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Topic: The Life of Rizal

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Paña, Triscia Nicole G.

BSP2-BP-21 Life and Works of Rizal

Topic: The Life of Rizal

1. Describe the background of Rizal’s ancestry that could have contributed to his life and education.

- Mercado’s and Alonso’s are considered as ‘principalia’ because they possessed a land and money, in
fact they had sari-sari store before and their home is made up of rock which is completely unique
from the others. Furthermore, their family is also called as ‘illustrados’ because they could read and
write, actually they are having built in library in Calamba, Laguna. Mercado family is known for its
religiosity, by that time Doña Teodora almost died giving birth of Rizal, thereon she vow herself to
Virgin of Peace and Good Voyage in Antipolo. As a result, Jose and his siblings are morally upright
and living in Catholic environment. At the age of five, Jose Rizal was able to read because as we all
know they are ‘illustrados’, from that time he read the Spanish family bible known as ‘Historia
Sagrada’ which makes a way for him to fight for social reforms for their land against Dominican

2. Compare and contrast Rizal’s experiences as a student at Ateneo Municipal, UST and Madrid.

- Rizal’s rich experiences shaped his personality and philosophy in life especially in the schools which
honed him to be a better person such as Ateneo Municipal, UST and Madrid. Rizal is fond of
creating poem actually in Ateneo he used to write a poem titled ‘Mi Primera Inspiracion’ (My First
Inspiration) where it’s about his mother who inspired him to create a poem. Even in UST he carried
out his literary artistry, in fact he submitted a poem entitled ‘A La Juventud Filipina’ (To the Filipino
Youth) where that poem won a first prize. He doesn’t stop expressing his feelings and expression,
when he is in Madrid he also composed a poem entitled ‘Me Piden Versos’ (They Ask Me for
Versos) where in that poem his heart is agonizing. In terms of group involvement, Rizal was actively
participating in such groups during his stay in the said schools. In Ateneo Municipal, he is an active
member of Marian Congregation and later became the Secretary of it. While in UST, he is part of
‘Liceo Artistico Literario of Manila’ which is composed of literary men and artists. Moreover, in
Madrid he is part of ‘Circulo Hispano-Filipino’ which is a society of Spaniards and Filipinos in
Madrid. Based on his academic status on the said schools, things are different because of dominance
of discrimination during his time. In Ateneo, he was awarded as brightest pupil in whole class and
bannered as ‘the pride of Jesuits’. In UST, he suffered a racial discrimination because he was a
Filipino, as a matter of fact he gets a low grade in some subjects because he was discriminated by
Dominican friars. Unlike in Madrid, he gets a rating of ‘sobresaliente’ in the degree of Licentiate in
Philosophy and Letters.

3. Who were the important persons that influenced Rizal in his intellectual pursuits?

- First, his mother named Doña Teodora Alonzo, actually she is the first teacher of Rizal during
informal education years. She also called Aling Lolay, she always teaching Rizal to read in Spanish
during late night. Next, his Tio Gregorio, who was a tireless reader and often lectured Rizal about
the foundation of success and profound logic was important. Then, his father named Don Francisco
Mercado also called Mang Kikoy, he pushed Rizal to not just learn well but extremely well.
Futhermore, a parish priest who was a rational thinker with broad intelligence named Father Leoncio
Lopez, he loved Rizal so much because Rizal was eager to asked serious questions about the things
he had heard from the others. Afterwards, in Noli Me Tangere, one of the part of that novel was
written by Rizal to give paid tribute to Father Leoncio.

4. What were Rizal’s activities in Dapitan? What was the impact of those activities?

- We all know that Rizal was a Physician, therefore when he was in Dapitan he used to practice his
profession in order to help without any charges, in fact he gave medicines for free. Another thing,
Rizal had a title of expert surveyor which he obtained from Ateneo. He applied his knowledge of
engineering by constructing a system of waterworks, in order for them to have a clean and safe
water. Rizal also shared his knowledge by being a teacher, he taught Spanish, English, Geography,
History, Mathematics and etc... Moreover, Rizal also taught modern method of farming because he
observed that they are still using traditional way of farming, then Rizal introduced to them the
modern method so that they can adapt to the dynamic world of farming.

5. How would you assess Rizal’s objection to the Philippine Revolution?

- Andres Bonifacio is the one who created a secret revolutionary society called Katipunan.
Afterwards, on May 2, 1896, Dr. Pio Valenzuela informed Rizal about the plan of the Kapitan
regarding the launch of revolution for freedom’s sake. However, Rizal objected that plan because he
believed that it was premature thinking, he reasoned out that the people was not yet ready for a
revolution, weapons and funds must first be collected before raising the cry of revolution. I firmly
believed for what’s Rizal’s decision because he think first the readiness of our fellow Filipinos
during that time. It’s hard to go a war without any bullets and it’s disgusting to do an action without
any preparation. Before, we had no arms but we only had knives, therefore we can’t attacked in a
long distance and we can be easily killed by Spaniards. I believe that Rizal was only using his head
during that time and used to weigh things around before he act.

Topic: Rizal’s annotation of Antonio Morga’s Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas

1. What impression of Filipinos do you get from reading Morga’s description of the type of food
they eat? Which particular phrase gives you this impression?

- I laughed particularly from the phrase “saltfish which begin to decompose and smell” and I know
generally most of Filipino’s will get laughed about this, simply because they are not oriented about
Filipino’s condiments which is ‘Patis’.

2. What was Rizal’s purpose in writing an annotation about the food preferences of the English,
Spaniards and Chinese?

- Rizal was stating about the differences of our food preferences because we have our own culture and
tradition. Some food is different from the eyes of one person especially if that person belongs to
another race, therefore he have no background about it

3. In general, what was Rizal’s motive in writing his annotation of Morga’s work? How does this
fit into aims of other propagandists working for reforms during this time?
- In general, I can see from Rizal’s annotation that he wanted to emphasize the simplicity of life for
every Filipino’s. As we traced back our history, even before we are agricultural country, we used to
survive from the available resources within our surroundings. Rizal also wanted to reveal the
differences in the way of life of an ordinary Filipino, especially the food that was served in their
table, we are happy even if we used the condiments such as patis, bagoong, toyo etc. as part of our
meal. It shows the disparity of life, because many Filipino’s during that time was struggling about
the food that they will eat because Spaniards specifically had no mercy at all.

Topic: Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

1. Is the Noli set in a particular time period? Describe the time when the novel is set.

- Noli Me Tangere was a true story of the Philippine conditions during the last decades of Spanish
rule. During that time our country was experiencing greed, cruelty, ignorance and abusive power in
the hands of Spaniards.

2. Where do the events take place? Are there multiple locations?

- The events take place specifically at Manila, during the latter years of the country as colony of Spain
in Asia. In specific sense, the novel started when Ibarra visited Maria Clara, who is the daughter of
Capitan Tiyago at the Binondo, Manila.

3. Identify what the following Noli characters symbolize in relation to colonial Philippine society:

A. Crisostomo Ibarra
- Ibarra was Rizal’s reflection of himself, which he has liberal mind, outspoken, idealistic, patient
and serious person. He also symbolized the idealism of the privileged youth.

B. Maria Clara
- Her character is related to Rizal’s childhood sweetheart named Leonor Rivera, she symbolized the
purity and innocence of a sheltered native woman.

C. Capitan Tiyago
- He symbolized the rich Filipinos during that time who continues to oppress his fellow countrymen.

D. Sisa
- She symbolized our country during that time, it was abused and lack of freedom.

E. Pilosopo Tasio
- He symbolized intelligent people but never left our country instead he continues to educate himself.

F. Doña Victorina
- She symbolized those person who have distorted view of their identity.

G. Basilio
- He symbolized the innocent person who was wrongly accused of the crimes they did not commit.

4. What does ‘filibustero’ mean?

- In El Filibusterismo context, Rizal defined filibustero as sedition, where it is a conduct that

encourage other people to rebel against the authority of a state. During Spanish rule, many young
men Filipino’s who came from rich families had the means to go overseas, in order to study and
create a movement that will revolt against Spaniards.

5. . Why did Rizal dedicate the Fili to Gomburza?

- Rizal dedicated El Filibusterismo to Gomburza simply because he saw what Gomburza did for the
sake of freedom, Gomburza demanded reforms to Spanish authorities and inform to others they
abusive behaviour. After their execution, that is the moment of uprising of progapandist movement,
where Jose Rizal was belong. Propagandist movement used systematic and peaceful way of revolt,
therefore they used literary writing as an instrument to rebel against Spaniards. Rizal created a novel
titled El Filibusterismo to dedicate it to Gomburza, which after on he received many criticisms
against the government and friars.

6. Choose a character in the Fili. What does he/she symbolize in relation to twenty-first century
Philippine society?

- I chose Basilio, because he symbolizes every student having a big dream even though he or she have
no means. Although, he suffered from financial and emotional difficulties, he didn’t stop pursuing
his dream to become a doctor. In fact, it drives him to achieve his dream and share to the others the
knowledge that he gained. It inspires me because even if there are so many adversities or hardships
in life, it pushes me to become a person that I wanted to be in the near future.

Topic: “The Philippines a Century Hence”

The Philippines a Century Hence by Jose Rizal depicts the future of our country, it also describes for
what happened in the present that can affect the future. As we all know, change is constant because from time to
time we cannot predict what will happen tomorrow. Unless, we make an action about it and prove it was wrong.
Change was existing throughout our lives, actually it can be resulted to good or bad. Some change cannot be
controlled without any cooperation, especially for what is happening to our country where division of ideas and
status was completely displayed.
Rizal forecasted that there was deterioration of our indigenous culture, many people will forget their
cherished beliefs, songs, poetry, religion and other forms of their cultural heritage. I can see that 50 years from
now our country will losing its sense of national identity, simply because we know in ourselves that we didn’t
embodied our values, culture and mind-set that came from our ancestors. Moreover, Rizal also pointed out
about the passivity and submissiveness of our people to the manner of governance by the colonizers. We can
see from our naked eye and we can relate it to the prophecy made by Rizal that our government indirectly losing
its sovereignty, maybe after 50 years we are being colonized by China. Our government becomes blind and
continues to become a puppet by colonizers, I’m sure if our national heroes will get be offended even though
they are already in grave because they fought for our freedom but suddenly it loses because of premature mind-
Just like what Rizal said that our youth is the hope of our country, I also believe that everything can be
change, as what I’ve mentioned earlier that change is constant but you can manipulate the result. In the hands of
our future generation, I can sense that our country will continue to strive and enrich its unique national identity,
only if we work together as one and continues to embody its ideals and aspiration as a citizen of our country.

Topic: “On the Indolence of the Filipinos”

1. Do you believe that indolence is an inherent trait among Filipinos? Do you agree or disagree with
the reasons Rizal presented? Why or why not?

- I don’t believe that being lazy is an inherent trait among Filipinos. As a matter of fact, before
invaders colonized us, we are used to get worked because we are free of our decisions, we can
choose what we will eat from our surrounding and we also nurture farming. Before, we solely
enjoyed the trading of goods from other countries but because of Spanish colonizers, we are
surmounted to do it. The title itself can be misleading if you think literally, but in specific sense
Rizal presented that reason why Filipino’s becomes lazy is because of Spaniards abusive behaviour.
Many Filipino’s during that time lost their jobs and their lands were gotten by Spaniards and they
required Filipino’s to pay tributes. It is also about their loss of motivation that’s why laziness

Topic: Different Perspectives on Rizal

1. How do the following Rizalist groups view Rizal and other national heroes?

A. Adarnista or the Iglesiang Pilipina

- They view Rizal as a god of the Filipino people, true god and a true man. They also believed that he
was not executed.

B. Sambahang Rizal
- They honor Rizal as chosen by God to redeem his race and people who, like Christ, offered up his
life in order to save mankind.

C. Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi

- They believed in the divinity of Rizal, they followed the commands of Moses, Lord Jesus Christ and
of the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal. They treat him as a Holy Spirit.

D. Suprema de la Iglesia de la Ciudad Mistica de Dios

- They believed that Rizal will return to this New Jerusalem. Where Jose Rizal will rule over all the
nations of earth.

2. According to the Rizalist groups listed above, what are the similarities between Christ and Rizal?

- They compare Rizal from Lord Jesus Christ based on disciples. Jesus Christ had 12 disciples, where
Judas Iscariot was eventually betrayed him that’s why Christ was crucified on the cross. In the
similar manner, Rizad had 14 disciples consisting of different illustrados and revolutionaries who is
involved for Philippine freedom. Afterwards, Emilio Aguinaldo was belong from that disciples but
he was considered as traitor and once called him as a ‘Judas of the Philippine Revolution. They also
share commonalities in their age of their death, Rizal died when he was thirty-five years old and
Jesus Christ was thirty-three. They also believed that Rizal was resurrected because after his
execution, his body went missing just like what Jesus Christ happened. In terms of teaching, they are
both advocating non-violent reforms that’s why they compared them to Jesus Christ.

3. Who were the influential women in the above-mentioned Rizalist groups? What were their
significant roles in their organizations?

- One of the notable women had significant role in their organization is Nanay Serafina. She
emphasized thay they having a true faith against unorthodox Catholic Church because they heared
directly from the Spirit, the truth. That’s why Banal na Angkan exists thru Nanay Serafina. They
also received the Ten Commandments from Dr. Jose Rizal thru Andres Bonifacio, which they
followed and served as sacred. Another notable woman is Suprema Isabel Suarez, who is the leader
of Ciudad Mistica de Dios, she emphasized the importance of using the native language in
honouring our national heroes.

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