MOSFET Speed Control: Experiment #12
MOSFET Speed Control: Experiment #12
MOSFET Speed Control: Experiment #12
Conclusion :
We applied 36V AC source to full wave bridge rectifier and the output of bridge rectifier
will be pulsating DC. Then C1 makes it DC voltage and it is connected with the motor. We
applied separate DC source to comparator because we want to apply exactly 12V on
comparator. Zener diode and D1 is placed to handle backlash current if the current flows in
opposite direction then the zener diodes will block the current and there will no current in the
whole except diodes. VR1 is placed to regulate the voltage in comparator, when VR1 is at left
most position then there will be nothing on the output of comparator. When we start moving
VR1 to the right side then voltage will appear at the output of commparator which leads to on
the MOSFET and motor starts runnning.