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ME Civil Geotech 2017

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Savitribai Phule University of Pune
M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)
(w.e.f. July – 2017)
University of Pune , Document on Rules and Regulation for P.G.Courses be referred
for the detailed information


Lect./ Oral/
Pract. Paper TW Presentation Total Credits
In End
Semester Semester
Assessment Assessment
Advance Soil
501121 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
501122 Improvement 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
501123 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
501124 5 50 50 -- -- 100 5
Elective -I
501125 Engineering 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
501126 Lab Practice- I 4 50 50 100 4
Total 25 250 250 50 50 600 25

501 125 Elective I

Code 4 Credits Course Code Code Audit Course
1 Credit (No Credit Course)

501125 A Cyber 501125F Economics 501125 K Mass

Security/Information & Finance communication,
security For Photography and
Engineers Videography

501125 B Soil Structure Foreign 501125L Yoga and

Interaction 501125G Language Meditation
501125C Pavement Analysis 501125H Engineering
& Design Ethics

Optimization 501125I Intellectual

501125D techniques Property

501125E Reinforced Earth &

Lect./ Oral/
Pract. Paper TW Presentation Total Credits
In End
Semester Semester
Assessment Assessment
501127 Foundation 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
501128 Methods in 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
Stability of
501129 Slopes & 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
Earth Dam
501130 Elective- II 5 50 50 -- -- 100 5
501131 4 -- -- 50 50 100 4
Practice- II
501132 Seminar -I 4 -- -- 50 50 100 4
Total 25 200 200 100 100 600 25

501130- Elective II
Code 4 Credits Code Code Audit Course
Course 1 Credit (No Credit
Course Course)

501130 A Human 501130 E Foreign 501130 I Performing Arts

Rights Language II – Music and
501130 B . Finite 501130 F Geotechnical 501130 J Principle Centred
Element Techniques in Leadership
Methods in Rock
Geotechnical Engineering

501130C Foundation 501130G Green

Design & Building
Detailing. Design and

501130 D Foundation of 501130H Forensic

Offshore Civil
Structures Engineering


Lect./ Oral/
Pract. Paper TW Presentation Total Credits
In End
Semester Semester
Assessment Assessment
601133 Geotechnical 4 50 50 -- -- 100 4
601134 Research 50 50 -- -- 100 4
Open Elective-
601135 III 5 50 50 100 5
601136 Seminar-II 4 50 50 100 4
601137 Project stage I 8 -- -- 50 50 100 8
Total 25 250 200 100 100 500 25

601 135 Open Elective III

Code 4 Credits Code Code Audit
Course 1 Credit Course
Course (No

601135 A Earth Pressure 601135E Restoration 601135 H Chess

& Retaining and
Structures conservation
of old
601135B Soil 601135F Foreign 601135 I Abacus
Stabilization Language
601135C Special 601135G Safety
Geotechnical Practices in
Constructions Construction.

601135D Soil Dynamics

& Machine


Lect./ Oral/
Pract. Paper TW Presentation Total Credits
In End
Semester Semester
Assessment Assessment
601138 Seminar III 5 -- -- 50 50 100 5
601139 Project Work 20 -- --- 150 50 200 20
Stage II
Total 25 -- 200 100 300 25

A) Compulsory Subjects: Credits 4

Total marks: 100

To be done at Institute Level University Exam
In semester assessment End-semester assessment
Units 1-4
Class tests 30 Marks Units 1-4 18Marks
Assignments 20 Marks Unit 5 16 Marks
/Mini Project Unit 6 19 Marks
Total 50 Marks Total 50 Marks

B) Elective Subjects: Credits 5

Total marks: 100

Module 1 (Credits-4)
In semester assessment End-semester assessment
Units 1-4
Class tests 15 Marks Units 1 & 2 12Marks
Assignments 10 Marks Unit 3& 4 14Marks
Unit 5 12 Marks
Unit 6 12 Marks
Total 25 Marks Total 50 Marks

Module 2 (Credit 1)

In semester Units 1 - 2

Class Tests/ 25 Marks


M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures
501121: Advance Soil Mechanics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem Theory Examination: 50 marks
Duration: 3Hrs
Unit1 (08 hours)
Concept of stress, strain, Principal stresses & strains, Invariant, Octahedral Stresses & strains.
Stress-strain relations, Special Matrices, Plane stress, Plane strain problems, Mohr’s diagram.
Stresses & displacements in elastic soil mass – Lin e force, Distributed line loads,
Concentrated force and distributed loads at the surface of semi-infinite mass, Soil bodies
exhibiting non-homogeneous attributes, Influence of anisotropy in soil bodies, constitutive
equations and models
Unit2 (08 hours)
Soil strength – Yield criteria, Theories of failure , Effective stress principle, Stress path in
various drainage conditions. Limiting equilibrium for analysis of slopes stability

Unit3 (08 hours)

Earth pressure and retaining walls - Earth pressure theories, Analytical and graphical methods
for determination of earth pressure, Proportioning of retaining walls,
Stability analysis of retaining walls – Stability against sliding, overturning, bearing capacity
and settlement.Braced cuts – Lateral earth pressure in cuts, Stability of braced cuts

Unit4 (08 hours)

Three dimensional consolidation – Equation, Solution of 3-D consolidation equation,
Consolidation by vertical sand drain and its design aspects, Free strain consolidation with no
smear, Effect of smear zone on radial consolidation, Calculation of degree of consolidation
with radial drains and solutions of problems based on it.

Unit5 (08 hours)

Types of machine foundations, General requirements of machine foundation, Design
criteria. Foundations of reciprocating machines- modes of vibrations, Linear elastic
weightless spring method, elastic half space method, Effect of footing shape on vibration
response, Dynamic response of embedded block foundation.
Foundation of impact type machines- dynamic procedure for hammer foundations.

Unit6 (08 hours)

Foundation of rotary machine – design criteria, Two dimensional analysis - Resonant
method, Amplitude method and combined method.
Vibration isolation- methods of isolation in machine foundations, Isolating materials and
their properties Constructional details of machine foundations.

Recommended Books:
1. Advanced Soil Mechanics, B. M. Das., 2 edition. Taylor and Francis, 1997.
2. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice, Singh, A., 4 edition, CBS Publishers, New
Delhi, 2002.
3. Soil Mechanics, R. F. Craig, Van Nostrand ReinGold Co. Ltd., 1987.

4. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, V.N.S. Murthy, CBS Publishers
& Distributors, 1 edition, 2007.

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501122: Ground Improvement Techniques

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem- Theory Examination: 50 marks
Duration: 3Hrs
Unit1 (08 hours)
Clay mineralogy - Atomic bonds, Clay minerals. Clay-water relations, Electrical effects, cation
exchange, Clay mineral identification
Unit2 (08 hours)
Soil stabilization – Principle, Different methods o f soil stabilization. Granular stabilization
Chemical stabilization - Principle, Different methods, Different chemicals used, Engineering
properties and behaviour of chemically stabilized soils.
Unit3 (08 hours)
Cement stabilization - Types, Mechanism, Properties, Factors influencing, Applications,
Laboratory testing for stabilized soil.
Lime stabilization - Soil-lime reaction, Types and properties, Effectiveness of lime treatment,
Mixture design. Ash and slag stabilization - Fly-ash stabilization.
Bituminous stabilization - Classification, mechanism, Laboratory testing
Unit4 (08 hours)
Thermal and electro kinetic stabilization – Thermal , Heating and freezing, Electro-osmosis.
Construction methods for stabilized soils. Deep Compaction of Granular soil – Introduction,
Vibration methods – Vibration methods – Vibro-flotation, Vibro compaction, Blasti ng,
Displacement methods.
Stone-gravel and sand column, Design of stone columns, Compaction piles, Dynamic
consolidation, Preloading method. Vacuum consolidation
Unit5 (08 hours)
Stabilization of soft soil – Lime columns – Bearing capacity, Principle, Bearing capacity of
lime group, Total and differential settlement, Application of lime column method, Quality
control methods, Design of lime column foundations. Sand drains, Granular trench
Unit6 (08 hours)
Grouting – Grouting techniques – Permeation groutin g, Hydro facture grouting, Compaction
grouting, Jet grouting, Types of grouts, Design of soil grouting program, Grouting equipment,
Quality control and testing as per IS code

Recommended Books:
1. Principles of Foundation Engineering, B.M. Das, 5 edition, Thomson Asia Pvt. Ltd.,
2004. nd
2. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Hsai-Yang Fang, 2 edition, Springeri Publication,
2001. th
3. Foundation Analysis and Design, J.E.Bowles, 5 edition.,McGraw-Hill, 1996.
4. Engineering Principles of ground Modifications, M. R. Hausmann, McGraw-Hill
International Edition, 1990.

5. Ground Improvement, M. P. Moseley, Blackie Academics and Professionals, 1993
6. Ground Improvement and Control, P. P. Xanthakos, L. W. Abramson and D. A. Bruce,
John Wiley & Sons, 1994.
7. Engineering Principles of Ground Modifications, R. H. Manfired, McGraw-Hill, 1990.

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501123: Rock Mechanics

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem Theory Examination: 50 marks
Duration: 3Hrs
Unit1 (08 hours)
Introduction to Rock Mechanics and its field applications, Identification of common rocks,
Physical and mechanical characteristics of rock material, Field and laboratory testing of rocks,
Classification of rock masses for engineering purpose.
Rock excavation and reinforcement – Drilling, Blast ing, Braking and cutting, Rock bolting,
Rock anchors, Bolted and anchor supports, Rock grouting - Types of treatment, grouting
material, grouting methods, Grouting design and layout

Unit2 (08 hours)

Stresses in rock mass – Types of stresses, in-situ stress determination methods – Over coning,
Flat jack method, Hydraulic fracturing, Structural Geology and Ground stresses, Stresses
around underground opening, stresses in tunnels and shafts, Strains and deformations around
circular opening, Rheology,cross hole test,Pressure test
Unit3 (08 hours)
Rock strength - Modes of rock failure, Stress-strain behavior in compression, Mohr-Coulomb
failure criteria, Hook-Brown criteria, Griffth’s crack theory, Empirical criteria for failure,
Effect of size on strength, Anisotropic rocks, Plane of weakness in Rocks, Joint orientation and
Deformability of rocks – Elastic and non-elastic be havior, influence of time on rock
deformation, viscous behavior and creep.
Unit4 (08 hours)
Brittle failure of Rocks – Introduction, Fracture i nitiation, Fracture propagation, Rock fracture
in compression, Rupture criteria for brittle rock, Factors affecting rupture behavior of rock.
Ultimate behavior of rock structures – Plasticity a nd resistance of rock structure, Principle of
limit equilibrium method, analysis of general slip surfaces, Approximate methods for two
dimensional limit equilibrium analysis, Structural discontinuities in rock masses and
progressive failure, Water pressure and resistance of rock structures.
Unit5 (08 hours)
Rock foundations – as per IS code ,Allowable bearing pressures, Stress and deflection in rock
under footing, Failure mechanisms, Subsiding and swelling rocks, Base heave and remedies,
foundation anchoring
Unit6 (08 hours)
Rock slopes – Modes of failure, Factors affecting, Analysis of slopes
Underground opening - Opening in competent rock, horizontally layered rocks and rock with
inclined layers, Plastic behavior around tunnels, time dependent behavior of tunnels,
underground opening in blocky rocks- Block theory, Review of design methods of tunnels –
Empirical and semi-empirical methods, Support and stabilization, Shotcreting

Recommended Books:

1. Introduction to Rock Mechanics, R.E. Goodman, 2 edition, John Wiley & Sons
Publication, 1989.
2. Stresses in Rock, G. Herget, Balkema, 1988.
3. Rock Characterization, Testing and Monitoring, F. T. Borwn, Pergamon Press, 1986.
4. Rock Mechanics for Underground Mining, B. H. G. Brady and F. T. Borwn, Chapman
and Hall, 1993.
5. Fundamental of Rock Mechanics, J. C. Jaeger and N. G. W. Cook, Chapman and Hall,
6. Foundations on Rock, D. C. Wyllie, 2 edition, E&FN Spon, 1992.

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501124 Elective I
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem Theory Examination: 50 marks

Select any combination having total of 5 credits from following technical /

interdisciplinary courses

Code 2 Credits Course Code Code Audit Course

1 Credit (No Credit Course)

501124 A Cyber 501124F Economics 501124 K Mass

Security/Information & Finance communication,
security For Photography and
Engineers Videography

501124 B Soil Structure Foreign 501124L Yoga and

Interaction 501124G Language Meditation
501124C Pavement Analysis 501124H Engineering
& Design Ethics

Optimization 501124I Intellectual

501124D techniques Property

501124E Reinforced Earth &


501124 A --Elective I-- Cyber Security / Information security (2Credits course)

Unit 1:
Basic Concepts of Technology and Law: Basics of Information Technology, Basics of Indian
Legal System, Information Technology Act 2000 (Amended), Relevant Amendments in all
other laws.E-Contract: The essence of digital contracts, Law of Contract, Construction of E-
contracts, Issues of security, Employment contracts, Consultant Agreements and Digital
Unit 2:
Intelligent Property Issues in Cyber space: Doman names and related issues, Copyright in
digital media, Patents in cyber world.
Rights of Neitzens and E- Governance: Privacy and freedom issues in cyber world, E-
Governance, Cyber crimes and Cyber laws.
Unit 3:

Information Security Fundamentals: Background, Importance, Statistics, National and
International Scenario, Goals of security, Confidentiality, Privacy, Integrity, Non-repudiation,
Essentials of computer security - Sources of security threats – Intruders, Viruses, Worms and
related threats - Threat identification - Threat analysis - Vulnerability identification and
Unit 4:
Security Investigation: Need for Security, Business Needs, Threats, Attacks, Legal, Ethical
and Professional Issues
Access Control, Intrusion Detection and Server Management, Firewalls:
Overview of Identification and Authorization, Overview of IDS, Intrusion, Detection Systems
and Intrusion Prevention Systems, User Management, Overview of Firewalls, Types of
Firewalls, DMZ and firewall features
Security Policies and Management: Security Policy Design, Designing Security Procedures,
Risk Management and Assessment Techniques, Security standards, Security Models. Security
Management Practices, Security Laws, Information Classification Process, Risk Management,
Security Procedures and Guidelines, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, Ethics and
Best Practices, Security Assurance,

Reference Books:
1) Bakshi P M and Sri R K, Cyber and E-commerce Laws, Bharat Publishing House, 1 Edn,
2) Syed Shakil Ahmed, Rajiv Raheja, A handbook on Information technology: Cyber law and
E-Commerce, Capital Law House, 2004
3) Rodney D Ryder, Business Process Outsourcing, Date Protection and Information
Security, Wadhwa & Co., 1 Edn, 2001
4) Vakul Sharma, Information Technology Law and Practice, Delhi Law House, 3 Edn,
5) Lipton, K., Cyberspace Law Cases and Materials, 2 edition. Aspen Publishers. NY: New
York, 2006
6) Michael E Whitman and Herbert J Mattord, Principles of Information Security, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003
7) Micki Krause, Harold F. Tipton, Handbook of Information Security Management, Vol 1-3
CRC Press LLC, 2004.
8) Michael E Whitman and Herbert J Mattord, Principles of Information Security, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2003

501124 B --- Elective I –Soil Structure Interaction (4 Credit Course)

Unit 1
Introduction to Soil-Foundation interaction - Idealized soil behavior, Foundation behavior,
interface behaviour.
Idealized soil response model for analysis of soil foundation interaction – Elastic models of
soil behaviour - The Winklers model, Elastic continuum models, Two-parameter elastic
models, Elastic plastic and time dependent behaviour of soil masses – elastic-plastic
behaviour, time dependent behaviour
Unit 2
Plane-strain analysis of an infinite plate and an infinitely long beam – Bernoulli’s-Euler beam
theory and its modifications, Plain strain analysis of the finite plate problem, Reissner’s
method of analysis of the infinite plate problem, Deflection of an infinite plate on a Winkler
The analysis of beams of finite length – Finite bea ms on a Winkler medium, Finite beams on
a two-parameter elastic medium, Finite beams on an elastic solid medium, approximate
methods, Classification of finite beams in relation to their stiffness
Unit 3
Analysis of finite plate – Axisymmetric loading of a circular plate, Analysis of rigid circular
plate, analysis of rectangular plate, Plate resting on an elastic half space – Approximate
method of analysis
Unit 4
Experimental investigation and field studies – Stre ss measurement beneath rigid footings,
flexible beam and raft foundation
Analysis of axially loaded and laterally loaded piles.

Recommended Books:
1. Elastic analysis of Soil Foundation Interaction, A. P. S. Selvadurai, Elsevier Publishing
2. Soil Structure interaction, N.P Kurian., Prentice Hall, 1997.
3. Foundation Analysis, R.F.Scott, Prentice Hall,1981
4. Pile foundation Analysis & Design, H. G. Poulos & E. H. Davis, John Wiley &
5. Foundation Engineering Handbook, H. Y. Fang, 2 edition, CBS Pub., 1997.
6. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, V.N.S. Murthy, CBS Publishers &
Distributors, 1 edition, 2007.
7. Foundation Analysis and Design, J. E. Bowels, 5 edition, McGraw-Hill, 1996

501124 C Elective –I Pavement Analysis & Design (4 Credit Course)

Unit 1
General: Structural action of flexible and rigid pavements. Characteristics of highway and
airfield pavements.
Design parameters: Standard Axial load and wheel assemblies for road vehicles under carriage
system for aircraft, Tire and contact pressure, contact area imprints, Computations of ESWL
for flexible and rigid pavements. Load repetitions and distributions of traffic for highway and
airfield pavement, airport traffic areas.
Unit 2
Material Characteristics: AASHO subgrade soil classification. Group index, CBR, North
Dakota cone bearing value, plate load test for ―K‖, Marshal’s method of Bituminus mix
design. Modulus of rupture and elasticity, poison’s ratio &coefficient of thermal expansion of
concrete. Layer equivalency concepts.
Analysis of Flexible and Rigid Pavements: Stress, Strain deformation analysis for single, two,
three and multilayered flexible pavement systems. Stress and deflections for rigid pavements
due to load and temperature, influence Charts, ultimate load analysis, joints in pavements.

Unit 3
Highway Pavement Design: Flexible: North Dakota cone, Group index, CBR, IRC-37(2001),
Brumister, Triaxial (Kansas), AASHO method of design , RIGID, IRC-58, P. C. A., Design of
joints and reinforcement.
Airfield Pavement Design: Flexible: U. S. Crops of Engineering, CBR, FAA,
Mcload(Canadin); Rigid: PCA, FAA & LCN, ultimate load Analysis yield lines pattern,
Unit 4
Pavement Testing and Evaluation : Trial and Inspection Pits, Field Density, CBR, plate load
test, condition surveys and surface evaluation for unevenness, rut depth, profilometers, Bump
integrators, Benkalman Beam Deflection Study.

Recommended Books:
1. Principles of Pavement Design, Yoder & Witzace; Prentice Hall,2000
2. Pavement Analysis and Design, H. H. Yang, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004.
3. Airport Planning & Design, Goyal & Praveen Kumar; Galgotia Publication, 2002
4. Design and Performance of Road Pavements, Croney & Croney, McGraw Hill, 2002
5. Airport Planning and Design, S K Khanna, M. G. Arora, S S Jain, 6th edition,
Nemchand & Bros, Roorkee, 1999.
6. Highway Engineering; K. Khanna, and Justo, C.E.G., Khanna Publication, Roorkee,
7. Pavement Analysis and Design by Yang H. Huang ,Pearson Education ,2010

501124 D Elective –I Optimization Techniques (4 Credit Course)

Unit 1:
Linear Programming I: Introduction to Optimization techniques, Linear programming basic
concepts, graphical method, Simplex method
Unit 2:
Linear Programming II: Big M Method, Two phase method, Duality, sensitivity analysis.
Application of Linear Programming to Hydraulics & Water Resource
Unit 3:
Non Linear Programming: Unconstrained one Dimensional search methods: Dichotomous
search method, Fibonacci, Golden section, Multivariable unconstrained techniques: Steepest
ascent and Descent methods, Newton’s methods, Constrained technique: Lagrangian
Unit 4:
Dynamic Programming:Principle of optimality, recursive equations.
Reference Books
1. Engineering Optimazation Theory & Practice – S.S . Rao., Wiely. Wiely.
2.Engineering Optimization—Methods and Applications —Ravindran,Wiely
2. Operation Research – Taha Hamdey A.
3. Principles of Operation Research – Wagner, Prent ice Hall.
4. Operation Research – Hira and Gupta, S.Chand
5. Operation Research—Ravindran-- Wiely.


501124 E Elective –I Reinforced Earth and Geosythetics ( 4 Credit Course)

Unit 1
Basic introduction to the elements of Ground Engineering characteristics of reinforcing
materials, definition of reinforced and advantage of RE, soil reinforcement interaction,
behaviour of Reinforced earth walls,
Unit 2
Basis of wall design, the Coulomb force method, the Rankine force methods, internal and
external stability condition, field application of RE, randomly reinforced earth and analysis of
reinforced soils, testing of soil reinforcements.
Unit 3
Definitions, functions, properties, and application of Geotextiles, design of Geotextile
Unit 4
Definitions, functions, properties and applications of geomembranes, design of
geomembranes applications, Geotextiles associated with geomembranes, testing on
geotextiles, environmental efforts, ageing and weathering.

Recommended Books:

1. Karl Terzaghi, Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1954.

2. R.F. Scott, Principles of soil Mechanics, Addison Wesley, World Student Edition,
3. Manfred R. Hausmann: Engineering Principles of Ground Modifications, McGraw
Hill International.
4. Engineering with Geosynthetics: ed. G. Venkatappa Rao, GVS Suryanarayana
Raju, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
5. ASTM and Indian Standards on Geotextiles.
6. Koerner, R. M.: Designing with Geosynthetics, Prentice Hall, NJ.
7. Jones, C.J.E.P. Reinforcement and soil structures, Butter worth Publications.


501124 F Elective –I Economics and Finance for Engineers (1 Credit Course)

Unit 1: (06 hours)

Introduction & Basics of Economics & Finance: Meaning & necessity of: Economics,
Costing & Finance, History & fundamentals of Economics, Basics of Finance & Accounting,
rates of interest, Basics of Financial Statement, Financial Analysis, Inflation, etc.
Unit 2: (06 hours)
Principles of Costing, Estimation & Valuation: Basics of Costing, activity based costing
& case studies, Basics of Estimation & Valuation, present & future values of properties,
Profitability & Financial Decisions, Inventory Management.

1. As specified by the instructor


501124 G Elective –I Foreign Language -I (French-I) (1 Credit Course)

Unit 1: . (06 hours)

Introduction: Glimpse of France, life of French people (Culture, food, etc.), French
alphabets, accent, etc., Unit zero of the Text Book (Grammar, (Vocabulary, and Lesson),
Exercise of Unit zero of Text Book & workbook

Unit 2 (06 hours)

French Lessons: Brief revision, Unit-1 of the Text Book (Grammar, vocabulary), Unit-1,
Lesson 1 of the Text Book, Exercise of Unit-1, Lesson 1 of the Text book & workbook.

1. Jumelage-I Text Book by Manjiri Khandekar & Roopa Luktuke (Latest edition)
2. Jumelage-I workbook by Roopa Luktuke

501124 H Elective –I Engineering Ethics (1Credit Course)

Unit 1: (06 hours)

Introduction : Meaning & scope of Ethics in general & for engineers in particular, Moral
obligations and rules in engineering,Categories of moral,Work Culture, Corporate, local &
global issues, Rights & responsibilities of Engineers, Conflicts in the profession, Mental
Stresses & Emotional Intelligence.

Unit 2: (06 hours)

Code of Ethics for Engineers: First principles of Engineering Ethics & Ethical
terminology, Social Values, Character, considerations for general Individuals, Engineers &
the Society, Recommendations of the Professional bodies (Code of Conduct), Introduction to
Copyright, IPR (Intellectual Property Right), Plagiarism & Legal issues.

1.Ethics in Enginerring Practice and Research---Carolin Whitbeck—Cambridge
University Press—ISBN—978-1-107-66847-8

501124 (I) Elective –I Intellectual Property Rights (1 Credit Course)

Unit 1 (06 hours)

Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Nature of Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs, Trademarks and Copyright. Process of
Patenting and Development: technological research, innovation, patenting, development.
International Scenario
International cooperation on Intellectual Property. Procedure for grants of patents, Patenting
under PCT.

Unit 2 (06 hours)

Patent Rights
Scope of Patent Rights. Licensing and transfer of technology. Patent information and
databases. Geographical Indications.

Recent Developments in IPR

Administration of Patent System. New developments in IPR; IPR of Biological Systems,
Computer Software etc. Traditional knowledge Case Studies.

Reference Books
1 Prabuddha Ganguly, ― Intellectual Property Rights‖ ,Tata Mc-Graw
Hill. 2 Halbert, ―Resisting Intellectual Property‖, Tay lor & Francis Ltd,
3 Robert P. Merges, Peter S. Menell, Mark A. Lemley ―Intellectual Property in New‖,

501124 K Elective –I Mass communication, Photography and Videography
(Audit Course—No Credits)

Unit 1: (06 hours)

Mass Communication - Theories & methods
Concepts and Theories, Communication concepts, Process and Function, Interpersonal &
Intra personal, Group behaviour, need for Mass Communication. Relevance of
Communication Theories to Practice, Models of Communication, Impact and Effect of
Communication Old and new media, Communication Techniques, - Feedback and Evaluation
of Communication Effect, Interview and Questionnaires- Method of Data Analysis, use of
Information Technology, various methods of mass communication like seminars,
conferences, print and digital media, internet, CDs, DVD, movies, U-tube, video

Unit 2 : (06 hours)

Photography and Videography
Camera Basics, Still Photography, Lenses, Exposure, Composition, Colour. Shot
Angle, Camera Movement, Light techniques and final printing.
Videography Basics – Video camera –types, mounting. Sound Basics, Film Sound
appreciation, Sound Track analysis, Editing Basics, Fragmentation
Juxtaposition: Frame, Shot, Sequence, Scene Time, Pace, Rhythm. Learning basic editing
software and primary editing on available/given materials.

Reference Books
1. Richard Dimbleby and Graeme Burton, 1995, More than words: An introduction to
communication, London: Routledge.
2. Melvin L. DeFleur and Everette E. Dennis, 1991, Understanding mass communication,
New Delhi: Goyal Saab.
3. Marshall McLuhan, 1964, Understanding Media, New York: McGraw –Hill
4. Wilbur Schramm, 1964, Mass media and national development, the role of information in
developing countries, Stanford: Stanford University Press.
5. Holman, Tomlinson, Sound for film and television, Focal Press
6. McCormick, Tim and Rumsey, Francis, Sound and recording: An introduction, Focal
7. Talbot-Smith, Michael, Sound engineering explained, Focal Press
8. Talbot-Smith, Michael, Sound assistance, Focal Press
9. Altman, Rick, ed., Sound theory sound practice, Routledge Talbot-Smith, Michael, Sound
engineer's pocket book, Focal Press
10. Truebitt, Rudy and David, Trubitt, Live sound for musicians,
11. Hal Leonard Nathan, Julian, Back to basic audio,
12. Newnes Yewdall, Lewis, David, Practical art of motion picture sound, Focal Press
13. Leider, N., Colby, Digital audio workstation, McGraw-Hill

501124 L Elective I Yoga and Meditation (Audit course--Non Credit course)

Unit 1 (06 hours)

Yoga:Sukshma (subtle) yoga techniques, Difference between physical exercises and
yogasans, Impact of yogasans on human body, benefits of yogasans, Patanjali yoga sutras,
Technique of different yogasans like, Trikonasan, Ardhachandrasan, Padmasan,
Akarnadhanurasan, Ardhamatsendrasan, Vajrasan, Pachhimottanasan, Bhujangasan,
Shalbhasan, Dhanurasan, Naukasan, Makrasan, Pawanmuktasan, Halasan, Sarvangasan,
Shavasan, Suryanamaskar( Sun Salutation), Yoga and Food.

Unit 2 (06 hours)

Meditation: Breathing Technique, Pranayam, Benefits of Pranayam, Precautions for
Pranayam, Kumbhak, Bandh(Locks), Chakras, Mudra, Technique of Pranayam,Anulom-
VilomPranayam, UjjayiPranayam, BhramariPranayam, BhastrikaPranayam,
AgnisarPranayam, KapalbhatiPranayam, Meditation(Dhyan).

References Books:
Light on Yoga: by B.K.S. Iyengar, Harper Collins Publishers India
1. Light on Pranayama: by B.K.S. Iyengar, Harper Collins Publishers India
2. Yoga for Dummies by Georg Feuerstein and larry Payne, Wiley India publishing
3. Yoga, Pilates, Meditation & Stress Relief By Parragon Books Ltd
4. The Yoga Sutrasby Patanjali, Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga Publications
5. Meditation - Science and Practice by N. C. Panda, D. K. PrintworldPublisher
6. YogPravesh by Vishwas VMandlik,YogchaitanyaPrakashan
7. Asanand YogVigyan, BhartiyaYogSansthan, Delhi
8. PranayamVigyan, BhartiyaYogSansthan, Delhi

Reference Web Sites:


M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501125 Geo-environmental Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week In Sem Assessment: 50 marks
Credits 4 End semester Theory Exam: 50 Marks
Duration: 3Hrs
Unit1 (08 hours)
Identification, Characterization and regulatory requirements for disposal of hazardous,
non-hazardous and domestic waste ,Sources and effects of subsurface contamination,
Physical, Chemical and biological characteristics of solid waste, Soil-waste interaction
Unit 2 (08 hours)
Cation exchange reactions and effect of pollutants on soil properties
Erodability of soil in relation to moisture content, Containment transport, Laboratory and
field evaluation of permeability, Factors affecting, Design of dewatering.
Unit 3 (08 hours)
Waste management – Recycling, Composting, Inspiration on, and various disposal
methods, Site selection, Leachate collection and drainage system
Unit 4 (08 hours)
Types of land fills – Silting criteria, Waste containment principle, Types of barrier
materials, Planning and design aspects relating to waste disposal in landfills
Landfills – Ash ponds and Tailing ponds and in rock s, Environmental monitoring around
landfills – Detection, Control and remediation of subsurface containment.
Unit 5 (08 hours)
Engineering properties and Geotechnical reuse of waste, Demolition of waste etc.,
Reclamation of old waste dumps, Regulation, Case studies
Unit6 (08 hours)
Single and double lined landfill, Applications of Geosynthetics in waste disposal design,
Landfill construction, Construction quality control and performance monitoring,clayliners
types and application.

Recommended Books:
1. Geotechnical Practices for Waste Disposal, D.E Daniel, Chapman and Hall,
2. Geo-environmental Engineering Principles and Application, L.N. Reddy and H.F.
Inyang, Marceal Dekker Inc., 2000
3. Introduction to Environmental Geotechnology, Hsai-Yang Fang, CRC Press ,1997
4. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Handbook, R. K Rowe, Klower
Academic Publishers, 2001.
5. Waste Containment Systems, Waist stabilization and Landfills, Design and
Evaluation, H. D. Sharma and S. P. Lewis, John Willey and Sons, 1994.

6. Geoenvironmental Engineering, H. D. Sharma and K. R. Reddy, John Willey and Sons,

7. Geoenvironemntal Engineering, R N Yong and H R Thomas, Thomas Telford, 1997.

University of Pune
M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2013Course
Semester I
1Credit =15 Hrs.

501 126 : Lab.Practice–I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week Term work : 50 Marks
Credits : 4 Oral : 50 marks

Lab Practice I
The lab. practice- I will be based on completion of assignments / practicals / reports of
site visits, confined to the course in that semester.
The term work will consist of --
i)Visit reports of minimum Two site visits, exploring the field aspects for various
ii) Report on minimum 3 assignments / designs / laboratory work on each subject.
iii) Report on atleast 2 experiments based on laboratory testing of rocks is mandatory.
iii)Report on minimum 2 software applications on any subject of the semester.
iv) Report on atleast one patent with its details studied in any subject of the semester.
v) Technical review and critique of a research article/paper on any topic from the
refereed journal paper related to any subject learnt in the semester–

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501 127 Advance Foundation Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem Theory Examination: 50 marks
Time: 3 hrs
Unit 1 (08 hours)
Planning of subsoil exploration for major Civil engineering Projects, Methods of subsoil
explorations, Choice of method, Types of samplers, Sampling methods, Criteria for spacing
of bores, depth of exploration, IS recommendations as per IS 1892 (1970).
Field Methods – Standard Penetration Test, Plate Lo ad Test, Cone Penetration Test, Field
Vane Shear Test, Geophysical Methods, Reports of subsurface explorations, Interpretation of
results of field and laboratory tests
Unit 2 (08 hours)
Bearing Capacity, Terzaghi’s, Skemptons, Meyorhoff, BIS methods for bearing capacity
Footings: Footings with eccentric loading, moments, combined footing etc.
Unit 3 (08 hours)
Raft foundations – types, Bearing capacity of rafts on sands and clay, Analysis of rigid rafts,
Modulus of subgarde reaction and its determination, Effect of depth on subgarde reaction,
criteria for rigid / Flexible raft, Raft analysis using modulus of subgarde reaction, raft
analysis using finite difference method and finite grid method
Unit4 (08 hours)
Sheet pile walls – Types, Construction methods, Can tilever sheet piling penetrating clay and
sand, Anchored sheet pile wall – Free earth support method and Fixed earth support method,
Types of anchors, Design of anchors
Unit 5 (08 hours)
Pile foundations – Static analysis of piles & pile group, negative skin friction, uplift
resistance of pile, Vertical piles subjected to lateral loads, Solution with soil modulus
assumed constant, short and long piles, Hansen’s method, Broom’s method, Reese and
Matlog method, Use of p-y curves, Deflection of vertical piles, Batter pile groups under
inclined load, Culman’s method, Analytical method, Hrehnikoffi’s method, Brill’s approach,
Design of pile cap, IRC 78 considerations such as Piles socketing and termination depth
Unit 6 (08 hours)
Cellular cofferdams – Types, components, stability analysis, design of cellular cofferdams
Well foundations – Components and their functions, Different shapes, Sinking procedure,
Tilts and shift, Sinking stresses, Depth of well foundation, Bearing capacity of well
foundation, Loading on well foundation, Lateral stability of well foundation, Different
methods of analysis – Terzaghi’s analysis, IRC method, Design of components of well

Recommended Books:
1.Foundation Analysis and Design, J.E.Bowles, 5 edition.,McGraw-Hill, 1996.
2.Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundations, S.R Kaniraj., 2 edition, McGraw
Hill, 1995.
3. Pile Design and Construction Practice, M. J. Tomlinson, Chapman & Hall Pub., 1994.
4. Design of foundation System: Principles and Practices, N. P. Kurian, 3 edition, Narosa


Publishing House, 2005.
5. Theory and Practice of Foundation Design, N. N. Som and S. C. Das, PHI Learning Pvt.
Ltd., 2009.
6. Pile Foundation Analysis and Design, H. G. Poulus and E. H. Davis, John Wiley
& Sons, 1980.
7.Foundation Engineering Handbook, R. W. Day, McGraw Hill, 2005.
8. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, V.N.S. Murthy, CBS Publishers
& Distributors, 1 edition, 2007.


M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501 128 Construction Methods in Geotechnical Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem- Theory Examination: 50 marks

Unit 1 (08 hours)

Methods of Dewatering. Construction of Raft Foundation
Pile foundation - Pile driving equipment – Hammer, Pile drivers and other accessory
equipment, Construction of precast and cast-in-situ piles.Introduction to pile raft foundation
and its application,construction and design of underreamed pile,micropiling.
Unit 2 (08 hours)
Cofferdams - Sheet piling in cofferdams – Setting a nd driving, Length and penetration,
splicing, Extraction, Scaling to existing structures, Bracing systems – Circular cofferdams,
Rectangular cofferdams, Setting, Bracing, Removing bracing, Excavation – Pre-dredging,
excavation inside cofferdams.
Unit3 (08 hours)
Pile driving within the cofferdam – Bottom seal – R esistance to uplift, Seal construction by
bucket method, Seal construction by Tremic method, Seal construction by grout intrusion
method, Dewatering – Pumping, other dewatering methods,
Cofferdam difficulties – Cofferdam destroyed by su rge, Cofferdam bottom blows, Improper
sheet pile sections and bracing, Sheet pile stopped by boulders, Buckling of long struts,
Improper procedure in unstable soil, Scour and poor Tremic-concrete procedures, problems
with TremicBox
Unit 4 (08 hours)
Caissons – General considerations, Site and foundat ion preparation, fabrication, Launching
and Towing, Setting, Concreting.
Open Caissons – General considerations, Cutting edg es, Setting, Construction of steining,
sinking, Tipping and sliding, completing and installation, Construction of Pneumatic
Unit 5 (08 hours)
Rock excavation – Evaluation and planning, Drilling equipment, Blast design – Criteria for
design, Selection of explosive, Blast hole design, Blasting round design, Over break Control
– Line drilling, Pre-splitting, Trim blasting, Load ing and hauling equipment
Unit 6 (08 hours)
Tunneling in solid rocks – Means of excavation in s olid rocks, Full- face tunneling without
support, Full-face tunneling with support Tunneling in moderately firm rocks and ground –
Classical or mining method, Single stage mining method, Multistage classical method of
tunneling, Sinking caisson method, Shield tunneling method, tunneling by Tunnel boring
machines, Types of TBM.

Recommended Books:
1. Handbook of Heavy Construction, John Havers and Frank W . Stubbs, McGraw Hill,


2. Construction & Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering, R. M. Koerner,
Mc Graw Hill,1985.
3. Tunneling Management by Design, A. M. Wood , Windle edition.
4. The Introduction to Tunnel Construction, David Chapman, Nicole Metje and Alfred
Stärk , Spon Press, 2010.



M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501129 Stability of Slopes and Earth Dams

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam: 50 Marks
Credits 4 End Sem- Theory Examination: 50 marks
Time: 3 hrs
Unit 1 (08 hours)
Slope Stability: Short term and long term stabilities; Limit equilibrium methods; Infinite
slopes; Finite height slopes - Swedish method, Bishop's simplified method, other methods;
Stability charts. (08 hours)
Unit 2
Earth Dams: Introduction;Components Factors influencing design; Design
investigations,Design of components; Construction.Failure of earth dams

Unit 3 (08 hours)

Seepage Analysis in earth dam : Types of flow; Laplace equation; Flow net in isotropic,
anisotropic and layered media; Entrance-exit conditions; Theoretical solutions;
Determination of phreatic line.Determination of seepge discharge, Seepage – Flow net for
anisotropic soil media, Cons truction of flow net for hydraulic structures on non-homogeneous
soil, Directional variation of permeability in anisotropic medium, Anisotropy governing
differential equations for flow through porous media in Cartesian co-ordinate & polar co-
ordinate systems for Laplace Equations, Numerical analysis of seepage in layered soil,
computation of seepage force.

Unit4 (08 hours)

Conditions of analysis –Forces acting on earth dam, steady seepage state, sudden draw
down conditions; Factor of safety; Codal provisions; Earthquake effects,Stability of

Unit5 (08 hours)

Instrumentation in dam, Objectives of Instrumentation , Instrumentation data system ,
Working principles of Instruments , Selection of Equipments Various types of Piezometers,
Vibrating wire settlement cells ,settlement gauge, inclinometer; Jointmeter, Vibrating wire
pressure cell, Distributed fibre optics temperature tool.

Unit6 (08 hours)

Road and rail embankments , railway ballast , specification, applications of geosynthetics
for railway track, railway embankment for high speed trains. Reinforced Slopes: Steep
slopes; Embankments on soft soils; Reinforcement design. Landslides:Causes, Remedial
measures for unstable,slopes - soil nailing, gabions,shotcreting, drainage.

Recommended Books:
1. J.L. Sherard et. al., Earth and Earth-rock Dam, John Wiley, 1963.
2. W.P. Creager, J.D. Justin and J. Hinds, Engineering for Dams, John Wiley, 1945.
3. Earth & Rock fill dams – Principles of design and c onstruction by Christian
Kutzner Published Oxford and IBH
4. Design of small dams – United States Department of the Interior Bureau of
Reclamation Published by Oxford and IBH Publishing Company
5. Earth Manual – CBS Publishers and distributors
6. The stability of slopes by E.N.Bromhead published by Blackie Academic and
7. Earth pressure and Earth Retaining structures by C.R.I. Clayton, J. Milititsky,
Ufrgs and R.I. Woods Published by Blackie Academic and Professional
8. Earth and Rock fill dams by Sherad
M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

501130 Elective II

Code 4 Credits Code Code Audit Course

Course 1 Credit (No Credit
Course Course)

501130A Human 501130 E Foreign 501130I Performing Arts

Rights Language II – Music and
501130B . Finite 501130F Geotechnical 501130J Principle Centred
Element Techniques in Leadership
Methods in Rock
Geotechnical Engineering

501130C Foundation 501130G Green

Design & Building
Detailing. Design and

501130 D Foundation of 501130H Forensic

Offshore Civil
Structures Engineering

501 130 –A Elective II Human Rights (4 Credits course)

Unit 1
Human Rights – Concept, Development, Evolution
- Philosophical, Sociological and Political debates
- Benchmarks of Human Rights Movement.
Human Rights and the Indian Constitution
- Constitutional framework
- Fundamental Rights & Duties
- Directive Principles of State Policy
- Welfare State & Welfare Schemes
Unit 2:
Human Rights & State Mechanisms
- Police & Human Rights
- Judiciary & Human Rights
- Prisons & Human Rights
- National and State Human Rights
Commissions - Unit 3:
Human Rights of the Different Sections and contemporary issues
- Unorganized Sector ,
- Right to Environment, particularly Industrial sectors of Civil Engineering and Mechanical
Engineering .

-Globalization and Human
Rights - Right to Development,

Unit 4. :
Citizens’ Role and Civil Society
- Social Movements and Non-Governmental Organizations
- Public Interest Litigation
-Role of Non Government organizations in implementation of Human
rights. - Right to Information
Human Rights and the international scene –Primary Information with reference
to Engineering Industry.(2 hrs)
- UN Documents
- International Mechanisms (UN & Regional)
- International Criminal Court

Reference Books:
1.Study material on UNESCO,UNICEF web site
2.Human Rights in India- A Mapping ,Usha Ramanathan: free download from
3.Introduction to International Humanitarian Law by Curtis F. J. Doebbler - CD Publishing ,
.4.Information, by Toby Mendel - UNESCO , 2008

501 130 –B Elective-II Finite Element Methods in Ge otechnical Engineering-

(4 Credits course)

Unit 1
Introduction. Steps in FEM. Stress deformation analysis: One-,Two-dimensional
formulations; Three-dimensional formulations; Boundary conditions; Solution algorithms;
Descretization; use of FEM2D Program and Commercial packages.
Unit 2
Analysis of foundations, dams, underground structures and earth retaining structures.
Analysis of flow (seepage) through dams and foundations. Linear and non-linear analysis.
Insitu stresses. Sequence construction and excavation. Joint/interface elements. Infinite
elements. Dynamic analysis. Evaluation of material parameters for linear and non-linear
analysis, recent developments.
Unit 3
Analysis of field Geotechnical Problems by Finite element solutions - Beam on elastic
foundation, Mat foundation, Ring foundation, Pile foundation, Braced excavations, Sheet pile
Unit 4
Stability of slopes, Stress and deformations in embankments.

Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Finite Element Methods, C. S. Desai and J. F. Abel , 1 edition, CBS
Pub., New Delhi, 1989.
2. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis: R. D. Cook, Third Edition,
Wiley India Text books, Wiley India Pvt Limited, 1989.
3. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Chandragupta T. R. and Belegundu A.
D., 3 edition., Prentice Hall, 2002.
4. Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Programming: C. S. Krishnamurthy, Second
Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 1994, Reprint 2005.
5. The Finite Element Method for Engineers, K. H. Huebner, D. L. Dewhirst, D. E.
Smith and T.G. Byrom, 4 edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2001.
6. Matrix and Finite Element Analysis of Structures, Madhujit Mukhopadhyay and
Abdul Hamid Sheikh, First Edition, Ane books Publication, 2004.
7. The Finite Element Method (Volume -I): O. C. Zienkiewicz and R. L. Taylor, 5 edition,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1989
8. Desai C.S. and Abel J.F. ―Introduction to FEM, A nu merical method for Engineering
analysis ―, East West Edition, 1972.

501 130–C Elective-II Foundation Design and Deta iling. (4 Credits course)

Unit 1
Analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data, estimation of soil parameters for
foundation design.Selection of type of foundation, load calculations, depth of foundation,
proportioning of shallow foundations for safe pressure and allowable settlement.
Unit 2
Structural design : individual footings, strip footing, combined footing, rigid and flexible mat,
buoyancy raft, basement raft and detailing in each case, deep foundation : design of single
pile and pile groups, pile cap design and detailing.
Unit 3
Design of well foundation, check for stability, base pressure, side pressure and lateral
Unit 4
Design of retaining wall including detailing, stability calculations, design of cantilever and
anchored sheet pile walls and ring foundations.

Recommended Books:
1. Foundation Analysis and Design- Joseph E. Bowels, TATA Mc-Grawhill
2. Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineerimg-Shenbage R Kaniraj,
TATA Mc-Grawhill
3. Design of Foundation Systems- Nainan P Kurian, Narosa publication house
4. Foundation Design & Construction- M.J.Tamlinson, ELBS publication
5. Hsai-Yana-Fana- Foundation Engineering Hand book, Chapmon & hall, Newyark
6. G. A. Leonards, Foundation Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 1962.
7. J.E. Bowles, Foundations Analysis and Design, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1968.
8. R.B. Peck, W.E. Hanson and T.H. Thornburn, Foundation Engineering, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1974.

501 130 D Elective-II Foundations of Offshore Structures. (4 Credits course)

Unit 1
Nature and magnitude of load on foundations of offshore structures, criteria of foundation
design in offshore environment.
Unit 2
Features of foundations of gravity structures, bearing capacity and settlement under dynamic
loads, immediate and long term behaviour, liquefaction under cyclic loads, problems relating
to jack-up platforms.
Unit 3
Dynamic stress in pile driving, pile behaviour under cyclic lateral loads, development of p-y
curves, analysis of single piles and pile groups.
Unit 4
Finite element and other numerical methods of interactive analysis using linear and nonlinear
foundation response, geotechnical aspects of anchors and submarine pipelines.

Recommended Books:
· Proceedings of the Conference on Behaviour of Offshore Structures, 1976.
· Proceedings of the Conference on Finite Element Methods in Geotechnical
Engineering (Ed.), C. S. Desai.
· Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas.

501130 E Elective II Foreign Language –II French-I I (1 Credit course)

Unit 1
French Grammar and Vocabulary: Unit-1, Lesson 2 of the Text Book (Grammar &
Vocabulary), Unit-1, Lesson 1 of the Text Book, Exercise of Unit-1, Lesson 2 of the Text
Book & workbook

Unit 2
Advance Vocabulary, Writing & Speaking: Unit-1, Lesson 3 of the Text Book (Grammar &
Vocabulary), Unit-1, Lesson 3 of the Text Book, Exercise of Unit-1, Lesson 3 of the Text
Book & workbook, Revision & speaking practice

1. Jumelage-I Text Book by Manjiri Khandekar & Roopa Luktuke (Latest edition)
2. Jumelage-I workbook by Roopa Luktuke

501130 F Elective-II Geotechnical Techniques in Rock Engineering. (1 Credits course)

Unit 1
Ground improvement techniques, assessment. Compaction of disintegrated and weathered
rocks. Grouting, type of grouts, suspensions, solutions and resins, Rheological models.
Viscous and viscoplastic flows. Spherical and radial flows. Grout ability.
Unit 2
Grouting techniques, materials, equipment, specifications, evaluation and quality control.
Case histories, Shotcrete, method and materials, factors. Fibre reinforced shotcrete. Ground
anchors, principles of reinforcement, rock bolts, mechanism, mechanical, friction, grouted
tensioned and untensioned bolts. Design of bolts. Installation. Equipment. Testing. Cable
anchors. Dewatering techniques, classification, assessment of insitu permeability, filter
criteria and design of wells, Codal provisions.

Recommended Books:
1) J.C. Jagger and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics, Methuen and
Co., London, 1971.
2) Obert, Leonard and W.I. Duvall, Rock Mechanics and Design Structures of
Rock, 1967.
3) J.A. Hudson et. al. (Ed), Comprehensive Rock Mechanics, in 5 vols.,
Pergamon Press, 1993.
4) Brown E.T. ―Analysis and computational methods.
5) Hoek E. and Brown E. T. ―Underground excavation in rock‖.
6) Megan T.M. and Barllette J.V. ―Tunnel Planning and design‖.
7) Szechy K.- Art of Tunneling.
8) Zienkiewicz, OCH and Taylor R.L.- Finite element method .Vol –2.

501 130 G Elective II ----Green Building Design and Construction
(1 Credit course)

Unit 1
Principles of Sustainability, Energy Conservation and Water Conservation
Introduction to Course, Sustainability, Major Environmental Challenges, Global Warming,
Introduction to Green Buildings; LEED, Sustainable Urban Development.
Building energy system strategies, Energy Conservation in Buildings, HVAC Systems,
Energy and Atmosphere - LEED Credits, eQuest Energy Simulations, Conducting an Energy
Audit, Fossil Fuels vs. Renewable Energy.

Water Conservation in Buildings, Storm Water Harvesting and Management, Water cycle
Unit 2
Green Materials and Green building codes
Green Construction Materials, Materials and Resources - LEED Credits, Building
Deconstruction, C&D Recycling, Indoor Environmental Quality – Basic, IEQ - LEED
Credits, Building Commissioning, Materials selection strategies,Green building codes and
standards, International Green Construction Code,Carbon accounting, Green Building

Reference Books
1.C.J. Kibert (2008) ―Sustainable Construction: Gre en Building Design
and Delivery‖, 3rd Ed., John Wiley, Hoboken, New Jersey
2.G.T. Miller Jr. (2004) ―Living in the Environment : Principles,
Connections, and Solutions‖, 14th Ed., Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove,
California 3. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

501130 H Elective- II Forensic Civil Engineering (1 Credit course)

Module 1
Introduction to forensic engineering, Forensic investigations-tools and techniques, Failures-
types, causes and mechanisms ,Monitoring and instrumentation, Mitigation of failure. (06
Module 2
Professional practice and ethics, Legal issues, Repairs and remediation, Risk and risk
assessement, Assessement of damage,Case studies. (06 hours)
Proceedings, Conference on Forensic Civil Engineering, Association of Consulting Civil

501130 I Elective II Performing Arts – Music and Dance

(Audit course--Non Credit course)

Unit 1 : (06 hours)

Indian Music
Vocal, Instrumental, Sur, Laya, Tal. Ragas and their classification based on time and
―Raasa-Nirmitee‖. Seasons and Ragas. Various ―Bandi shes‖ and ―Gharanas‖ or styles.
Light Indian Music-different types.
Experiencing ethos and bliss by listening to performances of various reputed artists.
Experiencing oneness with nature and the super power by performing individually or in a

Unit 2 : Indian Classical Dance

Types –Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Odissy etc. Importance of ―Abhinaya‖ (acting) in

dance. Role of ―Taala‖ and ―Laya‖ in dance. Various dance form. Various gharanas in
traditional dance types Fusion with other dance styles. Experiencing the Indian cultural
power through individual and group performances. (06 hours)
Books/Audio CD
1. Hindustani Sangeet Paddhati by Pt.Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande publ.
Swarganga Foundation.
2. Jivi Jivai (Golden Voice Golden Years) Pt.Jasraj, Publ. Bandishes with
notations composed by the author.
3. Pranav Bharati, by Pt.Ompraksh Thakur, publ. Swarganga foundation.
4. Rasa Gunjan by Pt.Birju Maharaj, Publ. Swarganag foundation
5. Anup Rag Vilas by Pt.Kumar Gandharava, Bandishes composed and sung by
author mostly available on cassettes Swarganga Foundation.
6. The dance Orissi – Mohan Khokar published by (2010) Abhinav Publications,
New Delhi
7. Introduction to Bharata’s Natyashastra by Adya Rangacharya, Munshiram
Manoharlal publication.
8. Art of Dancing classing and folk dance by priyabala Shah, Parimal
9. Tantra Mantra Yantra in Dance: An Exposition of Kathaka, by Ranjana
Shrivastava, D.K.Prinword Pvt. Ltd.

501130 J Elective II Principle Centered Leadership
(Audit course--Non Credit course)

Unit 1 : (06 hours)

Motivation, Leadership and Competency
a) Motivation:--
Necessity, types, means of providing extrinsic motivation. Leadership. Qualities of a
leader. Types of Leadership viz. Lassez Fairre, transactional, transformational. Principle
centered leadership based on Stephen Covey habits.
b) Competency Mapping:-
Definition of competency. Generic, functional and Strategic Competencies. Importance of
developing competencies. Identification of competency gaps at managerial cadre level
through benchmarking requirements based on role, mapping and assessment. Training and
Developmental programs for competency gap closure.
Unit 2 : (06 hours)
Entrepreneurship and strategic Management
a) Entrepreneurship: - Qualities of an entrepreneur. Business ideas generation
methods—creative imagination, brainstorming, newspa per exercise activity. Ideas
evaluation based on John Mullion’s 7 point test concept of a B—plan.
b)Strategic Management: --
Necessity in the context of global challenges. Objectives of strategic management.
Forecasting abilities and methods. Developing organizations for the achievement of strategic
objectives. Dealing with uncertainties.

Reference Books
1. Seven habits of highly effective people—Stephen Cov ey—Franklin Covey
2. Living the seven habits Stephen Covey—Franklin Covey Publications
3. 8 Habit – from effectiveness to greatness Stephen Co vey—Franklin Covey
4. Human Resource Development In The Building Industry, Vinita Shah, published by
5. Human Resources Management & Human Relations , V P Michael , Himalaya
6. Human Resource Management Biswajeet Pattanayak published by Prentice Hall
7. Construction project Management, integrated approach—Feedings First Indian
Reprint 2011—Yesdee publications
8. Cases in Strategic Management, Amita Mital , Tata Mcgraw Hill

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
Semester II
1Credit =15 Hrs.
501 131 -Lab.Practice–II
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hours/week Term work : 50 marks
Credits : 4 Oral : 50 marks

Lab Practice II
The lab. practice-II will be based on completion of assignments / practicals / reports of
site visits, confined to the courses in that semester.
The term work will consist of –
i) Report of Laboratory experiments as per relevant IS Code ---
1) Plate Load Test,
2) Standard Penetration Test,
3) Cone Penetration Test,
4) Field Vane Shear Test,
5) Geophysical Methods , Reports of subsurface explorations, Interpretation
of results of field and laboratory tests (IS 1892:1970)
ii) Stability analysis of slopes using software
iii) Visit reports of minimum two site visits, exploring the field aspects for various
iv) Report on atleast one patent with its details studied in any subject of the semester.
v) Technical review and critique of a research article/paper on any of the topics
related to the subjects learnt in semester-II


M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
Semester II
1Credit =15 Hrs.
501132-Seminar – I
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Pract. 4 hrs./week Oral : 50 Marks,
TW :: 50 Marks
Credits 4
The seminar I shall be on state of the art topic of own choice approved by the guide
Term work of the seminar should consist of spiral bound report ,preferably printed on both
the sides of pages on any technical topic of interest associated with the post graduate course
and should be submitted in a standard format having the following contents .
i. Introduction
ii. Literature Survey
iii. Theoretical contents
iv. Relevance to the present national and global scenario of construction industry
v. Strengths and weaknesses of the particular area of seminar
vi. R & D in the particular area
vii. Field Applications / case studies / Experimental work / software application / Benefit
cost studies – feasibility studies
viii. Vendors associated
ix. Conclusions
x. References

Students should prepare a power point presentation to be delivered in 15 minutes and should
be able to answer questions asked in remaining five minutes.
It is desired that based on the seminar work, a paper be prepared and presented in a state /
national conference.

At the end of first year, the students are required to undergo through a field training of
minimum 2 weeks duration. The presentation and separate report of the vacational training
will be submitted along with report of seminar II.


M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)--2017Course
1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

601 133 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 hours/week In Sem Assessment: 50 marks
Credits 4 End semester Theory Exam: 50 Marks
Duration: 3Hrs
Unit1 (08 hours)
Seismology and Earthquakes – Internal structure of earth, Continental Drift and Plate
Tectonics, Faults, Elastic Rebound Theory, Other sources of seismic activity, Geometric
Notation, Location of Earthquake, Size of Earthquake
Strong Ground Motion - Strong Motion measurement, ground motion Parameters, Estimation
of ground Motion Parameters, Spatial Variability of Ground Motions
Seismic Hazard Analysis – Seismic Hazards, Identification and Evaluation of Earthquake
Sources, Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis.
Wave Propagation – Waves in Unbound Media, Waves in Semi-infinite Body, Waves in
Layered Body, Attenuation of Stress Waves
Unit2 (08 hours)
Dynamic Soil Properties – Representation of stress conditions by the Mohr Circle,
measurement of Dynamic Soil properties, stress-strain behaviour of cyclically loaded soils.
Ground response analysis – 1-D ground response anal ysis, 2-d ground response analysis, 3-
dD ground response analysis, Soil-structure interaction.
Unit3 (08 hours)
Local Site effects and design ground motions – effects of local site conditions on ground
motion, Design parameters, Development of design parameters, Development of ground
motion time histories
Unit 4 (08 hours)
Liquefaction – Liquefaction phenomenon, Evaluation of liquefaction hazards, Liquefaction
Susceptibility, Initiation of liquefaction, Effects of liquefaction,
Seismic Slope stability – Types of earthquake induced landslides, Earthquake induced
landslide activity, Evaluation of slope stability analysis, Seismic slope stability analysis
Unit5 (08 hours)
Stability of earthen dam during earthquake – Types of damage, Response analysis of
embankment dams – visco-elastic response analysis, Jai Krisna approach, Seed and Martin
approach, Development of deformation analysis – Goo dman and Seed approach, Seed
approach to non-free-draining and cohesive soils, Design recommendations and
precautions Analytical methods of dynamic analysis for earth dam and embankments
Unit 6 (08 hours)
Seismic design of Retaining wall – Dynamic response of retaining walls, Seismic pressure
on retaining walls, seismic displacement of retaining walls, Seismic design considerations
, Soil improvement for remediation, Reinforcement techniques, Grouting of soil
improvement. Bearing capacity of foundations , analysis for earthquake,
earthquake induced settlement,mitigation of earthquake effects.

Recommended Books:
1) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Steven L. Kramer, Prentice Hall Publication,
2) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Hand Book, R. W. Day McGraw Hill
Publication, 2001

3) Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Manual, R. E. Hunt, McGraw Hill

Publication, 2005
4).Soil Dynamics & Machine Foundation, Swami Saran, 2 edition, Galgotia
601 034: Research Methodology

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures: 4 hours/week In semester Exam. : 50 marks
Credits: 4 End Semester Exam. : 50 marks
Duration of End term. Exam: 3 hrs

Unit 1: Introduction to Research

Meaning of research, types of research, process of research, Sources of research problem,
Criteria / Characteristics of a good research problem, Errors in selecting a research
problem, Scope and objectives of research problem, formulation of research hypotheses.
Search for causation. Developing a Research Proposal Format of research proposal,
Individual research proposal, Institutional research proposal, Significance, objectives,
methodology, Funding for the proposal, Different funding agencies. Framework for the
Unit 2: Literature survey
Definition of literature and literature survey, need of literature survey, sources of
literature, elements and objectives of literature survey, styles of literature survey, and
strategies of literature survey.
Unit 3: Data collection, Measuring, Sampling and Scaling
Classification of data, benefits and drawbacks of data, evaluation of data, qualitative
methods of data collection, methods of qualitative research, Sampling, sample size,
sampling strategy, attitude measurement and scaling, types of measurements, criteria of
good measurements, classification of scales.
Unit 4: Preliminary data analysis
Testing of hypothesis- concepts and testing, analysis of variance techniques, introduction
to non-parametric tests. Validity and reliability, Approaches to qualitative and
quantitative data analysis.
Unit 5: Advanced data analysis techniques
Correlation and regression analysis, Introduction to factor analysis, discriminant
analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, Descriptive statistics, Inferential
statistics, Multi-dimensional measurement and factor analysis
Unit 6: Report writing
Need of effective documentation, importance of report writing, types of reports, report
structure, report formulation, Plagiarism. Research briefing, presentation styles, impact
of presentation, elements of effective presentation, writing of research paper, presenting
and publishing paper, patent procedure.

1. Research Methodology: concepts and cases, Deepak Chawla and Neena Sondhi, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2. Research Methods for Business, Sekaran Uma and Rogure Boudie, Wiley, India.
3. Research Methodology: Methods and Trends, by Dr. C. R. Kothari, New
International Publishers.
4. Research Methods in Education, Louis Cohen, Manion, Morrison, Routledge (Taylor
&Francis Group)/ Cambridge University Press India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Research Methodology: An Introduction, Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville.
6. Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, by Ranjit Kumar
7. Research in Education, John Best and James Kahn, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course

1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

601 135 Elective III

Select any combination having total of 5 credits from following technical /
interdisciplinary courses ---

Code 4 Credits Code Code Audit

Course 1 Credit Course
Course (No

601135 A Earth Pressure 601135E Restoration 601135 H Chess

& Retaining and
Structures conservation
of old
601135B Soil 601135F Foreign 601135 I Abacus
Stabilization Language
601135C Special 601135G Safety
Geotechnical Practices in
Constructions construction.

601135D Soil Dynamics

& Machine

601135 -A --Elective-III Earth Pressure and Retaining Structures ( 4 Credit course)

Unit 1
Earth Pressure: Types - at rest, active, passive; Rankine's theory; Backfill features - soil
type, surface inclination, loads on surface, soil layers, water level; Coulomb's theory;
Effects due to wall friction and wall inclination; Graphical methods; Earthquake effects.
Unit 2
Rigid Retaining Structures: Types; Empirical methods; Stability analysis.
Flexible Retaining Structures: Types; Material; Cantilever sheet piles; Anchored bulkheads
- free earth method, fixed earth method, moment reduction factors, anchorage.
Unit 3
Braced Excavation: Types; Construction methods; Pressure distribution in sands and clays;
Stability - bottom heave, seepage, ground deformation.

Reinforced Soil Walls: Elements; Construction methods; External stability; internal


Unit 4
Laterally Loaded Piles: Short and long piles; Free head and fixed head piles; Lateral load
capacity of single piles; Lateral deflection; Elastic analysis; Group effect; Lateral load test;
Codal provisions.

Recommended Books:

1. Earth pressure and Earth Retaining structures by C.R.I. Clayton, J. Milititsky, Ufrgs
and R.I. Woods Published by Blackie Academic and Professional
2. Karl Terzaghi, Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Chapman and Hall, 1954.
3. R.F. Scott, Principles of soil Mechanics, Addison Wesley, World Student Edition,

601 135 B --Elective-III Soil Stabilization ( 4 Credit course)

Unit 1
Objectives of soil stabilization. Classification of stabilizing agents and stabilization
processes, nature and surface characteristics of soil particles, concepts of surface area and
contact points.

Unit 2
Drainage and compaction, principles of mechanical stabilization, inorganic stabilizing agents
and their characteristics - lime, cement, lime-fly ash, hydroxides, carbonates etc., inorganic
stabilizers, reaction mechanism in relation to strength improvement, characteristics under
various conditions of soil properties, time, temperature and stress.
Unit 3
Deleterious effects of organic substance and sulphates on inorganic stabilization, organic
stabilizers, binding and water-proofing agents-bituminous materials, lignin, large organic
cations, aniline furferols, resins, rosins and derivatives and other organic wastes,
Unit 4
Bituminous stabilization, electrical and thermal stabilization.
Recommended Books:

1. Manfred R. Hausmann: Engineering Principles of Ground Modifications, McGraw

Hill International.
2. Physical & geotechnical properties of soils – Josep h E.Bowels, Tata Mc.- Grawhill
3. Advanced soil mechanics- Braja M.Das, Tata Mc.- Grawhill
4. Proceedings of the Conference on Soil Stabilization, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, June 18-30, 1959.
5. K.B. Woods, D.S. Berry and W.H. Goetz, Highway Engineering Handbook, 1960.

601135 C- Elective-III Special Geotechnical Constructions ( 4 Credit course)

Unit 1
Diaphragm walls, Ground (soil and rock) anchors, Soil nailing,
Unit 2
Screw piles, Secant pile walls, Gabbian walls, Deep soil mixing walls,
Unit 3
Geofoams and Geocells.
Unit 4
The state of the art study of following topics with respect to types, uses and applications --

1)Construction techniques/ methods

2)Equipments, machineries required
3)General design considerations 4)Analysis
and quantitative design solution
5) Important case studies (in India and abroad)

Recommended Books:
1. Construction of Diaphragm wall: I. Hajal, J. Morton and Z. Regele, series in
engineering publications
2. Foundation Engineering Handbook: Chapter no. 26, H. Y. Fang, CBS Publishers

3. FHWA Reports and Publication

4. Relevant IS codes and paper from various referred journals and proceedings


601135 D-Elective-III Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations.( 4 credit course)

Unit 1
Theory of vibrations – Introduction to dynamic load ing, Vibratory motions, Harmonic
motion, Single degree of freedom system- free and forced vibrations, damped and un-
damped vibrations, Systems with two degree of freedom, Un-damped dynamic vibration
Unit 2
Wave propagation- vibrations in rod (infinite and finite) - Longitudinal and torsional
vibrations, Wave propagation in an infinite homogeneous isotropic elastic medium, Wave
propagation in elastic half space.
Dynamic soil properties- different laboratory tests and field tests, Factors affecting the
modulus of soil, Dynamic bearing capacity of shallow foundation, Dynamic analysis-
Triandafilidis’s solution, Wallace’s solution, Chum mar’s solution.
Unit 3
Types of machine foundations, General requirements of machine foundation, Design criteria.
Foundations of reciprocating machines- modes of vibrations, Linear elastic weightless spring
method, elastic half space method, Effect of footing shape on vibration response, Dynamic
response of embedded block foundation.
Foundation of impact type machines- dynamic procedure for hammer foundations,
Unit 4

Foundation of rotary machine – design criteria, Two dimensional analysis - Resonant
method, Amplitude method and combined method.
Vibration isolation- methods of isolation in machine foundations, Isolating materials and
their properties
Constructional details of machine foundations

Recommended Books:
1. Handbook of Machine Foundation, Srinivasunlu and Vaidyanathanan, Springer
Netherlands, 2008.
2. Soil Dynamic and Machine Foundation, Swami Saran, Second edition, Galgotia
Publication, 2009.
3. Vibrations of Soils and Foundations, F. E. Richards J. R. Hall and R. D. Woods, PHI,
4. Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics, N. S. V. Kameswara Rao, Meeler Pub.,

5. Foundation for Machines: Analysis and Design, Samsher Prakash and V. K. Puri, John
Wiley & Sons, 1998.
6. Soil Dynamics, Samasher Prakash, MGH, 1981.
7. IS:2974(Part I to Part IV) : 1992; Code of Practice for Design and Construction of
Machine Foundations

601 135 –E - Elective III -- Restoration and conser vation of old

structures (1 Credit course)
Unit 1
Principles of Repair and Retrofitting, Terminology in Repair, Restoration, Strengthening and
Rehabilitation, Criteria for Repair, Restoration and Retrofitting; Repair Materials; In-situ
testing methods for RC and masonry structures; Seismic Hazard Evaluation;
Unit 2
Techniques of repair and retrofitting of masonry buildings; Seismic evaluation of RC building-
Demand capacity method, pushover analysis and performance based approach; Techniques of
Repair and Retrofitting in RC buildings; Retrofitting of buildings by seismic base isolation and
supplemental damping;
Retrofitting of heritage structures; retrofitting of bridges; Case studies in retrofitting.

Reference Books:
1. Pankaj Agrawal & Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Prentice
Hall India.
2. Duggal S. K., Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Oxford University Press 2007

601 135 –F- Elective III Foregn Language -- French -III

(1 Credit course)

Unit 1:
French Grammar and Vocabulary: Unit-1, Lesson 4 of the Text Book (Grammar &
Vocabulary), Unit-1, Lesson 4 of the Text Book, Revision & speaking practice. (06 hours)

Unit 2:
Advance Vocabulary, Writing & Speaking, Exercise of Unit-1, Lesson 4 of the Text Book
& workbook , Practicing Simple conversation in French, Revision & practice of conversation
(Simple questions & answers) (06 hours)
Reference: Jumelage-I Text Book by Manjiri Khandekar & Roopa
Luktuke Jumelage-I workbook by Roopa Luktuke

601 135 –G-Elective III Safety Practices in Constr
uction (1 Credit course)

Unit 1:
Introduction to Construction Safety And Safety Technology--Introduction to
construction safety; historical background and current perspective; Government's policy
in industrial

safety; safety & health legislation in India, Construction Sites (Safety) Regulations; Codes of
practice; Potential hazards/risks associated with construction sites and high risk activities
such as the use of hoist, Working at height and working in confined space. Safety in typical
civil structures – Dams-bridges-water Tanks-Retaini ng walls-Critical factors for failure-
Regular Inspection and monitoring. Safety in Erection and closing operation - Construction
materials –Specifications – suitability – Limitatio ns – Merits and demerits – Steel structures
– Concrete structure.
Workplace ergonomics including display screen equipment and manual handling, personal
protective equipment, first aid and emergency preparedness, fire safety, electrical hazards.
(06 hours)

Unit 2:
Construction Safety Management and Accident Prevention
Safety training; safety policy; safety committees; safety inspection; safety audit; reporting
accidents and dangerous occurrences.
Accident Prevention: Principles of accident prevention; job safety analysis; fault tree
analysis; accident management .(06 hours)

1. Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations, NSC, Chicago, 1982.
2. Fulman, J.B., Construction Safety, Security, and Loss Prevention, John Wiley
and Sons,1979.

601 135 –H Elective III -CHESS

(Audit course--Non Credit course)
Unit 1
Introduction of chess game, What is chess board, the place of chess board , Chess pieces
position & its moves, The concept of attacking, , The concept check with different pieces,
Mate/Checkmate, Castling, Pawn Promotion, Notation, Stalemate, Pointing. (06 hours)
Unit 2
End game, attacking a piece, Opening principles, Piece exchange, Pin, Defining the draws
in Chess. (06 hours)
Reference: As specified by the instructor

601 135 –I--Elective III ABACUS

(Audit course--Non Credit course)
Unit 1
Introduction of Abacus, addition & subtraction with help of help of small friends, big
friends & big family, Concept of visualization, Multiplication & Division (06 hours)
Unit 2
Additional & Subtraction with decimal concept, Determine cube root & square root
(06 hours)

Reference: As specified by the instructor

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course

1Credit =15 Hrs.
601 136-Seminar – II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Pract. 4 hrs./week Oral : 50 Marks,
TW :: 50 Marks
Credits 4
Seminar II shall be on the topic relevant to latest trends in the field.
Term work should consist of ---
I) Spiral bound report preferably, printed on both the sides of paper on the topic of
dissertation work and should be submitted in a standard format having the following
i) A report on training undergone on a construction project site/organization/for a period
of minimum 15 days, including the data collection necessary for the project work.
ii) A report on the topic of dissertation, containing the following:
a) Literature review and problem statement formulation.
b) Research Methodology and proposed schedule of completion of project work.
Students should prepare a power point presentation to be delivered in 15 minutes and
should be able to answer questions asked in remaining five minutes.
II) Spiral bound report preferably, printed on both the sides of paper on vacational training
of 2 weeks

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course

1 Credit = 2Modules =15 Lectures

601 137 Project Stage I

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Pract. 8 hr./week Oral: 50 Marks,
TW ; 50 marks
Credits 8

The project work will start in semester III, and should preferably be a live problem in the
industry or macro-issue of industry and should involve scientific research, design, collection,
and analysis of data, determining solutions and must preferably bring out the individuals

The dissertation stage I report should be presented in a standard format, in a spiral bound
hard copy, preferably printed on both the sides of paper, containing the following contents.

i. Introduction including objectives, limitations of study.
ii. Literature Survey, background to the research.
iii. Problem statement and methodology of work
iv. Theoretical contents associated with topic of research
v. Field Applications, case studies
vi. Data collection from field/organizations or details of experimental
work/analytical work
vii. Part analysis / inferences
viii. Details of remaining work to be completed during the project work stage II
ix. References

Students should prepare a power point presentation to be delivered in 25 minutes and

should be able to answer questions asked in remaining five minutes.(It is preferred that at
least one paper on the research area be presented in a conference or published in a referred

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course

1Credit =15 Hrs.
601 138-Seminar – III

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Pract. 5 hrs./week TW: 50 Marks
Oral / Presentation-100 marks
Credits : -5
Term work should consist of a spiral bound report on the topic of dissertation
work,preferably typed on both the sides of pages and should be submitted in a
standard format.
Seminar III will be assessed based on the requirements of completion of project work for
the project stage II.

Students should prepare a power point presentation to be delivered in 15 minutes and should
be able to answer questions asked in remaining five minutes.

M.E. (Civil) (Geotechnical Engineering)—2017 Course
1 Credit =15 Lectures

601 138 Project work Stage II

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Pract. 20 hrs./week Oral/Presentation : 50 Marks
TW : 150 Marks
Credits : - 20

The final dissertation should be submitted in black bound hard copy as well as a soft copy on

(The due weight will be given for the paper(s) on topic of project presented in a conferences
or published in referred journals.)
The Term Work of Dissertation of semester IV should be assessed jointly by the pair
of internal and external examiners, along with oral examination of the same.


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