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The Devotion and Office of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

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Inrr"ox Jouv
glam-Press Priqter and Stereotype Foundov
12, .mgIesel-street, Dublin.



The Nature of the Devotion to the Sacred

Heart,............., ....... ....-...
The Origin of this Devotion,...
The progress of the Devotion,..
The credibility of the Revelation,
Its ditference from that paid to the Blessed
the end of this
On the love of Jesus Christ,.....
On the ingratitude of Mankind,-..

'lhejust complaints of Jean Christ,


Method of practising this devotion..........

Every Year,

Month, Week,

Day, and

Night, ................. ........................

The prayer of St. Gertrude,...........,....
Act of consecration to the Sacred Heart,
An Invitation,
Litany,.... ......
or repair to .........
the Sacred
Heart,................................. ...... ..

The Reparation of Honour,...

The Beads, or Little Rosary,-..
- A prayer to the Eternal Father,....


An Association in honour of the Sacred
Five Visits to the Blessed Sacrament.... .. 131
Holy Communion........................
. 13'2
,Five Acts to be performed, 8w .... ..
Twenty-four Acts of Reparatinn, 8m..... .. 14l

A Prayer for a Happy death,.... .......... ..

A Meditation fur the Feast of the S. H.
and for the Fridays, &c....................
The Rules of the Ansociatiom.
Letters Patent of Aggregation. ............. ..
The Apprnbatinn of the Bp. nf Bruges
The Petition of British Subjects,.....
The Grant 8m...... .....-.-.......
Decree of Poland. ............................ ..
The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of
Mary,... ................................... ...
The Consecration to her Sacred Hem-t,....
The Litany of the S H. of Mary,
Various Salutations, &c., &c...... ..
. .
Act of Conaecration,-. .............. ..



A Novena, or nine days Devution.........



The prayer Mcmorare. . ................... .. ISO

The practice of St. Merhtildis, .... ..
. 18l
A Votive Oblation to St. Joseph, ......... .. 132
The Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charityw-.

Indulgences granted for the Recital of

these Acte,..... ............................ ..
A short and daily Exercise for the sn'er
iug Soul: in Pnrgatnry, 8m ............ ...
The Psalm De PrQmdis,.....................
The Raparatlon of Honour,........
A Visit to the Blessed Sacrament,



. 197

A Prayer to beg Purity. {kc ................ .. 19R

'n-G Seven Doluurs of our 13. l.adv,... . 200

Her seven Joy! in life,.............--.........
in Glory,.........
A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin.
The Llmny ofJesns ...... ... .............. --...
The Versicle and Prayer of the Blessed
Sacrament....-..... ....... ..........'.-........
The Versicle and Prayer for thanks


A devout Prlyer to Jesus,-...

\Vhnt Caesarius accounts of this Prayer,... "7
A Prayer in honour of the Five \Vounds, 230
The Passion of our Lord, ...... ............... ib.
An Angelica! Exercise,..-...

. 236

The form of Admission, &03.. .......

The Litany of our Lady of Loretto,.
. .
The Angelus Domini..." ........ ..
. .
Thirty Days Prayer, 8m ................... ..
The fteen Mysteries of the Rosary, ....... ..
The Beads of Sn. Joseph-...... ...........


The seven Dnlours and seven Joys of St.

Joseph, ....................... ...-.... ....... .. 272
\Vhat St. Teresa says of this glorious
saint, ........................... ...--....-....- 276

The Litany of St. Fr'anoie Xaverius,.

The Novena, 8m............... ... ..... .. ...
Commemoration of St. Patrick.......
The Devout Client's Address to Saint
Aloysius," .................................. ..
The Litany,.....
The Devotion of the six Sundays,
.... ..
The manner of performing lt,...-...


-_ to
all the
the Saints.

The Beads for the Souls in Purgatory,...
Concerning lndulgences,........-...-........
Of a Jubilee, ................ ....................
A Prayer for the Intentions of an Indul
gence,... .......
Of Agnus Deis,.
. ...
The true secret of living with content, and
dying with joy in a religious state,.......
The Night Prayers,.......3.............- .


An Act of Contrition,......................... 350

Exercises for the Mass of the Sacred Heart
ofJesus,..-... ........ ......................... 35]
The Little Oice to the Sacred Heart of
our Saviour Jesus Christ,......... ....... .. 368
Oicium Sanctissimi Cordis Domini Nostri
Jesu Christi.................................. 381
Translations of the Latin Hymns, and the

Lessons from St. Bernm'd,................ 413

Act of C0nsecrati0n,..............

. 418

. . 421
. 423

Prayer for gaining Indulgenceruu.........

Act of Condolence with S. H. B. V- M...
Prayer for a happy death, ........ .......
lndult of his Holiness Pope Pius VII. in
favour of the practice of the devotions
to the Sacred Hcart,........................



FRANCIS JOSEPH, by the mercy
of God, and of the Apostolic Sec,

Bishop of Boulogne, 8m, to all the

Faithful of our Diocese, Greeting
and Benediction.

rHE object and the motives of the estab

which we announce to you, my



contained in



extract of the verbal process sent us by the

General Assembly of the Clergy of France,
held last year at Paris, and of which the
tehour is as follows:
Wednesday, WM July, 1765, at the half
hour after 8 in the morning
His Lordship, the Archbishop and Duke of
RHEIMS, President.

HIS Lordship, the Archbishop of Rheims,

stated, that the





with giving the most shining example of the

tenderest and sincerest piety her soul was
full of, was yet desirous to nd the most
e'ectnal means to rouse and stir it up more

and more through the whole kingdom ; that

her majesty desired him to inform the assem
bly how earnestly she wished to see the
devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus, and a
peculiar olce

in its

honour, established in


I'Jisbop of Boulogne's

all the dioceses in which it was not yet re

ceived; that he did not doubt but the assem
bly would be sensible of the manifold ad
vantages of such a pious establishment, and

would approve of, and authorize it by a

deliberation conformable to her majestys
laudable design. Upon which, the Bishops,
of whom the assembly consisted, penetrated
with the profoundest respect and veneration
which her majesty deserves, both by her
exaltedrank and

her eminent virtues,


being desirous to assist and favour, as much

as in them lies, the commendable zeal of her
majesty, have, with an unanimous consent,
agreed and resolved to establish in their res
pective dioceses, the devotion to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, and a solemn oice in its
honour; and to invite by a circular letter,

the other Bishops of the kingdom, that have

not yet recommended this salutary devotion to
the faithful who are committed to their care,
to do the same, and to comply with her ma,

jesty's desire.

C. A. Arch-duke of Rnems.

By our Lords of the Assembly,

The Abbot of BAusss'r, formerly Agent,
The Abbot of Lrs'roco; both Secretaries.

(TUB, august Queen} my dear brethren,

not satised with making that pious devotion
1: Mary Lecksinska, Princess of Poland, Queen of
France, daughter of the late Stanislaus, King of Poland
and Duke of Lorrain, espoused to Lewis XV. She died on

Pastoral Leller.

to which we invite you. (to which she her

sclf glories to be associated, and which
reigns with her on the throne,) takes a pride
and pleasure in spreading it over the whole
kingdom of France. As she has learned in
the school of Christ, the admirable invention

of reconciling the humility of the heart with

the elevation of the soul, it is not enough for
this incomparable princess to resemble the
pious Esther, who, preserving the love of
holy ahjection even at the highrst pitch of
her glory, deplored her being constrained
to appear in public with a diadem on her
head, and delighted to lay down in private
her sceptre and crown at the fret of her
Creator; she is also willing to walk in the
footsteps of St. Clotilda, who, procuring the
conversion of the rst of our most Christiun
kings. conceived at the same time the noble
design of subjugating the whole French mt
tion to the pious yoke of Jesus Christ. The
design of our august queen is yet more sub
lime, since she intends nothing less than to

enlarge the empire of divine love, and to make

it ourish in all her dominions, by establishing
a devotion, whose chief end is to bring all

her people under the subjection of the sacred

heart of her Lord and God, and to iname
their hearts, as well as her own, with the re

of his love.

This commendable design has

the 24th ofJune, i768.

Her life, and thelives other son

the Dauphin, and of her daughter, Madame Loune, the

v 1... u... .thh l'rnvnrt.


Bishop of Boulogne's

been applauded by an illustrious assembly,

consisting of thirty-two prelates, and of as
many deputies of the second order of the
clergy; both eminent for their great learning
and unfeigued virtues. They have honoured
us with a letter, and invited us to support
such a laudable design, and we think it our
indispensable duty to follow the rule pre
scribed by St. Austin,at that is, not only not
to disapprove, but even to commend, to en
courage, and embrace all those establish
ments, that wound neither peace nor morals,

and may be conducive to the improvement of

virtue and piety. Such is the nature of the
devotion we are speaking of. It is most or
thodox, and

very apt to promote both


edication of the faithful, and the glory and

love of Jesus Christ.
The life of this God-man, in whose soul
all the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and

sanctity are hidden, is full of so many admir

nhle wonders, and so abundant are the riches

of his grace and glory, that the church does

not conne to the narrow compass of one fes
tivnl, the honour she pays to all his mysteries,
but sets apart several days and times, in or

I* Saiuberrima regula retinenda est, ut qua non luut

eontra dcm, neque contra bonos mores, et habent illiquid

ad cxhortationcm vita melioris, ubicunque instituts wido

mus, vol institute cognoscimus, non solum non improbe
mus, sod etiam Lsudaudo et imitando sectsmur. Epist. s4

PJsIoraI Lam.


der to celebrate sometimes the one and lolno

times the other. Thus Advent is appointed
by the church to honour, in a particular
manner, the time he was in his mother's womb.

Thus she honours his birth during the octave

of Christmas; his fast in the wilderness, by
the forty days of Lent; his su'erings and
death, in Holy Veek; in Easter time, his ad
mlrable Resurrection and glorious Ascension;
in Whitsuntide, the coming down of the Holy
Ghost upon his Apostles; and during the oc
tave of Corpus Christi, the institution of the
Blessed Eucharist. Thus, at other times she
celebrates the nding and exaltation of the
Cross; in several places she exposes to the
veneration of the faithful, the nails with which

the hands and feet of our Saviour were pierced ;

the wreath of thorns with which his sacred
head was crowned; the sponge which wa
offered to his mouth; and the winding sheet
in which his body was wrapped: in a word,
all that he has made use of in his mortal life,

seemed to the church worthy of a singular ven

eration, and of the particular festivals she has

established for this purpose in several ages.

It was to our age and nation the divine
providence was pleased to reserve the honour
and glory to seal, as it were, all those solem
nities, by the general and perpetual estab
lishment of the pious devotion to the Sacred
Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is already spread through the several dioceses of
France, in the capital city of the Christian

world, in all the Catholic countries, and even

in China, and in the East and \Vest IndieIt has had the sanction of the most lean.



B'isltip of Boukgues

doctors, and has been approved of by man

illustrious persons and chief bishops, who
have granted indulgenees




amongst whom we may reckon many persons

of the most eminent virtue, great persunages
of the world, several princesses of the blood,

and many crowned heads. It is to this de

votion the most salutary advantages both col
poral and spiritual are ascribed.
When in 1720, one of the most ourishing
provinces of France was desolated by pesti
lence, and many of its inhabitants fell a daily
prey to this malignant contagion, as soon as
the bishops of Provence, the magistrates and
citizens of Marseilles, Arles, Aix, and Tou

lou, dedicated themselves by a solemn oath to

the worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
these cities were immediately delivered from
the dreadful plague with which they were
aiicted. Such is the esteem we have enter
tained of this devotion, that upon mature de

liberation, we wish heartily to establish and

spread it throughout our whole diocese.
\Vould to God, my dear brethren, that to

induce you more effectually to the elnbraeim,r

such an advantageous devotion, we were en
dowed with greater abilities to

treat in

worthy manner so sublime a subject, for which

the most pathetic and moving eloquence is
required; that we were animated with the ten
der piety of Saint Bernard, and supplied

with the insinuating unction and the persua

sive charms of his eloquence: but were we
enriched with all those endowments, were
we speaking with the tongues of prophets,

of the



even of angels,


Pastoral Leller


could neither attain all the prerogatives, rlor

worthily express all the allurements and pre
eious advantages of this devotion. in what
ever light it may be considered, What do we
perceive in it but a tendency to display the

bounties of

God for men, that

should triumph over the hardness of weir in

seusible hearts by the love of his own, to de

liver them from the tyranny of their impe

rious passions, and the slavery of the most
shameful vices, in order to bring them under

the glorious and happy dominion of the qlleen

of all virtues.

Yes, my dear brethren, the

object of this devotion proclaims nothing but

charity; its motives breathe nothing but char
ity; its practice is the most powerful incen
tive to charity. Let us resume these three
heads that are the characteristic marks of the
devotion we are speaking of, each of which
deserves a particular explanation.
What is the corporal and sensible object
of this devotion? It is the material heart of
the Son of God, who was made man out of
his pure love for us; it is the most noble part
of his adorable body; it is the principal or
gau of all the a'eetions, and consequently
of all the virtues of his blessed humanity;

it is the seat and centre wherein corporally

dwells all the plenitude

of his

divinity, and

which becoming by virtue of the hypustatical

union the heart of the King of kings, of the

Holy of holies, of the God of majesty, is

raised to an innite dignity, which makes it
worthy of our profound homage and ador
ation. Ah! if the lance with which the side

at Jesus was opened upon the cross, is by

of Boulogne's

that very touch become an object of vener

ation to all the Catholic world, how much

more venerable ought to be his Sacred Heart,

which conferred so much dignity on this low,
mean, and contemptible piece of steel! Itthe precious ointment poured by Magdalen
on the feet of our Redeemer, was so accept

able to him as to deserve his commendation

and a muniticent reward, how much more

highly will he approve of, and plenlifully re

compense the honour which is paid to his
heart, whose motions were always so perfectly
conformable to the sentiments either of the
love or zeal which burned in his sacred breast,
or ofthe sadness and anguish with which his
soul was overwhelmed, and more contributed

than those of any other part of his body to

the most wonderful production of his divine
mercy, the great work of our redemption.
If the perdious Judas, who, blinded by in

famous avarice, blamed the laudable deed

of that generous lover of Christ, was himself
reproved on account of his unjust and impious
censure, how much more blameable and re

prehensible are the clamours of those rash

critics, who being prompted by ignorance or
prejudice, rise up against a devotion, whose
corporal object deserves, by so ma'ny titles,
the homage and adoration of all the true fol
lowers of Jesus Christ.
Do not, therefore, my dear brethren, suffer
yourselves to be prepossl'ssed, either by the
nauseous and contemptible jests of some li
hertines, on account of the name of the ven

erable person, who was the instrument that

God was pleased to employ to make known

Puuoml Letter.


the devotion to the Sacred Heart of his Son

or by the manifold contradictions it has met
with in several places. The pious design oi
the holy Juliana was also contradicted when
she proposed to eslnhlish a new festival in
honour of the body of Jesus Christ.
same dillicuities which have been since urged
against the devotion to which we invite you,
were opposed to the festival of Corpus
Christi. They contended that it was cele
brated by the Church on Thursday in Holy
Week, and that there was no more need to

establish a new solemnity in honour of the

body of Jesus Christ than in honour of his
most holy soul. presumptuous man In thou
art! does it belong to thy weak reason to
fathom and measure the breadth, length,
height, and depth of the ways and mysteries
of the love of God, who seems to take plea

sure in confounding the proud wisdom of the

learned men of the world, by securing the
most wonderful success to various means he
makes use of in several ages, in order to re

vive the languishing spirit of the faithful?

Though the honour we pay to the adorable

body of Christ is paid at the same time to his

sacred wounds, has he not been pleased that

his Church should appoint a particular festi

val to celebrate

them, because



brance, and the very sight of them, are most

apt to instii into our hearts the most tender
and solid devotion? Is then the worship of
his Sacred Heart less moving, less instructive,
or less salutary, than that ol his wounds? It

is undoubtedly far more affecting, since it

traces back their vent-ration to their rst

' xii

Bis/1:7) of Boulagne's

cause and origin, which its spiritual and Pli

cipsl object calls to our mind in a more sen
sible manner.
And indeed,

principal object?

what is their spiritual


It is the innite love our

Saviour bore us, who,

though he was


Creator and supreme Lord of the whole uni

verse, yet debaled himself, taking the form of

a servant, and submitting to his


being pleased to be born in a stable, to spend

the greater part of his mortal life in obscurity
and retirement, to die the most disgraceful
death of the cross, to lie concealed under
low and mean outward appearances in the

Blessed Eucharist, and to give himself to us

to be our food, comfort, and support in our
pilgrimage, and all this to soften more e'ec
tunlly the hardness of our insensible hearts,

and to secure to himself the return of our

love and gratitude. it is for this purpose,
nh! divine Redeemer! that by the most as
tonishing of all wonders, thou hast left us a
standing and perpetual memorial of thy
passion and death, in the august sacrament of
thy love, worthy of the praise, homage, and
adoration both of men and angels; but alas!
too often dishonourcd and abused by the
contempt and hlasphemies of indels, and un
believers, by the insulting derisions, and the

most outragetis profanations of heretics, and

by the cold indifferences, the scandalous irre
verences, and the unworthy communion: of
ungrateful Catholics. Such was the excess of
thy love for us, as made thee forget thy own
glory. Thou hast preferred our advantage,
honour, and happiness, before thy own:


Pastoral Letter.


foresight of all these outrages, indignities,

and a'ronts, has not extinguished thy lore,
nor prevented thy working the most surpris
ing of all prodigies, and thy perfecting all
thy other blessings, by the institution of the

Eucharist, in which


hast be

queathed to us the most precious of all two.

sures, thy own sacred body and blood, toge
ther, with thy soul and

divinity, thy whole

self; so rich as present that heaven can give

nothing greater, and so estimable a gift that

we can never repay it, whatever may be our

love and gratitude. Have we then a heart?
or is it not more hard than adamantiue, than

marble and brass, if so precious a pledge of

an unbounded love make not the deepest
impression upon us; nor more us with the
most sorrowful grief and aiiction, at seeing
such cruel insults o'ered to our most gener
ous lover; nor excite us to repair to the ut
most of our power, by a solemn act of stone

ment, such atrocious indignities and a'ronts?

But as this innite love of the Son of God
is all spiritual, and as men are not used to

be affected but by corporal objects, they

stood in need of some outward sign to make
them sensible of it- Now is not the heart the
most natural symbol of love? Has not the
word heart the same meaning among men as
that of love? and therefore, what expression
more proper and more full of energy could
we make choice of, to draw the characleris
tic of this devotion, whose only end is love?
And since God himself is love, can it termie
hate in an object more noble, more august
and venerable, and at the some time more



Bishop of Boulogne's






I beg leave to add. that this boun

tiful God, who loves the souls of men with

such tender affection, suffers them in


writ to call him their Spouse, and the God of

their heart. Is it not just then, that by making
a tender return of mutual love, they endea
vour to deserve the honour to be called the
Spouses of God, and the beloved of his heart?

Yes, my dear brethren! there is no Christian,

there is none but ignoble souls, degenerate
children, cruel and

is to


men, that

say, men without any a'ection and

gratitude for God, who can he insensible of

this symbol of love, and disapprove or

despise such a devotion as this, which is so
much the more laudable and useful, the
motives on which it is grounded are both mo
ving and interesting.
And indeed these motives are nothing but
th various feelings of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus Christ, that display his innite love for

nsand loudly claim the return of their gra

titude; a feeling of an unexhausted goodness,

and of the most tender compassion, which

engaged him to take upon himself all our
inrmities, to rescue our souls from the ty

ranny of sin and hell ;a feeling of an unal

terahle meeknass, that made him endure with
an unwearied patience, our cold indifference,

monstrous ingratitude, and repeated rebel

lions ;a feeling of mercy very far superior
do the clemency of the best of all fathers,
wme'n induced him to reclaim us by the most
pressing invitations, when we had gone astray
from him, and to meet, embrace, and her

Pastoral Lelter.


bonr us in his bosom, when we return to him

by a thorough conversion, a feeling of an un

heard-of generosity, that prompted

him to

be lavish of himself, and to sacrice his own

giory by the institution of the blessed Encha

rist, wherein, beyond all our wishes and all
our conceptions. he carries his love to such

an excess, as seems unworthy of the Majesty

of a God-man, by becoming the food and
nourishment of ungrateful men, who are more

contemptible than the

very worms of the

earth, and the object of their ight, outrages,

and a'rontsp-a feeling of zeal. that burnt

in his sacred breast for our salvation, after

which he always panted with such longing
desires, that his heart pined away, and was,
as it were, exhausted and consumed like a
holocaust upon the altar of the cross, in the


midst of all kinds ot' ignominles. and the

worst of torments; the very sight of w
raised the astonishment of angels, and even

put in confusion the inanimate part of the

creation: in a word ;-a feeling of the most
inconceivable and inexpv'essibie love which
he has shown to us, by doing in our favour,
at the very time we were his mortal enemies,
rebels and traitors to him and his Father,

more than was ever done by the most gene

rous of our friends, and the most a'ectionate
of all lovers.

And, indeed, was there ever

seen such a friend, as being rich, became

poor, that his poverty might enrich us with
the most precious treasure? This was done
by Jesus Christ. Was there ever known snrh
friend as, being a great monarch, willingly
became a subject and servant, that he might,



Bis/mp of Boulogm's

by his subjection and servitude, a'ord us true

liberty, and bring us to the possession of an

eternal kingdom?This was done by Jesus


who has ever heard of a friend, who,

being God, became man, even the most ob.

ject of men, that he might make us in some
manner gods and angels ?This was done by
Jesus Christ.

Who has ever heard of a friend,

who, being a Judge, became our advocate and

mediator, our victim and ransom, by dying

the most cruel and ignominious death, that

he might open in our favour the gates of
mercy, grace, and salvation, and secure to
us a new life, by his disgraceful death; an
immortal glory, by his profound humiliations;
and an eternal happiness by his unheard-0f
sufferings and torments ?--All this, and more,

has Jesus Christ e'ected. What then ought

he not to expect from our gratitude, after
an: singular marks of his love, and so many
fa ours bestowed upon us? Would he de
mand too much, if he required that we
should return him" life for life, blood for
blood, or at least heart for heart, and love

for love; and that we should prefer his friend

ship before that of menof whom none have
ever laid down their lives for us, nor endured,
like Jesus Christ, the ignominious death of
the Cross.
The holy Pope St. Martin, who by oppos
ing with a manly fortitude the famous type
of the Emperor Constance, deserved the glory
of sealing by his blood the unquestionable
right with which God invested the successors
of the apostles, not to remain silent and dis.

semble, when the interest of religion is con

Pastoral Lelle .


earned. but to watch for its safety. and to

preach upon the house-tops, and to mukc all
the world resound with the truths of fail-h,
(being driven away from his see, loaded with
chains, ignominiously hurried through the
streets of Constantinople, and afterwards ban
ished,) encourages

himself, as well



other bishops, rather to obey God than even

the most powerful men, whose lives, said he,
vanish away like the grass of the eld.
Let us

then, my brethren,

endeavour to

excite the like sentiments in our souls. What

motive is more apt to bring us to a tender,
strong, and constant love of Jesus Christ,
and to determine us to undertake, to perform,

and suffer every thing for his sake, than this

moving thought of the upostle;he loved me,

and delivered himself/or me 7

He was deaf to

the voice of my ingrutitude and


which cried for vengeance; he utqanded'only

to the fondness of his heart, that pleaded for

mercy and grace for me; and to introduce

me to the sanctuary ot' his divine mercy, and
to cancel my sins, he laid down his life, and

poured out the last drop of his most sacred

blood. His love was the principle of his
sufferings and death. Such was the excess
of his a'ection for me, its to engage him to
take my place, to sacrice himself for me,
and to su'er the punishment due to my sins.
\Vhat tender gratitude, what heroic charity,

what strong desires of martyrdom did not

this thought raise in the soul of St. Paul, and
so many other lovers of Christ! The very
sight of a God-man, who delmscd and anni-L. midbim
hilatcd himself to exalt men; who offer; who


Bishop of Boulogne'a

himself as a victim to redeem them, and died

the most cruel and iguominious dbnlh of the
cross to give them life, so charming, gained,
and transported their hearts as to ll them
with rapture.

St. Francis, St. Teresa, St. John of the.

Cross, could not contemplate the image of
Christ crucied, without being moved with
the most tender compassion, affected with
grief and sorrow, inamed with love and

gratitude, and without burning with the de

sire of pouring out their blood for the glory
of their Redeemer, at the feet of whom
their a'eetiunate devotion caused them to
shed a ood of tears. But if only the sight
of the crucix made so deep an impression
upon the hearts of these saints, by putting
them in mind of the inestimable benets of
our -redemption, how much more apt is the
remembrance of the heart of Jesus Christ to
raise in our souls such pious a'ections! Does
it not call back to our memory the primeval
source of so precious a favour? Was it not
in this merciful heart that the plan and de
sign of our salvation was framed? Is it not
true, that to this Sacred Heart we are par

ticularly indebted

for the execution of it?

Yes, my dear brethren! and were thi truth

to be called in question, we could say, ec

cnrding to the metaphorical speech of holy

writ, and of the doctors of the holy church,

that the heart of Jesus was the ark of the

covenant, and the temple of peace, wherein the
Son of God managed and concluded the great
treaty of our reconciliation with his heavenly
Father. We cum/l new that his heart is the

Pastoral Letter.

xi It

sits!- of holocausts and perfumes, where this

eternal Pon'i' offered and continues to on'er
daily for obtaining mercy and pardon for
our sins, a sacrice of the mow sweet odour,
his prayers and supplications, his sighs and
groans, his desires and infections, his sweat
and tears, the pains and labours of his life,
the su'erings and torments of his death- We
might add, that his heart is the nuptial bed
in which the church was espoused to the Son
of God; the mysterious bath in which she
was cleansed by his blood; the golden table
on which he prepared for her the heavenly
food of his body; the true propitiatory from
which he declares his oracles, and imparts
to her both the light of his wisdom, and the
re of his charity. But let us speak without
metaphor, and say with St. Francis of Sales,
that we cannot be sensible of the blessings
of God, if we do not attend to his eternal

will, that deig'ns to confer them upon us, and

to the heart of our divine Redeemer, who
deserves them for us, enduringso many pains
and labours, and especially by his pnssion
and death.

"0 love," says be,

0 sove

reign love of the heart of Jesus! What

heart can bless and praise thee as thou de
servest to be praised?" See, my dear bre
thren, with what transports the holy bishop

of Geneva speaks of this Sacred Heart. Not

satised with the honour he paid it, he wish
ed to iname the hearts of all men with its
love and to induce them to make it the ob
ject of their worship and veneration. How
good and bountiful is the Lord," cries he,
how lovely and amiable is his heart! Let


Lis/wp Qf Boulogne's

dwell in this holy abode! Let this adorable
heart always live in our hearts."
As for

the rest, do not think, my deal!

brethren, that the

of was particular
and an invention
gustin knew and

devotion we are speaking

to St. Francis of Sales,
lately contrived. vSt. Au
practised it long before:

the lance, said he, opened the side of Jesus

to me, I entered it, and there I rest as in a

place of safety. St. Bernard had said before,

that the spear, by piercing the sacred heart of
Jesus, had revealed his mysteries and discov

ered his tender mercies to




Saint Thomas, the angel of the school, re

presented already the same heart of Jesus,

wounded, and pouring out his precious blood
by the opening of his side, that it might
bear witness to the excess of his love, and
iname the cold hearts of his disciples? Had
not St- Bernardin of Sienna already describ
ed the same heart as a furnace of the most
ardent love, able to kindle the whole uni
verse ? Had not St. Elenzer said before, to St.

Delphina. his spouseYou are anxious

about my health, you wish to know how I am:
be ussiduons in paying frequent visits to our
amiable Jesus in the blessed Sacrament, en

ter into his Sacred Heart; this is the abode I

have made choice of ; there you will always
meet me-"

Had not


Bonaventure, the

seraphic doctor, already expressed in a book,

whose title is, The Incentive of Divine Love,
his ardent desire to dwell and live continual
ly in the sacred side of Jesus, to speak there
to his'heart, and to obtain from it whatever he
should desire? Had he not, that

Pastoral Letter.


union with the heart of Jesus makes us

joy a delightful sweetness and






nd it in all goods and blessings; that we may

condently enter it, since this lovely spouse
of our souls, has not opened his side but to
give us his whole heart? Had not Lewis
Blosius a Benedictine, and one -of the Inca!
excellent masters of a spiritual life; recom
mended bei'ore in many of his writings, our
offering the good works we perform in honour
of the heart of Jesus, that he may purify
and perfect them? Do we not read in his
works the following prayer? O heavenly

Father! Lo'er to thee the burning love and

the ardent desires of the heart of thy beloved
son Jesus, to supply the coldness and insen
sibility of my own."
To this we might add what was said on the
same subject by St. Clare, St. Gertrude, St.

ll/lechtildis, and many other illustrious lovers

of Christ, who have attained to so perfect a

knowledge and love of the Sacred Heart of

their heavenly spouse, and so highly praised
and commended its divine charms; hut as'wa

have elected their pious thoui and slice

tions, in a book we have lately published
concerning this devotion, and which we in
vite you to peruse, we had rather quote a
passage of the thmous John Lunspergius, n
Carthusian, who was surnamed the just, on
account of the extraordinary piety that is
conspicuous in all his writings, which are full
of a moving unction, and the. science of the
saints. These are the words of this author,
who published in the beginning of the six


Bishop of Boulogne:

teenth century, a particular devotion to

Sacred Heart of Jesus: Take care, s
be, to entertain in your soul by frequent]
repeated acts, a constant devotion to the
worship of the amiable heart of Jesus, which

is overowing with

love and mercy.


mutual love invite thee to this divine heart,

and let us.enter it in spirit: through this

heart beg all the graces you stand in need of,
through this heart offer all your actions to
God; for we nd the most valuable treasure
and inestimable blessings in it; this is the
gate through which we must go to God, and
by which he comes to us. And therefore I
advise you to put in the di'erent places you
are used to frequent, some devout image of
this adorable heart, the sight of which may
enable you to renew often your holy prac
tiee of devotion in its honour, and inspire
you with the re of divine love. You may
even, according to the interior inspiration of
grace, kiss this image with the

nine atlection

with which you would kiss the heart itself

of Jesus. Enter in spirit into this deied
heart, imprint it on your own, and plunge
your whole .oul into this sacred fountain,

with a longing desire that it should be entirely

lost in it, and endeavour to ll your own

heart with the spirit by which that of Jesus

is animated, with his graces and virtues; in
a word, with all the salutary blessings it
comprehends, and which are beyond all mea
sure; for the heart of Jesus is an overow

ing source of all good. It is a pious and

very ueful plactice to pay a singular wor
ship and venoration to this adorable heart,

I-aatoral Letter.


which ought to be our refuge in our neces

sities, and in which you will nd the comfort
and assistance you stand in need of; for were
all men to leave and deceive you, be amured
that such a faithful heart as that of Jesus
will never

forsake you, nor lead



Long as this quotation may appear, we
thought it proper, my dear brethren, to lay
the whole passage before you; for as it com
prehends the chief and the most material
practices of this devotionl it may he very
much subservient to bring you to the perfect
notice, and

consequently to



of it. And indeed experience daily shows

that this devotion cannot be known well and
not be liked and esteemed by those who hear
any love and a'ection to Jesus Christ. As
soon as they are acquainted with its nature
and excellency they are attracted with such
charming allurements that they can hardly
forbear embracing it; and afterwards they
are inclined







to look often upon an image of the sacred

heart of Jesus, as being a powerful incentive
to the love of. their Redeemer. For as the
very sight of his wounds is apt to move us with
a tender compassion, so the sight of his heart,
which is usually represented all surrounded
by ames to represent the re of charity with
which it always glowed, and will ever burn
for us, is very well qualied to inspire us with
this divine re, which Jesus came to send on
earth ; and who! willeth lie, but that it be enkin

died in our hearts?

And what more proper

means to produce this effect, than our eon


Bishop of Boulogne's

templating with the eyes of faith, the sensible

marks of his unparalleled love, not only in

its burning ames, but in the painful instru

ments of his passion; in the wreath of thorns
that is used to he painted around his adorable
heart, and the cross that is planted upon it?
What more pressing motive for a devout per
son to return love for love, than the sight of
a heart which loved him to such an excess, as
to endure for the love of him, the vmost cruel

and disgraceful death ?

And, therefore, my dear brethren, to excite

more effectually in our soul a lively sense

of the love which our divine Redeemer is
entitled to by so many claims, and which
you cannot refuse to him without drawing
upon yourselves the dreadful anathemas ful
minated by the apostle, against those who do
not love our Lord Jesus Christ, fail not to
perform in private the pious practices we
have just recommended to you. May you by
some associations and confraternities, pay a
solemn worship and a public honour to the
immense love of Jesus Christ, under the sym

bol of his Sacred Heart! May you increase

more and more the number of those choice
souls, whom the burning re of charity urges
and impels to devote themselves to the most
noble, the most generous, and most holy of
all hearts, and to consecrate to it all their
thoughts, affections, and deeds, in order to

he the continual admirers of its divine per

fections, the victims of its good will, and the

faithful imitators of its virtues ! What comfort

and relief, in the grief and sorrow we are

oppressed with, at seeing this adorable heart

Pas/om! Lem r.


blusphemed and dishonourt'd by so many im.

pious wretehes. disregarded by so many li
bel-tines and false sages


the world, ne

glected and abandoned by so many lukewarm

and sluggish Christians; what satisfaction for

us, I say, if you embrace the establishing of

this devotion, with the some fervour and zeal

with which you receive that of the perpetual


of the




which so highly promoted both the glory of

God and the piety of the faithful. The end
they both aim at, is to make, as much an in
us lies, on atonement and compensation for
those many insults and a'ronts offered to Je
sus Christ in the Sacrament of his love, and

it seems that the former has paved the way

to the latter. What happiness would you
enjoy, my dear brethren! did you thereby
deserve that 1his our Saviour, who delights
and glories in loving, defending, and loading
his lovers with the most signal favours, should

give you a distinguished place in his heart,

keep you with a singular care and attention
as the apple of his eye, and protect you
under the shadow of his wings, during your
mortal life, and especially at the hour of
your death? Ah! how sweet and comfort
able it will be for you to die in peace, and
to sleep in the Lord, after hearing till your
last breath, a tender and

fervent devotion,

both to the adorable heart of your Judge,

and the most amiable heart of your Ite

For these reasons, and agreeably to the

pious intention of our august queen, and to
the unanimous








Bishop of Boulogne's

assembly of the clergy, we agree and ap

prove of the establishing for ever,the de
votion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, together
with the office in its honour, in all the par
ishes and religion convents of our diocese.
Vile conrm the establishment of this devotion,
which has been already made, either by the
authority of the bishops our predecessors, or
our own, in many of those convents, and

especially in that of the nuns of the Annun

elation of this city, in the year l7l6, and

which was approved of by the Holy See, that

was pleased to grant and annex to it ample in
dulgences. We recommend to all the rectors,
vicars, preachers,


confessnrs, to


the faithful with the love of such a salutary

devotion, to advise them to read the book we

have lately published, wherein its objects,

motives, and practices, are explained more
at large, to exhort them to associate them
selves to it in a due form, and to remove
from them all such difficulties as might deter
them from these associations and confratorni
In that book we have offered some
regulations very suitable to the spirit with
which such as enter these confrnternities
should be animated. We have thought it
proper to add many prayers. litanies, and
the whole cities of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
whether for the day of its principal festival,
for the celebration of which the Friday
lmmediately following the octave of the
most hlessed Sacrament has been appointed,
or for the rst Friday of every month. \Ve
allow and authorize all the clergy who are
bound to the Breviary7 to say the Oilicc on

Pastoral Letter.


the above-mentioned days,




festival ul'the rst class occurs on the Friday








festival on the Friday of every month.







of our

diocese, to keep in their houses some picture

or image ol' the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and
to expose it decently

in a place where they

are accustomed to say their prayers. We

grant to all those who shall comply in that
point, with our desire, lint) days indulgence,
which they are allowed to gain every Friday,

on eondition, that they say on their knees,

before this image or picture, the Litany of
the Sacred Heart of Jean. Braille! we grant
forty days indulgence, to all those who,
being truly penitent, and having confessed

their sins, ehull worthily receive the


communion 0n the principal festival, or the

next follovying Sunday, or the lst Friday in

the month, in order to atone and repair the
outrages and a'roms ulfnlell to Jesus Christ,

in the most Blessed Sacrament, and to pay

their homage and honour to his Sacred Heart.
May it be adored, loved, praised, and glori
tied, for ever and ever.


Given at Boulofme, in our Episcopm

Palace, the 22d of Zlfarch, H66.
Signed >24 FRANCIS Josxrn, the
Bishop of Boulogne.
CLEMENT, Secretary.


h is the ordinary lot of the works of God,

to be contradicted- The more they contribute
to his greater glory, the more is the rage of
hell levelled against them. The devotion to
the Sacred Heart of Jesus was to be distin
guished by this character: it was too pleasing
to God not to meet with great opposition,
wherever it should be established.
The devotion took its origin from a revele

tion. This was a suicient reason at rst for

many persons to reject it, as if those favours
were to be no more, and as if the Almighty
should not communicate himself at present to
pious souls by such extraordinary ways. The
novelty of the devotion was a pretext with
some to rise up ag uiust it; not considering that
the most solid and the most ancient devotions,

having each had at beginning, the same objec

tion might have been made to all. Some,
transported with


of contradiction,

formed diificulties without and. They found

some in the object of the devotion itself, in its
nature, and even in its very name; they dis

puted about what they neither examined nor

derstood. There were many who spoke of
new worship with no other view but to


The Preface.

tender it contemptible; they thought to have

sonfuted all the pious souls devoted to the So
tred Heart, by asking them, with a kind of
sneer, if they would not soon Celebrate the

feast of the foot or the hand of Jesus ; for why

should they rather worship the heart? If such
nnbelieving critics will read the following
work, they will know the reason why, and be

banned of their jests on a subject so divine.

We must not divide Jesus Christ, said others;
he is whole and entire iu the sacrament of the
lltar; let us worship him there whole, and
not in part only; as if Jesus Christ was more
divided by the devotion to his sacred heart,
than by that to his wounds, to his name, to his
blood, &c., or to any particular mystery of his
life: in short, many who had but an obscure
and very imperfect idea of the devotion, did
not distinguish it from that of the Blessed Sa
crament, and could not bear that a name so

new should be given to so ancient a devotion.

The disposition of the mind being so un
favourable, the devotion so holy in itself, and
to t to gain the heart, could not extend
lery much. Unknown to the multitude, des
pised, and even contradicted by many who
knew it, it remained conned to a few holy
souls, who durst not show themselves for fear
of being exposed to a kind of persecution.
Thus the devil strove to oppose this holy
work in its very beginning; he foresaw how
fatal the consequences would he to his empire;
he rose therefore to destroy it, or at least to
stop its progress. But what can hell or the con
tradictions of men do against the will of the
Almighty? The happy day being arrived,

The Pnfaee.


when God had resolved to reveal to men the

riches of the heart of his only Son, and to

Ina): teem adore and honour it in a worthy

manner, his wisdom knew how to remove all
dnlicuities, and this new devotion was seen to
spread in the church, with a success so rapid
and so universal, that one must acknowledge
the nger of God in it.
In the following work we will endeavour
to lay before our readers, what happened on
tnat occasion; and in order not to forget any
thing that might be expected from our exact
ness in regard of this new subject, and at the

same time to set what we have to say about

it in proper order, we shall divide our work
into two parts. The rst will contain what
has reference to the devotion, its nature, its

origin, its progress, its end, 81.0.

In the just

idea which will be given of its nature, will be

seen a mark of solidity, which is not inferior

to any other devotion; and it will be easy to
nd in its origin and progress, th. visible
power of GI Z. The second part will treat of
its practice; and in explaining it, the reader
will be convinced that it contains nothing but
what is conformable to the true spirit of reli
gion, and most worthy of the piety of a
Christian soul.

Sweet Jesus! give thy blessing to these my

weak endeavours, that they may in some
measure contribute towards making thy divine
love known, and thy sacred heart honoured
and reverenced by mankind. May we, by thy
supernatural grace, become susceptible of thy
heavenly instructions; may we be preserved
from that spirit of i'lbertinism, of indelity,


7m PF-i/PP

and profuneness, and from that presumption

and spirit of pride, which is in rcalitvthe

grentest of all weaknesses; so that our minds

being, by thy favour, replenished with a holy
simplicity, we may discover those riches which
are contained in thy Sacred Heart, that by
practising with love, honour, and reverence,

this holy devotion during our lives, we may

be hereafter made partakers of the glory thin
most Sacred Heart enjoys in heaven.
Amen, sweet Jesus! Amen.





o'HAP. I.
O] the Nature of the Devotion to the Sacrea

Heart of Jesus Christ.

To satisfy the enlightened reader on

his important point of our work, it

will be necessary to begin by making

two essential observations.
1. An object, which, considered pre
oisciy in itself, is not worthy of certain
honours, may, by an intimate union with
another object, to which they are due,
become entitled to them. Thus the sa~
cred humanity of Jesus Christ, as a
created object, is not worthy of the
adoration of Latria, the supreme wor

shin' but becomes worthy of it by its


Nature of the Devolion

intimate union with the divinity, so

that by a single act we adore indivisibly

the humanity and divinity, as all divines
teach after St. Thomas, p. 3. 1. 25.
art. 2, 3. The same may be said
of all natural objects. The human
body, by its union with the soul, ac

quires a right to all those honours which

are paid to the soul; equal honour is
paid to both these objects, which is
equally referred to body and soul; it
is a general maxim, that a spiritual

object communicates its dignity and excellence to the material object to which
it is united. and in this state renders it

worthy of the honours .which are paid to

2. In every devotion and every fes
tival which regards the sacred hnmanity of Jesus Christ, there are two ob

jects, the one sensible and material,

the other spiritual and invisible, which

are closely united and indivisibly ho

noured, from the communication we have
just now mentioned. But it is the
sensible material object which gives the
denomination to a devotion or festival.
A few examples will make this clear.

m the Sacred Heart.


Let us take the devotion to the cross of

Jesus Christ, to his wounds, to his

name, which the church has made so

many festivals. \Vhnt is the object of
the feast of the cross ?

It is two-fold :

there is a material object, which is the

cross itself, and there is a spiritual ob

ject, namely, Jesus Christ crucied, and

consummatiug on the cross the sacrice
of our redemption. The spiritual object
communicates to the cross its dignity,
and by its union renders it worthy of
the great honours which are solemnly
paid to it by the church. Butthe festival
does not take its name from this spiri
tual object, butfrom the material, and
it is called the feast of the cross. In
like manner the devotion to the wounds
of Jesus Christ, has two objects indi
visibly united ! the wounds themselves,

which are a sensible object, and the

sufferings of Jesus Christ, caused by

those wounds, and the mystery of love

therein contained, which form a spiri

tnal object. The devotion takes its name

from the wounds, the sensible object;

but it is the spiritual object, or the

mystery of the sufferings and love of


Nature of the Devotion

Jesus Christ, that renders these wounds

so venerable and amiable. The same

may be said of the festival of the holy
name of Jesus: the name itself ex
hibited to the faithful is the sensible ob
ject; the spiritual objects are the mys
teries contained in this name, which ex

presses all the grandeur of a Man-God.

\Vhat we have said of these three devo
tions may be applied to all others. I
now come to the subject before us, and
1 will endeavour to give you a clear and
distinct idea of the devotion of which
we treat.

If we would enter into the design

of Jesus Christ, we need look no fur

ther for this idea of the devotion to his
sacred heart, than to the revelation
which gave rise to it; and since it has

pleased our divine Redeemer to explain

himself on this subject, his own words
will furnish the best idea we can form

of it; as he has spoken so plainly that

he cannot be misunderstood.

We will

lay this part of the revelation before

our readers. But since the church has
delivered no opinion on this revelation,
nor on the sanctity of the person who

l0 f/le Sacred H'mrt.


received it, I must conform to the wise

regulations of the Holy See, by declar

ing that I deliver it only as an histori
cal fact, well enough grounded to de
serve the assent and belief of the faithful.

I speak of it as the revelation of Saint

Juliana, which gave occasion to the

festival of the Body of Christ, as

was spoken of at the time.

I claim no

other authenticity for it, than was for

merly allowed the revelations of Saint

Magdalen de Pazzi. and St. Catherine

of Sienna, 810., before they were can

onized. Having made this declaration,

I proceed to the revelation itself.
On a certain day. that had fallen
within the octave of Corpus Christi,

Jesus Christ appeared to the mother,

Mary Margaret, a holy nun in the con
vent of the visitation of our Blessed
Lady. at Paroy, in the province of ,

Burgundyfand spoke thus to her:

You cannot testify your love for me
better, than by doing what I have so
often asked at thy hands; (here dis
closing his sacred heart,) he said
Behold this heart, which has loved

mankind so tenderly, and spared




the Devotion

nothing, even to the wasting and

consuming itself, in testimony of its
love; and yet in return I generally
meet with nothing but ingratitude,




and coldness even in the very sacra


ment of my love; and what still more

sensibly a'ects me is, that I receive

this usage from hearts peculiarly con_

secrated to my service. Wherefore I
demand of thee, that the rst Fri
day after the octave of the blessed

sacrament, be consecrated to a spe

cial feast in honour of my heart; that

a solemn reparation of honour, and a
public act of atonement, be offered

I '~

to it on that day, and holy commun


0. A

ion received, with an intention to

repair by it, as far as possible, all

the injuries and a'ronts it has re

ceived when exposed on the altars;

and I promise it shall dilate itself to

pour profusely the gifts of divine
love on all such persons as shall pay

to it this homage, and- induce others


to the performance of the same reli

gious oiee. Address thyself to my
servant N. N., and bid him from

to the Sacred Heart.


me, to do all he can to establish this


It is evident from the context of this

revelation, I. That Jesus Christ wishes

to establish a particular devotion to

his sacred heart. This Q what his
words eicpress, this is what he asks of
this holy soul. He declares that no

thing can be more agreeable to him. He

therefore commands her to address her
self to his servant, and desire him to

do all that he can to establish this

devotion. .He will have it to he a par

ticular festival, and appoints a day for

its celebration. 2. It is equally evident
that all this is to be understood of the

heart of Jesus, in its proper and natural

sense, and not in a metaphorical sense.
It is evident from his opening and
showing his heart; Behold the heart,

1%., he speaks of the heart which he

shows. It is this heart he wishes to be
honoured by a particular festival. We

can give no other sense to the repetition

of the word heart, in this revelation,
without o'ering violence to the words
and to the actions of Jesus Christ.
Again, it is evident, that wherever this


Nature of the Devohon

devotion is named in the life of the ve

nerable mother Margaret, she always
considers the heart of Jesus in this
natural sense.
This adorable heart is then the sen

sible objeclot' the devotion which Jesus

Christ desires to establish. I call it
the sensible object in the sense of the

foregoing observations.

For you must

take notice, that this devotion, like ma

ny others, has two united objects, which

are indivisibly honoured, one sensible

and material, another spiritual and in

visible. 0ur Saviour has pointed out
the sensible object, which is his ador
able heart; from which the devotion

takes its name. The spiritual and prin

cipal object is marked out by the fol

' lowing words of Jesus Christ:


hold this heart, which has so loved

man that it has spared nothing, nor

hesitated to exhaust and consume it
self in testimony of its a'ection.
Jesus Christ expresses, in the language
of the holy Ghost and of men, the
love he hears us, by attributing it to his

heart: the unbounded love, burning in

his sacred heart, is the spiritual object

to the Sacred Heart.


of this devotion: and this unbounded

love being intimately united to the

heart, renders it worthy of the same
honours, the same worship, and the same
affections, as are due to the love itself,
as we have observed above.
But we must here make an observa
tion, essential to the nature of this
The love of Jesus Christ,
which burns in his heart, must be con

sidered as a love despised and insulted

by the ingratitude of mankind.


circumstance is clearly expressed in the

following words of Jesus Christ: And

in return I receive nothing from the

greatest number but ingratitude,
contempt, disrespect, sacrileges, and
insensibility in the sacrament of my
love. The heart of Jesus must be
considered in two different views; on

one hand as burning with love for man

kind, on the other as cruelly su'ering
from their ingratitude. This double
motive should excite in us two different
sentiments, equally essential in this de
votion; a love in return for his, and a
sorrow inclining us to atone for the in
juries he su'ered from us.


Nature of the Devotion, dye.

The particular method of dischargin,

both these duties, is expressed in the
concluding words: I require thai.
the rst Friday after the octave oi
the holy sacrament, be dedicated to
" a particular festival in honour of my

heart, by making a reparation of

honour, and receiving the holy com
munion, to atone for the many in

dignities oered to it whilst exposed

on the altar."

Jesus Christ is here

pleased to express the principal exercise

of the devotion he wishes to establish,

but we must employ other means to

honour this divine heart: these we shall
mention hereafter.

Before we conclude this chapter, in

order to remove the possibility of error
from the minds of the uninformed, we
must make the following observation.

Many are apt to misconceive this

devotion, by conning their thoughts

when they hear it mentioned, to the

material heart of Jesus. They consi
der this sacred heart, only as a piece of
esh, inanimate and inscnsible, as they

would a material holy relic.

How dif

ferent and how much more sublime

Origin of as. 1mm


should t} eir idea he of this divine heart,

which should be considered as intimately
and inseparately united to the soul and

person of our Redeemer, and raised by

this union to a state of life, sentiment,
and knowledge, so that all the honours

which are paid to it do not terminate

solely in the material heart of Jesus
Christ, but at the same time, and indi
visibly in his divine soul and person.
This has not been suiciently attended
to by those who have disapproved of
this devotion.

The origin of this Devotion.
JESUS CHRISTis the authorofthe
devotion to the sacred heart; he has
revealed it, he has instituted it, he

explained its nature, taught its practice,

prescribed its form and method: he

has promised to shower his graces on

those who frequent it: of this there
cannot be the least doubt. But as it is
a matter of importance, I will enter
into some of he proofs for the instruc

tion and ed'ication of the ignorant.


Origin of this Devotion.

Before I proceed, I beg leave to make

an observation of some consequence.
Private revelations are the ordinary
means adopted by divine wisdom for the
execution of its designs. Many holy
institutions, in various parts of the
world, sprung from this source. Such
was the case of most religious orders, as
may be collected from the lives of their
founders, and the annals of each order.

When extraordinary suocours were

needed by the church, either to spread

her faith over the face of the universe,

to defend and support it against the
e'orts of its enemies, or to strengthen
it against persecutions, heresies, schisms,

and corruption of manners, private

revelations were the means always em~
But to come nearer to our subject;
how many festivals, either cominon to
the whole church, or particular to cer
tain provinces, owe their rise to similar
revelations. Such are the feasts of the
invention and exaltation of the holy



; her

nativity; the solemnity of the Rosary;

the apparition

of St

Michael, 8m;

Origin qftliis Devotion.


and how many other solemnities proper

to particular kingdoms, and to different
cities, owe their institution to this same

I cannot omit mentioning the solemn
festival of Corpus Christi. There is so
great a resemblance between that and
the feast of the sacred heart of Jesus
Christ, that if We attentively consider
the origin and progress of both, the
contradictions they met with, and many

circumstances attending their establish

ment, we shall nd so perfect a confor
mity as well deserves our attention.
The most authentic monuments of
history make it evident, 1, That the
festival of Corpils Christi, owes its

origin to a private revelation. The

Bull of its institution establishes this
fact. In it Urban speaks thus: When
we were in an inferior rank, we
knew that there had been a private
" revelation, that this festival would

one day be celebrated by the whole


2. It is certain that this institution

met with great opposition. My readers

will not be displeased that I give them


Origin of this Devotion.

a short sketch of what the historians of

those times have written on the subject.
In 1210, there was a nunnery in the

neighbourhood of Liege; here lived in

silent solitude, a virgin, named Juliana,
and since canonized. God, who takes

pleasure in communicating his secrets

to the simple and the innocent, and in
employing weak instruments to e'ect

his great designs, being determined to

establish in his church the festival of

Corpus Christi, was pleased to reveal

his design to this holy nun, declaring
at the same time, that she was the
person he meant to employ on this

occasion. The humble virgin, astonished

at the novelty of the undertaking, and

still more at the diiculty of its execu

ticn by so feeble an instrument, con

ned within the walls of a monastery,

hesitated and mistrusted the revelation.

God pressed her interiorly to open



she still hesitated,

and during twenty years, she kept the

secret locked up in her own breast. At
length, yielding to the apprehension of

o'ending God, and the cruel struggle

which tore her breast, she resolved to

O/igin of this Devotion.


open herself to her confessor. He was

a canon of Liege, a pious and learned
man, and endowed with the direction

ofspirits. He had long been acquainted

with the virtuous Juliana, and, assisted

by a light from heaven, which God

never fails to impart to his ministers on
these occasions, he was convinced of the

truth of the revelation. But to proceed

with caution in a matter of this im
portance, he took the opinion of other

spiritual and learned men, who were

unanimously of the same opinion. They
promised to join him in the execution of
his pious design. But no sooner had the
report gone forth, that a new festival

was to be established in honour of the

body of Jesus Christ, than the loudest

clamours were raised against it. History

represents it as a sign set up for contra
diction. Men of all descriptions, and
some members of the chapter of Liege
joined the opposition. The revelation
made to Juliana was treated as an idle
dream, and she herself as a deluded


The peace of the church was

declared to be in danger. They carried

their resentment so far against Juliana,


Origin of this Devotion.

that they obliged her to quit her con

vent, and all those who took her part
were considered as weak heads or bad

hearts. Some specious arguments -were

' adduced to discredit this devotion. it
was said to be new, useless, and sin


They contended that all inno

vation in religion is dangerous.


pretended neither to be better nor worse

than their ancestors. Why adopt other
usages ? They were contented with the
devotions they found established. Why

should we seek others? But this parti

cular devotion is perfectly useless. It is
celebrated on Thursday in Holy Week,
and a commemoration is daily made of
it in the Mass : what need can there be
for a new festival ? The very name of
the body of Jesus Christ furnishes arms
to those who watched only for oppor
tunities to oppose it: what has since
been said of his sacred heart, was then

applied to his body; it was considered

only as a material part of his humanity ;
he is adored whole and entire on the
altar; why split him into parts, why
adore his body rather than his soul or
nis divinity ?

Origin of this Derolion.


Thus the new devotion was attacked

on all sides with great warmth and ob

stinacy. But God, in his wisdom, was
pleased to secure its success. The rst
person employed was the Bishop of
Liege, who in 1246, approved of it for
his diocese. From thence it spreadinto
other provinces, but not without oppo
sition, till Urban IV. proposed it to the
whole churchrnor did opposition en
tirely cease till this Bull was conrmed
by (lenient V. in the council of "ienne,
in 1311, and the church now peaceably

enjoys the possession of this amiable

feast, after it had been contested for
fourscore years.
We come now to the subject before
us. In a small town called Paroy lo
Monial, in the province of Burgundy,
and diocese of Autum, there is a con
vent of the Visitation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. Here a holy nun, named

Mary Margaret, was consecrated to

Jesus Christ, at the age of twenty, and
lived in retirement unknown. She died

there in the odour of sanctity, aged

forty, on the l7th 0ctober, 1690.-_
it)! virtues are attested by her superi


Origin 9 mi. Devotion.

ors, and we learn by a writing she gave

in obedience to her directory, how emi

nently she was favoured by almighty

This holy virgin was chosen by Jesus
Christ to give a beginning to the devo
tions of his Sacred Heart. To dispose
her to accomplish his design, he infused

into her a perfect knowledge of the

excellence, the perfections, and the

sufferings of this heart.

This gave her

an ardentdesire to see itknown, honour

ed, and gloried by all creatures.

When she was thus prepared, Jesus
Christ one day appeared to her, and
declared his intention of establishing a
solemnityin honourof his Sacred Heart,

adding, that he chose her to be the in

strument of carrying it into execution.
Happy to nd that the devotion was to
be established,

he trembled at the

thought of being employed in it. Her

youth, her natural diidence, and her
retirement from creatures, made her

conclude that the execution of the de

sign must, in her hands, be impossible.

Under this impression she stndiously

concealed the revelation. But God still

Origin of this Devotion.


urging her to obey, she at length con

ceived that she could no longer resist
without guilt. Father Claude la Colom
biere, of the Society of Jesus, coming

providentially to Paroy, she determined

to open herself fully to him. This
holy man, whose eminent sanctity and

excellent writings still preserve his me

mory fresh in the minds of the faithful,

full of the Spirit of God, not content

with hearing from her month all that

had passed, as above-mentioned, obliged

her moreover to deliver in writing a
circumstantial account of the revelation
she had received and so long concealed,
concerning this devotion to the Sacred

Heart. We have in the foregoing chap

ter quoted and explained it.
He was too well acquainted with
the eminent sanctity of his penitent to
doubt her sincerity, and he considered

the concluding injunction as an order

of Jesus Christ, obliging him to use all
his endeavours to promote the design.
But his absence from France, his inr
mities, and the shortness of his remain

ing existence, prevented his making

any considerable progress at the time.

VA .__, u. -PW


Progress q the Devotion

But we shall soon see that he was an

instrument in the hands of Providence
even after his death.

The Progress qfle Devotion.
THE works of Father la Colombiere

were published after his death, and

among the rest the Journal of his Re
treats, which, among other things, con
tained the revelation we are speaking

of. Another Jesuit going to Paroy, and

enjoying the condence of this holy
nun, published a treatise on the devo
tion to the Sacred tleartofJesus. It was
well received by the public, and a larger
work on the same subject, met with

equal success, but it was not lasting; a

warm opposition ensued. People of
all descriptions clamorously reprobated
what they called anovelty capable of
disturbing the peace of the Church.
Every thing relating to the devotion,
even the very name, became odious.
The same diicultics were urged against
this devotion, as had been urged against


_ ..

proyresa of Lie Davoliou.


the festival of Corpus C/lrisli.


as they did not succeed on the latter

occasion, so neither did they on this.
It is true, few persons embraced it for
some time, and practised it in private.
Truth triumphed at last. It was rst

introduced into religions houses. and

was soon approved of by the Bishops.
Under their protection several confra
ternities were erected, to which many

indulgences were granted by the Holy

See. Books were printed, images of
the Sacred Heart were hung up. Cha
pels and Altars, were dedicated to it.
Most of the towns in France celebrat
ed the Feast, and it was soon adopted

by the neighbouring kingdoms.


hand of God was visible in the wide

extent which it soon reached. After

lling'Enrope with fervour, it passed to

the Indies, Persia, America, Syria, &c.

\Vhilst we are speaking of the progress

of this devotion, we must not omit a
memorable event, which greatly con

tributed to the celebrity of it, and in

creased the zeal of the faithful.
in 1720, when Provence was aiict
ed with the plague, and saw its most

-._._..._r-_.- !_-



Progress qftlw Devotion.

ourishing cities fall a prey to the

scourge; when a general consternation
pervaded the whole kingdom, God in
spiring the suffering victims with a hope
of safety from a devout address to his
Sacred Heart, they had recourse to it

to appease the vengeance of offended

heaven. 0ne town followed another in
adopting the means of delivery. Bishops
and Magistrates consecrated their re
spective people to the Sacred Heart, and

engaged themselves, by oath, to celebrate

the feast annually, to the end of time.

It may be said with truth, that God

employed this visitation as a means to
promote the glory of his Sacred Heart.
which was the fruit of it. Happy they
who wait not for the scourge, but apply
to this amiable heart, in order to pre
vent the punishment which their {sins

have deservedl
What happened at Marseilles on this
occasion is particularly remarkable.
This was the rst city which had the
honour to be solemnly consecrated to
the heart of Jesus, and which bestowed
on it the most distinguished attachment,

and it received the most singular favours.

uregress of the Devotion.


This was owing to the great zeal and

devotion of a great prelate, who, by
hls nastorai labours, merited the special
approbation of the Holy See, and whose
authority carries with it great weight in
a matter of this nature.
But the Bishops of Provence were
not the rst to approve of this devotion.
Before the contagion broke out, the
Archbishop of Lyons, from a motive
of piety and zeal for the salvation of
his ock, in 17!8, instituted the festi

val throughout his whole diocese; and


l'72l, when

the whole


was alarmed with apprehension of the

contagion, be conrmed the same by a
second mandate.

In !692, the Arch

bishop of Besancon, one of the most

religious prelates that ever governed
that diocese, approved the same devo

tion, and granted an indulgence of

forty days, to such as should recite a

prayer in honour of the Sacred Heart

of Jesus Christ.
The Bishop of Coutance.-in Nor
mandy, followed his example: I might
and a long list of Popes. Bishops, and


Credibility of

Religious 0rders who have contribute"

to the advancement of this devotion
but the enumeration might fatigue the
reader, who has already the most re
spectable authorities before him.

From these considerations it may be

fairly deduced, that a progress so rapid
and so extensive, could only be the e'ect

of a particular providence, especially as

this devotion has not had the aid granted
to many others, which originating with

Religious 0rders, had as many abettors

as there were members in the respective
communities. The providence of God
has supplied every defect, and has pro.

moted in a surprising manner the pro

gress of this devotion.

On the Truth and the Credibility Qfl/i:
A sour) devotion needs not the aid
of revelation, but revelation a'ords a
most incontestible proof of its solidity.
l t is therefore of importance to establish

this fact on the. most certain proofs.

the Revelation.


This is the more necessary as we live

in an age of incredulity, when a pre
tended philosophy affects to doubt every
supernatural agency, and laughs to
scorn every Hocile disciple of the gos
pel. If any of my readers should, un
fortunately, be of this unbelieving tribe,
i wish them to allow my reections

he weight which they shall appear to

deserve, and not wilfully to shut their
eyes to conviction.
To begin with the revelations made
formerly to canonized saints, we cannot,
without incurring the imputation of
temerity, deny that they received re
velations, celestial visions, and other

extraordinary favours. Theyare record

ed by every ecclesiastical historian of
the different ages of the Church. The
testimony of those authors, who are
generally allowed to be men of probity,
will overbalance the authority of mo
deru critics, little conversant in the
science of the saints, and the interior

operations of the Holy Spirit, and less

commendable for their morality. I
might adduce the authority of the


Credibility of

Church, acknowledging the reality of

these favours, in the canonization of
saints. But I waive these considera
tions, and come to a proof, which to

me has always appeared unanswerable.

l appeal to the writings of saints who
have attested this extraordinary iuter-.
course between God and his servants.
That revelations have been made to
Saint Teresa, Saint Gertrude, and many
other holy persons, no man can ration
ally doubt. But I think it necessary

to declare, that I think no man obliged

to believe all that has been written

of or by these saints.

Nothing but ex

treme weakness can induce me to be

lieve every thing or to believe nothing.

Saints may mistake, and have been

mistaken. We must take nothing upon

trust, but bring every thing to the test
of authority and reason. Revelations
and all extraordinary favours, may be
ranked with miracles. It is the extreme

of folly and impiety, to dispute the

reality of miracles, because some are


There have been forged revela

tions, but this will not prove that there

never were any true ones.

Hear Saint

the Revelation.
Paul, I Thess. v.


Deepise not prophe

eies, prove and examine every thing,

and abide by the truth. I proceed to
the proof on which I rest the truth of
this revelation.
The Public is in possession of man
writings of holy women, who have yiel -

ed to advice, and obeyed their spiritual

directors. They contain an account
of many revelations, celestial visions,

and other extraordinary graces, which

they had received from God. Now 1
reason thus: either these writings were

penned by the saints, or they were not.

If they were, either they designedly
published a falsehood, or were them
selves deluded, and have given us idle


Vill you suppose that they

were not the real authors of these

works ? You shock every idea of reason,

and common sense. The man who will
venture to deny that Saint Teresa wrote
her life, may doubt of her existence.

But you will say she was deluded, and

her imagination deluded all she wrote.

The delusion must be the work of the

evil spirit, which no Catholic can be

lieve to have had any power over the



Credibility of

chaste spouse of Jesus Christ, canonized

by the Church. If imagination prevail
ed, it is true she was not a hypocrite,

but a fool. I shudder at the thought of

so impious, so groundless an imputa
tion; who can believe that these saints
lived in a perpetual aberration of mind ?
I say perpetual; for we are not here
treating of transient acts, which lasted

a few hours or days, or even during

certain periods of life, but the duration
of which is measured by the whole ex
tent of their existence.
This is a serious reection, which,

if suffered to sink deep in our minds,

will operate more strongly in favour of
these saints, than any thing adduced
by incrednlity can militate against them.
But let us examine what is really ad
duced on that side. The philosophers
of the day do not deal in arguments,

but appeal only to their own sensations

what they do not see they will not he
]ieve, especially in spiritual vmatters

of which they have no experience.

What they do-not choose to believe
they term incredible. Now I must ask
them this plain question: do you think

the Revelation.


it credible, that these holy women were

hypocrites, as they must be, if they
forged their visions ; or idiots and fools,

if they only dreamt what they wrote;

or possessed by the spirit of darkness,
if by him they were deluded? Is it cre

dible, that the directors of these chaste

spouses of Jesus Christ, men eminent
for their piety and learning, should be

deceived, and after an application of

many years, should be unable to dis
cern the illusion of the devil, and the

effects of imagination from the opera

tions of the Holy Ghost? Is it credible
that the Church should err in ranking
among the saints in heaven thoseper
sons, while the extravagance of their

imaginations had no claim to the bene

t of reason ?

Such, however, are the

absurdities, such the impieties, which

ow from this system.
Another reection appears to me to

be quite decisive. Nothing that has

been written by the saints on the subject
of the divine communication, can ap
pear incredible to a Christian, who
attentively considers what the love of
Jesus Christ can do, and what it has


Credibility of

really done for mankind.

When I re

ect on the mercies of our Redeemer,

and particularly in the mystery of the

Eucharist, all that I hear and all that

I read concerning the extraordinary

favours received by these holy persons,

ceases to appear incredible; and I am

convinced that every man who shall \
make the same reection, will think as

I do. Is it more incredible that Jesus

Christ should give his heart to a Ger
trude, a Catherine, the chaste spouses
of heaven, than that he should give his

body to be eaten by man a sinner?

Let us suppose for a moment, that
this sacrament had never been instituted,
never been known in the Church. Had

some pious soul among other favours

mentioned this; had she given an ac
count of what passed between her and

her divine Spouse, who to unite himself

intimately to her, in order that he might
never be absent from her, disguised

himself under the appearance of bread,

to nourish her with his own esh; what

should we think of it? What would

the incredulous sophist say to it ? Can
any thing to human

reason appear

more extravagant, more like an idle

:1 Revelation.


And yet all this has been

done, not for a Teresa, or a Gertrude,

or a Catherine, but for the body of the
faithful, for the wiekedest as well as for
the most fervent. The excess of divine

love, which faith teaches, innitely

surpasses all that particular saints have
written, and therefore all is credible.
The well informed and the wise have
suicient reason to believe that in for

mer ages revelations and other extra

ordinary favours have been granted to
saints: and if formerly, why not now?
There are still some pious souls left.

Jesus Christ has his favourite spouses,

and he treats them as he did the others.

Some of them have been obliged by

their vow of obedience, to write an ac.
eount of their visions and revelations;
these writings exist, and are read with
edication by the faithful. We may
say of these, what was said of a Teresa
and a Catherine. It would be extreme
temerity, to airm, that they have left

us nothing but ctions and dreams.

Their piety and their prudence forbid

the injurious suspicion. We may then
safely believe what they have written.


Credibility (y

They were saints; they were the au

thors of those writings; and every cir

cumstance conrms the truth.

Let us now apply this reasoning to
the case before us. To no other person
of these latter times can these circum

stances be ascribed with greater pro

priety, than to the venerable mother,

Mary Margaret.

1. It is certain, be

yond the possibility of a doubt, that,

compelled by obedience, she wrote with
her own hand, an account of the favours

she had received. This writing has

been acknowledged to be true, after
a juridical process in the bishop's court.
The original, attested by a commissary,
was, till of late, preserved in the con

vent of Paroy. In this writing is

contained an account of the Revelation
of the Sacred Heart, and evident
proofs that she was chosen by almighty
God, and enabled by special graces to
encourage and promote this devotion.

2. As to her sanctity, we have the at

testations of the directors of her con
science, of her sister nuns, of her supe

riors, and of all who had the happiness

to approach her. But nothing can give

the Revelation.


us a more satisfactory proof of her emi

nent virtues, than the memorial of her
life, written with her own hand, which

we have mentioned above. The entire

history of her life has also been pub
lished, by one of the most learned and
the most religious prelates of France,

and her fame spreads with the rapid

progress of the devotion. Hypocrites,
and visionary fanatics, never enjoy so
lasting a reputation. Illusion never sur
vives the enthusiast. An authentic mir
acle also adds weight to these testi
In regard of this particular revela

tion, nothing can more e'ectually prove

its reality, than the progress of this

0n this occasion, we may

with great propriety adopt the words of

Gamaliel, in the Acts of the Apostles;
If this is a hiiman invention, it had
long ago come to nothing; but as it is
the design of God, it shall never fail."
Acts v. 38, 39.

I will conclude this chapter with a

reection which I most seriously re
commend to the notice of such as op
posed this devotion. There is nothing


Difference of Devotion.

in it but what is perfectly conformable

to a spirit of religious piety; on the other
hand, we have the strongest proof that
it comes from God. Let us then fear
the threat of the same Gamaliel to the
Jews: Lest perhaps ye be found in
opposition to God himself." Let us em
brace this pious exercise, and let us

earnestly recommend it to others, to the

greater glory of Jesus Christ.

In what this devotion dlfzrs from that which is
practised towards the Blessed Eucharist.

THESE two objects have been con

founded, not only by libertines and un

believers, always ready to decry and

censure new forms of devotion, but
also by some devout souls, who through

ignorance or inadvertency, had formed

a very imperfect notion of their distinc
tion. As we write only for the edica
tion of the faithful, no notice shall be
taken of the impious, groundless rail
leries of worldly and carnal men; men,
whose bitterest invectives and satires,

Dihrenoe of Devotion-


serve only to recommend those pious

practices they designed to explode.__
Something must be said for theinforma
tion of the devout Christian; and what
we shall say on this occasion, will help

to throw a new light on this subject.

Ascetics have laid it down as a rule,
that in order to ascertain the di'erence

of any two devotions from one another,

we need only consider their object,
their motive, and their end. Now a
little reection must convince us, that

the subjects of our present inquiry,

differ widely in these three essential

As to their object; the one is

directed wholly to the adorable heart of

Jesus in the blessed Eucharist, without

any relation to the other parts of his

sacred body ; and in the other, the body
of Jesus Christ, whole and entire, as

hidden under the sacramental species,

is proposed to our adoration, without
any special reference to his Sacred Heart.
Nor do these two devotions di'er less
with regard to their motive: in that

which is practised towards the blessed

Eucharist, the motive is the innite


Dg'erence of Devotion.

dignity of Christ's most adorable body

hypostatically united to the Divinity,
and worthy of the adoration of men and
angels; whereas the motive of our de
votion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,

is, rst, the innite love he hears us in

that heart, united in like manner to
the Divinity; and, secondly, the many
injuries, a'ronts, and indignities it re
ceives in return from ungrateful men.
This distinction is too obvious and too

sensible, to stand in need of further

eclaircissement. Lastly, the end pro
posed by these two pious institutions,
evinces their total indifference. The

church in appointing the feast of the

blessed Eucharist, encourages the faithful servants of Jesus Christ to pay him
that tribute of praise, adoration, and

love, which are so justly due to him in

this unspeakable mystery. Now the
end proposed in the devotion of the
Sacred Heart, is to excite us to make

a solemn atonement, for the many inju

ries and outrages offered to the divine
love, in the abuse and profanation of
the sacrament of the altar. An atone
ment directed to the adorable heart of


End (ft/ac Devotion.


our Saviour, as to the source and seat

of his divine love.
An atonement,

which cannot be the end of our devo

tion to the blessed sacrament, which is

perfectly independent on the sacrile

gious indignities committed against the
real presence, and which would equally
subsist, if God was always worthily
served in this sacrament, as his sove

reign independency, and our.innite

obligations, would still demand this ac

knowledgmentof our love and gratitude

Of the end of the Devotion to the Sacred

THE end proposed by the devotion

to the Sacred Heart, is to repair the in
juries which Jesus Christ has su'ered,
and continues daily to suffer in the sa
crament of his love. To comprehend
the excellency of this end, two consi
derations are necessary; one, on the
immense love which Jesus Christ has
for mankind; the other, on the ingrati


The Love Qf Jesus

tnde, with which so much love is repaid

by mankind. In opposing after this

manner, the greatest love to the great
est ingratitude, we shall easily conceive
how just the reparation is, which Jesus
Christ exacts of faithful souls.


Jesus Christ, willing to manifest to

the world the love of his father for
mankind, expresses himself by those
admirable words, which comprehend

with a divine energy, whatever may be

said of the greatness of that love: God
so loved the world, as to give his only

Son, fhat whosoever believes

in him may not perish, but may have

life everlasting.

Let us now apply

these divine words to Jesus Christ him

self; a more just application cannot be
made. Yes ! we may say that Jesus,

to express his love for man, so loved

mankind, as to o'er up himself to die
to save him, that whosoever believes in

him may not perish, but may obtain

lil'e everlasting. Let us now attend to

for Dfanhind.


these two important points; who is the

person that loves, and who are those
whom he so loves?

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of

God, equal to the Father, and God,

like him, loved man.

in the sight of God?
and ashes. Audwhat
sin? The enemy of

But what is man

Nothing but dust
was he become by
God, the slave of

the devil, condemned to an eternal

death, and plunged into an abyss of

blindness and corruption.

In this so

odious and contemptible a state, Jesus

loved him, and formed the design of

delivering him from his misery, and
bestowing upon him innite favours.
But in what manner did Jesus show

the greatness of his love? In a manner

which surpasses all our expressions and
all our conceptions; he carried his love

to such an excess as seemed unworthy

of a God-man, and did for him what
no man ever did for another, nor ll
slave for his master, nor a son for his
father, or what the most violent lover
ever did for the object of his love.

Men were the enemies of God, and

subject to the rigour of his justice. Now


The Love q'Jesus

what did Jesus Christ do to deliver

them ? He o'ered himself to his eternal
Father, as a sacrice to redeem them,

and to suffer the punishment due to their

sins; and his offer being accepted by
his Father, he executed what he had

designed after such a manner, as to ll

heaven and eu'th with astonishment:
he sacriced himself for mankind with
a generosity wholly divine; he came
down from heaven in their behalf, and

divesting himself of all the pomp and

splendour of his glory, he led a poor,
coutemptible, and laborious life, in the
midst of persecutions and sufferings; and
all this for the love of them. Every mo
ment of his life was devoted to their
happiness; Jesus did not a single action,
not spoke a word, nor shed a tear, but

in behalf of men.

To lay down our

lives for those we love, is the greatest

proof we can give of our love.


was the love of Jesus for man; he died

for him, but what sort of death? Ah'

stop a moment, and call to mind the

ignominy and torments of his passion,
his death on the cross, and be amazed

for Jlrmhl'ml.


to see God himself reduced to such a

state for the love of man. Such then
was the love of Jesus Christ for us; a
love the most disinterested, the most

tender and the most generous.

It is

to this love that we owe all we have,

and all that we expect from God. If
God has created us and made us his

childrenif he has prepared for us an

eternal glory, we are solely indebted for
all these favours to the love which Jesus
has for us.
Let us now make a second reection,
which naturally rises from what has

been said. What ought not Jesus Christ

to expect from the gratitude of man,
after such marks of his love, and so

many favours bestowed on him? To

comprehend and penetrate more and
more his love for us, let us, after the

example of the fathers of the church,

assist our own weakness by some sen
sible comparisons.

Represent to yourself a great and

powerful king, who, after having be
stowed the greatest favours on afew of
his subjects in a remote country, is

basely deserted by them ; they take up



The Love of Jesus

arms and rebel against him. Soon after

these ungrateful and perdious wretches
are subdued by a powerful tyrant, who,
nding them destitute of succour and
protection, strips them of their property,
and reduces them to a cruel slavery,

under which they groan for their per

dy. In these circumstances, should
this hing, out of a fund of goodness,

and unheard-of clemency, forgetting

the injury he had received, and being
moved with compassion for these miser
able rebels, form a design to deliver

them from their oppression, and to re

store them to their former liberty; if,

in order to execute this design, he

should take up arms, and be determined
to expose himself to all the dangers and
fatigues of a long war, to go himself
to battle, and expose his sacred person
to be killed or taken prisoner by his
enemy; if by his wisdom and valour,
after a long series of hardships, he
should overcome the tyrant, and reduce

him to such a state, as never more to

be in a condition to hurt his deluded
people, what would not these poor
people do, seeing their generous sove

for Manhind.


reign returning from victory, covered

with the blood he had shed for theil

deliverance, and showing himself to

them, should pardon them, and restor

ing them to their ancient rights and

privileges, should x' his residence

among them, to be more in the way of
conferring his favours on them; would
there, in that case, be found hearts so
savage and barbarous as not to be sen
sibly affected with such an excess of
goodness, or to refuse to make their

gratitude appear by all means imagin


Represent to yourself again a friend

who, in order to deliver his friend from
death, o'ers to die for him ; what would
a man do who should have received
such a mark of his love? If we were
witnesses ofsuch generosity, what should
we say, and how should we feel? I!
you, who read this, should ever expe
rience such generosity; if you, being

nnluckily involved in a plot against

your sovereign, and on that account
condemned to a cruel death, should

nd a friend so affectionate and so ge

nerous, asrai'ter having tried all imagin


The Love qfJesm

able means to procure your pardon,

but to no effect, to offer himself to
die for you, and on that condition

being accepted, should repair to your

prison, see your chains taken off, and
himself loaded with them; should you
afterwards see him conducted to be exe
cuted, and dying for you by the hand
of the executioner; if this friend died

contented to preserve your life by the

loss of his own, and to leave you an
incontestible proof of his love for you,
what would you say at such a sight ?.
Would you be so insensible as not to
be moved at it, as not to shed a torrent

of tears ? Could your heart ever con

tain those feelings of love and gratitude
which it would experience on this oc
casion ? Could you ever forget such a
friend? 0 dear! 0 affectionate friend i
would you cry out; 0 generous, kind,

and incomparable friendl can I ever

acknowledge what I owe to you ? Who
will grant me to be able to repay you
what you have done for me ? But take
notice of what I am going to add:
should it ever happen by some miracu

lousnmeans, that this friend should be

n- Manhind.


restored to you. should he rise from his

grave, and be delivered to you, what

would you not do for him, and what

ought he not to expect from you ?
The application of these parables is
obvious. The attentive reader has a]
ready made it in his heart.

But, alas!

they are too weak to express what Jesus

has done for mankind. They describe
but very imperfectly his love and
favours. No king ever did for his peo
ple, nor friend for his friend, what we

have supposed above; and though they

have done it, in that supposition, man
su'ered for man; thou alone, my Jesus !
hast carried thy love to such an excess,

and thou art God !

Thou art that mag

nanimous King. who, to deliver thy

subjects from the yoke of oppression

under which they groaned, for having
revolted against thee, compassionating
their unfortunate state, hast voluntarily
exposed thyself to the greatest of la
hours and su'erings; thou hast exposed
thy sacred body to the rage of thy ene
mies, and thou hast fought for them as

far as to shed thy blood; thou hast

subdued the tyrant who enslaved them


The Love of Jesus

thou hast delivered mankind from da

very, and thou hast enabled man to
possess the liberty of the children of
God. Thou really art that affectionate
friend, who died for thy. friends; and

thou didst beg pardon for them, but

their pardon could not be granted, but
upon condition that thou shouldst make
satisfaction for them: and what satisfac

tion was demanded?

The most cruel

torments, the most shameful disgrace,

the death of the cross. This was the

price of our redemption.

The divine

justice demanded it, and thou didst

consent to it: these conditions, so hard

in themselves, and apparently so unbe

coming thy high dignity, were not able
to stop thy zeal to save us: thou wert
disposed to su'er much more, had it

been required of thee; thou offeredst

thyself to the torments ; thou wert cru
cied and died for them, content to

procure them, by the sacrice of thy

own life, the immense benets thou
didst wish them.
0 my Lordl what will not men do

for thee, after such singular marks of

thy love for them ? What will they not

for Manhind.


do to acknowledge so much goodness,

and to repay so much love? Alas!
when thou su'eredst for us, men did
not know thee, and they returned thee
insults and abuses, whilst thou wert

heaping the greatest favours on them;

but at present, as Christians know who
thou art, and are convinced of the ex

cess of thy love for them, what wil

they not do to testify their love and gra
titude for what thou hast so generously
done for them P What can they desire
more, to full their duty towards thee?

Perhaps they wish for thy divine pre

sence among them to possess thee l Ah !
if they could but hope for this favourl
Return then amongst us. 0 adorable
Saviour! Come, 0 King of love! and

give that comfort to thy people, which

surpasses all others. What place in
the whole world couldst thou choose to
remain in, where thou couldst be more

honoured and loved P

Jesus Christ has prevented our wish
es ; he has already performed what we
ask of him; he has come amongst us.
to remain with us, not for a time only,
but to the end of ages; he has done


The Love of Jesus

for us, what we never could have hoped

for, or imagined; he would be united
with us after an unheard-of manner,

and his love has invented for us a

prodigy the most surprising, the most
astonishing that could ever enter into
the mind of man; he has instituted
the aci'ament of our altars, and shut

ting himself up there under the ap

pearance of bread, he comes and dwells
in our hearts to feed and nourish us.
0 incomparable love! 0 unspeakable
excess of charity! by this favour he
has perfected all his other blessings,
and though he is Omnipotent, we may
say that he has put it out of his power
to do more for us. Behold him then
among us, full of beauty, full of love;
behold him ready to receive in person
from us, the tokens of the love and

gratitude we justly owe him. We ex

pressed the greatest wishes to have
him; our wishes are fullled, and we

possess him in a state which ought to

render him most amiable and dear to
us. For in this mystery of his love for
us, he delivers himself up to us, and

places an unreserved condence in us;

for Manhind.


he leaves to us the care of his sacred

person, to lodge him, to build temples,
and raise altars to his honour, to adorn
his temples, to deck his altars, to pro

cure what may be necessary for the

maintaining of his divine worship, to
keep him company and compose his
court. He will have no other ministers
nor courtiers but ourselves: he is only
with us for ourselves, and will receive

honours and presents only from our

selves. 0 happy Christians! what a
subject of comfort for you; rejoice,
beloved nationl and abandon your
hearts to the sweet transports which the

possessing of your good Master, and

the liberty of approaching him, must
cause in you; testify to him all you
feel for so much love. Make your zeal
resound by all sorts of means, and put
no other bounds to it than such as Jesus

himself has put to his love for you.

I say too much ?


Are not such senti

ments just? Can you not conceive,

with the help of these reections, the
extent of the love of Jesus, and what

his divine justice has a right to expect

from man in this sacrament of his love?

4'1.yruluulle of illrml. ind.

Let us now attend to the e'ects of ths
gratitude, or rather let us oppose the
greatest of all ingratitudes to such love
as surpasses our understanding.

Whichever way I turn my eyes :

nd melancholy instances of this in
gratitude. I run over the habitable
globe; I consider the nations where
Christians reside, all conditions, all

stations and places, and every-where I

nd Jesus Christ exposed to insults and
contempt in the blessed Sacrament.
Great part of the christian world is
tainted with heresy; here his real pre
sence in this mystery is denied, and

the most cruel outrage offered to his

loving heart by not acknowledging the
benets received. But besides denying
the presence of their divine benefactor
what outrages have they not committee
against his sacred body? We cannot
reect on this without horror. Hell
never inspired the Jews with a more
inveterate hatred and violence against
Jesus Christ, than heretics have exer
cised against him in the Eucharist. Not

Ingrwfilmle qf Jinn/dud.


content to pillage the temples in which

he resided, to profane, to demolish, to
burn them, to overturn the altars and
tabernacles, to murder the priests, and
t0 sully the holy vessels, they have laid

their sacrilegious hands on the consa

crated hosts, and have thrown them 10
the ground, trampled upon them. and

applied them to the most execrable uses

We turn with horror from these abo
minations, but another sentiment is
more suitable to the occasion. Jesus

Christ has suffered these outrages for

our sakes: he foresaw them when he
instituted this mystery, and his love

was not extinguished.

This is a fresh

motive for our love and gratitude towards

our amiable Redeemer.
Banished from many places wherein
his love induced him to reside. Catho

lics alone now possess him. Yes i you

alone are his faithful people: from you
alone he expects the returns due to him.
Could we be surprised, if to discharge
a duty so sweet, so pressing, so worthy
of our zeal, Catholics should perform
th-r most extraordinary actions .7 If we

should by night and dav be employed


Ingmtitude of Manhind.

in contemplating, in loving our good

Master in the holy sacrament; if we

spentall our time in the places of his

residence, to enjoy the benet of his
presence, and oEer our homage to him
if we entered these holy places on our

hands and knees, and remained pros

trate on the ground, out of respect for
him; if we made him an unreserved

offer of all we possess to promote his

worship, should


do too


should we discharge the debt we have

incurred to his innite bounty ? What
then must be the surprise and astonish
ment of a faithful soul who considers
with any attention what really happens,
and how Jesus Christ is treated even by
Catholics in this mystery of his love;

how he is forgotten and forsaken ; what

a cold indifference is shown to him ;_

how wanting they are in respect and

gratitude towards him; how often he is

insulted by contempt, outrages, abuses

profanations, and sacrileges. 0 my
God! who can ever express what a
Christian heart should feel at the sight

of such ingratitude?

0 my Jesus!

what a new subject of grief for your

Ingratilude of Manhind.


sa'cred heart ? It is not from the Jews,

indels, and heretics, that thou re

ceivest this ill usage, but from thy cho

sen people; from a people who acknow
ledge thee to be their God, who make
profession of believing in thy real pre
sence, and yet are guilty of these
With what neglect is not Jesus Christ

treated in the churches?

He is there

as if he was not; he is abandoned and

forgotten by his creatures.

We make

frequent visits to our relations, our

friends, our benefactors, and protectors;

we pay an assiduous court to the great,

to our superiors and our masters. Jesus
Christ is our master, our king, our Re
deemer, benefactor, friend, and father ;
he is in the midst of us, we know it, but

he alone is forgotten.

Few ever think

of making a visit to Jesus Christ; months

and years pass away, and few attend to

this duty, Many go to church to comply
with the precepts of the law, but they
enter not in spirit, they are not actuated
by motives of love, gratitude and respect.
The real presence of Jesus Christ in
our churches should inspire us with


Ingratitude of Jlanhind.

sentiments of the protoundest respect

and modesty ; how do we comply with
this duty? Less respect is shown to
him in his temples than to a temporal
prince in his drawing-room. Modesty
is reserved for the palaces of the great.
Some sit, loll, and stare about with such

an air of dissipation, as clearly evinces

their thoughts and hearts to be some
where else. Business and pleasure are
sometimes here the topics of a profane
conversation. The henthens are more
religiously employed in the temples of
their false gods.
How many churches and chapels are
a disgrace to religion. How many do
we see so unprovided, so dirty, so ne~
glected, and so abandoned, that Gull

seems to be worse lodged than the

poorest of his creatures.
I will dwell no longer on these out
ward irreverences. Could we penetrate
into the recesses of the heart, we should

discover still more heinous crimes.

What are the dispositions of many at
communion and at mass ? In the for
mer we receive Jesus Christ. who comes
himself to us with an innite love.

Ingratilude qf Manlrind.


What return do we make to it?


disgust, what restraint, what repug

nance ?

It was necessary to command

it, under pain of damnation. How many

commit a sacrilege, and give to Jesus
Christ the treacherous kiss of Judas?
As to the mass: the behaviour of
those who assist at it is scarce less faulty.
lt is marked with indi'erence, sloth
and disrespect. What is their faith,
their devotion, their love ? Many ne
glect to attend; the least excuse suices

for their absence: but if they do attend,

they are tired, they are distracted, the

mass is too long, and while Jesus Christ

sacrices himself for them, they nd

half an hour fatiguing for their at


Here let us conclude.

It is

too evident that, turn your eyes where

you will, you meet with nothing but

a want of love, of respect, of grati

tude to Jesus Christ; every-where in
difference, ingratitnde, and contempt.
This is the return which Christians

make to the love and the generosity of

their God.
Here my voice faulters, and the pen

falls from my hand.

Angels and pro


Ingmttiiuzle of Manhind.

phets alone can express my sentiments,

and the horror I feel at the recollec

tion of the injuries o'ered to my God.

Floods of tears will not wash away this
bitter anguish. To make a deeper im
pression on the heart of man, I will
recapitulate what I have said to this


May all Christians, sensible

to equity, to reason and humanity, at

tend to my complaints, and be covered
with confusion. Jesus Christ, the only
Son of God, the Master of the world,

the Sovereign of angels and men, the

Creator of the Universe, and in a spe
cial manner the God of Christians, their

King, their Father, their Saviour; this

same Jesus, who came down from heaven
for their sakes, who from an excess of
love became man, who consecrated
every moment of his life to their salva
tion, who died on a cross to deliver them

from hell, and to open to them the gates

of heaven; this same Jesus, who, by
another effect of his immense love, has
again appeared among them, and to

prevent the probability of a separation,

has instituted the

sacrament of the

altar. wherein he resides really, corpo

Ingramuda qf rllunlnnd.


(nly, and perpetually, is near them,

and often in the same house with them;

this same Jesus is not loved, is forgot






raged. Ye heavens be astonished at

this prodigy of ingratitude, and ye in
habitants of the earth, tremble with


If this account should ever

reach indel nations, what will they

say of us ? Who can these Christians,

these inhuman creatures be?
barbarous a nation! In what inhospi
table climate, and under what frozen
heaven do they exist? What! can
they be insensible to the love ofa God,

to such a love? Can they be ingrateful

after so many favours received? Can
they carry their ingratitude so far as to
abuse and insult their benefactor?
0 Jesus ! what tender heart was
ever insensible to the crime of ingrati
tude! how must thou resent this cruel
behaviour? What deeper wound could

be given to thy loving heart? 0 sacred

heart! proclaim aloud thy complaints,
strike and pierce our hearts.


The just Complaints


These complaints were made by Jesus

Christ to the holy Nun, the venerable
mother Mary Margaret, mentioned in
the foregoing chl'ipter.
Disclosing to me his divine heart, he
said : Behold this heart, which has loved

mankind, and spared nothing even to

the wasting and consuming itself in tes
timony of Us lore.
Come my spouse! come and behold
the state to which my love for mankind
has reduced me. I saw man oppressed
with miseries and innite evils: moved
with compassion, I was desirous to
deliver him, and for that end I stripped
myself'of all the pomp and splendour of
my gloyy; I came down from heaven,

I annibilated myself and took upon

me the form of a slave.

My desire

was to become like man. I took a

body subject to all human misery, and
passed my life amidst labours and
sufferings. I suffered poverty, watch
ings, hunger, thirst, cold

and beat;

in a word. whatever the hatred of

of Jesus Christ.
man could cause me to snEer.


Father required still more: accor ing

to his eternal decrees, l was to she my
blood, and die upon a cross amidst the

most cruel torments. I delivered up

my body; I was loaded with chains,
beat and bu'eted, whipped at the
pillar, spit on, crowned with thorns,
and nailed to the cross, where l shed
the last drop of my blood. Consider
this attentively, my spouse l and reect

that though innocent, though God and

man, I was fastened to the cross, and
died on it, to save guilty man, to set
slaves free, and to redeem my creatures.
I could have redeemed man at not so
dear a rate; one drop of my blood,
one tear would have been suicient, but

my love would not have been satised.

I would show the greatness of my love
by the greatness of my sufferings. I
did for man something which ought to
move him still more. I left him my
esh as food, and my blood as drink.
I would be united with my creatures,
so as to become one and the same with

them, and I have done every thing to

give them proofs of my love, in order


Thejust Complaints

to soften their hearts, and to inspire

some feeling of love and gratitude into
them! But alas! whateverl have done

been in vain, at least for the

greatest part. In return, I generally

meet with nothing but ingratitude, eon





in the very sacrament of my love ,

and still what sensibly aects me is,
that I receive this usage from hearts
peculiarly consecrated to my service.
Thus my heart has also subject to com
plain on this mystery, where it is daily
exposed, to be dishonoured and abused.
In this abandoned state, I seek from
thee, and the small number of faithful

souls, some consolation. I expect that

then, being sensible of the injuries and
insults I endure, wilt take part with
me, and endeavour to repair them.-_-.
But to teach thee particularly what.
my heart desires, my will is, and I
demand of thee, that the rst Friday
after the Octave of the blessed Sacra
ment be consecrated to a special feast
in hohour of my heart,- that a solemn
'eparation of honour, and a public art
qf atonement be qizred to it on that

qf Jesus Christ.





with an intent to repair by it, a: 1111

as possible, all the injuries and af
fronts it has received when exposed on
the altars.
0 devout and attentive readerl what
have you to say, what have you to

answer to these so just complaints of

thy amiable Saviour? Can you hear
them and not be moved with compas


It may be true, that he has

not received such injuries from you;

but do not imagine that it is enough
for you to abstain from injuring him:
you ought to show your gratitude and
delity in taking part in the a'ronts
which he receives from others, in tes

tifying your grief, and making him re

paration to the utmost of your power.

And indeed, what would you say of a

son, who, seeing his father insulted,

should think himself free from blame,

if he only refused to join himself with
those who insulted him ? \Vould you
not say that he ought to repress those
insults to the utmost of his power? And
shall we be less zealous for the glory of
Jesus Christ? Ah! I could not see my


Tbe just Complaint;

friend insulted and

abused, without

testifying my sorrow, and doing all in

my power to procure him comfort: and
can I see such atrocious crimes com

mitted against my Saviourwithout being

moved ? I know that Jesus Christ has
been exposed for the love of me to a
thousand indignities, in the holy sacra
ment of the altar; that his sacred body

has been pierced by the Jews a thou

sand times in the consecrated hosts;
that it has been thrown into the re,

trodden under foot and shamefully dis

honoured by so many profanations and
sacrileges as cannot be numbered : and
can I see all these indignities and re
main insensible ? O Lord! let me die,

rather than be guilty of so much ingra

titude; let my heart be torn from me,
rather than remain insensible of so
much goodness. 0 my divine Saviour!

let me join with those faithful souls

who love and wish to please thee; let

me associate with those who make it

their duty to repair the injuries done
thee. I will often go and prostrate
myself at the foot of thy altars, where
thou remains, and I will there bewail

of Jesus Christ.


thy love, treated with so much con

tempt. I will wash with my tears those

holy places so often profaned, and i
will there make an honourable repara
tion, so justly due to thy divine heart,
for my own sins and ingratitudes, and
for those of mankind. Thus prostrate
at thy feet, my amiable Jesusl I will
consider myself as happy, and esteem
it as the greatest of favours, that thou

wilt permit me to be in thy divine pre

sence in such a state of humiliation.
Now, devout reader, is it not just

holy, and worthy of a Christian to en

tertain such sentiments? Let me ask
if a devotion, of which the principal
end is to ihspire such sentiments, is not
a solid devotion; if it is not according

to true piety ?

Finally, if a feast insti

tuted to pay so just a tribute of honour

to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, should

not be added to those already instituted

for the glory of God and the edication
0f the faithful ?
Our holy Mother, the Catholic Church,
consecrates every year a week to ho
nour the sufferings of Jesus Christ. Du
ring this octave, it endeavours to repay



the outrages, abuses and insults which

he receives on the cross, dying there to

redeem and save us.
It pays the
eatest honours to Jesus Christ's su'er
mg, and at the same time honours also
the instrument of our salvation. No

thing can be more commendable and just

than this institution. But Jesus Christ
has not loved us less in the blessed sa

crament than in his passion, and he

has not been less insulted in this mys
tery of his love, than in that of his
death. What, then, can be more rea
sonable than the institution of a feast,
in order to repair those injuries, and to

engage the faithful to full publicly so

holy a duty; and what is more be
coming, than to institute this feast in
honour of his Sacred Heart, since it was
the instrument and seat of his love and

IF the Church approves a feast in

honour of the divine heart of Jesus
Christ, why not approve of other feasts
to honour every part of his sacred



body? W'hy a particular feast in honour

of hisdivineheart? Moreover. the feasts
are already so numerous in the Church,
that it seems improper to multiply them.

new oices interrupt those which the

church has formerly instituted.

As this objection has made great

impression on many who have taken no
pains to examine it, I have thought it
necessary to mention it in a separate
article, and to show the weakness of it.
I. The numerous Confraternities who
celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart

with great solemnity, the number of

Bishops who have approved them, the
number of briefs of indnlgences granted
to them by the Holy See, are a great
proof that the above objection has

nothing solid.

It is of little purpose to

dispute whether the feast of the Sacred

Heart deserves to be approved.

In a

point of this nature a great part of the

Church, authorized by so many Bishops

and the Holy See, cannot mistake; for

which reason the objection which op

poses the institution of this feast, can
make no impression on a faithful and
devout soul.



II. The foregoing objection can be

of no weight, unless we suppose that
the motives which authorize the feast of
the Sacred Heart, are common to the

other parts of his sacred body; but this

supposition will seem unwarrantable to
any one who has paid the least attention
to what we have said in this work, either

with regard to the feast itself, or the

privileges and pre-eminences of the

heart, or with regard to other decisive
circumstances which we have pointed
With regard to the feast, we have

explained its nature in the rst chapter,

and we have observed, that its having

for its spiritual object the love of Jesus

Christ, abused and insulted by the in
gratitude of mankind, nothing could

be more proper, than to give it for its

corporal object the heart

of Jesus,

as being essentially connected with the

divine love, and

the centre of the

su'erings inicted on him by man.

This is u suicient answer which will
suffer no reply.
We celebrate the
toast of the heart, touether with that of



the love. Are we from thence to con

clude that every part of the sacred body
of Jesus Christ ought to be celebrated

by a particular feast?

Where is the

conclusion ?

As to the privileges of the Sacred

Heart, they are so singular, so specic,
so admirable, and so certain, that it is

not possible for a person who has read

what we have published on this subject,
to doubt a moment on its excellence
and pre-eminence.
There is to be
found in this pre-eminence a clear and
solid answer to the objection, which

loses all its weight, since with regard to

the Sacred Heart, there are such specic

reasons for the preference given to it.

It is true, that everypart of his sacred
body is holy and adorable; but it is
not suicient for the institution of a

public feast, that a thing is holy.

A choice must be made, which must

be directed by the Holy Spirit, which

governs the Church; and it is visible
that this choice is always in favour ol

what is most excellent and proper to

excite and encourage the piety of the

l 00


faithful. All the actions of Jesus Christ

are holy, but the church does not insti

tute a feast for all of them. All the

mysteries of the Life of Jesus Christ
are holy, and yet the Church does not
honour them by a particular feast. She
has chosen out the most admirable, the

most moving, and the most instructive.

All the suerings of Jesus Christ are
holy, and deserving the love and grati
tude of mankind, and yet this is not a
sufcient motive to engage the church to
honour them separately ; it is not there
fore, reasoning justly, to say, if the
church approves the feast of the Sacred
Heart, it ought to establish a feast for
all the other parts of his sacred body:
there is in all these things, as we have
said, a wise distinction to be made,

which belongs to the Holy Ghost, who inspires the church.

Among other decisive circumstances
in favour of the devotion and feast of
the Sacred Heart which we have already
remarked, the principle, to which the
church seems to have paid a particular

attention, is the will of God, on this


occasion suiciently manifested.



In these matters Almighty God is accus

tomed to manifest his will by different

ways; by particular revelations; by
miracles ; by inspiring the chief pastors
of the church; by moving the hearts of
the faithful;

by the concurrence of

di'erent nations, and by the humble

petitions addressed to the Holy See.
y dierent bishops and sovereign
princes; and it is to be remarked,

that all these signs of the divine will

concur in favour of the devotion and

feast of the Sacred Heart, as has been

already proved by what has been said
Having made these remarks, let us

return to the objection, and endeavour

to show the emptiness of it: we cele
brate the feast of the Sacred Heart of

Jesus, because this heart is the princi

pal of the sensible love of Jesus Christ,
the seat of his love, the symbol of his

love, and the precious pledge of his

love; because this heart was the centre

of the sufferings caused by the ingra

titude of mankind; because it was in

timately united with those su'erings



and pierced on the cross with the stroke

of a lance.

Now all these privileges

belong so particularly to the heart, as

not to agree with the other parts of the
sacred body; if, therefore, we celebrate

the festival of the Sacred Heart, we ought

also to have festivals in honour of the

other parts of his sacred bodywho

does not see the falsehood of such rea
soning ? Moreover, we have in favour of

the festival of the Sacred Heart all the

signs of the divine will we can desire;
express revelations, inspirations, granted
to the chief pastors, the divine impres
sion on the hearts of the faithful, the
concurrence of dierent nations, the

petition to the Holy See from bishops

and sovereign princes, 810. Now there
is nothing like to this with regard to the
other parts of his sacred body, all which

prove the objection which has been so

often canvassed, to be frivolous, and not

worthy to be noticed.
As for what remains, those who are

afraid, that on account of the devotion

and festival of the Sacred Heart, other

improper devotions and festivals should

be introduced into the church, need



only to attend to that constant truth,

that the establishing a devotion and a
feast, is not the work of man but of.


A man may imagine a devotion

little becoming the sanctity,tlie majesty,

and the wisdom of the church: he may

undertake to establish it, he may prac
tise it and endeavour to inspire it in
others, but to establish it in a great
part of the church and among di'erent
people, to introduce it into di'erent
provinces and kingdoms, so that it may
become every-where public, as is the
devotion to the Sacred Heart, that sur
passes the human understanding, and

consequently it is not doing justice to

the divine providence, which watches
over the church, to fear that the estab
lishing afestival in honour of the Sacred
Heart, so proved to us to be the will of
God, should be introductive of other

devotions superuous and improper.

But you will object again and say:
there are already too many feasts in the
church, why multiply them? Would
you then put limits to the divine pro
vidence? Are there no more devotions
amongthe treasuresof the divine wisdom



proper to edify the church, to honour

Jesus Christ, and excite the devotion of

the faithful? Those who are afraid of
the devotions and feasts being multiplied
do not reect on the constant conduct of
God in every age, who makes use of

these means to rouse and renew the de

votion of the faithful, nor to the glory
which accrues to Jesus Christ,nor to the

prots which the faithful receive for the

safety and sanctication of their souls,

these devotions and feasts being an un

exhausted source of spiritual blessings.
Finally, not to leave our present
subject, the devotion and feast of the
Sacred Heart being once established,

who can say how much it will contri

bute to the glory of God, and the good
of souls, by the pious practices and
exercises essentially connected with it;
to the glory of Jesus Christ by the
multiplied acts of virtue, which are
proper to it, of love, of faith, of con

trition, of reparation, of praise, of

thanksgiving; to the sanctication of
souls by confessionshcommunion, in

dulgences, masses, visitingr of holy

places, alms-dceds, acts oi penance,


l 0.5

of mortication, humility, &c. If they

did but reect on the immense treasure

of merits by which the church is en

riched, and will continue to be enriched
to the end of time, they never would

dare to object this maxim to us, that

feasts ought not to be multiplied: this
maxim, however, does not regard the
feasts we are treating about; on the
contrary it ought to be considered as
a special favour of heaven, as a most

precious pledge of the love of Jesus

for mankind, worthy to be received by
the church with every respect and gra
But these new devotions, these new

feasts ought not to be allowed, because

they interrupt the divine service for
merly established by the church; to
this I answer, rst, that if this objection

be of any weight, we must put a stop

to all dedication of churches, canoni
zation of saints, translations of relics,

to which are annexed particular feasts,

masses, and oices.

Secondly, were it

necessary to suppress any of the feasts,

would it be proper to suppress those
which regard immediately Jesus Christ,


Objection answered.

and contribute so much to his hemg

honoured and beloved, and have "I

other end but that? It is true, that
the ancient oices will be interrupted
for that day, but when the church
judges proper to order a new ofce more '
glorious to God, and of more utility to

the faithful, is there anyreuson to mur

mur and complain?






In general by the practice of this de

mtiou, nothing more is meant than the
use of such means as are best calculated
to render us true adorers and faithful
imitators of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Now this practice is both in

Ierior and exterior. The interior prac

tioe consists in the inward acts of faith,

adoration, love hope. condence, gra

titude. and the like. The exterior prac
tiee consists in outward and visible
acts, such as are meant to denote out

wardly the inward devotions. Of this

sort are prayers, nova-nae, confessions,
and communions, visits to Jesus Christ


Practice q

in the blessed sacrament, associations.

ccnfraternities, fasting, penauces, and

generally all pious and edifying acts,
which are performed to honourthe ador
able heart of our blessed Redeemer.-

Whereupon it is not remiss to observe,

that we must not so rest and depend
on these outward practices, as to per
suade ourselves that if we have but
performed them, we have therefore
fullled all justice. This would be
conning the Whole system of devotion
to bare and empty ceremonies. Much
less ought they to be considered as a
claim to impunity for ones faults, or as
a security of a future conversion, after

having long slighted Almighty God's

grace. This would be a gross illusion
and a fatal abuse, ever disallowed by
true devotion. But, on the other hand,
because devotion is misused, it is no

reason why it should be condemned or

suppressed; for the best things are lia
ble to be misused.

The abuse, indeed,

ought to be checked, but the devotion

tself, wholly saintly and solid, should

ever be preserved.

These general notions being once

this Devotion.


premised, let us now consider in par

ticular the devotions to be practised in
honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Among them some are to be pefformed

every year, some every month, some

every week, and some every day.

THE solemn festival of this devotion

is xed on the rst Friday after the oc
tave of Corpus Christi. This day must
be sanctied and consecrated to the
love of our blessed Saviour by prayer,
pious reading, visits to the blessed sa
crament, and every good work; and

therefore on the eve of this solemn day,

prepare your heart by some act of pen

ance or charity, for the reception of

divine grace. On the festival itself,

repair to the sacraments of penance
and holy communion. At confession
accuse yourself, and detest in a special

manner your many ingratitudes and

acts of disrespect towards the blessed
sacrament. Your communion ought to

be performed with so much the more

fervour, as it is intended as a reparation

1 10

Practlz-e q]

of honour, and an atonement for the

many negligences and defects in former
communions. During the day, if con
venient, pay a special visit to the bless
ed sacrament, and there, or in your
oratory, at the foot of the crucix,
make a solemn act of atonement to the
Sacred Heart, for all the indignities it
daily receives in the blessed eucharist,

and for such as we ourselves perhaps

have been guilty of.






which happens but once a-year, the rst

Friday of every month has been also
consecrated to the Sacred Heart. 0n
that day the clients endeavour to per
form, either wholly or in part, the reli
gious duties practised on the feast itself,
viz., confession, communion, visits to the

blessed sacrament, the reparation of

honour, 82c.

Trm zealous clients of this devotion,

who endeavour to procure for them

this Devotion.

11 l

selves a more plentiful ow of heavenly

graces, are not satised with honouring
this divine heart once a-month; they

moreover consecrate the Friday'of every

week to its honour, by the performance

of some acts of devotion, some good
works, or small mortications, interior
or exterior, in order to testify their

gratitude, and repair by their love the

ingratitude of men to Jesus Christ.


Evan? morning, as soon as you

awake, throw yourself in spirit into that
divine heart, which so mercifully watch
ed over you while you were asleep.
Thank Jesus Christ for the institution
of the most blessed sacrament; adore
that most amiable Saviour, love him

most tenderly, aild entreat your angel

guardian to visit him for you.


dressed, turning yourself towards the

next chapel, where the blessed sacra
ment is kept, make a profound reve
rence, resolved to present yourselfthere


. Practice (f

in person with all proper convenience.

In the meanwhile make the following
act of adoration.

Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God!

whom I believe truly and really present
in the blessed sacrament of the altar,

.receive this my homage, and let it sup

ply for the desire I have of adoring thee
without intermission, and in return for

those sentiments of love which thy sa

cred heart expresses for us in the ever
adorable sacrament.
Tim PRAYER or ST. enn'rnuns TO

HAIL, 0 sacred heart of Jesus! liv

ing and quickening source of eternal
life, innite treasure of the divinity,
burning furnace of divine lovel thou
art my refuge and my sanctuary: O
my amiable Saviour! .consume my heart
with that burning re with which thine
is ever inamed; pour down on my soul
those graces which ow from thy love,
and let my heart be so united with
thine, that our wills may be one, and
mine in all things conformable to thine.


this Devotion.


May thine be the standard and rule

equally of my desires and of my actions.

THIS is a time when Jesus Christ is

little thought of; those, therefore, who
shall visit him at this time, cannot but
be well received; for as we are then
carried neither by custom, nor the crowd,

our visits of consequence must be the ef

fect of pure love, and undoubtedly the
occasion of very signal favours, as Jesus
Christ will never su'er himself to be
outdone in point of liberality.


IT was the practice of St. Aloysius

Gonzaga, every night before he went
to bed, to say, upon his knees, three
Hail Marys. The rst in honour of
that instant in which the Blessed Virgin
Mary was immaculately conceived.
The second in honour of the feast of
the Annunciation, when she became
Mother of God; and the third in honour

l 14

Act qf Cmwecmtion, ZQ-c.

of her glorious Assumption, in which

after her death she was united to her

dear Son.

After this, adoring in spirit

Jesus Christ on the altar, and casting

himself, as it were, into his most sacred

heart, he reposed, saying with the

author of the Imitation of Christ: In
this peace will I rest;


thee, my

Jesus! and in thy sacred heart will I


0 MOST amiable Mother of God ! life

passes away, and death approaches,
when the hour comes, he unto me, I
beseech thee, a tender mother, and dis

pose the heart of thy blessed Son favour

ably in my regard. Ave Maria.




To thee, O sacred heart of Jesusl

to thee I devote and offer up my life,
tlmugllts, words,


actions, pains, and

May the least part of my

Act of Consecration.

1 l5

being he no longer employed, save only

n loving,serving, honouring, and glo
rifying thee. \Vherefore, 0 most sa

cred heartl be thou the sole object of

my love, the protector of my life, the
pledge of my salvation, and my secure
refuge at the hour of my death. Be
thou, 0

most bountiful



justication at the throne of God, and

screen me from his anger, which I have

so justly merited.

In thee I place all

my condence, and, convinced as I am

of my own weakness, I rely entirely

on thy bounty. Annibilate in me all

that is displeasing and o'ensive to thy
pure eye. Imprint thyelf like a divine
seal on my heart, that I may ever re

member my obligations never to be

separated from thee. May my name
also, I beseech


by thy tender

bounty, ever be xed and engraved in

thee, 0 Book of Life! and may I ever
be a victim consecrated to thy glory,

ever burning witltthe ames of thy pure

love, and entirely penetrated with it

for an eternity. In this I place all my

happiness, this is all my desire, to live
and die in no other quality, but that of

thy devoted servant.


1 16

Tile Litany.


IJ0RD, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us:

God the Father of heaven,


God the Son, Redeemer of the

God the Holy Ghost, .

Holy Trinity, one God,

Heart of Jesus !
Heart of Jesus, formed in the

womb of the most blessed



Heart of Jesus, hypostatically

united to the eternal Word,

Heart of Jesus, sanctuary of the


Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the

most holy Trinity,

Heart of Jesus, Temple of all

Heart of Jesus, Fountain of all

Heart of Jesus, most meek,
Heart of Jesus, most humble,


The Litany.


Heart of Jesus, most obedient,

Heart of Jesus, most chaste,
Heart of J esus, Furnace of Love,
Heart of'Je-sus, Source of Contri
Heart of Jesus, Treasure of
Heart of Jesus, 0cean of Bounty,
Heart ofJesus, Throne of Mercy,
Heart of Jesus, Abyss of all Vir



Heart of Jesus, sorrowful in the

Heart of Jesus, spent with
bloody Sweat,


Heart of Jesus, glutted with Re


Heart of Jesus, consumed for our


Heart of Jesus, made obedient

even unto the Death of the

Heart of Jesus, pierced through

with a Lance,

Heart of Jesus, Refuge of Sinners,

Heart of Jesus, Fortitude of the


1 l8

The Litany.

Heart of Jesus, Comfort of theaficted,

Heart of Jesus, main strength of

the tempted,
Heart of Jesus, Terror of the


Heart of Jesus, Sanctication of T .3



Heart of Jesus, Perseverance of

the Good,
Heart ofJesus, Hope of the dying,
Heart of Jesus,joy of the blessed,
Heart of Jesus, the delight of all
the Saints,

Lamb of God, who takest away the

sins of the world, spare us, 0


Lamb of God, who takest away the


of the world, hear

us, 0

Jesus !
Lamb of God, who takest away the

sins of the world, have mercy on

us, 0 Jesus!
V. 0 most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have
mercy on us.

R. That we may worthily love thee with

our whole hearts.

m Lam.



O GODl who out of thy immense

love hast given to the faithful the most

Sacred Heart of thy Son our Lord, as
the object of thy tender affection;

grant, we beseech thee, that we may

so love and honour this pledge of thy

love on earth, as by it to merit the love

both of thee and thy gift, and be eter

nally loved by thee and this most blessed

heart in heaven.

Through the same

Jesus Christ our Lord thy Sou, who

liveth and reigneth with thee in the

unity of the H0l Ghost,one God, world

without end.


Through thy Sacred Heart, 0 Jesus,

overowing with all sweetness, we
recommend to thee ourselves, and all
our concerns, our friends, benefactors,

parents and relations, our superiors,

and enemies: take under thy protection
this house, city, and kingdom; extend

this thy care to all such as are under

any amiction; and to those who labour

in t e agony and pangs of death; cast

an eye of compassion on the obstinate

sinner, and more particularly on the


An Im'ihzlion.

poor su'ering souls in purgatory, as

also on those who are engaged and

united with us in the holy confederacy
of honouring and worshipping thee.
Bless these in particular, 0 bountiful

Jesus ! and bless them according to the

extent of thy innite goodness, mercy,
and charity. Amen.

ALL the faithful adorers of Jesus

are invited to repair in spirit every day,
at nine o'clock in the morning, and (our

in the evening, to his divine heart, in

order to make in common some of the

following aspirations.
0 most sacred heart of Jesus ! have
mercy on us.
0 divine heart, wounded for love
of us! let us ever he sensibleof' thy

bounty, and let thy love ever plead in

our favour.

0 heart of Jesus, burning with love

of us, iname our hearts with the love
of thee.
Blessed be the most adorableheart
d .Jcs-ts my God for ever and ever.

The Rqmrahon.

l2 1

No love, no heart equals thine, most

loving Jesus.
0 may thy adorable heart be for ever
praised, and all thanks both in time and
eternity paid to it
0 adorable heart of Jesusl mayest
thou be

known, loved,

and adored

throughout the whole world.

0 divine re, ever burning and never
ceasing, raise my heart into a ame,
that I may always love, and never cease

from loving thee.








O Mos'r amiable and adorable heart

of Jesus, centre of all hearts, glowing
with charity, and inamed with zeal

for the interest of thy Father, and the

salvation of mankind! 0 heart, ever
sensible of our misery, and ever in

motion to redress our evils, the reah

victim of love in the Holy Eucharist,

and propitiatory sacrice for sin on the


The Reparation.

altar of the cross! seeing that the

generality of Christians make no other
return for these thy mercies, than con
' tempt of thy favours, forgetfulness of

their own obligations, and ingratitude

to the best of benefactors; is it not just
that we, thy servants, penetrated with

the deepest sense of the like indignities,

should enter upon a due and satisfactory
reparation of honour to thy most sacred
majesty I Prostrate, therefore, in body,
and humbled in mind, before heaven
and earth, we solemnly declare our utter
detestation and ahhorrence of such a
conduct. Inexpressible, we know, was
the bitterness which the multitude of

our sins brought upon thy tender heart;

insufferable the weight of our iniquities,
which pressed thy face to the earth in
the Garden of Olives ; and unsurmount
able thy anguish, when expiring with
love, grief, and agony, on Mount Cal

vary, in thy last breath thou wouldst

reclaim sinners to their duty and repen
tance. This we know, 0 dear Redeem

and would most willingly redress

these thy sufferings by our own, or share

with thee in thine.

Tbe It'eparation.


0 merciful Jesus! ever present on our

altars, and with a heart open to receive
all who labour and are burdened! 0
adorable heart of Jesus, source of -true
contrition! impart to our hearts the true

spirit of penance, and to our eyes a

fountain of tears, that we may bewail
and wash o' our sins, and those of the
world. Pardon, divine Jesus! all the
injuries, reproaches, and outrages, done

thee through the course of thy holy life

and bitter passion. Pardon all the
impieties, irreverenoes, and sacrileges,

which have been committed against

thee in the sacrament of the Eucharist,

from its rst institution.


receive the small tribute of our sincere

repentance, as an agreeable oiering in

thy sight, and in requital for the bene

ts we daily receive from the altar,
where thou art a living and continual

sacrice, and in union of that bloody

holocaust, thou didst present to thy
eternal Father on Mount Calvary from
the Cross.

Sweet Jesus! give thy blessing to

the ardent desire we now entertain,

and the holy resolution we have taken,



The Beads.

of ever loving and adoring thee after a

proper manner, in the sacrament of love,
the Eucharist; thus to repair by a true
conversion of heart, and a becoming

zeal for thy glory, our past negligence

and indelity. Be thou, 0 adorable
Heart! who knowest the clay of which
we are formed, be thou our mediator
with thy heavenly Father, whom we

have so grievously offended: strengthen

our weakness, conrm our resolution,
and with thy charity, humility, meek
ness, and patience, cover the multitude
of our iniquities; be thou our support,
our refuge, and our strength, that no

thing henceforth in life or. death may

separate us from thee. Amen.

THIS little Rosary consists of a small

Cross, thirty-eight Beads; that is, ve

of a larger size, to remind us of the sa

cred wounds of our blessed Saviour, and
thirty-three of asmaller form, answering
to the number of years he spent on earth
in the great work of our redemption.

The Beads.


Range the whole thus: The Cross

stands in the front, or rst place; then

follow three of the smaller beads, shut

up between two larger.

After which

are three Tens, or Decades of small

beads, each Decade terminated with a
larger one.

0 Jesus! give us thy heart as a

pledge of thy love, and as a place of
refuge, that we may nd therein a

secure repose during our life, and a

sweet comfort at the hour of our death.

THEE I adore, praise, and love, 0

Sacred Heart of my dear Jesus ! pene

trated with grief at the thought of so

manyo'ences, which have been hitherto
committed against thee in the most holy
sacrament of the altar. I o'er up the
most amiable heart of thy most beloved
mother, with the merits of the saints, in

satisfaction thereof.



A Prayer.

O SACRED Heart of Jesus, burning

with the love of us -, iname our hearts
with the love of thee. Amen.

0 ETERNAL Father, let me offer

up unto thy mercy, the Sacred Heart of

thy well-beloved Son, even as he of
fered up himself as a sacrice to thy
Accept in my behalf all the desires,
sentiments, a-ections, motions, and all

the actions of this Sacred Heart : they

are mine, because it was immolated for

me; they are mine, becausefor thefuture

lam resolved to possessnothing butwhat
is peculiar to it.

Receive, then, the

merits of this Sacred Heart in satisfaction

for my sins, and in thanksgiving for the

benets conferred upon me.


them, O Lord! as so many motives of

granting thy servant those peculiar
graces he stands in need of, but particu
larly the gift of nal perseverance. R6
eeive them as so many acts of love, ado

An Association.


ration and praise, which I now offer to

thydivine Majesty. This Sacred Heart.
this heart only, can love, honour, and
glorifythee as thou deservest to he loved,

honoured, and gloried.







THIS Association is an assembly or

agreement of some pious and virtuous
people, who, in order to honour the Sn
cred Heart, and to make snmeatonement

t0 it,agreeumongthemelves to perform
some particular practice of devotion
each Friday of the month.
2. The association under our present
consideration, is one of the many de_

votions practised with great advantage

in honour of the Sacred Heart, it being
experimentally certain that God Al
mighty heaps his distinguished favours
on such as are thus concerned to honour
3. The number of devout persons
composing this association may be more
or less, as they shall judge convenient.


An Asmciatian.

4. The choice of these practices,

which are to be found in the second

part of this book, may be made in the

following manner.
Let there be as many billets folded
up as there are persons who compose
this association: on the inside of each
of these must he wrote some particular
practice. The whole being mixed to
gether, each draws one billet for himself,

and engages himself to offer up on the

Fridays of the following month, to the
Sacred Heart, that practice which has

fallen to his lot.

5. The choice must be made regularly
on the last Thursday of the expiring
month, or on the following Thursday.
6. Every associate should have in his
house or chamber, a picture of the
Sacred Heart. The advantage amongst
others is this: should any one in par
ticular be hindered from visiting the
blessed Sacrament, he may before this
picture acquit himself of the obligation
he has involuntarily taken upon himself.
Jesus Christ has given us an instance
and proof of how great merit this prac
tice is in his sight. 0f this truth the

An Association.


venerable mother Mary Margaret is a

witness, as appears in her life, wrote
at large, 1729, by that learned and il
lustrious Prelate, Joseph Languet, at
that time Bishop of Soissons, and pro

moted afterwards to the Archbishopric

of Sens. 0ur blessed Redeemer spoke
to her, as is related in the said life, as

I am much pleased with the devo
tion the faithful show for my heart,

and for this reason I desire the picture

thereof may be drawn and exposed,
that by this so amiable a representation
the hearts of men may be softened into
repentance. I promise that such as,
in a more particular manner, honour

this picture, shall partake more amply

of those graces with which my heart
is replenished."
7. The virtues of the greatest esti
mation, as most dear to the Sacred

Heart of Jesus among the associates,

must ever he .Mcehncss and Humility,
and the vices opposite to these mst be
held in equal detestation.


An Association.

8. In general they must bear a truly

Christian charity for each other, and

y all animosity and aversion.

9. Let each one ask from time to
time, through the merits of the Sacred
Heart, that God would protect their
fellow associates from all evils, spiritual
and temporal, and that he would pour
down his choicest blessings on them,

not in life only, but more particularly

at the hour of their death.
10. Nor must their charity end with
life. This ought to continue even be
yond the sepulchre, and the living eu
deavour to assist their deceased brethren
by their holy prayers.
If, then, devout reader, this Sacred

Heart of Jesus is really an object of

your aections, as no doubt it ought
to be, make up amongst those with
whom you live, your family, friends,
and domestics, a small association of
this nature, and take my word for it,

Almighty God will look with a pro

pitious eye both on you, and this your

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament. l3l



IN therst, thank the Eternal Father

for having given us his only Son in the
divine Eucharist, and o'er up to him the
sentiments of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
in acknowledgment of so great a favour.
In the second, return thanks to Jesus
Christ, for having instituted this ado
rable mystery, and for all the favours he

has done us in the work of our redemp

tion; as also for having been pleased to
make his Sacred Heart known to us in
these latter days.
In the third, thank our blessed Re

deemer, for all the benets we have re

ceived from him in the blessed Encha
rist, and ask of him, that all his designs

may be most perfectly accomplished

m us.
The fourth shall be, in order to be
moan before the Sacred Heart all the
.iacrilegious communions which have
latherto been made, and to deplore all


Holy Communion.

the injuries, ingratitudes, ' contempts,

disorders, and irrevereuces, which have
hitherto been committed. If you have
shared in these crimes, enter into your
self, and thank Jesus Christ that he has

not cast you headlong into hell, nor

delivered up your soul to the devil, as

he did that of Judas. You must also

make this visit to consecrate yourself
entirely to the honour and glory of this
Sacred Heart.
The h ought to be expressly, to
adore the Sacred Heart of Jesus in all
the churches of the world where he


THE devout client of the Sacred

Heart, nding himself red with the love
and surrounded with the bounties of this
amiable Saviour, most ardently pants

after the happiness of enjoying him by

the closest union. Repair, then, 0
devout soull to the holy communion.
Go thither with a view to honour, and

glorify this divine heart to obtain the

graces necessary to keep you from sin,

1170121] Communion.


to practise virtue, and to attain to that

degree of sanctity to which Almighty

God means to raise you. Ask all
these graces with condence," says St.
Bonaventure. Can he deny you any
thing, who imparts to you himself?
When the happy moment approaches
in which you are about to communicate,

imagine you hear this Sacred Heart ad

dressing you in the following manner:
Come to me, 0 sinner! that thou
mayest ever renounce sin. Come, 0

aiicted soul! in order to receive com

fort. Come. 0 poor and indigent crea
turel that thou mayest be admitted to
the possession of my Father's kingdom.
Come, 0 faithful spousel that thou

mayest unite thyself to thy heavenly

Bridegroom." Then answer him thus:
I joyfully embrace, 0 most adorable
heartl thy kind and tender invitation.
I come to be lled with the love of
thee, and to live by thy life. I come
to lose myself wholly in thee, and to

live entirely for; thee. Behold I open

to thee the gate of my poor and wretch
ed heart. 0pen thou thine to receive
mine in it. David called thee the God


Holy Communion.

of his heart,- be thou the God. of mine,

and the sole master of it for ever."

After having communicated, imagine
that the Son of God pours down the
torrent of his graces into your soul. to
raise it to life; and say within yourself,
It is not I that live, it is Jesus Christ

who liveth in me. Make an entire sa

crice of yourself to him, as an atone
ment for having so long and so obsti
nately refused him your heart; and
should you still feel any reluctance in
giving it quite up, beseech him, that,
by a total change and conversion there
of, he would add one miracle more to
the many he has already wrought. At
parting, leave your heart as a pledge
at the foot of the Cross, unite it to the
heart of the God of love, who resides

on the altar as on the throne of his

mercies, to receive our tribute of ado
ration, and to distribute his grace.

The Five Acts.











ADORABLE heart of Jesus, hypoa

tatically united to the Eternal Wordl
ever present in the holy Eucharist, re

ceive my homage, and the tribute of

adoration which I here bring, prostrate
at the throne of thy glory.

Mayest thou ever be reverenced and

adored by all creatures; may the raising

of hands, bending of knees, prostrations

of body, practised in our devotions;
may the prayers, vows, and sacrices

of thy servants be ever agreeable and

acceptable to thee.

May the angels in

heaven ever adore thee, and may the

hearts of all the faithful, especially that

of the most blessed Virgin, ever breathe
out in thy honour a most sweet odour
and perfume of love, esteem, and

Sweet Jesnsl


this act of

adoration. May it be acceptable in


Act of Thanhsgiving.

thy sight from my hands, and those of

thy servants of this association, whom

I particularly recommend to thee.


MOST municent heart of Jesus,

hypostatically united to the Eternal

Wordl ever present in the holy Eucha
rist, receive my homage and the tribute

of thanksgiving which I here bring,

prostrate at the throne of thy bounty.

In the joy of my heart I return thee

thanks for all thy favours. Ye crea
tures of God ! brought forth from your
nothing; ye children of men, created,

redeemed, and sanctied, praise and

magnify your great Benefactor: but
chiey thou, 0 immaculate and most
pure Virgin! preserved from all spot
and blemish, enriched with the fulness
of grace, exalted above the nine choirs
of angels, and next in dignity to the
throne of God, extol, praise, and glo
rify this municent dispenser of all

good gifts.
May thy name, 0 most bountiful

Act qfLove.

. [37

God! be ever blessed; may thou be

ever praised, and may thy bounty be

ever gloried.
Sweet Jesusl receive these mythanks.

May they be acceptable in thysight from

my hands, and those of thy servants of
this association, whom I particularly
recommend to thee. Amen.

Mos'r amiable heart of Jesus, by

postaticallyunited to the Eternal Word!
ever present in the holy Eucharist, re
ceive my homage and the tribute of love
which I here pay, prostrate at the throne
of thy charity.
Be thou ever, 0 sacred Heart l obey
ed and loved by all creatures, even as

man is always cherished and loved by

thee. Thou hast settled thy a'ections
upon him, and with him thou hast ever
desired to dwell. 0 that I could love
thee as thou deservest, and as thou art

loved by the angels and saints in hea

ven; at least with a love if not cor

responding to thy favours, equal how/

ever in some measure to the greatness


Acts of Atonement.

of the obligations I lie under. Ye Che

rubim and Seraphim ! ye thrice happy
citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem!

and principally thou, 0 most pure Vir

gin Mother! supply by thy love what
ever is wanting to mine. Maythygood
ness, 0 Jesus! be ever praised, mag

nied, and exalted: mayest thou ever

reign as King, Lord, and Sovereign, over
all hearts, and may thy amiable heart
draw all hearts to thee.

Sweet Jesus i receive this act of love.

May it be acceptable in thy sight from
my hand, and those of thy servants of
this association, whom I particularly

recommend to thee.



Mos'r compassionate heart d' Jesus,

hypostatically united to the Eternal
Word! ever present in the holy Eu
charist, receive my homage, and the

tribute of atonement for sin which I

here pay, prostrate at the throne of thy
What have we hitherto been doing,

my God ?

Thou hast bestowed on us

Ad of Ammo.


most signal favours, even to the surprise

of heaven itself, and these without any

merit on our part, even while we of

fended thee; and as thou lovest us

beyond measure, so without measure

thou continually heapest thy blessings

upon us. For all these what return
have we made ? what ingratitude have
we not shown? 0 God of pity and
compassion! cast theeye of thy mercy

on our present repentance, or rather

look not on us; look on the blessed

spirits of thy heavenly court, and es

pecially on the ever faithful Virgin;
look on thy devout servants, who al
ways obey thy commands, hearken to
thy inspirations, and follow thy direc
tions. These will intercede with thee
in our behalf, these will atone for our
sins, plead our cause, and obtain par
don for past neglects. These will keep
us rm and unalterable in our present
purposes and resolutions of loving and
serving thee more fervently hereafter.
Sweet Jesus! receive this act of
atonement for sin. May it be accept

able in thy sight from my hands, and



Act of Petition.

those of thy servants of this association,

whom I particularly recommend to
thee. Amen.

Mos'r bountiful heart of Jesus, hy

postaticallyunited to the Eternal Wordi

ever present in the holy Eucharist, re
ceive my homage, and the tribute of
prayer which I here offer, prostrate at
the throne of thy mercy.
To whom, my God! can i address

my petition with equal condence.

Thy care watched over me from all
eternity; in time thy indulgence drew
me out of my non-existence; thy good
ness preserves me every moment of
my life, and thy municence supports,
feeds, and nourishes me. But still,

my Lord and Creator! I am environed

with a world of enemies, who contin

ually disturb the quiet and peace of

my mind interiorly, and exteriorly
assault my weakness and violence. I
am tempted to cry out athousand times
in the day: Save us, 0 Lord! we
perish. Open then a Sanctuary into

Act: qf Adoration.



which 1 may retire; a refuge where]

may be covered against the attacks of
my enemies; an harbour, where, after

escaping from the tempeetuous wuves I

may repose.
Thou hast granted the Sacred Heart
of Jesus unto us, and in it thy servants
have found all these advantages.
The associates of the Savred Heart,

have a particular right and title to this

holy and safe retreat; give them then

a distinguished place in it.

Thou, 0

Virgin Mother ! enforce my petition by

thy powerful mediation.
Sweet Jesus ! receive this my prayer.
IWay it be acceptable in thy sight from
my hands and those of thy servants
of this association, whom I particularly
reeommend to thee. Amen







Jesus, my Lord and my God. ever

adorable! 0 that I could be present in


Acts of Adoration.

all the churches throughout the uni

verse, where thou art not adored as

thou oughtest to be, and where thy

inamed love is not repaid with the gra

titude worthy thy Majesty! I y, at least
in spirit, to these holy places, now pro_
faned, and offer on thy altar there all

the love and adorations of thy holy

Mother, in compensation for the inju
ries ever done thee by the Jews, by
Heretics, and had Christians. Eternal

m'aise be to the ever blessed Sacrament

of the Altar.
2. 0 Jesus, true Sun, that enlight
ens the church, and raises into a ame
the hearts of thy servants l I adore thee ;
and to repair the sloth, indi'erence,
and tepidity of so many religious per
sons, who, though favoured with the as

pect of so burning a luminary, remain

cold, insensible, and inanimate, I o'er

up to thee all the inamed desire of the


Eternal praise, 8m.

3. I adore thee, 0 Eternal Wisdoml

and to repair the gross ignorance which
has caused us to oend thee, I offer up
to thee all the knowledge of those most

enlightened spirits the 'Cherubim. Eter

nal praise, 8;c.


Acts of Adoration.


4. I adore thee, 0 most meek and

merciful God ! and to repair all the sins

of anger, passion, and revenge, highly

offensive in thy sight, I o'er up to thee
the peace, mildness, and tranquillity of

the Thrones.

Eternal praise, 8-0.

5. I adore thee, O Sacrament of

Level and to repair all the thoughts

and criminal desires conceived. even at
the very foot of thy altars, 1 offer up to
thee all the pure affections and chaste
desires of the Dominations. Eternal

praise, 68-0.
6. I adore thee, 0 immaculate Lamb.
that takest away the sins of the world! _

and to repair all the irreverences, gazing

at dangerous objects, and disrespectful
postures, during the time of holy mess,

I o'er to thee the profound respect of

the Choir of Virtues. Eternal praise,

7. I adore thee, 0 source and origin

of all sanctity and innocence! and to
repair the abominations committed by
wicked priests, who consecrate and re

ceive thee in the state of mortal sin, I

otfer up to thee the profound 'adora
tions and holiness of the Powers. Eter
nal praise, 8w.


Acts of Adoration.

8. I adore thee, sovereign Lord of

the universe! to whom all knees, both
in heaven and earth, should bend, all
reverence be paid; and in order to

repair the many blasphemies against thy

honour, I offer up to thee the praises and
homages of the Principalities. Eternal
praise, 8ft-.
9. I adore thee, Saviour of the world l

to whom all delity and glory is due;

and to repair the sacrilegious commun
ions, and treacheries of so many false
consciences, I offer up to thee the fer

vent and faithful zeal of the Archangels.

Eternal praise, yc.

adore thee, the delight of

heaven and earth! and to repair the





mankind shows of that amorous invita

tion, by which thou callest them to thy
sweet embraces in the holy Eucharist,

offer up to thee the ready obedience,

content, and happiness of the Angels.
Eternal praise, tic.
11. I adore thee, never-failing
Bounty and Goodness! and to repair
man's offensive diidence in thy tender
mercy, I o'er up to thee the steadfast

Am quorum.

reliance and assurance of the holy

Patriarchs in thy promises. Eternal
praise, &c.

12. I adore thee, most amiable Jesus !

and revere the sacred mystery of the
blessed Eucharist, revealed by thy di
vine word, taught by the Church, and
proved by miracles; and to repair the

doubts men have had of thy real pres

ence in the holy sacrament, I offer up
to thee the due submission shown by
the Prophets to the divine oracles.
Eternal praise, $0.

13. I adore thee, most tender and

most amiable of all Fathersl and, to

make reparation for the errors and in

delities of thy own children, I o'er

up to thee the faith of the Apostles.

Etemal praise, 81'.
14. I adore thee, most loving Shep

herd! pattern of true charity; and to

make reparation for the designs of re
venge conceived in my deance of thy
divine prohibitions, I o'er up to thee
the patience and prayers of the Martyn
in favour of their persecutors. Eternal
praise, 'yc.


Acts Qf Adoration.

1-5. I adore thee, inexhaustible Fund

of Treasures l and to make a reparation

for all the robberies committed in thy
churches, I offer up to thee the rich and
bountiful donations of thy devout ser


Eternal praise, 8ft.

16. I adore thee, 0 most watchful

Advocate l and to make reparation for

the many negligences of those who

have any authority in the Church, to
correct the abuses and irreverences
there committed against thee, I offer

up to thee the exact attention and care_

ful solicitude of holy Bishops and Prelates. Eternal praise, 5'0.
17. I adore thee, 0 God of innite
Majesty! and whom we can never sui_
ciently adore and reverence: and to
make reparation for all the impious

oaths pronounced against thee, I o'er

up to thee all the pious discourses made

in thy honour by the holy doctors of the


Eternal praise, Syc.

18. I adore thee, most hidden and

most humble Divinity! and to make re
paration for all the contests, disputes,

punctilios of honour, and scandal; by

which thou hast been offended, I offer

Acts ofAdoralion.


up to thee the humility of the ho-y



Eternal praise, 81'0.

I adore thee, eternal Priestl

whose delight is to offer sacrice; and

to make reparation for the insults and

a'ronts done to thy priests, religions,
and virgins, I o'er up to thee thy own
invincible patience, together with the

true and fervent zeal of all good Priests

and apostolic preachers. Eternal praise,
20. I adore thee, true Bread of An

gels! and to make reparation for the

sins commited against thy command of
abstinence, I offer up to thee the fasts
and temperance of the holy Anchorets.
Eternal praise, 8yc.

2l. I adore thee, 0 God of all purity!

and to make reparation for all the sins
which have hitherto been committed
against the virtue of purity, I offer up
to thee the modesty and penance of all
holy and-religious men and women.
Eternal praise, 8m.
22. I adore thee, amiable Spouse of

our souls l and to make reparation for

all the lukewarmness and indi'erence
shown by many, particularly in time of


Acts of Adoration.

holy communion, I offer up to thee the

raptures and eustacies of holy Virgins.
Eternal praise, &c.
23. I adore thee, most worthy object

of the love and affection of men and

angels! and to repair the profanations
committed in thy churches by the etl'u
sion of so much innocent blood, as also
to make some atonement for the poor
and indigent manner thou art entertained

there, I offer up to thee the piety of all

the blessed Saints, and the distress and

want in which thy persecuted servants

were. Eternal praise, 81:.
24. I adore thee, Son of the ever

glorious Virgin! and to make a general

reparation, as much as lies in my power,
for all the indignities thou hast suffered
from men since the institution of this
adorable mystery, I have recourse to
thy holy Mother, looking upon her as,
under thee, the greatest and most secure

refuge of sinners.
0 Queen of heaven and earth, hope
of mankind, who adorest thy divine
Son incessantly, I entreat thee, that
since I have the honour to be of the

number of thy children, thou wouldst

Act: qfAdoratioa.


interest thyself in our behalf, and make

satisfaction for us, and in our name, to
our eternal judge, by rendering to him
the duties we ourselves are incapable of


Eternal praise,

Will you let me, devout soul, re

commend to your piety another most
easy practice. You have, perhaps, a
number of friends, and those equally
engaged with you in this holy devotion.
Take to yourself some of these acts,
divide the others amongst these your
Let each recite daily, and
oer up to God the acts he has taken;

nothing can be more agreeable to the

amiable and o'ended heart of your
divine Saviour, or more satisfactory for
so many o'ences daily committed against


Prayer to implore, <80.









"THROUGH thy adorable heart

bless and praise thee, my Lord and my

God ! for having so often admitted me
to participate of the divine food of thy
precious body and blood, and comforted
me with thy sweet and blessed presence
in the most holy sacrament of the
Eucharist. May every creature cele
brate thy praise, 0 merciful and loving
Redeemer! for having bequeathed to
thy children so inestimable a legacy
But lest, on account of my sins, thou

shouldst reject my praises, be pleased,

0 my God, to accept, in conjunction
with them, the canticles of immaculate

praise which the choir of angels and

blessed spirits incessantly sing forth to
thy glory.
Vouchsafe, 0 glorious Jesus! that,
after making a perfect act of contrition,

and a sincere confession of my mani

fold sins, I may, at the hour of death,

humbly adore and devoutly receive

Maiiwtionfor the Fuul.


thee present in the blessed Sacrament of

the altar, as a sweet viaticum for my
support and comfort in my awful passage
to eternity; and that having obtained
a full and complete pardon of all my
sins, I may close the last scene of my
mortal life in the true faith and com
munion of thy holy Catholic Church,
and in perfect love and charity with all
mankind. Amen. Sweet Jesus! Amen.

Couslnmt_rst, that the heart of

Jesus, by its innite union with the
Divinity, and on account of its own
divine perfections, draws all the com

placency of the eternal Father, and is

worthy of the respect and adoration of
all creatures. What obligation then
can he more urgent for us than to pay

all kind of respect which we are capa

ble of, to a heart which is deserving or

innitely more than we can o'er ?

What more just than to endeavour to
atone by our respect and reiterated


ltleditatiorifor the Feast

homage, for the irreverences, abuses,

and sacrileges with which we have per

haps to reproach ourselves with regard
to this divine heart? But we must
not stop here; we must moreover have
a lively sense of the offences and in
gratitude of others, and endeavour to

atone for them as much as lies in our

power. Nor must we be satised with
our own atonement; we must aspire
and contribute as far as we are able,

to excite all creatures to join us in so

just and so holy a duty.
0 adorable heart of myamiable Jesus!
I adore thee with the most profound
homage I am capable of; Ibeg thy
pardon for all my past o'ences, irrev
erences, and sacrileges; I acknowledge
their injustice and enormity; I beg thy
pardon also for all the sins and ingrati
tudes which have hitherto ever been
committed against thee: I most humbly
beseech thee to accept my homage and
the ardent desire I have to love and
honour thee, and grant that I may live
to see thee known, adored, and loved

by all creatures.

q the Sacred Heart.


Consider, secondly, the innite obli

gations we lie under to the sacred heart

of Jesus for the love he hears us, and

for the inestimable gift he bestows on
us in himself in the blessed sacrament

of the altar. We ought to be ever

grateful, ever mindful of so great a
favour; and yet how few are there who
ever think of it; how few who ever
return him thanks for it. How happy
should we be, if, incapable as we are

of o'ering him any thing which is not

innitely inferior to what he has done
for us, we knew how to benet by
his goodness, which induces him to be

satised with the sincere o'ering up to

him of our own hearts and yet by a
monstrous ingratituae we refuse even to
grant him what he asks, when it is not

in our power to grant him what be de

Iam penetrated with COlSlO and
sorrow, my amiable Jesus! when I re
ect that I have hitherto lived so for

getful'of thy benets, and so careless

in returning thee my thanks. It grieves
me to ,think how unjust I have been in

refusing thee my wretched heart. Alas!


.Meditationfor the Feast.

my adorable Saviour! wilt thou deign

now to accept it? It is truly humbled
and contrite. I will for the future ra

ther forget my right hand and my own

heart, than forget thee. I will invite
all creatures to unite their thanks with

mine and to repair with me our past

ingratitudes ; and I will not omit to he
seech thee, that, through the merits of
thy adorable heart, we may, after having
loved and served thee in this life, sing

eternally thy mercies in heaven. Amen.

Consider, thirdly, that the sacred
heart of Jesus is the most perfect of all
hearts, and the only one which ought
to serve as a model to all others; our
hearts cannot have any claim to eternal

happiness, but in as much as they have

conformity and resemblance with the
heart of Jesus. 0 ! that we would but
seriously reect on this truth; that we
would but consider what a happiness it
is for us to have any likeness to Jesus
Christ; how humble should we be,

how patient, how ready to forgive inj'u

ries, and to love our enemies, of which

Jesus has given us so great an example!

Happy they, who, by a sincere devotion

of the Sacred Heart.


in the Sacred Heart, constantly apply

themselves to imitate the virtues of this
divine heart.
I beseech thee, my amiable Saviour!

to bless with thy grace the endeavours

of those whom thou hast inspired with
zeal for the devotion to thy amiable
heart. May it be more and more pro
pagated among the faithful, and may
they acquire by this means such a con
formity with thee, who art the model

of the elect, that they may deserve to

be partakers of the glory which thou
enjoyest in heaven. Amen.

BELOVED object ofour most tender af

fections! may all honour, glory, love,

and benediction be ever given to thee.

Be thou our comfort in adversity, our

guide in prosperity, oursafety in dangers,

and protection against all our enemies,

visible and invisible. Amen.


Rules (ft/u: Associalwn.


1. THE end of this association is.

with the grace of God, to revive con
tinually, and nourish in our souls, the
love of Jesus Christ, excited by the

excess of his love for us. The heart,

in general, is the most expressive sym
bol and incentive of love; that of Jesus
Christ in particular, as under our pre
sent consideration, naturally calls back
to our memory his boundless charity,
and animates us, as much as may be,

to a xed resolution and desire of re

pairing the outrages committed daily

against him in the adorable sacrament
of the altar.

2. For your becoming a member of

this association, it is required that your
name be registered in the book where
the association is kept, and that you go
to communion on the day of your admis
sion, in order to gain the plenary indul
gence granted on that solemn occasion,
and to take up the spirit of this devo
tion, by consecruting yourself solemnly
to the divine heart.

Rules qfthe Associatlbn.


3. The associates should be particu

larly careful and studious in frequently
uniting themselves in mind with the

Sacred Heart of Jesus, by means of re

peated acts of Fail/a, Hope, Charity,
Contrition, &c.

4. Let no day pass without some

o'ering or prayer in honour of this ado
rable heart.

One of the following acts,

as a token of your allegiance and the

distinctive mark of this association ought
never to be neglected.
Adorable heart of my Jesus!
living Source of all Grace, and Model
of Perfection, sanctify every moment
of my life, and especially that of my
Heart of Jesus ! have mercy on us.

Heart of Jesus! burning with the love

of us, iname our hearts with the love

of thee.
May the adorable heart of Jesus
live and reign over all hearts.
Heart of Jesus, innitely pure!

grant us purity of body and heart!

5. Every Friday, but in particular
the rst Friday of each month, should

be set aside and appropriated by the


Rules ofthe Association.

associates, as a day of humiliation and

atonement to Jesus Christ for all the
injuries and indignities whatsoever re

ceived by him in the adorable Eucha

rist. Some particular acts of devotion,
as the reparation of honour, the litany,
or what else your own piety may sug

gest; some small sacrice of your hu

mour, victory over your passions, or
mortication, may very deservedly be
recommended; some self-denial, or alms,

may be proper to take place on such an

6. All should, if they can conveni
ently do it, approach the holy sacra
ments of Penance and the Eucharist on
the feast of the Sacred Heart: on this

solemn festival, besides the ordinary

prayers on such occasions, each one
should repeat with new fervour the act
of consecration to the divine heart, the

reparation of honour, &c.

7. Besides the above-mentioned
communion, two communions in par
ticular should be yearly observed; the
one in behalf of the living members of
this association, the other for the relief

Ruks of the Association.


of the deceased brethren; and in their

other prayers and devotions they should

often remember and recommend to
God, both this and the other associa
tions of the Sacred Heart, and endea
vour all they can to draw on each one a

large share of those blessings and graces

which ow continually from this ado
rable heart.
8. Finally, let. every one of this as
sociation make it his chief business and
endeavour to draw from the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, a most reverential and
tender affection towards our dear Lord
and Saviour in the holy Eucharist, an

veicacious desire of his own proper

sanctication, and a well-governed zeal

and solicitude for that of his neighbour,

united with him in the same. devotion,
and under the same bonds and rules of

charity, promoting, according to his

power, but with prudence and discern

ment, the same holy practices to the
greater glory of the sacred and adorable
heart of Jesus Christ, inamed with an
ardent zeal for the honour of his eternal
Father, and the salvation of mankind.


Letters Patent, 8;0

Though the above rules and regu

lations oblige not of their own nature,
under any sin whatsoever, yet the associates, we persuade ourselves, will

not on that account be less exact in the

performance of what the rules prescribe,
or less faithful in their purposes entered
upon between God and their own cou
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus ever
live, be praised, and adored.

WE Brother Francis of S. REGINALD,

Prior of the venerable Arch-confra

ternity of the Sacred Heart of JESUS,

at ROME.
T0 our beloved in Christ, the associates

in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the

faitly'ul of either sex, who are any
ways British Subjects, or descended
from them, wheresoever they dwell;
greeting in our Lord.

WHEREAS, his Holiness of pious

memory, Clement XIL, has by sundry

Letters Patent, 51:.

1 6|

decrees, viz., by one of the 7th of Febru

ary, 1732; another of the 28th March,
ditto; and a third of the 12th of June,

1736, granted many favours and privi

leges to our Arch-confraternity of the
Sacred Heart; and among the rest has
empowered it to unite and associate to
itself any particular confraternity of the
Sacred Heart, extant any where out of
Rome, and to impart to it all and every
indulgence, grant, or release of the

canonical penance due to sins, that has

at any time been heretofore granted to
this our Arch-confraternity, by his said

And whereas a confraternity of the

Sacred Heart, erected in the church or
domestic chapel of the English Fathers
of the society of Jesus, at Bruges, has
applied to us, through its solicitor in
Rome, Signor Joseph Monionelli, in
order to obtain leave to be thus associ
ated to ours, and to share in all its pri

vileges and grants; we have thought

t, considering the many good works
of piety, penance, and charity, per
formed in that confraternity at Bruges,
(which as to all essentials is modelled


Lam Patent, dye.

upon the same plan as ours,) to unite

and associate it to our Arch-confrater
nity, pursuant to the power given us
for this purpose by the Holy See; and
we grant to it and its members all the
indulgences and particular favours men
tioned in the Pope's briefs, still keeping
within the terms of the decree of Cle
ment VIII. which directs such associa
tions and communications of spiritual
Moreover, besides the indulgence and

special favours set down in the above

mentinned Papal grant, we impart n
the said Confraternity a share in all the
masses, prayers, mortications, pilgrim
ages, and other good works performed
throughout the whole world by the
several religious orders of Benedictinas,
Bernardins, Dominicans, Franciscans,
Carmelites, Theatins, and Fathers of

the Society of Jesus, pursuant to the

power we have received thereunto from
the superiors of the said orders, as may
be seen in the authentic deeds belonging
to our Arch-confraternity, and lodged in

our archives.

The Approbation, $0.


For the proof whereof we have caused

the present deed, signed lly our own
hand, to be imderwritten and puhlished

hy the secretary of our Arch-confrater

nity, and to be sealed with the seal
Given at Rome, in the usual place of
our congregation, the 30th January,

1767, in the 9th Year of his present

Holiness Clement XII Ith.'s Ponticate,
formerly our fellow-associate, and now

our most liberal father and protector.

Br. Francis of S. Reginald, Prior.

Br. Philip of S. Joseph of Callas

santio, Secretary.

Registered, book the rst, page 63,

No. 38.

WE permit the publishing of these

letters of aggregation, still with due

regard to be paid to the decree of

Clement the VIII. Quwcumque a sede
Apostolic-a, and we approve of the
choice made by the associates, of the


A Petition.

Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi,

for the principal feast of the association,
in order to gain the plenary indulgence;
and of the rst Sunday in Advent, the
second Sunday after the Epiphany,
the third after Easter, and the rst Sun

day of 0ctober, to gain the indulgenees

of seven years, and of so many quaran
tines, or forty days.
Given at Bruges, in our episcopal
Palace, the 20th March, 1767.

By the 0rder of his Lordship, the

Bishop of Bruges,
C. Beerenbroch, Secretary.

A Petition that British Suly'ects might

partake qf the advantages qf this
institution, though remote 'om, and
unable to attend in the Chapels ap
pointedfor the Associatimi.
Holy Father,
Tm: president and the members of
the Confraternity of the most holy heart
of Jesus, instituted for the subjects of
Great Britain, of both sexes. in the

A Petition.


chapel of the English Seminary, at Bru

ges, in Flanders, and associated to the

Arch-confraternity of the same title

erected in the church of St. Theodore
at Rome, prostrate themselves at your
Holiness feet, and dutifully represent
the signal advantages arising from the
said Confraternity in the increase of
spiritual fervour among the faithful, and
desirous to transmit these religious
fruits to the latest posterity, humbly
supplicate your Holiness to grant, that
the members of the said Confraternity
of both sexes, who are not at liberty to

visit the aforesaid chapel on the days

appointed for obtaining the indulgences
granted to the Confraternity, may obtain
all and every one of them, as if they
had personally attended, provided they
perform all the other good works pre
scribed for obtaining the said indul



The Grant.

At the audience of his Holiness, Feb
23rd. 1768.

OUR Holy Father Pope Clement

XIII. is graciously pleased to grant the
prayer of the petition, and enacts, that

such members of the said confraternity,

as have it not in their power to visit the
aforesaid chapel on the days appointed
for obtaining the indulgences granted
to the same, may have the benet of all

and every one of them, provided they

perform all the other religious duties
prescribed on that occasion ; and his
Holiness was pleased to order, that this

his concession should be at all times

considered as valid, without the expedi

tion of a brief.
Dated Rome, from the Qice
of the Secretary of the holy
Congregation of Indulgences.

BORGIA, Secretary oft/1e sacred
Congregation of Indulgences.

The Decree.
'rm: DEGREE.




THE greatest part of the Right Ro

verend Bishops of the kingdom of P0
land, and the association of this city,
which bears the title of the Arch con
fraternity of the most sacred Heart of
Jesus, having united their instances for
a proper oice and mass of the most
sacred heart; the Congregation of the
Sacred Rites, held the 25th January of
the current year, well apprised that
the devotion of the Heart of Jesus,

under thefavourable aspect and inuence

of the respective bishops, has been ex
tended through most parts of the Chris
tian world, and frequently honoured by
the See Apostolic, with thousands of
briefs of indulgences, granted to almost
innumerable confraternities, canonically

erected under the title of the Heart

of Jesus, as also understanding that by

the petition of the said oice and mass

A nothing more is intended than an exten
sion of this devotion, and under that

symbolical gure, a renewal of the

memory of that divide love, with which
the only begotten Son of God took on


The Decree.


himself our nature, and being obedient

even unto death, exhibited himself-, as
he teaches us, a pattern of mildness

and humility of heart: upon these con

siderations, at the motion of His Emi

nence the Right Reverend Lord Cardinal Bishop of Sabina, having rst heard

the R. F. D. Cajetau Forti, promoter of

faith notwithstanding the previous de
cision on the 30th July, 1729, the said
Congregation judged proper to accede
to the supplioation of the bishops of the
Kingdom of Poland, and the above
mentioned Arch-confraternity of this
city, reserving to itself in due time the
deliberation and approbation of the
petitioned oice and mass. And this
desire of the Congregation, intimated

by me to our Most Holy Father, Clement

XIIL, Pope; His Holiness having gone

through the tenor of the decree, ap

proved of all and each particular of

its contents, this day, 6th February,

Joseph Maria Form ' Prgctus.

S. Burg/resins, S. R. C. Secretarius.
In place >1< of the seal.




As the adorable Heart of Jesus was

formed in the chaste womb of the bless
ed Virgin, and of her blood and sub
stance, so we cannot in a more proper
and agreeable manner show our de
votion to the Sacred Heart of the Son,

than by dedicating some part of the

said devotion to the ever pure heart of
the Mother.

For you have two hearts

here united in the most strict alliance

and tender conformity of sentiments,
so that it is not in nature to please the
one without making yourself agreeable
to the other, and acceptable to both.
Go then, devout client, go to the heart

170 Devotion to the Heart of Mary.

of Jesus, but let your way be through
the heart of Mary.
The sword of
grief which pierced her soul, opens you
a passage: enterby the wound love has
made; advance to the Heart of Jesus,

and rest there even to death itself. Pre

sume not to separate and divide two
objects so intimately one, or united to
gether, but ask redress in all your exi
gencies from the heart of Jesus, and

ask this redress through the heart of


This form and method of worship is

the doctrine and the very spirit of
God's church: it is what she teaches
us in the unanimous voice and practice
of the faithful, who will by no means
that Jesus and Mary should be sepa
rated from each other in our prayers,

praises, and affections.

This considera

tion has engaged the sovereign Pontiis

and head Pastors of the Church, to give
the self-same practice to the pious prac
tices instituted in honour of the Sacred
Heart of Mary, as they give to those of
theadorable Heart of Jesus, both within

their Wop" limits-

They both have

equally their feasts and solemnities,

Devotion to the Heart qflary. 171

both their associations, and those too
equally enriched with the treasures of
the Church, under the liberal dispen-

sations of its governors.

Many are the

pious and virtuous souls, who have

drawn most signal fruit and advantages

from these devotions.
Come then, hardened and inveterate
sinner, how great soever your crimes
may he, come and behold! Mary
stretches out her hand, opens her breast
to receive you. Though insensible to
the great concerns of your salvation,

though unfortunately proof against the

most engaging invitations and inspira
tions of' the Holy Ghost, ing yourself

at the feet of this powerful advocate.

Her throne, though so exalted has no
thing forbidding, nothing dreadful; her

heart is all love, all tenderness.


you have the least remains of condence

and reliance on her protection, doubt

not she will carry you through her own
most blessed heart, in the most speedy
and most favourable manner to the truly

merciful and most Sacred Heart of her

Son Jesus.


Consecration to the Heart.


0 Hour Mother of God, glorious

Queen of heaven and earth! I choose
thee this day for my mother, my queen,
and my advocate at the throne of thy
divine Son. Accept the offering, may
it be irrevocable ! I here make of my
heart. It never can be out of danger
whilst at my own disposal: never se
cure but in thy hands.
Ye choirs of angels, witnesses of this
my oblation, hear me up in the day of
judgment, and next to Jesus and Mary
be ye propitious to me, should the enemy

of my salvation have any claim upon me.

Obtain for me at present the gift of a
true repentance, and those graces I may

afterwards stand in need of for the gain

ing of life everlasting.
' This feast has no xed day.

It is solem

nized in some churches, with the approbation

of the Ordinary, on the 8th of February; in

ithers on the rst of June,

and in


churches on Sunday within the octave of the


Lt'lany, 85v





Loan, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,


God the Son, Redeemer of the
God the Holy Ghost,

Holy Trinity, one God,

Heart of Mary,
Heart of Mary, according to the
heart of Jesus,

Heart of Mary, united to that of


Heart of Mary, organ of the

Holy Ghost,
Heart of Mary, sanctuary of the >

Heart of Mary, tabernacle of a

God incarnate,

Heart of Mary, always exempt

from sin,

Heart of . Mary, always full of




Litany, 13w.

Heart of Mary, blessed amongst

all hearts,

Heart of Mary, illustrious throne

of glory,
Heart of Mary, abyss and prodigy


of humility,

Heart of Mary, glorious holocaust

of divine love,
Heart of Mary, nailed to the cross >
of Jesus,
Heart of Mary, comfort of the

Heart of Mary, refuge of sinners,

Heart of Mary, hope of the ago

Heart of Mary, eat of Mercy,

Lamb of God, who takest away the

sins of the world, Spare us, 0 Lord.

Lamb of God, who take'st away the
sins of the world, Hear us, 0 Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the

sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, 0 holy mother oi


R. That we may be made worthy of

the promises of Christ.

Varioiu Salukzliom.



SWEET Jesus! who tenderly lovest

the most holy of Virgins, and art reci
procally most tenderly loved by her,
grant, we beseech thee, through the in
tercession of thy most holy mother, and

by the resemblance her most holy heart

bore to thine, that we may ever return
due love and a'ection for her care and
'enderness in our regard, who, with the
Father and Holy Ghost, livest and reign
est world without end. Amen.






l. HAIL, Mary, daughter of God

the Father.

2. Hail, Mary, mother of God the


3. Hail, Mary, spouse of God the

Holy Ghost.

4. Hail, Mary, temple of the Divinity.


Various Salutations.

5. Hail, Mary, beautiful lily of the

most resplendent Trinity.

6. Hail, Mary, sweet rose to all the
celestial court.
7. Hail, Mary, virgin of virgins,
powerful virgin, full of sweetness and
humility, of whom the king of heaven
would be born, and of whose milk he
would be nourished.
8. Hail, Mary, queen of martyrs,
whose soul was pierced with the sword
of sorrow.

9. Hail, Mary, lady and mistress of

the world, to whom all power has been
given, both in heaven and earth.
10. Hail, Mary, queen of my heart,

my mother, my life, my sweetness, and

my love.
11. Hail, Mary, most amiable mo
12. Hail, -Mary, most admirable mo

ther, full of grace, our Lord is with


l. Blessed art thou amongst women.

2. Blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

3. Blessed be thy spouse, St. Joseph.

Act .1 Comecration.


4. Blessed be the Father, St. Joa

5. Blessed be thy mother, St. Ann.
6. Blessed be thy Son, St. John.
7. Blessed be thy Angel, St. Gabriel.

8. Blessed be the Eternal Father,

who has chosen thee.

9. Blessed be thy Son, who has loved

thee. .

10. Blessed be the Holy Ghost, who

has espoused thee.

11. 0 most happy Virgin, let all that

love thee bless thee.
12. Bless us, 0 holy Virgin, together

with thy Son.








HOLY Mary, Virgin Mother of

God! I, N. N. this day choose thee for
my Mother, Queen, Patroness, and Ad

vocate; and I rmly resolve and purpose

never to depart, either by word or ac
tion, from the duty I owe thee, or suffer

those committed to my charge to say

or do any thing against thy honour.


A Novena.

Receive me, therefore, as thy servant

for ever: assist me in all the actions of
my whole life, and forsake me not in

the hour of my death. Amen.


HAVING out of devotion lighted

up a wax candle, either in your private
oratory, or in the church, recite each

day the following prayer. The intent

is, for the obtaining some particular
Incomparable Virgin! chosen by the
ever adorable Trinity, from all eternity,
to be the most pure mother of Jsus,

allow thy servant to remind thee of

that ine'able joy thou receivedst in the
instant of the most sacred incarnation
of our divine Lord, and during the
nine months thou carriedst him in thy

most chaste bowels.

0 that I could

but renew, or if possible increase, this

thy joy by the fervour of my prayers;

at least, most tender mother of the
aiicted, grant me, under the present
pressure, thoe maternal consolation!

A Prayer.


and that peculiar protection thou has:

promised to such as shall devoutly oom
memorate this ine'able joy. Relying
on thy sacred word, and trusting in thy
promise, I humbly entreat thee to obtain
from Jesus Christ, thy dearly beloved
Son, my request.

Having specied it, say,

MAY this light I burn before thy

image, stand as a memorial of the lively

condence I repose in thy bounty. May

it consume in honour of that inamed
and supernatural love and joy, with
which thy sacred heart was replenished
during the abode of thy blessed Son in
thy womb, in veneration of which I
offer to thee the sentiment of my heart,

and the following salutations.


Mo'rusa of my God, most merci

ful l to thee l o'er these Hail Mary: .
they are so many brilliant jewels in the


A Prayer Qf St. Bernard.

diadem of thy accidental glory, which

will remain increasing to the end of the


I beseech thee, comfort of the

alicted, by the joy thou receivedst

in the nine months of thy pregnancy,
to comfort my alicted heart and to
obtain for me, from thy Son, a favour
able answer to the petition I make to
thy compassionate mercy and benevo
lence. To this eEect I offer to thee all
the good works that have ever been
performed in the Confraternities of thy
Sacred Heart, and other associationsin

thy honour. I most humbly entreatthee,

on this consideration, and for the love
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with which

thy own was ever so inamed, to hear

my humble suit, and grant my request.


REMEMBER, 0 most pious Virgin!

it is a thing unheard-of, that thou ever
forsakest those who have recourse to


Encouraged with this hope and

Practice of St. Mmmuds.


condence, my most (lear mother, I, a

most miserable sinner, cast myself at
thy sacred feet, humbly begging that
thou wilt adopt me as thy son, for ever,

and take upon thee the care of my eter

nal salvation.

Do not, Mother of the

Word incarnate, reject my petition, but

graciously hear and grant it. Amen.




Hail Mary.
0 HOLY Mary, our sovereign
Queen i as God the Father, by his om

nipotence has made thee most powerful,

so assist us at the hour of our death, by

defending us against all power that is

contrary to thine.

Hail Mary,

0 Hour Mary, our sovereign

Queen l as God the Son has endowed
thee with so much knowledge and cha
rity, that it enlightens all heaven, 0 in

the hour 'of our death, illustrate and

strengthen our souls with the knowledge
of the true faith, that they be not per
verted by error or pernicious ignorance.
Hail Mary.


A Votive Oblation.

HOLY Mary,

our sovereign

Queen! as the Holy Ghost has plenti

fully poured forth into thee the love of
God, so instil into us at the hour of
death, the sweetness of divine love, that

all bitterness at that time may become

acceptable and pleasant to us. Hail

Our blessed Lady herself taught

Saint Mechtildis the above-mentioned
triple salutation, promising her certain
assistance for it at the hour of her death."

0 HOLY Joseph! virgin spouse of

the virgin Mother of God, most glorious
advocate of all such as are in danger,

or in their last agony, and most faithful

protector of all the servant of Mary,
thy dearest spouse I, N. N., in the

presence of Jesus and Mary, do from

this moment choose thee for my lord
and master, for my powerful patron
and advocate, for the obtaining a most
happy death, and I rmly resolve and
ourpose never to forsake thee, and

The Litany of St. Joseph.


never to say or do any thing against

thy honour.

Receive me, therefore,

for thy constant servant, and recom

mend me to the constant protection of
Mary, thy dearest spouse, and to the
everlastingmerciesof Jesus my Saviour;
assist me in all the actions of my life,

all which I now offer to the greater and

everlasting glory of Jesus and Mary,
as well as thine own.

Never, therefore,

forsake me, and whatsoever grace thou

seest most necessary and protable,
obtain it for me now and at the hour of
my death, to which I now invite thee,
to the end that whatever, now and at
that time, shall not be possible for me

to obtain, may, by thy intercession, be

bestowed upon me by Jesus, the God

of my soul.



LORD, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Jesus, receive our prayers.

Lord Jesus, grant our petition.


The Litany qf St. Joseph.

0 God the Father, Creator of the world

have mercy on us.

0 God the Son, Redeemer of mankind,

have mercy on us.
Holy Ghost, perfecter of the elect,.have

mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, 0ne God, have mercy

on us.
Holy Mary, spouse of St. Joseph,
St. Joseph, advocate of the hum
St. Joseph, blessed amongst men,
St. Joseph, conrmed in grace,
St. Joseph, defender of the meek,
St. Joseph, exiled with Christ into



St. Joseph, favourite of the King

of heaven,


St. Joseph, guardian of the Word

St. Joseph, honoured amongst men,

St. Joseph, idea of humility and


St. Joseph, kind intercessor of the

St- Joseph, lily of chastity and

The Litany of St. Josqrll.


St. Joseph, mirror of silence and}


St. Joseph, nursing Father to the

Son of God,

St. Joseph, obsequious servant to

the Son of Mary,

St. Joseph, patron of the indus

trious and innocent,
St. Joseph, quintescence of all



St. Joseph, ruler of the family

of Jesus,

St. Joseph, spouse of the ever

blessed Virgin,

St. Joseph, theatre of all glorious


St. Joseph, union of all Christian

0 Lamb
the sins
0 Lamb
the sins

of God, that takest away

of the world, spare us, 0
of God, that takest away
of the world, hear us, 0

0 Lamb of God, that takest away

the sins of the world, have mercy
On 115.

V. Pray for us, 0 holy Joseph.


The Acts.

That we may be made worthy of

the promises of Christ

ASSIST us, 0 Lord, we beseech tnee,

by the merits of the spouse of thy most

holy mother, that what our possibility
cannot obtain, may be given us by his

intercession, who livest and reignest

with God the Father in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, world without end.
>1< AN AM or warm.

0 MY God ! I rmly believe all the

cred truths the Catholic Church be
lieves and teaches, because thou hast
revealed them, who neither canst de
ceive nor be deceived.

0 MY God! relying upon thy good

ness and promises, and power to full
them, I hope to obtain pardon for my

Indulgences granted.


sins, and life everlasting, through the

merits of Jesus Christ, and by the in
tercession of his blessed mother and
the saints.


0 MY God! I love thee above all

things, with my whole heart and soul,

purely because thou art innitely

amiable and deserving of all love; I
love also my neighbour as myself for
the love of thee; I forgive all that have

injured me, and I ask pardon of all I

have injured.
Indulgences granted to those who shall
piuusly, devoully, and from their
heart, mahe the Acts of the three

theological V11 ues,

and Charity.

Faith, Hope.

His Holiness Pope Benedict XIV.

observing how useful, and even neces
sary, the acts of the three theological
virtues, Faith, Hope, and Charity, are
to eternal salvation; in order to excite



Indulgences granted.

all the faithful of both sexes to the ex

ercise of these same acts, after having
taken the advice of the sacred Congre
gation charged with the care of indul

gences and holy relics, has most graci

ously conrmed the indulgences granted
by Benedict XllL, of pious memory,
the l5th of January, 1728, for the
aforesaid acts, viz.
l. A Plenary indulgence, with

the liberty of applying it to the souls

of the faithful departed, which may be
gained every month, by those who,
during that space, shall every day make

the aforesaid acts, piously, devoutly,

and from their heart; provided that on

the day they would gain it, the particu

lar time being left to each ones choice,

being truly penitent, and having re
ceived the sacraments of penance and
holy Eucharist, they shall pray as it
behoves, for concord amongst Christian
princes, the extirpation of heresies, and
the exaltation of our holy Mother the
2. A plenary indulgence also at
the hour of death.

Indulgences granted.


But to engage the ock committed

to his charge, to a frequent repetition
of the above-mentioned sets, his Holi

ness, Benedict XIV., has most liberally

extended to each repetition, the indul

gence of seven years, and of so many

quarantines, or forty days, which ma

also be applied to the soul of the faith

ful departed, and which his predeces
sors had granted but for once a-day.
Moreover, his Holiness has declared,

that all the aforesaid indulgences should

not be annexed to .the pronouncing of
certain determinate words, but that
every one is at liberty to use any form,
provided he expresses the proper motive
of each of the three theological virtues.
Given the 28th ofJanuary, 1756, Signed,
Fr. L. Card. Portocarrero, prefect.

The place of the seal. A. E. Vicecomes,

secretary of the congregation of indul



Daily Eweim'se.

A Short and daily exercise n- the suf

fen'ng souls in Purgatory; to which
is added, a prayer for those who are
in the agony qfDeat/l.

0 Loan Jesus Christ! I humbly beg

of you, by the precious blood you spilt
in the Garden of 0lives, that you will

give your blessing to those who are in

their agony, and that you will deliver

the poor souls in purgatory, but espe_
eially that which is the most abandoned.
Conduct it to your glory, where it will
praise and bless you for ever and ever.
0ui- Father, Hail Mary, and De pro

furldis, p. 194.

0 Loan Jesus Christ! I humbly beg

of you, by the precious blood you spilt
during your cruel whipping at the
pillar, that you will give your blessing
to those who are in their agony, and

Daily Ezemise.


that you will deliver the poor souls

from purgatory,but especially that which
is nearest its deliverance. Conduct it
-to your glory, where it will praise and
bless you for ever and ever.
Our Father, &c.

0 LORD Jesus Christ! I humbly beg

of you, by the precious blood you spilt
at your crowning with thorns, that you

will give your blessing to those who are

in their agony, and that you will deliver
the poor souls from purgatory, but
especially that which suers the most.
Conduct it to your glory, where it will

praise and bless you for ever and ever.

Our Father, &c.


0 LORD Jesus Christi I humbly beg

of you, by the precious blood you spilt
along the streets of Jerusalem, carrying
your cross on your sacred shoulders.


Daily Exercise.

that you will give your blessing to those

who are in their agony, and that you
will deliver the poor souls from purga
tory, but especially that which is the
richest in merit. Conduct it to your
glory, where it will praise and bless you
for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, &c.

0 LORD Jesus Christ! I humbly beg

of you, by your precious body and blood,

which you gave to your apostles at your

last supper, the eve of your passion,
that you will give your blessing to those
who are in their agony, and that you
will deliver the poor souls from purga
tory, but especially that which, whilst
in this world, was most devout to the

sacrament of the altar. Conduct it to

your glory, where it will praise and
bless you for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, &c.

0 LORD Jesus Christi I humbly beg

of you, by the precious blood you spilt on

Daily Exercise.


cross on the day of your crucixion,

that you will give your blessing to those
who are in their agony, and that you
will deliver the poor souls from purga
tory, but especially that I have the
greatest obligation to. Conduct it to
your glory, where it will praise and bless
you for ever and ever. Amen.

0 Loan Jesus Christ i I humbly bog

of you, by the precious blood which
owed from your blessed side, that you
will give your blessing to those who are
in their agony, and that you will deli
ver the poor souls from purgatory, but
especially that most dear to your blessed
Zllothef. Conduct it to your glory, where
it will praise and bless you for ever and
ever. Amen.
Our Father, 6w.


Psalm .Ie Prqfundis.


OUT of the depths I have cried to
thee, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let thy ears he attentive to the voice
of my supplication.
If thou, 0 Lord, will mark iniqnities ;

Lord, who shall stand it ?

For with thee there is merciful for
giveness: and, by reason of thy law, I
have waited for thee, 0 Lord.

My soul hath relied on his word.

My soul hath hoped in the Lord.

From the morning watch, even until

night, let Israel hope in the Lord.

Because with the Lord there is mercy,

and with him plentiful redemption.

And he shall redeem Israel from all
his iniquities. .

Eternal rest give unto them, 0 Lord.

And may perpetual light shine unto
V. From the gates of hell,
R. Deliver their souls, O Lord !

V. May they rest in peace.

R. Amen.

V. 0 Lord, hear my prayer.

R. And let my snpplication come
unto thee.

Reparall'on to (he 11: art of .llary. 195

0 Gon. the Creator and Redeemer
of all the faithful ! grant to the souls of
thy servants departed, but especially to

that dear soul I pray for to-duy, the

remission of all their sins, that through

the help of pious supplications they may

obtain the pardon which they have
always been desirous of, who livest and

reignest world without end.


A Reparation of Honour to the Sacred

Heart of Mary.


God most worthyl

whose sanctity and sublime merit sur

pass the comprehension even of the

angels themselves, how great is the

maternal tenderness of thy heart to
wards mankind? howgreat thy favours?
how unworthy our acknowledgment,
our gratitude, our return? My very
soul is penetrated with grief at the con
sideration of the many injuries thou
receivest from indels and wicked

I96 Reparation to the Heart of .Hary.

Christians, by the profanation of the

altars dedicated to thy name, by the exe
crable blasphemies vomited out against
thy maternal virginity, sanctity, and
integrity; but especially from the an
guish with which those sinners load thee,

who, heaping sin upon sin against thy

divine Son, draw down vengeance and

damnation on their own souls; all which

redound on thy tender love and com
passion. Thus a'ected, and upon this
consideration, I ing myself at tlly
sacred feet, and though the greatest of
sinners, most unworthy and least cor

responding with the graces I have re

ceived, I here enter my protest against
such unwarrantable proceedings, and
beseech thee, 0 Virgin, more than mar

tyr, to accept the same as a reparation

of honour. Pardon mypast offences and
indignities, pardon those of mankind.
Prostrate in like manner before thee,
make us, sinners as we are, sensible of

the favours thou hast conferred upon us,

and being truly contrite for the past,
may we, by thy aid and assistance, break
the chains of our former thraldom and
slavery, live henceforward in thy favour,

Visit to the Sacrament.


and in the happy liberty of the children

of God. May this our act and deed,
O Saviour 0f the worldl as we can do
nothing more agreeable to thee, than
by showing our love and gratitude to
thy blessed mother, may it, I say, be

approved and conrmed by thy blessing

and authority. Amen.

Visit to the Blessed Sacrament in

Honour of our Blessed Lady.

ON all the feasts of our Blessed Lady,

and. if possible, on every Saturday, the
devout clients of the Sacred Heartshould
visit the Blessed Sacrament with the

following intentions.
l. T0 return thanks to the blessed
Trinity for having chosen from all eter
nity, and that in aspecial manner, the

Blessed Virgin Mary to be daughter of

the eternal Father, mother of God the
Son, and spouse of the Holy Ghost. 0ur

blessed Redeemer might have come into

the world in what manner he pleased.

Return thanks that he would come in

our nature, and provide us in the person

of his ever blessed mother so powerful
an advocate.


A Prayer to beg purity

2. Having spent some time before

the Blessed Sacrament in sentiments of

gratitude and acknowledgment, recite

devoutly thrice, Our Father, and the

Hail Mary, in thanksgiving to God

Almightyfor having by his divine decree
made so favourable a determination in

our regard.
3. Be thankful to Jesus Christ for
having I .orned the heart of the most
holy Virgin with so many extraordinary

privileges, equally glorious to her and

benecial to ourselves.
3. After recollecting yourself a lit
tle, recite the Te Deum Laudumus.
5. Beg of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

the grace of paying to his blessed M other

all the honour and respect which is due
to her.

A prayer to beg purity of soul and

Body through the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin.
IT is to thee, Holy Virgin! I have

recourse, however unworthy of thy good


I know thou never abandonest

of Soul and Body.


those who call upon thee with con

dence, and that the Church does not
call thee in vain the refuge of sinners:
and this in e'ect is the only title which

is left me to dare to approach to thee,

and shall I be so unfortunate as to be
the rst and only one that thou wilt re
fuse to hear ?
Thou wilt nd in me none of those
amiable marks by which thou acknow
ledgest thy true children. Slave of a

shameful sin, which tyranizes over me,

I come to humbly beg thy help to break

my chain.
Made sensible of the beauty of a
virtue l have hitherto abhorred, I de
sire absolutely to quit a vice which has

hitherto pleased me too much, though

so highly shameful. Blessed Virgin,
obtain for me the grace to hate what I
have loved, and to love what I have
hated. Make my eyes ow with tears

that may e'ace all the impurities ofmy

life. This miracle is reserved to thee,
0 Mother of Mercy. Renew in me

those prodigies of conversions which

thou hast formerly wrought, and appear
now so seldom in an age so corrupted


Seven PrincipalDolom-s.

as ours.

The more miserable I am, the

more proper object I am of thy compas

sion; nor can any thing less than a
miracle, free me from that infamous pas
sion which has over-ruled me till now.
This miracle, 0 sacred Virgin i I beg of
thee, by that purity which made thee
so agreeable to God, and which drew
upon thee the honourof being the Mother
of his Son. Let not the price of that
blood which thou gavet to the Saviour
of men, be lost; refuse not to thyself

the pleasure of reducing a strayed sheep

to that heavenly shepherd. Show that

thou art truly the mother of sinners,

and let it not be said that I perished at
thy sacred feet, where no one ever found

but grace and salvation.

The Seven Principal Dolours of our

Blessed Lady.
0UR Blehsed Saviour, as isv related

in the book of the revelations witliwhich

St. Bridget was favoured, promised his
holy Mother, that whoever should pi
ously commemorate, and affectionately
compassionate her dolours, and invoke

An Example.


her assistance through the merits thereof,

should not quit this world without atrue
compunction for his sins; that in his

aiictions, particularly at the hour of

his death, he should nd aid and relief;
and moreover, that on the motive of her
dolours, no favour should be refused to
her intercession, if the same was for the

real good and advantage of her clients.

An Example.
A Nobleman, who, for sixty years of
his life past, had never had access to the
sacraments, and who had given loose to

the passions of his body and mind, and

abandoned himself to the slavery of his
spiritual enemy, fell sick, and was in
the utmost danger of death. Hopes of
salvation he had none; and so desperate
was his case that he would not give
ear to the salutary advice of his director,

or ad ' into his mind the thoughts of

recon ing himself to his Creator by
means of the sacrament of penance.
Nevertheless, in the midst of the ex
cesses of so proigate a life, he had

never lost sight entirely of some small


An Ezampk.

devotion and regard to the ever blessed

Mother of God.

Jesus Christ, wml

manifests the riches of his mercy par

ticnlarly to such as cast a favourable eye
towards her, raised in him so great a

compunction for his sins, that, entering

into himself, and in the utmost eon
trition of his heart, he, three several
times in the same day, made a general

confession of his whole life, received

the holy Eucharist, and on the sixth day
after, died in all peace and quiet of
mind, and with the sentiments of joy

which ow from the well-grounded con

dence in the mercy and bounty of our


Redeemer, and

his sacred

In e'ect, our blessed Saviour

revealed, soon after his death, to the

holy St. Bridget, that the said penitent

died in a state of grace, was a blessed
soul, and owed his happiness, in a great
measure, to the tender affectionate com

passion which he had ever found and

nourished in his heart, so often as he

heard others speak of the sacred dolo'ns

of our blessed Lady, or happened to
entertain the memory of them in h'u


Holy Simeon's Prophecy, 80. 203

DOLOUR Lllely Simeon's Prophecy.
Mos'r alicted Mother of God l suffer
thy servant to remind thee of that grief
which wounded and pierced thy sacred
heart, when holy Simeon foretold that a
sword should run through thy very soul.
prophetically denouncing the excess of

torment that thou shouldst undergo in

the sacred passion and sufferings of thy
most beloved Son. I bear a sensible
part and feeling in thy aliction, most
tender and distressed Mother! obtain
for me from thy divine Son, through the
merits of this thy anguish, a meek and
pure heart in life, and a happy exit in
death, under thy maternal care and
powerful protection. Amen. Hail Mary.

lL-Herod persecute: the

Child Jesus.
Mos'r alicted Mother of God ! suffer
thy servant to remind thee of that grief
which wounded and pierced thy sacred
heart, when thou wast forced to take

thy Son and y into Egypt by night in

all hurry, in order to avoid the cruel

pursuit of the tyrant Herod, who sought


Jesus is lost.

his life : many years didst thou remain

among these barbarous and inhuman
people. I bear a sensible part and
feeling in thy aiiction, most tender

and distressed Mother! obtain for me

from thy divine Son, through the merits
of this thy anguish, a meek and pure
heart in life, and a happy exit in death,

under thy maternal care and protection.

Amen. Hail Mary.

DOLOUR. IIL-Jesus is lost at the age

of Twelve Years.

Mos-r alicted Mother of God! suffer

any servant to remind thee of that grief
which wounded and pierced thy sacred
heart, when thy Son Jesus, the only

object of thy affection, at the age of

twelve years was Lost in thy journey to
Jerusalem. I bear a sensible part and
feeling in thy aliction, most tender and

distressed Mother ! obtain for me, from

thy divine Son, through the merits of

this thy anguish, a meek and pure

heart in life, and a happy exit in death

rmder thy maternal care and powerful

protection. __Amm._ Hail Mary.

Jesus carries his Cross, 80.


DOLOUR IV.Jesus carries his Cross.

Mos'r a'licted Mother of God i suffer

thy servant to remind thee of that grief
which wounded and pierced thy sacred
heart, when the sorrowful tidings were
brought thee that thy Son was seized,
bound, and inhumanly treated; but
above all, when with thine own eyes

thou beheldest him all covered with

blood, and fainting under the weight
of a heavy cross. I bear a sensible
part and feeling in thy aiction, most
tender and distressed Motherl obtain
for me from thy divine Son, through the
merits of this thy anguish, a meek and
pure heart in life, and a happy exit in
death, under thy maternal care and

powerful protection. Amen. Hail Mary

Donona V.Jesus is crucied on
Mount Calvary
Mos'r alicted Mother of God 1 an!
for thy servant to remind thee of that
grief which wounded and pierced thy
sacred heart, when with tears owing
from the inmost recesses of thy heart

206 Jesus iadtaken from the Cmss.

thou beheldest him crucied on Mount

Calvary, pronouncing his last seven

words; but especially, when bowing
down his head he rendered his blessed
soul into the hands of his Eternal Fa
ther. I bear asensible part and feeling

in thy aliction, most tender and dis

tressed Motherl obtain for me, from thy

divine .Son, through the merits of this

thy anguish, a meek and pure heart in
life, and a happy exit in death, under

thy maternal care and powerful protec



Hail Mary.


is tahen down

from the Cross.

Mos'r alicted Mother of God! suf

fer thy servant to remind thee of that

grief which wounded and pierced thy

sacred heart,




Joseph of Arimathea, took down the

sacred remains of thy divine Son from
the cross, and, all disgured, mangled,
and torn with wounds, placed them in

thy hands.

0 aiicted Motherl what

then was the anguish thy heart felt,

to behold the sacred body of thy Son,
the fruit of thy chaste bowels, in such

Jesus is luried.


a state? how did thy blood run in thy

veins, when thou beheldest this sacred
body exhausted of all its blood through
those sacre'd openings made in his hands
and feet, by the nails which xed him

to the cross, and also in his side by the

cruel lance, which pierced even to his

sacred heart.

I bear a sensible part

andfeeling in thy aliction, most tender

and distressed Mother! obtain for me,

from thy divine Son, through the merits

of this thy anguish, a meek and pure
heart in life, and a happy exit in death,
under thy maternal care and powerful
protection. Amen. Hail Mary.
DOLOUR VILJesus is buried.
Mos'r aficted Mother of God! suf-v

fer thy servant to remind thee of that

grief which wounded and pierced thy

sacred heart, when in thy presence the
sacred body of thy dearest Son, being
embalmed with precious ointments, and

wrapped up in a clean white sheet, was

put into the sepulchre. I bear a sensi
ble part and feeling in thy alii-tion.
most tender and distressed Mother!


The seven joyful Mysteries.

obtain for me, from thy divine Son,

through the merits of this thy anguish, a

meek and pure heart in life, and a happy
exit in death, under thy maternal care

and powerful protection.




The seven joyful Mysteries of the Life

of the ever blessed Virgin.
THAT the rejoicing and con-gratu
lating each day with our Blessed Lady
on account of the seven joyful incidents
or' mysteries of her life, is a devotion

both pious in itself and agreeable to"

her, the following example will show
more e'ectually than any words we can
make use of. St. Anselmis the author
from whence we take it.
A holy religious man, among other
devotions, was accustomed every day
to entertain himself on the seven more

signal joys our blessed Lady received,

whilst living upon earth; he fell sick,

and his sickness soon brought him to

extremity. His continual devotion and
virtuous life did not render him unsus
ceptible of the dread and fear which

The sevenjogfid Mysteries.


generally accompany the passage from

time to eternity.

His mind was under

no small perplexity, and himself trou

bled with apprehensions for the event
of that moment. Our blessed Lady
appears to him, and comforts him in
the following words: Fear not, my
son," says she, the passage is short :

you go from amiserable life to a happy

one. Your daily congratulations with
me upon the joyful mysteries of my life,
have brought me hither; and I now

assure you, that soon you shall partake

of them in heaven."

So unspeakable

were the joyand comfort he experienced

in his soul upon these words, and the
care of so admirable a protectress with
regard to her clients, that, forgetting his
sickness, and insensible of the condition
in which he was, and making an e'ort

to ing himself at her sacred feet in

thanksgiving for so signal a favour, he
expired in the motion, and no doubt
accompanied his benefactress in her
return to heaven, and entered upon the

possession of that reward she had so

graciously promise-d and "rrv'ured for


Mary is Mother of God.

St. Bernardin of Sienna, a peculiar

client of our blessed Lady, was singu
larly addicted to this devotion, and re
cited daily his beads in honour of these
joyful mysteries, to which he assures us
he stood indebted for all the particular
favours and blessings he received from

the liberal hand of Almighty God.

JOY I.Mar_y is Mother of God, and

Tumor. happy Virgin! su'er thy

servant to congratulate with thee for

the ine'able joy with which thy sacred

heart was replenished, when without
loss or detriment to thy virginal purity,
thou conceivedst the Eternal Word in
thy sacred womb. I rejoice in thy
happiness, 0 blessed Motherl look
thou on me in this moment, and obtain

for me of thy divine Son, through thy

own merits and thy exaltstion to this
sublime dignity, a meek and pure heart
in life, and a happy exit in death. under
thy maternal care and powerful protec
tion. Amen. Hail Mary.

The P egnam-y of Mary.


.101! ll.Mary can-is: the Son qfGod

in her Womb, and is declared blessed
among Women.
Tmucr. happy Virgin! su'er thy
servant to congratulate with thee for
the ine'able joy with which thy sacred
heart was replenished, when for the
space of nine months thou carriedst in
thy chaste womb the Son of God, the
second person of the adorable Trinity,

and wert, by the inspiration of the

Holy Ghost, saluted blessed amongst
all women, and the fruit of thy womb
pronounced blessed. I rejoice in thy
happiness, 0 blessed Mother! look thou
on me at this moment, and obtain for

me of thy divine Son, through thy own

merits, and thy exaltation to this sublime

dignity, a meek and pure heart in life,

and a happy exit in death, under thy
nmternal care and powerful protection.
Amen. Hail Mary.

212 1714: Birth of Jesus Christ, #0.

JOY IlLJesus Christ is born of Mary


at Bethlehem.

Tamer: happy Virgin! suffer thy

servant to congratulate with thee for
the ine'able joy with which thy sacred
heart was replenished, when the Son
of God was born of thee in a stable at
Bethlehem. I rejoice in thy happiness,
0 blessed Motherl look thou on me at
this moment, and obtain for me of thy
divine Son, through thy own merits and
this sublime favour of heaven, as meek

and pure heart in life, and a happy exit

in death, under thy maternal care and

powerfulprotection. Amen. Hail Mary.

Jov VL-The Magi come to adore
the new-born.

Tamer; happy Virgin! suffer thy

servant to congratulate with thee for
the ine'able joy with which thy sacred
heart was replenished, when the Magi
from the East arrived at the stable of
Bethlehem. They prostrate themselves
before thy divine Son, 0 blessed Mo
therl and by the o'erings they make,

Jesus found in the Temple.


and homage they pay, acknowledge him

as King, God, and Man.

I rejoice in

thy happiness, 0 blessed Mother! look

thou on me at this moment, and obtain
for me of thy divine Son, through thy
own merits, and by the joy thou receiv
edst on this occasion, a meek and pure
heart in life, and a happy exit in death,
under thy maternal care and powerful
protection. Amen. Hail Mary.
JOY V.-Mary nds her Son in the

Tmucn happy Virgin ! sutl'er thy
servant to congratulate with thee for the

ine'able joy with which thy sacred

heart was replenished when thou found

est thy beloved Son in the Temple sitting

in the midst of the doctors, hearing
them and asking them questions with an

admirable wisdom to the great astonish

ment of all that were there present. I
rejoice in thy happiness, 0 blessed
Mother! look thou on me at this mo
ment, and obtain for me of thy divine
Son, through thy own merits and the
joyful surprise of this event, a meek


Mary is Queen qf

and pure heart in life, and a happy exit

in death, under thy maternal care and

powerful protection. Amen. Hail Mary.

JOY VLMary sees her Son triumphant
over death.
THRICE happy Virgin ! su'er thy
servant to congratulate with thee fo the
ine'able joy with which thy sacred heart
was replenished, when thy divine Son,

environed with glory, and triumphant

over death and the ignominy of his pas
sion, appeared to thee, comforting thy
soul. I rejoice in thy happiness, 0
blessed Mother ! look thou on me at this
moment, and obtain for me of thy divine
Son, through thy own merits and the

glory of that day, a meek and pure heart

in life, and a happy exit in death, under

thy maternal care and powerful protec

tion. Amen. Hail Mary.
JoY VILMary is Queen qf Heaven
and Earth.
Tumor: happy Virgin l su'er thy
servant to congratulate with thee for the

Heaven and Earth.


ineffable joy with which thy sacred

heart was replenished, when thou wast

carried to the highest heavens on the

wings of seraphim, even to the throne
of God, environed by celestial choirs
of angels and saints, but, above all,
when the most adorable Trinity, Father,

Son, and Holy Ghost, embraced thee as

daughter, mother, and spouse of the

Most High, and placed thee on a seat

of glory prepared for thee by the Al
mighty from all eternity. I rejoice in
thy happiness, 0 blessed Mother! look
thou on me at this moment, and obtain
for me of thy divine Son, through thy

own merits and thy exaltation to this

sublime dignity, a meek and pure heart
in life, and a happy exit in death, under

thy maternal care and powerful protec



Hail Mary.


The sevenjoys of our

The seven joys of our Blessed Lady in

THIS devotion, no less than the for

mer, is pleasing and agreeable to the ever

glorious Mother of God. She herself
teaches us this truth, and suggested and
recommended the practice of it to her
servant, Saint Thomas, Archbishop of

Canterbury, as related by Pelbartus in

his Stellarium, and in his sermon of St.

Thomas; as also by Ballingham in his

Calender of the Blessed Virgin.


fact is related in this manner.

St. Thomas upon a time being intent
on the rehearsal of the seven Hail
Marys he daily performed in memory of
the principal joys which his blessed patroness, the ever glorious Virgin, re
ceived whilst upon earth, was favoured

with an apparition of the sovereign

Queen of Heaven. She exhorted him
to add seven Aves more each day in
honour of the seven signal joys she
possessed, and to instil the same de
votion into the minds of others her cli
ents, assuring him that this instance of

their respect and affection should not

Blcssal Lady in Heaven.


pass without her peculiar regard and

recompencc: that in their alictions,
even upon this consideration, she would
aid and assist them, and most particu

larly, she would comfort and support

them in the hour of their death. The
saint was at a loss as to the import of
the commission, and accordingly sued
for further instructions, which she gave

him with an admirable bounty and con

descension, pointing out to him each
particular subject and circumstance;
after which, leaving him much satised,

and greatly comforted, she disappeared.

The holy Archbishop not only wrote out
the particulars with great care, but ever
after, during his life, practised this de

votion with equal delity and comfort.

We here adjoin each motive, for the
satisfaction and advantage of such as

may be desirous of exercising them

selves in so holy a practice, and of
reaping the fruit from so commendable
a devotion.


Her Presence, 85'0.

JOY I.--S/le is exalted above all the

Choirs of Heaven.
REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virginl
thy profound humility and purity with
out example, have raised thee above all
the angels, and the whole celestial
hierarchy: thyglory, 0 Virgin Mother !
as far surpasses that of all the saints in
heaven as thy sanctity was superior to
theirs upon earth. I rejoice in thy
exaltation, O blessed Mother of God!

look down on thy servant from the

height of thy glory, and, by thy power
and goodness, obtain for me from thy
Son, a meek and pure heart that I may
serve thee in this life, and by thy pow
erful intercession, be happy with thee
hereafter. Amen. Hail Mary.
JOY II.--Her Presence adds a Lustre
to Heaven.

REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virginl

such is the light of thy gloried body,
that it illuminates the whole extent of
the heavenly Jerusalem, even as the
sun enlivens this lower hemisphere.
lhy presence not only adds an acci

She is honoured by the Bleami. 2l

dental beauty to that heavenly city,
but also to the joy and pleasure of earh
inhabitant of that blessed court. I re
joice in thy excellence, 0 blessed me
ther of Godl look down on thy ser
vant from the height of thy glory, and
by thy power and goodness obtain for
me, from thy Son, a meek and pure
heart, that I may serve thee in this life,
and by thy powerful intercession, be

happy with thee

Hail Mary.



JOY IIL She is singularly honoured by

all the blessed.
REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virgin!
the saints and angels in heaven nonour
thee as the Daughter of God the Fu
ther, Mother of God the

Son, and

Spouse of God the Holy Ghost. They

pay all due respect, love and homage to
thee, the object, next to God, of their
complacency, gratitude, and attention.

I rejoice in the honours paid to thee,

0 blessed Mother of God! look down
on thy servant from the height of thy
glory, and by thy power and goodueel


Her Intercession.

obtain for me from thy Son a meek and

pure heart, that I may serve thee in this

life, and by thy powerful intercession,

be happy with thee hereafter. Amen.
Hail Mary.

JOY IV.Her Intercession in favour of

her Servants is alI-pmoerful.
REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virgin I
such is thy favour with God, such the
power of thy intercession, that the
whole treasury of heaven is open to
thee, and at thy disposal. When thou
art pleased to interpose in favour of the
sinner, his cause

is in sure


there is no danger of refusal on the part

of heaven, when thy mediation appears
in his behalf. I rejoice in thy power,
0 glorious Mother of God! look down

on thy servant from the height of thy

glory, and by thy power and goodness
obtain for me from thySon, a meek and

pure heart that I may serve thee in this

ife, and by thy powerful intercession, be
happy with thee hereafter. Amen. Hail

ary. J

God regards. &c.


JOY V._Her throne is new to that of

the blessed Trinity.
REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virgin!
my soul is incapable of containing the
transport it feels. May the adorable
Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
be ever blessed, who has distinguished
thy throne, after so glorious a manner,
and has xed thy seat next to that of
thy divine Son. 1 rejoice, and my joy

is above all I can express, in thy glory,

0 glorious Mother of Godl look down
on thy servant, from the height of thy
glory, and by thy power and goodness
obtain for me from thy Son, a meek and
pure heart, that I may serve thee in

this life and by thy powerful interces

sion be happy with thee hereafter.
Amen. Hail Mary.
JOY VLGod regards and loves those
who hue and reverence the Blessed

REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virgin!

the love the Almighty bears thee ex
tends even to those who love and
reverence thee.

Great is their portion,


Her Joy and Glory, 5'6,

happy their lot in particular, who, with

zeal and a'ection, promote thy honour

and glory. I rejoice in the favour thou

enjoyest, 0 glorious Mother of Godl
look down on thy servant from the
height of thy glory, and by thy power
and goodness obtain for me from thy
Sun, a meek and pure heart, that I may

serve thee in this life, and by thy power

ful intercession be happy with thee
hereafter. Amen. Hail Mary.
JoY VILHer Joy and

Glory is

REJOICE, 0 most glorious Virgin!

thy essential bliss and happiness, how

immense soever, will never for all eter

nity have an end or diminution, and

thy accidental joy and complacency
will ever through all ages increase and

be augmented.

I rejoice in thy pros

perity, 0 glorious Mother of Godl

look down on thy servant from the

height of thy glory, and by thy power

and goodness obtain for me from thy
Son, a meek and pure heart, that I
may serve thee in this life, and by thy
powerful intercession be happy with

thee hereafter.


Hail Mary

A prayer, are.


A prayer to the Blessed Virgin.

'u-imr Mary, Mother of my God

and Saviour Jesus Christ, always a
Virgin, and conceived without the least
spot of original sin, pray for me now
and at the hour of my death; protect
me in all my undertakings, be to me

always a comfort and take care of my


Next to God, I have placed

all my condence in thee, 0 Mother

of Mercy! who never wast infected

with the least stain of sin.

Thou art all beautiful, 0 Mary ! and

the stain of original sin was never in

May the precious bony and blood of
our Lord Jesus Christ, in the divine

sacrament of the altar, be my defence

against my enemies, visible and invisible,

now and at the hour of my death.

Praised and honoured for ever be the
most pure and the most immaculate

conception of the Virgin Mary, Mother

of God, preserved through the merits

of her dear Son, from the stain of ori

ginal sin. saved from corruption in her
tomb, exalted to heaven in body and


Other Pious Practice:

soul, and seated above all pure crea

May the angels of mankind eternally
praise the Lord. 0 Mother of God!
be mindful of me.



The Litany of Jesus.

LORD, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father in heaven, have mercy
upon us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the

God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Jesus, Son of the living God,

Jesus, Splendour of the Father,

Jesus, brightness of eternal Light,

Jesus, King of Glory,

Jesus, the Sun of Justice,
Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary,



and Devout Prayers.

Jesus, whose name is called Won
Jesus, the mighty God,

Jesus, the Father of the world to

Jesus, the Angel of the great

Jesus, most powerful,

Jesus, most patient,
Jesus, most obedient,


Jesus, meek and humble of heart,


Lover of Chastity,
Lover of us,
the God of Peace,
the Author of Life,
the example of Virtues,
the zealous lover of souls,
our God,
our refuge,
the Father of the Poor,
the treasure of the Faithful,
the good Shepherd,
the true Light,
the eternal Wisdom,

Jesus, innite Goodness,

Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and

the Life,

Jesus, the Joy of Angels,


Other Pious Practice:

Jesus, the King of Patriarchs,

Jesus, the inspirer ofthe Prophets,


Jesus, the Master of the Apostles,

Jesus, the teacher of the Emu

Jesus, the Strength of Martyrs,

Jesus, the Light of Confessors,

Jesus, the Spouse of Virgins,
Jesus, the Crown of all Saints,
Be merciful to u, spare us, O Lord
Be merciful to us, hear us, 0 Lord
From all 'evil, Lord Jesus deliver us.
From all sin,
From thy wrath,
From the snares of the devil,
From the spirit of uncleanness,

From everlasting death,

From a neglect of thy holy inspi- }

Through the mystery of thy most

holy incarnation,
Through thy nativity,
Through thy divine infancy,
Through thy sacred life,

and devout Prayers.


Through thy labours and travails,

Through thy agony and bloody


Through thy cross and passion,

Through thy pains and torments,
Through thy death and burial,
Through thy glorious resurrection,


Through thy admirable ascension,

Through thy joys and glory,

In the day ofjudgment,
Lamb. of
sins of
Lamb of
sins of
Lamb of

God, who takest away the

the world, Spare us, 0 Lord
God, who takest away the
the world, Hear us, 0 Lord
'God, who takest away the

sins of the world, Have mercy upon

us, 0 Lord Jesus.
Christ Jesus, hear us, Christ Jesus,
graciously hear us.
Let us pray.

0 G00, who hast appointed thy only

begotten Son the Saviour of mankind,

and hast commanded that he should be

called Jesus; mercifully grant that we
may enjoy his happy vision in heaven


Other pious Practlces

whose holy name we venerate upon

earth: who with thee and the Holy
Ghost, liveth and reigneth, world with

out end.


T/le Versicle, Resp. and Prayer of

the Blessed Sacrament.

V. Thou hast given them bread from

R. Replenished with all sweetness

and delight.
Let us Pray.
O GOD, who hast left us in this won

derful sacrament a perpetual memorial

of thy passion; grant us, we beseech
thee, so to reverence the sacred mys
teries of thy body and blood, that we

may continually nd in our souls the

fruit of our redemption ; who livest and
reignest, &c.

The Versl'cle, Re@. and Prayer for

V. Let us bless the Father, with the
Son and the Holy Ghost.
R. Let us praise and extol him for

and devout Prayer:


Let us Pray.
0 G01), of whose mercies there is
no number, and of whose goodness the
treasure is innite, We humbly thank

thy divine Majesty for the gifts thou

hast bestowed on us, ever beseeching
thy clemency, that as thou grantest
our requests when we humbly ask thee,

so thou wilt not forsake us, but dispose

us for the rewards of the life to come:
through our Lord, 8w.

A devout prayer to Jesus.

Loan Jesus ! through the bitterness
thou snieredst for me on the cross,

chiey when thy blessed soul departed

from thy body, have mercy on my soul
now and at its departure from this
world, that it may be admitted to life

everlasting. Amen.
Cwsarius relates in his twelfth Book
of Miracles, that a holy religious, by
reciting the above-mentioned prayer as
often as he passed by an image of Christ
crucied, obtained to go to heaven with

out passing through purgatory."


Other pious Practices

A prayer



of the ve

O LORD Jesus Christ, by the ve

wounds thou wast pleased to receive
upon the cross for the love of me, help
me thy servant, whom thou hast re

deemed with thy precious blood.


The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ

distributed into its proper hours.
At six 0' Cloch.

JESUS sends two of his disciples

to prepare the passover; he celebrates
his last supper, and lays open the great

desire he always had of eating the pass

over withthem.
At seven 0 Cloch.
JESUS washes the feet of his dis
ciples, and institutes the sacrament of
his love.

and devout Prayers.


At eight o'C'loch.
J ESUS makes his last sermon, and
foretells his apostles what was to happen
to them.
At nine 0' Cloch.

JESUS in the Garden of 0lives,

withdrawing from his disciples and
prostrate with his face to the ground,
addresses his heavenly Father in the
following words: Father,
it be pos

sible, let this chalice pass from me,- yet

not my will but thine be done.
At ten oCloch.

JESUS visits his disciples. and nd

ing them asleep, returns to his prayer.
His agony begins, and his sweat be
comes as drops of blood, trichling down
upon the ground.
At eleven oCloch.
JESUS is overwhelmed with com
passion and bitterly laments the loss of

so many souls.

He is comforted by an


Other pious Practices

At Mdnigkt.

THE Son of God is betrayed by Ju

das with a kiss, and loaded with chains,

then conducted in an opprobrious man

ner through the streets of Jerusalem.
At one o'Cloch.
JEsUs is conducted to Annas, where
he receives a blow on the face from a


He answers the person with

At two o'Clock
JESUS is accused before Caiaphas;
answers nothing in his own justication;

being conjured in the name of God to

speak, he obeys, and is given up during
the rest of the night to the cruelty of

the soldiers.
At three o'C'loch.
THE soldiers lead Jesus into a dark


In passing through the court,

he is witness of Peter": denial; this,

together with the treachery and despair

of Judas, gave a most sensible wound
to his tender heart, as coming from an
intimate and bosom friend.

and devout Prayer 5.


A:four oCloc/a.
Jesus is brought before Pilate, and

accused by the Jews.

He keeps a

profound silence.
Atre 0' Cloch.
Jesus is sent to Herod, where he is
mocked by the whole court, clothed in
a white garment, and treated as a fool.
A! si: 0' Cloch.
J ESUS is sent back to Pilate, who,
to make more sure of his deliverance,

puts him in competition with Barabbas.

The Jews give the preference to the
At seven 0' Cloch.
Jesus is stript, bound to a pillar,
and most cruelly whipt, the blood run
ning down on all sides, which he o'ers
to his Heavenly Father in order to wash
away our sins.

At eight o'Cbch.
Jesus is clothed in a purple robe.
A crown of thorns is put on his head,


Other pious Practices

and a reed in his right hand by way of

sceptre. The soldiers, out of contempt
and derision, salute him King of the
At nine 0' Cloch.

PILATE shows Jesus to the people,

clothed like a mock King, with 3 Be
hold the Man, behold your King.
At ten 0' Cloch.

PILATE washes his hands. The

Jews cry out: His blood be upon us.
Pilate, overcome by human respect, con
demns Jesus, and gives him up to the

cruelty of the Jews.

At eleven 0' Cloch. .
JESUS carries his cross, and often
falls under the weight of it: he is met

by his holy Mother, and the other de

vout women.

At Md-day.
Jesus is nailed to the cross, and

lifted up between two thieves.

Md devout Prayers.



At one 0 Cloch.

Jssns prays for his enemies, and

says to the good thief: This day thou
shalt be with me in Paradise.
At two 0 Cloch.

Jesus bequeaths his dearly beloved

Mother, to his favourite disciple, St.
John, and in him to us all, to be our
Mother; and in sometime after address

in g himself to his heavenly Father says ;

My God! my God I wily Iuul than for
sallen me 9 and then, I Mir-IL
At three 0 Cloch.

Jnsus seeing the Scriptures were

fullled, says: It is consummalcJ.
The soldiers divide his garments, and
Jesus cried out with a loud voice:
Father, into thy hands I commend m3;

spirit; then bowing

down his head

At four o'C'lurh.

JnsUs side is opened with a. spear.

Ihose who had assisted at his death,
1retum, striking their breasts.


An Angelical Exercise
Atve 0 Cloch.

JOSEPH and Nicodemus take down

the body of Jesus from the cross; the

blessed Virgin receives it into her arms,

and her soul is pierced with inexpres
sible grief. The body of Jesus is em
balmed, wrapped up in clean linen, and
buried in a new sepulchre, wherein 110
one had been laid bezre.
An Angelical Exercise in Honour of
our Blessed Lady.
WHOSOEVER. is devoted to this
exercise in honour of the blessed Virgin
Mary, on reading over every point,
may meditate upon it for the space of
one Hail Mary or more; and by Gods

grace, he will in a short time nd

himself greatly increase in love towards
that blessed Queen of Heaven; and at
the hour of death will, by so pious a




as' her dearest

Nor can such a one, according

to St. Anselm and St. Bernard, possi

bly perish, but shall nd life everlasting,

and taste of the joys of eternal bliss."

An Angelica! Exercise.


' I AM the Mother of beautiful love,
Ego mater pulchraz deleclionis, Eccl. 24,

says the glorious Virgin Mary, Mother

of God. Will you, my dear child,
serve me faithfully all your life, as St.
Anselm, St. Bernard, St. Agnes, and

an innite number ofothers, my blessed

children have done? I promise you,
in the sincerity of a mother, that you
shall with them, enjoy a heavenly beati
tude for all eternity. And the more

to encourage you thcreunto, my dear

child, I assure you with a heart truly
maternal, that never eye has seen, nor
car has heard, nor heart of man has

conceived, what God has prepared for

all those who faithfully serve his blessed

Say here an Hail Mary, and then pause

a little before you give the answer.
YEs, most dear Mother! both now

and all the days of my life, will I both

serve, love, and honour you, and rever~

once you on my knees, O sacred Vir


An Angelical Exercise.

gin Mary! daughter of the sovereign

Emperor; and together with all the
angels and celestial spirits in heaven, I
will bless and praise you innitely, for
that you have been so admirably chosen
to be the Mother of God from all eter
nity. Hail Mary.
BEHOLD, all nations do call me
blessed, Ecce enim ea: hoe beatam me

dice/It omnes generationes, Luc. i. 49.

says the glorious Mother of God. Will
you, my dear child, serve me as did

the faithful servant Venerable Alphon

sus, of the holy society of my son Jesus,
who daily recited, with unspeakable
content of his soul, my holy rosary,
my litanies, the oicice of my immaculate
conception, twelve Salves in my honour,
to the end that, by my intercession,
he might not fall into sin, from which I
freed him; and I will likewise deliver
you, my dear child. And I do further

assure you with a heart truly maternal.

that all such prayers and devotions are

very pleasing unto me, and also unto my

beloved Son Jesus.

Hail Mary.

An Angeliml Exercise.


YES, my most dear mother! I will

serve you, and endeavour to please you,

seeing that such is your pleasure.


I reverence you, 0 sacred Virgin Mary!

celestial spouse of the Holy Ghost; and

together with all the angels, innitely
bless, praise, and magnify you, who have

found all grace, having been immacu

lately conceived, without any blemish
or spot of original sin, all holy and pure,
fair as the moon, chosen as the sun.
Pulchra ut lama, electa ut sol. Cant.
vi. 9. Hail Mary.


I AM the Queen of Virgins, Regina

Virginum, says the glorious Mother of
God. Vill you, my dear child, re
main a virgin all your life, and live, is
it were an angel in esh, as did my
dearly beloved son Aloysius Gonzaga,
St. Agnes, St. Catherine, and athou
sand others my devoted children, who

have rather chosen to lose their lives

than their virginity! I will love you as

I love them, and cherish you as I


An Angdical

cherish the angels, and, if it be possible,

more than the angels themselves; and

moreover, my child, I will obtain your

name shall be written in the book of

the blessed; and assure you with a heart

truly maternal, that, at your death, you

will wish you had been the most chaste

and holy iu the world. Think well upon

it, and resolve the best. Hail Mary.
YES, my most dear Mother, I desire

to be pure all my life, as well in bod

as soul. I do, I say, most humbly
desire it and most earnestly beseech
you, dear Lady, to obtain for me that
which you so much recommend unto


I do here prostrate, reverence

you,'O sacred Virgin Mary, Mother

of the Word incarnate! and together

with the holy thrones, and all celestial
spirits, ever bless and praise you in
nitely, the Morning Star, Stella Illa

tutina ,- for that you the most beautiful

of all creatures, were the rst that

did vow perpetual chastity, prepar

ing the way to so many virginnl


have already followed,

Ara Angelical Exercise.


and shall hereafter follow you in I0

high, so glorious, and so divine an en
terprise. Hail Mary.
I AM the Mother of divine Grace,
Mater dim'me gratire, says the glorious
Virgin Mary, Mother of God. Will
you, my dear child, partake with me
of my greatness, as did Charles the
son of St. Bridget, who took so great

a pleasure that God has chosen me for

his mother, that he would not have

left, or exchanged the same for all the

delights of the world besides. Where
fore at his death I attended for the dc
parture of his soul, to conduct and

lead it into paradise.

And I will do

the like for you, my dear child; and

also assure you, with a heart truly ma

ternal, that I will be present at you
death; and although you had, as it

were, one foot in hell, yet would I draw

you out, and defend you against your
enemies. Hail Mary.

YE'S, my most dear Mother! I will

always rejoice at those great gifts which
Almighty God has bestowed upon you,

An A ngelical Exercise.
and which, if it were possible that any
one could deprive you of, I would

hinder him, although I were for the

same to su'er the most grievous tor
ments and punishments of the world.
And I reverence you, 0 sacred Virgin
Mary, great miracle of gloryl and

together with all the celestial powers,

bless and praise you innitely, Mother
of Mercyl because you are the true
Mother of Christ 'Jesus, Son of the
eternal Father.
I AM the Mother of Mercy, Mater

misericordiaz, says the glorious Mother

of God. Will you love me, my dear
child, as did my favoirite St. Stanis
laus? He loved me as his mother, and
I loved him as my child. He gave me
all that he had, and I gave him all that
he desired. He offered me his heart,
and I presented him my little Jesus;

and at last I called him unto me to be

present at the feast of my glorious
assumption. I will be as sincere and
faithful a mother unto you, and assure
you, with a heart truly maternal, that


:(W __

An Angelical Exercise.


if you love me sincerely as you ought,

your love shall prove an evident sign of

predestination to a most blessed and

everlasting life.

Hail Mary.

YEs, my most dear mother! I will

ever love you most faithfully. And my
heart does even leap for joy, and my
soul is ravished in conceiving so great
a sweetness of so tender a mother.

Show yourself, 0 dear Lady! smother

to me, and here at this present I de
clare myself your child for ever, and
moreover do reverence you, 0 sacred

Virgin Mary! the delight of heaven,

and together with all the celestial vir
tues,_bless, praise, and magnify you,

most amiable Mother! for having been

sodivinelyillustrated by the Holy Ghost
in the incarnation of the Son of God.
Hail Mary

I AM the help and aid of Christians,

Auxilium Christianorum, says the glo

rious Mother of God.

Will you, my

dear child, wholly conde in me, and

call upon me in your necessities, as did

my dear daughter St. h'lary of Egypt,
who, although once a wicked woman,
._,_...4__, '- I,


An Angelical Exercise.

and buried in all vice, found me the

refuge of sinners; and as the penitent
Theophilus did, who, after he had de

nied me, falsied his faith to God,

done homage to the devil, renounced
his part in paradise, signed his damna
tion with his own blood, in writing,
and in a manner already plunged in
the very bottom of hell, yet had he
recourse to me, and was by me again
reconciled to my Son, received into his

favour, grace and protection. And who

has ever heard of a greater wonder? I
will in the same manner assist you, my
dear child, and assure you, with a heart

truly maternal, that I will plead for you

in all your necessities, and will avert
from you all the anger and indignation
of my Son. Hail Mary.

Yes, my most dear Mother! I will

always conde in you; and although I

were as perdious as Judas or Cain, yet

if you be once pleased to undertake my
cause, I shall never despair. And I do
reverence you, O sacred Virgin Mary !
happy gate of heaven, and together

with all the principalities of the celes.

An Angelica!


tial court, I bless and praise you in

nitely, for that you have been found
worthy to be the most faithful and
humble handmaid of the most Holy
Trinity. Hail Mary.
I AM an amiable and loving Mother,

Mater amabilis, says the glorious Vir

gin Mary, Mother of God. Will you,
my dear child, do something this day
in my honour? For you must know

that I leave nothing, though of ever

so little value, unrecompensed, which
is done in my honour, as Troilus Savelli,
a young Baron of Rome, though a
great and enormous sinner, can well
testify, who, at the end of his life,
being beheaded for his wickedness,

obtained by my favour so perfect con

trition and remission for his sins, that

he died like a saint, for having never

failed to say, once a-day on his bare
knees, one Ave Maria in my honour. I
assure you, in the sincerity of a mother,
that, at the hour of your death, being
forsaken of all your friends, you will


An Angelical Salutation.

wish to have performed all things pos

sible to obtain my grace and favour.
Hail Mary.
YES, my dear Motherl both to-day
and all the days of my life will I say
in your honour, on my knees, an Ave
Maria at least, and I reverence you,

0 sacred Virgin Mary, distributor of

all good, and with all the dominations
of the celestial court, bless and praise
you innitely, whom I love more than
my life, for that you have in this world
been ever united in love to your Be
loved, exempt and free from all terres

trial uncleanness, and alway wrapt in


Hail Mary.

I AM the Mother of the Almighty,

Mater Dei, says the glorious Virgin
Mary. 0 how happy are you, my dear
child, to watch at the entry of my
door. Hearken then to the command
ment of your Mother, and write it in
your heart. Will you confess your sins
and communicate every eight days, ac

cording to thev advice of your ghostly


St. Catherine of Sienna, and

St. Agnes of Tuscany, the beloved


An Angelica! Salutation.


spouses of my dear Son Jesus, did com

muuicate almost every day, whereby
they have been admirable in all virtue,
and have received manna from heaven,
the true food of celestial people. I do
assure you, my dear child, in the sin

cerity of a loving mother, that this is

the most ready way to become perfect,

and the best expedient for obtaining
heaven. Hail Mary.

YES, my most dear Mother! it is

my great desire to bathe often my soul
in tears, and in the blood of your dear

Son Jesus, by confessing my sins, and

communicating every eight days, and
especially upon all your feasts, and
those of your blessed Son, which I
will perform, as near as I can, with all

diligence and devotion.

And I do re
veren'ce you, O blessed Virgin Mary!
great abyss of grace, and together with

the eherubim, bless and praise thee in

nitely, whom I love more than my own

heart, for that you have been so liberally

endowed with all sort of virtues in the

most supreme degree of excellency.

Hail Mar


An Angelica] Exercise.

I AM the empress of the universe,
says the glorious Mother of God. Will
you, my dear child, every day, both

morning and evening, make a rm pur

pose rather to endure any loss, wrong,
or death whatsoever, than once sin


St. Anselm of Canterbury,

had rather gone to hell than offend God.

And the blessed Aloysius Gonzaga
would not even speak alone with his

own mother, for fear of the least danger

of offence. Will you then imitate the
example of these holy persons? At
the hour or' your death, when those
who are found without o'ence shall
be saved, then will you wish to have
been such an one as the forenamed and
divers others were. Say then, will you

be such an one even now!

Hail Mary.

YEs, my most dear Mother! I do

here rmly purpose, by the grace of
God, before your blessed Son Jesus,
my sweet Redeemer, rather to die a.

thousand deaths, than once to olioml

An Angelica! EICTClSC-


God mortally. And I do reverence

you, 0 sacred Virgin Maryi Queen
of heaven and earth;



with the burning seraphim bless and

praise you innitely, whom I love more

than my own soul, for that both heaven,

earth, and hell, by your dear Son's com

mandment, do obey your beck.



I AM the paradise of Pleasure, says

the glorious Mother of God.
you make my greatness known in every
place where you shall come, my dear
child? All such as have been virtuous
in this life have done the like, and have
carried my name throughout the world,

even into many heathen and barbarous

countries, as my dearest son and servant

Xaverius, and others of his holy society

have done, thinking themselves most

nappy in being employed in so noble an

embassy. I assure you, in-the sincerity
of a Mother, that if you knew how
much that pleases me you would not

fail continually and incessantly to do it

to the utmost of your power. Hail


An Angelical Ewan.


YES, my dear Motherl I do wish and

most heartily desire the same. Ohl
let your sacred name, as also the name
of your blessed Son, be ever in my
mouth, and fast sealed up in my heart.
And I reverence you, 0 most benign
Mother! seat of divine Wisdom; and
together with all the holy patriarchs,
prophets, martyrs, virgins, and all the
celestial spirits in heaven, do bless and

praise you innitely, for that you are

placed in the high throne of glory,

above all pure creatures, at the right

hand of your beloved, in the celestial

paradise. Hail Mary.

I AM the mirror of purity, says the

glorious Mother of God.

Will you,

my dear child, daily examine diligently

your conscience, and never go to sleep
in mortal sin? Surely it is the way to
live herein this life in great tranquillity
and joy of spirit, having always your
soul ready in your hand to render it up
pure to Him who has created it to his
own image, and redeemed it with his

An Angelical Exercise


precious blood. I assure you, in the

sincerity of a mother, that it were better

to sleep among serpents, dragons, ba

zilisks, and even the very devils them

selves, than to rest one night in mortal

sin. And moreover at the hour of your

death, seeing then the ugliness of sin,

you will nd I have told you true.

Hail Mary.
YES, my most dear Motherl

I will

look into my sins with a bitterness of

soul, and search diligently all the cor
ners of my conscience every day, once
at least, before I go to rest. And I
reverence you, O sacred Virgin Mary,
the holy ark of the covenant; and to
gether with all the good thoughts of all
good men upon earth and all the blessed

spirits of heaven, do bless and praise

you innitely, for that you are the great
mediatrix between God and man, ob

taining for sinners all they can ask and

demand of the blessed Trinity. Hail
I AMtlle Protectress of my servants,

- says the glorious Mother of God




An Angelica! Euro-ire.

me your heart, my dear child, and if

it be as hard as a int, I will make it
as soft as wax; and if it be more foul
and loathsome than dirt, I will render
it more clear and beautiful than crys

tal. My blessed servant Ignatius gave

me one day power over. his heart, and I
did render it so chaste and strong, that
he never after felt any motion of the
esh all his life. Give me your heart,
my child, and tell me, in the sincerity
of a true son, how much you love me,

your chaste Mother ! Hail Mary.

0 MY most dear Mother l I love you

more than my tongue can express, and

more than my very soul can conceive.
. And I reverence you, 0 sacred Virgin
Mary l and together with the holy Tri

nity bless and praise you innitely, for

that you are worthy of so many praises,
as none can, no not yourself, conceive

the same.

I praise and magnify you a

thousand times, and ten thousand timu

l bless that sacred womb of yours, which

bore the Son of the eternal Father.
llail Mary.


a. Alba-13.2-. - v


Twelve- Hail Marys in honour of the
twelve Privileges qf our blessed Lady.

1. ' 0 Mo'mun of most beautiful

love ! 0 glorious Mother of God i when
shall it be that I may enjoy thy presence

in heaven, to serve you most sincerely ?

Hail Mary.

0 Mos'r blessed among all wo

men! when shall I freely praise and

bless you, together with the thrice holy

and blessed spirits, without distraction,
intermission, or without any care at all?
Hail Mary.

3. Bnussnn Queen of Virgins. .

choose you for the faithful keeper and

guardian of my chastity. I commend

the same unto you above all other things,
I commend it wholly into you, 0 Most
sacred Virgin! Hail Mary.

0 Mo'ruun of divine grace {

how great is your mercy! and how en

. 254

Twelve Hail JVIarys.

dearlng are your favours to those your

servants and children that do heartily
love you ! Hail Mary.

Mo'rrnm. of Mercy l I hum
61y beseech you to pray unto your dear

Son incessantly, that he will keep me

all the days of my life from falling into

mortal sin.

Hail Mary.

6. 0 HELP of Christians! how sweet

and benecial is your sacred name, and

how ready is your succour to those who

call upon you in tribulation. Hail
7. 0 MOST amiable Mother! and

above all things most lovelyi how good

a thing it is to please you, and to be al
ways doing something in your honour!
Hail Mary.
8. 0 GLORIOU! Mother of sweet
Jesusl give me perseverance, and a rm
will to reconcile myself weekly to your
Son, and often to receive his most pre

cious body and blood.

Hail Mary

___...;.-.\ vgx/

Twelve Hail lllarjys.


9. 0 EMPnEss of the universal

W'orld ! give me force and strength to
execute this my good purpose, rather to
lie a thousand times than once to o'end
thy blessed Son mortally. Hail Mary.
10. 0 REFUGE of sinners! give me
a hearty desire to y sin above all things,
and that I may never rest or repose in a

mortal offence.

Hail Mary.

0 Pnnnmsn of pleasure! my

most singular and assur-ed Advocatrix, if

at the hour of death you undertake my
cause, I shall not need to fear or be

confounded, but shall bless and praise

you eternally. Hail Mary.

0 MOTHER of the living, and

singularly beloved of those who are de

vout unto you! I offer unto you my
heart and all the a'ections thereof.

Show yourself a mother unto me, I

beseech you, at the hour of my death.
And whilst I live, give me a sincere
love and a'ection towards you; for

those who love you can no wise perish

Hail Mary.



The Litang/ qfLoretto.

Tlwjbrm of admission into the

Sodalites of our Blessed Lady.

HOLY Mary, Virgin Mother of God 2
I, N. N. this day choose thee for my

Mother, Queen, Patroness, and Advo

cate, and I rmly resolve and purpose
never to depart, either by word or

action, from the duty I owe thee, or

su'er those committed to my charge to

say or do any thing against thy honour.
Receive me, therefore, as thy servant
for ever: assist me in all the actions of
my whole life, and forsake me not in

the hour of my death.


The Litany of our Lady of Loretta.

LORD, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

God'the Father of heaven, have mercy
upon us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world

have mercy upon us.

The Litnng (f Laredo.


God the Holy Ghost, have mercy upon

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy
upon us.
Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of Virgins,

Mother of Christ,

Mother of Divine Grace,

Mother most pure,

most chaste,
most amiable,
most admirable,

Mother of our Creator,

Mother of our Redeemer,


Virgin most prudent,




Mirror of Justice,
Seat of Wisdom,

Cause of our joy,

Spiritual Vessel,

Vessel of Honour,



The Litany qf Loretta.

Vessel of singular devotion,

Mystical Rose,
Tower of David,

Tower of Ivory,
House of Gold,
-Ark of the Covenant,

" Gate of Heaven,

Morning Star,


Health of the Weak,

Refuge of Sinners,

Comforter of the alicted,

Help of Christians,

of Angels,
of Patriarchs,
of Prophets,
of Apostles,


of Martyrs,
of Confessors,
of Virgins,
of all saints,


Lamb of God, who takest away the sins

of the world, spare us, 0 Lord.
Lamb of God, who takcst away the sins

of theworld, graciously hear us, 0

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins
of the world, have mercy upon us.


A. um-e



Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
1Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
0ur Father, &c.

We y to thy patronage, 0 Holy

Mother of God! despise not our pe
titions in our necessities, but deliver us

from all dangers, 0 ever glorious and

blesed Virgin.

V. Pray for us, 0 holy Mother of

R. That we may be made worthy of

*the promises of Christ.

Let us Pray.
DEFEND, we beseech thee, O Lord !
'by the intercession of the blessed Virgin
Mary, this thy family from all adversity!
and as with our whole heart we lie pros
trate before thee, mercifully protect us

from the snares of our enemies, through

Christ our Lord. Amen.



0 almighty eternal God 2 who did

prepare the body and soul of the glori
ous Virgin Mary, that, by the co'oper
ation of the Holy Ghost, she might
become a worthy dwelling for thy Son,
grant, that as we rejoice in her com

memoration, so, by her pious interces

sion, we may be delivered both from
present evils and everlasting death,

through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

Grant, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, that

we thy servants may enjoy perpetual

health of mind and body, and that by
the glorious intercession of the ever
blessed 'Virgin Mary we may be deliver
ed from present sorrows, and possess
everlasting joys, through our Lord Jesus
Bestow on thy servants, we beseech
thee, O Lord, the gift of heavenly grace
that the solemnity or commemoration of
the Blessed Virgin's Conception may
be an increase of peace to those who by
herfaitht'ulness have found thcbeginning
of salvation through our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.


The Ange/us Domini.

l. Tm: angel of the Lord declared
unto Mary, and she conceived of the

Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, &c.

2. Behold the handmaid of the Lord;
may it be done unto me according to thy
word. Hail Mary, &c.
3. And the \Vord was made esh, and

dwelt among us.

Hail Mary, &c.

Let us pray.
Perm forth, we beseech thee, 0

Lordl thy grace into our hearts, that

we, to whom the incarnation of Christ

thy Son was made known by the mes

sage of an angel, may, by his passion
and cross, be brought to the glory of his
resurrection, through the same Christ

our Lord. Amen.

0UR holy Father Benedict XIIL,
has granted a hundred days indulgence
to the faithful, each time they should
recite the Angelus Domini, &c., on their
knees, with devotion and sorrow for

their sins.
llis said holiness grants also a
plenary indulgence to all those who


The Thirty Days Prayer.

having every day during the space of

a whole month, recited the said Angela;
Domini, &c., shall confess and communi
cate upon some one day left to their
choice in the following month, praying
for union among Christian princes, for
the extirpation ,of heresy, and the exal

tation of our holy Mother the Churo ."

The brief for this indulgence is dated

the 14th September, 1724.

To the B. V. Mary, in honour of the

sacred Passion of our Lord Jesus

Christ, by the devout recital of which,
jbr the above space of time, we may
merclfully hope to obtain our laud
"" It is particularly recommended as a
proper devotion for every day in Lent, and
all the Fridays throughout the year.

EvEn. glorious and blessed Mary,

Queen of Virgins, Mother of Mercy,
hope and comfort of dejected and de
solate souls, through that sword ofsorrow
which pierced thy tender heart whilst

17w Thirty Days Prayer.


thine only Son Jesus Christ our Lord

su'ered death and ignominy on the
cross; through the

lial tenderness

and pure love he had for thee, grieving

in thy grief, whilst from his cross be
recommended thee to the care and pro
tection of his beloved disciple Saint
John, take pity, I beseech thee, on

my poverty and necessities ; have com

passion on my anxieties and cares;
assist and comfort me in all my inr
mities and miseries of what kind soever.
Thou art the Mother of Mercy, the
sweet cousolatrix and only refuge of

the needy and the orphan, of the de

solate and the alicted. Cast therefore
an eye of pity on a miserable forlorn
child of Eve, and hear my prayer; for
since in just punishment of my sins,
I nd myself encompassed by a multi
tude of evils, and oppressed with much
anguish of spirit, whither can I y for
more secure shelter, 0 amiable Mother

of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

than under the wings of thy maternal

Attend, therefore, I be

seech thee, with an ear of pity and

compassion. to my humble and earnest


The Thirty Days Prayer.

request. I ask it, through the bowels

of mercy of thy dear Son: through
that love and condescension wherewith
he embraced our nature, when, in com

pliance with the divine will, thou

gzwest thy consent, and whom, after
the expiration of nine months, thou
didst bring forth from the chaste en
closure of thy womb, to visit this world
and bless it with his presence. I ask
it, through the anguish of mind where
with thy beloved Son, our dear Saviour,
was overwhelmed on Mount 0livet,

when he besought his eternal Father to

remove from him, if possible, the bit
ter chalice of his future passion. I ask
it, through the three-fold repetition of
his prayer in the garden, from whence
afterwards with dolorous steps and
mournful tears, thou didst accompany

him to the doleful theatre of his death

and sufferings. I ask it, through the
welts and sores of his virginal esh,
occasioned by the cords and whips
whercwith he was bound and scourged,
when stript of his seamless garment,
for which his exccutioncrs afterwards

cast lots, I ask it, through the sco's and


TIre Thirty Days Pr yer

ignominles by which he was insulted;
thefalse accusations and unjust sentence
by which he was condemned to death,
and which he bore with heavenly pa
tience. I ask it, through his bitter tears

and bloody sweat ! his silence and resig

nation; his sadness and grief of heart.
I ask it, through the blood which trickled
from his royal and sacred head, when

truck with his sceptre of a reed, and

pierced with his crown of thorns. I ask
it, through the excruciating torments
he suffered, when his hands and feet
were fastened with gross nails to the
tree of the cross.

I ask it, through his

vehement thirst, and bitter potion of

vinegar and gall. I ask it, through his
dereliction on the cross, when he ex

claimed, My God! My God! why

hast t/lou forsahen me? I ask it,
through his mercy extended to the good
thief, and through his recommending
his precious soul and spirit into the
hands of his eternal Father before he
expired, saying, ALL IS FINISHED.

ask it, through the blood mixed with

water, which issued from his sacred

side when pierced with a lance,


Tim Thirty Days praye,._

whence a ood of grace and mercy.

hath owed to us. I ask it, through.
his immaculate life, bitter passion, and:
ignominious death on the cross, at which
nature itself was thrown into convul
sions, by the bursting of rocks, rend
ing of the veil of the temple, the earth
quake and darkness of the sun and?


I ask it, through his descent

into hell, where he comforted the saints

of the old law with his presence, and

led captivity captive. I ask it, through .

his glorious victory over death, when he

rose again into life on the third day;

and through the joy which his appear

ance for forty days after gave thee,
his blesed mother, his apostles and
the rest of his disciples, when in thine

and their presence he miraculously as

tended into heaven. I ask it, through
the grace of the Holy Ghost, infused

into the hearts of the disciples, when

he descended upon them in the form of

ery tongues, and by which they were
inspired with zeal in the conversion of

the world, when they went to preach

the gospel. I ask it, through the
awful appearance of thy Son at the last

The Thirty Du-,/J' Prayer.


dreadful day, when he shall come to

judge the living and the (loud, and the

world by lire. i ask it, through the

compassion he bore thee in this life,
and the inehble joy thou didst feel at
thine assumption into heaven, Where

thou art eternal] y absorbed in the sweet

contemplation of his divine perfections.
. U glorious and ever blessed Virgin!
comfort the Heart of thy suppliant,
.by obtaining for me, and as i um
persuaded .lny divine Saviour doth
I bonourlthee as his beloved Mother, to
whom he eamrgfuse nothing, so let me

speedily experience the eicacy of thy

powerhil'intercession, according to the
tenderness of thy maternaha'ection,
.ulllila lial loving heart who merci

fully gruuteth the requests, and com

plieth with the desires of those that
love and fear him.

\Vherefore, 0 most

blessed virgin! beside the object of my

present petition, and whatever else I
* Here mention or reect on your lawful


the reservation of its being

agleeable to the will of God, who sees wile

the! it will contribute towards your opillinll


The Thirty Days' Prayer.

may stand in need of, obtain for me

also of thy dear Son, our Lord and our

God, a lively faith, rm hope, perfect

charity, true contrition of heart, un
feigned tears of compunction, sincere
confession, condign satisfaction, absti
nence from sin, the love of God and
my neighbour, contempt of the world,
patience to suffer a'ronts and ignomi
nies, nay even, if necessary, an op
probrious death itself, for the love of
thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. 0b
tain likewise for me, O sacred Mother

of God! perseverance in good works,

performance of good resolutions, mor
tication of self-will, a pious conver

sation through life, and at my last

moments, a strong and sincere repen
tance, accompanied by such a lively

and attentive presence of mind, as may

enable me to receive thalast sacraments
of the Church worthily, and die in thy

friendship and favour.

Lastly, obtain,

I beseech thee, for the souls of my pa

rents, brethren, relations, and benefac

tors, both living and dead, life everlast

ing. Amen.


The /leen Mysteries to be meditaled

upon in laying the Rosary.
THE ve joyful Mysteries. 1. The
annunciation of the angel Gabriel, and

the incarnation'of the Son of God in

the womb of the blessed Virgin. 2. The

visitation of St. Elizabeth. 3. The na

tivity or birth of our Lord. 4. The
presentation of our Lord in the temple,
and the purication of his blessed Mo
ther. 5. His being found in the temple
in the midst of the doctors, after having

been lost three days by his mother and

her chaste spouse St. Joseph.
The ve dolours, or sorrowful Myste

ries. l. The prayer of our Lord in the

garden, with his agony and sweet of
blood. 2. His being scourged at the
Pillar. 3. His being crowned with
thorns, and abused by the soldiers

4. His carriage of the cross.

crucixion and death.
The ve glorious Mysteries.
resurrection of our Lord. 2.
cension into heaven. 3. The
down of the Holy Ghost. 4.

5. His
1. The
His as
The as

sumption of the blessed Virgin. 5. Her



The Salve Regma

eternal felicity, and that of allthe b

ed in the kingdom of=heaven.

The'Salve Reyinayor Hail QueenyQ-a.

HAIL, Queen, -Mother ~0f Mercy !
hail, our life, our sweetness, and our

"hope! to"thee*we cry, poor banished

- sons of Eve ;\ to thee we' send up our

sighs, mourning, and'weeping, in this

valley of tears. Tn'rn'then, most gra
cious auvocatel thine eyes of mercy
towards us, and after this our exile is
ended; show unto us the blessed fruit of

"thy wombyJesus, 0 element, 0 pious,

* 0 sweet Virgin Mary.
'V.' Pray for us, holy Moherof God !

R. Thatiwe may be made' worthy of

the Premises of Christ.
Let us pray.
O ALMIGHTY and eternal God!
who by the co-operation of the Holy
Ghost, didst prepare the body and soul

of the glorious Virgin Mary, that she

might become an habitationworthy of

The Beads OfSL Joseph.


thy Son; grant that, as with joy we

celebrate her memory, so by her pious
intercession we may be delivered from

present evils and eternal death, through

the same Christ our Lord. Ame/4.
The Beads of St. Joseph.
Upon the great Beads recite (Ire lllow
ing prayer.
Assrs'r us, 0 Lord !

we beseech

thee by the merits of the spouse of thy

most holy Mother, that what we cannot
obtain of ourselves, may be given us by

his intercession, who liveth and reigneth

with God the Father in the unity of the
Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.

Upon the small Beads, say,

ST. JOSEPH, most blessed of all blessed
souls after Jesus and .Mary, pray for us
now and at the hour of our death,


The seven Dolours and



containing the seven

Dolours and Joys of St. Joseph.

Therst Prayer.
CHASTE spouse of the most imma
culate Mother of Jesus! holy Josephl
how great was thy grief, when, ignorant
of the mystery and co-operation of the
Holy Ghost in that sublime mystery,
thou perceivedst thy beloved spouse big
with child, and on that account hadst

thoughts of leaving her; by this thy

grief, and by the unspeakable joy thou

hadst when the angel of God opened

to thee the mystery of the incarnation
of the Eternal Word, pray for us, that

endeavouring to advance thy honour and

worship through the whole world, we
by Gods
A may
all aliction
and holy
mind in
this life, and in the other become a t

mansion of the Holy Ghost for all eter

nity. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary,
The second Prayer.
0 Tumor: happy Joseph ! foster
father to Jesus ! by the great grief that

Joys of St. Joseph.


pierced thy heart, when thou didst con

template this beloved infant lying in the
manger, weeping, and shivering with
cold; and by the great joy thou receivedst in beholding the holy angels
adoring and honouring him with their
heavenly music, and seeing the three

kings prostrate before him and offering

him three rich presents; pray for us,
0 great saintl to the end that our souls
may become a t mansion to receive
our Saviour into, and that we may lodge
and keep him always therein, even to
the last moment of our lives; that then

we may nd and enjoy him in heaven,

in the midst of his everlasting glory.
Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary.
The third Prayer.
0 GREAT Joseph, 21 man according to
God's own heart! by the grief thou
didst feel at the circumcision of the
tender infant Jesus, shedding his most

precious blood; and by the joy thou

lladst in giving him the sweet name of
Jesus, according to the revelation
nhich the angels had made to thee;


The seven'Dolours and

pray for us to thy blessed Son, that we

may be washed and puried with his.
most precious blood, and always hear
his name imprinted in our hearts. Amen'
Our Father. Hail Mary.

Tbefourth Prayer.
0 MOST glorious Joseph! and pru
dent spouse of the Motherof God,by the
great grief that wounded and pierced
thy aficted heart when thou\didst
hear from the mouth of Simeon, that

the soul of thy dear spouse was'to he

pierced with a'sword ; and by the joy
thou hadst when thou heardestfrom

the same Simeomthat Jesus was design

ed for the resurrection and salvation of.
mankind; pray for us, to the end that
we may so partake in the sorrow of the
Mother, as to be hereafter partakers of

the joy and happiness of her beloved

Son Jesus. Amen.

0ur Father. Hail

The/t/z Prayer.
0 PIOUS comforter of the Mother oi

God 1 by the dolours and anxieties'thou

didst undergo in thy ight into Egypt

Joy/1 of St. Julep/l.


and by the joy thou receivedst when at

thy arrival thou didst see the idols fall
on the' ground, as not being able to
suffer the presence of thy divine Jesus;
pray for us, I beseech thee, that, ying
the dangers of all terrene, and inordi
nate inclinations, we may one day-re

joice' to see all the black idols of our

sins entirely cust'down and destroyed
in our souls. Amen. Our Father.
H all -Mary.
T/le Sixth Prayer.
0 Most chasteand vigilant guardian
of Mary, the virgin of virginsl by thy
great perplexity, when, being called out
of Egyputhou didst hear that Arche
lans, the son of Herod, was made king,

who was no less cruel and bloody than

his father; andby the greatjoy thatv
possest thy heart when the angel bid
thee not to fear, because all were dead

that sought his life; pray for us, that

we may so livev in the midst-of this
Egypt, a sinful world, that vone day we
may deserve to be called to tlmheavenl yv
land of promise. Amen. Our Father
Hail Mary.


The seven Doloars, bye.

The Seventh Prayer.

0 MERCIFUL Joseph! who is able

to conceive the sensible sorrow and ex
treme grief thou suieredst when thou
hadst lost the child Jesus? and on the
other side who is able to express the
joy and extreme satisfaction wherewith
thy heart was replenished when thou
foundest him in the midst of the doc
tors? We humbly beseech thee, by
this inconceivable sadness and joy, that
we may never lose our most amiable
Jesus; or if ever we be so unhappy as
to lose him, make us feel such a true
and lively sorrow, with thee, that we

may so carefully seek him as soon to

nd him, with so great and sensible a
comfort, that our onlycare for the future
may be always to keep him, and never

lose him any more. Amen. 0ur Father.

Hail Mary.
I 03005:: the glorious St. Joseph
for my patron," writes St. Teresa, in the

sixth chapter of her life, and I com

mend myself in all things singularly to

his intercession.

I do not remember

Litany qf St. Francis.


ever to have asked of God any thing by

his means which I did not obtain. I
never knew any one who, by invocating
him, did not advance exceedingly in vir
tue, for he assists in a wonderful manner
all who address themselves to him.
The Lilany of St. Francil Xaven'ua.
LORD, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, have mercy

upon us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,

have mercy upon us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy upon
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy
upon us.
Holy Mary, pray/for us.
Holy Father Ignatius,
St. Francis Xaverius, most worthy
Son of St. Ignatius,
St. Francis Xaverius, apostle of
the Indies,



The Litany

St. Francis Xaverius, evangelizing]

St. Francis Xaverius, evangelizing
allv good,

Vessel of election. carrying 'the

name of Jesus before the Gen
Vessel full of divine grace,
Firmament of the oriental church,
Defender of the faith,
Enemy of indelity,

Preacher of Evangelical Truth,

Destroyer of Idols,
Chosen instrument of the Eternal


Father for the propagation of

divine glory,
Faithful follower and companion
of Jesus Christ,
Trumpet of the Holy Ghost,
Pillar of the church of God,

Light of Indels,
Master of the faithful,
Mirror of true piety,
Guide in the way of virtue and

Pattern of apostolical spirit and

Light of the blind,


St. Francis Xaverius.

Carer of the lame,

Helper of those that su'er ship

Health of the sick,

Protector in time of plague, fa


mine and war,

From whom the devils y,
Life of the dead,
Whose power the seaand tempests
Whose commands the sea and all
elements reverence,

Wonderful worker of Miracles,

Refuge of the miserable,
Comfort of the alicted,
Splendour of the East,

Tabernacle of incorruption,
Treasure of divine love,
Glory of the Society of Jesus,

Xaverius most poor,

Xaverius most chaste,
Xaverius most obedient,
Xaverius most humble,

Xaverius mos

desirous of the

cross and labours of Christ

Xaveriusmost vigilant in the safe

ty of your neighbour,
Xaverius most zealous of Go

Glory and the goo


280 Litany of SI. Francis Xaverius.

Angel in life and manners,
Patriarch in a'ection and care of

Gods people,
Prophet in gift and spirit,
Apostle in dignity and merit,
Doctor of Gentiles in all sorts of


MartyrindesiringtodieforChrist, >
Confessor in virtue and profession
of life,

Virgin in body and mind,

In whom we reverence, through

the divine goodness, the merits

of all saints,
Lamb of God, who takest away the
sins of the world, Spare us, 0 Lord.
Lamb of God who takest away the
sins of the world, Graciously /tear us,
0 Lord.

Lamb of God, who takest away the

sins of the world, Have mercy upon

Christ hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us.
Our Father, 8m.

Norma, &c.


V. Pray for us, St. Francis Xaverius.

R. That we may he made worthy of

the promises of Christ.
Let us pray.

LORD Godl who hast vouchsafed,

by the preaching and miracles of St.

Francis Xaverius, tojoin unto thy church

the countries of the Indies, grant pro

pitiously, we beseech thee, that, reve

rencing his glorious merits, we may

also imitate his example, through Christ
our Lord. Amen.

Tbe manner of performing the Novena,

or nine days devotion, to St. Francis
Tms Novena commences on the
fourth day of March, and continues
nine days, that is, till the twelfth of
March, upon which day, in the year

1622, Pope Gregory the XVth. canon

ized St. Francis Xaverius. The per
sons who perform this Novena are to be

employed upon each of the days, in


The Novena, &c.

prayer and good works to the glory of

Almighty God, and in honour of his
servant St. Francis Xaverius; always
endeavouring to repose an entire con
dence in the merits of this apostle,

and hoping through his means to obtain

from .God whatsoever they shall ask,

provided it be conducive 'to. their vsul

vation and the good of their souls ; or

thatiotherwise, instead of that blessing,r

which- they begyand which is not for
their benet, this saint willobtain for

. them of God, some other grace they (in

not ask, and which tends more to their
eternal felicity.
For the exact performance of this
Novena, they are to take for their ad
vocates the nine choirs of heavenly

spirits, making particular mention of

the principal virtues of Saint Francis
Xaverius, and theyvare

to observe

other directions which shall- be given


It will be convenient to

confess and communicate the rst day,

that so, the soul being cleansed from sin,
and honoured with the sacred Eucharist,
all the works we perform in the state of
mice may be meritorious of eternal

'r/le Novena, 5'0.


ife, and the more efficacious towards

obtaining the benet we ask.


who do not confess, must at least begin

every day with an act of contrition, to

cleanse their souls from sin, and so

secure themselves of obtaining their

When this Novena is not performed
in the church with the general concourse
of the people, it were convenient, that
if it be done in a private family, all the

familyshouldjoin in performing it toge

ther, begging that of God for every one,
which each apart begs for himself.
For the conveniency of such as stand
in need of further direction, we will

here set down those prayers that are

proper to be said every day; neverthe
less such as are more devout may beg
the same thing of the saint, in such
terms and language as their devotion
shall dictate, and may direct their prayer
as they think t; when many together
perform the Novena, one of them may
read the prayers, changing the singular
number into the plural, and saying we
desire, we beg, &c.

The others may

reneat the prayer after him, or else,


Instructionsn the exact

only hear it with attention, inwardly

desiring and beggingthatwhich is asked

in it.

Instructions fbr the exact performing

the Novena.
THOSE who perform the Novena
are to observe these instructions 11 on
all and each of the nine days.


They are to endeavour to imitate some

one of this saints virtues, by practising
some exterior act or acts thereof; as,
for instance, his zeal, humility, pa
tience, 8w. Secondly, They are to do

some work of mercy, either spiritual

or corporal, for the benet of their

neighbours; as giving of alms,-visiting

the sick, or those that are imprison,

comforting the afflicted, praying for the

souls in purgatory, or for those that are
in the state of mortal sin, &c. Thirdly,
They are to offer up to this saint some
particular mortication, as fasting, wear

ing of haircloth, (liscipling, using them

selves with less tenderness, &c. Fourtltly,
They are to curb their senses, their eyes,

ears and tongues, endeavouring to avoid

Performing the Novena.


even the least of sins. Fg'fthly, They

are to read some chapter or passage
of the life of this saint, or meditate
awhile upon some one of his virtues,
with an ardent desire to imitate them.
Sixthly, They are to endeavour, for the

glory of God, to excite some pemon to

bear devotion to this saint.


It will be convenient they every day

invoke the intercession of some one

rank of the saints, as they do of the

choirs of angels, to the end that their
advocates and intercessors being mul

tiplied, as the church expresses it, they

may the more readily obtain what they

ask. The classes of saints may be di
vided into patriarchs, prophets, apostles,
martyrs, bishops, doctors, priests, reli
gious confessors, virgins, and other saints

in heaven. For the more e'ectual pre

vailing with St. Francis Xaverins, it will
be convenient every day to make a spe
cial commemoration of St. Ignatius of
Loyola, whom St. Francis Xaverius
honoured, respected, and loved, as h i
father, master, and superior


Instructions, &c.

Upon one of the nine days, the

person performing this devotion must


communicate, making a

most diligent preparation to please God





for the

more ready obtaining of the thing

Such as

cannot read, may cause

another to read these prax'ers .' 1131!],

they giving great attention -0 -hem, and
o'ering them up to Saint Francis; or,
instead thereof, they may .sy ten times
the Lords Prayer, ten Hail Marys,

and ten times Glory be to the Father

&c., in memory of the ten years tmSt. Francis Xaverius spent in the In
dies; begging of the saint whatsoever
they desire, and praying as he did, r
the conversion of indels.
Though the properest time for per
forming this Novena be from the fourth
of March to the twelfth which is the
day of the canonization of St. Francis
Xaverius, yet it may be performed at

any other time of the year.

How much the devotion of this No.
vena daily spreads, is well known; on
this account St. Francis had obtained

Therst day of the Novena.


favours for several persons, as they them

selves testify. In the year 1688, it was
performed at Madrid with extraordinary
solemnity, in the royal chapel of the
palace, their Catholic Majestic! being
every day there present.
The rst day of the Novena.
The person performing this devotion,
hneeling before the altar or the image
of St. Fram'is Xaverius, shall lift up
his heart to God, and profoundly hum
hling himself in spirit, and Wering up
all his prayers, thoughts, and words, to

his glory, in honour of the blessed Virgin

Juary, St. Francis Xaeerius, and all the

angels and saints in heaven, he shall

mahe the sign of the cross and say the
following prayer.
0 Loan Jesus Christi true God and
Brian, my Creator and Redeemer, for

thy sake alone, and because I love thee

above all things, lam sorry from the
b"ttom of my heart for having o'ended
tnee; and 1 do rmly purpose never to
fall into sin vain, to shun all occasions

of offending thee, to confess my sins,


1 hejtrst day

and perform the penance that shall be

enjoined me, and to make restitution
and satisfaction wherever it shall be due
from me. For the love of thee, I for
give all my enemies; to thee, I offer up
my life, actions, and sufferings, in satis
faction for my sins ; and since I humbly

beg it of thee,I trust in thy goodness

and innite mercy that thou wilt forgive
me them, through the merits of thy
precious blood and passion, and wilt
give me grace to amend my life, and
to persevere in thy service unto my


Mos'r glorious St. Francis Xaverius!

apostle of the Indies, if it be for the
glory of God and to thy honour, that
I obtain what I desire and beg by per
forming this Novena, obtain'for me this
grace of our Lord: if not, guide my
petition and beg of our Lord for me
that which is most proper for his glory
and the benet of my soul.
0 G01) and Lord of the angels whom
thou dost intrust with the guardianship
of men, [make thee an offering of all

ql' llle Novena.


the merits of these heavenly spirits, and

of those of thy servant, Saint Francis

Xavcrius, who was called an angel for

his purity, and because he preserved

men from many spiritual and corporal
dangers. I beseech thee, grant me that
purity of soul and body which thou
(lidst confer on this thy holy apostle,
and that particular grace which I beg in
this Novena, to thy greater honour and
glory. Amen.
Here say thrice the Lords Prayer and
three Hail lllarys, and then the fol
lowing Prayerto St. Francis Xaeerius.
Mos'r holy Father, St. Francis Xap

verius! who receivest thy praises from

the mouths of innocent children, I
most humbly implore thy bountiful
charity for the sake of the most precious
blood of Jesus, and of the immaculate
conception of our blessed Lady Mother

of God; to the end thou mayest ob

tain of God's innite goodness, that

at the approach of my last hour my

heart may be separated and withdrawn
from all worldly thoughts and distrac


Theqst Day

tions, and be xed in the most ardent

love of him, and a vehement desire of

a happy eternity; so that, laying aside

the multiplicity of earthly things which
hitherto have perplexed me, I may
most diligently seek and perfectly nd
that one thing which is necessary, which
is, to die and rest in peace under the
protection of the most holy Virgin Mary,
in the wounds of Jesus her most blessed
Sun, in the sweet embraces of my God,

and in thy presence, holy saint! through

whose intercession I hope to obtain

this mercy. But yet whilst it shall

please the divine providence to preserve
my life, I beseech thee, my most loving
protector and most affectionate father, to

obtain for me of his divine Majesty that

I may live as I would wish to have lived
at the hour of my death; ever imitating

thy virtues and fullling the most holy

will of God; that so my temporal death

may be to me a passage into life ever

lasting. I also beseech thee to obtain
for me that which I ask in this Novena,

if it be for the glory of God, and the

. good of my soul.


"LP-f " vi 2w

of the Novena.


In the next place, you are to ash of

St. Fraruris Xaverins the particular
favour you desire to obtain, heighten
ing, as much as you can, your con

dence in him, with such words as

your aiwtionate thoughts shall sug
gest, or with such aspirations as your
devotion shall dictate.
Then the more to please this holy Apos

in imitation of him, say that

prayer which he himself composed,

and used to say every day for the
conversion of injidels; which is as
follows .


Creator of all

things, remember that thou alone didst

create the souls of indels, framing them
to thy own image and likeness: behold,
O Lord, how to thy dishonour, hell

daily is replenished with them: re

member, 0 Lord, thy only Son Jesus
Christ, who su'ered for them, most

bountifully shedding his precious blood:

su'er not, 0 Lord, thy Son and our

Lord to be any longer despised by in

dels; but rather, being appeased by

the entreaties and prayers of thy elect


The rst Day

the saints, and of the church, the most

blessed spouse of thy Son, vouchsafe

to be mindful of thy mercy; and, for
getting their idolatry and indelity,
cause them also to know him whom
thou didst send, Jesus Christ, thy Son
our Lord, who is our health, life, and
resurrection, th rough- whom we are made

free and saved, to whom be all glory for

ever. Amen.
Then conclude with the Prayer proper
to this Saint.
Amiph. Well done ! than good and
faithful servant; because thou hast been

faithful over .avfew things, I will place

thee over many things: enter into the
joy of thy Lord.

V. Our Lord hath guided the just

man by right ways.

R. And hath showed him the kingdom

of God.
The Prayer.
0 GOD! who wert pleased to reduce
to the bosom of thy church the nations
of the Indies, through the preaching
and miracles of St. Francis Xaverius

of the Novena.


mercifully grant us, that we may imitate

his virtues. whose glorious merits \9

hold in veneration.
Through Jesui
Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Commemoration of St. Ignatius of


'Tms man, despising the world, and
triumphing over earthly things, heaped
up riches in heaven byword and work.
V. The Lord loved and adorned him
R. A garment of glory he hath put
on him.

The Prayer.
0 G01)! who, for the propagation of
the greater glory of thy name, hast by

blessed Ignatius strengthened thy church

militant with new auxiliaries: graciously
vouchsafe that we, by his assistance and

imitation, solicitously combating upon

earth, 'may obtain with him an everlastp

lug crown in heaven.


The second Day

A Commemoration, 8;c., of


Apostle qf Ir elanu

0UR Lord has loved and adorned

him, he has clothed him with a garment

of glory, and crowned him at the Eat

of paradise.
V. 0ur Lord conducted the Just mail
by right ways.

R. And showed him the kingdom of


Let us pray.
O GOD, who has vouchsafed to send
the blessed Patrick, thy Confessor and
Bishop, to preach thy glory to nations ;

grant by his merits and intercession,

that what thou hast commanded us to

do, we may through thy mercy be able

to full: through our Lord.


Tbe second day.

LORD Jesus Christ, true God and
man, &c., as before on therst day.

Most glorious St. Francis Xaverius,

&c., as on the rst day, and so on all t/w
following days.

The third Day.


A Prayer for this Day.



of the


whom thou dost intrust with the most

weighty concerns of thy glory, and the

benet of men, I offer up to thee the
merits of these most diligent spirits: and
those of thy great servant St. Francis

Xaverius ! whom thou madest the min

ister of thy glory, and to whom thou
recommendest the spiritual welfare of
innumerable souls. I beseech thee,
grant that I may perform those duties
which thy most holy and divine will
hath imposed upon me, and also that I

may obtain that particular grace which

I beg of thee in this Novena, to thy

greater honour and glory.


The third Day.

Loan God of the Principalities!
who, according to the disposition of
thy divine will, by means of angels and
archangels, takes care of the welfare
of mankind, enlightening, instructing,

and governing them: I offer up to thee

the merits of those most zealous spirits,
and those of thy servant Saint Francis


The fourth and


Xaverius, who enlightened and convert

ed many kingdoms and provinces, and

in'them innumerable souls, not only by

himself but by his disciples and follow

ers, instructing, teaching,

meal of thi



l beseech thee grant me the

holy apostle, and the par

ticular petition lv tender in this Novena,

to thy honour and glory. Amen.
Thefourth day.
Loan God of the powers ! who hast
a special prerogative to curb the infernal
spirits: I o'er up to thee the'merits of
these most potent spirits, and those of
thy servant Saint Francis Xaverius, to:

whom thou gavest the singular power 06

expelling devils from bodies and souls.

I beseech thee, grant me the grace to

overcome all the temptations of the
devil, and that which I beg of thee in

this Novena, to thy greater honour and


Thefth day.

Loni) God of the Virtues l by whose

means thou workest miracles and pro
dlgics peculiar to thy sovereign power:

Tbe sixth Day.


I o'or up to thee the merits of those

most stupendous spirits, and those of

thy servant St. Francis Xaverius, whom
thou madest a new Thaumaturgus, or

worker of new and prodigious miracles,

renewing in him the signs and wonders
of the blessed apostles. that he might
discover the gospel to new nations. [
beseech thee. grant me that profound
humility wherewith Saint Francis Xave
rius amidst so many miracles sought thy
glory, and not his own honour: as also
' that which I beg in this Novena, to thy
greater honour and glory. Amen.

The sixth day.

LORD God of the Dominationsl
which preside over all inferior spirits
and ministers of thy providence, and
submit themselves to thy will, being

ever ready to full it ! I offer up to thee

the merits of these excellent spirits, and
those of Saint Francis Xaverius, who,

though superior to many, yet humbly

submitted himself to all superiors, in
them acknowledging thy majesty, and

readily fullling their commands. I

beseech thee, grant me a ready and


The seventh and eighth days.

perfect obedience to all my superiors,

and that special petition which 1 make
in this Novena, to thy greaterhonourand


The seventh day.

Loan God of the thrones! on whom

thou reposest as on the seat of thy glory
and chair of thy majesty: I offer up to
thee the merits of these supreme spirits,
and those of Saint Francis Xaverius,
that throne of thy glory, that vessel of
election, to convey thy name, to new
nations, who denied himself to himself,
and to all worldly things, casting them
out of his heart that thou alone might
possess it. I beseech thee, grant that
I may despise all worldly things, and
rest in thee alone; grant me also the
petition I make in this Novena, to thy

greater honour and glory.


The eighth day.

LORD God of the Cherubiml who
are adorned with most perfect wisdom

1 other up to thee the merits of these

The ninth day.


most knowing spirits, and those of thy

servant Saint Francis Xnverius wlnnn
thou didst grace with supereminent wis
dom, and to whom thou didst reveal

most profound secrets, that he might

teach thy law to many people and na
tions. I beseech thee, grant that I
may learn to fear and please thee, which

is true wisdom, and that by word and

example I may teach others to keep thy
- commandments, and that thou wilt also

grant me the favour I beg in this No

vena, to thy greater honour and glory.

The ninth day.

Loan God of the Seraphim! who
are inamed with the most ardent love
of thee: I o'er up to thee the merits
of these most fervent spirits, and those
of thy servant Saint Francis Xaverius,
who, like a seraph, was inamed with

thy love, conquering the innumerable

hardships and dangers of his life, to
please thee, and to make those know

and love thee, who before offended thee,

and knew thee not: I beseech thee
grant that I may love thee, my only


The Ch'ent'a Address.

God and Lord, and endeavour to bring

all men to the knowledge and love of

thee; and also that thou wilt grant me
that which I ask in the Novena, to thy
greater honour and glory. Amen.

The devout Clients Address to Saint

ANGELICAL youth, Aloysius, by
the particular appointment of God's
vicar upon earth, patron of those who
apply to studies! thou -who hast illus
trated the church by a holy contempt
of an earthly principality, but more by
the innocence of thy manner, sanctity

of thy life, and glory of thy miracles,

allow me, from this day, to choose and
adopt thee patron and protector of my
life and studies, rmly resolved to fol

low thy example and pattern, as well

of piety as of industry, thou hast put
before me. For the love thou hadst for
Christ crucied, and his most blessed
mother, receive me as thy client and
obedient servant; aid and assist me in

the pursuit of virtue and learning;

nourish and increase in me a purity of

b iiy and mind: turn o' the snares laid

Litany of St. Aloysius.


against my chastity; ward and defend

me against the dangers of the world;
inspire my heart with a true and lial
condence in the ever blessed Virgin
Mary, the Mother of good counsels;

govern and direct me in the choice of a

state of life, and let the grace of God

be my perpetual defence against all

mortal sin; that as thou always livedst
in a purity and integrity truly angelical,

so, assisted by thy patronage and aided

by the grace of God, I may live chastely
and holily in this world, and deserve
to be associated with thee, and joined
to the company of the angels in heaven.
The Litany of St. Aloysius.
Loan, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven, have mercy

upon us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy upon us.
God the Holy Ghost have mercy upon


Tbe Litany of

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy

upon us.
Holy Mary,
Holy Mother of God,

Holy Virgin of Virgins,

St. Aloysius,
Most beloved of Christ,
The delight of the blessed Virgin,
Most chaste youth,

Angelical youth,
Most humble youth,
Model of young students,
Despiser of riches,

Enemy of vanities,
Scorner of honours,
Honour of princes,

Jewel of the nobility,

Flower of innocence,
Ornament of a religious state,
Mirror of mortication,
Mirror of perfect obedience,

Lover of evangelical poverty,

Most affectionately devout,
Most zealous observer of the rules,
Most desirous of the salvation of

Perpetual adorer of the Euchanist,
Particular client of St. Ignatius, J


St. Aloysius.


Be merciful unto us, 0 Lord.

Graciously hear us, 0 Lord.

From the concupiscenco of the



From the concupiscenco of the


From the pride of life,

By the merits and intercession of
St Aloysius,

By his angelical purity,

By his sanctity and glory,

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins

of the world, spare us, 0 Lord.
Lamb of God who takest away the sins

of the world, graciously hear us, 0


Lamb of God who takest away the sins

of the world, have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
0ur Father, 810.

V. Pray for us, St. Aloysius.

R. That we may be made worthy of

the promises of Christ.


The Litany of
Let us pray.

O GOD, the distributor of heavenly

gifts, who didst join in the angelical

youth Aloysius wonderful innocence of

life, with an equal severity of penance ;

grant, through his merits and prayers,

that we who have not followed the ex

ample of his innocence, may imitate
his practice of penance. Through our
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
AFTER the canonization of the
angelical youth, Aloysius, which was

decreed by his holiness Benedict XIII.

with a particular view, among many
other laudable motives, to qir to the

imitation and veneration, especially of

young persons, a youth most conspicu
ous for his innocence of life.- the
younger persons were not the only vo

taries of a saint who seemed to be

appointed their peculiar patron; the
devotion soon became general and com
mon to all. In order to promote and
encourage the same, by the concur
rence of the Apostolical See, Clement
XII. extended the plenary indulgence
granted by his predecessors, to any

s1. Anya...


one who, on his feast, should go to his

altar; to those also who should pray

before an altar where his feast happened
to be kept.
Heaven seemed to give its sanction
to this zeal of the faithful, by the fre

quent and wonderful favours granted

and ob'tained through his powerful in
tercession, and the pious custom of
assigning six Sundays, without inter
mission, in honour of the saint, and in

memory of the six years he had lived

in the Society of Jesus, was introduced
and observed. How agreeable a devo
tion of this nature was, Saint Aloysius
has showed by many and very signal
blessings bestowed on his clients; so
that the same Clement XlL, as he

speaks himself, to nourish so salutary a

practice towards Saint Aloysius, approved
from heaven by many favours, as well
spiritual as temporal, has granted ple
nary indulgences on each of the above
Sundays to them, who, by true and
sincere repentance,

by a worthy com

munion, by a serious application to

mental or vocal prayer, and other good
worhs of piety, performed in honour


Lifany qfSt. Aloysius.

of the mint, and directed to the greater

glory of God, shall suuctijy the said


The manner of performing the devo

tion of the six Sundays, is as follows :
1. 0n each of these Sundays, let
the person who performs this devotion
choose St. Aloysius for his patron, and
receive the sacraments of penance and
the holy Eucharist.

2. On that day let him be present

either at some confraternity or sodality,
or at least hear a mass in honour of the

3. Let him recite, on each day,

either before some image of the saint,

or in the church, six Paters and Aves.

with the Gloria Patri, the Litany of

the saint, &c.

4. Let him perform some work of

mercy, spiritual or corporal, according

to his ability, and as his devotion shall


5. Let him spend some time in

meditating, and for the subject of his

meditation on each Sunday, let him take
one of the virtues which Saint Bonaven

ture nds expressed in the wings of the

A Prayer, &c.


scraphim, seen by the prophet Isaiah.

These virtues are, compunclion of heart,
satisfaction ofpenance, clcamwss qfbody,
purity of mind, love of God, and love qour neighbour.

With these virtues, as

with so many wings, did the angelical

Aloysius y to that height of perfection,

as to resemble in some manner the very

angels themselves."

A Prayer to be said each Sunday acr

Ute six Paters and Aves, &c.
ANGELIOAL youth, most loving
protector and powerful advocate, Aloy
sius! as thy most unworthy servant and
client, yet sensible of the favours thou

onjoyest with God, the just reward of

thy merit, l humbly prostrate myself
before the throne of thy glory. I re
joice from my soul, not only for the
renown of thy name, illustrious upon

earth, by frequent and glorious prodi

gics; but also am overjoyed for the
sublime pre-eminence with which'God
has been pleased to crown thy virtues

in heaven. Praise and glory he to the

most sacred Trinity, who embellished


A Prayer qftev' the

thy soul with a most admirable inno

cence and with so many heroic virtues.
Blessed be the eternal Father, who is

well pleased in thee his adopted child,

adorned with so singular prerogatives
Blessed be God the Son, who sees in

thee so pure and so abundant fruit of

his precious blood and passion. Blessed

be the Holy Ghost, who resided in thee

after a particular manner, and inamed
thy heart with an ardent love and
charity. By these so singular favours,
by thy innocence and penance, equally

admirable; by that love of God which

burnt in thy breat; by his love for
thee, and

by the unspeakable


and happiness thou enjoyest in heaven,

give me leave in a suppliant manner
to entreat thy goodness, to obtain for
me a true contrition and repentance, an
nndeled purity of heart, and a con

science free from sin and all o'ences of


Be thou ever present to me, pro

tect and defend me as well in life as in.

death, when my weakness will stand;

most in need of, and call for, thy power

ful assistance. Let me also, my dear '
and indulgent patron, most earnestly

Six Palm-e and Aves.


beg the particular grace of N. N. which

I condently hope to obtain through thy

holy intercession.

0 Queen of heaven, Virgin Mother!

who so much lovest Aloysius, intercede

with thy only begotten Son, that under

thy patronage some weight may he added
to my poor and unworthy prayers:
grant this my request, founded not on
my own, which are none, but the merits

of St. Aloysius.

0 most holy Virginl

may all know and be sensible, that

thou wouldst have Aloysius honoured
and respected, and that, as a true mo

ther, thou embrncest uch as have re

course to his protection and patronage.

May the number of the faithful who

honour thee, 0 Queen of Angels! and
the angelica-l Aloysius, here on earth,
be daily increased, and may they yet

more praise and glorify you both it

heaven for all eternity.


A prayer to our Angel- Guardian.

0 ANGEL of God! who art my
guardian, watch over me whom the
divine goodness has committed to thy
charge ; direct me, keep me, and defend


P'myers, ti'c.

me from evil spirits, and all misfortunes.

To our monthly Patron.
0 GREAT saint I seeing that our
Lord has especially intrusted me to thy
leal, and to thy inexhaustible charity,
in the course of this month, vouchsafe

to take me particularly under thy pro

tection; deliver me from all dangers of
soul and body, and obtain from me the

grace of having my heart inamed with

the divine love of Jesus.


To all the Saints.

0 MOST blessed Saints! I heartily

rejoice and congratulate with you for
your present eternal felicity, and I be
seech you, that amongst all your joys
you forget not my miseries. Behold, I

cast myself body and soul into your


Take me, therefore, for Jesus

Christ's sake from this moment, under

your perpetual care and protection: and
eing nowsecure of your own happiness,
showyourselt'solicitousformine. Direct
me in all my actions during my life, and
in the moment of my departure receive
me into your blessed company, Amen.

Prayers, &c.

3| 1

Prayerafor the Fail/ful dqxzrhd.

0 Goa, the Creator and Redeemer
of all the faithful i give to the souls of
thy servants departed, remission of all

their sins, that through pious supplicn

tions they may obtain the pardon they

have always desired. Amen.

0 God! whose property is always to
have mercy and to spare, we humbly

beseech thee, for the soul of thy servant

N. which thou hast this day called out
of this world, that thou wouldst not

deliver it up into the hands of the one

my, nor forget it unto the end, but

command it to be received by thy holy

angels, and to be carried to paradise, its
true country; that as in thee it had faith

and hope, it may not su'er the pains of

hell, but may take possession of everlast

ing joys, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Absolve, we beseech thee, 0 Lordl

the soul of thy servant N., that, being

dead to the world, he may live to thee ;

and whatever he has committed in this

life, through human frailty, do thou of
thy merciful goodness forgive, through

our Lord Jesus Christ.



The Beads, &c.

The Beads for the Souls in Purgawry,

YOU will use the common beads, or

rosary, observing only the following


Enter upon this pious practice with

reciting the De Profundis. Say the Our
Father, as it occurs in the usual order
of the beads, and let the ensuing prayer

he used in place of the Hail Mary.

0 sweet Jesus l Father of Mercy l

compassionately relieve the soul of my

poor N. (name the person you pray
for) departed this life, and grant him
everlasting repose. Amen."
Or if you choose to recommend the
cause of your deceased friend to the
powerful intercession of the ever blessed
Virgin, you will use this address.
0 sweet Virgin Maryl Mother of
Mercy! pray for the soul of my poor
N. departed this life, and obtain for him

everlasting repose. Amen."

Concerning Indulgences.
AN Indulgence is a releasing of tem
poral punishment, due to such sins as
are already forgiven by the sacrament
of penance.

Cmwemmg mdulgenm


An indulgence for the dead remits

the pains in purgatory, not by way of
absolution, or jurisdiction, but onl by

way of prayer or suffrage accepted by

To gain an indulgence, the person
must he in the state of grace, and per

form the particulars required for the

obtaining of the indulgence whilst ac

tually in that state.

A plenary indulgence, duly obtained,

is a full and entire remission of all the
temporal punishment due to sin.
A particular indulgence is a remission
of a part of the temporal punishment
due to sin.
Though by the sacrament of penance
duly received, the contrite sinner is

reinstated in the favour and friendship

of God, and consequently the guilt of
eternal damnation cancelled and blotted
out; yet from hence it no way follows,
that all the punishment due for our sins
is always remitted. Faith teaches us
the contrary; and the Church, under
the direction of the Holy Ghost, ever

imposes some temporal punishment,

which we call satisfaction, on the


Cumming rmiulgences.

persons receiving this sacrament, even

in time of its greatest indnlgences and
The primitive church was more re

markable in the severity used on these

occasions: not that there was any doubt
either of the true or sufficient disposi
tions of the penitent, or of the virtue or
eicacy of the absolution; but a satis

faction, or penal austerity, sometimes

even of seven, ten, or more years; of
ten of ten, twenty, or forty days, was

The Church, as an indulgent mother,
ever compassionating the weakness of
her children, and nding herself in the
snperabundant merits of her spouse
Jesus Christ, possessed of an innite
treasure, dispenses these her riches, by

indnlgences and jubilees to the faithful,

in proportion to their wants, and the

solemnity of the occasion. She more
over points out to each one, by means
-of the particular injunctions prescribed
in her grant of these blessings, how
and in what manner we may apply these
treasures _to our own advantage, and
by them pay the whole or part of the

Ofn Jubilee.


debt we have contracted by our trans

gressions. So that an indulgence of ten
years, forty days, and the like, is in
our regard, by acquitting ourselves of
what is mentioned and required by and

in the grant, (as the saying of so many

Palms and Aves, giving such and such

alms, Bro.) equivalent and equal to the

atonement and satisfaction we should
or might make to the divine justice, by

the performance of a ten years austerity,

or a forty days penance, &c., enjoined
by the ancient canons, now mitigated in
this manner.

Of a Jubilee

A JUBILEE is a solemn plenary in

dulgence accompanied with certain pri
vileges, relating to censurcs and dispen
sations granted to the inferior pastors
of the church by the superior Ponti',
and specified in his balls or orders.
directed to them for that purpose. It is
granted every twenty-fth year ; as also
upon other extraordinary occasions, to
such as, being truly peniteut, shall

worthily receive the blessed sacrament, ,


Prayer for the

and perform the other conditions of

fasting, alms, and prayers, usually pre
scribed at such times.

A prayer for the whole stateof Christ's

Church upon earth, and all the inten
tions of the Indulgence.

0vETERNAL Father of our Lord

Jesus Christ, Creator of all things visi

ble and invisible. Source of all good!

innitely gracious, bountiful, and good
to us; behold I thy poor servant, the
work of thy hands, redeemed by the
blood of thy only Son, come to present
myself as an humble petitioner before
the throne of thy mercy. I prostrate
myself here before thee, and most hum_

hly beseech thee to sanctify thy own most

holy name, by sanctifying and exalting
thy holy Gatholic Church throughout
the whole world. 0 eternal king! who
has sent thy only Son down from thy
throne above, into this earth of ours,

to establish a kingdom here amongst

us, from whence we might hereafter

be translated to thy eternal kingdom:

look down, we beseech thee, upon this

kingdom of thy Son, and propagate

Inlznliona qfan Indulgenu.


it through all nations, and through all

tain it
Give to

sanctify it in all truth; main

in peace, unity, and holiness.
it saints for its rulers, its chief
and all its other prelates: en

lighten them all with heavenly wisdom,

and make them all men according to thy
own heart. Give thy grace and bless
ing to all the clergy, and send amongst
them that heavenly re, which thy Sou
came to cast on the earl/z, and which

he so earnestly desired should be en

hindled. Assist and protect all apos
tolical missionaries, that they may zeal
ously and effectually promote thy glory,
and the salvation of souls redeemed by

the blood of thy Son.

Sanctify all

religious men and women of all orders :

give them the grace to serve thee with
all perfection according to the spirit of
their institute, and to shine like lights

to the rest of the faithful. Have mercy

on all Christian princes: grant them
those lights and graces that are neces
sary for the perfect discharge of their
duty to thee and to their subjects; that
they may be true servants to thee, the

King of kings, true fathers to their


Prayer for the

people, and nursing fathers to thy

church. Have mercy on all magistrates
and men in'power; that they may all

fear thee, love thee, and serve thee, and

ever remember that they-are thy depu
ties and ministers of thy justice. Have
mercy on all thy people throughout the
world, and give thy blessing to thine
inheritance: remember thy congrega
tion which thou hast possessed from the

beginning; and give that grace to all

thy children here upon earth, that they
may do thy holy will in all things, even

as the blessed do in heaven.

Extend thy mercy also to all poor
indels that sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death; to all'those nations
that know not thee, and that have not

yet received the faith and law of thy

Son their Saviour: to all Pagans, Maho
metans and Jews. Remember, 0 Lord!

that all those poor souls are made aftel

thy own image and likeness, and re

deemed by the blood of thy Son: 0 let

not Satan any longer exercise his tyran

ny over these thy creatures, to the great

dishonour of thy name. Let not the
.nrecious blood of thy Son be shed for

Intentions of an Indulgence.


them in vain. Send among them zeal

ous preachers, and apostolic labourers,
endued with the like graces and gifts as
the apostles were, and bless them with
the like success for the glory of thy
name: that all these poor souls may be
brought to know thee, love thee, and

serve thee here in thy church, and bless

thee hereafter for all eternity.
Look down also with an eye of pity
and compassion upon all those deluded
souls, who, under the name of Chris

tians, have gone astray from the paths

of truth and unity, and from the one

fold of the one Shepherd, thy only Son

Jesus Christ, into the bye paths of error

and schism. 0 bring them back to

thee and to thy church. Dispel their
darkness by thy heavenly light: take

off the veil from before their eyes, with

which the common enemy has blind
folded them; let them see how they

have been misled by misapprehensions

and misrepresentations. Remove the
prejudices of their education ; take
away from them the spirit of obsti
nacy, pride, and self conceit. Give
hem 1m humble and docile heart. Give


Prayerfm' the

them a strong desire of nding out the

truth, and a strong grace to enable
them to embrace it, in spite of all the

opposition of the world, the esh, and

the devil. For why should these poor
souls perish for which Christ died?
Why should Satan any longer possess
these souls, which by their baptism

were dedicated to thee to be thy eternal

temple ?

0 Father of Lights, and God of all

Truth! purge the whole world from all
errors, abuses, corruptions, and vices.
Beat down the standard of Satan, and

set up every where the standard of

Christ. Abolish the reign of sin and
establish the kingdom of grace in all
hearts. Let humility triumph over
pride and ambition: charityover hatred,

envy, and malice: purity and temper

ance, over lust and excess: meekness

over passion: and disinteresteduess and

poverty of spirit over covetousness and
the love of this perishable world. Let
the gospel of Jesus Christ, both in its

belief and practice, prevail throughout

the whole universe.
Grant to us thy peace, 0 Lord! in
the days of our mortality; even llet

nrentimls of an Indulgence.


peace which thy Son bequeathed as a

legacy to his disciples; a perpetual

peace with thee; a perpetual peace
with one another; and a perpetual
peace within ourselves. Grant that all
Christian Princes may love, cherish,
and maintain an inviolable peace among
themselves. Give them a right sense
of the dreadful evils that attend on wars.
Give them an everlasting horror of all

that bloodshed, of the devastation and

ruin of so many territories; of the in
numerable sacrileges, and the eternal
loss of so many thousand souls as are

the dismal consequences of war.


their hearts to another kind of warfare;

teach them to ght for a heavenly

ltemove, 0 Lordl thy wrath, which
we have reason to apprehend already

hanging over our heads for our sins.

Deliver all Christian people from the
dreadful evil of mortal sin: make all

sinners sensible of their misery; give

tncm the grace of a sincere conversion
to thee, and a truly penitcntial spirit,

322 Prayerr the Intentions, &c.

and discharge them from all their bonds.
Preserve all ehristendom, and in par
ticular this nation, from all the evils

that threaten impenitent sinners ; such

as plagues, famines, earthquakes, res,
inundations, mortality of cattle, sud

den and unprovided death, and thy

many other judgments here, and eter
nal damnation hereafter. v Comfort all
that are under aliction, sickness, or

violence of pain: support all that are

under temptation; reconcile all that are
at variance;

deliver all that are in

slavery or captivity; defend all that

are in danger ; grant relief to all in their
respective necessities; give a happy
passage to all that are in their agony.
Grant thy blessing to our friends and
benefactors; to all those for whom we

are particularly bound to pray, and

have mercy on all our enemies. Give
eternal rest to all the faithful departed,

and bring us all to everlasting life.

Through Jesus Clu'ist thy Son.



Of Agnus DciJ.
AN Agnus Dei (so called from the
image of the Lamb of God impressed
on the face of it) is made of virgin
wax, balsam, and chrism, blessed ac

cording to the form prescribed in the

Roman Ritual. The spiritual eicacy,
or virtue of it, is gathered from the
prayers that the church makes use of in
the blessing of it, which is to preserve

him who carries an Agnus Dei, or any

particle of it, about him, from any
attempts of his spiritual or temporal
enemies; from the dangers of re, of

water, of storms and tempests, of

thunder and lightning, and from a sud
den and unprovided death. It puts the
devils to ight, succours women in
child-bed, takes

away the

stains of

past sins, and furnishes us with new

grace for the future, that we may be

preserved from all adversities and perils

both in life and death, through the cross
a'nd merits of the Lamb, who redeemed
and washed us in his blood.
The Pope consecrates the Agnus
Deis the rst year of his ponticate,


Prayer to be daily said.

and afterwards every seventh year, on

Saturdaybefore Low-Sunday,wh;h man y
solemn ceremonies and devout prayers.
Fran. Cost. Lib. 4. Christian Institut.
cap. 12.

The use of the Agnus Dei is so an

cient, that it is now above 960 years

since Pope Leo, the third of that name,

made a present of one to the Emperor
Charles the Great, who received it
from the hands of his Holiness, as a
treasure sent him from heaven, and
reverenced it with a singular piety and
devotion, as it is recounted in the book

intituled, Registr. Sum. Pontt''.

A Prayer to be daily said @ those who
carry about them an Agnus Dei.
0 MY Lord Jesus Christ, the true
Lamb that takest away the sins of the
world! by thy mercy, which is innite,
pardon my iniquities, and by thy sacred
passion preserve me this day from all
sin and evil. I carry about me this
holy Agnus in thy honour, as a preser
vative against my own weakness, and
as an incentive to the practice of that




Secret of living with Content. 825

which thou hast taught. l o'er myself
up to thee as an entire oblation, and in
memory of that sacrice of love thou
o'eredst for me on the cross, and in
satisfaction for my sins. Accept, O my
God, the oblatiou I make, and may it

be agreeable to thee in the odour of



The true Secret of living wt]: Content

and dying with Joy, in a religious


To a devout Religious.

IF you have been careful and zealous

in answering the call of your amiable
Jesus, who, preferable to thousands of
others, has chosen you for his spouse,

remember it is not suflicient to have be

gun well, you must also persevere with
courage, and nish with resolution what

you have so happily begun.


verance perfects, and the end crowns the

To this e'ect, cons. der whether your

heart be disengaged from the world and

worldly maxims. Are you above pri


I. With regard to God.

vate interest and self-inclination, or is

God the sole object of all your views?

You made yourself religions, that, serv

ing him here, you might be happy with

him hereafter. The change qfmanners,
and not the change of dress, mahes the
true religious. Judge by the ensuing
I. With regard to God.
Awaxmo from sleep, have God
before your eyes; walk in his pre
sence during the day, and that with a
respect partaking of humility and con
dence. He that walhs brfore God
will 'not stumble. Having an upright
intention in whatever you do, make
this agreement with your heavenly
Spouse: each action of the day, word,
thought, or motion, shall be to thy ho
nour, praise, and love.
As this is
small, I unite to them, and offer, what
ever the church, either militant or tri

umphant, o'ers t0 the glory of thy

name: you at the same time give me
grace to serve you worthily, and such

blessings to my friends and relations

as they stand in need of.

An action

1. lVit/t regard to God.


with a due attention, is as a body wit/tout

a soul.

If such an action has any appa

rent beauty in it, be assured it is not

real : it is only an inanimate carcase.

All for God is the watch-word of the
day. Have this continually in your
heart, and frequently in your mind.
Nothing will follow you after death,
but what you have given to God during
life. Humbly submit yourself in all
occurrences to the will of your Creator.
Repeat often, both in words and in
your heart, 0 my God! may thy holy
will in me, and in my regard, be ever
accomplished. All sanctity, and every
lenitive of su'erings, is found in due
conrmity to the will of Almighty God.
The exercise of devotion, and prac
tice of the rules, ought never to give
way, save only to obedience, sickness,

and necessity. Let your care chiey

be about such devotions asthe rule
prescribes. Be not over solicitous as
to those which pertain to your private
devotion. Nor is it suicient to have
a due intention; you must join to that
an attention also, such a one as may

answer the greatness of the majesty


II. With regard to

you serve; nor should you be deterred

by whatever disgust, aridities, or temp

tations you meet with.

The soul be

comes tedious, when deserted by devo

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, ought to

he the tender objects of your devotion;

your angel guardian, the founder of
your order, and saints of your name,

should never be forgot.

Thanks are

due to them for the benets received,

and your piety will engage them in

your interest. An achnowledgment of

received, is a pledge q new

ones. Ingratitude dries up the source

of innumerable blessings.

II. With regard to your cute in 11' e.

ABOVE all things in the world,
have the greatest love and esteem of
your avocation. God has called you
to that state; the ever-blessed Virgin
in particular, and your other patrons,
have obtained this for you. Pray to
them, return them thanks, and beg
they would make you worthy of so

your date of Life.


signal a benet. Esteem your own as

most proper for you, but still with mo
deration. The daughter who is profuse
in the praises of her mother, and dero
gatory to the commendation of others,
shows clearly that she is full of vanity,
and, drawing upon herself the ridicule
of the company, discredits rather than
honours her family.
Be very punctual in the exact per
formance of all your rules, and break
not any of them through human respect
or complaisance.
The rules are the
eIm/sters of a religious soul ,- whosoever,
therefore, transgresses the least of them,

gives an opportunity to the enemy, who

may breah in and spoil the best offruit.
There may happen in a religious
community, however exact or perfect,
some disturbances ; some growling party
in favour of some particular, and de

pression of others. Those unhappily

concerned in these courses form private
conventiclesunderhand spread com
plaints, and, at the expense of charity,
carry on some private animosity, some

sinister interest or View opposite to the

public advantage. Devout soul! cuter


II. lVith regard to

not into the like parties ; y from their

meetings, and in no wise join in the
(lisunion. Regularity, even in its very
name, is quite lost, where these distur

bances are not suppressed ,- and in place

thereof conlsion alone reigns.
Let obedience govern your motions.
An oflice or charge is put upon your
shoulders : perform itwith readiness and
exactness. The honourof Godand your
own spiritual advantage is concerned in
your exact discharge of this employ,
and no other; this charge is the means
of your sanctication, which providence
has allotted. Be faithful in that however mean it may appear, or contrary

to your inclinations; perform the same

with alacrity, fervour, and humility.

Such is the order of God, such his divine'

will, and nothing honours and pleases
his divine Majesty so much as a punctual
performance of, and submission to his
blessed will.
You meet in the chapter, your opinion
is required; your vote of suffrage de
manded: crave light of the Holy Ghost,
and act as one solieitous for the honour

of God, your own advantage, and that

your state of Lls.


01' your comniunity. Su'er not your

mind to bebiassed by any party interest
or friendship. These are a sort of bri
bery and corruption that inuence our
passions; and a commonwealth under

the inuence of

must be miser

able, and cannot long subsist.

Respect and love your superiors;

have recourse to them in all your necessi
ties with condence and a lial candour.
Payu due regard to whatever they com

mand, and obey the least intimation of

their will, not because they excel in any

particular quality or pre-eminence, but

because they are your superiors, and the

channel through which, by the appoint

ment of Providence, the blessings of
, heaven are conveyed to you. Whoever
should endeavour, by whatever means,

to remove this happy understanding be

tween the subject and superior, believe
me, I speak with the utmost assurance,
and be convinced that such an one is an

enemy of religion, and a minister of

Satan ; a member digointed from the

head, that must of necessity wither and

But you will say, perhaps, that you


Regard to your Sisters.

live unhappily under a superior, who,

either out of humour, inconsideration,

or animosity, makes no ceremony in

mortifying you on every occasion, with
out regard to time or place. Your duty
and obligation is still the same. You
ought to consider what you owe to your
divine Master, who called you to this

state, and whose example in the dere

liction he su'ered, has given you a pat
tern to act by. He is your Father, and
if you meet with such treatment under
this your stepmother, he himself will
show you are his child.
II I. With regard to your Sisters.
THOSE with whom you live, viz. the
community of which you are a member,

have an undoubted claim to your gootk

opinion, and that you should always put
a favourable construction on their words
and actions, and never relate to a third

person what you may have heard any

particular person say, that lessens the
value of their fame or reputation. A
suspicious mind is never at rest ,- the

detractor causes coufusion ,- discard it

worse than the devil ,- and all three are

exposed'to'thc dmlgrr 1y" damnation

Regard to your Siam-s.


Love those who are under the same

rule with yourself, love them for the
sake of Jesus Christ, and let your love

be manifest by the regard you show for

them. Serve them in whatsoever hes
in your power. There are two great
rocks you must avoid, viz. aversion, and

particular friendship; both are dangerous and destructive; the one to your
own conscience; the other to edice
tion; both to devotion and perfection.

An aversion to our neighbour is contrary

to Christianity,- and particular friend
ship destrql/s a religious perfection.
Above all things, take care not to
exasperate, alict, or even disorder those

with whom you live: the Holy Ghost

vhie contristated thereby, and becomes the

defender of those who are alicted. Be

not curious to pry into the actions or
words of others; that cannot contribute

to your perfection, nor be of any help

to you in the performance of your oice.

Never was a curious person truly de


Envy not another, because she is in

greater favour or more preferred than
yourself. Rather rejoice and Hess God

Regard to yourself!
on the occasion.

Charity turns every

thing into gold, and makes every ones

virtues our own advantage.

Envy poi

soned Luctrs happiness in heaven, and

still increases his torments in hell.

Shut your eyes and ears to the faults
of others. If their virtues be the sub
ject of discourse, lend your attention
with joy, and extol them according to
their merits; but employ not your ta

lents in discovering their faults and ble

mishes. Lamentable is the condition of
the spider, that turns the sweetest meat
into poison : happy that of the bee, which
gathers honey from the most hitter ow
ers. Abhor the one and follow the
IV. With regard to yourself.
FLY idleness: it is the source of all
other evils. Keep yourself employed,
yet not so as to be overpowered with

As the disease; of the body

are occasioned by emptiness as well as

repletion ,- so are the imperfections of
the soul, by idleness andercess in occupa


Regard to your-ref


Since the observance of silence is a

great duty, keep it exactly, and it will
preserve you from a thousand evils, and

draw upon you as many blessings.


silence, tlle soul speahs to her beloved.

The heart wit/rout silence will not easily

be governed.
Avoid singularity; not only in as
much as concerns the care of the body,
but the soul also. Be not singular in
your devotions. This spirit will lead
you astray, and expose you to dangers
and the deceits of your enemy.


is the mother of singularity, and nds

its ends wherever it getsfooting.
You may lawfully place an esteem
and condence in another, as long as
it is conducive to your spiritual ad
vancement; but be careful the same

degenerate not into a sensual satisfac

tion, or be upheld by too frequent con
versations, accompanied with over much
solicitude, and in absence, with dejec

tion and desolation. Friends/lips among

young people, even out of the best mo
titles, are often dangerous.- they are
bleiotlen in spirit, but do not always and



Regard to your Vows.

Bear patiently such alictions, either

corporal or spiritual, as may from time

to time befall you. Support yourself
under them by a pious consideration of
your dear Redeemer; by reecting on
the sufferings of our blessed Lady, and

those of other saints.

Even accustom

yourself to those trials by a voluntary

and daily morticatiou of your senses,
in honour of the ve wounds of our
Saviour, or by that of the three powers
of your soul, in honour of the ever

adorable Trinity. The livery of the

heavenly spouse is white and red :-pu
rity of heart and mortg'lication. She that
disdains to carry this livery is unworthy,
'not only of the august name of Spouse,
but also of the privileges those ery'oy who
are of the number of his family.

V. With regard to your Vows.

BY your vows you have bound your
self to God. Be faithful to your pro
mise. They are the very being of a
religious state. Vows, duly ol'ser'ved,
are the wings that raise the soul to

Regard to your Vows.

heaven ,-


the same neglected, becomes a

load that weighs us down to hell.

Be poonKeep nothing extraordi
nary by you, without express leave or

necessity. Neither give nor take with

out license from your superior. Foolish
is that person, who, after having brohe

through the chains of gold and silver

which captivate so many in the world,
lets herself in religion be bound with
axen bonds, 1 mean with toys and tri es.
Obey with alacrity, with fervour, joy,

and respect: God has appointed one in

his place to govern you. It is God, not
his substitute, you obey, and the obe

dient person speahs of victories. This

is the reward of the religious soul in
life: her recompense after death will
be an eternal crown of glory.
Chastity, a virtue so dear to your
heavenly Spouse, must be as much che
rished and preserved as the apple of
your eye. Let no intruding thought
sully its lustre. Neither death nor
life can rob us of so inestimable a tree

One raised ubooe her brrth and

merit to the espousals of a great pnnrie,

if defective in point of delity, is truly


With regard

deserving of the utmost reproach and

Humility is the common guard of these
and all other virtues. It is the solid
foundation of religious perfeetion, and
measure of its height. Make it your
study to excel in this; seek the lowest

place; deem yourself unworthy of the '

least regard, and rejoice in being thought
so by others. Praise and glory are not
due to you; these belong and are to be
referred to God only. Be humble for
the love of Jesus Christ; tahe pleasure
in being loohed upon as the lowest in this
world, and you shall be exalted in the
VI. l/Vith regard to your Inferiors.
As superiors, you ought to be united
with God, and most jealous of his
honour: most humble in heart, and in

every action in life: a mirror of charity ;

zealous for the advantage of those under
your care; and circumspect in your
management with externs. She
hnows what is due to God, her neigh- .
hour and herself; may govern the world

to your In eriors.


to the honour of God, and the advantage

qfeach particular.

You ought to stand centinel against

all surprise of the enemy, whilst in your
religious repose, and lift up your hands
to heaven, that no imperfection break
in upon the community, whilst they

divert themselves. Theymay very easily

be indi'erent, or even somewhat ne

glectful, of themselves, as they know and

are sensible you are upon the watch,

and provide whatever is expedient for

their health and perfection. In a word,
look upon them as your sisters, and
yourself as their mother, and you will
always love, help, and assist them.

Remember they are really the beloved

spousesof Jesus Christ, your Lord and

Master, and yoh will always have the

greatest esteem, respect, and even reve
rence for them. You are a Shepherd .
the welfare of your och, the riches of
your divine lllaster, and your own record

and recompense, depend 01- your can

and vigilance. ~

340 '

With regard

Compassionate your religions in their

inrmities; treat them with tenderness ;
give your orders with mildness, and let

the moderation you use appear even

in the tone of your voice. Grant the
favour demanded at your hands with an
air of satisfaction; and, if a refusal be

expedient, refuse with compassion and

benevolence. Reprimand them with cir
cumspection and tenderness, and then
only when necessity requires, and after

you have recommended the affair to

Almighty God. He must speak to the
heart, and will speak eicaciously if
you ask him. Should any one have
conceived an oence against you, be
on the rst to procure a reconciliation.
If the bee withdraws not immediately
the sting from the wanna it mahes, what
will be the event? It pe'rishes by the
poison it leaves.
I on have read the dreadful history of
certain superiors of a celebrated reli
giuus order, who appeared all in ames.

The cause was, they had neglected reli

gious dicipline in their subjects, letting

"I?!" 30 on Without a due regard to the

ru-e; and not to displease some par

to your Inferiors.


ticulars, had permitted the whole to

be corrupted. Upon this consideration,
when you meet with such in your com
munity, as lenitives cannot cure, use

those remedies that may be more corro

sive but not violent.

Jesus Christ, the

patron and example you ought to follow,

thong-h mildness itself, rebuked St. Peter
severely on different occasions, and cor
rected the other apostles with resolution.

You know in what tone he reproached

the Scribes and Pharisees. The good
shepherd carries with him vinegar as
well as oil: both have their proper uses ,
and there are wounds which cannot be

cured but by the application as well if

the one as the other.

All will go well, and to your satis

faction, if your subjects have a love

and esteem for you. That you may he

beloved, give the example by loving
them rst yourself.

Esteem will rise

from a becoming discharge of your em

ploy, and your own particular compliance
in each part of your religious profession.
Your subjects will have an entire reli

ance on you if you yourself are true to


With regara

the trust they conde to your secrecy.

and careful of their ease and comfort.
Lave, esteem, and conderwe, are the

three virtues, or triple cord, by which

the soul of the subject is united m the
superior, and which the powers qf hell
cannot breah.
VII. With regard to Seculars.
BE awlays circumspect, and even re

served in your treating with worldlings.

Let yourdiscourse be short, and seasoned
with a becoming devotion; each motion

and gesture within its proper bounds;

your countenance and actions humble,
modest, and suitable to your profession.

Unhappy the religious, who, instead qf

gaining the secular over to virtue and
piety, becomes herself a prey to worldly
vanity and emptiness.
If the subject of your discourse falls
on the customs and rules of your monas
tery, and much more on your fellow
religious, praise and commend the one

and the other.

Cain was cast off by

Almighty God, and a Vagabond uuou

earhnnder sentence of death, forat

"""Ptmg 0!] the life of his brother.

to Seoul/11's.


She who lays open the faults of her con

vent, and tahes away the good reputation
of her community, becomes more criminal
than the above-mentioned, and more de
serving ofpunishment.
What does it concern you how things
pass in the world ? The inquiry is dan
gerous to you, displeasing to God, and

disedifying to your neighbour.


such conversations rise, turn them off,

and ing the discourse into another

channel. The Israelites in the desert,
even whilst fed from heaven, betrayed
on the esh-pots
taste and of
Egypt, and
for that reason were brought to a very
severe account.

Su'er not, under any pretext what

ever, the least word to escape you that
bears a tendency to what the world calls
passion, a'ectation, or polite conver


Fly, with aversion, the least

opening to such subjects, and put a

stop to such fooleries with indignation.

The serpent hills with his breath, and
destroys by infection. When was the
abomination of desolation lamented by
the prophets. and foretold by Christ,


IViill regard

completed in the temple, but when

sensuality, under the borrowed shape
of a soft Adonis, was erected there?
Our sanctuaries are still more holy than

the temple, and the profanation more

detestable, when softness or sensuality
even appear in them. The soul engaged
to God in the vows of religion, by fold
and loose desires becomes odious and abo

minable, and lwll itself is too light a pun

ishmentjbr such a p'rqfanation.
Ask yourself frequentlythis question :
For what intent did I enter into reli

gion ? What should I wish tohave done

were I at this hour to appear before the
dread tribunal of God?

0h! how dis

mal will be the confusion of a soul

which, during life, was thought holy
and perfect, if before God it is then
cast o" and condemned? What re~

proaehes from former friends, relations,

and acquaintances? How will it bear
up against the insults of the devil, who

will utterly despise the soul that has


the substantial and real

pleasures of the world, and after all

lets itself to be taken with, and eternally

108$ for, the shadow of them?


to Secular:


will it answer to God for the graces,

favours, and lights imparted, received,

neglected and abused?

0n the other

sale, with what jubilee will the virtuous

and truly religious soul enter into the

blessed mansions of the heavenly Jeru
salem, in recompense of its labours and

delity ? With what praises and bless

ings of all the glorious inhabitants will
it be received? Pray, therefore, for
your parents, benefactors, and friends i

pray for the advantage of your own

family, and for the private and public
exigencies of the church. Pray daily
for your enemies, for the conversion of

sinners, the increase of the glory of

God. and allow a small share, a small

remembrance in your holy prayers, to,


"our most humble and devoted

Servant in Christ,
N. N.

The Night Prayers.
LET us enter in spirit into the
adorable Heart of Jesus; let us place

ourselvesin the presence of God! let

us adore him, and give him thanks for
all the benets we have received from

him, particularly this day."

0 MY G01) 1 we adore thee through
the sacred Heart of thy divine Son, as
our Creator and sovereign Good! we
give thee thanks for all thy mercies to
us, spiritual and temporal, general and
particular; but more especially for the

favours bestowed on us this day. May

thy holy name be eternally praised and
gloried, and may we never be ungrate
ful to thy bounties. Amen.

LET us ask of our Lord Jesus

Christ grace to discover the sins we
have committed this day, and let us

beg of him a true sorrow for them.

0'M.Y Lord Jesus Christ! Judge of
the living and the dead, before whom
we must one day appear to give an exact

The Night Prayers.


account of our whole lives, enlighten

us, we beseech thee, and give us an
humble and contrite heart, that we

may see wherein we have offended thy

innite Majesty, and judge ourselves
now with such a just severity, that thou
mayest hereafter judge us with mercy,
and clemency. Amen.
LET us examine ourselves, and call
to mind the sins we have committed

this day by thought, word, deed, or

omission, insisting particularly on the
failings we are most subject to."
Pause here a little while.

Mos? merciful Lordl we are sorry

from the bottom of our hearts for all
the sins we have committed, purely
because they are offensive to thee, who
art a God of innite goodness; we
sincerely detest them, and rmly pur
pose, through thy holy grace, never to

offend thee any more. Enlighten our

understandings and strengthen our
wills, that we may persevere in thy
tavour till death.




The Night Prayers.

0 MY Godl we rmly believe all the

sacred truths the Catholic Church he
lieves and teaches, because thou hast

revealed them. Relying upon thy

goodness and promises, we hope to ob
tain pardon for our sins, and life ever
lasting, through the merits of Jesus
Christ, and by the intercession of his
blessed Mother, and all the saints. We

love thee above all things with our

whole hearts and souls, purely for thy.
self, and we desire to love thee as the
blessed do in heaven; we also love our
neighbour, for thy sake, as we love
ourselves; and we sincerely forgive all

that have injured us, and ask pardon

of all whom we have injured. We
adore all the designs of thy divine pr0vidence, resigning ourselves entirely to
thy will. We renounce the devil with
all his works, the world with all its

pomps, and the esh with all its temp

tations. We desire to be dissolved and
to he with Christ.
V. Father, into thy hands we com
mend oui~ spirits.

R. Sweet Jesus ! receive our souls.

Tire Niy/J Prayers.


V. May the blessed Virgin Mary,

St. Joseph, and all the saints and an
gels, glorify, adore, and love the sacred
Heart of Jesus for us this night, and

pray for us to our Lord, that we may

be preserved during it from all sin and
Blessed Michael! defend us in the
day of battle, that we may not be lost
at the dreadful judgment. 0 angels of
Godl to whose care we are committed
by the supreme clemency, enlighten,
govern, and defend us this night from
all sin and danger.

Save us, 0 Lord!

waking, and keep us sleeping, that

we may watch with Christ, and rest in
peace. Vouchsafe, 0 Lord! this night
to keep us without sin.
R. Have mercy upon us, 0 Lord!
have mercy upon us.
V. 0 Lord! hear our prayer.
R. And let our supplication come
unto thee.
Let us pray.
VISIT, we beseech thee, O Lordl
this habitation, and drive from it all

the snares 0f the enemy.

Let thy holy


An Act of Contrition.

angels dwell therein to preserve us in

peace; and may thy blessing be upon
us for ever, through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
God the Father! bless us! Jesus
Christ! defend and keep us! the vir
tue of the Holy Ghost enlighten and

sanctify us this night and for ever i and

may the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in
peace. Amen.
>14 An Act of Contrition, applicable to the
Indulgences, 51:. p. 187. N
0 MY God! I am sorry from the
bottom of my heart for having o'ended
thee, because thou art innitely good,
innitely amiable; and, because sin is
displeasing' to thee, I detest it from the
bottom of my heart, and I make a rm
resolution, by the assistance of thy
divine grace, never to offend thee any
more. Ame/i.




60147285108 AND common.
To unite ourselves to the Sacred Heart

of Jesus, during the Holy Sacrifice of

the Mass,
Let your thoughts and actions be conformable
to the principal actions and prayers of the

THE Holy Sacrice of the Mass is, of

all the actions of the Christian Religion,

the most glorious to God, and one of

the most useful to the salvation of man.

Jesus Christ there renews the great mys

tery of the redemption; he there oers

himself in a true, though unbloody Sn

crice, as our Victim, and comes in per

son to apply to each one in particular the

merits of that adorable Blood, which he
shed for us all on the cross. What mon
proper to inspire us with an exalted idea

of the holy Sacrice of the Mass 3


Illcss cy the

Let us assist at it, if possible, every

day, and remember that to assist at it
with irreverence, wilful distractions,
without modesty, without attention,
without respect, is to renew, as much
as in us lies, the sorrows of Calvary, and'
to dishonour religion. Never fail, then,
to assist there with the recollection, mo

desty, and devotion, which the supreme

greatness and tender charity of him, who
immolates himself for us, exacts.


I PRESENT myself, 0 my adorable

Saviour, before thy holy altar, to assist

at thy divine Sacrice. Deign to apply
to me all the fruit thou wishest me
to derive from it. I detest, for thy love,

all that which impedes the progress of

thy grace. Supply, I beseech thee, by

thy mercy and by the merits of thy sa
cred Heart, the dispositions which are

necessary for me.


JUDGE me, 0 Lord, according to

thy great mercy, and do not treat me as

_ Sacred Heart efJcsus


thou treatest the impious; destroy in me

the empire of the devil, of pride and
self-love; in orderthat, being illuminated
with thy light, puried with thy grace,

and inamed with thy love, I may, with

condence, approach thy sacred altars.
ETERNAL Father, Father inniteFv
holyl if my crimes provoke thee against
me, turn away thine eyes from a wicked
servant; look on thine only Son, this

dear object of thy complacency, and of

thy love; behold this innocent Lamb,

about to offer himself as a sacrice to

the sinsforget
of themy
: and,and
Y his merits,
dies. I detest them, from the bottom
of my heart, for thy love. Remember,

that Iam most dear to the Sacred Heart

of this divine Saviour, who willingly died
for me on the cross, and who, for me,

is now-going to offer to thee the unbloody

sacrice of his adorable body.

THY Church, 0 Lord, prepares her

self for the sacrice of the Mass, in


Mass qftlle

praising thee and imploring thy mercy;

unite me to thy divine Heart, that by it

I may worthily praise thine Eternal Fa

ther, and receive the marks of his pa
ternal goodness.

' 0 SWEET Jesus l may thy divine

Heart have compassion on my misery :
do not reject me, how great soever a

sinner I may be, I shall not cease hum

bly to cry out Jesus Son of David, have
mercy on me.

WVE render to thee, O Lord, the glory

which is due to thee alone ; give us that

peace and joy which proceed from a

perfect charity. We acknowledge that
we cannot acquit ourselves of these du
ties in a manner worthy of thee, but
through thine adorable Son, who is with
thee the only Holy, the only Most H igh,

the only Lord, in the unity of the Holy

Ghost, to whom be all honour and glory
for ever and ever. A men,

vvv-lvm. ...!

Sm'rell Heart of Jesus.



Am. the Church prays to thee, 0 my

God, by the mouth of the priest. I unite
myself with this holy Church, in order

to beg of thee the graces, which are ne

cessary for us. It is true, I do not
merit to be heard by thee; but consider,

that I ask these graces through the

Heart of Jesus, desiring, that the de

signs of his love may be eternally ac


Enmen'rsn my mind, 0 Lord, and

give me the knowledge of thy divine

Scriptures, and the love of thy holy Law.
Assist me to keep it to the smallest
point, and conduct me to Jesus Christ
thy Son. It is he whom I desire to
know, to hear and to follow.

MAY I never be ashamed, 0 my

Saviour, of thy gospel or thy cross ;

may I never fear openly to profess what
I rmly believe in my heart; may thy
divine word produce in us fruits of grace


Mass of the

and of salvation; and grant me, dear

Jesus, as much courage to accomplish it,
as thou inspirest us with rmness to
believe it.

YES, my God, I believe

all the

truths which thou hast revealed to thy

holy Church. There is not one of them
for which I would not willingly shed my
blood; and it is in this entire submission

that, uniting myself entirely to the pro

fession of faith which the priest makes
to thee, I now confess in heart and in

spirit, as he pronounces aloud, that I

rmly believe in thee, and all that thy
Church believes. I airm, in the pre
sence of thine altars, that I wish to live

and die in the sentiments of this pure

faith, and in the bosom of thy Holy,
Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church.

RECEIVE, 0 most Holy Father, the

sacred Heart ofJesus thy Son, our divine

Redeemer. We present it as a holocaust

the most agreeable and worthy of thy
greatness in order to render to thee,



Sacred Heart of Jesus. .


through it, our homage, our thanks

giving, and the satisfaction which we
owe to thy justice for our sins, and to
obtain from thy bounty all the graces
necessary to obtain eternal salvation.
Remember the labours, the sufferings
the death of this dearly-beloved Son,

and the ardent love with which his sa

cred Heart was inamed for us, when he
died for our salvation on the tree of the
cross; and regard favourably our sacri

ce, that it may be to the glory of thy

divine Majesty, and useful to all the

Vouchsafe, likewise, 0 my

God, to permit me to consecrate to thee

all my thoughts, all my desires, all my
words, and all the actions of my life. I
submit myselfentirely to thy divine will.
I unite the sacrice, which I make to

thee of myself, with the perfect sacrice

which thy Son, my Saviour, offered to
thee on the cross, and which he conti

nues to offer on our altars. I take from

this moment the sentiments of his sacred
heart, as my rule and model: deig'n to
apply to me his merits, in order that my
sacrice may be agreeable to thee.





PURIFY me more and more, 0 my

God, from the sins I have had the mis
fortune to commit.

I detest them all

with my whole heart. because they dis

please thee. l beseech thee, by the sur
row which the adorable heart of thy Sun

experienced, to pardon me my sins and

to give me the innocence and sanctity
which this spotless Lamb demands, who
is going to be immolated on the altar.

0 MY God, may the Sacrice at

which I have the happiness to assist.

serve to extend the glory of thy holy

name; may it tend to my sanctication,
and draw down thy benedictions on thy
holy church.
DISENGAGE us, 0 Lord, from all

things here below; elevate our hearts to

heaven, x them on thee alone. - In the
union, which is at present made, of the

church triumphant and militant, we enter

Sacred Heart of Jesus.


in spirit, 0 divine Saviour, into the

sanctuary of thy sacred Heart, to be
there consumed by the re of thy'holy
love; through it we adore thine innite
sanctity; we unite ourselves in heart and
in mind with the celestial Hosts, confess
ing with them, that thou art Holy,
Holy, Holy: the immortal God, to
whom belong benediction, glory, wis
dom, thanksgiving, honour, and power,
for ever and ever. Amen.

WE adore thee, 0 Father innitely

merciful, and we entreat thee, through
the heart of Jesus, a most holy Victim,
to receive our oblation. We o'er it to

thee by the hands of the priest, for thy

Holy Catholic Church, for our Holy Fa '
and for
(N for
our Prelate,
King and all
the Royal Family, for our Governors,

Magistrates, and other superiors. We

supplicate thee also for all our relations,
our associates, our friends, our enemies,
our benefactors, and all those for whom

we are obliged to pray. 'e implore

thee to grant perseverance it. the just,


Mass ofthe

consolation to the afflicted, relief to the

su'ering souls in purgatory, and conver

sion'to bad Catholics.

0 Jesus, who didst die for all, bring

back to the bosom of thy church, those

who are separated from it by schism or
heresy; enlighten indels and idolators ;

bless the efi'orts of those who labour to

instruct and convert them. Give to them
all, 0 Lord, thy grace, thy love, and

eternal life.
LonD, since the imposition, which
the priest makes with his hands, denotes

the possession thou takest of thy victim,

which is going to be o'ered for us, we
hould no longer consider ourselves but
as victims destined to death: grant us
then the grace continually to die to our
selves, in consecrating to thee all our
thoughts, words, and aiections, in order

to live in a continual spirit of sacrice to

the glory of thy holy name.

AT 'rnE'coNsEcnA'rxoN.
Lom), grant us the grace, that as

the bread and wine are going to be

Sacred Heart of Jews.


changed into thine adorable Body and

precious Blood, so we may be trans
formed into thee, to become the same
spirit with thee. Change our hearts,

that they may resemble thine, and that

they may have no other desire, no other
will but thine.

SALUTARY Host, which openest to

us the gate of Heaven, I adore theewith
the most profound respect: strengthen
me against the enemies of my salvation.
0 Jesus, holy Victim, I adore thee, I

. love thee; and I implore thee through

thy Sacred Heart, to purify me, to sanc
my me, and to iname me with thy

sacred love.
0 PRECIOUS Blood, fountain of grace
and mercy, I adore thee. Flow into
my heart, 0 most pure source, to extin

guish there the re of my passions, and

wash me from all the stains of sin.

0 MY God, what may I not hope

to obtain through this spotless Victim

. 362

Mass (yum

sacriced for us on this Altar? It is

through Christ our Victim, and through
the merits of his precious blood, that we

dare to pray and hope for the pardon of

our sins, the spirit of penance, a pro
found humility, an ardent charity, and
nal perseverance.

Lem), we beseech thee through the

merits of thy holy Death and Passion,
and through the love of thy sacred Heart,
to deliver from purgatory the souls which
are there detained, and in particularv

those of our parents, friends, associates,

benefactors, and all those for whom we
are obliged to pray. Grant them, dear
Lord, the eternal repose, after which

they so ardently sigh.


HEAVEN, O my God, where thy

saints reign, is likewise our inheritance;
Jesus, the amiable Jesus, has merited

it for us by the e'usion -of his precious

blood, and he at present offers it to thee
on this altar, to merit for us the pardon

Sacred Heart cf Jesus.


of those sins which shut the door of

heaven against us. Hear the voice of

this precious blood, which snpplicatcs

mercy for us; hear the prayers of his

adorable heart; pardon us, and grant

that we may reign eternally with thy

Tuouon I am but a miserable sin

ner, great God, yet I take the liberty
of calling thee my Father, as thou de
sirest. Grant me the grace, 0 my God,

not to degenerate from the quality ofthy

child, and do not suffer me to do any
thing unworthy of the title. May thy
holy name be sanctied throughout the

Reign, from this moment, in

my heart, by thy grace, that I may per

form thy will on earth, as the saints do
in heaven, and that I may reign eter
nall with thee in glory. Thou art my
Fat er: give me, then, I beseech thee,
this heavenly bread, with which thou
dost nourish thy children. Pardon me,

as I pardon from my heart, for thy sake,

all those who have o'ended me; and
never permit me to fall into any tempts
2 A


Mass of the

tion; but grant, with the assistance of

thy grace, that I may triumph over all

the enemies of my salvation.

LAMB without spot, holy Victim,

who takest away the sins of the world,
purify my heart from all those sins of
which I know I have been guilty, and
those I do not remember. I detest them
all, with my whole heart, for thy sake,

and I am sorry for having committed

them, because they displease thee, who

art innitely amiable.

Give me a new

heart, 0 divine Jesus, a heart eon

formable to thine. Remove from the

world all iniquity, destroy vice, make
thy holy religion triumph, convert and
save sinners, and give us eternal peace.

IT is true, 0 Lord, that I am unworthy

that thou shouldst enter into a soul so
miserable as mine, but my miseries and
pressing wants make me desire to eat of
this heaven!yhread,and oblige me in the
hanger which presses on me to have re

Sacred Heart of Jesus.


course to the tenderness of thy paternal

Heart, to draw from that divine abun
dance wherewith to supply all my wants,
and to ll the void of my soul. Come,
then, 0 Jesus, take possession of my
heart, and render it worthy of being
united to thine.
If you do not actually communicate, you must
do '0 spiritually, and make the following
lot-l :

COME, 0 divine Jesus, the well he

loved of my soul, come and take posses

sion of my heart. The thirsty deer does
not sigh with more nrdour after a re
freshing fountain, than I do for the

happy moment when I shall receive thee


GIVE me at least, 0 Lord, the

crumbs which fall from thy tabla Give
me that profound humility, which the
sight of my nothingness ought to pro
duee. Clothe me with the nuptial robe
of charity, that I may enter with the


Mm qfthe

just into the banqueting-hall, to eat

there the bread of the elect: give me an
ardent desire for this food, and remove

every obstacle which may retard my

happines and prevent me from partici

pating at thy sacred table.


GRANT us the grace, 0 my God, to

dwell and to live in Jesus Christ, who

gives himself in these divine mysteries.
Grant that we may receive and preserve
the fruit of this awful sacrice, which

we have offered to thy sovereign Ma

jesty: we beseech thee, through the

intercession of the blessed Virgin, of the
angels, and of the saints, whom the

Church particularly honours on this day.


DIFFUSE on us, 0 Eternal Father;

thy most abundant henedictions, and

grant us to hear from the voice of thy

divine Son, at the day of avenging justice

these consoling words: Come, ye blessed

of my Father, possess the hingdom
which has been prrjmred for you from
the creation oft/2c world.

Sacred Heart qJenu.



Anonannn \Vord, without beginning

and without end, grant us the grace to
know thee, to hear thee, to love thee,
and to imitate thee all our life, in order
that we may adore thee and contemplate
thee eternally with thy Father, in the
unity of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I RETURN thee thanks, with all

my heart, 0 my amiable Jesus, for thy

goodness in permitting me to remain in

thy divine presence, whilst thou didst

o'er thyself in sacrice on this altar for

my sake.

I most humbly ask pardon of

thee, for the little attention and devotion

I have had at these divine mysteries.

Penetrated with sorrow, I desire to

make some reparation to thy sacred

Heart, for all the acts of irreverence,

which are ever committed during this

august sacrice; and I conjure thee to
grant us the grace always to feel the
effects of it, to preserve the fruit of it,

and to assist at it every day with in

creasing fervour.






Vers. O HEART of Jesus, burning

with love of me, iname my heart with

the love of thee.

Resp. Amen.
Vers. Lord open my lips.

Resp. And my mouth shall declare

thy praise.
Vers. 0 God, incline to my aid.

Versthe Son,

0 Lord, make haste to help

Glory be to the Father, and to
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is

The Little O'we, 51:.


now, and ever shall be, world without

end. Amen. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Easter, instead

of Alleluia, say, Praise be to Illee, O

Lord! King qfEtemal Glory!


0 Heaven's glorious King,

Who dost thy starry throne,
And its triumphant bliss postpone,

To be our o'eringl
Jesus, our heart's delight,
This faithful ock inspire
0f thy great heart to sing the re,
And love with praise requite.
Thy Father's only 0ne,

Chaste Spouse of lovers pure,

Who canst no rival-love endure,

Possess our hearts alone.



0 sacred Heart of Jesus, who didst

always live in perfect submission to the

will of thy Father, turn our hearts to

thee, that we may ever do what is most

pleasing to thee.

370 .

The Little Oice

Vers. O God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.
Resp. My God, I desire it, and to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart

Let us pray. _
Look, we beseech thee, O God 0':
Mercy! on the heart of thy mostbeloved
Son, in whom thou hast been well pleas
ed: behold the bitter alictions he has
endured for us, and the worthy satisfac
tions he has made to thee in our behalf;

that, being thus appeased, we may ob

tain of thee pardon for our sins, seeing

we ask it with contrite hearts.


in our hearts so ardent a love of Christ,

that, being all inamed with the effec

tions of his divine heart, we may also

merit to be found according to thyheart,

through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Vers. 0 Heart of Jesus, burning with

love of me, iname my heart with the
love of thee.
Raw. Amen.

to 11:: Heart of Jena.


Vera. O God, incline to my aid.

Rap. 0 Lord, make haste to help

me. Vera. Glory be to the Father, and to

the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen. Allehg'a.


0 heart! loves victim, slain!

O heaven's lasting joyi
To whom distressed mortals y,
Nor y for help in vain.

Darling of the Trinity,

The Holy Ghost is eas'd
In thee, th' almighty Father's pleas'd
His Son has wedded thee.

Thy Father's only 0ne,

Chaste Spouse of lovers pure,

Who canst no rival-love endure,

Possess our hearts alone.



The Little Oice


0 sacred Heart of Jesus, which so

thirsted after our salvation, bring us,
sinners, by an humble and coutrite
heart, to a sense of ourselves, that we
die not in our sins.

Vers. 0 God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.
Reap. My God, I desire it, and to
carry thy law in the midst of my heart.
The Prayer as before.

Vers. 0 Heart of Jesus, burning with

the love of me, iname my heart with
the love of thee.
Resp. Amen.
Vers. 0 God, incline to my aid.

Resp. 0 Lord, make haste to help

Vers. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is

now, and ever shall be, world without


Amen.- AlleI-lg'a.

to u Heart qfJesus.



Choice Cahinet of our Lordl

N o rays of light so clean,

No heaven so worthy to contain
The treasure of his word.

Form'd of pure Virgin's blood,

Pregnant with love divine,
Thou heaven's palace dost outshine,
A mansion t for God.
Thy Fathers only 0ne,
(,haste Spouse of lovers pure,
\Vho canst no rival-love endure,
Possess our hearts alone. Amen.

0 sacred Heart of Jesus, the most

perfect pattern of purity i make us clean
of heart, that we may merit to be ac
cording to thy heart.

Vc'rs. 0 God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.
Resp. My God, I desire it, and to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart.

The Prayer as before.


The Little 0172.


Vers. 0 Heart of Jesus, burning with

love of me, iname my heart with the
love of thee.

Resp. Amen.
Vers. 0 God, incline to my aid.

Resp. 0 Lord, make haste to help


Vers. Glory be to the Father, and to

the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever shall be, world without




0 may we neer provoke

This meek, this tender heart,

Where love for us has x'd his dart,

And struck the killing stroke.
When sin for vengeance calls,
This heart, with pow'rful charm,

Glancing withholds th Almightys arm

And straight his anger falls
The Father's only One,

Chaste Spouse of lovers pure,

Who canst no rival-love endure,
Possess our hearts alone. Amen.

to (he Heart of Jean.



0 sacred Heart of Jesus, full of

meekness towards thy enemies, let thy

peace triumph in our hearts, that, from

the bottom of them, we may pardon all

those who do or shall persecute and

calumniate us.

Vers. 0 God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.
Resp. My God, I desire it, and to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart.

The Prayer as More.

Vere. 0 Heartof Jesus, burning with

love of me, iname my heart with the

love of thee.
Resp. Amen.
Vere. 0 God, incline to my aid.
Resp. 0 Lord, make haste to help

Vers. Glory be to the Father, and to

the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is
now, and ever shall be, world without
end. Amen. Allehg'a.


The Litth: Oicc


Love did this refuge win,

Love lanced our Saviour's side,

Fond love displayd the passage wide,

And bid us welcome in.
Whence blood, to wash our stain,
Gushd out on every part
0! take, and keep us in this heart,
For fear we sin again.
Thy Father's only One,
Chaste Spouse of lovers pure,
Who canst no rival-love endure,
Possess our hearts alone. Amen.

0sacred Heart of Jesus, most patient

in all thy sn'eringsi grant us, in all
circumstances of life, a constant resig

nation to thy most blessed will. Let thy

will be done in us, and by us, both now
and for eternity.

Vers. 0 God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.
Resp. My God, I desire it, and to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart.

The Prayer as before.

to the Heart of Jesus.



Vers. 0 Heart of Jesus, burning with

love of me, iname my heart with the
love of thee.
Resp. Amen.
Vers. 0 God, incline to my aid.
Resp. 0 Lord, make haste to help
Vera. Glory be to the Father, to the
Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is

now, and ever shall be, world without





0, wondrous powr of love!

God gives himself. to eat
His blood is drink, his esh is meat l

And he who reigns above,

Dread Sov'reign of the skies,

Regales his mortal guest,

Himself the donor and the feast,

Tho hid form mortal eyes.


The Little Oice

Thy Father's only 0ne,

Chaste spouse of lovers pure,
Who canst no rival-love endure,

Possess our hearts alone.



0 sacred Heart of Jesus, most ar

dently in love with poverty! put thy

self as a seal on my heart, that, se ues
tered from the tries of this eart , it

may be entirely united to thee, my only

Vers. 0 God of my heart, my heart
is ready to do thy will.
Resp. My God, I desire it, and~to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart.

The Prayer as before.

Vers. 0 Heart of Jesus, burning with

love of me, iname my heart with the

love of thee. '

Resp. Amen.
Vers. Convert us, 0 God our salvation.
Reg). And turn away thy anger from

lo the Ileart of Jesus.


Vers. 0 God, incline to my aid.

Resp. 0 Lord, make haste to help
Vers. Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.

Resp. As it was in the beginning, is

now, and ever shall be, world without




The Mother to her Son

lnclines with chaste desire,

And fans witheenstant sighs the re,

Which makes the couple one.

When mutually they burn,

Two hearts are but the same
Both with each other's re do ame,

Both equal ames return.

Thy Father's only 0ne,
Chaste Spouse of lovers pure,
Who cans! no rival-lave endure,
Possess our hearts alone. Amen.

0 sacred Heart of Jesus, amostliberal

rewarder to all that love thee, let our

2 a


The Little Oce, 5w.

hearts and substance be wholly con

sumed in thee. Be thou, my Jesus, the
God of our hearts, and our portion for

Vers. 0 God of my heart, my heart

is ready to do thy will.

Resp. My God, I desire it, and to

carry thy law in the midst of my heart.

Let us pray.
Look, we beseech thee, O . God of

Mercy, on the heart of thy most beloved

Son, in whom thou hast been well pleas
ed; behold the bitter aiictions he has

endured for us, and the worthy satisfac

tions he has made to thee in our behalf:

that thus being appeased, we may ob

tain of thee pardon for our sins, seeing
we ask it with contrite hearts. Kindle
in our hearts so ardent a love of Christ,
that, being all inamed with the a'ee

tions of his divine heart, we may also

merit to be found according to thy

heart: through the ame Jesus Christ

our Lord.




A!) vxsrnus.
De torrents in vii bibet, propterei

cxaltabit caput

Ps. 109. Dixit Dominus Domino meo, km

Miserntor Dominus redemptionem
misit Pnpulo suo.

Pr. 11o. confiteor tibi Domlne in toto

corde meo : in conallio. am

Apud nominum, misericordial et co

piosa apud eum redemptim

Ps. 129. De profundis clamavi ad te Do
mine, sua

Ant. Super misericordii tu, Domine, con

te-bor tibi in toto corde men.
Psalm 137.
Corina-non. tibi Domine, in toto corde meos

' quoniam audisti verba oris moi.

In conspectu Angelorum psallam tibi: '
adorabo ad templum sanctum tuum, et mn
iitebor nomini tuo.
Super misericordii tu, ct veritate tuis
a quoniam magnicasti super omne, nomen

sanctum tuum.


In quicumque die invocavero te, exaudi

me: ' multiplicnbis in animi mel-a virtutum
cunfiteantur tibi Domine omnes reges terr
. quia audierunt omuia verba orintui.


Ocium Sanctisslma

lit eantent in viis Domini, * quoniam magna

est gloria Domini
quoniam excelsus Dominus, et humilia res

picit: ' et alta i along cognoscit.

Si ambulavero in medio tribulationis, vi


' et




meorum extendisti manum tuam et salvum me

fecit dextera ma.
Dominus retribuel pro me: l Domine
misericordia tua in eculum: opera manuum
tum-um ne despicias.


Super misericordia tul'i, Domine, con

tebor tibi in toto corde meo.


Suavis Dominus universis, et misera

tiones ejus super omnia opera jus.

Psalm um
irixu/nno te

Deus meus rex, * et be

nedicarn nomini tuo in smculum, et in sculum

Per singulos dies

benedicam tibi:



lnudabo nomen tuum in saculum, et in scu

lum sculL

Dominus, et leudabilis nimis:


et magnitudinis ejus non est nis.

Generatio, et generatio laudobit opera tum
i et potentiam tuum pronunciabunt.

Magnicentia glori sanctitatis tu loquen

tur: * et mirabilia tua narrabunt.

El: virtutem terribilium tuorum dicent: .

et magnitudinem tuam narrabunt.

Memoriam abundantia suavitatis tu erue

tnbunt: ' et justitii tui exultabunt.
Mlserator, et misericors Dominus: l patienl,
a multum misericors.

cordis Jesu.


suavis nominus universis: et miserntionn

ejus super omnia opera ejus.
ConLeauI-ur tibi Dumine omnia opens tun:
' et sancti tui benedicnnt tibi.
Gloriam regni tui dicenti ' et potentiam
tuam loquentur.
m notam faciant iliis bominam potential!)
tuam t * et gloriam magniiicenti regni mm
Regnum tuum regnum omnium sculorum :
n et dominatio tua in omnia generaiiune, et
Fidelia Dominus in omnibus verbis will:
' et sanctus in omnibus operibus suls.
Allevat Dominus omnes, qui corruunt; a;

erigit omnesl elisos.

oculi omnium in te sperant Domino: ' et
tu das mum illorum in tempore opportunm
Aperis tu manum mam: ' et implea omne
animal benedictione.
Justus Dominua in omnibus viis suis: ' et
sanctus in omnibus operibus suis.
Props est Dominua omnibus invocantihui
eum t ' omnibus invocantibus eum inventum
voluntatem timentium se faciet: . et de
pricationem eorum exaudiet: et salvus faciet
custodit Dominus, omnes dilligentes as: '
et omnes peccatores disperdeL
Laudationem Domini loquetur ns meum, '
et benedicat omnia caro nomini sancto ejus in
sculnm, et in sculum sculL

Ant. Suavis Dominus universis et misera

tiones ejus super omnia opera ejul


Oicium Sanctissimi

CAYITULUM- Cant. iii. iv.

Eoaznmnm, et videte, File Sion, regem
Salomonem in diademate quo corouavir illuln
Mater sua in die desponsationis illiu! et in die
lietitim Cordia ejus.

Qurcumqus certem qhaeritis
Rebus levamen asperis ;
Seu culpa mordet anxia,
Seu puma vos permit comes ;
Jesu, qui, ut agnus innoeens,
Sese immolaudum tradidit,
Ad Cor reclusum vulnere
Ad mite Cor accedite.
Auditis ut suavissimis
lnvitet omnes vocibus?

venite quos gravat labor,

Premitque pondus criminum,
Quid corde Jesu mitius ?
Jesum cruci qui a'ixerant
Excusat, et Patrem rogat,

Ne perdat ultor impios.

0 Cor, voluptas cmlitum,
Cor da spes mortalium,
Eu hisce tracti vocibus
Ad te venimus supplices.
vTu nostra terge vulnera.
Ex te uente sanguine .
Tu da novum cor omnibus,
Qui te gementes invocant.


V. Miserator et miserecos dominus.

R. Longanimis, ct multm misericore.

Cordis Jvsu.


AD numine/nu

Ant. Misericurdiu Domini a progenie ln

pra-genitas limentihus eum. Alleluia.
AD uum-mum
Cor Jlssul charitatis victimun, l venite adorns
Hymnus ut in primis Veapcria.
Ant. Factum est Cor uinum tanquam cera
liquescens in medio ventris meL

Psalm 2!.
num deus meus, respice in me, quam
me derrliquisti ? . lung i salute mea verba
dilectorum meorum.

Deua meus clamabo per dlem, et non ex

audies : * et uucle, cl

nun ad


Tu autem in cuncto habltaa, l laus Israel.

In te aperaverunt, patres nostris v syn-ave
runt, et liberusti cos.
Ad te clamaverunt, et salvi facti sunt :

at in

te speraverunt, et non sunt confusi.

Ego autem, eum vermin, et non homo:


opprobrium hominum, et abjeclio plebis.

omnes videntes me, deriserunt me 2 ' lucuti

sunt labiis, et moverunt caput.

speravit in Domino, eripiat eum: t salvum
faciat eum, quoniam vult eum.
Quoniam tu es, qui extrnxisti me de vcmre,

' spes mea ab uberibus man-il m.

in te projectus sum ex \lh'rn.
De ventre matris mm Duus meus us tua
ue diseelseris 6 me.


Qcium Sanclissimi

quoniam tribulatio proxima est, . quoniam

non est, qui adjuvet.
circum dederunt me vituli multi : t tauri
pingues obsiderunt me.
Aperurunt super me os suum, l sicut leo

rapiens et rugiens.
Sicut aqua e-usus sum: ' et dispersa sunt
omnea ossa mea. 1
Factum est cor meum tanquam cera liques

cens * in medio ventris mei.

Aruit tanquam testa virtus mea, et lingua
mea adh sit faucibus meis: iltet in pulverem
mortis deduxisti me.
quoniam circum dederunt me canes multi:
' concilium malignantium obsedit me.
Foderunt me manus meas et pedes meos l l

dinumeraverunt omnia ossa mea.

lpsi vero consideraverunt, et inspexerunt
me: * divisrunt sibi vestimenta mea et super
vestem meam miserunt sortem.
Tu autem Domine, ue eiongaveris auxilium
tuum 5. me: ' ad defensionem meam conspice.
Erue framea Deus animam meam: ' et
de manu canis unicam i meam.
Salve me ex ore leonis: ' et a cornibus
uuicornium humilitatem meam?
Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis, ' in
medio ecclesi laudabo Le.
Qui timetis Dominum iaudate eum? ' uni

versum semen Jacob glorificate eum.

Timeat eum omne semen Israel: * quoniam
non sprevit, neque despexit deprecationem
Nee avertit faciem suam a me:
lmarem ad eum exandivit me.

I et cum

Cord Jem.


Apud te has me: in Qoclesl magn: '

vols ma reddam in conspectu limenlium cum.
Eleni pauperea, ct uturubuuler: ct llndll
bunt Dominum qui requirlmt cum: ' viven
cords comm in mulu-m muli.
Reminiweuter. at cunvuruenu'n' Id Dominum
uuiverai nil errw.

Et ldurahunt in conspectu wjul . univer

familu Gentium.
Qnoniun domiuum

ca: regnum:

0 e! lpu

Mnnducaverunt e! donvrunt omnea pinguu

term, ' in conlpectu ejus caden! omnec qul
duoendent in tel-run.
E: anima Inca illi vivet; * et amen meum
mviet ipni.
Anuntinbltm- Domino generatio veutun: '
ct ununtiabunt culi jpltitiam ejua populo.
quinuotur, quem fecit Domlnus.
Ant. Factum u! Cor mcum mnqulm cerl
liquescenl in media ventria mel
Ant. Spur-t Cor mum in Domino, et d
jutus sum : e! reorui: cal-o mo.
Pmlm 27.
AD to Domino clamabo. Deul mean no
aileaa i me: ' ne quaudu taoeu a me, e! au
milabor descendentibus in lacum.
Exaudi Domino vocem deprecatlonel mm,

(him on ad to: ' dum extollo mum: mean ad

templum sanctum mum.
Ne simul trahaa me cum pwaatoriblln: 6!
cum operantibus iniquimlem ne pcrdaa me.
Qui loqunutur paoem cum promixo I00! '
mala autem in oordibun comm.


Oicium sanctissimi

m illil secundum opera " eorum et lacun

dam nequitiam ad inventionum ipsorum.
secundum opera manuum eorum tribue illil :
l redde retributionem eorum ipsia.
Quoniam non intellexerunt opera Domini, et
in opera manuum ejus destruel illos, fet non
mdicabil eon.
benedictus Dominus: ' quoniam exaudivit
vocem deprecationis more.
nominis adjutor meus, et protector meus : I
. in ipso speravit Cor meum, et adjutus lum
iit reiloruit caro meas Q et ex voluntate
mei confitebor ei.
Dominus fortitudo plebis sum: ' et protector
anlvationum christi sui est.
salvum fac populum tuum Domino, et bene
din hreditati tu * et rege eon, et extolle illos
usque in eternum.
Ant. speravit cor meum in Domino, et ad
iutus sum : et reilourit caro mea

Ant. convertisti pianctum meum in gau

dium mihi: conscidisti lacum meum, et cir
cumdedisti me ltitia.
Psalm ea
lixuzruo te, Domine, quoniam suscepiati

me: ' nec delectasti inimicos meos super me.

Domine Deus meus clamavi ad te: ' et
lanuti me.

Domini eduxisti ab inferno animam meam:

l nalvasti me in decendentibus in locum.
IPsallite Domino sancti ejus- ' et coniiteu
mini memori eanctitatul ejus.
Quoniarn ira in indignatione ejus: ' et vita
voluntate ojus.

cordis Jesu.
Ad vesperum demorabltur etus:
matutinum llillm

" ct ul

Ego autem dixi in abundantii mei: ' non

movebor in sternum.
homines in voluntate tui, ' prstiliati dccori
meo virtutem.

Avertisli faciem tuam 5 me: et factus eum

wmurbawa. v
Ad te Domini clamabo; ' et ad Deum
meum deprecabor.
Qua! utilitas in sanguine meo, J dum de.
mundo in corruptionem?
Numquid cnntebitur tibi pulvil, nut un
nuutinbit veritatem mam.
Ahdivit nominus. et misertus est moi:
Dominus factus est adjutor meus.

convertisti planctum meum ln




' conscidisti saccum meum. et circum

dedilti me ltitim
m cantet tibi gloria mea, et non compungar :
' Domina nem meus in ternum confitebor


convertisti planctum meum in gau

dlum mihi: conacidisti eaccum meum, et

drcumdedilti me ltitim

V. Ego autem in Domino gaudebo.

R. m exultabo in Deo Jesu meo.
II lum-om n. num APonou m: nuxslos. v
Lectio 1, Cap. 1.
Bnumc'rus Deus, et Pater Domini nostri
Jelu Christi, qui benedixit nos in omni
lnnedictione spirituali
in caelestibuisl in
Christi. Sicut elegit nos in ipso ante mundi
consmutionem, ut essemus sanctil et imma

oulati in conspectu ejus in charitute.



Oicium Sunctlsslml

pradestinavit nos in adoptioneln iiornm, per

Jesum christumi in ipsum secundum pru
positum voluntatis sum, in laudem glorias
grati sum, in qui gratiiicavit nos in dilecto
Filio sunt in quo habemus redemptionem
per sanguinem ejus, remissionem peocntorum.
secundum divitias grati ejus.
non cesso gratias agens pro vobis, memoriam
vestri faciens in orationibus meis: ut Deus
Domini nostri Jesu Christi pater gloria det
vobis spiritum

sapientiaeo et

revelationis, in

agnitione ejus, illuminatos oculos cordis ves

tri; In sciates qu sit spes vocationis ejus,
et quia diviti glori hreditates ejus in
R. Graticsvit nos Deus in dilecto suo: *
In quo habemus redemptionem per sanguinem
ejus remissionem peccator-mm


nec nobis Dnminus illuminates oculos

cordis nosti-i, in ngnitione ejus.

Lectio II.

ln qua.

Cap. 2.

nius autem, qui dives est in misericordia

propter nimiam charitatem suam, qui dilexit

nos, et cum



peccatis. con

viviiicavit nos in christo (cujus grotii estis

salvatL) et conresusetavit, et consedere fecit
in clestibus in

christi Jesn; ut ostenderet

in sculis supervenientibus abundantes divitias

gratia Inc, in bonitate super nos, in christo
Jesu- Ipao enim est pax nostra qui fecit
utraque unnm, et medium parietem macerin

sulvens inimicitias in carne sui: legem manda

tnrnm decretes evncuansl ut duos condat in

lame: ipso in unum norum homiuem. faciem

Cordis Jesu.


poem. ct reeonciliet ambo in uno cox-pore, Duo

per urucem; interciens inimicitiu in semetipao:

at venlenl evangelizavit paoem vobil qui long

fulatis, pmmiis,qui prnpe: Quoniam per ipsum
hlbemun wccuum who in mm Ipiritu \d
R.- Proptcr nimiam chm-imam suam, qu
dllcxh. nos Den-s, onendit abundlntea divitin

rnia nu: * In bonitau lupu- non, in

Chrino Jesu
V. Ipu enim eat pa: uostra: per quem
babemun accessum ad pan-om. In bonitate
super nol, 8w.

Lectio III. Cup. 3

Hums rei gratii ecto genun mes ad Pan-em
Domini nustri Jean Christi. ex quo omnil pm
ternltaa ln cmlis, et in term nominalur, ut de:

vnbis, lecundum divitias glnrim sum, virtuti

corroborari per apiritum ejus in interinrem
hominem: Christum hubitare per Fidem in





fundati; ct puuitil comprehlndera cum 0m

nibua sanctia; qua nit latitude, ct lnngitudu.
et sublimluu ct profuudum: Sch-e etiam super
emlnemem acientia charihtem Chrinl; nt
implaamlnl in omnem plenitudinem Del. El
lutem qul pol.ens olt omnia faoere superabun
danter quam petimus, nut intelligimul, aecundem
virtulem, qua operatur in nobia : ipsi glorin in
Ecclesia, et in Christo Jan, in nmuel glnm

tionea acculi saculorutm-Amen.

R. Det nobil dominus virtues corroborarl,
per spiritum ejus, in interiorum humiuelu=


Oicium Sanctissimi

l christum habitare per Fidem in cordibul

V. ut in charitate radicati, et fundati,
charitatem Christi.
christum hnbitare, sua
Gloria Patti, am
christum habitare, am

IN II. nom-vimm
Gustate, et videte. quoniam suuvis
est Dominus : beatus vir, qui sperat in eo.

Psalm aa
SnnzmcAu- Dominum in omni temporen

" semper laus ejus in ore meo.

ln Domino laudabitur anima mean i audi
ant mansueti et ltentun
Magnicate, Dominum mecum: ' et exal
temus nomen ejus in indipaum.
Exquisivi Dominum, et exaudivit me, O
et ex omnibus tribulationibus meis eripuit ma.





facies vestr non confundeutur.

late pauper clamavit, Dominus clamavit
cum: I! et de omnibus tribulationibun ejus
salvavit eum.
lmmittet Angelus Domini in circuti timen
tium eum : et eripit eon.
Gustate, et videte, quoniam suavis est
Dominus : ' beatus vir, qui sperat in eo.
Timete Dominum omnes sancti ejfnz .
quoniam non est inopia timentibus eum.
bivites eguerunt, et esurierunt: ' inquiv
rental autem nominum non minuentur omni

Cur'lh's Jam.


Venlte lii, audiw me: ' timoram Domini

docebo vos.

Quis est homo qui vult vihm: ' dilil'll die

videre bonos ?
Prohibe iinguam tuam 3 mllo : I al libil tun
ne loquamur dolum.
Diverte a malo, et he bonum: ' inquire pc
cam e! peraequere 0am.
Oculi Domini super junol :Oet urea ejus in
precea eorum.
Vultus nutem Domini super facienul main :
O ut perdn de terra memorium eorum.
Clamaverunt justi, ct Dominul ex ludivit
ens : * et ea omnibus u'ibulatiqnibul eorum
liberavit e00.
Juxm eat Dominua I, qui tribulato tunt
corde: ' et humileu npiritu salvabit.
Mulm tribulation justorum : 0 et de omni
bus his libernbit ens Dominua.
Cultodit Dominua omniaona oorum: . unum
ex his non conteretur.
Mora peccatorum peuima, " ct, qui oderunt
justum, delinquent.
Redimet Dominua animus nervorum suorum:
let nnn delinquent omnel, qui speraut in an.
Ant. Guatale, et videte, quuniam luavis esl

Dominua: humus vir, qui spent in eo.

Ant. Propler verilatem, et mansuetudinem,
ct justitiam, intende, proaper prncode, ct
Psalm 44.
Enuc'l'lwrr cor meum verbum bunum; ' (H0.
ego opera mu Regi.


O-m'um Sanctissimi

Lingua men ralamus scribm, * velociter

Speciusul forma pm liis hominum, di'nsa

est grutia in labiis tuis: ' prnpmre bauedixit

te (lens in sternum.
Accingere gladio tuo super femur mum, * po
Specie ma, et pulchrihudine tuo, " intends,

prusper precede, et nag-na

Propner verimtem, et mansuetudinem, et
jusniziam: 1'' et deduce: ta minabil-iuer dextera
Sagitm tu mum, populi sub in cadent, ' in
cords inimicorum regis.
Sedes tua Deus in saculum seculi : ' virga
directiouis vii-gs regui mi.
Dilexiaki justitiam, e: odisti iniquicatam; 1
proptn'eQ unxit te Deus, Dena mus 01w lmiti
prm consortibus tuis.

Myrrha, at gutta, at music. i vestimentia tuis

i domibus eburneis : * ex quibia delectavrun:
ta lim regum honors tuo.
Astitit regina 5 dextris min in veatitu dean
rato, * circumdnta varietate.
Audi lia, et vido et inclina aurem tuam; '

at oblivilcera populum tuum, et domum pan-is


Et concupiset Rex deem-em mum: ' quon

iam ipse eat Domiuus Deua tuus, et adorahunt
El: li Tyri in muneribua vultum tuum do

Precabuntul-, " Omnes divites plebig.

Omnis gloria eJus lia Regia ab lms : in

mbrlis nurell oircumamicta varilmlibul.

Cordis Jcsu.


Adduoentur Reg! virglnes pout cam: '

pruximl ejus aerentur tibi.
A'erenmr in Ititid n exultatione: 0 ad
ducentur in templum Regis
Pro patribus tuis and aunt tibi lii: . con
llituel cos principal super ommem terram.
Mcmorea erum nnlninia lui, ' in umni ge

nermione, et generations).
Prnpterei pnpuli contebuntur
muernum, ' et in uwulum seculi.



Ant. Propter veributem, et manluetudinem,

e! justililm,





in justili,



Aut. Judicabit
pauprea in judicio

Psalm 71.

Du]! judicium tuum regidn: ' ct justi.

tiam tuum lio regis.
Judicare populum tuum in juatitii, * en
pauperes tuos in judicio.
Suscipiant montea pacem pnpulo, ' et col
Judicabit puuperes populi, e: salvos faaiet
lial pauperum: * ct humiliabit calulnnin
Et permanebi! cum sole, et ante lunam,

in generatioue et generationem.
Descendet sicut plavia in vellus: ' et sicul
ltilllcidia atillantia super terram.

Orietnr in diehus Pjus justitia, e! abun

dantia plain: ' donec auferatur Inna.
E1 Dominabitur 5 mnri usque ad mare
It a umine uque ad terminus ol'bis terrm




Oicium Sanciissimi

Corum i110 pmcident Etbiopes: ' ct ini

mici ejus tel-ram lingent.
Rages Thmsis, et insulaz munera o'erent:

' reges Arabum, et saba dona adnucent.

vEt adorabunt cum omnes rages tetra."
omnes Gentes servient ei.
Quiai liberavit pauperum a: potemuw. a, e:
pauperum, cui non era: adjutor.
Pacet pauperi, et inopl: * et animas pau
perem salvis faciet.
Ex usuris, et iniquitate redimet animus
eorum: 1* et honorabile nomen eurum corlim
Et vivet, ct dabitur ei de auto Arabia: *

et adorabunt de ipso semper: tots die bene

diccnt ei.
Et erit rmamentum in term in summis
montium, auperextollemr super
fructus ejua: ' et orebunt de civitate sicu:
fmnum tel-rm.
Sit nomen ejus benedictum in slecula: 0
aut solem permanet nomen ejus.
Et benad-iaentur in ipso omnes tribus terrm;
' omnes Gentet magnicabunt eum.
Benedictus Dominus Dena Israel, ' qui facit
mirabilia Bolus.
Et benedictum nomen majestatis ejus in
sternum : * et replebitur majestate ejus omnis
term: at, at.

' Ant. Judicabit populum in justiti, et pau

peres in judicio.
V. Itlihl tau-tern adhaara Den bouum on.

R. I onere 1n Domino Dec spam mum

cordis Jem.


m: ssmuom: SANCTI ntim/mm


Loclio IV. Sam. 3 dc Pan.

Qun semel venimus ad Cur dulcissimum

Jew, et bonum est non hic ease: ne linamul

non facile ab eo, de quo scriptum est: rece
denteo i te in tem lcribentur.

Quid autem

aocedentea? Tu ipse doces nos: tu dixisti

nccedemibul Id Te gaudete quin nomina vcstrn
scripta sunt in Cmlo. Accademul ergo ad Te,
et exultabimul. et lmbimur in Te, memoro-s

cordis Tui.

o quam bonum, et qumjucun

dum habitare in corde hoe! Quin potius dabo

omnia, omnes cogitationess et affectus mentil
commutabo, jnctaui omnem cogitatum in Cor
Domini Jew, et sine fallacia-1 iilud me enutriet.

R. introduxit me Rex in celluri'n uni; or

dinavit in me chnritatem. ' Fulclte me o
ribus, atipnte math ; quia amon langueo.
V. Sub umbra illiua, quem deaideraveram,
sedit et fructu ejus dulcil gntturi meo. Ful
cile, m

Leclio v.
An hoc templuml ad haec sancta sancto
rum, ad hanc Arcam rrestamenti adorabo, et
laudabo nomen Domini, dicens cum David:
lnvenit cor meum, ut orem Deum meum.

ego inveni cor Regil. Fratris, et Amici

benign! lum El numquid non adorabo?
Hoe igitur corde Tuo, et meo duicissime .iesu.


Oicium Sanctissimi

lumma, orabo te mum meum : admine tantum

ln Sacrarium exauditiouis tu preces meas:
immo ma totum trshe in cor tuum o omnium
pulchritudine speciosissime Jesu, amplius lava
me ab iniquitate me, et 5. peccato meo munda

me; ut purificatus per te purissimum, possim

accedere, et in corde tuo omnibus diebus vite
me merear habitare. et ut videre simul, et

facere tuam valeam voluntntem.

R. Haurietis aquas in gaudio de fontibus

Salvatorisg et dicetis in illi die : ' Contemini

Domino et iuvocate nomen ejus.
V. Ecce Deus salvator meus, fiducialitur
ngam, et non timebo.

Contemini, 8m.

Lectio VI.
An hoc enim perforatum est latus tuum, ut
nobis patescat introitum Ad hoc vulueratum
est cor tuum, ut in illo, et in Te, ab exte
rioribus perturbationibus absoluti, habitare
possimus nihilominus et propserezi vulnera
tum est, ut per vulnus visibile, vulnis amoris
lnvisibilei videamus.
quomodo hic ardor

melius ostendi potest, nisi quod non solum

corpus verum etiam ipsum cor lancei vulne
fari permisitP Carnale ergo vulnus, vulnus
lpirituale ostendit.

quis illud cor tam vulne

ratum non diligat? Quin tam amans non reda

met? quis tam castum non amplectatur? Non

igitur adhuc in corpore mauentes, quantum





mur vulnerntum nostrum, cujus impii Agri

aul fodmnt manna, et pcdes. lama, et
con .temu.que, ut cor nostrum durum

Cordi: Jeou.


ndhnr. ct impmnhem amnrla sni vinculo con

stringere, cl jm'ulo vulnurarv dignur.

R. Auferam cor lapiduum dc came vumi,

et dabo vobil cor carneum: Spirilum meuln
poo-m in media veou-i
V. E'undam super vos aqnam vivam, e!
mundabimini ad omnibus iniquinumemil ves
Et Spiritum, &0.
Gloria, 8w- EL
Spiritum, M

Antipl. Miaericordiam et verimtem diligit

Deus : gratiam et gioriam dubit Dominul.
Psnlmu 83.





vii-mum! ' concupiscet at decit anima mm

in atria Domini.
Cor meum et caro men 'exultm'erunt in
Dcum vivum.
Etenim passer invenit sibi domum:
turtur nidum sibi ubi ponat pullos suns.
Allaria tun, Domine virtutum : Rex meus,

et Deus meus.
Beati qui habitant in domo tun Domino:
' in mula saeculorum landnbum ta

Beams vlr, cujus en auxilium abs te:

ascensionis in corde suo diaposnit, in vollo

lachrymarum, in loco, qnem poauit.
oEtenim benedictionem dabit legislator ibunt
do virtule in virtutem: " videbitur Deu
deorum in Slon.


oificii-um sanctissimi




meam : auribus precipe Dens Jacob.

Protector nos auspice Deus, i et respice

in faciem christi tui.
Quil: melior est dies uua in atriis tuis . su
per millia.
Elegi abjectus esse in domo Dei mei: l
magis quam habitare iu tabernaculis pecca
Quia misericordiam et veritatem diligit
Dens: i gratiam et gloriam dabit dominus.
Non privabit bonis eos qui ambulant in
innocentii: " Domino virtutum. beatus homo,

qui sperat in te.

Ant. Misericordiam et veritatem diligit
Deus : gratiam et gloriam dabit Dominus.
Ant. Dominus dabit beuiguitatem: loquetur
pacem iu plebum suam.
Psalmus 84.
Bzuxnlxlsn Domino terram mam: '* avertis
captivatem Jacob.
Remisisiti iniquitatem plbis tum: operuisti
omnia peccata eorum.
Mitigasti omnem iram tuam: * avertisti
ab im indignationis tuw.
Converte nos Deus salutaris uosterc ' et
averte iram tuam a nobis.
Numquid in ternum irasceris nobis ' nut
oxtendes iram tuam :1 generations iu genera
tionem ?
neas tu convex-nus viviiioabis uos:

plebs tus ltabitnr in te.


('unlis Jesu.


Ostende nnbh, Domlne, misericordla, lu

nm : ' ct uulumre tuum da nobis.
Audiam, quid loquetur in me Dmnmus
Dons: 1' quuuiam loquelur pacum in plebem
Et super nanctol sum; " et in so: qui
convertuntur ad cor.
verumtameu prop nmentes eum


ipsius: ' ut inhabilet gloria in term nosu'a.

Misericordin e: verilaa obviaveruut libi :
I'justitia ct pax osculalm sum.
Veritas (1a terri orut est, ' ct justitia do cmlo
Etenim Dominul dauit benignitatem, ' ex
08cm -mm dubit fruclum suum.
Jusi. ante cum ambuiabit: ' H pone!
In vis:-a grcreus luvs.
Ant. Douinul dabit benignituwm : loquetur
panel!) in pleb'm suam.
Ant Sun; J: mitis es. Domine. ct mulm:
mierio. \dil" omnibus invocuutibua te.
Psalmus 85.
INCLINA Domine nurem turn, et exaudi
me : * quoniam in ops et pauper sum ego.
Cusmdi animam memn, quonium sancms
sum: 4' salvum fac lervum tuum, Deus meus,
Iperantem in te.
Miserere mei, Domino, quoniam ad te cla
mavi um? die: n ltica animam sen-i tui quo
ninm ad te, Domino animum meam ievuvi.
Quonimn tu, Dmnine. suavis et mitis, '

mulls misericordia omnibus iuvoouutibwl to.


Ocium Sa'nctssim

Auribus precipe, Domine, orationem meam:

i et intende voci deprecationis mae.

In die tribnlationis mm clamavi ad te : l quia
exaudisti me.

Non est simulis tui in diis Domine : * et non

est secundum opera tua.
omnes Gentes, quascumque feciste, venient,

et adorabunt eorum te Domine: 4' et glorica

bunt nomen mum.

quoniam magnus e tu, et faciens mirabilia:

II tu es Deus solu.
Deduce me Domine in vil: tu : et ingredim
in veritate tu: I ltetur cor meum, ut timeat
nomen tuum.
confitebor tibi, Domine Deus meus, in toto

corde meo, I et gloricabo nomen tuum in

quia misericordia tua magna est super me:

' et eruisti animam meam ex inferno inferiorL

Deus iniqui insurrexerunt super me. et syna
gogn potentium qusierunt animam meam : '
et non pruposueruut te in conspectu suo.
Et tu Dumine Deus miserator et misericors
patiens, et mult misericordia, et verax.
Respice in me, et miserere mei, * da imperium

tuum puero tuo, et salvum fac lium ancill


Fae mecum signum in bonum, ut videlmt, qui

oderunt me, el; conflmdantur: et quoniam tu
Domine adjuvisti me, et consolatus es me.
Ant. suavis et mitis es, Domine, et mult
misericordia; omnibus invocantibus te.

V. Misericordia Domine ab mmernn.

R E que in mtcmum, super timentes


Con/is Jcsu.




Leclio VII. Cap. xv. v. 9.

In le tampon dixit Jesus discipnlis suis:
Sicut dilexit mo Pntvr, et ego dilcXi voa.
Mum-(e in dilectione meA. El reliqua.

mmruA BAECH nan/mm mam-19.

Serm- XIII. in Cam! Domini.
D: dilectione Dei qua pls bibb, plus c160,
et e saturarl non possum, nee ego, nec Ali
quiu diligens Chriatum. Ipsa qua p165 editur,
pls famem exauget: ct quanto ph'u ipaa bi
b'nur p16s aitim inacuit ipsam, quam inhnbiun
menu-m, sic inebriat, ut nihil jam qunrat,
vel diligat, nec diligere poo-t, ner. valeat
prmer eum, qul sic mundum dilexit, ut
Filium suum Unigenitum darn; ut omnis
qui crvdit, et diligit illum, nun moriatur,
aed vivat cum en. Ad bane no; dilecIiom-m
anctor ipse inestimabilia char-hath invitat:
in en




et rogat:


enim: manete in dilectione mei: ac 5i aper

dicat; quia ego e6 dilectlnne, qa me pater
diligit, v0s diligo, edem dilectione me vus
diligere rogo. Et quouiam dilectio vesn'a
me usque ad mortem perduxit sad nequu
morn crednlissima ipsa vestra charitate me







R. Sicut dilexit me Pater et ego dilxi
Ins: Manuela in dilectione men.


Oicium Sunctl'ssimi

1'. Si prlepta mea nervaveritis, manebitis,



men, sicut et ego



prawepta servavi et maneo in cjus dilectione.

Manete, 8w.
Leclio VIII
Sm quaiiter in ejus dilectione in manere
debeamus, sequitor, et dicet: Si pramepta mea
lervaveritis mauehitis in men dilectione: Sicut
et ego Patris mei praace'piis servavi, et
maneo in ejus dilectiune. Haec opera, Fran'es
mei, aunt causa dileotionis Christi: unusquis

que vestrm videat, oi Dominum Jesum diligere

Quid pro nohis facere dehuit, et non
fecit ? Quomodb nos pls amare potuit, et non

amavit? Majorem in nobis dilectionem non

putuic habere, quam hbuit; quia animam
ouam pro nobis posuit: Ipsa beats Veritas
testi est, quam majorem nemo habet, ut animam

suam ponat quis pro amiois lnis.

Non ergo

nohis vilescat, Fratres mei, non vobia amarescat

ipse amor Christi, ipsn charitas Christi.

R- Chrisms pro nobis animam suam posuit:
' Et Iavit nos {1 peccatis nostris in sanguine


Major-em charitatem ncmo hahet, u:

animam suam ponat quis pro amicia suis.

lavit nos, 8w.
Gloria, 8pc. Et lavit, 8w.


Lectio IX.
AMoa Christi totus duluis, totus delecta
hlhs: suum possessorem non cruciat, red delecnn: non enervat, sed roborat; cum-la

Con/is Ju'u.






Christi mundum requirit. et ea pro viribul

observare cuntenditz et de observationis pre

ceptorum greuu felici provehitur ad precep

tionem gaudiorum, ut cum illo jam perfecte
gaudens pro cujus deuiderie in hac valle lacry
marum positus tim amare feliciter suspirabam
Unde recte sequitur-g hoc locutus sum vobh,
ut gaudium meum in vobis nit, et gaudium
vestrum hnpleatur; ac li diceret : idea prcipio
vobis, et moneo vos mea observare praeceptal

et manere in dilectlone mea, ut gaudium meum

in vobis lit, et gaudium vestrum de me ad im
pleatur: ut habeam de vobis per mutuum
charitatem quam mihi impenditisl unde possim

gaudere : et illud gaudium, quod in retributione

praemiorum electi sunt peroepturi, perciperel et
possidre possitia. Te Deum, sua
Ant. vincite 6 me, quia midi sum, et hu
milia corde, et invenietis requiem animabal

Ps. Dominus regmivitl 8m. cum vel. ad Laud.

Ant. suavis est
misericordia ejus.


Dominus, et in aeternum

Sitivit in te anima ma; quia melior

est misericordia tua super vitas.

Ant. Sancti, et humiles corde, benedictel

Domino: Lliudatel et superexaltate eum in


BPnPoYac'llum est nomine in popul

ln: et exaltalut mumuutol in salutem


Oicium Sanctissimi

Cant. iii.

Enmcnmnu, et videte, Fili Sion, regem,

Salomouem in diademete quo coronavit eum

Mater sun in die desponsationis ejus, et in die
lltitie Cordis ejus.

SUMM! Parentis Filio,

Patri futuri suaculi

Pacis beatae Principi,

Promamus ore canticum.

Qui vulneratus pectore
Amoris ictum pertuiit,
Amoris urens ignibus
Ipsum qui amantem diligit.
Jesu doloris victima.
Quis te innocentem compuiit,

Dura'i ut apertem Lanoea

Latus pateret vuineri ?
O fons amoris inclite !

0 vans aquarum limpida!

O amma adurens orimins !
O Cordis ardens charitns !
In Corde, Jesu. jugiter,

Reconde nos, ut uberi

Dono fruamur grati,
Cleliqme tandem pnemiis.
Semper parenti, et Filio,
Sit laus honor, sit gloria,
Sancto simul Paraclito,

In sanuiorum szcuia. Ame

7. Misericordia Domini ab return)
If. Et usque in sternum super timenm

Coldis Jesu.


AD ln'lmcrus.
Antiph. Per viscera miaerlcordl. In. vh
aitavi: nos Deus, e! fecit redemptiouem popull
lui- Alleluia.

PAC nos Domine Jesu, Sanctisslml Cordb

tui vinulibus lndul, en n'ectibus inammarl'.

u! at imagini bonitatis tum conformal, et tu

rcdemplionis mereamur ease participel. Qul
vivil et regnu, &c.

An rum/m.
Antiph. Discite {a me, 8w.

R. 111- Chrlld Fili Del vlvl.

' Miserere

nobia. Christa, 8w. V. Per quem salvuti, e:

liberati sumus. Misrrere, 8w. Gloria Patri,
8w. Christa, 8w. V- Exluge Christa, &c. R. E:
libera nos, Bic.

Ad Absol, Cap. Lectio br. Improperiuln

expectavit cor meum, Soc. 14! infra ad Nonam.

Antiph. Suavis est Dominus.

Egrediminl, 8:0. 14! ad Laudes.
R. br. Misericordila tui, Domine, 4' Plan:
est Terra. Misericordi:i tui, 8w.

V- Justlcationis tuna doce me.

Plum elt

Terra. Gloria Patti, 8w. Mlaericordli m5

Domino, 8m.
V. Secundum misericordiam tuam vivillca
me, Domino.


Oicium Sanctissimi

R. Et custodian testimonin oi'is tu

AD summ
Antiph. Sitivit in te.
Cnnuwu. Cant. viii. 6.
Porn: me ut signaculum super Cor tuum,
ut signaculum super bruchium mum: quia
Kurtis est. ut mors delectio.
R. br. Secundum misericordiam tuam '
vivica m, Domine. Secundum, 8w.
V- Et custodiam testamouia oris tui. Vivi
ca me, Domine, Gloria Pan'i, 8w. Secundum
misericordiam, 8w.
V. Fae cum servo tuo secundum misericor
diam tuum.

R. Et doce me justicatioues mas.

Antiph. Bene placitum est,
CAPITULUM, Psalm 68.
hn'nonmum expectavit Cor meum. et mi
leriam : l et sustinui qui simul contristaretur,
a non fuit, qui consolaretur, et non inveni.
R. br. Fac cum servo tuo, i secundum
milericoldiam mam. Fac cum servo tuu,
V. Ut justicationes tuas dnce me.
Secundum miserecordiam tuam. Gloria Pan-i,

Fae cum servo tuo, 8w.


Vania: super me misericordia ma,

R. Salutare mum, lecundum eluquium


Mfssa in Fulo, 85-0.


In I]. Very. omm'a u! in I. ezceplix iis, qua


Quicumque certum qulritis, &c. I! in I. Vnp.
V. Miaericordiu Domini 6 progeuie in pro

R. Timentibus eum.

Ant/1. Suscepit nos Duminus in Sinum, ct







FAG nos, Domino Jesu, Sanctislimi Cardin
mil virtulibua indui, el a'eolibun inammari:

J! et imagini bonilatis tum cunfurmee, et m.

redemplionin mereamur esse pnniuipes.
vivis et regnaa cum Deo Pntre, 8w.



In'rnorrus. Cant. iii.
Ecnzmunu, ct videte, Film Sion, regem
Salomonem in diademete, quo coronavit eum

Mater sun, in die desponsationis ejun, et in die

laniiiae Cordia Pjnl.
Psalm 44. Eructavit cor menm verbum
bonum: dico ego opera mea regi.
V. Gloria Patri, 8m.
Egredimini, 8w
Fae nos Domino Jeau, Sanctisaimi Cordil
tui virtutihua indui, et o'ectibuc, inammuri;

m at imagini bonitatis \ul conformeI, et tu


Missa in Festo

redempnnls mereamur ess prticipes.

vivis et regnas cum Deo Pntre, 8m.


Lxcno xms'ronm

mun nun APOSTOLI All

Cap. 3.-V. 8
Fnnans: mihi omnium Sanctorum mini
mo data est gratin haw in gentibus evange
liznre iuvestlgabiles divitias

Christi, et illu

minare omnes qua: alt dispensatio Sacramenti

absconditi 5 saeculis in Dec, qui olnnia nreavit.
Hujus rel gratil'i ecto gentm mea ad Pan-em
Domini nostri Jesu Christi, ex quo omnil
paternitas in cmlis, et in term uominamr,

ut den vobis lecundm divitias glorlae sum

vlrmte corroborari per spiritum ejus in interi
orem homlnem: Christum habjtare per dem

ln cordibus vestris: in charimte radicati et

fundati, ut possitis comprehendere cum omni
bus Sanctis qua sit latitudo et longitudo, et
lubllmitas, et profundum: scire etiam super
eminentem scientlm charitatem Christi: u!
lmpleamini in 0mnem plenitudinem Del.
Graduale. Illatt. 21. Dlciti Fillaa Sion: Ecce
Rex tuus venit tlbi mansuetus.
Isa. 42. Non erit tristis, neque tm'bulentul:
Non clamabit, neo audietur vos ejus foris.
Alleluia, Alleluia,

Matt. 11. Dincite 6 me, quia mitis sum, et

humllil Cords: et invem'etis requiem anima
bul vestris. Alleluia.


Psalm 68. lmproperium expecta

vlt Col meum, et miseriam;

et sustlnui qui

b'amti simi ( HIT/1'

olmul contrlllerntur, et non fuil : et qui con.
oolaretur, et non iuveni.

Tralma. Psalm -2|. Ego aulem lum rennin,

et non homo: opprobium hominum, e: ubjwlio
plebis. ()mnes videntea me, derisreuul me:
lucuti suut labiis, et movrunl capul: Sicut
aqua e'usus sum, ct dispersa sunt omuia oasa

mes. Factum eat Cor meum mnquam oer:

liquelcenl in medio ventris mei.

Alleluia, nllelula.

Psalm 19. Domino Deul

meus clamavi ad te, c! sanasli me; rduxisli

lb inferno snlmam meam. Alleluiu.

Convertlsti planctum meum in

conscidisti succum


meum, et circum

dediatl me lanitiu. Alleluia.

"Quinn GANC'I'I l'ANOII-ll szcunnuu

Joan. 15, u. 9.
In illo tempura: Dixit Jesus Discipulis
ouls: Sicut dilexit me Puter, ct ego dih-xi
vos. Munete in dilutione me. Si pram-pm
mvii servaveritis, muuebilis in dilectione ma,
sinut e! ego Palris mei pnecepta scrvavi,

et msneo in ejus delectioue. Hm: loculus

oum vobis, ut gaudium meum lu vobis sil,
et gaudium veslrum lmpleatur.
Hoe es


aicul dilexi vos-





hc dilectionem

nemo hubet, ut anlmam suam ponat qull pro

amicis auis.
Vos umici mei estis, sl fcoeritll
qua ego prmcipio vobls. Jam non dlcam

vol ervos:

quia n-rvis nescit quid fuel"

.1 u


Jllissa in Festo, (Sc.

Dominul I! us.

Vos autem dlxi amicos: quia

irnnia quav:uumque audivi & latre meo,

lvci vubis.

Nun vos me elegistis:


sell ego

Hegi vos, et posni vos

ut eatis, at fructum

et l'ructus
quudcumque petieritis

vesier maneat:
Patrem in nomine

men, det vobis.

Crude, 8w.

Owzm-oaum l. P-walip. 29.

Domino Deus in simplicimte Cordis mei
lanua obtuli universa; et populum mum vidi
cum ingeuti gnudio tibi o'ere dunaria: _Deus
Israel nustodi hanc \Tolumatem Coi'dis eorum.
ILLo nos igne. quasumus Domino, Spiri
tus sanctus inammet, quem

Dominus nostal

Jesus Christus penetralibus Cordis sui misit







Qui tecum vivit et regnat inunitate ejusd'm,


Prajfatio de Nalivitate Domini. Etsic dicitur

etiam m lllissl's Votiuis :2 Dominica Trinitatis
usque ad Septungesimam.

A Septuagesima vero

usque 11d Pentecnsten, Pmfatio de Grace.

Gustate, et videte, quoniam auavis est Domi
lus: in mbernum misericordia ejus. Alleluia.
POST uomuuxlo.
Pusmmm' nobis, Domino Juan, Divinum
hm snncta favorem; quo duloissimi Cordis tul
nu:n'imte percopl, discamus terrena
are, at amare cmlestia.
Qui vivis, 8m


Tmnslations, -c.


Translation: of the Latin Hymns, and the Les~

sons from St. Bernard. in the preceding Oce
qf'tl'le Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Quicumque cerium qum'itt's.

To you who live in grief and pain,
()ppressed by guilts dismay,
May heavenly peace return again,
To chase your griefs away.
Jesus, on high to sinners kind,
A victim doth appeal-;

0 hasten his fond heart to nd,

And rest securely there.
Yes. 'tis his voice that sounds so sweet
\Vhy, sinners, y from me?

Come, seek forgiveness at my feet,

Your sins shall pardon'd be.
What heart did ever friendship prove
Like his, so good and great ?
Behold how his expiring love
Ilia Father doth entreat.
For you and me, nay een {or those
Who bid his veins to bleed :
Father, forgive my cruel foes ;
0 this was love indeed.
Jesus, that heart, which with delight
Fills the angelic train,
Doth sweetly thus our souls invite,
Thy mercy to obtain.
0 dry our tears, our bruises heal,

To u thy blood apply :

A new-formed heart in us reveal,

Who for thy bounty cry.


Lesson: of

LESSON, room 'rus Tum-o Ssauos or S'r


Havnso once come to the most sweet

Heart of Jesus, and since it is good for us to
dwell here, let us not easily su'er ourselves to
be driven from him, of whom it is written,

those who depart from thee shall be written

in the earth. But what of those who ap
proach thee? Thou thyself teachest us: thou
sayest to them that draw near unto thee;
Rejoioe, for your names are written in. hea
ven. Let us, therefore, who are mindful of
thy heart, approach thee; let us be glad
and rejoice in thee. 0 how good and sweet
it is, to dwell in this heart! [will rather
give up all things; I will exchange all the
thoughts and aeetions of my mind, and out
every one of my resolutions into the heart of

Lord Jesus, and without deceit it will

nourish me.

At this Temple, this Holy of Holies; at
this Ark of the Covenant, I will adore and
praise the name of the Lord, saying with
David: My heart hath learned to pray to
my God." And I found the heart of the king,
my brothel, and kind friend, Jesus.
shall I not adore!
Having, therefore, found
this heart of thine and mine, 0 most sweet
Jesus! I will entreat thee, my God, to grant

an audience to my prayers In my sanctuary,

or rather draw me into thy heart. 0 Jesus,
the most fair of all that is beautiful! was
me still more from my iniquity and

St. Bernard.


me from my sin, that, being puried by thee,

who art purity in perfection, I may be deemed
worthy to approach to, and dwell in thy heart
all the days of my life, where I may at the
same time know thy will, and be enabled to

perform it.
Folt this purpose it was, that thy side was
pierced, that an opening might be made for
us. it was for this end that thy Heart was
wounded, that we might dwell in

it and in

thee, and rest securely from exterior troubles.

it was moreover wounded, that through the
visible wounds we might contemplate the
invisible wound of love. How could there
be here


ardour shown, than that he

should permit not only his body, but even

his heart to be wounded with the lance.
wound of the esh, therefore, discovers the

wound of the spirit. Who does not love that

heart which is thus so Wounded? Who does
not make a return of love to him who is thus
so loving? Who does not embrace him, who
is so pure ?

Let us, therefore, who still remain

in the body, embrace and return love for love

to him who was wounded for our sakes: whose
hands, feet, side, and heart, have been perfo

rated by impious villains: let us stop till he

vouchsafel to wound ours, as yet hard and
impenitent hearts, with the dart, and


them up with the bandages of his love.

Bur how ought we to remain in his love .
He continues, and says; If you keep my


Lessons of

commandments, you shall remain in my love:

for as I have kept the commands of my Fa
ther, so I remain in his love.
These works,
vmy brethren, are the cause of the love of

Christ: let each of you consider whether you

should not love the Lord Jesus- Vhat could
he have done for us that he has not done?
How could any love exceed the love where
with he has loved us? Greater love he could
not have for us, since he laid down his life for
our sakes.
The same blessed truth testifies,

that no one can do more than lay down

life for his friends. To love Christ, then,
brethren, who hath so loved us as to wash
sins in his blood, cannot be beneath us.
brethren, let not the same

love, the



charity of Christ, prove to you bitter.

Tm: love of Christ is altogether delicious,
wholly delightful: it does not torment but
please: it does not enervate, but strengthens
its possessor. It holds all earthly things in
contempt, and covets only what relates to
heaven. He makes diligent inquiry into the
will of Christ, and endeavours to full it with

his whole strength: and from the observance

of his commands, he happily attains to the
fruition of joys, and rejoices perfectly in him,
after whose love he so ardently breathed in
this valley of tears. Hence, he with good
reason continues: These things I hat
spoken to you, that my joy may remain in
you, and that your joy may be complete :

as if he had said: therefore I command yo

and advise you to observe my recap, In

.S'l. [Jar/uin.


to remain in my love, that my joy may I'Bnlaln

in you, lnd thut your joy may be full: ill!
by reciprocal love thou wunldst bestow on me
wherewith to rejoice: and that you may pus
li'u that joy which the elect shall enjoy in
retribution of their rewards-

Te Deum, dw

Ant. Learn of me, whomn meek and humble
of hum-t, and you shall nd rest for your loula.
Psalm. The Lord hath reigned, &c., will: Um
rest, a: on Sunday d! Lands.
HYMN ll.

Summi purenlisllo.
Jesus, accept our humble praise,
God's cuetllal Son,
Blest Prince of Peace, who nmn didst rnise,

To life that was undone.

What tenderness thy heart did more,

Sn many a pang to bear.

Victim of thy own boundless love,
May we its ardour share.
Thy innocence our ransom paid,
Twas love that op'd so wide
Thy wounded heart, now all disphw'd,
A guilty world to hide.
O Charity ! may thy bright ame
Our earthly dross rene,

\vnuh'd in thy blood's all-cleansing slll'mn,

May we be, Jesus, thine.

Lmig'd in thy heart, 0 let us lmmv

The sweet! of love by this,
Our hearts with grace shall overow,

The pledge of future bliss.

41 8

Devotions to

An Act of consecration t0 the Sacred

Heart of Jesus.

0 MY most amiable and loving God,

who callest upon me to give thee my
heart) and commandest me to love
thee with my whole heart,l I most

earnestly desire to perform this duty;

for what have I in heaven ,- and besides
thee, what do I desire upon earth ,9 For
thee my esh and my heart have fainted
away, thou the God of my heart, and

the God that art my portion for ever.

Thou art the source of all perfection,

and all being, whom the angels delight

to behold. Thou hast thought of me
in thy love and bounty from all eter
nity, and host bestowed upon me in time
this excellent being, a little inferior to

the angels," that I possess, and thou

dost support me every instant of my
existence, to prevent my falling back
into my original nothingness. W'hen l
was lost in sin, and had become the
destined victim of hells unquenchable
' Prov. xxiii. 26.
1- Matt. xxli. 27.
Ps. lxxxii. 24.

1 1 Pet. i. 12.
u Ps- viii. 6.

the Sacred Heart,


names, thou, the co-eqnal Son of the

Eternal Father, awarding la the riches
of thy grace, and thy superabundant
love for me, didst o'er tb yselfanatoning

victim to the justice of thy Father,

taking upon thee my imperfect nature,
in order to su'er in my stead. And, 0
my loving Redeemer, what dreadful
ignominies and torments hast thou not
su'ered for this purpose ! What deadly
anguish oppressed 'thee in the garden of
Gethsemanil What unparalleled insults
and torments didst thou endure from the
Jews and Pagan soldiers l What more
than mortal pangs eonvulsed thy body
and soul, whilst thou pouredst out thy
precious blood on the cross, derided by
thy enemies, and forsaken by thy hea
venly Father! 0 thou, my too loving
and bountiful Saviour, is it possible that
this excess of thy love for me should
not engage me to love thee in return?
No, sweet Jesus, I will and do love

thee, because thou hast loved me rst. 1

I will and do love thee, as thou com

mandest me, with my whole heart,

with my whole soul, and with my whole
' Ephel. l. 7.

1- ] John iv. 19.


Devotions to


Trusting in thy all-powerful

grace, I resolve, with thy Apostle,

that henceforth neither tribulation, nor
distress, nor' famine, nor nahedness,

danger, nor persecution,

nor the

sword, shall be able to separate nu:

from the lore qf God, which is in Christ

Jesus our Lor-'L'I-

But in order that

I may thus love thee, divest me, O

my divine master, of the inordinate

love which I bear to myself: Enable

me to tahe up thy sweet yohe, and to
learn of thee
to be meeh
my and
with a
deep sense of its own misery and sin

fulness, that in humility I may esteem

others better than myself] 0 thou
mrelc and humble Ileart of my Jesus!

0v thou most amiable Heart, ever glow

in; with love for me, frame my heart
to resemble thine.

Teach me to know

myself, by a deep conviction of my

own unworthiness; teach me to know

thee by an ardent love of thee, that

henceforward thou mayest be the moving
principle of my heart, in all that I shall
' Matt. xxii. 37.
f Rum. viii. 35.

t Matt. xi. 29.

H Phil. ii. 3.

l '40 Sm'rell IIeu r/.

4 ll

think. and say, and do. during the re

mainder of this mortal lite, till it comes

to be absorbed in the Abyss ofpure love

for all eternity. Amen.
V. '1 'lay loving heart, 0 Jams, I

R. lVith love my heart ilfume still

more and more.
An Act qf Atrmement to the Sacred
Ilcurt qfJesus.
0 ADORABLE Jesus, how insen
sible are the hearts of men, how insen

sible is my heart in particular, of the

innite love of us, with which thy sacred

Heart is inamed! The blessed spirits

celebrated the mysteries of thy incarna
tion and birth; they ministered to thee

in the agony that preceded thy passion,

and at thy resurrection from the dead;

they surround our altars to adore thy

real presence upon them: yet how little
impression do these mysteries make upon
our frozen hearts. for the love of whom
they have all been wroughtl How feeble
is our faith in theml how tepid is our
gratitude for theml how little love or


Devotion: to

respect do we prove to thee in the most

holy Sacrament of the Altar, in which,
nevertheless, thou art as truly present

as thou wert upon the cross on Mount

Calvary, and as thou wilt be in the clouds
of heaven at the last day, when thou wilt

pronounce oureverlasting doom! But we

are not only insensible, we are perdious
and rebellious. How grievously do we
transgress thy holy commands by wilful
sin l how unconcernedly do we drinh

down iniquity like water 1* How fre

quently have I myself, like the traitor
Judas, betrayed thee into the hands of
thy enemies and my own, for some un

lawful graticationl how have I even

trodden under foot the Son of God, and

esteemed the blood of the testament un

clean, by which I was sanctd by
abusing the institutions of his mercy,
for conveying the merits of his precious
su'erings to my soul ! O the base return

of my unfeeling heart, to the unparal

leled mercy and love of the most tender
and generous heart of my Saviour!

VVonld to God that I were able with

never-ceasing tears, and the last drop oi
' Juh xv. l6.

f Heb. x. 29.

tlie Sacred Heart.


blood, to atone for so much guilt and

ingratitudel But, since no created be

ing can make due satisfaction to the of

fended majesty of God, I here o'er him
the divine ardours of the Heart of his
Son Jesus Christ, to satisfy for the in

gratitude of mine; and I present to him

the blood that owed from his wounded
heart, at his last gasp on\the cross, in

satisfaction for all my own sins, and

those of my fellow-creatures; earnestly

heseeching thee, my God, rather to take

me out of the world at the present mo
ment, than let me live to o'end thee
grievously any more. Amen.

V. Ting/loving Heart, 0 Jem,Iud01'e.

R. Wt]: love my heart iname still
more and more.

Devout Salutations to the Sacred Hu

mam'ty of Jesus Christ.

ETERNAL Son of the living God,
who, in excess of thy mercy and love,
didst take upon thee our human nature,

to suffer in it the punishment due to my

sins, what grateful homage and love do
I not owe to this sacred humanity, sa


Devotion: to

crieed wholly and in each part for my

salvation! l salute thee. then, 0 pre-.

cious body of Christ. su'ering cold and
want at thy birthhunger and fatigue
during thy lifeand a bloody scourgiug
which rendered thee lihe a leper, and as
one struxrh by God) before thy death.
R. I salute and adore thee, thou'dear

saliering body of my Lord and lie

deemer Jesus Christ.
Prostrata before you, I salute and
adore you, O sacred feet of my Re
deemer, so often wearied during his

mortal course, in seehing the lost sheep

of the house of Israel- and at length
transxed with torturing nails to the
wood of the cross.
R. I salute and adore you, O bleed

ingjeet of my Saviour Jesus Christ.

I salute and adore you, omnipotent

hands of my gracious Master, which
healed the sick, and wrought other
miracles For his people, and in return
were nailed by them to the instrument
of his torture, in order to exhaust his

li by lengthened suite-rings.
l-i. 4

1- Matt. xv. -Z4

the Sacred Ilem't.


R. I salute and adore you, O boun

tiful hands Qfmy Saviour Jesus Christ,
bleeding on the cross.

v I salute and adore you, O venerable

head and countenance of the Word In
carnate, on which the angels looh with
awe, but which by thy sinful creatures
were bu'eted, and blindfolded, and spit

upon, and crowned with thorns.


I salute and adore thee, O divine

countenance of my awful Judge ,- and I

beseech thee that, instead of thy terrible
frown, I may meet with thy gracious

smile when thou shalt unveil thyself to


I salute and adore thee, O sacred

spirit of the divine Jesus, which, from

the moment of his conception foresaw

and accepted of all the ignominies and
pains he successively endured: oppress
ed with sorrow even unto dmth, in the

Garden of Gethsemani, and left by the

Eternal Father to the extremity of interior and exterior torment, till their vio
lence exhausted and took away his

I salute and adore thee, Ornost

aiicted spirit of my willing victim, Jesus


Det'olium to

Christ, and beg Qf thee that I may

hmoefonaard love him with all my soul
and all my mind
Isalute and adore thee, O glowing
Heart of my best friend, Jesns Christ,

that wert laid open at his death, to

give me, with the last drop of his life's
blood, the nal proof of his boundless

love of me.
R. I salute and adore thee, 0 pre
cinus Heart of Jesus, that loved me unto

death: grant that I may love thee with

all my heart, now and for ever more.

The Short LITANY of the SACRED
LORD have mercy on us.


Lord have mercy on us.

Christ have mercy on us.


Christ have mercy on us.

Lord have mercy on us.

R. Lord have mercy on as.

Christ hear us. R. Christ graciously
hear us.
0 God, the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, Have mercy on us.
0 God, the Son, the Redeemer of'man
kind, Have mercy on us

,-__..v_ . n.

the Sacred Heart.


0 God the Holy Ghost, the Comforter

of the just, Have mercy on us.

0 Sacred Trinity, three Persons in one
God, Have mercy on us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus.

R. Grant us

grace to love thee.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, hypostatically
united with the Eternal Word, grant

as grace to love thee.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, furnace of 1

divine love

Sacred Heart of Jesus, mirror of

meekness and humility,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, source of
true contrition,


Sacred Heart of Jesus, the trea

sury of all graces,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, SOTTOuZ/ltl
in the Garden unto death,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, fainting
under his bloody sweat,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, saturated

with a'mnts,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, ubedimlt

unto the death ofthe cross,1'

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced

with the soldier's spear;
* Lament. iii. 30.
2 E

1 Philip. ii, 8.


Devotion: to

Sacred Heart of Jesus, the refuge] @

of sinners,


Sacred Heart of Jesus, the conso5*

lation of the alicted,
Sacred Heart of Jesus, the hope ' SI
of the dying,

Sacred Heart of Jesus, the joy of

the elect,


From insensibility of thy innite love

for us, Deliver us, 0 Heart of Jesus.

From the ingratitude of wilfully offend

ing thee, Deliver us, 0 Heart qfJl-sus.

From the misery of being separated

from thee in time and eternity, Deli
ver as, O [Icart Qf Jesus.
V. 0 Jonas, meek and humble of

R. '0 Jesus, make our hearts like

unto thy heart.
Let us Pray.

JESUS CHRIST, who, from the

full treasury of th Sacred Heart, didst

draw the inestima le graces which thou
dispensest to thy faithful lovers, grant
that, mortifying our pride and self-love,
we may become true imitators of thy
meekness and humility, and becoming


o L~

the Sacred Heart.


every day more sensible of thy exces

sive love, in making thyself our com
panion in thy Incarnation, our victim

in thy Passion and Death, and our food

in thy Real Presence on our altars, we

may henceforward return thee, to the

best of our power, love for love during
this our present state, and be immersed

hereafter in the abyss of thy divine love,

who, with the Father and the Holy
Ghost, livest and reignest one God,

world Without end.


A Prayer properjbr gaining the Indul

gences granted by his Holiness.
0 MOST just and merciful God, my

Father, my Redeemer, my Sanctier,

my God, and my Alll when I reect

on my insensibility of thy nnmberless
and incomprehensible benets towards

me, the tepidity of my services to thee,

my daily transgressions against thee,
and more especially on the great sins

of my past life, and on the imperfection

of my contrition and penance for them.
I am seized with grief and terror, and
wish with thy prophet, for water to my
head, and anmtain of tears to my eyes.


Devotions to

that day and night I may bewail' my

guilt and misery. Hence also I cry out
to thee with another of thy prophets :
Have mercy on me, O God, according

to thy great mercyR. And according

to the multitude of thy tender mercies,

blot out my sins. Wash me yet more
from my iniquity, and cleanse me from
my sinR. For I hnow my iniquity and
my sin is always before me.T0 thee
only have I sinned. and have done evil

More thee. -|~

Nevertheless, assured as

I am, 0 Lord, that thy mercies are

above all thy worhmi and that thou, my

loving Saviour, didst su'er the torments

of the cross, and give thy heart's blood

to make an atonement for me, I cast

myself with an humble hope at thy

crucied feet, and beseech thee to apply
this sovereign atonement to my poor soul.
0 sprinhle me with this hyssop, that dis
tils from thy precious wounds, and I
shall be cleansed; wash me with thy
atoning blood, and I shall be made
whiter than mow-I] Yes, my most mer
ciful Lord and Saviour, trusting, as I do
. Jet. 11.
1* Pa. 1.

Ps. X1.
u Ps. l.

the Sacred Heart.


in the multitude of thy mercies, and the

innite merits ofthysu'erings and death

for me, as likewise in the prayers of the

Blessed Virgin and all the Saints, and in

thevirtue of the heavenly keys thou hast

bestowed on thy Vicar on earth, I hope
not only for the pardon of my sins, but
also for the remission of the temporal
punishments due to them; and there

fore, in compliance with the directions

of this thy Vicar, I pray to thee most

earnestly for the accomplishment of all

his pious intentions, and more espe
cially for the establishment of peace and

concord among Christian princes and

states, and for the extirpation of all
heresies, schisms, indelity, and wicked

ness throughout the worldGrant all

this, 0 Lord God, for thy mercy: sake,

and through the sacred wounds and the

pierced Heart of thy beloved, Son Jesus
Christ, who, with thee and the Holy
Ghost, lives and reigns one God, world

without end. Amen.

Our Father, 8pc. Hail Mary, 41.

I believe in God, kc.


Devotion: to

A Condo/(me with the Sacred Heart of

the Blessed Virgin.
O Vmom Mormm of my divine Re
deemer Jesus Christ, how soon was the
joy that lled thy heart at his birth,
allayed by the prophecy of holy Si
meon, announcing to thee, at thy puri
cation, that He was set 'llpfor a sign,
that should be contradicted, and that a

sword :ltould transa: thy own soul."

Accordingly thou didst soon witness
the cruel jealousy of King Herod, who
endeavoured to cut him off at his birth,

the blind fury of the people, who took

up stones, and led him to a precipice
in order to destroy him, and the un

wearied malice of the Scribes and Pha

risees, who sought for pretexts to ruin
his character, and put him to an igno

minious death ; all which attempts

wounded thy tender heart with a grief
proportionable to the fervour of thy
ove of him, who was, at the same

time, thy Son and thy God. But when.

at length, in his merciful counsels for
" Luke ii. 34.

the Sacred Heart.


my salvation, be permitted a mortal

anguish to overwhelm his soul, and his

enemies to seize upon his divine per

son; when he was bound and bu'eted,

and blasphemed and spit upon; when

he was torn with scourges and crowned
with thorns, and sentenced to an igno

minious death; when thy eyes beheld

him fainting under the load-of his cross,
and hanging upon it for three hours, sup
ported by nails, that

transxed his

hands and feet, while the precious

blood derived from thy pure body,

streamed down from his several wounds;
when thy ears heard his meek v'oice
commending thee to his beloved disciple,
and likewise his unrelenting enemies to
the mercy of his heavenly Father, till the
extremity of their torments took away
his breath. O blessed Virgin Mother,
how severe were thy pangs ! how sharp
was the sword that wounded th mater
nal heart ! Surely no sorrow o the af
icted was like unto thy sorrow ! surely
no su'erings of the martyrs in their
bodies were equal to the su'erings thou
didst endure in thy holy soul. '1 con
dole with thee, thou most innocent.


Devotions to

and yet most aicted of human beings,

and I bewail my sins which have caused

thy divine Son's su'erings and thy

own sorrows. O, by all thy love of
him, and compassion for me. I beseech
thee to obtain of him, that I may never

more deliberately offend him, but ra

ther that I may love him more and more

every day of my mortal life, till I come

to the clear sight and possession of him,
in company with thee and the other

blessed inhabitants of the kingdom of

divine love. Amen.
V. Great Queen of Sorrows, grant

that toemay tread thy steps, and let it

bahom sorrow, not to grieve lihe thee.
R. 0 may the wounds of My dear
Son-our cantn'te hearts possess alone,
and all terrene a'ections drown.

A Prayer for a happy Death.

0 Auvnon'rv and eternal God, the
Creator of us and of all things, who
didst create our bodies of the dust of
the earth, and, when we had sinned
against thee, in our rst father, didst

sentence them to return to dust again,

the Sacred Heart.


behold, I here submit myself to this

awful sentence, as the just punishment

of my sins, and as the only means of

coming to thee, my last end and my

supreme happiness.

But, 0, my most

merciful Lord and God, I beseech thee.

through the passion and death of my
Redeemer Jesus Christ, that, at what

ever hour thou art pleased to summon

me out of this world to the bar of thy

justice in the next, I may be found

watching with the lamp of faith, hope,
and charity burning in my hand, so as
not to be shut out from the banquet of

eternal happiness, but be admitted to

the sight and enjoyment of thee in thy
heavenly kingdom.
Q Jnsvs, my most loving Saviour,

who didst hang three hours on the cross,

to purchase mercy, grace, and salvation

for my poor soul, I entreat thee by thy

precious wounds, and especially by that
of thy adorable Heart, which yielded the
last drop of its sacred blood for me, that
thou wouldst have mercyupon me at the

hour of my death.
R. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy
upon me at that my [an hour.


Uuolions to

At that all-important hour, when my

sentence for eternity is about to be pro
nounced, and my infernal enemies will

redouble theirports to get possession

of my poor soul,
R. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have merry
upon me at that my last hour.
When my body, subdued by disease,

and bedewed with a cold sweat, will

be nearly motionless, and my mind,
distracted with pain and anxiety, will
be incapable of xed attention, or fer
vent prayer,


R. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy

on me at that my last hour.
When I shall breathe forth my soul,

and it shall behold thee on the throne

of thy majesty, surrounded by millions
of blessed spirits,

R. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy

upon me at that my last hour.
Let us pray for the Faithful Departed.
OUT of the depths I have cried to
thee, O Lord; Lord hear my voice.

Let thy ears be attentive to the voice

of my supplication.

the Sacred Heart.


If thou, 0 Lord, wilt mark iniquities;

Lord who shall stand it?

For with thee there is merciful for
giveness: and by reason of thy law I
have waited for thee, 0 Lord.

My soul hath relied on his word.

My soul hath hoped in the Lord.
From the morning watch even until
night let Israel hope in the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy,
and with him plentiful redemption.

And he shall redeem Israel from all

his iniquities.
Eternal rest give tothem, 0 Lord, and

let perpetual light shine upon them.

Let us pray.

0 Got), the giver of pardon, and

lover of the salvation of men, we beseech

thy clemency on behalf of our parents,

relations, friends, and benefactors, who
have departed this life, that, the blessed

Virgin Mary and all the saints inter

ceding for them, they may come to the
fellow-ship of eternal life, through Christ
our Lord.


O God, the Creator and Redeemer

of all the faithful, give to the souls of
thy servants departed, the full remission
of all their sins, that, through pious

supplications they may obtain the par

don which they have always desired,
through Jesus Chrit our Lord. Amen.

V. Thy loving Heart, 0 Jesus, I adore.

R. IVilb love my heart iqame still
more and more.

N. B._The festival of the Sacred

Heart of Jesus is kept on the Friday
immediately following the Octave of

Corpus Christi.
Sanctissimo Domino nostro P50

P. P. VII.

JOANNES Minivan, Dei te

Apostolicaa Sedis



Caatabalaa. Vicarius Apostolicus in Am

gli ad Sanctitatis vestrm pedes provo


lutus, humiliter supplicat, ut, ad au

gendum in dies Amabillissimi cordis
Jesu Christi Domini nostri cultum, om
nibus et singulis utrisque sexus christi
fidelibus, qui in locis su spiritualis ju
risdictionis, in Feria Sextpost 0ctavum
sanctissimi corporis Christi, vel, loco
ejusdem Feriae, in una alii per annum

die ab oratore designand, nec non in

primis sexti Periu cujusque Mensis,
vela loco, istiusmodi Feriarum, in una

ex diebus Dominicis cujusque mensis

per oratorem pariter assignand, were,
pnitentes et confessi ac sacri communi
onerefectL devote visitaverint, primis

vesperis usque ad occasum solis dierum

huj usmodidmaginem sanctissimi cordis
Jesu, vel expositam, vel quando exposita
fuel-it, in ecclesiis aut Sncello publico,
sive 0ratorio quocunque, etiam collocato

intra septa cujus libet Monaslerii, Semi

narii, vel alterius loci pii, et ibi pro
Christianorum Principum Concordia,

hresum extirpatione, ac juxta mentem

Sanctatis vestraz, preces e'uderint, qua
die prdictarium id egerint. Plenariam
Imlulgentiam, applacabilem etiaml per

modum su'ragii, animabis fidelium de

functorum: iis vero, qui indicataln
lumginem devote visitaverint, ibique,
ut supra, oraverint. centuni dierum ln

dulgentiaui in singulos anni dies semel

in die ab uuoquoque lua'audam pariter

que, per modum sutfragii, applicandam,

benigne coucedere dignetur: qua-m gra
tiam, 8w.

Ex Audientia Sanctissimi, die

27 Junli, 1814.

SANCTISSIMUS benigue annuit pro

gratis juxta petita, in forms tamen
Ecclesim constitute, ad quiudennium.

P. F. Cane. GALLEFI.

26 ' 65

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