the tank top - they should first seek clarification from
Irrespective of who has responsibility for loading and the classification society or flag State with regard to any
securing the cargo under the terms of the charter party, calculations on the tank top strength. The presence of a
Masters have an overriding duty and authority under the surveyor by the ship owner can be helpful at such times.
SOLAS Convention Chapter V, Regulation 34-1, to take
any action deemed necessary to ensure the safety of the Sheet coil stowage
Coils should be stowed on the round with their axis facing
fore-and-aft. They should be placed in rows across the
Cargo securing manual and tank vessel’s hold, on top of flat-board or square section
top strength timber dunnage laid lengthways across the tank-top. The
dunnage should be positioned over tank top structural
For any cargo, the Master and their surveyor should stiffening members.
always consult the vessel’s cargo securing manual. Coils should be stowed hard up against each other both
This includes referring to the tank top strength port and starboard. Wedges should be inserted against
calculations for the vessel. For some cargoes, such as the inboard bilge of each coil and preferably nailed to the
steel slabs or billets, it is a relatively easy calculation, and tank-top timber dunnage. Timber dunnage should be
the position of the dunnage is clear. However, for steel fitted between outboard coils and the ship’s structure.
cargoes such as coils this is not so easy. When a steel If the coils are to be stowed in a single tier only, the last
coil is placed on the tank-top plating without any timber coil on the tier should be positioned on a higher level so
dunnage, the contact area is very small and the loading in as to act as a wedge for the tier below. This coil is
way of that contact area is large. In most instances the cargo referred to as a locking coil, and should preferably be
securing manual will provide instruction on how many tiers of loaded as near as possible to the vessels’ centreline. If
coils of a certain weight can be carried using a set amount of there are multiple rows of coils, the locking coils should be
dunnage. staggered to avoid a single line of weight concentration on
the tank top. The space allocated for the locking coil
should not be more than 60% of the coil’s diameter.
The bottom edge of the locking coil should be about one-
third of the diameter of the coil. As the locking coil settles
during the voyage, this will force the port and starboard coils

The load of the second tier coils transfers to the first further
increasing the point load on the tank top.

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 6
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
When a second tier coil is loaded, its weight is transferred
to the tank top through the two coils below it. This weight
distribution is evenly spread if the coils are the same size.
However, if the coils are of different sizes then the majority
of the weight is through the smaller coil.

Single tier coils with locking coil.

Weight distribution: coils of different sizes.

Wire rod coils

Double tier coils with locking coils. Coils of wire should be checked to ensure that the coils
are as rigid as possible and securing bands are correctly
If the gap left for the locking coil is greater than 60% of applied. Coils with slack securing bands will not be able to
the locking coils diameter then the gap size should be be stacked satisfactorily.
reduced either by applying dunnage on either side of the
coil or by using two locking coils. Wire rod coils should be stowed in the same way as sheet
coils - across the vessel’s hold in rows with their axis in
the fore-and-aft line of the ship. These should be loaded
on top of dunnage laid across the tank-top.
As with sheet coils, the upper tiers should be stowed in
the grooves from the lower tier to form a tight rigid stow.
However unlike sheet coils, the next row in the hold
should be hard up alongside the previous row to form one
solid block.
Direct contact with the tank top and ships sides should be
Locking coil with dunnage avoided, and dunnage used to support the coils.

If multiple tiers of coils are carried these should be stowed If the block of coils does not fill the cargo compartment
in the grooves formed by the coils in the tier below. The and an open face is left, that face must be secured using
coils on the upper tiers should be secured to the coils of wire lashings in conjunction with timber, pallets or fencing
the tier below by the use of wires set tight by rigging in a fashion similar to that used to secure blocks of break-
screws or by metal strapping bands, tensioned correctly. bulk cargo.

If gaps remain at the end of the tiers, these should be

braced with dunnage to prevent any movement whilst on Re-bars and small diameter pipes
These are usually arranged in bundles and are likely to
Each row of coils should be separated from the next by a have irregular dimensions that may prevent stowage in
gap of at least 150 mm. Similarly, end rows should be regular tiers.
kept well clear of bulkheads by using dunnage.

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 7
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
The bundles should be stowed in the fore-and-aft line of
the ship on dunnage laid across the hold on the tank-top.
Dunnage should also be in place at the extremities of the
stow to ensure the steel is not in direct contact with the
hull. Also dunnage should be used as required to level the
stow and prevent gaps.

Large diameter pipes

Blocks / slabs / billets / blooms

and plates
Often irregular in shape, stowage of this cargo requires
Re-bars and small diameter pipes in bundles awaiting
large amounts of dunnage to spread the load evenly
across the vessel’s tank top.

Large diameter pipes Plates can be stowed either transversely or longitudinally

in the hold. They should be stowed tight, even and level
Pipes are usually shipped either loose or in bundles with a minimum of void spaces between the plates.
depending on their size. Bundles of pipes should be
stowed fore-and-aft in a manner similar to that used for Dunnage should also be used to chock any voids, to level
re-bars and small diameter pipes. Dunnage should be laid the stow and to separate the cargo from the ship’s hull
where possible in line with tank top structural stiffeners. and tank top.

The second and subsequent tiers should be stowed in the Stacking of plates should be avoided unless the stacks
grooves created by the previous tier. are supported and can be tied together with timber
dunnage at intermediate levels. Staggered stowing with
Pipes of similar diameters should be stowed together plates overlapping each other will produce a tight and
where possible to create the tightest stow. secure block of cargo that is more stable and therefore
Any gaps at the sides of the stow should be chocked with less likely to shift during the voyage.
strong dunnage to ensure that the pipes remain secure Steel slabs should be stowed in a similar fashion to plates.
throughout the voyage. Slabs should be stowed mostly in the fore-and-aft
Upper tiers should be lashed using wire rope and timber direction. The stow should be staggered so that they
placed between the lashings and the pipes to prevent overlap one another and with others across the hold to
damage. This will also give the wire a better grip on the form a good stable locking stow. Between the tiers of
pipe surfaces. slabs there should be a suitable amount of dunnage to
avoid large voids in the stow. If the cargo is properly
interlocked, there is less risk of the cargo shifting on

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 8
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
The charter party
Prior to fixing a charter, it is important that the vessel’s
particulars with regard to cargo capabilities and any limitations
are known and properly notified in the charter party.
This includes details of tank top strengths, and may include
information such as maximum allowable loadings if the
vessel is loaded with some holds full and other empty. On
occasion this type of loading can alter the allowable tank top
loading limits.
Often tank top strength is given as the maximum ‘tonnes per
Steel plates stored outside exposed to the elements square metre’ (t/m²) which can be loaded. But, this does not
mean you can simply divide the total weight of the coils (t)
Alternatively, vessels with box-shaped holds could employ
by the total area (m²) of the hold. As discussed earlier,
the ‘California block stow’. This requires the slabs to be
when coils are loaded there is only a small area of contact
stowed squarely on top of each other to produce stowage
with the vessel’s tank top, and this applies a point load.
of many individual stacks of slabs. Timber dunnage is
Therefore the calculation must allow for this concentration
used on the tank-top and between each tier, and as
of loading.
chocking between the stacks. Finally, steel bands are
used around each stack to secure the slabs together. For example, the effect of a 10t block with uniformly
distributed weight loaded on a 1m x 1m square will differ
greatly to that of a 10t coil with a diameter and length of
1m as it acts on a much smaller surface contact area.
The pressure on the tank top is increased for the coil due
to this reduced contact surface area.
To demonstrate this, assume the contact area of the coil
is 0.33m x 1m.
10t block 10t coil
Pressure = mass / area Pressure = mass / area
Pressure = 10t / (1 x 1) Pressure = 10t / (1 x 0.33)
Pressure = 10 t/m2 Pressure = 30 t/m2
California Block Stowage
It is important to note that this stowage method is only
suitable when:

• The vessel has box-shaped holds.

• The stowage extends to both port and starboard
• The cargo is sufficiently chocked against the hold side
• The cargo is chocked against the hold side plating and
throughout the full breadth and length of the stowage

More information on cargo securing can be located in

North’s loss prevention guide on Cargo Stowage and

Therefore, when the cargo securing manual (or in some

cases vessel certification) gives specific loading
information for steel coils, this should be reflected in the

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 9
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
charter party to avoid any confusion related to ‘tonnes per North’s loss prevention briefing on hatch cover testing
square metre’ limits. can be found here:
This also applies to any relevant information from the
cargo securing manual relating to steel cargoes. Cover-Testing-May-2015-Updated-Sept-15-.PDF
North’s loss prevention guide on steel pre-shipment

Further Information surveys can be found here:
Should further information be required please contact the prevention-publications/
loss prevention department:

The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 10
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018
Carriage of steel cargoes
Appendix 1 – Steel cargo survey requirements
Product Finished / Semi-finished Unfinished Pre-load survey required

Cold rolled coils  

Hot rolled coils  

Coiled wire rod  

Profiles  

Channels  

Angle bar / bulb plate  

 

Plates  

Re-bars  

Coated pipes  

Sheet piling  

Ingots 

Slabs 

Blooms 

Billets 

Scrap Steel 

Important: this table is for guidance only and the pre-load survey requirement is at North’s discretion.
The North of England P&I Association. The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK

Telephone: +44 191 2325221 Facsimile: +44 191 261 0540 Email: 11
Copyright © The North of England P&I Association Limited 2018

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