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Process Scale Up Demo Batch Filtration Commercial Continuous Filtration Bhs

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Barry A. Perlmutter, President & Managing Director

BHS-Sonthofen Inc.
Filtration, Mixing & Recycling Divisions
14300 South Lakes Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina 28273-6794
Telephone: 704.845.1190; Fax: 704.845.1902


In the chemical process industry (CPI) as well as new technology arena (NTA), there are
inherent risks and benefits to scaling up from the laboratory / bench top through pilot,
demonstration and then finally commercial scale. This article will follow the process filtration
approach developed for each technology stage gate starting from batch filtration in the lab to
continuous filtration for the full-scale commercial operation.

The article begins with a discussion of each stage-gate and how to avoid the “cookie-cutter”
approach to these types of projects. Process engineers must not “jump to conclusions”, a
reference from Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson who prove time and again is that there
is no benefit to jumping to conclusions. Therefore, laboratory / bench top filtration testing is
covered for problem analysis, technology selection and pilot and demonstration scale-up.

The paper continues with the filtration testing and then scale-up to the commercial size.
Finally, the paper concludes with a general review of the problem-solving skills of Holmes and
Watson and how these skills can be utilized by process engineers as a framework for “idea-
generation” when analyzing a new process scale-up. In all cases, by combining Holmes and
Watson with accurate filtration testing, the optimum filter selection can be realized at each

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Lab Scale

For the lab scale, the typical reactor sizing is 1 – 5 liters. These reactors can be simple batch
precipitation reactions to more complex continuous-stirred tank reactors (CSTR). A frequent
challenge at this stage is reliable solids and crystals size and shape. To address this, process
researchers must test at different pressures, temperatures, times, agitation, etc.

Pilot Scale

Pilot plants provide the first view into the scale-up issues for the solids/crystals formation,
feeding systems for slurries, handling and pumping issues, catalysts, etc. The volumes are
larger up to 50 liters.

Demonstration Scale

Demonstration plants are different than pilot plants in that they are much closer to the
commercial scale. They allow for more extended run times and typically produce the final
product which can be checked for the various quality parameters. The capital costs are higher
and there is more risk in this scale, generally up to 40,000 liters. This will be the go/no-go
decision point for the commercial operation including investments, market information, internal
and external forces, revenues, costs, etc.

Commercial Scale

The commercial scale can be of various sizes based upon the current and future market
demand for the product. However, even if all of the previous work is optimized, the
commercial scale can also develop problems based upon the assumptions made. In the book,
Solid-Liquid Filtration, Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering, B. Perlmutter writes about
interesting process challenges after the fact. There are small changes in the commercial scale
that have large impacts on the process; think about Sherlock Holmes and identifying the
crucial from the incidental.

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According to Holmes and Watson, it is important to train yourself to be a better decision maker.
For example, using checklists, formulas, structured procedures; those are your best bet.


The BHS bench top testing is conducted using the BHS Pocket Leaf Filter, as shown in Figure
1. The test device is a BHS pocket leaf filter with a filter area of 20 cm² and a vacuum and
pressure connection. The testing will analyze cake depths, operating pressures, filter media,
washing and drying efficiencies and qualitative cake discharge. The data collection sheets
are shown in Figure 2. The steps in filtration testing are as follows:
First, it is necessary to clearly state the process description. This includes the slurry
characteristics (particle size distribution, particle shape, density, etc.), washing of the cake (i.e.
number of washes and wash ratios), drying / pre-drying of the cake (vacuum, pressure
blowing, and mechanical pressing) as well as the upstream and downstream equipment. With
this definition, the type of samples that need to be collected and analyzed can be determined.

Secondly, it is necessary to know what are the requirements for the operation such as
solids/hour and cake quality (percent moisture, percent contaminants, etc.).

Thirdly, with the above in mind, the testing much determines the following objectives:
- Choice of a suitable filter cloth
- Vacuum or pressure filtration
- Wash ratios for the washing of the filter cake
- Drying techniques

For the initial testing for this project, the choice of the researchers was pressure filtration. The
process had 1.8% solids and the requirement was batch filtration, cake washing, drying, solids
to landfill and filtrate was sent to reactors for further processing. Due to the low solids content,
the decision was made for candle filtration. Appendix A illustrates the candle filtration


Based upon the lab testing, the pilot stage installed two (2) BHS candle filters each with 0.2 m2
of filter area. There are three batch reactors feeding the two candle filters. Figure 3 illustrates
the pilot plant flow diagram. The pilot plant was planned for one-year operation.

After the pilot process began, the filter media did not produce the desired solids removal and
cake discharge was difficult as displacement washing of the solids was not very efficient. The
wash ratio was 10 kg liquid: 1 kg solid. Other issues surfaced including drying difficulties, cake
cracking and variability of the cake thickness.

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The key learnings at the pilot scale are as follows:

1. Vertical cake structure is hard to maintain

2. Drying beyond 80% moisture is not possible
3. High flux for filtration with little/no pressure buildup made it difficult to determine the end
of filtration
4. Wash ratio of 10:1 generates acceptable product yield but not efficient
5. Tight filter cloth was needed for filtrate quality

In summary, the candle filter was not the optimal technology. This was an important discovery
at the earlier stages of the project. The decision was to go back to the lab testing to optimize
the filtration process for the demonstration scale plant.

According to Holmes and Watson, it is easy to succumb to certainty but every time you find
yourself making a judgment upon observation, train yourself to stop and repeat. Then go back
and restate from the beginning and in a different fashion and most importantly, out loud instead
of silently, as this will save you from many errors in perception. Process engineers can benefit
from discussing options with technology suppliers that can provide different filtration solutions.


For this lab testing, the focus was on vacuum filtration based upon the pilot plant experience.
Horizontal continuous – indexing vacuum filtration is beneficial for cakes with:

1. Very little cake resistance

2. Horizontal cake structure
3. Good for multiple washes
4. Mechanical pressing could yield improved cake moisture

The results of the lab testing are as follows:

1. Solids concentration was increased to 7% from 1.8% which improves the process and
allows for vacuum filtration
2. Filter media, 7 micron (um) produced clear filtrate, non-detectable fines
3. Cake thickness is reproducible, 50 mm, and cake discharge is optimum, see Figure 4
4. Filtration cycle time is 25 seconds
5. Cake washing is 20 seconds
6. Displacement washing with water is very efficient to > 90%
7. Neutralization is very efficient for 70 seconds with reduced caustic concentrations
8. Vacuum drying in combination with pressing and blowing for 50 seconds yielded
consistent dryness > 80% and a reduction in cake thickness to 30 mm for easily solids
handling for disposal.
In summary, for the demonstration scale plant, the decision was made for a continuous-
indexing vacuum belt filter. Appendix B illustrates the technology.

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For the demonstration plant, based upon the lab testing, one continuous-indexing vacuum belt
filter was installed of 0.6 m2 in filter area including vacuum pumps and vacuum separators with
liquid transfer pumps. Figures 5 and 6 show the vacuum filter and vacuum pump – filtrate skid.
The vacuum filter has twelve (12) zones to allow for filtration, cake washing, neutralization, and
drying with vacuum, mechanical pressing and blowing.

The demonstration plant has completed its operation and the laboratory testing was validated
for the commercial scale operation.


The commercial plant design in shown in Figure 7. It consists of eleven (11) stages of
operation for filtration, cake washing, neutralization and drying. The process guarantees are
based upon the demonstration plant for production rate, wash ratios and quality and final
dryness. The process is now waiting for final capital approval.


It is important to consider all of the steps in process scale-up. First, it is critical to obtain the
correct data from all prospectives including reaction, filtration, solids handling, drying as well as
all of the other upstream and downstream equipment and systems. The team must know the
process, observe the testing, and deduce the solution only from what is observed (and nothing
more). Partnering with suppliers with a proven track record in similar applications will shorten
the technology scale-up cycle. Secondly, always allow time for fine-tuning even after the
scale-up seems complete. Next, the start-up and commissioning at each step will also have
unknowns associated with these activities.

Finally, throughout this article, there are references to Holmes and Watson and their unique
view of problem solving. The world of a process engineer is a distracting place and Holmes
and Watson know that without the occasional silence, as in The Hound of the Baskervilles,
there can be little hope for success. The team requires time to think about the process issues,
at hand, before moving into the piloting and demonstration stages. Holmes and Watson excel
at “deduction from facts and deduction difficulties.” All that matters is what the premises are
(process definition, requirements and testing objectives) and how the testing unwinds the
crucial from the incidental (what is the critical process parameter) and finally ending up in the
logical conclusion (optimum process filtration solution).

It is always difficult to apply Holmes’ logic but as Holmes’ states “you know my methods, now
apply them.” Engineers must practice these habits such that even under stress of a scale-up,
these stressors will bring out the very best thought patterns that are needed.

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1. All information about Holmes and Watson is taken from Maria Konnikova’s Mastermind-How
to Think Like Sherlock Holmes (Viking Penguin (USA) Inc. 2013).

2. All information about solid-liquid filtration is taken from Barry A. Perlmutter’s Solid-Liquid
Filtration, Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering (Elsevier Inc. 2015).

3. All general information about scale-up ideas are based upon BHS experience and the
following articles: Scaling-Up Bioenergy Technologies, David Edwards (Chemical Engineering
Progress, March 2015, pages 58 – 61) and Inside Look at Financing Biorenewable Projects,
Ron Cascone (Hydrocarbon Processing, April 2015, page 21).

4. All information about this project is based upon BHS process testing and development with
a confidential client.

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Figure 1: BHS Pocket Leaf Filter Figure 2: Data Collection Sheet for
BHS Pocket Leaf Filter

Date :
Filter Media

Filling Volume of Slurry

Density of Slurry
% Solids in Feed

Filtration Pressure/Vacuum
Volume of Filtrate
Time for Filtration
% Solids in

Wash 1 Wash Material

Volume of Filtrate
Time for Filtration

Wash 2 Wash Material

Volume of Filtrate
Time for Filtration

Wash 3 Wash Material

Volume of Filtrate
Time for Filtration

Drying Pressure/Vacuum
Flow Rate
Time for Drying
Pressing Pressure

Cake Weight
% Residual
Dry Cake Weight
Cake Discharge

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Figure 3: Process Flow Diagram

Figure 4: Cake Structure and Cake Discharge from Vacuum Filtration

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Figure 5: BHS Continuous-Indexing Vacuum Belt Filter, BF 025-024 (0.6 m2 filter area)

Figure 6: BHS Vacuum-Filtrate Skid for BF 025-024 (0.6 m2 filter area)

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Figure 7: Commercial Scale Design

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A candle filter is a pressure vessel filled with tubular filters called filter candles (Figure 1). A
typical filter candle is comprised of a pipe to conduct the filtrate and pressurized gas, a
perforated core with supporting tie rods, and a filter sock (Figure 2). The filtrate pipe runs the
length of the candle and ensures high liquid flow, as well as maximum distribution of the gas
during cake discharge. The tie rods create an annular space between the filter sock and the
perforated core, which helps to maintain a low pressure drop during operation and promotes
efficient expansion of the filter sock during cake discharge. The filter sock is installed over the
candle, and can be made of various synthetic materials, capable of removing particles smaller
than 1 μm. As the cake builds during operation, the candle filter’s removal efficiency increases,
enabling removal of particles as small as approximately 0.5 μm.

The candles are installed in a pressure vessel constructed of stainless steel or another alloy.
Within the vessel are horizontal manifolds called candle registers. Each candle is connected to
a register with a positive seal to prevent bypass. Depending on the filter size, each register
may contain 1–20 candles. The liquid filtrate and pressurized gas flow through the register;
automated valves ensure optimum flow in both directions.

During operation, a feed pump or pressure from the reactor or feed tank forces the slurry into
the bottom of the pressure vessel. The solids build up on the outside of the filter sock, while
the liquid filtrate flows into the candle, through the registers, and out of the vessel. This
process continues until the maximum pressure drop, design cake thickness, minimum flow, or
minimum filtration time is reached.

The cake is washed to remove impurities and leftover mother liquor, and then dried. Next, low-
pressure gas enters the individual candles and expands the filter socks. This process breaks
apart the dry cake, which detaches from the filter sock (Figure 3) and falls into the vessel cone.
The cake can also be discharged as a concentrated slurry.

Candle filters are used for thin-cake (5–20 mm) pressure filtration applications. They are best
suited for filter cakes that are stable vertically because of the orientation of the candles.

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The Continuous – Indexing Vacuum Belt Filter (CI-VBF) consists of fixed vacuum trays,
continuously feeding slurry system and indexing or step-wise movement of the filter media.
Figure 1 illustrates, in practical terms, the operational features of the CI-VBF, which, from a
testing point of view, can be a series of Buchner funnels.

Figure 1: Buchner Funnels Illustrating the Continuous-Indexing Vacuum Belt Filter

In the CI-VBF, the slurry feed is continuous while the filter cloth is moved intermittently; the
trays are fixed in place. For cloth movement, the vacuum is broken by butterfly valves and the
cloth moves (indexes), by an electric motor, in the space above the vacuum trays. The belt
moves along and relaxes while indexing, which allows for long filter cloth life. The CI-VBF
eliminates the need for rubber carrier belts to move the filter media. Further, compared with
moving tray designs, the CI-VBF requires no additional hardware such as rails, rollers and
flexible pressure vacuum rated hoses that are within the belt filter frame.
For the process operation, due to the stepwise operation of the belt, washing and drying
efficiencies are maximized with the stopped belt and the mechanism of “plug-flow” for gases
and liquids is in effect. Finally, the fixed trays allow for the mother liquid and the wash filtrates
to be recovered individually and recirculated/recovered/reused for a more efficient operation.
After filtration, washing and drying, the cake is discharged and the filter media is cleaned.
Cleaning occurs only when the filter belt is moving which ensures maximum cleaning with
lower liquid usage. Automated valves control the washing. The clean filter media is then
conveyed back to the slurry feed zone.

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Figure 2: Schematic of the Continuous-Indexing Vacuum Belt Filter

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