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Learning Plan in English Simple SEntences

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Learning Plan in English 3

Designer: Ines,Jeanette
Subject: English School Year: 2018-2019
Grade: 3 Time Allotment: 60 minutes
Lesson/Topic: Sentences

Content Standard:
The learner:
 demonstrates understanding of grammatical structures of English to be able to communicate effectively
in oral and written forms

Performance Standard:
The learner:
 shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in varied theme-based oral and
written activities

Learning Competency:

 Distinguish sentences from non-sentences

 Construct simple sentences

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student will be able to:

 Identify the sentences from non-sentences

 Recognize the subject and predicate
 Create simple sentences

Materials: Projector, Laptop, Scissor, Scotch tape, Chalk,, Answer sheets, Pentelpen, Teacher made materials

Grammar ( SABIS, Book Series) Page 4 to 6
PILLARS ( Progressive integrated language learning and reading series) ( Matthew Joseph P.
Alganes) Page 7-11
Soaring to New Heights in LANGUAGE ( ABIVA PUBLISHING HOUSE Inc.)

Daily Routine:
 Prayer
 Exercise
 Singing
 Greetings and Sharing
 Checking of Attendance and Personal Hygiene
 Setting of Classroom Behavior
Core values: Truth, and Godliness

Pre-assessment: Individual (5 minutes)

Instruction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Rachel bought some chocolate for herself.

a. sentence b. non-sentence c. All of the above

2. Which of the following is the correct punctuation mark for a declarative sentence?
a.! b.? c. .

3. Which of the following is the correct punctuation mark for a interrogative sentence?
a.! b.? c. .

4. Which of the following is an exclamatory sentence?

a. Are you mad? b. Wow! It’s amazing! c. The girl cry.

5. Which of the following names a person, name things, animals and event?
a. Verb b. Noun c. Adverb

6. Which of the following is a proper noun?

a. Ben b. boy c. house

7. Which of the following is a common noun?

a. Cat b. Memeng c. Rose

8. Which of the following an example of imperative sentence?

a. Please sit down. b. Where are you? c. That’s nice!

9. Which of the following is the subject? The flower is beautiful.

a. Flower b. The c. Beautiful

10. Which of the following is the predicate? The flower is beautiful.

a. Flower b. The c. Beautiful

Motivation: Story Presentation (5minutes)

Title: “The Slipper of Tonyo”

Process Question:
 Who can write a simple sentence as a response to stories “The Slipper of Tonyo ”?
 What are the vocabulary words uses in stories?
 Who can give the meaning of vocabulary words use in stories?
 Who can construct a simple sentence using the vocabulary words?

A sentence express a complete thought, begins with a capital letter, and ends with a period (.), a question mark
(?), or an exclamation point (!).
A sentence is always composed by two elements: the subject and the predicate.
a. The subject is the part that is talked about in the sentence.
b. The predicate is the part that tells about the subject.

Examples: The hen has wings and feathers.

The flower is beautiful.

What is your name?

Is your mother naming Mariah?

Wow! That’s amazing story!

Explore: Individual (5 minutes)

Instruction: Read these groups of words. Draw a happy face  if the group of words forms a sentence. Draw a
sad face  if not.

so Ron jumps high.

I love my school.

I am a boy.

Share us Let food.

The chicken is very delicious.

Firm-up: By Group (10 minutes)

Instruction: Let us do the POST-IT GAME for sentence or a non sentence. Get 1 sentence strip from the
Sentence Bank and decide whether it’s a sentence and non sentence put it on the column A if it is a sentence and
Column B if it is non sentence..

Column A Column B
1. Grace loves her puppy.
2. on top of the cot
3. I have many books in my bag.
4. water in the pot
5. Are you a monster?
6. My father and mother bought a new car.
7. The month of September has 30 days.
8. the crow and the fox
9. Did he get my bag?
10. Don’t jump into the pot!

Deepen: Group activity (10 minutes)

Instruction: Write sentences about each picture as many as you can and present it to the class..
Evaluation: Individual (5 minutes)

Rate yourself. Draw a face in the circle that corresponds to the indicator of your performance.

1. I can identify the subject and predicate of a sentence.

Always Sometimes Never

2. I can identify the sentences from non-sentence.

Always Sometimes Never

3. I can construct a simple sentence with subject and predicate.

Always Sometimes Never

4. I can differentiate sentence.

Always Sometimes Never

5. I enjoy writing simple sentences.

Always Sometimes Never

Assignment: Should be passed on Wednesday February 13, 2019, during our Mathematics subject. Write it on
your activity notebook... Please pass on time.

Instruction: Give some 3 examples of declarative sentence

Closure: What is the Topic we have been discussed today?

About the sentences

We need to know how to construct a simple sentence, and distinguish a sentence to non-sentences for us to
know their grammatically structure.

“Let’s put our hand up and give 5 claps to God and put down your hands and give 3 claps to ourselves”

Sing a song: Goodbye Song

“I have so much fun, and you have so much Fun, we all have so much fun, and now we say Goodbye!
Goodbye2x see you again….”


Dear God, we thank you for everything you’ve one to us. Dear God as we continue to live in this Earth may
your Holy Spirit guide us in all what we do. Thank you for the presence of our Family, Friends and Teacher.
Thank you for everything Dear God. Amen.

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