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MBA Brochure 2019-20

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To the edinburgh MBA
An inspiring and unique programme for a new generation
of strategic leaders. The Edinburgh MBA, ranked in the top
100 (FT 2018), is delivered not only by a world-renowned
University ranked 20th globally (QS World University
Rankings 2020) but also by a Business School that holds
triple accreditation with AACSB, EQUIS, and AMBA.

Successful businesses in the future will be those which can

confidently and capably steer a path through a world characterised
by intense competition, rapid technological development,
economic turbulence and increasing resource insecurity.

Businesses need leaders who can think and act strategically in this
volatile environment, managing the risk and challenges involved,
but also spotting and seizing opportunities for efficiency, innovation
and new business models. Businesses also need leaders who
will act responsibly in delivering value to all stakeholders.

You will be both ambitious to succeed in this challenging environment

and keen to develop those skills necessary for success. We will prepare
you to progress with confidence into leadership roles in this new world.
Key to this will be building and growing your leadership capabilities
in particular through the professional development component of the
MBA programme. Our MBA programme has Strategic Leadership as
a key theme that runs throughout the programme as we recognise
Julian Rawel the importance of this skill to managers and organisations across
Director of MBA the globe. Strategic Leadership brings together the two key skill sets
Programmes high performing managers possess: the ability to develop effective
strategy as well as manage teams in such a way that it helps them to
implement the strategy and ultimately achieve the organisational goals.

On our MBA, we will deepen your understanding of how businesses

and markets work, how value is created through innovation and
marketing, how strategies are crafted, how businesses are financed,
how performance is measured, how value is delivered efficiently and
effectively, and how organisations should be governed, managed
and led through change. We will also explore the challenges of
internationalisation and doing business with emerging economies.

We will instil a passion for business improvement, innovation

and entrepreneurial action to help you lead in the growth or
creation of new business opportunities. We will develop your
ability to think strategically and beyond disciplinary silos.

Successful leadership also requires accomplished interpersonal skills to

bring about change in organisations. Through coaching and skills training,
we will work with you to understand your capability and potential and
provide support for improvement. And you won’t be doing all this alone!
You will study in the company of peers from around the world, developing
new skills in a supportive, friendly and encouraging environment.

We look forward to welcoming you onto our MBA.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 1

The Edinburgh MBA

Our programme enhances your career potential by giving

you a clear focus on the role of the highly sought strategic
leader in today’s ever more volatile and uncertain world.
Integrated professional development and a personal
coaching programme combine into a boutique experience,
with cohorts big enough for a diverse student body and
personal enough for 1:1 attention.

the three pillars of

our mba
Strategic Leadership professional Personally Connected
Learn the management power development Get personalised attention
of Strategic Leadership through our MBA Experience
Enhance your future employability
• Expand your strategic horizon to through Professional Development • Develop deep, life-long professional
encompass the nature and complexity and personal networks in a cohort
of global challenges facing businesses. • Take ownership of your own personal with constant interaction.
skills development and help to ‘future-
• Use innovative strategic thinking • Prepare for a global workplace
proof’ your career in a challenging
to chart a successful course in a with sensitivity to and appreciation
and competitive global job market.
rapidly changing environment. of different cultures.
• Experience the power of one-to-one
• Develop your strategic leadership skills • Meet faculty and staff who
career coaching to help you develop
to manage key functions associated know and care about your
your personal job-search strategy.
with finance, accounting, strategic individual professional goals.
marketing, organisation and operations. • Develop your professional narrative
• Do away with a one-size-fits-all
and learn how social media and
• Master the intricacies of international model, and join a tight-knit family
your online presence can extend
markets and economies. of ambitious professionals.
your professional reach.
• Embrace the responsibility of
• Develop advanced communication,
being a good steward of financial,
influencing and interpersonal skills for
social and natural capital.
more effective professional interactions.
• Study the habits of success
taught by business leaders and
recognised industry experts who
share their experience as guest
speakers on the programme.

Students at Calton Hill, Edinburgh (Paul Dodds).

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 3

Class Profile

Our MBA attracts a diverse community of participants

from a wide range of industry sectors and many different
nationalities. This diversity enables the coming together of
different ideas, life experiences and cultural imperatives that
ensure your time with us is dynamic and insightful.

job sectors MBA class 2018/19






Nationalities MBA class 2018/19 3%


36% 6%

North America Property Investment

24% 6%
South / Central America Oil & Gas

10% 6%
India Retail

10% 6%
Africa / Middle East Telecoms
8% 3%
8% 18%


globally for female
students according
for career progress in
of MBA Alumni are
the FT MBA rankings
to the FT MBA directors or MDs
rankings 2019




average age

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 5

The Edinburgh MBA

The MBA is internationally acknowledged as the

most valuable business qualification in the world.
At the University of Edinburgh Business School our
MBA programmes are grounded in a robust academic
foundation and engaged with global business.

meet the
edinburgh mba
Choose Edinburgh and you’ll be joining World-class faculty International experience
an established triple accredited Business Our faculty members are gifted As well as international faculty, cohort and
School. We offer two full-time variants teachers and researchers who have exposure to organisations from around the
both lasting 12 months and deliver the dedicated themselves to working closely world, the MBA programme offers a range
skills and experiences a truly valuable with students both in and out of the of international elements.
professional qualification promises. classroom. The School has more than 100
Students choosing our MBA with an
academic staff members representing
international exchange enjoy a 10-
A unique programme 37 nationalities. Our faculty members
12 week exchange with a prestigious
Whether you plan to rise to a more senior challenge their students, share insights
overseas partner university.
leadership role, switch sector or strike out gained through professional experience
on your own, the Edinburgh MBA and communicate the knowledge Students on our MBA programme who are
will equip you for success. they’ve spent a lifetime acquiring. not doing the international exchange
have the opportunity to undertake the
Through collaborative learning and varied International Business in Context (overseas)
Engagement with business
engagement with business, our MBA option course. In 2018/19 students
will prepare you for the opportunities Collaboration doesn’t only underpin our
undertook a ten-day trip to Colombia.
and challenges you’ll face as a strategic approach to learning – it’s central to our
business leader. As well as key skills ties with global business too.
like advanced communication, decision Extensive links with industry, professional
making and strategic thinking, you organisations and our alumni network
will gain an understanding of: deliver a range of consultancy and
• Strategic leadership as an approach shared research projects. In the MBA
to achieving success in a rapidly programme, knowledge exchange
changing environment. and the application of theory to real
business challenges take priority.
• The nature and complexity of the
global challenges facing businesses. It’s on these projects where valuable
contacts are made, experience is
• Key concepts and tools in finance, extended and, as projects are debated
accounting, strategic marketing, back in the classroom, learning ignites.
organisation and operations.

• How markets and international

economies work.

• The responsibilities of businesses

as stewards of financial, social and
natural capital.

• How to challenge existing business

models and develop creative
and innovative strategies for an
increasingly competitive market.

Bogota, Colombia. istock (DC_Colombia).

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 7

Applied Learning

At the heart of our approach to teaching and learning is a

robust engagement with business and professional bodies.
These relationships ensure our programme keeps pace with
change, delivers learning from authentic business challenges
and helps build powerful new networks and connections.

with business
…with start-ups and spin-outs Entrepreneur Club
At the very start of the programme we The School’s E-Club unites students, alumni,
launch the marketing innovation challenge. researchers, faculty, business owners and
Students are teamed up with SMEs or investors. All share a goal of fostering the
start-up companies to explore marketing entrepreneurial spirit. Our MBA participants
challenges. Students engage in research are invited to join, attend workshops and
and interviews with the client company engage with speakers from new venture
and also its customers and prospects. start-ups and spin-outs to angel investors.
After 10 weeks they deliver a consultancy
report detailing their recommendations International Business in Context
for strategic marketing. In the past, our
This optional module is for those on the
students have worked with companies
Full-time MBA programme who are not
such as FWB Park Brown, BrewLab, House
participating in the international exchange.
of Elrick Gin, Camera Obscura, Adventure
It offers the opportunity for students
Pass, Broughton Ales, Breadshare, Fathers
to undertake a week long project in an
Network Scotland, and Pufferfish.
emerging market country. Starting with a
pre-teaching day in which students explore
…with consultancy clients the theory behind international business,
Both the Strategic Leadership course the group then head off to the destination
and the optional Consultancy Project country for a week of immersive business
offer the opportunity to work in small meetings and cultural experiences.
teams for real commercial clients.
In 2018/2019, as a result of the Business
Meanwhile the Capstone Project allows
School’s international connections, a
for independent consultancy projects.
number of students went to Colombia.
In the past our students have worked Colombia has in recent years become
with companies such as Capco, Royal known as the new powerhouse of Latin
Bank of Scotland, Homeless World America. Visiting Colombia was therefore
Cup, Amazon, Scott & Fyffe, Medtronic, a great opportunity for students to
Astellas (Russia), Costain, Edinburgh learn about what businesses were doing
Airport and Buccleuch Estates. that are leading to positive results.

Consultancy projects can be in the UK Students on this course have in the

or abroad. In the past our students past visited businesses in Bogota such
have travelled to South Africa, as Postobon (the largest soft drink
Switzerland, Russia and Ghana. Typical manufacturer in the country) and Nutresa
assignments might focus on investment (incorporating a visit to a coffee factory).
appraisals, market entry strategies, They have visited entrepreneurs of
business improvement analysis and tomorrow at Ruta N in Medellin, a well
evaluating change programmes or known business incubator, and Metro
merger and acquisition activity. de Medellin (the rail transport system
that connects some of the poorest
communities in the country to key
employment hubs). Students have then
presented their project findings to the
client at the end of the week’s trip.

Our Guest Speakers
Engaging with the
Best in the Business
Students are given the chance to learn from and
engage with a number of corporate guest speakers
via our Business School and University wide events
as well as via programme specifc lectures. In
addition, this gives students the opportunity to
make contact with future potential employers.
Below are just a handful of the names we have
welcomed in the past:
Alastair Darling
MP and former Chancellor of the Exchequer
Angus Cockburn
CFO, Serco
Barbara Cassani
Consultant and former Chairwoman of Jury’s Inn
and Go Fly
Bill MacDonald
MD Scotland, Accentur
Birna Einarsdóttir
Chief Executive Ofcer, Íslandsbanki
Dominic Barton
Global MD, McKinsey & Company
Donald MacRae
Chief Economist, Lloyds Banking Group
Gareth Williams
Chairperson & Co-Founder, Skyscanner
Guy Jubb
Honorary Professor, formerly Global Head of
Governance & Stewardship at Standard Life
Iain Dufy
Deputy Agent, Bank of England
Ian Marchant
Honorary Professor, Chair Thames Water
Ian Morley
Group Sales Director, Northern Europe,
Proctor & Gamble
Ian Stevens
CEO, BioFilm Ltd
Ian Walker
Corporate Citizenship Director, Johnson & Johnson
Judy Wagner
Director, FWB Park Brown
Lord Karan Bilimoria
Guest speaker Catherine Bischof at our Start -Up Festival.

Founder and Chairman, Cobra Beer

Lesley Fordyce
Managing Director, Anderson Anderson & Brown
Consulting Ltd
Rob Woodward
Former CEO, STV Group Plc (Scotland)
Ruth Chandler
Chief People Ofcer, Skyscanner
Steve Bateman
Relationship Director & Head of Oxford Corporate
Banking Team, Santander UK Plc
Susanna Freedman
Brand Consultant, Brand Insiders

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 9

Professional Development

As global markets improve, opportunities increase. But so

does competition. A critical aspect of your MBA programme,
the Professional Development course, focuses on supporting
you to enhance your employability. Whatever your ultimate
career objectives, our tailored, expert support will help you
acquire the skills to maximise your potential.

The skills and

support to make
your next move
Professional Development Programme Coaching Business Engagement Treks
A personalised approach takes the lead The School has embraced a coaching We also organise offsite industry visits to
as we support you to build your own ethos that underpins all of our professional help students connect to and learn from a
self-awareness and confidence. We development activities. Our coaching range of diverse organisations (including
will help you develop the skills and programme is designed to offer you for example – Amazon, RBS, the National
attributes that set successful senior a tailored, personalised experience Health Service and a range of start-ups)
managers and strategic leaders apart. responsive to your individual needs. across sectors and geographic locations.

Significant investment in this area sees the Coaching helps to improve communication Proud to champion and promote the
School combining leading-edge diagnostic skills and teamwork, enhances personal proven benefits of a diverse and inclusive
tools with one-to-one feedback sessions, leadership qualities and can help to build business culture, we also host an annual
personal development coaching and a your resilience to succeed in turbulent Women in Leadership Trek to London. This
range of skills and careers workshops. times. Personal development coaching is a 2 day student-led event in London
These are designed and delivered with is focused on building self-awareness, offering participants the opportunity
input from expert industry practitioners. taking ownership for goals and to hear from panels, keynote speakers
achieving your personal potential. and participate in workshops led by
Informed by regular, direct engagement
inspirational business leaders who have
with employers, our PD programme
Career Development Services achieved significant success in their careers.
is designed to help you enhance
your leadership and professional • Recruiter/employer sector-specific
competence, as well as developing presentations and guest speaker
strong employability potential. The events – an excellent way to develop
course focuses on building skills and your own networks.
confidence in areas including: presentation • A broad portfolio of online resources
and advanced communications, including complimentary access to
influencing and negotiating, effective MBA-specific job platforms, webinars
team working, emotional intelligence and development tools to help
and resilience. In addition, our career you identify the best career
development workshops cover topics opportunities and prepare for
such as job search strategies, networking, those all-important interviews.
personal branding, CV and cover
• Access to the University’s
letters and interview preparation.
central careers service.
Our programme helps to focus our students • Alumni connections: access to a
on taking accountability for enhancing their powerful and warm network of nearly
own employability prospects within an 16,000 alumni world wide. Adding to
increasingly competitive global job market. our scope, reach and resources, our
Tailored careers guidance is also offered at alumni offer invaluable connections
an individual level throughout the MBA. to companies on a global basis.
Our aim is to provide the support that will
empower you to take ownership of your
own future career development.

Amanda Singelton, MBA Executive Development Manager (David P Scott).

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA
Career Outcomes

The success of our MBA programme is refected in the

career destinations of our graduates. Hugely respected by
global employers, this programme provides the perfect
learning experience with access to world-class academics
and are underpinned by real world insights.

EMployment distribution EMployment distribution

by function by market sector
Analyst Accountancy & Professional Services
3% 6%
Banking / Finance / Insurance
Business Development
3% Consultancy

Chief Executive
Chief Operating Officer Energy / Utilities
3% 3%
Financial Advisors & Financial Services
12% Food / Drink / Tobacco

Director 3% 9%
9% Fund / Asset / Investment
Finance (including Management Consultancy) Healthcare / Life Sciences
6% 3%
IT / Telecoms / Electronics
Founder / Own Company
Manager 3%
25% Oil, Mining & Extractive Industries
Property Development / Surveying
12% 6%
Senior Manager Retail

3% 3%
Software Development / Consultancy

Career Destinations
Airt ALK (A Trimble company)
Anheuser- Busch InBe Borr Drilling
Cuirass Consulting Deloitte
District EY GmbH
Fidelity International FIS
For All Seasons Inc Gammas Consulting
Gate to the Games GemFair
Hartington Property Services Ltd Harvard University
IE University in Madrid Ipsos Business Consulting
Khazanah Nasional Berhad Logan Energy Ltd
Microsoft moovel North America
Myeloma OMIYAGO (Indonesia)
Pernod Ricard Reliance Industries
Suburbia Mexico TAMKO
The Leith Agency Thermo Fisher Scientifc
Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network

* Above list of career destinations are from surveys conducted amongst MBA graduates from 2017.

The Edinburgh MBA provided me the opportunity to learn about critical issues from
diferent and diverse perspectives. My class had representation from several countries,
sectors, cultures and genders, which gave me greater awareness, diversity of thought
and an integral global network, which has assisted me in growing both professionally
and personally.

The professional development component on the MBA programme allowed me

to refne the soft skills needed to be much more efective both personally and
professionally. The team really invested in us and provided personalized advice, which
signifcantly aided my growth.

MBA graduates must have a solid understanding of emerging technologies, social

media, cyber security and emerging trends to be relevant and provide value to
employers and clients. Understanding how to navigate through the digital wave, which
is constantly evolving, has been essential for me in being competitive.

The year was full of memorable moments: I got to apply my marketing skills to help
grow a local Yoga studio, participate in an executive team-building retreat, complete
Ritesh Kotak an exchange in China and engage with amazing leaders. However, my favourite
memory was having the chance to meet former UK Prime Minister the Rt. Honourable
International Gordon Brown. He is a graduate from the University of Edinburgh and frequently
Consultant, visits the campus. It was an incredible experience learning about his decision-making
Tech/Cyber process for some of his toughest decisions and how he strategically went about his
mandate. The fact that I could meet and talk with a former UK Prime Minister was
Projects within defnitely a highlight.
Public and Private The University of Edinburgh situated in a historic city with a geographical placement
Sector, Canada that allows for easy travel to and from other countries around the world, means
it attracts students and lectures from all over the world. This in turn creates
opportunities to network and learn from a unique and diverse group of leaders
from diferent sectors, both in and outside the classroom. Edinburgh is rich in
history, knowledge and culture, where you will receive a world-class education with
invaluable experience, which will beneft not just your professional career but also
your personal growth.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 13

The Edinburgh MBA

Our 12 month full-time programme is designed for those

who are keen on an intensive experience and who wish to
return to the job market quickly.

Programme Structure Please note courses are subject to change and correct at time of printing.

Semester 1 Semester 2a Semester 2b capstone

Completion of a major Capstone
Project (submissions end of
Welcome Week Select 2 from: August) with a choice of
International Business in
Strategic Leadership Context (overseas) • Consultancy Project
Professional Development Programme • Research Dissertation
Digital Strategy
• Business Plan
Understanding Economies Operations Improvement Project Management
• Feasibility Study
Research Methods for the Innovation Management and
Strategic Marketing
Capstone Project Design Thinking
Accounting Strategic Human Resource
Management Financial Aspects of M&A
Consultancy Project
Organising for Efectiveness Select 2 from:
New Venture Creation and the Business Strategy for
Quantitative Methods and Tools Environmentally-Suitable
Entrepreneurial Process
Financial Analysis
Economics of Strategy Managing Stakeholder

Governing Decision - Making for

Data Visualisation
Core Course
Global Strategy
Negotiations Option Course

core courses
Strategic Leadership Strategic Marketing Operations Improvement
Learn to think and act strategically to A focus on the development of Learn about lean operations, service
manage risk and spot and seize business competitive marketing strategies, design and operational risk, to help support
opportunities in volatile environments. particularly in the context of launching the delivery of strategic objectives.
innovative products and services.
The course will help you to become
Research Methods for the
more creative in your strategic planning
Accounting Capstone Project
by increasing your ability to develop
creative new business models and Enhance your understanding of financial An intensive workshop-based preparation
strategies to compete effectively and statements and accounts and how for the Capstone Project. Explores the
sustain long-term performance. to critically assess and report on range of research and analytical
the performance of companies. techniques necessary to build evidence
Furthermore this course will also cover how to solve business problems.
entrepreneurial behaviour can be integrated Finance
into corporate management to the benefit A critical subject to build a foundation Strategic Human Resource Management
of both large organisations and start-ups. for effective decisions. A focus on Explores how human assets contribute
financial analysis and investment appraisal to strategic advantage and how to think
Professional Development to support corporate decisions. systematically and strategically to manage
This skills-based programme is designed these assets. Also examines the role of
to help full-time MBA participants Organising for Effectiveness recruitment, selection, remuneration and
enhance their leadership and professional Develop your intellectual toolkit for training for an effective HR strategy.
competence as well as their ability to understanding behaviour and managing
successfully pitch for senior executive within complex organisational settings. Capstone Project
roles in a range of organisations. An opportunity for in-depth research on
Quantitative Methods and Tools significant real-world problems. The project
Understanding Economies An introduction to critical business statistics can focus on a business plan, consulting
A focus on macroeconomic issues and the and spreadsheet modelling to help underpin project or specialist research assignment.
concepts and tools to help understand their the study of accounting and finance, and
impact on organisations and strategies. to support management decision making.

option courses
New Venture Creation and the Negotiations Financial Aspects of Mergers
Entrepreneurial Process Delivered by an expert in negotiation and and Acquisitions
Examines the entrepreneurial process conflict resolution, this course explores the Examines the inter-related financial and
from idea generation to business planning. theory and practice of negotiation science strategic issues associated with M&A
Practitioners including investors, business in an international business context. and considers the motivations involved,
advisors and entrepreneurs contribute their how target firms can be valued, how
experience through interactive workshops. International Business in Context the takeover process works and why
Participants develop their own business This ten-day overseas study trip explores M&As often fail. Through simulations,
plan and pitch. business issues in a specific developing participants learn how to think
market context. The course explores strategically and to analyse, plan and
Financial Analysis how ‘context’ impacts on leadership, prepare for success in negotiations.
Develops more advanced capability to innovation and international trade. In
2018/19 our destination was Colombia. Consultancy Project
analyse the performance of companies
through financial statements. Provides The course critically examines the role,
Digital Strategy importance, principles and tools of
the linkages between accounting
statements, strategy, the business model, Expand your knowledge and understanding management consultancy and, through
valuation and investment analysis. of the social and digital landscape, how a team-based applied project with an
to utilise and analyse digital data to external client, provides an opportunity
Economics of Strategy make strategic decisions, and ultimately to practice and enhance the skills
develop effective digital strategies. required for effective project delivery
Examines how economics can help
and professional client engagement.
managers make profitable strategic
Project Management
decisions, particularly in relation to pricing,
Adopts a managerial approach, exploring Business Strategy for
product differentiation or cost-based
the main methodologies and tools for Environmentally Suitable Futures
strategies, competitive advantage, vertical
integration, diversification and mergers. effective project management. Examines This course challenges students
project lifecycles, project planning, to think about climate change in
Governing Decision-Making control, estimating, risk management, the context of businesses’ current
Through Data Visualizations critical path theory and project leadership and future decision-making.
This course will provide a critical in an applied context.
Managing Stakeholder Communications
understanding of data visualizations
Innovation Management Strategic leadership requires effective
(e.g. dashboards) to equip managers
and Design Thinking stakeholder engagement and an ability to
with practical tools to govern
ambiguity, complexity and the Explores the processes involved in manage corporate communications in a
management of unknown-unknowns managing innovation in firms, particularly crisis. This course explores the theory and
in decision-making processes. for product, service, information practice of communication and valuable
system and business model innovation. tools. Practical sessions engage participants
Global Strategy In collaboration with the Edinburgh in live-TV interviews and press conferences.
A focus on how large companies College of Art the course also introduces
internationalise. Through studying cases new concepts in ‘design thinking’
on the success and failure of MNC’s, the to improve innovation success.
course explores market entry strategies,
FDI, cross-border acquisitions and the
challenges presented by cultural differences
when expanding to emerging markets.

Our MBA offers a wide range of option courses to enable you to customise your learning. Some past students have chosen to select
option courses in the areas of Finance, Strategy, or Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The ability to specialise is a further step to
personalising your experience, giving you the opportunity to dive deeper into a given topic that has relevance for your career, sector,
or interests. Specialising can be an effective way of demonstrating expertise to future employers.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 15

The Edinburgh MBA with International Exchange

This 12 month full-time MBA programme includes

an international exchange. It helps students develop
international management skills and cultural versatility.

Programme Structure Please note courses are subject to change and correct at time of printing.

Semester 1 Semester 2a Semester 2b capstone

Completion of a major Capstone
Project (submissions end of
Welcome Week Completion of a 10 -14 week August) with a choice of
study period with one of our formats:
11 University Exchange
Strategic Leadership (incorporating Global Challenges for Business) Partners • Consultancy Project
Professional Development Programme Dissertation • Research Dissertation
• Business Plan
Understanding Economies Operations Improvement
• Feasibility Study
Research Methods for the
Strategic Marketing Capstone Project

Accounting Strategic Human Resource

Select 1 from the below:
Organising for Efectiveness
New Venture Creation and the
Quantitative Methods and Tools Entrepreneurial Process
Financial Analysis
Economics of Strategy

Governing Decision - Making for
Data Visualisation
Global Strategy Core Course
Option Course

International Exchange
You could be learning alongside fellow MBA students in North America, Europe, Australasia or the Far East. You will be
immersed in a new culture and new ways of working but we will ensure that your overseas curriculum is compatible with your
studies in Edinburgh and that your School will be of equal prestige.

core courses
Strategic Leadership
Learn to think and act strategically to
manage risk and spot and seize business Professional Development Strategic Marketing
opportunities in volatile environments. This skills-based programme is designed A focus on the development of
The course will help you to become to help full-time MBA participants competitive marketing strategies,
more creative in your strategic planning enhance their leadership and professional particularly in the context of launching
by increasing your ability to develop competence as well as their ability to innovative products and services.
creative new business models and successfully pitch for senior executive
strategies to compete effectively and roles in a range of organisations. Accounting
sustain long-term performance. Enhance your understanding of financial
Understanding Economies statements and accounts and how
Furthermore this course will also cover how
entrepreneurial behaviour can be integrated A focus on macroeconomic issues and the to critically assess and report on
into corporate management to the benefit concepts and tools to help understand their the performance of companies.
of both large organisations and start-ups. impact on organisations and strategies.

core courses (continued) option courses
Finance New Venture Creation
A critical subject to build a foundation Examines the entrepreneurial process
for effective decisions. A focus on from idea generation to business planning.
financial analysis and investment appraisal
to support corporate decisions.
Practitioners including investors, business
advisors and entrepreneurs contribute their
Our Exchange
experience through interactive workshops.
Participants develop their own business
Organising for Effectiveness
plan and pitch.
Develop your intellectual toolkit for Aalto University Executive
understanding behaviour and managing Education (Finland)
within complex organisational settings. Financial Analysis
Develops more advanced capability to EADA (Spain)
Quantitative Methods and Tools analyse the performance of companies
through financial statements. Provides ESSEC Business School (France)
An introduction to critical business
the linkages between accounting
statistics and spreadsheet modelling IPADE Business School (México)
statements, strategy, the business model,
to help underpin the study of
valuation and investment analysis.
accounting and finance, and to support Macquarie Graduate School of
management decision making. Management (Australia)
Economics of Strategy

Operations Improvement Examines how economics can help McCombs School of Business
managers make profitable strategic (USA)
Learn about lean operations, service
decisions, particularly in relation to pricing,
design and operational risk, to help Schulich School of Business
product differentiation or cost-based
support the delivery of strategic objectives. (Canada)
strategies, competitive advantage, vertical
integration, diversification and mergers.
Research Methods for the Peking University Guanghua
Capstone Project School of Management (China)
Governing Decision-Making
An intensive workshop-based Through Data Visualizations
preparation for the Capstone Project.
This course will provide a critical
Explores the range of research and
understanding of data visualizations
analytical techniques necessary to build
(e.g. dashboards) to equip managers
evidence to solve business problems.
with practical tools to govern * List is subject to change. Please visit our
ambiguity, complexity and the website for the most up-to-date list.
Strategic Human Resource Management management of unknown-unknowns
Explores how human assets contribute in decision-making processes.
to strategic advantage and how to think
systematically and strategically to manage Global Strategy
these assets. Also examines the role
A focus on how large companies
of recruitment, selection, remuneration
internationalise. Through studying cases
and training for an effective HR strategy.
on the success and failure of MNC’s, the
course explores market entry strategies,
Capstone Project FDI, cross-border acquisitions and the
An opportunity for in-depth research on challenges presented by cultural differences
significant real-world problems. The project when expanding to emerging markets.
can focus on a business plan, consulting
project or specialist research assignment. Negotiations
Delivered by an expert in negotiation and
conflict resolution, this course explores the
theory and practice of negotiation science
in an international business context.

As part of the 12-month MBA with an international exchange programme students are given the opportunity to benefit from the
Business School’s international network of partner Schools thereby enhancing your experience and widening your alumni network.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 17

Our past students
share their experiences
The MBA helped me move beyond my technical background in Marketing &
Communications and provided me with a suite of wider skills, which led to
opportunities I never imagined would have been available without the qualifcation.
I approached for various roles in companies, which I do not think, would have come
my way without the MBA experience.

The Edinburgh MBA is the perfect blend of career development and lifestyle. Living
life in Scotland for a short while and taking advantage of all that’s on your doorstep
in terms of work experience, as well as travel, was really unique coming from
Australia. I loved living in Edinburgh – a global city rich in history but still afordable
and small enough to walk across town, with the University at the heart of the city.

I really enjoyed honing my fnancial knowledge because this is a fundamental

step in building your capability in management, no matter the sector or industry.
Walking away more comfortable with that aspect of business has been valuable to
me. Additionally, the program places a lot of emphasis on developing the ‘softer’
leadership skills like emotional intelligence, active listening and infuencing, which are
all critical components of good leadership.
Jess Webb
Meeting my business ‘hero’ on the Women in Leadership Trek in London which
Executive Ofcer, eventuated in a summer internship and capstone project in her company – then a job
Indigenous ofer to work for her – still pinching myself that it even happened!
Land and Sea Undertaking the MBA was like drinking from a frehose – with so much content
Corporation and so many opportunities it can be hard to ft them all into 12 short months!
The University of Edinburgh has a strong global brand and the city itself is full of
character, so if you’re lucky enough to take the time out from your life and job to do
a full-time MBA, then the Edinburgh MBA will provide you with a wonderful blend of
experiences you’ll look back and cherish.

After I graduated in 2010 with a BA in Economics, I became a Financial Specialist at

the Federal Highway Administration in Washington DC. I returned to study as I had
progressed as far as I could in my current role and I also wanted to move from the
public sector into the private sector. I chose the University of Edinburgh for its global
reputation, its location, and because of the length of the MBA programme (1 year
compared to 2 in the US).

The MBA is an intense full-time program providing an overview of business with the
option to specialize in an area of interest. There is a strong focus on sustainability and
corporate social responsibility as well as the development of leadership and other soft
skills. Because the school is so well placed in Europe and has such a good reputation,
it attracts students from all over the world, providing a diverse and stimulating learning
environment. The opportunities to learn beyond the classroom – from international
business treks to case competitions and undergraduate mentoring programs are vast.

The programme allowed me to develop both my technical skills and my soft skills which
were instrumental in landing me my current job. I am now a Senior Financial Analyst
for Johnson & Johnson and was introduced to my current company through the
Erin Bembe programme’s Capstone project.
Senior Finance Analyst, Having an alumni community that I can tap into is important to me. The network I’ve
Johnson & Johnson built thus far has been a huge support in my post-MBA life.

The programme is quite rigorous and the city can be a huge distraction, so it’s essential
to fnd the right balance between studying and enjoying all that Edinburgh has to
ofer. Make sure to take advantage of all the opportunities the school provides for
development outside of the classroom – the multiple clubs, volunteering opportunities,
projects, guest lecturers, and career.

Some International Students on Castle Hill in the Old Town, Edinburgh.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA

Our MBA courses are led by internationally recognised

faculty who bring incisive knowledge and practical
relevance to the classroom. All are experienced teachers,
researchers and consultants in their respective fields.

Incisive Knowledge.
Practical expertise.
Academic Faculty
teaching on our MBA

Dr Caroline Marchant Jo Young Dr Kathi Kaesehage

Managing Stakeholder New Venture Creation and the Business Strategy for Environmentally
Communications Course Entrepreneurial Approach Course Suitable Futures Course
Caroline has previously worked in Jo was previously the manager of the Kathi is a Lecturer in Climate Change
Financial Services and as a Marketing Entrepreneurs Club, connecting students and Business Strategy. Through her
Consultant advising on marketing with entrepreneurial networks, contacts highly interdisciplinary research,
strategy and planning in a range and opportunities in the city. She is now she directly supports the Centre for
of sectors from charities, tourism, an entrepreneur, running her own business Business and Climate Change, where
education, the arts as well as financial – the Scientific Editing Company. she explores the role of climate
services. Her main research interests change for business strategies.
include the impact on communication Julian Rawel
technologies on consumption practices, Strategic Leadership Professor Nick Oliver
as well as financial socialisation. Organising for Effectiveness Course
Julian is our MBA Programmes Director.
Julian’s career has centred on marketing A Professor of Management, Nick’s
Professor David Marshall (Board member and Fellow of the CIM), specialisms are Organisational Behaviour
Strategic Marketing Course strategy and great customer service. He and Operations Management. His research
A Professor of Marketing and Consumer was part of the team that built and floated mainly focuses on the characteristics of
Behaviour with special interest in food tour operator Eurocamp; marketing director high-performing organisations and is a
industry, health issues and change, at The Royal Armouries Museum; global Harvard Business Review published author.
marketing to children, consumption business school teacher and consultant.
and music. David’s most recent Professor Paolo Quattrone
research include for example: ‘Imag(e) Professor Jonathan Crook Governing Decision-Making Through
ining’ commensality through the selfie: Understanding Economies Course Data Visualisations Course
weekday family meals and practices
Jonathan is both Deputy Dean of the Paolo holds the Chair in Accounting
which he presented at the Child and
School and the Director of Research. Governance and Social Innovation and
Teen Consumption Conference 2018.
He is also co-founder of the globally is a member of the Advisory Group on
leading Credit-Scoring Conference. His the Future of Corporate Reporting at
Professor Jo Danbolt specialisms include the economics of the Financial Reporting Council. He has
Financial Aspects of Mergers acquisitions and mergers, the economics published widely on the interface between
and Acquisitions Course of the consumer credit industry, management control and information
Jo holds the Baillie Gifford Chair in credit scoring and credit control. technologies (especially ERPs).
Financial Markets. He specialises in
mergers and acquisitions as well as
international corporate finance.

Academic Faculty
teaching on our MBA

Dr Ronan Gallagher
Finance Course
Ronan is a CFA charterholder and has
industrial experience in Corporate Finance
and Taxation at PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP. He has consulted in the area of
pension risk analysis for the UK media
regulator, Ofcom. His primary research
interests are in empirical corporate
finance, empirical asset pricing and
the finance of professional sport.

Tom Brown
Financial Analysis Course
With previous experience in production
management and professional accounting,
Tom is a Lecturer in Accounting. Tom
teaches accounting and specialises in
financial statement analysis, accounting
history, auditing, and public sector
information system development.

Dr Tong Wang
Economics of Strategy Course
A lecturer in Business Economics,
Tong specialises in Internet Economics,
Regulation and Competition Policy,
Risk Sharing and Assortative Matching,
Contract Theory, as well as Fintech,
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.

Tom Hutcheson, Associate of the Business School (John Duncan).

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 21

Faculty Spotlight

Professor Susan Murphy

Strategic Leadership
Today’s leaders must anticipate changes She was formerly Director of the School
in rapid paced, global environments. In of Strategic Leadership Studies at James
order to do this leaders need to develop a Madison University and Professor of
strategic mindset – something that Susan Leadership Studies, and Associate Director
has great insight in. Professor Susan Elaine Henry R. Kravis Leadership Institute.
Murphy holds the Chair in Leadership She has published over 40 articles and
Development and is co-founder of the book chapters on leadership, leadership
Executive Women’s Leadership Programme development, and mentoring.
(220 women attendees to date across
In addition to her academic work, Susan
has worked with close to 100 companies
Her current research examines leadership in various management consultancy
requirements, efectiveness, and engagements helping solve issues of
development across diferent contexts strategy and leadership development and
and organisational levels and identifes change. These include many organisations
ways in which organisations encourage the in the public and private section in the UK
“leadership development mindset”. and abroad including Cairn Energy, Maersk,
CYBG, U.S. Department of Energy, Toyota,
and CALA Homes.

Professor John Amis

Leading Strategic Change
A key aspect of leadership in any for Scotland, CALA Homes, and Fortune
organisation is the ability to design and 500 US companies such as FedEx and
implement strategic change initiatives. AutoZone.
John is Chair in Strategic Management
In addition to three books, John has
and Organisation and specialises in
authored over 70 journal articles and book
organisational and institutional change.
John teaches on our MBA programme
and students can beneft from his vast
experience and research. Over the years
John has carried out numerous consulting
assignments, sponsored research projects,
and Executive Leadership Development
programmes with various organisations,
including Scottish Enterprise, National Trust

The MBA Community

On joining the Edinburgh MBA you

immediately become part of a global
network of Edinburgh students – present
and past. This includes a network of nearly
16,000 alumni world wide who occupy senior
positions in many countries around the world
and offer a valuable network of contacts.

a dynamic mba
Right from the start of the MBA we
endeavour to build strong relationships
and a friendly working environment.
Our unique two-week Welcome
Induction programme will help you
to settle and we organise a series of
events to introduce you to our capital
city, including a traditional Scottish
ceilidh. A key feature of induction is
the ‘Leading High Performing Teams’
event. This takes place in the heart of
Perthshire and is a hugely significant
team building activity that brings
the class together in a unique way.

We also travel further afield to bring

you new experiences. In 2018/2019
Princes Street, Edinburgh (Serge_Bertasius).

we took the MBA class to Iceland

and Colombia to experience a very
different financial, social and natural
environment. We visited businesses
and met with Managers whose
roles rely on their ability to respond
to significant and unpredictable
challenges. These treks are not part of
the core curriculum but they provide
a unique and valuable perspective.

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 23

The Business School

Triple accreditation from AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA,

underscores the quality of everything we do and has
been awarded by the three most influential business
accreditation bodies. Our accreditation is testament to
our inspirational teaching, game-changing research and
diverse engagement with global business.

a triple accredited
business school
At the heart of our dynamic School is Our research clusters are staffed by teams spaces, a café and The Hub – an
a faculty of more than 100 specialist whose work has real influence in business, extensive library space offering essential
academics, a vibrant student population government and the public sector. We databases, journals and leading financial
of 1,500 and a suite of sought-after embrace both applied and methodological information services. MBA students
undergraduate, postgraduate and research and nurture thinking that’s enjoy full access to Eikon, Datastream,
executive education programmes. brave, bold and provokes debate. Our Bloomberg, S & P Capital IQ, Thomson
passion for research has resulted in truly ONE, Fame, CRSP (Centre for Research
First offered in 1980, the Edinburgh MBA
groundbreaking work in finance, credit in Security Prices) and Compustat.
has grown significantly and today lies at the
scoring and public management.
forefront of business development in areas A dedicated MBA team is in place to
including finance and risk, international help you through your studies.
business and leadership. Our programmes An international impact
are founded in academic research and Our students, like many of our teaching
applied in the real business world. faculty, bring an international background
in terms of both nationality and career.
Committed to corporate engagement On average the MBA cohort comprises
of students from around 20 separate
Much more than simply a source of
nationalities. It’s a vibrant mix that One hundred years ago our first business
knowledge, our School connects
creates a lively sharing of ideas and graduate Margaret Stevenson Miller walked
MBA students with local, national
insights into different cultures. through our doors. Her unique story shares
and international businesses,
the same spirit, determination, and business
innovators and entrepreneurs. The diversity we welcome also reflects
impact of those that followed her.
the global nature of today’s businesses.
Our commitment to corporate engagement
Our MBA programmes get to the core Read their stories at:
and our strong sector-wide links are
of international business and finance
found in our sponsored research, our
to address key issues of the day.
executive education programmes, our
extensive guest speaker series, our
E-Club and our long-standing relationship Equipped for ambition
with the business professions. The Business School fosters ambitious
plans to continue building on our
Insightful research success and to stand among the
top business schools worldwide.
The lifeblood of any major business school,
here at Edinburgh we aim for research Located in the centre of the University
that sets agendas, leads change and campus, the School features a number
revolutionises future business strategy. of lecture theatres, MBA suite, communal

Business School Buccleuch Street entrance (Rob Brady).

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 25

The University of Edinburgh

Granted its Royal Charter in 1583, the University of Edinburgh

which we are a key part of is one of the oldest in the United
Kingdom. More than 200 years ago its central role in the
Scottish Enlightenment helped create a bright new reason-
based approach to the human condition. Today that legacy
inspires a modern, forward-looking institution, world-class
academics and more than 40,000 students from across
the globe who have chosen to study at Edinburgh.

a world class
A centre of excellence for teaching, An approach that looks outwards backdrop for activities including hiking,
research and innovation A global outlook demands established mountain biking, surfing and kayaking.
Whether pursuing a degree, a global connections. Across teaching and
Masters, MBA or PhD, our students research activities we work with partners A city with spirit and spark
are exposed to challenging ideas and including universities in the USA, Canada, An entrepreneurial spirit engulfs Edinburgh
inspired thinking. Ranked 20th in the China, Australia and India in fields as and is evidenced by a prosperous and
2020 QS World University Rankings. diverse as e-science, life and medical diverse economy, leading-edge research and
Edinburgh is home to some of the most sciences, engineering and arts and culture.. a healthy local, national and international
influential academics in their fields. business community. Central to this dynamic
A capital with character mix, the University of Edinburgh Business
Internationally recognised for first-rate
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, School offers a learning environment that
research, development and innovation,
Edinburgh’s Georgian and Victorian is every bit as stimulating and progressive.
the University belongs to the Russell
architecture characterise much of the
Group of leading UK research-intensive A pioneering city, at the University
city. Despite its status as a thoroughly
universities. Alongside a commitment to of Edinburgh the UK’s most powerful
contemporary capital, here is a city whose
robust academic research is a dedication computer helps drive a vibrant biosciences
centre is home to a royal palace, an extinct
to enterprise and entrepreneurship. sector. The search for renewable energy
volcano and a truly iconic cliff-top castle.
finds a focus here too, and several global
Facilities for 21st century learning Bursting with life, Edinburgh boasts financial institutions – banks, insurance
Throughout campus, well-equipped, four universities, major international arts companies, investment houses and
contemporary environments are purpose festivals and a host of galleries, theatres brokers – are headquartered in the city.
built for studying, learning, networking and concert halls. People from all over It’s the ideal location for the School’s
and relaxing. New facilities like our the world have settled here – a fact unique approach to strategic leadership.
award-winning Edinburgh Centre for celebrated by the strong ethnic flavour
Carbon Innovation sees the University of the city’s restaurants, bars and cafés. A place of inspiration
joining partners across government, A walk in the bustling heart of Edinburgh With so much innovation, research
business and communities to help drive is a walk of contrasts and surprises. and collaboration going on, it’s natural
policy, innovation and solutions. Edinburgh brings all the advantages that the city attracts the world’s leading
of a major European capital, yet ours thinkers and business people. The School
This continued focus on meaningful
is a manageable city whose compact is perfectly placed to both contribute to
collaborations with public and private
centre rewards exploration. first-rate research and thinking and to
sector organisations is key to future plans,
connect with those working at the very top
both in terms of teaching and research,
A country to discover of their sectors. Guest speakers regularly
but also facilities at the University.
Within just a few miles of the Business present to our students, engage in debate
One key future development at the School await East Lothian’s beaches, with our faculty and lead our aspiring
University is the conversion of the Old villages and famous golf courses. The town entrepreneurs by example. Its engagement
Royal Infirmary into the home of the of St Andrews, the game’s birthplace, is that has paid dividends; year-on-year the
Edinburgh Futures Institute. The aim of less than two hours from Edinburgh. University has inspired and supported a
the Institute is to tackle big challenges by record number of business start-ups.
bringing together people from different Further afield, Scotland, authentically
one of Europe’s last great wildernesses, Edinburgh is a city of influence too;
backgrounds and disciplines, both internally
delights the inquisitive with mountains, as the seat of the Scottish Parliament
and externally, that can help spark new
lochs, wildlife and seven thousand the city provides access to the
ideas and connections and ultimately
miles of stunning coastline. Combined, Civil Service and public sector and
lead to change either locally or globally.
they result in a breathtaking natural government organisations.
Scientists. Politicians. Writers.
Philosophers. Athletes.
Innovators. Astronauts. All have
found inspiration at Edinburgh.

Alexander Graham Bell

Sophia Jex- Blake
Gordon Brown
Charles Darwin
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Katherine Grainger
Philippa Gregory
Peter Higgs
Chris Hoy
David Hume
James Clerk Maxwell
Inside McEwan Hall (Douglas Robertson).

Ian Rankin
Stella Rimington
Sir Walter Scott
Dr Piers Sellers
James Simpson
Alexander McCall Smith
Robert Louis Stevenson

The University of Edinburgh Business School The Edinburgh MBA 27

Making an Application

Are you ready

for the challenge?

Finding out more If you do not meet the minimum academic

We encourage you to attend our Open requirement, we may require you to
Day or make an appointment to come complete the Graduate Management
and visit the campus. If you are not able Admissions Test (GMAT) which is an
to make it to campus you also have the internationally-recognised assessment of
opportunity to find out more by meeting analytical, numerical and verbal reasoning.
some of our staff and Alumni at various If we require you to take GMAT, we would
MBA Fairs taking place globally. Details of expect a score of 600 to qualify for our MBA.
forthcoming events and opportunities are
posted on our website. We can also arrange English language
one-to-one sessions in person or via Skype You will be required to demonstrate
with our MBA Relationship Manager. your English language proficiency. It
is important that your competency of
Educational and English is at a level that will enable you
professional experience to succeed in your studies, regardless of
To ensure an outstanding student experience your nationality or country of residence.
we have set entry requirements for our Full details of the entry requirements can
full-time MBA programmes as follows: be found on:
Professional experience requirement
At least three years’ work experience in a
managerial role. Experience can be from
any industry, including the public sector,
charitable organisations or the arts.

Minimum Academic Requirement

You will need a UK first-class or 2:1
honours degree in any subject, or an
equivalent overseas qualification.

If you do not meet the minimum academic
requirement, you may still be considered if:

• you have professional qualifications

with substantial work experience; or

• you do not hold a degree or

professional qualifications but you
have a very strong employment
record demonstrating a high
degree of responsibility.

University of Edinburgh Business School
29 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9JS, UK
+44 (0)131 650 9663

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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