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Science, Technology and Society

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Science, Technology

and Society
1. “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understand without

 From my own understanding those phrases wants to allows us to connect between our
personal challenges and larger social issues. Also allows us to see the relationships
between events in our personal lives and events in our society. In other words this
mindset provides the ability for individuals to realize the relationship between
experiences and the larger society.
2. “Families are nothing more than idolatry of duty”?

 It is because the family is still the building block of society and without it, society would
collapse. Families are what make a society strong. The nature of family relationships
from the basis upon which the rest of society.
3.”If advertising is not an official or state art, it is nonetheless clearly art”?

 Advertising is not an official, state art. The government provides no positive guidance for
advertising. It does provides some limitation on what advertiser may say.
4. “Man’s nature originally good and common to all, should develop unhampered”?

 Man and his work, make specialization makes one individual in comparable to another,
and each of them indispensable to the highest possible extent. However this
specialization makes each man directly dependent upon the supplementary activities of
5. “Our individual lives cannot, generally be works of an art unless the social order is

 From my own understanding our individual lives are not connected to the social order
because it is our lives and not for other, even though it is our individual lives, it can
generally be a works of art because I believe that every individual lives is a master piece
of ourselves.

1. Cultural similarities
What is common for us all over the globe?

 The common for us all over the globe was the similarity on the basis for the formation
and development of cultures it includes the factors of nature, society and human
development. Also the similarity about on cultural products this activity creates certain
products under tangible and intangible form in which the cultural values are included.
2. Culture is political instrument

 Culture is political instrument because it gives order and meaning to a political process
and which provide the underlying assumption and rules that given behavior to the
political system. It encompasses both the political ideas and the operating norms of a
3. Nationalism and culture

 It refers to the ideas and practices that relate to the intended revival of a purported
national communities culture. Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty,
devoting or allegiance to a nation or nation state and holds that such obligation outweigh
other individual or group interest. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a
particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music
and arts.
4. Culture and age
Who are kids and elders in different cultures?

 Our experience of ageing is the result of many different factors, ranging from micro level
to macro level, from biological to social, culture effect among older adults was associated
with cultural values. Age and culture interact, the form of the interaction will depend on
the nature of a task.
5. Is culture a defining trait of human only? Can animals have a culture?

 I don’t think that culture only trait of humans because the real definition of culture
consist of knowledge and not only human has that even animals has also their own
knowledge, so for me culture also trait to animals, that is based on my understanding.
6. Culture, gender and gender roles

 Culture can defined as the system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of
people. Gender aspects are relevant both in relation the broad definition of culture as a
social construction and to the way in which cultural policy is designed and implemented.
Gender roles are culturally specific, and while most culture distinguish only two, others
recognize many.
7. How does religion influence culture?

 When people in culture believe strongly in a given religion. It can have a huge impact on
their culture. The culture comes to accept only those behaviors and ways of thinking that
are acceptable to their religion. It influence the religion by accepting the culture of one
8. Culture and Law
How much legislative system is influenced by culture?

 From what I see right now I think it only have few because some legal system doesn’t
even consider the culture of one another that is why for me it only have few.
9. Conservation of culture in isolated communities?

 Culture has long been considered one of the key elements characterizing rurality and
plays a central role in rural development.
10. Is it important to preserve a cultural diversity?

 Of course it is important because it affirms our identity as a people because it creates a

comprehensive framework. Even though our cultural is changing by generation we still
need to preserve it so that the new generation will still have to see our culture.

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