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Table of Contents
Corporate Culture: Meaning........................................................................................................................3
8 Best corporate cultures suggested for the better working of a company.................................................3
Importance of developing corporate culture..............................................................................................4
How does the corporate culture look like in NVIDIA?.................................................................................4
Employee reviews for the company NVIDIA................................................................................................5
Comparing NVIDIA’s corporate culture to the ideal corporate culture.......................................................6
What measures can be taken to deal with all the downsides in NVIDIA’s corporate culture?....................7

Corporate Culture: Meaning

Corporate culture is the collection of ethics, values, and beliefs, and attitude of an organization
that will characterize that organization and guides its practices. We can easily find the
organization's culture with the kind of goals they hold for the company and the employees.
Corporate culture includes elements such as an organization, human resource management
practices, physical environment, staff work habits. There are various elements like processes,
hierarchy, innovation, competition, collaboration, community involvement, and also social
engagement (Urinov, B. N., 2020).

Through studies, it is found that the company which reflects broader corporate culture is more
successful than the company not practicing it. A company that portrays adequate transparency,
good communication, equality, and a good hierarchical structure is likely to face lower problems
in recruiting workers and is appealing to the clients and other business partners.

Cultural aspects set in an organization determine the company's nature to react towards changes,
crisis, and evaluation. It affects an organization's ability to succeed and improve in both short-
term and long-term duration (Groysberg et al., 2018).

8 Best corporate cultures suggested for the better working of a

Post analysis, it can be accepted that these 8 factors affect a company in the most positive way. It
is advisable to take them into account for better development of a company. These are Purpose,
Care, Order, Safety, Results, Authority, Merriment, and Learning. Many companies are
practicing these 8 types of corporate cultures and they are leading to great achievements for such
companies. For example, Disney is known for the caring corporate culture and has the happiest
workers in the business field. Google is known for its enjoyable environment (Poddubnaya, N.
V., 2019).

There are some other factors like physical, hierarchy-related, HR practices that play important
role in the succeeding path of an organization. If a company does not properly follow the

corporate cultures it can lead to poor results, high employee turnover, and failure of the

Importance of developing corporate culture

There are many benefits of maintaining the corporate culture, the most important of which is to
maintain a happy environment for gaining success.

 Culture can influence most aspects of a corporation.

 Corporate culture helps to implement and improve upon effectiveness, overall success
and helps not to hit the bottom line.
 Corporate culture helps in gaining committed and productive employees.

Many points can be taken into consideration to manage the proper corporate culture. These are: -

 Hiring the right people to work at the organization.

 Having a cultural ambassador which can look for proper management among the
 Setting the goals of the organization so that employees remain motivated towards the
company's goal.
 Rewarding success to the people who have done good work in achieving the company's
 Offering practical perks to the staff.
 Maintaining trust is the most important thing for a healthy work atmosphere. A company
should maintain this trust with employees and include them, without positional barriers.
 Encouraging open communication.
 Having an open ear to listen to suggestions and complaints.
 Hosting social events.
 Creating a fun workplace.

How does the corporate culture look like in NVIDIA?

NVIDIA is an American company operating on a multinational level, proving its services to
many countries. NVIDIA is based in Santa Clara, California and was founded in the year 1993; a
public organization that works in the field of information technology. The company’s services
include semiconductors, artificial intelligence, video games, consumer electronics, computer
hardware, among others. NVIDIA has only one team, thereby, eliminating any space for politics
or hierarchy. There are reporting lines but teams are formed around the projects, which are based
on skills that are required. NVIDIA is known for good pay and great benefits to the workers. Out
of total workers, NVIDIA has 18.3% female workers and 55.8% minorities (Glassdoor, 2020).
NVIDIA claims that its employees enjoy a relaxed setting, with a flexible approach to every
activity performed during regular work routines.

The company officials run multiple feedback rounds to look for areas of improvement. Salary
ranges offered by NVIDIA vary between $35,000 and $312,576. 41% of the employees of the
company work only 8 hours per day or less and only 12% of the employees have to work long
hours such as 12 hours per day or longer. NVIDIA offers compensation which is a combination
of direct pay, equity, and other benefits, and a positive environment (Bakunin et al., 2020).

NVIDIA is very particular about reinstating its core values that include Innovation, Speed and
Agility, One team, Excellence, and Intellectual honesty. The company primarily focuses on
creativity, fun, and passion (NVIDIA, 2020).

Employee reviews for the company NVIDIA

According to the ratings provided by multiple agencies, it is evident that NVIDIA has been
practicing almost every aspect of a good corporate culture. The company has been ranked 27 in
the Top 100 list of Fortune corporate culture companies and has been improving its position
every year. It has been holding its position on the list for the past 5 years. The company has been
rated: 4.1/5 for culture, 4.1/5 for pay and benefits, 3.9/5 for work-life balance, 3.8/5 for job
security and advancement and 3.8/5 for management (MITSloan, 2020).

Employees at NVIDIA approve of the CEO with a 99% approval rate, and 95% of their votes
indicate that they recommend working at NVIDIA. The company has gained an A+ rating for
leadership (Indeed, 2020).

Comparing NVIDIA’s corporate culture to the ideal corporate

According to the eight factors of corporate culture, NVIDIA has a score of 80/100 and has
gained positive results in terms of Innovation only. Integrity (referred to the work atmosphere
and ethical manners), customer response, and collaboration field scores, however, indicate, an
average feedback. The most upsetting feedback has been in terms of execution (discipline),
performance, agility (effectiveness), and respect where scores have been indicative of a negative
outlook, which is not appreciated in an ideal corporate culture (Gameiro, P. M. R., 2018).

NVIDIA’s operations reflect compromised performance in many spheres such as transparency

and integrity, teamwork and winning, and diversity and inclusion. Transparency is upheld as the
biggest support system of an organization. An organization should encourage open sharing of
information and accountability at many business levels and among staff as well. But it is also
important to back up transparency with adequate company policies.

Integrity holds the important values among ethical mannerisms and relates to treating people
with respect and showing them dignity and uniqueness. Also, diversity plays a very significant
role and includes diversification in age, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion
languages, education, abilities, and cultural background. NVIDIA lacks in promoting diversity
and integrity. It is not possible to cover all the fields mentioned above but it is an absolute
necessity to include most of the fields. Inclusion is different from diversity as it includes people
varying in achievements and brings a responsibility to treat everyone fairly with equal respect
and provide them equal opportunities that will eventually benefit the organization. NVIDIA can
improve upon the aspect of inclusion as well (D'Amato et al., 2019).

Another problem brought to light by NVIDIA employees is of vacation management. NVIDIA

provides a limited amount of leave which becomes a problem in several conditions. It has been

noticed that some people get their leave granted while some others suffer, and it makes them feel

What measures can be taken to deal with all the downsides in

NVIDIA’s corporate culture?
NVIDIA is continuously trying to improve all the spheres where it lags behind and is putting
great efforts towards accomplishing the same. It is not possible to manage the ideal corporate
culture as something always lacks at some point in time but NVIDIA can manage to perform
some improvements to achieve a higher level of culture (Bakunin et al., 2020). The most
demoralizing situation emerges when an employee works hard for the betterment of the company
but cannot manage to get a leave/ vacation sanctioned in the times of dire need. It will be great to
have the leave limits increased for the employees, based on their achievements. It will benefit
both the company and the employees, as the employees will work hard to gain the achievements
and the vacations, and company will achieve success with that hard work of an employee.

NVIDIA can work on its business atmosphere which is lacking in terms of transparency,
diversity, and inclusion. It is understood that gaining proper trust for transparency is hard but
some company policies can prove beneficial in this aspect. All the negative feedback given by
the employees, in terms of execution, performance, agility, and respect can be made to progress
to at least an average level as these are the factors that are involved in the management section.
An HR can be hired to work specifically to cover all these aspects NVIDIA is lacking in. It will
be appreciative to recruit a special team that will work on new ideas and events to support
teamwork, and discipline (Jiang, Y., 2019).

Some seminars for improvement can be set for the people who are lacking in terms of Inclusion
and respect for co-workers. It is important to maintain a good expectation level while
conducting the interview process for new workers and employees. Setting a clear goal from the
first day can help new employees be aware of the organization's culture.

The corporate culture in any organization is very important for a happy and healthy environment.
It can influence the working behavior and attitude of the employees by helping them in better

communicating, acknowledging and accepting their advice and working behavior. Corporate
culture helps in the organization's performance, and it helps in getting along with customers for a
better business relationship. The presence of corporate culture determines the performance of a
company by determining the performance of its employees. It also helps in revealing the
leadership skills of the organization as the leaders create the culture and hold the power to
maintain it within the organization. Corporate culture helps in employee management, and
productivity. In the current dog-eat-dog society, a good working environment is preferred to a
higher pay and status in the company. Thus, every organization in the field of business should
practice most of the elements of corporate culture as it will only benefit the organization in
several reflective ways.

Bakunin, M., & Kuznetsov, M. Y. (2020). The Cultural Clash: Traditional Automakers vs.
Digital Companies–Can They Work Together? Transformation of Business Culture in the Digital
Age. In Challenges and Opportunities of Corporate Governance Transformation in the Digital
Era (pp. 117-129). IGI Global.

D'Amato, V., & Tosca, E. (2019). Organizational value statements: a web-based analysis of the
100 best US companies to work for 2017. World journal of management.

Gameiro, P. M. R. (2018). Equity research-NVIDIA Corporation (Doctoral dissertation, Instituto

Superior de Economia e Gestão).

Glassdoor. (2020). NVIDIA Employee Reviews about "work culture." Retrieved 6 December
2020, from

Groysberg, B., Lee, J., Price, J., & Cheng, J. (2018). The leader's guide to corporate culture.
Harvard Business Review, 96(1), 44-52.

Indeed. (2020). Working at NVIDIA: Employee Reviews about Culture | Retrieved
6 December 2020, from

Jiang, Y. (2019, July). Research on the Development of NVIDIA. In 4th International

Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2019) (pp.
1-5). Atlantis Press.

MITSloan. (2020). This Is What Employees Are Saying About Culture at Nvidia. Retrieved 6
December 2020, from

NVIDIA. (2020). NVIDIA Culture, Work Environment, and Values. Retrieved 6 December
2020, from

Poddubnaya, N. V. (2019). Corporate culture as an effective instrument of strategic development

of tourism and hospitality enterprises. In Актуальные проблемы развития сервиса и туризма
(pp. 133-135).

Sull, D., Turconi, S., & Sull, C. (2020). When It Comes to Culture, Does Your Company Walk
the Talk. Management review. Available at:


CORPORATE CULTURE. Economics and Innovative Technologies, 2020(2), 15.

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