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Secret and Suppressed- Banned Ideas alld Hidden History 1993 by Feral House. All
authors are to retain copyright to their own material.
Wilh apprcLia lio n

All Rights ResOlVed

ISBN: ().92291514B

For a free catalogue of Ferol House books send SASE to:

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Ad am Parfrey .

I w o uld lik e 10 Ihank Ihe Id lo w ing persons

fo r l heir cnnlribulions 10 Ibe research :
Vick y Bo lin , X. Sharks D eSpol, Ilawlhorn e Ab endsen ,
M icha el A. Il olTm an II , Jerry Smilh , Larry Nunn ,
Wayne H enderson , J;un es Shelby D ow nard, Greg Krupey,
Tim O 'Ne ill , Ho n Bonds, Tim Crid land, Kenn Tho m as ,
Iloward Mart enson , Ace H ayes, Len Bra ck en ,
Jo hn Aes-Nihil and ''The Franciscan ."
The cdiLOr is always inleresl ed in co macling p eople w h o
have illleresling inform atio n . I ca n be contacted care o f
IIlumi Nel Press, PO Box 2808, Lilburn , GA , 30226 .

Jim Keilh


th e chil d (mandatory). Cautio n: A woman's impulsive anger can override

her fcar. A n irate woman' s power mu st never be underestim ated, and her
powe r ove r a pus sy-w hipped hu s band must likewi se neve r be
underes tim ated. It got women the vote in 1920.
T he e mot io nal press ure for self-preservatio n du rin g time of waT and
th e self-servi ng attitud e of the com mon herd that h:lVC an op ti on to avo id
the hatllcficld - if junior ca ll he persuaded 10 go - is all of the press ure
finall y necessary to propel Johnny orr to wa r. The ir quiet hlackmailing of
him arc the threat s: "No sacrifi ce, no friends; no glory, no gi rlfri e nd s."
And wha t ahout junior's siSle r'! S he is given a ll the good thin gs o f life
by her father. a nd taught to expect th c sa mc from hcr futurc hu sba nd

regard less of Ihe price.

Thosc w ho will no t usc the ir brains are no better off than those who
have no brains, and so thi s mindless school o f jell ylish, fat her, mother,
so n, and daug ht c r, become lIseful bcas ts o f hurd en or traine rs of the sa mc.


The following documenl wos anonymously senllo me during Ihis book's preporolion.
It purporls 10 be a secrel his lory of Weslern civilizolion gleaned lrom secrel documenls

in Ihe Volicon librory by a member of Ihe Fronciscon order. The inked imprinl of 0
Volieon library enlronce chil ollixed 10 Ihe originol documenl ond duplicoled ollhe end
of Ihe orlide is a slrong indicolion Ihol Ihe oUlhor does hove access 10 Volicon sources,
ollhough his condusions ore indicolive of a highly righlwing slonllhol pegs Ihe piece as
possible disinformolion - from who I quorler, I connol speculole. This documenl is
induded herein becouse of ils unusual origin, ond as on exomple of one very suspeci
sidepolh in Ihe long Ie of competing conspiracy worldviews.
}M} fil e nos bencdkat qlli Jinejille vivil el reg1/al.
Dea r Mr. Kci th , I ha ve been made aware that yo u seek informati o n

regarding whal you suppose


be Ihe lakeover of Ihe Valican by Royal

Arc h Masons ; wou ld that suc h. a small thing. rea ll y, were the case. May it
please you a nd inform you. somewhat, I s hall endeavor 10 lay hefore you
such fac ts as are kn ow n to me. I mu st first o ffcr this di sclai mc r: whil c th c
fac ts or whic h I s hall g ive rcport arc in large part verifiable. th ere rc mains
the poss ibility that. in certain ins tances where morc than o nc poss ibl e
inte rpretat ion thereo f exists. I may we ll have c hose n an in correc t one. Bc
that as it ma y, inte rpre tation is not an iss ll e. the fa cts do speak. mos t
loquaciously. 0 11 their OW II heha lf.
To bcg in : I bc li eve that the c!-O ta blishmcn t of Ill y c rede nti a ls wou ld be
ill o rder. I ca nno t. ami do not , cla im to be of hi gh ra nk in the C hurch of
Rome; :I cO lllmon Lector alll I. formerly a stud cnt o r Hcrcsiolo gy att ac hed
for a timc to the Amcr ica n Schoo l at thc Vat ican, a nd possesscd as s uch of
an e ntry-c hit. pe rmittin g me access to those suh-baseme nts a nd anncxae
o f the Va ti ca n Lihrary Co mpl ex as were dce med fruitful to my o ngo ing
rescarc h. It was in thi s capacit y. a nd undcr thcsc c ircum stances. thai I firs t
heca mc awa re. from va rio us docum en ts, of the ge ne ral tone of the informati on I s hall hcrc prese nt. Aftc r ha ving asce rtained that ind ced so methi ng was awry, and af!c r havi ng bccn tran s ferred hack to the U nit cd
States (w hc re I was until not too lo ng ago cmploycd as sccretary undcr a
succcss ion o f pries ts, of vario us o rders). I appointed unt o mysc l f th c task
of collec ting s uc h information as I mi ght , with a mind to cit her co nfirm or
dcny that wh ic h I had learned ; al1long o th cr thin gs. I di scove red thnt I am
hard ly alo nc in th is knowlcd gc - I thank A lm ighty God that sll ch pillars
o f de terminati on and stre ngth. s lI ch - yes. I s hall say it - s uch saints.
arc s till in ev iden ce even in these 1110s1 tryi ng. most fri ght c nin g or lim cs.


We all o f us owe to them a debt whi ch can o nl y be rcp;.tid hy ass im il atin g
the informatio n whic h they have bequeathed to me. and now I to you. and
in using thi s informati o n wisely. I reveal thi s info rmati o n as my duty hath
to God and to Ill y fcll ow-pilg rim s 011 thi s Earth. in s uhm issio n to His
cO lllmand ; Hoc est pmeceptll11l meulII III r!i!igfl!w. il/l'ieem sin,! dilexi vos.
I va lu e not position wi th in the C hurch. nor s tatu s in the eyes o r l11en; I
seck only to oppose a most fo ul circlimstance. a co nfederacy of tyrants,
who pe rve rt th e use of the Ecc lesias ti c al Au th orit y to th e ir ow n mo st
ignoble e nd s; m y mo st fer ve nt des ire is to o nce a nd fo r all lime set
straight the record, help to clear away th e mountain o f debri s - I believe
yo u term it disinfofmation - that nil mi g ht clearly see the menace be fore
us, naked and unadorned , revealed in th e Li ght o f Truth. W ith your kind
perm iss ion, I beg in.
h mu st li rst he und erstood that the prescn t trouhles are thc faull . not of
so mc hcpa un c hcd o li ga rch y seatcd hy th c nre at th e ir Me n's C lu b tho ugh said tro ubl es ilre 1110st certai nl y perpetuat ed und er muc h thi s very
scenario - hut are rather th e res ult o f prot rac ted stru gglc hetwee n seve ra l
"e lit c" fac tion s. "cliq ues" if yo u w ill. who ha ve hattl ed un dcr variolls
g ui ses for s uprcmac y from the days fo llo w in g th c fa ll o f the Roman
E1l1p ire to the present.
In order to fully understand the present time s. one lllust ri ghtl y und erstand the past: hence I shall offer the sum total of my kn ow ledgc of the
full course of thi s strugg le. from thc ca rli cr yea rs of th c sevc nth century of
the comlll on era , as well as the ident it y and makeup of eac h o f the facti o ns th erehy e ngaged. \Ve li ve, trul y. in the Dark Agcs: sin ce the coll apsc
o f th e o ld Ruman Empire and the suhsequen t ri se of the C hurch as the rea l
power in the Wcs t, various fact ions - the Europea n trihal confedcracics,
for th e most part - ha ve fought amon g th clIlsclvcs for co ntrol of the te rritory of th e C hair o f Sl. Pe te r. and indeed for contro l of the Vatican itself.
Reali z in g, as th ey did , that th e C hurc h co uld not he vanq uished by fire or
by the sword - a lesso n learnt . a nd learn t right hard, hy the decaying
Empi re. Preliosa ill cOllspcCIII Domini ",ors saneta ,."", Eills - the pagan
tribes o f Europe split into seve ral fac tion s. sOllle accepting th e C hurch as
a t leas t th ei r titular head ( th a t is, s u bm itti ng to th e d isc iplin es of
C hri s ti ani ty and incorporatin g the Fait h into the Mythos of their tribes),
some c hoosin g to oppose the church under any means fa ir and fo ul . and
some vaci ll at in g between the two po les, th o ugh eve n these did ultimately
choose o ne tack or the o ther. To simplify. the southern trihes formed a
ge ncra ll y pro-C hurch cl ique . w hic h expa nd ed to in c lud e the Fra nk s
(tho ugh thi s pri marily due to ri valry with th eir fe ll ow Germani es to the
north , who led the opposing camp): and th ose who opposed, wheth er by
o utright fo rce or subterfu ge. the Ch urc h - <lnd hoped to e ither dcs troy or


ass im ilate th e powe r w ie lded by Ro me. T he tribes o f modern Eng land
we re of the third ty pe, but their neig hbors th e Gaels and Celts of Eire
were among th e most steadfas t supporters of the C hurch, even aft er the
forc ihle di sso luti o n of their o wn unique and hea utiful Celtic Com mun ion
hy the Eng li sh. in AD 664. who imposed it more Ro man va riety , morc in
accordance wit h the Ri te as prac ticed in England . The message o r th e
Gospc l - in its true re nd itio n, o ne of love and tol eran ce - was we ll -suited to th e tribes of E ire and o f So uth e rn Europe, the ir e harac ters being
mark ed by a practi ced ind o lence bordering o n Sloth, deep pass ions that
nair qui ckl y a nd arc just as quic kl y quelled, and an underlyi ng affection
that find s express io n in the ir eve ry breath; it was these who took to the
C hurc h, whatever their reaso ns to begi n, and held f"stto the C hurch to the
prese nt day.
The northern trihes, howeve r - the Tcuton s, the Norse, th e Saxons. ct.
al. - these are ty pified by a seethin g co ld , a hardn ess that is not in keepin g wi th thei r ph ys ical beauty, an autoc rati c ind iffere nce to o th ers. Whil e
eac h. no rth and south , are ca pable of horrible cru elty, the southern peoples could he as qu ick 10 fo rgive as tn blame, and tho ug h emotional can
hc swayed hy logic to w ithdra w th cir a nger; the no rth ern ers see m to
deli g ht in atroc it y, and their lack of apparent pass ion hides an outlook hest
typifi ed by th e o ld Arab adage, "Revenge is a di sh best served co ld ." So
lo ng as the C hurch remai ned in southern hand s, all continued reasonably
close to th e orig in a l plan o f th e Apostles - as late as AD 692, Sergius I,
Bi s h o p o f Ro me . jo in e d in th e proc lamat io n o f th e Patr ia rc h of
Co ns tantinople that th e ir res pec ti ve Patriarchates, their Ep iscopal Sees,
were of equal rank before our Lord. It pains me to say that never again did
the B ishop of Rome hehave in so Aposto li c a manner, hesieged from th at
timc (lll hy worldl y co ncc rn s whic h ultimatel y redircc ted the C hurch from
Spiritua l paths. Due to the apportionment of power in those times, the variOlls nort hern tribes found it exped ient to accept a veneer of Faith, a nd to
nurture the ir plots under cover of obed ience.
The firs t overt ac ti on taken hy the northern cliqu e was ali g nme nt with
certain Muslims expe ll ed from Omayy id S pain, in AD 826; th ese were
settled at Crete, where they es tabli s hed a pirate base, from whic h they
wo uld hector the so uthern coastal co untries. The Roman/Etrusca n c lique ,
in reac ti o n to thi s. used thei r innu ence with th e C hurch to establis h the
Ve ne ti a n O rder of Sl. Mare, whi e h reeeived full Papal recogniti o n just
li ve ye ars after the establi shme nt of the base at C rete. Skirmishes at sea
wou ld c o nti nue throug h the Cr usad es, to the ea rl y sixtee nth ce ntury.
Around the year 850, a new g roup of players e ntered the picture: Jews
hegan seltlin g in Ge rm any , under the direc ti o n o f a ve ry secre ti ve Z io ni st
Elite. who forged ti es w ith th e Gennani c clique, espec iall y the Prll ss ians


and Bavarians. While racially different, they had in


a form of

reli gion ; the Zionists and the north Gennans both practi ced ritual sacrifi ce
of humans. It must be understood that the Jewish Elite never expressed
the actual practices or beliefs of the Jewish commoners under them: they
were an Elite. who considered their own people far beneath them, and fit
on ly for lise as fodder , whkh i1uloCfali<.: llIode af1pc alc~ to th e ,~orlh

and the southerners desired to keep their own friends in place among the
northern elite. plans we re quietl y laid to fac ilitate a successful southern
elTort in the event of overt acti on; stores wcre replenished , training of
ITl crc.enari es up grad cd, and to culminat e. the Order or Knight s
Hospltall ers or Sl. John - an order of warri or-monks/pro visioners _
wa s rounded. ili AD 1070.

Germans. being hut a minor va riation of their own most ,lI1clcnl practi ces.

C0 1111110n

In league with the Zionists. with the udd hand of Muslim adventurers
to usc as shock troops, and th e mnk-and- fi lc masses of comm oner Jews to

for sacrificial purposes, the north ern cliques began to upscale their
opposition, still mostl y covert. to southern/Roman authority . Seeing these
developments, it rel1 to the secul ar ROlllan aristocracy - the Old Noh les
_ to do so mething, and that quickly . Being as the Bishop or Rome - at
that time, John V III - was disinclined to secularize the Church to the
ex tent proposed by th e Roman Nobles, th e clique had him murdered in
AD 882, beginning the first takeover o r the Vat ican authority. Subsequent
Popes were made well aware of their vicariou s position, an~ only a rare
few dared oppose th e Roman clique. who now were pre-emment among
the southern tri bal clique. Evcn at that, the complete secular takeover of
th e Papal authority was not co mpl ete until Ott o I , as HO.IY Roman
Emperor. forcibly replaced all unaccomodaling John XII with. a morc
complian t Leo VIII, in AD 963. From that time on. P~pa l el e~ t1 o n s and
the College of Cardinal s have heen a pawn of th e rullll g facllon of the

southern cliqu e.
The north ern clique, of course, made certai n to have their own people
in place in Rom e, attached in whate ver fashion to the Papal retinue. It was
by the errorts or one or these agents that the north ern clique acq uired
knowledge or the continents to the west, the Amencas, which had been
known to the upper echelons of the Church hi erarchy since the last quarter
o r the First Century of the co mmon era, that knowled ge deli vered, to the
best or my knowledge , to blessed SI. John the Divine in a vision, a nd
recorded in an Epistle to the Corinthian Churc h by hi s holiness C lemen t,
by grace or God the Bishop or Rom e, in AD 96. With thi s inronnation in
hand, the northern clique entreated o ne Leir Ericsso n, son or Enc the Red
(a tru sted Norse associate or the north European clique), to sail westward
along a northern route. to ascertain the feasibility or taking ~hese lands ror
them sel ves and using their wealth in an outright battle agamst the southern hegemony. It is rortunate that th e nati ves - called "Skraelings" by
Leif and hi s crew - pro ved to be di spleased by the presence or th e
Norsemen, and had ex pe l1 ed them, lock, stock, and barrel, by AD 1006.
When news o r this expedition had filtered bac k to th e so uthern clique, it
caused more than a little cons ternati on. Since the move had been covert ,

The northern clique heing engaged, si nce earlier in that s"lInc century.
one or their many in- fi ght s for superiorit y. th e sOLlthern clique had
hrcath space to consolidme their own lines until ahout AD 1080, at which
~illl c the first full- scale slllall war look place betwecn the two cliques. endIng all Y poss ibility of' willful mcrger between th e two clites. That it was
Gregory VII. in establishin g (at the hehes t o r the southern clique) the most
swee ping or Papal te mporal powers, that initiated thi s attack by the north,
IS Il11l11atena l; th e southern cliqu e hud kno wlI for some lime that the
Muslim l1~ ercenar i es who sacked their coasts were in the employ of the
north . wh ich by AD 1100 was heing more and more dominated by the
Pru ss ian/Bavarian/Zi oni st cl iquc. Nonetheless, a concordat of sorts was hcd when Muslims not in European employ began takin g advantage
01 the factional in -lighting. and it was to a relatively united Europe that
Urhan II pro moted the First Crusade. II was at this lime that the Order of
Kni ght s T emplars was found ed, much a dupli ca ti on of th e Order of
Hospi t<lll ers. but less concerned wi th provision ing as with actual warfare.

That both orders served as bankers to much of th e European elite, both

ll(lJ:thcrn and southcrn cliques, led to struggles between the two groups,
which wcre to have dirc consequences at a later date. There were, as yet.
some ':acti olls of the southern clique slill true al heart to the precepts of
th e Fal\h , rather than the power thereor, and th ese rac ti ons sa w their
oppo rtunit ~ in th e powe r stru gg le between th e Weir Family and the
HohenstauH e ns, also cal1 ed the Gue lphs and the Ghibel1 ines, respectively.
begll1n lng In AD 11 25. With th e victory or the northern-sympathi zing
HohenstaulTen clan , the balance or power began a slow but inexorable
shift to th e northern clique, becoming ever more heavily dominated by the
No rth GennnnlZionist raction. The sh ift, howeve r, was not immediately
apparent 10 the southern clique, who found th emselves receiving a rather
rude awakeni ng in AD I 154, when a northern candidate, one Nichohis
Break spear, became Pope Ad ria n IV; almost immediately he gave Ireland
as a gi ft to his ment or, Hen ry 11 o r England, which has resulted in nearly a
III illclln iU ITl of dominat ion of the on ly north ern al ly of the southern clique.
Th e threat or a pincer mo vement se t aside. the northern clique proceeded to rc inaugurate their ori ginal policy of covert whittling at the power of
the south, now in vcsted very heavily in the Roman and Frankish aristOcratic fac ti ons. Regular sacrifi ce or Jewish COlllmoners, under the direc-


tion of the Z ionist elite. was instituted to propitiate the deities still covert ly wo rshiped by the e lite o f th e no rthern c lique, now merged into the
Z ioni st deity (w hi c h had neve r been the sa me God worsh iped by the
Jewish co mm oners, as examination o f co in s and other artifa cts of the

Third Temp le Period w ill clearly show). These regular sacririces dale to
approximately 1190, and foll owi ng qui ck o n the heels o f thi s, comes the
escalation of northern preparati ons for outright struggle against the south:
the Order of Telltonic Knight s and the Li vonian Brothers of the Sword ,
prec urso rs to the later Pruss ian Orders, date to the period AD 11 9012 10. With the Hospitallers a nd Knights Templ ars e ngaged in a war of
att ri ti on that ki lled nearl y as many of their number as their battles against
the Mu slims, and th e Domini ca ns full y engaged, frolll AD 1208, in
pitched battlc wi th nonconformi st southern sub-cliqu es and covert acti ons
in England. the Teutonic Kni ghts and th eir co horl s had II clear fi eld to
engage as they wou ld ; upon absorbing the Li voni an Bro th er!" of th e Sword
in 1237, Ihey were nearl y unstoppable. Th eir earl y sliccess thcy attrihutcd
to a massivc propit iat ivc sacrifi ce of Europea n children. in /\0 12 12. Thi s
affair, which begun with the promotion of what was ca lled th e "Children' s
Crusadc", draincd an untold numbcr of Europc's youngest into th e c1utchcs or th e T eutons; a mass ive numhcr werc indecd slaughtcrcd in ritua l
sacrificc, and perhaps twi ce Ihal number wcre so ld into slavery to the
Mu sli ms. O nce agai n. th e ' prayers' of th e T eutoni c/Zioni st cliq uc
appeared to have been answered, as wi th thcir defeat at the hands of the
Mongols in AD 1256. survivors of the Order of Assassins, the Ishrnaelis.
of Hasan I Sabah, began tri ckling into Europe. seeking sancluary among
the similarly-inclined TeutoniclZionist cl ique. W ith the addi ti on of these
we ll - train ed and fearl ess - nay. nearl y sui ci dal - A ssass in s. the
Teutonic/Zionist Clique achieved th e forcc necessary to assumc complete
control of the northern cliquc, as wcll as a special force 10 supplement the
ac tion s of their sti ll-ac ti ve Muslim shock tfOops.

Edward I o f England, upon learn in g the full ex tent of th e practi ces of

th e Teu to ns/Zionists, was so s ic kened that he expclled all Jews from
England in 1290, rather th an all ow what he co nsidered an abom inat ion to
occur on hi s soil. Indeed, as knowledge o f the practice crept thro ugh the
s ubcliques of the so uth , o ne by one they ei the r expelled the Jews (as did
France in AD 1306) or else forced their conversio n to Chri stianity, in the
mistaken belief that thi s made th el11 unacceptable for the sacrificial rite. A
word or two, I believe, regard ing the sacrificial rite of the Zionists. as well
as the similar rite of the Teutons, is in order: I must warn you thaI the rites
as I kn ow th em are di stasteful in the ex treme, and that I would not recommend the following as good readin g for the squeamish. It must be remem bered. thro ughout thi s de.scripti oll , that modern Jewry is. for the mos t part,


i ~n o~ant of th e rites of the Zionists, who posit that th ey alone (as proper
ZlOllIst J e\~s) arc. true Jewry: and all others who claim Judaism arc wrong.
Indeed, .to ,"ves tl ga te. the hi story of thi s re ligion (do ne so admirably by
BCIlJamln Freedman III hi s tome, "Facts Are Fac ts") is to discover that
modern rank-andfile Jewry has no rea l conllex ion to historical Judnislll
but .are in facl ~aw n s ill a much larger and more vicious game th an the;
realize . To heglll. then: the rite of consecration of the Kohen (ritual/sacri.
fi cial priest) and that ~ f normati ve ritual sacrifice arc very nearl y identical. Th e Kohen-elec t I S made to en ter a pit benea th th e gratin g thut is
beside the alt ar o f sac rifl cc, a lso call ed the altar of holocaust (shoah. in
thc He brew), whi ch is desc ribed at chapter 27 of Exod us, in the first part.
Th e altar gratlll g IS placed over the pit (ac tuall y more an encircling
tren::h): and the saerific ial vic tim is broug ht to th e altar. The pre fe rred
Vlct llll IS a youn g boy of Jewis h blood; youn g girls are useable , especiall y
when su~pl y IS high. but boys are the preferred victim. Most 'Jewish' parents dunng the Templar periods (th e tim es during which a propcrly.con.
secrated templ e stood at Jeru sa lem) were rcqu ired to redeem th eir
ch ~ ld re n w,itll an offeri ng (see chapter 12 of Leviticus) ; at these timc, the
cIlJldrclI ~ I the dcstit,ulc (who could not offer the prescribed ran som) were
used - .111 modern tlllles, any soca lled 'Jewish' child may be kidnapped
& L1s~d for. th e sacrifice, or for the ordinati on, though for the sin offering a
Ge ntil e c hild lIIay be used . The child, pre ferably an infa nt or toddl er (but
any child up to the age of thirtee n being aceeptable, if virginal ), is stood
upon the gra t'"? over the head of th e Kohen-elect, nude, facing northward ; the c hild s head IS grasped firmly by the officiat in g priest (or by
hllll and hiS aSSistant, sho uld the child be o lder & put up a fight ) and the
c hild 's throat is then slit to ope n the jugular vei n. SOllie of the 'blood is
lIIade to splatter against the eastern face o f the a ltar itself, while the res t
spatte rs th roug h th e g rating to bathe the Kohen-elect, who drink s a
m O llthf~1 o.f th e blood as it pours over him. The Officiating Kohcn th en
we ts hi S flllgc~s with th e scre am in g inn ocent 's blood and , wa lkin g
cou nter-clockwise around the altar, traces ccrtain arcane sigils upon thc
a ltar's horns w ith the blood; then, arriving back at the child' s position, he
takes a mo uthful of th e spurting blood . The Kohen-elect is helped o ut
from under the grat ing & j oi ns the ass istin g Kohen s at the c hild 's s ide
and all arc libera ll y mo uth -sprayed with the child 's blood by the o ffl c i at~
In g Kohen , thlls seali ng the new Kohen as a member o f the priesthood.
The c hild , weak from loss of blood but still very lIIu c h a li ve , is
butchered ; the intern al fatty tissue, th e li ver, and the kidneys arc sct aside
to be burnt, a nd the Kohens feast o n what they want of the rest, burning
thc unuscd portion s be fore sunset, accordin g to Levitical law. Thi s is also
thc hasic proced ure for th e regular ritual sacrifi ce. with the except ions


being that in regular sac rifice, the blood spills uninterrupted through the
grat in g. to re new th e co nsec rati o n of the sill o n w hi c h the templ e o r
killing-Ooo r rests, and th at the mouth -spra ying of the child 's blood is
om itted. Similarit ies be tween the Jew ish and Teutonic ritual s arc close;
the parallels s uggest, perhaps. a co mmOIl origin for cert ain pmcti ccs. per-

haps deriving from central Asia via the Khazars. In the Teutonic rite, the
altar is generall y an unhcwn dolmen, anti the pit and its attendant grating
arc absent. The priest to be consecrated in thi s rite merely li es. nude , on
the g ro und at the eastern face of the sto ne altar (the eastern face of the
altar being sacred to both the Z ioni sts and the Teuton s), and the victim a child of e ither gend er between the ages of seven and twe lve. virginal is brought to him . The ch ild is forced dow n upo n the pricst-cicCl in a
kneelin g position. straddling the elec t' s hips. at which time sex ual penetrati on (notabl y absent in the Zion ist rite) is achi eved. annlly for a youn g
boy, vag inall y for a youn g girl. The child 's head is faced cast, as in the
Z ionist ri te. and th e jug ular is ope ned . showeri ng the pries t-elect with
hlood . some o f whi ch is ingested . The c hild is then penetrated sex uall y by
the a tt e nd in g priests until s uch time as dea th occ urs. In ho th rites . the
bathing in and in ges tion o f the blood uf the c hild is required for proper
consecration , and in the Teut o ni c rite (as in th e Zio ni st). the body of the
child is eaten. In th e everyday ritua l o f sacrifice in th e Teutonic rite, no
priest-elec t li es he fore the dolmen; instead . the c hild is penetrated by c~c h
o f the priests in turn , accordin g to rank or se ni orit y (depe ndin g on whic h
o f two rites is he in g followed: I am unclea r as to the exac t di stin ction
hetwee n the two. o ther than thi s particular diffe re nce of practice).
The Orde r o f Kni ght s Te mplars - who o pe rated ex te nsive ly ill th e
north _ had been innueneed heav il y hy the Teuto niclZionist c ull. The
no rth ern ho uses o f the Telllplars had indeed adopted several prac ti ces
from the northern clique, including the Zionist practi ce o f cons ultin g preserved orac ul ar heads for augury. The so uthern hou ses o f the Tem plars in
comhinatioll with the Hosp itallers, approac hed Frenc h king Philippe IV
wi th a list o f charges, substantiated by eyewitness tes tim ony of a number
of the southern Templars. and ac ting on th is information Philippe issued
an order of arrest in Septe mber of 1307. The order was finally suppressed
th ro ugh a ll Europe (excep t Scotland ). and th e Grand Master. Jacqu es
DeMolay. was burned at the stake in 13 14. Those Templars remainin g in
the south were absorbed into th e orde r of Hos pitallers, while those in hidin g in Scotl and became the nucl eus of the Priory of Zion , turning the ir
cons iderab le tal e nts and re mainin g wea lth ove r to the se r vice o f the
Teutonic /Zioni st c lique. The so uth e rn c lique, now do min a ted by a n
uneasy alliance o f the Frcnch and Ro man aristocracies, began exhibiting
signs o f paranoia very ea rl y in thi s .s tage of the cri sis. Bonifacc V III . in an


att e mpt to hrin g the cliq ue back in line with th e o riginal divi sio n o f power
(s uhse rvie nt to. rathcr than mas ters of, thc C hu rc h), issued a Papa l Bull.
" Unam Sanc tum," clai min g Papal autho rity ove r temporal rulers. in 1302.
He was poiso ned in 1303, and succeeded hy Be nedict XI - who attempted 10 roll ow in Bo niface's foo tste ps and was poisoned hil1lself in 1304.
Philippe IV of France, e ngaged in hi s war with th e TClllplars as ea rl y as
1307. finall y ofrcred Pope Cleme nt V san ctuary in France. and th e Papal
co urt moved in th at ye ar to A vig non, a co up for the Fre nc h fac ti on over
the Romans. So paranoid did the Papal court become lhal, in 13 16 (w hil e
th e rc mn ant s o f th e Te mplars were stre ng thcning the northe rn c lique),
John XX II se nt a squad of heav il y-armed Dominican s south to Ethiopia to
c hase down j) reported Patria rc h with va lid Roman Apos tol ic succession.
reco rd ed in hi story as "Preste r Jo hn: '
In 1326. th e Teutonic Kni g ht s mad e a foray into Po land: pri soners
we re ta ke n by the Poles. a nd several talked. di vul gin g not o nl y the brief
hits th ey kn ew of general policy , but al so th e ir knowledge of the sacrifices
o f Jew ish CO lll1l10 nerS - th ese report s sic ke ned the Polcs, who, upo n
re pe ll in g th e TClltOIlS in 1333-34 . ex te nded a gc neral sa nc tu ary to all
Europea n Jew ry. As news sprcad throu g h th e sub-clites of th e southern
clique. outrage was thc order or the day . Whi le the southe rn clique was
capab lc of sus ta ined vio len ce. and th e torturc o f capt ive e ne mi es, the
th o ug ht o f a program o f ritu a l human sac rifice appalled th em. ca us in g
the m to begi n pulling so mew hat closer together, at least to di scuss thi s
aspec t of th e no rth ern th reat. Though se ve ral o f the ari stoc rati c suhc liqu es had lea rnt of thi s prac ti ce as lo ng back as 11 90, it had been
rega rded as somcthin g betwec n a rumor and an aberration; now, however,
w ith proof w re sted from Teutonic Kni g ht s hy th e Poles. it too k o n an
imlllediacy. The northern c lique. of co urse, kn ew very qui ck ly th at the ir
prac tices were kn ow n by the so uthern ers, but we re more upset by what
they considered the so uth ernc rs' pretensions. In o rder to break the south ,
now whe n all see med go ing the ir way, the northe rn clique (w ith the cspec ial help o f E ng land 's Ed wa rd III ) ca used th e collapse of th e Bardi
Financ ier c lique in Rome , w ho had been , after the Hosp ita ll ers, the
bankers o f Europe. Edward , o f co urse, benefitted by not bei ng req uired to
pay any of the s izable loans he' d received from the Bardis; the northern
c liq ue could now attempt to wres t control o f fin ance from the south. By
thi s tim e. the midpo int of the fourteenth ce ntury. it was beco min g somethin g o f a race: since th e initial expediti o n to thc North Ameri ca n conti ne nt . nei th er s ide o f the co nlli c t had bee n in a pos ition to ex ploi t the
virg in land s. The north , w hil e havi ng the advantage o f unit y und er autoc ratic ru le, had not the req ui site wea lth to ex ploit the Ame ri cas: th e so uthe rn cliqu e. ror who m wea lth was no prohlem. had not th e unit y to mount a


proper ex.pedition . Both c liqu es realized lhal control of the vas l wea lth o f
the wes tern co ntin ents would e nsure lastin g victory. While the northern
ho uses of the T e mplllTs had brought w ith th em a cac he of gold, it had
heen scant - Philippe IV had sys te mat icall y co nfi scated th e avai lable
wealth of the o rd er during the seve n yeaTs o f hi s prog ram again st them.
and 1ll0s 1 of thi s had been di s bursed to the TCl1lplars-culll - Hos piwll crs
thc rcartcr, remainin g under south ern diquc cont rol.

The northern cl ique, growi ng des perate. auth orized their Assass ins to
introduce into so uth ern Europe th e buhoni c plague. known as th e " Black
Death ," in 1348. Ultimately, the plague wo uld kill perhaps one-quarter of
the European & Asian populatio n, as Illu ch as o ne- third of Europe al one.
a nd scattered o uthreaks wo uld co ntinLle we ll into th e present ce ntu ry.
somewhat backfirin g on the northern cl ique. No ne the less, it had much the
desired effec t, in its ow n way, weake nin g the so uth suffi cie ntl y to allow
the north to rein state its prog ram o f Imge-sca le sacrifice o f Jew is h CO Il1 ma ners, forc in g large numbers o f Jews to see k th e asy lulll of Po land .
beg in ning one year after introd uctio n or the plag ue. in 1349. The so uth
learned of the north' s compli c ity even as the plague ravaged the populati o n. foreve r alterin g the halance o f powe r and soc i<ll s tru ctu re of Ih e co ntin e nt. A force of Dominicans pushed so uth into deep A fri ca in an attempt
to se ttl e a safe hase, free from the co nt ag io n o f Europe; they had begun
co ns tru ction or s to ll e fortifi ca tions at Great Zimhabwe whe n they we re
attacked and slaughtered by a force of T eu to ni c Kni ght s. who took over
th e co nst ru c ti on w ith th e usc of s lave labor. e ull ed from amo ng the
indi ge no us po pUlatio n; hopeless ly ou tnumhered and operating far from
any hope o f relief, the Teutons we re in turn slau ghtered hy an upri sin g of
the nati ve sla ves. and the abando ned fo rt ifica ti o ns s tand to this day. Thus.
in AD 1375, any hopes of using the A fri ca n contin ent to sway the balance
of powe r were she lved. and the cliques hega n to co nce ntrate as best they
co uld o n the race to ex plo it the Amer icas.
In addition to the aforementioned pove rty o f the no rth and disunity o r
the sou th , both c liques were now saddled wit h a mas sive uph eaval of the ir
socioeco nomic norms caused hy the plague. whi ch Icd to a period of reapportionment and in -lightin g in both cam ps. O ne of the major results of the
plague was a loss o f fai th : the CO llllllo ne rs (an d more impo rt ant ly. the
elite) saw presbyter and prelate fallin g side-by-side with the peasant. It
was li kely thi s, more than anythin g else. that inspired the 'wa r of words'
th at was soon to follow. The north ern cli qu e. who neve r had actu all y
accepted the Gospel. set about di screditing the Writ. In AD 1376, norlh
e rn-b acke d th eo log ian John Wycliff publi s hed a treatise, "C iv il
Dominion," attacking the C hurch (and th ere fore the power o f the sO llthern
cliquc) : seeing, somewhat, the co ming s torm. the so uthern c lique quietl y


bega n a s ha ke up in th e ir power s tru c ture. The na ture o f the uneasy
a lli a nce betwee n the va ri o us aristocracies was s uch th at the pro fo rm a
obed ie nce to the C hurc h sca rce provided the s tabil ity req uired to bring the
cliq ue. o r ac tu all y the two major faction s of the cl ique (th e French and
Roman -oriented fac tion s) thro ug h a co mpl e te re vitali z ati o n as was
atte mpted at that time; hence relation s be twee n th e two gro ups we re
s trai ned to the point of near-di sso luti o n: thi s is the root cause behind the
"Great Sc his m" o f 1378.
T he Papacy & Papal co urts ha ving already bee n under Fre nch do min ation from 1309, the situatio n was ripe fo r sc hi sm; when Urhan VI e lec ted
to return th e Papal Court to Ro me , mo re than a dozen Cardinals of the
Fre nc h fa c tion e lec ted C le me nt V II as Antipope, and reopened the
Avignon Vatican. By 1409, three rival claimants were hailed as Pope, represe nting the French facti on, th e o ld Roman (west-ce ntral Italian ) faction ,
Clnd th e ups tHrt fac ti o n from Pisa (north -centra l Italian ). This state o f di sunit y on ly hegan to seUle whe n the Medi c i family, fin anciers, began their
bid to take over the Papacy in 14 14, and the sc hism wasn't totally ended
until three years a fter. The Pope elected as compromise to the three facti uns Ma rt in V, who immediately se t ahout to rea ffiml the mastery of the
so uth over th e north , but the troops sent forth to do thi s were defeated by
Bohemian Hu ss ite fo rees in AD 143 1.
The lege nd ary ri val ry of the various It a lia n fa mili es a nd fa c tion s.
including the sad tale of the Borgia Popes, is well recounted elsewhere,
hence I menti on them on ly in passing, as th ese con ni cls grea tl y hampered
th e so uth ern c lique's attempts to regain s uperiority over th e north , and
nearl y sin gle- handed guaranteed the north 's ascendancy over the course
of the nex t several centuri es, Away fro m the main ce nters o f act io n, the
Teutonic Knights once again aHempted to snatch back the sac rifi cial Jews
li vi ng in asy lum in Poland. The Poles, however. are nothing if no t fearles s
fighters. This foray of th e Teuto ns ended with the Poles ga inin g west
Prussia. exacerbating already s trained relation s with the Gennanics, who
decried the Po les even then as iilllermellSchell. Northern infiltratio n of the
southern power centers had been slow and un steady; with the viclOry o f
the Poles in 1454, a drive was attempted to sieze Spain , which. while seco ndary in powe r to th e Italian and French fac ti o ns, was a rising sta r.
Informed o f the attempt hy vigilant se ntinels in th e ranks, but unable to
do witho ut the a id rendered by the northern agent s, [sabell a and Ferdinand
ex pe ll ed the Jews reside nt there, and quietl y s hurn ed the ir staff until th e
1110St tru sted few he ld the positions closest to their throne. A yo un g adventurer, confidant o f the esoteric scho lars at Ro me , one Cristofaro Colombo,
had visited the Spa ni sh monarchs in 1486 to request their ass istance in an
adve nture 10 the wes tern con tin ent s. and had heen rejected. Returning to



th em in 1492. beari ng leiters of introduction from the scholars even llS th e
ro ya ls we re ex pellin g th e J ews. it fe ll to Isabe ll a - ac tin g w ith

Ferdinand 's approval, but in .secret. that the plans not leak

Qui -


finance the explorer's ques t. Duc to the problems with the northern cl ique.

by northern
the esoteric scholars as Xpo r e Tell S)

and allowin g for the possihility of th e learn heing way laid

hacked pirates. Cristofaro (kno wn 10

was outfined wi th three ships onl y. no escort. and a crew or convicted

felo ns who were co ns id ered expen dahl e. Even with these handi caps. th e
at tempt succeeded.
So fri ghtened were the northerners that in 151 7. the Teutonic/Zioni st

faction goaded an e moti o nall y-di sturbed mo nk. o ne Martin Luthe r. to

insti gate a "Rcfommtioll" of the Churc h. in the hope that th e resultant turmoil wo uld destroy the now once-aga in- wax ing power of th e southe rn
cli qu e. The ongoing troubl es betwcc n th e Eng li sh and French facti ons
kept inter fercnce by ot her chann els to a minimum , however, and the
southern cl ique made seri o liS adv ances in th e southern co nt inent of the

Americas. Leo X. then holding the Papacy on hehalf of his fam il y. the
M edici faction. granted speci;.ll favors to Engli sh King H enry VIII , then
excommunicated Martin Luther. The north erners, scein g th e di srupt ive
naturc of these ac ti ons (d iscred itin g th em , and sway in g England back
toward th e sou thern clique), had Leo assassinated, using their innuencc in
one fi nal pu sh to have elec ted to the Papal office one Ad ri an Boeyens. of

the Ne th e rland s. who (as Adrian VI) wo uld be the last northern c ho ice
(i ndeed, last non- It alian) Pope. for some years to come. Adrian held offi ce

onl y throu gh parts o f AD 1522-23. th en was poiso ned and rep laced by
C le me nt VII. another Med ic i. The so uth e rn clique . badl y shake n by
event s and w ith a care about th eir as-yet long-di stan ce control of the western co ntinent s, began forming more military/rel igious orders. such as the

infamous Kni ghts of Malta (forme rl y th e Kni ghts of Sl. John) in AD

1530. and the Jesuits in 1534 (though the oate o f their official recognition .
AD 1540. is that found in most histori es o f the time). The Jesuits pri mary
functi on. that of rooting out infiltrators. they performed admirably we ll -

uncove ring north ern co nspirat ors that it ca me as a ncar- total surpri se

whe n. in AD 1554. th e north seized con trol of the apparatu s of the Holy
Roman Emp ire. th e n under th e direct io n of H.R .E. Kar l V. bor n a
Spaniard but by now firmly in th e pocke t of the northern interests.
Th l: rou ndin g of th e Royal Exc hange in AD 1566 in sti ga ted an
allelllpted in vas ion of England hy a force or undercover Dom inicans in

1574: hetrayed to the Eng lish nohility by supposed allies. they were killed
w ith i n weeks of their arriva l. All empt s at diplomacy hy th e southern
cl iquc rail ed. and in AD 158 1 regular execLltion s o f Catholics wcre institut ed in an aHempt to destroy all internal opposition from hidden southern
age nt s. Muslims, th eir numhers padded by a force of nati ve black s,
massed in W est Africa , by the river Niger, for an invasion of th e southern
countries. but were apprehcnd ed by a force of Spani sh and Portuguese
merce nari es and w iped out. In that sa me ycar. w ithin scant month s. a
large Sp:.mish neet - attempting a secret in vas ion of England - los t the
clement of surprise when a lone ship captaincd by the pirate Si r Ri chard
Grenville engaged them enroute. allowing a tender to return to port wi th
the news. In retaliation, two Popes - Innocen t IX and Gregory X I V arc po isoned wi thi n it two-Ill onth period. Thi s co rnin g directl y all the

heels o f three prev ious deaths. Gregory XIII in AD 1585 under mysteri OliS circ um stances. then Sixtlls V and Urban V II wit hin two weeks of each
oth er in AD 1590. pro mpted retaliation in kind by the southern cliq ue.

Awaken ing olle morning late in 1592 to fin d the heads of fi ve of hi s

bastard sons nest led again st him in hi s hed ( their bodies neatly laid out on

th e 1100 r). Fre nc h kin g He nri IV. who had facilitated th e English sc hemes
again st the last several Popes. puhlicl y ren ounced Protestanti sm and sent
envoy s to the halian fac tion in an attempt to appease them. Thi s had been
a sccond wa rnin g to th e Frcllch. as H enri III . because of di sagreement s
with th e Roman ari stocracy, had heen executed by a warrior-monk in A D

1589. A le ller. left on the pi llow of Elizabeth I o f England. to the effec t

that continued opposit ion to Rome would result in the death o f any child
she might bear, is cred ited with ha ving persuaded E li zabeth never to mar-

so well, indeed, that by 1543, th ey we re able to prcscnt sufficient evi-

ry. No net hel ess. a nti- Catholic la ws remained in force in England. and

dence to Paul III to force him to inau gurate th e Inquisition.

Du e to th e victory of the northern clique, m os t hi storie s of the

northern infiltrators were beginning to make their presence felt evcn in the
rank s of the elite Jesuit s. ha ving enough power to bl ock a reunification of

Inquisi tion are hopelessly distorted. but ex tant Vatican records report that
the primary target of the ecclesias ti cal co urts were northern-backed infil-

the Roman and Orthodox Com mun ions in AD 1595 . Fighting between the
two cliques was rivaled. in thi s period . on ly by in-fighting between th e

trators, and th at these, once found guilty. were handed over to the secul ar
cou rts for punishment - w hich was ali - tao-often carried ou t in a most
un-Christi an manner. Admittedl y. the powe r of the Inqu isitor's office was
rather horribl y abused - most especiall y by ri vals of the Italian facti on in
Spain - and so engrossed was th e sout hern cl ique in th e minutiae of

vari oll s fac tions. England narrow ly averted total invas ion by the Spani sh
when an Armada. sent out to attack in tandem w ith a Spani sh-supported
upri sing of the Iri sh. was deci mated in a massive storm . The French and
Spanish factions. engaged for some tim e in open hosti lities, arc persuaded
to lay down arm s by the Roman facti on: in 1600. Lord M ountjoy begi ns



starvin g the rebel Iri sh into submi ss ion. eve n as Spa nish reinforce ments
were re info rcin g the defenses at Kinsale. M oun tj oy would later - in AD

intcndetl as an human shield - were costi ng more and more to suppon in

the style to which they'd become accustomed.

1602 -

In AD 1773. th e No rt h A m eri c an fa c t io n fe lt co nfide nt in the ir

strength. and. pro voking commoners to engage in the 'Boston Tea Party:
hegan overt hostili ti es agai nst the North European clique. War followed
two years later. As the colonists dumped English tea into Boston Harbor,
Clement X I V di ssolved the now nort hern -rife Jesui ts in it belated attempt
to halt the erosion of southern cl ique power. Come 1777, a leader
emerged among the new North American clique; George Wessington (late r Wa s hin gto n ) a g reed to f ig u re head th e fl edg l ing g ro up, and his
(Wess ing ton) famil y coat-of-arm s, a fi e ld o f stars and altern ating stripes,
was adop ted as th e new clique's standard and the new nation 's flag.

d e fea t the em ac iated comb ined forces. quashi ng the rebelli o n.

In AD 160 3. E lizabe th I d ies a nd is s ucceeded hy J am es I, w ho is

un afraid or the southern clique. Even th e release . hy Portuguese m erce-

naries, of the plague in London docs 1101 sway hi m. T he English had heen
sendin g co vert tcalll s to the A m eri cas. mostly the East Coast of North
Ameri ca, since AD 156 2, and es tah li shed th eiT fi rst overt sclticmcll t,
James tow n, in 1607 : Engli sh colo ni sts and a force o f slaves had held
V irginia since 16 19. marginall y-patri otic reli giolls 7.ealots of unacceptabl e
c ult s had bee n tra nsported s in ce 1620 . and Iina ll y in AD 1630. an Engli sh
force of 1000 was sent to reinforce cove rt bases in th e Massachusett s territory. founding what wo uld hecome Bostol1 . \V ith the infi ltrati on of the
1cs ui ts bas ica ll y co mple tcd hy AD IM O. th e es tab li sbmcnt o f a sou thern
clique-oriented colony. M aryland. in AD 1632, was at hest a palli ati ve
measure; north ern cliq ue cont rol of North A meri ca wa s essent iall y
assured. Indeed. with the founding of Quaker-contro lled Pennsylvania in
AD 1682. on ly two of the original th irt een colonies perm itted the practi ce
of Catholicism or the Quaker faith. W ith the passage of formal laws making Catholicism a cri me in AD 169 1. and the beg inni ng of the infamolls
Salem witch trials th at same year. any l11elll hcrs of religions oth er tlliln
those permi tt ed by the North American branch of the nort hern cl ique most notably Catholics and Quakers - were an endangered species.
Freemasonry was a grow ing fael among the second and thi rd level echelon of the northern cl ique, and the Masons saw in the new land an opportunity to set themselves up as a facti on in their own right. Whil e French
and Nat ive Americnn mercenari es curried on a war of attrit ion against the
north ern cl ique in vaders be tween AD 1702-55 . the Freemasons - or
rather, j ealous lower-echelon members of the northern cliq ue uni ted in
Masonic Lodges - continued to accrue powe r in the new territories. By
1738 , they posed such a th re at that infi ltration o f southern ari s tocratic
ra nks was deemed immi ne nt, and C leme nt XII issued the Papal Bull " In
Eminen ti" in that year, excommunica tin g any Catholic who was found to
be a member of the M asonic Lodges. The French faclion, having nominal
control of the midsec ti on of North America, were the only force with a
real chance of dri vin g the no rthern cli que out. The French facti on, however, were tired of th e Roman yoke. and. fearing open north-south warfare
o n their so il , expe ll ed the heav il y-infiltra ted Jesu its in 1762, the n began
covertl y pl anning to remove the Roman-all ied royalty, who had ceased to
he of use to them. The French facti on was. by this time, con tent wi th a
behind-the- scenes stance, in the so-called lowe r nobi lity; the Royals -

The now heavil y northern -in fl uenced facti on control ling France, seeing
the grow ing powcr and con siderabl e natu ral wcnlth of the upstarts.
aligned with th c Wess ington cli que the follow ing year. Along with the
actu al heads of the new North Am crican facti on, Jefferson, Franklin, and
Ad ams, W as hingto n (as he came to be called) led the commoners' forces
to v icto ry. and the European cl iq ues o f Fra nce. Spai n, and England forma lly recognized the new faction in 1783 . The upstart s entered into agreement with the now nearl y-deifi ed Prussian (Teu toniclZionist) faction in
17R 5. and th e Teutons began shin ing thc (';cnter of power to include their
North Ameri can alli es. T he Consti tution, written in such a way as to
ensure th at the Church-oriented southern cl ique could never sieze power,
was rat ifi ed , and seeing th e chang in g tides o f fortune , the French faction
- to ta ll y d iss at is fi ed w ith the sou th ern c li q ue - in c it ed th e French
Re vo lu t io n , to pplin g th e s o uth e rn -o ri e nt ed roya ls a nd dri ving the
Roman/ Vati can faction representatives fro m the country . Deciding to take
up th e nort hern c liq ue ' s p rac tices, the French fac ti o n formally invites
Jews to return in 1790; five years later, in order to win back some necessary fin ancial back in g, th e French fac ti o n opens tenuous relations with
ce rtai n elements of the Ro man fina ncial crowd. A problem becoming alltoo-apparent to the northern clique was the growing numbers of commoners, who - with victories in North America and France leaving them very
fu ll of themselves - were beginn ing to realize their power.
T he wo rl d 's popul ati o n reac hed 500 milli o n around AD 1650, and was
increasin g dramati call y. In AD 1798, Tho mas Robert M althus set down,
in hi s boo k " Essay O n T he Pri nc iple Of Popul ation," the nedgli ng ideology o f the no rthern c lique o n the prob lem of "what to do about all those'
co mm o ners." The North Ame ri can cliq ue split, by the early 1820' s, into
tw o fac ti ons, the northern and th e southern . The southern faction was relati vely liberal. preferring to usc imported Africans as slaves and allowing
the commoners a cert ain degree of li bert y; the northern faclion, heavily



inllucnccd by the thinkin g of the TClitoni t:/Zio ni sl cliqu e, saw the grow ing
masses as po ten tial sla ves, regardl ess of race . Standard hi storie s claim
that the southern clique ceded from the northern to protect their property

ri ghts. but in fact the northern clique sought to extend slavery 10 all com
moners, not merel y the negroes. Importation of Africans had ccased in
1808, hcginning a capti ve breeding program in th e south and an extension-or-sla ve ry program in the north : indeed, as carl y as 1786.



at self-gove rnment in New England. referred lO as "Sha y's Rebellion:'

had been put down with force, making lie of the illusion o f liberty for
which the commoners had fought and died. The two factions went to war,
with th e northerners emerging victo riou s in 1865. In 1866. the 141h
amendment was added to the North Amcrican clique's constitution.
allowing for enslavement of anyone. so long as the "due process of law"
was followed; fearing th c possibility of someone from outside their nUTllber actuall y achievi ng high office, in 1867 the "Tenure of Office" act was
passed, limiting the scope of power al lowed to elected figureheads. These
were among the Iasl acts of th e "old-line" North American ari stocracy; in
1870, w ith th e founding of th e Sta ndard Oi l Co mpany, J o hn D.
Rockcfcllcr, a mcmber of thc new brccd of Amcrican TeutonlZionist confcderat ion, inauguratcd thc " new-I inc" Amcrican elite.
Occu lt societ ies. hased along the lines estahlished hy the Telltons and
Zionists, began takin g root in North AlIlerica ; Helena Pctrovna Blavatsky,
owner of businesses in Philadelphia. established 11er Theosophical Soc iety
_ allied wi th the Thule Society, the Vril Soc iet y, and Aleister Crowley's
Golden Dawn - in New York C it y in 1875,the sa me year as Mary Baker
Eddy founded her Christian Science Tllovement in Mass achusetts. In thi s.
th ey followed th e lead of Freemason Josc ph S mith, who found ed the
Mormon Church (Latter-Day Saints) as a rival form of Freemasonry in
1830, and C harles Taze Russell. who estahlished the Jehovah' s Witnesses
in 187 1. The following decade saw the puhlication of Nietzsche's Aise
Spracil Zi1ralllllslra and James Frazer' s Tile Golden BOl/gil. After the ritual sacrilicc of several prostitutes in Whitechapel, London (which in itself
so lved a sticky problem for th e Royal Family th e re ), the northern
European clique, in a final put sch. seized control of the Italian governmen t, thereby surrou nding the heavily-inliltrated, hut as yet not submissive, Vatican power stru cture. That the Vatican had lost much of it s
glamour was true; but th e power of the Papacy still ex tended to a sizable
population of Catholics worldwide, posing a very real threat to northern
clique interests. In AD 1897, the TeutoniclZionist clique held a full meeting at Basel , Switzerland, and laid the grou ndwork for their plans for
domination of th ose territorie s not ye t directl y under their con trol.
Included in th ese discllss ion s were plans for an I-Ioloca usl. a massive


ex terminat ion-sacrifice of European Jewry and others. The US faction,

powerful but not ye t as powerful as th ey wou ld become. opposed the plan .
seeing no reason for such conquest - during thi s and th e ensuing period,
th e US faction pursued a policy of relative isolationism, caring little for
what happened outside their immediate sphere of innuenee. In 1906, back
in North ern Germany. the Tcutonic/Zionist clique hegan des igning their
new :Ind revalllpcu military m'l(;hinc. In ordcr to effec t th e Ilolm:allst. all
(If Europe wou ld have to he brought under one totalitarian government.
and in 1914, the TIZ clique bega n "The World War" in order to subjugate
Europe. ex pect ing an easy victory, with th e US clique remaining isolated
and unin vol ved. 19 17 was an eventful year; the US clique entered the
war, ensuring victory for the factions fighting the TIZ clique, thc Briti sh
Fasc ists announced their support for a Jew ish homeland in Palestine (in
order to thwart the TIZ clique's plans for mass sacrifice), and a new band
or upstarts, hacking the l3olsheviks. overthrew th e TIZ ali gned T sari st
clique in Ru ssill.

The following year saw the defeat o f the T/Z clique and th e end of th e
wa r. Re se ntmen t ran hi gh: British Fasc ists were angered by US clique
intervention in wha t th ey saw as an European situation; for the first time
in Illany years. all the suh ract iolls of the TIZ cl ique - from the various
soc ieties (Thul e, Vril. etc.) to th e unali gned but th oroughl y-Teu toni c
bourgeoisie - were united in their determination to enact "The Final
Solution," th e mass sacrifice of "useless" races to their deities, in order to
ensure absolute wo rld dominion. In 19 19. the Thule soc iety, pre-eminent
among the Teutonic orders. founded the Nat ional Socialist (Nazi) party, in
order to drum lip popular support for another war; they also sought useful
allies elsewhere. The British Fascists, ti ed closely to Thule via other related orders (Go lde n Dawn, Theosophical Society, and the British Israelite
movement. among oth ers) offered their support covertl y: White Russ ian
Fasc ists. enragetl at their treatment at the hands or the Bolsheviks, vowed
their suppo rt as we ll. In 1922, th e northern clique, acting in a unity never
before seen, backed an Italian Fascist. Benito Mussolini , in a takeover hid
that bro ugh t Ital y into line with the TIZ clique's designs. That sa me year,
Josef Stali n, an emot ionall y unstable but seemingly sympathetic dictator,
took power in Russia, By 1929, th e Ital ian Fascists were able to say th at
th e Fascist takeover of the Vatican hi era rchy was complete, and th e
Lateran Treat y, making the Vatican a sovereign state. was signed . By
careful manipulation , the T/Z clique was able to topple the US clique's
nati o nal economy in 1929: the followi ng yea r saw the Nazi party begin its
meteoric rise to power in Gennany, and hy 1933, regular ritual sacrifice
of Jews had bee n reinstated, grow ing steadi ly (albei t slo wly) eac h )'ear for
the rest of that decade, to be stepped up dramatically after 1940.

_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _....Ii_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


The British Fascists, playi ng bot h sides of the co mi ng co nni ct. re ta ined
good re lations o n bo th sides o r th e Atl ant ic; while the US clique waS tel11pora ril y un able to strike back at the T/Z cliq ue for destroy in g the ir eco nom y, th ey co uld , a nd d id, ca use th e Te uto ni c/ Z io ni s ts to lose face,
somew hat , by destroy in g the pride of Ge nn any, the airship Hindcn burg ,
o n US so il. The Spa ni s h Fascis ts, unde r Fra nc isco f-ra nco, q uas hed a n
atte mpted takeove r hy co mmoners ,inti ;1 nan.: hists in 1939. re nde rin g the
major it y
Euro pe rasc is t-controll cd.


T he T/Z cliq ue. feelin g thallhc time was ripe. hcgan the Seco nd Wo rl d
Wa r. Un be kn ow nst to the furces Ihal prepared 10 o ppose th em, Iwo TIZ
ph ys icists. O tt o Hahn and Fritz Strass man. nchi cvcd nuclear fi ssio n. the
fi rs t s tep towa rd mode rn nu c len !" wea po ns . th a I sa lli c ye m ( 1939). II
appeared that the T/Z cl iq ue would emerge from the rubb le vic torio us:
they had no t, howeve r. co nsidered th e possi hility o f a "wild ca rd" in the ir
ow n ranks. The US cl iq ue had lo ng hee n borde rl ine Fascists themselves.
and had mai nt ai ned a netwo rk o f infi lt rators in the ra nks o f the va ri o us
sec ret soc ie ti es of th e T /Z ne twork. One of th ese. th e hi g hl y-m nk ed
Rudo lph I-Iess - who had. indeed. bee n a llIos t trus ted memher o f Thul e
_ gathered a ll the ex tan t paperwork on Huhn and Strassman's work in
nuclear fiss io n, and Il ew to England in May of 194 1, trad in g th e c lique's
ato mi c secrets for immun ity and a new ide ntity. T he T e ut o ni c/Zio nis t
clique suddenl y fo und the mselves betmyed in th e worst way: no t o nl y was
the ir hope of usin g the new tec hnology das hed, but due 10 poor cOlllmun ications, the Japanese - Hc ting o n a plan arranged in 1933 - fo rced th e
US cliq uc to e ntcr the war di rect ly in Deccmher of that yea r. T ho ugh messages we re se nt to call o ff the pl an. Ihey were never rece ived - or. if
rece ived. ignored; Japa n had hee n pro mi sed do mini o n over th e wes tern
two- thi rds of the North A merican la nd mass, from the M iss iss ippi River to
the Pac iric Ocean. That th is arra ngc me nt was know n to the US cl ique is a
poss ihility , a nd wo ul d exp la in the inte rnlll e nt o f Japa nese in th e US; I
ca nn ot say, tho ugh. as I have no t fou nd a ny proof. o ne way or the o ther.
With th e loss o r th e sec recy s urro undin g th e ir nu c lea r weapo ns
researc h, and faci ng the poss ihili ty th at the US clique wo uld w in the race
to perfec t the new tec hno logy. the T euto nic/Zion ist c lique stepped up
th e ir e fforts at propitiatin g th eir gods. Sacririces o f Gy psies, Slavs, the ill
and in lirl11 , Jew ish comm oners. and Ca th o lics was stepped up dram ati cally; the cl iq ue s till heli eved, at thi s poi nt, that victo ry coul d he assured if
on ly th e req ui site amount o r hl ood sacrifi ce we re perfo rmed. Hess. however. was not the o nl y sy mpath izer within the rank s of the Teuto lls to sec
the US cl iq ue' s ri si ng star. T he lis t o f highl y-ranked membe rs of the Na7.i
fro nt to make dea ls with the more pascis t e le mc nt s o f th e US cliqu e inc lud in g Gor ing. Borm ann . the a foreme nt io ned Hess. Hillll11ler. S hauh.


Gehl en, and numerous ot hers - agrces in great deta il with a list of th ose
who, after the war, held positio ns of trust in what came to be call ed the
" Int e lli ge nce Com mun ity," th e business-fina ncial communit y, a nd the
social e lite, o r "Ca fe Society." The fac t - as I myself have seen in th e
arc hi ves. as well as havin g see n in my trave ls - that co ntrary to the po pul ar deceptio n, the T eut o ni c/Zioni s t hi erarc hy. the rea l power o f th e o ld
Prussian cliq ue. was no t defeated , but ra the r was ahso rbed by the wo rs t
cle me nt s o r the US cl ique, w ith th e help o f th e Eng lis h clique and the suhve rted Vati can hi erarc hy. It had been thi s same actio n o f the US c li q ue
th at had in itia ll y insp ired many of the prac ti ces o f th e mo re "scientiricalIy-min ded" Teu to ni c sciell ti s ts; prac ti ces aga ins t the men ta ll y ill a nd
aga inst th e nati ve American tribes in the latter part o f the nine tee nth and
early part of the twe nt iet h cen turi es had insp ired the infamous "medical
expe rim ent s" o f the co nce nt ratio n ca mps. Indeed, one o f the co nditi ons of
absorpti o n in to th e US c liqu e, bindin g upon bo th th e T e ut o ni c a nd
J apa nese fac t io ns ( th ese three w ho wen t o n to ror m the T ril a tera l
Comm iss ion) was th at the documen ta ti o n o f the res uits of thci r cxperime nt s be give n, full y and free ly. to the ir new mas ters.
\V hil e the Japanese experimen ts in sonic d isru pti on of li vin g tissue are
no t yet full y utili zed, the hiological il nd genetic findin gs of th e Tcuto ns
have born e Illuch rruit , as I shall re late. The Z ion ist facti o n, g lad to s hare
powc r hut des ir in g the ir ow n base. we re given Pa les tin e. Th e Te llto ni c
cl iq ue. with its in trica te ti es to the ot her o ld ari stocrac ies, shifted the ac tual ce nte r o f power to the United States. Al1 wo uld have go ne the ir way ,
we re it no t ro r rurthe r w ild cards in the deck. Ind eed, th e res hu fn ing left
new c li q ues arisi ng: th e new Russia n clique. d is tru stful of their neig hbors
to the west; the Muslim cliqu e, rese ntful , and possessed o f an impo rt ant
co mm odi ty beneat h th ei r shi ft ing sa nds; and the A narchi sts, prese nt fo r
nearly a ce ntury but now ga in ing in popul ar suppo rt; as well as mi nor racti o ns - all to ld , whil e the grea ter part o f th e new o rd er favored the heirs
o f the o ld aristoc racy and the still -ri sing US cliq ue. to tal co ntro l was no t
th ei rs. In 1949, th e new Russ ia n c liqu e de tona ted th eir fi rs t nu c lea r
wea po n; the Vati can issues a Papal Bull dec reein g exco mmuni cati o n for
any Roma n Cat ho li c who e ither practi ces o r preac hes Commun ism, and
Sena tor Jose ph M cCar th y in aug ura tes a new w itc h- hunt , a im ed at
Co mmuni s t infiltrators in the lower ranks of the apparatu s that ser ved the
USrre ut on ic/Zio ni st c lite . Recent eve nts s how th at the Ru ss ian c liqu e
may we ll he see kin g e nt ry into the ra nks o r the elite, th reatened as th ey
arc hy the Anarc his ts, and nea rl y to tall y depe nd ent o n th e West; however,
it is too soo n to te ll. That the order worships vengefu l deities. de mand ing
the rit ual sacri rice o f innocent victims, may be amo ng the most un be li evahl e o f Ill y assert io ns. It lIlust he reali ze d th at th e heirs of the c liqu e 's



powe r arc as we ll the he irs of the ir prac ti ces and s uperstiti o ns. If it seems
odd (a us. rai sed accept in g C hristi an it y (in o ne form o r ~lI1 o lhc r) as the
opera ti ve mode o f unders tand in g. that the re wo uld be tho se . seemin g ly as
c ivili zed as o urse lves. who would practi ce such blasphem olls riles. le t it
he understood that lO these the worship and propitiation of othe r gods is
the no rm ; whethe r hy co in c ide nce and c irclIllls tan ce . o r hy actual int erventioll of d e moni c influence. th e l1Iajorit y or th ese s;u.: rifi ccs seel1l to
th em. to have work ed.
The e li te nrc an insul ar. clanni sh cl ique. give n to raging idiosync ras ies
and i mlllense depos its o f superstitioll . The ir insulatioll from the rest
and fro m the world whi c h we inh ah it . ha s rende red th e m e mot io nall y
und evclo ped, in capab lc o f lo vin g, o f c ari ng. of givi ng - to thcm, the sacrili ce or an innocen t is no more notewort hy th an the s wa ttin g o f an annoyin g n y. and e minc ntl y more usefu l. In the Un it ed S tates alon e, more th an
thirty tho usand people - in cludin g a growin g numher o f yo un g children,
always a pre ferred victim - di sappea r each year. wi th o ut a tracc. Thi s
lIlust he tak e n in con tcx t: thcrc arc o f coursc a fair [lumbcr o f indi vid ual s
who , fur wha te vcr rcaso n, chouse to di silppear - hut these wou ld form. al
the ve ry mos t. pcrhaps a third (thou g h li ke ly IlIli ch less ) of the total nUIll ber. What of the o th ers'! From doculll entation I have seen. and conversati o ns w ith m y ecc les ias ti ca l supe riors. it is said thaI th e majority o f these
di sappcmances can be traced direc tl y 10 su ch fun c ti o nin g c ult s as that
operated hy Imune de leted J who . when 110t o perating hi s c ult duri ng offho urs, prac ti ces as warrior-priest for the Pres id io military hases' ow n co ng rega ti o ll , pres id in g. in the groltOS be nea th the base. over ritual sex ua l
ahusc o f, and quite Oft CIl ritual sacrifi ce of. childre n and you ng adults.
Whi le thc nanles used to id enti fy Ihe o ne unde rl yin g c ult change from
locale to loca le, and whil e a be wil de ring array of deiti es - see min g ly
re prcse ntin g every pre-C hri sti an cult eve r to ex ist - are in voked, it is
ulti matel y th c Teutonic/Z ionist pantheo n, the Z iuni st YI-IWH in co njuncli o n wi th the German ic god s. (t ho ugh Ih ere are sca ttered re fe rences to th e
Z io ni s t elite wors hippin g o nl y the ir ow n god) that arc the ultimate object
o f the clique's worship. Yet, for al1 th e ir power. th ei r e mpire sta nds o n a
less-t han-firm foundat ion. Internal rifts are cOlllm on; whil e united in theory , various fac ti o ns pursue different policies. Inte rt riba l a nt agon is m is
COllllllo n. Even the agenda of the factions within the clique differ.


The id e ntiti es of th c T euto ni c/Zionis t clique are wel1 -g ua rd ed; eve n

their hi gher servants are protec ted by the anony mity of immense wealth
and the power attendant upo n it. We speak here o f indi vid uals of s uch status tha t their k ith and kin arc referred to as an ' ho use; no t a ' famil y.'
Am o ng th ese are th e Hou se of Wind so r. abso lute ma ste rs until ve ry
rece ntl y o f th c worlds trad e in narco ti l:s; th e House of Rhodes and the

I-iullsc of Rothschild. wi th the ir im lllcnse holdin gs in land and in gold ;

a lso inc luded . a lhe it grud g in g ly. in th e e lite are the ups tart HOllses o f
O nass is and Ibn Sa ud, who vic for pos it ion alon gs idc the e s ta b li s hed
I-lo uses - the Williaillsons, the Lodges, the Cabots, and Bi e rces ; the
Carnegies. the rclative newcomers Rockefe l1 er, the Buchanan s, Bro wns ,
and Ralei ghs: the ca pita li st "johnny-co tll e- latclys" - a class that in c ludes
the aforelllcntiolled Roc kel'cllers - is represented hy r:onls and Hea rsts
as we ll as the Bradfords. 13ryall s. and thosc und erlin gs among the manage r ial eli te who wou ld lIlarry among the m. Due to the phenomenon of
"dy nil s ti c marriage." it may be rightl y s aid that there arc not 100 fam ilies,
not 25 famili es, hut o ne fami ly, a tribe unto themselves, who ho ld the
reig ns o f powcr, co ntrol th e d cs tini es o f multitud es, ca t the wea lth o f
nation s, and drink the profane c hal ice o r horror - for th e he redit ary
pricstc raft o f the Teuton ic/Zio ni st el it e is the ex clusive ve nue. in its purest
form . of th e e lit e -hy - hlood . Whether th c demon bei ng wo rs hiped is
Ya hweh the Zio ni s t So la r God. or A ngra Mainyu Agni o f the sy ncret ic
Teutonic c ult. the primary requirement for correct wo rship is blood conIl ex ion. lineal desce nt if at all poss ibl e. in th e pri es tl y lin e .
"Sec re t socie ti es" - s uc h as the Frecmaso ns. the Priory of Zion, and
th e post- Va tica n Tcmp lars - servc as suh-sec ts to th e ma in body of the
T/Z clique' s religion_ For th e Zio ni sts, th e li nes of demarcation are Illu ch
ti g ht er: "Old MOll cy" is the only mo ney. and Kohen s are s till trained in
proper ritu al for sacrifice - admitted ly in li eu of a consec ra ted te mpl e in a spccial shill for Kohens, loca ted in Jeru salem. There can be no question th at the Z ion is t state o f Israe l s hall . one day, with Te ut o ni c/US backin g, drive th e Moslems fro m the T empl e Mount and destroy the (to the m)
blasphemous Do me o f the Rock. In thi s respect, the T eut o ns are more fo rtunate, in that unho ly s laughter o f c hildren can take place at the hand of
an [name deleted[. in the gro tto be neat h th e Presidio, and carry full va lid ity_
C urre nt po li cies of th e elite regardin g the general es tate of the commo ne rs. as I myse lf ha ve see n and read, is tellin g. Whil e a policy o f di vis ion. fact io nalis m and antagoni sm is th e ord er of the day (part icu larl y in
th e United S tates. where wha t must be th e mos t divers ified popu lation on
Eart h is kept in a s tate o f turmoi l by divi s ive legi slation inte nd ed to provoke interrac ia l s trife and soc ia l s tratifi ca ti o n) , there are two primary
sc hoo ls of tho ug ht regard in g the actua l usc to which the s ubj cc ts are to be
Whilc there is general agree ment across the board wi th the no ti o n that
the COllllllo ners mu st be down bred. in orde r to reduce thei r intelli gence
and m ake th c m less apt to ri se up in rebe llion . a large fa cti o n - who
appear to he ho lding sway - counse l a mass ive slau ghter of the maj ority



of the "useless caters," I say that they seem to he holding sway. as doclIme nt s I have see ll tell of the int rod ucti o n or an eng ineered viru s, Acquired
Iml11un odeficiency Sy ndrome (A IDS) into the popu lation hy the Wo rl d
Hea lth Organization smallpox vacc in atio n prog ram in Afri ca, and s illlu.ltanco usly by med ical ex periments on promiscuou s 1ll:.le l~ omoscx u ~l s III
New York Cit y. Cu rrent thought see ms to he th at o nl y ThIrd \Vorld clh ni c itics were targe ted . hut ill f :'H; 1 th e plan appea rs 10 he to redu ce the
world population overa ll to more lIlana geah le; ~hcsl' slI.rvivors

ma y then be limited as to reproduction . Ilumhers lllallllalllCd at Just the

level necessary 10 insure a force

or slaves.

Th e reaso n behi nd thi s redu ction is amo ng th e Illost frighteni ng revelation s I fee l I s hall mak e: accordi ng to th e he s t e s tim a tes o r c1iqueemp loyed c limatolog ists, the wor ld - co ntrary to the c lIrr~nt ."g ree nh~,u se
effec t" s to ry - is drawi ng in exorab ly toward ano th er glacli1t loll . The ke
Ages" arc always spoken o f in the past te nse. always tr~at.ed as occ urre nces in preh is to ry, never to be repeat ed; howeve r. glac 13tlOlI has h~e n
th e lIoml for thi s world s in ce ro ughl y two million years ago: alternat in g
cyc les or g lac iation and wa rm inte rs tadial. foll ow ing an a)lp rox.i rn.atc O ~I C
hun dred-tho us and yea r cycle ( nin e ty thou s and yea rs 0 1 g laCiation. fo llowed by ten th ousa nd o f inters tadial. plus or minu s as mll ch as two
tho usand years) arc the no nn al climate of o ur Eanh, s ince th e end of tl~e
Plioce ne e ra (o r perhaps s li g htl y ear li er). W he n the icesl1Ccts once ag:lln
advance. it is th e p lan of the e lite to mo ve the trappin gs of civi li zation
so uth. a forced march of lad e n s laves to th e sou thern hem isphere (the
g laciers cover o nl y th e no rthe rn portioJl d im es). :'lnd 10 thi s end. " housecleani ng" has already begun. AIDS ravages prim ari ly (t hough not exclus i vely) third - wo rld p op ulati ons. h e n ce th e s outh e rn la nd s w ill ~1e
defenseless ; m assive trac ts are already hei ng clea red and prepared lor
construction in Sout h Ame ri ca. and North Amer ica - expec ted to he covered, by th e middle of the twe nt y-sel:o nd cen tury. wi th a t~vo - n~ile-t.hi c k
hlanket o f ice - is heing treated as a ga rhage h in. indu stnal e l nu vla o f
the m ost noxiou s variet ies bei ng poured out all ove r th e land; it wi ll cease
to be of use to th e elite, ergo it Illust be rendered useless to anyone else.
Eve n the most dangero us or the ind ustri al wastes wi ll break dow n and be
reassimilated by th e soi l in nin ety thous and yea rs, hence, when. the .ice
cl ears, a trek back to th e North wi ll he poss ihle, if desired. In the IIlt erun .
th e commo ners arc kept palliated, e ntertai ned. too busy to investi gate the
world around them - and reduced. by slow attritio n of inc urable di sease.
to a desired size. I wis h that I co uld say that th ere is some sustained. organi zed resistance within the lower ra nk s of the C hurch. Ind eed. th ere is not.
I wish I co uld say that some fa ction amo ng the e lite he ld more hum ane
v iews; I cannot. Brieny. th e re was hope . .J o hn f'it zgerald Ke nn edy. a

dru nk ard and a hoor. perhaps th e hes t of a very bad lo t (the Kennedy clan)
had so m e pre te ns io n s to fulfi llin g hi s bapti smal vows, if on ly in th e
hreach. He had so me des ire to treat the slaves humanel y. He was used to
set an ex ample to any o th ers who mi ght atLe mpt to defy the hi gher-ups. to
over- reach the boundaries se t up by th e various fac tion s of the el ite. So
llIu c h for political hel p. Jo hn Paul I att e mpt ed to wres t control o f the
Vati l: an away from th e Marc illkus c lique; an ex ample was made of him .
al so. Far from di sco ura ging . however. is the fa ct that s uch occurre nces
co uld he at all - such is a s ign o r the interna l d is unit y of the e lite.
This. however. is all the hope that I can offer: that a co nce rted effort
could well be all that is needed to toppl e these insular few from their loft y
perc h. To what end? Overthrow will not solve. in and of itself. the terrible
troubl es of our age. hunger, di senfran chise ment, disease -

but it will e nd

th e o ns laug ht o f troubles from hi ghe r ec helons. Overpop ul a ti o n is as

mu c h a prob lem to the s laves as to the masters. disease mu st and will run
its co urse, hun ge r w ill be ended o nl y in the way it has a lways e nd ed. by
reduc in g the population to levels wh ich ca n be supported by the Earth ;

none theless. I for o ne would infi nitely prefer to be culled by the natural
forces e mpowered by the Almighty, DivilllUIl auxilium mallent semper
Ilobiscum. th an by the desig ns of a n e lite who choose to play at being
gods. Si", fumbi veslri praeci11cli et {" cenlae arden(es in 11umibus vestris;
ad societatem civiwlI supernorwl1 perducal 110S Rex A llge /onll1l. I am
hardly the first to speak of a co nspiracy ; I have read and enjoyed fictitious
work s whi ch e mbodi ed various aspects o f the stratifi cat ion or power w ithin their story lin es. a nd know that th eo ri es regarding this o r that "secret
society" ho ldin g sway over the courser o r events are a popular form o f
s p ec ul a ti on. I reali ze th a t mine is but one m ore vo ice added to th e

caca phony, perhaps to be lost in the tumult; indeed. the very documents
th at I have seen includ e id eas. plans. for th e sort of "d is information"

la mented by many, produced for th e purpose of mis leading those rare few
who spend not all of their time paci fi ed by popul ar amuse ments. How are
you to know th at I speak th e truth ? You cann ot. You can verify for yourself the historical fac ts which I have presented, whi ch fonn the gist of my
ow n notes. copied laboriously from the original pape rs at the Vatican
archives and supplemented by infonnatio n g leaned from other clerics and
se rvant s of God. but this. I und ers tand. ca nn ot be taken as a guaran tee of
veraci ty. I ha ve divulged w hat I kn ow; 1 must a s k to remain forever
ano nym ous. I am not a you ng man, stro ng-w ill ed and inspired; nor yet an
old man . who may plead hi s years: I :Ul1 hut a weak man , see min gly alone.
a nd ve ry much a fraid. mea maxima clllpa. Though I canno t o ffer ve rifi cation beyond what the diligent sc ho lar mi ght find in a careful examin ati o n
o r hi s lnri cul tex ts, and mu st ad Jllit that this Illy recounting of the facts as



kn own to me is, o f necessi ty, but a skeleton of Ihe w hole story, co nce ntrating on o nl y the most important (to my mind ) aspects of the hi s tory o f
the stru ggle, I offer it in the hope th at at least some might be moved to

acti on. If my sharing of what I kn ow saves, or even merel y betters. one

li fe, then I have in so me s mall way striven to fulfill my vow of servi ce to
my fellow-children o f God. MaiO/'em ca rita/em lI emo habel Ilt on imam
.'mom pmwi qui.') pro amicis slli.'I; wou ld that I had such stren gth. Such is
the g is t o f my kno w ledge of th e s ituati o n; I hope that thi s casts so me li g ht
o n yo ur interest in th e takeover of the Vat ica n. I have endeavored 10 keep
th is recouilling to manageable le ngth: I cou ld have lold so mewha t more,
b ut it would only add detai l to the ovcrall pi ct ure prese nted here. and I
bel ieve th a t the total s itu ati on is bes t and 1I10S t acc urate ly dep ic ted in
broad, bold strokes. I o rfer you on ly Ihose proofs o r my sin cerit y as ca nnot be tm eed to me, fo r obvious reaso ns; IIlUl e dimillis SerVIII1I tuum.
Abs1e r~el Dell.<i amI/ em lacrim(lm (II; oculis .mll eloru11l, a serva nl o f sc rva lli S...

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