MAX 300 Brochure
MAX 300 Brochure
MAX 300 Brochure
Let MAX take you anywhere you want to go combines a highly adjustable seat frame with a wide
With the MAX 300 and its powered Variable Ground choice of support and positioning options, including
Clearance "VGC", you have a partner that instantly a full range of high-quality seat cushions and
Sedeo seat system with adjusts to every situation. Its patent pending power backrests. Sedeo can easily be customized to meet
VR2 or R-net controls front drive wheels raise or lower, allowing you to your needs and requirements, delivering maximum
easily go up or down over curbs, up to 130 mm comfort and support all day every day. With
(5.1 in) with maximum safety and stability. available options, tilt recline, elevation, elevating
MAX’s best in class performance is enhanced by leg- and foot rest, you can always find the perfect
its sophisticated suspension system that delivers position.
maximum comfort and traction in every situation.
All of this is combined with proven and dependable Individualize MAX to your personal taste
high torque 4 pole motors that power you up When you choose MAX, we want you to have the
to 12 km/h (7.4 mph). The MAX delivers the opportunity to make your power chair reflect the
maneuverability you need indoors with the safety, unique individual you are.
Multi axle suspension system power, and comfort to explore your outdoor world. Choose any of the five vibrant colors that come
standard or indulge, and choose one of our many
Best in class seat system custom colors. Just contact us and order your
The MAX 300 is equipped with the best in class seat favourite RAL colour. With the MAX 300, the choice
system: Sedeo Pro. This award winning seat system is yours.
Let MAX take you anywhere you want to go combines a highly adjustable seat frame with a wide
With the MAX 300 and its powered Variable Ground choice of support and positioning options, including
Clearance "VGC", you have a partner that instantly a full range of high-quality seat cushions and
Sedeo seat system with adjusts to every situation. Its patent pending power backrests. Sedeo can easily be customized to meet
VR2 or R-net controls front drive wheels raise or lower, allowing you to your needs and requirements, delivering maximum
easily go up or down over curbs, up to 130 mm comfort and support all day every day. With
(5.1 in) with maximum safety and stability. available options, tilt recline, elevation, elevating
MAX’s best in class performance is enhanced by leg- and foot rest, you can always find the perfect
its sophisticated suspension system that delivers position.
maximum comfort and traction in every situation.
All of this is combined with proven and dependable Individualize MAX to your personal taste
high torque 4 pole motors that power you up When you choose MAX, we want you to have the
to 12 km/h (7.4 mph). The MAX delivers the opportunity to make your power chair reflect the
maneuverability you need indoors with the safety, unique individual you are.
Multi axle suspension system power, and comfort to explore your outdoor world. Choose any of the five vibrant colors that come
standard or indulge, and choose one of our many
Best in class seat system custom colors. Just contact us and order your
The MAX 300 is equipped with the best in class seat favourite RAL colour. With the MAX 300, the choice
system: Sedeo Pro. This award winning seat system is yours.