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What Is Blended Learning? What Comprises Blended Learning? How Will You Humanize This Approach of Learning?

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What is Blended What comprises How will you humanize

Learning? Blended Learning? this approach of

1. Blended Learning is a 1. Online- modular As a teacher, I should
combination of different 2. Online- face to face prepare myself to be
modalities used to deliver 3. Modular- face to face equipped with the skills in
the lesson and in technology, module
facilitating the teaching- preparation. I should also
learning process. This be able to reach out my
include on-line, modular, students and talks with the
face to face and parents and encouraged
homeschooling. them to help me and the
school in the education of
their children.
2. Blended Learning is an Blended learning We can humanize it with
approach to education that comprises online instructional models that
combines online educational materials, emphasize learnings
educational materials and online interaction, learning instrinsic value and that
opportunities for interaction modules, face to face recognize that learning is
online with traditional based-learning that caters fundamentally human and
placed-based classroom the needs and the humans are unique.
methods. It requires the availability of the learning
physical presence of both materials of the students.
teacher and students, with
some elements of student
control over time, place,
path or pace.
3. Blended Learning is an Blended Learning I can humanize this
approach in learning that contains, the combination learning approach through
includes varieties of ways of online learning, respecting the decision of
to deliver a certain lesson educational materials and the students and their
based on the learning opportunities for interaction parents on what learning
modalities preferred by the online with traditional modalities they have
students. placed-based classroom chosen. And give the best
methods. learning they must have
using the different types of
4.The type of delivery of Blended learning Blended Learning can be
learning that uses different comprises all the learning humanize through setting
learning modalities like different learning the learning of students at
a. distant learning(online or modalities. home as if the teacher is
modular) also there, For example,
b. face to face learning while the student is
c. learning through the use learning through module
of radio, tv and other types he might be given an
of media. audio-video lesson parallel
to that of the module so as
to facilitate easy learning
especially those who suffer
from difficulty on
independent learning.
5. Blended Learning is an Blended learning I will create an active
approach to learning that comprises all modalities of learning environment that
combines face to face and learning such as modular, will encourage and support
online learning television, online and radio risk-taking and creativity.
experiences. learnings. Engage learners with
activities that connects
social presence to the
situation we are facing
now. I will encourage
learners to embrace the
new normal of teaching-
learning process we have
6. Blended Learning is a Blended learning is 1. Redefine my role in the
combination of the learning comprised of on-line- classroom.
modalities used by the modular, online- face to 2. Start with a description
DepEd to ensure that no face and modular-face to of the curriculum.
learner shall be left behind face. 3. Outline my goal
during the time of 4. Determine learning
pandemic. objectives.
5. Define learning
6. Choose a blended
learning model
7. Explore different
teaching methods to
implement the model.
8. Use the right technology
7. Blended Learning is a It comprises the human I humanize the blended
learning delivery with the connection. Learners might learning by actively
combination of face to feel isolated or lose support, recognize and
face, modular and online. motivation to engage and it incorporating the diversity
may lose the initiative to of learning.
develop learning
communities and promote
social and collaborative
8. Blended learning is a Blended Learning Based from the current
style of education in which comprises physical, social, situation of our country,
students learn via and virtual interaction humanizing BL as an
electronic and online among students and approach to learning will
media as well as traditional teachers. be difficult due to various
face-to-face teaching. hindrances like lack of
Blended learning can also gadgets and financial
be viewed as a kind of relic problems since most
symbol of the gap between students study in public
“traditional education” and schools, but physical
connected and digital interaction is more
learning. dangerous. Blended
learning can still be utilize
but with strict
precautionary measures,
strong discipline and
cooperation of everyone
because the safety of the
students and teachers
shall be considered first.

9. Blended Learning is an Blended learning Learning or improving the

educational approach comprises online-modular, skills of a teacher in the
wherein there is the online-face to face and use of technology is
integration of technology modular- face to face prerequisite to make
with the traditional way of approach. blended learning work. It is
teaching-learning process, also important that
making education more teachers consider or
accessible and flexible. recognize diversity of
learners and their
individual needs, since not
all students have the
capability to access
education through online.
We should be able to
acknowledge the
challenges they are in so
that we could choose the
best teaching tools for
them, making them feel
that they are not left
10. Blended learning is a BL is an approach to Humanizing this requires
style of education in which education that combines you to actively support and
students learn via online educational material celebrate the dignity of
electronic and online and opportunities for every learner recognizing
media as well as traditional interaction online with and incorporating the
face to face teaching. traditional placed-based diversity of cultural
classroom methods. It background that exist in
requires the physical the classroom.
presence of both teacher
and student with some
elements of student control
over time,place, path or
11. Blended learning is a Blended compliments both We will humanize BL
method that combines environment and help all approach by enhancing the
technology and traditional types of learners in various students engagement and
instructions like classroom ways, different learners learning through online
activities thus students different learning styles , activities to the course
students enjoy teaching integrates technology and curriculum and consider
learning process. digital media with the individual difference
traditional classroom and needs.
activities giving students
more flexibility to
customize their learning
12. Blended learning is the Blended learning combines Explore different teaching
combination of face to face classroom learning with methods to compliment the
and other modalities like online learning in which model choose.
online learning modular students can in part control
etc. the time, pace and place of
their learning.
13. Blended learning is a Like the name implies, 1. Redefine my role in the
style of education in which blended learning is a mix, classroom.
students learn via not just of online and 2. Start with a description
electronic and online offline instruction, but of of the curriculum.
media as traditional face to several different necessary 3. Outline my goal
face teaching items including the right 4. Determine learning
hardware, curriculum, objectives.
instruction and 5. Define learning
individualized instruction. outcomes.
6. Choose a blended
learning model
7. Explore different
teaching methods to
implement the model.
8. Use the right technology
14. Blended Learning is a. Face-to-face plus Consider that each student
the combination of face-to- modular distance learning have different learning
face/traditional approach b. Face-to-face plus online phase allow students to
plus another learning distance learning answer the modules be it
modalities. In other words, c. Face-to-face plus online or physical with
it is the combination of the TV/radio based instruction. ample amount of time.
asynchronous and Other approach that might
synchronous approach in help humanize blended
learning. learning is awareness in
students needs. As a
teacher we need to identify
if students are having
difficulties in using blended
platforms. We must guide
them and find the best
approach where they will
learn best. Have an open-
ear and hear what their
concerns are and how can
we help them.
15. Blended learning is a It comprises the reduction Humanizing blended
technique or modalities of number of hours or learning means to create
used in education which meetings with the teacher an ideal set up for the
combine the traditional and the students. Travel, students and the teacher
method of teaching (face allowance, projects/outout, to adjust to the new normal
to face) and the online cost effective and can by the participation of the
learning or e-learning easily monitor the progress parents, the school, and
(online) or the modular of each students. the local authorities- the
approach if internet is not barangay.

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