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Prelim Exam

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region-VI Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental




S.Y 2019-2020

General direction: This is a 50-item test, read each directions written in every type of test.
Direction: The statement carefully, choose the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. It is the study of the society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world.
a. Social Science b. Natural Science c. Psychology d. Humanities
2. Main concern is to explain natural and environmental phenomena.
a. Social Science b. Natural Science c. Psychology d. Humanities
3. It is a branch of knowledge that tends to humanize human as they express themselves in various forms.
a. Social Science b. Natural Science c. Psychology d. Humanities
4. It is a group of people who share a common culture, occupy a particular territorial area and feel themselves to
constitute a unified and distinct entity.
a. Nature b. Society c. Government d. Country
5. It refers to the problems of a society.
a. Social Issues b. Chaos c. Balance d. None of the above
6. Which is considered as Social Issues?
a. Well organize society
b. Peaceful community
c. Judicial killings
d. Zero crime rate in the community
7. Which DOESN’T belong to the group?
a. Psychology b. Biology c. Linguistics d. History
8. One of the fields of Anthropology, mainly concerns with the biological and behavioral aspects or human beings.
a. Physical Anthropology
b. Archeology
c. Linguistic
d. Cultural Anthropology
9. One of the fields of Anthropology, it studies the difference of culture form time to time.
a. Physical Anthropology
b. Archeology
c. Linguistic
d. Cultural Anthropology
10. The study that aims to manage the limited resources to satisfy the unlimited wants of individuals. It is also seen
as the production, consumption and the distribution of goods.
a. Economics b. History c. Political Science d. Sociology
11. The branch of economics that deals with the individuals, households and firms behaviors in making decisions in
allocating the resources.
a. Business b. Micro-economics c. Macro-economic d. Company
12. The fields of science that deals with studying the lands and the features of the earth.
a. Geography b. Demographics c. History d. Political Science
13. One of the discipline in Social Science that deals on studying the past and its records about the events. Derived
from the Greek word “Historia” which means to inquire or knowledge.
a. Geography b. Demographics c. History d. Political Science
14. One of the discipline in the Social Science it deals with the study of languages.
a. Psychology b. Demographics c. History d. Linguistics
15. A social science which deals with the system of governance and the analysis of political activities, political
thoughts and political behavior. It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics which is commonly
thought of as determining of the distribution of power and resources.
a. Geography b. Demographics c. History d. Political Science
16. It is considered as the most important elements of the society.
a. Education b. Family c. Government d. Economy
17. What discipline of Social Science that deals with the study of mind and behavior?
a. Psychology b. Linguistics c. Sociology d. Anthropology
18. It deals with the birth, death and migration.
a. Demography b. Sociology c. Anthropology d. Geography
19. Attempts to understand why animals and humans have developed the particular psychological aspects that they
currently possess.
a. Structuralism
b. Socio-cultural
c. Behaviorism
d. Functionalism
20. Studies the process of sensing, perceiving, learning and thinking about the world.
a. Experimental
b. Developmental and personality psychology
c. Biopsychology
d. Socio-cultural

II. MATCHING TYPE. Connect Column A to Column B by writing the letter of the correct answer.

Column A
Column B
21. The father of History
A. Sigmund Freud
22. A text created by Hindus
B. Aristotle
23. The father of Sociology
C. Eratosthenes
24. The father of Psychology
D. Karl Marx
25. The father of Modern Psychology
E. Wilhelm Wundt
26. The father Political Science
F. Sumerian
27. The first one who uses the word Geography
G. Herodotus
28. A linguistic text created by Babylon
H. Vedas
29. The author of the book “The Republic”
I. Plato
30. The proponent of Conflict theory
J. Auguste Comte

_________________ 31. Is the perspective which describes the society as a social system that has a social structure
of its own, made up of different parts which are interconnected which works together in harmony to achieve
balance or social equilibrium.
_________________ 32. From the Greek word “Psyche” and “logos” which means the study of soul.
_________________ 33. Is a perspective that the world is full of conflict.
_________________ 34. It means that elements of society do their specific tasks or jobs in order to maintain social
_________________ 35. These are the consequences that are unintended or hidden.
_________________ 36. These are consequences of effects that are intended and recognized by the norm.
_________________ 37. It is the disruption or balance in the society.
_________________ 38-39. The two classifications of society during 19th century.
_________________ 40. It is the term used that believes it is a must the human should be part of the big structure.
“No man is an island”

IV. ESSAY. Explain briefly, minimum of three sentences and maximum of five sentences.
(Five points each)

1. Explain the difference between Structural Functionalism and Conflict Theory.

2. As a Senior high school student what can you contribute to the society to solve the social issues?

“If you believe in what you’re doing, you will be successful”

God Bless and Good luck
-Ms. Clara

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