Aquinas S Ethics: Rebecca Konyndyk Deyoung, Colleen Mccluskey, and Christina Van Dyke
Aquinas S Ethics: Rebecca Konyndyk Deyoung, Colleen Mccluskey, and Christina Van Dyke
Aquinas S Ethics: Rebecca Konyndyk Deyoung, Colleen Mccluskey, and Christina Van Dyke
Aquinas’ s
Metaphysical Foundations,
Moral Theory, and Theological Context
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2 Aquinas’s Ethics
Why is it, after all, that two people can live on the same street, work
at the same job, and yet one person experiences constant frustration and
anxiety in his life while the other flourishes? Is it better to become a ma-
rine biologist or a day-care worker? Can anyone justify becoming a pro-
fessional musician when people are starving throughout the world? How
are we to think about the ultimate purpose of our lives — how are we,
for example, to balance personal fulfillment with the demands of living
in community?
Aquinas’s account of human nature and human flourishing turns
out to provide a meaningful framework in which to answer pressing life
questions. While recognizing that each of us possesses unique talents and
shortcomings, he describes a general picture of the flourishing life that
proves as provocative, challenging, and attractive today as it first did over
seven hundred years ago. Our central goal in this book is to present this
rich picture to readers who lack the time or technical expertise to under-
take the project themselves.
Aquinas develops his account of the genuinely happy life within a
complex metaphysical and theological framework; thus, a large part of
our task will be to examine his understanding of what human beings are
and how and why they act. With this foundation in place, we’ll be able
to properly appreciate his conception of the good life human beings are
meant to live.
Aquinas’s own life underscores his belief that scholarly pursuits
can— and perhaps should— have practical as well as abstract or contem-
plative results. When his politically-minded family pressured him to join
the highly respected and well-established Benedictine monastic order,
Aquinas did not object to the idea of a religious career in and of itself.
Instead of choosing the Benedictines, however, he insisted on joining
the recently formed Dominican order, a religious order with considerably
less prestige and a radical social mission. Founded in 1217 by St. Dominic,
a leader with a strong desire to revitalize the church’s mission and to
rescue it from religious apathy and power-hungry clergy, the Domini-
can order dedicated itself to a life that combined quiet prayer and con-
templation with active Christian service. Like the Franciscans (another
recently founded religious order), the Dominicans served as itinerant
teachers and preachers, explicitly pursuing intellectual formation for the
Introduction 3
4 Aquinas’s Ethics
this ultimate end. Aristotle stresses our status as rational animals and de-
scribes the happy life rather broadly as “the life of activity expressing rea-
son well.”2 Aquinas, on the other hand, emphasizes our status as beings
created by God; the point of the ethical life for Aquinas is, correspond-
ingly, not just a life of flourishing rationality but, more specifically, a life
of intimate union with God. Thus, while Aristotle is highly interested
in moral education and character formation, Aquinas sees the deeper
purpose of moral education and character formation as preparing us
for union with God. Aristotle believes that having the right moral char-
acter is necessary for the flourishing human life, and that the right use
of reason will show us what counts as the right sort of moral character.
Aquinas believes that we are created in God’s image, and that we flourish
most when our likeness is closest to that image — that is, when we most
closely resemble God in the ways appropriate to human beings.
As we demonstrate throughout this book, Aquinas’s central project
in his ethics is grounded in these metaphysical and theological beliefs.
Indeed, one of the most striking features of Aquinas’s scholarship is its
conscious synthesis of Aristotelian philosophy with his Christian beliefs.
He is sometimes said to “baptize Aristotle,” but what Aquinas does in his
independent works (such as Summa theologiae) goes much deeper than
sprinkling a few Christian sentiments over a generally pagan system;
rather, his theological commitments permeate his philosophical system.
By keeping Aquinas’s Christian beliefs firmly in mind, we will better un-
derstand three central components of his philosophy: the metaphysics of
his account of human nature, the theory of action he develops on the basis
of that metaphysics, and his ethical theory. With this approach, readers
can appreciate the full richness and value of Aquinas’s thought.
To demonstrate why we believe a proper understanding of Aquinas’s
philosophy requires its being seen as part of this larger picture, it is useful
to turn to Summa theologiae IaIIae, questions 1– 5. These five questions,
commonly referred to as the treatise on happiness, are a prime example
of how Aquinas actively integrates his theological beliefs with an Aris-
totelian metaphysical and ethical system. Over the course of these ques-
tions, Aquinas addresses the opening book of Aristotle’s Nicomachean
Ethics, a book that culminates with Aristotle’s famous function argument
for human happiness. By examining briefly both the original function ar-
Introduction 5
gument and Aquinas’s treatment of it, we can see how Aquinas simulta-
neously accepts and transforms Aristotelian claims within a deeply Chris-
tian context.
In the Nicomachean Ethics 1.7, Aristotle makes a connection between
something’s nature and its function. He claims that everything has a func-
tion or a characteristic activity. The function of a knife, for example, is
“to cut.” The fact that a knife’s function is cutting is hardly accidental to
its being a knife; rather, a thing’s characteristic activity relates directly
to its nature. Broadly speaking, what a thing is explains what that thing
properly does. So, for example, the fact that a knife’s essence just is “cut-
ting tool” accounts for the fact that the function of a knife is “to cut.”
Human beings, too, have a function, one that is best understood by
reference to their nature. According to Aristotle, humans are rational ani-
mals. They are animals insofar as they are living, breathing physical crea-
tures, but they differ from all other animals in their ability to cognize —
that is, in their rational abilities. This understanding of human nature
gives us the key to identifying the human function: since, by nature, an
animal lives a life of activity (perceiving with its senses, seeking food,
shelter, etc.) and since, by nature, a rational being engages in intellectual
cognition, the function of a rational animal must be “a life of activity ex-
pressing reason.” Thus, the characteristic activity of a human being—
the activity that fully captures what it is to be human — is not just ac-
tivity common to other animals but activity that specifically employs our
rational capacities.
Although grounded in Aristotle’s metaphysical beliefs, this descrip-
tion of the human function also has deep implications for his ethics. Aris-
totle holds that a thing’s virtue — its excellence — necessarily involves
that thing’s performing its function well. (Aristotle’s claim here is a meta-
physical one: to say a knife is excellent or virtuous insofar as it cuts well
is to say that it is a good knife, not that it is a morally good knife.)3 A thing
is excellent precisely when it does a good job in carrying out its charac-
teristic activity. A knife’s function is to cut, and so its virtue or excellence
consists in its actively cutting well. In the same way, since the human
function involves a life of activity expressing reason, human virtue —
human excellence — consists in performing that function well. (In this
connection, it is important to remember that reasoning itself counts as
6 Aquinas’s Ethics
Introduction 7
then, he goes beyond Aristotle in arguing that what it means for us to live
“the life of activity expressing reason well” needs to be understood in the
context of our relationship to the Creator. In particular, Aquinas claims
that our excellence consists in the activity of knowing and loving God.
Thus, when Aristotle identifies happiness as the highest good and
our ultimate end, Aquinas concurs — and then he identifies that highest
good with God. Again, when Aristotle argues that the activity of hap-
piness consists in the fullest expression of our rational powers, Aquinas
agrees — and then he explains that the fullest expression of our rational
powers involves both the cognition of our ultimate end and the proper
response to that knowledge. For him, the activity of human happiness
consists both in our cognition of God, our ultimate end, and in our ap-
propriate reaction to that ultimate end— namely, love. The activity of
human happiness thus maximizes our nature as created rational beings
by putting our distinctively human capacities to their best possible use.
Since human beings are unique among animals by being created in God’s
image, by possessing intellect and will, perfect human happiness involves
knowing God through our intellects and loving God with our wills.
This brief glance at Aquinas’s interpretation of the function argu-
ment demonstrates both how his ethical system depends on his theories of
human nature and human actions and how Aquinas freely directs Aris-
totle’s basic philosophical precepts toward an explicitly Christian end. It
also gives us a basic idea of the flourishing human life as he understands it.
8 Aquinas’s Ethics
Introduction 9
can think of this as the mechanics of action: how Aquinas accounts for
the fact that human actions are produced in the first place. Understand-
ing the mechanics of action enables us to appreciate what it is to perform
good actions and how action goes wrong, which is the focus of chapter 5.
Finally, in chapter 6, we consider the freedom of human action. Freedom
is an important condition for moral appraisal; ordinarily we do not think
that individuals should be held accountable for their actions if it turns
out that they did not perform those actions freely. Human freedom also
generates certain tensions with other commitments within Aquinas’s
ethics — the efficacy of grace, for example. Thus, both chapters 5 and 6
set the stage for understanding Aquinas’s ethical theory, which is the
focus of part 3.
In this last part (chapters 7– 9) we examine three integrated elements
of Aquinas’s moral thought—virtue, law, and grace — in order to un-
derstand his conception of human flourishing. First, we address the way
virtues perfect the human capacities that are essential to flourishing and
show how perfection in virtue unites us with God. Our union with God,
for Aquinas, is a relationship modeled on Aristotelian friendship, a rela-
tionship based on goodness of character and a shared love of the good.
This love, which Aquinas calls charity (caritas), is an activity specific to
human beings and other persons (such as God and the angels), in that
it requires intellect and will.6 Second, we examine the way that law and
grace, rather than standing apart from virtue, are an integral part of this
picture of human moral formation. Law and grace show us how and why
divine agency is necessary for us to reach our ultimate end, but in a way
that leaves room for our freedom. Finally, through a study of a particu-
lar virtue and vice, we demonstrate how Aquinas’s theological commit-
ments and, in particular, the centrality of the theological virtue of charity
shape both the content and purpose of his ethical work.
It is our hope that by the end of this book, readers will understand
Aquinas’s ethical theory within its original context; furthermore, we hope
that our readers will be drawn to share our appreciation for both the use-
fulness and the appeal of Aquinas’s account of the good life.
One further introductory remark is in order: given Aquinas’s stat-
ure in the history of philosophy and his thorough treatment of topics of
perennial interest to professionals as well as nonprofessionals in both
10 Aquinas’s Ethics