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Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure,

Title of Article: Title of Article and 2020
Vol. 00 (0), 00-00
Title of Article © The Journal, 2020
(No More than 15 Words) DOI: 10.XXXXX


Article History
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Author Affiliation

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Author Affiliation

Author Name
Author Affiliation

Author(s) are suggested to write abstract as essence of article and reflect the most important
information of the original text content, not summary. The abstract is expected to including
background, method, result and discussion. Then, the abstract should be an objective representation of
the article, must not contain the result of which are not represent and substantiated in the main text
should not exaggerate the main conclusion. Write the abstract in single paragraph with the length of
between 150-200 words. (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11).

Keywords: Put your keywords here; keywords are separated by semi colon; three to eight keywords
specific to the article. (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11).

If the article is write in Bahasa, the abstract should in two version, English version and in Bahasa
version. Jika artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka abstrak harus ditulis dalam dua versi, bahasa
inggris dan bahasa Indonesia dengan panjang antara 150-200 kata. (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11).

Kata Kunci: tulis kata kunci di sini; kata kunci dipisahkan; tiga sampai 8 kata kunci (Font: Calisto MT,
Size: 11).

1. Introduction (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)

Corresponding Author
Name : Author Name
Email :
2 | Author Name; Author Name

(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). The introduction should briefly, concisely, and relevant way to put this
study into a broad context to place it as an important study. Introduction should include the brief
review and cite current relevant studies to show the novelties. If necessary, discuss the debate and
explain the requirements of this study. This section should ends with the purpose of study and its main
conclusions. Keep the introduction comprehensible to scientists outside your particular field of
research if possible.
2. Literature Review (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). Theoretical framework should explain briefly, concisely, and relevant but
comprehensively as system thinking and/or framework of the study. Explain theory, assumption and or
hypothesis and debate that will be use on the study. Enrich it by reviewing current studies that use the
theory to strengthen the novelties.
3. Method (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size:11). Methods should be described with sufficient details to allow others to
replicate and build on published results. Please note that publication of your manuscript implicates that
you must make all materials, data, computer code, and protocols associated with the publication
available to readers. Please disclose at the submission stage any restrictions on the availability of
materials or information. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-
established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited.
Interventionary studies involving humans and other require ethical approval must list the authority
that provided approval and the corresponding ethical approval code.
4. Results (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). Result should describe a brief and precise the results of research and/or
experiments, interpretations and conclusions that can be drawn. This section can be divided to sub-
4.1. Sub Section (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). Describe the part of result
4.1.1. Sub Subsection
Numbered lists can be added as follows:
1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
Continue the texts…
4.2. Figures, Tables and Schemes (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). Figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figure captions
should be in 9 pt Bookman Old Style font. Captions of a single line should be centered whereas multi-
line captions must be justified. Captions with figure numbers must be placed after their associated
figures, as shown in sample of Figure 1.

Copyright © 2020, Indonesian Journal of Tourisme and Leisure

Indonesian Journal of Tourisme and Leisure, 01 (1), 2020 | 3

Figure 1. Tambua Tansa performance art (Font: Calisto MT, Size:10)

Source: Name of source (Year) (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 9)

Table captions should be centered. Every word in a table caption should be capitalized except for
short minor words (i.e. of, on, the, in, etc). Caption and content of table should in 10pt Calisto MT
font. The source of data table should be mention under the table in 9pt Calisto MT font.

Table 1. This is a table (describe title of the table) (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 10)

No. Year Title 1 Title 2

1 2007 0000 0000
2 2008 0000 0000
3 2009 0000 0000
4 2010 0000 0000

Source: Name of source (Year) (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 9)

Graph should be numbered using uppercase numerals in bold style. Graph captions should be centered
and in 10pt Calisto MT font font with Small Caps. Every word in a graph caption should be
capitalized except for short minor words (i.e. of, on, the, in, etc). Captions with graph numbers should
placed before their associated graph, as shown in sample of graph.

Graph 1. Result of graph (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 10)

Source: Name of source (Year) (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 9)

Copyright © 2020, Indonesian Journal of Tourisme and Leisure

4 | Author Name; Author Name

Equations should be placed flush-left with the text margin.

 ( F ) 
I ( J )  R(0)     Fi
i  Fi  0

5. Discussion (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)

(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted in
perspective of previous studies and theoretical framework. The findings and their implications should
be discussed in the broadest context possible. Future research directions may also be highlighted.
6. Conclusions (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). This section is not mandatory, but can be added to the manuscript if the
discussion is unusually long or complex.
7. Acknowledgment (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11). In this section author(s) can acknowledge any support given which is not
covered by the author contribution or funding sections. This may include administrative and technical
support, or donations in kind (e.g., enumerators).
8. Funding (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
Please add: “This research received no external funding” or “This research was funded by Name of
Funder, grant number XXX” or “The APC was funded by XXX” and etc.
9. Conflicts of Interest (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
Author(s) should declare conflicts of interest or state “The author(s) declare no conflict of interest”
References (Font: Calisto MT, Size: 12)
(Font: Calisto MT, Size: 11) References must be arranged in American Physiological Association
(APA) 6th Edition Style. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software
package, such Mendeley to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Include the digital object
identifier (DOI) for all references where available.

Diamantis, D. (1999). The Concept of Ecotourism: Evolution and Trends. Current Issues in Tourism,
2(2–3), 93–122.
Ferguson, L. (2009). Analysing the Gender Dimensions of Tourism as a Development Strategy.
Madrid, Spain.
Firdaus, F. (2018). Potency of Integrated Cultural Tourism Development at Maninjau Lake Area, West
Sumatera. Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial Dan Pembangunan, 34(1), 72–82.
Firdaus, F., & Tutri, R. (2017). Potensi Pengembangan Ekowisata Di Nagari Kotobaru, Kecamatan X
Koto, Kabupaten Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat. Jurnal Kawistara, 7(2), 115–206.
Kementerian Pariwisata RI. (2015). Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Kementerian Pariwisata Tahun
2015 (2018). “Beyond Bali” Dipromosikan di India. Retrieved from

Copyright © 2020, Indonesian Journal of Tourisme and Leisure

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