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920.149 Preparacion de Muestras de Frutas

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07 dispersion mixer, Hobart mixer, or other suitable mechanical mixing

AOAC Official Method 920.149 apparatus, or by grinding in large mortar, and mixing thoroughly,
Preparation of Fruit Test Sample completing operation as quickly as possible to avoid loss of moisture.
First Action 1920 With dried fruits, pass test sample through food chopper 3 times,
Transfer laboratory samples received in open packages (i.e., not mixing thoroughly after each grinding. Set burrs or blades of food
sterile) without delay to glass-stoppered containers and keep in cool chopper as close as possible without crushing seeds. Grind entire
place. To avoid ef fects of fer men ta tion, make prompt contents of No. 10 or smaller container. Mix contents of larger
determinations of alcohol, total and volatile acids, solids, and containers thoroughly by stirring and remove portion for grinding.
sugars, particularly in case of fruit juices and fresh fruits. [Portions With stone fruits, remove pits and determine their proportion in
for determination of sucrose and reducing sugars may be weighed weighed test sample.
and kept several days without fermenting if the slight excess of
neutral Pb(CH3COO)2 solution required in determination is added. Prepare solution by weighing into 1.5–2 L beaker 300 g fresh fruit, or
Note: Pb(CH3COO)2 is toxic. Label test samples to show its equivalent of dried fruit, preserves, jams, and marmalades, well-pulped
addition.] Prepare various products for analysis as follows: and mixed in blender or other suitable type of mechanical grinder; add
(a) Juices.—Mix thoroughly by shaking to ensure uniform test
ca 800 mL H2O; and boil 1 h replacing at intervals H2O lost by
sample, and filter through absorbent cotton or rapid paper. Prepare
evaporation. Transfer to 2 L volumetric flask, cool, dilute to volume,
fresh juices by pressing well-pulped fruit and filtering. Express juice of
and filter. With unsweetened fruit, ashing is facilitated by addition of
citrus fruits by commercial device, and filter.
(b) Jellies and syrups.—Mix thoroughly to ensure uniform test sugar before boiling; therefore weigh 150 g fruit, add 150 g sugar and
sample. Prepare solution by weighing 300 g thoroughly mixed test 800 mL H2O, and proceed as above.
sample into 2 L flask and dissolve in H2O, heating on steam bath if
necessary. Apply as little heat as possible to minimize inversion of (d) Canned fruits.—See 968.30 (see 42.1.01). Carefully invert by
sucrose. Cool, dilute to volume, mix thoroughly by shaking, and hand all fruits having cups or cavities if they fall on sieve with cups or
use aliquots for the various determinations. If insoluble material is cavities up. Cups or cavities in soft products may be drained by tilting
present, mix thoroughly and filter first. sieve, but no other handling of these products while draining is
(c) Fresh f ruits, drie d frui ts, p re serve s, ja ms, and permissible. Separate liquor by draining, 968.30B (see 42.1.01), and
marmalades.—Pulp by passing through food chopper, or by use of soil treat as in (a).


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