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GFRAS - NELK - Module - 2 - Methods - and - Tools - Workbook

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Module 2: Overview of Extension

Methods and Tools

Module 2: Overview of
Extension Methods and Tools
Complete the following pre-assessment in order to determine
how prepared you are for the subject matter of this module. Rate
your knowledge on the topics on a scale of 1 to 5 by circling the
corresponding number.

Question Self-assessment
Low High
Are you familiar with the role of
extension in addressing the needs of
1 1 2 3 4 5
rural farmers and how it has developed
into the system as it is today?
Do you understand what it means to
2 be an extension professional and what 1 2 3 4 5
is required of you?
How familiar are you with the different
extension approaches and the
3 1 2 3 4 5
circumstances under which they are
Do you understand how reforms such
4 as decentralisation and privatisation 1 2 3 4 5
have affected extension practices?
Are you familiar with the different
types of extension tools as well as
5 1 2 3 4 5
the advantages and disadvantages of

Question Self-assessment
Low High
Are you comfortable in your ability to
correctly select tools and approaches
6 1 2 3 4 5
for any circumstances you may work
Are you aware of scientific journals
7 and how they may assist you as an 1 2 3 4 5
extension practitioner?

Study unit 1: Innovation and
development in extension
Session 1.1: The value of extension
Activity 1.1 Individual activity: The role of value of
Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Write
your answer in the space provided.
1. Extension is a continually developing field constantly adapting
to the needs of rural producers. (2)



2. The decentralisation of extension services has made public

extension services unnecessary. (2)



3. Extension services are provided by a small number of




4. Hundreds of thousands of extensionists operate across the

world improving the livelihoods of rural communities. (2)



5. Extension programmes only ever show low rates of return. (2)




6. Extension programmes operate in only a small number of




 Total: 12 marks

Session 1.2: Extension as a science
Activity 1.2 Individual activity: The scientific value of
1. Draw a line connecting the terms/statements in column A to
those in column B that best match said term or statement. (5)

A. Term B. Description
1. Extension a. An essential part of
maintaining the quality of
academic literature
2. Disciplines b. Forms part of the extension
3. Anthropology and sociology c. Different branches of
4. Scientific method d. A branch of the social
5. Peer review e. The approach used to
gather information, test
hypotheses, observe, and
contribute new knowledge or

 Total: 5 marks

Session 1.3: Extension as a profession
Activity 1.3 Individual activity: The Code of Conduct
Fill in the missing words in the space provided by selecting from
those provided. (5)
1. A profession is a recognised body of practitioners with a
common body of ____1_____, a code of conduct, is governed
by a legal ____2____ , and may require formal registration
and continuous professional ____3____ .
2. The “________4________” is sworn by physicians to abide by
ethical conduct.
3. A code of conduct is not just good practice but may also form
part of the ______5______ of the profession.

A. Development, B. Legal Framework, C. Hippocratic Oath, D.

Knowledge, E. Framework
1 .........................................................................................................

2 .........................................................................................................

3 .......................................................................................................

4 ..................................................................................................

5 ..............................................................................................

 Total: 5 marks

Summative assessment: Unit 1
Complete the following questions.
1. Multiple choice questions. (12)

Circle the most correct answer from those provided.

Question Answers
1. Extension includes A. Participatory research
B. Adult education
E. All of the above
2. A professional association A. Can’t remove someone’s
qualification as a professional
in a field
B. Does not have any legal
C. Allows for continual
development of members
D. Protects the public by
means of codes of conduct
and verified bodies of
E. C and D
F. A and C

Question Answers
3. Journal articles A. Require a postgraduate
qualification to contribute
B. Are peer reviewed
C. are a major source
of information for many
D. B and C
E. A and B





2. Answer true or false to the following questions. If false,

give the correct explanation. Write your answer in the space
a. Extension services are exclusive to countries with high
rural poverty. (2)



b. Input agencies, farmer organisations and NGOs are not

recognised as extension services. (2)



c. Professions require a common body of knowledge that
informs and guides practice. (2)



d. Extension is a long way from being recognised as a




 Total: 20 marks

Study Unit 2: Major extension
approaches and tools
Session 2.1: Evolution and features of extension
Activity 2.1 Individual activity: Extension Approaches
1. Draw a line connecting the terms/statements in column A to
those in column B that best match said term or statement. (5)

A. Approach B. Programme goal

1. Education approach a. FPNE model
2. Systems approach b. Non-formal learning
approach often with
institutional support
3. Farmer participatory c. FSR/E model
4. Transfer-of-technology d. Often focused on a specific
approach product
5. Commodity approach e. Green revolution effectively
used this approach




2. Answer true or false to the following statements. If

you answer false, give the correct explanation. Write your
answer in the space provided.

a. The commodity approach is a holistic approach to



b. The AIS and AKIS approaches do not share any

common features. (2)



c. It is difficult to assess the long-term impact of the

farmer participatory extension approach. (2)



d. The technology transfer approach has developed into

a more systems-orientated approach. (2)



e. Extension approaches are focused only on local




 Total: 15 marks

Session 2.2: Reforms in extension
Activity 2.2 Individual activity: Reform, privatisation, and
1. Draw a line connecting the terms/statements in column A to
those in column B that best match said term or statement. (6)

A. Term B. Definition
1. Privatisation a. Transferring control of
programme planning and
management functions to other
private groups
2. Decentralisation b. Shifting of some or all of the
ownership and operational control
from government or central control
to the private sector
3. Pluralism c. Ensure that services are relevant
and responsive to local conditions
and meet actual user needs
4. Reforms d. The cooperation of various
extension services
5. Market-led e. Changes to processes and
institutions to improve a system
6. Policies f. Used to control the behaviour of





 Total: 6 marks

Session 2.3: Features and purpose of major
extension tools
Activity 2.3 Individual activity: The features of major
extension tools
1. Draw a line connecting the terms/statements in column A to
those in column B that best match said term or statement.

A. Approach B. Programme goal

1. Farmer field schools a. One-on-one extension advice via
face-to-face, telephone, or Internet
2. Mass media b. Essentially an adult education,
participatory, group-based approach
good for teaching complex practices
3. Individual method c. Allows showcasing of crops or
practices in a farmer’s field, on a
research station, or at an agricultural
4. Demonstrations d. Can include leaflets, pamphlets,
posters, radio, television, websites
and text or audio messages, allowing
you to reach many people at little
5. Video e. Visually effective but drawbacks
include the fact you require
equipment and power to view them





 Total: 5 marks
Session 2.4: Selecting the appropriate
approaches and tools

Activity 2.4 Individual activity

Answer true or false to the following questions. If false, give the
correct explanation. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. Literacy should not be a consideration in using mass media.(2)



2. Budgets are set up during extension activities. (2)




3. Extension staff will need special competencies for some tools.




4. If social capital is low, farmer field schools may not be

a good idea. (2)



5. The socioeconomic situation of the community will not affect
the approaches and tools used. (2)



6. Sustainability requires empowerment. (2)




7. Extension is private with government no longer affecting tool

and approach selection. (2)



8. The increase in access to cell phones in many countries has

made social media a powerful tool for extension activities.(2)



 Total: 16 marks

Summative assessment: Unit 2
Complete the following questions.
1. Draw a line connecting the terms/statements in column A to
those in column B that best match said term or statement.(20)

A. Approach B. Programme goal

1. Capacity a. Process by which the
results of a system or process
are evaluated in order to
improve the way it operates
2. Reforms b. Ensure the long-term
success of an extension
3. Commodity approach c. Shifting of some or all of
the ownership and control
from government to the
private sector
4. Privatisation d. Used to teach practical
5. Feedback system e. An action which improves
institutions or processes
through change
6. Mass media f. Requires planning, raising
awareness and building
7. Farmer field schools g. Refers to the training and
ability of individuals
8. Demonstrations h. Often focused on a specific
9. Scalability I. A tool used to reach large

A. Approach B. Programme goal
10. Sustainability j. Adult education,
participatory, group-based










2. Circle the best answer for the questions from the answers
2.1. For small scale farmers requiring assistance in
marketing their products, one would use a/an:
a. Commodity approach
b. Systems approach
c. Educational approach
d. Any of the above
e. ‘a.’ and ‘c.’

2.2. The educational approach:
a. Is exclusive to the United States.
b. Is done independently of private institutes and research
c. Uses non-formal learning to educate those often
lacking a formal education.
d. Is a linear approach.
e. Both ‘a.’ and ‘c.’

2.3. The AIS approach:

a. Is currently favoured by GFRAS and the World Bank.
b. Was developed independently from the AKIS approach.
c. Is an educational approach.
d. Both ‘a.’ and ‘b.’
e. Both ‘a.’ and ‘c.’
2.4. Pluralism:
a. Allows for organisations to work independently of one
b. Allows for the cooperation of multiple extension
c. Allows for operation without the need of government
d. Is a market-led approach.
e. Both ‘b.’ and ‘c.’

2.5. The use of farmer field schools:
a. Is focused on teaching simple skills.
b. Is focused on individual learning.
c. Is a a group-based participatory approach.
d. Both ‘a.’ and ‘b.’
e. Both ‘a.’ and ‘c.’

 Total: 30 marks

The post-assessment is to be done once you have read through
the module and completed all the activities. Compare your answers
to those in the post assessment to identify where knowledge
has been gained and where improvements can be made. Rate
your knowledge on the topics on a scale of 1 to 5 by circling the
corresponding number.

Question Self-assessment
Low High
Are you familiar with the role of
extension in addressing the needs of
1 1 2 3 4 5
rural farmers and how it has developed
into the system you see today?
Are you aware of scientific journals
2 and how they may assist you as an 1 2 3 4 5
extension practitioner?
Do you understand what it means to be
3 an extension professional and what is 1 2 3 4 5
required of you within this context?
How familiar are you with the different
4 extension approaches and the contexts 1 2 3 4 5
within which they are applied?
Do you understand how reforms such
5 as decentralisation and privatisation 1 2 3 4 5
have affected extension practices?
Are you familiar with the different
6 types of extension tools as well as the 1 2 3 4 5
advantages and disadvantages of each?
Are you comfortable in your ability to
correctly select tools and approaches
7 1 2 3 4 5
for any context you may find yourself

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