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95.6 x 14.8 meter - Car / Passenger Ferry


17170 Havyard 934 Technical Specification
Revision Date Description Sign
0 27.02.2018 Contractual issue KK/AHL

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Sign by Owner Sign by Builder

This document / specification is the property of HAVYARD DESIGN & SOLUTIONS AS - NORWAY, and must not be copied or the
contents thereof or any information received in conjunction therewith must not be imparted to any unauthorized third party. It must not
be used for any other project than for which it was originally ordered. The receipt of the drawing / specification implies that the conditions
mentioned herein are accepted.


P.O.Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
Page : 2 of 151

0. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 2
00 TABLE OF INDEKS ............................................................................................................................... 2
01 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................ 8
02 ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 10
03 SFI- GROUPING SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 11
04 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................... 12
1 SHIP GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 13
10 SPECIFICATION, PERFORMANCE, CLASSIFICATION, DRAWINGS ETC ............................................... 13
101 a Main Particulars .................................................................................................................................... 13
101 b Capacities .............................................................................................................................................. 13
101 c Speed & route performance .................................................................................................................. 14
101 d Operational Environment ...................................................................................................................... 15
101 e Accommodation .................................................................................................................................... 15
101 f Classification, Nationality, Authorities, Regulations, Certificates ......................................................... 16
101g Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - FMEA .............................................................................................. 17
101 h Noise and Vibrations ............................................................................................................................. 18
101 i Routine by Alterations ........................................................................................................................... 19
101 j Purchase routines .................................................................................................................................. 19
101 k Materials, Workmanship ....................................................................................................................... 19
101 l Spare parts ............................................................................................................................................ 21
102 Supervision and Inspection. ................................................................................................................... 21
103 Project management, Building schedule, Progress plans, Building Meetings ....................................... 22
109 Drawings, Instruction manuals, etc. ...................................................................................................... 22
11 INSURANCE, CLASS FEES.............................................................................................................. 24
111 Insurance ............................................................................................................................................... 24
112 Class Fees .............................................................................................................................................. 24
12 QUALITY ASSURANCES, GENERAL WORK, MODELS .................................................................... 25
121 Quality assurance .................................................................................................................................. 25
126 Owners deliveries .................................................................................................................................. 25
127 Ship model ............................................................................................................................................. 26
15 MEASUREMENTS, TESTS & TRIALS................................................................................................... 27
151 Test of machinery .................................................................................................................................. 27
152 Tank capacity, Inclination experiment, Solid ballast ............................................................................. 27
153 Fuel and lub oil for dock and trial test ................................................................................................... 28
154 Trial Trips ............................................................................................................................................... 28
155 Testing of Electric Plant ......................................................................................................................... 30
156 Other tests ............................................................................................................................................. 31
159 Training for crews .................................................................................................................................. 31
162 Guarantee work .................................................................................................................................... 31

2. HULL AND STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................... 32

20 HULL GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 32
201 Hull materials ........................................................................................................................................ 32
203 Blasting, shop priming, cleaning of materials ....................................................................................... 33
204 Testing of Tanks, Bulkheads and Decks ................................................................................................. 33
205 X-Ray- & Ultrasonic testing of hull parts ............................................................................................... 33


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
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207 Welding ................................................................................................................................................. 33

21 AFT SHIP............................................................................................................................................. 34
211 Shell Plating ........................................................................................................................................... 34
22 ENGINE AND MIDSHIP AREA ................................................................................................................. 35
221 Shell Plating ........................................................................................................................................... 35
222 Bottom Construction and Keel............................................................................................................... 35
223 Inner Bottom and foundations .............................................................................................................. 36
224 Main Deck ............................................................................................................................................. 36
226 Engine Floor and Tanks below Main Deck ............................................................................................. 36
228 Engine, Pump, Battery, High Voltage and MSB Room........................................................................... 36
23 CARGO AREA ....................................................................................................................................... 37
231 Shell Plating ........................................................................................................................................... 37
235 Main Deck & A-Deck ( Car-Decks )......................................................................................................... 37
239 Hull tanks............................................................................................................................................... 37
24 FORE SHIP ........................................................................................................................................... 37
241 Shell Plating ........................................................................................................................................... 37
25 DECK HOUSES AND SUPERSTRUCTURES .................................................................................................... 38
251 Deckhouses ............................................................................................................................................ 38
252 Casing and funnel .................................................................................................................................. 38
253 Bridge Deck and Wheelhouse ................................................................................................................ 39
26 HULL OUTFITTING ................................................................................................................................. 40
261 Hull- and House Markings ..................................................................................................................... 40
262 Bottom plugs, Sea Chests, Bilge Wells ................................................................................................... 41
263 Foundations ........................................................................................................................................... 41
264 Bilge Keels ............................................................................................................................................. 42
265 Fender lists ............................................................................................................................................ 42
266 Anchor pockets and Hawse pipe & Chain pipes..................................................................................... 42
267 Gutters, Bulwark, Railing and Boat Landing ......................................................................................... 42
268 Funnel .................................................................................................................................................... 42
27 MATERIAL PROTECTION EXTERNAL ....................................................................................................... 43
274 External galvanized railing and stairs ................................................................................................... 44
277 Equipment subject to galvanizing ......................................................................................................... 44
278 Impressed current protection ................................................................................................................ 44
28 MATERIAL PROTECTION INTERIOR .................................................................................................. 45
29 MATERIAL PROTECTION GENERAL REQUREMENT ................................................................................. 46
3. CARGO/SERVICE HANDLING .............................................................................................. 48
304 Hatches and Man Hole Covers .............................................................................................................. 48
305 Bow visors and bow car bridge ramps................................................................................................... 48
307 Side doors .............................................................................................................................................. 49
309 Hydraulic systems for driving ramps, bow visors, windlass, hatches etc. ............................................. 49
315 Vehicle lashing equipment .................................................................................................................... 50

4. SHIP EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................. 51

40 MANOEUVERING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT ........................................................................... 51
403 Steering Gears, Propulsion System ........................................................................................................ 51
41 NAVIGATION AND SEARCHING EQUIPMENT ................................................................................... 51
410 Navigation Equipment - General ................................................................................................................ 51
411 Radar Plant. Chart System. ECDIS ......................................................................................................... 51
412 Satellite Navigator................................................................................................................................. 51
413 Gyro Plants, Autopilot ........................................................................................................................... 52
414 Echo Sounder, Speed Log....................................................................................................................... 52


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
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416 Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) .................................................................................................... 52

418 Masts and Mast Platform...................................................................................................................... 53
419 Automatic Identification System (AIS) ................................................................................................... 53
42 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................. 54
420 Communication Equipment - General ................................................................................................... 54
421 Radio Plant ............................................................................................................................................ 54
422 Life Boat Transmitters, Emergency Equipment ..................................................................................... 54
423 GSM Communication............................................................................................................................. 54
424 VHF/UHF Telephones............................................................................................................................. 54
425 Intercommunication System.................................................................................................................. 55
427 Lanterns and Signal Equipment ............................................................................................................. 56
43 ANCHORING EQUIPMENT GENERAL......................................................................................................... 58
431 Anchors and Chain................................................................................................................................. 58
432 Anchor Windlass and Chain Stoppers .................................................................................................... 58
434 Capstans ................................................................................................................................................ 58
435 Fixed Mooring Equipment ..................................................................................................................... 58
436 Loose Mooring Equipment .................................................................................................................... 59
44 REPAIR, MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING EQUIPMENT................................................................................... 60
441 Machine Tools, Cutting & Welding Equipment ..................................................................................... 60
444 Cleaning Equipment. ............................................................................................................................. 60
448 Signs and Marking ................................................................................................................................. 60
452 Lifting Beams. Chain Hoists. .................................................................................................................. 61

5. EQUIPMENT FOR CREW AND PASSENGERS ........................................................................ 62

50 LIFESAVING, PROTECTION AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT................................................................... 62
500 Lifesaving Equipment - General............................................................................................................. 62
501 MOB- Boat with Davit ........................................................................................................................... 62
502 Inflatable Life rafts ................................................................................................................................ 62
503 Lifesaving-, Safety- & Emergency Equipment ........................................................................................ 62
504 Medical Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 64
505 Loose Fire Fighting Equipment, Firemen’s Outfit, Breathing Air Compressor ....................................... 64
510 Accommodation - General..................................................................................................................... 65
511 Insulation, Partition Bulkheads, Ceiling and Wall Panels ...................................................................... 65
512 Internal Doors ........................................................................................................................................ 68
513 Remote Operated Sliding Doors ............................................................................................................ 68
514 External Doors ....................................................................................................................................... 68
515 Side Scuttles & Windows with equipment ............................................................................................. 68
52 INTERNAL DECK COVERING, STEPS, LADDERS, RAILINGS. .............................................................................. 70
521 Internal Deck Base Covering .................................................................................................................. 70
522 Internal Deck Top Covering ................................................................................................................... 70
524 Stairs, ladders, railings in accommodation. .......................................................................................... 71
525 Floor plates, stairs, ladders, platforms, railings etc. in engine room. ................................................... 71
526 Ladders in tanks .................................................................................................................................... 71
53 EXTERNAL DECK COVERING, LADDERS, STEPS, RAILING AND GANGWAYS. ........................................................ 72
533 Railings .................................................................................................................................................. 72
534 External Stairs, Steps, Ladders. ............................................................................................................. 72
541 Furniture for crew.................................................................................................................................. 73
542 Wheel house arrangement .................................................................................................................... 76
543 Mattresses ............................................................................................................................................. 76
544 Curtains, Carpets ................................................................................................................................... 76
546 Infotainment & Entertaining Equipment. .............................................................................................. 76
547 Inventory, Smaller Items........................................................................................................................ 77
548 Furniture for passengers ....................................................................................................................... 77


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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55 PANTRY EQUIPMENT, PROVISION PLANTS, LAUNDRY/IRONING EQUIPMENT. ................................................... 79

551 Pantry, Laundry/Wardrobe & Shop ....................................................................................................... 79
558 Vacuum Cleaner .................................................................................................................................... 80
564 Pilot Ladder ........................................................................................................................................... 80
57 VENTILATION-, AIR-CONDITIONING- & HEATING SYSTEMS ........................................................................... 81
570 Ventilation/ Air-conditioning systems general ...................................................................................... 81
571 Ventilation/ Air-conditioning systems for accommodation................................................................... 81
573 Ventilation for Engine Control, Switch board and High Voltage Rooms ............................................... 83
574 Ventilation for Engine rooms, Pump room ............................................................................................ 83
579 Ventilation of Battery rooms and various Compartments .................................................................... 84
58 SANITARY SYSTEM................................................................................................................................ 85
580 Sanitary System - General ..................................................................................................................... 85
581 Sanitary Supply System ......................................................................................................................... 85
582 Sanitary Discharge System .................................................................................................................... 85
583 Showers and Toilets............................................................................................................................... 86

6. MACHINERY MAIN COMPONENTS ..................................................................................... 87

60 MACHINERY FOR PROPULSION........................................................................................................ 87
600 PROPULSION SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 87
62 EL. MOTOR PLANTS FOR PROPULSION ................................................................................................. 88
625 Electric Motors for Main Azimuth Propellers ........................................................................................ 88
626 Battery plant for propulsion .................................................................................................................. 89
63 PROPELLERS, GEARS, TRANSMISSIONS ........................................................................................... 90
631 Main Azimuth Propellers ....................................................................................................................... 90
64 WASTE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 91
649 Waste Energy Management system (WEMS) ....................................................................................... 91
65 MOTOR AGGREGATES FOR MAIN ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION ................................................ 92
651 Motor Aggregates for Main Electric Power Production ........................................................................ 92

7. SYSTEMS FOR MACHINERY MAIN COMPONENTS .............................................................. 94

700 Pipeline Systems – General.................................................................................................................... 94
701 Fuel Oil Transfer and Consumption System. .......................................................................................... 95
702 Fuel Oil Purification Plant ...................................................................................................................... 95
703 Fuel Oil Supply Systems ......................................................................................................................... 96
711 Lub Oil & Hydraulic Oil Transfer & Drain Systems ................................................................................. 96
713 Lub Oil System for Machinery and Transmissions ................................................................................. 96
72 COOLING SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................................... 97
720 Cooling systems and sea inlets .............................................................................................................. 97
721 Cooling system with sea water (SW) ..................................................................................................... 97
722 Cooling system with freshwater (FW) ................................................................................................... 97
73 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................ 98
732 Working air system in engine room etc. ................................................................................................ 98
743 Exhaust Gas System for Diesel Engines ................................................................................................. 98
79 AUTOMATION SYSTEM FOR MACHINERY PLANT .......................................................................................... 99
791 Control Consoles .................................................................................................................................... 99
792 Alarm/Automation System for Machinery .......................................................................................... 101
793 Remote Control of Propellers .............................................................................................................. 103
795 Safety Systems..................................................................................................................................... 104

8. SHIP COMMON SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 105

800 Pipeline Systems - General .................................................................................................................. 105
801 Water Ballast System .......................................................................................................................... 106


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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803 Bilge and Sludge System...................................................................................................................... 106

804 Drain System ....................................................................................................................................... 107
810 Alarm instructions ............................................................................................................................... 107
811 Fire Alarm system ................................................................................................................................ 107
813 Fire / Wash-Down Systems .................................................................................................................. 108
814 Gas based fire extinguishing system ................................................................................................... 108
816 Fire fighting system for car decks and battery rooms ......................................................................... 108
82 VENTILATION LINES AND SOUNDING SYSTEM FROM TANKS ........................................................ 110
821 Ventilation lines for tanks.................................................................................................................... 110
822 Sounding System ................................................................................................................................. 110
85 COMMON ELECTRIC & ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS........................................................................................... 111
850 Electrical Plant - General ..................................................................................................................... 111
855 Computer Network .............................................................................................................................. 112
86 ELECTRIC POWER SUPPLY .................................................................................................................... 113
860 Voltage Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 113
861 El. motors ............................................................................................................................................ 113
865 Transformers ....................................................................................................................................... 113
866 UPS ...................................................................................................................................................... 114
868 Electric Shore Supply System ............................................................................................................... 114
87 COMMON ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 116
871 Main Switchboard .................................................................................................................................. 116
874 Local starters ....................................................................................................................................... 116
875 Distribution panels .............................................................................................................................. 117
88 ELECTRIC CABLE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................. 118
880 Cables .................................................................................................................................................. 118
89 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS............................................................................................................. 120
890 Electrical Installations in General ........................................................................................................ 120
891 Electrical installations in engine room, pump room etc. ..................................................................... 120
892 Electrical Installation in Accommodation ............................................................................................ 120
895 Electrical Installation Decks Outside ................................................................................................... 124

9 OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 125

309 Hydraulic systems for driving ramps, bow visors, windlass, hatches etc. ........................................... 125
406 Passive anti-roll stabilizing tanks ........................................................................................................ 125
651 Motor Aggregates for Main Electric Power Production ...................................................................... 125
865 High Voltage Transformer for Main Charging ..................................................................................... 125

10 ADDENDUMS .............................................................................................................. 126

10.1 HAVYARD DESIGN “STANDARD FOR PIPES AND FITTINGS” ................................................................. 126
General info - Pipeline system ........................................................................................................................... 127
Pipe line velocities.............................................................................................................................................. 128
351-100 FO Main Transfer system..................................................................................................................... 129
351-200 FW Transfer system ............................................................................................................................. 130
515 Flushing of wheelhouse window ................................................................................................................. 131
581 Hydrophore / Sanitary supply system ......................................................................................................... 132
582-100 Sewage Discharge system ................................................................................................................... 133
582-200 Sanitary Discharge system .................................................................................................................. 134
649 Heat recovery system ................................................................................................................................. 135
701/702/703 Fuel oil systems ............................................................................................................................ 136
711/712/713 Lub Oil systems ............................................................................................................................ 137
721 SW Cooling system...................................................................................................................................... 138
722 FW Cooling system ..................................................................................................................................... 139
724 Converter / Drive Systems (in FW system) .................................................................................................. 139
P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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731/733/734 Compressed Air system ................................................................................................................ 140

Starting air. / Working air & Instrument air ...................................................................................................... 140
740-100 Exhaust system .................................................................................................................................... 141
803 Bilge systems .............................................................................................................................................. 142
804 Drain pipe systems ...................................................................................................................................... 143
813 Fire line system ........................................................................................................................................... 144
815 CO2 and gas firefighting system ................................................................................................................. 145
817 Water Fog system ....................................................................................................................................... 146
821-100 Vent. Pipe system ............................................................................................................................... 147
821-200 / 821-300 Manual / Remote Sounding system .................................................................................... 148
831-100 High Pressure Hydraulic system .......................................................................................................... 149
Diverse info on valves and valve equipment delivered by Ahlsell: ..................................................................... 150
10.2 MAIN ONE LINE DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................ 151


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
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It is the intent of this Specification, together with the enclosed General Arrangement (GA)-
17170-101-001 and Makers List, to describe and set forth the details of technical matters
regarding the design, performance capacities, construction, equipment and materials of a

”95.6 x 14.8 meter - Car / Passenger Ferry”

This specification describes an efficient and modern double ended Car/Passenger ferry,
for full electric operation by batteries. The ferry’s car decks are open, but protected by high
bulwarks and bow spray visors to reduce spray.

The vessels to be designed and optimized for the service at the route Seivika - Tømmervåg.
The basic principle for the design of this Vessel is to meet operational and environmental
demands with the best and most modern solutions as well as efficient loading & unloading
of cars and passengers.

The vessel to be designed and built with focus on safety for passengers and crew
members. Special focus on children safety and openings to sea, potential squeeze,
climbing edges, railing i.e.

The vessel is design with the latest environmental demands which comprise Battery
Propulsion with fast charging of the batteries from shore. In addition, the Vessel is also
arranged with a diesel-electric system.

The Vessel is designed with two azimuths propulsion thrusters for propulsion; one thruster
aft and one thruster fore. The electric distribution system to be split into a forward and an
aft power section. Each power section to include an electrically driven azimuths propulsion
thrusters, a ship power supply system and a battery system with converters. The forward
and aft power systems shall be able to transfer electric power between each other.

In general special consideration to be taken in the design, and in the selection of machinery
and equipment etc., with regards to prevention of pollution and in order to obtain the highest
possible energy efficiency of the vessel.

The Vessel to be designed and constructed to provide effective, comfortable, energy

efficient and environmentally friendly transport, loading & unloading of Cars and

Selection of material and equipment shall be carefully chosen in order to keep the weight
at a minimum.

In general continuous running electric motors, larger than 2kW, to be equipped with
frequency speed control, all lights to be of LED-type, heating systems to be efficient and
equipped with heat recovery, all accommodation to be well insulated etc.

The ventilation system to be designed for low energy consumption, and all components in
the ventilation system to be selected for low energy consumption.
Modern liquid-to water heat pump technology to be provided for the central water heating
system together with heat recovery from sources like propulsion el. motors etc. A hot water
storage tank also to be part of the heat recovery system. The air handling units to be
equipped with double rotating heat exchangers for heat recovering purposes.
P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
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The design, arrangement and installation of all components to be performed in such a

manner, that minimum personnel attendance to be required for operation, maintenance or
repair. Space for maintenance of equipment and outfit to be paid special attention.

Materials and equipment are to be of recognised manufacture and shall satisfy the
requirement for the rules and regulations in force. Details of design, construction,
installation, inspection, testing and workmanship to be in accordance with the applicable
rules and regulations referenced herein, good shipbuilding practice and Builder’s

The Builder shall ensure that experienced workers are building the vessel.
This Technical Specification is regarded to cover a complete execution and delivery. If
any item(s) is mentioned twice or more in the Technical Specification, it to be understood
that such item(s) to be supplied and/or installed only once, unless otherwise specifically

The Builder shall select the Make between Makers from the “Makers List”. Prior to the
award of any Maker, the Builder shall inform the Owner about selected make including
cost consequences of other makes, if any, from the makers list. Equipment with low
energy consumption should be preferred.
The Owner shall have five (5) working days to accept or reject the Builder’s selection. If
the Owner wishes a different make than the selected by the Builder from the Makers List,
the Owner will carry any possible cost adjustment. Any such additional cost to be agreed
upon between the Owner and Builder prior to award of Contract to the Maker.

Metric system to be adopted for design and construction of hull, machinery and
equipment, unless otherwise specifically described in the Technical Specification.
All documentation which to be approved by the Owner or sent to the Owner for
information and all correspondence between Builder and Owner to be in the English
language. All marking on-board the Vessel to be in Norwegian and/or English language.
If there is any discrepancy between the Contract and the Technical Specification, the
Contract shall prevail and if there is any discrepancy between the Technical Specification
and Owner approved General arrangement plan, the Technical Specification shall prevail.

See Chapter 9 for OPTIONS.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Sub- = All parties contracted by the Builder to perform services Contractor

and/or deliveries for the construction of the ship.
GA = General Arrangement Drawing.
MCR = Maximum Continuous Rating
ISO = International Organization of Standardization.
IMO = International Maritime Organization
DIN = German Industrial Standardization Organization
NS = Norwegian Standard
NMA = The Norwegian Maritime Authority
ER = Engine Room
SB = Starboard
PS = Portside
DB = Double bottom
HPU = Hydraulic power unit
DN = Diameter nominal
CCTV = Closed circuit television
ECDIS = Electronic chart display information system
PMS = Power management system
DP = Dynamic positioning
VDR = Voyage data recorder
IAS = Integrated automation system
MCB = Moulded case breaker
MCCB = Moulded case circuit breaker
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
TBI = To be investigated
EMS = Energy Management System
DOL = Direct On Line (starters)
SOC = State Of Charge (Battery)
EOL = End Of Life (Battery)
WEMS = Waste Energy Management System
LED = Light-emitting Diode (Energy efficient lightning)
WIFI = Wireless Local Area Network (same as WLAN)
THD = Total Harmonic Distortion
FAT = Factory Acceptance Test
HAT = Harbour Acceptance Test
SAT = Sea trial Acceptance Test
OS = Operator Station
FMEA = Failure Mode and Effects Analysis


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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The layout of the following specification is based on the SFI GROUP SYSTEM. This group
system has been designed primarily to provide shipyards and shipping companies with a
tool for the specification of ships and an estimation of shipbuilding costs.
The classification system is divided into the following Main Groups:
1. Ship, General
2. Hull
3. Equipment for Cargo
4. Ship Equipment
5. Equipment for Crew and Passengers
6. Machinery Main Components
7. Systems for Machinery Main
8. Ship Common Systems
10. Addendums
Each Main Group (, one digit) is divided into groups ( gp, two digits). Each group is
again subdivided into Sub-Groups (, three digits).
Components specified twice or under different sub-groups are only to be delivered once.

* Note that in general, SFI's original headings for, gp and are used and therefore
may indicate systems/components not foreseen in this specification.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Approved: Means approved by the Class, Authority

and / or Owner.

Authorities : National or international regulations to

which the vessel will be built

Builder : Company contracted to build the vessel for

the Owner.

Owner : Company ordering the vessel from the


Class : Classification Society responsible for

approval of the vessel according to a set
of established construction rules.

Length (L) : As defined in the Load Line Convention.

Length(LOA) : Maximum length of the vessel.

Maker Name of company that manufactures

equipment which can be installed in the

Makers List : List of makers which are approved by both

Builder and Owner for delivering their
systems and components to the Builder for
installation onboard the Vessel.
List of alternative makers which will be
requested to offer delivery of equipment to
the vessel.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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101 a Main Particulars
 Length over all : approx. 95.60 m
 Length of Car Deck : approx. 90.00 m
 Breadth, moulded : approx. 14.80 m
 Depth moulded to Main-Deck : approx. 5.50 m
 Depth moulded to A-Deck : approx. 8.35 m
 Depth moulded to B-Deck : approx. 11.20 m
 Scantling Draught : approx. 3.60 m
 Gross tonnage : approx. 2700

The Ship’s Dead Weight is estimated to approx. *525 Ton

*)NOTE: 8 off VTE and WB System.

101 b Capacities
Main liquids tanks:
 Fuel Oil : approx. 40 m3
 Fresh Water : approx. 30 m3
 Black Water : approx. 10 m3
 Grey Water : approx. 10 m3

Cars & Passengers

*) 80 PBE or 8 VTE + 28 PBE / 399 PASSENGERS incl. Crew

Measure for PBE: Length 4,3 m, width 1,85 m and weight 1300 kg.
Centre of gravity above car deck to be calculated for 0.75m
Free space on the sides to be min. 0,6m.
Free space between the cars in general to be min. 0,6m.

Measure for VTE: Length 19,5 m, width 2,6 meter.

Centre of gravity above car deck to be calculated for 2.2m
1 off VTE with a weight of 65 tons and following with a weight of 25 tons

Able to take at least two VTE with dangerous gods.

Ferry shall handle special transport vehicle with weight of 100 tons and axel load of 13 tons.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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Date : 27.02.2018
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101 c Speed & route performance

The vessels to be designed and optimized for the service speed according to operation at
the route Seivika - Tømmervåg. For dimensioning of battery pack and estimate of total
annual energy consumption, a performance and route study to be performed.

Speed tests and measurements to be carried out as described under SFI 154.5.

It is crucial that critical components are chosen in a way that optimizes the system
efficiency is the most energy intensive modes; acceleration and transit (at low load of el-

The main assumptions for the route study are:

 5min Terminal time and 4min charging time.
 6900m crossing distance and 30min total time per trip.
 Approx. 2.9 m Draught at even keel with approx. 125 DWT

Preliminary estimation of energy consumption for price estimate is 201 kWh(normal

average 90% of time) and 252kWh (adverse average 10% of time). It must be taken into
account the possibility that the ferry may not get time to be fully charged before departure
occasionally (i.e. shore power failure or trips with ambulance, 1% of time).

The procedure has been as follows:

 Calculate theoretical performance
 Apply practical correlation factor to get the real performance in ideal condition
 Calculate theoretical effect of wind, waves and current and apply an equivalent
average sea margin.

The calm water transit performance is calculated by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
in combination with semi-empirical corrections. Power consumption due to current, waves
and wind is calculated by the VeRes code developed by SINTEF Ocean.

Based on weather statistics and hydrodynamic models for hull and thruster a valid sea
margin during one year is estimated (this is a theoretical study and sea margin will vary
from year to year and hence influence total calculated energy consumption). It is crucial
to have high efficiency in all hydrodynamic, mechanical and electrical components in
order to fulfil the low energy-consumption criteria during a round-trip. Annual variations in
weather distribution will influence the calculated total energy consumption.

The average energy consumption based on a route study during a year is estimated to
201kWh at charging side with a transit speed of 9.5 knots. The following is included in the
 14 % electrical losses (from el-motor to charging connection at ship side)
 3% of mechanical losses (azimuth gear)
 60 kW of other consumers


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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An additional energy consumption based on a route calculation is made for adverse

weather conditions valid for approximately 10% of the year of total 252 kWh at transit
speed 9,5 knot. The following is included in the calculation:
 14 % electrical losses (from el-motor to charging connection at ship side)
 3% of mechanical losses (azimuth gear)
 60 kW of other consumers

The hotel/aux power must be maximum 60kW average, and every potential energy
savings to be looked into to ensure this is as low as possible.

The energy study (both for normal and adverse weather condition) is based on a
theoretical study where uncertainty in sea margin will influence the total energy

The basis of the sea-margin is that the reference before adding the margin is Clean hull,
clean propellers, deep water, in ideal calm weather, wind and sea (not exceeding Bft 3
and 2) respectively, with draught even keel corresponding to 125 DWT and 15 degrees C
sea water,) with optimum power distribution on the main propeller el-motors. Tests and
measurements must be done in accordance with the latest ITTC (International Towing
Tank Conference) sea trial procedures “7.5-04-01-01.1 Preparation and Conduct of
Speed/Power Trials” and “7.5-04-01-01.2 Analysis of Speed/Power Trial Data”.

Supplier of DC system and batteries to recommend battery setup and alternation of

ferries based on this. The batteries to be dimensioned for 11 years on route. System
integrator (Supplier of DC system, batteries, main shore charging) to ensure that solution
is within parameters given regarding the local power grid suppliers. See also the
integrator specification for more details regarding shore grid.
“Nordmørspakken” contract for Owner is valid from 01.01.2020-31.12.2030.

At a deadweight of 125t (corresponding to a mean draught of approx. 2.9m), during calm

weather, with clean hull and at deep sea and at total power of the main azimuths’ el. motor
of approx. 315 kW, Vessel’s speed is to be approx. 10 knots.


101 d Operational Environment

The Vessel’s systems to be designed for service at the following environmental

 Outside Air temperature between –20 to +25 C°
 Sea water temperature from +2 C° to +22 C°.
 Sea water specific gravity 1.025 t/m3.

101 e Accommodation
The Vessel to be arranged with seats for min. 160 passengers (40% off total 399
passenger) and 7 crew cabins arranged as per GA:
 B Deck : 7 x 1 man crew cabins
 Main Deck : Seating facility for not less than 160 passengers and stores
prepared for seating facility


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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101 f Classification, Nationality, Authorities, Regulations, Certificates


The vessel to be designed and built in compliance to *RP(2,50%) notation. (Not classed)
The ferry will deviate from the class notation in following:
- Endurance due to battery operation (Demand 72 hours)
- Weather conditions (Demand 6 knots in BF6 conditions)

Flag and Authorities

The Vessel shall fly the Norwegian Flag - NOR.

The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) - Sjøfartsdirektoratet


The electrical installation to satisfy the following rules and regulations as applicable:
DSB – the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection – Regulations relating to
maritime Electricals installations.

The Vessel to be classified state’s regulations and relevant IMO conventions, rules and
regulations in force by signing of contract.

Safety Management Certificate, SMC

The vessel/vessels should have valid Safety Management Certificate - SMC. Safety
management systems for the vessels should at least be in accordance with the ISM Code
adopted by IMO and the latest associated guidelines for the implementation of the ISM

Other regulations and standards, including, but not limited to, the following:
 The Norwegian Public Road Administration’s (Statens Vegvesen) standard for this
type of ferry.
 MSC/Circ.735 – Elderly and disabled persons on passenger ships.
 Relevant technical parts of the tender document operation for ”Nordmørspakken”
 ILO – Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
 IMO resolution MSC.215 (82). Performance Standard for Protective Coatings(PSPC)
 IMO – MEPC.1/Circ.683. Ship energy efficient plan (SEEMP)
 IMO Tier II, according to latest Marpol Annex VI.
 IEC (International Electro technical Commission) publication No. 60092, and IMO
resolution A. 686 (17)
 IEC standard 533 concerning EMC (Electromagnetic Compability of Electrical and
 Electronic Installations in Ships), the EMC directives 2004/108 EC and directive
 91/31/EEC to be fulfilled as a minimum.
 Standards given by the tender documents defining interface toward quays and
gangways at the ferry terminals.
 Other standards specified elsewhere in this specification.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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The ship to be delivered with all relevant certificates according to requirements from
Class and Authorities, including, but not limited to, the following:
 Classification Certificates for Hull, Machinery, Component parts of the ship
including Main Engines, generators, pumps, compressors, windlass, electrical
installation, etc. as relevant for the main Class Certificate
 Works / type Certificates for navigation lights, compass, etc. as relevant.
 Anchor, chain and wire certificates
Bollards (manufacturer's certificate)
 Potable water certificate (Tanks certificate)
 Certificate for davits
 Machinery Emission Certificate in accordance with MARPOL 73/78
 Sea trial report
 Noise trial report Document of Compliance,

All necessary certificates, including classification reports to be delivered with the Vessel,
without any remarks.
As far as possible all equipment to be CE marked.
Owner is responsible for providing Owner’s delivered Certificates and approvals in order
to facilitate Builder’s delivered certificates whenever required and in order to become
permitted to move the Vessel from Builder’s yard immediately upon Vessel delivery to
All fees for approval of calculations, drawings and inspection both to Class and
Authorities to be included by the builder.

Essential Software as IAS, PMS/EMS to be verified by Class as required.

101g Failure Mode and Effect Analysis - FMEA

FMEA - ( Failure Mode and Effect Analysis ) to be carried out for the electrical system
according to rules for NMA Trade area 2 and RP(2,50%) notation.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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101 h Noise and Vibrations

Noise measurement to be carried out during the sea trial in accordance with class notation
COMF - V(2) and the sea trial procedure. In general, one noise reading to be made in each
designated room under Class surveyor’s supervision, else at a point near the centre of the
room and 1.2 m above the floor. If the measured noise levels exceed Class’ maximum
limits, the Builder shall make necessary improvements as agreed between the Owner and
the Builder.

Noise from the ferries including installations on land and the fuel filling should be without
distinct impulse character ( pure tone noise ).
The noise in the period 23:00 to 07:00 as operating near quay shall not exceed LWA = 100
dB (A-weighted sound power level. SWL).

The requirement applies to all installations that must be in operation when the ferry is
docked to, or going from quay ( including two boat lengths from the quay ) The ferries shall
have a radiated noise in the period 23:00 to 07:00 as by night does not exceed LWA = 90
dB (A-weighted sound power level, SWL)

The Requirement applies to all equipment that must be in operation when the ferry is

During the design period of the vessel, a vibration- and noise- analysis to be carried out by
DNV GL and a report to be provided. Based upon this report, any recommended structural
and arrangement modifications are to be incorporated into the vessel. The actual extent
and quality of the applied noise damping systems may be adjusted in order to comply with
Class’ notation COMF - V(2) and NMA’s requirements.

Noise insulation and noise absorbents are to be provided, as necessary, to keep within
limiting noise levels. Bulkheads and decks constructions to be made of materials with
sufficient sound insulation in order to avoid disturbance from activities in adjacent rooms.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION / HAVYARD 934 / Project 17170 – Car / Passenger Ferry
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101 i Routine by Alterations


101 j Purchase routines

The installed equipment with an expiry date, such as lifesaving appliances, fire fighting
equipment, safety valves etc., should have a certificate date as near as possible to the
delivery date of the vessel. Issued not more than 2 months prior to the delivery date.

All equipment that is critical for operation of vessel and requires service, spare parts, etc.,
shall have a service representative/network in Norway. Generally, main equipment that
consist of different makes to have one supplier that can take the overall responsibility for
service and guaranty.


101 k Materials, Workmanship

All structural steel used for construction of the Vessel and machinery including forging and
castings, to be of a first class marine quality, tested, inspected and certified as and when
required by the Class and physically and chemically in conformity with such requirements.

Steel plates, hull forgings and castings to Classification requirements shall have makers
name and test marks clearly stamped thereon.

All other materials used in and upon the Vessel, its machinery, equipment, appurtenances
and outfit to be of good marine quality.
All equipment and major components shall carry a permanent identification stamped-in,
cast on, or engraved plate, showing manufacturers name or trade name, model, size and
type rating. Where this identification is obscured, the Builder shall supply engraved plates
repeating this information and permanently affix these plates in a fully visible location.
Builder shall also permanently affix instruction plates engraved in the English language, in
all cases, where original instruction plates have been obscured, have a text other than in
the English language, or give inadequate instruction for intended service.
All materials, machinery, outfitting and equipment used in the construction of the Vessel to
be new and of new type or model, undamaged and of good marine quality for the intended
purpose, suitable for continuous operation.
Instruments, gauges and metering devices to be ordered from suppliers with all
components to read in metric or SI units. Instruments, gauges and metering devices to be
positioned in eye level, as much as possible.
Dogs, bolts, nuts, capnuts, washers, pins, hinge pins, screws, hooks etc. subject to
corrosion, sticking or freezing in damp or expose locations to be of sea water resistant
stainless steel of a quality compatible with the service conditions.
All materials intended or allocated to the construction and outfitting of the Vessel to be
properly stored or protected from the weather, immediately upon arrival at the Builder's
premises. Builder shall keep record of type, serial numbers and/or other identification of all


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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material, equipment and component parts which will be used in the construction and
outfitting of the Vessel as part of the Builder's contractual obligations.

Builder shall prepare a work schedule within 30 days after signing of the contract. The
Builder shall submit to the Owner progress schedules as given under item 103.
If an applicable slippage of the work schedule becomes apparent, the Builder shall make
every endeavor to make good the delay and catch up with the original schedule, by
increasing the labour force, use of shift work, or overtime, at the Builder's account.

Smith work and fabrication fittings to be of neat design, strong, smooth and free from
defects, and to be galvanized where specified or required by classification.
All non-steel items to be of material which has been tested, approved and certificates
supplied where necessary. All galvanizing to be hot-dip after fabrication.
Any timber used to be dry, of good quality and suitable for the intended purpose.
Upon delivery, the Vessel to be completed in all respects and in a seaworthy condition, as
per contract, and fully in accordance with the specification. All the paint, greasing and
cleaning work to be completed to Owner satisfaction.
All tanks, cargo areas, bilge wells, engine room, accommodation, stores room and other
areas to be thoroughly cleaned and painted before delivery.

The Yard may give consideration to equipment or components differing in detail from that
described herein, provided that the differences will not impair the efficiency, reliability and
durability of the equipment or component and its suitability for the Vessel. Notwithstanding
the above, any substitution of materials must be subject to Owner approval.

Materials details: See also Chapter-2

In general, the workmanship to be of good marine standards

All workmanship to be carried out according to approved drawings.

The Vessel with machinery, equipment and accessories in all aspects to be appropriate
and solid. Due consideration to be given to obtain easy access for operation of equipment
and machinery and, as far as practicable, to obtain good access for future maintenance
and repair.

Builder shall initiate own quality program in order to ensure proper workmanship.

Special attention for covering of equipment, doors, floors, etc. during the building period,
so that the installed equipment can look like new when building period is completed.

Vessel to be kept tidy during the entire construction to secure safety for yard’s personnel,
owner’s representatives, supplier’s personnel, guests and others.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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101 l Spare parts

Spare parts for all equipment, machinery etc. installed on board to be supplied by the Yard
according to requirements from DNV GL Class and relevant Authorities and according to
suppliers’ normal standard if nothing else is stated. Yard to arrange suitable storage racks
or equivalent storage arrangement for all spare parts in general on board. Location to be
agreed upon in due time before installation.

All spare parts, incl. Owner's delivery, to be well protected against corrosion and
mechanical damages.
Bigger parts to be well clamped, and everything stored in shelves and cupboards. The Yard
to provide storage and transport from storage at Yard and onboard.

102 Supervision and Inspection.

Owner’s representatives to have free admittance to relevant areas of the Builder’s yard or
the Builder’s sub-contractors for inspection of supply of steel, accommodation equipment,
readymade hull units or hull units under construction, ordered components or components
under construction.

Owner’s representatives to notify Builder in reasonable time, minimum two weeks, before
inspections at sub-suppliers location(s).

The inspectors to have, free of charge, an office with five work desk/stations available at
the Builder’s yard with telephone, writing desks, high speed internet and printer(A3),
necessary to fulfill their work. Larger prints of drawings to be plotted by yard on request.
Use of telephone to be on Builder’s account. International telephone to be on Owner’s

Owner representatives shall have access to lunch facilities etc. with the same rights as the
administration/management at the yard.



P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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103 Project management, Building schedule, Progress plans, Building Meetings


Project management
The yard shall appoint a Project Manager who may communicate satisfactorily in English.

Building schedule, Approval of Plans

Latest 30 days after the Date of signing of the Contract the Yard shall provide the Owner
with building schedule.

Progress Report
An updated Main Progress report in general to be given to the Owner every week. The
Main Progress Plan with milestones to be included.
Any changes to be clearly indicated in the progress report, the report to include as a
 Purchase status
 Status of design and engineering including drawing issue status to
 Construction status
 HAT status ( Harbor acceptance tests )
 CAT status( Customer acceptance tests )
 HSE report ( monthly) ( Health Safety Environment )

Building Meeting
A Building Meeting between Owner’s representative and Yard’s representative to be
arranged on weekly basis.

QHSE to be presented in every meeting.

For every meeting between the Owner and the Yard, the Yard shall write a Minutes of
Meeting (MoM). The MoM to be forwarded to the Owner in duplicate, latest three days after
a meeting have taken place. The Owner shall return one signed copy with eventual
remarks, latest three days after receipt. The MoM will not be in force unless signed by both

109 Drawings, Instruction manuals, etc.

All drawings to be delivered in English unless something else agreed.

3D models to be made available for the owner during the construction period, including at
least 2 free program and licenses for viewing.

Havyard Design & Solutions AS will deliver drawings, documentation and stability/tonnage
calculations according to drawing list.

Suppliers’ electrical drawings to contain cable numbers, and cables onboard to be marked
with these numbers.

All design and arrangement drawings, calculations, equipment specifications, etc. plus all
relevant drawings and descriptions of machinery and equipment are to be submitted for


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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approval to the Owner by electronic means (pdf). Drawings also to be to be submitted as

The drawing list to be continuously updated including status of approvals by Class and
Owner and included in the Progress Report as described at 103.

Owner’s Approval of drawings:


Drawings and documentation distribution:

Copy of all major Class/Authority correspondence as relevant to be sent to the Owner.
NMA Næringsportalen and DNV exchange to be used and owner to be given access.

The Builder shall at delivery provide the Vessel/Owner with 2 copies of “As Built”
drawings as agreed with the Owner latest 2 months after the vessel is delivered. Final list
to be mutually agreed based on the complete drawing list. In addition, one copies with the
same drawings in AutoCAD to be on USB memory stick.

“As fitted” or “as built” drawings to be Builder’ responsibility.

Further the Yard shall deliver a complete list of all the drawings, which exists for this ship
used during construction, so that the Owners can obtain the drawings from the Yard.

All outstanding issues, including action list from test and trials between Builder,
Authorities, and Class, to be submitted and made available to the Owner on request.

Copy of all important relevant e-mail correspondence between Builder, main sub-
suppliers, Authorities, and Class is to be copy to Owner. By Owner's request any
correspondence between class, authorities, designer and Builder to be forwarded to the

All relevant shop test reports and commissioning reports from any sub-supplier to be
submitted to the Owner.

The following drawings to be framed and mounted on board, two of each:

(If necessary for complying with rules and regulation more than 2 sets to be framed and
1. Fire and Safety plan
2. Damage control plan and booklets
3. Emergency instructions (to be made by owner)
4. Certificates ( one set )
5. Ferry time table schedule according to tender document 3.1.9
6. Owner instructions / procedures
7. Alarm instruction (to be made by owner).
8. Waste treatment plan (cooperation with owner)


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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The Yard to deliver 2 copies of allInstruction Manuals and Service Manuals for all
machinery and larger equipment components in English and in Norwegian where
 The Yard also to deliver two(2) sets of all system drawings, scaled to A3-format
and plastic laminated. One set of these drawings to be placed in the Control

Approved stability booklet in hard copy and on USB memory stick.

Machinery Data-book, organized according to SFI.

To include Machinery Equipment; stating Make, Location, Type, Serial number, Supplier
with address, telephone no., e-mail, and other relevant information for effective
maintenance of the ship. This information to be delivered in paper and electronically in
Excel formats one month before contractual delivery date of the vessel. Also the spare
part lists for the different equipment to be delivered electronically in Excel formats.

Other Drawings and documentation:

The Builder shall in addition to all Class approved drawings, arrangements, etc. deliver to
the Owner the following documents on or before vessel delivery:
1. Model tank test results
2. Inclining test.
3. Trim and Stability Booklets
4. SOPEP manual ( Yard Delivery, input from owner )
5. Vessel Operating Manual ( Owners Delivery, input from yard )
6. Pilot charts
7. Evacuation analysis
8. Cargo securing manual ref. SFI 315 (if applicable)
9. Waste treatment plan ( Yard delivery, input from owner)
10. THD analysis for the electrical main switchboard


111 Insurance


112 Class Fees

All fees, related to approval of documents and drawings issued by Havyard Design &
Solutions for construction of the vessel, to Classification Society and National Authorities
to be paid by the Builder.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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121 Quality assurance
To ensure that requirements are fulfilled the work to be governed by a Quality Assurance
(QA) Program to be established within the framework of the Builder’s Quality Assurance
System. The QA Program will be based on the Builder’s general Procedures and any
project-specific requirements.
The purpose of such a QA Program is to establish quality control (QC) requirements
relevant to the contractual commitments in order to ensure that the work is planned and
performed in a systematically and controlled manner and is documented to such an extent
that sufficient objective evidence of quality achievement is generated.
QC will be applied during design, procurement and construction including commissioning.
The intention of this specification and Owners desideratum to be guiding for the QA/QC

Safety ( QHSE)
During building period safety on all areas to be of a high standard, such as:

Scaffolds to be properly fitted with all safety precautions, no exemptions will be accepted.
Sufficient Working light to be fitted in all working areas for safe working.
All precautions working in enclosed spaces to be implemented.

126 Owners deliveries

Following to be delivered by the Owner:
1. Pantry and Mess utensils.
2. Blankets and linen for crew. ( Bed Mattress, Pillow and Duvet are yard supply )
3. Navigation documentation as books and charts.
4. Consumable in excess of required for filling up systems for tests and trials.
5. Spare parts in excess of specification and DNV GL Class requirements.
6. Mooring ropes and loose mooring equipment in excess of Class/NMA requirement
and mooring equipment as given in this specification.
7. Hand tools above those supplied by Builder.
8. Personal protection equipment in excess of Class/NMA requirements.
9. Electronic charts.
10. Painting and pictures for decorations
11. Computerized maintenance system
12. PC and Servers for crew
13. Ship log
14. 2 GSM mobile phones (SFI423)
15. 6 antennas as described in SFI855
16. Equipment related to vacuum mooring system.
17. SESAM 800
18. Vending machines
19. Autopass machine
20. Shore queue handling system
Builder shall install, integrate and secure Owners Delivery, supply necessary storage
place and crane assistance for Owners deliveries without extra cost. In case any of
Owners Delivery is damaged by the Builder or his sub-contractors after delivery to Builder
and until delivery of the vessel, then this will be the full responsibility of the Builder.

Owners delivery to be delivered at the Building Yard.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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127 Ship model

One (1) off large exhibition models of the vessel in scale 1:75 to be delivered by the Yard.
Note: To be transportation protected, and to be delivered on board or to owner’s office by
delivery of the Vessel.


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Schedules of shop tests (FAT) for major equipment/machinery to be submitted to the

Owner at least four (4) weeks in advance of the tests. Test procedures to be submitted
together with the schedule. Fuel consumption for the engines to be verified during FAT at
Factory Test Bed.

Schedules of Harbour tests (HAT) to be submitted to the Owner at least Four (4) weeks in
advance of the tests. Test procedures for major equipment/machinery to be submitted
together with the schedule.

After the Harbour test and after adjustment/rectifications (that may prove necessary as
consequence of the tests) have been completed, the vessel shall undergo a sea trial
(SAT). Sea trial procedures to be agreed with Owner at least four (4) weeks in advance of
the trials.

151 Test of machinery

Torsion vibration calculations to be carried out by the engine manufacturer &
Thruster/El.motor manufacturer and submitted to the Owner and the Class for approval.

Before the trial trip the main machinery to be tested at quayside until the gen. set and
propeller suppliers are satisfied with the preliminary adjustments. Instruments and alarm
plant to be tested. All machinery and systems to be tested to the Owner's, Class and
eventual sub-contractor's satisfaction.

Supplier of main equipment to be present at yard during commissioning and supervise

the commissioning of its equipment.

152 Tank capacity, Inclination experiment, Solid ballast

All tank capacities to be calculated and sounding tables to be made. The sounding tables
shall contain one condition for even keel.

Painted area of wet surface of hull to be calculated and noted on “as built” tank plan.

Painted area for flat bottom, curved bottom, sides and superstructure to be presented on
the docking plan.

Minimum metacenter heights “GM”, for fully equipped and loaded ship to satisfy the
Classification Societies’ and National Authorities’ requirements.

The same to apply for the ship's GZ-curves for characteristic loading conditions.
When the ship is as near fulfilment as possible, an inclination experiment to be carried out
and stability calculations to be submitted to the National Authorities for approval. The
stability calculations also to be submitted to the Owner for approval.

NOTE: In lightship condition including sufficient amount of FO and FW, without deck load,
the ferry shall not have more heel than 0.5 degrees and 20 cm trim. Solid Ballast to be
avoided, but may be installed for optimizing trim / waterline. Solid Ballast to be sufficient
secured and located in void tanks according to calculations.
If solid ballast is required, the solid ballast and arrangement is for builders account.
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153 Fuel and lub oil for dock and trial test

The Builder shall provide FO, hydraulic oil, and L.O for test and trials. Owner shall appoint
lub. oil supplier in due time and in accordance with Builder’s schedule.

Lubrication and hydraulic scheme to be prepared for the complete vessel’s machinery
installation and forwarded for approval to Owner including the documentation from the


154 Trial Trips


Technical trial trip to be carried out according to the Class and National Authorities
requirements. The sea trials shall thoroughly verify correct function of propulsion
machinery, auxiliary machinery and relevant systems and to determine manoeuvring and
speed of the vessel. Performance thereof to be approved by Owner prior to acceptance of
the vessel.

Tests to be carried out:

1. Anchor test according to the Class requirement

2. Steering gear turning test according to Class requirements. Emergency steering to

be tested.

3. Manoeuvring test according to Class requirements including course stability test

and measurements.

4. E0 test which includes 4 hours continuous service with unmanned engine room.
All alarms and service data for the main el. motors to be noted on a special form.
The form to be enclosed with technical documentation at delivery.

5. Speed tests to be carried out with 125 DWT according to sea trial procedures in
accordance with the latest ITTC (International Towing Tank Conference) “7.5-04-
01-01.1 Preparation and Conduct of Speed/Power Trials” and “7.5-04-01-01.2
Analysis of Speed/Power Trial Data”.

Speed tests sailing fwd to be carried out according to the speed test program with
a least 5 double runs with different propulsion power with focus on documenting
the vessel’s entire speed/power curve. 1 double run in aft direction on 12
knot(TBD) to confirm same effect for both sailing directions.
El-motor load will be adapted to get measurements close to expected service
Power readings to be carried out for each propulsion motor.
Battery data to be recorded at each speed test.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Test also to be carried out by use of the engine generator sets instead of battery
to verify the functionality. Data as Propulsion Power, Generator Power, Fuel
consumption and Speed to be recorded.

6. Noise and vibration measurement. ( Ref. also item 101h )

7. Electric log to be adjusted during speed trial and radars to be adjusted and

8. Testing of pumps and systems to be tested and demonstrated to the satisfaction

of the Classification Society and the Owners representatives.

9. Radio equipment test

10. Electronical equipment, incl. Nav and comm.

11. Mob + davit

12. Crash stop trial; with one thruster, two thrusters, rotated thruster and negative

13. Turning trials

14. Testing of all alarms

15. Bow visors and bow car bridge ramps

16. Test of Heating, ventilation, AC-system

17. Sprinkler system

18. Thermo scan of the main switchboards

19. Test of charging/discharging of batteries. At sea trial by yard the charging will be
from running generators.

20. Lux measurement inside and outside to carried out and documented.

21. FMEA

After the sea trail a report to be worked out for all tests carried out during the trial.
A Preliminary report to be presented within 3 days after the trail. The final report to be
submitted to the Owners within two weeks after delivery of the vessel. Final list of
complaints, recommendations, and alterations to be handed over to the Builder within 48
hours from the end of the trial trip.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Route trial:
After delivery, a separate route trial test to be performed at the actual route. Owner and
system integrator to organize the route trial test. Builder to be responsible for testing and
necessary adjustments for the builder delivered equipment.
The main tests to be performed:
- Battery charging system
- Ferry landing
- Vacuum mooring ( Owner’s test )
- Route energy optimization trial and adjustment of automatic crossing system.

Available time for Owner’s representatives to test and familiarize with maneuvering docking
system – up to ten (10) hours.

The battery charging system at shore side is not included in builder delivery, but shall have
same supplier and work against charging connection on board vessel. The system
integrator to be responsible for delivery and guaranty of charging facilities at quay side.
Builder will not be responsible for the shore part of this charging system.

155 Testing of Electric Plant

The electrical plant to be tested in all manners with regards to functioning and insulation
conditions before delivery. The Owner's inspector to be informed so he has the
opportunity to be present.
Test to be carried out as follows:

a. The generators with switchboard equipment to be tested according to the Class

requirement and maker’s recommendations.

b. Consumers in General:
Equipment and components, including motors, to be tested under normal service
conditions, to prove that they are suitable and satisfactory for its purpose.
Load current to be observed when normal service conditions are obtained.
A “megger”/insulation test to be performed for all outgoing feeders. Report to be

c. Lighting equipment etc.

Test must be carried out for all switches to prove that they are working as
assumed and that the light distribution is satisfactory. Test must be carried out to
ensure that the sockets are installed according to rules – that includes testing of
insulation (connection to earth) and voltage at each outlet.

d. Alarm Plant
All warning and alarm devices for fire, light controls, steering, main engine,
auxiliary engine etc. to be tested to ensure satisfactory operation.
Builder to supply a booklet showing alarm set points and ensure that are correctly
settled in the system.

e. Check of panels, switchboards, cubicles etc. for cleanliness

All electrical panels, switchboards, cubicles etc to be thorough checked for
cleanliness, to the satisfactory of the Owner’s representative before commence of
test and sea trials.


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f. At quay the shore high voltage charging to be tested as far as practical possible.

g. At quay the shore 230/400V connection to be tested at a realistic night lay-up. All
energy consumption to be well documented in order see if there are energy saving
potential for operation of the vessel.

Test report to be written for all items.

156 Other tests

Leak and Hose Tests

The leak tests of tanks and pipes to be carried out either by air pressure or by filling with
water or by a combination of both measures in the option of the Builder and in
accordance with Classification requirements. To the extent accepted by class, air
pressure tests will be preferred.

Test for water tightness of doors, bulkheads, superstructure, hatch covers, etc. to be
executed according to Classification requirements.

For weather deck hatches, hose tests to be performed in accordance with class
requirements; for leak tests in other positions ultrasonic detection is preferred where
accepted by class.

159 Training for crews

Mandatory training required by NMA and/or class related to battery system to be given for
one complete crew ( at least 8 persons ).
A check out program for one crew change including operation management to be
provided and carried out in corporation with the Owner.

162 Guarantee work


Owner will issue a separate warranty claim for each incident.

In general the yard to provide twelve(12) months guarantee from subcontractors for
equipment after delivery of the vessel.
24-months guarantee to be provided from subcontractors for all components shown on
One-Line diagram in Chapter 10.2, related to propulsion. Including but not limited to: DC
switchboards, 230V switchboards, shore connections, transformers, battery systems,
complete thruster unit and main gen. sets.

Guarantee docking, if necessary, to take place at the building yard or a NW-European

yard accepted by the owner. If discrepancy about Guarantee claims, the Contract shall


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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The Hull to be built as an all-welded steel ship according to drawings approved by Class.
The ferry to be built symmetrical to amidships with a hull shape for speed. Final
adjustments of lines to be carried out according to model test results.

The use of material dimension above what’s shown on approved construction drawings to
be avoided in order to keep the weight at a minimum.

201 Hull materials

All materials used to build this ship to be of good international shipbuilding standard and
of Builders or sub-contractors best standard unless specified elsewhere. Steel plates,
forgings and castings to be delivered with certificates according to the Classification
Societies’ and National Authorities’ requirements. Test marks and makers name to be
clearly stamped thereon.

Where applicable, test certificates to be supplied to the Owner in duplicate.

Where non-steel materials are used, these are to be tested, and certificates to be
supplied to the Owner on request.

The hull shall in general be constructed in accordance with IACS No.47 Shipbuilding and
Repair Quality Standard, Part A.”

Hull structural members to be of high tensile steel in general with a specific weight 7.85
kg/dm3. Grades of steel to be determined in accordance with the requirements of the
Classification Society and relevant regulations.

Scantlings of structural members shall in general be in compliance with the requirements

of the Classification Society except where scantlings in excess of these requirements are
specified in this Specification.

Scantlings not specified in this Specification or in the Rules of the Classification Society to
be in accordance with the Builder’s practices. In case of any major deviation from Class
and Authorities rules, Owner to be notified in writing.

Local scantlings to be increased above the requirement of the Classification Society,

where found necessary, due to special reasons as vibration, deflections etc.
Owner to be advised if this is done.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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203 Blasting, shop priming, cleaning of materials

All Steel materials to be sand-blasted to grade SA 2.5 and primer of approved type to be
applied. Paint work to be performed on clean surfaces, according to manufacturer
recommendations and all surfaces to be approved by Owner representative before
paintwork is started.

Shot blasting and preparation:

All steel materials used to build this ship to be shot-blasted and cleaned according to
Swedish Standard SA 2.5 before priming.
Edges to be ground and round off to minimum radius of 3 mm.
Lugs and steel pads on external hull, bulkheads and decks to be removed and the
surface to be ground flush. Cuts and scars to be repaired by welding and ground flush.

Shop priming:
All shot-blasted steel materials to be coated with low zinc primer. The top coat system to
be compatible with the primer as specified and approved by the paint supplier.
Where special coatings are to be applied the preparation and priming of steel materials to
be carried out in accordance with the directions of the products manufacturer.

Prior to applying each coat of paint, all surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned and free from
scale, grease, moisture or any foreign matter. Owner to be notified in due course before
coat is applied.

204 Testing of Tanks, Bulkheads and Decks

All tanks, bulkheads and decks to be leak tested in accordance with Class’ requirements.
No painting to be applied before the tests are performed and approved by the Class.
Owner has the right to be present and should be notified in due course prior to test.
Test reports to be made available for the Owner.

205 X-Ray- & Ultrasonic testing of hull parts

X-ray and ultrasonic testing of welding as required by Class.

Test reports to be made available for Owners.
Schematic plan of X-ray positions to be submitted to the Owner before testing.

207 Welding

All welding to be in accordance with requirements in DNV GL Rules for Ships, part 2
chapter 4 and part 3 chapter 13, and approved Welding Plan(s).
The welding work to be carefully planned, in order to reduce welding stresses. All welding
to be in accordance with modern shipbuilding practice and to approval of Class. Electrical
welding to be used.
Distortion and unfairness due to welding to be faired.
All temporary brackets, cleats, lugs, erection holes etc. to be removed without damaging
surface of plate. Damaged areas to be grinded smooth primed and painted to same
standard as surrounding structure.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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211 Shell Plating

The shell plating in connection with the docking plan to be adequately strengthened.

The vessel to have transverse and longitudinal frames. Frames and shell plates to be
dimensioned according to Classification Society's rules for a Scantling draft as described
in item 101a.


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221 Shell Plating

The shell plate in connection with the main azimuths to be welded in and mounted in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations and class regulations, and to have
min. thickness of 16 mm, with special attention to the following:
 Vibration
 Deflections
 Stresses
 Flow stream lines.

The area reserved for vacuum mooring holding to be dimensioned for 40 ton, PS and SB
according to GA.

The vessel to have transverse and longitudinal frames. Frames and shell plates to be
dimensioned according to Classification Society's rules for a Scantling draft of 3.5.

222 Bottom Construction and Keel

Double bottom to be arranged.

Plate floors to be arranged at every transverse main frame. All floors shall have easy
access and good lightening.

All non-watertight girders in tanks to have drainage holes at upper and lower edge with
area at least 25% in excess of pipe suction area.

Bilge wells, drain tanks, sounder cofferdams etc. to be arranged in double bottom as
Below manholes, tanks to be provided with ladders where necessary to give easy access
to the tank. Type and size of ladders according to NS.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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223 Inner Bottom and foundations

Inner bottom plates to be transverse and longitudinally stiffened and do form the tank top
of double bottom tanks.

Foundations in general:
To be manufactured according to good shipbuilding practice for easy maintenance and to
be provided with spill tray where required by normal shipbuilding practice, Owner’s
practice and Class.

Main Generators foundations:

Main generators seating to be well stiffened, transverse floors and continuous longitudinal
girders with good connections forward and aft in the hull.
The foundation construction is subject to generators manufacturers approval as well as
approval from Classification and Owner.

Other foundations:
Foundations for rotating machinery like pumps, separators etc. to be steady and
manufactured according to good shipbuilding practice for easy maintenance and as far as
practical lifted above engine room / pump room floor. Necessary local stiffeners and
reinforcements in tank top and bulkheads and to be provided with spill tray where
required by normal shipbuilding practice and Class.

224 Main Deck

Transverse and longitudinal stiffening to be used.

226 Engine Floor and Tanks below Main Deck

Hull Tanks: Ref. item no. 239.

Bilge, air pipes and sounding systems ref. main group 8.

228 Engine, Pump, Battery, High Voltage and MSB Room

Engine, Pump, Battery, High Voltage and MSB Room to be located below main deck as
indicated on GA.

Engine rooms to be located below main deck, arranged as Forward and Aft
compartments by steel bulkhead from tank top to main deck.
The room to be of sufficient size to accommodate the main generator sets engines,
azimuth propulsion and other equipment associated with this equipment.

Strong girder and transverse floor systems to be arranged to give rigid foundations for the

High Voltage room to be arranged. The room shall normally be locked, and the operator
shall document who will have access to this room.

Area dedicated for cut out and transportation of main charging transformers through car
deck to be arranged.
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231 Shell Plating

Ref. item 211.

235 Main Deck & A-Deck ( Car-Decks )

Area in way of car deck shall as a minimum be dimensioned for a 15 tonne axle load of
double pneumatic wheels. 3 tonne axle load on ramp A-Deck. The load area of each
wheel is to be calculated as a rectangle with sides 0,2m in driving direction and 0,5m
across. Centre distance of each set to be taken as 2,0m. Deck to be dimensioned for the
numbers of trucks and road trains as given in SFI 101b.
Minimum free height main deck: 5.0m
Minimum free height for side ramp A-deck: minimum 2.5 m

Steel plates with anti-skid paint (no tear plates) to be used.

239 Hull tanks

Fixed hull tanks in general to be arranged according to arrangement drawings and Tank
Plan. Drain wells to be arranged in tanks where this is practical possible.

241 Shell Plating

Ref. item 211.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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251 Deckhouses

The deck heights in the accommodation, measured between steel / Aluminium deck
moulded levels to be as follows:
 Main deck to A-deck: Approx. 3000 mm
 A-deck to B-deck: Approx. 2500 mm
 B-deck to C-deck: Approx. 2850 mm
 C-deck to Bridge deck: Approx. 2500 mm
 Bridge deck to top of Wheelhouse: Approx. 3100 mm

Outer bulkheads to be of plain construction, well stiffened with profiles on the inside. Inner
bulkhead to be well stiffened and adapted to the vessels framing and girders system.

The whole structure to be of welded construction with direct welded connections to deck
plating. Pillars below girders within deckhouses to be adapted to accommodation partition
bulkheads. Pillars in accommodation to be positioned towards bulkheads or structures.
Free standing bulkheads in accommodation to be avoided.

The superstructure above B-Deck to be built of aluminium.

All aluminium materials shall be sea water resistant, fabricated in accordance with the
Class’ standards, and delivered with Certificated from the Class.

Superstructure above B-Deck to be constructed of aluminum including:

Accommodation superstructure for B and C-Deck
Wheel house
Masts and plattforms
Related outfitting, i.e. stairs, railing etc.
Connection between steel and aluminum shall be welded using Class approved explosion
bonded steel-aluminum transition joints, type Kelocouple or similar.

Note: The use of material dimension above what’s shown on approved construction
drawings shall be avoided in order to keep the weight at a minimum.

252 Casing and funnel

Casings and funnels to be arranged as shown on general arrangement plan.

Casing to extend from main deck to the funnel with adequate strength to carry the funnel
uptake structures.

Access to casing and funnel to be arranged by access hatches at each deck. Ladder
outside to top of casing to be arranged.

In the upper section of funnel fixed ventilation louvers with fire dampers are to be fitted.
All ventilation louvers to fitted with hinged hatches, be well protected against ingress of
water and have easy access for inspection and maintenance.


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253 Bridge Deck and Wheelhouse

Bridge Deck to be arranged as shown on General Arrangement plan.

An outside stair to be arranged for direct access to the C-deck.

Bridge Deck to be well stiffened with beams and girder system adapted to the
wheelhouse bulkheads.

Wheelhouse to be arranged as shown on general arrangement drawing.

To give space for cables and pipes etc. a low flame type plywood floor (TG4) carried by
steel angles to be fitted approx. 300 mm above bridge deck level. Main cables inlet to be
arranged from below where possible. Hatches to be arranged for access where

Windows to be arranged according to general arrangement plan. All windows to be of

approved type with thickness and size according to Classification requirements.

A platform giving easy access for washing of wheel house windows etc. to be arranged
as indicated at GA. Lugs for personal safety harness to be arranged.

Outside platforms anti skid composite grating to be used throughout where allowed by

External railings to be designed according to GA in order to minimize blind sectors.

The should be no railings around the bridge. A list to hook on for safety harness to be


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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261 Hull- and House Markings

Marks in general to be cut from 5 mm steel plates and fully welded to hull/superstructure.
This applies to name, home port, owner’s logo, bow mark, design marks, load line marks,
bulb/underwater equipment marks, draught marks,
Marks for where the bottom rise starts to be provided, at underwater hull and also on
ship's sides. Steel marks under the waterline to be by welding.
Area reserved for vacuum mooring to be without any marking.
Final placing and heights to be approved by the owner and FRAM design manual.

Ship’s Name:
Ship´s name to be in accordance with demand from Charterer.
Owner shall approve positions and size ships’ name.

Home port:
300 mm letters below names aft.

Owner’s logo:
Owner shall approve position and size of logo.

Load line marks:

Load line marks according to Authorities.

Designers marks:
400 mm letters “HAVYARD 934” on Shipside, both sides.

Charterer´s Logo:
Charterer´s Logo to be in accordance with FRAM profile manual.
Owner shall approve positions and size of logos.

Under water equipment:

Marks approx. 400 mm below main deck both sided.

Draught marks:
Draught marks to be in the metric system and to be cut of steel plating making projected
100 mm high letters and arranged both sides fore & aft.

Further the following to be marked with welding on the hull:

Waterline for painting, tank corners/-number/-content, every 10th frame, etc. Bottom
plugs and manhole covers to be marked with tank number and content.
Manhole marking welded also on deck / bulkhead close to manhole.

IMO number, Call sign, GRT & NRT to be marked according to regulations.
As minimum the IMO number and Call sign to be located:
 Aft of accommodation, B-deck
 In access of accommodation C-deck (only IMO number)
 Engine room bulkhead (only IMO number)


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All doors, hatches, manhole doors etc. which lead to rooms with risk of gas or lack of
oxygen, to be marked according to NS 6033 or NS 4210.
Exits and emergency exits to be clearly marked.

All lifting devices and winches to be marked with Safe Work Load (SWL) and logged in
the "kontrollbok for laste- og losseinnretninger" .

262 Bottom plugs, Sea Chests, Bilge Wells

Bottom plugs:
Tanks and bilge wells which have boundary to shell to have countersunk acid proof
stainless steel bottom plugs according to NS 2573. The plugs to be installed at the
lowermost position when on even keel.

Sea chests:
Sea chests for box coolers to be arranged in the double bottom in the pump room or
engine room.
Sea Chests for Box Coolers to be arranged with bolted and hinged strainer/-hatches of
seawater resistant stainless steel materials. Bolts to be of acid proof steel. Plate
boundaries in sea chests to have thickness min.2 mm above surrounding structure.
The inside of sea chests as far as possible to be without internal structure.
Ventilation from top of the sea chest to be arranged.
Sea chests for the emergency fire pumps and other equipment to be arranged in the
engine rooms, and if required in the pump room.

Bilge wells:
Bilge wells and/or drain pots to be arranged in all compartments where water/liquid can
be collected, min. 200 litres, and according to Regulations. As far as practical the bilge
wells to be located at both sides and in front and aft. Bilge wells in pump room to form
part of the structure. Plate boundaries in bilge wells to have thickness min. 2 mm above
surrounding structure.
Bilge wells to have easy access for cleaning and maintenance as far as practical.

263 Foundations

Deck machinery to be mounted on steel foundations welded to deck. Foundations to be

well stiffened and dimensioned for max. loads and drainage if necessary.

Below winches, cranes, masts etc. extra girders to be fitted. The girders to be
dimensioned to carry the extra weights and loads above.

All foundations on open deck to be made fully enclosed with good access for

Closed foundations to be preserved.

All foundations to be cleaned and painted before mounting of machinery and equipment.
Fastening to be of non-corrosive material.


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264 Bilge Keels

Bilge keel to be arranged.

Bilge keel; HP340x12/FB 75x12 out from ship side, profiles to be fitted on each side. The
location and extension to be according to the CFD. Length approx. 25% of LOA.

265 Fender lists

Ship sides to be protected by fender lists as indicated on GA. It to be continuous fender

lists with chamfering ending at an angle of 5:1. Plugs above and under for conservation to
be arranged. Overlap may be arranged at Mob boat, Evacuation system and Vacuum
mooring area..

266 Anchor pockets and Hawse pipe & Chain pipes.

Anchor pocket to be arranged at SB side as indicated at GA.

Anchor pocket to be of sufficient depth in order to prevent any parts of the anchor from
pointing out from the shell. Remote release to be possible to test without dropping the

Chain pipe to be well reinforced, steel piping with min. thickness 16 mm.
Solid round bars ø50 mm to be fitted at upper end of chain pipe.

267 Gutters, Bulwark, Railing and Boat Landing

Bulwarks/Freeing Ports:
On outside Decks, bulwarks to be arranged according to class requirements.

Rubber mats to be fitted on all freeing ports at main deck level, with stainless bolts.
10 spare rubber mats to be delivered as spare for each size of freeing ports.
Two of freeing ports to be arranged to be arranged in both endsfor easy clearance of
snow at car deck, in addition 2 snow clearance port on A-deck (car ramp).

268 Funnel

Two off vertically continuous casings from engine area level including the funnels to be
arranged. The funnels to be located at SB side. See also 418

Exhaust pipes to be led out through top of the funnels, arranged so that water cannot get
through to the funnel/casing.
Funnel to accommodate the exhaust systems, silencers, and return air from the engine

Outlets from exhaust pipes to be angled away from vessels structure and equipment.
The exhaust pipes to be of stainless steel quality from 1 m below funnel top plate to top of
pipes. See also SFI 743
Drain pipe from funnel top to be lead overboard. (Below fender list)


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Painting and surface treatment: See also paint supplier‘s specification.

Paint specification:
To be as agreed between Owner and Builder during finalization of Specification.

Grinding General:
Steel surfaces to be grinded flush and welding spatters removed. All sharp corners and
edges are to be rounded off to minimum radius of 3.0 mm.

Grinding External:
Lugs and steel pads on external hull, bulkheads and decks to be removed, and the
surface to be ground flush. Cuts and scars to be repaired by welding and ground flush.

Painting External:
All launching brackets, docking blocks etc are to be removed, and all paint damages to be
repaired to the standard defined in the specification for the underwater area. This to be
done before sea trials and delivery. The repair work to be done in conformity with
approved procedures, and the work to be approved by paint manufacturer’s and the
Owner’s inspectors.

In general all deck outside to be painted with “anti slip” for safety reasons.

All steel to be delivered sandblasted to grade SA 2,5 and primed with zinc primer of
approved type. All painting to be carried out in accordance to good workmanship and
common practice. Painting and material protection may be carried out by rolling and/or
spraying according to the paint manufacturer's recommendation for the different types of

Aluminium to be treated and painted according to supplier‘s specification

Inspection of surface preparation before first coating, and between all coating layers, to
be inspected and approved by the owner and the paint manufacturer's inspector. The
builder shall ensure that inspection personnel are given reasonable time and working
conditions for such inspections.

All spray from welding to be removed, and welding seams to be free from pittings and

All external welds and damaged primer to be sandblasted to SA 2,5 and intact shop
primer to be sandswipt to Sa1.

Preferably all welding to be finished prior to start-up of sandblasting.

Oil, grease, salts etc. to be removed with strong detergents and high pressure cleaning.
Welding seams, rust and damaged shop primer to be blast cleaned to min. SA 2 ½ (ISO
8501-1:1988). Pre-treatment of steel surface: According to paint suppliers
Builder is to make best efforts to avoid burning through of coated areas as far as


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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All edges and welding seams to be strip coated before and between coating layers.
All stripe coating to be carried out by brush.

All paint work to be carried out according to the paint manufacturer's recommendations,
and the paint to be applied as received from the manufacturer.

Oil, thinner and/or other drying liquids to be added according to specification for the
different types of coating. Use of thinner in any fresh water tank is strictly prohibited.

Parts bolted together shall have adequate coating on the mating areas.

Colours of top coats to be advised by Owner.

Specified paint thickness to be considered as minimum in dry condition.

Painting supervision and inspection during the building period to be in accordance with
Owners and paint manufacturers recommendations.

274 External galvanized railing and stairs

Exposed steel in general:

Oil, grease, salts etc. to be removed with strong detergents and high pressure cleaning.
Welding seams, rust and damaged shop primer to be blast cleaned to min. SA 2 ½ (ISO
8501-1:1988). Pre-treatment of steel surface: According to paint suppliers

277 Equipment subject to galvanizing

 Pipes and flatbars in external railing.
 External gratings.
 Piping, See addendum 10.1
Galvanized areas to be primed and later coated like the rest of the area.

Where pipes are required to be galvanized, pipes to be hot dipped galvanized after all
bending, flanging and welding is complete. Final installation make-up pipes to be returned
for hot dip galvanizing after all hot work is complete

278 Impressed current protection

Ship's hull and sea chests to have an impressed current cathodic protection system
(ICCP) against corrosion.
Impressed current system type ICAF or similar for hull, sea chests and propeller to be
installed. ICAF-system under box coolers to be fitted with hot dip galvanized bolts and to
be easy to replace.The ICCP and ICAF system shall be working before delivery of the

Five(5) years system to be provided included azimuths propellers.

Anodes of aluminium with high degree of purity to be used where applicable. Aluminium
anodes to be welded to doubling plates on the hull and in sea chests. Size, number and
location of anodes to be decided according to calculations.
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NOTE: Material protection of interior in principle to have same standard as external

protection as given in item 27.

Paint specification:
See separate specification.

Yard to pay special attention in order to avoid burning of coated areas. Any damage must
be repaired according to repair procedure in Paint Specification.

Insulation is not to be painted where this might have influence on the insulating quality.
This applies for both acoustic and thermo insulation.

Pipes & ducts:

To be treated as bulkheads and superstructure with coats as for surroundings.

Inaccessible places to be pressure tested and treated with Silicagel.


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The table below to be used as a minimum, a final paint supplier‘s specification to

be worked out:

No. Position Name of paint Shade D.F.T.

1 Underwater hull Epoxy 2 x 150
Tiecoat 100
Silicone antifouling 150
system (latest product
issued from supplier)
2 Hull above water line Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
3 Anchor pockets and 1m on each side and 1m below Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
4 Superstructure, deck houses, wheel house, and Zink epoxy 60
bulwark inside Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
5 Equipment on deck and exposed Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
6 Decks general Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
7 Car decks area Type multi straight or 2 x 500
8 Voids & Cofferdams, Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 125
Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey S 125
11 Tank top, below inner floor in engine room submerged Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 150
areas Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 150
12 Tank top inner floor in engine room Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 150
Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 150
13 Stores Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 150
Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 150
15 Inside main engine rooms walls and ceilings Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 150
Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 150
16 Inside rooms with lining Surface tolerant epoxy Brown red 150
Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 150


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No. Position Name of paint Shade D.F.T.

17 Mast Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
18 External ladders and railing Zink epoxy 60
Surface tolerant epoxy 75
Surface tolerant epoxy 125
Polyurethane topcoat 50
19 Steel behind insulation Surface tolerant epoxy Light grey 125
21 Fresh water tanks (potable water certified scheme) Solvent free epoxy Light red 200
Solvent free epoxy White 200
22 Fuel oil tanks NO PAINTINGS
23 Waste oil, lube oil, hydraulic oil, sludge, Urea, Bilge, Phenol epoxy Light red 100
and sewage tanks Phenol epoxy Off-white 100
Phenol epoxy Light red 100
24 Steel Vent. ducts Epoxy primer 2 x 150
25 Aluminum behind insulation NO PAINTINGS


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304 Hatches and Man Hole Covers

All structural tank excluding the following, shall as far as possible be provided with two
access manholes with bolted covers:
 Small tanks (in general less than 15m3)
 Cofferdam(s)

Manhole plan to be approved by Owner.

Manholes according to ISO standard and with light opening 400 x 600 mm to be provided
for all tanks according to approved tank plan.

All tanks and manholes to be weld-marked with tank number and tank content in
accordance to rules and regulations.

Manholes on tank top in Engine room and pump room shall have coaming height 75 mm.

All manholes on open deck to be provided with bolts (exchangeable pin-bolts), nuts and
washer of stainless steel. Elsewhere the bolts, nuts and washers to be of normal steel.
In general, handgrips to be fitted on all manholes.

Emergency exits:
Emergency exits to be arranged and located according to GA.

Service Hatches:
Five(5) off watertight service hatches 2x(approx. 1400x1400) for El. propulsion motors &
2x( approx. 1400 x 3200 mm )for gen set & 1x( approx. 2600 x 2600 mm ) for pump room
to be arranged in main deck as indicated on GA. The hatches to be arrange with quick
acting cleths from below. Final sizes of the service hatches to be based on easy handling
of the generator sets and equipment.

Smaller Service Hatches:

Smaller service hatches to equipment like fans etc. to be hinged and tierced.

Mooring Hatches:
Mooring hatches ( Eight off; approx. 600 x 600 mm ) to be arranged above chocks as
indicated at GA.

305 Bow visors and bow car bridge ramps

Bow car bridge ramps and bow visors to be arranged at forward and aft ends of the ferry.

Car bridge driving ramp:

NOTE: The design and functionally of the bow visor and driving ramp shall comply with
requirements given by Statens Veivesen “Handbok for Fergekaier” ( )

The Car bridge ramp to be dimensioned as “the bow” according to class requirement.


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The Car bridge ramp to be hydraulic driven and to have local and remote controlled
operation. In addition local emergency control to be arranged. Closing of the Car bridge
ramp shall not be possible from the bridge.

The flaps to be constructed of thick steel plates structures. The car bridge ramp height to
be 1,5 meter.

Sensors that indicate the position (up or down) of the ramp to be interfaced to the IAS for
information of Departure & Arrival.

The Car bridge ramp shall be equipped with a bolted on mooring hook for connection to
the shore ramp acc. requirements given by Statens Veivesen “Handbok for Fergekaier”
( ) Two off mooring hooks to be delivered and stored for spare use.

End of ferry shall have preserved space for later fastening of "tann" on each end,
according to requirements given by Statens Veivesen.

307 Side doors

Seven (7) off side gates including muster stations and gangway to be arranged at ferry
sides as indicated on GA. One off the door to be dedicated for the Mob boat. The doors
to be arranged to be securely closed when the ferry are in transit.

309 Hydraulic systems for driving ramps, bow visors, windlass, hatches etc.

An “energy efficient” hydraulic power pack unit (HPU) to be located in one of the Engine
/Propulsion rooms or Pump room, for operation of the bow visor, driving ramp, capstans
and Anchor winch. Location to be approved by Owner. The HPU to have automatic start
& stop by power demand for energy savings purposes.

The system to include:

 Dual pumps in each HPU, where one pump is standby for each other. A separate
smaller pump to be consider for “night mode” to secure the driving ramp.
 Ono pump to operate the driving ramp in 20 seconds, and with two pumps in 10
 Ono pump to operate the bow visor in 30 seconds.
 Local and wheelhouse operation of cylinders and monitoring functions.
 The HPUs are activated from the wheelhouse.
 The HPUs is in addition to be activated from a cabinet in either end of the car deck.
The cabinet is to be protected from operation by unauthorized personnel.
 The HPUs to be to be elastic mounted and equipped with pulse damping equipment
for sound reduction purposes.
 Easy filling and drainage of the oil tank to be arranged.
 Easy access to all lubricating/grease points for bow/flap arrangement. No dismounting
and personell climbing shall be neccessary.

The driving ramps are to exert a force on the mating link span, and secure this in position
over the mating slot of the forward structure of the car deck.


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The link span to be locked to the ferry, in order to ensure a common motion of the ferry
and link span. In order to facilitate this, a pressure accumulator and pump to be
implemented in the hydraulic circuit.

In order to ensure the required functionality, efficiency and redundancy of the hydraulic
system, it must be designed, delivered, installed and verified by an experienced ferry
hydraulic systems supplier.

NOTE: The functionally of the bow visor and driving ramp shall comply with requirements
given by Statens Veivesen “Handbok for Fergekaier” ( )

Hydraulic hoses for driving ramp and bow visor shall be standardized so spare hoses fits
and easy can be change at each side & ends. One hose with fittings of each
standardized type for flaps and bow to be delivered as spare. Hoses to be numbered and

315 Vehicle lashing equipment

A VTE lashing system is to be incorporated, in full compliance with regulations, covering

4 off VTE.

20 rubber wheel stoppers ( 10 big and 10 small ) to be included. Storage to be arranged in

side bulwark in close cooperation with the Owner. Storage of the lashing equipment to be

The fastening point, arrangement and lashing equipment is to be approved by NMA.

The procedure for the safe operation of the lashing system is to be designed and
arranged in close corporation with the Owner.


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403 Steering Gears, Propulsion System

Two off rotatable/steerable azimuth propeller thrusters to be fitted. One in fore ship and
one in the aft ship, electric steering motors controlled by VFD through the thruster control.
Each thruster to have two steering motors. System to be energy optimized. Separate
alarm on each steering gear.
See: 631 - Main Azimuth Propellers


410 Navigation Equipment - General

Equipment to be supplied according to two sailing directions, and helmsman chair to be

possible to turn 180 degrees (two footrests). A status light must be situated above the
window, visible for the helmsman in seated position, at each end to indicate if navigation
the wrong sailing direction is selected. A switch for selecting sailing direction to be located
in control console with interface to Navigation lights, speed log, Gyro. (As a result Radar,
ECDIS, IAS etc. getting signals from these a will change sailing direction)
Control consoles description according to SFI 791.
In general equipment to be delivered with adequate cabling to be able to place processors
in the el. equipment room.

NOTE: All equipment to have full functionality in both sailings directions.

411 Radar Plant. Chart System. ECDIS

 One (1) off X-band Radar with minimum 26" LED monitor at helmsman console forward,
slave monitor at look-out console aft, with additional trackball for both sailing directions.
 One (1) off S-band Radar with minimum 26" LED monitor at helmsman console aft,
slave monitor at look-out console forward, with additional trackball for both sailing
 Both radar to have AIS and DGPS interface
 Interswitch between the Radars.
 Both radars to have Performance monitor.
 1 off dual ECDIS system according to IMO regulations (paperless navigation) with 2
pcs minimum 23” LCD monitors. One monitor at center console forward, one at center
console aft. Monitors to be common with CCTV monitors and a button in console to
select between ECDIS or CCTV.
 1 off BNWAS system

412 Satellite Navigator

 2 DGPS satellite navigators,


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413 Gyro Plants, Autopilot

 One(1) off Gyro Compass
 Two(2) off digital repeaters, one in each sailing direction at bridge
 Two(2) off digital Gyro Repeater for emergency steering position, one fwd & one aft
 Two(2) off Analogue repeater compass in overhead fwd and aft bridge.
 Two(2) off Autopilot
 One(1) off 10”magnetic compass with spare compass according to SOLAS chapter V.
Including one Optical bearing device.

414 Echo Sounder, Speed Log

 1 Echo Sounder, 50 kHz transducer.
 1 Speed Log, arranged with valve for replacement at sea.
NOTE: Echo sounder and Speed Log may be combined in one unit.

416 Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV)

1 Closed Circuit Television System (CCTV) to be installed.

System to be prepared for minimum 32 cameras. All outside cameras to be of stainless
steel. Minimum 24 off cameras installed according to list below.

CCTV Cameras:
Two(2) Camera Engine / Propulsion room fwd
Two(2) Camera Engine / Propulsion room aft
Two(2) Camera Shore ramp fwd, one each side
Two(2) Camera Shore ramp aft, one each side
Two(2) Camera Covering ship side incl. Mob boat and evacuation port side.
Two(2) Camera Covering ship side incl. evacuation stb side.
Four(4) Camera Two at each high voltage charging location, for charging
surveillance of both shore and vessel part.
Three(3) Camera Passenger saloon. One fwd, one aft and one covering evacuation
One(1) Camera Self Service Shop in Passenger saloon.
Three(3) Camera Car deck. One car deck fwd, one car deck aft and one covering
evacuation station.
One(1) Camera Pump room.

CCTV monitors:
Monitor Bridge FWD 1pcs min. 23“ LED
Monitor Bridge AFT 1pcs min. 23“ LED
Monitor ECR 1pcs 24“ LED
Monitor Pump room 1pcs 24“ LED

Split screen to be possible. System to be capable of showing different cameras on fwd

and aft monitors.
Monitors at bridge to be common with ECDIS monitors and a button in console to select
between ECDIS or CCTV.


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418 Masts and Mast Platform

A platform of aluminum/steel (same as superstructure) to be on top of wheelhouse. Various

foundations arranged (radars etc.)
Two masts of steel to be arranged at B-deck level with various equipment (lanterns,
antennas, flags, etc., as indicated on GA.

419 Automatic Identification System (AIS)

 One (1) off AIS system, with display in each transit direction.
 The AIS to have interface to both radars, VHF, speed log and Chart System
 Two (2) off Wind sensor, one display in each transit direction. True & relative wind
speed indication.


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420 Communication Equipment - General

Radio installation according to GMDSS Sea area A1 to be provided. Spare parts and tools
according to Regulations.
Remote control for Sesam 800 ferry shore ramp system to be provided onboard by owner.
Builder to make cabinets in each end with 230V outlets.

421 Radio Plant

1 off VHF Radio Telephony Station, with DSC and slave handset in safety console. Sailor
6222 or similar.
1 off navtex receiver including antenna
1 off MF/HF radio including antennas
Batteries for radio station to be maintenance free.

422 Life Boat Transmitters, Emergency Equipment

 3 Portable GMDSS VHFs

 2 Radar transponders for Rafts (9 GHz),
 1 off Loudhailer to be installed in MOB-boat

423 GSM Communication

 2 GSM mobile Telephones (delivered by owner)

424 VHF/UHF Telephones

 1 off Semi Duplex VHF with DSC as described in SFI421 (bridge)

 3 off Portable UHF. ( located in ticket office at B-Deck )
 3 off Portable UHF. ( located in office/ECR at C-Deck )
 2 off UHF (fix mounted) 1(One) on bridge, 1 (one) in ECR) Type Motorola DM4400 or
equal with direct channel selector.
 3 off Portable /waterproof UHF type Motorola DP4401 ATEX or equal. Each to be
delivered with, carrier case, belt and 1 spare battery.
 UHF to be equipped with connection to smoke diver’s equipment. Power to be arranged
for charger in cabinet for smoke diver’s equipment.
 4 pcs headset
 UHFs to be programmed according to Owner standard frequencies.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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425 Intercommunication System

Intercom/Telephone/PA system
An integrated communication system to be installed according to rules and regulations.
The system to include intercom/telephone/PA exchange and substations.

The system to provide a user-friendly and cost-effective integrated solution with the
following functions:
 Automatic telephone
 Intercom
 Public Address
 Loud Hailing
 Command and crew call system
 Alarm and audio program distribution

The telephone system shall have the following features:

 Min. 3 simultaneous calls.
 Priority for essential stations.
 Override for essential stations.

System to have high and low speaking with PA function. Interface to ships General alarm
and Fire alarm system. See also SFI 811.

Substations to be installed in the following compartments:

 1 off Telephone in bridge.
 1 off Telephone in all cabins.
 1 off Telephone in Wardrobe B-deck.
 1 off Telephone in Day room.
 1 off Telephone in Ticket office
 1 off Telephone in Shop area
 1 off Telephone in ECR.
 1 off Telephone in each Switchboard room.
 1 off Telephone with headset and cable in Pump room.
 1 off Telephone with headset and cable in each Propulsion room.
 Command & talkback station at muster station, windlass position, mob. boat
station and control position for the port flaps fwd/aft.

Loudhailers for PA system for cover of the entire vessel .

Telephones in propulsion room, pump room, and emergency generator room to be

equipped with acoustic and optical signal and to be equipped with ear phones with
microphones. Supply 24V DC.

Public address:
Interior spaces, including sleeping positions and cabin bathrooms: 75 dB (A) and at least
20 dB (A) above ambient noise level.
Exterior spaces: 80 dB (A) and at least 15 dB (A) above ambient noise level.
Speakers connected to at least 4 different selectable zones, divided in cooperation with
the Owner.


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PA system installed according to rules with two separate systems, where public area
have sound distributed from both systems. Hearing inductive loop mounted in all public
areas. Signs mounted where hearing loop is present. PA microphone at bridge, ECR and
ticket office. PA to have interface to shiplog.
PA at deck to be arranged with several speakers to keep the sound for the surrounding
area of the vessel at a minimum.

427 Lanterns and Signal Equipment

Permanently mounted LED electric navigation lights complying with the Norwegian
Maritime Directorate’s regulations for this ferry type and size to be fitted. 1 set of
navigation lights for each sailing direction to be arranged, where the Vessel direction is
chosen using the common sailling direction selector switch in the manoeuvring consoles.
It must be connected so that the two sets cannot operate simultaneously. A status light
must be situated above the window, visible for the helmsman in seated position, at each
end to indicate if navigation lights for the wrong sailing direction is selected.

Ship’s Navigation Lights

Main electrical lights to be provided for the masthead, side, stern and anchor lights. Lights
shall have dioptric lenses and to be registry approved.

Position of lights to meet the COLREG 1972 requirements. Arrangement of lights to

prevent reflecting into the wheelhouse and bridge deck.

Side lights to be arranged for easy lamp replacement.

Masthead, side, stern and anchor lights to be controlled by navigation light control panel
fitted in the wheelhouse. Audible warning of lamp(s) or circuit(s) failure to be provided at
the wheelhouse control panel; extinction of the position indicator light(s) shall provide the
means of identifying the faulty lamp(s) or circuit(s).

Wiring to the lights to be 4 core + E for main & spare lantern if possible for selected
make. The cable shall not be spliced.

Duplicated supplies to be provided for the light panel, one taken directly from the
230V sections of the 230V main switchboard, the other supply from emergency light UPS
system. A change-over switch for the supplies to be housed in the panel. Lantern lamps
to be 230V main and 24V back up.

Day signaling lamp ( ALDIS )

Daylight signalling equipment comprising a portable hand signalling lamp, 230/12 volts
transformer, one socket outlet, a portable battery and a portable battery charger.

Two off electrical whistle, one for each sailing direction to be installed in radar mast.
Preferably of electrical type. Automatic signalling device (230VAC) with selector switch
(fog signal) to be installed in wheelhouse console. Also interfaced to the General alarm
system so that if this is released from bridge locations also ships whistle to sound
according to regulation ( 7short + 1 long (repeated))
Manual control from wheelhouse console.
The whistle to have built-in heating element, that normal should be switched off.


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Ships bell
One ship bell of chromed brass with size according to requirements (min. 300 mm mouth”
and with the ships name and building year engraved to be provided.

Signal flag
Signal flags and flag locker to be delivered by the Yard and installed in the wheelhouse.

Clinometer, kikkert, barometer etc. to be derivert and mounted.


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431 Anchors and Chain

The anchor arrangement to be in compliance with the rules and consist of one off high
holding anchor with chain/wire and equipment in anchor pocket as indicated on GA.

The anchor to be self stowing and stored in an anchor pocket.

The Class equipment number: approx. 812

The anchor chain and wire to be delivered in lengths and dimension as required by class.
The chain length next to anchor to be hot dip galvanized.

432 Anchor Windlass and Chain Stoppers

Windlass arrangement to be in accordance to Class requirements.

An hydraulic powered windlass is located on a dedicated foundation at A-deck as
indicated on GA. The windlass to be driven by the HPU forward as described at item 309.
The anchor to be able to be released and braked from the wheelhouse in emergency
mode (dead-ship).

434 Capstans

Two(2) hydraulic capstans with approx. 8.0 t pulling capacity to be provided. The
capstans to be located as indicated on GA.
The capstans to be driven by the common HPU as described at item 309.

435 Fixed Mooring Equipment

Openings to be arranged in shell, above Main deck and A-Deck, for support during
mooring, towline etc.
 Bollards, to be arranged on Main deck and A-Deck as shown on GA-plan.
 Chocks, to be arranged in shipside on Main deck and A-Deck as shown on GA-

Towing brackets:
A towing bracket to be arranged in both ends.


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436 Loose Mooring Equipment

Loose Mooring equipment according to class requirement to be deliverd.

One aluminum rope hook a 3 meter and one aluminum hook a 1 meter to be delivered
and mounted.
The ship to be fitted out with a number of Mooring and Tow Lines of sufficient
length/dimension for a ship of this size and type, min. according to Class requirements.
Storage arrangement for mooring ropes to be arranged.

 According to class/NMA, but not less than 4 pc. mooring lines of spectra type with
length 170 m and minimum breaking strength 186 kN. Lengths may be shortened
according to Owner’s instructions. Lines to by with certificates and of corded ropes of

 4 off 30 m heaving lines with ball

 Stowage arrangement for all loose mooring equipment to be made in close

corporation with the Owner.

 Eyes for fastening of rope from gangways tom be arranged close to port in side in
corporation with the Owner.


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441 Machine Tools, Cutting & Welding Equipment

A workshop area is to be facilitated in the pump room, consisting of workbench, vice,

shelves, tools cabinets etc.
A scope of hand tools to be delivered, based on a specification by the Owner, limited to
100,000,- NOK. A specified list with prices to be worked out for Owner’s approval.

Following tools/equipment to be delivered and installed.

 1 off permanently mounted drilling machine for drills up to 1 inch diameter.
 1 off. grinding machine app. 8”.
 1 off vice 6”.
 1 off manual hoist 500 kg.
 2 off chain hoist 500 kg.
 2 off chain hoist 1500 kg.
 1 off pneumatic hoist, 1000 kg and 10 m chain.
 1 portable electric welding machine
 1 off portable gas burner, 5 litres.

For propulsion machinery and separators hand tools to be delivered according to the
manufacturer's standard delivery including special tools for removal of pistons.
Tools in general to be located on tool boards, in shelves, drawers or lockers in engine
room workshop.
Calibrating Instruments for E0 notation to include Pressure & Temperature calibrators.
Spare parts to be supplied with rust protection and fitted on suitable places, properly

444 Cleaning Equipment.

One (1) off high pressure washer 160 bar, electric heated, hot water (max. 60ºC) / cold
water system, with stainless steel piping / flex hoses and quick couplings located: one in
(pump room and each engine room), 3 outlets on Main deck (forward, midship and aft), 1
on Deck A (midship), 1 on Deck B (midship) and 1 on Deck C (midship). Large radius
bends to be arranged in order to avoid noise.Hoses 2 x 30 m on storage wheels incl. 2
"guns" to be supplied. Valves to be fitted on lowest points in system for drainage for
freezing drainage protection.

448 Signs and Marking

All text in general to be in the Norwegian language, English to be used in addition where

Signs and Labels general:

In general labels to be orientated in the direction relative to the equipment it described.


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Public signs
Large Public sign for cars and passengers to be arrange on decks according to The
Norwegian Public Roads Administration. All public signs to be written in "nynorsk".

Labels for steel outfitting

All external doors shall have plastic label. Labels to indicate the function of the room.
Manholes are to be marked with welding bead.
Hatches to be marked with plastic label or welding bead.
All outdoors labels fastened by stainless steel screws or stainless steel pop rivet

Labels for accommodation

All cabins, public rooms, stores and lockers to be provided with engraved plastic name
plates. The plates shall indicate the function of the room.
Emergency plans to be fitted according to regulations.

Labels for machinery equipment, valves and pipes

Machinery equipment to be marked with plastic labels with SFI-no. and text.
Valves to be marked with brass labels with valve-no.
Ventilation hatches to be marked with plastic labels.
Ventilation goose neck and pipes from hull tanks to be marked with metal labels.
Pipes to be marked with colour code and flow direction according to ISO standard.

Labels for electrical equipment

The vessel’s call sign engraved on plastic label to be located in the radio area in
wheelhouse. Starters and other enclosures containing electrical equipment to be marked
with white plastic labels with black text. Black labels with white text to be used on bridge
consoles. Emergency and warning information to be engraved on red labels with white
text. Norwegian to be used in lists in all el. cabinets

Operation Instructions for Watertight doors to be mounted on bridge, and locally at the
watertight doors.

452 Lifting Beams. Chain Hoists.

Lifting Beams for Chain hoists over each Main Generators sets for transport to service
hatch to be arranged.
Lifting lugs over major components, with marking of SWL.
Two (2) Off Bulb Clamps to be delivered – SWL 2 ton.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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5 . E Q U I P M E N T F O R C R E W A N D PA S S E N G E R S
500 Lifesaving Equipment - General

All Lifesaving Equipment to be for 399 persons acc. to national authorities’ requirements.

501 MOB- Boat with Davit

 1 off MOB-boat with outboard engine propulsion with A-davit according to rules.

The MOB-boat to be equipped with steering console.

A fixed cabinet in aluminium or GRP adjacent to MOB-boat for storage of fuel can etc. to
be arranged.

Access ladder from deck to MOB-boat when in davit to be arranged.

502 Inflatable Life rafts

Life rafts on each side according to Regulations. (make Brude, Twin Pack or similar)

2 off approved Marine Evacuation Systems (MES) to be arranged outside as indicated at

GA, one at each side.

Capacity 100% at each side.

Painters and rope related to MES to be well protected with steel profiles on ship side.

503 Lifesaving-, Safety- & Emergency Equipment

Safety and Emergency equipment to be delivered and fitted minimum according to

Regulations. Equipment to be marked according to regulations.

Life Jackets for passengers:

 420 off life jackets
 40 off life jackets for children
 10 off life jackets for infants

The life jackets to be stored in suitable lockers and below the ceiling (according to a
special arrangement agreed with the Owner) in the passenger saloon, as well as in
special dispensers next to the port side MES.

Life jackets for crew:

 7 off life jackets (Yellow colour) to be located in cabins
 3 off life jackets (Yellow colour) to be located in Wheelhouse/ECR

Life buoys:
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 2 off Life buoys (4 kg) w. smoke and light - remote release from bridge
 4 off Life buoys w. line
 2 off Life buoys w. self-igniting light

Eight (8) working/survival suits including boots, finger gloves etc. to be delivered for the
Vessel’s safety crew, and 10 additional fluorescent yellow life jackets, marked CREW, to
be delivered and stored according to Owner's instructions.

Eight (8) off 15 minutes emergency escape breathing apparatus as required by


One(1) off safety harness to be provided.

One(1) portable gas detection instrument.

1 off Embarkation Ladder to be delivered.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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504 Medical Equipment

Medicines and first aid equipment, including one approved stretcher, to be supplied and
stowed according to NMA and Owner's requirements. Medicines according to
requirements for relevant dangerous goods also to be included.
Defibrillator ( heart starter ) to be provided by Owner. Installation and power supply by
cabinet – location according to Owner’s instructions.

505 Loose Fire Fighting Equipment, Firemen’s Outfit, Breathing Air Compressor

Fire extinguishing apparatuses to be installed for accommodation, engine rooms and

other areas according to Class and Regulations.

Portable fire extinguishers and fixed fire extinguishing system as required by Authorities'

Fire extinguishers:
Extinguishers to be delivered according to National Authorities requirements. The
extinguishers to be suspended on hooks and fixed with clamps. Fire extinguishers
mounted on deck outside to be placed in GRP lockers. Spare FE bottles to be stored and
All extinguishers in general to be approved foam type, and the location to be approved by
the National Authorities and Class. Each extinguisher to be marked with Norwegian

Fire hoses with equipment:

Adjacent to each of the fire hydrants connection type stortz, a 2" fire hose with length of
at least 15 meters to be arranged. The hoses to be equipped with combined jet nozzles
and fog nozzles, with coupling connections to the hydrant. One international shore
connection to be arranged at each end of Main-deck .Fire hoses to be placed in GRP

Fire axes:
Fire axes to be delivered and suspended on bulkheads in accommodation and corridors
according to requirements. Fire axes to be mounted in lockers with glass front.

Smoke Diving Equipment:

Smoke diving equipment complete consisting of 2 x two smoke diver sets (or according to
requirement) with sufficient spare composite air bottles 300 bar to be delivered. Each set
to be equipped with UHF communication sets.
Set to be placed in dedicated and well arranged shelves in wardrobe on B-deck and store in
passenger saloon.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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510 Accommodation - General

Accommodation to be arranged as indicated on the General Arrangement. The entire

accommodation to be of first class Norwegian ship building standard.
GA Plan subject to reasonable revisions as necessary to accommodate Owner’s
preference during finalisation of plan review.
In general “Foreskrift 1972-10-02-4” to be followed as minimum requirement.

The minimum ceiling height to be 2250 mm in the passenger saloon and wheelhouse,
2100 mm elsewhere.

Clear width: Primary communication routes through the ferry as well as access to all the
ferry's passenger facilities shall have a free width of at least 1.2 meters

Access to concealed pipes, cables etc. to be arranged where necessary by means of

hinged inspection doors. Removable sections/ hatches in walls and ceilings may be
accepted where doors proves difficult.
Dead space behind lining to be utilized for deck space and storage if possible due to
building principles and Noise reduction purpose.

Contrast indication should be in addition to that given in MSC / Circ.735 also include
contrasting colors between floor, wall and door in the passenger areas.

Marking of escape routes: Photo luminescent strip indicators shall be placed not more
than 300mm above deck at all points of the escape route.

The Builder to send colour proposal and material samples to the Owner for approval.
Accommodation drawings in scale 1:25 to be worked ouout.t and approved by the Owner
before the work starts. Colour visualization drawings of the passenger area to be
presented for the Owner for approval.

511 Insulation, Partition Bulkheads, Ceiling and Wall Panels

Fire Integrity of bulkheads and decks according to regulations.

The vessel’s operational area to be considered regarding Comfort Insulation.

Additional insulation to be provided where necessary to meet noise requirements and

thermal transmittal demand.

Battery room to be insulated A60 according to requirement. In addition thermal insulation

to be considered.

All insulation outside to be covered with pre-painted aluminium thin plate.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Walls – bulkheads:
Insulation to be calculated for an internal temperature of +22C by external temperature
of +25C / 20C.

Engine Rooms: To be insulated against car deck and voids to avoid freezing.
B-AL facing on top layer.
Thin plates to be mounted 1000mm from floor and upwards for
easy cleaning.

Switchboard rooms: To be insulated against car deck and voids to avoid freezing.
G-220 facing on top layer.

Battery rooms: To be insulated inside room with A60 according to requirement.

In addition thermal insulation to be considered.
G-220 facing on top layer.

Corridor: To be insulated against car deck and voids to avoid freezing.

G-220 facing on top layer.

Pump Room: To be insulated against car deck, shell and voids to avoid freezing.
B-AL facing on top layer

Vent/Tech: To be insulated with A60 according to requirement and comfort

insulated 100 + 50mm on external surfaces.
G-220 facing on top layer.

El-Equip.: To be insulated with A60 according to requirement and comfort

insulated 100 + 50mm on external surfaces.
G-220 facing on top layer.

Sopep: To be comfort insulated 100 + 50mm on external surfaces covered

with thin plates.

Stores: To be comfort insulated 100 + 50mm on external surfaces covered

with thin plates.

Garbage: To be comfort insulated 100 + 50mm on external surfaces covered

with thin plates.

Cold surfaces to be insulated with mineral wool. Insulation shall be make Isover, (U
SeaProtect) or similar.

Cold surfaces leading to accommodation shall be insulated as described below:

All outer steel bulkheads as well as ship sides, to be insulated towards accommodation
by mineral wool. Bulkheads shall have (thermal transmittal) U-value according to makers
recommendation. Min. U-value: 0.17.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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All decks should be insulated below or with floating floor if this is most practical.
Main Deck below below passenger saloon shall be insulated below deck in void tanks &
pump room.
B-deck shall be insulated with A30 floating floor.
Decks shall have (thermal transmittal) U-valve according to makers recommendation.
Min. U-value: 0.25.

Corners in passenger areas in general to be rounded and strengthened by stainless steel


Walls-Inner bulkheads:
The accommodation bulkheads to be built up by an approved steel panelling system with
core of mineral wool. Type: 70mm “acoustic wall system” (Rw min 43dB) or
25 wall - 30mm air gap - 25 mm wall (Rw min 43dB)

Around all windows and portholes in accommodation laminated plywood frames to be

fitted. Stair walls to be of steel and covered with lining.

All ceilings facing open air to be insulated with mineral wool.
Ceiling in passengers area to be insulated A30.
Ceiling shall have (thermal transmittal) U-value according to makers recommendation.
Min. U-value: 0.17
Supports to be flexible mounted to the deck beams. The ceiling system to be of make
Dempa, Danacoustic or similar. Light fixtures to be flush mounted. Downlights to be
applied throughout accommodation.
Acoustic panels in passenger saloons.

Engine control room:

The engine control room (ECR) to be located as per GA plan. The room to be heat and
sound insulated, and lined with the same steel panelling system as used within the


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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512 Internal Doors

Internal doors to be made of fire resistant material as for surrounding walls (B15, A60
Door widths in accommodation to be minimum according to regulations.
3 off Sliding doors in passenger accommodation to be arranged to reduce heat losses via
open doors.
Electrical Sliding door, width 1200mm, to be arranged to handicap toilet.
El. Sliding doors, width 1200mm with glass and some decor to avoid collision with
passengers, to be located in both entrance and centre to passengers saloon.
The doors to comply with the requirements for main escape route.
Ventilation louvers (150cm2) in doors where necessary (all B doors).
Master Key stainless steel cylinder locks to all lockable doors on-board the vessel.

In general doors to have free height of 2m.

Door stoppers/hooks etc.

Fire doors in accommodation (stairways, crew pantry, etc.) with electro magnet holders to
be self-closing. The electro magnet to be connected to fire alarm system.

513 Remote Operated Sliding Doors

Number off Water Tight hydraulic driven Sliding Doors to be located as per GA.
The door to be remote and local operated according to rules and regulations.

514 External Doors

Electric Sliding doors to passenger saloons:

External doors to passenger saloons generally to be approved sliding doors.
Sliding doors on Main Deck to stairs leading to Saloon, Width 1200mm.
Sill heights to be as low as possible and in accordance with statutory requirements. Sill
heights or steps in passenger areas shall not exceed 20 mm.
The doors should be arranged with “auto return” to avoid “squeeze” the passengers.

Others External Doors to Accommodation:

External doors to accommodation to be Aluminium or steel doors with window ( 400 x 600
mm ) in doors.
A grid to be arr. between A and B-Deck to avoid that passengers entering the crew area.

Master key system. A locking philosophy for all doors on the vessel to be included in the
master key system, or other solution agreed by Owner.

515 Side Scuttles & Windows with equipment

Windows to be installed as indicated on GA.

One opening window with hook to be located in cabins, dayroom & ECR/office.
Window frames to be inclined downwards for “self drainage”.
The windows shall have same fire class as the bulkhead they are installed in.
All windows to be grey shaded except windows located on bridge.
External windows to be double and shall have (thermal transmittal). U-value:1,2 or better.
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Windows in Wheel house:

Bridge windows to be as large as possible to keep good round view. Windows to be
angled bottom inward.
Transparent sun shades on rollers to be installed for all windows.
 Five front windows and five aft windows in the wheelhouse to be of laminated glass
equipped with low noise, electrically driven window wipers and fitted with electric
heating and water nozzles for cleaning the windows. The window wipers on the
windows to cover the entire height of the windows.
 Window wipers to be radio screened and of proved design, suitably sized to clean
nearly the whole pane area.
Wipers to the straight line, single, heavy duty marine type.
Speed control to be incorporated.
Switches to be standard switches delivered by wiper manufacturer and to be
incorporated in control desks on locations as directed. Groupe operation of wipers to
be possible.

Windows in wheelhouse to be fitted with bolted frame, for easy changing of window.

Water spray with freshwater and automatic air flushing to be provided for windows with
wipers in wheel house. Controls to be located adjacent to switches for window wipers.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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521 Internal Deck Base Covering

Floating floor in all accommodation acc. to DNV GL noise assessment report.

Lifted floor ( min. 300 mm) of L-profiles in wheelhouse, fire rated plywood above.

522 Internal Deck Top Covering

High quality Vinyl 2,5 mm in dayroom/mess, wheelhouse, passenger corridors and cabins.
Rubber mats in switchboard rooms where required.
Prior to delivery of vessel vinyl floors to be polished and surface treated according to
manufactures instructions

Vinyl top layers

Top layers of vinyl with 100mm up at the walls in the wet rooms, to be glued on top of the
aforementioned underlay with a suitable adhesive, recommended by respective makers.
Covers to be suitably fabricated for high working stress.
All seams and butts to be thermally welded with coloured PVC-cords of same material
composition to provide a homogeneous tight surface.

Tiles in crew bath rooms to be laid in cement or other approved composition of sufficient
thickness, with electrical cables.

Shower basins to be formed with tile sills of abt. 50 mm height to the surrounding room

Painted surfaces
Internal decks, other decks, areas or rooms without covering to be painted as directed in
the paint schedule.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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524 Stairs, ladders, railings in accommodation.

Stairs in accommodation to be of steel.

Width of stairs and inclination to be according to rules and requirements as indicted on
Stair casings to be arranged from main deck to A-Deck & from A-Deck to B-Deck and B-
Deck to Wheelhouse as shown on GA.
A stair also to be located as emergency escape from crew dayroom to passengers

Handrails to be fitted at both sides in stairs, and at one side in corridors.

525 Floor plates, stairs, ladders, platforms, railings etc. in engine room.

Chequered floor plating of aluminium / steel to be installed in engine and pump

room(steel plates in way of emergency route/exit). Floor plates to be laid in frames of
steel support, above piping and installations in the gangways routes.
The plates to be divided in handy sections and fixed by galvanised screws. Hatches to be
arranged where necessary for operation and maintenance.

Stairs to pump room to have galvanised steps of anti-skid type. String boards to be of HP-
or L-profiles, and handrails (on both sides) and stanchions to be of steel pipes.

526 Ladders in tanks

Ladders to be mounted below man holes in all tanks with height more than 1200 mm.
Vertical ladder according to NS2654.


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533 Railings

Railings as shown on GA, height min. according to Regulations. Steel pipes with flat bar
stanchions, all hot galvanised steel.
Around hatches, with coaming height below 600 mm, removable pipe-sceptres for rope
railing to be provided.
See also main group 2.

534 External Stairs, Steps, Ladders.

External Stairs from Ramp (A-Deck) to Main Deck, intended also for use by passengers:
 Width 1200mm.
 Two heights handrails (on both sides) and stanchions to be of steel pipes, all hot
galvanized prior to assembly.
Handrails to be extended 300mm beyond stairs.
- Stainless steps hole profile of anti-skid type.
- String boards to be of HP- or L-profiles.

Other external Stairs intended for crew only:

 Width 800mm.
 Handrails (on both sides) to be of steel pipes with flat bar stanchions, all hot
galvanized prior to assembly.
 Stainless steps hole profile of anti-skid type.
 String boards to be of HP- or L-profiles.

Ladders/Steps on bulkheads:
Vertical ladder according to NS2654.
Steps on bulkheads according to NS2658.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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541 Furniture for crew

The size, materials and arrangement of each cabin is to comply with regulations of NMA
and the ILO convention.

Crews’ accommodation to be of a good shipbuilding standard.

In general Cabins, WC/Showers, Wardrobes, etc. to be located as shown on GA and
equipped according to good shipbuilding practice, and the intended purpose/numbers of
personnel served.

Generally the furniture to be pre-fabricated standard designed furniture of good quality.

To be made of laminate / plywood construction for marine use.

Crew Dayroom / Mess

 1 three seat Sofa
 1 Coffee Table
 2 Stressless chair with foot rest
 1 TV Bench
 1 Dining Table
 6 Chairs
 1 Self-serving Bench with drawers/lockers below and above
 Whiteboard minimum size 2*1 meter (mounted in hall outside dayroom)

Chairs and sofas as shown on the arrangement drawing to be delivered.

Sofa in dayroom to have upholstery of foam plastic and covered with leather of suitable
colour. Chairs in mess room to have upholstery and to be covered with leather. Suitable
furniture for entertainment equipment to be delivered.
Sofas and chairs to be make Ekornes or similar.
The tables to be laminated and equipped with hard wood moulding.

3 off one man Officer Cabins at B-Deck:

Separate sleep to be arranged:
 1 double fixed berths with drawers under. Berth size 2.10 x 0.80 m.
 4 x tall clothes lockers; 400 x 600mm.
 1 sofa ( For Captain and Chief only )
 1 Stressless chair with foot rest,
 1 table
 2 Bedside table with 230V connection for mobile telephone charger
 1 writing desk ( only for captain and chief )
 1 office chair ( only for captain and chief )
 Clothe hooks
 1 toilette and shower as shown on GA.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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4 off one man Cabins at B-Deck:

 1 double fixed berths with two drawers under lower. Berth size 2.10 x 0.80 m.
 4 x tall clothes lockers; 400 x 600 mm.
 1 Stressless chair,
 1 table
 2 Bedside table with 230V connection for mobile tel. charger
 Clothe hooks
 1 toilette and shower as shown on GA.

WC/Showers to be at least equipped with:

 1 Shower with curtain
 1 Wash basin of porcelain,
 1 Wall mounted Toilet of porcelain,
 1 double Locker w/Mirror,
 1 towel rack
 1 soap dish,
 Hooks, toilet paper holders.
 El. Heating cable in floor

WC Crew to be at least equipped with:

 1 Wash basin of porcelain,
 1 Wall mounted Toilet of porcelain,
 Mirror
 2off toilet paper holders.
 Hand paper holder.
 Cloth hook
 2 off soap dispensers
 Paper bin
 El. Heating cable in floor
 Gully
 For each toilets a “rag hook” to be arranged.

 1 Washing machine with capacity 5 kg - Miele or similar.
 1 Washing machine for cleaning equipment with capacity 5 kg - Miele or similar
 1 tumble dryer.( condensation type with drain)
 7 lockable clothes cabinets
 1 Wash basin with mirror above
 Linen locker with shelves to be arranged
 Min. ten clothes hangers/hooks
 Arrangement for dirty clothes
 Soap dispenser
 Hand paper holder
 Floor drain


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Equip. for MOB Crew:

 Arrangement to store working/survival suits hanging
 3 Locker
 1 Wash basin with mirror above
 Min. ten clothes hangers/hooks
 Soap dispenser
 Hand paper holder
 Floor drain

Engine control room:

 2 off office work desk stations complete, each with 2 office chair.
 Racks ( A & B with fire integrity ) for a complete sets of vessel documentation + 25%
spare capacity
 Owner delivered printer to be installed.
 One safe of 80 liter size to be provided.

Ticket office:
 8 lockable (code) cabinets for tickets and money bags. 5 solid coat hooks. 15
electrical sockets
 1 off office work desk for two person complete with two office chairs
 One sliding window against corridor

Wardrobe beside pump room

One wardrobe with 12 lockers with bench and double wash basin.

One clean locker with wash basin, hooks and shelves to be arranged on Main Deck

One stores with shelves to be arranged below ramp.

SOPEP room
One stores for SOPEP equipment with shelves to be arranged.
SOPEP equipment to be delivered according to MARPOL requirement.

Dedicated space with fastening arrangement for garbage container to be arranged at car

1 toilets for crew to be arranged in connection with wardrobe on B-Deck.
1 toilet for crew to be arranged on C-Deck.
1 toilet for crew to be arranged in connection with wardrobe on Tank Top.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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542 Wheel house arrangement

Arrangement on GA to be used as guidance, final arrangement and lay out to be worked

out in close corporation with Owner.

Wheel house:
 Bridge and Overhead consoles.
 2 Navigators’ Chairs, covered with leather, prepared for two sailing directions.
Possible to turn 180 degrees and have twin footrest and sliding rail for captain’s chair.
Captain's chair shall be possible to turn 180 degrees in seated position.
 1 ECR Chair, covered with leather, prepared for two sailing directions. Possible to
turn 180 degrees and have twin footrest.
 Wall Cupboards with drawers and lockers for various equipment, e.g. survival suit,
distress signals, etc.

Fuse boards and lantern controllers to be fitted in a suitable place. Binocular box to be
arranged in a suitable place. For communication equipment, ref. item 42.

543 Mattresses

Mattresses of size approx. 2100x800x180 mm, self-extinguishing foam and flame proof
cover to be delivered for all beds.

544 Curtains, Carpets

All windows for cabins to be provided with curtains. Blackouts (roller blinds or similar) are
to be fitted in all cabins. Curtains also to be provided for beds, according to the National
Authorities requirements. The curtains to be flame retarding.
Approved curtains for each shower, fixed in approved corrosion-resistant tracks.

546 Infotainment & Entertaining Equipment.

The vessel is to be arranged with a modern Information system with following functions:.
 Informational pages (Safety etc) with sound interface to PA system.
 GPS monitoring on TV, tracking ferry with route information.
 TV channel
 3 Monitors in passenger area ( 32” without “auto off” function ) Powered from UPS.
 Remote control of system from ticket office or ECR

TV system to be connected to “Riks TV”

Outlets for Radio(DAB+)/TV/ in:
 2 pcs in Day room
 Crew Pantry
 Bridge
 Shop
 Ticket office
 All cabins
 Min. 55" TV to be located in Day room


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547 Inventory, Smaller Items

 Cloth hooks in cabins.

 Waste basket in all crew cabins.
 Waste basket in passenger area, shop, pantry, day room, wardrobe, wheelhouse &
engine control room.
 Dispensers for Soap & Drying Paper in each toilets.
 Garbage bin in each toilets
 Garbage bins at deck to hold standard garbage sacks

548 Furniture for passengers

The passenger saloon is to be furnished as indicated at the GA drawing.

The saloon features groups of seats, of high durability and high wear grade synthetic
leather. Type, color and arrangement of seating are to be presented Owner for approval.

A number of tables are to be located in conjunction with the seating groups.

Seats to be of comfortable quality standard equivalent to that of supplier West Mekan,
and are to be in compliance with regulations.

Furniture should have contrasting color to the floor / wall.

Aisle must be sufficiently wide to allow the transit of wheelchairs.

The passenger saloon must have practical space for 4 wheelchairs and 6 infants’ trolleys.
Fastening arrangement is mounted in the deck. A special fold-up table is to be located for
the 4 wheelchair positions.

5 toilet to be arranged on Main-Deck for passengers + 1 Handicap toilet.

Floors and walls shall have visible color contrast. Fixed equipment shall have color
contrast to floor / wall.

WC Passengers to be at least equipped with:

 1 off wash basin of porcelain
 1 off wall mounted toilet of porcelain
 Mirror
 2 off toilet paper holders
 Electric hand dryer.
 Cloth hook
 1 off soap dispenser
 Paper bin
 El. heating cable in floor
 Gully

HWC Passengers to be at least equipped with:

 1 off wash basin of porcelain suitable for passengers with wheelchair
 1 off wall mounted toilet of porcelain suitable for passenger with wheelchair
 Mirror
 2 off toilet paper holders


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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 Electric hand dryer

 Cloth hook
 1 off soap dispenser
 Paper bin
 El. heating cable in floor
 Gully
 Emergency assistance button connected to IAS
 Possibility for crew to open door from outside in case of emergency
 Signal light outside of HWC, vacant or occupied
 1 off wall hinged changing table

For every 30 passenger a 230V and USB outlet for charging of PC or Mobile phone to be
arranged for easy access. Same outlets shall also be provided for easy access for the
persons using a wheelchair.

The rooms to be equipped and arranged in a way that the necessary maintenance and
cleaning can be carried out simply and effectively.

Storage for Luggage to be arranged below ramp, both sides.

Passenger saloon and accommodation to be tastefully decorated.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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551 Pantry, Laundry/Wardrobe & Shop

Arrangement on GA to be used as guidance, final arrangement to be approved by Owner.

All furniture, outfit and equipment to be of high quality made of stained stainless steel and
designed for marine use.

Crew Pantry:
 1 oven ( free standing )
 1 cooking plate
 Mocca master
 Drinking water cooler
 2 off combined refrigerator / freezer (ca. 280/130 litres)
 1 Bench, with sink, cupboards & drawers below,
 1 Dish Washing Machine below bench
 1 Microwave Oven with rotating plate ( free standing )
 Wall cupboards above full length of bench
 Magnet list holder for knifes
 Hooks
 Waste bin arrangement

See SFI 541

Wardrobe on Tank Top

 Washing basin, mirror above
 12 lockable clothes cabinets.

See OPTIONS Chapter-9
Casher/payment equipment is owner delivery.

Self-serving area, list of items:

 Freeze for ice cream, 1250mmx650mm, Owner’s delivery Cabinets according to
arrangement on GA Shelves for sweets to be arranged on benchGrab & Go chilled
rack, type Bali 1.6, 1630mm x 730mm x 2020mmPaper cup dispensers laid down in
the top plate
 Coffeemaker 9100 Omni ES, Owner’s delivery
 Accessories cassette for tea, sugar etc., Owner’s delivery
 Napkin dispensers mounted into the top plate
 Payment System, Owners delivery
 Waste Station with Bottle Drop
 Microwave oven with rotating plate

Supply for power, water, drain and internet to be arranged as requested
on equipment delivered by owner.


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558 Vacuum Cleaner

 Two (2) off Vacuum Cleaner “back pack” type to be delivered and stored.

564 Pilot Ladder

Pilot Ladders to be delivered and stored.


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570 Ventilation/ Air-conditioning systems general

The vessel to be equipped with a heating and ventilation system in accordance with the
National Authority’s requirements, taking into account the Vessel’s operational area as
given in item 101 f.

The description below to be use as a GUIDANCE, final solutions for best energy savings
to be work out.

The ventilation system to be operated and monitored from the IAS system.

The ferry ventilation and heating systems to be designed for low energy consumption, and
all components in the ventilation system to be selected for low energy consumption.

The ventilation and heating needs to be design for variations demands / needs over the
ferry’s 24 hour operation profile so the power / heat consumption are switch off or kept to
a minimum when the demands are low.

Modern liquid-to water heat pump technology to be provided for the central water heating
system together with heath recovery from sources like propulsion el. motors, drives and
eventually Battery plant. A hot water energy storage tank also to be part of the heat
recovery system.

One air handling unit to be provided for the passenger area and one air handling unit for
the crew and wheel house area. Each air handling unit to be equipped with heat exchangers
for heat recovering purposes with efficiency not less than 85 %.

Wind driven smaller ventilation fans for non el. power consumption should also be

571 Ventilation/ Air-conditioning systems for accommodation

The ship to be equipped with ventilation plants for accommodation based on hot water as
heating medium. No cooling to be provided except for separate cooling of the wheel house
etc. as described here after.

The air distribution system to be a single duct air distribution system with inlet unit in
passenger area, cabins, living rooms and wheelhouse. Inlet air to be preheated to 22 oC in
winter condition.

The plant to be designed and dimensioned according to the following conditions:

Design condition:
Summer internal +25 ◦C
Summer external +25 ◦C

Winter internal +22 ◦C

Winter external -20 C


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Ventilation control
IAS to have overview and control of the ventilation. All ventilation fans that are not
required to run continuous to have control in the IAS. Other fans to have running
indication to IAS.

Engine room fans to be controlled by IAS, and in general stopped. The fans to be
controlled by temperature and pressure in the engine room. It should be possible to run in
manual with speed control. When fans are stopped, the dampers shall be closed.
Pump room ventilation control to be similar to engine room ventilation.
Rooms as switchboard rooms, corridors (below car deck), high voltage room etc. to have
ventilation controlled by IAS with start/stop based on temperature.

Main ventilation units for accommodation area to be controlled by IAS. Start/stop and
control of dampers for ventilation zones. Fan speed to be internal control by ventilation
system supplier to maintain the correct pressure. At night areas to be shut off, or
ventilation stopped if possible to save energy. The accommodation ventilation to be
controlled by IAS with start/stop based on temperature and CO2 level.

Location and construction of ventilation plant:

All ventilation in accommodation to be in accordance with National Authorities
requirements. Fresh air inlets and outlets to be separated to avoid contaminated air in
inlet openings. Openings exposed to hard weather to be equipped with weather louvres
to be arranged with effective protection and drainage of seawater from the vent.
inlets/outlets. Closable hatches and fire dampers to be fitted as per regulations.

All air ducts to be well dimensioned and laid so that the air resistance and the noise will
be as low as possible. Necessary sound traps to be fitted. The ducts to be insulated
where necessary. A sufficient number of adjustable inlet units to be fitted in all rooms in
the crew area.

Air changes according to authority requirements and ISO 7547, but minimum:
Crew Cabins : 6 changes per hour
Crew Pantry, & Dayroom : 10 changes per hour
Wheelhouse : 2 changes per hour
Crew Sanitary rooms exhaust : 18 changes per hour
Sanitary public rooms exhaust : 20 changes per hour
Passenger Saloon : 30 m3/h per person

Crew accommodation:
Heating and ventilation in the crew area to be provided from a separate air handling unit.
The air handling unit also to cover the wheel house and control room.
Return air from cabins and living rooms partly through sanitary spaces and partly through
grilles at lower part of the entrance doors. Return air from corridors separately to the
ventilation/heating central unit. The air inlet units to be provided with a thermostat
regulated heating coil for hot water.

Passenger accommodation:
Heating and ventilation in the passenger area to be provided from a separate air handling
unit. Return air from saloon through grilles. Return air from corridors etc. separately to the
ventilation/heating central unit. Air outlet through ceiling and below windows to remove
dew from the windows.
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The passenger entrances doors to be arranged with air curtain to avoid heat loss through
the doors.

Shop area:
The Shop to be arranged with an exhaust fan. The Shop also to be supplied from the
ventilation/heating central unit.
In addition a separate marine type air to air heat pump with cooling and heating to be

The pantry to be arranged with separate ventilation according to the rules.

El. equipment room:

Air supply from air handling unit for crew. Return air to air handling unit for heat recovery

In addition to supply from the air handling unit for crew, a separate air to air heat pump,
split system, with individual cooling and heating to be arranged for the wheelhouse. This
system shall have individual temperature control.

The wheelhouse to have a separate air defrosting unit.

The unit to be arranged with a hot water heating coil, and to have air supply/by-pass from
fresh air / wheelhouse and discharge to windows through duct/nozzles. Nozzles to be
mounted below windows.

573 Ventilation for Engine Control, Switch board and High Voltage Rooms

Engine control room

The control room to have air supply from the crew/wheel house air handling unit.

Switch board rooms

Each switch board room to be provided with one (1) separate supply fan.
Necessary protection and filtration of air inlets to be provided.

High Voltage room ventilation:

Normal ventilation to be provided by one or more marine type wind driven fans.
Necessary protection and filtration of air inlets to be provided.

The room to be provided with one (1) off frequency speed controlled fan.
The fans to start automatically when the wind driven fan are not able to provide enough

574 Ventilation for Engine rooms, Pump room

The engine rooms and pump room ventilation to be designed in accordance to ISO 8861
and the engine manufacturers’ requirements.

All dampers, silencers, louvers etc. to have minimal pressure losses.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Temperature in the engine rooms and pump room to be keep above freezing by a
temperature adjustable heating fan for use at very cold days. (normal switched off )
Temperature in the engines and pump rooms shall not exceed +45°C.

Automatic shut off fire dampers to be provided according to the rules.

Manual closing flaps should be possible to operate from a safe location without using a
ladder. The wind fans or ducts also to be arranged with easy accessible adjustable closing

Vent inlets/outlets to be protected from sea spray entering into the engine & pump room.

Engine rooms ventilation:

Normal engine room ventilation to be provided.
Necessary protection and filtration of air inlets to be provided.

Each engine room to be provided with one (1) off frequency speed controlled fan.
The fan to start automatic when the diesel gen sets starts or if temperature exceeds +35°C
and stop if temperature falls under +35°C and during engine standstill.

The air intakes/outlets to/from engine rooms are to be equipped with noise damping in
order to restrict the noise to well below the requirement of max. 85 dB(A), 1 meter distance
from the intakes.

The engine room ventilation to be controlled from the IAS.

Pump room ventilation:

Normal ventilation to be provided.

Necessary protection and filtration of air inlets to be provided.

The pump room to be provided with one (1) off frequency speed controlled fan.
The fan to start automatic when the temperature exceeds +35°C and stop if temperature
falls under +35°C.

579 Ventilation of Battery rooms and various Compartments

Battery rooms
The rooms as described in item 626 to be provided with emergency vent. according to the
class rules. The Battery rooms also to be provided with ventilation and evnt. cooling
according to recommendations as given by the battery supplier/maker.

Deck Stores, emergency exits, etc.:

Natural ventilation arrangement.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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580 Sanitary System - General

All Sanitary Equipment to be of first class quality.

All wash basins to be equipped with one-hand-operated mixing batteries.
Showers to be with thermostatic controlled mixing battery.

581 Sanitary Supply System

A fresh water hydrophore system consisting of:

 Two (2) off Hydrophore pumps with a capacity of approx. 2 m3/h – 6 bar each. The
plant to have one of the pumps in stand-by mode. An adequate sized pressure tank
in stainless steel to be provided.
 Two (2) off circulating pumps to be installed for the hot water.
 UV-Filter
 One (1) off Hot water calorifier for domestic consumption. The hot water calorifier
to be heated from the hot water system as described at item 649. In addition
approx. 10 ekW heating elements to be provided. The calorifier to be approx. 500

From fresh water hydrophore system to be laid pipe line to all taps for cold water on board
and to the electric hot water calorifier which is providing the hot water for domestic use.

Pipelines for cold and hot water to be of copper material. Hot water pipes and cold water
pipes exposed to frost to be insulated.

All wash basins to be of porcelain, and mixing batteries to be applied. Visible armature in
accommodation to be of chromium plated metal. Showers to have thermostatic control.

Fresh water hose stations to be arranged; one at C-Deck, one in pump room, one at B-
Deck close to MOB boat, close to passenger toilets and one in each ER, and permanent
flexible hose with length to reach all toilets and hand nozzle mounted. The station in
pump room and engine room also to be provided with hot water.

Shelves and storage arrangement to be arranged. Wash basin with cold and hot water in
each engine room. Filling of the FW tank to be arranged in both end of vessel

582 Sanitary Discharge System

A marine sewage vacuum system to be arranged for toilets. Capacity to according to

number of passengers and crew. Sewage discharge to be collected in a Black water tank.
Vacuum system to include two (2) off vacuum pumps and necessary control equipment.
Vacuum pump and macerator to be equipped with arrangements for easy flushing with
fresh water.
A test bench connected to vacuum system to be arranged in pump room, so a vacuum
toilet can be mounted and tested in pump room. One complete toilet to be delivered as
spare. Closing valve to be arrange on pipeline for each vacuum toilet.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Sanitary discharge piping to be of Blücher type stainless steel part system or similar
where approved by classification. Elsewhere piping to be of galv. steel.
Elbows (90 deg.) Pipe bends to be avoided. Pipes exposed to frost to be insulated.

Black water tank

One off Black water tank to be provided. The tank to be emptied by means of one (1) off
pump with capacity approx. 10 m3/h - 2 bar. Pump operation local and on bridge.
Automatic pump stop to be arranged. By-pass to be arranged for suction from land side
Discharge line to deck and overboard to be arranged. Sewage tank to be arranged with
flushing nozzles with FW supply from fire line, double none return valves a “spool piece to
be arranged. Ventilation pipe outlet to be routed to top of bridge.

Grey water tank

Discharge piping from washstands and scuppers to be led to a Grey water tank.
The tank to be emptied by means of one (1) off Grey water pump with capacity approx.
10 m3/h - 2 bar. Pump operation local and on bridge.
Automatic pump stop to be arranged. By-pass to be arranged for suction from land side.
Discharge line to deck and overboard to be arranged.
Crossover between Sewage and grey water pumps to be arranged.
Ventilation pipe outlet to be routed to top of bridge.

Sewage treatment plant:

Space to be reserved in pump room for future sewage treatment plant.

583 Showers and Toilets

Sanitary rooms for passenger and crews to be located as indicated on GA drawing.

The rooms to be equipped and arranged for efficient and simply maintenance and

Drip trays to be arranged close to WC service hatches.

The sanitary rooms for passengers to be equipped with ”automatic” armatures, and the
rooms also to be equipped with electrically powered hand dryer. The ”automatic”
armatures to be secured for removing / stealing.
The door to the WC room to be supplied with lock showing from outside occupied or free.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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6 . M A C H I N E RY M A I N C O M P O N E N T S

The entire installation to be according to DNV GL-notation.

Two (2) diesel generator sets to be installed, one in the aft engine room and one inthe
forward engine room. The engines to be operated as propulsion engines and deliver
electrical power to the electrical distribution net for propulsion power, general services
and charging of batteries.

The Propulsion system to be divided into two fully independent power systems as
Forward and Aft system. After any single damage or fault, minimum 50% of the
propulsion- and electrical power to remain.

All machinery to be delivered with spare parts and certificates according to the Class
requirements where nothing else is stated. The machinery to be installed on well
dimensioned steel foundations.
All machinery to be first class marine type with all normal outfitting and accessories.

Resilient mounting for Generator sets:

The Engine and generator to be mounted on common frames. Approved resilient mounts
to be arranges for the engines as makers’ recommendation.

For major machinery components such as propulsion machinery and deck machinery,
epoxy resin chocks or adjustable steel chocks to be used for chocking. Adjustable
chocking to be preferred if suitable. To be agreed with Owner.

Spare parts:
Spare parts for all machinery to be delivered according to the Classification Societies
requirements where nothing else is stated.

Additional spare parts to be agreed between Yard and Owner. Builder to stow and secure
spare parts supplied by Owner.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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625 Electric Motors for Main Azimuth Propellers

Two (2) off electric motors to be installed, one for each propulsion azimuth.
Motor is to be of PM(permanent magnet) type.
The motor to have high efficiency at low load, and building height to be checked to be
within limits due to low height available.
In order to ensure short and efficient acceleration phase (vessel speeds from 3 knots up
to transit speed) the propulsion system must be dimensioned to have optimal acceleration

Motor data:
 Power approx. : 1200 ekW each
 Voltage : 3 x 690 V
 Speed : 0-1200 rpm
 Cooling : Freshwater cooled

The El. motors to be arranged with speed control.

The El. motors to be in accordance with IEC 60034 standards.
The El. motors to be with insulation class F and enclosure rating IP44.
The motors to be equipped with anti-condensation heaters and cooler leakage detector.
Anti-condensation heater normal to be switch off.

The motors shall comply with the following:

1. Temperature rise class F
2. Bearings type SKF
3. Winding temperature sensors, PT100 (two (2) sets for each phase - alarm and
indication in the alarm and monitoring system).
4. Bearing temperature sensors, PT100 (one (1) for each bearing, alarm and
indication in the alarm and monitoring system). Cooler leakage detector (alarm in
the IAS, original arrangement for easy testing).
5. Nipple for Sensors for SPM monitoring.
6. Asymmetric current relay to be included in converter

Special consideration to be made to provide dismounting/replacement of the motors

through the deck above. Any dismounting shall not be blocked by any other equipment
and above no cables or pipes to be arranged. A dismounting procedure to be prepared by
the Builder.

Precautions from suppliers to be taken in order to avoid magnetic particles (grinding dust,
etc.) entering electric motors during building period.

Automatic systems for machinery, ref. item 79.


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626 Battery plant for propulsion

The vessel to be delivered with a battery system with storage capacity of;
approx. 2 x 1000 kWh, one connected to each of DC switchboard. The final battery size
to be chosen based on selected supplier/type and chosen sailing mode/option. The
battery systems to be located in two separate rooms with fire-fighting and separate
ventilation according to class requirements. Battery system to be part of the scope from
the maker of the SWB’s and frequency converters.
Emergency ventilation of rooms to be possible to control from IAS.
Charging and discharging controlled by one or more converters.
Batteries allows the ship to run without generators in use if charging available is sufficient.
Propulsion system shall handle operation mode by only batteries, only generators and
generators together with batteries.
EMS system to plan & control the main charging from shore, this to ensure the system
have a as low charge rate as possible according to the ferry timetable. Manual
override/set point to be possible.

At whole lifetime for batteries it should be possible to operate the vessel on batteries in an
adverse weather trip with approx. 300kWh and max power. System should be able to
deliver full propulsion power (2x1200kW) and have 100kW hotel/aux load for 120 seconds
at end of life and end of trip. Minimum 30 minutes between each such peak and considered
500 times a year.
Limits describing at how high SOC the necessary charging (4min) can be achieved both
for a normal and an adverse trip, and limits describing at how low SOC the batteries can
handle the peak load described above to be supplied by maker. The normal operating
range (SOC), and voltages present in system during operation to be stated. Information
regarding maximum kWh usable when the battery is fully charged and taken into account
the max discharge power at EOL to be presented. The estimated capacity at EOL to be

Given the criteria above the electrical losses onboard to be as low as possible. Graphs
showing the battery SOC and DOD through a day of “normal” and “adverse” consumption
to be presented.

Battery data gives an indication, and the chosen integrator to make a throughout study
based on delivered solution and energy data given in SFI101c.

A safety analysis for the battery system to be worked out in close cooperation with battery
supplier, yard and designer as early as possible in the building period. Necessary
actions/installations to be made based on the analysis. Includes but not limited to
changes in battery system, ventilation, gas alarm, temp sensors, cooling, control & safety
systems etc.

Battery heat loss to be dealt with at the most energy effective solution throughout life
time. The batteries may be water or air-cooled and necessary cooling pumps and Fan
Coils to be provided.


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631 Main Azimuth Propellers

The Vessel to be arranged with two main Azimuth thrusters for propulsion.
 Propeller diameter : *)2100 mm
 Type : RRM Azipull-85 or Schottel SRE 340 or similar, L-
 Cont, output. : 1200 kW each
 Steering speed : min 2 RPM
 Pitch time : max 12 sec. (from full aft to full ahead)

*)NOTE: Propeller diameter and blade area to be optimized in co-operation with propeller
manufacturer and / model test facility.

Full feathering function to be included on thrusters.

Propeller shaft seal configuration to be of the non-polluting type. Shaft seal oil header tanks
to be fitted with oil loss alarms.

Thruster seal arrangement to be provided with four seal rings, two of which are against sea
water entering the unit. If one fails the other one is for back-up.

The propeller hub and rope guard to be equipped with net cutter knives and a labyrinth-
type net pick up.

The seal oil tank to be equipped with a dip-stick for reading the oil level. Test cock for oil
sampling to be arranged. Each thruster to be supplied with spare oil filters.
Oil filling kit to be delivered.

Header tanks to be provided with Level alarm. Header tanks to be prepared for air pressure,
each with individual low pressure alarm connected to the alarm and monitoring system.

Offline filters type Purifiner or similar to be arranged for round separation of oil.

The basis of the bearing design is 100 000 hours of operation after which are recommend
a midlife upgrade where all bearings are changed.

The unit shall have no mechanical block for rotating thruster 360 degrees in any vessel
speed. Thruster to have GPS speed input.

Grips to be arranged around thruster for safe passage.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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649 Waste Energy Management system (WEMS)

The description below is a general description and final solutions for best energy savings
and heat recovery to be work out. There should be one responsible & coordinating
supplier of the total WEMS system for design, calculation and delivery of all the
equipment, information and approval as required for the system.

The main purpose of the system is to recover the energy from the cooling process of
Thrusters, Drives, Battery etc. and use this energy to heat the accommodation, and
sanitary hot water in a closed, pressurized fluid circulation system.
If such recovered energy is not sufficient for heating the accommodation, the heat pump
installation, energy storage tank and electric heaters shall supply the additional energy
needed by priority settings.

The system main’s includes:

 Two off independent system, one forward and one aft with the possibility to operate
as one system by split/open valves between. Energy transfer between the two
systems in split mode to have possibility to operate at 100%.
 Two heat pumps for heating and cooling purposes; each with 100% capacity of
maximum heating / cooling requirement.
 The heat pump system shall utilize the energy in sea water down to 2°C temperature
via a heat plate exchanger. To increase COP of the heat pump, waste energy from
battery cooling may be used to increase sea water temperature inlet.
 Electric heating elements with total capacity of HVAC to be installed in the heat
storage tanks for back up / service / docking purposes. In addition heating elements (
approx. 10 kW )to be provided for the sanitary hot water heater.
 At least two heat storage tanks to be provided.
 Interface to IAS for remote control and display.
 Flowmeter for measuring kW, recovered and used, to be installed


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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651 Motor Aggregates for Main Electric Power Production

Two(2) off complete Generator set, flexible mounted, to be installed, one in Engine Room.
 Rated Voltage : 3AC 690V, cos phi = 0.8
 Make : CAT 32, or similar
 Generator Power : Approx. 2 x 800 ekW
 Total Gen. Power : Approx. 1600 ekW
 Speed : 1800 rpm

The diesel generators and the battery systems including control systems and power
supplies must be according to rules for electric emergency power sources.
The gen. sets to be able to operate at operation angles required for emergency
Start of engines to be based on battery start.

Generators to be arranged for parallel operation.

The gen. set engine to have built on FW, LO, FO system.

Engine's governor systems to be electronic.

Excitation equipment (AVR) is to be complete with over voltage protection according to

class requirements.
Each gen. set engine to be provided with built on cooling pump with high temperature and
low temperature circuits as makers standard.

The engines to have built on still stand heater as recommended by the maker.

The generators to have built on anti-condensation heater.

The engines to be provided with an accurate fuel consumption measurements for

interface to IAS / EMS.

Start/stop to be possible from the IAS.

The following auto-stop functions shall minimum be included:

 Over-speed.
 High water temperature.
 Low lub. oil pressure.
E0 alarms and needed indication from the engines to be interfaced to the IAS

DCU panel to be located at a suitable location agreed with Owner.

Minimum one extra spare starter, fuel injectors and driving belt for one engine to be


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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 Type: A/C, Synchronous, brush-less
 Voltage: 690V / 60 Hz
 Enclosure: IP23 ,with inlet filters
 Terminal Box: Enclosed IP44
 Insulation class/temp rise: Class F/F
 Cooling Air cooled

The generators shall further be equipped with:

 Digital type automatic voltage regulator.
 Winding temperature sensors PT100 (one (1) active and one (1) spare set in each
phase of the stator winding, temperature indication and alarm in the alarm and
monitoring system).
 Bearing temperature sensors (one (l) local and one (1) PT100 sensor with
temperature indication and alarm in the alarm and monitoring system - for each
 Anti-condensation heater, with thermostat (stand still heater).

Both ends of each phase of the stator winding to be taken out to the terminal box where
star connection to be made. Internal star connection is not acceptable.

Enclosure of the AC exciter (if separate from the main enclosure) to be totally enclosed,
fan cooled or duct ventilated with inlet and outlet connected to the air circuit of the main

Suitably rated heaters, controlled by the generator circuit breaker, to be fitted to prevent
condensation of moisture within the main enclosure and AC exciter enclosure, if separate,
during shutdown periods. A separate terminal box for heating to be provided.

The supply for the heaters to be taken from the 230 volts normal supply system.

Coolers to be so arranged that input cooling air temperature to be below 45°C at any
time. One (1) PT100 temperature sensor for cooling air input and one (1) - for cooling air
output to be installed with interface to the alarm and monitoring system (indication and

Hinged covers with fasteners to be fitted to provide air cooling in case of breakage of the
water cooler. Original air filter "cassettes/frames" for permanent holding of air filters to be

Connection of any cables to any terminal box to be done from the bottom only, and of
gland type.

Precautions from suppliers to be taken in order to avoid magnetic particles (grinding dust,
etc.) entering generators during building period.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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7 . S Y S T E M S F O R M A C H I N E RY M A I N C O M P O N E N T S
700 Pipeline Systems – General

The systems within this group in general to be divided into forward and aft systems with
cross connection back up possibility.

All pipe lines to be according to system drawings approved by the Owners, Classification
Society’s. National Authority’s approvals to be obtained on systems where required.
Piping and Fittings according to “Havyard Standard for pipes and fittings” if nothing else
are stated in this specification and good ship building practice.
Where necessary, the pipe lines to be equipped with expansion joints or to be laid with
expansion bends.

Locals temperature and pressure indicators to be arranged before and aft of pumps,
coolers etc.

Where fuel oil pipe and lub oil pipe are laid on hot areas, screens to be arranged.
Pipes above ND 40 to be preferable flanged.

For high pressure piping system with pressure above 100 bars Walform type fittings or
similar types to be used

Pipes of CuNi to be produced and fitted according to the Yard’s standard.

Fuel oil pipes and pressure air pipes to be cleaned thoroughly. Hydraulic pipes and Lube
oil pipes, to be cleaned especially and according to the standard required by the sub-
contractors for hydraulic machinery and Engine supplier.

Insulation on all very hot surfaces such as exhaust pipes, turbochargers, boiler, fuel El-
heaters etc, to be so insulated that no part will have a surface temperature higher than
100 degree C where practical, and according to Class rules and national authorities.

Pipe insulation in machinery spaces exposed to damage to be protected.

All piping from any refrigerating system to be insulated as per manufacturer’s


All valves, valve chests, pumps, tanks, machinery’s, starters, armatures etc. to be marked
with engraved metal/plastic signs, in Norwegian.
Pipes to be direction marked with marking system ISO 14726. Type “Flow Code” or

See also: Chapter-10: “Havyard Standard for pipes and fittings”


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701 Fuel Oil Transfer and Consumption System.

The Fuel Oil Consumption System to be feeded from Fuel Oil Storage tanks via
Service/Settling tank to Generators sets.
The FO system to consist of the following:
 2 off FO Storage tanks.
 One (1) Service/Settling Tank at in each Engine room. ( Each abt 5 m3, Total 2 off
tanks )
The tanks to be equipped with quick closing valves, waste tray, drain, overflow and oil
level gauge according to Class requirement. The tanks to be equipped with necessary
high & low level alarms and level indicator. Drain pot for water drainage to be
 Each Service/Settling Tanks to be arranged with direct filling from deck.
 Each Service/Settling Tank to be arranged with overflow return to the stores tank.
 In addition to local level indicators the tanks to have one remote sounding sensor
 2 FO Transfer Pumps, each approx. 5 m3/h – 3 bar. The transfer pumps to be
arranged for supply to service/settling tank and transfer between FO storage tanks.
 Cross connection between fwd and aft system to be arranged.
 Bunkering station to be arranged on SB side aft and forward on car deck. It should be
possible to read tank level and level alarm from the bunker stations. It should be
possible to drain event. spill over to the sludge tank.
 Remote cabinet for quick closing valves to be located close to emergency exit from
engine room.

702 Fuel Oil Purification Plant

Two(2) off fuel oil purifying filter system of type CJC or equivalent to be installed for the
engines. ( One for forward system and one for aft system ) The filtration system to be
arranged for round separation to the stores tanks. The filter to be provided with coalescer
for removal of the free water before entering the filter. Filter also to handle microbes.

El. heater with a capacity for heating the fuel from 5 deg C to operating temperature to be
part of the filter system.

The filter with Capacity for 100% engine load.

Filter to have output for alarm to IAS.

One spare filter for each unit to be delivered.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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703 Fuel Oil Supply Systems

Each main engine to have a separate fuel oil system with built on booster pump according
to manufacturer recommendation. One spare filter for each gen set to be delivered.
Forward gen. set engines from Forward Service/Settling tank and Aft engines from Aft
Service / Settling tank.

711 Lub Oil & Hydraulic Oil Transfer & Drain Systems

Misc. tanks to store and drain a minimum of one (1) complete filling and drainage of lub. oil
and hydraulic oil for each quality of the oil used on board to be provided.
Each storage tank to be equipped with level measurement, filling cock for can, drain valve
etc. The storage tanks to have individual filling from deck.

LO oil tanks ( not hull integrated )

 1 off Lube oil stores tank for the gen. set engine(s) aft.
 1 off Lube oil stores tank for the gen. set engine(s) fwd.
Capacity for change of the main gen sets.

 1 off Waste oil stores tank aft. (hull integrated)

 1 off Waste oil stores tank fwd. (hull integrated)
Capacity approx. 1m3 each tank.

 1 off LO stores tank for propulsion azimuth thruster aft.

 1 off LO stores tank for propulsion azimuth thruster fwd.
Capacity each tank to replace oil volume for the thruster.

 1 off Lubrication oil drain for generator set aft.

 1 off Lubrication oil drain for generator set fwd.
Capacity each tank to hold oil volume for one generator set.

Hydr. oil tanks ( not hull integrated )

 1 off Hydraulic oil stores tank located near HPU, capacity according to HPU.

LO transfer systems
The lube oil drain tanks to be discharge to deck and to the sludge tank by a separate
pump. Capacity approx. 2,0 m3/h - 2.5 Bar ). Start and stop of the pump to be arranged
nearby the pump.
Direct gravity filling lines to be used in general. Lube oil- and hydraulic units for thruster
and the hydraulic power pack in each propulsion room to be filled by gravity if possible, or
by small electric pumps.
One portable pneumatic pump for emptying the thrusters to be provided. Capacity approx.
4 m3/h at 2.5 bar.

713 Lub Oil System for Machinery and Transmissions

Each engine to have built-on LO-pumps and filters according to engine manufacturer
recommendation. One spare filter for each engine to be delivered.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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720 Cooling systems and sea inlets

For heat energy recovery and heat storage purposes; The cooling systems to be part of
the Waste Energy Management / Heat Recovery system as described in SFI 649.

Cooling of main generator sets, main azimuth propulsion, batteries(if water cooled) and
misc. equipment in general to be by means of box coolers calculated for 0 knot vessel
speed and 100% load on gen sets.
20 % fouling factor for coolers calculations to be added.
Box coolers to be removable through the sea chest when docking. Adequate anti fouling
anode system to be provided.
Design of FW LT system to be 35°C and seawater temp as stated in section 101d.

A FW drop tank to be arranged for the FW system as described in SFI 649. One FW drop
pump approx. 2,5 m3/h – 2 bar to be arranged

Sea chests for box coolers to be arranged with hinged galvanized steel gratings bolted for
easy access from outside.

NOTE: - Anti fouling system to be installed in all sea chests for box coolers base on
5-years system.
- All sea chests to be painted with; JOTUN Sea kvantum Ultra or similar

721 Cooling system with sea water (SW)

A seawater system to feed the heat pumps to be arranged. See SFI 649.

722 Cooling system with freshwater (FW)

The cooling systems for Main Azimuths propulsion and Misc. equipment to be part of the
Waste Energy management System as described in SFI 649.

The main generator sets each to have separate cooling systems by box coolers as
described in SFI 720.

For Battery cooling; See SFI-626


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732 Working air system in engine room etc.
Working air to to be supplied from a separate Working air compressor
One off Working air compressor. Capacity 260 liter/min at 10 bar.
One off Working air bottle. Capacity: 300 l.
One off portable compressor. Capacity 70 liter/min at 6 bar.

Output to IAS for alarm & running hours.

One water drain filter.

2 outlets for working air to be arranged in each engine room. In addition 1 outlet in pump
room, 4 outlets on car deck, 2 outlets on B-deck and 1 outlets C-deck outside. Snatch
couplings on service air supplies.

Snatch coupling next to working – and instrument air compressor for parallel connection
with portable compressor.

Evnt. air supply for thruster header tanks. Possibility to connect portable compressor
directly to header tank in case of emergency. Purging of window washing system.

Flexible hose with quick coupling and filling pistol to be delivered. One 20 meter hose,
one 3 meter hose.

743 Exhaust Gas System for Diesel Engines

Silencer for each engine to be arranged with total exhaust noise reduction: 45dB. The
silencer to be provided with drain pot.

All Exhaust pipes from diesel engines to be of steel, with sufficient dimensions.

50mm insulation coved with galvanized thin plates.

The exhaust pipes to be of stainless steel quality above and 1 m below funnel top plate.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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The vessel to be arranged with a well ventilated and a sound insulated Engine Control
Room (ECR) as shown in GA-plan. ECR to be lighted by LED lighting fixtures in ceiling
and a writing table lamp.

791 Control Consoles

Consoles – General:
Consoles for manoeuvring, control and monitoring is to be arranged to the Owners
satisfaction and Class approval. Consoles to be made of painted steel plates and to have
detachable covers in front. Special consideration is to be given to obtain best possible
ergonomic layout and view.

Wheelhouse Consoles:
The following consoles are to be arranged in wheelhouse.

1 Main Bridge Console to be arranged as indicated in GA-plan. Details to be worked out

in close co-operation with the Owner.
A centralised dimming function to be arranged for navigational equipment as far as
An overhead console for VHF and similar equipment, and overhead or below window
view arranged after owner request. GA arrangement of consoles to be used as basis for

The main console to have at least the following equipment installed:

 Operator stations for Radars, ECDIS
 Monitors for ECDIS/CCTV
 Echo Sounder
 Speed Log
 Ship log
 Wind sensor panel
 Anchor drop
 PA system
 Panel for operating bow visors
 Outside light control
 Change of sailing direction
 Watertight doors panel
 Fire Alarm Operator Panel
 Fire Alarm Push-button
 General Alarm Push-button
 Start/stop fire pumps
 Start/stop of black water and grey water pumps
 Panel for activating foam system on deck
 Typhon Controller
 Lantern and Signal lights Controllers
 Window Wiper/Heating Window Controller
 Gyro Repeater
 Auto Pilot
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 Bridge Panel E0-Alarm system

 Emergency Stop Push Button w/cover for propulsion
 Control Panel for Propulsion including levers & indicators. Rpm, pitch and thrust
indicators for both thruster in both sailing directions.
 Steering Gear Alarm Panels
 Telephone apparatus
 UHF radio
 Release button of life bouy
 Operation of shore queue handling system
 Auto crossing system
 Controll of vacum mooring
 1 VHF station with DSC (GMDSS)
 Miscellaneous light switches, dimmers
 Control Panel for Search Lights
 Emergency Telegraph
 Emergency Stop Push-buttons for ventilation and FO pumps
 AIS Pilot plug

Engine Control Console at bridge:

1 Engine Control Room Console is to be arranged at bridge.

The console to have at least the following equipment installed:

 Necessary equipment for controlling the Main Generators, according to manufacturers
 Push-buttons and indication lamps for controlling Main Generators and Propulsions’
auxiliaries and standby pumps for machinery and propulsion.
 Telephone
 Alarm plant operator station (E0)
 Alarm system responsibility change over

Engine Control Room Console:

1 Engine Control Room Console is to be arranged in engine control room (ECR).

The console to have at least the following equipment installed:

 Necessary equipment for controlling the Main Generators, according to manufacturers
 Push-buttons and indication lamps for controlling Main Generators and Propulsions’
auxiliaries and standby pumps for machinery and propulsion.
 Telephone
 Slave panel fire alarm
 Alarm plant operator station (E0)
 Alarm system responsibility change over
 Monitor for CCTV


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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792 Alarm/Automation System for Machinery

An Integrated Automation System (IAS) for monitoring and alarm of all machinery to be
installed. Type Havyard IAS or similar. Mimic pictures to be sent to owner for approval, in
due time before FAT.
E0 alarm list & E0 maintenance manual to be provided to the owner as Excel format.
System to have UPS/battery backup according to rules, and as a minimum not to have
any blackout when connecting to shore power (day and night shore connection).

E0 Extension Alarm System/Dead man system

 Integrated Watch Display with duty selection in the OS picture
 Engineer(s) Call function
 Chief engineer cabin panel, bridge and day room E0 panels
 Start / reset panels for dead man system

Operator Stations
 One (1) off Operator Station in Bridge with one 24” monitor
 Two (2) off Operator Stations in ECR with totally two 24” monitors
 Two (2) off Operator Stations in ECR station at bridge with totally two 24” monitors
 One (1) off Operator Station in Pump room with one 24” monitor

System Functions
Alarm and Monitoring system
 Alarm List
 System List
 Event List
 Object Displays for all object
 Alarm Group Display
 Signal Trending ( Play back with 24h record & history )
 Internet remote access
 System Status Display
 Database Viewer Tool
 Running Hours to be interfaced with vessels maintenance system

Watch Responsibility system

 System for activating and deactivating the extension alarm system
 Integrated Watch Display with duty selection in the OS picture

Extension Alarm System/Dead man system

 Touch panels for alarm system extension to the engineers' cabins, public spaces and
the navigation bridge
 In operation when the engine room is unattended
 Engineer(s) Call function
 Emergency Call function
 Start / reset panels for dead man system

Pump, Valve & remote control system

The IAS to be able to include control of:
 Remote operated pumps
 Remote operated valves
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 Ventilation according to 571

 Monitoring of battery systems (start battery, 24VDC systems etc)
 Alarms from HPUs
 WEMS (monitoring and control of separate system)
 Interface fire (mimic with fire detectors shown at layout of vessel)
 Inergen/foam monitoring
 Night mode for vessel (turns off lights, down heat and ventilation etc)

Power Management System (PMS/EMS)

An integrated power management system/Energy management system to comprise the
following features:
 Engine control and monitoring
 Load dependent start/stop
 Standby start, Pre warning
 Standby start, Shutdown
 Alarm handling/status indication
 Partial/total Blackout handling
 Volt/frequency alarm handling
 Reconnection of breakers after blackout
 Heavy Consumer handling
 Battery system

Acoustic and Optical Alarm

Acoustic and optic alarm signal devices to be arranged according to requirements from
Authorities and Class Society. At least the following compartments to have alarm devices
 Engine rooms
 Pump room

Tank Sounding
Ref SFI 822
IAS to have indication of tank level, max level, tank volume, max volume and density.

Ventilation control
See SFI 571

Light control
IAS to have control of outside lights and control for night/energy save mode of internal
light. For outside lights there should be buttons for pre set light scenes for easy light
setting by operator. For internal light a night/energy save mode to be possible in large
spaces, and an override button to be available in the actual area. Energy save is made by
switching off parts of the lightning, not dimming. The lightning level in night mode to be
worked out in cooperation with owner.

Energy consumption
Energy consumption overview to be presented in IAS. Indication of power for all feeders
to/from main DC switchboard. Energy to be calculated pr route trip/day/month etc.
The system shall give the owner via the internet an easy presentation of all data as
required by the tender documentation. System shall also give possibility for the crew to
easy exclude part of energy consumption. Interface towards shore station to be arranged
to optimize the charging system.
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Calibration Equipment for Alarm Sensors

DNV GL certified test equipment for pressure and temperature sensor calibration to be
delivered by Yard. DNV GL certificates to be delivered.

793 Remote Control of Propellers

The vessel shall have electronic remote control system for all propellers.

Main units for the system:

One (1) Bridge control station designed for sailing in both directions.

Control station to consist of:

 Two (2) Main propulsion lever – Motorized speed control lever.
 One (1) Electronic unit per propeller unit (Located in el. equipment room)
 One (1) Distributed In/Out cabinet per propeller unit ( Located in propulsion room)
 One (1) RPM transmitter per propeller unit ( Located in propulsion room)
 One (1) Electrical Pitch setting system per propeller unit.
 Two (2) actually thrust indicator for each unit (sum RPM and pitch) for presentation
to the operator

System for automatic crossing:

A system for automatic crossing to be included. The system to take care of energy optimal
use of propellers during crossing. This includes acceleration, sailing and deceleration with
the optimal distribution of power between the two propellers. Design of the automatic
functions and operation philosophy planned in close cooperation with designer, owner and
DC-system supplier.
System to stop vessel in position at “end of track” if operator don´t take manual control after
warnings and alarm.

Emergency Machinery Telegraph

According to requirement from NMD

Automatic overload protection

To prevent overload, the main Generators are protected by means of a engine load signal
and RPM signal, and if the signal exceeds the allowed value, the Propellers speed will be
reduced accordingly. The status of the battery is also monitored and system acts
accordingly if monitored signals exceeds allowed values.

The size of the reduction, and the speed of it, will depend on the overload. A heavy
overload will lead to a fast and large speed reduction. Then the speed will be stabilized
on a value where the system is not overloaded.


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795 Safety Systems

Main Generator Safety System:

A safety system for protection and control of each of the main Generators to be provided.
The safety system shall control and protect the main Generators in order to prevent faulty
operation and/or major failure. The system shall automatic stop the engine upon critical
failure which may lead to breakdown of the engines, so as too low lub. oil pressure, over
speed, in addition to any further requirements according to the Class.

The safety panel cabinet to be located in the engine room/mounted on each engine.

Steering Gear Alarm System:

A separate alarm system for steering gears to be provided according to requirements.
Common alarm to be given to the central alarm plant.


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800 Pipeline Systems - General

All pipe lines to be according to system drawings approved by the Owners, Classification
Society and if necessary the authorities.
Piping and Fittings according to “Havyard Standard for pipes and fittings” if nothing else
are stated in this specification and good ship building practice.

Clamps normally to be welded, but screwed if this is more practical.

Where necessary the pipe lines to be equipped with expansion joints or to be laid in
expansion bends.
Possibilities for drain or airing to be arranged where this is necessary.

Pipes to be delivered with certificates to the extent that is required by the Classification

For steel pipes galvanised flat steel clamps or round bar clamps to be applied. Bolts on
clamps inside tanks to be secured with two locknut.
Galvanised pipe systems to be hot galvanised after welding as far as practical possible.
Hydraulic pipes to be fitted with flexible clamps and penetrations to be of roxtec type.

See group 700.

See also: Chapter-10: “Havyard Standard for pipes and fittings”


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801 Water Ballast System

No Water Ballast tanks or system to be installed. Solid Ballast: See item 152

803 Bilge and Sludge System

The bilge system to meet Class and SOLAS requirements. Where possible and practical,
pumps from other systems may be used for direct bilging. The main bilging system shall
consist of a main bilge pipe, laid between the forward and the aft Engine / Propulsion
rooms. The bilge pumps shall draw from the main bilge pipe and discharge into the bilge
water tank in accordance with the rules.
The pumps to be arranged with remote controlled Direct/Emergency bilge overboard
according to rules. Remote operated valves for bilge in engine rooms (only emergency
bilge), battery rooms and switchboard rooms.

The number of Bilge pumps shall meet the SOLAS rules. The pumps shall preferably be
installed in the forward and aft engine / propulsion room, and the pump room, where the
bilge water tank are located. The pumps to be connected to the bilge system and be able
to draw from all bilge wells/suctions. Connections for stripping hoses to be arranged.

The Bilge pumps to be electrically driven, self priming and with capacity to meet the
Class’ and NMA’s requirements. All bilge suctions will be provided with strainers, LAH
and non-return valves.

An Bilge water separator of type and with capacity as per the SOLAS rules to be installed.
The separator shall draw from the Bilge water tank and deliver over board. Bilge water
alarm according to SOLAS / Authorities requirement to be included. Sludge from the
separator to be drained to the sludge tank.

Sludge system
Discharge by sludge discharge pump to deck with IMO standard flange from sludge tank
to be arranged. By pass for suction from deck. An flange adapter for all flanges on deck
with connection for onshore discharge to be delivered.

1 off Sludge tank (pump room )

1 off Sludge discharge pump, Lobe rotor type ( 2.5 m3/h - 3 Bar – 2-speed ).

The Sludge pump to be used for emptying of sludge tank. Remote start/stop form deck.
The pump to be equipped with overheating protection.

The sludge tank to be equipped with manual filling possibilities.

Tanks for bilge water and sludge to have level indicator and high level alarms, and pump


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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804 Drain System

Dimension and arrangement of drains are to be in accordance with the approved system

In principle, all exterior deck areas to have adequate scupper arrangements at suitable
positions for the envisaged general trim condition of the vessel.

Location and sizes of drains wells for car deck to be as indicated at GA and according to
rules and as agreed with owner.

Service hatches at main deck to be well drained and led to sea.

As far as practical the water from different levels has to follow by pipes to the next
Size of scuppers 4” at deck reduced to 2” pipe.

Necessary freeing ports according to rules.

810 Alarm instructions

Alarm instructions to be work out in cooperation with the Owner.

Sign boards related to fire fighting and evacuation of the ferry to be provided as per rules.

811 Fire Alarm system

One off complete Fire alarm system.

Fire detection, fire and lifeboat alarm system:
Fire alarm system with marked addressable sensors. General Alarm system is included in
fire alarm system. PA system to be used for sound.
System to consist of central unit with operator panel on bridge and sub panel in ECR
below bridge.
A separate battery for backup power.
All the rooms to be detected, including all passenger toilets.
Fire doors to be monitored and released/closed according to class requirements.
Sirens and flashing lights used where sound level is high.
Fire alarm to have interface to ventilation system for automatic control in case of fire.
System philosophy to be according to regulations and suppliers recommendation.
Philosophy to be presented to owner for approval.
Interface to IAS system for mimic presentation of detectors and alarms.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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813 Fire / Wash-Down Systems

Fire / Wash-Down system

The fire extinguishing to be based on sea water.
The systems may as accepted by the Authorities, use common pumps. Two off pumps to
have capacity based on simultaneous use of both systems.

Each of the fire pumps to be able to operate simultaneously with

individual power supply from each main switchboard.

The fire pumps to have start/stop from the wheel house, in engine control room, in engine
rooms and positions on decks.

The fire-/deck wash systems to be supplied from the fire pumps. One of the fire pumps to
be provided with easy switch over with suction from the freshwater tank, in order to allow
for fresh water cleaning. Capacity and number of pumps and fire hydrants according to
rules. The pumps to be of vertical centrifugal type.

Fixed hose drums with hoses for cleaning external deck to be arranged on external
decks. Numbers to cover all external decks.

International shore connection to be provided. Fire line on open deck to be self drained to
avoid freezing.

814 Gas based fire extinguishing system

An NMA approved Novec or similar gas extinguishing system to be installed for the
engine rooms and el. equipment room.

A CO2 or Inergen or Novec plant according to Class and NMA rules is to be installed in
ventilation duct from crew pantry if required.

Systems to have automatic stop of ventilation, optical & acoustic alarms according to

816 Fire fighting system for car decks and battery rooms

Sprinkler system for the car decks

The supplier of the sprinkler system to design, calculate and deliver all the information and
approval required for the system.
The Builder is responsible for the final delivering of the system according to NMA

An approved foam/sprinkler system to be installed for fire fighting at the car deck.
The car deck to be divided into 5 zones:
Zone 1: Forward, for trucks carrying dangerous goods
Zone 2: Foam curtain
Zone 3: Midship zone
Zone 4: Foam curtain
Zone 5: Aft, for trucks carrying dangerous goods


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Zones 1 and 5 to be designed for trucks carrying dangerous goods and shall have a water
supply rate of minimum 10 l/m2 per minute. Zone 3 to have a water supply rate of minimum
6.5 l/m2 per minute.
Zones 2 and 4 are foam curtains. The foam curtains shall have a supply rate of approx.
35% of the largest adjacent zone, approx. 1000 l/min (net value).
Alternative zone divisioning may be evaluated, however the required pump capacity to be
kept at a minimum.
Fixed foam spraying nozzles to be arranged according to a practical arrangement and the
Authorities’ and supplier’s recommendations.

An sprinkler pump, with the required capacity to be located in the aft engine room. The
pump to have power supply from main switchboard aft and forward.
The pump to have suction from sea and deliver via the manifold to the zones as described

The foam system to include a proportioner and pump for mixing foam concentrate and
water. A separate foam tank ( GRP ), pump and proportioner to be located in the pump
room. The foam system to be designed for simultaneous sprinkling for the largest zone plus
the adjacent zone(s) or alternatively the zone were the fire is and the foam curtains forward
and aft of the zone. A small ejector for filling of the foam tank to be provided.

The sprinkler pipe system to be stainless steel material for pipes <ND50, galvanized
steel materials elsewhere. Foam concentrate pipes to be in stainless steel materials – AISI
316 L.
For testing and maintenance purposes, an overboard discharge to be arranged from the
sprinkler pump, allowing the pump to run without deluging the car deck. An interlock
to be arranged in order to make sure that the sprinkler system is actually released in case
in an emergency.
The systems to be remotely released from the wheelhouse, the engine control room and
from the pump room.
Means for fresh water flushing of the system to be arranged. Drainage of the system to be
possible to the bilge well.

Sprinkler system for battery rooms

The fire extinguishing system to be in accordance with the battery supplier’s
recommendation and the Authority’s requirements.

A approved fixed water sprinkler system according to SOLAS II-2/10 and the FSS code (
machinery spaces of category A ), to be provided for fire fighting and cooling purposes in
the battery rooms.

The fire /deck wash pumps as described in 813 shall deliver water to the sprinkler systems.

Outside the entrance of each Battery room a Copper powder Extinguisher type Amerex
model 571 or similar make for combating fires in lithium batteries to be provided.

The battery rooms forward and aft to be arranged with a quick connection for possible
Emergency flooding of the rooms. The quick-connection to include short
flexible hoses located in the pump room.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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821 Ventilation lines for tanks

Air Pipes:
Air pipes for built-in tanks generally to be laid to free deck. Air pipes on deck to be of
galvanized steel.

Air pipes from FO tanks to be provided with flame screens.

All rooms where mechanical ventilation is not provided shall also have air pipes.

Pipe's height and size according to Class requirements.

Tank name and no. to be marked by means of metal sign on vent head.

822 Sounding System

One off electronic remote sounding system, with sensors connected directly to IAS system.
The system to be connected to Fuel tanks, and FW tanks. The remote sounding to be
arranged with two (2) off sensors in the actual tanks. (Manual sounding pipes is then not
required.) Remote sounding readings for FO tank at FO bunker stations.

Fuel oil service / settling tanks to be arranged with one (1) off remote sensor. And in addition
one (1) approved local level indicator.

Sewage tank and Grey water tank to have one (1) remote sounding and one (1) local
Pumps possible to be damaged without stopping before level is low shall be equipped with
auto stop.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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850 Electrical Plant - General

Common electric systems:

Alternating current system, 3 phase, 60 Hz according to DIN and/or IEC norms.
System voltages to be: 1000VDC, 690 VAC, 230 VAC(50Hz) and 24 VDC.
High voltage charging, supplier dependent voltage level (3-11kV)

All AC and 1000VDC systems to be equipped with earth failure indication, monitoring and
The arrangement of the electrical equipment throughout the vessel shall provide accessible
and safe access to parts required for inspection, maintenance and repair as far as
practicable. All electrical equipment to be so located that as far as practicable they are not
exposed to risk of mechanical injury or damage from water, steam, oil or excessive heat.
Where unavoidable exposed to such risks, the equipment to be suitably protected or
The design of the electric plant including generators, motors and controllers to be co-
ordinated to insure that the voltage drop, when starting an electrical motor shall not exceed
15% of the rated voltage.
Generators reactance to be matched with consideration given to short circuit current level
and level of voltage distortion in the network. To avoid temperature rise/insulation
breakdown etc. shall all equipment connected to power grid be constructed to operate on
a grid with at least 10% voltage distortion. . Selectivity and short circuit calculations to be
made for the system, and special consideration to the running at both only main gen.sets
and only on battery. For 230V system an analysis to be made for both THD and supply
converter size vs starting current/maximum load at an early stage.

The electrical plant to consist of:

 Generator sets 3x690V/60Hz
 Main switchboard for 1000VDC or after supplier recommendation
 Main switchboard for 230V, 50 Hz
 High voltage charging connection, voltage after supplier recommendation
 Electrical motors and starters
 Transformers
 Shore connection
 Battery systems
 El. distribution panels
 Electrical heaters
 Deck flood lights
 Search lights
 LED light and lamps
 Cables, plugs and fittings
 Automation systems as described in 792


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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855 Computer Network

For the Vessel’s internal computer systems a local area network, LAN, to be arranged
with “CAT7” cabling.
A standard 19” server rack with built-in fans for cooling (minimum 1000 mm depth and
1000 mm height) to be arranged on vibration dampers in the instrument room on C deck.
All connectors to be connected to a patch box arranged inside the rack, preferably at the
Connectors of type RJ45 to be arranged as follows, all cabling routed from the server
rack in the instrument room:

 2 in the wheelhouse
 1 in the wheelhouse close to console desk (shiplog)
6 in the ship’s office / ECR
 2 in the day/mess room
 1 in each cabin
 2 in corridor in crew accommodation
 5 in the ticket office
 12 in the passenger saloon (2 vending machine, 4 info screens, 2 WIFI, 2 BT bases)
 2 outside below B deck (in watertight boxes)
 1 in aft engine room
 1 in aft msb room
 1 in high voltage room
 1 in aft battery room
 2 in the pump room
 1 in fore engine room
 1 in fore msb room
 1 in fore battery room

6 antennas, covering the frequency band 400-2500 MHz (Owner will supply the
antennas)to be arranged on the top of wheelhouse. These 6 antennas to be terminated
with a type N-connector in the server rack in the instrument room. Antenna cable to be
used is Ecoflex 10 or equivalent, it is important that the cables for these antennas are
arranged without any splices.

Public WIFI
WIFI covering entre main deck and ramp deck.

UPS according to SFI866 to be arranged to the serverrack. Minimum 10 outlets inside the

Hardware and Software to be Owners supply


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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860 Voltage Systems
The voltage systems includes:
 High Voltage (3-11kV), 60 Hz 3 phases for high power and fast charging of batteries.
 690V, 60 Hz 3 phases for power supply to el. motors (propeller motors/ large pumps).
 230V, 50 Hz for power supply to lights, emergency lights, ventilation, pumps, heaters,
nautical equipment, charging rectifiers for batteries, pantry, shop food preparation &
laundry equipment
 24V DC for instruments, electronic equipment, starting battery, etc.
 Lantern lamps ref. 427.

861 El. motors

All el. motors shall have sufficient enclosures for the actual location. Heating element
(230V) to be fitted in motors exposed to weather decks or to moist or cold environment.
Except el. motors below 4 kW for non-essential equipment.

865 Transformers

Transformers installed for the following purposes:

Two (2) off 690/230V 3-phase transformers to be installed for power supply to
lights, emergency lights, pumps, ventilation, heaters, pantry and laundry
equipment, nautical equipment, charging rectifiers for batteries etc.
Capacity: Approx. 300 kVA
3-poled MCCB on both primary and secondary side.

Transformers for shore connection see SFI868.

Transformer and voltage level in main charging supply line from shore after suppliers
Transformers to be selected based on a high degree of efficiency.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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866 UPS

24V DC Battery systems

Two different Power supply to each 24 volt system for chargers.
 4 off. 24V DC main maintenance free battery systems, independent of each other,
are to be arranged.
o DC10 - System 1 for bridge,
located in room
o DC20 – System 2 for bridge,
located on room
o DC30 – System 1 for engine room area,
located in Swbd room fwd
o DC40 – System 2 for engine room area,
located in Swbd Room aft
 Emergency backup connection to be arranged between DC10/DC20 and
 A system with 2 independent 24 V DC maintenance free batteries for start of main
generators. One battery system to be installed in each engine room.
 1 independent 24 V DC maintenance free battery system to be arranged for radio
system. The battery system to be installed in el. equipment room.

24V DC Battery chargers

The battery chargers shall operate fully automatic. Chargers to be equipped with alarm for
h/l voltage and alarm for AC failure and to be connected to a temperature sensor to
compensate charging for temperature variations. Ohm-meter with alarm output to IAS to
be arranged for each DC distribution.

Emergency Light Battery system

A battery system for emergency light and Lanterns to be installed. To avoid having battery
in each emergency light, and by locating UPS indoor it will not be affected by temperature
in same way as individual batteries at each light. Normally fed from normal 230V system,
and battery supplying emergency light in case of power failure. Lightning needing battery
installed in warm area may have a separate battery.

Ship UPS system:

A single ship UPS system to be provided. The UPS to have by-pass function. The UPS to
have power supply to following equipment:
Data server, 4 outlets ECR, 4 outlets in ticket office, information monitors in saloon,
Vending machines.
Estimated total max connected load 4kVA, 10 min, single phase.

868 Electric Shore Supply System

A Shore Connection Cabinet to be installed at both ends of the ferry, 40 m cable,

3x400V/230V. A variable shore connection plug 400V/230V. The cable to be of light weight
and arranged for easy connection as it will be handled often. Cable to be prepared for easy
storage/handling on-board, and a storage arrangement for cable to be made. Power used
for normal consumption and charging overnight. System to be capable of receiving approx.
250A from shore(2x125A cables).
Transformer on-board for 400V/230V in 230V out, approx. 200kVA. Energy consumption
overview to be available in IAS.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Automatic synchronization between shore and 230V swbd operated by push button in

Battery charging from ashore:

The main charging shore connection system to have installation of equipment for heavy
charging. Approx. max. charging of 3800 kW. Supplier to recommend.
o Stepwise price consequence for up/down rating of max charging power.
 I.e max Low voltage charging and 4MW charging.
o 2-3 options for variations in the power grid when charging. Owner to have cost
consequence for these changes.
 1. As much direct charging as possible.
 2. Max 25% variation of available power in shore grid.
 3. Max 50% variation of available power in shore grid.
Transformer for main charging according to suppliers’ recommendation. Parallel operation
between shore and ship system. Final solution to be based on selected supplier and chosen
operation mode based on calculations for energy use and environmental data.
Supplier of charging system on vessel also to have contract with owner for charging system
on shore.
Before a selection of make an analysis of the losses in the main charging chain to be
presented to owner, including both ship and shore system as described about offer.
Integrator to have responsibility for calculation of optimum charging level based on
available time and operational (kr/kWh) cost to avoid peaks. This also includes the
charging/discharging of the battery system installed at shore side. This to be dynamic and
adjusted based on ferry consumption and developed in close cooperation with Owner.
Note: Supplier (Integrator) of charging system to quote for system ashore before ship
building contract is signed.
The make of the charging connection to be addressed and other makes may be
an option in the offer.

Charging philosophy:
Owner shall have a system that calculates charging power based on used energy
consumption and available charging time based on the time of connection and departure
in time table. In addition, the shore part shall communicate with the vessel to minimize the
charging of battery at shore between each charging of vessels.
The charging power to be dynamic with regards to the used energy for each trip, and to be
calculated upon each arrival. Energy used/available charging time = charging power.
Owner wants the integrators charging system to use this description and that the total
energy consumption for the ferry is operated against a given SOC set point.
An overall target is to minimize the main charging power, optimize the battery at shore and
at vessel, secure lifetime, as even as possible power taken from the shore power grid and
to avoid unnecessary peak-loads. In addition Owner wants this system to not give the
shipmaster any un-necessary extra work.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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871 Main Switchboard

The Main switchboard 1000VDC TBD to be designed according to suppliers

recommendations for DC switchboard. To include power modules(inverters/rectifiers) for
incoming/outgoing circuits according to the corresponding “Main one line diagram”. The
switchboard system consist of separate DC– buses linked together with the power
modules for optimal power distribution and control.

The Switchboard to be designed and built for world-wide operation and according to
Rules and Regulations in force.
The 230V switchboards to be of dead front type designed for free standing mounting and
to have enclosure according to Class requirements. Handrails of insulating material to be
provided in front. Light to be provided in front top of switchboard.
Hinged doors at front and also at rear where access is needed for service.
The switchboards to be mounted on vibration dampers.

Instrumentation and protection in accordance with Authority requirements. Alarms to be

connected to vessel's alarm system.
Main DC switchboard to be installed in the switchboard room and to be dimensioned for
all generator sets be running in continuously parallel.

DC switchboard to be fresh water cooled.

874 Local starters

Starters to be installed locally close to corresponding motors and to be made of painted

steel plates. Some starters to be gathered in designated sections in pump room and
propulsion rooms. The starters to be equipped with under-voltage release, adjustable
thermal motor protection in all phases, push-button for start/stop and running light. Stand-
by pump starters to be remote controlled from the IAS system or engine control room
console. For smaller equipment small MCBs with only start/stop to be arranged by
Motors with a voltage drop during start of less than 15% are to have DOL start. Any
motors that will cause a higher voltage drop are to have other starting methods: star
triangle, soft start, etc., in order to keep voltage drop within requirements. Special
precautions have to be taken for motors with frequency converter to ensure the THD level
is kept within limits. The size of DOL starters accepted will in general be lower compared
to a standard system because of the capacity of the feeding converter to 230V.
Starter cabinets located outside on weather deck to be of stainless steel.
All Local starter cabinets which are not interfaced with IAS to have fitted a hour counter
outside on cabinet for motors larger than 1kw. Starters larger than 5kW to have fitted
Ampere meters or readings to be available at frequency converters.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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875 Distribution panels

Smaller motors, lighting, heating and instruments to be supplied via distribution panels,
which are supplied by main switchboard or battery/rectifier. Distribution panels to be
installed in lockable steel cabinets with hinged doors. Steel frames are to be earthed. A
framed list to be fixed to the inside of each cabinet, showing the name of the load to which
the panel is connected, fuse size and cable cross-section used. Space for 10% spare
circuits in each cabinet.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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880 Cables
All cables to be type approved by Class, halogen free, of self extinguishing type. All cables
(except co-axial cables and special cables,) shall have multicore construction.

Recommended space between power and signal cables (means power cables for
generators and thrusters) to be sufficient to avoid interference and min 300 mm.

Cables are generally not to be jointed, unless after Owner’s approval. Cables for el motors,
cables to distribution panels and for other important use shall under no circumstance be

Screened Cables to be used for low-voltage systems, external on deck, in masts, on bridge.

All metal parts of the installation that is not current carrying to be earthed. However,
earthing may be omitted for double-insulated equipment, cable clips, bearing houses, low
voltage equipment etc.

Metal enclosures and parts that are mounted directly on parts of the steel hull or on steel
constructions which are welded to the hull/superstructure, may be earthed by means of
the fixing devices, provided that a reliable contact is obtained.

Metal enclosures and parts other than mentioned above, are to be earthed by means of
earth conductors.

Furthermore, recommendations from equipment manufacturers are to be followed

regarding grounding and screening.

Spare Cables
The following Spare Cables to be installed:

Engine control room to Main Bridge Console

 Three (3) 4x2x0.75 mm2, screened
 Three(3) 7x1.5 mm2, screened

Engine control room to Fwd propulsion room

 Three (3) 4x2x0.75 mm2, screened
 Three(3) 7x1.5 mm2, screened

Engine control room to Aft propulsion room

 Three (3) 4x2x0.75 mm2, screened
 Three(3) 7x1.5 mm2, screened

All spare cables to be marked according to a system which identifies the cable and where
the cable ends.
Other cables that are installed and not used are to be registered on the spare cable list,
and marked in accordance with this.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Cable Trays and Installation

All cable trays in accommodation to be mounted in the corridors behind removable ceiling
covers for easy access.

Stainless steel cable trays to be used for outdoor installations. Cable trays in wet room and
on open deck to be painted according to surrounding paint system before any cables are
All support at outdoor cable trays to be fully welded to avoid serial rust.
Accommodation part in aluminium to have cable trays bolted of steel type.

Cable tray installation to be well executed in order to avoid any damaged to the cables.
Cables shall not be exposed to excessive heat from exhaust pipes or other heat emitting
objects. Painting of cables to be avoided.

Cables shall generally be laid in groups. Special care to be taken to avoid heat generation
in high power cables. Space between cables according to rules for natural cooling is to be

All cable penetrations through watertight bulkheads etc are to be packed watertight with
watertight penetration of type Roxtec or similar.

Cable penetrations through non-watertight bulkheads, holes etc are to be “packed” up with
special concrete mix.

Cables on open deck to be laid in galvanised pipes. For vertical open deck penetrations,
protection pipes to be approx. 900 mm above the deck, strongly welded and to be “packed”
up on top. Pipes less than 2” are to be ended with swan neck. 4 Spare pipes with swan
neck for cables on wheelhouse top. Spare pipes to be sealed with heat-shrinkable tubing.

Single-core power cables to be laid in accordance with Rules and Regulations, and
clamping to be of non-magnetic materials. Non-magnetic material protections to be used
where these cables penetrate steel bulkhead.

External cables are to be clamped with stainless non-magnetic material where required
according to rules, the stainless cable ties to be of good quality to avoid rust stains. Internal
Plastic-/Steel cable ties to be used. Steel cable ties to be used every meter when cables
are hanging below trays or where they are mounted vertically according to rules. Plastic
cable ties are to be of self-extinguishing material.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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890 Electrical Installations in General

Lights and installations for engine room, accommodation, deck and other departments are
to be in accordance with regulations and good shipbuilding standards
Lights of LED type to be used throughout the vessel. In accommodation recessed down
lights LED to be used. Incandescent lamps to be used only where it is impossible or
impracticable to use recessed down lights, and for decorative purposes in accommodation.
In pantry & shop etc. other light types to be mounted, preferably of LED type. LED
emergency light system is preferred.
Lights and power sockets to be arranged according to intended use of each particular room.
Enclosures to be according to regulations. Explosion-proof equipment wherever required.
Electrical arrangement drawings showing all light, sockets, antenna outlets, fire detectors
etc to be sent to owner for approval. Drawings to include description of normal and full
lightning. This is both for inside and outside electrical installation.

891 Electrical installations in engine room, pump room etc.

Light fittings in engine room areas generally to be of LED type.
The following luminance values in lux are to be regarded as a minimum:
150 lux in general engine room areas.
Each void to be fitted with one LED light, with light switch inside by manhole.
Light in technical rooms with only one entrance to be normally turned off, and in
other rooms to be kept at a minimum. A light switch to be available to turn the light
at max level. If a CCTV camera is installed the light level to be held at a minimum
level ensuring that the Camera view is satisfactory. Light level to be approved by
A minimum of the following electrical sockets to be installed in technical rooms, in
addition to sockets/connections for permanently installed equipment/machinery:

Compartment Electrical sockets

Engine room, same amount in both Four (4) off 2/16A 230 V, one (1) off 3/16A
fwd and aft. 230V, one (1) off 3/32A 230V
Two (2) off 2/16A 230 V, one (1) off 3/16A
Pump room
General technical rooms One (1) off 2/16A 230 V

892 Electrical Installation in Accommodation

Table indicates an overview of equipment installed in mentioned rooms, but installation is

not limited to description. Equipment mentioned other places in specification will also need
to be mounted.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Compartment Electrical installation

Corridors, stairs Recessed downlights, min 100 lux

measured at deck level
One (1) off 2/16A 230 V socket in each
corridor, below ceiling and min. every

Cabins Recessed downlights

One (1) bedside lamp above berth
One (1) desk lamp if cabin contains desk
Two (2) off 2/10A 230 V sockets
230 V sockets by each bed (upper & lower
where present).
Radio/TV antenna outlets
LAN outlet as specified
Other equipment and outlets as specified

Wet room units One (1) off lighting fixture with shaver
receptacle (with built-in isolating
Heating cable in floor.
Light switch and thermostat to be
mounted outside the room, next to the
door. Solution for public rooms to be
agreed with owner.
Power/cable for el. Hand dryer to be
prepared in all public WCs. Hand dryer
not mounted.

Shop area Recessed downlights LED in ceiling

(IP44) and lighting fixtures above
benches. General average illumination
level to be approx 300 lux with specific
levels on working benches of 500 lux.
Six (6) off 2/10A 230 V socket
See SFI 551 for equipment in general.
Other equipment and outlets as specified


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Mess room / day room Recessed downlights LED, four (4) off
dimmable LED-spotlights.
General average illumination level to be
approx 200 lux, with specific levels on
tables of 300 lux(mess room).
Two (2) off 2/10A 230 V socket
Other equipment and outlets as specified

Ticket Office Four (4) recessed down lights

One (1) desk lamp
Fifteeen (15) off 230 V sockets
Radio/TV antenna outlets
LAN outlet as specified
Other equipment and outlets as specified

Wardrobe Recessed downlights

One (1) off 2/10A 230 V socket
Heating cable in floor
Ribbed pipe heaters
Other equipment and outlets as specified

Public toilets in accommodation One (1) recessed downlight


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Wheel house Average illumination level to be approx

200 lux
Recessed downlights
Spotlights with individual dimmers above
consoles and radio station
On red night light with dimmer above
captains chair for each sailing
direction.(2 lights)
Red “night” recessed downlights with
dimmer above stairway, pantry, office
area and consoles.
Twelve (12) off 2/10A 230 V sockets
Other equipment and outlets as specified
In general colors used for lamps and
other equipment should cause minimum

Engine control room: Recessed downlights, min 200 lux

measured at control room console/desk
One (1) desk lamp
Four (4) off 2/10A 230 V sockets at each
desk available for owner supplied
equipment (officedesk /by ECR console)
Power for yard supplied equipment in
Other equipment and outlets as specified

Pantry (crew area) Recessed downlights LED in ceiling

(IP44) and lighting fixtures above
benches. General average illumination
level to be approx 300 lux with specific
levels on working benches of 500 lux.
Six (6) off 2/10A 230 V socket
Other equipment and outlets as specified


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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895 Electrical Installation Decks Outside

All lights installed at outside deck to be water tight and enclosed according to rules &
regulations and with minimum enclosure of IP56.
Around top of the superstructure, compact tubes to be used.
LED type lightning fixtures to be used at enclosed and semi enclosed area of the
superstructure for general illumination of outside decks.
Some lightning that don´t interfere with navigators vision to be separated from other
lightning by switch/circuit i.e around passenger area.
Lighting to be arranged in a way that interference with navigator’s night vision to be
Outside lights to be controlled from a panel or IAS at bridge with possibility to have group
switching. Lightning plan and switch arrangement to be submitted to owner for approval.

Brackets of stainless steel below B-deck and aluminum above B-deck.

At each end and side at main deck a power outlet for shore ramp power supply. 16A/230V
& 32A/230V.

Deck flood lights

All deck flood lights to be of LED-type.

Floodlights to be placed as following: (Below table is based on Luminell type, if Glamox is

delivered similar type and lux level to be provided)

Area Amount
Bowlight, Narrow beam. Should give 4 pcs RLX (2 each FWD/AFT)
minimum reflection from the vessel.
Floodlight at ship side 4 pcs RLX (2 each side)
FWD & AFT of B-deck 4 pcs RLX (2 each FWD/AFT)
Car deck 4 pcs RLX (2 each FWD/AFT)
Liferafts/Mob boat PS/SB 3 pcs RLX (UPS powered)

A flood light plan to be developed by the flood light supplier showing the lux levels in each
deck area.
The plans are to be submitted to the Owners for approval prior to ordering the light fittings.
The lux levels to be verified by measurements during night time.

Search lights:
Two (2) off 2000W Search lights to be mounted. Remote operated from bridge console


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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309 Hydraulic systems for driving ramps, bow visors, windlass, hatches etc.

One(1) spare hydraulic cylinder for each type on board of vessel to be delivered with first
vessel in series.

406 Passive anti-roll stabilizing tanks

Two(2) anti-roll stabilizing tanks to be installed as indicated at GA.

651 Motor Aggregates for Main Electric Power Production

Rpm of main generator sets to be 1500rpm

865 High Voltage Transformer for Main Charging

One additional high voltage transformer to be delivered as spare, not mounted on-board.
This to be stored by owner as backup in case of failure.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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General comments:

This addendum that describes the “Havyard Standard for pipes and fittings” to be used if
nothing else are stated in this specification.

This listing may include several standards for pipes and fittings to be use for different type of
ships. Only standard as relevant for the project to be used.

Pipe, fittings and wall thickness according to class requirement.

Couplings (adaptors) to be used everywhere class permits.
As far as practical, bending machine will be used for pipe
Sleeve penetration on bulkheads in DB.
Non takedown pipes. Steel weld socket joint to be used.
Slip-on flange for flare collars or slip-on flange for welding, to be used where practical.
Flanges NS PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25 and PN40 to be according to DIN2501.

Flanges is chosen by system work pressure and pipe dimension:

DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 - NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546, UST 2089,
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 - NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545, UST 2089,
DN 40 – DN 250: PN 40 - NS2529, NS2542, NS2547
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 25 - DIN2634 / NS1764, Collar flange
DN 10 – DN 500: PN 40 - DIN2635 / NS1765, Collar flange
DN 50 – DN 250: PN 64 - MFAS Slip-on fl. w/o-ring for low pr. Hydr. 64 bar,
Collar flange PN 64, DIN2636 / NS1766 can be used.
Weld neck flange, DIN2632/2633 can be used in combination with rubber compensators where
practical and approved by regulations.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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General info - Pipeline system

The following piping materials to be used as a minimum requirement. (HD = Hot dip)
Starting air Prec. St. Pipe seamless
Working air / Instr. Air Seamless St. pipe, Viega St / St.St.
Bilge HD galvanized steel
Ballast HD galvanized steel
PE to be consider outside engine room.
Deck washing HD galvanized steel
Fire main HD galvanized steel
Fuel oil Seamless steel, Prec. St. Pipe seamless
Control air piping Cu, Prec. St. pipe seamless and multi tube
Air pipes for water tank HD galvanized steel
Pneumatic controls Cu, Seamless prec. St. pipe and multitube.
Sanitary supply (cold) In accommodations: Insulated copper type
Sanitary supply (hot) Insulated copper. Type Profi press viega.
Lub oil piping >50mm Steel with flanges
Refrigerating Insulated copper, seamless St.
Sanitary discharge piping (inside) Black & Grey water. Type Blucher above
main deck. HD galv. St. below main deck
Drains external Seamless steel, HD galvanized, plastic pipes
or Viega above main deck
Drains internal In general seamless steel
SW Cooling Copper Nickel (90/10)
FW Cooling Seamless steel
Draft sounding pipes Steel sch.80, HD galvanized in water tanks
Gas extinguishing Seamless steel HD galvanized
Hydraulic high pressure Seamless steel stainless above main deck.
Otherwise seamless prec. st. pipe
All pipes on weather deck <42mm, stainless steel
All pipes on weather deck >ND50, In general HD galvanized steel


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Pipe line velocities

Velocities in pipelines:
The flow speeds in pipes must not exceed the values below if not otherwise stated.
System: Suction: Discharge (pressure side):
Seawater crossover and inlet 1,2 m/s
Seawater cooling system 1,5 m/s 3,0 m/s
Fresh water cooling system 2,0 m/s 3,5 m/s
Hot water circulation 1,5 m/s 2,0 m/s
Starting air system 15 – 25 m/s
Working air system 10 – 15 m/s
Lub. / Hydr. Oil system 1,0 m/s 1,7 – 2,5 m/s
Fire / Deck wash system 2,0 m/s 3,0 – 4,5 m/s
Bilge, ballast systems 2,5 m/s 2,5 – 3,0 m/s
Fuel oil lines Bunkering 4,5 m/s
Marine Diesel oil 1,5 m/s 2,5 m/s
Heavy fuel oil supply 1,3 m/s – 1,5 m/s 1,5 – 2,0 m/s
Heavy fuel oil transfer 0,6 m/s 0,6 – 1,5 m/s
Diesel oil transfer 1,5 - 2,0 m/s 2,0 – 2,5 m/s


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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351-100 FO Main Transfer system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2" ) & bigger ND40 (1½" ) & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / Standard: As bigger size.
NS 2501. Dim: Ø21,3 – 48,3 m.m.
Pipe Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217 Seamless precision tubes
General (P235TR). DIN2391, St 37,4
Dim: Ø48,3 – 610 m.m. Galv. Above main dk, /Rail
Steel elbow DIN 2605.
Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings DIN 2615

Slip-on flange NS PN16. Compression ring

Set-in flange NS PN16. Walform
SIP GRIP Coupling, NBR
Pipe DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 Flange boring
Coupling NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 Flange boring
NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545.

- Ductile iron butterfly valve PN16, Ball valve, CIM 11 CR

Al.Br. disc, SS stems NBR
Standard: Butterfly valve GGG.40,3 Ductile
DN 40 – DN 150: PN 16.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10.
- Blind flange valve, S7
Carbon steel PN16.
- Filter,
Standard grovfilter, MUDBOX mesh 2mm
- N.r. Valve
SIP Duo check, NBR


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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351-200 FW Transfer system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / Standard: As bigger size.
NS 2501 Galvanized. Dim: Ø21,3 – 48,3 mm.
Pipe Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217 Seamless precision tubes
General (P235TR). DIN2391, St 37,4
Dim: Ø60,3 – 610 m.m. Galvanized
Steel elbow DIN 2605.
Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings DIN 2615

Slip-on flange NS PN16. Compression ring

Set-in flange NS PN16. Walform
Sleeve coupling
Pipe DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 Flange boring
Coupling NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 Flange boring
NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545.
- Butterfly valve, Duct iron, PN16, - Ball valve
Al.Br. disc, SS stem, NBR CIM 11 CR
Standard: SIP Butterfly valve
GGG.40,3 Ductile iron.
Wafer or Lugged.
DN 40 – DN 150: PN 16. W.Pr. & Flange
Valve DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10. W.Pr. & Flange
- Blind flange valve, S7
Steel, PN16
- Filter, Grovfilter
MUD BOX, PN16, GALV. Mesh 2mm
- N.r. Valve
SIP Duo check, NBR


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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515 Flushing of wheelhouse window

Nom. Dia. Hot / Cold water supply
Hard drawn seamless copper tubes,
Capillary tubes NS 1758.
Pipe Precision steel pipe
General Wiega – Profi press

Press fittings or solder type in wrought copper NS 1759.

Compression ring fittings.
Pipe Walform.
Fittings Wiega – Profi press

Press fittings.
Compression ring fittings.
Pipe Walform.
Coupling Wiega – Profi press

- Ball valve, pressure casted brass, Teflon seat, brass ball.

Valve -Globe valve, brass seat.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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581 Hydrophore / Sanitary supply system

Nom. Dia. Hot / Cold water supply
Hard drawn seamless copper tubes,
capillary tubes NS 1758
Pipe Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 /
General NS 2501.

Press fittings or solder type in

wrought copper NS 1759.
Pipe Steel elbow DIN 2605.
Fittings Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Steel reducer DIN 2616
Slip-on flange PN16.
Set-on flange PN16.
Pipe Expansion joint coupling.
Coupling Press fittings.

- Ball valve, pressure casted brass,

Valve Teflon seat, brass. Ball.
- Globe valve, brass seat.
- Butterfly valve, Duct iron


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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582-100 Sewage Discharge system

Nom. Dia. Black water
Stainless steel type Blucher.
Seamless steel pipe, galvanized.
Pipe St. 37.0 / St.35.8.1

Stainless steel type Blucher.

Steel flange DIN 2605.
Pipe Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Fittings Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Tee fittings.
Slip-on flange PN16
Set-in flange PN16
Pipe Expansion joint couplings.

-Ball valve, 446152, LK440595 w/pipe for

Blucher / Butterfly valve 13LT.
- NR valve. – RVA Duo check / Wafer
Valve swing check valve type RC.- Storm flap
-Overboard valve of ductile iron.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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582-200 Sanitary Discharge system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Stainless steel type Blucher. / Euro pipe, 304 Threaded heavy steel tubes NS 584,
Seamless steel pipe, galvanized. Galvanized.
Pipe EN10216 (St. 37.0) / EN10217 (St.35.8.1)
General PP. Pipe

Stainless steel type Blucher.

Steel flange DIN 2605.
Pipe Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Fittings Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Tee fittings
Slip-on flange PN16 Steel fittings.
Set-in flange PN16 Threaded ends, galvanized
Pipe Expansion joint couplings. or press fittings.

-Ball valve. 446152/ LK440595 w/pipe for

Valve Blucher.


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649 Heat recovery system

Nom. Dia. Heat recovery
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 /
NS 2501.
Pipe Hard drawn seamless copper tubes,
General capillary tubes NS 1758

Steel elbow DIN 2605.

Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616
Fittings Press fittings or solder type in
wrought copper NS 1759.
Slip-on flange PN16.
Set-on flange PN16.
Pipe Expansion joint coupling.
Coupling Press fittings.

- Duct iron butterfly valve PN16,

Al.Br. disc, Buna-N sealing.
Valve - Ball valve, CIM 11 CR


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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701/702/703 Fuel oil systems

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / Press. Steel pipe E235 (St.37, 4). NS2391.
NS 2501
Pipe Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217
General (P235TR).
Dim: 60,3 – 610 m.m
Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel union, threaded ends.
Steel saddle DIN 2618. Tube fittings.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616. Compression ring fittings.
Fittings Tee fittings. Walform.

Slip-on flange PN16 Compression ring fittings.

Set-in flange PN16 Walform.
Pipe Steel sleeves.
Coupling Couplings where permitted.

- Butterfly valve PN16, -Ball valve, brass ball./ stainless steel.

-Quick closing valve, - Quick closing valve,
Valve 921002 / 921102 Straight / Angled, 921002 / 921102 Straight / Angled,


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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711/712/713 Lub Oil systems

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / Press. Steel pipe E235 (St.37, 4). NS2391.
NS 2501.
Pipe Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217
General (P235TR).
Dim: Ø60,3 – 610 m.m.
Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel union, threaded ends.
Steel saddle DIN 2618. Tube fittings.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616. Compression ring fittings.
Fittings Tee fittings. Walform.

Slip-on flange PN16 Compression ring fittings.

Set-in flange PN16 Walform.
Pipe Steel sleeves.
Coupling Couplings where permitted.

Butterfly valve 13LT -Ball valve, brass. ball./ stainless steel.



P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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721 SW Cooling system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Cu.Ni. 90/10 pipe NS 2504. Press. Steel pipe E235 (St.37, 4). NS2391.
Cu.Ni. 90/10 pipe NS 2504.

Cu.Ni. 90/10 elbow NS 6108 / DIN Bending of pipes.

Pipe Cu.Ni. 90/10 saddle DIN 86087.
Fittings Cu.Ni. 90/10 reducer DIN 86089.
Weld neck collars.
Cu.Ni. 90/10 weld neck collars and Press fittings (VIEGA)
galvanized flange PN10 for welding
Pipe with TIG, or pipe coupling.

- Butterfly valve 13LT -Ball valve, threaded ends, Teflon seat,

- Sea inlet / overboard valves of cromplated, brass
Valve ductile iron, type Butterfly valve 13LT. Sea inlet/overboard valve of bronze.
Ball valve, 443024, RG5


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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722 FW Cooling system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / Press. Steel pipe E235 (St.37, 4). NS2391.
NS 2501
Pipe Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217
General (P235TR).
Dim: Ø60,3 – 610 m.m.
Steel elbow DIN 2605.
Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings.

Slip-on flange PN16. Compression rings,

Set-on flange PN16. Walform.
Pipe or press. fittings.

- Duct iron butterfly valve PN16, LT11 - Brass ball valve, threaded ends.
Al.Br. disc, Buna-N seal. CIM 11 CR
Valve Max temperature 120`, EPDM
Sealing’s to be used for LT and HT syst.
(LT11 cover all temperatures)

724 Converter / Drive Systems (in FW system)

Stainless steel
Stainless steel elbow DIN 2605
Pipe Reducer 316 L
Fittings Stainless collars 316 L
Stainless Tee 304 L
Galvanized steel loose flange, DIN 2642
SIP 04 LT SIP 120



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731/733/734 Compressed Air system

Starting air. / Working air & Instrument air

Nom. Dia. Starting air (30 Bar) Working air (8 Bar)
Seamless precision tubes DIN 2391, Steel / soft copper tubes for pneumatic
E235 (St. 37.4.) control air.
Pipe Press. Steel pipe NS 2391

Compression ring. Compression ring.

Walform. Walform.
Press fittings (VIEGA or similar)

Compression ring fittings DIN 2353. Compression ring brass / steel fittings,
Walform. Walform or press. Fittings.

- Globe valve in steel, threaded ends . - Ball valve in brass, Teflon seat. /
SIP 120 Stainless steel.
Valve CIM 11 CR


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740-100 Exhaust system

Nom. Dia. 200 – 700
Welded steel pipe St.42,0
Stainless steel welded tubes
Pipe (316 / 304 L)

Steel sleeve welding wall thickness 4 - 5 – 6

Pipe Segment welded elbows
Fittings Stainless steel elbow
DIN 2605/ 2609
Slip-on flange NS PN6
NS 2525



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803 Bilge systems

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe, ISO / DIN 2448 Threaded heavy steel tubes NS 5587,
/ NS 2501, St. 37.4, galvanized. Galvanized.

Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel fittings galvanized threaded.

Steel saddle DIN 2618.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings.
Steel union, threaded ends, galvanized.
Slip-on flange NS PN16.
Set-in flange NS PN16.
Pipe Sleeve coupling
Coupling DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 Flange boring
NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 Flange boring
NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545.
- Duct iron butterfly valve 13LT, PN16, - Threaded ball valve, teflon seat,
Al.Br. disc, SS stem, NBR seal. brass ball. CIM 11 CR.
- Overboard valves of ductile iron,
type Butterfly valve 13LT.
Valve - N.r. Valve, SIP Duo check, PN16/PN10
- Filter, mesh 5 – 8 mm.
Mud box, 482151 / 482051, PN4


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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804 Drain pipe systems

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe, ISO / DIN 2448 Threaded heavy steel tubes NS 5587,
/ NS 2501, St. 37.4, galvanized, galvanized.
Pipe or Blucher on weather deck.

Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel fittings.

Steel saddle DIN 2618. Threaded ends, galvanized.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings.

Steel sleeves. Steel union, galvanized.

Steel sleeves.

- Self closing valve, red metal or cast iron - Self closing valve, red metal or cast iron.
or CIM 80 NR. (ahlsell)


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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813 Fire line system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe, ISO / DIN 2448 Threaded heavy steel tubes NS 5587,
/ NS 2501, St. 37.4, galvanized. Galvanized.

Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel fittings, threaded ends, galvanized

Steel saddle DIN 2618. or press. fittings.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings.

Steel union, threaded ends, galvanized,

Hose coupling Storz C. or press. fittings.
Slip-on flange NS PN16. Hose coupling Storz C.
Set-in flange NS PN16.
Pipe Sleeve coupling
Coupling DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 Flange boring
NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 Flange boring
NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545.
- Butterfly valve SIP 13 LT, PN16,
Al.Br. disc, NBR.
- Sea inlet valve of ductile iron, type
Butterfly valve 13LT.
Valve - Red metal hydrant valves, bronze
seat. Broby Straight/Angled.
- Sea inlet valve of bronze.
- Filter, Mud box 482051, PN4, Ahlsell
- N.r. Valve, SIP Duo check, PN16, NBR.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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815 CO2 and gas firefighting system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Steel pipe St.37.4 Threaded steel tubes EN10255
adusert galvanized.

Steel elbow DIN 2605. Tube fittings.

Steel saddle DIN 2618. Threaded pipe fittings – adusert galvanized.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.

Slip-on flange PN16/PN10. Threaded pipe fittings – adusert galvanized.

Set-in flange PN16/PN10.
Pipe Steel sleeves.

According to vendor's delivery. According to vendor's delivery.



P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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817 Water Fog system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Press fitting tubes. Press fitting tubes.
Stainless steel AISI316 Precision stainless steel pipe 316L.

Compression ring fittings.


Compression ring fittings.


Ball valve, CIM 11 CR.



P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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821-100 Vent. Pipe system

Nom. Dia. ND50 ( 2” ) & bigger ND40 (1½") & smaller
Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 / St. 37,4 screwed heavy steel tubes NS
NS 2501, (galvanized for water 5587, galvanized.
Pipe tanks).
General Galv. on open deck for all pipes.

Steel elbow DIN 2605. Steel fittings.

Steel saddle DIN 2618. Threaded ends, galvanized.
Pipe Steel reducer DIN 2616.
Fittings Tee fittings.

Slip-on flange PN16/PN10. Steel union, galvanized.

Set-in flange PN16/PN10.
Pipe Steel sleeves.

- G. valve, HIDE-Family - Ball valve in brass, Teflon seat, brass

Aero 1-1, Aero 1-2 ball. CIM 11 CR.
Winteb. - Seat valve in bronze.
Flame screen for: FO / FW & OIL TANKS.
High velocity for Methanol tank ND65.
Valve High velocity ND50 – CD ( cofferdam)
enclosing methanol tk filled with N2.
If filled with water, use G-valve or similar.
- Water trap,
SIP water trap


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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821-200 / 821-300 Manual / Remote Sounding system

Nom. Dia. Inside tanks Outside tanks
Stainless steel tubes, AISI 316. Soft copper tubes.
Stainless steel welded tubes EN10217-7TC1 Seamless precision tubes Stainless.
Pipe Seamless steel pipe ISO / DIN 2448 /
General NS 2501 Galvanized.
Standard: EN10216 (P235GH) /EN10217
Dim: Ø48,3 – 610 m.m.
Compression ring stainless steel Compression ring brass fittings.
Fittings, AISI 316. Walform.

Slip-on flange NS PN16.

Pipe Set-in flange NS PN16.
Coupling Sleeve Coupling.
DN 15 – DN 150: PN 16 Flange boring
NS2527, NS2538, NS2540, NS2546.
DN 200 – DN 600: PN 10 Flange boring
NS2526, NS2537, NS2539, NS2545.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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831-100 High Pressure Hydraulic system

Nom. Dia. 40 ( 1½" ) & bigger 32 ( 1¼" ) & smaller
Seamless steel pipe DIN 2391, Stainless steel pipe DIN 2391

Compression ring. Bending of pipes to max. Extent.


SAE flange for flaring/welding. Compression ring fittings DIN 2353.


- Hydr. Ball valve, 350bar - Hydr. Ball valve, 350-500bar


NOTE: Rotec type, Bulkhead / Deck penetration for hydraulic piping to be used.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Diverse info on valves and valve equipment delivered by Ahlsell:

SIP valves:
Color code Valve / Sealing
GREY 19 LT/WF, (Viton sealing)
typical Spec. Prod. Sys.


PIPESYSTEM ND 50 – 80 ND 100 ND 125 – ND 200
(13 LT), LUG
FO – Transfer DUCTILE IRON, WM 4 WM 8 WM 12 WM 20
(13 LT), LUG
FW - Transfer DUCTILE IRON, , WM 4 WM 8 WM 12 WM 20
(13 LT), LUG
low temp EPDM
high temp IRON, Lined
(13 LT), LUG
(13 LT), LUG
(13 LT), LUG
(04 LT), LUG,
WM 4 WM 8 WM 12 WM 20
article of food EPDM ( St.St.


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,
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Drawing: 17170-890-001


P.O. Box 215, 6099 Fosnavåg, Norway, Phone: +47 70 08 45 50, Fax: +47 70 08 45 51,

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