Pecial Edition Paper: S S S S S S S S S S S S
Pecial Edition Paper: S S S S S S S S S S S S
Pecial Edition Paper: S S S S S S S S S S S S
DC high voltage ground fault relays (ground fault protective relays) equipped to DC railway substations are devices to monitor the voltage
between the grounding mat of the substation and rails. If a ground fault occurs within a substation, they also detect the voltage rise and
immediately send out an open command to related circuit breakers to stop the supply of power to the point of the ground fault. However,
some ground faults can cause damage to surrounding facilities as well as the point of the accident. At the same time, they could also
possibly hamper ground fault protection due to contact faults with auxiliary energizing sources. We have therefore conducted development
of a ground fault protective relay that needs no auxiliary energizing source (DC 110V) to achieve a protection system where power supply is
stopped without fail in case of ground faults. We have thus-far finished production of a prototype and confirmed that the target performance
has been met, including stable output of that prototype even for unstable input voltage that modeled ground faults. This article will introduce
the development results.
● Keywords: DC feeding protection, DC ground fault, Contact fault, DC high voltage ground fault relay, Using no auxiliary energizing source
A DC high voltage ground fault relay (64P), one of the feeding
protection systems of DC railway substations, is a device for
monitoring the voltage (the difference in potential) between the
grounding mat of the substation and the return wire corresponding
DC high speed
to the rail. If a ground fault occurs within a substation, it also detects circuit breaker
the voltage rise and immediately sends out an open command to Return wire
related circuit breakers to stop the supply of power to the point of
Contact wire
the ground fault. However, some ground faults can cause damage Rail
* Technical Center, Research and Development Center of JR East Group JR EAST Technical Review-No.13 55
Special edition paper
(1) DC high speed circuit breaker (54F) substation, the potential difference between the grounding mat and
This is a circuit breaker that can switch on and off the normal the standard grounding shows no change. So, only the 64P element
feeding circuits and also detect overcurrent of the feeding circuit with between the grounding mat and the rails operates to determine that a
the circuit breaker itself to rapidly breaking the circuit. ground fault is outside a substation, as the conventional 64P does.
(2) Fault selective device for feeding circuit (50F)
Using the difference between the current change (ΔI) of load current
and that of fault current, this selector detects a sharp change of
64P 64B
current in faults and sends out a breaking signal to just the damaged
Ground fault within
Operates Operates
feeder line. a substation
Voltage Ground fault outside Does not
(3) Interlinked breaking device monitoring Operates
Ground fault of a substation operate
As the direct current feeding system employs a parallel feeding a substation
Voltage between
grounding mat 1) Power unit
A 64P is a relay that monitors the voltage between the grounding mat Rail
grounding mat and the standard grounding by setting the latter to Standard
grounding Auxiliary energizing source DC 110V
Output voltage
for judging of a ground fault, the power unit outputs 10V
without fail.
(2) Overvoltage input withstand between the grounding mat and the
rails is to be 2kVDC for 1 minute.
(3) The power unit is to always be used together with a JEC-2500
power supply protective relay and have the insulation performance
(insulating resistance, commercial frequency withstand voltage,
lightning impulse withstand voltage) listed in Table 1.
The reason why we employed 200V or higher input voltage in Input voltage
spec (1) above is that we considered that value the risk area of a
Fig. 6 Characteristic Diagram of a Constant Voltage Circuit
ground fault. The power supply unit is to secure power at 200V
and instantly carry out calculation when reaching the setting value
5.2 In-Factory Tests of the Power Unit
Table 1 Insulation Performance of the Power Unit To check the basic performance of the developed power supply unit,
we carried out the following in-factory tests, achieving results where
Insulating Lightning impulse
withstand voltage
withstand voltage specifications were met.
Applied to AC 50Hz 1 min.
(1) Input/output voltage characteristics:
All terminals of main
circuit - Between all 1,000V mega Characteristics of the output voltage to the change in input
output terminals and 50MΩ or greater 5,000V 4,500V
grounding voltage
Between all output 500V mega
terminals and 10MΩ or greater 2,000V 4,500V (2) Load characteristics:
Characteristics of the output voltage to the change in output
(load) current
Fig. 5 shows the appearance of the developed power unit. Table 2 (3) Output response characteristics:
shows the approximate size and weight of the unit. Rise characteristics of the output voltage in change of load
Table 2 Size and Weight of the Power Unit (4) AC input test:
Check of non-operation by AC input
Length Width Depth Weight
(5) Lightning impulse test:
190 mm 210 mm 230 mm 1.5 kg
Check of the insulation performance against lightning impulse
(6) DC 2kV input test:
The developed power unit consists mainly of a pressure dividing Check of overvoltage withstand for the input voltage
circuit, a constant voltage circuit using Zener diodes and an (7) Heat cycle test:
insulation circuit that ensures insulation between input and output. Performing above-mentioned tests after changing temperature
As shown in Fig. 6, the constant voltage circuit is a circuit that (–10ºC – 50ºC) and humidity in a constant temperature bath in
increases the output voltage proportionally until the input voltage a fixed cycle
reaches a set value (200V for this power supply unit) and outputs a
constant value (10V) once the input voltage exceeds a set value.
input voltage. Combining the power supply circuit with resistance, Fig. 9 Test Results of the Power Unit
that test machine allows continuous burn-in tests up to DC 1,800V
and 1,000A.
Development of the Ground Fault Protective
The input voltage to the power unit is the value achieved when the 6 Relay That Uses No Auxiliary Energizing Source
arc voltage generated by arcing is subtracted from DC 900V.
We used a voltage divider (400:1) to transform high voltage such as As explained in Chapter 5 above, we confirmed that stable output to
input voltage to the voltage appropriate to the voltage measurement drive the logic unit was achieved even in relation to unstable input
device and conducted measurements. voltage; thus, we conducted development of a ground fault protective
relay that uses no auxiliary energizing source and integrates the power
unit and the detection and logic unit.
Transformer Rectifier
Fig. 8 Overview of the Test Circuit of the Power Unit (Arc Tester)
When a ground fault occurs within the substation, the ground
fault protective relay has to make immediate operation output.
5.4 Test Results of the Power Supply Unit Accordingly, we set the time at 15 ms, considering the time
Fig. 9 shows an example of the function test results for the power required to avoid unnecessary operation due to AC ground faults or
unit. As shown there, a constant output voltage (10V) was achieved instantaneous noise.
in relation to unstable input voltage with arcing. On the other hand, we set the operating time for faults outside of
This result shows some temporary drops of the 10V output; the substation at 400 ms considering the above-mentioned detection
however, this is because largely fluctuating arc voltage lowers the time of 50F to identify the damaged line and minimize transport
input voltage to less than 200V. This is correct operation according disruption.
to specification. Fig. 10 shows the appearance of the ground fault protective relay
using no auxiliary energizing source. The structure includes two
units on the attachment base and terminal boards at the bottom.
Table 4 shows the approximate size and weight of the relay.
Table 4 Size and Weight of the Ground Fault Protective Relay Since the input voltage to the relay in this test was the power
That Uses No Auxiliary Energizing Source supply voltage minus the arc voltage, a voltage that was almost the
Length Width Depth Weight same as the power supply voltage (1,500V) was input just after
beginning the test, and establishment of the 10V output voltage and
530 mm 700 mm 350 mm 19.5 kg
monitoring of the P element started. Input voltage fluctuation was
observed because of arcing, but confirmed that the output voltage
remained stable and within specification operating time (voltage
Ground fault protective relay that uses no auxiliary energizing source monitoring time in ground faults outside of a substation: 400 ms).
Power supply unit Detection/logic unit
We also confirmed that the output voltage of the relay after the
operation output remained stable in relation to the largely fluctuating
input voltage.
Fig. 12 is the magnification of the rise of the power in the test
shown in Fig. 11. Considering the operating time 15 ms in ground
faults within a substation, the response time until reaching 90% of
Terminal board
maximum output is approx. 1.0 ms, which is acceptable.
We secured approx. 1.7 ms response time with 200V input voltage
(minimum voltage to establish 10V output voltage) and approx. 1.0
Fig. 10 Appearance of the Ground Fault Protective Relay
ms response time with 400V input voltage that is the minimum tap
That Uses No Auxiliary Energizing Source
voltage for operation output, the same as in the test with 1,500V
input voltage.
6.2 In-Factory Test of the Ground Fault Protective Relay
That Uses No Auxiliary Energizing Source
To check the basic performance of the developed relay, we carried out Voltage input to the relay
the following in-factory tests other than the test items conducted for
Output voltage
P element setting value: 400V
Contact strip side voltage Voltage to establish 10V output voltage (200V)
Contact point/Output voltage (V)
Time (ms)
In this test, we specified the voltage between the contact strip and
Monitoring time Operation output
approx. 400ms the contact wire (arc voltage) as the input voltage to the relay and
Time (ms) checked both of P element and B element at the same input voltage
due to the limitation of the test circuit. Just after starting the test,
Fig. 11 Performance Test Results
(Ground Fault Outside of the Substation) no arc was generated; however, upon lowering the contact strip, arc
occurred. The longer the arc length was, the higher the input voltage
Time (s)
Field Test
Fig. 15 Example of the Field Test Measurement Results
As we confirmed that the target performance level was achieved in
the performance test in the large current test building and in the The measurement results show that the output voltage immediately
factory, we carried out a field test to check durability and unnecessary rose according to a sharp change in voltage between the grounding
operation due to factors such as noise. mat and the rails (grounding mat side as negative), reached a constant
value, and then decreased as the input voltage decreased.
7.1 Overview of the Field Test Circuit The voltage between the grounding mat and the rails remained
As shown in Fig. 14, the input voltage to the developed relay in almost the same during the above-mentioned change.
the field test was supplied in a parallel connection from the input We are currently continuing to take measurements. The number
terminals of an existing 64PB. of data instances that was obtained in the measurement for approx.
a month under the trigger conditions was 11 including the data of
Fig. 15. So far, we have observed no event where the developed relay
has made unnecessary operation due to a sharp change of the input
voltage less than the setting value.
Measurement device
Existing 64PB
8 Conclusion