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Measurement of Clinical Nurse Performance Developi

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Measurement of clinical nurse performance: Developing a tool including

contextual items

Article  in  Journal of Nursing Education and Practice · January 2018

DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v8n6p112

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2 authors, including:

Emin Kahya
Eskisehir Osmangazi University


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Measurement of clinical nurse performance:

Developing a tool including contextual items
Emin Kahya∗1 , Nurten Oral1,2
Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik Campus, Eskisehir, Turkey
Eskişehir Osmangazi Hospital, Eskişehir, Turkey

Received: November 7, 2017 Accepted: December 28, 2017 Online Published: January 20, 2018
DOI: 10.5430/jnep.v8n6p112 URL:

Assessment of nurse performance plays an important role in guaranteeing high quality clinic care to achieve desired patient
outcomes. Many tools measuring nurse performance in clinical settings have different dimensions of nurse skills. The objective of
this research is to develop and test a new performance assessment tool incorporating applicable task and contextual performance
items to measure clinical nurse’s performance. Thirty-eight performance items were derived from previously cited literature and
some tools that were in use. A questionnaire containing all items under eight categories was designed to reveal the appropriateness
levels of the items. It was distributed to 233 clinical nurses from different hospitals in one city, who were asked to score them on
a seven-point scale. The results indicate that although clinical skill and professional skill are the most important categories, the
most scored item is “Working systematically” (mean = 6.07, s.d. = 0.89) in contextual category.

Key Words: Nurse performance, Nursing competency, Task performance, Contextual performance, Tool

1. I NTRODUCTION within nursing. Competence is defined as the ability to per-

Assessment of nurse performance plays an important role form a task with desirable outcomes.[6] Competence has
in guaranteeing high quality clinic care to achieve desired been recognized as a core component of professional stan-
patient outcomes. The search for valid and reliable method to dards.[7] It is an effective application of knowledge and skills.
access the clinical performance of nurses has a long history Performance is clearly concerned with demonstrated ability
and remains a matter of concern.[1] One of the major diffi- to do something, a method of measuring achievement of
culties in developing a desirable tool is to select items which competency. The effectiveness of performance evaluations
provide the most accurate and representative description of therefore depends on the competencies that are chosen.
effective nurse performance. In recent years, the measurement of nurse performance is
Competence and competency have been used in the litera- one of the most attractive studies for nurse researchers. Fitz-
ture to describe various clinical skills as related to nurses’ patrick et al. emphasized that variety approaches have been
performance, including quality of care and productivity.[2] explored nurse performance ratings evaluated by different
The relationship between these terms is unclear[3] not only raters using a questionnaire. In previous attempts to design
in nursing but also in other fields of health. Past studies[4, 5] performance evaluation tools, a variety of strategies to gen-
have comprehensively explored the concept of these terms erate and validate the content domain have been adopted.
∗ Correspondence: Emin Kahya; Email:; Address: Department of Industrial Engineering, Engineering and Architecture Faculty,

Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Meselik Campus, Eskisehir, Turkey.

112 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

Several researchers have either reported test results for the voluntary and co-operative actions instead of standardized
reliability and validity of an available tool with the applica- rules and procedures. The works in these organizations are
tion of a pilot study, or focused on the development of where usually carried out by variety experts who possess high levels
items were produced from the literature and expert opinion. of skills and need to co-operate with each other. Nursing job
They developed a questionnaire using information from a is also one of this kind. Co-operative and voluntary actions
literature review on the nursing behaviors. Each one consists are central to day-to-day nursing operations. Nurses should
of many items (criteria) categorized into some significant help other nurses who have especially heavy workloads. In-
domains of nurse skills. It has been suggested that much terestingly, items in tools are limited to areas of nursing tasks
more efforts should be exhibited to develop better tools. to assess the effectiveness of a nurse. Any study considering
contextual behaviors into a tool, and classifying such items
Several tools have been developed to assess nurse perfor-
into functional domains has not been found in the nursing
mance. Each one had different definitions for each nurse
skill. Meretoja and Leino-Kilpi[10] concluded from the liter-
ature review that many were still at the beginning stage of In many nursing studies,[13–15] new items have been pro-
development, and there was hardly any tool that provided duced for different aims. Robb et al.[1] concluded from a
a reliable and accurate measure of nurse performance. The critical review of the research exploring the measurement of
discussion continues in the literature concerning the type of nurses’ clinical performance that despite a 40-year history
tool to assess nurse performance. of researching and developing an instrument for measure-
ment of nurse performance, there is none that is universally
One challenge health care manager face is the evaluation of
accepted for this purpose. Researches to seek reliable and
work performance. Underlying the challenge is the strug-
valid measures continue.
gle for objective and fair work evaluations.[11] An appar-
ent confusion exists regarding how performance is distin- The objective of this study is to develop a new performance
guished from competence.[8] Performance word (criterion) is assessment tool including applicable task and contextual per-
a method of measuring achievement of competency. The re- formance items to measure clinical nurse’s performance. The
liability of the performance evaluation, basically, depends on study presents two essential contributions to related litera-
the chosen competencies. The evaluation system is used for ture: (a) identifying applicable contextual behaviors (e.g.
two critical purposes; (i) to justify wage increases linked to volunteering for the activities) to measure clinical nurse per-
salary, rewards, bonuses and promotion, and (ii) to determine formance, (b) indicating the differences among clinical types
weak and strong behaviors of staff in a assessment period. for nursing skill requirements.
The health organizations should support training programs
to improve staff’ deficient areas. Qualified and competent 2. R EVIEW OF THE RELEVENT LITERATURE
nurses provide high quality clinical care and then enhanced There are many studies investigating the performance items
patients because skilled nurses are close to their patients and to assess clinical nurses and developing a tool together with
able to handle their needs. The basic problem is which cri- key literature and expert opinion. Several studies have re-
teria can be used to evaluate a nurse. The criteria vary from ported on research into the testing of a tool’s validity and
two to seven for each competency. reliability implementing such a tool for clinically based as-
A tool is administered to nurses to elicit their task-related sessment (e.g., Liou and Cheng ) and integrative reviews of
knowledge, skills and abilities where items are the measures the literature on nursing competency standards (recenlty, e.g.,
[1] [17]
of task oriented behaviors. When employees use technical Robb et al.; Chiarella et al.; Yanhua and Watson;[18]
[19] [7]
skills and knowledge to produce goods or services through Halcomb et al.; Flinkman et al. ).
the organization’s core technical process, they are engag- The “Slater Nursing Competencies Rating Scale” is a generic
ing in task performance.[12] During the last decade, an in- tool, designed to assess the quality of nursing care. Red-
creasing interest at using contextual behaviors in especially fern et al.[20] stated that it is a comprehensive tool of its
manufacturing companies has been witnessed in the litera- time for assessing a nurse’s performance during actual de-
ture. This type of work behaviors includes such contributions livery of care to patients. The tool consists of 84 observable
as volunteering for extra-job activities, helping co-workers, items arranged into six subsections: psychosocial individual,
co-operating with others to solve problems, generating new psychosocial group, physical, general, communication, and
ideas to make things (tasks) better. These are the measures of professional implications.
contextual performance. The effectiveness of certain types
of organizations is more dependent on individual members’ Schwirian[21] used a factor analysis to develop the “Six
Dimension Scale of Performance”. The 6D Scale con-
Published by Sciedu Press 113 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

sists of 52 items grouped into six subscales: leadership (5 Davis[25] conducted a project undertaken to determine
items), critical care (7 items), teaching/collaboration (11 whether the addition of peer, self, and nurse evaluators (360-
items), planning/evaluation (7 items), interpersonal rela- degree performance evaluation) would enhance faculty as-
tions/communications (12 items) and professional develop- sessment of resident performance. An evaluation form, con-
ment (10 items).[6] It was extensively tested for validity and taining 16 items under three major headings; clinical com-
reliability. Chronbach’s alpha as the reliability score was petency, interpersonal skills, and overall assessment, was
found less than 0.90. developed to evaluate resident nurses. This small study sup-
ported the use of peer evaluations in addition to attending
Timmreck[22] investigated how hospitals assess work perfor-
evaluations for residents in training.
mance of employees and how their performance appraisal
systems are managed in 47 small rural hospitals in the West- Carson[26] investigated the characteristics of registered nurse
ern United States. The research findings showed that in some performance appraisals in 87 hospitals offering general med-
hospitals one purpose for conducting a performance appraisal ical and surgical services and identified any evidence of
was to increase quality of care. Performance appraisal pro- inclusion of Watson’s creative factors. The study attempted
cess will not, itself, increase quality of care. Timmreck[11] to determine whether there is any correlation between hos-
presented a summary comparative list of objective and sub- pital size and inclusion of Watson’s creative factors. The
jective items (words) derived from performance appraisal findings indicated little relationship between hospital size
forms in use in 47 western hospitals, as well as from leading and Watson’s factors, only second factor was statistically
management and health administration journals, and text- significant based on size.
books. In this list, some important items to be found higher
A job evaluation (NHS JE–National Health Service Job Eval-
frequency are accuracy, effective use of time, dependability,
uation), pay (AfC – Agenda for Change) systems and also
initiative, cooperation, planning, communication, job devel-
staff evaluation (KSF – Knowledge and Skill Framework)
opment, basic judgement, technical knowledge, teamwork,
tool was developed by Department of Health (DH) in UK.
problem solving, delegation.
The AfC pay system began to be implemented in twelve
Fitzpatrick et al.[9] developed a tool (the “King’s Nurse NHS organizations in England (see The
Performance Scale”) to measure clinical nurse performance NHS KSF tool[27] ( pro-
by incorporating the “Slater Nursing Competencies Rating vides a means of recognizing the skills and knowledge that
Scale”, the literature and expert opinion. The tool was classi- a person needs to apply to be effective in a particular NHS
fied into seven groups. The tool was utilized to observe the post. It consists of six core dimensions; “Communication”,
clinical performance of senior student nurses (n = 99). In- “Personal and people development”, “Health, safety and secu-
ternal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0.93) rity”, “Service improvements”, “Quality”, and “Equality and
revealed a promising alpha for the total instrument. diversity” and 24 specific items; “Health and well-being” (10
[2] items), “Estates and facilities” (3 items), “Info and knowl-
Tzeng and Ketefian investigated hospital employers’ per-
edge” (3 items), “General” (8 items). The tool was developed
ceptions on the extent to which the identified 21 nursing
so as to assess all the staff in health organizations.
skills were desired for staff nurses in Taiwan’s medical care
industry. They showed that levels of nursing competencies Park et al.[28] developed the Clinical Competence Instru-
varied depending on type of service and hospital. ment used to evaluate Korean nurses’ clinical performance
[23] and competence. It is available for use by members of the
At its February 1999 meeting, the ACGME (Accreditation
Korean Hospital Nurses Association. This instrument has a
Council on Graduate Medical Education) (
total of 30 questions divided into four subscales, including
endorsed general competencies for residents in the arias of
in “providing nursing care” (20 questions), “supporting pa-
patient care, medical knowledge, practice-based learning and
tients” (3 questions), “communicating with patients and their
improvement, interpersonal and communication skills, pro-
families” (2 questions) and “attitudes towards nursing care”
fessionalism, and system-based practice. Various tools to
(5 questions). Kim et al.[29] classified types of professional
measure a trainee’s progress with 25 items (required skills)
life quality of Korean nurses, and analyzed the relationship
have been described in ACGME toolbox. 360 degree evalu-
between demographic and professional characteristics and
ation instrument is one of the tools listed. Higgins et al.[24]
clinical competence.
applied a 360-degree (multi-source) performance appraisal
system produced from the ACGME tool. Three experimental Ko et al.[13] described a scale to measure nurses performance
dimensions were added as well: leadership of the patient care in the hospital setting. The scale consisted of 4 factors (com-
team, integrity, and patient-based learning and improvement. petency, attitude, willingness to improve, and application
114 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

of nursing process) and a total of 17 items. The study was tivities that contribute to the organization’s technical core
conducted in three phases; a) an application of conceptual either directly by implementing a part of its technological
framework, b) development of items, c) test of validity and process, or indirectly by providing it with needed materials
reliability of the scale. In order to test validity and reliability, or services”. The task performance involves job related as-
data was collected from 1,966 nurses in twenty eight hos- pects that a particular employee is supposed to do at a given
pitals. Data analysis including descriptive statistics, factor job. The job activities may include the quantity of work,
analysis, and reliability coefficients was satisfied by the SAS quality of work done, speed of performing tasks, accuracy in
8.0 software. work done and variety of the tasks being done or performed
by the employee.[32, 33] Appropriate items to measure the
Osman et al.[30] developed a data envelopment analysis
efficiency of an employee depend on the nature of a job. In
(DEA) model for nurse performance evaluation. The va-
healthcare units, task performance is assessed by such items
lidity of the model was tested on thirty-two nurses in an
as “Managing nursing activities in time” and “Delivering
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at one of the most recognized
well-prepared or careful nursing service to patient”.
hospitals in Lebanon.
Werner[34] indicated that contextual performance is individ-
Park and Lee[14] developed a performance appraisal tool to
ual efforts which are not directly related to their main task
assess the registered nurses in the neonatal intensive care
function but are important because they serve as a critical
unit (NICU). They identified 76 indicators classified into
catalyst for task activities. Contextual performance including
4 domains of nursing: professional practice (49 items), re-
citizenship behaviour entails for activities other than core
sponsibility of education (5 items), research (3 items) and
job and is mostly related to factors such as peers, work place
leadership (19 items). Cronbach’s α was 0.99 for all the
and supervision. The activities such as helping and support-
items. This tool would be very to assess nurse performance
ing peers at work place, showing keen and learning attitude
and facilitate the professional growth of nurses.
towards assigned tasks, defending and obeying supervision
Lee[15] developed a performance appraisal tool for postop- available at work, doing tasks for others which are not one’s
erative anesthesia care unit nurses. Subsequent to a review responsibility, sharing of information and managing work
of the literature on nursing performance of nurses, a ques- and responsibilities willingly.[33]
tionnaire including 63 items was developed. Through factor
Coleman and Borman[35] settled these behaviors on three
analysis, items were derived in 3 domains with 8 factors: a)
Professional nursing practice (31 items) (2 factors) (High
frequency nursing practice, Low frequency nursing practice), (1) Interpersonal citizenship: Behaviors include two sub-
b) Education & Management (20 items) (4 factors) (Educa- groups.
tion & communication, Management of drug & equipment,
i. Altruism: Assisting and supporting organization members
Management of material & safety, Management of infec-
such as “helping other organization members”.
tion) and c) Research & Competency (12 items) (2 factors)
(Research, Competency). ii. Conscientiousness: Assisting and supporting employee
performance through cooperation and facilitation efforts such
Taking into consideration a review of current literature, in
as “Cooperating with other organization members”.
this study, we decided to identify the following seven major
criteria groups; professional skill, clinical skill, interpersonal (2) Organizational citizenship: Citizenship behaviors include
communication, problem solving, professional ethic, team- two sub-groups.
work, and leadership. Convenient items for the measurement i. Allegiance/Loyalty: Assisting and supporting the orga-
of nursing performance were derived from the literature, nization by demonstrating a personal commitment to the
reachable tools, and expert opinion. organization such as “Endorsing, supporting, or defending
organizational objectives”.
3. T HE NATURE OF THE TASK AND CONTEX - ii. Compliance: Confirming and adhering to the organiza-
TUAL PERFORMANCE tional rules, policies, and procedures, demonstrating imper-
Performance evaluation is the process that compares employ- sonal behavioral commitment to the organization and orga-
ees’ job performance with job standards to measure how well nizational objective such as “Following organizational rules
the job is performed. There are two types of job performance: and procedures”.
task performance and contextual performance. (3) Job/Task Conscientiousness (job dedication): Extra ef-
Borman and Motowidlo[31] defined task performance as “ac- forts that go beyond role requirements, demonstrating ded-
Published by Sciedu Press 115 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

ication to the job, persistence, and the desire to maximize items were made for nursing sample to satisfy well under-
one’s own job performance such as “Putting extra effort on standing. As a result, a total of twenty-five task and eleven
own job”. contextual items were proposed for the draft tool.
Although task performance traditionally has received more An open-ended questionnaire including all the items under 8
attention than contextual performance, researchers have be- categories was designed to test the content validity of the tool.
gun to empirically demonstrate that contextual performance Second author of this study distributed the questionnaires to
yields a competitive advantage for organizations.[26] Such 34 supervisor nurses at one medical center, and they were
helpful, considerate, and cooperative behaviors are expected asked to review the draft tool for clarity, commented on the
to increase the effectiveness of workers, managers and work tool’s comprehensiveness, and suggested any other item that
groups. They also improve organizational coordination by should be included in the tool. Twenty behavior items were
reducing friction among organizational members. Innovative suggested; 18 of them were combined with available one,
and voluntary behaviors enhance organization’s ability to and two new items, “Behaving in a friendly manner”, and
solve unanticipated problems. “calmness” were incorporated into the tool. A total of 38
items were selected for the tool. Some minor refinements of
4. M ETHOD items wording to enhance readability were incorporated into
4.1 Aim the final version.
The majority of manufacturing and service companies tend
to add contextual behaviors to their own performance evalua- 4.3 Participants
tion plan. Tools should focus on how nurses achieve nursing The participants in the second step were nurses, supervisor
activities and perform extra-role behaviors including such nurses in various units, representing medical, surgical, inten-
contributions as volunteering for extra-role activities. The sive care and emergency units, and nursing managers from
aim of this case study is to develop the applicable task and one medical center, two regional hospitals, and two local hos-
contextual performance items for a performance evaluation pitals in one city. The other health care organizations in the
tool to assess direct care nurses’ performance by managers city except for the military hospital were either smaller-sized
in acute care clinical units. hospitals where the number of beds was less than 20 or were
outpatient facilities. The sample population to participate in
4.2 Tool the study was nursing directors, all supervisor nurses, and
The first stage of the study focused on a literature review one of each five nurses (randomly) in each unit. A total of
regarding performance evaluation tools used in nursing to 233 nurses were sampled from the target population.
identify appropriate items for task performance. The items
proving the most accurate and representative description 4.4 Data collection
of effective nurse performance in various clinical settings
A questionnaire including demographic information (title,
were derived from some cited studies[6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 23, 36] and
length of time in post and her unit-years-, education level),
accessible tools (e.g. NHS KSF tool[27] (
and 38 items under 8 category headings was designed to
and performance evaluation systems implemented by some
determine the appropriateness levels of the items. A cover
hospitals in the country. The appropriateness of each item
letter explaining the purpose of the study and an instruction
was discussed together with the experts from nursing man-
on how to complete was also attached to the questionnaire.
agement in a medical center. After an agreement, widely
Two students were engaged in distributing the questionnaires
highlighted seventeen task-oriented items, which focused
to participant nurses who were determined by second author.
on enhanced patient satisfaction, and quality of care were
They were asked to rate each item in terms of the extent
identified to measure nurse performance, and classified into
to how important each item is in their particular work en-
seven categories.
vironment on a seven-point scale from 1 (never required)
Thirty-one contextual performance items were generated to 7 (critical). A total of 195 questionnaires were returned,
from several studies[12, 34] and some applications. “Obeying giving a response rate of 83.69%, but 32 of them were ex-
cleanliness rules”, which is widely used in health, food, and cluded from the analysis due to missing data (no answer for
drinking industries, was also added to the tool. Eleven of more than half of the items) or inconsistency ratings (e.g.,
them were included into contextual performance set, eight giving the same level for all items). All participants were
were entered into available task oriented categories, and the female. The majority serves in her clinic as a nurse for more
others were eliminated due to be less useful in effectiveness than 6 years. Their average lengths were 13.82 (s.d. = 6.73)
of nurse performance. The definition adjustments of the years for nursing experience and 6.85 (s.d. = 5.57) years for
116 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

clinical experience. The majority (104) had graduated from in post-years-, and type of unit) were independent variables.
junior colleges. The base model (Step 1) included the first variable (title of
nurse). In each step, the other variable was entered to the
4.5 Ethical considerations previous step model. Such an approach reveals the effect of
The nursing management in each hospital approved the study. extended variable on preferences.
They were briefed about aim of the study and the procedures.
Nurses were guaranteed confidentiality and anonymity, and 5. R ESULTS
return of a completed questionnaire was taken as consent to To test the reliability of the tool, Reliability Analysis was
participate. performed and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were found. All
items showed high scale reliabilities, ranging from 0.72 to
4.6 Data analysis 0.87 as given in Table 1. Authors have suggested that an
Statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS 24 statisti- item with a coefficient alpha below 0.70 is considered for
cal software for Windows. Data were first analyzed using removal from the scale. The coefficients indicated that all
descriptive statistics. A one-way analysis of variance (One- items seem to be accepted. The reliability coefficient for
Way ANOVA procedure) and independent t-tests for equality all items together was 0.96. Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s test for
of means were performed to investigate whether there were normality of the tool (p > .12, z = 1.19) showed evidence
significant differences between the hospitals for each item. of normal distribution of the data. These results supported
Scheffe’s multiple comparison test (post hoc test) was run the validity of the present tool. The most scored five items
for comparing the difference between each pair of means were, from high to low mean values, “Working systemat-
with an appropriate adjustment (p values) for the multiple ically” (mean = 6.07, s.d. = 0.89) in contextual category,
testing. In all the tests, the confidence level is 95%. Multiple “Solving speedy clinical problems” (mean = 5.94, s.d. =
regression analysis was conducted to shed further lights, the 0.91) in problem solving, “Monitoring patient’s condition
relative contributions of the variables to nurse’s preference. constantly and record his/her situation” (mean = 5.84, s.d.
Four hierarchical regression analyses were established to al- = 0.97) in clinical skill, “Confidentially” (mean = 5.83, s.d.
low for testing the incremental effects of the variables; in all = 0.93) in professional ethic, “Identifying sudden changes
steps, one of clinical experience was dependent variable, and related to patient’s condition” (mean = 5.75, s.d. = 0.99) in
four variables (title of nurse, education level, length of time problem solving (see Table 2).

Table 1. Means, standard deviations, reliabilities and correlations

Category Mean Std. Dev. Reliabilities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Contextual 4.81 1.06 .84-0.87 -
2. Professional skill 6.04 0.79 .75-.80 .311** -
3. Clinical skill 6.14 0.85 .82-.87 .216** .739** -
4. Inter. communication 5.60 0.90 .77-.83 .322** .250** .236** -
5. Problem solving 5.42 0.98 .76-.86 .448** .342** .336** .538** -
6. Professional ethic 5.60 0.91 .72-.80 .342** .384** .294** .404** .559** -
7. Teamwork 5.60 0.95 .80-.83 .333** .228** .208** .372** .513** .586** -
8. Leadership 4.48 1.22 .75-.85 .311** .169* .159* .209** .365** .211** .262**
Notes: ** p < .01 (2-tailed), * p < .05 (2-tailed)

Consistency of the items can be tested with a research using a SPSS Bivariate Correlation analysis, it was found
whether an item is strongly correlated with other items. Cor- that all the coefficients between the items were less than 0.80.
relation coefficient for any two items shows the degree of
Some statistical analyses were conducted on item categories.
field superposition of an item. If a correlation coefficient is
Descriptive statistics (means, and standard deviations), and
larger than a pre-specified value (e.g., r > 0.85), it is sug-
Pearson’s correlation coefficients among the item categories
gested that two items, to a significant extent, are measuring
were reported in Table 1, which indicated several remarkable
the same field or requirement, which is defined as “multi-
findings that should be noted. First, according to the nurses,
collinearity”. In this case, one of the items may be eliminated.
clinical and professional skills were the most desirable items
When the matrix of correlation coefficients was achieved by
for assessing nurses. Interpersonal communication, profes-
Published by Sciedu Press 117 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

sional ethic, and teamwork had the same importance with As expected, professional skill was very highly correlated
a score of 5.60. Second, from the correlation coefficients, with clinical skill (r = .74, p < .01). There were modest
professional ethic was significantly correlated with problem correlations between the categories, varying from 0.159 (p <
solving (r = .559, p < .01) and teamwork (r = .586, p < .01). .05) to 0.739 (p < .01).

Table 2. Mean values of the items

Dimension Item Mean Std. dev. Rank*
Being thrifty 4.44 1.15 37
Not complaining about organizational conditions 5.34 1.12 24
Not keeping others engaged in individual problems 4.71 1.41 35
Absenteeism 5.69 1.05 8
Participating in training meeting 4.67 1.15 36
Contextual Having a neat, clean appearance 4.37 1.25 38
Taking responsibility for the tasks. 5.73 0.97 7
Working harder than necessary 5.74 0.99 6
Working systematically 6.07 0.89 1
Engaging in self-development to improve own effectiveness 5.36 1.03 23
Obeying cleanliness rules 5.54 1.00 17
Calmness 5.69 0.97 9
Professional Keeping nursing equipment in good condition 5.63 1.06 13
Skill Identify and assessing of the patient’s problems 5.51 1.10 18
General Professional skill 5.58 0.97 15
Planning patient care according to individual needs 5.42 1.17 20
Managing the nursing activities in time 5.55 1.04 16
Delivering well-prepared or careful nursing service to the patient 5.62 1.03 14
Clinical skill
Monitoring patient’s condition constantly and record his/her situation 5.84 0.97 3
Making an effort to enhance his/her well-being 5.31 1.00 25
Endorsing and following clinical rules, procedures and hospital policies 5.15 1.06 29
Expressing enthusiasm for nursing work 5.39 0.99 21
Cooperating with supervisor nurse 5.46 0.98 19
Behaving in a friendly manner 5.65 0.98 12
Identifying sudden changes related to patient’s condition 5.75 0.99 5
Solving speedy clinical problems 5.94 0.91 2
Taking initiative to solve a work problem 5.29 0.96 26
Attitude to patient and his/her family 5.20 0.99 28
Confidentially 5.83 0.93 4
Giving information to patient and his/her family 5.21 1.04 27
Cooperating with the members of other teams 5.05 1.09 31
Engaging responsibly in meetings and group activities 5.69 0.99 10
Giving feedback to colleagues in a constructive way 5.66 0.94 11
Engaging in and contributing to research-based practices 4.90 1.03 33
Motivating other nurses 5.04 1.05 32
Coaching others in duties 5.09 1.14 30
Having a supervisor attributes 4.89 1.11 34
Helping to entry-to-practice beginning level nurses 5.36 1.04 22
* Rankings of mean values were ordered from high to low for all criteria

118 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

The results in Table 3 show the differences among hospi- = 3.927, p < .05), and teamwork (F2,160 = 4.407, p < .01);
tals for nursing skill requirements. According to the values, however there was no significant difference for the others
clinical skill and professional skill were the most important (F2,158−160 < 2.000, p > .05). It is noticeable that such sig-
categories for all hospitals except for the local hospitals. nificant differences in mean values reflect different needs
There were significant differences between hospitals for pro- of nursing activities associated with these items in different
fessional skill (F2,160 = 3.987, p < .05), clinical skill (F2,159 clinical environment.

Table 3. Mean scores for tool categories by hospitals and clinic types
a. Type of hospital
Category Medical Centre Regional Hospitals Local Hospitals
Contextual 4.91 4.82 4.40
Professional skill 6.23 5.95 5.75
Clinical skill 6.35 5.97 6.00
Interpersonal communication 5.58 5.55 5.85
Problem solving 5.41 5.36 5.67
Professional ethic 5.45 5.67 5.89
Teamwork 5.35 5.82 5.60
Leadership 4.32 4.61 4.53
b. Type of clinic
Category Medical Surgical Intensive Care Nursing Management
Contextual 4.93 4.70 4.85 4.44
Professional skill 6.22 5.67 6.15 6.56
Clinical skill 6.27 5.83 6.28 6.33
Interpersonal communication 5.76 5.47 5.62 5.33
Problem solving 5.64 5.23 5.46 4.89
Professional ethic 5.75 5.41 5.68 5.44
Teamwork 5.86 5.36 5.61 5.00
Leadership 4.46 4.39 4.62 4.44

In order to reveal the effect of clinic type on ratings, clinics means (all p > .05). In medical clinics, contextual behaviors,
were grouped into three categories: medical (7 clinics), sur- and professional skill oriented tasks were much more impor-
gical (12 clinics), and intensive care (10 clinics) units. The tant. However, in intensive care units, clinical skill had the
results (see Table 3) showed that the nurses from different highest importance. For the other five categories, the mean
clinics were affected from the clinical conditions when giv- scores were very similar to each other. Nursing managers
ing a decision. Professional skill and clinical skill were the are influenced less from clinical conditions; they decide in
most essential items for each of four type clinics, which was consideration with health policies of the hospital.
similar to former. The order of interpersonal communication
There are some halo effects on ratings of the raters, which is
(fourth), problem solving (sixth), contextual and leadership
a threat to reliability of the assessment. The effect can be con-
did not change. However, the next two differed from each
trolled with a regression analysis. Table 4 reports the results
other. Although professional ethic was much more essen-
of multiple regression analysis including the standardized
tial for medical clinics and intensive care units, teamwork
coefficient (β), R2 , ∆R2 (the change in R2 ) for contextual
went to the fore for surgical clinics. Nursing top managers
item and R2 for the others. The first column in Table 4 (Step
considered professional ethic as third important category.
1) showed that the title of nurse (β = -0.039, p < .05) was not
Nurses are expected to obey the ethic principles, especially.
a significant predictor on contextual performance. Neverthe-
Professional ethic also was one of the first four categories
less, it is accounted for 0.2% of the total variance (R2 = .002),
in each clinic type. It is pointed out that these items has
which is quite small. In all analyses (Step 1-4), the variable
never considered among the most needed items in nursing
was predicted a negligible percentage of the variance. When
literature. There was no significant difference between the

Published by Sciedu Press 119 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

education level was entered into regression equation (Step 2), dictors, which were experience and education level of nurse.
the change in R2 was 2%. As predicted, education accounted
Table 4 (R2 for the other items) emphasized two noteworthy
for additional, significant variance in predicting contextual
results. First, these four variables had an important effect
behaviors. It means that educated nurses tended to find con-
on professional ethic and teamwork among the items. They
textual behaviors much more essential than the others. The
accounted for approximately 11% of the total variance (R2 =
length of time in post (years) was a statistically significant
.107 and R2 = .106). Second, the most significant predictors
but negative predictor (β = -174) (Step 3).
were experience and education level of nurse. The findings
Interestingly, experienced nurses judged that contextual be- supported the literature[37] which has noted that these factors
haviors did not have a significant effect on nurse performance. have an impact on performance.
The results of the Step 4 indicated the most significant pre-

Table 4. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses

a. The standardized coefficient , R2, R2 for contextual items as dependent variable
Independent variables  Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Title of nurse -0.054 -0.039 -0.075 -0.007 -0.001
Education level 0.110 0.147 0.157 0.157
Experience -0.150 -0.174 -0.169
Type of unit 0.054 0.022
F 0.231 1.690 2.465 1.853
Significance 0.631 0.188 0.065 0.122
R2 0.002 0.022 0.047 0.047
R2 0.020 0.025 0.000
b. R2 for the steps
Independent Professional Clinical Interpersonal Problem Professional
Teamwork Leadership
variables skill skill communication solving Ethic
Title (Step 1) 0.002 0.001 0.025 0.011 0.023 0.029 0.005
Education (Step 2) 0.008 0.021 0.056 0.017 0.039 0.062 0.018
Experience (Step 3) 0.023 0.037 0.078 0.045 0.102 0.104 0.020
Unit (Step 4) 0.026 0.047 0.080 0.048 0.107 0.106 0.024

Interestingly, while educated nurses predicted that interper- means than others in terms of clinical skill, professional skill
sonal communication and teamwork had a significant impact, and contextual, and the other means were not far from the
experienced nurses emphasized that professional ethic and highest. This result supported Tzeng’s findings.[38] Nurses
teamwork were much more essential on nurse performance. working in medical center perceived that their jobs required
more complicated skills than those nurses who worked in the
6. D ISCUSSION other types of hospitals. In medical centers, care procedure
This study reported developing and testing of a new perfor- is clearly defined and nursing knowledge is much more im-
mance evaluation tool including both task and contextual portant than the others because of critical care activities. The
oriented items to assess nurse performance in clinical en- order of interpersonal communication, professional ethic,
vironment. It advanced the work of previous researchers and teamwork varied depending on type of hospital. While
in exploring the attributes of nurses prepared to meet both interpersonal communication, and professional ethic were
current and future demands of the healthcare organizations. much more important for the medical center, teamwork and
The results indicated that clinical and professional skills cat- professional ethic were the preliminary items for the regional
egories had higher importance than the others. In several hospitals. We can deduce from these results that the require-
studies[2, 36] where exploring and comparing the scores of ment level of an item, more or less, varies dependent on type
competencies or items used to assess nurse performance, the of hospital (e.g. public/private, teaching/non-teaching, and
first four items have been commonly pointed out among the etc.); some items can take much more dominant than the
most preferred skills. Our results were different but over- others.
lapped because of the fact that six of items took place in
Ours were different from items reported in existing litera-
the most desirable ten items. Medical center had higher
120 ISSN 1925-4040 E-ISSN 1925-4059 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

ture. To our knowledge, the tools developed for measuring for the city. The limitation is that the results may not be gen-
nurse performance in the clinical settings become narrow, eralized to other countries. However, in terms of the scores,
less addressed issues such as organizational and interper- population is not a drawback; an item for a hospital can take
sonal citizenship behaviors, which are essential to quality of higher importance than others. This is not a dilemma. It is
clinical care. The existing references or documents regarding not difficult to predict that both organizational culture such
nursing competencies only concern the functional elements as mission, vision, and values of the hospital are effectual
of nursing tasks. They do not enable individual nurses to factors for selecting the items.
adopt well to new situations that are challenging them today,
because they do not cover the fundamental personal attributes 7. C ONCLUSION
underlying excellent nursing performance.[36] The present A variety of methodologies has been explored in attempts
tool focused on enhanced patient satisfaction, in addition to to measure and compare nurse performance including the
these dimensions. The results confirmed the relevance of use of rating studies. This study took into account the items
these issues that have begun to be much more important for a undertaken with regard to the role of the clinical nurses. It
changing health care environment. Future research is needed is surprising that in terms of the scores, problem solving,
to develop both the contextual and methodological areas of although, was the sixth essential item, two of the highest
nurse assessment. items belong to problem solving category. Disappointingly,
no study adopting contextual behaviors have placed in the
Similar studies describing the development of a performance
relevant literature. However, the findings of this research
evaluation tool for registered nurses in a healthcare organi-
highlighted the potential importance of these behaviors. Four
zation were presented by Springer et al.,[39] Hader et al.[40]
contextual items were a part of the most essential ten items,
and O’Hara et al.[41] in addition to well known tools. The
which have been neglected at the other related investigations.
reliability scores of them were less than 0.90. However, the
In a humanistic work role such a nursing, being able to do a
coefficients of the items ranged from 0.72 to 0.87. Certainly,
task is not in itself enough; posts are carried out by individ-
this is not an evidence that the present tool is stronger than
uals who are able to contextualize care by respecting users’
a popular one. For a comparison, the testing of the other in
own values, cultural beliefs and approaches to health and
the same hospital settings is required. Although the number
of items in the tool (38) was less than the numbers in the
other popular tools (greater than 50), this alpha makes it a The tool is able to measure nurse performance in a different
potentially useful performance evaluation tool. In addition, health organization; its particular strength (overall α = 0.96)
each had a mean value greater than 4 of 7 which indicates lies in its ability to measure overall nurse performance in the
less difference in the ratings. The reliability of a tool may clinical settings. However, the subsection alphas indicated
rise while increasing the number of items, but it gets difficult that further refinement may improve the strength of the tool
to provide specific evaluation of each behavior of all nurses for measuring nurse performance in different domains of
in a unit for a rater (e.g. supervisor). The number of items of practice. A measure set by adopting a task analysis method-
the tool was held less to enable to a reliable but easy-to-use ology for a health setting is required in order to enhance both
tool. validity end reliability of the tool. Some items cancelled due
to weak effect on nurse performance (e.g., reliability, doing
In traditional performance evaluation systems, an employee
something with patience, empathy, listening skill, and cre-
is assessed by a manager. However, a manager doesn’t know
ativity) can become desirable for other health organizations.
well some behaviors of employees and also rating have some
halo effects. Especially in a health or service system, a In conclusion, applicable items to measure nurse perfor-
multi-rater performance evaluation system, e.g. 360 degree mance are, probably, one of the biggest challenges for broads
feedback, provides an accurate and reliable result to assess of nursing. Our findings addressed the current scope of nurs-
nursing performance. It might be useful in evaluating pro- ing; nurses are higher accountable for professional ethic,
fessional behaviors, interpersonal and communication skills, professional problem solving, and interpersonal communi-
as well as some components of patient care and system. A cation dimensions of nursing posts. In the next attempts
nurse in a service can be evaluated by self, peers, supervisor to design a tool, it is expected that items linked to mission
nurse, nursing director, doctors, and patients in a unit. The (what it wants to achieve), vision (the ideal image of the or-
system decreases halo effect. ganization in the future), and values (e.g. respect to patients,
honesty, etc.) of organization will be considered.
The major limitation to this study is the generalizability. The
number of valid questionnaires was 163, which was 23.87% C ONFLICTS OF I NTEREST D ISCLOSURE
of all the nurses in relevant clinics; this sample is significant The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Published by Sciedu Press 121 Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 2018, Vol. 8, No. 6

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