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Whiteboard Aug 6, 2020

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1 Voua a llez • la plage.

Faltes une llste, .,, frar,qa&. de 8 artic:leS • apporter ll la page.

I l!xemple: Chapeau de soleil

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4 k
6 t.J.-(\.,

6 u.fL,, ha11:,n,

8 --c:r:r WV t -~«

[Total: SJ
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-~ '6.t,, Mon ecole

DecriVez votre vie scolaire.

• Le ~atin, apres votre arriv(Je A l'ecole, qu'est-ce que vous faites (par example : matieres ?
activites ? amis ?)
• Ou et a queue heure est,ce que vous ~ z le dejeuner 7.
. -r-
• Dites ce que vqus aimez et.n'almez pas a l'ecole. Pourquol/Pourquol pas ?
..-, • A l'avenir, voudtiez-vous Atre protesseur ? ExpHquez pourquoi/pourquoi pas.
r "

Ecrivez environ 80-90 mots en fr'anc;als .

£4..k?. . . . ... . . . .$..~......c.@.ra


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[Total : 30)
Academic Integrity Submission

Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behaviour in an academic ~~tting.
St George's College has set 'mock' examinations to give students practice in writing under examination cond1t1ons and
for feedback on how to improve their performance prior to the cambridge International examinations.
If e~e is evidence that a student has not behaved with academic honesty they may be disqualified from th is day's
examinations and investigations will be conducted into their other scripts.

An Academic Integrity Submission Form must be attached to the front of every day's download of completed papers.
Subject _ _ _ i:_~
M ,.
j - -· ·
Teacher ____,.____~Vl{_, M .
Date examination taken { ,pr-
. OG f Oi;):bx
f ~rog/'U),I<
start time
\'1: lOPM End time_-""'
\2, \Q p fv\
Pupil qualifies for extra 12 minutes per hour? 0 YES dNo o___
~f yes, total time taken ___

Extra resources/materials used M0

e.g. calculator, Data booklets. ------------------------
Student Dedaration

I confirm that I sat this examination paper on the date and at the times stated above.

I confirm that I followed all standard examination procedure including having no access to devices, notes or books,
except those supplied by the school for the purpose of this examination.

I confirm that this is all my own work and there was no collusion with any other person.

I am aware of the consequences of cheating and plagiarism and that if there is evidence of this, I may be disqualified
from this examination.

Student name c~v~ Signature _____

~- - - - - - - -

O _G.- '-
Date _ _ _ _ ( _o_ cg [ 'd..
0-'y" -'-------
Parent Declaration

I confirm that my son/daughter completed this examination paper in the time stipulated and under examination
conditions. This included no access to 'any devices, notes or books.

Parent's name L-0 V~.f\'N~~ V~\l.E-

Signature _ ___._

Date _ _ _ _O-'G
o_~..... /'-2_____
.6 _
If either the student or parent cannot sign this _form for any reason, we request they contact Mr M Phiri, the Deputy
Headmaster, at

Teacher signature to confirm, as far as they can ascertain, this script does not contain any plagiarised content.

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Or areas for further investigation:

This submission must be returned to the Examinations Officer.

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