Idea Canvas: Key Partners
Idea Canvas: Key Partners
Idea Canvas: Key Partners
Who can you ask to invest their time
and energy into helping your idea?
ANSWER : Subject experts
What can you offer them in return for their
ANSWER : we will offer them some percentage from profit as per their investment.
What do you need to invest most of your time doing to execute
your idea
We need to invest most of the time to execute our idea to learn
from those who have done it before we will also talk to our
personal board of advisors to guide us with wisdom born from
their own failures and subsequent successes. We will also talk
to a couple of fellow entrepreneurs about the basis of need and
thier offers to consumers and we need to become market ready
before ending of scope we have seen startups implode when
principals were pitted against each other on mutually exclusive
objectives, like adding more technology versus keeping costs
down. Quantify time and cost goals early, get agreement from
all, and measure results regularly to verify alignment.
What materials should you invest in to help
develop your idea?
• software?
• physical prototypes?
We should invest both to help in developing our idea.
Depending on what you’re using
the canvas for, this could be a:
What type of relationship do you want to
build with your audience?
ANSWER : We want to build the relationship of quality and trust with our audience.
Consider different ways of presenting
or distributing your idea.
Are some ways more valuable than others?
ANSWER : we will present our idea through social media.
Our low price is valuable than others . People taking too much price for home automation. The
audience demand is that they are getting quality service but the the price is too high. In this way
we are more valuable than our competittos.
Who is your idea for?
ANSWER : It is for the one who are living at home.
What are the values and needs of this group?
ANSWER : The values and need is that people can not control their electrical appliances from
anywhere. This service allows them to control their appliances from anywhere through app. They
can also secure/ protect their expensive items through this service
Why would this group find it valuable?
ANSWER :because they can save electricity from this service, if a person forget to turn off any
electrical appliances after leaving home they can turn it off later as well . They fell more secure
using this service.