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COMSOL Multiphysics Finite Element Software For Electrochemical Analysis

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Electrochemistry Communications 40 (2014) 7174

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Mini review

COMSOL Multiphysics: Finite element software for electrochemical

analysis. A mini-review
Edmund J.F. Dickinson a,, Henrik Ekstrm b, Ed Fontes b

COMSOL Ltd, Broers Building, 21 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FA, United Kingdom
COMSOL AB, Tegnrgatan 23, SE-111 40 Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 13 December 2013
Received in revised form 16 December 2013
Accepted 16 December 2013
Available online 22 December 2013
Finite element

a b s t r a c t
We discuss the use of the commercial nite element software COMSOL Multiphysics for electrochemical analysis. Practical considerations relevant to nite element modelling are highlighted. A review of contemporary applications of this software is supplied; the subjects concerned reveal the particular suitability of general-purpose
nite element methods for non-standard geometries, complex reaction chemistry, hydrodynamic electrochemistry, and rapid verication of standard results.
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electrochemical theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Modelling electrochemistry in COMSOL Multiphysics. . . . . . . . .
Using the nite element method: practical considerations . . . . . .
Historical review of nite element software for electrochemical analysis
Complex geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Complex chemical mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hydrodynamic electrochemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






































1. Introduction

2. Electrochemical theory

COMSOL Multiphysics (known as FEMLAB before 2005) is a

commercial nite element software package designed to address a
wide range of physical phenomena [1]. Noting the increased use of
this product in analytical electrochemistry, the authors aim to review its relevance and practical use in this eld. Accordingly we
shall discuss briey the fundamentals of electrochemical simulation
and the methods implemented by COMSOL Multiphysics to address

A short review does not allow a comprehensive exposition of electrochemical theory, but we shall discuss the most important standard
assumptions. Electrochemical phenomena are governed by the coupling
of the conservation of charge and current in the electrolyte and electrodes, together with the conservation of mass for each solute species
in an electrolyte. Prediction of a uid ow additionally involves the
conservation of momentum and total mass in a solution or mixture.
These phenomena are normally described mathematically using
partial differential equations (PDEs). Therefore, electrochemical theory
is developed by solving such PDEs on a suitable geometry and timescale.

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1388-2481/$ see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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E.J.F. Dickinson et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 40 (2014) 7174

Except for simple cases, these equations lack exact mathematical solutions, and so computational solution is required.
In the most general case, charge conservation obeys Gauss's law
(Eq. (1)), and mass transport obeys the NernstPlanck equations
(Eq. (2), for an ideal solution) subject to mass continuity (Eq. (3)):

Ni Di ci zi ui ci ci u

 Ni Ri

permittivity (F m1); potential (V); charge density (C m3);

ci concentration of species i (mol m 3 ); N i ux of species
i (mol m 2 s 1); Di diffusion coefcient of species i (m2 s1); zi
charge number of species i; ui mobility of species i (m2 V 1 s 1);
u bulk velocity (m s1); Ri mass source of species i (mol m3 s1).
Together, these are the NernstPlanckPoisson equations: an entirely general description of the charge and mass transport properties of an
innitely dilute electrolyte solution. Electrolysis at an electrode surface
and/or the adsorption of chemical species at surfaces can be described
by boundary conditions. Homogeneous reactions, and electrolysis in
porous electrodes, contribute to the mass source.
The NernstPlanckPoisson equations are highly nonlinear and
exhibit multiple length and time scales; consequently, their full solution
is rarely practical or desirable under realistic conditions, and simplications must be sought. The most widely applicable approximation is the
assumption of electroneutrality (Eq. (4)), which applies on scales larger
than nanometres [2]:

zi ci 0

Assuming electroneutrality and small absolute concentration gradients of charge-carrying electrolyte species, the electrolyte current
obeys Ohm's law (Eq. (5)), subject to a (near-)constant conductivity
(Eq. (6)):
 soln Q
soln F

zi ui ci


conductivity (S m1); Q charge source (A m3); F Faraday

constant; R gas constant; T temperature (K).
In Ohm's law, the ratio of current to electric eld is the conductivity.
As supporting electrolyte concentration increases compared to the reactant concentration, so the conductivity rises and the electric eld tends
towards zero for a given current. In the presence of excess supporting
electrolyte, it is typical to assume that the concentration of the electrolyte is effectively innite: mass transport of the reactant does not involve migration, and occurs only by diffusion (and convection, where
relevant), as in Fick's 2nd law with convection for an incompressible
ow (Eq. (7)):
Di ci u  ci

and charge transfer. Multiphysics simulation can maximise physical

insight and predictive power by describing accurately all relevant
COMSOL Multiphysics implements equations using physics interfaces. These are pre-built packages of physical equations and a choice
of associated boundary conditions. Electrochemical analysis principally
uses the following interfaces: Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Current
Distribution, and Electroanalysis. In all of these pre-built methods,
there is complete exibility to combine and couple pre-built methods
with user-dened variables or equations, as well as to alter default
numerical settings (see also Section 4, below).
Both the Primary and Secondary Current Distributions treat the electrolyte current as ohmic (Eq. (5)), and solve only for electrolyte potential for a given conductivity, assuming the electrolyte composition
(including the reactants) to be negligibly perturbed by electrolysis or
current ow.
Primary Current Distribution requires an equilibrium (Nernstian)
potential difference at an electrode surface, whereas Secondary Current
Distribution allows an arbitrary electrode kinetic law to relate the
Faradaic current density due to a particular reaction to its overpotential
at the electrode. These interfaces have wide application in electrochemical engineering and corrosion science, but since they do not solve for
reactant concentrations, they have limited relevance to electroanalytical
The Electroanalysis interface assumes the presence of excess
supporting electrolyte and so predicts a currentvoltage relation by
solving the diffusionconvection equation for the electroactive species (Eq. (7)). The current density will normally depend on both
the potential applied at the electrode and the concentrations of the
reactants at the electrode surface, according to a rate law such as
the ButlerVolmer equation. This is a suitable interface for the
description of many standard experimental methods, especially
cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
Outside the approximations dened above, the Tertiary Current
Distribution, NernstPlanck interface can be used to solve the Nernst
Planck equations subject to the approximation of electroneutrality
(Eqs. (3) and (4)). This includes electrolyte mass transport explicitly
in the analysis, which is a computationally much more demanding
problem since the equations become nonlinear. The full Nernst
PlanckPoisson equations can also be implemented by coupling of
interfaces. Common applications include separation processes such as
electrodialysis and the detailed modelling of batteries and fuel cells.
Other relevant physics interfaces include Laminar Flow (weakly
compressible or incompressible NavierStokes equations) and Surface
Reactions (surface adsorption and diffusion). The Transport of Concentrated Species interface implements MaxwellStefan diffusion to express the ux of each component species of a mixture, for cases
outside the conditions where the dilute NernstPlanck equation applies.
Heat transfer in electrochemical cells can be included using Heat
Transfer interfaces, with provision for thermal conduction, convection,
radiation, and predened heat sources and sinks from electrochemical
reactions, ohmic losses, and entropy changes. Further dedicated physics
interfaces exist for the electrochemical modelling of lithium-ion batteries, Ni-metal hydride batteries, lead-acid batteries, electrodeposition,
and corrosion. A detailed account of these interfaces exceeds the scope
of this review.

3. Modelling electrochemistry in COMSOL Multiphysics

4. Using the nite element method: practical considerations

COMSOL Multiphysics is designed for multiphysics: the incorporation and coupling of diverse physical phenomena, expressed as PDEs,
within one model. The desired phenomena often originate from traditionally separate elds of applied physics and engineering. One electrochemical example of a multiphysics problem would be fuel cell
analysis, which combines uid dynamics, mass transport, heat transfer,

The above COMSOL Multiphysics interfaces use the nite element

method to solve the constituent partial differential equations (PDEs).
This numerical method differs from the nite difference method, also
widely applied in electrochemistry [3], since it solves the PDE in an
integral (weak) form. Unknowns are discretised as sums over a set
of basis (shape) functions dened on nite elements, rather than by

E.J.F. Dickinson et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 40 (2014) 7174

discretisation of derivatives on a grid of points. The nite elements are

assembled by creating a mesh, which is a tessellation on the geometry
in, for example, triangles in 2D or tetrahedra in 3D.
The chief advantages of the nite element method over the nite difference method are its adaptability to complex geometries, and the ease
of handling discontinuous gradients of a variable.
To our knowledge, the last detailed discussion of the nite element
method in electrochemistry was by Cutress et al. [4] (including one of
the present authors), who simulated several classical electrochemical
benchmarks in COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5a. Quantitative accuracy for
3D problems was found to be unachievable with the then-available
meshing tools and hardware; it is interesting to note the now
underwhelming prediction of 612 GB memory in future desktop
modelling computers. As 16 GB or larger systems are now becoming
more common, the scope for 3D models continues to grow with hardware power.
Like any discrete numerical method for solving a continuous PDE,
the nite element method introduces some numerical error; to minimise this, it is necessary to use an appropriate mesh. A numerically stable nite element solution converges to the analytical result with nave,
global mesh renement, provided sufcient hardware is available.
Signicantly more efcient, however, is to rene the mesh locally, on
the basis of the likely regions where ux gradients (e.g., diffusive ux)
change rapidly. In diffusive problems, it is particularly important to
rene the mesh locally to singularities where the ux may be innite
or ill-dened, such as at the circumference boundary of a microdisc
electrode where electroactive and insulating surfaces meet.
COMSOL Multiphysics allows mesh size and element-to-element expansion rate to be explicitly controlled at any point or on any boundary
or volume within a model. The mesh must conform to all geometric features (faces, edges, etc.), so the reported failure to resolve small objects
(Fig. 1a, [4]) is no longer a concern.
The COMSOL Model Library example Voltammetry at a
Microdisk Electrode [5] uses the analytical steady-state current at
a microdisc electrode as a benchmark for required mesh renement.
To achieve 0.7% accuracy in a 2D axisymmetric model, the mesh is
rened to r e /100 at the electrode radius r = re , and the global
element growth rate is limited to 1.1.
The authors created a single quadrant of a 3D microdisc geometry
using COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4. The same mesh settings as the 2D example gave 0.8% accuracy, compared to the analytical result; this
mesh contained 4 105 elements. The steady-state concentration prole was computed for a single species in the mass-transport limit in
11 s, using all four cores of an Intel Xeon E31225 3.1 GHz with 16 GB
RAM. Less than 2 GB RAM was actually required, with the default solver.
A rened mesh with 3 106 elements gave 0.5% accuracy, taking 1 min
and using 4 GB RAM.
COMSOL Multiphysics also supplies an adaptive mesher to automatically rene the mesh in the required regions. The authors found
that 20 iterations of adaptive mesh renement on the 2D microdisc
problem yielded b0.1% error compared to the analytical solution, albeit
over a longer runtime than for a user-controlled mesh. Klymenko et al.
[6] discussed critically the scope of adaptive meshing in the context of
reaction fronts.
Mapped spaces are not usually employed in built-in methods for
COMSOL Multiphysics. Innite elements can be used to project a nite
simulation space to innity in order to describe, for example, a hemispherical innite expanse of bulk solution without needing a simulation
space of excess size compared to the electrode [5].
For the interfaces described above, time-dependent problems are
solved by integration of the PDE in time according to an implicit
backwards differentiated formula (BDF) method [7]. The COMSOL
Multiphysics solver automatically chooses appropriate numerical time
steps. These are set to be as long as possible within a certain relative
or absolute tolerance for the accuracy of the integration, which is estimated during runtime. The dedicated Electroanalysis interface enabled


the tuning of solver tolerances to resolve voltammetric events, mitigating issues such as spiking of voltammetry due to fast follow-up
kinetics [4].
5. Historical review of nite element software for
electrochemical analysis
The literature from the last four years suggests that the majority of
recent applications of COMSOL Multiphysics in analytical electrochemistry involve one or more of the following: non-standard or complex
geometry; hydrodynamic electrochemistry; or, multiple or complex
reaction chemistry, whether hetero- or homogeneous.
All of these phenomena imply a theoretical description that cannot
necessarily be implemented straightforwardly in existing commercial
tools for electroanalysis, at standard geometries (planar electrode,
microdisc, etc.) or under standard conditions. Moreover, numerical concerns may make such theory challenging for the researcher to implement in code. In such cases, electrochemical research benets from
the exibility of general-purpose commercial software providing a
broad scope for numerical analysis across a range of physical conditions.
Where not stated otherwise, the theoretical work reported in this
section was achieved using COMSOL Multiphysics.
5.1. Complex geometry
The investigation of Godino et al. [8] into chronoamperometric transients at electrode arrays eschewed the usual diffusion domain approximation [9] (reducing a 3D problem to 2D axisymmetry; hereafter,
DDA) and treated the problem as three-dimensional. This is geometrically exact, but had traditionally been viewed as inaccessible for reasons
of computational problem size.
Lavacchi et al. [10] solved for inlaid and recessed microdisc arrays
with the DDA. They emphasised the need for care with meshing while
also highlighting the exibility of the approach. The recessed microdisc
and microwell problem was addressed more recently by Oleinick et al.
[11], who considered the action of a diffusional Faraday cage in a
generator-collector mode sensor design. Thin layer effects at gold
micropillars have also been studied [12] and compared to experiment
with good agreement. Odijk et al. [13] modelled differential cyclic voltammetry for redox cycling at interdigitated electrodes.
Other non-standard geometries in electroanalysis have included
crystals and electroactive nanoparticles. Claussen et al. [14] modelled
diffusionreaction systems (with DDA) to gauge the inuence of mass
transport effects on the efcacy of nanoparticle-catalysed biosensors.
Unwin and co-workers have considered dissolution kinetics of calcite
crystals in acidic solution [15,16] including the implications for local
surface measurement techniques such as scanning ion-conductance microscopy [17].
5.2. Complex chemical mechanisms
Sartin et al. [18] implemented a complex chemical kinetic scheme
in COMSOL Multiphysics to determine concentration proles in
electrochemiluminescence (ECL). The theory required the exibility to
introduce an arbitrary kinetic scheme and arbitrary transient voltage
loads. Klymenko et al. recently revisited ECL analysis [19], using
COMSOL Multiphysics to verify their KISSA software. The authors reported relatively poor runtime compared to their own, specialised
code, and re-iterated the need for care and electrochemical experience
in model setup.
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) combines a sometimes complex electrochemical system with a non-standard geometry.
Examples of theoretical work include the response to an EC mechanism
close to an SECM tip [20] and tip-position modulation with a moving
electron transfer site [21]. Zhou et al. simulated approach curves for
an electrochemically heterogeneous substrate to demonstrate the


E.J.F. Dickinson et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 40 (2014) 7174

differentiation of active sites within an in-plane matrix of lower reactivity [22].

5.3. Hydrodynamic electrochemistry
In 2011, Santillo et al. reviewed hydrodynamic electrochemistry
simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics [23]. The coupling of mass transport with ow has been considered in a methodology and design optimisation for ow sensing by Amatore et al. [24]; the same authors
modelled chronoamperometry at a channel electrode [25] using the
nite element method.
Amatore and Thouin also collaborated to solve a modied diffusion(-convection) equation to reveal the effect of natural convection
in microdisc [26] and channel ow microband [27] geometries, with experimental corroboration.
Torrents et al. [28] considered sensing using channel ow electrodes, modelling a microuidic respirometer incorporating oxygen
amperometry to infer biological oxygen demand. This study combined
electrolysis with homogeneous enzyme kinetics in solution; Bitziou
et al. [29] used a similar coupling to study ascorbic acid oxidation in a
5.4. Miscellaneous
The solution of the diffusion equation in a two-phase system has
been applied to consider stripping voltammetry [30] and cyclic voltammetry with ion transfer for an ITIES system [31].
Vasquez-Arenas et al. [32] included simulation in a simple student
voltammetry experiment, highlighting its role to better inform the relevant theory and reasoning surrounding the experimental approach.
6. Conclusion
Partial differential equations resulting from standard approximations in electrochemical theory are implemented in COMSOL
Multiphysics using built-in physics interfaces. These interfaces provide full access to the equations and permit exible, user-controlled
physical congurations for the description of electrochemical systems.
COMSOL Multiphysics is widely applied in electrochemistry, especially for non-standard theoretical analysis. Wherever dedicated electrochemical software cannot be relied on, or where in-house code
becomes awkward to maintain or develop, the ease of implementation
afforded by general-purpose software can aid the researcher in rapidly
obtaining theoretical results, subject to an easily controlled range of
Klymenko et al. [19] have noted that approaches based on
Comsol [sic] lead to excellent results under specic circumstances,
[but] they rely on profound expertise from their potential users,
and hence, may easily lead to erroneous predictions in the hands of
novices. While the latter remark is certainly true, any numerical
method can yield unreliable conclusions in the hands of users with
inadequate electrochemical experience to interpret numerical results in their proper context.

Errors associated with the nite element solution of equations can

be minimised with care in the physical conguration of the problem
and when meshing. As with any numerical method, convergence analysis is required to establish the magnitude of numerical errors due to
discretisation [33]. The ease of implementation of a model using prebuilt interfaces in commercial software does not absolve the user of
responsibility for afrming the physical reasonableness of their results.
COMSOL Multiphysics allows control of physical equations and numerical settings, while providing judicious automated defaults for
meshing and solver conguration. The aim of this approach is to allow
expert electrochemists to undertake theoretical work, without demanding expert knowledge of numerical analysis. Within this environment,
we hope that electrochemistry will benet from informed application
of nite element software.
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