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Facts:: Philippine Trust Company V. Floro Roxas and Eufemia Roxas G.R. No. 171897, October 14, 2015

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G.R. No. 171897, October 14, 2015

The Spouses Roxas procured loans from Philippine Trust Company (PTC) to finance
their real estate business, which were secured by real estate mortgages on the Spouses Roxas'
real properties. Subsequently, the Spouses Roxas, PTC, and Roben Construction entered into "a
contract of building construction," under which PTC granted an additional loan to the Spouses
Roxas. Such contract was superseded by a new "contract of building construction" wherein
Rosendo P. Dominguez, Jr. (Dominguez) substituted Roben Construction as the contractor under
the same terms and conditions of the previous contract. Spouses Roxas did not finish the
housing project due to financial difficulties resulting in non-payment of the loans.
As a result, Dominguez sued PTC and Spouses Roxas for breach of contract. On the
other hand, Spouses Roxas in turn filed a complaint against Dominguez and the insurance
In the first case, Spouses Roxas filed an answer with a cross-claim against PTC. PTC
also filed an answer with a counterclaim against Spouses Roxas for unpaid loan obligation and,
in default of such payments, the foreclosure of the real estate mortgages. The RTC ruled in favor
of Dominguez and denied PTC’s counterclaim for insufficiency of evidence without prejudice to
the filing of a complaint against Spouses Roxas. Both PTC and Spouses Roxas appealed to the
CA but the same is still pending (CA-G.R. CV No.30340).

PTC in the meantime filed a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure against Spouses Roxas
in Bataan RTC. The latter in turn filed an opposition and a complaint for damages with
Preliminary Injunction which was granted by the court. The CA affirmed the RTC’s decision.
The decision became final and executory, prompting the Spouses Roxas to file a motion for
execution to enforce the judgment against PTC. PTC filed an Opposition where it raised for the
first time the defense of legal compensation to offset the judgment debt due to the Spouses
Roxas. The same was denied by the RTC. PTC filed two motions for reconsideration but both
were denied again. PTC filed a Petition for Certiorari with the CA which was dismissed. Hence,
this Petition for Review on Certiorari.

1) Whether or not the defense of legal compensation can be raised for the first after the
decision became final and executory.
2) Whether or not PTC engaged in forum shopping.
Anent the first issue, the SC ruled in the negative. PTC should have raised the argument
of compensation at the trial stage. Sec. 2, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court provides that:
Defenses and objections not pleaded either in a motion to dismiss or in the
answer are deemed waived; except the failure to state a cause of action
which may be alleged in a later pleading, if one is permitted, or by motion
for judgment on the pleadings, or at the trial on the merits; but in the last
instance, the motion shall be disposed of as provided in section 5 of Rule
10 in the light of any evidence which may have been received. Whenever
it appears that the court has no jurisdiction over the subject-matter, it shall
dismiss the action.

Although legal compensation takes place by operation of law, it must be alleged and
proved as a defense by the debtor who claims its benefits. Only after it is proved will its effects
retroact to the moment when all the requisites under Article 1279 of the Civil Code have
PTC's contention that it could not have raised legal compensation as a defense because it
was not yet a debtor of the Spouses Roxas when it filed its answer is unconvincing. Under Rule
8, Section 2 of the 1964 Rules of Court, "[a] party may set forth two or more statements of a
claim or defense alternatively or hypothetically, either in one cause of action or defense or in
separate causes of action or defenses." Thus, the defense of compensation would have been
proper and allowed under the rules even if PTC disclaimed any liability at the time it filed its
answer. In Marquez v. Valencia, 99 Phil. 740 [1956], cited in Arreza v. Diaz, Jr., G.R. No.
13343, August 30, 2001, 364 SCRA 88, 97, it was held that when a defendant failed to set up
such alternative defenses and chosen orelected to rely on one only, the overruling thereof was a
complete determination of the controversy between the parties, which bars a subsequent action
based upon an unpleaded defense. Unmistakably, the rationale behind this is the proscription
against the splitting of causes of action.
In any case, even if PTC were excused from pleading compensation as a defense in its
answer, PTC still failed to raise this defense in its motion for reconsideration of the Bataan R TC
decision and in its subsequent appeal. Hence, there can be no other conclusion than that PTC is
already estopped from raising the issue of legal compensation.

Anent the second issue, the SC ruled in the affirmative. PTC appears to have willfully
engaged in forum shopping. Forum Shopping exists when the elements of litis pendentia are
present, viz: a) identity of parties, or at least such parties as those representing the same interest
in both actions; b) identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for, the relief being founded on the
same facts; and c) the identity of the two preceding particulars is such that any judgment
rendered in the other action, regardless of which party is successful, will amount to res judicate
in the action under consideration.
We find that the elements of litis pendentia – and, as a consequence, forum shopping –
exists in this case. PTC’s claim for legal compensation is founded on the same unpaid loan
obligation now being litigated in CA-G.R. CV No. 30340. Although that case originated from a
complaint filed by Dominguez for breach of contract, PTC counterclaimed the entire unpaid loan
obligation, plus interest, owed to it by the Spouses Roxas. In other words, PTC had squarely put
in issue the matter of the Spouses Roxas' indebtedness arising from the loans the latter obtained
from PTC. It is immaterial that PTC's cause of action in the other case was set forth by way of a
counterclaim, since the latter partakes of the nature of a complaint by the defendant against the
plaintiff. On the other hand, while the Main Case originally involved a different subject matter
and cause of action (i.e., the injunction against PTC's extrajudicial foreclosure and the Spouses
Roxas' claim for damages) as that embraced in CA-G.R. CV No. 30340, the primary issue raised
by PTC in its Opposition to the Motion for Execution, and subsequently in the petition
for certiorari with the Court of Appeals and the present petition, pertained to the same loan
obtained by the Spouses Roxas. Thus, with respect to the Spouses Roxas' indebtedness to PTC,
there is a clear identity of parties, of subject matter, and of cause of action. Consequently, once a
final decision in CA-G.R. CV No. 30340 is rendered, it will constitute res judicata and bar
further litigation on the same loan obligation, including any dispute on the applicability or non-
applicability of legal compensation.

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