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Contemporary World M2

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Lesson 2

Lesson 2

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

 identify the different modes and models of communication;
 apprize the importance of the communication modes and models;
 demonstrate an understanding of the modes and models through an
I think you had a great time learning about the nature and elements of
communication. In this lesson, you will be dealing with the communication
modes and communication models.
But before proceeding to the discussion, I want you to accomplish the activity

Differentiate the two concepts using the table below. Write words that
are associated with the given terms.
Modes Models

Answer the question before proceeding to the discussion.
1. In two sentences, what do you think is/are the distinct difference/s
of modes and models?
A model is widely used to depict any idea, thought or a concept in a simpler
way through diagrams, pictorial representations etc.
Communication Models are systematic representation of the communication
process which forms general perspectives in communication.


1. Aristotle Model of Communication

The Aristotle model primarily focused on the speaker and its speech. It
can be divided into 5 primary elements; the Speaker, Speech, Occasion,
Audience, and Effect. This type of communication no longer requires the
feedback of the Audience but rather on the delivery of the speaker. Hence, it
is a speaker centered model as the speaker plays an important role in
2. Shannon-Weaver Model
As Claude Elwood Shannon was an engineer, this model was
purposely done to improve technical communication more particularly
the telephonic communication through the use of mathematical
equation and minimizing the noise barrier. It was later on when
Warren Weaver applied it for effective communication. Now, it
popularly known as Shannon Weaver Communication Model also
called as Information Theory also called information theory and is
used in academic arena to calculate transmission through machines
and also has a formula.

3. Schramm’s Model
Schramm‘s model of communication posits that knowledge plays a crucial
role on the communication process. This could simply be interpreted that
communication varies from knowledge, cultural, and educational background.
Hence, the message can be interpreted different from others.
These are the 3 communications that are commonly used and can be easily
illustrated with the commonalities and differences of each model and the
elements involved. Furthermore, it can be understood that each model varies
from each communication process. In summary, Aristotle Model is a linear
model of communication as it does not require the feedback of the audience
and focuses on the speaker itself. Shannon Weaver on the other hand, caters
more on the telephonic communication process. And lastly, the Schramm‘s
model may occur in any instances or situations, either face to face or
technology mediated.


Communication mode refers to the channel through which one expresses
his/her communicative intent; it is the medium through which one conveys
his/her thoughts.
A message may be imparted through these types; verbal-non-verbal and
visual. While communication is often thought of as verbal, the non-verbal
mode is equally essential as it enhances one‘s message.
 Verbal-Non-Verbal Communication
o Effective communication calls for the blending of these two
types. One cannot be separated from the other.
o For example, door-to-door sales persons who demonstrate
product knowledge can only be effective if they know how to
properly punctuate what they say with proper gestures and facial
expressions. Their communication with the customer begins
upon greeting him/her with a welcoming smile then assessing
customer needs and answering customer queries enhanced by
gestures and a friendly, happy and pleasant disposition.
o It is through this mode that sales pole with excellent
communication skills are able to provide the best information
needed, by that means convincing the client to patronize their

 Visual Communication
o Visual communication, on the other hand, is the type of
communication that uses visuals to convey information and/or
messages. Some examples are signs, symbol, imagery, maps,
graphs, charts, diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or
illustrations, and even various forms of electronic
o Visual communication now occupies an important place in any
work environment. For instance, during presentations,
instructors, managers, doctors, lawyers, legislators and the like
use visuals to transfer data into digestible information. Very
likely, they have greater success in catching the attention of the
audience making the latter easily recall the information.
In this sub-section, context in communication is referred to as composite
of people interacting with each other. Communication may also be classified
according to context
 Intrapersonal Communication
o The Latin prefixes intra-means within or inside. Intrapersonal
communication then means talking to oneself. Some label it as self
or inner talk, inner dialogue.
o It can be defined also as communication with one ‘s self, and that
may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and
even recall.

 Interpersonal Communication
o It can be defined as communication between two people, but the
definition fails to capture the essence of a relationship.
o This broad definition is useful when we compare it to intrapersonal
communication, or communication with ourselves, as opposed to
mass communication, or communication with a large audience, but
it requires clarification.

A. Provide examples of verbal/ non-verbal communication and visual

Verbal/ Non-Verbal Communication Visual Communication

B. Provide examples of intrapersonal communication and interpersonal

Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication

I think everything is clear on the communication models and modes. Well
done! So you have successfully completed the activities and tasks for lesson
2. It is expected that you have gained insights and meaning experience in
lesson 2. Now, you are already prepared to move to lesson 2 of this module.
So? Keep working!
Now if you are ready, please proceed to lesson 3 of this module which will
discuss about the communication and globalization.

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