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How-To Headline Goes Here: by Your Name or Your Company Name

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The key takeaways are to use short sentences, short paragraphs, sub-headings and bullet points to structure the content for better readability. Optimize the content to sell the value and benefits to users and provide ways for them to opt-in.

The tips mentioned for writing effective headlines are to use bold text for the main point, keep headlines short and use qualifying statements to capture the reader's attention.

Some techniques mentioned for structuring the content are to use numbered lists, keep paragraphs under 4 lines, include sub-headings in the form of questions and provide references for additional reading.

How-To Headline Goes Here

by Your Name or Your Company Name

You want to begin with a qualifying statement. It’s best

to keep this down to two or three punchy sentences. 

Tell the reader what he’s about to discover by
referencing the specific number of things you’re going
to share with him in the numbered list below.

1. The Main Point. Begin each item on your numbered list by stating the
main point of that item. For example, this item is about …well, the main

That’s why I began it with the words, “the main point”.

2. Bold the main point. Every time.

It helps the reader’s eye scan the page. 

When he sees something in bold that interests him, it will cause the eye
to focus there and he’ll begin reading in earnest.

3. Use short sentences.

Because they’re easier to read. And let’s face it, if it looks like it’ll be hard
to read, nobody’s going to want to read it.

If you want to see how powerful this is, go get a James Patterson book.
He’s one of the best selling fiction authors of all time, and his sentences
are super short.

4. Also use short paragraphs. Again, it makes everything easier to read. And
again, James Patterson books prove how well this works. 

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His paragraphs are really short. And he sells millions of books. We model
what works, so model that style. Try to keep yours under four lines of

5. Make it good. Don’t just list stuff so it looks like there’s a lot going on. 

Remember. You’re essentially selling the reader on liking what you’ve got
before he even opts in.

So this really needs to provide value.

6. Use sub-headlines. They make it flow better, and they retain the reader’s

A good formula is to bring up a question the reader might have and use it
as a sub-head. You can do it with, or without the question mark. Like this:

What To Do If You Don’t Know How 

To Make Clean-Looking Web Pages

7. Type your ad in a word processor. Like Pages for the Mac or MS Word for
the PC.

You can lay it out exactly how you want it and then get it turned into a
fully functional web page for a pittance.

8. Use You might be wondering where to get your ad turned into
a web page.

Fivver’s a great place and it’s cheap. You could get a document like this
turned into a web page for peanuts. It would probably be a same-day job.

9. Test using pictures. Sometimes they increase response. Sometimes they
don’t. But test them to see. 

10. Give them lots of ways to opt in. You can do this in three ways.

First, you can have your opt in box on a separate page, and every time
you mention your free information that you have available, simply
hyperlink that text to the opt in page.

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You can also use a MegaPop. A MegaPop is a separate opt in box that will
appear when someone clicks on a link on your website.

It’s kind of like a voluntary pop up. They click the link, and the box with
the opt in form pops up right there on the page. Very cool.

The third way is to use a good old opt in form at the bottom of the article.

That works well too. Don’t use all three of these opt in methods at once.
Just pick one and stick with it :-)

11. Sell the opt in. Listen. Just because you’re using this superior approach
doesn’t mean you don’t have to try as hard.

Really describe the benefits your free stuff will provide.

Let them know exactly what they’ll receive and what it will do for them.

And tell them why it’s important, and why it’s different from what others
might have.

12. Model the master. A great way to sell the opt in is to do it like Ogilvy, His
approach was pretty straightforward. He’d say something like this:

How Can You Turn Your New Opt-Ins

Into Buyers?
These techniques will dramatically increase the quality of
your opt ins, and it will cause even the newest subscribers
to view you as a trusted advisor.

But you still need to make sales. That’s done by a unique
marketing process called Indoctrination, and it’s the
single biggest thing that helped me sell over
$50,000,000.00 of goods and services online.

I’ve created a brand new video that shows you how to
deploy this tactic quickly so you can easily sell more to
your new subscribers. You can have it free here.

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Materials for your reference:
How To Create Industrial Advertising That Sells (Courtesy of Lawrence
Bernstein at
The link is toward the bottom of this page. http://
How TO Create Financial Advertising That Sells
And of course, the classic …How To Create Advertising That Sells

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