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Stage 4 - Implementation: The ICT Lounge

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Section 7.6:
Stage 4 - Implementing a System
After testing completed and any errors/problems have been fixed,
you should have a fully-functional system. Key Concepts of this section:

At this stage, the system is ready to be implemented (installed) # Understand what is meant by System Implementation.
into the customer's business or place of work. # Know the different methods in which new systems can be
implemented into an organisation.
There are several options available as to how this can occur and # Be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of
we will discuss them all in this section. each method.

Stage 4 - Implementation Key Words:

Implementation, Direct,
What is system implementation? Parallel, Pilot, Phased.

# Implementation just means to 'install' the system ready for use.

# Before the new system can be installed, there are a number of tasks that must be

These are outlined in the table below:

Staff training Staff have to be able to use the new system before it is
fully installed.

This ensures that the new system can be used straight

after it is installed but involves expensive and time-
consuming training.

Transfer files from If the old system was paper-based, existing paper
existing system to files will need to be scanned and then input into the
the new system new computer system.

If the old system was electronic-based, existing files Implementa on takes place during the fourth
will need to be either: stage of the systems lifecycle.

Typed into the new system's database

Downloaded into the new system.

Changing over to the new system

# Once staff are fully trained in the use of the new system and all of the company's files
have been transferred, it is time to changeover from the old system to the new one.

Changeover simply means to switch from the old system to the new system and this can Implemen ng a system means to 'install' it.
happen in four different ways:

Direct changeover
Parallel running
Pilot running
Phased implementation

Each of the changeover methods have advantages and disadvantages and we will
discuss them in detail below:

Staff need to be trained in using the new system.

Direct Changeover
# With direct changeover, the old system stops getting used one day and the new system
starts being used the next. Examples:

# The changeover is very fast and that's where the name 'direct' comes from.

Advantages / Disadvantages of Direct Changeover:

The direct changeover method offers a quick but high-
risk way of implemen ng a new system.
Advantages Disadvantages (click image to zoom)

The fastest way of changing from one Staff have to be trained and fully ready to
system to another. use the new system before it is installed.

This training can be hard to fit into their

daily schedules.

The new system can be used All of the old system's data needs to be
immediately after installation. uploaded into the new system's database
before it is installed.
The direct changeover method is the fastest way of
Again, this can be time-consuming and switching from one system to another.
difficult to plan.

Cheap method of changeover as you The old system is completely removed so

don't pay for two sets of staff. there is nothing to go back to if the new
system fails.
(Only pay the staff who are using the
new system) Data can be lost permanently.

Less chance of the new system being This can be disastrous and could force the
faulty as it will already have been fully company to shut down for long periods until
tested and checked. the system is fixed.
This changeover method is risky because if the new
system fails, there is no fallback.

Parallel Running
# With parallel running, the old system and the new system are run alongside each
other for period of time. Examples:

# Data would be input into both the old system and the new system,producing two sets
of results.

For Example - In a billing system, both the old system and the new system would
produce an invoice.
The parallel running method offers a low-risk but
expensive way of implemen ng a new system.
(click image to zoom)
# When staff are sure they can use the new system and that it is functioning properly, the
old system is switched off.

At this point, the new system will be used exclusively.

Advantages / Disadvantages of Parallel Running:

Advantages Disadvantages

If the new system fails, the old system is This changeover method is much more
still available. expensive.

This way, no data will be lost. This is because you have the running costs In parallel running, both systems run side by side un l
of two systems instead of one the new system has been proven to work properly.
Staff can be trained in the new system
gradually as the changeover doesn't (Extra staff to run both systems, electricity
happen immediately. etc.)

Excellent way to test the new system

using live data.

(You can compare the results produced

by both systems- any difference would
mean an error with the new system)

The parallel running method is very expensive

compared to other methods.

Pilot Running
# Implementing a new system using the pilot running changeover method involves
introducing the new system to one part of the company first and then rolling it out to Examples:
other departments later.

# This method is a good way to test that the system works properly without having to
massively restructure the company.

# The term 'pilot' can be defined as 'to experiment or test before introducing
This method allows the new system to be tested in one
something more widely'. department before being installed in others.
(click image to zoom)

For Example:

If a company had three departments - warehouse, payroll and sales, the new
system could be installed in the warehouse branch first.

The old system would still be used in the payroll and sales departments.

If the new system was a success in the warehouse department, it would be installed
into the other two branches later.

The system could be installed in the warehouse

Advantages / Disadvantages of Pilot Running: department first.

Advantages Disadvantages

If the new system doesn't work It takes longer to implement the new
correctly, it only affects one part of the system across the whole company.
(This is because the changeover happens
gradually from department to department)

The implementation is on a smaller The department taking part in the pilot can
scale and is easier to manage than lose data if the new system fails.
direct changeover. Once proven to work correctly in the warehouse, the
(This is because the new system has system could be installed into sales and then the rest of
Staff can be trained gradually from the company.
replaced the old system)
department to department.

The staff that were involved with the

pilot scheme can also help train other

It is cheaper than parallel running

because the pilot is only used in one
part of the company.

Pilot running takes a long me to fully implement the

new system.

Phased Implementation
# This type of changeover is where the new system is implemented one part at a time, in
phases. Examples:

# When each part of the new system has been fully tested and is known to work correctly,
the next part is phased in.

# Eventually the old system will be fully replaced.

The phased implementa on method offers a medium-
risk but lengthy method of switching to a new system.
Sometimes replacing an old system in this fashion is known as 'phasing it out'. (click image to zoom)

Advantages / Disadvantages of Phased Implementation:

Advantages Disadvantages

Staff can be trained gradually as they More expensive than direct changeover as
only need to train in the part of the you have to test each phase separately
system that is currently being phased before moving onto the next.
In this method, the new system is 'phased in' and the
in. old system is 'phased out'.

It is easier to find system errors as you Because the system is installed in separate
are dealing with only one part at a time. phases, it can take a long time to
implement the whole system.
(If the whole system is implemented at
once, it is harder to pinpoint the error)

If one part of the new system fails, it is Only suitable for systems that can be split
still possible to access the parts of the into separate parts.
old system that are still in use.
(Not all systems can be implemented this
way) System errors are easier to weed out because you are
only tes ng one part of the system at a me.

Which method of implementation is the most Key Words:

suitable? Quick, Data Loss, Afford.

# The most suitable method of system implementation depends on the situation and the
needs of the organisation.

The table below highlights some examples of when each implementation method would be
the best choice:

Implementation Activity!
Suitable situation to use each method
The Implementation Stage -
Direct changeover. Best where you want a quick changeover. Research Sheet

You simply stop using the old system one day and Click the above task and answer the
start using the new one the next. questions about the Implementation
Parallel running.
Best for use in departments within organisation's
where you cannot afford to lose any data.

The two systems are run side by side so if there are

any problems with the new system, you have the
old system to fall back on.

The organisation must be able to afford the high

costs of this type of implementation.

Pilot running. Best for organisation's that have large, important

departments that must not lose any data.

With pilot running you can use the new system in

smaller departments first where any data loss
will not be as catastrophic. Once the system is
proven to run flawlessly, it can be installed into
the larger departments.

Phased Best for organisation's that cannot afford to lose

implementation. data and can afford the time and cost of a slow

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Links to Theory Units:

Section 1: Types and Components of Computer Systems Section 2: Input and Output Devices Section 3: Storage Devices and Media
Section 4: Networks and the Effects of using them Section 5: The Effects of using ICT Section 6: ICT Applications
Section 7: The Systems Life Cycle Section 8: Safety and Security Section 9: Audience
Section 10: Communication

Links to Practical Units:

Section 11: File Management Section 12: Images Section 13: layout
Section 14: Styles Section 15: Proofing Section 16: Graphs and Charts
Section 17: Document Production Section 18: Data Manipulation Section 19: Presentations
Section 20: Data Analysis Section 21: Website Authoring

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