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In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total

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How to cite: Aktaş, B., Özdemir, P., Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H.

, In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolic Contents and Main

Phenolic Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and Grape Seed Extract J. Anim. Prod., 2018, 59 (2):43-47, DOI: 10.29185/

J. Anim. Prod., 2018, 59 (2):43-47

Research Article
(Araştırma Makalesi) DOI: 10.29185/ hayuretim.465306

Burcu Aktaş1 In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total

Pınar Özdemir2
Hatice Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu1*
Phenolic Contents and Main Phenolic
1 Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü, Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and
2 Uluslararası Hayvancılık Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi
Grape Seed Extract
Müdürlüğü, Lalahan-Ankara
Esansiyel Yağ Karışımı ve Üzüm Çekirdeği Ekstraktının In
Correspondence: vitro Antioksidan Aktiviteleri, Toplam Fenolik Madde
İçerikleri ve Başlıca Fenolik Bileşenleri
Alınış (Received): 28.09.2018 Kabul tarihi (Accepted): 04.12.2018

Key Words: Objective: This study was conducted to assess antioxidant activities, total phenolic
contents and main phenolic compounds of essential oil blend (EOB) and grape
seed extract (GSE).
Essential oil, Grape seed, DPPH, TEAC, Material and Methods: The antioxidant activities of EOB (composed of oregano,
clove and cumin essential oils) and GSE were determined by in vitro methods such
Total phenolic content, Phenolic as 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and trolox
compounds equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC). The total phenolic contents of EOB and
GSE were determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu method and calculated as gallic acid
equivalents (GAE). The main phenolic compounds of EOB were calculated from the
individual essential oils compounds analyzed by GC/MS. The condensed tannin
concentration of GSE was measured by the butanol/HCl method.
Results: The antioxidant activities of EOB and GSE were determined by two
different in vitro methods provided the values of 79.0 % and 74.7 % for DPPH, and
276.51 µM/100g and 83.0 µM/100g for TEAC, respectively. The total phenolic
contents of EOB and GSE were 437.84 mg GAE/g and 175.50 mg GAE/g,
respectively. The main phenolic compounds of the EOB were carvacrol (42.08 %),
thymol (4.17 %), eugenol (22.38 %), cuminaldhyde (5.04 %) and safranal (2.69 %).
The condensed tannin concentration in GSE was 45.88 g/100g.
Conclusion: According to results obtained this study, EOB and GSE have
antioxidant potential. However, EOB showed higher total phenolic content and
antioxidant activity determined by two methods (DPPH radical scavenging activity
and trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity) than GSE. The results obtained by both
methods are compatible and quite similar. It is necessary to support these in vitro
results with in vivo studies.

Amaç: Bu çalışma esansiyel yağ karışımı (EYK) ve üzüm çekirdeği ekstraktının
(ÜÇE) iki farklı yöntemle antioksidan aktivitelerini, toplam fenolik madde içerikleri ile
Anahtar Kelimeler: başlıca fenolik bileşenlerini saptamak amacıyla yürütülmüştür.
Materyal ve Metot: EYK (kekik, karanfil, kimyon karışımı) ve ÜÇE’nin antioksidan
aktiviteleri 2.2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazi hidrat (DPPH) radikal süpürme aktivitesi ve
Esansiyel yağ, Üzüm çekirdeği, DPPH, troloks eşdeğeri antioksidan kapasitesi (TEAC) olmak üzere in vitro yöntemlerle
belirlenmiştir. EYK ve ÜÇE’nin toplam fenolik madde içerikleri Folin-Ciocaltaeu
TEAC, Toplam fenolik madde içeriği, yöntemine göre saptanmıştır ve gallik asit eş değeri (GAE) olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Fenolik bileşenler EYK’nın başlıca fenolik bileşenleri her bir esansiyel yağın GC/MS verileri esas
alınarak hesaplanmıştır. ÜÇE’nin kondanse tanen konsantrasyonu butanol-HCl
yöntemi ile saptanmıştır.
Bulgular: EYK ve ÜÇE’nin iki farklı in vitro yönteme göre belirlenen antioksidan
aktiviteleri DPPH için sırasıyla % 79.0 ve % 74.7, TEAC için sırasıyla 276.51
µM/100g ve 83.0 µM/100g’dır. EYK ve ÜÇE’nin toplam fenolik madde içerikleri
sırasıyla 437.84 mg GAE/g ve 175.50 mg GAE/g’dır. EYK’nın başlıca fenolik
bileşenleri karvakrol (% 42.08), timol (% 4.17), ojenol (% 22.38), kuminaldehit (%
5.04) ve safranal (% 2.69)’dir. ÜÇE’nin yapısında kondanse tanen konsantrasyonu
45.88 g/100g’dır.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre EYK ve ÜÇE antioksidan
potansiyele sahiptir. Ancak EYK’nın toplam fenolik madde içeriği ve iki yöntemle
(DPPH radikal süpürme aktivitesi ve troloks eşdeğeri antioksidan kapasitesi)
belirlenen antioksidan aktivitesi ÜÇE’ye göre daha yüksektir. Her iki yöntemle elde
edilen sonuçlar birbirleri ile uyumlu ve oldukça benzerdir. Bu in vitro sonuçlar in vivo
çalışmalarla desteklenmelidir.

Aktaş et. al
is Herbs and spices, as well as products derived Plant Material
15 thereof, are mainly comprised of essential oils and The plant material consisted of leaves, flower
extracts, which are the most important targets to buds and fruits (seed). The EOB was composed of
search for produce functional food with specific 56.25 % oregano (Origanum onites), 28.75 % clove
of health effects and improve the quality and nutritional (Syzygium aromaticum) and 15 % cumin (Cuminum
at value of food (Kahkönen et al. 1999). Also, they have cyminum) oils, which were obtained by using steam
been receiving a lot of attention as feed additives in distillation method and manufactured by commercial
animal nutrition due to decrease the detrimental firms. This mixture was chosen according to results
effects of oxidative stress, and to decrease oxidative of the in vitro study (Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu et al.
deterioration in animal products such as egg and 2011b). The essential oils were mixed together by
meat (Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu et al. 2011a). homogeniser in the laboratory and stored at 4 ºC in
d The essential oils from a number of herbs and airtight containers. Grape (Vitis vinifera L.)
spices have been confirmed to possess diverse specimens named as Antep Karası collected from
biological properties including antioxidant activity Gaziantep location. Ethanol extract of grape seed
(Bozin et al. 2007; Tepe et al. 2004; Wei and was obtained from commercial firm (Edremit-
Shibamoto, 2007). The antioxidant activities of Balıkesir, Turkey).
essential oils from oregano (Han et al. 2017), laurel, Method
rosemary, sage, coriander (Baratta et al. 1998;
Determination of Main Phenolic Compounds
Yashin et al. 2017) anise, clove (Basmacıoğlu-
of EOB and GSE
Malayoğlu et al. 2011a; Yashin et al. 2017), cumin
(Thippeswamy and Akhilender Naidu, 2005) are well EOB compounds were calculated from the
documented. Essential oils exhibited potent individual essential oils compounds analyzed by
antioxidant activities (Peschel et al. 2006) due to their GC/MS (HP 6890GC/5973 MSD) system
redox properties by acting as reducing agents, (Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu et al. 2011b).
hydrogen donators, singlet oxygen quenchers Butanol-HCl method was used for determination
ed (Brannan and Mah, 2007) and binding metal of condensed tannin of GSE (Makkar, 1995). 0.01
at chelation. However, there is limited research on gram of samples was weighed in tubes and 6 ml
el. antioxidant activity of the blend of essential oils. butanol-HCl reagent (95 ml butanol + 5 ml HCl + 1 g
ed In recent years, there is a growing interest in agro- Fe2SO4) was added. The tubes were then placed into
58 boiling water bath and heated 100 ºC for an hour,
industrial by products due to their antioxidant
ls then cooled. The tubes were centrifuged at 3000 X g
potential (Aktaş et al. 2013). Grape seed extract is a
he for 100 minutes. The absorbance was read at 550 nm
by-product derived from the grape seeds that
el. by using spectrophotometer (Amersdam 2100 UV,
obtained from wine and grape juice processing. The
he UK).
proanthocyanidins (condensed tannins) and
of Determination of Total Phenolic Contents and
oligomers of flavan-3-ol units, especially catechin
h. Antioxidant Activities of EOB and GSE
and epicatechin present in grape seed extract (Lau
and King, 2003). Total phenolic contents of EOB and GSE were
The aim of the present study was to determine the determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method described by
total phenolic contents and main phenolic Dorman et al. (2003) with some modifications. Briefly,
compounds from EOB and GSE and to evaluate the 10 µl aliquot of oil or extract sample was added in a
antioxidant activities by two common methods tube containing Milli-Q water (final volume 10 ml).
(DPPH and TEAC) for utilization as natural Then 500 µl of Folin-Ciocalteu’s reagent was added.
antioxidants in feed, food and pharmaceutical Finally, 1.5 ml of saturated sodium carbonate solution
industries. This in vitro study has also planned to was added, mixed and left to stand at room
shed light on our in vivo further study in broiler. temperature for an hour. The absorbance solution
was read at 760 nm by using a spectrophotometer
(Amersdam 2100 UV, UK). A standard curve was
prepared by gallic acid and the results were given as
mg GAE per gram of essential oil or extract.
In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolic Contents and Main Phenolic Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and Grape Seed Extract
A Study on the Change in Postpartum Immunoglobulins of Goats and Kids
The antioxidant activities of EOB and GSE were ethanol the absorbance reading was taken at 1 min
Blood Sample by DPPHCollection and TEAC methods. DPPHof the afterdays
referenceand up to 6 variance
to the min. Theanalysis
results are
method was carried out as described
To individually determine the changes in IgA, IgM by Amarowicz expressed
(Gürbüz ve as
ark., μM
In theper 100 g of
calculations, sample.
et al. (2004) with minor modifications.
and IgG levels, 2 cc blood samples were taken from EOB and GSE (2007) statistical package
Stastical Analysis program was used.
the were
vena dissolved
jugularis ofinthe 4 ml of methanol
goats, starting and fromthen at least added RESULTS
Statistical analysis of the data was determined by
to 1prior
3 days mM to methanolic
birth and solution
during the of 4DPPH 
days after(finalbirth,
volume Table 1 shows the means and standard errors of
Student’s t-test. A probability value of P<0.05 was
and4.5 ml).blood
1 cc The contents
sampleswere weremixed takenfor 15 seconds
from the goatandthe considered immunoglobulin amounts in goat colostrum at
to denote a statistically significant
then left to stand at room temperature
kids during the 3 days after birth (Quantispeed goat for 30 min. The birth, 24th, and 48 hours after birth.
difference. Data were given as the mean ± standard
QGT) (Chigerwe of the et al.solution
2005). was read against
methanol at 517ofnm Tabledeviation
1. Least (SD).
square means and standard errors of the
Determination theby using a spectrophotometer
Colostrum Samples and immunoglobulins in goat colostrum
IgG(Amersdam 2100 UV, UK). The radical scavengingÇizelge RESULTS 1. Keçi kolostrumundaki bağışıklık maddelerine ait en
Prior to (RSA)
the firstcalculated
milk feeding according
to goat kids, to the500-ml equationküçük kareler The ortalamaları
EOB including carvacrol
ve standart hataları(42.08 %), thymol
below; samples were taken from each goat;
colostrum (4.17
Sampling Time%), eugenol (22.38
Investigated %),Ncuminaldhyde (5.04 %)
Mean Standard
then, they were taken from each goat in every 24 Properties (mg/ml) Error
% RSA = 100 x (1 – AE/AD) and
At birth
safranal (2.69 %) as active compounds were
IgA 11 0.1105 0.179
hours and thereby, a total of 3 colostrum samples composed of three totally11different essential oils
A : the absorbance of the solution containing antioxidant essential oil or extract.
were collected per a goat during the trial. The
E IgM 1.9870 0.025
(oregano oil, clove oil
IgG and cumin oil).
11 1.8850 The condensed
changes AD: in
theIgA, IgM and
absorbance of the IgG
solution.were individually

24 tanninafter
hours in GSE was IgA determined
11 as 45.88
0.2850 g/100g
TEACfor each colostrum
method was carriedsample, a total of 33
out as described by Re birth
samples (Table 1). IgM 11 0.9580 0.031
et al. collected at slight
the birth, 24th and 48 th hours
(1999) with modifications. ABTS [2', 2'-
(Quantispeed goat test, QGT) (Dale
azino-bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) et al. 2009). The total phenolic contents
IgG and
11 antioxidant
14.0160 activities
48 hours
of EOB after
and GSE for each
IgA method
11 are
0.2535 shown in Table
Milk Analysesis dissolved in water to a concentration birth
IgM 11 0.9640
2. EOB and GSE total phenolic contents determined 0.017
of 7 dry mMmatterand reactedand fatwith values2.45ofmM milkpotassium
IgG method 11 13.5395 0.089 mg
persulfate at a molar ratio of 2:1 to form the ABTS IgA: by
determined in accordance with TS 1018 (Anonym,  the Folin-Ciocalteu
Immunoglobulin A,
to be 437.84
1989); determination
radical, left in the dark of lactose was carried
room overnight for out
16 GAE/g and 175.50 mg GAE/g, respectively.
IgM: Immunoglobulin M,
using the photometric method [30]; determination of
Stock solutions of extract, essential oil blend, andIgG:According Immunoglobulin G
to TEAC method, EOB (276.51 µM
mineral matter was carried out in accordance with trolox/100g) exhibited highest antioxidant activity
AOACtrolox were determination
(2000); prepared in ethanol. of ash The was ABTS carriedsolutionout than GSE (83.0 µM trolox/100g). According to DPPH
by was dilutedthe
following with ethanolproposed
method by Kurt et ofal.0.70 Immunoglobulin levels in goat colostrum showed
until an absorbance
method, EOB and GSE DPPH radical scavenging
 0.02the
(2007); AU Kjeldahl
at 734 nmmethod was reached. was used in the ofthat IgM had the highest level in the colostrum at
After addition
1.9 ml ofofdiluted ABTS 
solution to 101993).µl GSE, EOBbirth, activity
followed ranged
by IgG,from 79.0IgA
while % had
to 74.7 %, respectively
the lowest level.
calculation protein ratio (Renner, The
or trolox nitrogen
standards amount was multiplied5-25
(final concentration by 6.38 µM) in At (Figure
the 24 th 1).
hour after birth, the IgG level increased
to calculate the percentage protein Tableamount. and reached 14.016
1. Main phenolic compound/compounds of EOB andml,GSEfollowed by IgM with 0.958
Data Analyses ml. At the 48 th hour after birth, immunoglobulin levels
Çizelge 1. EYK ve ÜÇE’nin başlıca fenolik bileşen/bileşenleri
In the study, Repeated Measures Factorial Phenolic in colostrum followed a similar trend to those at the
th compounds (%)
Analysis of Variance was used to determine the 24 hour; in other words, IgG had the highest level.
difference between Eugenol
birth type, gender Carvacrol
and parity with ThymolTable 2 shows the means and standard
Cuminaldhyde Safranal errors Others
of the
respect to investigated 22.38 properties.42.08 Among the4.17
immunoglobulin 5.04
levels determined in
2.69 the bloods
multiple comparison tests, the Duncan test was used goat kids at birth and during the hours following birth.
to determine the differences between the averages Condensed tannin (g/100g)
Table 2. Least square means and standard errors of the45.88 immunoglobulins in goat kid bloods
Çizelge 2. Oğlak kanlarındaki bağışıklık maddelerine ait en küçük kareler ortalamaları vestandart hataları
Sampling Time Table 2. Total phenolic contents and antioxidant
Investigated N activities
Mean of EOBStandard
(mg/ml) and GSEerror

Çizelge 2. EYK ve ÜÇE’nin toplam fenolik madde içerikleri ve antioksidan aktiviteleri1

IgA 11 0.7664 0.253
Total phenolic content2 DPPH Radical scavenging activity3 TEAC4
At birth IgM 11 1.1191 0.050
EOB 437.84 ± 2.50 IgG 79.00 ± 19.2295
11 1.45 0.025 276.51 ± 1.58
IgA 11 0.5895 0.591
GSE 24 hours 175.5 ± 2.36 IgM 1174.7 ± 1.08
1.0295 0.046 83.0 ± 1.56
Each value corresponds to the mean and standard deviation IgG(n=3). 11 18.4282 0.026
Data of total phenolic contents are expressed as milligrams of GAE per gram essential oil or extract.
Data of DPPH Radical scavenging activity are expressed IgA as %. 11 0.5314 0.535
4 48 hours
TEAC are expressed as micromoles of Trolox equivalentsIgM 11 oil or extract.
per 100 gram essential 1.2482 0.038
IgG 11 21.6091 0.026
IgA: Immunoglobulin A IgM: Immunoglobulin M IgG: Immunoglobulin G

In the blood samples of the goat kids, IgA level at 24 hours after birth and reached 0.53 mg/ml 48 hours
birth was 0.76 mg/ml and decreased to 0.58 mg/ml after birth; in other words, initially, it rapidly
Aktaş et. al

is 450
of 300
250 EOB
200 GSE
Total Phenolic Content DPPH Radical TEAC
(mg GAE/g) Scavenging Activity (%) (µM trolox/100 g)

Figure 1. Bar graph illustrating total phenolic contents and antioxidant activities (Mean±SD)
Şekil 1. Toplam fenolik madde içerikleri ve antioksidan aktiviteleri gösteren sütun grafiği (Ortalama±SD)

DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION oregano and cumin essential oils alone. The results
In this study, the total phenolic content of EOB was suggested that the antioxidant activity is depend on
determined 437.84 mg GAE/g. According to Rocha- the clove essential oil content. The findings obtained
Guzman et al. (2006), total phenolic content of this study were in agreement with the findings of the
oregano essential oil was 151 mg GAE/ml. Zheng study (Baj et al. 2018) who determined the
and Wang (2001) studied with various herbal antioxidant activity of basil, marjoram and rosemary
extracts. They found that Greek mountain oregano essential oils and their blends. They suggested that
ed and Mexican oregano had higher total phenolic basil, marjoram and rosemary blend of essential oils
at content 11.8 mg GAE/g and 17.51 mg GAE/g, antioxidant activity is depend on the marjoram
el. respectively. Shan et al (2005) investigated the total essential oil content which exhibited the highest
ed phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity of 26 antioxidant activity as 87.9 % according to DPPH
58 spices from 12 botanical families as determined by method.
ls Folin-Ciocalteu method and TEAC. They found that In this study, the total phenolic content of GSE (Antep
he the cloves, cinnamon and oregano were the three Karası) was found 175.50 mg GAE/g. However,
el. spices with the highest values. It is clear that Göktürk-Baydar et al. (2006) reported that the total
he oregano, clove and cumin oils contain phenolic phenolic content of grape seed extracts collected
of compounds such as thymol, carvacrol, eugenol and from different location of Turkey were 589.09 mg
h. cuminaldhyde and hence their antioxidant activity GAE/g (Hasandede), 506.60 mg GAE/g (Emir) and
could be due to these compounds. In our previous in 549.54 mg GAE/g (Kalecik Karası). The significant
vitro study (Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu et al. 2011a), differences between the results were likely due to
clove essential oil alone exhibited highest TEAC and genotypic and environmental differences within
DPPH value 421 µM trolox/100g and 98.32 %, species, choice of parts tested, time of taking
respectively. Oregano essential oil alone showed samples and determination methods (Yesil-Celiktas
TEAC activity 225 µM trolox/100g and DPPH radical et al. 2007).
scavenging activity 70.67 %. Cumin essential oil The results from this study showed that EOB and
alone exhibited lowest antioxidant activity for TEAC GSE have potent antioxidant activity. However, EOB
(8.3 µM trolox/100g) and DPPH (27.50 %). According has higher total phenolic content and antioxidant
to these results, EOB presented a lower TEAC activity determined by two methods (DPPH and
(276.51 µM trolox/100g) and DPPH value (79 %) TEAC) than GSE. The results obtained by
than clove essential oil alone. However, EOB both methods are compatible and quite similar.
exhibited highest TEAC and DPPH values than It is necessary to support these in vitro results with
rs in vivo studies.
In Vitro Antioxidant Activities, Total Phenolic Contents and Main Phenolic Compounds of Essential Oil Blend and Grape Seed Extract
A Study on the Change in Postpartum Immunoglobulins of Goats and Kids

Blood Sample Collection of the days in reference to the variance analysis

To individually determine the changes in IgA, IgM (Gürbüz ve ark., 2003). In the calculations, SPSS 15
Aktaş B, Özdemir, P, Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu
and IgG levels, 2 cc blood samples were taken from H. 2013. Bazı agro- (2007) statistical package program was used.
Lau WD, King JA. 2003, Pre- and post-mortem use of grape seed
endüstriyel yan ürünlerin doğal
the vena jugularis of the goats, starting from at least antioksidan kaynağı olarak RESULTS
extract in dark poultry meat to inhibit development of
3 daysdeğerlendirilmesi.
prior to birth and Journal of Animal production, 54(2), 30-35.
during the 4 days after birth, Table 1 shows acid
thiobarbituric the reactive
and standard Journal errors of
of Agricultural
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and 1 cc blood samples were taken from the goat and Food Chemistry, 51, 602-607.
during thescavenging
3 days after capacity
birthand goat ofbirth,
antioxidant activity
(Quantispeed 24th,HPS.
Makkar and1995.
48 Quantification
hours after birth. of tannins: a laboratory manual.
selected plant species
test, QGT) (Chigerwe et al. 2005). from Canadian Prairies. Food Chemistry, ınternational centre for agriculture research in the dry areas,
84, 551-562. Table 1.Aleppo,
square means and standard errors of the
pp, 1-24.
Determination of the Colostrum Samples and immunoglobulins in goat colostrum
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for optimum antioxidant activity of mixtures of essential oilsÇizelge antioxidant 1. Keçi kolostrumundaki
potential of bağışıklık
pressing maddelerine
residues from ait en
Prior to the
from first basilicum
Ocium milk feeding to goat kids,
L., Origanum 500-ml
majorana L. and
küçük kareler ortalamaları ve standart hataları
primrose in comparison to other oilseed cakes and plant
colostrum samples
Rosmarinus were
officinalis taken Crops
L. Industrial from& eachProducts, goat;
115, 52-61. Sampling antioxidants.
Industrial Crops and Mean Standard
N Products, 25(1), 44–54.
then, theyMT, were taken Properties (mg/ml) Error
Baratta Dorman HJD,from
Deanseach goatDM,
SG, Biondi in Ruberto
every G. 241998. Re R, Pellegrini N, Proteggente A, Pannala A, Yang M, Rice-Evans C.
At birth IgA 11 0.1105 0.179
hours andChemicalthereby, a total
composition, of 3 colostrum
antimicrobial samples
and antioxidative activity 1999. Antioxidant activity applying an improved radical cation
were collected per a goatoregano duringandthecoriander
trial. The IgM 11 1.9870 0.025
of laurel, sage, rosemary, essential decolorization assay. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 26,
changes oils.inJournal
IgA, IgM and IgG
of Essential levels were
Oil Research, 10 (6),individually
618–627. 1231-1237. IgG 11 1.8850 0.041
determined for each colostrum sample, a total of 33
Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Aktaş B, Yeşil-Çeliktaş Ö. 2011a. Total 24 hours after
Rocha-Guzman NE, IgA
Gallegos-Infante11 0.2850
JA, 0.078
Gonzalez-Laredo RF,
samples collected at the birth, 24 and 48 hours
phenolic contents and antioxidant activities
th of theth essential oils Ramos-Gomez M, IgM
Rodrıguez-Munoz 11 0.9580
ME, 0.031
Reynoso-Camacho R,
from somegoat
(Quantispeed planttest,
QGT)The Journal
al. 2009). Faculty of Rocha-Uribe A, Roque-Rosales
IgG MR. 2007.
11 14.0160 Antioxidant
0.027effect of
Ege University, 48 (3), 211-215 48 hours oregano
after (Lippia berlandieri
IgA v. Shauer)
11 0.2535 essential oil0.435
and mother
Milk Analyses
Basmacıoğlu-Malayoğlu H, Özdemir P, Hameş KEE. 2011b. Chemical birth liquors. Food Chemistry, IgM 102, 330–335
11 0.9640 0.017
dry matter and fat values
and antibacterial activity ofof milk were
the essential oils from Shan, B, Cai YZ, Sun M, Corke H. 2005. Antioxidant capacity of 26
IgG 11 13.5395 0.089
determined in accordance with TS
some plant species. The Journal of Agricultural 1018 (Anonym,
Faculty of Ege extracts of spices and characterization of their phenolic
IgA: Immunoglobulin A,
1989); University,
determination of lactose was carried out by
48 (1), 11-18. components. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53,
IgM: Immunoglobulin M,
using theB,photometric
Bozin Mimica-Dukic N, method
Samojlik[30]; determination
I, Jovin of
E. 2007. Antimicrobial 7749-7759.
IgG: Immunoglobulin G
mineraland matter wasproperties
antioxidant carried ofout in accordance
rosemary with
and sage (Rosmarinus Tepe B, Daferera D, Sokmen A, Sokmen M, Polissiou M. 2004.
AOAC officinalis
(2000); L.determination
and Salvia officinalisof ash was carried
L., Lamiaceae) out oils.
essential Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil and
by following
Journal ofthe method
Agricultural andproposed
Food Chemistry, by 55 Kurt
(19), et al.
7879–7885. Immunoglobulin
various extracts of levels
salvia in goat colostrum
tomentosa showedFood
miller (Lamiaceae).
(2007); the Kjeldahl method was used in the
Brannan RG, Mah E. 2007. Grape seed extract inhibits lipid that IgM had
Chemistry, the highest
90(3), 333–340. level in the colostrum at
oxidation in muscle from different
calculation of protein ratio (Renner, 1993). The species during refrigerated birth, followed
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IgA: Immunoglobulin A IgM: Immunoglobulin M IgG: Immunoglobulin G

In the blood samples of the goat kids, IgA level at 24 hours after birth and reached 0.53 mg/ml 48 hours
birth was 0.76 mg/ml and decreased to 0.58 mg/ml after birth; in other words, initially, it rapidly

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