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Lesson 1: Vocabulary and Phrases These Words and Phrases Are Frequently Used in The Eiken Grade Pre-2 Interview Test

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The document discusses vocabulary words and phrases commonly used in English proficiency tests. It provides words, their meanings, and sample sentences.

When reading passages, one should not read too fast or slow, emphasize keywords, pause at punctuation, guess meanings of unknown words, and read with confidence.

Reverse culture shock is experienced when returning home from a foreign culture and feeling strange about customs of one's native culture.

Lesson 1: Vocabulary and Phrases

These words and phrases are frequently used in the Eiken Grade Pre-2
Interview Test.
Blue: Meaning
Red: Sample Sentence
1. Accept to receive or take
Ex. We accepted the invitation to
the party.
2. Consider to think carefully when making a
choice or decision
Ex. We have to consider all the
3. Custom an action or way of doing things
that is usual and traditional
amongst a people
Ex. Ometenashi is a Japanese
4. Demand to say that you have a right to
something; to strongly request
Ex. He is demanding more salary
from his company.
5. Empty Containing nothing
Ex. This room is very empty
6. Let To allow or permit (someone or
something) to do something.
Ex. You should let your child play
7. Opinion A belief, judgment, or way of
thinking about something.
Ex. My opinion is different from
8. Particular One specific person or thing.
Ex. Is there any particular country
you want to visit?
9. Product Something that is made or grown
for selling or using
Ex. We need to make a new skin
care product.
10. Recent Happening or beginning not long
Ex. I missed the most recent
episode of my favorite TV show.
11. Reduce To make something smaller in size,
amount, or number
Ex. We need to reduce the amount
of time spent on the internet.
12. Spread To open or extend over a large area
Ex. Please help me spread the
picnic blanket.
13. against one’s will Being forced without agreement
Ex. He had to leave his job against
his will.
14. as a result In the end; this is why
Ex. As a result, they were able to
buy a new house.
15. be aware of Having knowledge of a situation
Ex. You need to be aware of the
danger in this area.
16. be about to Something that will be happening
very soon.
Ex. The class is about to start in two
17. come up with To think of an idea or a plan
Ex. We need to come up with a
better plan.
18. end up with Get a result of doing something.
Ex. I ended up with a bad score
because I did not study hard.
19. get along with Being in a good relationship;
managing to live or survive.
Ex. I think I get along with him
very well.
20. happen to To do something by chance
Ex. I happened to meet an old
friend yesterday.

Lesson 2: Passage Reading

Reading Techniques when Reading Passages:
 Don’t forget to read the title
 Emphasize the keywords. They are usually related to the title.
 Pause at each comma and period.
 Try your best with pronunciation
 Don’t read too fast or too slow
 When you see a word you don’t know, do not skip or stop. Instead,
try to guess the sound from its spelling and pretend that you know
 Read the passage with confidence. The interviewer is looking at your
willingness to communicate more than the accuracy of your reading.

Practice 1 – Couch Surfing

Many people enjoy traveling to different countries, but
sometimes it can be very expensive to stay in hotels. To
lower the cost of traveling , some travelers, especially
young ones, look for local people who will be happy to let
them sleep on their couches. In return, the travelers will
offer their couches for other people who visit their home
countries. As a result, they can make many new friends,
and they can also save a lot of money while they travel.

Practice 2 – Reverse Culture Shock

When people encounter different cultures, they sometimes
experience culture shock. But as people learn about and
become very comfortable with different cultures, they may
also experience something known as “reverse culture shock”
when they return to their home country. For example, if a
Japanese person gets used to taking a shower in the morning
in America, they may fell strange when they comeback to
Japan and take a bath in the evening. It may sound
surprising, but reverse culture shock is just as real as culture

Practice 3- English Immersion Education

Recently, English immersion education is becoming popular
in Japan. In English immersion programs, English is used as
the main language for teaching, learning, and
communicating. So, when the students are at school, they
speak only English with their teachers and friends. In this
way, the students become very fluent in English while
maintaining their Japanese outside of the school. If you want
to become a good speaker of English, an English immersion
education may be a good option to consider.

Practice 4- Energy Drinks

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