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(Reaffirmed 2018) : QPR 9u TFK#JT Stainless Steel Wire - Specification (First Revision)

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(Reaffirmed 2018)

( qpr 9u;Tfk#JT
Indian Standard
( First Revision)
First Reprint AUGUST 1997

ICS 77 : 140’20

@ BIS 1995


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1995 Price Group 3

Alloy Steels and Special Steels Sectional Committee, MTD 16


This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of lndian Standards,~after the
draft finalized by the Alloy Steels and Special Steels Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Metallurgical Engineering Division Council.

This Indian Standard was first published in the year 1972. While reviewing this Indian Standard,
the committee felt that it shou!d be revised taking note of the present practices being followed in
the country in this field.

In this revision following changes are made:

Two new grades X20Crl3 and X30Cr13 have been added with their chemical composition and
mechanical properties.

An informative Annex A has been given for the benefit of the purchaser giving particulars to be
specified by the purchaser while placing order for the steels covered in this standard.

This Indian Standard keeps in view the manufacturing and trade practices followed in the country
in this field. In the formulation of this standard assistance has been derived from the following:

ISO/DIS 683/X111 Heat-treated steels, alloy steels and free cutting steels - Part 13 : Wrought
stainless steels. International Organization for Standardization.

BS : 970 Part 4 : 1970 Wrought steels ( Blooms, billets, bars and forgings > - Part 4 Stainless
heat resisting and valve steels. British Standards Institution.

ASTM A 580-1967 Stainless and heat-resisting steel wire. American Society for Testing and

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with,
the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. The number
of srgnificant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified
value in this standard.
IS 6528:1995

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

1SCOPE IS No. Title

1.1This standard covers the requirement for 10461 ( Part 2 ) : Method for determination of
stainless steel wire for general corrosion resis- 1994 resistance to intergranular
tance. corrosion of austenitic stain-
less steels : Part 2 Corrosion
1.2 This standard shall not apply to wire used test in a sulphuric acid/copper
for manufacture of welding electrodes. sulphate medium in the pre-
sence of copper turnings
2 REFERENCES (Monypenny Strauss test)

The following Indian Standards are necessary 3 TERMINOLOGY

.adjuncts to this standard:
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions
IS No. Title given in IS 1956 ( Part 5 ) : l976 shall apply.
228 : 1959 Methods of chemical analysis 4 SUPPLY OF MATERIAL
of steels ( second revision )

l-608 : 1995 Mechauical testing of metals General requirements for the supply of material
- Tensile testing ( second shall conform to IS 8910 : 1978.
revision )
1716 : 1985 Method for reverse bend test
for metallic wire ( second Unless agreed otherwise in the order the process-
revision ) es used in making the steel and the product are
left to the discretion of the manufacturer.
1717 : 1985 Method for simple torsion test When so desired, the purchaser, shall be infor-
for wire ( second revision ) med of steel making process.

1755 : 1983 Method for wrapping test of 6 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS

wire ( first revision )
The surface of the wire shall be smooth and
1762 ( Part 1) : Code for designation of steels: free from harmful surface defects. When requi-
1974 Part 1 Based on letter symbols red by the purchaser, the depth of longitudinal
( first revision ) cracking, for example, hair seam at each end
of the wire shall not exceed the limits given
195fi7zart 5) : Glossary of terms relating to below:
iron and steel: Part 5 Bright
steel bars and wire (first Diameter, mm Depth of -Cracking, mm
revision ) 2’00 Up to and 0’07 and under
including 8’00
,6527 : 1995 Stainless steel wire rod
Over 8‘00 To be agreed upon bet-
8910: 1978 General technical delivery ween the purchaser and
requirements for steel and the supplier
steel products
lO&;( Part 1 ) : Method for determination ~of
resistance to inter-granular 7.1 The ladle analysis of steels when carried out
corrosion of austenitic stain- either by the method specified in relevant parts
less steels : Part 1 Corrosion of IS 228 or any other established instrumental/
test in nitric acid medium by chemical method, shall be as given in Table I.
measurement of loss in mass In case of dispute, the procedure given in
(Huey test) (first revision ) relevant parts of IS 228 shall be referee method.

IS 6528 : 1995

-Table 1 Chemical Composition

( Clauses 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and 12.1)

Steel C Si, Mn Ni Cr MO S P Remarks

Designation Max Max Max
[ ( See IS 1762
( Part 1 ) : 1974 ]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
X04Cr13 0.08 Max 1-O 1.0 Max 1.0 Max 11.5-13’5 - 0.030 0,040 ( Al 0.10-0.30)
X12Cr13 0.09-0.15 1.0 I.0 Max 1-O Max 11’5-14.0 - 0,030 0.040 -
X20Cr13 0.16-0.25 1.0 1 .O Max 1-O Max 12.0-14.0 - 0.030 0’040 -
X30Cr13 0.26-0.35 1.0 I.0 Max 1.0 Max 12.0-14.0 - 0,030 0.040 -

X02Cr18Nill 0.030 Max 1.0 2.0 Max 8.0-12.0 17.0-20.0 - 0.030 0,045 -

X04Crl8NilO 0.08 Max 1.0 2.0 Max 8.0-12’0 17,0-20.0 - 0.030 0 045 -
X07Crl8Ni9 0.15 Max 1.0 2-O Max 8’0-10.0 17.0-19.0 .- 0.030 0.045 -

X04Cr17Ni12Mo2 0.08 Max 1.0 2.0 Max 10.0-14.0 16-O-~18.5 2’0-.3.0 0.030 0.045 -
X02Cr17Ni12~Mo2 0.030 Max 1.0 2.0 Max 10.0-14.0 16.0-18.5 2.0-3.0 0.030 0,045 -

XlOCr17Mn6Ni4N 0.15 Max 1.0 5.5-7’5 3.5-5.5 16.0-18.0 - 0,030 0.060 ( N 0 05-0.25 )

7.2 Product Analysi: 7.3 Elements not specified in Table 1 shall not
be added to the steel except where agreed to,
Permissible variation in the case of product other than for the purpose’ot finishing the heat
analysis from the limits specified in Table 1 shall and shall not exceed the following limits:
be as given in Table 2.
Constituents Percent, Max
r------ h---,---~
Table 2 Permissible Varfitiiion Between
Specified Analysis and Product Analysis hrritk and Austenitic Steels
Martensitic r---h-----T
( Clauses 7.2 and 12.1 ) Steel Without With
specified specified
molyb- molyb-
Element Permissible
Content in tperye”d,’ Analysis, Deviation denum denum
r__ __--_-h---_~ Titanium - 0’10 0’10
Over Up to and -
Including Niobium 0’20 0.20
C - 0.030 + 0.005 Molybdenum 0’30 0.70
0.030 0.20 *0.01
Copper 0’30 0’50 0’70
Si - 1.0 +o 05

Mn - 1.0 +0+03
1.0 3.0 *0.04
5. I.5 *0.10
8.1 Steel wire may be supplied in the annealed.
Al - 0.30 +0*05

14.5 ho.15
8.2 Recommended heat treatment for the steels
Cr 11.5
16 20.0 f0.20
covered by this slal;dard is given in Annex B.


Ni - 1.0 to.03
3.5 5.5 &O-O7
9.1 Sectional tolerances for stainless steel wire
8.0 10.0 -&to*10
shall be as given in Tables 3 to 6.
IO.0 14.0 *0*15
9.2 Length tolerances shall be mutually agreed
N 0.05 0.25 +o*Q2 to between the manufacturer and the purchaser,


P - 0.040 $0,005
10.1 Tensile Test
0.040 0.060 *0,010

*Means that in one case the deviation may occur over The tensile properties of wire when tested in
the upper value of the specified range in Table 1, but accordance with IS 1608 : 1995 shall be within
not both at the game time. the limits as given in Table 7.
Table 3 Permissible Deviation in Size of Table 5 Permissible Deviation in Size
Round Bright Stainless Steel Wire of Cold Finished Stainless Steel Flat Wire
( Clause 9.1 ) ( Clause 9.1 )
All dimensions in millimetres.
Diameter Tolerance out of
_____h____~ Round
Specified Thickness Tolerance Width Tolerance
From Up to and Width Over and Under for r_-__~
Excluding Given Thickness Over Under
mm mm mm mm ~------h__-~--_~
0.071 0.125 &to.003 0.003 Under 0.75 Up to 0.90 Up to
0.75 But not But not
0.125 0’200 *o~oos 0.005 Including Including
0.200 0.300 10*008 0.008 0.90 4.75
0.300 0.600 10*01 0.01 Above 1.5 0.04 0.05 0.13 0.15
0.850 &to.013 0.013 up to and
o+j50 1’120 10.02 0.020 9.5
1.120 12.5 *0.04 0.04
12.5 *0.05 0.05
Table 6 Permissible Deviation in Size of
Wire for which the Final Operation is
Table 4 Permissible Deviation in Size of Surface Treatment for the Purpose
Drawn Stainless Steel Wire ( Square, of Removing Scale or Drawing Lubricant
Hexagon and Octagon ) ( Clause8 9.1 and 14.2 )
( CIause 9.1 ) All dimensions in millimetres.

Size+ Permissible Deviation, mm Specified Size Tolerance

mm ~_~_-_h--__~ r __----‘*___-___~
Over Under From Up to and Excluding
From 3.15 up to and 0 0.050 O-600 0.850 &O 02
excludina 8.00
From 8.00 up to and 0 0.08 0.850 I.120 so.03
excluding 12.5 1.120 8 kO.06
12.5 0 0.10 8.00 12’5 40.08
*Distance across flats. 12.5 Ito.

Table 7 Mecbanhal Test Requirements

( Clauses 10.1 and I 2.2 )
Steel Condition Final Tensile Yield Eltr;gantfOn Reduction
Designation ( See Table 8 ) Operation Strength Percent
[ .SeeIS 1762 Min, %Egth Min Min
(Part1):1974] MPai1 [MPa’i, GL=40mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
X04Cr13 A Cold finish 480 270 16 45
X12Cr13 Annealed 480 270 20 4s
X12Cr13 T Cold finished 690 550 12 40
M Cold finished 820 620 12 40
X20Cr13 A 750 MUX
X30Cr 13 A 800 Max
X04Crl7Ni12Mo2 Annealed or 520 210 35 50
X02Crl7Nil2Mo2 and softened
X04Crl7Nil2Mo2 B Cold finished 860 690 12 35
ij lMPa = lN/mmS = 0.102 kgf/mm*.

Z!36528 : 1995

10.2 Reverse Rend Test mechanical test shall be agreed to between the
purchaser and the manufacturer.
if required by the purchaser, reverse bend test
for steel -wire shall be carried out in accordance 12 RETESTS
with IS 1716 : 1985.
12.1 Retests for Product Analysis
10.3 Torsion Test If the resalts of the product analysis do not
conform to the requirements given in Tables 1
If required by the purchaser, the torsion test and 2, unless otherwise agreed between the
shall be carried out in accordance with IS 1717 : purchaser and the manufacturer, two new
1985. samples shall be taken on different pieces from
the same cast. Should the two analysis satisfy
10.4 Wrapping Test the requirements, the lot represented shall be
accepted; should either of the samples fail, the
If-required by the purchaser, the wrapping test material shall be taken as not complying with
shall be carried out in accordance with this standard.
IS 1755 : 1983.
12.2 Retests .for Mechanical Properties
IO.5 The requirements of test specified in 10.2,
10.3 and 10.4 shall be as agreed to between the Should any of the original test piec:s fail to
purchaser and the manufacturer. satisfy these requirements of the mechanical tests
specified in Table 7 and clause 10.5, two further
11 SAMPLING samples shall be selected for retest for each test
pieces which failed.
11.1 Sampling for Chemical Analysis
12.2.1 The mechanical properties obtained form
The ladle analysis shall be supplied by the the test pieces prepared from the twoadditional
manufacturer. If the product analysis is required test samples shall comply with the specified
by the purchaser, at least one sample product requirements. Should either of the retests fail
,shall be taken from each test. to meet the specified requirements, the material
shall be taken as not complying with this stan-
dard, except that the manufacturer may reheat-
41.2 Sampling for Mechanical Test treat ( not more than twice ) the material
represented and resubmit it for testing.
Unless otherwise specified, for the purpose of
mechanical test, one sample shall be taken for 13 CONDITION OF SUPPLY
each size grouping from each heat treatment
batch representing the same cast. If the product 13.1 The stainless steel wire may be supplied in
is continuously heat-treated, the sample for any ane of the conditions given in Table 8.

Table 8 Condition
( Clause 13.1 )

Designation Condition Condition Condition Condition

( Annealed or ( Cold Worked ( Intermediate ( Hard Temper )
Softened ) High Tensile j Temper )
X04CrI3 A - - -
X12Cr13 A T H
XZOCrl3 A - - -
X3OCrl3 A -
XO2Crll)Nill S - - -
XO4Cr18NilO S B - -
XO7Cr18Ni9 S B - -
XO4Cr17Ni12Mo2 S B -
XO2Cr 17NilZMo2 S - - -
XlOCrI7Mn6Ni4 S B -

IS 6528 : 1995

14 FINISH 16.2 Marking

14.1 W~ire, cold finished to size, may be supplied

Each coil or bundle of wire shall be legibly
with one of the following finishes:
marked with the following information:
a) Cold drawn,
4 Indication of the source of manufacture,
b) Centreless ground ( round wire in straight
length only ), and b) Designation of steel,
c) Centreless ground and polished ( round 4 Condition of supply and finish,
wire in straight length only 1.
4 Wire diameter,
14.2 Wire annealed or heat-treated and pickled
as final operation shall be furnished to the 4 Cast or batch number, and
tolerances given in Table 6.
f) Date of manufacture.

15.1 If required by the purchaser, the material 16.3 BIS Certification Marking
shall be tested for corrosion resistance in accord-
ance with IS 10461 ( Part 1) : 1994 and The material may also be marked with the
1s 10461 ( Part 2 ) : 1985. Standard Mark.
16.3.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by
16.1 Packing the provisions of the-Bureau of Indian Standards
Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made
Each coil or bundle of wire ( when supplied in there-under. The details of conditions under
straight lengths ) shall be suitably bound and which licence for the use of Standard Mark may
packed as agreed to between the purchaser and be granted to manufacturers or producers may be
the manufacturer. obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards.


( Foreword )


A-l BASIS FOR ORDER c) Condition of delivery and finish;

A-l.1 While placing an order the purchase of d) Test required;

stainless steel wires, covered by this standard,
the purchaser should specify the following: e) Method of manufacture;

a) Designation of steel; f) Any special requirements; and

.b) Description regarding size, length, etc; g) Test report, if required..

IS 6528 : 1995


( Chse 8.2 )


Steel Designation Symbols* Aonealiog Softening Cooling

Temperature “C Media?

Ferritic Steels
X04Cr13 A 750 to 800 f, a
Martensitic Steels
X12013 A 700 ,, 780 a
A 770 ,, 870 f
X20Cr13 A 700 ,, 870 f
X30Cr13 A 700 ,, 870 f

Austenitic Steels
X02Cr18Nill S 1000 ,, 1120 w, a
X04Crl8NilO S 1000 ), 1120 w, a
X07Cr 18Ni9 s 1000 ), 1120 w, a
X04Cr17Ni12Mo2 S 1000 ,, 1120 w, a
X02Cr17Ni12Mo2 S 1000 ,, 1120 w, a
XlOCr 17Mn6Ni4 S 1000 ,, 1120 w, a

+A = Annealing, and S = Softening.

tf = Furnace, a = Air and w P Water.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Stundurds Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending~to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need ariseson the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard ~along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of”BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot: No. MTD I6 ( 3824 ).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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