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Philosophy 2ND Quarter Examination

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Republic of the Philippines

City Division of Cabuyao
District of V - B
Mamatid, Cabuyao City, Laguna

Name: ______________ Grade:________ Section: ____________________ Score: ________________

Direction: Identify the term/s described in each item, choose the best answer in the following questions. Write only the letter in your
answer sheets.

1. Morality came from the root word mores. 5. Determine the philosopher that made this
What does mores mean in relation to a statement: “Man is an end in himself, and
particular group of people? Application should not be treated as an instrument or a
A. Customary Behavior tool”
C. Moral Value A. Jeremy Bentham
B. Moral Reason C. John Mothershead
D. Right Conduc
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
D. Immanuel Kant
2. Which word pertains to the conflict
between oppressive, spiritually destructive
conformity and an authentic way of being? 6. Morality came from the root word mores.
Determine the meaning of the term“mores”
A. Bad Faith
C. Lift to faith in relation to a particular group of people?
B. Deontological Ethics A. CustomaryBehavior
D. Teleological Ethics C. Moral Value
B. Moral Reason
3. Choose among the philosophers that wrote
D. Right Conduct
the book entitled “Utilitarianism”?
A. Jeremy Bentham
C. John Mothershead 7. Distinguish the branch of Philosophy that
deals with the systematic questioning and
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
critical examination of the
D. John Stewart Mill underlyingprinciples of morality?
A. Customary Ethics
4. Choose among the philosopher that wrote C. Normative Ethics
the book entitled “Being and Nothingness”?
B. Ethics
Understanding D. Meta-ethics
A. Jeremy Bentham
C. John Mothershead
8. Distinguish the word that pertains to certain
B. Jean-Paul Sartre
norm or standards for goodness and
D. Immanuel Kant badness of an act?
A. Customary Ethics B. I – IT
C. Normative Ethics D. I – THEM
B. Ethics
13. Identify the community of persons more or
D. Meta-ethics
less numerous permanently occupying a
definite portion of territory independent of
external control.
A. Clan
C. Nation
B. Family
9. Decide which word is beyond the concepts D. State
and parameters set by normative ethics by
trying to question the basis of the 14. Recall the belief that God and the universe
assumptions? Application are the same, or the doctrine that God is an
expression of the physical forces.
A. Customary Ethics
A. Christian Theory
C. Normative Ethics
C. Pantheistic Understanding
B. Ethics B. Divine Right
D. Meta-ethics D. Social Contract

10. Choose among the philosopherswho came

from Konigsberg and examined the 15. Tell about something about the divine right
technical terms underlying ethical theory.
assumptions of a duty based Ethics? A. The theory claims hereditary
A. Jeremy Bentham monarchy as the only lawful government.
C. John B. The state possesses absolute sovereignty
Mothershead over its subjects.
C. the human person is rationaland social
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau being
D. Immanuel Kant D. The human is not only an individual who
is dependent.

11. From the items below how can you 16. Compare the divine theory and Christian
compare the I – IT and I – THOU theory based on their characteristics.
Relationship? A. Both are democratic and republican
A. The human person treats his/her fellows state
as human person. B. Both are dependent to the state.
B. The needs to relate with others C. Both are coming from the people
C. The person learns to become fully D. All of the above
D. Human has subjects and an ends
17. Who wrote the book entitled “The
Principles of Morals and Legislation”?
12. When the human person treats other
persons as objects or tools, which
relationship it pertains to? A. Jeremy Bentham
A. I – THOU C. John Mothershead
B. Jean-Paul Rousseau 22. Human mind is endowed with two faculties,
D. John Stewart Mill that is, Pure reason. What is the other one?
18. The social contract theory is perceived and A. Pure consciousness of space and time
interpreted by Thomas Hobbes. According C. Pure intuition of
to him, the state’s ability can only be space and time
guaranteed by a sovereign authority, to
B. Pure deliveration of space and time
which citizens relinquinsh their rights. This
D. Pure reason of space
theory may imply the advocacy of __
and time
A. direct democracy
C. absolute monarchy
23. Lying is wrong because of its nature that
B. theocracy
cannot be made universal. Which concept
D. authoritarian
does it belong to?
A. Deontological Ethics
19. Duty is thought to have intrinsic value in C. Dutological Ethics
their own right. Which word pertains to its
B. Denotological Ethics
technical term? Analysis
D. Deuntological Ethics
A. Deontological Ethics
C. Dutological Ethics
24. Which is the end of a long beginning of
B. Denotological Ethics
human life?
D. Deuntological Ethics
A. Death
C. Soul
20. Consequence is an instrumental value and
B. Life
seen as contributing towards some desirable
D. Spirit
end. Which word pertains to its technical
term? Analysis 25. Death is the beginning of an eternal life in
heaven with God. Which
A. Teleological Ethics
C. Telonological Ethics A. Christian belief
C. Buddhism belief
B. Telelogical Ethics
D. Tesological Ethics B. Taoism belief
D. Hinduism belief

21. Construct a term which you think is the

origin of the word duty out of the given 26. Who is the philosopher that defines death as
letters: D – I – N - E – the ALREADY and the NOT YET in
human existence?
A. Dein
C.Neid A. Martin Heidegger
C. Martin Buber
D. Nide B. Jean Paul Sarte
D. Emmanuel Kant
B.I –It
D. relationship
27. What is the principle of life?
32. Which principle holds that the human
A. Breath person treats his/her fellow human persons
C. Soul as objects, tool or instrument?
A.I-THOU Relationship
C. Shared being
B. Heart B.I –It
D. Spirit D. relationship
33. Which belief holds that God and the
universe are the same or God is an
expression of the physical forces of nature.
A. Pantheism
C. Christian
28. Bentham has identified seven elements of B. Divine
quantifying happiness such as intensity, D. Social contract
purity, duration, extent, certainty, 34. Which word that happens in the mores of a
propinquity, fecundity. Which concept particular society do not happen in an
captures this elements? Synthesis instant, but they happen unconsciously over
A. Bentham calculus time? Application
C. Pleasure calculus A. Change
B. Hedonic Calculus C. Revolution
D. Utilitarian Calculus
B. Election
D. Value
29. Who posited that the human person by
nature is political being?
A. Aristotle 35. What factor in the society may affect the
C. Hegel individual in his choices which are varied
B. Plato and even contrasting at times? Application
D. Martin Buber
30. Who is the German philosopher that the A. Heterogenous
State is the social substance existing prior C. Normative Ethics
to the citizens?
B. Homogenous
A. Aristotle
D. Meta-Ethics
C. Hegel
B. Plato
D. Martin Buber
36. Which word is an act pertaining to humans
31. Which principle holds that the human alone that requires reflection and
person considers his/her fellow humans as rationality? Analysis
subjects and ends in themselves? A. Authenticity
A.I-THOU Relationship C. Evolution
C. Shared being
B. Deliberation
D. Survival
37. Animals are known to have instincts and it
is explained in two ways, that is, ability to
solve simple problems. What is the
other ability? Analysis
A. Ability to connect cause and effect
C. Ability to connect good and
B. Ability to connect do’s and don’ts
D. Ability to connect
stale and good food
38. Which word pertains to the result of the
process of giving importance wherein you
are setting your priorities that you have
chosen to pursue? Analysis
A. Authentic
C. Moral
B. Ethics
D. Values

40. There are two qualities of pleasure, that is,

39. What process of moral arguments contains intellectual and bodily. Whose opinion does
an analysis of what is considered as good or it belong?
bad? Analysis
A. Jeremy Bentham
A. CustomaryBehavior C. John Mothershead
C. Moral Value
B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. Moral Reasoning D. John Stewart Mill
D. Right Conduct

41. What is the primary idea of Jean-Paul Sartre

regarding people in relation to their
freedom? 5

A. Condemned to be free
C. Freedom involves
SHEET AND FILL IN THE DIFFERENT D. Losing freedoms because we
MORAL CONSIDERATIONS . destroy ourselves
42. Which word pertains to the conflict between B. Phenomenology
oppressive, spiritually destructive conformity D. Utilitarianism
and an authentic way of being? Analysis

A. Bad Faith
C. Lift to faith

B. Deontological Ethics
D. Teleological Ethics

48. Which principle means “pleasure is

quantifiable, that is, the amount of pleasure
43. Who contended that humans are pessimistic
matters”? Synthesis
and their actions are motivated solely by self-
interest? A. Greatest Happiness Principle
A.Thomas Hobbes C. Pleasurable Principle
C. Plato
B. Martin Buber B. Greatest Number Principle
D. Aristotle D. Quantifiable Principle
44. Whose idea holds that God is the eternal 49. The best meaning of life___
Idea behind the things we perceive?
A.Thomas Hobbes A. remember the things that make you happy
C. Plato
B. accept the truth that we will face death
45. B. Martin Buber
D. Aristotle C. live your life accordingly and think of ways
Who is the Jewish existentialist philosopher to make your life happier with your love
that explains regarding the I-THOU
relationships? D. always remember that the way of making
A.Thomas Hobbes life bearable is on how a person copes with the
C. Plato reality
B. Martin Buber 50. Which of the following life events show
D. Aristotle happiness?
46. Lying at times becomes good or right. Which A. you studied in an excellent school
concept does it belong to? Synthesis
B. you always see your friends in school
A. Teleological Ethics
C. Telonological Ethics C. you face challenges in life and overcome
B. Telelogical Ethics
D. Teloslogical Ethics D. all wishes come true

47. Happiness becomes the ultimate goal. Which

discipline does it belong to? Synthesis

A. Existentialism
C. Marxism

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