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Harpsichord: Virtual Instrument Product Manual Versilian Studios - 2015

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Virtual Instrument Product Manual

Versilian Studios – 2015

Version 1.0

Manual © 2015 by Versilian Studios.

Performance and construction by Samuel Gossner
Maize Engine/Sampler developed by Xiang Cao/Maizesoft
Kontakt/”PLUS” Edition designed by Simon Autenrieth

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 2
Making Of… .......................................................................................................... 3
Installation Instructions (Windows) ...................................................................... 4
Installation Instructions (Mac) ............................................................................... 4
Uninstallation........................................................................................................... 5
Interface................................................................................................................... 6
Maize Interface ................................................................................................. 6
Kontakt Interface ............................................................................................... 8
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 9
Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 12

Harpsichords have been in use since the Renaissance, and as
keyboard instruments, they represent and unique and now ignored
method of performance- by plucking the strings (pianos hit the strings
with a hammer). This leaves the harpsichord without functional dynamics.
Builders of the time dealt with this by providing multiple stops, or
“presets”, that enabled the keyboard to change timbres to match the
ensemble size or music as needed.
When the piano came along, however, the harpsichord quickly fell
into disuse for a number of reasons. While a fair number of instruments
remain from the period, many in use are instead professional
reconstructions and replicas. The wide range of sizes and shapes, and the
hand-made nature of the instruments gives modern replica makers a
broad range of inspirations and options when building replicas.
This manual will walk you through the background, installation, and
usage of this virtual instrument plugin.

Making Of…
Finding a harpsichord in the wild is even harder than trying to find
any exotic brass or wind instrument you could name. First, you must
befriend either an early music performer or a musicologist (or someone
who is a bit of both). Then you have to find enough of an excuse to hang
out with them for a long enough time to see if you can find an early
keyboards fanatic among their friend group. If you are lucky enough to
find one, then it’s a matter of persuading them to give you at least two
hours of time alone with their expensive, somewhat delicate instrument.
Normally something involving a transfer of money or books of early
notation is involved in this process.
Finally, the day comes and you find yourself with quite the cold,
lugging your equipment halfway across Boston. Of course, there are no
precedents on how to mic a harpsichord, so some experimenting is
required. Finally, you get the sound you want. Then you realize the
keyboard is in A 415. Luckily, that’s only an approximate equal-
tempered half-step transposition, so sampling in C major would result in B
major (might want to let the cutter know). A few hours of recording later,
you have just sampled a harpsichord. Congratulations.

Rack of Renaissance recorders not included.


Installation Instructions (Windows)

For new or revised VSTi including this product, there is a custom
installer that will assist you with installing the product. Simply follow the
instructions provided to you during installation process to extract the files
to their destination. On first run, enter your serial number as requested
for the VSTi.
Note: You will still need to manually set the file directory location
when installing the VSTi plugin. If you do not know where to set your
directory, set it to the default location of your preferred DAW.

Installation Instructions (Mac)

For Mac users, the installation process will require the manual
placement of the Audio Unit, Mac VSTi, or Kontakt instruments. Please
follow the below instructions.
First, unzip the file. Now select the
Harpsichord_v1.0_AU.component file and press “cmd-c” or copy. In a
finder window, browse to your OS hard drive (you can use the “Go” tab
for this). In the hard drive, enter “Libraries”, then “Audio”, followed by
“Plug-ins”, and then finally “Components”. Press “cmd-v” or paste to
paste the .component file in the Components folder. A prompt will likely
appear asking you to authorize this action. This is ordinary, as the library
files are intentionally protected from accidental tampering. However, this
is intentional. Enter required details and proceed.
The Audio Unit version will be copied into the Library. It may take a
few minutes to finish copying and then to be recognized by the system.
After that, it should be ready for use in any DAW or application which
supports Audio Unit instruments. Enter serial number on first run as

(Mac Installation Instructions Cont’d.)

Similarly, you should carry out the same procedure with the Mac
VSTi if you use Cubase before Cubase supported Audio Units or other
DAWs that do not support Audio Units. There should be a vst folder in the
Plug-ins directory.
The Kontakt edition will run from virtually anywhere you place it, as
long as you move the entire Harpsichord folder with the two folders and
two .nki files around together. The .nki (Kontakt Instrument patches) refer
to content in the two folders through a relative path, so if they are NOT
kept together, the patches will cease to function correctly and will require
you to relink the samples every time you load up the patch.
Locate a place where you want to keep the Kontakt edition,
perhaps near other Kontakt patches. Copy and paste the Kontakt
Harpsichord folder to that location. To load the patch, simply open an
instance of Kontakt, either standalone or within a DAW, then drag the
.nki of the stop you wish to use into the main patch window in Kontakt (or
use the supplied “Files” browser in Kontakt to locate the .nki files and
double click the correct one). You’re all set!

Uninstalling the Harpsichord only requires that you delete all of the
installed files that you placed or had placed during the automatic
installer process. For Windows users, this means the .dll file and
.instruments folder per 32-bit and 64-bit versions, as well as the
Harpsichord Kontakt folder and its contents. For Mac users, this means the
.component file in your library and the Harpsichord Kontakt folder and
its contents.

There are two possible User Interfaces (UI’s) for the Harpsichord
that you will be dealing with; the Maize interface, used for VSTi and
Audio Units, and the Kontakt interface, used for the Kontakt version.

Maize Interface

 Releases Volume: The volume of the samples triggered when a

key is released.
 Key Press Volume: An added key press sound (‘clunk’) for those
who desire a more clunky, mechanical sound.
 Tuning Adjust: Allows you to microtonally adjust the intonation of
the instrument as a whole to, for example, 415 or 465 to match
period instruments. Note: this does NOT temper the instrument.
 Volume: The overall volume of the instrument. This corresponds to
 Pan: The panning, left or right, of the overall instrument.

 Reverb: A basic reverb is available for use on the Harpsichord via

the Maize engine. We recommend using your own favorite 3rd
Party reverb plugin if you have one for best results.
 Attack: Controls the attack of the samples. Increasing this beyond
half will give the instrument even more of a pad-like sound. Pulling
it down will have no effect. Range of +/- 5 seconds is provided.
 Decay: The time between the end of the attack phase and the
sustain phase’s start. If sustain is not in the middle, the instrument will
gain or lose volume during the duration of the decay. Range of +/-
5 seconds is provided.
 Sustain: The volume in decibels (dB) at which the instrument remains
after the decay until the end of the sample (i.e. you let go of the
note). If lower than half, the instrument will grow quieter until it
reaches the sustain volume. If higher, it will grow louder until it
reaches the sustain volume. A range of +/- 15 dB is provided.
 Release: Release is the length of the release of the notes of the
glasses. The samples are set to a release of 100 ms, and this knob
will modify that by +/- 5 seconds. Not recommended.

G. Washington, Inventor of the Boatichord, during test-sails.


Kontakt Interface

 High Pass/Low Pass: Permits you to add and fine tune a high
and/or low pass filter to remove noise or alter the tone of the
instrument as desired.
 Release Volume: Adjust the volume of the samples triggered when
notes are released.
 Key Vol.: An added key press sound (‘clunk’) for those who desire
a more clunky, mechanical sound.
 Width, Pan: Stereo width and stereo pan (phase-based) allow you
to place the instrument in a stereo field very accurately.
 Pre Delay, Room, and Room Size: Settings for convolution reverb.
Experiment around to find the best results for your application. The
white circle indicates if it is on (white) or off (grey, like the High
Pass/Low Pass section shown in the image above).

Additional settings may be accessed via the wrench tool. Prior patch editing
experience recommended.

Below are some possible issues and steps you can take to try to
resolve them. If you cannot fix the issue following these steps, need
additional assistance, or your issue is not below, feel free to send us an
e-mail at or use our support page here. We
will reply as soon as possible to your request and help you through the
fix. Follow each step below sequentially for best results. There’s also the
Grand FAQ!

Issue: My Host/DAW is not finding the plugin (VST/AU).

1. Make sure the plugin was the right version (64-bit (.dll)/32-bit
(.dll)/Audio Unit (.component)/Mac VST (.vst)/Kontakt).
a. If you use ProTools, note that it does not natively support any
form of plugin we develop aside from indirectly supporting
Kontakt plugins. Please hang on and wait for the release of
the Kontakt version, it’s coming soon!
b. Cubase for Mac users among others may need to use a Mac
VSTi, which is provided with this product.
2. Ensure that the place where you put the plugin is a place where
your host looks for plugins.
a. If you use a program that has separate areas for effects and
instruments, make sure it is in the right place.
3. Try scanning for the plugin in the host or manually adding it if such
a function exists.
4. Try using another host to see if it can find the plugin.
a. If another host can use it, ensure that your host uses the format
of plugin.

Issue: I am getting a “Cannot find any instruments.” Error. [WINDOWS]

1. The installer is designed to keep this error from happening. If you
manually moved or copied the files after the installer placed them,
consider two paths of recourse:
a. Reinstall the files by running the installer again. This time,
make sure you install them to the final path you desire. The
installer will make sure the relationships between the files are
b. Locate the location of the plugin with Windows Explorer.
Ensure that there is a Harpsichord_[type]_v1.dll file, and a
folder labeled Harpsichord_[type]_v1.instruments, inside of
which is a file called Harpsichord_[type]_v1.mse. [type] is
either 64B, or 32B.

Issue: The knobs aren’t turning as I move my controller knobs in the

VSTi/Audio Unit version!
Unfortunately this is an issue with the engine itself. We’ve already
requested this functionality be added.

Issue: I don’t hear anything!

1. Make sure your speakers are on and your system’s sound is
functioning (try playing a song in Media Player/iTunes).
2. Make sure your host has access to your sound system (try using
another plugin or the ‘test’ function in your hosts’ settings).
3. Make sure the gain is up a bit.

4. Note that most instruments don’t cover the entire keyboard so you
may not hear any sounds if you press certain keys. Try to find the
range of the instrument by moving up and down the keyboard.
Issue: Getting a time limit warning in Kontakt.
Due to the way the world works, we can only release products for
the FULL version of Kontakt. Kontakt Player will only let you use the
Harpsichord for a limited duration before needing to be restarted.

Issue: These samples suck!

Sorry. We didn’t promise you $1,000 worth of samples recorded
on state-of-the-art microphones in state-of-the-art facilities. We are
common musicians with an interest in interesting instruments and we want
to share that with the world.

Issue: I am getting audio glitches/issues with samples (VST/AU only).

Please make a recording of the glitches/issues and check your CPU
and Hard Drive disk usage if possible, as well as general information on
your setup (RAM, OS, etc.). Send us an e-mail or use the contact us page
and send this information to us. If you can figure out how to reliably
replicate the issue, it’ll help. Your information will be anonymously passed
on to the developer of the Maize Sampler and that will hopefully help
solve the bug.

Issue: I was looking for a harp, not a harpsichord!

Try out the Etherealwinds harp. Alternately, join our e-mail list. We
always have new instruments in progress, such as harps!

I would like to personally thank you for purchasing and installing
one of our plugins. We try to create things that are useful and at the
same time enjoyable to play and use.
Developing plugins is something that is both an extremely
demanding and extremely rewarding experience at the same time, much
like pursuing a career in music. Through creating this instrument I’ve been
able to write our story and I hope the end result will help you tell your
own story.
Though it may sound cheesy, every time I see (or rather, hear)
someone using one of my creations, it is like hearing someone cover an
old standard in a new and refreshing way. There’s just about nothing
more humbling than submitting your pet project to the world and hearing
the world submit their pet projects back!
If you have any questions, comments, want to let us know about
your musical work that used our plugins, or even just want to chat, feel
free to drop me a line at

Keep compos(ed/ing)!

Sam Gossner, General Annoyance at Versilian Studios

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