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Philosophical: Research Society

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The Philosophical Research Society, Inc.

3910 Los Feliz Blü. - Lot Angele.r. Calif . 90027 - 663'2167


President - Founder Vice-President


The Blessings of Chrfst¡nas
a A'tio'

Dear Friends:
here ls an old saylng that nan's emetgency is Godrs opportunity. As
htnan affalrs becon¡e more dlfflcult, persons of all faiths throughout
the world turn to religion for strength and solace, Even fn countries
donfnated by atheistlc pollcles' prl vate cltizens ar= turnin I toa
mys tlcal comnun ion with the Divine Powe r that ¡lways has' an d always
wll I t rule the world. There ls no doubt that every aspect of mortal
relatlonshlps are g lorlfled by strong lnner dedication to those hi g h
ethical princ{ples wtrlch ane the founda tlon of all spirltual teach I ngs.
lle recelve a nutber of repo rts fton foreign countries relatlng to the dev-
elopment and prcgrcss of their cu Itures. I n every case there is greater
dependency upon lntegritl es, and officially or unofflcially' nost govern-
¡nents are turning to trad Itional idealism a s the first line of defense
agalnst the deterloratfon of instltutions and the demoralization of persons.

An old sclentlst once observed that an undevout astrcnomer is mad, and.not long ago I was
dãriiñg-irirr an ailrõnõ"r.ri ãñ¿-mentioned the fanous statemnt s!?p9se9-!9,!1Ig been made
ùv'ãé'iaËiããe-lo-ñ;iõïãñ úrrãñ-*re Enpqr.!. tsfgd why de Laplace.never mentloned God in
rrn'orä¿ that the astronqnei r.ptied gravely,."Sire, I have
ñis iciehtlflc rrilinqs. it ts-ry-iriànd,
no-nãã¿-iór tJrat'tiviäËñåsti." rño was for some tl¡ne connected with lmportant
lóaüã-rciãirðñl-uliiãüã-ñ¿ stain{ rirníy,. "de.Laplace. sald no such thlnsln rhls in
llsetf lndlcatós a conplete about-face ln the higher echelon.
Page two

Those floating
- Decrmber 1974
around in the Skylab are gettlng a neil percpectlve on llfe, and their
findings closely resemble the public utterances of the earller astrronauts. In the clearer
atmosphere outslde of the earthrs smog belt, thlngs look conslderably better than they
do down here. It
ls almost impossible to explore the phenonena of inter-stellar space
without reallzing that some mighty power sustalns the inmasurable framework of crcation.
l{e are nor exploring the great ocean of causes ln whlch we live and move and have our belng.
Unfortunately, we have devoted so much attention to the conslderatlon of ùmedí¿þes
that we have lgnored ultínatee. Nor we'r"ealize that untll re discover thb essentlal
purpose in life, we cannot live purposefully even ln our own small sphene. The,search
for purpose must end with the realfzatlon that DittLæ r'littd is a soverreign reallty.
While we may not understand all the worklngs of thls t4lnd, we can discover many of its
mysterles through conthiation of its processes. 0nly the devout can experience Truth¡
for the undevout, facts must re¡ln bodles clothing mysterles whlch only a deep faith
can explore.

At this Chrisünastime, therefore, the Saeæd ùtyetutg of tlø fncø+ution, 1s both lnsplring
and consoling. The angellc fgnns stlll elude us, but the song fÍrst heard by the lhep-.
herds proclaim the Dlvine Purþose. It was lntended that peace should come to earth' an{, '
that all men should ôretl together in the good wlll of mutual respect and kindliness. It.
our exploration of the stars, lt may happen agaln tJrat a star wlll lead the wise mn of
this gäneration into the preience oî a iê¡trtñ of the Law of God gpong nen.- Actuallyr..
we haie many blessings, aird it is tlme to conslder them and not allow-ourselves an attltude
of futillty ln a cosñoi where everything ls meanlngful, !!d all thlngs rork together for
inevitable- good.
-It Discouragennnt ii ontÍ a mqnent of berilderrnent ln a unlverse of law
and order. is a mistakã, horever, tô assr- that re atu struggllng lgainst causes be-
yond our contrnl. The modern sclentist, until rccently, has glorlfled law¡ and to a
ñeasure, material sclence has insplred material government and materiallstic econcrnic pt'o-
gresi. It has been ass¡¡ned that by the perfectlón of ost^phystcal lnstltutions that we
ðañ-Uring about the perfectlon of ñan. itctually, everything that rc have ls useful_o!ty
to the dõgree that tirsplred lnsight guldes the destlny of our human cfvillzation. Before
skitl musi, come vlrtue, and the perfection of vlrtuc depends upon a comitment t'o the
ùioine ,tiLL, No man's work can be better than the man'hlmself. The Universe has glven
us much, but unless lre use wlsely, our skllls are ln valn.

Everything that we need to advance our owt hunanity !s ever avallable to us. As thc
õfrinäse iãi¿, "Heaven besttrs." It is ti¡ne that re becam more grateful for-those-slmpl.e
jôVi-"ñiðñ wáre io important to our forbears. They haveglven us a.legaçy.of slmple and
Éräðtiiai vàlues whlcir we have sacrificed to our orn selflshness and anbltlon. Even today
in many parts of the world, Chrlstmas wllt be celebrated as the nost important of our
ér"ãi ioil iãsitvã|;. to the lifestream of the. fol,k. It goes.btç!, to the tlm
itren life was regulated by honoiable convictions such as those set forth ln the Senpn on
the Momt l{e aie all onã great family, and rellglon has alray-s taught that.the unitcpeal
l*."1*glár¿i-witñ uottr itrõngth and täñderness the beings He fashloned ln Hls own lmage'
and endowed with Hls otrn attributes.
The two great centers of tlfe ln manr-- th€ mlnd and the he¡rtr iE lntended to contrcl
the ftow-of coniðiouiness lnto manifåstatlon. Gradualty the mlnd h¡s becore thc dlctator'
and has assrned-ã¿apóti¿-pqrers over the lndivldual htnictf, and_the lnstltutlons he has
fashioned. Actuãiii, ri irc- atl knor ln t¡nrs of .esoterlc physlology, thc heart ls the
,;;t iäãi-or ii;;-i'tieli,-inã ttre mlnd was tntedded to s-uppolt.the-heart and asslst the
emoiions in thelr constrúcilve exprrsslon. The pouer of the mind is rlsdcrn, and thc. Porer
ói-irte neait is ioùãl- ltl;¿om wiurout love can täad to despotisnr, and_love rlthout the
õriãïñg'-iñiiuéñce oi-¿e¿rcited wii¿om is unable to acconplish. lts ngrfggl_works ln thls
üortd.- Clrrfstmãi i; ¿ñã ðev-itren-iove ruies the rorld, ind. thls rulershlP ls authentlcatsd
in ürà lndlviduãi rriutsãit.-rrcnr-'tim-ttlnemoriat Chrisúnas has been a rellglous festlval
I BULLETII{ - December 1974
Page three

expnesslng ltself through family worshlp, tender regard for children, and solicitude for
the widowr'â[d the fatherless. It
is a tl¡ne of generosity whlch ls not justifled by the
self-centercdness of the mlnd, but by the God-centeredness in the heart itself.
Let us philosophlze for a moment on the symbolic meanlng of the traditlonal nativity scene.
The Looe of cod ls made flesh in a stable sumounded by animals. It is also born in the
midst of the anlnal propenslties of our own nature. This tpoe is mothened by ntrity, and
guarded by a falthful and diligent Joseph. In the outside world, three symbolic flgures,
now called Kinge, come to brlng their offerlngs to the crlb of the Christ Chlld. These
Klngs are leadérs among men, and are nespected and honored llke the Magi who watched the
sky for the symbol of the Holy Blrth. Although they are crowned and robed, and ride upon
richly caparisoned steeds, they kneel in hunble recognitlon that all temporal power exists
only by the Grace of God. Let us say that these three rulers of human oplnion, are govern-
ment, educatlon, and sclence. They have thelr own empires somewhere in another land, and
ln large measure rule the thoughts and conduct of countless subjects. They brÍng, therefore,
thelr labors as an offering to Truth. Government brlngs justice; education brlngs know-
ledge¡ and science brings skll'|. These treasures are to glorify the Love of God made flesh.
To the degree that these Kings arc selfish, ambitious, cruel or dishonorable, they have
'-,offerings. In rvery field of human endeavor, accomplishment is in the name of Truth
. .,lelf. llhen lt is not, it is llke the barnen fig tree that is cut off from llfe. Those
who bulld for thelr own glory, or for wealth, or for the perpetuation of a materialistic
soclety, leave no monument behind them when they depart.
The tlrp
has come for the wlsdom of this world to bow to the wisdom that is beyond this
world. Everywhere men are turnlng from the vanlties of success, and seeking the simple
securitles whlch bring happiness and peace of soul. As we observe the ecological problems
arislng, the enerfry shortages, rnd the bitter struggle to dominate the ren¡lning sources
of materlal securlty, we rcalize that before the Golden Age can come, the age of gold must
pass away. If
ne look about us, we wlll find much this Chrlstnas to sustain our inner
reallzatlon that we aFe comlng closer and closer to a concept of Universal government
based upon Dlvlne Love-Law, and the natural rules and regulatlons whlch nature has ordained.

wlsh for all of you a wonderful Christ¡nas Season and we are grateful indeed, for the
^ you to be so helpful and generous and
me kindness ln gour heart whlch has inspired
thoughtful through the years. llhat you have done is simple evidence that all good things
can be done.

Always most sincerely,

4+ Ê âú1tr

Page four
The followlng llst of books ls rccormended reading. These books may be odercd dlrectly
fron nhe Phí,loeophíoal Reeeæh SoeieQ, .Itæ. (addrtess on page one). Please add 35É for
handling. Sales Tax ls to be lncluded by Californla resldents. N0TE: Prlces subJect
to change wlthout notlce.

You Are Not The Target Laura A. Huxley (P) $ 2.00

Your Days Are Numbered Flonence Campbe'll 4.25
Zanoni, A Rosicruclan Tale Bulwer-Lytton (P) 2.95
Zen and Zen ln the Art of Archery Eugen Herrlgel (P) l.g5
Zen Bones, Zen Flesh Rep 3.25
Zen and Oriental Art H. MunsteÉery 6.50
Zen Telegrams 2.50
Zepher Yetzirah l{. l{ynn l{estcott (P) 2.00
Zen Doctrine of No Mind D.T. Suzukl (P) 2.50
Zodiac and the Soul Charles 0.E. Carter 3.50
The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation Inez Eudora Pgrry 1 2.95
Zen Mind, Beglnnerrs Mlnd Shunryu Suzuki (P) 4.50,
Astrologlcal Aspects CEO Carter 4.00
Astrology, The Space Age Sclence ,loseph Goodavage 7.00
Astrology, Your Place Among the Stars Evanglfne Adams 5.95
The Awakenlngof Faith Ashvagosha 5.00
Ancient, Medleval & Modern Chrlstlanity Charles Guignebert I 0.00
The Art of Buddhlsm Dietrich Seckel 6.95
The Art of Chlnese Landscape Pafnting Anll de Silva 6.95
The Art of Japanese Brush Palntlng Mikaml and McDorell 3.95
The Art of Chlna, Splrit & Soclety l{erner Spelser 6.95
Aesch Mezarcph, or Purifying Fire l{. }lestcott 2.00
The Astral Plane C.l{. Leadbeater tFl 2.00
Alchemical llritlngs of Edrard Kelly A.E. l{tite 8.50
Astrology for the Mlllions Grant Lsl 10.00
Anthroposophy, an Introductlon Rudolf Steiner 3.50
Applled Astrology l,largaret Hone 5.00
At The Feet of the Master Alcyone (P) l.5o
Ancient Egypt, The Light of the t'lorld Gerald Massey sET -- 35.00


Lectures - Ancient Phllosophy $ 7.50 l{ords To The llise $ 6 50

0ld Testament llisdom 7.50 Questlons and Answers 6 50
Pathways of Phllosophy 6.50 0odåx Rosae Crucis - 1 5 a 00
Heallng, The Dlvlne Art 7.75 The Phoenlx I 2 a 50
I'lost Hõly Tr,inosophla (St. Germaln) 10.00 The ltlystlcal Chrlst 6 a 50

SPECIAL 0PP0RTUNITY: In 1923, Mr. Hall was lssulng a monthly publlcatlon

@ns We. It was film thts slmplé beginninb tjrat the
concept of a neguÌar magãzlne developed and has nor becon The P.R.S. Joumal.
Mr. Hallrs Christmas car{ for 1923 reprroduced ln mini¡tune, the tltle page
of his magazlne, and featured a speclal deslgn whlch he drer based upon the
Cnest of Martln Luther. The Chrlstnas Cal{ contalned a llttle essry' tf¡¿
sp¿.rit, of Clwíeüws. Through the courtesy of a frlend, ¡ reprlnt has been
mãde of thls Chrlstnas booklet. lle feel that nany lecent students rlll en-
joy havlng thls ltem. It can be ordered dlrcctly fr.CIr The Phllosophlcrl
Reiearch Soclety, Inc.r at 600 per copy postpald. The available suppy ls
limlted to 600 booklets. lle rrcq¡nend that you order nor.

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