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JDD - Empowerment 12 - Midterm Handout - 20-21

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Social Media- it is a web based technolgy that

CHAPTER 1 allows the development, deployment, and
ICT- Information and Communications Technology- refers to management of social media solutions and services.
all technology that is used to handle telecommunication and 2. E-commerce- it is a collection of software
access information.Modern definitions describe ICT as the technologies that allows merchants to create a
convergence of several technologies including internet and storefront on the inernet.
wireless medium, but the primary focus is on the acess and 3. Online learning platforms- it is an incorporated set
sharing of information and communications. of ineractive online services that provides the
 Computers teachers, learners, parents, and otherinvolved in the
 Radio education sector with a wide range of tools and
 Television resources o support and enhance the delivery and
 Cellular phones management of education through the internet.
 Network hardware and software 4. Online video- it is a service providing end-to-end
 Internet connections tools used o create, customize, publish and manage
videos online.
 Satellitesystems
ICT nowadays, utilizes the advantages of the tools mobility.
Mobile devices can communicate through the following
Common issues and crimes on he internet are the
communication technologies:
 Wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)- a type of wireless local area
1. Cyberbullying
network technology
2. Hacking
 Bluetooth-uses packet-based transmission over short 3. Identity theft
range radio signals. 4. Plagarism
 Third generation (3G), fourth generation (4G), global 5. Intellectual property rights and copyright
system for mobile communications (GSM), and general issue
packet radio services (GPRS) Online safety and security defines how you are going to keep
 Data services- data networking services for mobile yourself safe while surfing the web.
 Dial-up services- data networking servicesusing Online ethics focuses on the acceptable use of online resources
moderns and telephone lines. in an online environment.
 Virtual private networks (VPN)- secure access o a Netiquette focuses on the acceptable behavior of the person
private network. while using the inernet resource. It is a combination of the “net”
Emerging Technologies (from internet) and “etiquette”
1. Artificial inelligence(AI)- the branch of computer IMPROVING YOUR RESEARCH SKILLS
science focused with making computers work and act ONLINE
like humans. 1. Know the sources
2. Robotics- the field of computer science and engineering 2. Use your web browser properly
concerned with creating devices that can move and react 3. Organize your booksmarks
to sensory input. 4. Learn to use advanced search techniques
3. Biometrics- In ICT, biometrics is the technology used to 5. Follow the web
measure and analyze human body characteristics such as CHAPTER 2 APPLIED PRODUCTIVITY
DNA, fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voices TOOLS
patterns, facial patterns, and hand measurements, mainly Productivity tools- can be a freeware or share ware.
for authenication purposes. Freeware- is aopyrighted, which can be used for free anf for an
4. Quantum cryptography- the science of encoding and unlimited time while
decoding informaion or messages which depends on Shareware- is commercial software that is coprighted, which
physics, not is used for information can be copied for trial but needs to be purchased for continued.
privacy and security. MS Word- is one of the software of the Microsoft Office 2013
5. Computers-assisted translation (CAT)- the use of suite. It offers a set of tools that is advanced compared to its
computers o assist in the ranslation of one or more previous versions.
natural languages of one or more natural languages into MS Powerpoint- on the other hand, allows you to create slide
another or others, and vice versa. show presentations wherein yoiu can format the texts and
6. 3-D imaging and holography- Holography is a images, adding also animations and other multimedia
photographics technique that uses ligh to project objects components interactivity.
in a way that appears three dimensional. MS Excel- is one of the applications created by Microsoft, used
7. Virtual reality- the term used to describe a three- to simulate a paper worksheet.
dimensional, computer-generated environmen that can -it is composed of cells that are represented in rows and
be explored and interacted with by a person. columns designed to perform basic arithmetic operations.
ONLINE SYSTEMS: FUNCTIONS AND -It is widely used in accounting and financial
PLATFORMS applications, as well as statistics and engineering.
The concepts “online” is described as a state of being ADVANCED TECHNIQUES USING MS WORD:
connected to the cyberspace through a medium of HYPERLINKS
internet or simply to a computer network even without Hyperlink- is a link that will direct you to another page or part
internet. of the same document.
Online systems can vary in nature since there are many -it can be a word, a phrase, a symbol or image, a
services that are now offered using many servicesthat different element in the document, another hypertext document,
are now offered using the internet. a file, or a script.
PLATFORMS- is defined as a group of technologies Mail merge- is a useful tool that allows you to quickly produce
that are used as a base upon which other applications, and send information, newsletter, resumes, or brochure to many
processes, or technologies are developed. people.
Common Online Platforms
Slide animations- is a moving computer graphic effect that many imaging programs and is good format for graphic
canbe added to the text, object, or the entire slide itself. storage, processing, and printing. TIFF is considered as
Chapter 3 Imaging and Design for the Online Environment a high-quality image format, where all color and data
Principles of Graphics and DESIGN information are stored.
Across discipline, the following principles are follwed to 5. PNG- or Portable Network Graphic –is an image
standarize image creaion and manipulation using any graphic format developed by a group of graphic software
software . developers as a nonproprietary alternative to the GIF
1. Balance- it describes that placement of elements of format.
There are many available programs on the web for instant
image manipulation and other editing techniques. Common
to all image editing programs:
1. Cropping- it is a process of removing unwanted parts of
Symmetrical Asymmetrical the image focusing only on the subject.
2. Movement –it describes he flow of elements on the 2. Color balance- in any image manipulating program, this
page. command will allow you to make changes in the mixture
3. Unity – it is the sense of oneness of he elements that of colors in an image.
creates balance and harmony. 3. Adjusting the brightness and contrast- this command is
4. Repetition – it describes the consistent and balanced the most basic when adjusting the image tone.
repetition of a design or element. 4. Compression and resizing – an image is an important
5. Proximity – it describes the organization and aspect in image manipulation.
relationship of elements included in the design. 5. Color blending- use the different special effects buttons
6. Contrast- it is the combinationof opposing available in the different image editing software.
characteristics of an element like color, size, thickness, 6. Combining Multiple Images- compositions must be
etc. planned and conceptualized first so that you will be able
7. Whitespace- it is the negative space or large margine to render the best image and message possible.
that allow your design o breathe within the elemens. ONLINE GRAPHICS SOFTWARE
INORGRAPHIC There is no doubt that Adobe Photoshop came to be the standard
Also known as data visualization, it is a visual image such as a of photo editing since in the 1990s. Based on TechRadar, the
chart or diagram that is used to exlplain information or data. following are the list of websites that you can ry as beginners in
Inographic makes the data easily understood at a glance and the field or for professionals who would like to try other
quickly communicates a message especially to simplify the software.
presentation of large amounts of data. 1. Picasa- it is Google’s free desktop image editing
Guidelines On How To Create Inographic program.
1. Thesis/ story- the subject and the main idea of your 2. Fotor- it is a multipleform photo editing website. I
inforgaphic must be clear. offers a wide range of effects and tools for editing
2. Data- must be organize be well- organized and support images.
the main idea. 3. Pixlr- it is also multiplatform image editing
3. Simpllicity –(color, style, and illustration) you must be program. You can choose between the editior for
able to create your own color palette. editing images or creating an original image righ
4. Sources- you must cite your sources so as to give through the browser.
credibility to your data.
5. Branding/shareability- your infographic must be CHAPTER 4 ONLINE PLATFORMS
creative and innovative. Nature and Purposes of Online Platforms
Websites that can help you create free inographic According to Marc Andreessen on his blog, a platfrom is “ a
1. system that can be programmed and therefore customized by
2. outside developers-users-and in that way, adapted to countless
3. needs and niches thatthe platforms original contemplated, much
4. less had time to accomodate.”
IMAGE FILE FORMATS A platform has three levels:
file formats also became an important aspects in the design Level1 Acess API- API means application programming
stage. The mos common file formats are JPEG, GIF,BMP, TIFF, interfaces. On this level, the processes of building and running
and PNG. the application itself is solely done by a developer who possesses
1. JPEG- or Joint Photographic Experts Gorup is the both technical expertise and financial resources.
most popular image format used on the web. Files are Level2 Plug-in API- this platform has been used in end user
used mostly by photographers, artist, graphic designers, applications to let developers build new functions that can be
medical imaging specialists, and other groups because injected or plugged into the core system and its user interface.
image quality color fidelity is important in the field. Level3 Runtime Environment- the huge difference is that the
2. GIF-or Graphic Interchange Format –is limited to the third-party application code actually runs inside the platform-
8-bit plae with only 256 colors. This format was developer code is uploaded and runs online, inside the core
popularized in the 1980s as an efficient means to system.
transmit images across data networks and on the web WEB DESIGN PRINCIPLES
since it uses the basic form of file compression. According to Cleverism, “Web design is a concept of planning,
3. BMP- bitmap – image file or device independent creating, and maintaining website,”it is the process of creatively
bitmap (DIB) file format is the image file used in the designing and constructing a website and updating.
Microsoft Windows operating system. It is an PRINCIPLES OF WEB PAGE OR SITE
uncompressed file and is made up of millions of dots 1. Visualy hierarchy- shown through the use of varying
called ‘pixels’ with different colors and arrangements. sizes and amount of content.
4. TIFF- or Tagged Image File Format- by Aldus 2. Proportion- you can make use of the golden ratio, a
Corporation for dekop publishing. I is supported by magical numer approximately equal to 1.618 that makes
all proportioned so as to make the design aesthetically 2. Emaze- it is a presentation that will enable you
pleaseing. to create slide shows, video presentations, and
3. Hick’s Law- this law can be considered as a guideline 3-D presentations.
for decission making in a viewer’s perspective.Hick’s FILE MANAGEMENT AND MAPPING
law states that “with every additional choices, the time A mind map is a concept of using diagrams for
required to make a decission increases.” representing tasks, words, concepts, or items
4. Fitts’ Law- According to this law, the time needed to linked to and arranged around a cenral concept
move to a target is dependent upon the size of the target or subject.
as well as the distance to the target. 1. MindMeister-is an online mind mapping
5. Accesibility- When a visitor enters the website, he or tool that allows users to create, develop, and
she must able to access each bit of information in the share ideas visually.
easiest manner. 2. Sibelius- an online platform used F
6. Visible Language- a web page design should 3. or writing music.
communicate with the users clearly and in an engaging 4. Google Forms- is a part of Gogle Drive, a
manner. tool used for creating surveys, tests, or web
7. White Space and Simple design- white space helps input forms.
divide the web page into several distinct part or areas
that makes simplier for the users to process info. CHAPTER 5 COLLABORATIVE
Things to consider Simple Design DEVELOPMENT IN ICT
 Grid-based layout-divide into columns, boxes, Team Structure and Dynamics
and different sections. The Team Structure described as a less
 F-pattern design- design a web page in a way hierarchical organizational stucture in which
that complements the natural reading behavior individuals are divided into teams. Team
of the visitors like F-pattern. Technolgy defines teams dynamics as “the
 Conventional design- designs still work well as unconscious, psychological forces that influence
far as visitor response or likeability is the direction of a team’s behavior and
concerned. performance.”
8. Regular Testing- Test Early and Test Often- website Within the concept of ICT, teamwork and collaboration with the
constantly need upgrade and updates to maintain the use of its tools became an emerging aspect in the workplace. The
visitor customer’s and trend. following are common principles of collaboration applied to
WEB DESIGN ELEMENTS most organizations and other institutions.
1. Links- it should be normal, visited, active, hover. -Participation -Emergence
2. Forms- Form label- typically collect personal data -Collective -Strategy
that users are reluctant to give out. Input fields an -Transparency -Lead by example
labels- plan on how the input fields of the form will -Independence -Create a supportive
be laid out on the page. -Persistence environment
3. Form Validation- where the website communicates
the user requirements and errors in a form. According to Dr. Graham Bill on his guest post ZD NET,
 Required fields- all are indicated and done “Companies should start to develop their collaboration
usually with an asterisk. capabilities before purchasing collaboration technology.”
 Real-time validation- informs the user as
quickly as possible of any problems with the The term “group dynamics” describes the way in which people
data they have inputted. in a group interact with one another. The group works well
 Post-back validation- after the user has together when there is positive group dynamics.
4. Status Messages: Errors, Warnings, -know your team -break down barriers
Confirmation- users will usually need some sort of -Tackle problems -focus on communication
feedback after performing an action on your website. quickly with good feedbacks -pay attention
5. Animations: Pop-ups, tooltips, transitions- if -define roles and
animations are critical, it is best to provide responsibilities
developers with a sample of how they should work. ONLINE COLLABORATIVE TOOLS AND
 Toolstips- those little pop-ups when user’s
Online collaboration lets a group of people work
mouse hovers over elements.
together in real-time using the internet without needing to be in
 Image rotators or sliders- home page slide
the same room in the same time.
shows are all the rage, and a wide range of
Collaborating Online is the way to bridge the distance
options is availbale for transitions and
between employess, as they can work together on the same
documents as if ther were all in the same room.
A WYSIWYG (pronounced “wiz-ee-eig) editor is
one that allows a developer to see what the end
1. Easy and Clean interface-applications that are simple
result will look like while the interface or document
and intutive are much easier to learn to use.
is being created. It is an acronym for “what you see
2. Permissions control- able to easily add people to
is what you get”
workplaces and control what they are able to do.
3. File storage with document versioning- be sure to that
also includes presentation programs, forms and file
all document versions are saved on the tool. This will
management that are available over the internet.
make it easy to track the progress of a document.
1. Prezi- was founded in 2009 bY Peter Arvai,
4. White board-they let team members communicate in a
Peter Halacsy, and Adam Somlai-Fischer. It is a
more informal way. Best of all, a good online
presentation resources that features a zoombale
collaboration tool will let you save your whiteboard, so
you can always refer back to the ideas that were added 3. Linux Hosting- means hosting of web services that run
by your colleagues. on the Linux operatingsystem.
5. Document locking- this feature ensures that only one 4. ASP- Active Server Pages is a server-side scripting
person is working on a document at a time, no two technology developed by Microsoft.
people can change the documents at the same time. 5. PHP- is a widely used, free, and efficient alternative to
COMMON ONLINE COLLABORATIVE TOOLS competitors such as Microsoft amd ASP.
1. Trello- it is like a magical customizable to do list on a 6. JSP- Java Server Pages you can create dynamic web
single interface, which you can share with others in real pages by putting Java code inside your HTML pages.
time. 7. ColdFusion- used to develop dynamic web pages.
2. Podio- is an enterprise social network that aims to add 8. Adobe Dreamweaver- allows users to develop a
the functionality of a project management system. Each website without any deep knowledge of web
user has his own profile, which is associated with other development
people. 9. Secure Sever- it can transmit data encrypted. It can be
3. Asana- created by Dustin Moskovitz, co-founder of protected against unauthorized access.
facebook, and former tech-lead Justin Rosenstein, CLOUD HOSTING
offering the flexibility to assign tasks and to-dos, set Offers unlimited ability to handle high traffic or traffic
deadlines,a nd kept track of it all on workplace on spikes. Here’s how it works: A team of servers (called a
tablets, smartphones, and desktop. cloud) works together to host a group of website. This
4. Google Apps- like some other apps it requires a allows multiple computers to work together to handle
connection to the internet, but it is accessible on most traffic levels for any particular website.
devices. Users can also create hangouts for group chtas
or videos conferencing.
5. Yammer- it is a great tool for communication and
collaboration among employees and offers many End of Chapter 5 :)
features for free.
Project management is most applied in the business sector;
however, it has also been implemented in ICT since it involves
technicalities, services, and management.
The following elements need to be managed throughout the
project life cycle.
 Goals, scope and constraints
 Timetables and costs
 Tasks and deliverables
 Workloads and resources
 Quality and risks
 Changes
 Communications
 External services and sourcing
Roles and Competencies
1. Project Owner- he is the head of the business and bears
the responsibilty for successful project implementation
and is usually the chairperson of the project steering
2. Project Steering Group- this group consists of
representatives of the business, ICT and the (internal and
external) vendor. The group provides the guidelines,
taking responsibility for decission-making, supporting
the project manager.
3. Process Owner-the owner is the cairperson of the
steering group.
4. Project Manager- he is the responsible for daily project
management and ensures that the project produces the
agreed deliverables at the appropriate level of quality.
5. Project Management Office(PMO)- in large org.,
PMO is often established to gather project resources
together and to develop and update the company’s
project practices and management policy.
a web hosting service is an internet service that allows
individual users and organizations to make their website
accessible over the World Wide Web. They can also
provide data center space and connectivity to the internet
for other servers locted in their data center, called
1. Window Hosting- means hosting of web services that
run on the Windows operating system.
2. Unix Hosting- unix was the first (original) web server
operating system, and its being reliable and stable.

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